MMD1996-00007 MMD96 00007 TIGARD CARE CENTER 1 62._5 rc v - co 360 CITY OF TIGARD -r-wo /c 0103 OREGON July 1, 1996 David Hickman David Hickman Associates Architects P.C. 700 N. Hayden Island Drive, Suite 350 Portland, OR 97217 Re: Tigard Care Center Expansion Dear Mr. Hickman: This is in response to the request for a modification of the Tigard Care Center. The proposed expansion is for a 2,510 square foot combination office and therapy wing addition to the existing facility. The Director has approved this request as submitted. Please provide a copy of this letter with any application for Building Permits to avoid any delays in permit processing. Also, please feel free to contact me concerning this information. Sincerely, Mark Roberts Associate Planner, AICP i:\curoln\mark_rThickm.doc c: Correspondence file 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-4171 TDD (503) 684-2772 APPLICANT MATERIALS IIImiu r in 4 41110' 40 I� � 1 1 .1 agniarD Assoc-iate Arc-hitects,gag Ludt June 19, 1996 Will De'Andrea City of Tigard 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Subject: Minor modification to existing development, "Tigard Care Center" OUR VIEW OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT Sunrise Healthcare holds the lease on the "Tigard Care Center" , located at 14145 S.W. 105th Street. They would like to build a 2510 square foot therapy center/office on their lot, adjacent to the building. This new addition will give the "Tigard Care Center" the space necessary for their rehabilitative therapy. The 680 square foot office will also allow the "Tigard Care Center" room for their executive directors. Sunrise Healthcare is also renovating the Care Center's guest bathroom to make it handicap accessible and remodeling their existing reception center (see enclosed documents) . With this new addition, "Tigard Care Center" can fully facilitate their therapy patients. It is also a more convenient location, as the other therapy center was 70 feet from the building. The offices will share this closer and more convenient location therefore benefiting both employees and patients. (Dwelling Unit Density) The dwelling unit density of this site will not change because the addition is designed for rehabilitative use only. There will not be any patients living in the therapy center. (Parking and Vehicular Traffic) There will, however, be increased parking needs because the new building is being built over an existing parking lot and we will need to facilitate the people working in the addition. There are 7 staff members that will work in the therapy center. These therapists already work in the "Care Center" so they will not add to any traffic problems. For the office side of the addition we added 1 parking space for every 350 square feet, 2 spaces for the office and 7 spaces for the therapy center. 700 North Hayden Island Drive, Suite 350, Portland, Oregon 97217, 503- 285-2256, FAX 503-285-4362 Will De'Andrea City of Tigard June 19, 1996 (Parking and Vehicular Traffic - continued) The existing facility has 39 parking spaces and we are adding these 9 additional spaces for a total of 48 parking spaces. We compensated for the parking deficiency by increasing the efficiency of the existing parking and by adding some new spaces on the northeast end of the property (see enclosed documents) . (Vehicular Traffic) The maximum increase in vehicular traffic per day is 20 cars according to the Community Development Code. Since the seven therapists are already located on the site, the traffic will only increase by two cars. Even if all of the new spaces were counted as car, there would still be 9 cars, which is safely below the limit. (Building Height) The existing building is 18' tall. The maximum height to the new addition will be 20' tall. The City of Tigard Community Development Code, stipulates that a building cannot increase its' height by more than twenty percent. This two foot increase is under the allowable increase. (Floor Area) Another stipulation is that the square footage of the original building cannot increase by more than 10%, except in increases less than 5, 000 sq. ft. The new building will only be 2 , 510 sq. ft. As you can see this is less than the 10% allowed by the code and well under 5, 000 square feet. (Accessways and Open Space) The accessways and parking areas will go unchanged except for the additional parking that we will add. 37% of this site is open space. That percentage is well above the required levels for open space or landscaping. The Tigard Development Code, allows a 10% reduction in the open and usable space. The new addition will reduce this open space percentage by approximately 3%. (Landscaping) The landscaping that we are taking from the site is land where the building will go. This loss of landscaping to the north will be compensated by landscaping the areas around the building and around the propane tank (see enclosed documents) . By asphalting some areas for parking and landscaping the suggested areas, all of the impervious surfaces will even out. 2 Will De'Andrea City of Tigard June 19 , 1996 (Fire Lane) The Fire Marshall wanted to be able to reach the northwest side of the existing building, so we added a fire lane to the north side of the addition. The fire lane will have curved sides and will be composed of raked gravel. This is similar to what the Chinese do in their rock gardens for aesthetics. We are turning an undesirable fire lane into a fine piece of landscaping and at the same time saving the site from more impervious surfaces. The "Tigard Care Center" does not have adequate space for their therapy. This addition will provide them with the space that they need for their rehabilitative services. Thank you for your help in this matter. Please advise us if additional information is required. If you have any questions, please give us a call. See enclosed Site Plans. Sincerely, David Hickman, AIA David Hickman Associate Architects,p.c. 3