ROW2013-00045 a CITY OF TIGARD RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT 111 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Permit #: ROW2013 -00045 -F I G A RD 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard OR 97223 503.718.2421 Date Issued: 07/01 /2013 Parcel: SEG375 Jurisdiction: Tigard Site address: Subdivision: Lot: Project: ODOT Project Description: adjacent to the intersection of Pacific Highway and SW 65th Ave. SEG 375 & 379. Owner: FEES Description Date Amount ROW Permit Fee 07/01/2013 $300.00 PHONE: Contractor: PHONE: FAX: Applicant: DAVID TAYLOR 123 NW FLANDERS STREET TIGARD, OR PHONE: 503 - 731 -8309 Total $300.00 Please sign below to indicate acceptance of conditions and return a copy with the proposed work schedule along with names and contact information of responsible parties before beginning work. Permittee /Applicant Signature: NOT PRSeiNST Afr iA Issued By: �'`Lr�f.(Tf. Special Conditions (See Attached) Note: THIS PERMIT DOES NOT COVER WORK ON PRIVATE PROPERTY 114 City of Tigard Application for Work in the Right -Of -Way TIGARD ROW Permits Property Address /Location(s): 99 W /- S W t FOR STAFF USE ONLY Sty 3 75 / Right -of -Way Case No.: / 3 r *Applicant's Name: Oi w? ,„q D '. -/ u ) 44 j ..1/4' rct h A K. By. 241% Application Accepted: I ' Address: /23 N dam. S f Application Reviewed: 3‘ 2 it ly: 4'y Cit /State: /one / /a +� d Cie Zi 5 7 2 0 .9 P $300.00 Application Fee Due: Yes No 0 Primary Contact: ° 1)., 3.1; 7d r / r- /II �I 13 Applicant Notified: Phone: SO 3 - 73) 830 9 Fax: Email: c/a, v ;'a/. p a l/ /O • -� t��� �� sj . tP, Q g %-1.5. Receipt No.: \ C 1 2 -0 ' 5 - 1 REQUIRED SUBMITTAL Contractor's Name: 10 h!' b: ty'd€ e/ INFORMATION CCB# Expiration: • Application form, completed and signed Address: • Submit one (1) copy of scaled sketch of City /Stare: Zip: the proposed work to be done Phone: Fax: • Submit one (1) copy of traffic control Email: plan Professional Engineered Plans arc required Plans By: ,Si mt. ers cztp/"Gcl j for: Address: • Street Widening City /State: Zip: • Subdivision Infrastructure Phone: Fax: • Main utility line extension Email: l :curpin \masren \4nd''c apphcr.ms \tow app.doc. Sc,. 7. I9 ;12 4 / Description of work: tr"D $,O /7 CbnY1'01 . fl" P)lr1; t -Ai- /mot.UP_/h4 h'- p,,./ 4;.kt i1•s ode rnP 4 , f4 a -c s'h .09-4L-Jed 5 G'4 Estimated value of work (within the public right -of -way): $ Is work related to a LAND -USE DECISION? YES n NO If so, please specify (MLP, SDR, SUB, etc.) case #: Is the work related to a BUILDING PERMIT? YES 0 NO ig If so, please specify (BUILDING PERMIT) case #: Si of Applicant /Permittee: /)2.V". • %t' ( Date: 13 Print Name: 14iv r D c.; . % A Title: dArr %' -- e T I -Li V E C_ City of Tigard I 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2464 I www.tigard- or.gov " CITY OF TIGARD RECEIPT • • p 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard OR 97223 • 503 639 4171 TIGARD Receipt Number: 192037 - 07/01/2013 CASE NO: FEE DESCRIPTION REVENUE ACCOUNT NUMBER PAID ROW2013- 00045' ROW Permit Fee 100-0000-43114 $300.00 Total:. $300.00 PAYMENT METHOD CHECK # CC AUTH. CODE' ACCT ID CASHIER ID RECEIPT DATE RECEIPT AMT Credit Card 020535 AKOWACZ 07/01/2013 $300.00 Payor: Amanda, M. Dotson Total Payments: $300.00 Balance Due: $0.00 • C • A • • • Page 1 of 1 FSC fl LA\ FOR SITES 5 ACRES A\ —*\ SRFATFR FINAL REVIEW NATURE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY iN DEVELOPER AND ESTIMATED TIME TABLE NOTE: M — I The permittee is required to meet all the conditions of the 1200 -C permit. Oregon Deportment of Transportation Phase 1 Grading & utilities work - Complete by O1 -May -2014 This ESCP and general conditions have been developed to facilitate compliance ELM= Company contact :Mark Beeson Phase 2 Paving & striping work - Complete by 20 -May -2014 with the 1200 -C permit requirements. In cases of discrepancies or omissions. 5T& _ E2 1.1q (MP.7.15) Phase 3 Right-of-Way development & control work - Complete b T 4470 LLP. 7.70) Company address: 999 Frontage Rd, Ste. 280 g aY by the 1200 -C permit requirements supersede requirements of this plan. Company phone number: 503- 618 -6766 23- May -2014 ;; ' Phase 2 work can occur during phase 1 work. x Company fax number: 503 - 665 -5419 Phase 3 work con occur during both phosse 1 & phase 2 work. as _ \ i Dates are approximate and likely will be modified according to — conditions during project construction. INSPECTION FREQUENCY: gr PLANNING /ENGINEERING/ Existing Impervious Area - 3.53 acres Developed Impervious Area - 3.71 acres SITE CONDITION MINIMUM FREQUENCY pr-4 Oregon Department of Transportation Total Site Area .. 110.000 SF = 2.53 acres Company Slope grading /s included ,n this project. contact: Don Gunther. P.E. total Distu Area - 7 ,Q00 5F = 1.6 acres 1. Active period Weekly. and ASAP (24 -hr mini after 1/2" Company address: 123 N.W. Flanders St. or more of rainfall in a 24 -hr period. 1 . v r -V*" ■ Portland. OR 97209 Construction entrances. check dams. inlet I ' o Company phone number: 503- 731 -8299 protection, compost blankets and filter terms 2. Prior to the site becoming inactive or Once to ensure that erosion and sediment IMO CM p Y will be used to keep erosive forces under control in anticipation of site inaccessibility. control measures are in working order. Any „ Company f ox number :503- 731 -8531 and prevent sediment from leaving the site. necessary maintenance and repair must be w° '` . . r mode prior to leaving the site. STANDARD DRAWINGS 3. Inactive periods greater than seven (7) Once every two (21 weeks. SITE MAP SURVEYING FIRM consecutive calendar days. • RD1000 Construction entrance q Not To Scale • Hold a pre -con meeting project construction ector. Oregon Deportment of Transportation • RD1005 Check dam g of p ro personnel includes the EC ins p Compan contact: Steve Mumo •All inspections must be made in accordance with DEO 1200 -C permit requirements. Y ■ RDI010 Inlet protection Type 1.2.3 •Inspection logs must be kept in accordance with DEQs 1200 -C permit requirements. l� Company address: 123 N.W. Flanders St. 1:1 R01015 Inlet protection type 4 • Changes to the approved ESC plan must be submitted to DEO in the form of on action plan. P Portlond.OR 97209 ❑ RD1020 Inlet protection type 5 — Company phone number: 503 - 731 -3240 ilk o Company fax number:503- 731 -8531 ❑ RD1025 Sediment barrier type 1 . 1. .... � Be. Cr E B.,, —••`'" reenter p ❑ R01030 Sediment barrier type 2.4 SHEET INDEX Q m " J °° " ❑ RD1035 Sediment barrier type 3 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANS m"a ` ' ~ T d m , NARRATIVE DESCRIPTIONS ❑ RD1040 Sediment fence supported /unsupported "°°v ' 1} sw E3 "P<° • " ' ❑ RD1045 Temporary slope drain GA: Erosion and sediment control title sheet K , a �) . ©.^et_ G G ".>Am EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS GA -2: 2nd Erosion and sediment control title sheet _ „„ ❑ RD1050 Temporar scour basin . ° �. ` � a h • RD10 Matting Y GA -3: Erosion and sediment control detail sheet roa . _pr� p ! m, N GA -4: Street. utility construction erosion and sediment control plan sheet *1 c 1u ❑ RD1060 Tire wash type 1 # - o o GA -5: Street, utility construction erosion and sediment control plan sheet 2 ' '1,R� GA -6: Street , utili /y construction erosion and sediment control plan sheet #3 � � 4� RECEIVING WATER BODIES; v; ® ° to m ��. ' PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Wm. N47 L. a Nearest water body: Red Rock Creek. HID 11: PASS � ,r, _ lalig � DEVELOPED CONDITIONS PERMITTEE'S SITE INSPECTOR: Nicole M.Peirce Company /Agency: Oregon Deportment of Transportation Phone: (503)731 -3119 VICINITY MAP FAX: (503) 731 -8458 E- MAILS: Nicole.M.Peirce@odotstafe.or.us Not To Scale Description of experience: Graphic symbols are approximate. Place Erosion Control measures as required or directed. PROJECT LOCATION: ATTENTION EXCAVATORS: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952 - 001 -0010 through OAR 952 - 001 -0090. You may obtain copies of these rules from the center by calling GENERAL NOTES: P 4 REGION 1 - Geo/Hydro /HazMat Unit 503-232-1987.1f you hove any questions about the rules, You The construction. adjustment. maintenance. and upgrading of these Erosion Control measures is the responsibility may contact the center. You must notify the center at least �� cs��p R OIif of the contractor for the duration of the project to comply with Section 00280 of the Oregon Standard two business days. before commencing on excavation. Call V \ N [ NE B Specifications for Construction and the NPDES 1200 -CA permit. 503 - 246 -6699. q FFO - OR99W: 1-5 NB RAMPS SEC. Erosion Control measures shown on this plan are for anticipated site conditions. Adjust or upgrade these measures 17.0 PACIFIC HWY WEST for unexpected storm events to ensure that sediment and sediment -laden water does not leave the site. SITE SOIL CLASSIFICATION: .` MULTNOMAH & WASHINGTON COUNTIES Develop a revised plan of the Erosion Control measures shown os required by Section 00280.Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction. Implement this plan for all clearing and grading activities and in segments O VON EGON <r) Reviewed b - Bruce Council applicable to each staging phase. Construct in such a Construct so as to ensure shot sediment and sediment -laden q �i Designed by - Daniel Gunther water does not enter the roadway or drainage system, or violate applicable water standards. of 19 ' s� Drafted by - Daniel Gunther Install measures within the right -of -way unless directed otherwise. • • 4 N � SHEET C. CA) EROSION AND SEDIMENT "D ' RENEWS: 06-30 -2015 CONTROL PLAN GA F: \ODOT_ DATA\ Projects\ K16142_ DR99W _15 \06_CADD\Design\16142_dr.PL1 :: GA_Details 5/15/2013 4:52:23 PM hwye66d Rotation: 0° Scale: 1" -100' BMP MATRIX FOR CONSTRUCTION PHASES STANDARD EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN DRAWING NOTES: REFER TO DEO GUIDANCE MANUAL FOR A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF AVAILABLE BMP'S 1. Note to all permit registrants: implement the ESCP. Failure to implement any 15. Use water. soil - binding agent or other dust control technique as needed to PASS UTILITY STREET FINAL WET WEATHER of the control measures or practices described in the ESCP is a violation ovoid wind -blown soil. (Schedule A 7.b ii) CLEANING of the permit. (Schedule A 8.o) 16. The application rote of fertilizers used to reestablish vegetation must GRADING INSTALLATION CUNST&TIN STABILIZATION (OCT.I - NAT MST) 2. The ESCP measures shown on this plan ore minimum requirements for follow manufacturer's recommendations to minimize nutrient releases to surface EROSION PREVENTION anticipated site conditions. During the construction period. upgrade these waters. Exercise caution when using time - release fertilizers within any PRESERVE NATURAL VEGETATION measures os needed to comply with all applicable local, state. and federal waterway riparian zone. (Schedule A.9.br'ii) (Not opplicoble to this project.] erosion and sediment control regulations. (Schedule A.8.c.ii.(1 Xcl) 17. If a stormwoter treatment system (for example. electro- coogulotion, G WND WI/ER ✓ 3. Submission of all ESCP revisions is not required. Submittal of the ESCP flocculation. filtration. etc.) for sediment or other pollutant removal is wfORAULIC APPLICATIONS revisions is only under specific conditions. Submit all necessary revision to employed. submit an operation and maintenance plan (including system schematic. PLASTIC SHEETING ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ DEO or Agent. (Schedule A.12.c iii) location of system. location of inlet. location of discharge. discharge VATTING ✓ ✓ 4. Phase clearing and grading to the maximum extent practical to prevent dispersion device design. and a sampling plan and frequency) before operating OUST CONTRA ✓ ✓ ✓ exposed inactive areas from becoming a source of erosion. (Schedule A the treatment system. Obtain plan approval before operating the treatment 8.c.iiJl Xd)) [Not applicable to this project.] system. Operate and maintain the treatment system according to manufacturer's TEVPgRAIM/ PERYANENf SEEDING ✓ ✓ 5. Identify. mark. and protect (by fencing off or other means) critical riparian specifications. (Schedule A.9.d) BUFFER ZONE areas and vegetation including important trees and associated rooting 18. Temporarily stabilize soils at the end of the shift before holidays and OTHER: zones. and vegetation areas to be preserved. Identify vegetative buffer weekends, if needed. The registrant is responsible for ensuring that soils are SEDIMENT CONTROL zones between the site and sensitive areas (e.g.. wetlands), and other areas stable during rain events at all times of the year. (Schedule A 7.b) SEDIMENT FENCE (PERIMETER) - to be preserved. especially in perimeter areas. (Schedule A.8.cJ.(1) & (2)1( 19. At the end of each workday soil stockpiles must be stabilized or covered. SEDIMENT FENCE (INTERIOR) ✓ Not applicable to this project.] or other BMPs must be implemented to prevent discharges to surface waters or 6. Preserve existing vegetation when practical and re- vegetate open areas. conveyance systems leading to surface waters. (Schedule A 7.e.ii(2)) STRAW WATTLES ✓ Re- vegetate open areas when practicable before and after grading or 20. Construction activities must avoid or minimize excavation and creation of FILTER B:RM ✓ ✓ ✓ construction. Identify the type of vegetative seed mix used. (Schedule bore ground during wet weather. (Schedule A.7.aJ) INLET PROTECTION •• •• •• •• •• A.7.b. i(1) and A.7.bjii(3)) (Not applicable to this project.] 21. Sediment fence: remove trapped sediment before it reaches one third of the DEIIATERING •• •• •• 7. Erosion and sediment control measures including perimeter sediment above ground fence height and before fence removal. (Schedule A.9.cr') SEDIMENT TRAP •• •• •• control must be in place before vegetation is disturbed and must remain in 22. Other sediment barriers (such os biobags): remove sediment before it place and be maintained. repaired. and promptly implemented following reaches two inches depth above ground height. and before BMP removal. OTHER: procedures established for the duration of construction. including (Schedule A9.c ii) RUN OFF =TM protection for active storm drain inlets and catch basins and appropriate 23. Catch basins: clean before retention capacity has been reduced by fifty WNSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ non - stormwater pollution controls. (Schedule A.7.dJ and A.8.c) percent. Sediment basins and sediment traps: remove trapped sediments before PIPE SLOPE DRAIN 8. Establish concrete truck and other concrete equipment washout areas design capacity has been reduced by fifty percent and at completion of project. CUTLET PROTECTION ✓ before beginning concrete work. (Schedule A.8.c..(61) (Schedule A.9.cJii & iv) SURFACE ROUGHENING ✓ 9. Apply temporary and /or permanent soil stabilization measures immediately 24. Within 24 hours. significant sediment that has left the construction site on all disturbed oreos as grading progresses and for all roadways must be remediated. Investigate the rouse of the sediment release and MK DAMS ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ including grovel roadways. (Schedule A.8.c ii.(2)) (Not applicable to this implement steps to prevent a recurrence of the discharge within the some 24 OTHER: project.] hours. Any in- stream clean -up of sediment shall be performed according to the POLLUTION PREVENTION 10. Establish material and waste storage areas. and other non - stormwoter Oregon Division of State Lands required timefrome. (Schedule A.9.b ) PROPER SlDNAGE •• •• .. •• controls. (Schedule A.8.cj 25. Do not intentionally wash sediment into storm sewers or drainage ways. Use HAZ WASTE WIT •• .. •41 �� 11. Prevent tracking of sediment onto public or private roods using BMPs vacuuming or dry sweeping and material pickup to cleanup released sediments. such as: graveled (or paved) exits and parking areas. gravel all unpaved (Schedule A.9.b.ii) SPILL KIT ON -SITE •• •• •• •• roods located onsite, or use an exit tire wash. These BMPs must be in 26. Temporarily stabilize the entire site using vegetation or a heavy mulch CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA •• place prior to land- disturbing activities. (Schedule A 7.dji.(1) and layer. temporary seeding. or other method should all construction activities OTHER A.8.cJ(41) cease for 30 days or more. (Schedule A.7.f.i1(Not applicable to this project.] 12. When trucking saturated soils from the site. either use water -tight trucks 27. Provide temporary stabilization for that portion of the site where or drain loads on site. (Schedule A.7.d.ii.(3)) construction activities cease for 14 days or more with a covering of blown 13. Use BMPs to prevent or minimize stormwater exposure to pollutants from straw and a tockifier, loose straw. or on adequate covering of compost mulch spills: vehicle and equipment fueling. maintenance. and storage: other until work resumes on that portion of the site. (Schedule A.7.fji) cleaning and maintenance activities: and waste handling activities. These 28. Provide permanent erosion control measures on all exposed areas. Do not •• Signifies BMP that will be installed prior to any ground disturbing activity. pollutants include fuel. hydraulic fluid. and other oils from vehicles and remove temporary sediment control practices until permanent vegetation or other machinery. as well as debris. leftover paints. solvents. and glues from cover of exposed areas is established. However. do remove all temporary erosion construction operations. (Schedule A.7.e.i.(2)) control measures as exposed areas become stabilized. unless doing so conflicts 14. Implement the following BMPs when applicable: written spill prevention and with local requirements. Properly dispose of construction materials and waste. response procedures. employee training on spill prevention and proper including sediment retained by temporary BMPs. (Schedule A.7.bjii(21 and disposal procedures. spill kits in all vehicles. regular maintenance schedule A.8.c.iii) for vehicles and machinery. material delivery and storage controls. training and �slgnoge. and covered storage areas for waste and supplies. (Sch A 9r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION • LOCAL AGENCY- SPECIFIC RATIONALE STATEMENT EROSION CONTROL NOTES: % �p PR •4 REGION 1- Geo/Hydro /HazMatUnit A comprehensive list of available best management practices (BMP) options �` f based on DEC's guidance manual has been reviewed to complete this erosion 1. Seed vegetative seed mixes if specified, no later that September 1: the \ G I (V and sediment control plan. Some of the above listed BMP's were not chosen type and percentages of seed in the mix must be identified on the � N � � FFO - OR99W1 1-5 NB RAMPS SEC. because they were determined to not effectively manage erosion plans. 17,5 PACIFIC HWY WEST prevention and sediment control for this project based on specific site 2. All pumping of sediment laden water shall be discharged over on i MULTNOMAH & WASHINGTON COUNTIES conditions. including soil conditions topographic constraints. undisturbed. preferably vegetated area. and through a sediment control 4% accessibility to the site. and other related conditions. as the project BMP i.e. (filter ba (OREGON Reviewed by - Bruce council progresses and there is a need to revise the ESC plan. on action plan will 3. Cover all exposed soils during the wet weather period. October 01 - L.;;14,.....10 h 0) Designed by - Daniel Gunther be submitted. May 31. with the exception of the immediate work area. If on approved 1 r a j 9 Drafted by - Daniel Gunther inspector determines soil erosion & sediment are not sufficiently � � controlled the Engineer will stop all construction work. G c. G u N SHEET NO. EROSION CONTROL DETAILS GA -2 RENEWS: 06 -30 -2015 F: \ODOT_ DATA\ Projects \K16142_0R99W_15 \06_CADD \Design \16142_dr.P[1 :: GA_Details 5/15/2013 4:52:23 PM hwye66d Rotation: 0° Scale: 1 " :100' • COMPOST BLANKET Matting as specified in plans (FINAL REVIEW and specifications. or hydro l PLANS seeding as shown in the plans. %4" Fine Compost with permanent 1/4" Fine Compost with permanent Surface to be weed- • 2" compost erosion blanket Surface to be weed- . seed and tackifier incorporated Surface to be weed- --.. -- •--� �---a . seed and tockifier incorporated - free prior to using Medium Compost free prior to r 2•• compost erosion blanket using free prior to NIMMINE 2" compost erosion blanket using placement of compost — --with tockifier placement of compost — I ° �� °i° °� _ - - -u, ` Medium Compost with tockifier placement of compost — I D l • Medium Compost with tackifier and prepared to 11�� 11 11 =11 II II I an prepared to and prep ared to p p p —p—p 1 1 Standard 11 I Cm ; II 1 I Subgrade Standard N IIf�IC= , =„ ei Subgrade Standard 1=11011 11 IIr11=11 =11M e11 Subgrode Specifications e11 =11_II 11 11 I Specifications II 11' 11 - 1 .11 II II 1 =1', Specifications llimll= n 11 11m7r_ 01040.48(d) 01040.48(01 01040.48(d) Hole: See Special Provision 03020 for compost specifications. Note: See Special Provision 03020 for compost specifications. Note: See Special Provision 03020 for compost specifications. See plans and specifications for matting when required. 0 APPLICATION - TEMPORARY /PERMANENT MULCHING O APPLICATION - TEMPORARY /PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER O APPLICATION - STEEP SLOPES, SHALLOW DITCHES & BIO- SWALES N.TS. N.TS. N.TS. 2'- 3' COMPOST FILTER BERM Varies Compost Filter Berm General Notes (see table) I 1. Compost filter terms are sediment control devices for areas where runoff Mina ` Compost Filter Berm Dimensions and Spacing Based on Slope 2. The maximum drainage area for a continuous berm shall be %4 acre per occurs as sheet flow. See Section 00280. Oregon Standard Specifications. Coarse Compost. Slope '= - _ Slope Berm Dimensions 100 linear feet of filter berm. determined by blower ` : ` : ? : '` '• _ n (H V) Berm Spacing Height Bottom width Top width skid. If hand placed ; C i: j : _ � � i .*:','.:.::'-7;%.'"::-•;,. f lo < 50 :1 250 ft I ft 2 ft (min) I ft 3. Where possible, berms should be placed away from the toe of slopes a maintain 2:1 fH V ) slope. : •, • � k.::',.-: _ __S 50:1 ft (min) I ft P referred) to allow for energy ; min imum of 5 f eet (10 feet dissipation - :1 125 ft I ft 2 ) 9Y diss: P Outlet 10:1 5:1 100 fJ I ft 2 ft (min) 1 ft and sediment storage. Toe of slope - 3 :1 - 2:1 50 ft 1.3 ft 2.6 ft (min) 1 ft s_ '- - ) 2: 25 ft 1.5 ft 3 ft (min) I ft 4. Direct the outlet side of filter berm. located at base of slope. onto a + ° a stabilized area. such as vegetation and /or aggregate. Varies _ - `/ ` � 5. Place Filter berms along or on the ground contour with the ends of the See Table _— — `, : `_ _'-:•-: °:;: ' ; c. n, and Plans ` .' ''`' =` . �� filter berm turned up slope per details. Adequate oreo shall be provided M « • . ' • "" behind berm for ponding. 3' or to right -of -way 6. Compost filter berm may be vegetated with temporary or permanent w is less 'F— seeding after placement. COMPOST FILTER BERM ► i t t d e n compost material into SEDIMENT BARRIER (TYPE 9) Blend 7.1f placed in area with existing ground vegetation. cut vegetation to 2 -4 N.TS. existing vegetation. (typ.). inches above grade at berm footprint. Do not remove existing vegetation or Existing vegetation or cut back outside berm footprint unless directed by Agency. O.C. Sheet flow 8. If soils ore exposed apply compost blanket per details and specifications. f SV 9 _ _ A I I III Ii 1 9. Routinely inspect filter berms and maintain to o functional condition EQ� o .f oa - - o throughout construction. Install additional filter material as directed by Agency. Compost Filter Berm on slope. instal/ OC Se — I ff III Upon project completion. spread compost or leave in place as directed by Agency. along contours. See Compost Filter MT I I Berms details 1 and 2. l SQoG�n .iii— 5. �a ° le max. 9r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2" Compost Blanket as direct in the plans. O.C. see = (medium compost) See notes, this sheet. / _ from slope Ip Feather compost material at ends. (typ.) =II Note: See Special Provision �� P ROfi f REGION 1 - Geo/Hydro /HazMat Unit Compost Filter Berm at base of 01040.15(b) for compost gill Remove sediment when s eci ficotions v \ L N G I NEF FFO - OR99W: 1-5 NB RAMPS SEC. slope if needed or shown on ,, °�� p q lans.Good perimeter (Limit it reaches half the berm height. p Resource/protected — 17.0 PACIFIC HWY WEST of Work) sediment control. area. See plans. 4 ` MULTNOMAH & WASHINGTON COUNTIES — v EGON h Reviewed by - Bruce Council V [[ ]] �j Q Designed by - Daniel Gunther r 5 , 1 7 , \� ,.2.� Drafted by - Daniel Gunther Min. COMPOST FILTER BERM SERIES C , GUN SHEET N0. from slope toe SEDIMENTBARRIER(TYPE9) EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 10' preferred N.TS. RENEWS: 06- 30-2015 G A — 3 F: \ODOT_ DATA\ Projects \K16142_0R99W_15 \06_CADD \Design \16142_dr.PLI :: GA_Details 5/15/2013 4:52:24 PM hwye66d Rotation: 0° Scale: 1" =100' It • S e c. 31, ' TI 1 S, R. 1 E, W.M. FINAL REVIEW PLANS } ' O Const. inlet protection - 15 Sw C gP� T OC (See drg: no. RD1010) i HI GHW q Y O2 Const. construction entrance - 1 J (See drg. no. RD1000) 1 SW 03 Install compost erosion blanket NS colt For ails.see sht;GA -3) � , 4,., T 0 Const. sediment barrier (Type 9. compost filter berm) Q (For details. see sht. GA -3) I O5 See sht. GA, note 5 ' � � <�� Install matting P 0 , , - - j 2 -- / (Erosion control) / / �" / ® Const. Check dam "C)\' \ / //' ! � (Type 1. aggregote) P ' c k � ' � � � i $s — (See drg. no. R01005) S L & =74 �� , j O Install orange plastic fence p. /' ��. // n /.. ( f_-= /�� '� :� ' — \ e �� I, , �� !' / v .�� 1 i ' - �� i I /16 - i , ,�Londsoape �� /� ! �/ _ 4 i �- u' Area \ - . t - : —- — --------- /;‹,- ____,,,,, ± - i b il l i ;; I :i' s --- ff iliariffig a l i al st ikt io .00111W -1 I 1 t I a I I I g °I I I I I I I 6 - 'VI ? 2/ ' " ,v ;Tr, r 1 1 Algillf / / / 13 Inlet Protection I „ ) Construction entrance � , � � � � %:::; ;;: CP,�� IGHWAY; UR WES B D)/ / (OR99 ;; ' ) 1 IP, I f ,, (IG BARB / / / , . — — )FA: 1®� r 1 :Yell ■ Orange plastic fence (no work areal c ® Compost blanket ii \ N_ � x— „ Sediment barrier type 9. compost berm ii x \ 2 LINE co O Sediment mat LO + + "B " L [ N E o--c, Check dam in ditch sec ►ion Q ' © O. O Flow direction BEGINNING OF PROJECT Graphic symbols are approximate. Place Erosion - STA."E2" 11 10 (M.P. 7.151 Control measures as required or directed. i J. ,. } r OREGON DEPARTMENT�OF�TRANSP . �� D P : . 4 REGION 1 Geo/Hydro /H - � v \� k , I; q FF0. - 0R99W: 1 =5 NB RAMPS S EC. 1 7.5 . PACIFIC HWY WEST t1- MULTNOMAH & WASHINGTON COUNTIES; • E C 0 N h . Reviewed Dy - Daniel Gunther . '9 I Q- • c(]� Designeo Dy -David McDonald ' - I�7,� \ )• ,e Drof tetl by -David McDonald • < - t C . . GI N . SHEET EROSION CONTROL PLAN 8 GA-4 - . RENEWS: 0 6 =30 -2015 -, F: \ODOT_ DATA\ Projects \K16 142_ 0R99W_ 15\06_CADD \Design\1614 :: GA_Plans 5/15/2013 ' 4 :52:25 PM hwye66d Rotation: 0° Scale: I" = 100' • Sec. 31, T. 1 S, R. 1 E, W.M. FINAL REVIEW Sec. 36, T. 1 S, R. 1 W, W.M. PLANS n N ? O Cons►. inlet protection - 8 �� ! . k w (See d g. no. RD10101 O = -r O2 Const. construction entrance - 1 � In ,tn (See drg. no. R01000) I ~� O3 ,:e::0:Adt 2 i END PROJECT -31 N 0 Q ST A. L 5 +70 (M.P. 7.71 O Const. sediment barrier ' 2 I (Type 9. compost filter berm) Q ; - I (For details. see sht. GA -3) a © O5 See sht. GA, note 5 � 0 Install matting J C \ 0 i (Erosion control) , i ® Cons ►.check dam - 2 "A2" L N E ap I (Type 1. aggregate) ' ' N /i i (See drg. no. RD1005) \_ =, !' , / i i i - O Install orange plastic fence �� r 1 ' . ��-� � i ' : ; pow - -- P? at ■...........t41-0A s ,, Im - N \ ,;,....,..:. , \- ''' \ ', I ®Pow C • - , , • - All- �Y o� ` 1OR99 �' / ; \ \ , \ \ \ 1 HlG AY W _ Q Inlet Protection T ' P ACIFIC ( SW eA RBU R BL ;%= Construction entrance MOM „% — • — Orange plastic fence (no work area) N 't ” LINE ® Compost blanket o O N) =� . W j 00 ® Sediment barrier type 9. compost berm Q { ® Sediment mat O r2 QO o-0 Check dam in ditch section 2 in "B" LINE v- CO — Flow direction to (n Graphic symbols are approximate. Place Erosion N c Control measures as required or directed. n Vf O 2 C7 Z O 2 c r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION �l 2 '1. 4 REGION 1 - Geo/Hydro /HazMat Unit ,,,, PROFE v � c, G 1 NE F 'y FFO - 0R99W: 1-5 NB RAMPS SEC. 1 7 .0 PACIFIC HWY WEST J ` MULTNOMAH & WASHINGTON COUNTIES Q v EGON _J Reviewed by - Daniel Gunther 9l 0,°) Designed by - David McDonald J Drafted by - David McDonald N C. 19 GV � S oT EROSION CONTROL PLANS G4-5 RENEWS: 06 -30 -2015 F : \ODOT_ DATA\ Projects \K16142_0R99W_15 \06_CADD \Design \16142_dr.PL1 :: GA_Plans 5/15/2013 4:52:25 PM hwye66d Rotation: 0° Scale: 1" =100' S e c. 31, T. 1 S, R. 1 E, W.M. FINAL REVIEW PLANS \ O Const. inlet protection - 7 (Type 3) Q (See drg. no. RD1010) O :' ' Q c r,0 4% \ O2 Const. construction entrance - 2 �aa (See drg. no. RD1000) O 3 Install compost erosion blanket , n / \,\\, � \ s j v 2" thick x \\ �` (For details, see sht. GA -31 \ \ , \ \ - x I _x _- ts_ \ \ _ . � _ _ - _ O Const. sediment barrier \ x- >:- \ _-, . N1\ \ N •.. `,` ���$■ _ - _ - __— - - - (Type 9.compost filter berm) J vs vs %:.` $T� ;_� __ __ — = - _ _ _ (For details `-; ` \ � R r � � r - ��e� r see sht. GA -31 0 o n � . �. .r :: �z =4.�. L J __ r `— _=,�— .o"'"' - l - LI ;, orth.•,a• A :. �� _,�:'� O See sht.GA. note 5 r _ Install matting V - � � �: ' " �� � ° � _ (Erosion control) _ - _ — L -t „- 6 Const. check dam __ _ __' - _ ^ , , 1 s ; ��,,'�!!� . ° (See dr no. R01005) „ E a O7 Install orange plastic fence a Pacif Highway Int; rstate 5 J N N © 0 0 0 O 0 Q inlet Protection F.;::::=41 Construction entrance 'v - • - Orange plastic fence (no work area) /r/ ® Compost blanket ® Sediment barrier type 9. compost berm ® Sediment mat IM-C1 Check dam in ditch section M- Flow direction Graphic symbols are approximate. Place Erosion Control measures as required or directed. T OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION s,.D P ROFF f 4 REGION 1 - Geo/Hydro /HazMat Unit it.k C., 1 1\16”, FF0 - 0R99W: 1-5 NB RAMPS SEC. 17 PACIFIC HWY WEST J ` MULTNOMAH & WASHINGTON COUNTIES v �IREGON h Reviewed by -Daniel Gunther Designed by - David McDonald 9 1 9 �� ` � �� � Drafted by - David McDonald C- GVN SHEET EROSION CONTROL PLANS GA -6 RENEWS: 06 -30 -2015 F: \ODOT_ DATA\ Projects \K16142_0R99W_15 \06_CADD \Design \16142_dr.PLI :: GA_Plans 5/15/2013 4:52:26 PM hwye66d Rotation: 0° Scale: I" =100'