02/12/2014 - Minutes Intergovernmental Water Board (IWB) Minutes
MEETING DATE: Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 5:30 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: Tigard Public Works Building
8777 SW Burnham Street
Tigard, OR 97223
Members Present:
Gretchen Buehner Representing the City of Tigard
Ken Henschel Representing the Tigard Water District
Keith Jehnke Representing the City of Durham
David Newham Representing the City of King City
Members Absent:
Jodie Inman Member-At-Large
City of Tigard Staff Present:
John Goodrich Interim Assistant Public Works Director
Greer Gaston IWB Recorder
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Introductions
Commissioner Buehner called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes — December 11, 2013
Commissioner Henschel moved to approve the December 11, 2013, minutes.
Commissioner Jehnke seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous vote of
the commissioners present, with Commissioners Buehner, Henschel,Jehnke and
Newham voting yes.
3. Public Comments
There were no comments from the public.
4. Water Supply Update
Mr. Goodrich reported:
• Average water use for the month of January was 3.9 million gallons per day
(mgd). This usage is normal for this time of year.
• Tigard has started injection to aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) well no. 2.
Approximately 32 million gallons (mg) were injected to date; a total of 49 mg—
or a 22-day supply—is currently stored in ASR wells. Injection to ASR well no. 1
will take place following injection to ASR no. 2.
• ASR well no. 3 is currently under design.
5. Briefing on Projects Related to the Willamette River Supply Program and the
Willamette Governance Group's Proposed Operating Principals
Mr. Goodrich referenced the materials in the IWB's packet. He explained the Tualatin
Valley Water District (TVWD) and the City of Hillsboro intend to develop the
Willamette River as a regional water supply. As a result of the development, the
governance structure of the Willamette River Water Coalition (WRWC) needs to be
changed in order to incorporate new members (Hillsboro, Wilsonville and Sherwood) in
the group.
As a WRWC member, Tigard elected to participate in the TVWD/Hillsboro
development via a minimal financial contribution of$100,000. This contribution entitles
Tigard to participate in the design of the TVWD/Hillsboro development which will
■ Expansion of the Wilsonville water treatment plant.
■ Construction of a major pipeline from Wilsonville to a terminal reservoir in
Beaverton. Pipelines from the reservoir will travel east to serve TVWD and west to
serve Hillsboro.
Tigard would have to pay its share of actual project costs in order gain capacity in the
water supply system.
Development of the TVWD/Hillsboro project will start next year with the construction
of a major pipeline along 124th Avenue. The entire water supply is scheduled for
completion in 2026.
6. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
The commissioners are required to appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair at their February
meeting each year.
Commissioner Newham nominated Commissioner Buchner to serve as Chair.
Commissioner Jehnke seconded the nomination. Commissioner Buehner was appointed
to serve as the Chair by majority vote of the commissioners present, with Commissioners
Henschel,Jehnke and Newham voting yes. Commissioner Buehner abstained.
Commissioner Buehner nominated Commissioner Henschel for Vice-Chair.
Commissioner Newham seconded the nomination. Commissioner Henschel was
appointed to serve as the Vice-Chair by a majority vote of the commissioners present,
with Commissioners Buehner,Jehnke and Newham voting yes. Commissioner Henschel
7. Informational Items
Ms. Gaston informed the board that Mr. Koellermeier was out of town and, therefore,
was not able to attend the meeting. Mr. Goodrich said Mr. Koellermeier would update
the board on the following topics at its next meeting:
■ Update on the Lake Oswego Tigard Water Partnership —Mr. Koellermeier
■ Update on the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) case —Mr. Koellermeier
■ Update on the water service agreement with King City—Mr. Koellermeier
Commissioner Buchner reported:
■ The Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) case against the City of West Linn was
resolved, and the appeal period expired.
■ Due to cost factors, the Lake Oswego-Tigard water partnership has decided to route
the transmission pipeline through downtown Lake Oswego rather than under
Oswego Lake.
■ The Tigard City Council will discuss the King City draft agreement for water service
at an upcoming meeting. Commissioner Newham said King City will take up the
agreement once Tigard has its discussion.
■ A decision on the WaterWatch case is expected later this year.
Commissioner Buchner mentioned she will not attend the next meeting.
8. Non-Agenda Items
9. Next Meeting
March 12, 2014, at 5:30 p.m.
Public Works Auditorium, 8777 SW Burnham Street, Tigard, Oregon
10. Adjournment
At 5:58 p.m. Commissioner Henschel moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner
Newham seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned by unanimous vote of the
commissioners present with Commissioners Buchner, Henschel,Jehnke and Newham
voting yes.
K{ n Henschel, IWB Vice-Chair reer Gaston, IWB Recorder
Dater Date: 20I