01/08/2014 - Packet Completeness
Review for Boards,
Commissions and
Committee Records
CC 1C—Citi-Center Advisory Commission
Name of Board, Commission or Committee
January 8,2014
Date of Meeting
C.L. Wiley-
Print Name
Signatu e
■ City of Tigard
City Center Advisory Commission Agenda
MEETING DATE: Wednesday,January 8, 2014— 6:30 —7:45 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: Red Rock Creek Conference Room
13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard OR 97223
1. Welcome and Introductions.......................................................................................................6:30 — 6:35
2. Review / Approve December Minutes.....................................................................................6:35 — 6:40
3. Non-Agenda Items/ Public Comment.....................................................................................6:40 —6:45
4. CCAC 2014 Officer Elections.....................................................................................................6:45 — 6:55
5. CCAC/CCDA Composition.......................................................................................................6:55 —7:10
Discuss January 7 decisions on CCAC Board and CCAC composition
(Sean Farrelly)
6. Planning for CCAC Retreat/Goal Setting ...............................................................................7:10 —7:20
(CCAC Chair and Sean Farrelly)
7. Criteria for Fee Reimbursement Requests.................................................................................7:20 — 7:35
Action item: Consider criteria to reimbursement building and planning permit fees and make
recommendation to CCDA Board.
(Sean Farrelly)
8. Liaison Reports................................................................................................................................7:35 — 7:45
9. Adjourn.............................................................................................................................................7:45 p.m.
Upcoming meetings of note:
January 7,2014, City Center Development Agency Board meeting,Red Rock Creek Conference Room, 6:30 PM
January 21,2014, City Council Workshop,review of proposed CIP projects,Tigard Town Hall, 6:30 PM
January 22,2014,Tigard Downtown Alliance meeting, time and location TBA
February 4,2014, City Center Development Agency Board meeting,Red Rock Creek Conference Room, 6:30 PM
February 5,2014,Mayor's interview of CCAC applicants,Tigard City Hall, 5:30 PM
February 12, Regular CCAC Meeting,Red Rock Creek Conference Room, 6:30 PM
Note: Weekly Main Street Green Street construction update meetings start January 14, Symposium Coffee, 7-8:00 AM
City of Tigard 1 13125 S\X'Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 Nvww.tigard-ongov I Page 1 of 2
City Center Advisory Commission
X, Meeting Minutes
Date of Meeting: Wednesday,January 8, 2014
Location: Red Rock Creek Conference Room
Called to order by: Downtown Redevelopment Project Manager Sean Farrell
Time Started: 6:30 pm
Time Ended: 8:09 pm
Commissioners Present: Thomas Murphy,Deanie Bush,Paul Miller, Sherrie Devaney,
Carine Arendes
Commissioners Absent: Laura Fisher
Others Present: 2013 CCAC Chair and current TTAC member Elise Shearer and local realtor
Neal Brown.
Staff Present: Downtown Redevelopment Project Manager Sean Farrelly and Community Planning
Senior Administrative Specialist Chris Wiley.
AGENDA ITEM #1:Welcome and Introductions
Sean opened the meeting and Chris recorded the roll call.
AGENDA ITEM #2: Review/ Approve Minutes
The December 11, 2013 CCAC Minutes were approved.
AGENDA ITEM #3: Non-Agenda Items / Public Comment
Deanie showed the committee a copy of the new Community Newspapers publication called Tigard
Monthly. It will be distributed either as an insert in the Tigard Times newspaper or mailed. It will
reach 20,000 single family homes. The February issue will start a 12 month downtown Tigard focus
page to help promote downtown business.
AGENDA ITEM #4: CCAC 2014 Officer Elections
Members present unanimously elected Tom Murphy to serve as CCAC's Chair for 2014 and
Carine Arendes to serve as vice chair. At this point, Chair Murphy took charge of the
Discuss January 7 decisions on CCAC Board and CCAC composition (Sean Farrel)
A. It was concluded at the CCDA meeting the previous evening that no changes would be
made to the member composition for the CCDA but the CCDA is still potentially open
to making changes to the CCAC membership. CCDA is still looking at CCAC and their
CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,January 8,2014
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B. Sean said CCDA wants CCAC interviews held on February 5. Since the interviews and
appointments were delayed while CCDA held their deliberations on the respective
committees' compositions, the CCAC will reopen the recruitment. The February 5
interviews will also include anyone who applied during the first recruitment who is still
interested in serving on the CCAC.
C. Committee members discussed the idea of collaborating with the CCDA when CCAC
does their goal setting. They also raised the possibility of inviting urban renewal
consultant Elaine Howard to come in to speak to the CCAC.
D. The art subcommittee's recommendation to approve a downtown art piece designed by
Brian Borello (Attachment 1) was unanimously adopted by the CCDA.
E. The next CCDA meeting is February 4.
AGENDA ITEM #6: Planning for CCAC Retreat/Goal Setting
(CCAC Chair and Sean Farrell
A. There was considerable discussion among the CCAC members about how to proceed
with their goal setting given that new members would be coming on board a little
later this year and might need more time to orient themselves before feeling informed
enough to participate. Members reflected back on their first attendance at the annual
CCAC goal setting and the majority said while they didn't initially give a lot of input;
they appreciated being there to participate and observe as it was a learning process.
Committee members concluded that they would carry forward their 2013 fourth
quarter goals for the time being and re-evaluate after they meet with CCDA in
February and bring on the newly appointed CCAC members. Goal setting will be
continued to a future CCAC agenda.
B. Carine said when she attended the January CCDA meeting her take was the CCDA is
looking more at staff than at CCAC to bring in expertise when it's needed. Sean
encouraged the CCAC members to attend the February 4 CCDA meeting. Elise
Shearer said her impression is that CCDA is looking for a lot more creative ideas
coming out of staff and CCAC. It was the CCAC, assisted by staff, which brought
forward the ideas for the Facade Improvement and Targeted Improvement
Programs. Possibly in the future, CCAC may want to consider a recommendation to
expand the facade program beyond blain Street or perhaps to take some of the
members from the art subcommittee and establish a permanent arts commission to
oversee art programs in the city.
C. Regarding orientation for new members, Tom said he would like to have Laura
Fisher involved in planning the orientation. Laura has the right background to
organize this for the committee. She can also get with Elise for information on how
it was done last year.
CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,January 8, 2014
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AGENDA ITEM #7: Criteria for Fee Reimbursement Requests
Action item: Consider criteria to reimbursement building and planning permit fee and make
recommendation to CCDA Board. (Sean Farrelly)
(Attachment 2)
Tom said this seems like a natural outgrowth of the Targeted Improvement Program and the
Fagade Improvement Program and would give the CCDA another tool. Deanie said she
would like to see what types of incentives are offered by cities similar in size to Tigard. The
CCAC concluded that they will continue to discuss recommended criteria for fee
reimbursements and forward their conclusions to the CCDA.
AGENDA ITEM #8: Construction Excise Tax (CET) Grant Intergovernmental
Agreement (IGA) (Sean Farrelly)
(Attachment 3)
Sean distributed a copy of the recommendations CCAC put together at their December
meeting for the commission to review and discuss at future meetings.
AGENDA ITEM #9: Liaison Reports
The Tigard Transportation Advisory Committee (TTAC) didn't meet in January. The art
subcommittee activity is reported in item 5D of these minutes. There was no activity to
report for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board or Facade Improvement Committee.
AGENDA ITEM #10: Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.
C.L. Wiley, CCAC Irording Secretary
Thomas J. Murphy, Chair
Recording Secretary's Note.To requests copier of the attachments to these minutes,please email-christinew@tigard-orgov
CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,January 8,2014
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01/08/14 CCAC Meeting Minutes
Attachment 1 (1 s/s page)
Criteria for Development Fee Reimbursement:
Development Fee Reimbursement: A program intended to reduce development costs by
reimbursing various fees and charges associated with a development project, building addition,
facade or tenant improvement. Fees include design review, building permit fees,Transportation
Demand Tax, Clean Water Services fees.
Currently fees associated with approved Facade and Targeted Improvement Program projects are
50%reimbursable within the maximum reimbursement of$25K for fagade program, or the
maximum reimbursement for Targeted Improvement Program.
For projects outside of these programs, a fee reimbursement could be an additional incentive.
Potential criteria
Does the property improve the property, not just maintain it?
Does the project have the potential to enhance Downtown?
Does the requested reimbursement leverage significant private investment?
Will project increase tax increment (by adding square footage to an existing building)?
Potential Budget
Maximum reimbursement per property: $10,000
Maximum budget per fiscal year: $25,000
01/08/14 CCAC Meeting Minutes
Attachment 2 (1 s/s page)
The CET grant IGA includes a milestone for the City Center Advisory Commission to
recommend criteria for the City Center Development Agency (CCDA) Board/City Council
to make decisions regarding the redevelopment of the Public Works Yard. At their
December 11 meeting, the CCAC recommended the following criteria for a redevelopment
1. Is consistent with urban renewal plan
2. Has ultimately positive effect on tax base
3. Maximizes leverage from private and other public sources
4. Promotes high quality, pedestrian friendly urban design and architecture
5. Contributes to placemaking and local identity
6. Promotes transit usage and accessibility
7. Provides increased housing density
8. Provides public amenities, for example, community meeting room, bike and
pedestrian connections.
9. Accommodates on-site parking
10. Includes a variety of price points and unit sizes
11. Integrates nature into project
12. Promotes sustainability
1-3 were considered mandatory, and 4-12 highly desirable.
01/08/14 CCAC Meeting Minutes
Attachment 3 (1 s/s page)