CCDA Minutes - 12/03/2013 City of Tigard CCDATigard City Center Development Agency Meeting Minutes — December 3 , 2013 TIGARD CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD MEETING DATE AND TIME: December 3,2013- 6:30 p.m. MEETING LOCATION: City of Tigard—Red Rock Creek Conference Room 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 IR 1. CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD MEETING A. At 6:32 pm Chair Cook called the CCDA meeting to order. B. Deputy City Recorder Krager called the roll. Present Absent CCDA Chair Cook ✓ CCDA Director Buehner ✓ CCDA Director Henderson ✓ CCDA Director Snider ✓ CCDA Director Woodard ✓ Staff present: CCDA Executive Director Wine,Assistant City Manager Newton,Community Development Director Asher,Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly,and Deputy City Recorder Krager C. Call to Board and Staff for Non Agenda Items 2. APPROVE CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES— November 5,2013 Director Snider moved for approval of the November 5,2013 minutes and Director Henderson seconded the motion. All voted in favor. TIGARD CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES — December 3, 2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 5 Yes No CCDA Chair Cook ✓ CCDA Director Buehner Absent CCDA Director Henderson ✓ CCDA Director Snider ✓ CCDA Director Woodard Absent 3. UPDATE ON BROWNFIELDS INITIATIVE ACTIVITIES AND EPA ASSESSMENT GRANT APPLICATION Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly reported on progress with the Brownfield Initiative. He said most tasks identified in the$25,000 Integrated Planning Grant from Business Oregon have been completed.He shared a downtown brownfield inventory map,a copy of which has been added to the packet for this meeting. Contaminated and potentially contaminated sites in the downtown are indicated:XE Sites have environmental contamination listed on the DEQ website,and LUST Sites contain Leaking Underground Storage Tanks.Automotive Sites were identified by the consultant.Other Sites did not appear in public databases but the consultant included them based on aerial maps,historical information and staff knowledge of prior uses. Being listed on this map does not mean there is contamination currently;it could mean there was a past issue that has been taken care of or a small amount of contamination that could easily be abated. Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly gave a synopsis of two brownfield workshops which had a great turnout. Three Phase I ESAs (environmental site assessments)were included in the grant and two property owners have already come forward to request participation.Assessment will begin this week on two properties: the D'Angelo property on Ash Street,and the Cache property on Main Street. The city will be applying for a federal grant in January. Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly is soliciting letters of support from community organizations and gathering statistics for the application. He said the Oregon Health Authority gave a small grant to the Washington County which will be used for public health outreach in Tigard,specifically related to brownfields. CCAC Member Shavey asked about the content of the letters of support and Mr. Farrelly said he will get information and a sample letter to him. Director Snider asked if the city's lobbyist Joel Ruben will review the grant application and Mr. Farrelly said he would. The consultant will complete a technical review,as will the non-profit Community for Creative Land Recycling,which has a contract with the EPA for technical advice to communities applying for brownfield grants.He said staff will schedule consideration of a resolution supporting the grant application for the January 14,2014 council meeting. Executive Director Wine said this will be part of council's federal legislative agenda,of special interest for council members going to Washington DC and visiting the EPA's office. 4. DISCUSS COMPOSITION OR OTHER ASPECTS OF THE CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD AND/OR THE CITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION Chair Cook noted concerns about a decision of this importance being discussed without all CCDA members present.He asked if the CCDA wanted to table this item. Director Snider said that in recent discussions held on this topic both Director Woodard and Director Buehner expressed their preferences so he would be comfortable moving forward as there was a quorum present. TIGARD CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES — December 3, 2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 2 of 5 A discussion on timing was held. Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly said there are five CCAC terms ending on December 31,2013. Chair Cook asked if the CCDA wanted to continue into January with a smaller CCAC committee or ask those whose terms are expiring if they wish to remain on the commission for a month or two while this gets sorted out. Executive Director Wine said there will be resolution regarding the open positions on the CCAC once the CCDA clarifies what their function and charge will be. She said there was no great urgency created but the CCDA's decision on the future of this board leads to other decisions. Chair Cook said he was more apt to wait until Directors Buchner and Woodard were present because he did not know their feelings on the composition or charge of the CCAC. Redevelopment Project Director Farrelly confirmed the three options. • Option 1-Status quo CCDA composition with improved outreach for CCAC openings • Option 2—Expand current CCDA board by 1-4 members with specific expertise • Option 3—CCDA board remains the same and reform aspects of the CCAC (recruiting different professions) Chair Cook clarified that the CCAC already has experts in their fields,but this would expand the types of professions sought during recruitment. Director Snider noted that Options B and C are not mutually exclusive. Director Henderson said his goal was to allow a professional group to take over the CCDA. He said he understands council members have fears about being usurped by others but did not feel that the current board can make the necessary decisions. He discussed the expertise of the Portland Development Commission and said Tigard's CCDA members do not bring such resources to the table,just their opinions. He distributed a"management chart"showing the information flow to a professional CCDA board that would then check in with citizen committees and the city council on implementation. The CCDA board would formulate plans by using their banking,development or other expertise. Director Snider said this information was stated by Director Henderson at a previous meeting but there was no other member comfortable with his process. Director Henderson said,"You are absolutely correct,but I think you are naive about what has to be done." Chair Cook agreed with Director Snider's summary that there were not enough members willing to go the route Director Henderson recommended so staff was asked to return with an option of consideration of adding 1-4 additional members. He said he did not know how Directors Buehner and Woodard felt about Option 2 or Option 3,which reforms aspects of the CCAC. Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly said holding off this decision for a month was alright and he had already given the CCAC Chair and Vice Chair a heads up. Chair Cook noted that CCAC interviews were cancelled and the process will not be opened until decisions on what roles (certain professions) are made. Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly said there has also been interest from the TVF&R to provide a participant on the CCAC and Chair Cook commented that they would be a good addition. Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly discussed research into what other jurisdictions in Oregon do and said that 90 percent of other jurisdictions in Oregon with urban renewal agencies have their council act as the agency board. Chair Cook said this item will be carried over until the January CCDA meeting. TIGARD CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES — December 3, 2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 3 of 5 5. UPDATE ON URBAN RENEWAL PROJECTS WORK PLAN Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly introduced a bubble chart illustrating the urban renewal projects work plan in three dimensions: time,relative impact on urban renewal and relative effort for staff. Two new projects from Economic Development Manager Purdy are shown on the chart-his work with the Tigard Downtown Alliance (TDA)and Vertical Housing Development Zones (VHDZ). Examining downtown parking management was been added as a project. In response to a question from Director Snider,Executive Director Wine said staff did not think it is the city's role to manage public and private parking. She said,"We are just talking about facilitating a dialog on addressing parking problems." Chair Cook said while holding a dialog is useful,when it reaches the point of managing public and private parking,the TDA or some other group of private owners would more appropriate to address employee parking or develop solutions and recommendations to the city on implementing time limits. He said he does not see parking management as the city's role. Director Snider said managing public parking is the city's domain.Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly said public parking is a scarce resource downtown and the city can facilitate discussions among property owners and provide models of what is done elsewhere. He noted that a common concern is liability—who is liable if someone trips in a shared parking lot? He said these are questions and best practices that can be researched by staff and the information shared with the TDA and others. Director Henderson noted that while many businesses may have ample parking in rear lots, owners and employees still park in front because it becomes a habit. Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly said a new project is to take a look at Main Street landscaping in a comprehensive way. This is in addition to the Main Street Green Street project and will be a program that encourages private property owners to spruce up their landscaping in a comprehensive way. The Tigard Street Trail and Brownfield Initiative projects have moved up on the timeline.Another project moving forward is the public art for the downtown.Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly said artist Brian Borello has prepared three alternative concepts and will be presenting them at a Public Art Subcommittee meeting on December 12 at 6:30 pm. He said the process is that the Public Art Subcommittee will forward a recommendation to the CCAC,which then will be recommended to the CCDA. He will be asking the CCAC if they would be amenable to endorsing what the Art Subcommittee approves so it can be placed on the Council meeting schedule in a timelier manner. Director Snider said at a minimum,council should hear immediately what the ideas are and receive pictures of the three concepts and a one-page summary. 6. NON AGENDA ITEMS Chair Cook asked for input from CCDA members about holding the CCDA meetings on a day other than the first Tuesday of each month. The third Wednesday was proposed,which is the night after the council workshop meeting. He said this would give council one week each month without a meeting.The downside of this is there will be two meetings the third week. Director Snider said this would be difficult for him because after election to council he shifted meetings and other obligations to nights other than Tuesdays.He said he would probably be unable to attend most Wednesday meetings. TIGARD CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES — December 3, 2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 4 of 5 Director Henderson said he liked the current schedule of having the CCDA meet prior to the CCAC meetings each month. Chair Cook said he was just putting out the idea for discussion and this will come forward in the future. There will be no change in the January meeting schedule. 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION: at 7:38 pm Chair Cook announced that the CCDA would enter into an executive session to discuss real property negotiations,under ORS 192.660 (2) (e). The Executive Session ended at 7:51 pm. 8. ADJOURNMENT At 7:52 pm Director Snider moved for adjournment and Director Henderson seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Yes No CCDA Chair Cook ✓ CCDA Director Buehner Absent CCDA Director Henderson ✓ CCDA Director Snider ✓ CCDA Director Woodard Absent Q Deputy City Recorder,Carol A. Krdger Attest: ��"&�z CCD hair,John L. Cook // :;?� Date TIGARD CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES — December 3, 2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 5 of 5