04/03/2013 - Summary 1�
Tigard Transportation Advisory Committee [TTAC] Summary
Wednesday,April 03, 2013, 6:30 PM—8:30 PM
Tigard library, 2"d floor conference room, 13500 SW Hall Blvd,Tigard, Oregon
1) Call to order—Chair Bass called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.
a. Roll Call—meeting secretary Chris Wiley recorded the roll.
Members Present (8): Steven Bass (Chair), Karen Hughart, Mark Bogert, Evelyn
Murphy, Dennis Mitchell,Jennifer Stanfield,Don Schmidt, George Hera.
Members Absent (2): Mike Stevenson, Shane Brown (alternate)
Guests/Visitors Present (2): Marc Woodard, Council Liaison and Elise Shearer, City
Center Advisory Commission (CCAC) Liaison, Aaron Boice. Pedestrian/Bike Subcommittee
members also attended: Mike Enloe, Steve Boughton, Basil Christopher, Dave Baumgarten, along
with Mark Bogert, regular TTAC member.
Staff Present (3): Michael McCarthy, Senior Project Engineer; Carissa Collins, Finance
Senior Management Analyst; Kenny Asher, Community Development Director and Chris Wiley,
Senior Adrninistrative Specialist.
b. Approval of February 6 and February 26 meeting summaries —A correction was made to the
February 6 meeting summary; page 4, the word "instant" was corrected to "incident". The amended
February 6 and February 26 meeting summaries were unanimously approved by all members present.
c. Visitor Comment-None
2) Pedestrian/Bike Subcommittee. The members of the Pedestrian/Bike Subcommittee were at the
meeting to give the TTAC members an activity report. The committee reported their desire to plan
bike rides through the community again this year and they hope to get the word out about their
events through city resources, such as the Cityscape newsletter and website. Several options for
dates were discussed including choosing dates that would make the Farmers Market or the August 17
downtown street fair a destination for the community bike ride. It was also suggested that a walking
tour be offered as well. The subcommittee asked for support from the TTAC to help this event
become an official city event. Mike Enloe said getting support for advertising and publicity such as a
feature in Cityscape would be a big help and also funds for minor printing costs. Other venues for
advertising, such as the Oregonian events section and the Tigard Times were mentioned. There have
City of Tigard 113125 SW/Hall Bird, Tigard OR 97223 503-6394171 1 wvvw.4eard-ar. I Page 1 of 3
also been meetings with other government agencies to find out what resources are available to
connect roadways coming into Tigard. Basil Christopher said the committee members helped Metro
with their regional trail counts and visited the SW Corridor open house to submit input as part of
their committee's efforts to keep bike/ped transportation issues in front of the people involved in
transportation development. Mike McCarthy said the city has identified where there are gaps in
pedestrian and bike pathways that need capital improvements. David Baumgarten provided the
TTAC with a handout listing their committee members' votes for ranking the pedestrian/cyclists
small projects (Attachment 1). The projects that are most feasible and deliverable are identified and
the plan is to get some of those projects done this summer and fall. Mike McCarthy thanked the
committee members for the time they contribute to help the city..
3) Update on Current Transportation Grants. This item was to be addressed by Senior
Transportation Planner Judith Gray however she was unable to attend so Mike McCarthy briefed the
committee. Staff has submitted two RFFA grant applications to Metro. The Regional Flexible
Funding Allocation (RFFA) is a process Metro conducts every two years to distribute federal funding
to regional programs and local projects. There are two categories, one for improving cycling and
walking facilities and another for green economy freight initiatives. The first application the city
submitted for the walking/cycling facilities category would fund four sections of the Farm Creek
Trail: 1) New trail from Woodard Park to Grant Ave (unless funding is received from another
program); 2) Improving the narrow trail section from Main St to Hall Blvd; 3) New trail from the
Tigard Library to Bonita Rd;and 4) New trail from 85`h Ave straight south to the Ki-a-Kuts ped/bike
bridge to Tualatin. , A city-funded project will extend the trail under the Highway 99W overpass and
continue the trail to Grant Avenue this year. The second application was applied for in the green
economy/freight category— to fund a study of the 72"d Avenue/Highway 217 interchange for better
north/south traffic flow over Highway- 217. If the grant money is awarded for these applications it
will be allocated for fiscal years 2015-18.
4) Update on City Budget Process. Finance Senior Management Analyst Carissa Collins updated the
committee on the budget process. She said the city made a commitment to have a stable budget.
Tigard is in its second year of stability. The committee members' work on the CIP ratings
significantly helped with budget planning.
5) Action Item: Proposed Transportation Fund Allocation. Carissa/Alike. Staff wants to free up
resources to better fund city projects. The city doesn't have enough revenue from the current designated
resources (Gas Tax and Transportation development tax ('IDT) to fund the 72' Avenue / Dartmouth
Street project and the 121" Ave Complete Street project. The memo from Toby LaFrance, Finance and
Information Services Director, (shown as Attachment 2 to these minutes) Exhibits A & B explains how
the city can afford to do these projects if City Gas Tax funds are used. First, the city is looking to use
$1,000,000 of the city gas tax fund to do the 72"d and Dartmouth intersection project,particularly widening
72"d Ave through the narrow section south of Dartmouth St. In order to use Tigard's City gas tax
revenues for this project, the city needs a recommendation from the TTAC to go forward to the budget
committee and then on to the city council for approval. Altogether, staff is asking for TTAC to approve
up to $4,000,000 of City gas tax funds for the 72"d/Dartmouth and 121" Ave projects Mike McCarthy
explained there are three sources of revenue for streets. The gas tax which goes to the State and then
comes back to the city governments, Tigard's own three cent per gallon City gas tax, and TDTs
(Transportation Development Taxes) paid by developers to pay a portion of the cost of new trips (traffic
increases) brought about by new development. Mike provided the committee members with handouts
(Attachments 3 through 5) explaining which improvements Walmart will be doing in the area including
the 72"' and Dartmouth intersection signal and which improvements the city is hoping to do Walmart will
Cil) of Tigard 113125SWHaIlBlvd, Tigard OR 97223 1503-6394179 1 tuww.4�aazLon vov I Pdge 2 of 3
be signalizing to the Dartmouth and 72"d intersection due to their traffic impact on the area. This will save
some of the cost that the city would have spent for improvements there. The city wants to use that
savings to widen 72"d and put in a continuous sidewalk down 72nd Avenue connecting to the existing
sidewalks that extend to and across the 72°d overpass. The city needs an additional $1,000,000 from the
City Gas Tax to do the full project. The second project the city would like to do is on 121"Avenue, to
widen the narrow section between Gaarde and Walnut (more specifically from Whistler to Tippett),
widening out 121" for a bike lane and sidewalk on both sides and to bring the travel lanes up to standard
width. Staff is asking TTAC to make this recommendation to the Budget Committee when the Budget
Committee meets on April 22. The committee reached a unanimous vote to support a recommendation
going forward to the budget committee and city council to fund these projects with City Gas Tax
6) Southwest Corridor Plan Update. Since Judith was absent, Community Development Director
Kenny Asher addressed the committee. Metro staff is doing an analysis of the five alternative
bundles. The Southwest Corridor Steering Committee will continue their review of the five options
at a meeting later this month. They will also meet in May and the city should learn more then. In
June and July, the Steering Committee will meet and start narrowing the range of options to choose
which options should continue to be studied. Mike McCarthy mentioned that of the five options,
one is light rail and the other four are bus rapid transit. None of the five involve going through
Tigard by way of Highway 99W. Elise Shearer said TriMet is looking at Tigard as the southwest hub
for bus rapid transit. Kenny Asher told the committee TriMet is doing a service study of the Tigard
area right now, called a Service Enhancement Plan. Tigard will have a Town Hall meeting on April
30 and a part of the meeting will be focused on SW Corridor Planning with a heavy emphasis on
transportation issues.
7) Other Updates. Crack sealing is in progress and preparations are underway to slurry seal 14 miles
of roadway this summer. The city will be doing three to four miles of pavement overlays during the
good weather. There is construction underway to put in a parking lot north of Burnham and east of
Main Street, to provide parking for Main Street businesses while Main Street itself is under
construction. There will be construction beginning in May at East Butte Heritage Park (south of the
Tigard House at 103`d/Canterbury) for playground equipment, restrooms, bark dust trails and other
amenities. The city is also putting in a small parking area for Woodard Park, near the end of
Katherine Street (off Tigard St). The sidewalk down 92"d for Cook Park will be delayed because of
the sensitive lands area. The city plans to review some of Tigard's more stringent code conditions
for sensitive lands, conditions that even exceed state requirements. The current guidelines don't seem
to serve any purpose and can slow the project design process. The city is working on IGAs
(intergovernmental agreements) for the Walnut Street project with Washington County.
S) The meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
Chris Wiley, AC Secretary
ATTEST: Stev n Bass, Chairman
Ciy ofTigard 113125 SW Flan Blvd, Tigard OR 97223 1503-6394171 1 x;m,.t�ard oreo I Page of3