MLP2005-00006 � NOTICE OF TYPE II DECISION MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2005'OOOO� CITYOFTIGARD Community�DeveCopment PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION S�p11'9A�QtterCommunity 120 DAYS = 12/22/2005 SECTION I. APPLICATION SUMMARY ` FILE NAME: PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION CASE NOS: Minor Land Partition (MLP) MLP2005-00006 Adjustment (VAR) , VAR2005-00065 PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Minor Land Partition approval to create a three-lot partition on a parcel of land containing approximately .63 acres. This partition will create Parcel #1 with approximately 10,784 square feet, Parcel #2 with 8,207 square feet, and Parcel #3 with 8,399 square feet. The applicant has also applied for an Adjustment to Section 18.705 Access Spacing Standards. APPLICANT Pac Rim Properties, LLC APPLICANT'S Hale Design Services OWNER: 5700 NW EI Ray Drive REP.: Attn: Steve Hale Camas, WA 98607 3804 Kauffman Avenue Vancouver, WA 98660 ZONING DESIGNATION: R-4.5: Low-Density Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is desi�ned to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. LOCATION: 8225 SW PfafFle Street; WCTM 1S136CB, Tax Lot 1900. COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: Low-Density Residential District. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.370 (Variances and Adjustments) 18.390 (Decision-Making Procedures); 18.420 (Land Partitions); 18.510 (Residential Zoning Districts); 18.705 (Access Egress and Circulation); 18.715 (Density Computations); 18.725, 18.745 (Landscaping and Screening); 18.765 (Off-Street parking and Loading Requirements); 18.790 (Tree Removal); 18.795 (Visual Clearance Areas); and 18.810 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards). SECTION 11. DECISION Notice is hereby given that the City of Tigard Community Development Director's designee has APPROVED the above request subject to certain conditions. The findings and conclusions on which the decision is based are noted in Section V. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 1 OF 18 I CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT: e app icant s a prepare a cover etter an su m�t it, a ong wit any supporting ocuments � andlor plans that address the following reGuirements to the CURRENT PLANNIfVG DIVISION, ATTN: MATHEW SCHEIDEGGER 503-639-4171, EXT 2437. The cover letter shall clearly identify where in the submittal the required information is found: 1. Record a deed restriction that precludes the removal�of the 22 inch Pine tree located on proposed parcel #1 unless it is deemed by an arborist to be deed dying or diseased. 2. Place a note on the final plat that no structures, fences, retaining walls or vegetation over three feet will be placed in the visual clearance triangles at the intersection of the proposed driveway and streets or the intersection of SW Pfaffle Street and SW 82"d Avenue. The applicant shall prepare a cover letter and submit it, along with any supporting documents and/or plans that address the following requirements to the ENGINEERING DIVISION, ATTN: KIM MCMILLAN 503-639-4171, EXT 2642. The cover letter shall clearly identify where in the submittal the required information is found: 3. A Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit is required for this project to cover driveway aprons and any other work in the public right-of-way. Six (6) sets of detailed public improvement plans shall be submitted for review to the Engineering Department. NOTE: these plans are in addition to any drawings required by the Building Division and should only include sheets relevant to public improvements. Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit plans shall conform to City of Tigard Public Improvement Design Standards, which are available at City Hall and the City's web page (www.ci.tigard.or.us). 4. The PFI permit plan submittal shall include the exact legal name, address and telephone number of the individual or corporate enti� who will �designated as the "Permittee", and who will provide the financial assurance for t e public improvements. For example, specify if the entity is a corporation, limited partnership, LLC, etc. Also specify the state within which the entity is incorporated and provide the name of the corporate contact person. Failure to provide accurate information to the Engineering Department will delay processing of project documents. 5. The applicant's plans shall be revised to show the proposed driveway for Lot 3 at least 150 feet north of the Pfaffle Street ROW. 6. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall ay an addressing fee in the amount of $100.00. (STAFF CONTACT: Shirley Treat, Engineering�. 7. The applicant shall submit construction plans to the Engineering Department as a part of the Public Facility Improvement permit, indicating that they will construct the following frontage improvements along SW Pfaffle Street as a part of this pro�ect: A. Street trees in the planter strip spaced per TDC requirements. 8. The applicant shall submit construction plans to the Engineering Department as a part of the Public Facility Improvement permit, indicating that the�r will construct the following frontage improvements along SW 82"d Avenue as a part of this pro�ect: A. Driveway apron. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 2 OF 18 9. The applicant shall execute a Restricti�e Covenant whereby they a�ree to complete or participate in the future improvements of SW 82" Avenue adjacent to the sub�ect property, when any of the following events occur: A. when the improvements are part of a larger project to be financed or paid for by the formation of a Local Improvement District, B. when the im�provements are part of a larger project to be financed or paid for in whole or in part by the City or other public agency, C. when the improvements are par� of a larger project to be constructed by a third party and involves the sharing of design and/or construction expenses by the third party owner(s) of property in addition to the subject property, or D. when construction of the improvements is deemed to be appropriate by the City Engineer in conjunction with construction of improvements by others adjacent to the subject site. 10. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall pay $637 to the City for the striping of the bike lane along the frontage of PfafFle Street. 11. The applicant shall provide connection of the three lots to the public sanitary sewerage system. A connection permit is required to connect to the existing public sanitary sewer system. 12. The applicant shall either place the existing overhead utility lines along SW 82"d Avenue underground as a part of this project, or they sF�all pay the fee in-lieu of undergrounding. The fee shall be calculated by the fronta�e of the sife that is parallel to the utility lines and will be $ 35.00 per lineal foot. If the fee option is chosen, the amount will be $ 7000.Ob and it shall be paid prior to final plat approval. If ower will be taken from Pfaffle Street the fee will be adjusted according to the frontage along tha�street. 13. The applicant shall obtain approval from the Tualatin Valley Water District for the proposed water connection prior to issuance of the City's Public Facility Improvement permit. 14. An erosion control plan shall be provided as part of the Public Facility Improvement {PFI� permit drawings. The plan shall conform to the "Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Design and Planning Manual, February 2003 edition." 15. The applicant's final plat shall contain State Plane Coordinates on two monuments with a tie to the City's global positioning system (GPS) geodetic control network (GC 22). These monuments shall be on the same line and shall be of the same precision as required for the subdivision plat boundary. Along with the coordinates, the plat shall contain the scale factor to convert ground measurements to grid measurements and the angle from north to grid north. These coordinates can be established by: . GPS tie networked to the City's GPS survey. . By random traverse using conventional surveying methods. 16. Final Plat Application Submission Requirements: A. Submit for City review four (4) paper copies of the final plat prepared by a land surveyor licensed to practice in Oregon, and necessary data or narrative. B. Attach a check in the amount of the current final plat review fee (Contact Planning/Engineering Permit Technicians, at (503) 639-4171, ext. 2421). C. The final plat and data or narrative shall be drawn to the minimum standards set forth by the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 92.05), Washington County, and by the City of Tigard. D. The right-of-way dedication for 82�d Avenue shall be made on the final plat to provide 27 feet from centerlme. E. NOTE: Washington County will not begin their review of the final plat until they receive notice from the Engineering Department indicating that the City has reviewed the final plat and submitted comments to the applicant's surveyor. F. After the City and County have reviewed the final plat, submit two mylar copies of the final plat for City Engineer si�nature (for partitions), or City Engineer and Community Development Director signa ures (for subdivisions). NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-000�6/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 3 OF 18 THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: e app icant s a prepare a cover etter an su mit it a on wit any supporting ocuments and/or plans that address the following requirements to the CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION, ATTN: MATHEW SCHEIDEGGER 503-639-4171, EXT 2437. The cover letter shall clearly identify where in the submittal the required information is found: 17. Provide and Implement a plan that shows street trees planted along both SW Pfaffle Street and SW 82"d Avenue frontages in accordance with the standards for size and spacing under Section 18.745.040.0 of the Tigard Development Code. The applicant shall prepare a cover letter and submit it, along with any supporting documents and/or plans that address the following requirements to the ENGINEERING DIVISION, ATfN: KIM MCMILLAN 503-639-4171, EXT 2642. The cover letter shall clearly identify where in the submittal the required information is found: 18. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide the Engineering Department with a "photomylar" copy of the recorded final p(at. 19. Prior to issuance of building permits within the subdivision, the City Engineer shall deem the public improvements substantially complete. Substantial completion shall be when: 1} all utilities are installed and inspected for compfiance, including franchise utilities, 2) all local residential streets have at least one lift of asphalt, 3) any off-site street and/or utilifjr improvements are substantially completed, and 4) all street lights are installed and ready to be energized. (NOTE: the City apart from this condition, and in accordance with the City's model home policy may issue model home permits). 20. During issuance of the building permits for Lots 2 & 3, the applicant shall pay the fee in-lieu of constructing an on-site water quality and water quantity facility. The fee is based on the total area of new impervious surFaces in the proposed development. THIS APPROVAL IS VALID IF EXERCISED WITHIN EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION NOTED UNDER THE PROCESS AND APPEAL SECTION OF THIS DECISION. SECTION III. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Pro e Histo : e property is designated Low Densitv Residential on the Tigard Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map. No prior land use approvals were found affecting this parcel. Site Information and Pro osal Descri tions e app icant is reques ing inor an artition approval to create a three-lot partition on a parcel of land contaming approximafely .63 acres. This partition will create Parcel #1 with approximately 10,784 s quare feet, Parcel #2 with 8,207 s quare feet, and Parcel #3 with 8,399 squar e f e et. Th e a p p l i c a n t h a s also a p plied for an Ad justment to Section 18.705 Access S pacin g Standar ds. SECTION IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS The City mailed notice to property owners within 500 feet of the subject site providing them an opportunity to comment. No comments were received. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 4 OF 18 SECTION V. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Variances and Ad�ustments (18.370) �$�T6�'f6. .Z�T�Aa�us men o access and egress standards (18.705). In all zoning districts where access and egress drives cannot be readily designed to conform to Code standards within a particular parcel, access with an adjoining property shall be considered. If access in conjunction with another parcel cannot reasonably be achieved, the Director may grant an adjustment to the access requirements of Cha�ter 18.705 through a Type II procedure, as governed in Section 18.390.030, using approval criteria contained in Subsection 2b below. The applicant has applied for an adjustment to 18.705.030.H.3 & 4 which require the minimum spacing of driveways and streets along a collector shall be 200 feet. The driveway for proposed lot #1 takes access from SW Pfaffle Street, which is a collector. The drivewa in question is approximately 102 feet to the west of SW 82"d Avenue and 180 feet to the east of SW 83�d Avenue. Therefore, an adjustment is warranted. The Director may approve, ap�rove with conditions, or deny a request for an ad�ustment from the access requirements contained in Chapter 18.705, based on the following criteria: It is not possible to share access; A shared access located between lots #1 �nd #2 on SW 82"d Avenue would be 77 feet from the intersection of SW Pfaffle Street and SW 82" Avenue, which is much closer than the driveway's existing location. Therefore, sharing a driveway with proposed parcel #2 would create a more hazardous situation. There are no other alternative access points on the street in question or from another street; Moving the existing access to the SW 82"d side of the property w�uld cause a potential hazardous situation due to the close proximity of the driveway to the Pfaffle/82" Ave. intersection. Therefore, the existing driveway is in the safest location. The access separation requirements cannot be met. No matter where the driveway of parcel #1 is placed on the property, the lot will be in violation of the Access Management Standards. Therefore, the adjustment is warranfed. The request is the minimum adjustment required to provide adequate access; The proposed access point is pre-existing and the most logical point of access onto the property. Therefore, the requested adjustment is the minimum required. The approved access or access approved with conditions will result in a safe access; and Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue was sent notice of the pending land-use application. No comments were received According to Tigard's En ineering Department, moving the driveway in either direction or placing it on another fronta�e will no� provide a substantial safety improvement. Therefore, the current location of the driveway is the safest access to the site. The visual clearance requirements of Chapter 18.795 will be met. Visual clearance will be met as outlined in Chapter 18.795 (Visual Clearance) which is addressed later in this decision. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the adjustment standards have been met. Land Partitions (18.420): T e propose pa i�on complies with all statutory and ordinance requirements and regulations; NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 5 OF 18 The proposed partition complies or can be made to comply with all statutory and ordinance requirements and regulations as demonstrated b the analysis contained within this administrative decision and through the imposition of conditions o�development approval. All necessary conditions must be satisfied as part of the development and building process. Therefore, this criterion is met. There are adequate public facilities available to serve the proposal; Public facilities are discussed in detail later in this decision under Chapter 18.810 (Street & Utility Improvement Standards). Based on the analysis provided, herein, Staff finds that adequate public facilities are available to serve the proposal. Therefore, this criterion is met. All proposed improvements meet City and applicable agency standards; and The public facilities and proposed. improvements are discussed and conditioned later in this decision under Chapter 18.810 (Street & Utility Improvement Standards). Improvements will be reviewed as part of the permit process and during construction, at which time the appropriate review authority will ensure that City and applicable agency standards are met. Based on the analysis in this decision, Staff finds that this criterion is met. All proposed lots conform to the specific requirements below: The minimum width of the building envelope area shall meet the lot requirement of the applicable zoning district. The minimum lot width required for the R-4.5 zonin� district is 50 feet. Parcel #1 is 140 feet in width, Parcel #2 is 59 feet in width and Parcel #3 is 60 feet in width. Therefore, this standard has been met. The lot area shall be as required by the applicable zoning district. In the case of a flag lot, the accessway may not be included in the lot area. The minimum lot area requirement in the R-4.5 zoning district is 7,500 square feet for detached single-family units. The proposed partition creates three (3� lots that are 10,784, 8,207 and 8,399 square feet. None of the proposed parcels are flag lots. There ore, this criterion has been satisfied. Each lot created through the partition Process shall front a public right-of-way by at least 15 feet or have a legally recorded minimum 15-foot wide access easement. Proposed parcel #1 has 140 feet of frontage onto SW Pfaffle Street and 68 f�et on SW 82"d Avenue. Proposed parcels #2 and #3 have approximately 60 feet of frontage on SW 82� Avenue. Therefore, this criterion is satisfied. Setbacks shall be as required by the applicable zoning district. Setbacks for the R-4.5 zoning district are as follows: front, 20 feet; side, 5 feet; rear, 15 feet. The existing house on Parcel #1 is proposed to remain, which meets required setbacks. Setbacks for the future fiomes will be reviewed during the building permit phase. When the partitioned lot is a flag lot, the developer may determine the location of the front yard, provided that no side yard is less than 10 feet. Structures shall generally be located so as to maximize separation from existing structures. The proposed lots are not flag lots. Therefore, this standard does not apply. A screen shall be provided along th�e propertv line of a lot of record where the paved drive in an accessway is located within ten feet of an abutting lot in accordance with Sections 18.745.040. Screening may, also be required to maintain privacy for abutting lots and to provide usable outdoor recreation areas for proposed development. The existing driveway of parcel #1 is approximately 20 feet from the nearest lot of record to the west. Therefore, this standard does not apply. The fire district may require the installation of a fire hydrant where the length of an accessway would have a detrimental effect on fire-fighting capabilities. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-OODO6/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 6 OF 18 A copy of the application was sent to Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue (TVF&R). No comments were received. The nearest fire hydrant is approximately 70 feet to the south of the property. Where a common drive is to be provided to serve more than one lot, a reciprocal easement which will ensure access and maintenance rights shall be recorded with the approved partition map. Each of the proposed parcels will have their own driveway. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Any access way shall comply with the standards set forth in Chapter 18.705, Access, Egress and Circulation. This standard is addressed under Chapter 18.705 (Access, Egress and Circulation) later in this decision. Where landfill andlor development is allowed within or adjacent to the one-hundred year floodplain, the city shall require consideration of the dedication of sufficient open land area for greenway adjoining and within the floodplain. This area shall include portions at a suitable elevat�on for the construction of a pedestrian/bicycle pathway with the floodplain in accordance with the adopted pedestrianlbicycle pathway plan. The partitioned lots are approximately 1,116 feet to the south of the nearest 100-year floodplain. Therefore, this standard does not apply. An application for a variance to the standards prescribed in this chapter shall be made in accordance with Chapter 18.370, Variances and Adjustments. The applications for the partition and variance(s)/adjustment(s) will be processed concurrently. The applicant has requested an adjustment to the Access Management Standards of Section 18.705 (Access Egress and Circulation), which has been addressed above. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the land partition criteria have been satisfied. Residential Zoninq Districts (18.5101: �eve opmen s an ar s in resaen �al zoning districts are contained in Table 18.510.2 below: TABLE 18.510.2 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES STANDARD R-4.5 Minimum Lot Size -Detached unit 7,500 sq.ft. -Duplexes 10,000 sq.ft. -Attached unit Average Minimum Lot Width -Detached unit lots 50 ft. -Duplex lots 90ft. -Attached unit lots Maximum Lot Covera e . Minimum Setbacks -Front yard 20 ft. -Side facing street on comer&through lots 15 ft. -Side yard 5 ft. -Rear yard 15 ft. -Side or rear yard abutting more restrictive zoning district — -Distance between property line and front of garage 20 ft. -Side Yard Setbacks for Fla Lots DC 18.420.050 A 4 e 10 ft. Maximum Hei ht 30 ft. Minimum Landsca e Re uirement NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 7 OF 18 A minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet is required for each lot. The proposed lot sizes meet this standard. Parcel #1 contains a single-family dwelling that meets the required R-4.5 setbacks. Future development will be reviewed through the building permit process to ensure compliance with the R- 4.5 development standards. Setback standards, required by Table 18.510.2 will apply to all future development of the proposed lots. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Residential Zoning District Standards have been met. Access, Eqress and Circulation (18.705): Chapter 18.705 establishes standards and regulations for safe and efficient vehicle access and e�ress on a site and for general circulation within the site. Table 18.705.1 states that the minimum vehicular access and e�ress for single-family dwelling units on individual lots shall be one, 10-foot paved drivewa�r within a 15-foot-wide accessway. The minimum access width for 3- 6 dwelling units is 20 feet with 20 feet of pavement. The access to the existing home on parcel #1 is pre-existing at 15 feet with 10 feet of pavement. The access drives for the proposed homes on parcels #2 and #3 will be reviewed at time of building permits. Therefore, this standard has been satisfied. Access plan requirements. No building or other permit shall be issued until scaled plans are presented and approved as provided by this chapter that show how access, egress and circulation requirements are to be fulfilled. The applicant shall submit a site plan. The Director shall provide the applicant with detailed information about this submission requirement. , Scaled site plans have been submitted that indicate how the requirements of access, egress, and circulation are met. Therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. Joint access. Owners of two or more uses, structures, or parcels of land may agree to utilize jointly the same access and egress when the combined access and egress of both uses, structures, or parcels of land satisfies the combined requirements as designated in this title, provided: Satisfactory legal evidence shall be presented in the form of deeds, easements, leases or contracts to establish the joint use; and Copies of the deeds, easements, leases or contracts are placed on permanent file with the City. Joint access has not been proposed. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Public street access. All vehicular access and egress as required in Sections 18.705.030H and 18.705.0301 shall connect directly with a public or private street approved by the City for public use and shall be maintained at the required standards on a continuous basis. All three lots will have direct access to public streets. Prop�sed parcel #1 will have access to SW Pfaffle Street. Parcels #2 and #3 will have access on to SW 82" Avenue. Therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. Curb cuts shall be in accordance with Section 18.810.030N. Curb cuts will be addressed under Chapter 18.810 Street and Utility Improvements Standards later in this decision. � Re uired walkwa location. On-site pedestrian walkways shall comply with the following s an ar s: Walkways shall extend from the ground floor entrances or from the �round floor landing of stairs, ramps, or elevators of all commercial, institutional, and industrial uses, to the streets which provide the required access and egress. Walkways shall provide convenient connections between buildings in multi-building commercial, institutional, and industrial complexes. Unless impractical, walkways shall be constructed between new and existing developments and neighboring developments; NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 8 OF 18 Within all attached housing (except two-family dwellings) and multi-family developments, each residential dwelling shall be connected by walkway to the vehicular parking area, and common open space and recreation facilities; Wherever rec�uired walkways cross vehicle access driveways or parking lots, such crossings shall be designed and located for pedestrian safety. Required walkways shall be physicafly separated from motor vehicle traffic and parking by either a minimum 6-inch vertical separation (curbed) or a minimum 3-foot horizontal separation, except that pedestrian crossings of traffic aisles are permitted for distances no �reater than 36 feet if appropriate landscaping, pavement markings, or contrasting pavement ma erials are used. Walkways shall be a minimum of four feet in width, exclusive of vehicle overhangs and obstructions such as mailboxes, benches, bicycle racks, and sign posts, and shall be in compliance with ADA standards; Required walkways shall be paved with hard surfaced materials such as concrete, asphalt, stone, brick, etc. Walkways may be required to be lighted and/or signed as needed for safety purposes. Soft-surfaced public use pathways may be provided only if such pathways are provided in addition to required pathways. This proposal is for a detached single-family development, this standard does not apply. Inadequate or hazardous access. Ap�lications for building permits shall be referred to the Commission for review when, in the opinion of the Director, the access proposed would cause or increase existing hazardous traffic conditions; or would provide inadequate access for emergency vehicles; or would in any other way cause hazardous conditions to exist which would constitute a clear and present danger to the public health, safety and general welfare. The lots within this partition will be providing direct access to a public street. Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue and Tigard Police have been notified of the proposed partition. Tigard Police have not indicated a hazard and NFR did not provide comments. The Director has not determined that Planning Commission review is necessary for building permits. With regard to streets and street intersections, these issues are addressed under TDC Chapter 18.810 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards). Therefore, this standard is satisfied. Direct individual access to a�terial or collector streets from single-family dwellings and duplex lots shall be discouraged. Direct access to major collector or arterial streets shall be considered only if there is no practical alternative way to access the site. The existing home on proposed parcel #1 has an existing driveway that connects to SW Pfaffle Street, a Collector. The Engineering Department has decided that tt�e current location of the existing driveway is the safest placement. Moving the driveway to the SW 82" side of the intersection will onfy increase a hazardous intersection. Therefore, the existing driveway will remain. This standard has been satisfied. In no case shall the design of the service drive or drives require or facilitate the backward movement or other maneuvering of a vehicle within a street, otfier than an alley. Single-family and duplex dwellings are exempf from this requirement. This criterion does not apply to the proposed single-family dwellings. Access Manaqement Section 18.705.030.H) ec ion .7b�6�-s�a�fFa�an access report shall be submitted with all new development proposals which verifies design of driveways and streets are safe by meeting adequate stacking needs, sight distance and deceleration standards as set by ODOT, Washington County, the City and AASHTO. The applicant's plans indicate the existing driveway on Pfaf�le Street to remain and finro new driveways will be constructed on 82"d Avenue. The driveways on 82" Avenue are placed to the north in order to meet safety concerns. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 9 OF 18 Section 18.705.030.H.2 states that drivewa�ys shall not be permitted to be �laced in the influence area of collector or arterial street intersections. Influence area of intersections is that area where queues of traffic commonly form on approach to an intersection: The minimum drivewa setback from a collector or arterial street intersection shall be150 feet, measured from the righ� of-way line of the intersectin� street to the throat of the proposed drivewa�r. The setback may be �reater depending upon the influence area, as determined from City Engineer review of a traffic impact report submitted by the applicant's traffic engineer. In a case where a project has less than 150 feet of street frontage, the applicant must explore any option for shared access with the adjacent parcel. If shared access is not possible or practical, the driveway shall be placed as far from the intersection as possible. The exis��g driveway on Pfaffle Street is approximately 102 feet from the intersection ��f Pfaffle StreeU82 Avenue. This does not meet this standard, but relocating the driveway onto 82 Avenue would place it closer to the intersection. Therefore, the applicant has proposed to leave the driveway for the ex�sting home where it is rather than move it as far as possible from the intersection. The Pfaffle Street fronfage is only 142 feet long and moving the driveway over another 20 feet to the west would not provide a substantial safety improvement. The driveway for Lot 2 cannot meet the 150 foot spacing standard either. The applicant's plans show it placed as far north as possible, thereby meeting this criterion. The driveway for Lot 3 is shown approximately 142 feet from the Pfaffle Street ROW. In order to meet this criterion the plans shall be revised to show the driveway for Lot 3 at least 150 feet from the PfafFle Street ROW. Section 18.705.030.H.3 and 4 states that the minimum spacing of driveways and streets along a collector shall be 200 feet. The minimum spacing of driveways and streets along an arterial shall be 600 feet. The minimum spacing of local streets along a local street shall be 125 feet. Pfaffle Street is classified as a Collector; ther�fore the driveway for Lot 1 does not meet the 200 foot spacin� standard. The distance between 82" and 83�' Avenues is only about 290 feet and there are two existing driveways between the streets. There is no placement of either of these finro driveways that could possibly meet the spacing standard. The applicant has requested an adjustment to this standard to allow the existing driveway location for Lot 1 to remain. Staff concurs that the request is the minimum adjustment required to provide adequate access. The existing driveway location can meet the visual clearance requirements that helps ensure safe access. Minimum access requirements for residential use. Vehicular access and egress for sin�le-family, duplex or attached single-family dwelling units on individual lots and multi-family residential uses shall not be less than as provided in Table 18.705.1 and Table 18.705.2; The applicant is proposing detached single-family dwellings. There is an existing single-family home on parce( #1 with an existing driveway that is approximatefy 15 feet in width witFi 10 feet of pavement. Driveways for proposed parcels #2 and #3 wifl be reviewed at time of building permits. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. Vehicular access to multi-family structures shall be brought to within 50 feet of the ground floor entrance or the ground floor fanding of a stairway, ramp, or elevator leading to fhe dwelling units; No multi-family structures are proposed with this application. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Private residential access drives shall be provided and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform fire Code; Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue was sent notice. However, NFR has not responded. Section 18.705.030.H.4 states that Access drives in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with approved provisions for the turning around of fire apparatus by one of the following: a circular, paved surFace having a minimum turn radius measured from center point to outside edge of 35 feet or a hammerhead-configured, paved surface with each leg of the hammerhead having a minimum depth of 40 feet and a minimum width of 20 feet. The maximum cross slope of a required turnaround is 5%. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 10 OF 18 The existing driveway for parcel #1 is 37 feet in length. The driveways for proposed parcels #2 and #3 will be reviewed at time of building permit. Therefore, this standard has been satisfied. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Access, Egress and Circulation standards have been met. Densit Com utations 18.715): . e ini ion o net eve opment area. Net development area, in acres, shall be determined by subtracting the following land area(s) from the gross acres, which is all of the land �ncluded in the legal description of the property to be developed: 1. All sensitive land areas 2. All land dedicated to the public for park purposes; 3. All land dedicated for public rights-of-way. 4. All land proposed for private streets; and 5. A lot of at least the size required by the applicable base zoning district, if an existing dwelling is to remain on the site. B. Calculating maximum number of residential units. To calculate the maximum number of residential units per net acre, divide the number of square feet in the net acres by the minimum number of square feet required for each lot in the applicable zoning district. C. Calculating minimum number of residential units. As required by Section 18.510.040, the minimum number of residential units per net acre shall be calculated b multiplying the maximum number of units determined in Subsection B above by 80% (0.8� The standards for density computation address the intensity of residential land uses, typically expressed as the number of housing units per acre. The total square footage of the subJ'ect property is 27,854 square feet. There are no sensitive land areas within the sub�ect proposal. To determine the net developable area, the square footage to accommodate the existing house on Parcel #1 (10,784 square feet) and the square footage of the street dedication (464 square feet) is subtracted from the calculation. This results in a net developable area of 16,606 square feet. As the minimum lot size for the R-4.5 zone is 7,500 square feet, the maximum number of additional residential units is two plus the existing house. The proposed partition creates finro a itiona lots, which is in conformance with the minimum density requirements. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Density Computation Standards have been met. Landscaainq and Screeninq (18.745): Street trees: Section 18.745.040 ec ion . 45.040.A.: All development projects fronting on a public street, private street or a private driveway more than 100 feet in length approved after the adoption of this title shall be required to plant street trees in accordance with the standards in Section 18.745.040C. This proposed pro1'e�t has 140 feet of frontage on SW Pfaffle Street and approximately 120 feet of frontage on SW 82" Avenue. Street trees are required along both frontages and shall be planted in accordance with the standards for size and spacing in this title, under Section 18.745.040.C. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Landscaping and Screening Standards have not been � met. If the applicant complies with the condition below, the standard will be met: CONDITION: Provide and �nplement a plan that shows street trees planted along both SW Pfaffle Street . and SW 82" Avenue frontages in accordance with the standards for size and spacing under Section 18.745.040.0 of the Tigard Development Code. Tree Removal (18.7901: ree p an or�ie—pTanting, removal and protection of trees prepared by a certified arborist shall be provided for any lot„ parcel or combination of lots or parcels for which a development application for a subdivision, partition, site development review, planned development or conditional use is filed. Protection is preferred over removal wherever possible. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 11 OF 18 There is only one tree on site that is greater than six inches located on proposed parcel #1. The tree in question is a 22 inch Pine tree that has been proposed to remain. No construction will occur on proposed parcel #1 because the home is pre-existing. Therefore, no arborist report or mitigation plan is required. Section 18.790.040 states that any tree preserved or retained in accordance with this section may thereafter be removed only for the reasons set out in a tree plan, in accordance with Section 18.790.030, or as a condition of approval for a conditional use, and shall not be subject to removal under any other section of this chapter. The property owner shall record a deed restriction as a condition of approval of any development permit affected by this section to the effect that such tree may be removed only if the tree dies or is hazardous according to a certified arborist. The deed restriction may be removed or will be considered invalid if a tree preserved in accordance with this section should either die or be removed as a hazardous tree. The form of this deed restriction shall be subject to approval by the Director. The applicant wil� be required as a condition of approval to record a deed restriction that precludes the removal of the 22 inch Pine tree located on proposed parcel #1 unless it is deemed by an arborist to be deed dying or diseased. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Tree Removal Standards have not been met. In order to meet the standard, the applicant shall satisfy the following condition: CONDITION: Record a deed restriction that precludes the removal of the 22 inch Pine tree located on proposed parcel #1 unless it is deemed by an arborist to be deed dying or diseased. Visual Clearance Areas 18.795): TFis L�p e�ires a a c ear vision area shall be maintained on the corners of all property adjacent to intersecting right-of-ways or the intersection of a public street and a private driveway. A clear vision area shall contain no vehicle, hedge, planting, fence, wall structure, or temporary or permanent obstruction exceeding three (3) feet in heigh{. The code provides that obstructions that may be located in this area shall be visually clear between three (3) and eight (8) feet in height. Trees may be placed within this area provided that all branches below eight (8) feet are removed. A visual clearance area is the triangular area formed by measuring from the corner, 30-feet along the right-of-way and along the driveway and connecting these finro points with a straight line. The applicant will be required to place a note on the final plat that no structures, fences, retaining walls or vegetation over three feet wilf be placed in the visual clearance triangles at t�he intersection of the proposed driveway and streets or the intersection of SW PfafFle Street and SW 82" Avenue. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Vision Clearance Standards are not met. CONDITION: Place a note on the final plat that no structures, fences, retaining wa�ls or vegetation over three feet will be placed in the visual clearance triangles at the intersectio� of the proposed driveway and streets or the intersection of SW Pfaffle Street and SW 82" Avenue. PUBLIC FACILITY CONCERNS Street And Utilitv Improvements Standards (Section 18.810� a� er . proviaes construction s an ar s or e �mplementation of public and private facilities and utilities such as streets, sewers, and drainage. The applicable standards are addressed below: Streets: Improvements: Section 18.810.030.A.1 states that streets within a development and streets adjacent shall be improved in accordance with the TDC standards. Section 18.810.030.A.2 states that any new street or additional street width planned as a portion of an existing street shall be dedicated and improved in accordance with the TDC. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 12 OF 18 Minimum Ri�hts-of-Way and Street Widths: Section 18.810.030.E requires a Collector street to have a 58 right-of-way width and 34-foot paved section. Other improvements required may include on-street parking, sidewalks and bikeways, underground utilities, street lighting, storm drainage, and street trees. This site lies adjacent to SW Pfaffle Street, which is classified as a Collector on the City of Tigard Transportation Plan Map. At present, there is approximately 60 feet of ROW, according fo the most recent tax assessor's map. SW Pfaffle Street is currently improved. In order to mitigate the impact from this development, the applicant should install street trees. - Minimum Rights-of-Way and Street Widths: Section 18.810.030.E requires a local street to have a 54 right-of-way width and 32-foot paved section. Other improvements reyuired may include on- street parking, sidewalks and bikeways, underground utilities, street lighting, storm drainage, and street trees. This site lies adJ'acent to SW 82"d Avenue, which is classified as a local street on the City of Tigard Transportation Plan Map. At present, there is approximately 25 feet of ROW from centerline, according to the most recent tax assessor's map. The applicant should dedicate the additional ROW to provide 27 feet from centerline. SW 82"d Avenue is currently partially improved. In order to mitigate the impact from this development, the applicant should enter info a restrictive covenant for future street improvements prior to final plat approval. Grades and Curves: Section 18.810.030.N states that grades shall not exceed ten percent on arterials, 12% on collector streets, or 12% on any other street (except that local or residential access streets may have segments with grades up to 15% for distances of no greater than 250 feet). Centerline radi� of curves shall be as determined by the City Engineer. The existing grades on Pfaffle Street and 82"d Avenue are well under 12%, thereby meeting this criterion. Access to Arterials and Major Collectors: Section 18.810.030.Q states that where a development abuts or is traversed by an existing or proposed arteriat or ma�or collector street, the development design shall provide ade uate protection for residential �roperties and shall separate residential access and through�raffic, or if separation is not feasible, the design shall minim�ze the trafFc conflicts. The design shall include any of the following: • A parallel access street along the arterial or major collector; . Lots of suitable depth abutting the arterial or major collector to provide adequate buffering with frontage along another street; . Screen planting at the rear or side property line to be contained in a non-access reservation along the a�terial or major collector; or • Other treatment suitable to meet the objectives of this subsection; . If a lot has access to two streets with different classifications, primary access should be from the lower classification street. The existing driveway for Lot 1 is located on a collector and could be relocated to 82"d Avenue, which is classified as a local street. The driveway location was discussed earlier and an adjustment was requested. Moving the driveway to the lower classification street would put it even closer to the intersection. Staff has concurred with the applicanYs request to leave the driveway at its current location. Block Designs - Section 18.810.040.A states that the length, width and shape of blocks shall b�e desi�ned with due regard to providing adequate buifding sites for the use contemplated, consideration of needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traffic and recognition of limitations and opportunities of topography. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 13 OF 18 Block Sizes: Section 18.810.040.B.1 states that the perimeter of blocks formed by streets shall not exceed 1,800 feet measured along the right-of-way line except: . Where street location is precluded by natural topography, wetlands or other bodies of water or, pre-existing development or; • For blocks ad�acent to arterial streets, limited access highways, major collectors or railroads. • For non-residential blocks in which internal public circulation provides equivalent access. No blocks are created with the proposed two lot partition. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Section 18.810.040.B.2 also states that bicycle and pedestrian connections on public easements or right-of-ways shall be provided when full street connection is not possible. Spacing between connections shall be no more than 330 feet, except where �recluded by environmental or topographical constraints, existing development patterns, or strict adherence to other standards in the code. As mentioned above, no blocks are created with this application. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Lots - Size and Shape: Section 18.810.060(A) prohibits lot depth from beiny more than 2.5 times the average lot width, unless the parcel is fess than 1.5 times the minimum lot size of the applicable zoning district. The minimum lot size of the R-4.5 zoning district is 7,500 square feet. Based on the standard above, none of the proposed parcels can be more than 2.5 times the average lot width unless they are less than 1.5 times the minimum lot size (11,250 square feet). None of the proposed parcels are greater than 11,250 square feet. The largest parcel is parcel one, which is 10,784 square feet with a width of 140 feet and a depth of 79 feet. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Lot Frontage: Section 18.810.060(B) requires that lots have at least 25 feet of frontage on public or Private streets, other than an alley. In the case of a land partition, 18.420.050.A.4.c applies, which requires a parcel to either have a minimum 15-foot frontage or a minimum 15-foot wide recorded access easement. In cases where the lot is for an attached single-family dwelling unit, the frontage shall be at least 15 feet. Proposed parcel #1 has 140 feet of frontage on SW Pfaffle Street and 67 feet of frontage or� SW 82nd Avenue. Proposed parcel #2 and #3 have approximately 60 feet of frontage on SW 82" Avenue. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. Sidewalks: Section 18.810.070.A requires that sidewalks be constructed to meet City design standards and be located on both sides of arterial, collector and local residential streets. Private streets and industrial streets shall have sidewalks on at least one side. There is a sidewalk on Pfaffle Street. The applicant shall enter into a restrictive covenant for future street improvements along 82"d Avenue, whicf� includes construction of the sidewalk, thereby meeting this criterion. Sanitary Sewers: Sewers Required: Section 18.810.090.A requires that sanitary sewer be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existing mains in accordance with the provisions set forth in Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 1996 and including any future revisions or amendments) and the adopted policies of the comprehensive plan. Over-sizin�: Section 18.810.090.0 states that proposed sewer systems shall include consideration of additional development within the area as projected by the Comprehensive Plan. There is an existing 8-inch sewer line located in 82�d Avenue. The applicant's plans indicate that each of the three lots will have a separate lateral connecting to the public sewer. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-000061PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 14 OF 18 Storm Drainage: General Provisions: Section 18.810.100.A requires developers to make adequate provisions for storm water and flood water runoff. _ Accommodation of Upstream Drainage: Section 18.810.100.0 states that a culvert or other drainage facility shall be large enough to accommodate potential runoff from its entire upstream drainage area, whether inside or outside the development. The City Engineer shall approve the necessary size of the facility, based on the provisions of Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 2000 and including any future revisions or amendments). There are no upstream drainage ways that impact this development. Effect on Downstream Drainage: Section 18.810.100.D states that where it is anticipated by the City Engineer that the additional runoff resulting from the development will overload an existing draina�e facility, the Director and Engineer shall withhold approval of the development until provisions have been made for improvement of the potential condition or until provisions have been made for storage of additional runoff caused by the development in accordance with the Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 2000 and including any future revisions or amendments). In 1997, Clean Water Services (CWS) completed a basin study of Fanno Creek and adopted the Fanno Creek Watershed Mana ement Plan. Section V of that plan includes a recommendation that local governments institute a s�ormwater detention/effective impennous area reduction program resulting in no net increase in storm peak flows up to the 25-year event. The City will require that all new developments resulting in an increase of impervious surfaces provide onsite detention facilities, unless the development is located adjacent to Fanno Creek. For those developments adjacent to Fanno Creek, the storm water runoff will be permitted to discharge without detention. The applicant has requested they be allowed to pay the fee in-lieu for this development. CWS allows a fee in-lieu for minor land partitions. Bikeways and Pedestrian Pathways: Bikeway Extension: Section 18.810.110.A states that developments adjoining proposed bikeways identified on the City's adopted pedestrian/bikeway plan shall include provisions for the future extension of such bikeways through the dedication of easements or right-of-way. Pfaffle Street is designated as a bicycle facility. Cost of Construction: Section 18.810.110.B states that development permits issued for planned unit developments, conditional use permits, subdivisions, and other developments which will principally benefit from such bikeways shall be conditioned to include the cost or construction of bikeway improvements. For a small proJ'ect like a minor land partition with a relatively small frontage it does not make sense to install striping. It does make sense for the developer to pay a fee-in-lieu of striping. The amount of the striping would be as follows: . 140 feet of 8-inch white stripe, at $2.50/If $350.00 • 3 Mono-directional reflective markers @ $4.00/ea $12.00 . 1 Bike lane legends @ $175/ea $175.00 . 1 Directional mini-arrows @ $100/ea $100.00 $b'�7.� NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 15 OF 18 Utilities: Section 18.810.120 states that all utility lines, but not limited to those required for electric, communication, lighting and cable television services and related facilities shall be placed underground, except for surface mounted transformers, surface mounted connection boxes and meter cabinets which may be placed above ground, temporary utility service facilities during construction, high capacity electric lines operating at 50,000 volts or above, and: . The developer shall make all necessary arrangements with the serving utility to provide the underground services; • The City reserves the right to approve location of all surface mounted facilities; ♦ All underground utilities, including sanitary sewers and storm drains installed in streets by the developer, shall be constructed prior to the surfacing of the streets; and . Stubs for serv�ce connections shall be long enough to avoid disturbing the street improvements when service connections are made. Exception to Under-Grounding Requirement: Section 18.810.120.0 states that a developer shall pay a fee in-lieu of under-�rounding costs when the development is proposed to take place on a street where existing utilities which are not underg round will serve the development and the ap�roval authority determines that the cost and technical difficulty of under-�rounding the uti ities outweighs the benefit of under-grounding in conjunction with the deve opment. The determination shall be on a case-by-case basis. The most common, but not the only; such situation is a short frontage development for which under-grounding would result in the placement of additional poles, rather than the removal of above-ground utilities facilities. An applicant for a development which is served by utilities which are not underground and which are located across a public right-of-way from the applicant's property shall pay a fee in-lieu of under-grounding. There are existing overhead utility lines along the frontage of SW Pfaffle Street and 82"d Avenue. If the fee in-lieu is proposed, it is equal to $35.00 per lineal foot of stre�t frontage that contains the overhead lines. The fronfage along this site is 200 fineal feet along 82 Avenue; therefore the fee would be $7,000.00. ADDITIONAL CITY AND/OR AGENCY CONCERNS WITH STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENT Public Water S stem: e ua a in a ey ater District TVWD) provides service in this area. The applicant shall submit plans for review and approval to D. The applicant shall provide the City with a copy of the approvals prior to issuance of the PFI permit. Storm Water Quali : e i as agree to enforce Surface Water Management (SWM� regulations established by Clean ater Services (CWS) Design and Construction Standards adopted by Resolution and Order No. 00-7) which require the construction of on-site water quality facilities. The facilities shall be designed to remove 65 percent of the phosphorus contained in 100 percent of the storm water runoff generated from newly created impervious surFaces. In addition, a maintenance plan shall be submitted indicating the frequency and method to be used in keeping the facility maintained through the year. The CWS standards include a provision that would exclude small projects such as residential land partitions. It would be impracticaf to require an on-site water quality facility to accommodate treatment of the storm water from Parcel 1-3. Rather, the CWS standards provide that applicants should pay a fee in-lieu of constructing a facility if deemed appropriate. Staff recommends payment of the fee in-lieu on this application. Gradin and Erosion Control: esign an ons ruc ion Standards also regulate erosion control to reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants reaching the public storm and surface water system resulting from development, construction, grading, excavating, clearin�, and any other activity whicFi accelerates erosion. Per CWS regulations, the applicant is required to submit an erosion control plan for City review and approval prior to issuance of City permits. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 16 OF 18 The Federal Clean Water Act requires that a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) erosion control permit be issued for any development that will disturb one or more acre of land. Since this site is over five acres, the developer will be required to obtain an NPDES permit from the City prior to construction. This permit will be issued along with the site and/or building permit. Address Assi nments: e i y o igar is responsible for assigning addresses'for parcels within the City of Tigard and within the Urban Serv�ce Boundary (USB). An addressing fee in the amount of $50.00 per address shall be assessed. This fee shall be paid to the City prior to final plat approval. Surve Re uirements: e app ican s i�fnaTp�t shall contain State Plane Coordinates [NAD 83 (91)] on two monuments with a tie to the City's global positioning system (GPS) geodetic control network (GC 22). These monuments shall be on the same line and shall be of the same precision as required for the subdivision plat boundary. Along with the coordinates, the plat shall contain the scale factor to convert ground measurements to grid measurements and the angle from north to grid north. These coordinates can be established by: . GPS tie nefinrorked to the City's GPS survey. . By random traverse using conventional surveying methods. In addition, the applicant's as-built drawings shall be tied to the GPS nefinrork. The applicanYs engineer shall provide the City with an electronic file with points for each structure (manholes, catch basins, water valves, hydrants and other water system features in the development, and their respective X and Y State Plane Coordinates, referenced to NAD 83 (91�. Im act Studv 18.390 ec ion states, "The Director shall make a finding with respect to each of the following criteria when approving, approving with conditions or denying an application:" Section 18.390.040 states that the aQQlicant shall provide an impact study to quantify the effect of development on public facilities and services. For each public facility system and type of impact, the study shall propose improvements necessary to meet City standard, and to minimize the impact of the development on the public at large, public facilities systems, and affected private property users. In situations where the Community Development Code requires the dedication of real property interests, the applicant shall either specifically concur with a requirement for Qublic right-of-way dedication, or provide evidence that supports that the real property dedication is not roughly proportional to the projected impacts of the development. Section 18.390.040 states that when a condition of approval requires the transfer to the public of an interest in real property, the approval authority shall adopt findings which support the conclusion that the interest in real Property to be transferred is roughly proportional to the impact the proposed development will have on the public. The applicant has submitted an impact study that addresses the impact the pro�osed partition will have on public faalities. The impact study can be found in the land-use file at the City s Permit Center. The Washington County Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) is a mitigation measure that is required at the time of developmenf. Based on a transportation impact study prepared by Mr. David Larson for the A-Boy Expansion/Dolan II/Resolution 95-61, TIF's are expected to recapture 32 percent of the traffic impact of new development on the Collector and Arterial Street system. The applicant will be required to pay TIF's of approximately $2,690 per new dwelling unit. Based on the estimate that total TIF fees cover 32 percent of the impact on major street improvements citywide, a fee that would cover 100 percent of this projects traffic impact is $16,812 ($5,380 divided by .32). The difference between the TIF paid, and the full impact, is considered the unmitigated impact on the street system. The unmitigated impact of this proJ'ect on the transportation system is $11,432. The cost of the dedication is expected to be $1,122 (R-O-W Dedication). The exactions are proportionate. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00OO6/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 17 OF 18 SECTION VI. OTHER STAFF COMMENTS City of Tigard Building Department has reviewed the proposal and has no objection to it. City of Tigard Police Department has reviewed the proposal and has no objection to it. SECTION VII. AGENCY COMMENTS Tualatin Valley Water District has reviewed the proposal and has no objection to it. Final Decision: THIS DECISION IS FINAL ON OCTOBER 17, 2005 AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE ON NOVEMBER 1, 2005 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. �A �eal: The Director's Decision is final on the date that it is mailed. All persons entitled to notice or who are othenNise adversely affected or aggrieved by the decision as provided in Section 18.390.040.G.1. may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18.390.040.G.2. of the Tigard Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal together with the required fee shall be filed with the Director within ten (10) business days of the date the Notice of Decision was mailed. The appeal fee schedule and forms are available from the Planning Division of Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Half Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. Unless the applicant is the appellant, the hearing on an appeal from the Director's Decision shall be confined to tF�e specific issues identified in the written comments submitted by the parties during the comment period. Additionaf evidence concerning issues properly raised in the Notice of Appeal may be submitted by any party during the appeal hearing, sub�ect to any additional rules of procedure that may be adopted from time to time by the appellate body. THE DEADLINE FOR FILING AN APPEAL IS 5:00 PM ON OCTOBER 31, 2005. Questions: yoT��e any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Division, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon at (503) 639-4171: � , �� �� --� � October 17 2005 ew c egger ssociate la ner - � October 17 2005 . ic ar rs o Planning ager i:lcurpinunathewl mlpUnlp2005-00006(Pacific Rim)�mIp2005-00006.decision.doc NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 18 OF 18 . . GEOGRRPHICINFORMATION SVSTEM �T > sT W YICINITY M� = Q > � j o THORN Q Z = = =_ __ =_ N STEVE °° MLP200S-00006 W YAR2005-00065 > ___ ___ __ W a PAC RIM PROPERTIES w a PARTITION > 0 0 � � > � Z � r ¢ m N < _ • °D � � � � � Y �� : NA � :' :.. g FEVtP6 r. PFAFFLE ;,.r." � �` � ST A` ". ru�irr�r a � �rw o '-_"---- � . � gE(FBE� �RO �, ;5 • � Tlperd Nee Map � N . 0 100 200 300 400 Feet _ ��-— r,�,,, � � t'•312 teet r 9QJ� City of Tigard � Inform�tion on lhie map is for peneral loution ony and � shouW be verified with Me Oevelopnent Servicss Division. 13125 SW Hall Blvd � �� Tiqard,OR 97223 2 (503)839-4171 . ntlp:llwMw.ci.tipard.or.us Community Development Plot date:Aug 30,2005;C:MagicWIAGIC03.APR � I , � I I --J I I �[wnr � I --� � � a�+�,�«ro+� � Y d7'NdIM � � _ N �9'47'S0" W 42.00' — _ ro.n I 140.00' ' I I Y � � I �m�� 2'DEpCAiION � �-71' 19'� o.a•v�sr LOT 3 I I � e..799. aa-H- � o I L -- o � fO m I I �r � I � � � -- ' � ' � ,so.00� � � I I I I z I � e', w I ol� LOT 2 � � Q i � 4 8.207. +q.(i �Y � I I � Yy N F O.M I �MSiMO LOT lNE— — o N i �r--�E7751tq 4ED �p p W y� � v � 'TO BE NEU0N71 � �]Ii � L_J � J a I� I 1 p 37.98' J o I L-- Z �`i� 97.C7' IO � . 1S� I I OIY�EMAY -PAiro 15' I I ro � _� �to' t 2.5' F-- � oostaa a�m ---------. � I � I I � � I . I ����� � 27� I � � • � m � ' � ; z3, L-- - I° I----n---- � � I i � ---� s'ocac�nav r oM� r I � LOT 1 r i� � � > � . ca�caEic � � w„�x to,�a4. �q.tc. � i-- - _ � g I � � � j � L � �,�,y_ ^+ t25.o2' ��� 'S 88'48 50' E 142.02— — '° � EXISiING CUR9 k GUTiER � 7Q� . �� � _ sw r�`sfi'i'�'r�"rl•1�GG 1 (COUNTY R0�10 NO. 975) � - __�___�___�__�____—__^��__�_�_____,-.-��_-��_bEne�_�_______-� �„ro� CITY oF T�GARp � MLP2005-00006/VAR2005-00065 sn� Pwr N PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION Ma is not to scale NOTICE OF TYPE II DECI�ION � MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2005-00006 CITYOPTIdARD Community�Development PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION ShapingABetterCommunity 120 DAYS = 12/22/2005 SECTION L APPLICATION SUMMARY FILE NAME: PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION CASE NOS: Minor Land Partition (MLP) MLP2005-00006 Adjustment (VAR) VAR2005-00065 PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Minor Land "Partition approval to create a three-lot partition on a parcel of land containing approximately .63 acres. This partition will create Parcel #1 with approximately 1:0,784 square feet, Parcel #2 with 8,207 square feet, and Parcel #3 with 8,399 square feet. The applicant has also applied for an Adjustment to Section 18.705 Access Spacing Standards. APPLICANT Pac Rim Properties, LLC APPLICANT'S Hale Design Services OWNER: 5700 NW EI Ray Drive REP.: Attn: Steve Hale Camas, WA 98607 3804 Kauffman Avenue Vancouver, WA 98660 ZONING DESIGNATION: R-4.5: Low-Density Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. LOCATION: 8225 SW Pfaffle Street; WCTM 1 S136CB, Tax Lot 1900. COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: Low-Density Residential District. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.370 (Variances and Adjustments) 18.390 (Decision-Making Procedures); 18.420 (Land Partitions); 18.510 Residential Zoning Districts); 18.705 (Access Egress and Circulation); 18.715 Density Computations); 18.725, 18.745 (Landscaping and Screening); 18.765 Off-Street parking and Loading Requirements}; 18.790 (Tree Removal); 18.795 Visual Clearance Areas); and 18.810 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards). SECTION II. DECISION Notice is hereby given that the City of Tigard Community Development Director's designee has APPR�VED the above request. The findings and conclusions on which the decision is based are noted in the full decision, available at City Hall. THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID FOR 18 MONTHS FROM THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION. � All documents and applicable criteria in the above-noted file are available for inspection at no cost or copies can be obtained for twenty-five cents (25G) per page, or the current rate charged for copies at the time of the request. SECTI�N III. PROCEDURE AND APPEAL INFORMATION Notice: oT�tice mailed to: X The applicant and owners —� Owner of record within the required distance �— Affected government agencies Final Decision: THIS DECISION IS FINAL ON OCTOBER 17, 2005 AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE ON NOVEMBER 1, 2005 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. A�e�a L• The Director's Decision is final on the date that it is mailed. Alf persons entitled to notice or who are otherwise adversel�r affected or aggrieved by the decision as provided in Section 18.390.040.G.1 may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18.390.040.G.2 of the Tigard Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal together with the required fee shall be filed with the Director within ten (10) business days of the date the Notice of Decision was mailed. The appeal fee schedule and forms are available from the Planning Division of Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Fiall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. Unless the applicant,is the appellant,.the hearing on an appeal from the Director's Decision shall be confined to the specific issues identified in the written comments submitted by the parties during the comment period. Additional evidence concerning issues properly raised in the Notice of Appeal may be submitted by any party during the appeal hearing, subJect to any additional rules of procedure that may be adopted from time to time by the appellate body. THE DEADLINE FOR FILING AN APPEAL IS 5:00 PM ON OCTOBER 31, 2005. Questions oF r u�r information please contact the Planning Division Staff Planner, Mathew Scheide er at (503) 639-4171, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon . --� � � ...•.r,�.,.� ��',�'� -li I i �---.— i � � ; . �x .�,.. � I- ��-I �.� �'"� � .,.. � i � � -- .1 I � r -- i i � j � _ i ` �g + �9 �'-� �_ ��� � .t"fl.s�n.-� — �"= — — —� q 1 � I 1 r� ..: , �-- . - � i ��_ ,. i � � .I i ���_'_"±. n �r r_' � �y � � �-- - h"_n_"' _"__'� reme.e � . � I � � I �� rrwT�. r � � �" " . � I � � r I � � I _ nvnen�umt�r� 1,� _ � _ ��..�. ,y ,� a� �F �6A�D � MLP2005-00006lYAR200S-00065 �� N PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION M� b not W�cda ........�.�...�..,�......�. z � �u hQ�Y�r F < MLP2005-00006 YAR2005-00065 � ` PA� RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION � � . � � . ,�.�... A � . �,,,, �,"°A .�........., ..�:.;�-:�..,....�..� ' 4�pM'wIM � 1�4011 PW py'w+f)1 �r.aM�.� NOTICE TO MORTGAGEE, LIENHOLDER,VENDOR OR SELLER: THE TIGARD DEVELOPMENT CODE REQUIRES THAT IF YOU RECEIVE THIS NOTICE,IT SHALL BE PROMPTLY FORWARDED TO THE PURCHASER. NOTICE OF PENDING LAND USE APPLICATION CITYOFTIOARD MINOR LAND PARTITION 5��,�AB t���munity DATE OF NOTICE: August 30, 2005 FILE NUMBERS: MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2005-00006 ADJUSTMENT (VAR) 2005-00065 FILE NAME: PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITI�N PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting approval to divide one parcel of .63 acres into three lots of 10,784, 8,207 and 8,399 square feet. The existing house is proposed to remain on Parcel#1 which will take access from SW Pfaffle Street. Proposed Parcels #2 and #3 will take access from SW 82"d Avenue. A Variance has also been requested to the access spacing standards of section 18.705 from 200 feet to 110 feet. ZONE: R-4.5: Low-Density Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.370, 18.390, 18.420, 18.510, 18.705, 18.715, 18.745, 18.765, 18.790, 18.795 and 18.810. LOCATION: 8225 SW PfafFle Street; WCTM 1S136C6, Tax Lot 1900. YOUR RIGHT TO PROVIDE WRITTEN COMMENTS: Prior to the City making any decision on the Application, you are hereby provided a fourteen (14) day period to submit written comments on the application to the City. THE FOURTEEN (14) DAY PERIOD ENDS AT = All comments should be directed to Mathew ScheideQ4er, Associate Planner in the Planning Division at the City of Tigard, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. You may reach the City of Tigard by telephone at 503-639-4171 or by email to MattsCc�ci.tiQard.or.us. ALL COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF TIGARD IN WRITING PRIOR TO 5:00 PM ON THE DATE SPECIFIED ABOVE IN ORDER FOR YOUR COMMENTS TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS. THE CITY OF TIGARD APPRECIATES RECEIVING COMMENTS AND VALUES YOUR INPUT. COMMENTS WILL BE CONSIDERED AND ADDRESSED WITHIN THE NOTICE OF DECISION. A DECISION ON THIS ISSUE IS TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED FOR �'`�. ' IF YOU PROVIDE COMMENTS, YOU WILL BE SENT A COPY OF THE FULL DECISION ONCE IT HAS BEEN RENDERED. WRITTEN C�MMENTS WILL BECOME A PART OF THE PERMANENT PUBLIC RECORD AND SHALL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: . Address the specific "Appi�_�ble Review Criteria" described in �.... section above or any other criteria believed to be applicable to this proposal; . Raise any issues and/or concerns believed to be important with sufficient evidence to allow the City to provide a response; . Comments that provide the basis for an appeal to the Tigard Hearings Officer must address the relevant approval criteria with sufficient specificity on that issue. Failure of any party to address the relevant approval criteria with sufficient speci�city may preclude subsequent appeals to the Land Use Board of Appeals or Circuit Court on that issue. Specific findings directed at the relevant approval criteria are what constitute relevant evidence. AFTER THE 14 DAY COMMENT PERIOD CLOSES, THE DIRECTOR SHALL ISSUE A TYPE II ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION. THE DIRECTOR'S DECISION SHALL BE MAILED TO THE APPLICANT AND TO OWNERS OF RECORD OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN 500 FEET OF THE SUBJECT SITE, AND TO ANYONE ELSE WHO SUBMITTED WRITTEN COMMENTS OR WHO IS OTHERWISE ENTITLED TO NOTICE. THE DIRECTOR�S DECISION SHALL ADDRESS ALL OF THE RELEVANT APPROVAL CRITERIA. BASED UPON THE CRITE�tIA AND THE FACTS CONTAINED WITHIN THE RECORD, THE DIRECTOR SHALL APPROVE, APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS OR DENY THE REQUESTED PERMIT OR ACTION. SUMMARY OF THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS: . The application is accepted by the City . Notice is sent to property owners of record within 500 feet of the proposed development area allowing a 14-day written comment period. . The application is reviewed by City Staff and affected agencies. . City Staff issues a written decision. . Notice of the decision is sent to the Applicant and all owners or contract purchasers of record of the site; all owners of record of property located within 500 feet of the site, as shown on the most recent property tax assessment roll; any City-recognized neighborhood group whose boundaries include the site; and any governmental agency which is entitled to notice under an intergovernmental agreement entered into with the City which includes provision for such notice or anyone who is otherwise entitled to such notice. INFORMATION/EVIDENCE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW: The application, written comments and supporting documents relied upon by the Director to make this decision are contained within the record and are available for public review at the City of Tigard Community Development Department. Copies of these items may be obtained at a cost of $.25 per page or the current rate charged for this service. Questions regarding this application should be directed to the Planning Staff indicated on the first page of this Notice under the section titled "Your Right to Provide Written Comments." ........,.,.......,........ � 5T ma�r w� � o � _ —_______ m MLP�005-00006 YAR2005-00065 > ________ Pkf AIM PROPERTIES PARTITION m � < E A..,.�.. A �w � �m�� . �o..�_�� .._..�� ��� ,�a.,. .��....._ � i�, REQUEST FOR COMMENT� CITYOFTIOARD Community�UeveCopment ShaptngA BetterCommunity DATE: AuguSt 30,2005 T0: PER ATTACNED FROM: C�of Ti9ard Planning Division STAFF CONTACT: Mathew Scheidegger,Associate Planner[x24311 Phone: [5031639-4111/Fax: [5031684-1291 ➢ PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION � MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2005-00006/ADJUSTMENT (VAR) 2005-00065 REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval to divide one parcel of .63 acres into three lots of 10,784, 8,207 and 8,399 square feet. The existing house is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 which wil� I take access from SW Pfaffle Street. Proposed Parcels #2 and #3 will take access from SW 82" Avenue. A Variance has also been requested to the access spacing standards of section 18.705 from I 200 feet to 110 feet. LOCATION: 8225 SW Pfaffle Street; WCTM 1S136CB, Tax Lot 1900. � ! COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low-Density Residential District. ZONE: R-4.5: Low- ' Density Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single- family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Communi Development , Code Chapters 18.370, 18.390, 18.420, 18.510, 18.705, 18.715, 18.745, 18.765, 18.7�0, 18.795 and � 18.810. Attached are the Site Plan, Vicinity Map and Applicant's Information for your review. From information supplied by various departments and agencies and from other information available to our staff, a report and recommendation will be prepared and a decision will be rendered on the proposal in the near future. If you wish to comment on this application, WE NEED YOUR COMMENTS BACK BY: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005. You may use the space provided below or attach a separate letter to return your comments. If vou are unable to respond bv the above date, please phone the staff contact noted above with your comments and confirm your comments in writing as soon as possible. If you have any questions, contact the Tigard Planning Division, 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223. PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS THAT APPLY: _ We have reviewed the proposal and have no objections to it. _ Please contact of our office. _ Please refer to the enclosed letter. _ Written comments provided below: Name S Number of Person Commenting: [ITY OF TIGARD REQUEST FOR COMMENTS � ` NOTIFICAI LIST FOR LAND USE & COMMUNITY Dl .OPMENT APPLICATIONS � ' FILE NOS.: � c'� FILE NAME: - f :l CITIZEN INYOLYEMENT TEAMS 14-DAY PENDING APPLICATION NOTICE TOINTERESTED PARTIES OFAREA: ❑Central ❑East ❑South ❑West CITY OFFICES �LONG RANGE PLANNINGIBarbara Shields,Planning Mgr. COMMUNITY�VLPMNT.DEPTIPIanning-Engineering Techs. K POIICE DEPT.IJim Wolf,Crime Prevention Officer •�-BUILDING DIVISION/Gary Lampella,Building Official �ENGINEERING DEPT.lKim McMillan,Dvlpmm.Review Engineer.�PUBLIC WORKS/Matt Stine,Urban Forester CITY ADMINISTRATIOWCathy Wheatley,City Recorder PUBLIC WORKSlRob Murchison,Project Engineer �PLANNER—POST PROJECT SITE IF A PUBLIC HEARING ITENFIO BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING! SPECIAL DISTRICTS TUAL.HILLS PARK 8 REC.DIST.+R� TUALATIN VALLEY FIRE 8 RESCUE r � TUALATIN VALLEY WATER DISTRICT� CLEANWATER SERVICES+� Planning Manager Fire Marshall Administrative O�ce Lee WalkerlSWM Program 15707 SW Walker Road Washington County Fire District PO Box 745 155 N.First Avenue Beaverton,OR 97006 (place in pick-up box) Beaverton.OR 97075 Hillsboro,OR 97124 LOCAL AND STATE IURISDICTIONS CITY OF BEAVERTON� _ CITY OF TUALATIN � OR.DEPT.OF FISH&WILDLIFE OR.DIV.OF STATE LANDS _ Planning Manager Planning Manager 3406 Cherry Avenue NE Melinda Wood�w�uN Fo�n.q��roai _ Steven Sparks,Dev Svcs.Manager 18880 SW Martinazzi Avenue Salem,OR 97303 775 Summer Street NE,Suite 100 PO Box 4755 Tualatin,OR 97062 Salem,OR 97301-1279 Beaverton,OR 97076 _ OR.PUB.UTILITIES COMM. METRO-LAND USE 8 PLANNING �I► OR.DEPT.OF GEO.&MINERAL IND. 550 Capitol Street NE _ CITY OF DURHAM +It 600 NE Grand Avenue 800 NE Oregon Street,Suite 5 Salem,OR 97310-1380 City Manager PoRland.OR 97232-2736 PoRland,OR 97232 PO BOx 23483 _ Bob K�ight,Data Resource Cemer(ZCA) US ARMY CORPS.OF ENG. Durham,OR 97281-3483 _ PBUlett2 Allen,Growm r�nanaflement cooreinator OR.DEPT.OF LAND CONSERV.B DVLP Kathryn Harris�Mea:a cws��ne�o��y� _ Mel Huie,GreenspacesCOOrdinator(CPA/ZOA) L2ffY Ff6f1CF1(Comp PlanAmendmenisOnly) Routing CENWP-OP-G CITY OF KING CITY� _ Jennifer Budhabhatti,ReyionalPlanner(Wetlantls) 635 Capitol Street NE,Suite 150 PO Box 2946 City Manager _ C.D.Manager,GrovMManagementServices Salem,OR 97301-2540 Portland,OR 97208-2946 15300 SW 116th Avenue King City,OR 97224 WASHINGTON COUNTY � _ OR.DEPT.OF ENERGY�POwenmes m nrea> _OR.DEPT OF AVIATION IMonopo�e Towere� Dept.of Land Use 8 Transp. Bonneville Power Administration Tom Highland,Planning 155 N.First Avenue _CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO � Routing TTRC—Attn: Renae Ferrera 3040 25th Street,SE Suite 350,MS 13 Planning Director PO Box 3621 Salem,OR 97310 Hillsboro OR 97124 PO Box 369 Portland,OR 97208-3621 Steve Conwaycce�e�a�nv�.> Lake Oswego,OR 97034 Gregg Leion ccaA� _ OR.DEPT.OF ENVIRON.QUALITY(DEQ) ODOT,REGION 1 � Brent CuRis ccan� CITY OF PORTLAND (NOGy for WetlaMS and Potential Environmental Impacts) Gf8f1�RObIf150f1,Devempment Rehew Coartlinamr poria Mateja 2cn�Ms„ Planning Bureau Director Regional Administraror Carl Torland, Right-of-Way Section cva���o�5� Sr.Cartographer,coazc�,MS,. 1900 SW 4�"Avenue,Suite 4100 2020 SW Fourth Avenue,Suite 400 123 NW Flanders _Jim Nims�SUfVCYOf�ZCA)M5�5 Portland,OR 97201 PoRland,OR 97201-4987 PoRland,OR 97209-4037 WA.CO.CONSOL.COMM.AGNCY ODOT,REGION 1 -DISTRICT 2A� _ODOT,RAIL DIVISION STATE HISTORIC Dave Austin iwccca�°s�r�,�.T�,,, S8111 HUI181d1,Ass�stant Distna Manager (Notiry it ODOT R/R-Mwy.Crossinq is Onty Acuss to Land) PRESERVATION OFFICE PO Box 6375 6000 SW Raab Road Dave Lanning,s�crossing safety specia�ist (NOtiy if Properry Hes HD OveAay) Beaverton,OR 97007-0375 Portland,OR 97221 555-13'"Street, NE.Suite 3 1115 Commercial Street, NE Salem,OR 97301-4179 Salem,OR 97301-1012 UTILITY PROYIDERS AND SPECIAL A6ENCIES PORTLAND WESTERN R/R,BURLINGTON NORTHERNlSANTA FE R/R,OREGON ELECTRIC R/R(Bur�ington NortherNSanta Fe R/R Predecessor) Robert I.Melbo, President 8 General Manager 110 W. 10th Avenue Albany,OR 97321 SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANS.CO.R/R METRO AREA COMMUNICATIONS COMCAST CABLE CORP. TRI-MET TRANSIT DVLPMT. Clifford C.Cabe,Construction Engineer D2bf3 P21fTlef(nnnexations on�y) Randy Bice ,��o b�A����c, (II ProJecl�s NMhm%Mile of a Transil Route) 5424 SE McLoughlin Boulevard Twin Oaks Technology Center 14200 SW Brigadoon CouR Ben Baldwin,Project Planner Portland,OR 97232 1815 NW 169th Place,S-6020 Beaverton,OR 97005 710 NE Holladay Street Beaverton,OR 97006-4886 Portland,OR 97232 �' PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC /�NW NATURAL GAS COMPANY VERIZON �QWEST COMMUNICATIONS Ken Gutierrez,Svc.Design Consultant Scott Paimer,Engineering Coord. David Bryant,Engineering Florence Mott,Eng. ROW Mgr. 9480 SW Boeckman Road 220 NW Second Avenue OR 030533/PO Box 1100 8021 SW Capitol Hill Rd,Rm 110 Wilsonville,OR 97070 Portland,OR 97209-3991 Beaverton,OR 97075-1100 Portland,OR 97219 �TIGARDITUALATIN SCHOOL DIST.#23J BEAVERTON SCHOOL DIST.#48 COMCAST CABLE CORP. COMCAST CABLE COMMUNIC. Marsha Butler,Administrative Offices Jan Youngquist,Demographics Alex Silantiev,���.,b�A.e.����„ Diana Carpenter,�,,.Eo��.��NO��,n 6960 SW Sandburg Street 16550 SW Merlo Road 9605 SW Nimbus Avenue,Bldg. 12 10831 SW Cascade Avenue Tigard,OR 97223-8039 Beaverton,OR 97006-5152 Beaverton,OR 97008 Tigard,OR 97223-4203 � INDICATES ASlTQMATIC NOTIFICATION IN COMPLIANCE WITH INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT IF WITHIN 500'OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FOR ANY/ALL CITT PROJECTS(Project Planner Is Responsible For Indicating Parties To Notifr). n aa�ryvnas�ers�Req�esc For Commencs No��f�cac�or,usi doc (UPDATED �6-Aug-0S) (Also update�.I:\wrpinl5etup1labelslannexation_utilities and franchises.doc when updaung thls document) �. ,,�, REQUEST FOR COMMENTS CITYOFTIGARD Commumty�De�ceCopment S�aping A Better Community DATE: Au9ust 30,2005 T0: lim Wolf,Tigard Police Department Crime Preuention Officer FROM: City of Tigard Planning Division STAFF CONTACT: Mathew Scheidegger,Associate Planner[x24311 Phone: [5031639-4111/Fax: [5031684-1291 ➢ PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION Q MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2005-00006/ADJUSTMENT (VAR) 2005-00065 REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval to divide one parcel of .63 acres into three lots of i 10,784, 8,207 and 8,399 square feet. The existing house is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 which wil� � �� take access from SW Pfaffle Street. Proposed Parcels #2 and #3 will take access from SW 82� 'I Avenue. A Variance has also been requested to the access spacing standards of section 18.705 from 200 feet to 110 feet. LOCATION: 8225 SW Pfaffle Street; WCTM 1S136CB, Tax Lot 1900. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low-Density Residential District. ZONE: R-4.5: Low- Density Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single- family homes with or without accessory residential units at a mmimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. � I Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional ! uses are also permitted conditionall . APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.370, 18.390, 18.�20, 18.510, 18.705, 18.715, 18.745, 18.765, 18.790, 18.795 and 18.810. Attached are the Site Plan, Vicinity Map and ApplicanYs Information for your review. From information supplied by various departments and agencies and from other information available to our staff, a report and recommendation will be prepared and a decision will be rendered on the proposal in the near future. If you wish to comment on this application, WE NEED YOUR COMMENTS BACK BY: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005. You may use the space provided below or attach a separate letter to return your comments. If you are unable to resqond bv the above date, please phone the staff contact noted above with your comments and confirm your comments in writing as soon as possible. If you have any questions, contact the Tigard Planning Division, 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223. PL ASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS THAT APPLY: _ We have reviewed the proposal and have no objections to it. Please contact of our office. Please refer to the enclosed letter. _ Written comments provided below: Name 8� Number of Person Commenting: ,`_�� -1`� _a� u . � , ,,�.�: REQUEST FOR COMMENTS CITYOFTIGARD Community�VeveCapment ShapingA�etter Community DATE: August 30,2005 T0: Mark Yandomelen,Residential Plans Examiner FROM: City of Tigard Planning Division STAFF CONTACT: Mathew Scheidegger,Associate Planner[x24311 Phone: [5031639-4111/Fax: [5031684-7291 ➢ PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION Q MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2005-00OO6/ADJUSTMENT (VAR) 2005-00065 REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval to divide one parcel of .63 acres into three lots of 10,784, 8,207 and �,399 square feet. The existing house is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 which wil� take access from SW Pfaffle Street. Proposed Parcels #2 and #3 will take access from SW 82" Avenue. A Variance has also been requested to the access spacing standards of section 18.705 from ' 200 feet to 110 feet. LOCATION: 8225 SW Pfaffle Street; WCTM 1 S136CB, Tax Lot 1900. � COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low-Density Residential District. ZONE: R-4.5: Low- Density Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single- family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.370, 18.390, 18.420, 18.510, 18.705, 18.715, 18.745, 18.765, 18.790, 18.795 and 18.810. Attached are the Site Plan, Vicinity Map and ApplicanYs Information for your review. From information supplied by various departments and agencies and from other information available to our staff, a report and recommendation will be prepared and a decision will be rendered on the proposal in the near future. If you wish to comment on this application, WE NEED YOUR COMMENTS BACK BY: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005': You may use the space provided below or attach a separate letter to return your comments. If you are unable to respond bv the above date, please phone the staff contact noted above with your comments and confirm your comments in writing as soon as possible. If you have any questions, contact the Tigard Planning Division, 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223. PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS THAT APPLY: �� We have reviewed the proposal and have no objections to it. Please contact of our office. Please refer to the enclosed letter. _ Written comments provided below: Name 8�Number of Person Commenting: r� 9- � -�� MENTS � REQUEST FOR COM CITYOiTIGARD � Community 2�eveCopnacnL �� S(npingA�Betier Community � pp�: August 30,2005 T0: Tualadn Yalie Wy ater�istrict Administrative Offices � �ROM: City af Ti9ard Planning Divisi0n STAfF CONTACT: Mathew Sch�idegner Assocfate Plannor[x24311 Pbone: [5031639-41n/Fax: [5031684-729) ➢ PAC R1M PROPERTIES PARTiTION Q MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) Z005-00OO6/ADJUSTMENT (VAR) 2005-�40065 � REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval to divide one parcel of .63 acres into three lots of ' � 10,784, 8,207 and 8,399 square feet. The existing house is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 which wil� ! take access from SW Pfaffle Street. Proposed Parcels #2 and #3 will take access from SW 82" ! Avenue. A Variance has also been requested to the access spacing standards of section '18.705 from i 2d0 feet to 110 feet. LOCATION: 8225 SW Pfafffe Street; WCTM 1S136CB, Tax: Lot 19��. ' COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low-Density Residential District. ZONE: I�-4.5: Low- IDensity Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detac;hed single- family homes with or without accessory resident�al units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 :>quare feet. � Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally Some civic and institutional i uses are also perrnitted conditionall . APPLICA6LE REVfEW CRITERIA: Community C�evelopment Code Chapters 18.370, 18.390, 18.�20, 18.510, 18.705, 18.715, 18.745, 18.765, 18.79�, 18.795 and 18.810-_ _ — – — Attached are the Site Plan, Vicinity Map and Applicant's Information for your review. From information su��plied by various departments and agencies and from other in rmation available to our staff, a report and recommendation will bE: prepared ancf a decision will be rendered on the pr al in near future. lf you wish to comment on this application, V1►E_NEED YOUR COMMENTS BACK BY: SEPT BER 13 200 You may use the space provided below or attach a separate letter to return your comments. If vou are unab N d bv the above date, please phone the staff contact noted above with your comments and confirm your comments in writing as soon as possibfe. If you have any questions, contact the Tigard Planning Division, 13125 SW Hall 81vd., Tigard, OR 97223. PLE CHECK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS THAT APPLY: , We have reviewed the proposal and have no objections to it. of our��ffice. Piease contact Please refer to the enclosed letter. Written comments provided below: Name 8� Number of Person Commenting: � � D �� T00� 9HI2I��HI�H� QMA,L 9860 T65 £OB XVd 9E�TT I2I3 50/60/60 MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DATE: 9/12/05 TO: Matt Scheidegger, Associate Planner FROM: Kim McMillan, Development Review Engine ��" ' \ RE: MLP2005-00006 Pfaffle Partition Access Manaqement (Section 18.705.030.H) Section 18.705.030.H.1 states that an access report shall be submitted with all new development proposals which verifies design of driveways and streets are safe by meeting adequate stacking needs, sight distance and deceleration standards as set by ODOT, Washington County, the City and AASHTO. The applicanYs plans indicate the existing drivewa�r on Pfaffle Street to remain and two new driveways will be constructed on 82" Avenue. The driveways on 82"a Avenue are placed to the north in order to meet safety concerns. Section 18.705.030.H.2 states that driveways shall not be permitted to be placed in the influence area of collector or arterial street intersections. Influence area of intersections is that area where queues of tra�c commonly form on approach to an intersection. The minimum driveway setback from a collector or arterial street intersection shall be150 feet, measured from the right-of-way line of the intersecting street to the throat of the proposed driveway. The setback may be greater depending upon the influence area, as determined from City Engineer review of a traffic impact report submitted by the applicant's traffic engineer. In a case where a project has less than 150 feet of street frontage, the applicant must explore any option for shared access with the adjacent parcel. If shared access is not possible or practical, the driveway shall be placed as far from the intersection as possible. The existing driveway on Pfaffle Street is approximately 102 feet from the intersection of Pfaffle Street/82"d Avenue. This does not meet this standard, but relocating the driveway onto 82"d Avenue would place it closer to the intersection. Therefore, the applicant has proposed to leave the driveway for the existing home where it is rather than move it as far as possible from the intersection. The Pfaffle Street frontage is only 142 feet long and moving the driveway over another 20 feet to the west would not provide a substantial safety improvement. ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP2005-00006 Pfaffle Partition PAGE 1 The driveway for Lot 2 cannot meet the 150 foot spacing standard either. The applicanYs plans show it placed as far north as possible, thereby meeting this criterion. The driveway for Lot 3 is shown approximately 142 feet from the Pfaffle Street ROW. In order to meet this criterion the plans shall be revised to show the driveway for Lot 3 at least 150 feet from the Pfaffle Street ROW. Section 18.705.030.H.3 and 4 states that the minimum spacing of driveways and streets along a collector shall be 200 feet. The minimum spacing of driveways and streets along an arterial shall be 600 feet. The minimum spacing of local streets along a local street shall be 125 feet. Pfaffle Street is classified as a Collector, therefore the driveway for Lot 1 does not meet the 200 foot spacing standard. The distance between 82"d and 83`d Avenues is only about 290 feet and there are two existing driveways between the streets. There is no placement of either of these two driveways that could possibly meet the spacing standard. The applicant has requested an adjustment to this standard to allow the existing driveway location for Lot 1 to remain. Staff concurs that the request is the minimum adjustment required to provide adequate access. The existing driveway location can meet the visual clearance requirements that helps ensure safe access. Street And Utilitv Improvements Standards (Section 18.810): Chapter 18.810 provides construction standards for the implementation of public and private facilities and utilities such as streets, sewers, and drainage. The applicable standards are addressed below: Streets: Improvements: Section 18.810.030.A.1 states that streets within a development and streets adjacent shall be improved in accordance with the TDC standards. Section 18.810.030.A.2 states that any new street or additional street width planned as a portion of an existing street shall be dedicated and improved in accordance with the TDC. Minimum Rights-of-Way and Street Widths: Section 18.810.030.E requires a Collector street to have a 58 right-of-way width and 34-foot paved section. Other improvements required may include on-street parking, sidewalks and bikeways, underground utilities, street lighting, storm drainage, and street trees. ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP2005-00006 Pfaffle Partition PAGE 2 This site lies adjacent to SW Pfaffle Street, which is classified as a Collector on the City of Tigard Transportation Plan Map. At present, there is approximately 60 feet of ROW, according to the most recent tax assessor's map. SW Pfaffle Street is currently improved. In order to mitigate the impact from this development, the applicant should install street trees. Minimum Rights-of-Way and Street Widths: Section 18.810.030.E requires a local street to have a 54 right-of-way width and 32-foot paved section. Other improvements required may include on-street parking, sidewalks and bikeways, underground utilities, street lighting, storm drainage, and street trees. This site lies adjacent to SW 82"d Avenue, which is classified as a local street on the City of Tigard Transportation Plan Map. At present, there is approximately 25 feet of ROW from centerline, according to the most recent tax assessor's map. The applicant should dedicate the additional ROW to provide 27 feet from centerline. SW 82"d Avenue is currently partially improved. In order to mitigate the impact from this development, the applicant should enter into a restrictive covenant for future street improvements prior to final plat approval. Grades and Curves: Section 18.810.030.N states that grades shall not exceed ten percent on arterials, 12% on collector streets, or 12% on any other street (except that local or residential access streets may have segments with grades up to 15% for distances of no greater than 250 feet). Centerline radii of curves shall be as determined by the City Engineer. The existing grades on Pfaffle Street and 82"d Avenue are well under 12%, thereby meeting this criterion. Access to Arterials and Major Collectors: Section 18.810.030.Q states that where a development abuts or is traversed by an existing or proposed arterial or major collector street, the development design shall provide adequate protection for residential properties and shall separate residential access and through traffic, or if separation is not feasible, the design shall minimize the traffic conflicts. The design shall include any of the following: • A parallel access street along the arterial or major collector; • Lots of suitable depth abutting the arterial or major collector to provide adequate buffering with frontage along another street; • Screen planting at the rear or side property line to be contained in a non-access reservation along the arterial or major collector; or ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP2005-00006 Pfaffle Partition PAGE 3 • Other treatment suitable to meet the objectives of this subsection; • If a lot has access to two streets with different classifications, primary access should be from the lower classification street. The existing driveway for Lot 1 is located on a collector and could be relocated to 82"a Avenue, which is classified as a local street. The driveway location was discussed earlier and an adjustment was requested. Moving the driveway to the lower classification street would put it even closer to the intersection. Staff has concurred with the applicant's request to leave the driveway at its current location. Block Designs - Section 18.810.040.A states that the length, width and shape of blocks shall be designed with due regard to providing adequate building sites for the use contemplated, consideration of needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traffic and recognition of limitations and opportunities of topography. Block Sizes: Section 18.810.040.B.1 states that the perimeter of blocks formed by streets shall not exceed 1,800 feet measured along the right-of- way line except: • Where street location is precluded by natural topography, wetlands or other bodies of water or, pre-existing development or; • For blocks adjacent to arterial streets, limited access highways, major collectors or railroads. • For non-residential blocks in which internal public circulation provides equivalent access. PLANNING Section 18.810.040.B.2 also states that bicycle and pedestrian connections on public easements or right-of-ways shall be provided when full street connection is not possible. Spacing between connections shall be no more than 330 feet, except where precluded by environmental or topographical constraints, existing development patterns, or strict adherence to other standards in the code. PLANNING Lots -Size and Shape: Section 18.810.060(A) prohibits lot depth from being more than 2.5 times the average lot width, unless the parcel is less than 1.5 times the minimum lot size of the applicable zoning district. PLANNING Lot Frontage: Section 18.810.060(B) requires that lots have at least 25 feet of frontage on public or private streets, other than an alley. In the case of a land ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP2005-00006 Pfaffle Partition PAGE 4 partition, 18.420.050.A.4.c applies, which requires a parcel to either have a minimum 15-foot frontage or a minimum 15-foot wide recorded access easement. In cases where the lot is for an attached single-family dwelling unit, the frontage shall be at least 15 feet. PLANNING Sidewalks: Section 18.810.070.A requires that sidewalks be constructed to meet City design standards and be located on both sides of arterial, collector and local residential streets. Private streets and industrial streets shall have sidewalks on at least one side. There is a sidewalk on Pfaffle Street. The applicant shall enter into a restrictive covenant for future street improvements along 82"d Avenue, which includes construction of the sidewalk, thereby meeting this criterion. Sanitary Sewers: Sewers Required: Section 18.810.090.A requires that sanitary sewer be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existing mains in accordance with the provisions set forth in Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 1996 and including any future revisions or amendments) and the adopted policies of the comprehensive plan. Over-sizing: Section 18.810.090.0 states that proposed sewer systems shall include consideration of additional development within the area as projected by the Comprehensive Plan. There is an existing 8-inch sewer line located in 82nd Avenue. The applicant's plans indicate that each of the three lots will have a separate lateral connecting to the public sewer. Storm Drainage: General Provisions: Section 18.810.100.A requires developers to make adequate provisions for storm water and flood water runoff. Accommodation of Upstream Drainage: Section 18.810.100.0 states that a culvert or other drainage facility shall be large enough to accommodate potential runoff from its entire upstream drainage area, whether inside or outside the development. The City Engineer shall approve the necessary size of the facility, based on the provisions of Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP2005-00006 Pfaffle Partition PAGE 5 Clean Water Services in 2000 and including any future revisions or amendments). There are no upstream drainage ways that impact this development. Effect on Downstream Drainage: Section 18.810.100.D states that where it is anticipated by the City Engineer that the additional runoff resulting from the development will overload an existing drainage facility, the Director and Engineer shall withhold approval of the development until provisions have been made for improvement of the potential condition or until provisions have been made for storage of additional runoff caused by the development in accordance with the Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 2000 and including any future revisions or amendments). In 1997, Clean Water Services (CWS) completed a basin study of Fanno Creek and adopted the Fanno Creek Watershed Management Plan. Section V of that plan includes a recommendation that local governments institute a stormwater detention/effective impervious area reduction program resulting in no net increase in storm peak flows up to the 25-year event. The City will require that all new developments resulting in an inctease of impervious surfaces provide onsite detention facilities, unless the development is located adjacent to Fanno Creek. For those developments adjacent to Fanno Creek, the storm water runoff will be permitted to discharge without detention. The applicant has requested they be allowed to pay the fee-in-lieu for this development. CWS allows a fee-in-lieu for minor land partitions. Bikeways and Pedestrian Pathways: Bikeway Extension: Section 18.810.110.A states that developments adjoining proposed bikeways identified on the City's adopted pedestrian/bikeway plan shall include provisions for the future extension of such bikeways through the dedication of easements or right-of-way. Pfaffle Street is designated as a bicycle facility. Cost of Construction: Section 18.810.110.B states that development permits issued for planned unit developments, conditional use permits, subdivisions, and other developments which will principally benefit from such bikeways shall be conditioned to include the cost or construction of bikeway improvements. For a small project like a minor land partition with a relatively small frontage it does not make sense to install striping. It does make sense for the developer to pay a fee-in-lieu of striping. ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP2005-00006 Pfaffle Partition PAGE 6 The amount of the striping would be as follows: • 140 feet of 8-inch white stripe, at $2.50/lf $350.00 • 3 Mono-directional reflective markers @ $4.00/ea $12.00 • 1 Bike lane legends @ $175/ea $175.00 • 1 Directional mini-arrows @ $100/ea $100.00 $637.00 Utilities: Section 18.810.120 states that all utility lines, but not limited to those required for electric, communication, lighting and cable television services and related facilities shall be placed underground, except for surface mounted transformers, surface mounted connection boxes and meter cabinets which may be placed above ground, temporary utility service facilities during construction, high capacity electric lines operating at 50,000 volts or above, and: • The developer shall make all necessary arrangements with the serving utility to provide the underground services; • The City reserves the right to approve location of all surface mounted facilities; • All underground utilities, including sanitary sewers and storm drains installed in streets by the developer, shall be constructed prior to the surfacing of the streets; and • Stubs for service connections shall be long enough to avoid disturbing the street improvements when service connections are made. Exception to Under-Grounding Requirement: Section 18.810.120.0 states that a developer shall pay a fee in-lieu of under-grounding costs when the development is proposed to take place on a street where existing utilities which are not underground will serve the development and the approval authority determines that the cost and technical difficulty of under- grounding the utilities outweighs the benefit of under-grounding in conjunction with the development. The determination shall be on a case- by-case basis. The most common, but not the only, such situation is a short frontage development for which under-grounding would result in the placement of additional poles, rather than the removal of above-ground utilities facilities. An applicant for a development which is served by utilities which are not underground and which are located across a public right-of-way from the applicant's property shall pay a fee in-lieu of under- grounding. There are existing overhead utility lines along the frontage of SW Pfaffle Street and 82"d Avenue. If the fee in-lieu is proposed, it is equal to $ 35.00 per lineal ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP2005-00006 Pfaffle Partition PAGE 7 foot of street frontage that contains the overhead lines. The frontage along this site is 200 lineal feet along 82"d Avenue; therefore the fee would be $ 7000.00. ADDITIONAL CITY AND/OR AGENCY CONCERNS WITH STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS: Public Water Svstem: The Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) provides service in this area. The applicant shall submit plans for review and approval to TVWD. The applicant shall provide the City with a copy of the approvals prior to issuance of the PFI permit. Storm Water Qualitv: The City has agreed to enforce Surface Water Management (SWMj regulations established by Clean Water Services (CWS) Design and Construction Standards (adopted by Resolution and Order No. 00-7) which require the construction of on-site water quality facilities. The facilities shall be designed to remove 65 percent of the phosphorus contained in 100 percent of the storm water runoff generated from newly created impervious surfaces. In addition, a maintenance plan shall be submitted indicating the frequency and method to be used in keeping the facility maintained through the year. The CWS standards include a provision that would exclude small projects such as residential land partitions. It would be impractical to require an on-site water quality facility to accommodate treatment of the storm water from Parcel 1-3. Rather, the CWS standards provide that applicants should pay a fee in-lieu of constructing a facility if deemed appropriate. Staff recommends payment of the fee in-lieu on this application. Gradinq and Erosion Control: CWS Design and Construction Standards also regulate erosion control to reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants reaching the public storm and surface water system resulting from development, construction, grading, excavating, clearing, and any other activity which accelerates erosion. Per CWS regulations, the applicant is required to submit an erosion control plan for City review and approval prior to issuance of City permits. The Federal Clean Water Act requires that a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) erosion control permit be issued for any development that will disturb one or more acre of land. Since this site is over five acres, the developer will be required to obtain an NPDES permit ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP2005-00006 Pfaffle Partition PAGE 8 from the City prior to construction. This permit will be issued along with the site and/or building permit. Address Assiqnments: The City of Tigard is responsible for assigning addresses for parcels within the City of Tigard and within the Urban Service Boundary (USB). An addressing fee in the amount of $ 50.00 per address shall be assessed. This fee shall be paid to the City prior to final plat approval. Survev Requirements The applicanYs final plat shall contain State Plane Coordinates [NAD 83 (91)] on two monuments with a tie to the City's global positioning system (GPS) geodetic control network (GC 22). These monuments shall be on the same line and shall be of the same precision as required for the subdivision plat boundary. Along with the coordinates, the plat shall contain the scale factor to convert ground measurements to grid measurements and the angle from north to grid north. These coordinates can be established by: • GPS tie networked to the City's GPS survey. • By random traverse using conventional surveying methods. In addition, the applicant's as-built drawings shall be tied to the GPS network. The applicanYs engineer shall provide the City with an electronic file with points for each structure (manholes, catch basins, water valves, hydrants and other water system features) in the development, and their respective X and Y State Plane Coordinates, referenced to NAD 83 (91). Recommendations: THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT: Submit to the Engineering Department (Kim McMillan, 639-4171, ext. 2642) for review and approval: . A Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit is required for this project to cover driveway aprons and any other work in the public right-of-way. Six (6) sets of detailed public improvement plans shall be submitted for review to the Engineering Department. NOTE: these plans are in addition to any drawings required by the Building Division and should only include sheets relevant to public improvements. Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit plans shall conform to City of Tigard Public Improvement Design Standards, ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP2005-00006 Pfaffle Partition PAGE 9 which are available at City Hall and the City's web page (www.ci.tiQard.or.us). . The PFI permit plan submittal shall include the exact legal name, address and telephone number of the individual or corporate entity who will be designated as the "Permittee", and who will provide the financial assurance for the public improvements. For example, specify if the entity is a corporation, limited partnership, LLC, etc. Also specify the state within which the entity is incorporated and provide the name of the corporate contact person. Failure to provide accurate information to the Engineering Department will delay processing of project documents. . The applicant's plans shall be revised to show the proposed driveway for Lot 3 at least 150 feet north of the Pfaffle Street ROW. . Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall pay an addressing fee in the amount of$100.00. (STAFF CONTACT: Shirley Treat, Engineering). . The applicant shall submit construction plans to the Engineering Department as a part of the Public Facility Improvement permit, indicating that they will construct the following frontage improvements along SW Pfaffle Street as a part of this project: A. street trees in the planter strip spaced per TDC requirements. . The applicant shall submit construction plans to the Engineering Department as a part of the Public Facility Improvement permit, indicating that they will construct the following frontage improvements along SW 82"d Avenue as a part of this project: A. driveway apron. . The applicant shall execute a Restrictive Covenant whereby they agree to complete or participate in the future improvements of SW 82nd Avenue adjacent to the subject property, when any of the following events occur: A. when the improvements are part of a larger project to be financed or paid for by the formation of a Local Improvement District, B. when the improvements are part of a larger project to be financed or paid for in whole or in part by the City or other public agency, C. when the improvements are part of a larger project to be constructed by a third party and involves the sharing of design and/or construction expenses by the third party owner(s) of property in addition to the subject property, or D. when construction of the improvements is deemed to be appropriate by the City Engineer in conjunction with construction of improvements by others adjacent to the subject site. ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP2005-00006 Pfaffle Partition PAGE 10 . Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall pay $637 to the City for the striping of the bike lane along the frontage of Pfaffle Street. . The applicant shall provide connection of the three lots to the public sanitary sewerage system. A connection permit is required to connect to the existing public sanitary sewer system. . The applicant shall either place the existing overhead utility lines along SW 82"d Avenue underground as a part of this project, or they shall pay the fee in-lieu of undergrounding. The fee shall be calculated by the frontage of the site that is parallel to the utility lines and will be $ 35.00 per lineal foot. If the fee option is chosen, the amount will be $ 7000.00 and it shall be paid prior to final plat approval. If power will be taken from Pfaffle Street the fee will be adjusted according to the frontage along that street. . The applicant shall obtain approval from the Tualatin Valley Water District for the proposed water connection prior to issuance of the City's Public Facility Improvement permit. . An erosion control plan shall be provided as part of the Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit drawings. The plan shall conform to the "Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Design and Planning Manual, February 2003 edition." . The applicanYs final plat shall contain State Plane Coordinates on two monuments with a tie to the City's global positioning system (GPS) geodetic control network (GC 22). These monuments shall be on the same line and shall be of the same precision as required for the subdivision plat boundary. Along with the coordinates, the plat shall contain the scale factor to convert ground measurements to grid measurements and the angle from north to grid north. These coordinates can be established by: • GPS tie nefinrorked to the City's GPS survey. • By random traverse using conventional surveying methods. . Final Plat Application Submission Requirements: A. Submit for City review four (4) paper copies of the final plat prepared by a land surveyor licensed to practice in Oregon, and necessary data or narrative. B. Attach a check in the amount of the current final plat review fee (Contact Planning/Engineering Permit Technicians, at (503) 639-4171, ext. 2421). ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP2005-00006 Pfaffle Partition PAGE 11 C. The final plat and data or narrative shall be drawn to the minimum standards set forth by the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 92.05), Washington County, and by the City of Tigard. D. The right-of-way dedication for 82"d Avenue shall be made on the final plat to provide 27 feet from centerline. E. NOTE: Washington County will not begin their review of the final plat until they receive notice from the Engineering Department indicating that the City has reviewed the final plat and submitted comments to the applicant's surveyor. F. After the City and County have reviewed the final plat, submit two mylar copies of the final plat for City Engineer signature (for partitions), or City Engineer and Community Development Director signatures (for subdivisions). THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: Submit to the Engineering Department (Kim McMillan, 639-4171, ext. 2642) for review and approval: . Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide the Engineering Department with a "photomylar" copy of the recorded final plat. . Prior to issuance of building permits within the subdivision, the City Engineer shall deem the public improvements substantially complete. Substantial completion shall be when: 1) all utilities are installed and inspected for compliance, including franchise utilities, 2) all local residential streets have at least one lift of asphalt, 3) any off-site street and/or utility improvements are substantially completed, and 4) all street lights are installed and ready to be energized. (NOTE: the City apart from this condition, and in accordance with the City's model home policy may issue model home permits). . During issuance of the building permits for Lots 2 & 3, the applicant shall pay the fee in-lieu of constructing an on-site water quality and water quantity facility. The fee is based on the total area of new impervious surfaces in the proposed development. ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP2005-00006 Pfaffle Partition PAGE 12 REQUEST FOR COMMENTS CITYOFTIGARD �'ommunity rUe�c�eloprr:ent S(apingA Better Community DATE: August 30,2005 T0: Matt Stine,Urban Forester/Public Works Annex RECEIVED PLANNING FROM: Ciry of Tigard Planning Diuision SEP 2 3 2005 STAFF CONTACT: Mathew Scheidegger,Associate Planner[x24311 CITY QF T�GqRD Phone: [5031639-4111/Fax: [503]684-1291 ➢ PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION Q MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2005-00006/ADJUSTMENT (VAR) 2005-00065 ', REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval to divide one parcel of .63 acres into three lots of � 10,784, 8,207 and 8,399 square feet. The existmg house is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 which wil� j take access from SW PfafFle Street. Proposed Parcels #2 and #3 will take access from SW 82� I Avenue. A Variance has also been requested to the access spacing standards of section 18.705 from ; , 200 feet to 110 feet. LOCATION: 8225 SW Pfaffle Street; WCTM 1S136CB, Tax Lot 1900. 'I COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low-Density Residential District. ZONE: R-4.5: Low- I Density Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single- '� family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. ' ! Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally Some civic and institutional � uses are also permitted condifionall . APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development �, I Code Chapters 18.370, 18.390, 18.�20, 18.510, 18.705, 18.715, 18.745, 18.765, 18.790, 18.795 and I , 18.810. ____� Attached are the Site Plan, Vicinity Map and Applicant's Information for your review. From information supplied by various departments and agencies and from other information available to our staff, a report and recommendation will be prepared and a decision will be rendered on the proposal in the near future. If you wish to comment on this application, WE NEED YOUR COMMENTS BACK BY: SEPTEMBER 13. 2005. You may use the space provided below or attach a separate letter to return your comments. If vou are unable to respond bv the above date, please phone the staff contact noted above with your comments and confirm your comments in writing as soon as possible. If you have any questions, contact the Tigard Planning Division, 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223. PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS THAT APPLY: � We have reviewed the proposal and have no objections to it. Please contact of our office. Please refer to the enclosed letter. _ Written comments provided below: Name 8� Number of Person Commenting: C� � � � ��- J AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE OF A LAN� USE PROPOSAL IMPORTANT NOTICE: THIS AFFIDAVIT MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A COPY OF THE NOTICE THAT WAS POSTED ON THE SITE. In the Matter of the Proposed Land Use Applications for: Land Use File Nos.: MLP2005-00006NAR2005-00065 Land Use File Name: PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION I, Mathew Scheideqqer, Associate Planner for the City of Tigard, do affirm that I posted notice of the land use proposal affecting the land located at (state the approximate location(s) IF no address(s) and/or tax lot(s) currently registered) and did personally post notice of the proposed land use application(s) by means of weatherproof posting in the general vicinity of the affected territory, a copy of said notice being hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, on the day of , 2005. Signature of Person Who Performed Posting h:\IoginlpattyUnasters\aflidavit of posting for staff to post a sde.doc MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2005-00006/ADJUSTMENT (VAR) 2045-44065 REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval to divide one parcel of .63 acres into three lots of 10,784, 8,207 and 8,399 square feet. The existing house is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 which will take access from SW Pfaffle Street. Proposed Parcels #2 and #3 will take access from SW 82nd Avenue. A Varian�^ has also been requested to the access spacing standards of section 18.705 from 200 feet to 110 feet. LOCATION: 8225 SW Pfaffle Street; WCTM 1 S136CB, Tax Lot 1900. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low-Density Residential District. ZONE: R-4.5: Low-Density Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.370, 18.390, 18.42. , 18.510, 18.705, 18.715, 18.745, 18.765, 18.790, 18.795 and 18.810. Further information may be obtained from the Planning Division (staff contact: Mathew Scheidegqer) at 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, Oregon 97223, by calling 503-639-4171 , or by email to Matts __ci.tigard.or.us. A copy of the application and all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and the applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost and copies for all items can also be provided at a reasonable cost. � � - � � � � � � - . - GEOGRRPHIC iNFORM/TI(lN SYSTEM -� AREA NOTIFIm I (500,) � 0 0 0 -- W - ST _ o � cr — o � W o° 2 Q � o �� o � -- Dr �- THORN a -- o �-, ___________ o �; a - z FOR: Stephen Hale r p susuw« - - oo�- o c - __STEVE � —�-� �T� I � � - - RE_I S 136CB, 1900 __ � � � W , ----------- _ -- itil{H�IM�� ��p�� ` I F / 1i17�Cp71N __' ���� I _. _�� Q I _— , Eqih�11/�I >} � _ 1f17�qq�M ��H� I R11�CUiN� 1fIi�C��iN� w . mue..m� i -- Q� Property owner information - ���+« 1°'"� °1'O""'�w A1"""" is valid for 3 months from �mwea:sN _ �e� — - �p+M ���� �„��„� i — �K� the date printed on this map. anu� --- umamw �wm - -- I m�uu:u� �wn�� Q m�01� _ mae�rrM� � �ec�a�t m��caax � n�cnw - Q maeanw au�e�mu z �n�eu:a� WQ Hnt�u uiaeuam�M -—-- - N — m��eum� � �eum -- a�e�ua ou�anae� 00. ea�w ----- _ -- I � ^-� _ uioeceniaao muamw � < S, maenrw 0 �nntaim muanu� pp - - - �biacno mua�mo'. � r aea -- � uex� f a�euun N���O ��� 131iiq� Hp 1 ��C1�/1� i1Ctl _ fN��f��� 1 11C1� N�N � I lf �q — ��_' ..__.__i `. �%l�tplNl CIR PFAFFLE - _ - -- -- _ - - - ----- ----- -- - -- ST mHCeewn �„��u��.� - ------ mas�euu mun�aa ,�.��.:�� -- G�F�I N an�euwn _ --- QP mae�mw 0 100 200 300 100 500 Feet -- 1tIiNC1�IM �_. _ __ _ 1'=338 feet 1S17fCNilM _ D r r City of Tigard 9.A� Infortnation on thia map is fa general location only aM p� �1� should be ve�fied r,ith Ihe Development Services Division. 73125 SW Hall Bivd � Tparcl,OR 97223 .�- ---\ 9 - ---- (503)639-4171 \1 http:/M�nw.ci.ligard.or.us Community Development Plot date:Aug 11,2005;C:ImagiclMAGIC03.APR 1S136CB-07400 1S136C6-O600D ACOTT TROY S& COLUCCI STEVE& MARY F MITCHELL DANIELLE 8434 SW CHARLOTTE DR 11200 SW 83RD AVE BEAVERTON, OR 97007 PORTLAND,OR 97223 1 S 136CC-00301 1 S136CB-02400 ANDREWS MANAGEMENT LIMITED COOLMAN HERBERT R 8 ENOLA MAE T 11336 SW BULL MOUNTAIN RD 11160 SW 82ND AVE #104 TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD, OR 97224 1 S136CC-02200 1 S136CD-00600 ANDREWS MANAGEMENT LTD CPD LLC 11336 SW BULL MOUNTAIN RD 10720 SW MOPA AVE #104 PORTLAND,OR 97219 TIGARD,OR 97224 1 136CC-00200 1 S136CB-01500 AN EWS ANAGEMENT LTD CURTIS GENE E&NANCY J 11336 BULL MOUNTAIN RD 11125 SW 82ND #1 TIGARD,OR 97223 GARD,OR 7224 1 S136CB-03000 1 S136CB-01800 BADON JACQUELINE& DAVIS DWIGHT J DONIS L GUERIN PATRICE& 11215 SW 82ND AVE c/o MICHAELSON DAVID T LIFE EST TIGARD,OR 97223 11295 SW 83RD AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C 8-06300 1 S 136C B•06100 BLANCHARD REID&MELISSA DUNN CHARLES A&TAMARA 5 11290 SW 83RD AVE 11230 SW 83RD TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 15136CB-07100 1 S136C8-10800 BRAY MELODEE C 8 BRADLEY G ESLINGER CASEY S 11181 SW 81 ST AVE 11259 SW 84TH AVE PORTLAND, OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136C8-09400 1 S136CB-10700 CHONGWAY FRANK U 8 CHRISTINE S ESLINGER MALCOLM&SHARON LLC 11242 SW 81ST PMB 160 11575 SW PACIFIC HWY TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C D-00500 1 S 136C B-06700 CHRISTENSEN JILL K FILIBERTO DAVILA& 293 SW CERVANTES PINEDA CLARA L 8 LAKE OSWEGO,OR 97035 DAVILA ARMANDO 11287 SW 81ST AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S'I 36CG00100 1 S136CB-06900 CITY BIBLE CHURCH FISHEL KAREN M 8�GREGG C 9200 NE FREMONT ST 11235 SW 81ST AVE PORTLAND,OR 97220 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136 C B-09900 1 S 136C B-0 t 400 GHAHERI BOBAK AMIR& HARLESS RONALD LYLE BUXTON KRISTI LEIGH 11095 SW 82ND 11262 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD, OR 97223 1 S 136C B-10000 1 S 136C 8-09200 GRAF JASON ALAN& HARTE DORIS JUNE GRAF ALEXIS MORASCH 11190 SW 81ST 11258 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136CB-00700 1 S136C8-01700 GRAHAM DON G AND HARTUNG JANICE L BROSSIA PAUL F 11185 SW 82ND 11260 SW HALL BLVD TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 �s�ssca-os2oo isisscs-ozsoo GRIFFITHS ROBERT C 8 CHRISTA M HEALD JOHN 11235 SW 83RD AVE 2935 NW 154TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 BEAVERTON,OR 97006 1 S136C B-10900 1 St 36CB-02500 GROSHART JAY ROBERT 8 BETTY R HEATH ROGER C 8�DIANNE S 8465 SW PFAFFLE 9373 SW PAST PL TIGARD, OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CB-02200 1 S136C6-06200 HADDIX BRYAN S HEIN JAMES L JANICE L 11220 5W 82ND AVE 11260 SW 83RD AVE TIGARD, OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136C6-03700 1 S136CC-00300 HALL HONEY HERBERHOLZ PAUL A&ANNA 11085 5W 83RD 8400 SW PFAFFLE ST TIGARD, OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 15136CB-09100 1 S136CB-10300 HAMILTON BETTY I HODSON SHAWN D& 11162 SW 81ST AVE STEWART ANGELA L TIGARD, OR 97223 11222 5W 84TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CB-05600 1 S136CB-01600 HANFORD JERRY S&DEBORAH L HUNTER ALISHA M&ERIC V 14925 SW HAWK RIDGE RD 11155 SW 82ND AVE TIGAR�,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C 8-03400 1 S 136C B-06400 HANSEN LAURIE K& HUYNH HIEU NGOC MOONEY GARY M 11320 5W 83RD AVE 11175 SW 83RD AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD, OR 97223 1 S 136C8-04400 • 1 S136CB-02300 JAPANESE INTERNATIONAL BAPTIST C MCALISTER TERRY J&REBECCA 5 8500 SW SPRUCE ST 11190 SW 82ND AVE TIGARD, OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136C8-03300 1 S136CC-00400 KELLEY JIM D&STACY L MCGUIRE ROBERT J& 11205 SW 83RD AVE MCGUIRE THOMAS P& TIGARD,OR 97223 MCGUIRE WILLIAM A 8470 5W PFAFFLE ST TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CB-09500 1 S136CD-0100D LEWIS SUSAN M MONAGHAN FARMS INC 11268 SW 81ST AVE 14120 EAST EVANS AVE TIGARD, OR 97223 AURORA,CO 80014 i si sscs-�ozoo i sissca-os�oo LOGUE ANTHONY F II MOORE TRACEY D AND CARLA 11234 SW 84TH AVE 11110 SW 83RD TIGARD, OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C B-09000 1 S 136C B-07200 LOREN2 ROBERT M AND MULDOON MATTHEW J/LESLIE L DORINE M 11155 SW 81ST AVE 11136 SW 81ST TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C B-06600 1 S 136C B-05900 LOWY GAIL E NGUYEN LUONG D 8 11315 SW 81ST AVE PHAM IOAN T TIGARD,OR 97223 352 SE 69TH AVE HILLSBORO,OR 97123 1 S136CB-09700 1 S136CB-02800 LYMAN KYLE PETERSEN MARGARET ESTATE 11326 SW 84TH AVE 8035 SW PFAFFLE ST TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 15136C8-06800 1 S136C6-01900 MACINTYRE JACOB D PFAFFLE HELEN N TR 11263 SW 81 ST AVE 8225 SW PFAFFLE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CB-01300 1 S136CB-10100 MAGENHEIMER JOEL R 8�SUE A REGALADO MARK/ERICA A 11065 SW 82ND AVE 11246 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD, OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 7 36C B-07500 1 S 136C B-10600 MARKANOVICH NEDJO 8 LILA L REINHART JOHN&ANGELA 11077 SW 81ST AVE 11172 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CB-09800 1 S136CB-09300 RENOUD LM REV TRUST SPIERING COLLEEN A LINDA M RENOUD TR 17815 NE COURTNEY RD 980a SW 158TH AVE NEWBERG,OR 97132 BEAVERTON, OR 97007 1 S136CB-03100 1 S136CB-O5800 RINGO SCOTT STILLWELL JEAN 11265 SW 83RD AVE 11140 SW 83RD AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136C6-02100 1 136CB-110 RORMAN JAMES M&SUSAN M TI D Y OF 11250 SW 82ND AVE 131 HALL BLVD TIGARD, OR 97223 T ARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C B-02000 136CD-005 RUIZ-PRADO CUAUHTEMOC TI RD Y OF 8175 SW PFAFFLE ST 131 HALL BLVD TIGARD, OR 97223 ARD, 97223 1 S 136C6-07300 1 S136C8-10400 SCOTT BRUCE DOUGLASS UDY WILLIAM D 11129 SW 81ST AVE 11210 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD, OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 15136CB-07000 1 S136C8-02700 SEARFUS DEBORAH L VAUGHN MARVIN WESLEY 8 BETTY LO 11207 SW 81 ST AVE 11070 SW 82ND TIGARD, OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CB-10500 1 S136C6-06500 SHEPPARD BENJAMIN C& WICK MURRAY A BATHRICK BRANDI K 4460 ALHAMBRA ST 11194 SW 84TH AVE SAN DIEGO,CA 92107 TIGARD, OR 97223 15136C8-03500 1 S136C6-09600 SILVERADO GROUP WOO SANG KIL AND OK SON 14635 SW CABERNET CT 11300 SW 81ST AVENUE PORTLAND,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CB-03600 SKOFF MATTHEW J 11115 SW 83RD TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C B-02600 SNYDER JOHN L WAN�A L 11100 SW 82ND TIGARD, OR 97223 Nathan and Ann Murdock Gretchen Buehner PO Box 231265 13249 SW 136t" Place Tigard, OR 97281 Tigard, OR 97224 Sue Rorman Mildren Design Group 11250 SW 82�d Avenue Attn: Gene Mildren Tigard, OR 97223 7650 SW Beveland Street, Suite 120 Tigard, OR 97223 Naomi Gallucci 11285 SW 78th Avenue Tigard, OR 97223 Michael Trigoboff 7072 SW Barbara Lane Tigard, OR 97223 Brad Spring 7555 SW Spruce Street Tigard, OR 97223 Alexander Craghead 12205 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard, OR 97223-6210 David Chapman 9840 SW Landau Place Tigard, OR 97223 John Frewing 7110 SW Lola Lane Tigard, OR 97223 CPO 46 16200 SW Pacific Highway, Suite H242 Tigard, OR 97224 CPO 4M Pat Whiting 8122 SW Spruce Tigard, OR 97223 CITY OF TIGARD - EAST INTERESTED PARTIES �i:\curpin\setupllabelslClT East.doc) UPDATED: 2-Jun-05 Rug 09 2005 15: 04 HP LRSERJET FRX p. l �6I21t2005 99;39 50362436 TIGARD BUILQING 'T PAGE 91r91 �CITI( OF T�GA�D . � � P�Na1HG�IVfS�ON P��� aEPARfMEI� � �3 I15 SW HALI. BOULEYARD cn"f of TIPARA iIG�11tU, OREGON q1223 ' �PR�� �tl0�- Sm-�»�T� FIUC 503-i64-�Z47 AtUI: Patt�rlPlanaing� ���� p V Q � O � U ` � � 9 D A 0 � ' t1 Property ow�er irrformafion is valid fior 3 months from the date of your request INDICATE ALL PR�JECT �IAp &TAX LOT,N.�t _I�BERS �i.e, �S134AB,Tax l.ot 04100) OR THE AD�RESSES �OR Al.L PROJECT PJ�RCELS BELt�W: _ � a►.I� l S 1 � (o C B 'T'�x �.� o � �a c� - - - - p�pgE BE AV�/�RE �N�4T �1r1LY 1 ��T �F LABELS W[LL BE PROVIDED AT. �'HIS T1M� FOR HOLDiITG YdU1t EIG B RHQaD ME �NG. Af�er su6mi#�n� ya�r land u appi' tton to the Crty, and the pro ect planner has �eviewed yo�r a pl�cati��t ror cornpleten�ss, yau w�f�e n�t�ed by r�eans of an inGOmp�eteness fe�er.tv obtam your 2 fin�l sets of lab�ls. T�r� 2 fin�l,sets af lahels need ta be placed on envalapes wit� firsf cl� letter-rate pas#�ge on the envelopes r{ot�e �rm of�post� e star�ps (tta metered env opes and nQ �urn add ess) and r�submitted a�y {� th -pu�e a �rovidin not�ce to ro �ty a�ner�of the prop�s� land use �pplic �on ar�d the de�Is�On. ��1e 2 se of envel� �s mus pe�C� �t se rate. The r�on lis�ed belaw wili e caf�ed to p�ck up and pay for t�iabe�s wh�n th�y a�ady. P � �� NAME OF C4NTACT PER50N:��� PHONE: ��D r �'�f ���vd� FAX: _���D � -�, This reques may be mailed, faxed or hand �elivera o t e City a iga . Please allow a 2-day minlmum for processing reques�. Upon comple#ion ot �raur re�uest, the contact per�4n will be call� to p�ck up their request that wtll �a pl�Ged in 'Wiff Calf by their fast name, at the Community Develapment Rec�ption Desk. . The cost of processing your requesi must �e pald at the time of pidc up, as exact cosk cac� .nat be pre-determined. . • � PL�AS� NOT�: FQR i�ASQNS OF AGCURACY ONLY ORIG(NA� MAILIN� L�,B�I,S I'ROWIDED � BY THE�ITY V5. RE-TYPED MA'fL,11VG I.ABELS W1LL BE�CCEPT�D. cost Descrfntton: . �11 b generate the malMng�st,plus;2 per sheet f�r printing the list qnto tabela(2p�ddresses per s�eet). Ther�multi the wst�a rn o�e set a�fabels the nurnh�er of seis uestad. ��P� � C0�'T��R THl5 REQU65T 3shets of I�hela x�Zhhael��QQ.x��ths� }16.Ob shQet(s)ar lebeb x�2Fahee�������ed�- !4',_,,�, g�hee�s o�iaee�x�sh�e�tor tr�terested�ttes x Z se�s= � �.oQ Z sheet�a}aI fa6ets x 3?Ishee�ia �e�ed p�w���s.�_ �� GF.l�RA'C�UST R TdTAL= 53� � c��A'�E�,CT�� , i '�; ,,�� V Rug 09 z005 15: 04 HP LRSERJET FAX p. z � . . From the desk of Stephen C. Hale, PE/PL _ � _ � _ _ 3804 Kauffman AWe. 01fiCe: (360)291-2663 V�couver,WA 9886a Fax: ($60)397-0969 1 - - . � EmaU: _ � - � - . �� To: PattylPiarviirig R�orn: Stephen C. Hale F�u�: 5U3$&{-�297 Pag�s: 2(induding c�over sheel) �hvn�; 503-639-4171 Dat�: Tuesctay,August 09,2005 R•� Requesf for 2 f�na!sets of maifing�ab,els cc: B1 Ur�r�t ❑ for ftevlew ❑Plsws�Com�nin! �Pl�sse R�rly C7 Pl�as� Recycle • Gommw�rlss Patty This proje�ct is named Pfaffle Minor Partition Projecc;t#IVEL.P2005-0OQ06, Man 1S136CB. Ta�c Lat� 41�. Was NOT required to have a neighborhood meeting so no initial set of labels has been requested. 1 have received substantial completion from Matt Scheidegger, and am t�questing my frnal 2 sets of labels fo�the purpose of providin� notice to property owners of the proposed land use appGcation and decision - see attached reouest fi� 500-toot prot�ertv owner rttaili�. Please contad me(� 360-921 26�3 when labels are ready for pic�c up. Thanks Stsve Hale 1S136C6-01900 PFAFFLE HELEN N TR 8225 SW PFAFFLE TIGARD,OR 97223 � � . FIDAVIT OF MAILING CITYOFTIGARO Cornnru nity,Dei�el�pn:e�it SFiapingA BetterCommunity I, �Pat�icia G. Lu�� being first duly sworn/affirm, on oath depose and say that I am a SeniosA�ministrative SpeciaCut for the City of7"igas , �Gl/as&ington County, Oregon and that I served the following: {Check Appropnate Box(s)Below} � NOTICE OF PENDIN6 LAND USE APPLICATION fOR: MLP2005-00006/VAR2005-00065 — PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION ❑ AMENDED NOTICE (File No./Name Reference) � City of Tigard Planning Director A copy of the said notice being hereto attached, marked E1lhlblt"A",and by reference made a part hereof, was mailed to each named person(s) at the address(s) shown on the attached list(s), marked Ef(hlblt"B",and by reference made a part hereof, on Au9ust 30,2005,and deposited in the United States Mail on Au9ust 30,2005, postage prepaid. / ��G �L• .; �' (Person that Prep �_ ice) 57,,�?E OF 04�>CON C�ty_of�T�egtori )ss o�? � Subscribed and sworn/affirmed before me on the� day of , 2005. � OFFICIAL SEH!. - �-a;, SUF ROSS �"•-, t µ�;; p^TARY PUBLIC�RF n�E �-"��� MMI5510N N0.3751b2 , f;;`'"C��;1MI�S'CN EXPIRES DEC.1,2007,•' �eo � sion acpires: 10� �1--0 7 � � EXH161T.,�., NOTICE TO MORTGAGEE, LIENHOLDER,VENDOR OR SELLER: THE TIGARD DEVELOPMENT CODE REQUIRES THAT IF YOU RECEIVE THIS NOTICE,IT SHALL BE PROMPTLY FORWARDED TO THE PURCHASER. HOTICE OF PENDING LAND USE APPLICATION CITYOFTIC�ARD MINOR LAND PARTITION Shap ng���tt r`��ommunity DATE OF NOTICE: August 30, 2005 FILE NUMBERS: MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2005-00006 ADJUSTMENT (VAR) 2005-00065 FILE NAME: PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting approval to divide one parcel of .63 acres into three lots of 10,784, 8,207 and 8,399 square feet. The existing house is proposed to remain on Parcel#1 which will take access from SW Pfaffle Street. Proposed Parcels #2 and #3 will take access from SW 82"d Avenue. A Variance has also been requested to the access spacing standards of section 18.705 from 200 feet to 110 feet. ZONE: R-4.5: Low-Density Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. APPLICABLE � REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.370, 18.390, 18.420, 18.510, 18.705, 18.715, 18.745, 18.765, 18.790, 18.795 and 18.810. LOCATION: 8225 SW Pfaffle Street; WCTM 1 S136C6, Tax Lot 1900. YOUR RIGHT TO PROVIDE WRITTEN COMMENTS: Prior to the City making any decision on the Application, you are hereby provided a fourteen (14) day period to submit written comments on the application to the City. THE FOURTEEN (14) DAY PERIOD ENDS AT 5:00 PM ON SEPTEMBER 13. 2005. All comments should be directed to Mathew Scheideqqer, Associate Planner in the Planning Division at the City of Tigard, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. You may reach the City of Tigard by telephone at 503-639-4171 or by email to Matts(c�ci.tiqard.or.us. ALL COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF TIGARD IN WRITING PRIOR TO 5:00 PM ON THE DATE SPECIFIED ABOVE IN ORDER FOR YOUR COMMENTS TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS. THE CITY OF TIGARD APPRECIATES RECEIVING COMMENTS AND VALUES YOUR INPUT. COMMENTS WILL BE CONSIDERED AND ADDRESSED WITHIN THE NOTICE OF DECISION. A DECISION ON THIS ISSUE IS TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 5, 2005. IF YOU PROVIDE COMMENTS, YOU WILL BE SENT A COPY OF THE FULL DECISION ONCE IT HAS BEEN RENDERED. WRITTEN COMMENTS WILL BECOME A PART OF THE PERMANENT PUBLIC RECORD AND SHALL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: . Address the specific "Applic._ ,�e Review Criteria" described in the section above or any other criteria believed to be applicable to this proposal; . Raise any issues and/or concerns believed to be important with sufficient evidence to allow the City to provide a response; . Comments that provide the basis for an appeal to the Tigard Hearings Officer must address the relevant approval criteria with sufficient specificity on that issue. Failure of any party to address the relevant approval criteria with sufficient specificity may preclude subsequent appeals to the Land Use Board of Appeals or Circuit Court on that issue. Specific findings directed at the relevant approval criteria are what constitute relevant evidence. AFTER THE 14 DAY COMMENT PERIOD CLOSES, THE DIRECTOR SHALL ISSUE A TYPE II ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION. THE DIRECTOR�S DECISION SHALL BE MAILED TO THE APPLICANT AND TO OWNERS OF RECORD OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN 500 FEET OF THE SUBJECT SITE, AND TO ANYONE ELSE WHO SUBMITTED WRITTEN COMMENTS OR WHO IS OTHERWISE ENTITLED TO NOTICE. THE DIRECTOR�S DECISION SHALL ADDRESS ALL OF THE RELEVANT APPROVAL CRITERIA. BASED UPON THE CRITERIA AND THE FACTS CONTAINED WITHIN THE RECORD, THE DIRECTOR SHALL APPROVE, APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS OR DENY THE REQUESTED PERMIT OR ACTION. SUMMARY OF THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS: . The application is accepted by the City . Notice is sent to property owners of record within 500 feet of the proposed development area allowing a 14-day written comment period. . The application is reviewed by City Staff and affected agencies. . City Staff issues a written decision. . Notice of the decision is sent to the Applicant and all owners or contract purchasers of record of the site; all owners of record of property located within 500 feet of the site, as shown on the most recent property tax assessment roll; any City-recognized neighborhood group whose boundaries include the site; and any governmental agency which is entitled to notice under an intergovernmental agreement entered into with the City which includes provision for such notice or anyone who is otherwise entitled to such notice. INFORMATION/EVIDENCE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW: The application, written comments and supporting documents relied upon by the Director to make this decision are contained within the record and are available for public review at the City of Tigard Community Development Department. Copies of these items may be obtained at a cost of $.25 per page or the current rate charged for this service. Questions regarding this application should be directed to the Planning Staff indicated on the first page of this Notice under the section titled "Your Right to Provide Written Comments." _ .................,....,... � v�a�nr rw i � � o � _ -_______ m MLP2005-00006 VAR2005-00065 ` PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION O � � � � n FLE � ,.` +�...r � � c.y� ...�..d.��.�`�........ . .�.. wr. - �� r� u"=�,.�,..�..-. ,5,36�g_o�4o0 � ,5,36�8_o6oao EXHIBIT� ACOTT TROY S& COLUCCI STEVE& MARY F MITCHELL DANIELLE 8434 SW CHARLOTTE DR 11200 SW 83RD AVE BEAVERTON,OR 97007 PORTLAND,OR 97223 1 S 136 CC-00301 1 S 136C B-02400 ANDREWS MANAGEMENT LIMITED COOLMAN HERBERT R&ENOLA MAE T 11336 5W BULL MOUNTAIN RD 11160 SW 82N�AVE #104 �TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97224 1 S136CC-02200 1 S136CD-00600 ANDREWS MANAGEMENT LTD CPD LLC 11336 SW BULL MOUNTAIN RD 10720 SW MOPA AVE #104 PORTLAND,OR 97219 TIGARD, OR 97224 1 136CC-00200 15136CB-01500 AN EWS ANAGEMENT LTD CURTIS GENE E&NANCY J 11336 BULL MOUNTAIN RD 11125 SW 82ND #1 TIGARD,OR 97223 GARD,OR 7224 1 S 136C6-03000 1 S 136C6-01800 BADON JACQUELINE& DAVIS DWIGHT J DONIS L GUERIN PATRICE& 11215 SW 82ND AVE c/o MICHAELSON DAVID T LIFE EST TIGARD,OR 97223 11295 SW 83RD AVE . TIGARD, OR 97223 1 S136CB-06300 1 S136CB-0610D BLANCHARD REID&MELISSA DUNN CHARLES A 8 TAMARA S 11290 SW 83RD AVE 11230 SW 83RD TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 15136CB-07100 1 S136C6-10800 BRAY MELODEE C&BRADLEY G ESLINGER CASEY S 11181 SW 81ST AVE 11259 SW 84TH AVE PORTLAND,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CB-09400 1 S136C6-10700 CHONGWAY FRANK U&CHRISTINE S ESLINGER MALCOLM 8�SHARON LLC 11242 SW 81ST PMB 160 11575 SW PACIFIC HWY TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CD-00500 1 S136C8-06700 CHRISTENSEN JILL K FILIBERTO DAVILA& 293 SW CERVANTES PINEDA CLARA L& LAKE OSWEGO,OR 97035 DAVILA ARMANDO 11287 SW 81ST AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CC-00100 1 S136CB-06900 CITY BIBLE CHURCH FISHEL KAREN M 8 GREGG C 9200 NE FREMONT ST 11235 SW 81ST AVE PORTLAND, OR 97220 TIGARD,OR 97223 � 1S136CB-09900 �s�sscs-aiaoo GHAHERI BOBAK AMIR 8 HARLESS RONALD LYLE BUXTON KRISTI LEIGH 11095 SW 82ND , 11262 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD, OR 97223 1 S136CB-10000 1 S136C8-09200 GRAF JASON ALAN& HARTE DORIS JUNE GRAF ALEXIS MORASCH 11190 SW 81ST 11258 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD, OR 97223 1S136CB-00700 1S136CB-01700 GRAHAM DON G AND HARTUNG JANICE L • BROSSIA PAUL F 11185 SW 82ND 11260 SW HALL BLVD TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD, OR 97223 1 S 136C B-03200 1 S 136 C B-02900 GRIFFITHS ROBERT C&CHRISTA M HEALD JOHN 11235 SW 83RD AVE 2935 NW 154TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 BEAVERTON,OR 97006 15136C8-10900 1 S136CB-02500 GROSHART JAY ROBERT&BETTY R HEATH ROGER C&DIANNE S 8465 SW PFAFFLE 9373 SW PAST PL TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1S136CB-02200 1S136CB-06200 HADDIX BRYAN S HEIN JAMES L JANICE L 11220 SW 82ND AVE 11260 SW 83RD AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 7 S 136C B-03700 1 S 136CC-003D0 HALL HONEY HERBERHOLZ PAUL A&ANNA 11085 SW 83RD 8400 SW PFAFFLE ST TIGARD, OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1S136CB-09100 1S136CB-10300 HAMILTON BETTY I HOD50N SHAWN D& 11162 SW 81ST AVE STEWART ANGELA L TIGARD,OR 97223 11222 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C B-05600 1 S 136C B-01600 HANFORD JERRY S 8 DEBORAH L HUNTER ALISHA M&ERIC V 14925 SW HAWK RIDGE RD 11155 SW 82ND AVE TIGARD, OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CB-03400 1 S136CB-06400 HANSEN LAURIE K& HUYNH HIEU NGOC MOONEY GARY M 11320 SW 83RD AVE 11175 SW 83RD AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136 C B-04400 1 S 136 C B-02300 JAPANESE INTERNATIONAL BAPTIST C MCALISTER TERRY J&REBECCA S 8500 SW SPRUCE ST 11190 SW 82ND AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C B-03300 1 S136CC-00400 KELLEY JIM D&STACY L MCGUIRE ROBERT J& 11205 SW 83RD AVE MCGUIRE THOMAS P& TIGARD,OR 97223 MCGUIRE WILLIAM A 8470 SW PFAFFLE ST TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CB-09500 1 S136CD-01000 LEWIS SUSAN M MONAGHAN FARMS INC 11268 SW 81 ST AVE 14120 EAST EVANS AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 AURORA,CO 80014 1 S136C6-10200 1 S136CB-05700 . LOGUE ANTHONY F II MOORE TRACEY D AND CARLA 11234 SW 84TH AVE 11110 SW 83RD TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C B-09000 1 S 136C B-07200 LORENZ ROBERT M AND MULDOON MATTHEW J/LESLIE L DORINE M 11155 SW 81STAVE 11136 SW 81ST TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CB-06600 1 S136CB-05900 LOWY GAIL E NGUYEN LUONG D& 11315 SW 81 ST AVE PHAM IOAN T TIGARD,OR 97223 352 SE 69TH AVE HILLSBORO,OR 97123 1 S136C8-09700 1 S136CB-02800 LYMAN KYLE PETERSEN MARGARET ESTATE 11326 SW 84TH AVE 8035 5W PFAFFLE ST TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1S136C6-06800 1S136C6-01900 MACINTYRE JACOB D PFAFFLE HELEN N TR 11263 SW 81ST AVE 8225 SW PFAFFLE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136CB-01300 1 S 136CB-101 DO MAGENHEIMER JOEL R&SUE A REGALADO MARK/ERICA A 11065 SW 82ND AVE 11246 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 15136C6-07500 1 S136CB-10600 MARKANOVICH NEDJO&LILA L REINHART JOHN&ANGELA 11077 SW 81ST AVE 11172 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136C8-09800 1 S136C8-09300 RENOUD LM REV TRUST SPIERING COLLEEN A LINDA M RENOUD TR 17815 NE COURTNEY RD 9800 SW 158TH AVE NEWBERG,OR 97132 BEAVERTON,OR 97007 1 S 136C B-03100 1 S 136C B-05800 RINGO SCOTT STILLWELL JEAN 11265 5W 83RD AVE 11140 5W 83RD AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 15136 C B-02100 1 136 C B-110 RORMAN JAMES M&SUSAN M TI D Y OF 11250 SW 82ND AVE 131 HALL BLVD TIGARD,OR 97223 T ARD,OR 97223 1 S136CB-02000 136CD-005 RUIZ-PRADO CUAUHTEMOC TI RD OF 8175 SW PFAFFLE ST 131 HALL BLVD TIGARD,OR 97223 ARD, 97223 1 S 136 CB-07300 1 S 136C B-10400 SCOTT BRUCE DOUGLASS UDY WILLIAM D 11129 SW 81ST AVE 11210 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C B-07000 1 S 136C B-02700 SEARFUS DEBORAH L VAUGHN MARVIN WESLEY 8 BETTY LO 11207 SW 81ST AVE 11070 SW 82ND TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136CB-10500 1 S 136C B-O6500 SHEPPARD BENJAMIN C& WICK MURRAY A BATHRICK BRANDI K 4460 ALHAMBRA ST 11194 SW 84TH AVE SAN DIEGO,CA 92107 TIGAR�, OR 97223 1 S136C8-03500 1 S136C8-09600 SILVERADO GROUP WOO SANG KIL AND OK SON 14635 SW CABERNET CT 11300 SW 81ST AVENUE PORTLAND,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97223 1S136CB-03600 Pac Rim Properties, LLC SKOFF MATTHEW J 5700 NW El Ray Drive 11115 5W 83RD Camas, WA 98607 TIGARD,OR 97223 is�ascs-ozsoo Hale Design Services SNYDER JOHN L WANDA L Attri: Steve Hale 11100 SW 82ND 3804 Kauffman Avenue TIGARD,OR 97223 Vancouver, WA 98660 Nathan and Ann Murdock Gretchen Buehner PO Box 231265 13249 SW 136th Place Tigard, OR 97281 Tigard, OR 97224 Sue Rorman Mildren Design Group 11250 SW 82�d Avenue Attn: Gene Mildren Tigard, OR 97223 7650 SW Bevelantl Street, Suite 120 Tigard, OR 97223 Naomi Gallucci 11285 SW 78�Avenue Tigard, OR 97223 Michael Trigoboff 7072 SW Barbara Lane Tigard, OR 97223 Brad Spring 7555 SW Spruce Street Tigard, OR 97223 Alexander Craghead 12205 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard, OR 97223-6210 David Chapman 9840 SW Landau Place Tigard, OR 97223 John Frewing 7110 SW Lola Lane Tigard, OR 97223 CPO 4B 16200 SW Pacific Highway, Suite H242 Tigard, OR 97224 CPO 4M Pat Whiting 8122 SW Spruce Tigard, OR 97223 CITY OF TIGARD - EAST INTERESTED PARTIES �i:lcurpinlsetupllabelslClT East.doc) UPDATED: 2-Jun-05 NfFIDAVIT OF MAILING CITYOFTIGARD (ommunrty�DcceC�p�nent ShapingA Better�ommunity I, �PatrtcraG. Gunsford, being first duly sworn/affirm, on oath depose and say that I am a SeniorAdminr'strativeSpecia!`rstfor the Cixy of 2'�gard, 'Washington County, Oregon and that I served the following: (C�eck Appropnale Bo*Is)BNow� ❑X NOTICE Of DECISION FOR: MLP2005-00006/VAR2005-00065 — PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION ❑ AMENDED NOTICE (File No./Name Reference) � City of Tigard Planning Director A copy of the said notice being hereto attached, marked Ellhlblt"A", and by reference made a part hereof, was mailed to each named person(s) at the address(s) shown on the attached list(s), marked Exhlblt"B", and by reference made a part hereof, on October17,2005,and deposited in the United States Mail on OCtObCI'17,2005, postage prepaid. ��� � ' _ � (Person that Pr N ice ,S`Z"A?E�F'02�EGON ) Count�►o�''WasT ington )ss Citjr of�I�garcf ) 'f'� Subscribed and sworn/affirmed before me on the �`' day of �_ �P Cp , 2005. ': Or�IG!ALSEAL (: `' "'� SiJE R�SS �,��,� NOTARY PtJBIJC-OREGON COMMISSION N0.375152 MY CD':�;"�SIOPd t�?IRES DEC.1,2007 My Com on Expires' �� ` �` �� � � EXHIBlT,.� NOTICE OF TYPE II DECISION MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2005-00006 CITYOFTIGARD Commu�aity rUevefopment PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION srapttt8,a BetterCommunity 120 DAYS = 12/22/2005 SECTION I. APPLICATION SUMMARY FILE NAME: PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION CASE NOS: Minor Land Partition (MLP) MLP2005-00006 Adjustment (VAR) VAR2005-00065 PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Minor Land Partition approval to create a three-lot partition on a parcel of land containing approximately .63 acres. This partition will create Parcel #1 with approximately 10,784 square feet, Parcel #2 with 8,207 square feet, and Parcel #3 with 8,399 square feet. The applicant has also applied for an Adjustment to Section 18.705 Access Spacing Standards. APPLICANT Pac Rim Properties, LLC APPLICANT'S Hale Design Services OWNER: 5700 NW EI Ray Drive REP.: Attn: Steve Hale Camas, WA 98607 3804 Kauffman Avenue Vancouver, WA 98660 ZONING DESIGNATION: R-4.5: Low-Density Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. LOCATION: 8225 SW Pfaffle Street; WCTM 1 S136CB, Tax Lot 1900. COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: Low-Density Residential District. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.370 (Variances and Adjustments) 18.390 (Decision-Making Procedures); 18.420 (Land Partitions); 18.510 (Residential Zoning Districts); 18.705 (Access Egress and Circulation); 18.715 (Density Computations); 18.725, 18.745 (Landscaping and Screening); 18.765 (Off-Street parking and Loading Requirements); 18.790 (Tree Removal); 18.795 (Visual Clearance Areas); and 18.810 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards). SECTION II. DECISION Notice is hereby given that the City of Tigard Community Development Director's designee has APPROVED the above request. The findings and conclusions on which the decision is based are noted in the full decision, available at City Hall. THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID FOR 18 MONTHS �Ri�PJi THE E�FEC i��� i������ �� �'FII� DECtSIJNi. All documents and applicable criteria in the above-noted file are available for inspection at no cost or copies can be obtained for twenty-five cents (25�) per page, or the current rate charged for copies at the time of the request. SECTION III. PROCEDURE AND APPEAL INFORMATION Notice: oT�ti e mailed to: X The applicant and owners �— Owner of record within the required distance � Affected government agencies � Final Decision: THIS DECISION IS FINAL ON OCTOBER 17, 2005 AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE ON NOVEMBER 1, 2005 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. A�ea�l: Tf�e Director's Decision is final on the date that it is mailed. All persons entitled to notice or who are otherwise adverselX affected or aggrieved by the decision as provided in Section 18.390.040.G.1 may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18.390.040.G.2 of the Tigard Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal together with the required fee shall be filed with the Director within ten (10) business days of the date the Notice of Decision was mailed. The appeal fee schedule and forms are available from the Planning Division of Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Fiall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. Unless the applicant is the appellant, the hearing on an appeal from the Director's Decision shall be confined to the specific issues identified in the written comments submitted by the parties during the comment period. Additional evidence concerning issues properly raised in the Notice of Appeal may be submitted by any party during the appeal hearing, sub�ect to any additional rules of procedure that may be adopted from time to time by the appellate body. THE DEADLINE FOR FILING AN APPEAL IS 5:00 PM ON OCTOBER 31, 2005. Questions: oF r furt�r information please contact the Planning Division Staff Planner, Mathew Scheide er at (503) 639-4171, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 7 . _� � --i i ,.,;rm„�� i�_ '� i !� �� ] � ; .T't.' �r� �-����r� tl a .. I i " 1 I i I � - i ' ' � � � -- i ; I ; <8 ; RI^ �s�T.. � I = I� Sa !� � � I �_ — �..� — — — � i i � �*.".'L.'��. �1 � f - I§ i „ r . i S a.r aL �. �"_ � n.� I� i I �.�.. �� o I ��-----------+ �,...r_. I � ,.,., � � �, s � �~ ; F-� �-- - �� �---n--- ------� r�. � � � � a`�, � � ' -- I � � i � y � r � --� .� _ --5.:�•�:.nr— — I — ewm.+Nrtaern�r� 1� � ��,,..� � — — -- � CITY oF T�6ARD � MLP2005-00006/VAR2005-00065 �� N PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION Ma is nol to scale ........,.�,.e....,o...�... � ��Y� � O ` MLP2005-00006 VAR2005-00065 ` PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION � � � � m � � RE .* '�. � ��o..� �jJ cx�o�ro . ��.,..�..�«w« ....�.o.�... ri:.':":.; .....�::�-. ;s,36�B:o�4ao ,5,36�8_os000 EXHIBIT� ACOTT TROY S 8 COLUCCI STEVE& MARY F MITCHELL DANIELLE 8434 SW CHARLOTTE DR 11200 SW 83RD AVE BEAVERTON,OR 97007 PORTLAND,OR 97223 1S136CC-00301 15136CB-02400 ANDREWS MANAGEMENT LIMITED COOLMAN HERBERT R&ENOLA MAE T 11336 SW BULL MOUNTAIN RD 11160 SW 82ND AVE #104 •TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97224 1 S 136C C-02200 1 S 136C D-00600 ANDREWS MANAGEMENT LTD CPD LLC 11336 SW BULL MOUNTAIN RD 10720 SW MOPA AVE #104 PORTLAND,OR 97219 TIGARD,OR 97224 1 136CC-00200 1 S136C8-01500 AN EWS ANAGEMENT LTD CURTIS GENE E&NANCY J 11336 BULL MOUNTAIN RD 11125 5W 82ND #1 TIGARD,OR 97223 GARD, OR 7224 1 S 136C6-03000 1 S136C6-01800 BADON JACQUELINE 8 DAVIS DWIGHT J DONIS L GUERIN PATRICE 8 11215 SW 82ND AVE c/o MICHAELSON DAVID T LIFE EST TIGARD,OR 97223 11295 SW 83RD AVE TIGARD, OR 97223 15136CB-06300 1 S136C8-06100 BLANCHARD REID 8 MELISSA DUNN CHARLES A 8 TAMARA S 11290 SW 83RD AVE 11230 SW 83RD TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136C8-07100 1 S136C6-10800 BRAY MELODEE C 8 BRADLEY G ESLINGER CASEY S 11181 SW 81ST AVE 11259 SW 84TH AVE PORTLAND, OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CB-0940D 1 S136CB-10700 CHONGWAY FRANK U&CHRISTINE S ESLINGER MALCOLM 8�SHARON LLC 11242 SW 81ST PMB 160 11575 SW PACIFIC HWY TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CD-00500 1 S136C8-06700 CHRISTENSEN JILL K FILIBERTO DAVILA& 293 SW CERVANTES PINEDA CLARA L& LAKE OSWEGO,OR 97035 DAVILA ARMANDO 11287 SW 81 ST AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CC-00100 1 S136C8-0690D CITY BIBLE CHURCH FISHEL KAREN M&GREGG C 9200 NE FREMONT 5T 11235 SW 81ST AVE PORTLAND,OR 97220 TIGARD,OR 97223 1S136C B-09900 1S736CB-01400 GHAHERI BOBAK AMIR 8 HARLESS RONALD LYLE BUXTON KRISTI LEIGH 11095 SW 82ND 11262 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C B-10000 1 S t 36C6-09200 GRAF JA50N ALAN 8 HARTE DORIS JUNE GRAF ALEXIS MORASCH 11190 SW 81ST 11258 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C8-00700 1 S136CB-01700 GRAHAM DON G AND HARTUNG JANICE L • BROSSIA PAUL F 11185 SW 82ND 11260 SW HALL BLVD TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C B-03200 1 S 7 36C B-02900 GRIFFITHS ROBERT C&CHRISTA M HEALD JOHN 11235 SW 83RD AVE 2935 NW 154TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 BEAVERTON,OR 97006 1 S136CB-10900 1 S136C&02500 GROSHART JAY ROBERT&BETTY R HEATH ROGER C 8�DIANNE S 8465 SW PFAFFIE 9373 SW PAST PL TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136C8-02200 1 S136C6-06200 HADDIX BRYAN S HEIN JAMES L JANICE L 11220 SW 82ND AVE 11260 SW 83RD AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136C8-03700 1 S136CC-00300 HALL HONEY HERBERHOLZ PAUL A 8�ANNA 11085 SW 83RD 8400 SW PFAFFLE ST TIGARD, OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C B-09100 1 S 136C B-10300 HAMILTON BETTY I HODSON SHAWN D& 11162 SW 81 ST AVE STEWART ANGELA L TIGARD, OR 97223 11222 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 7 S 136C B-05600 15136C B-01600 HANFORD JERRY S 8 DEBORAH L HUNTER ALISHA M&ERIC V 14925 SW HAWK RIDGE RD 11155 SW 82ND AVE TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CB-03400 1 S136C8-06400 HANSEN LAURIE K& HUYNH HIEU NGOC MOONEY GARY M 11320 SW 83RD AVE . 11175 SW 83RD AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C B-04400 1 S 136C B-02300 JAPANESE INTERNATIONAL BAPTIST C MCALISTER TERRY J&REBECCA S 8500 SW SPRUCE ST 11190 5W 82ND AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1S136CB-03300 1 S136CC-OD400 KELLEY JIM 0&STACY L MCGUIRE ROBERT J 8 11205 SW 83RD AVE MCGUIRE THOMAS P& TIGARD,OR 97223 MCGUIRE WILLIAM A 8470 SW PFAFFLE ST TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136CB-09500 1 S136CD-01000 LEWIS SUSAN M MONAGHAN FARMS INC 11268 SW 81ST AVE 14120 EAST EVANS AVE TIGARD, OR 97223 AURORA,CO 80014 1 S 136C B-10200 1 S 136C8-�5700 LOGUE ANTHONY F II MOORE TRACEY D AND CARLA 11234 SW 84TH AVE 11110 SW 83RD TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C 6-09000 15136C B-07200 LORENZ ROBERT M AND MULDOON MATTHEW J/LESLIE L DORINE M 11155 SW 81ST AVE 11136 SW 81ST TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136C8-O6600 1 S136C6-05900 LOWY GAIL E NGUYEN LUONG D& 11315 SW 81ST AVE PHAM IOAN T TIGARD,OR 97223 352 SE 69TH AVE HILLSBORO,OR 97123 1 S 136C B-09700 1 S 7 36C6-02800 LYMAN KYLE PETERSEN MARGARET ESTATE 11326 SW 84TH AVE 8035 5W PFAFFLE ST TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S 136C 8-06800 1 S 136C B-01900 MACINTYRE JACOB D PFAFFLE HELEN N TR 11263 SW 81 ST AVE 8225 SW PFAFFLE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136C6-01300 1 S136CB-10100 MAGENHEIMER JOEL R&SUE A REGALADO MARK/ERICA A 11065 SW 82ND AVE 11246 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136C8-07500 i si sscs-�osoo MARKANOVICH NEDJO&LILA L REINHART JOHN&ANGELA 11077 SW 81ST AVE 11172 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD, OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1S136C8-09800 1S136C8-09300 RENOUD LM REV TRUST SPIERING COLLEEN A LINDA M RENOUD TR 17815 NE COURTNEY RD 9800 SW 158TH AVE NEWBERG,OR 97132 BEAVERTON,OR 970D7 1S136CB-03100 1S136C6-05800 RINGO SCOTT STILLWELL JEAN 11265 SW 83RD AVE 11140 SW 83RD AVE TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1 S136C6-0210D 1 136CB-110 RORMAN JAMES M&SUSAN M TI D Y OF 11250 SW 82ND AVE 131 HALL BLVD TIGARD,OR 97223 T ARD,OR 97223 1 S136C6-02000 136CD-005 RUIZ-PRADO CUAUHTEMOC TI RD Y OF 8175 SW PFAFFLE ST 131 HALL BLVD TIGARD, OR 97223 ARD, 97223 1S136CB-07300 1S136CB-1D400 SCOTT BRUCE DOUGLASS UDY WILLIAM D 11129 SW 81 ST AVE 11210 SW 84TH AVE TIGARD, OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1S136C6-07000 1S136C8-02700 SEARFUS DEBORAH L VAUGHN MARVIN WESLEY&BETTY LO 11207 SW 81ST AVE 11070 SW 82ND TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97223 1S136CB-10500 1S136CB-06500 SHEPPARD BENJAMIN C& WICK MURRAY A BATHRICK BRANDI K 4460 ALHAMBRA ST 11194 SW 84TH AVE SAN DIEGO,CA 92107 TIGARD, OR 97223 1S136CB-D3500 1S136CB-09600 SILVERADO GROUP WOO SANG KIL AND OK SON 14635 SW CABERNET CT 11300 SW 81ST AVENUE PORTLAND,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97223 1S136C8-03600 SKOFF MATTHEW J 11115 SW 83RD TIGARD, OR 97223 1 S136CB-02600 SNYDER JOHN L WANDA L 11100 SW 82ND TIGARD,OR 97223 Nathan and Ann Murdock Gretchen Buehner PO Box 231265 13249 SW 136th Place Tigard, OR 97281 Tigard, OR 97224 Sue Rorman Mildren Design Group 11250 SW 82�d Avenue Attn: Gene Mildren Tigard, OR 97223 7650 SW Beveland Street, Suite 120 Tigard, OR 97223 Naomi Gallucci 11285 SW 78th Avenue Tigard, OR 97223 Michael Trigoboff 7072 SW Barbara Lane Tigard, OR 97223 Brad Spring 7555 SW Spruce Street Tigard, OR 97223 Alexander Craghead 12205 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard, OR 97223-6210 David Chapman 9840 SW Landau Place Tigartl, OR 97223 John Frewing 7110 SW Lola Lane Tigard, OR 97223 CPO 4B 16200 SW Pacific Highway, Suite H242 Tigard, OR 97224 CPO 4M Pat Whiting 8122 SW Spruce Tigard, OR 97223 CITY OF TIGARD - EAST INTERESTED PARTIES �i:\curpin\setup\labels\CIT East.doc) UPDATED: 2-Jun-05 � � . AFFIDAVIT OF MAILIHG CITYTOFTIGARD (ommunity,l�e�z��eCapment SfiapingA Bette�Community I, �Patricia L.LunsforQ'being first duly sworn/affirm, on oath depose and say that I am a SeniorAdministratYVeSpecial'rst for the City of 7'rgard, `Wasfrington County, Or�gon and that I served the following: {Check Anpropnate Box(s)Belrnvf ❑x NOTICE OF DECISION FOR: MLP2005-OOOOb/VAR�005-00065 — PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION ❑ AMENDED NOTICE (File No./Name Reference) � City of Tigard Planning Director A copy of the said notice being hereto attached, marked Exhiblt"A", and by reference made a part hereof, was mailed to each named person(s) at the address(s) shown on the attached list(s), marked E)(hlblt"B", and by reference made a part hereof, on OCtObel'17,2005,and deposited in the United States Mail on OCtObCI'17,2005, postage prepaid. . _ �� (Pers t re re otice) ✓ ,S`.�A7E O�'O�ECjON ) County of�lNasjtngton )s� City of?igard ) .� Subscribed and sworn/affirmed before me on the � � day of / ' , 2005. ,� QFFIC�AL SEAL ��'C;'��.: Si1E R05S ' � NCTAH'r P�)�LIGOREGON f\ `''" COMMISSION N0.375152 � �/�-, MYCOP:":�;'i•�'!f'N�;;?i��5 QEC.1,2007 ��-�G`-f����� -------__�.� - - My Co - ion Expires: l� —( - D ? EXHIBIT� NOTICE OF TYPE II DECISION 1 . MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2005-00006 CITYOFTIGARD Community�veveCopment PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION s���nsa�ae«e�c°m�nun�ty 120 DAYS = 12/22/2005 » SECTION I. APPLICATION SUMMARY FILE NAME: PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION CASE NOS: Minor Land Partition (MLP) MLP2005-00006 Adjustment (VAR) VAR2005-00065 PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Minor Land Partition approval to create a three-lot partition on a parcel of land containing approximately .63 acres. This partition will create Parcel #1 with approximately 10,784 square feet, Parcel #2 with 8,207 square feet, and Parcel #3 with 8,399 square feet. The applicant has also applied for an Adjustment to Section 18.705 Access Spacing Standards. APPLICANT Pac Rim Properties, LLC APPLICANT'S Hale Design Services OWNER: 5700 NW EI Ray Drive REP.: Attn: Steve Hale Camas, WA 98607 3804 Kauffman Avenue Vancouver, WA 98660 ZONING DESIGNATION: R-4.5: Low-Density Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. LOCATION: 8225 SW Pfaffle Street; WCTM 1S136CB, Tax Lot 1900. COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: Low-Density Residential District. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.370 (Variances and Adjustments) 18.390 (Decision-Making Procedures); 18.420 (Land Partitions); 18.510 (Residential Zoning Districts); 18.705 (Access Egress and Circulation); 18.715 (Density Computations); 18.725, 18.745 (Landscaping and Screening); 18.765 (Off-Street parking and Loadir�g Requirements); 18.790 (Tree Removal); 18.795 (Visual Clearance Areas); and 18.810 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards). SECTION II. DECISION Notice is hereby given that the City of Tigard Community Development Director's designee has APPROVED the above request subject to certain conditions. The findings and conclusions on which the decision is based are noted in Section V. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 1 OF 18 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT: e app icant s a prepare a cover etter an su mit it a on wit any sup orting ocuments and/or plans that address the following requirements to the CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION, ATTN: MATHEW SCHEIDEGGER 503-639-4171, EXT 2437. The cover letter shall clearly identify where in the submittal the required information is found: 1. Record a deed restriction that precludes the removal of the 22 inch Pine tree located on proposed parcel #1 unless it is deemed by an arborist to be deed dying or diseased. 2. Place a note on the final plat that no structures, fences, retaining walls or vegetation over three feet will be placed in the visual clearance triangles at the intersection of the proposed driveway and streets or the intersection of SW Pfaffle Street and SW 82�d Avenue. The applicant shall prepare a cover letter and submit it, along with any supporting documents and/or plans that address the following requirements to the ENGINEERING DIVISION, ATTN: KIM MCMILLAN 503-639-4171, EXT 2642. The cover letter shall clearly identify where in the submittal the required information is found: 3. A Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit is required for this project to cover driveway aprons and any other work in the public right-of-way. Six (6) sets of detailed public improvement plans shall be submitted for review to the Engineering Department. NOTE: these plans are in addition to any drawings required by the Building Division and should only include sheets relevant to public improvements. Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit plans shall conform to City of Tigard Public Improvement Design Standards, which are available at City Hall and the City's web page (www.ci.tigard.or.us). 4. The PFI permit plan submittal shall include the exact legal name, address and telephone number of the individual or corporate entity who will �designated as the "Permittee", and who will provide the financial assurance for the public improvements. For example, specify if the entity is a corporation, limited ,partnership, LLC, etc. Also specify the state within which the entity is incorporated and provide the name of the corporate contact person. Failure to provide accurate information to the Engineering Department will delay processing of project documents. 5. The applicant's plans shall be revised to show the proposed driveway for Lot 3 at least 150 feet north of the Pfaffle Street ROW. 6. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall pay an addressing fee in the amount of $100.00. (STAFF CONTACT Shirley Treat, Engineering). 7. The applicant shall submit construction plans to the Engineering Department as a part of the Public Facility Improvement permit, indicating that they will construct the following frontage improvements along SW Pfaffle Street as a part of this pro�ect: A. Street trees in the planter strip spaced per TDC requirements. 8. The applicant shall submit construction plans to the Engineering Department as a part of the Public Facility Improvement permit, indicating that the�r will construct the following frontage improvements along SW 82"d Avenue as a part of this pro�ect: A. Driveway apron. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 2 OF 18 9. The applicant shall execute a Restricti�re Covenant whereby they a�ree to complete or participate in the future improvements of SW 82" Avenue adjacent to the sub�ect property, when any of the following events occur: A. when the improvements are part of a larger project to be financed or paid for by the formation of a Local Improvement District, B. when the improvements are�art of a larger project to be financed or paid for in whole or in part by the City or other public agency, C. when the improvements are par� of a larger project to be constructed by a third party and involves the sharing of design and/or construction expenses by the third party owner(s) of property in addition to the subject property, or D. when construction of the improvements is deemed to be appropriate by the City Engineer in conjunction with construction of improvements by others adjacent to the subject site. 10. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall pay $637 to the City for the striping of the bike lane along the frontage of Pfaffle Street. 11. The applicant shall provide connection of the three lots to the public sanitary sewerage system. A connection permit is required to connect to the existing public sanitary sewer system. 12. The applicant shall either place the existing overhead utility lines along SW 82"d Avenue underground as a part of this project, or they shall pay the fee in-lieu of undergrounding. The fee shall be calculated by the fronta�e of the site that is parallel to the utility lines and will be $ 35.00 per lineal foot. If the fee option is chosen, the amount will be $ 7000.00 and it shall be paid prior to final plat approval. If power will be taken from Pfaffle Street the fee will be adjusted according to the frontage along that street. 13. The applicant shall obtain approval from the Tualatin Valley Water District for the proposed water connection prior to issuance of the City's Public Facility Improvement permit. 14. An erosion control plan shall be provided as part of the Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit drawings. The plan shall conform to the "Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control besign and Planning Manual, February 2003 edition." 15. The applicant's final plat shall contain State Plane Coordinates on two monuments with a tie to the City's global positioning system (GPS) geodetic control network (GC 22). These monuments shall be on the same line and shall be of the same precision as required for the subdivision plat boundary. Along with the coordinates, the plat shall contain the scale factor to convert ground measurements to grid measurements and the angle from north to grid north. These coordinates can be established by: . GPS tie networked to the City's GPS survey. • By random traverse using conventional surveying methods. 16. Final Plat Application Submission Requirements: A. Submit for City review four (4) paper copies of the final plat prepared by a land surveyor licensed to practice in Oregon, and necessary data or narrative. B. Attach a check in the amount of the current final plat review fee (Contact Planning/Engineering Permit Technicians, at (503) 639-4171, ext. 2421). C. The final plat and data or narrative shall be drawn to the minimum standards set forth by the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 92.05), Washington County, and by the City of Tigard. D. The right-of-way dedication for 82"d Avenue shall be made on the final plat to provide 27 feet from centerl�ne. E. NOTE: Washington County will not begin their review of the final plat until they receive notice from the Engineering Department indicating that the City has reviewed the final plat and submitted comments to the applicant's surveyor. F. After the City and County have reviewed the finaf plat, submit two mylar copies of the final plat for City Engineer signature (for partitions), or City Engineer and Community Development Director signatures (for subdivisions). NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 3 OF 18 THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: e app icant s a prepare a cover etter an su mit it a on wit any sup orting ocuments and/or plans that address the following requirements to the CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION, ATTN: MATHEW SCHEIDEGGER 503-639-4171, EXT 2437. The cover letter shall clearly identify where in the submittal the required information is found: 17. Provide and Implement a plan that shows street trees planted along both SW Pfaffle Street and SW 82�d Avenue frontages in accordance with the standards for size and spacing under Section 18.745.040.0 of the Tigard Development Code. The applicant shall prepare a cover letter and submit it, along with any supporting documents and/or plans that address the following requirements to the ENGINEERING DIVISION, ATTN: KIM MCMILLAN 503-639-4171, EXT 2642. The cover letter shall clearly identify where in the submittal the required information is found: 18. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide the Engineering Department with a "photomylar" copy of the recorded final plat. 19. Prior to issuance of building permits within the subdivision, the City Engineer shall deem the public improvements substantially complete. Substantial completion shall be when: 1) all utilities are installed and inspected for compliance, including franchise utilities, 2) all local residential streets have at least one lift of asphalt, 3) any off-site street and/or utility improvements are substantially completed, and 4) all street lights are installed and ready to be energized. (NOTE: the City apart from this condition, and in accordance with the City's model home policy may issue model home permits). 20. During issuance of the building permits for Lots 2 & 3, the applicant shall pay the fee in-lieu of constructing an on-site water quality and water quantity facility. The fee is based on the total area of new impervious surtaces in the proposed development. THIS APPROVAL IS VALID IF EXERCISED WITHIN EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION NOTED UNDER THE PROCESS AND APPEAL SECTION OF THIS DECISION. SECTION III. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Pro ert Histo : e property is designated Low Density Residential on the Tigard Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map. No prior land use approvals were found affecting this parcel. Site Information and Pro osal Descri tions e app icant is requesting inor an artition approval to create a three-lot partition on a parcel of land containing approxima{ely .63 acres. This partition will create Parcel #1 with approximately 10,784 s quare feet, Parcel #2 with 8,207 s quare feet, and Parcel #3 with 8,399 s quare feet. The a p plicant has also applied for an Adjustment to Section 18.705 Access Spacing Standards. SECTION IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS The City mailed notice to property owners within 500 feet of the subject site providing them an opportunity to comment. No comments were received. NOTICE OF DECI510N MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 4 OF 18 SECTION V. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Variances and�Ad'ustments (18.370) .5 Adjus men of a�s and egress standards (18.705). In all zoning districts where access and egress drives cannot be readily designed to conform to Code standards within a particular parcel, access with an adjoining property shall be considered. If access in conjunction with another parcel cannot reasonably be achieved, the Director may grant an adjustment to the access requirements of Chapter 18.705 through a Type II procedure, as governed in Section 18.390.030, using approval criteria contained in Subsection 2b below. The applicant has applied for an adjustment to 18.705.030.H.3 & 4 which require the minimum spacing of driveways and streets along a collector shall be 200 feet. The driveway for proposed lot #1 takes access from SW Pfaffle Street, which is a collector. The drivewa in question is approximately 102 feet to the west of SW 82�d Avenue and 180 feet to the east of SW 83�d Avenue. Therefore, an adjustment is warranted. The Director may approve, ap�rove with conditions, or deny a request for an ad�ustment from the access requirements contained in Chapter 18.705, based on the following criteria: It is not possible to share access; A shared access located between lots #1 �nd #2 on SW 82"d Avenue would be 77 feet from the intersection of SW Pfaffle Street and SW 82" Avenue, which is much closer than the driveway's existing location. Therefore, sharing a driveway with proposed parcel #2 would create a more hazardous situation. There are no other alternative access points on the street in question or from another street; Moving the existing access to the SW 82�d side of the property w�uld cause a potential hazardous situation due to the close proximity of the driveway to the Pfaffle/82� Ave. intersection. Therefore, the existing driveway is in the safest location. The access separation requirements cannot be met. No matter where the driveway of parcel #1 is placed on the property, the lot will be in violation of the Access Management Standards. Therefore, the adjustment is warranted. The request is the minimum adjustment required to provide adequate access; The proposed access point is pre-existing and the most logical point of access onto the property. Therefore, the requested adjustment is the minimum required. The approved access or access approved with conditions will result in a safe access; and Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue was sent notice of the pending land-use application. No comments were received According to Tigard's En ineering Department, moving the driveway in either direction or placing it on another frontage will no� provide a substantial safety improvement. Therefore, the current location of the driveway is the safest access to the site. The visual clearance requirements of Chapter 18.795 will be met. Visual clearance will be met as outlined in Chapter 18.795 (Visual Clearance) which is addressed later in this decision. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the adjustment standards have been met. Land Partitions (18.4201: e propose pa i i�complies with all statutory and ordinance requirements and regulations; NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 5 OF 18 The proposed partition complies or can be made to comply with all statutory and ordinance requirements and regulations as demonstrated by the analysis contained within this administrative decision and through the imposition of conditions of development approval. All necessary conditions must be satisfied as part of the development and building process. Therefore, this criterion is met. There are adequate public facilities available to serve the proposal; Public facilities are discussed in detail later in this decision under Cha pter 18.810 (Street & Utility Improvement Standards). Based on the analysis provided herein, Staff finds that adequate public facilities are available to serve the proposal. Therefore, this criterion is met. All proposed improvements meet City and applicable agency standards; and The public facilities and proposed improvements are discussed and conditioned later in this decision under Chapter 18.810 (Street & Utility Improvement Standards). Improvements will be reviewed as part of the permit process and during construction, at which time the appropriate review authority will ensure that City and applicable agency standards are met. Based on the analysis in this decision, Staff finds that this criterion is met. All proposed lots conform to the specific requirements below: The minimum width of the building envelope area shall meet the lot requirement of the applicable zoning district. The minimum lot width required for the R-4.5 zoning district is 50 feet. Parcel #1 is 140 feet in width, Parcel #2 is 59 feet in width and Parcel #3 is 60 feet in width. Therefore, this standard has been met. The lot area shall be as required by the applicable zoning district. In the case of a flag lot, the accessway may not be included in the lot area. The minimum lot area requirement in the R-4.5 zoning district is 7,500 square feet for detached single-family units. The proposed partition creates three (3) lots that are 10,784, 8,207 and 8,399 square feet. None of the proposed parcels are flag lots. Therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. Each lot created through the partition process shall front a public right-of-way by at least 15 feet or have a legally recorded minimum 15 foot wide access easement. Proposed parcef #1 has 140 feet of frontage onto SW Pfaffle Street and 68 f�et on SW 82"d Avenue. Proposed parcels #2 and #3 have approximately 60 feet of frontage on SW 82" Avenue. Therefore, this criterion is satisfied. Setbacks shall be as required by the applicable zoning district. Setbacks for the R-4.5 zoning district are as follows: front, 20 feet; side, 5 feet; rear, 15 feet. The existing house on Parcel #1 is proposed to remain, which meets required setbacks. Setbacks for the future homes will be reviewed during the building permit phase. When the partitioned lot is a flag lot, the developer may determine the location of the front yard, provided that no side yard is less than 10 feet. Structures shall generally be located so as to maximize separation from existing structures. The proposed lots are not flag lots. Therefore, this standard does not apply. A screen shall be provided along the property line of a lot of record where the paved drive in an accessway is located within ten feet of an abutting lot in accordance with Sections 18.745.040. Screening may also be required to maintain privacy for abutting lots and to provide usable outdoor recreation areas for proposed development. The existing driveway of parcel #1 is approximately 20 feet from the nearest lot of record to the west. Therefore, this standard does not apply. The fire district may require the installation of a fire hydrant where the length of an accessway would have a detrimental effect on fire-fighting capabilities. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 6 OF 18 A copy of the application was sent to Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue (TVF&R). No comments were received. The nearest fire hydrant is approximately 70 feet to the south of the property. Where a common drive is to be provided to serve more than one lot, a reciprocal easement which will ensure access and maintenance rights shall be recorded with the approved partition map. Each of the proposed parcels will have their own driveway. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Any access way shall comply with the standards set forth in Chapter 18.705, Access, Egress and Circulation. This standard is addressed under Chapter 18.705 (Access, Egress and Circulation) later in this decision. Where landfill and/or development is allowed within or adjacent to the one-hundred year floodplain, the city shall require consideration of the dedication of sufficient open land area for greenway adjoining and within the floodplain. This area shall include portions at a suitable elevation for the construction of a pedestrian/bicycle pathway with the floodplain in accordance with the adopted pedestrian/bicycle pathway plan. The partitioned lots are approximately 1,116 feet to the south of the nearest 100-year floodplain. Therefore, this standard does not apply. An application for a variance to the standards prescribed in this chapter shall be made in accordance with Chapter 18.370, Variances and Adjustments. The applications for the partition and variance(s)/adjustment(s) will be processed concurrently. The applicant has requested an adjustment to the Access Management Standards of Section 18.705 (Access Egress and Circulation), which has been addressed above. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the land partition criteria have been satisfied. Residential Zoninq Districts (18.510): eve opmen s an ar s in resiae�l zoning districts are contained in Table 18.510.2 below: TABLE 18.510.2 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES STAN DARD R-4.5 Minimum Lot Size -Detached unit 7,500 sq.ft. -Duplexes 10,000 sq.ft. -Attached unit Average Minimum Lot Width -Detached unit lots 50 ft. -Duplex lots 90ft. -Attached unit lots Maximum Lot Covera e - Minimum Setbacks -Front yard 20 ft. -5ide facing street on corner&through lots 15 ft. -Side yard 5 ft. -Rear yard 15 ft. -Side or rear yard abutting more restrictive zoning district -- -Distance between property line and front of garage 20 ft. -Side Yard Setbacks for Fla Lots DC 18.420.050 A 4 e 10 ft. Maximum Hei ht 30 ft. Minimum Landsca e Re uirement NOTICE OF DECI510N MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 7 OF 18 A minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet is required for each lot. The proposed lot sizes meet this standard. Parcel #1 contains a single-family dwelling that meets the required R-4.5 setbacks. Future development will be reviewed through the building permit process to ensure compliance with the R- 4.5 development standards. Setback standards, required by Table 18.510.2 will apply to all future development of the proposed lots. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Residential Zoning District Standards have been met. Access, Eqress and Circulation (18.705): Chapter 18.705 establishes standards and regulations for safe and efficient vehicle access and e�ress on a site and for general circulation within the site. Table 18.705.1 states that the minimum vehicular access and e�ress for single-family dwelling units on individual lots shall be one, 10-foot paved drivewax within a 15-foot-wide accessway. The minimum access width for 3- 6 dwelling units is 20 feet with 20 feet of pavement. The access to the existing home on parcel #1 is pre-existing at 15 feet with 10 feet of pavement. The access drives for the proposed homes on parcels #2 and #3 will be reviewed at time of building permits. Therefore, this standard has been satisfied. Access plan requirements. No building or other permit shall be issued until scaled plans are presented and approved as provided by this chapter that show how access, egress and circulation requirements are to be fulfilled. The applicant shall submit a site plan. The Director shall provide the applicant with detailed information about this submission requirement. Scaled site plans have been submitted that indicate how the requirements of access, egress, and circulation are met. Therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. Joint access. Owners of two or more uses, structures, or parcels of land may agree to utilize jointly the same access and egress when the combined access and egress of both uses, structures, or parcels of land satisfies the combined requirements as designated in this title, provided: Satisfactory legal evidence shall be presented in the form of deeds, easements, leases or contracts to establish the joint use; and Copies of the deeds, easements, leases or contracts are placed on permanent file with the City. Joint access has not been proposed. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Public street access. All vehicular access and egress as required in Sections 18.705.030H and 18.705.0301 shall connect directly with a public or private street approved by the City for public use and shall be maintained at the required standards on a continuous basis. All three lots will have direct access to public streets. Prop�sed parcel #1 will have access to SW Pfaffle Street. Parcels #2 and #3 will have access on to SW 82� Avenue. Therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. Curb cuts shall be in accordance with Section 18.810.030N. Curb cuts will be addressed under Chapter 18.810 Street and Utility Improvements Standards later in this decision. Re uired walkwa location. On-site pedestrian walkways shall comply with the following s an ar s: Walkways shall extend from the ground floor entrances or from the �round floor landing of stairs, ram�s, or elevators of all commercial, institutional, and industrial uses, to the streets which provide the required access and egress. Walkways shall provide convenient connections between buildings in multi-building commercial, institutional, and industrial complexes. Unless impractical, walkways shall be constructed between new and existing developments and neighboring developments; NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 8 OF 18 Within all attached housing (except two-family dwellings) and multi-family developments, each residential dwelling shall be connected by walkway to the vehicular parking area, and common open space and recreation facilities; Wherever rec�uired walkways cross vehicle access driveways or parking lots, such crossings shall be designed and located for pedestrian safety. Required walkways shall be physicafly separated from motor vehicle traffic and parking by either a minimum 6-inch vertical separation (curbed) or a minimum 3-foot horizontal separation, except that pedestrian crossings of traffic aisles are permitted for distances no reater than 36 feet if appropriate landscaping, pavement markings, or contrasting pavement ma�erials are used. Walkways shall be a minimum of four feet in width, exclusive of vehicle overhangs and obstructions such as mailboxes, benches, bicycle racks, and sign posts, and shall be in compliance with ADA standards; Required walkways shall be paved with hard surfaced materials such as concrete, asphalt, stone, brick, etc. 1Nalkways may be required to be lighted and/or signed as needed for safety purposes: Soft-surFaced public use pathways may be provided only if such pathways are provided in addition to required pathways. This proposal is for a detached single-family development, this standard does not apply. Inadequate or hazardous access. Ap�lications for building permits shall be referred to the Commission for review when, in the opinion of the Director, the access proposed would cause or increase existing hazardous traffic conditions; or would provide inadequate access for emergency vehicles; or would in any other way cause hazardous conditions to exist which would constitute a clear and present danger to the public health, safety and general welfare. The lots within this partition will be providing direct access to a public street. Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue and Tigard Police have been notified of the proposed partition. Tigard Police have not indicated a hazard and TVFR did not provide comments. The Director has not determined that Planning Commission review is necessary for building permits. With regard to streets and street intersections, these issues are addressed under TDC Chapter 18.810 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards). Therefore, this standard is satisfied. Direct individual access to arterial or collector streets from single-family dwellings and duplex lots shall be discouraged. Direct access to major collector or arter�al streets shall be considered only if there is no practical alternative way to access the site. The existing home on proposed parcel #1 has an existing driveway that connects to SW Pfaffle Street, a Collector. The Engineering Department has decided that the current location of the existing driveway is the safest placement. Moving the driveway to the SW 82�d side of the intersection will onry increase a hazardous intersection. Therefore, the existing driveway will remain. This standard has been satisfied. In no case shall the design of the service drive or drives require or facilitate the backward movement or other maneuvering of a vehicle within a street, other than an alley. Single-family and duplex dwellings are exempf from this requirement. This criterion does not apply to the proposed single-family dwellings. Access Manaqement (Section 18.705.030.H) ec ion . . . . s a es a an access report shall be submitted with all new development proposals which verifies design of driveways and streets are safe by meeting adequate stacking needs, sight distance and deceleration standards as set by ODOT, Washington County, the City and AASHTO. The applicanYs plans indicate the existing driveway on Pfaf�le Street to remain and two new driveways will be constructed on 82"d Avenue. The driveways on 82� Avenue are placed to the north in order to meet safety concerns. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 9 OF 18 Section 18.705.030.H.2 states that drivewa�rs shall not be permitted to be �laced in the influence area of collector or arterial street intersections. Influence area of intersections is that area where queues of traffic commonly form on approach to an intersection: The minimum driveway setback from a collector or arterial street intersection shall be150 feet, measured from the righf- of-way line of the intersectin� street to the throat of the proposed drivewa�. The setback may be �reater depending upon the influence area, as determined from City Engineer review of a traffic impact report submitted by the applicant's traffic engineer. In a case where a project has less than 150 feet of street frontage, the applicant must explore any option for shared access with the adjacent parcel. If shared access is not possible or practical, the driveway shall be placed as far from the intersection as possible. The existi g driveway on Pfaffle Street is approximately 102 feet from the intersection f Pfaffle Street/82"�Avenue. This does not meet this standard, but relocating the driveway onto 82"�Avenue would place it closer to the intersection. Therefore, the applicant has proposed to leave the driveway for the existing home where it is rather than move it as far as possible from the �ntersection. The Pfaffle Street fronfage is only 142 feet long and moving the driveway over another 20 feet to the west would not provide a substantial safety improvement. The driveway for Lot 2 cannot meet the 150 foot spacing standard either. The applicanYs plans show it placed as far north as possible, thereby meeting this criterion. The drivewa� for Lot 3 is shown approximately 142 feet from the Pfaffle Street ROW. In order to meet this criterion the plans shall be revised to show the driveway for Lot 3 at least 150 feet from the Pfaffle Street ROW. Section 18.705.030.H.3 and 4 states that the minimum spacing of driveways and streets along a collector shall be 200 feet. The minimum spacing of driveways and streets along an arterial shall be 600 feet. The minimum spacing of local streefs along a local street shall be 125 feet. PfafFle Street is classified as a Collector; ther�fore the driveway for Lot 1 does not meet the 200 foot spacin� standard. The distance between 82n and 83�d Avenues is only about 290 feet and there are two existing driveways between the streets. There is no placement of either of these finro driveways that could possibly meet the spacing standard. The applicant has requested an adjustment to this standard to allow the existing driveway location for Lot 1 to remain. Staff concurs that the request is the minimum adjustment required to provide adequate access. The existing driveway location can meet the visual clearance requirements that helps ensure safe access. Minimum access requirements for residential use. Vehicular access and egress for sin�le-family, duplex or attached single-family dwelling units on individual lots and multi-family residential uses shall not be less than as provided in Table 18.705.1 and Table 18.705.2; The applicant is proposing detached single-family dwellings. There is an existing single-family home on parcef #1 with an existing driveway that is approximate�y 15 feet in width witFi 10 feet of pavement. Driveways for proposed parcels #2 and #3 will be reviewed at time of building permits. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. Vehicular access to multi-family structures shall be brought to within 50 feet of the ground floor entrance or the ground floor landing of a stairway, ramp, or elevator leading to the dwelling units; No multi-family structures are proposed with this application. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Private residential access drives shall be provided and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform fire Code; Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue was sent notice. However, TVFR has not responded. Section 18.705.030.H.4 states that Access drives in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with approved provisions for the turning around of fire apparatus by one of the following: a circular, paved surface having a minimum turn radius measured from center point to outside edge of 35 feet or a hammerhead-configured, paved surface with each leg of the hammerhead having a minimum depth of 40 feet and a minimum width of 20 feet. The maximum cross slope of a required turnaround is 5%. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 10 OF 18 The existing driveway for parcel #1 is 37 feet in length. The driveways for proposed parcels #2 and #3 will be reviewed at time of building permit. Therefore, this standard has been satisfied. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Access, Egress and Circulation standards have been met. Density ComPutations (18.7151: A�e�ini�io� ne eve opment area. Net development area, in acres, shall be determined by subtracting the followin land area(s) from the gross acres, which is all of the land included in the legal descrip�ion of the property to be developed: 1. All sensitive land areas 2. All land dedicated to the public for park purposes; 3. All land dedicated for public rights-of-way. 4. All land proposed for private streets; and 5. A lot of at least the size required by the applicable base zoning district, if an existing dwelling is to remain on the site. B. Calculating maximum number of residential units. To calculate the maximum number of residential units per net acre, divide the number of square feet in the net acres by the minimum number of square feet required for each lot in the applicable zoning district. C. Calculating minimum number of residential units. As required by Section 18.510.040, the minimum number of residential units per net acre shall be calculated b multiplying the maximum number of units determined in Subsection B above by 80% (0.8� The standards for density computation address the intensity of residential land uses, typically expressed as the number of housing units per acre. The total square footage of the subJ�ect property is 27,854 square feet. There are no sensitive land areas within the sub�ecf,proposal. To determine the net developable area, the square footage to accommodate the existing house on Parcel #1 10,784 square feet) and the square footage of the street dedication (464 square feet) is subtracted rom the calculation. This results in a net developable area of 16,606 square feet. As the minimum lot size for the R-4.5 zone is 7,500 square feet, the maximum number of additional residential units is two plus the existing house. The proposed partition creates two a itiona lots, which is in conformance with the minimum density requirements. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Density Computation Standards have been met. Landscapinq and Screeninq (18.7451: Street trees: Section 18.745.040 ec ion . 45.040.A.: All development projects fronting on a public street, private street or a private driveway more than 100 feet in length approved after the adoption of this title shall be required to plant street trees in accordance with the standards in Section 18.745.040C. This proposed proJ'e�t has 140 feet of frontage on SW Pfaffle Street and approximately 120 feet of frontage on SW 82" Avenue. Street trees are required along both frontages and shall be planted in accordance with the standards for size and spacing in this title, under Section 18.745.040.C. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Landscaping and Screening Standards have not been met. If the applicant complies with the condition below, the standard will be met: CONDITION: Provide and��nplement a plan that shows street trees planted along both SW Pfaffle Street . and SW 82 Avenue frontages in accordance with the standards for size and spacing under Section 18.745.040.0 of the Tigard Development Code. Tree Removal (18.7901: ree p an or e p anting, removal and protection of trees prepared by a certified arborist shall be provided for any lot„ parcel or combination of lots or parcels for which a development application for a subdivision, partition, site development review, planned development or conditional use is filed. Protection is preferred over removal wherever possible. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 11 OF 18 There is only one tree on site that is greater than six inches located on proposed parcel #1. The tree in question is a 22 inch Pine tree that has been proposed to remain. No construction will occur on proposed parcel #1 because the home is pre-existing. Therefore, no arborist report or mitigation plan is required. Section 18.790.040 states that any tree preserved or retained in accordance with this section may thereafter be removed only for the reasons set out in a tree plan, in accordance with Section 18.790.030, or as a condition of approval for a conditional use, and shall not be subject to removal under any other section of this chapter. The property owner shall record a deed restriction as a condition of approval of any development permit affected by this section to the effect that such tree may be removed only if the tree dies or is hazardous according to a certified arborist. The deed restriction may be removed or will be considered invalid if a tree preserved in accordance with this section should either die or be removed as a hazardous tree. The form of this deed restriction shall be subject to approval by the Director. The applicant will be required as a condition of approval to record a deed restriction that precludes the removal of the 22 inch Pine tree located on proposed parcel #1 unless it is deemed by an arborist to be deed dying or diseased. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Tree Removal Standards have not been met. In order to meet the standard, the applicant shall satisfy the following condition: CONDITION: Record a deed restriction that precludes the removal of the 22 inch Pine tree located on proposed parcel #1 unless it is deemed by an arborist to be deed dying or diseased. Visual Clearance Areas (18.7951: is ap er requires a a c ear vision area shall be maintained on the corners of all property adjacent to intersecting right-of-ways or the intersection of a public street and a private driveway. A clear vision area shall contain no vehicle, hedge, planting, fence, wall structure, or temporary or permanent obstruction exceeding three (3) feet in height. The code provides that obstructions that may be located in this area shall be visually clear between three (3) and eight (8) feet in height. Trees may be placed within this area provided that all branches below eight (8) feet are removed. A visual clearance area is the trian�ular area formed by measuring from tfie corner, 30-feet along the right-of-way and along the driveway and connecting these two points with a straight line. The applicant will be required to place a note on the final plat that no structures, fences, retaining walls or vegetation over three feet will be placed in the visual clearance triangles at the intersection of the proposed driveway and streets or the intersection of SW Pfaffle Street and SW 82"d Avenue. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Vision Clearance Standards are not met. CONDITION: Place a note on the final plat that no structures, fences, retaining walls or vegetation over three feet will be placed in the visual clearance triangles at the intersectio� of t7�e proposed driveway and streets or the intersection of SW Pfaffle Street and SW 82" Avenue. PUBLIC FACILITY CONCERNS Street And Utilitv Improvements Standards (Section 18.810): apter . proviaes cons ruc ion s an ar s or tFe mplementation of public and private facilities and utilities such as streets, sewers, and drainage. The applicable standards are addressed below: Streets: Improvements: Section 18.810.030.A.1 states that streets within a development and streets adjacent shall be improved in accordance with the TDC standards. Section 18.810.030.A.2 states that any new street or additional street width planned as a portion of an existing street shall be dedicated and improved in accordance with the TDC. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 12 OF 18 Minimum Ri�hts-of-Way and Street Widths: Section 18.810.030.E requires a Collector street to have a 58 right-of-way width and 34-foot paved section. Other improvements required may include on-street parking, sidewalks and bikeways, underground utilities, street lighting, storm drainage, and street trees. This site lies ad'acent to SW Pfaffle Street, which is classified as a Collector on the City of Tigard Transportation �lan Map. At present, there is approximately 60 feet of ROW, according to the most recent tax assessor's map. SW Pfaffle Street is currently improved. In order to mitigate the impact from this development, the applicant should install street trees. Minimum Rights-of-Way and Street Widths: Section 18.810.030.E requires a local street to have a 54 right-of-way width and 32-foot paved section. Other improvements required may include on- street parking, sidewalks and bikeways, underground utifities, street lighting, storm drainage, and street trees. This site lies adJ'acent to SW 82�d Avenue, which is classified as a local street on the City of Tigard Transportation Plan Map. At present, there is approximately 25 feet of ROW from centerline, according to the most recent tax assessor's map. The applicant should dedicate the additional ROW to provide 27 feet from centerline. SW 82"d Avenue is currently artially improved. In order to mitigate the impact from this development, the applicant should enter in�o a restrictive covenant for future street improvements prior to final plat approval. Grades and Curves: Section 18.810.030.N states that grades shall not exceed ten percent on arterials, 12% on collector streets, or 12% on any other street (except that local or residential access streets may have segments with grades up to 15% for distances of no greater than 250 feet). Centerline radii of curves shall be as determined by the City Engineer. The existing grades on Pfaffle Street and 82"d Avenue are well under 12%, thereby meeting this criterion. Access to Arterials and Major Collectors: Section 18.810.030.Q states that where a development abuts or is traversed by an existing or proposed arterial or ma�or collector street, the development design shall provide adequate protection for residential �roperties and shall separate residential access and through traffic, or if separation is not feasible, the design shall minimize the traffic conflicts. The design shall include any of the following: . A parallel access street along the arterial or major collector; . Lots of suitable depth abutting the arterial or major collector to provide adequate buffering with frontage along another sfreet; • Screen planting at the rear or side property line to be contained in a non-access reservation along the arterial or major collector; or . Other treatment suitable to meet the objectives of this subsection; • If a lot has access to two streets with different classifications, primary access should be from the lower classification street. The existing driveway for Lot 1 is located on a collector and could be relocated to 82"d Avenue, which is classified as a locaf street. The driveway location was discussed earlier and an adjustment was requested. Moving the driveway to the lower classification street would put it even closer to the intersection. Staff has concurred with the applicant's request to leave the driveway at its current location. Block Designs - Section 18.810.040.A states that the length, width and shape of blocks shall be desi�ned with due regard to providing adequate buifding sites for the use contemplated, consideration of needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traffic and recognition of limitations and opportunities of topography. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 13 OF 18 Block Sizes: Section 18.810.040.B.1 states that the perimeter of blocks formed by streets shall not exceed 1,800 feet measured along the right-of-way line except: • Where street location is precluded by natural topography, wetlands or other bodies of water or, pre-existing development or; . For blocks adjacent to arterial streets, limited access highways, major collectors or railroads. . For non-residential blocks in which internal public circulation provides equivalent access. No blocks are created with the proposed two lot partition. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Section 18.810.040.B.2 also states that bicycle and pedestrian connections on public easements or right-of-ways shall be provided when full street connection is not possible. Spacing between connections shall be no more than 330 feet, except where precluded by environmental or topographical constraints, existing development patterns, or strict adherence to other standards in the code. As mentioned above, no blocks are created with this application. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Lots - Size and Shape: Section 18.810.060(A) prohibits Iot depth from being more than 2.5 times the average lot width, unless the parcel is fess than 1.5 times the minimum lot size of the applicable zoning district. The minimum lot size of the R-4.5 zoning district is 7,500 square feet. Based on the standard above, none of the proposed parcels can be more than 2.5 times the average lot width unless they are less than 1.5 times the minimum lot size (11,250 square feet). None of the proposed parcels are greater than 11,250 square feet. The larg est parcel is parcel one, which is 10,784 square feet with a width of 140 feet and a depth of 79 feet. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Lot Frontage: Section 18.810.060(B) requires that lots have at least 25 feet of frontage on public or private streets, other than an alley. In the case of a land partition, 18.420.050.A.4.c applies, which requires a parcel to either have a minimum 15-foot frontage or a minimum 15-foot wide recorded access easement. In cases where the lot is for an attached single-family dwelling unit, the frontage shall be at least 15 feet. Proposed parcel #1 has 140 feet of frontage on SW PfafFle Street and 67 feet of frontage or� SW 82nd Avenue. Proposed parcel #2 and #3 have approximately 60 feet of frontage on SW 82� Avenue. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. Sidewalks: Section 18.810.070.A requires that sidewalks be constructed to meet City design standards and be located on both sides of arterial, collector and local residential streets. Private streets and industrial streets shall have sidewalks on at least one side. There is a sidewalk on Pfaffle Street. The applicant shall enter into a restrictive covenant for future street improvements along 82�d Avenue, whicf� includes construction of the sidewalk, thereby meeting this criterion. Sanitary Sewers: Sewers Required: Section 18.810.090.A requires that sanitary sewer be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existing mains in accordance with the provisions set forth in Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 1996 and including any future revisions or amendments) and the adopted policies of the comprehensive plan. Over-sizin�: Section 18.810.090.0 states that proposed sewer systems shall include consideration of additional development within the area as projected by the Comprehensive Plan. There is an existing 8-inch sewer line located in 82"d Avenue. The applicant's plans indicate that each of the three lots will have a separate lateral connecting to the public sewer. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 14 OF 18 Storm Drainage: General Provisions: Section 18.810.100.A requires developers to make adequate provisions for storm water and flood water runoff. Accommodation of U pstream Drainage: Section 18.810.100.0 states that a culvert or other drainage facility shall be large enough to accommodate potential runoff from its entire upstream drainage area, whether inside or oufside the development. The City Engineer shall approve the necessary size of the facility, based on the provisions of Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 2000 and including any future revisions or amendments). There are no upstream drainage ways that impact this development. Effect on Downstream Drainage: Section 18.810.100.D states that where it is anticipated by the City Engineer that the additional runoff resulting from the development will overload an existing draina�e facility, the Director and Engineer shall withhold approval of the development until provisions have been made for improvement of the potential condition or until provisions have been made for storage of additional runoff caused by the development in accordance with the Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 2000 and including any future revisions or amendments). In 1997, Clean Water Services (CWS) completed a basin study of Fanno Creek and adopted the Fanno Creek Watershed Mana ement Plan. Section V of that plan includes a recommendation that local governments institute a s�ormwater detention/effective impervious area reduction program resulting in no net increase in storm peak flows up to the 25-year event. The City will require that all new developments resulting in an increase of impervious surfaces provide onsite detention facilities, unless the development is located adjacent to Fanno Creek. For those developments adjacent to Fanno Creek, the storm water runoff will be permitted to discharge without detention. The applicant has requested they be allowed to pay the fee in-lieu for this development. CWS allows a fee in-lieu for minor land partitions. Bikeways and Pedestrian Pathways: Bikeway Extension: Section 18.810.110.A states that developments adjoining proposed bikeways identified on the City's adopted pedestrian/bikeway plan shall include provisions for the future extension of such bikeways through the dedication of easements or right-of-way. Pfaffle Street is designated as a bicycle facility. Cost of Construction: Section 18.810.110.B states that development permits issued for planned unit developments, conditional use permits, subdivisions, and other developments which will principally benefit from such bikeways shall be conditioned to include the cost or construction of bikeway improvements. For a small proJ�ect like a minor land partition with a relatively small frontage it does not make sense to install striping. lt does make sense for the developer to pay a fee-in-lieu of striping. The amount of the striping would be as follows: . 140 feet of 8-inch white stripe, at $2.50/If $350.00 . 3 Mono-directional reflective markers @ $4.00/ea $12.00 . 1 Bike lane legends @ $175/ea $175.00 . 1 Directional mini-arrows @ $100/ea $100.00 $fi�T.66 NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 15 OF 18 Utilities: Section 18.810.120 states that all utility lines, but not limited to those required for electric, communication, lighting and cable television services and related facilities shall be placed underground, except for surface mounted transformers, surface mounted connection boxes and meter cabinets which may be placed above ground, temporary utility service facilities during construction, high capacity electric lines operating at 50,000 volts or above, and: . The developer shall make all necessary arrangements with the serving utility to provide the underground services; • The City reserves the right to approve location of all surface mounted facilities; ♦ All underground utilities, including sanitary sewers and storm drains installed in streets by the developer, shall be constructed prior to the surfacing of the streets; and • Stubs for service connections shall be long enough to avoid disturbing the street improvements when service connections are made. Exception to Under-Grounding Requirement: Section 18.810.120.0 states that a developer shall pay a fee in-lieu of under-�rounding costs when the development is proposed to take place on a street where existing utilities which are not underg round will serve the development and the approval authority determines that the cost and technical difficulty of under-g rounding the utilities outweighs the benefit of under-grounding in conjunction with the devefopment. The determination shall be on a case-by-case bas�s. The most common, but not the only, such situation is a short frontage development for which under-grounding would result in the placement of additional poles, rather than the removal of above-ground utilities facilities. An applicant for a development which is served by utilities which are not underground and which are located across a public right-of-way from the applicant's property shall pay a fee in-lieu of under-grounding. There are existing overhead utility lines along the frontage of SW Pfaffle Street and 82�d Avenue. If the fee in-lieu is proposed, it is equal to $35.00 per lineal foot of stre�t frontage that contains the overhead lines. The frontage along this site is 200 lineal feet along 82" Avenue; therefore the fee would be $7,000.00. ADDITIONAL CITY AND/OR AGENCY CONCERNS WITH STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENT Public Water S stem: e ua a in a ey ater District TVWD) provides service in this area. The applicant shall submit plans for review and approval to D. The applicant shall provide the City with a copy of the approvals prior to issuance of the PFI permit. Storm Water Qu_a_li_ty_ e iy as agreed to enforce SurFace Water Management (SWM) regulations established by Clean Water Services (CWS) Design and Construction Standards (adopted by Resolution and Order No. 00-7) which require the construction of on-site water quality facilities. The facilities shall be designed to remove 65 percent of the phosphorus contained in 100 percent of the storm water runoff generated from newly created impervious surfaces. In addition, a maintenance plan shall be submitted indicating the frequency and method to be used in keeping the facility maintained through the year. The CWS standards include a provision that would exclude small projects such as residential land partitions. It would be impractical to require an on-site water quality facility to accommodate treatment of the storm water from Parcel 1-3. Rather, the CWS standards provide that applicants should pay a fee in-lieu of constructing a facility if deemed appropriate. Staff recommends payment of the fee in-lieu on this application. Gradin and Erosion Control: esign an ons ruc ion Standards also regulate erosion control to reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants reaching the public storm and surface water system resulting from development, construction, grading, excavating, clearin�, and any other activity whicfi accelerates erosion. Per CWS regulations, the applicant is required to submit an erosion control plan for City review and approval prior to issuance of City permits. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 16 OF 18 The Federal Clean Water Act requires that a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) erosion control permit be issued for any development that will disturb one or more acre of land. Since this site is over five acres, the developer will be required to obtain an NPDES permit from the City prior to construction. This permit will be issued along with the site and/or building permit. Address Assi nments: e i y o igar is responsible for assigning addresses for parcels within the City of Tigard and within the Urban Service Boundary (USB). An addressing fee in the amount of $50.00 per address shall be assessed. This fee shall be paid to the City prior to final plat approval. Surve Re uirements: e app ican s ina p at shall contain State Plane Coordinates [NAD 83 (91)] on two monuments with a tie to the City's global positioning system (GPS) geodetic control network (GC 22). These monuments shall be on the same line and shall be of the same precision as required for the subdivision plat boundary. Along with the coordinates, the plat shall contain the scale factor to convert ground measurements to grid measurements and the angle from north to grid north. These coordinates can be established by: . GPS tie networked to the City's GPS survey. . By random traverse using conventional surveying methods. In addition, the appIicanYs as-built drawings shall be tied to the GPS network. The applicant's engineer shall provide the City with an electronic file with points for each structure (manholes, catch basins, water valves, hydrants and other water system features in the development, and their respective X and Y State Plane Coordinates, referenced to NAD 83 (91 . Impact Stud 18.390 ec ion ���states, "The Director shall make a finding with respect to each of the following criteria when approving, approving with conditions or denying an application:" Section 18.390.040 states that the a��licant shall provide an impact study to quantify the effect of development on public facilities and services. For each public facility system and type of impact, the study shall propose improvements necessary to meet City standard, and to minimize the impact of the development on the public at large, public facilities systems, and affected private property users. In situations where the Community Development Code requires the dedication of real property interests, the applicant shall either specifically concur with a requirement for �ublic right-of-way dedication, or provide evidence that supports that the real property dedication is not roughly proportional to the projected impacts of the development. Section 18.390.040 states that when a condition of approval requires the transfer to the public of an interest in real property, the approval authority shall adopt findings which support the conclusion that the interest in real property to be transferred is roughly proportional to the impact the proposed development will have on the public. The applicant has submitted an impact study that addresses the impact the proposed partition will have on public facilities. The impact study can be found in the land-use file at the City s Permit Center. The Washington County Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) is a mitigation measure that is required at the time of developmenf. Based on a transportation impact study prepared by Mr. David Larson for the A-Boy Expans�on/Dolan II/Resolution 95-61, TIF's are expected to recapture 32 percent of the traffic impact of new development on the Collector and Arterial Street system. The applicant will be required to pay TIF's of approximately $2,690 per new dwelling unit. Based on the estimate that total TIF fees cover 32 percent of the impact on major street improvements citywide, a fee that would cover 100 percent of this projects traffic impact is $16,812 ($5,380 divided by .32). The difference between the TIF paid, and the full impact, is considered the unmitigated impact on the street system. The unmitigated impact of this prol'ect on the transportation system is $11,432. The cost of the dedication is expecfed to be $1,122 (R-O-W Dedication). The exactions are proportionate. NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 17 OF 18 SECTION VI. OTHER STAFF COMMENTS City of Tigard Building Department has reviewed the proposal and has no objection to it. City of Tigard Police Department has reviewed the proposal and has no objection to it. SECTION VII. AGENCY COMMENTS Tualatin Valley Water District has reviewed the proposal and has no objection to it. Final Decision: THIS DECISION IS FINAL ON OCTOBER 17, 2005 AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE ON NOVEMBER 1, 2005 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. A��eal: The Director's Decision is final on the date that it is mailed. All persons entitled to notice or who are otherwise adversely affected or aggrieved by the decision as provided in Section 18.390.040.G.1. may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18.390.040.G.2. of the Tigard Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal together with the required fee shall be filed with the Director within ten (10) business days of the date the Notice of Decision was mailed. The appeal fee schedule and forms are available from the Planning Division of Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. Unless the applicant is the appellant, the hearing on an appeal from the Director's Decision shall be confined to the specific issues identified in the written comments submitted by the parties during the comment period. Additional evidence concerning issues properly raised in the Notice of Appeal may be submitted by any party during the appeal hearing, subject to any additional rules of procedure that may be adopted from time to time by the appellate body. THE DEADLINE FOR FILING AN APPEAL IS 5:00 PM ON OCTOBER 31, 2005. Questions: yTf ou ��ave any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Division, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon at (503) 639-4171. _--� , �l l - � '�. �.���-�. __ October 17 2005 ew c egger � ssociate lanner . l�.ls October 17 2005 . ic ar � rs o Planning ager i:lcurpinlmathew\mlplmlp2Q05-00006(Pacific Rim)1mIp2005-00006.decision.doc NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2005-00006/PACIFIC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION PAGE 18 OF 18 � _, ,� . . � �FC�t;RnaH�,C iWC�RM/iiDN SvSTEM �r -- _ _ ; � 5T -w � �� naM�r�r � � = Q - -- > � _ �� w - - THORN Q � _ > o -- - r - �� __ _ ____ _ -sTE�E M LP1005-00006 � - VAR2005-00065 --� � w � > __ _ _ _ _ _ _ - a PAC RIM PROPERTIES -- > - - -- w-- a PARTITION > _ o o � -- w � Z � -- W -- - > - � - - -- - r ¢�- -.__ o0 G �- �o _ _ � � --- � � - - ------ — - � - _ ^ A� 5�:�:k� .: : �, -- ' ��, \ - — FE,�u� -;�`�-` �' � �a �� PFAFF-- - - ��,. �:"�.T���l ��I _LE -- --� ST � ��,.���- �'� , ,: ..I '------- '; ¢- g a na o . � BECtft'N'�RO =RO _ _`��" �__'� . _I � ^ Tgard Area Map � � � � \ N 0 �00 200 300 400 Feet _ _ _ — _ _ � � 1"=312 feet --- � � -^, � ��V� City of l�igard � Infortnation on this map is for general location ony and (.� shouiC be verified with the Developnent Services Division. 4 , 13125 SW Hall Blvd � �.A Tigard.OR 97223 %A ��� 1._ (503)639-4171 http:/lwww.ci.ligard.or.us Community Development Plot date:Aug 30,2005;C:lmagicUAAGIC03.APR � I � I I --J I � '. �wr � ' I � I I Y a�uH unK t�r+t� I � N �9'47'S0" W ]42.00, �a�'Npq1" �.� � 740.00' I I I � � { 2' DEDICATION �11' 19'� �F�� LOT 3 o.a'�sr 1 I � L a°a 9.399. sQ.ft. a � O � I ' __ '� I Om �r I ' I r -- ' � � � ,.�.00� I , � i I z ; � � � I � W ' o LOT 2 I� � � ° � oI� e,zo�. .q.rt < � I � � o � 0 0 r' Fn.�a �m�o wr wc _ _ m N � � � �� ���.�n �+r� W � I � � J � L_J � I r � � I I p }7.9B' ?23, oo I L—— Z 97.67' I z I 15' � Ow+.EwAr PAT10 �5• I I r �� �25' -- !�-�----------- �- � i �sTM�� � I i , I � � z�� � � 1���� i i i � ' ' � �'�� �-- — Im i i � � ° t----n---- ---� 2'DEOiCnnOw � � I o��t r � �--- LOT 1 r � Ii s j ,w��� I0.7B4. aq.ft. 9 I i-- — I g I I � I � � i r � � � I ` I I I � —,–,– .-.�y. _ ,25.�2• ��� ,� S 88'48'S0" E 7 42.02� I EXISTING CURB dc GUTTER � ' — �� — ���s�. (COUNTY ROAp NO. 975) —� - — --- ------- -----------------'----�----- ---------�K------------ �mo�� C'T� �F T'�ARD � MLP2005-00OO6/VAR2005-00065 srrE Puvr N PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION Ma is not to scale � r � EXHIBIT.�. Pac Rim Properties, LLC MLP2005-00006NAR2005-00065 5700 NW EI Ray Drive PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION Camas, WA 98607 Hale Design Services Attn: Steve Hale 3804 Kauffman Avenue Vancouver, WA 98660 � an or nc�ao ` � Community�1�eveCopment S�iapingA�etterCommunit LAND USE PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION 120 DAYS = 12/22/2005 FILE NOS.: MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2005-00006 ADJUSTMENT (VAR) 2005-00065 FILE TITLE: PAC RIM PROPERTIES PARTITION APPLICANT Pac Rim Properties, LLC APPLICANT'S Hale Design Services OWNER: 5700 NW EI Ray Drive REP.: Attn: Steve Hale Camas, WA 98607 3804 Kauffman Avenue Vancouver, WA 98660 REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval to divide one parcel of .63 acres into three lots of 10,784, 8,207 and 8,399 square feet. The existing house is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 which will take acce�s from SW Pfaffle Street. Proposed Parcels #2 and #3 will take access from SW 82" Avenue. A Variance has also been requested to the access spacing standards of section 18.705 from 200 feet to 110 feet. LOCATION: 8225 SW Pfaffle Street; WCTM 1S136CB, Tax Lot 1900. COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: Low-Density Residential District. ZONE: R-4.5: Low-Density Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.370, 18.390, 18.420, 18.510, 18.705, 18.715, 18.745, 18.765, 18.790, 18.795 and 18.810. DECISION MAKING BODY BELOW: � TYPE I � TYPE II p TYPE III ❑ TYPE IV DATE COMMENTS WERE SENT: AUGUST 30, 2005 DATE COMMENTS ARE DUE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 ❑HEARINGS OFFICER [MONJ DATE OF HEARING: TIME: 7:OOPM ❑PLANNING COMMISSION [MONJ DATE OF HEARING: TIME: 1:00 PM ❑CITY COUNCIL RUESJ DATE OF HEARING: TIME: 1:30PM �STAFF DECISION [TENTATIYD DATE OF DECISION: OCTOBER 5, 2005 COMPONENTS RELATED TO THE PROJECT AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING IN THE PLANNING DIVISION � VICINITY MAP � PARTITION PLAT � TREE PLAN � SITE PLAN � CWS LETTER � IMPACT STUDY � NARRATIVE ❑ GRADING PLANS � OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Mathew Scheideqqer, Associate Planner (503) 639-4171, Ext. 2437 � � CITY OF TIGARD July 26, 2005 OREGON Pacific Rim Properties, LLC 5700 NW EI Ray Drive Camas, WA 98607 To Whom It May Concern: RE: Notice of Incomplete Application Submittal MLP2005-00006 The City has not received the information necessary to begin the review of your Minor Land Partition application. Staff has, therefore, deemed your application submittal as incomplete. In order for staff to proceed, the following materials will need to be submitted: . The items in the enclosed public facility completeness checklist must be addressed. Any questions pertaining to public facilities can be directed to Kim McMillan in the Engineering Department at (503)639-4111 ext.2642. I am available to answer questions and otherwise assist you as may be required at 503-639-4171, extension #2437. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. If I am not available, please leave your name and phone number so that I can call you as soon as possible. Sincerely, . _.�--__ Mathew Scheidegger Associate Planner i:�cu rp InVnathewUn Ip2005-00006.acc c: MLP2005-00006 Land Use File 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-4171 TDD (503)684-2772 PUBLIC FACILITY PLAN Project: . _affle Partition COMPLETENESS CHECKLIST Date: 7-26-05 GRADING � Existin and ro osed contours shown. ❑ Are there radin im acts on ad'acent arcels? ❑ Ad'acent arcel rades shown. ❑ Geotech stud submitted? STREETISSUES � Ri ht-of-wa clearl shown. � Centerline of street s clearl shown. � Street name s shown. � Existin / ro osed curb or ed e of avement shown. ❑ Street rofiles shown. NA ❑ Future Street Plan: Must show street profiles, topo NA on ad�acent arcel s , etc. ❑ Traffic Im act and/or Access Re ort ❑ Street rades com liant? NA � StreeUROW widths dimensioned and a ro riate? ❑ Private Streets? Less than 6 lots and width a ro riate? ❑ Other: 1) Shared driveway, 2) Adjustment required 1)Shared driveway width maximum is 30 feet. for 18.705.030.H.3 for the driveway on Pfaffle Revise plan to show one 30 foot driveway or two separate driveways, 2) The applicant asked for an adjustment to 18.705.030.H.2, which does not require an adjustment The applicant did a good job explaining why the driveway on Pfaffle is in the best location with regards to the "Influence area of a Co!lector infersection", however an adjustment fo the 200 foot spacing sfandard is required. Provide additional narrative to supporf the adjustment for 98.705.030.H.3 in the narrative for 18.370. SANITARY SEWER ISSUES � Existin / ro osed lines shown. ❑ Stubs to ad�acent arcels re uired/shown? WATER ISSUES � Existin / ro osed lines w/sizes noted? ❑ Existin / ro osed fire h drants shown? ❑ Pro osed meter location and size shown? Show t ical meter size ❑ Pro osed fire rotection s stem shown? STORM DRAINAGE AND WATER QUALITY ISSUES � Existin / ro osed lines shown? ❑ Prelimiria sizin calcs for water ualit /detention NA REVISED: 07/26/05 rovided? ❑ Water ualit /detention facilit shown on lans? NA ❑ Area for facilit match re uirements from calcs? ❑ Facilit shown outside an wetland buffer? ❑ Storm stubs to ad�acent arcels re uired/shown? The submittal is hereby deemed ❑ COMPLETE � INCOMPLETE By: Date: 7/26/05 REVISED: 07/26/05 : " l S ( 3 co C� ( `� 6-e� PUBLJC FAClLITYPLAN Project: r ,affle Partition COMPLETENESS CHECKLIST Dafe: 7-26-05 GRADING � Existin and ro osed contours shown. ❑ Are there radin im acts on ad�acent arcels? ❑ Ad�acent arcel rades shown. ❑ Geotech stud submitted? STREEi" ISSUES � Ri ht-of-wa clearl shown. � Centerline of street s clearl shown. � Street name s shown. � Existin / ro osed curb or ed e of avement shown. ❑ Street rofiles shown. NA ❑ Future Street Plan: Must show street profiles, topo NA on ad�acent arcel s , etc. ' ❑ Traffic Im act and/or Access Re ort ❑ Street rades com liant? NA � Street/ROW widths dimensioned and a ro riate? ❑ Private Streets? Less than 6 lots and width a ro riate? ❑ Other: 1) Shared driveway, 2) Adjustment required 1)Shared driveway width maximum is 30 feet. for 18.705.030.H.3 for the driveway on Pfaffle Revise plan to show one 30 foot driveway or two separate driveways,�he applicant asked for an adjusfinent to 18.705.030.H.2, which does not require an adjustment. The applicanf did a good job explaining why the driveway on Pfaffle is in the best location with regards to the "Influence area of a Col/ector intersection'; however an adjustment fo the 200 foot spacing standard is required. Provide additional narrative to support the adjustment for 98.705.030.H.3 in the narrative for 98.370. SANITARY SEWER ISSUES � Existin / ro osed lines shown. ❑ Stubs to ad'acent arcels re uired/shown? WATER ISSUES � Existin / ro osed lines w/ sizes noted? Existin / ro osed fire h drants shown? Pro osed meter location and size shown? Show t ica!meter size ❑ Pro osed fire rotection s stem shown? STORM DRAINAGE AND WATER QUALITY ISSUES � Existin / ro osed lines shown? ❑ Prelimina sizin calcs for water ualit /detention NA REVISED: 07/26/05 � -� r ► provided? ❑ Water ualit /detention facilit shown on lans? NA ❑ Area for facilit match re uirements from calcs? ❑ Facilit shown outside an wetland buffer? ❑ Storm stubs to ad'acent arcels re uired/shown? 8- q- 05 The submittal is hereby emed � COMPLETE � INCOMPLETE By: Date: 7/26/05 � � N�t` ��20� tDI�UG a s��,��^ � ►��ay �� 1�C5 2 d • ��' M Ax� 3 • L-�' 2 p 12i UEwAy M,uST � Z�' M AK d, Lo�T�D C� ' �Qol�l No�2�ti 'F�, Lo7 3 �R IVEWAy 2� ' MA1c MuST SE I 54' E � � �E T No�2TM o� Tt�� �►�v 'pFArFFLE �oh/ G�E �4"tTa C-�tED . REVISED: 07/26/05 i � 8 � � 2' DEDICATION -� -- �1�� 19' � LOT 3 � I I L . 8,399. sq.ft. ° I 0 � Z(� � D�w DRI � 1 SO�� �- � I � 140.00' � I �o� � I � w ^ I ?.A� � � � i DlW ; o � LOT 2 � Q � N � I W < 8,207. sq.ft, � I N � � EXISTING LOT LINE � O I � � g '� -- N I � � HED FD. IR w a � � �OVED BENT � 4� I � e r� � I I S O � L- - 2`�� 97.67' � I Z DRIVEWAY BRICK PAT10 �5� I I �� � 12.5' � -- XISTING SHED � I � � EXIS�ING HOUSE � 27'� I TO REMAIN � I I � � 25, L __ . I � � - --� _ _ - - _ � `° I � - --- - - 2' DEDICATION DRIVE A � II CONCRETE LOT 1 a I WALK 10,784, sq.ft. o r � � � D � � ,�, L/ ► I � � 125.02' 1� �� a S 88' S84 0" E 142.02 -� �G Pl�e, e ° . a. . . , , . . ,. I � �' d ° 'e • . .� . " a � EXISTING CURB & GUTTER 30' 20' FAFFLE STREET � VTY Rnnn �In n�r� — — � �.,. -. _.�. CITY OF TIGARD au9ust s, 2005 OREGON Pacific Rim Properties, LLC 5700 NW EI Ray Drive Camas, WA 98607 To Whom It May Concern: RE: Notice of Incomplete Application Submittal MLP2005-00006 The City has not received the information necessary to begin the review of your Minor Land Partition application. Staff has, therefore, deemed your application submittal as incomplete. In order for staff to proceed, the following materials will need to be submitted: . Submit 15 copies of complete application packet. . Submit two sets of pre-stamped, pre-addressed envelopes. Property owner lists must be produced by the City of Tigard Planning Department. I have enclosed a mailing list request fQrm with this letter for your convenisnce. Please complete it and fax it to Patty Lunsford. I am available to answer questions and otherwise assist you as may be required at 503-639-4171, extension #2437. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. If I am not available, please leave your name and phone number so that I can call you as soon as possible. Sincerely � ��_ Mathew Scheidegger Associate Planner i:�curpinlmathewUnlp2005-00006.acc.acc c: MLP2005-00006 Land Use File 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-4171 TDD (503) 684-2772 � CITY 4F TIGARD August 2s, 2005 OREGON Pacific Rim Properties, LLC 5700 NW EI Ray Drive Camas, WA 98607 To Whom It May Concem: RE: Notice of Complete Application Submittal (MLP2005-00006) The City has reviewed your submittal material and finds that your application is complete as of 8/24/05. Staff will now review your application for Land Partition Approval and associated applications. A decision will be rendered within 6-8 weeks. I am available to answer questions and otherwise assist you as may be required at 503-639-4171, extension 2437. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. If I am not available, please leave your name and phone number so that I can call you as soon as possible. Sincerely, _ � athew Scheidegger Associate Planner i:1cu rp Inlmathewlmlp2005-00006.acc.acc c: MLP2005-00006 Land Use File Hale Design Services 3804 Kauffman Avenue Vancouver, WA 98660 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-4171 TDD (503)684-2772 PFAFFLE PARTITION 3-lot Minor Partition and Variance/Adjustment Review June 30, 2005 Revised July 28, 2005 Submitted To City of Tigard Community Development Department Applicant Pac Rim Properties, LLC 5700 NW El Ray Drive Camas, WA 98607 Applicant's Representative Hale Design Services 3804 Kauffman Avenue Vancouver, WA 98660 Phone: 360-921-2603 Fax: 360-397-0969 �,,. .� ,_ .,. PRE,APP.HELD BY: CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING DIVISION 13125 SW HALL BOULEVARD TIGARD, OR 97223-8189 503.639.41711503.684.7297 CITY OF TIGARD OREGON LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION File# M(,,,� odS-�o�� Other Case # v�R a°°s - �o�S Date b '3�-�5 gy� Receipt# a°os-3°�" City � Urb ❑ Date Complete TYPE OF PERMIT YOU ARE APPLYING FOR �AdjustmenWariance (I or II) �Minor Land Partition (II) ❑ Zone Change (III) ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amendment (IV) ❑ Planned Development (III) ❑ Zone Change Annexation (IV) ❑ Conditional Use (III) [� Sensitive Lands Review (I, II or III) ❑ Zone Ordinance Amendment (IV) ❑ Historic Overlay (II or III) ❑ Site Development Review (II} ❑ Home Occupation (II) ❑ Subdivision (II or III) ress i avai a e g Z S S � � C.t � r_� 4 Z � C � Q � �. — � a � ^ o e.rT►�es L L S O O � �� e C_.�' m� S LU O 3�0 8 3 3 - S7Z o3 G 9� - Sl So So3 70 - 03 ac is i more an one � e �i� o �— ,'e t L L G . � _ � � 'When the owner and the applicant are different people, the applicant must be �purchaser of record or a lessee in possession with written authorization from the owner or an agent of the owner. The ners must sign this application in the s ace provided on the back of this form or submit a written authorization with this a lication. ease e speci ic - L ot L cti r� �r 'e n �n ` n 'e w APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT ALL OF THE REQUIRED SUBMITTAL ELEMENTS AS DESCRIBED IN THE "BASIC SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS" INFORMATION SHEET. THE APPLICANT SHALL CERTIFY THAT: ♦ If the application is granted, the applicant shall exercise the rights granted in accordance with the terms and subject to all the conditions and limitations of the approval. ♦ All the above statements and the statements in the plot plan, attachments, and exhibits transmitted herewith, are true; and the applicants so acknowledge that any permit issued, based on this application, map be revoked if it is found that any such statements are false. ♦ The applicant has read the entire contents of the application, including the policies and criteria, and understands the requirements for approving or denying the application(s). SIGNATURES OF EACH OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ARE REQUIRED. - . /�- � - �',�� G�.�S��� Owner's Signatu e Date Owner's Signature Date Owner's Signature Date Owner's Signature Date Owner's Signature Date Applicant/Agent/Representative's Signature Date Applicant/Agent/Representative's Signature Date Table of Contents Project Information A. Application Form B. Project Information Summary C. Pre-Application Notes D. Tax Map Narrative A. Project Description B. Development Code Standards C. Impact Study Appendix A. CWS Sensitive Area Pre-Screening Site Assessment& Service Provider Letter B. Title Report C. Preliminary Partition Plan • Existing Conditions Map • Preliminary Partition Plan • Proposed Access and Service Connection Plan _� � PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT INFORMATION Jurisdiction: City of Tigard Community Development Department Planning Division 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 Applicant: Pac Rim Properties, LLC 5700 NW EI Ray Drive Camas, WA 98607 Applicant's Representative: Hale Design Services 3804 Kauffman Avenue Vancouver, WA 98660 (360) 92l-2603 (360) 397-0969 Fax Contact: Steve Hale Property Information: Property ID: R283561 , Map 1S136CB0]900 Site Legal: Ranch Valley, Lot 15 & 16 Location: Generally located at the iniersection of SW - 82"d Avenue and SW Pfaffle Street Current Zoning: R-4.5 Project Area: 0.63 ac S�urveyor: Hale Design Services 3804 Kauffman Avenue Vancouver, WA 98660 (360) 921-2603 (360) 397-0969 Fax Contact: Steve Hale Request: Type II Minor Partition and Variance/ Adjustment Review ,, PRE-AP ICATION COHFERENCE NOTES ➢ ENGIHEERING SECTION Q �'�°nng�°�°"nt S�iapingA BetterCommunity PUBLIC FACILITIES Tex Mep[sl: 1S136C6 Tax Loasl: 1900 Use Type: MLP The extent of necessary public improvements and dedications which shall be required of the applicant will be recommended by City staff and subject to approval by the appropriate authority. There will be no final recommendation to the decision making authority on behalf of the City staff until all concerned commenting agencies, City staff and the public have had an opportunity to review and comment on the application. The following comments are a prolection of public improvement related requirements that may be required as a condition of development approval for your proposed project. Right-of-way dedication: The City of Tigard requires that land area be dedicated to the public: (1.) To increase abutting public rights-of-way to the ultimate functional street classification right-of-way width as specified by the Community Development Code; or (2.) For the creation of new streets. Approval of a development application for this site will require right-of-way dedication for: � SW Pfaffle Street to 29 feet from centerline � SW 82"d Avenue to 27 feet from centerline ❑ SW to feet ❑ SW to feet Street improvements: � Half street improvements will be necessary along SW Pfaffle Street, to include: � 17 feet of pavement from centerline � concrete curb � storm sewers and other underground utilities � 6-foot concrete sidewalk with 5 foot planter strip � street trees sized and spaced per TDC � street signs, traffic control devices, streetlights and a two-year streetlight fee. ❑ Other: CITY OF TI6ARD �re-Appltcatl�n CoM�ronce N�tes Page 1 of 6 �,�i.•.ne�e.��roa��c s•cu•. � Half street improveme, will be necessary along SW 82"d A�„nue, to include: � 16 feet of pavement from centerline � concrete curb � storm sewers and other underground utilities � 5-foot concrete sidewalk with 5 foot planter strip � street trees sized and spaced per TDC � street signs, traffic control devices, streetlights and a two-year streetlight fee. ❑ Other: ❑ street improvements will be necessary along SW , to include: ❑ feet of pavement ❑ concrete curb ❑ storm sewers and other underground utilities ❑ -foot concrete sidewalk ❑ street trees ❑ street signs, traffic control devices, streetlights and a two-year streetlight fee. ❑ Other: ❑ street improvements will be necessary along SW , to include: ❑ feet of pavement ❑ concrete curb ❑ storm sewers and other underground utilities ❑ -foot concrete sidewalk ❑ street trees ❑ street signs, traffic control devices, streetlights and a two-year streetlight fee. ❑ Other: ❑ street improvements will be necessary along SW , to include: ❑ feet of pavement ❑ concrete curb ❑ storm sewers and other underground utilities ❑ -foot concrete sidewalk ❑ street trees ❑ street signs, traffic control devices, streetlights and a two-year streetlight fee. CITY OF TI6ARU Pre-Applicatlon Comeronce Netes Page 2 of 6 Eill�ndq�qartwat Esetln , � ❑ Other: Aqreement for Future Street Improvements: In some cases, where street improvements or other necessary public improvements are not currently practical, the improvements may be deferred. In such cases, a condition of development approval may be specified which requires the property owner(s) to provide a future improvement guarantee. The City Engineer will determine the form of this guarantee. The following street improvements may be eligible for such a future improvement guarantee: (1.) Pfaffle Street (2.) 82"d Avenue Overhead Utilitv Lines: � Section 18.810.120 of the Tigard Municipal Code (TMC) requires all overhead utility lines adjacent to a development to be placed underground or, at the election of the developer, a fee in-lieu of undergrounding can be paid. This requirement is valid even if the utility lines are on the opposite side of the street from the site. If the fee in-lieu is proposed, it is equal to $ 35.00 per lineal foot of street frontage that contains the overhead lines. There are existing overhead utility lines which run adjacent to this site along SW Pfaffle Street and SW 82"d Avenue. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall either place these utilities underground, or pay the fee in-lieu described above. Sanitarv Sewers: The nearest sanitary sewer line to this property is a(n) 8 inch line which is located in 82"d Avenue. The proposed development must be connected to a public sanitary sewer. It is the developer's responsibility to �rovide separate connections to the public sewer for each lot. Water Supqly: The Tualatin Vallev Water District (Phone:(503) 642_1511) provides public water service in the area of this site. This service provider should be contacted for information regarding water supply for your proposed development. Fire Protection: Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue District (South Division) [Contact: Eric McMullen, (503) 612-7010] provides fire protection services within the City of Tigard. The District should be contacted for information regarding the adequacy of circulation systems, the need for fire hydrants, or other questions related to fire protection. Storm Sewer Improvements: All proposed development within the City shall be designed such that storm water runoff is conveyed to an approved public drainage system. The applicant will be required to submit a proposed storm CtT1f OF i16AR0 Pro-Appllcatl�n C��eronce N�tes �age 3�f 6 E��I■••nq�•r�runt a•etl.■ . drainage plan for the site, an� may be required to prepare a sub ' �in drainage analysis to ensure that the proposed system will ;ommodate runoff from upstream , erties when fully developed. May pay the fee-in-lieu of constructing on-site detention. Storm Water Qualitv: The City has agreed to enforce Surface Water Management (SWM) regulations established by the Unified Sewerage Agency (USA) (Resolution and Order No. 00-7) which requires the construction of on-site water quality facilities. The facilities shall be designed to remove 65 percent of the phosphorus contained in 100 percent of the storm water runoff generated from impervious surFaces. The resolution contains a provision that would allow an applicant to pay a fee in-lieu of constructing an on- site facility provided specific criteria are met. The City will use discretion in determining whether or not the fee in-lieu will be offered. If the fee is allowed, it will be based upon the amount of impervious surfaces created; for every 2,640 square feet, or portion thereof, the fee shall be $210. Preliminary sizing calculations for any proposed water quality facility shall be submitted with the development application. It is anticipated that this project will require: ❑ Construction of an on-site water quality facility. � Payment of the fee in-lieu. Other Comments: All proposed sanitary sewer and storm drainage systems shall be designed such that City maintenance vehicles will have unobstructed access to critical manholes in the systems. Maintenance access roadways may be required if existing or proposed facilities are not otherwise readily accessible. 1) Exisfing driveway does not meet 18.705.030.N.2 driveways shal! not be permitted to be placed within the influence area of collector street infersections. 2) Exisfing driveway does not meef 18.705.030.H.3 minimum spacing of driveways and sfreets along a collector shal/be 200 feef. 3) Proposed driveway(s) sha/l be located on 82"d Avenue as far north as possib/e in order to meef 18.705.030.H.2. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES In 1990, Washington County adopted a county-wide Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) ordinance. The Traffic Impact Fee program collects fees from new development based on the development's projected impact upon the City's transportation system. The applicant shall be required to pay a fee based upon the number of trips which are projected to result from the proposed development. The calculation of the TIF is based on the proposed use of the land, the size of the project, and a general use based fee category. The TIF shall be calculated at the time of building permit issuance. In limited circumstances, payment of the TIF inay be allowed to be deferred until the issuance of an occupancy permit. Deferral of the payment until occupancy is permissible o� when the TIF is greater than $5,000.00. CITY OF TI6ARD Pre-Applicadan Comeronee M�[es Page 4 of 6 E��I���rl����P�rtm�at S�ctla Pay the TIF PERMITS Public Facilitv Improvement (PFI) Permit: Any work within a public right-of-way in the City of Tigard requires a PFI permit from the Engineering Department. A PFI permit application is available at the Planning/Engineering counter in City Hall. For more extensive work such as street widening improvements, main utility line extensions or subdivision infrastructure, plans prepared by a registered professional engineer must be submitted for review and approval. The Engineering Department fee structure for this permit is considered a cost recovery system. A deposit is collected with the application, and the City will track its costs throughout the life of the permit, and will either refund any remaining portion of the deposit, or invoice the Permittee in cases where City costs exceeds the deposit amount. NOTE: Engineering Staff time will also be tracked for any final design-related assistance provided to a Permittee or their engineer prior to submittal of a PFI permit application. This time will be considered part of the administration of the eventual PFI permit. The Permittee will also be required to post a performance bond, or other such suitable security. Where professional engineered plans are required, the Permittee must execute a Developer/Engineer Agreement, which will obligate the design engineer to perform the primary inspection of the public improvement construction work. The PFI permit fee structure is as follows: NOTE: If an PFI Permit is required,the appllcant must obtain that permit prior to release of any permits from the Building Diuision. Buildinq Division Permits: The following is a brief overview of the type of permits issued by the Building Division. For a more detailed explanation of these permits, please contact the Development Services Counter at 503-639-4171, ext. 304. Site Improvement Permit (SIT). This permit is generally issued for all new commercial, industrial and multi-family projects. This permit will also be required for land partitions where lot grading and private utility work is required. This permit covers all on-site preparation, grading and utility work. Home builders will also be required to obtain a SIT permit for grading work in cases where the lot they are working on has slopes in excess of 20% and foundation excavation material is not to be hauled from the site. Building Permit (BUP). This permit covers only the construction of the building and is issued after, or concurrently with, the SIT permit. Master Permit (MST). This permit is issued for all single and multi-family buildings. It covers all work necessary for building construction, including sub-trades (excludes grading, etc.). This permit can not be issued in a subdivision until the public improvements are substantially complete and a mylar copy of the recorded plat has been returned by the applicant to the City. CITY OF TI6ARD Pro-Appllcatl�a C�Meronce N�[es P�pe 5 of 6 F���■••n.��q�ru..■t a•eu•. . . . For a land partition, thP �pplicant must obtain an Engineerir� Permit, if required, and return a mylar copy of the recc 1 plat to the City prior to issuance � �is permit. Other Permits. There are other special permits, such as mechanical, electrical and plumbing that may also be required. Contact the Development Services Counter for more information. GRADING PLAN REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBDIVISIONS All subdivision projects shall require a proposed grading plan prepared by the design engineer. The engineer will also be required to indicate which lots have natural slopes between 10% and 20%, as well as lots that have natural slopes in excess of 20%. This information will be necessary in determining if special grading inspections will be required when the lots develop. The design engineer will also be required to shade all structural fill areas on the construction plans. In addition, each homebuilder will be required to submit a specific site and floor plan for each lot. The site plan shall include topographical contours and indicate the elevations of the corners of the lot. The builder shall also indicate the proposed elevations at the four corners of the building. �� PREPARED BY: �` _i�.�;� r' �� : ', �'��- ---- �-� I � -65 ENGINEER G PARTMENT STAFF DATE Phone: [5031639-4171 Fax: [50316240752 document2 Revised: September 2,2003 CITII OFTI6ARD Pro-Applkatl�n C�nferonco N�tes Pa�e 6 N 6 Eqln�rl�!��r�rtw��t S�eU�� � ��TY OF TIGARD PRE—APPLICATION CONFERENCE NOTES �ommu,iity��e�pme�t SFtapingA BetterCommunity (Pre-Application Meeting Notes are Valid for Six (6) Months) PRE-APP.MTG.DATE: O. f STAFF AT PRE-APP.: s �� : - ---—___ — _ _ __. _ _ ,- RESIDENTIAL APPLICANT: ,�,��� �,����� AGENT: Phone: ( ) Phone: ( ) PROPERTY LOCATION: ADDRESS/GENERAL LOCATION: .�`�`�� �SC t% C',� � = � TAX MAP(S)/LOT #(S): I� � � , � NECESSARY APPLICATIONS: ,��,��'r�� /����-� �,E` � ��` � l%�-?"' J �/fi� PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: �—/�����> COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: �« i'��,,,v,�;�,�,��E���! r ZONIN� MAP DESIGNATION: ��— G�.5' IONIN6 DISTRICT DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS [Refer to Code Section 18. 5 i� 1 MINIMUM LOT SIZE:�,sr'c'' sq. ft. Average Min. lot width: �,c> ft. Max. building height:��ft. Setbacks: Front � ft. Side :� ft. Rear >S ft. Corner �.�— ft. from street. MAXIMUM SITE COVERAGE: �% Minimum landscaped or natural vegetation area:--�- %. GARAGES: � ft. ❑ NEIGNBORNOOD MEETIN6 [Refer to the Neighborhood Meeting HandouU THE APPLICANT SHALL NOTIFY ALL PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 500 FEET, INTERESTED PARTIES, AND THE CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING DIVISION of their proposal. A minimum of two (2) weeks between the mailing date and the meeting date is required. Please review the Land Use Notification handout concerning site posting and the meeting notice. Meeting is to be held prior to submitting your application or the application will not be accepted. * NOTE: In order to also preliminarily address building code standards, a meeting with a Plans Examiner is encouraged prior to submittal of a land use application. CITY OF TIGARD Pre-Application Conference Notes r Page 1 of 9 Residential Applica6onlPlanning Division Section / �NARRATIYE [Refer to Code Chapter 18.3901 The APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT A NARRATIVE which provides findings based on the applicable approval standards. Failure to provide a narrative or adequately address criteria would be reason to consider an application incomplete and delay review of the proposal. The applicant should review the code for applicable criteria. �IMPACT STUDY [Refer to Code Sections 18.390.040 and 18.390.0501 As a part of the APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS, applicants are required to INCLUDE AN IMPACT STUDY with their submittal package. The impact study shall quantify the effect of the development on public facilities and services. The study shall address, at a minimum, the tran ortation system, includi�bikeways, the drainage system, the parks system, the water system, the sewer s s find-th�r�oise im of the de . a u ic acifify sys em a of impact, t e study shall propose improvements necessary to meet City standards, and to minimize the impact of the development on the public at larg e, public facilities systems, and affected private property users. In situations where the Community Development Code requires the dedication of real property interests, the applicant shall either specifically concur with the dedication requirement, or provide evidence which supports the conclusion that the real property dedication requirement is not roughly proportional to the projected impacts of the development. :�ACCESS [Refer to Chapt�rs 18.J05 and 18.7651 1 ��� /�� Minimum number of accesses: � �S� Minimum access width: r b � Minimum pavement width: __ ~. ❑ WALKWAY REQUIREMENTS [Refer to Code Chapter 18.1051 Within all ATTACHED HOUSING (except two-family dwellings) and multi-family developments, each residential dwelling SHALL BE CONNECTED BY WALKWAY TO THE VEHICULAR PARKING AREA, COMMON OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION FACILITIES. �- RESIDENTIAL DENSITY CALCULATION [Refer to Code Chapter 18.7151-SEE Ef(AMPLE BELOW. The NET RESIDENTIAL UNITS ALLOWED on a particular site may be calculated by dividing the net area of the developable land by the minimum number of square feet required per dwelling unit as specified by the applicable zoning designation. Net development area is calculated by subtracting the following land area(s)from the gross site area: ,L All sensitive lands areas includinq: z7 7�5 �{ ➢ Land within the 100-year floodplain; ._ �-��a ➢ Slopes exceeding 25%; 2 ��� ➢ Drainageways; and �i � Wetlands for the R-1, R-2, R-3.5, R-4.5 and R-7 zoning districts. _!- -� � � Public right-of-wav dedication: ' z� !ti(Q� ➢ Single-family allocate 20% of gross acres for public facilities; or r ➢ Multi-family allocate 15% of gross acres for public facilities; or r ➢ If available, the actual public facility square footage can be used for ded c on. -�•3 � j��h El(AMPLE Of RESIDENTIAL DENSITY CALCULATIONS: EXAMPLE: USING A ONE ACRE SITE IN THE R-12 ZONE(3,050 MINIMUM LOT SIZE)WITH NO DEDUCTION FOR SENSITIVE LANDS Single-Family Multi-family 43,560 sq. ft. of gross site area 43,560 sq.ft. of gross site area 8,712 sp.ft. (20%)for public riqht-of-wav 6,534 sq.ft. (15%)for public riqht-of-wav NET: 34,848 square feet NET: 37,026 square feet - 50(minimum lot area) - .050 (minimum lot area) = 11A Units Per Acr� = 12.1 Units Per Acre �rne Derelapmem Coda requires that tha net site area exist for the next wh01e dwelling unit NO ROUNDIN6 UP IS PERMITTED. �Mlnimum Prolect Oensity is 809L ef tha ma�dmum allowed denaity.TO DETERMINE TNIS STANUARU,MULTIPLY TNE MAIUMUM NUMBER OF UNITS BY.t. CITY OF TIGARD Pre-Application Conference Notes Page 2 of 9 Residential ApplicaGonlPlanning Division Sectlon � ❑ SPECIAL SETBACKS [Refer to Cd_ _Sectlon 18.1301 � STREETS: feet from the centerline of > FLAG LOT: A TEN (10)-FOOT SIDE YARD SETBACK applies to all primary structures. ➢ ZERO LOT LINE LOTS: A minimum of a ten (10)-foot separation shall be maintained between each dwelling unit or garage. ➢ MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL building separation standards apply within multiple-family residential developments. ACCESSORY STRUCTURES UP TO 528 SQUARE FEET in size may be permitted on lots less than 2.5 acres in size. Five (5)-foot minimum setback from side and rear lot lines. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE UP TO 1,000 SQUARE FEET on parcels of at least 2.5 acres in size. [See applicable zoning district for the primary structur�s'seWack requirements.l ❑ FLA6 LOT BUILDIN6 HEI6NT PROYISIONS [Refer to Code Chapter 18.7301 MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 1'/2 STORIES or 25 feet, whichever is less in most zones; 2'/2 stories, or 35 feet in R-7, R-12, R-25 or R-40 zones provided that the standards of Section 18.730.010.C.2 are satisfied. ❑ BUFFERIN6 AND SCREENIN6 [Refer to Code Chapter 18.745) In order TO INCREASE PRIVACY AND TO EITHER REDUCE OR ELIMINATE ADVERSE NOISE OR VISUAL IMPACTS between adjacent developments, especially between different land uses, the CITY REQUIRES LANDSCAPED BUFFER AREAS along certain site perimeters. Required buffer areas are described by the Code in terms of width. Buffer areas must be occupied by a mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs and must also achieve a balance befinreen vertical and horizontal plantings. Site obscuring screens or fences may also be required; these are often advisable even if not required by the Code. The required buffer areas may onlv be occupied by vegetation, fences, utilities, and walkways. Additional information on required buffer area materials and sizes may be found in the Development Code. The ESTIMATED REQUIRED BUFFERS applicable to your proposal area is: Buffer Level along north boundary. Buffer Level along east boundary. Buffer Level along north boundary. Buffer Level along east boundary. IN ADDITION, SIGHT OBSCURING SCREENING IS REQUIRED ALONG: �LANDSCAPIN6 [Refer to Cede Chaptera 18.745,18.765 and 18.7051 STREET TREES A E REQUIRED FOR ALL DEVELOPMENTS FRONTING ON A PUBLIC OR PRIVATE STREET as well as driveways which are more than 100 feet in length. Street trees must be placed either within the public right-of-way or on private property within six (6) feet of the right-of- way boundary. Street trees must have a minimum caliper of at least two (2) inches when measured four (4) feet above grade. Street trees should be spaced 20 to 40 feet apart depending on the branching width of the proposed tree species at maturity. Further information on regulations affecting street trees may be obtained from the Planning Division. A MINIMUM OF ONE (1) TREE FOR EVERY SEVEN (7) PARKING SPACES MUST BE PLANTED in and around all parking areas in order to provide a vegetative canopy effect. Landscaped parking areas shall include special design features which effectively screen the parking lot areas from view. ❑ RECYCLIN6 [Ref�r to Code Chapter 18.7551 Applicant should CONTACT FRANCHISE HAULER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF SITE SERVICING COMPATIBILITY. Locating a trashlrecycling enclosure within a clear vision area such as at the intersection of two (2) driveways within a parking lot is prohibited. Much of Tigard is within Pride Disposal's Service area. Lenny Hing is the contact person and can be reached at (503) 625-6177. CITY OF TIGARD Pre-Application Conference Notes Page 3 of 9 Residentlal ApplicatlonlPlanaing Division Sec6on • PARKIN6 [Refer to Code Chapt. i8.765 a 18.7051 � ALL PARKING AREAS AND DRIVEWAYS MUST BE PAVED. � Single-family............ Requires: One 1) off-street parking space per dwelling unit; and One �1) space per unit less than 500 square feet. ➢ Multiple-family.........Requires: 1.25 spaces per unit for 1 bedroom; 1.5 spaces per unit for 2 bedrooms; and 1.75 spaces per unit for 3 bedrooms. Multi-family dwelling units with more than ten (10) required spaces shall provide parking for the use of guests and shall consist of 15% of the total required parking. NO MORE THAN 50% OF REQUIRED SPACES MAY BE DESIGNATED AND/OR DIMENSIONED AS COMPACT SPACES. Parking stalls shall be dimensioned as follows: ➢ Standard parking space dimensions: 8 feet. 6 inches X 18 feet, 6 inches. ➢ Compact parking space dimensions: 7 feet. 6 inches X 16 feet, 6 inches. ➢ Handicapped parking: All parking areas shall provide appropriately located and dimensioned disabled person parking spaces. The minimum number of disabled person parking spaces to be provided, as well as the parking stall dimensions, are mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). A handout is available upon request. A handicapped parking space symbol shall be painted on the parking space surFace and an appropriate sign shall be posted. ❑ BICYCLE RACKS [R�fer to Code Secdon 18.7651 BICYCLE RACKS are required FOR MULTI-FAMILY, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS. Bicycle racks shall be located in areas protected from automobile traffic and in convenient locations. ❑ SENSITIVE LANDS [Refer to Code Chapter 18.7151 The Code provides REGULATIONS FOR LANDS WHICH ARE POTENTIALLY UNSUITABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT DUE TO AREAS WITHIN THE 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN, NATURAL DRAINAGEWAYS, WETLAND AREAS, ON SLOPES IN EXCESS OF 25 PERCENT, OR ON UNSTABLE GROUND. Staff will attempt to preliminary identify sensitive lands areas at the pre- application conference based on available information. HOWEVER, the responsibility to precisely identify sensitive land areas, and their boundaries, is the responsibility of the applicant. Areas meeting the definitions of sensitive lands must be clearly indicated on plans submitted with the development application. Chapter 18.775 also provides regulations for the use, protection, or modification of sensitive lands areas. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IS PROHIBITED WITHIN FLO�DPLAINS. ❑ STEEP SLOPES [Refer to Code Sectlon 18.715.070.C1 When STEEP SLOPES exist, prior to issuance of a final order, a geotechnical report must be submitted which addresses the approval standards of the Tigard Community Development Code Section 18.775.080.C. The report shall be based upon field exploration and investigation and shall include specific recommendations for achieving the requirements of Section 18.775.080.C. ❑ CLEANWATER SERVICES[CWS) BUFFER STANDARDS [Refer to R a 0 96-44/USA Regulatians-Chapter 3l LAND DEVELOPMENT ADJACENT TO SENSITIVE AREAS shall preserve and maintain or create a vegetated corridor for a buffer wide enough to protect the water quality functioning of the sensitive area. Desian Criteria: The VEGETATED CORRIDOR WIDTH is dependent on the sensitive area. The following table identifies the required widths: CITY OF TIGARD Pre-Application Conference Notes Page 4 of 9 Residential ApplicationrPlanning Division Section . .BLE 3.1 YE6ETATED CORRIDOR WIDTNS SOURCE: CWS DESI6N AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAURESOLUTION 8 ORDER 96-44 SENSITIVE AREA DEFINITION SLOPE ADJACENT� WIDTH OF VEGETATED TO SENSITIVE AREA CORRIDOR PER SIDE • Streams with intermittent flow draining: <25% � 10 to <50 acres 15 feet 1 >50 to <100 acres 25 feet ♦ Existing or created wetlands <0.5 acre 25 feet • Existing or created wetlands >0.5 acre <25% 50 feet ♦ Rivers, streams, and springs with year-round flow • Streams with intermittent flow draining >100 acres • Natural lakes and onds ♦ Streams with intermittent flow draining: >25% � 10 to <50 acres 30 feet � >50 to <100 acres 50 feet • Existing or created wetlands >25% Variable from 50-200 feet. Measure • Rivers, streams, and springs with year-round flow in 25-foot increments from the starting ♦ Streams with intermittent flow draining >100 acres point to the top of ravine(break in • Natural lakes and ponds <25%slope), add 35 feet past the top of ravine3 Starting point for measurement = edge of the defined channel (bankful flow) for streams/rivers, delineated wetland boundary, delineated spring boundary, and/or average high water for lakes or ponds, whichever offers greatest resource protection. Intertnittent springs, located a minimum of 15 feet within the river/stream or wetland vegetated corridor,shall not serve as a starting point for measurement. ZVegetated corridor averaging or reduction is allowed only when the vegetated corridor is certified to be in a marginal or degraded condition. 3The vegetated corridor extends 35 feet from the top of the ravine and sets the outer boundary of the vegetated corridor. The 35 feet may be reduced to 15 feet, if a stamped geotechnical report confirms slope stabiliry shall be maintained with the reduced setback from the top of ravine. Restrictions in the VeQetate Corridor: NO structures, development, construction activities, gardens, lawns, application of chemicals, dumping of any materials of any kind, or other activities shall be permitted which otherwise detract from the water quality protection provided by the vegetated corridor, except as provided for in the USA Design and Construction Standards. Location of Veqetated Corridor: IN ANY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WHICH CREATES MULTIPLE PARCELS or lots intended for separate ownership, such as a subdivision, the vegetated corridor shall be contained in a separate tract, and shall not be a part of any parcel to be used for the construction of a dwelling unit. CWS Service Provider Letter: PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL of any land use applications, the applicant must obtain a CWS Service Provider Letter which will outline the conditions necessary to comply with the R�O 96-44 sensitive area requirements. If there are no sensitive areas, CWS must still issue a letter stating a CWS Service Provider Letter is not required. �- SI6NS [Refer to Code Chapter 18.7801 SIGN PERMITS MUST BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY SIGN in the City of Tigard. A "Guidelines for Sign Permits" handout is available upon request. Additional sign area or height beyond Code standards may be permitted if the sign proposal is reviewed as part of a development review application. Alternatively, a Sign Code Exception application may be filed for Director's review. �TREE REMOYAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS [Refer to Code Sectlon 18.190.030.CJ A TREE PLAN FOR THE PLANTING, REMOVAL AND PROTECTION OF TREES prepared by a certified arborist shall be provided for any lot, parcel or combination of lots or parcels for which a development application for a subdivision, partition, site development review, planned development, or conditional use is filed. Protection is preferred over removal where possible. CITY OF TIGARD Pre-Application Conference Notes Page 5 of 9 Residential ApplicationlPlanning Division Section , THE TREE PLAN SHALL I�LUDE the following: ➢ Identification of the location, size, species, and condition of all existing trees greater than 6- inch caliper. ➢ Identification of a program to save existing trees or mitigate tree removal over 12 inches in caliper. Mitigation must follow the replacement guidelines of Section 18.790.060.D according to the following standards and shall be exclusive of trees required by other development code provisions for landscaping, streets and parking lots: . Retainage of less than 25% of existing trees over 12 inches in caliper requires a mitigation program according to Section 18.150.070.D. of no net loss of trees; . Retainage of from 25 to 50% of existing trees over 12 inches in caliper requires that two-thirds of the trees to be removed be mitigated according to Section 18.790.060.D.; . Retainage of from 50 to 75% of existing trees over 12 inches in caliper requires that 50% of the trees to be removed be mitigated according to Section 18.790.060.D.; . Retainage of 75% or greater of existing trees over 12 inches in caliper requires no mitigation; ➢ Identification of all trees which are proposed to be removed; and ➢ A protection program defining standards and methods that will be used by the applicant to protect trees during and after construction. TREES REMOVED WITHIN THE PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR PRIOR TO A DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION LISTED ABOVE will be inventoried as part of the tree plan above and will be replaced according to Section 18.790.060.D. � MITI6ATION [Refer to Code Section 18.790.060.E1 REPLACEMENT OF A TREE shall take place according to the following guidelines: ➢ A replacement tree shall be a substantially similar species considering site characteristics. ➢ If a replacement tree of the species of the tree removed or damages is not reasonably available, the Director may allow replacement with a different species of equivalent natural resource value. ➢ If a replacement tree of the size cut is not reasonably available on the local market or would not be viable, the Director shall require replacement with more than one tree in accordance with the following formula: . The number of replacement trees required shall be determined by dividing the estimated caliper size of the tree removed or damaged, by the caliper size of the largest reasonably available replacement trees. If this number of trees cannot be viably located on the subject property, the Director may require one (1) or more replacement trees to be planted on other property within the city, either public property or, with the consent of the owner, private property. ➢ The planting of a replacement tree shall take place in a manner reasonably calculated to allow growth to maturity. IN LIEU OF TREE REPLACEMENT under Subsection D of this section, a party may, with the consent of the Director, elect to compensate the City for its costs in perForming such tree replacement. �CLEAR VISION AREA [Refer to Code Chapter 18J951 The City requires that CLEAR VISION AREAS BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN THREE (3) AND EIGHT (8) FEET IN HEIGHT at road/driveway, road/railroad, and road/road intersections. The size of the required clear vision area depends upon the abutting street's functional classification and any existing obstructions within the clear vision area. The applicant shall show the clear vision areas on the site plan, and identify any obstructions in these areas. CITY OF TIGARD Pre-Application Conference Notes Page 6 of 9 Residential ApplicaGon/Planning Division Section . ❑ FUTURE STREET PLAN AND IXTEN. .�OF STREETS [Refer to Code Secnon 1L._.d.030.FJ A FUTURE STREET PLAN shall: > Be filed by the applicant in conjunction with an application for a subdivision or partition. The plan shall show the pattern of existing and proposed future streets from the boundaries of the proposed land division and shall include boundaries of the proposed land division and shall include other parcels within 200 feet surrounding and adjacent to the proposed land division. > Identify existing or proposed bus routes, pullouts or other transit facilities, bicycle routes and pedestrian facilities on or within 500 feet of the site. Where necessary to give access or permit a satisfactory future division of adjoining land, streets shall be extended to the boundary lines of the tract to be developed. (� ADDITIONAL LOT OIMENSIOMAL REQUIREMENTS [Refer to Code Secdon 18.810.0601 MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE: 25 feet unless lot is created through the minor land partition process. Lots created as part of a partition must have a minimum of 15 feet of frontage or have a minimum 15-foot wide access easement. The DEPTH OF ALL LOTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 2'/z TIMES THE AVERAGE WIDTH, unless the parcel is less than 1'/2 times the minimum lot size of the applicable zoning district. �-BLOCKS [Refer to Code Secdon 18.810.0901 The perimeter of BLOCKS F�RMED BY STREETS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1,800 FEET measured along the right-of-way center line except where street location is precluded by natural topography, wetlands or other bodies of water or, pre-existing development. When block lengths greater than 330 feet are permitted, pedestrian/bikeways shall be provided through the block. CODECHAPTERS _ 18.330(Conditional Use) �H.CZO(Tigard Triangle Design STandards) � �5.76�J(Off-SUeet Parking/Loading Requirements) _ 18.340(Director's Interpretation) 18,630(Washington Square Regiona�Center) _ 18.775(Sensitive�ands Review) _ 1 S.35O(Planned Development) � 18.705(AccesslEgresslCircu�ation) — 18.780(Signs) _ 18.360(Site oeve�opment Review) 18.71 O(Accessory Residential Uni�) — 18.785(Temporary Use Permits) _ 18.370(vananceslAdjustrnents) : '� 18.715(Densiry Computations) ?` 18.790 Rree Remova�� _ �S.38O(Zoning MaplTextAmendmenLs) 'I S.72O(Design Compatibility Standards) � 18.795(visua�C�earance,4reas) 18.385(Misce��aneous Permits) x- �8.725(Ernironmental Perfortnance StandarcJs} 18.798(Wireless Communication Faa�ities) � 'I 8.390(Deasion Making Procedures/lmpad Study) �8.�30(Excep6ons To Development Standards) � 18.81 O(Street&Utlliry�mprovement Standards) _ �8.4�O(Lot Line Adjustrnenis) 18.740(Histonc over�ay) — � 'I S.4ZO(Land ParStions) 18.742(Home Oocupation Permi�) _ 1 S.43O(5ubdivisions} � 'I$.�45(Landscaping&Screening Standards) � 'I$.5�O(Residential Zoning Disficts) �H,�SO(ManufacturedlMobil Home Regulations) _ 1 S.52O(Commeraa�Zoning Districts) 18.755(Mixed So�id waste�ecyding Storage) _ 18.530(Industrial Zoning Districts) 'I H.76O(Nonconforming Situa6ons) CITY OF TIGARD Pre-Application Conference Notes Page 7 of 9 Residential Applica6oniPlanning Division Section . ' , - , •ADDITIONAL CONCERNS OR COMMENI. � �d-rs��t.� l(p;_S�������' ���/' , � �fi �� //� . f _��w��'i rac�/-L�P ��� c�rGi�-O'-va«-- �9-C �+��D !C're..-/�=-E'� t' ��P�/'OGY � ���r'_ !'stA�C'P_ �iE?C�/.�P?-r,-1- /1'Tf�lK�� �siM t .lBr� � : -- T 1'�"t�A�.,L - � 5 i tG�t'ZGL .� c��r/�L_ aL I�T� 'r� / .z�f(�s. �.I a�� ' ��: "7�x.vl � � � � _:-: {CC.�'��,��L4 -' �t-�c�� �tzi2ce,ef ,vQ>�t�( f `?s ��sZ t1 '►''c.,'t�c� �: PROCEOURE �! Administrative StafF Review. Public hearing before the Land Use Hearings Officer. Public hearing before the Planning Commission. Public hearing before the Planning Commission with the Commission making a recommendation on the proposal to the City Council. An additional public hearing shall be held by the City Council. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL PROCESS All APPLICATIONS MUST BE ACCEPTED BY A PLANNING DIVISION STAFF MEMBER of the Community Development Department at Tigard City Hall offices. PLEASE NOTE: A lications submitted b mail or dro ed off at the counter without Plannin ivision acce tance ma e returned. he Planninq counter closes at 5:00 PM. Ma s submitted with an a lication shall be folded IN ADVANCE to 8'/z" x 11". One 8'/z" x 11" ma o a ro osed ro'ect s a a so e su mitted or attachment to t e sta re ort or administrative decision. Applications with un olded maps shall not be accepted. The Planning Division and Engineering Department will perform a preliminary review of the application and will determine whether an application is complete within 30 days of the counter submittal. Staff will notify the applicant if additional information or additional copies of the submitted materials are required. CITY OF TIGARD Pre-Application Conference Notes Page 8 of 9 ResidenUal Applica6oniPlanning Division Section , � � The administrative decisior public hearing will typically occur aF� �ximately 45 to 60 days after an application is accepted as being complete by the Planning Division. Applications involving difficult or protracted issues or requiring review by other jurisdictions may take additional time to review. Written recommendations from the Planning staff are issued seven (7) days prior to the public hearing A 10-day public appeal p riod follows a I land use decisions. An appeal on this matter would be heard by the Tigard ,,;-� ,' -�.� . A basic flow chart which illustrates the review process is av 'able from the Planning Division upon request. Land use applications requiring a public hearing must have notice posted on-site by the applicant no less than 10 days prior to the public hearing. This PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE AND THE NOTES OF THE CONFERENCE ARE INTENDED TO INFORM the prospective applicant of the primary Community Development Code requirements applicable to the potential development of a particular site and to allow the City staff and prospective applicant to discuss the opportunities and constraints affecting development of the site. SUBDIVISION PLAT NAME RESERVATION [County Surveyor's Office: 503-648-88841 PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A SUBDIVISION LAND USE APPLICATION with the City of Tigard, applicants are reQU� to complete and file a subdivision plat naming request with the Washington County Surveyor s Office in order to obtain approval/reservation for any subdivision name. Applications will not be accepted as complete until the City receives the faxed confirmation of approval from the County of the Subdivision Name Reservation. BUILDIN6 PERMITS PLANS FOR BUILDING AND OTHER RELATED PERMITS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR REVIEW UNTIL A LAND USE APPROVAL HAS BEEN ISSUED. Final inspection approvals by the Building Division will not be granted until there is compliance with all conditions of development approval. These pre-application notes do not include comments from the Building Division. For proposed buildings or modifications to existing buildings, it is recommended to contact a Building Division Plans Examiner to determine if there are building code issues that would prevent the structure from being constructed, as proposed. Additionally, with regard to Subdivisions and Minor Land Partitions where any structure to be demolished has system development charge (SDC) credits and the underlying parcel for that structure will be eliminated when the new plat is recorded, the City's policy is to apply those system development credits to the first buildinq permit issued in the develoqment (UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE DEVELOPER AT�THE TIME THE DEMOLITION PERMIT IS OBTAINED). e con erence an notes cannot cover a o e requirements an aspects re ate to site planning that should ap ply to the develo p,ment of your site plan., Failure of the staff to provide information required by the Code shall not cons�ltute a waiver of the applicable standards or requirements. It is recommended that a prospectiye applicant either obtain and read the Community Development Code or ask an questions of Cit staff relative to Code requirements rior to submittin an application. AN ADDITIONAL PRE-APPLICATION FEE AND CONFERENCE WILL BE REQUIRED IF AN APPLICATION PERTAINING TO THIS PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE IS SUBMITTED AFTER A PERIOD OF MORE THAN SIX (6) MONTHS FOLLOWING THIS CONFERENCE (unless deemed as unnecessary by the Planning Division). � PREPARED BY: � �r� �ITY 0 TIG ING DIYISI - STAFf PERSON HOLDING PRE-APP. MEETING PHONE: 503-639-4111 FAX: 503-684-1291 EMAIL• jstatfs first name)@Cl.tigal'd.ol'.us nnE�s(CITY OF TIGARD'S COMMUNITY DEYELOPMENT CODE)INTERNETADDRESS: VYWW.CI.[IgBrd.Of.OS H:lpattylmasterslPre-App Notes Residential.doc Updated: 15-Dec-04 (Engineering section:preapp.eng) CITY OF TIGARD Pre-Application Conference Notes Page 9 of 9 Residenti2l Applica6onrPlanning Division Section PRE-APPLICATION ` , �� ° CONFERENCE REQUEST CITY OF TIGARD 13125 SW Ha118Ivd., Tigard, OR 97223(503) 639-4171 FAX.� (503) 684-7297 GENERAL INFORMATION /� De2�, �'�Ct,�� ` � FOR STAFF USE ONLY Applicant: C. � E —�C L13 Address: G��� St�✓ (3u.2 L���9w�t� Phone: 5°? ` 2�fr jo/ Case No.: ��� ��S ' c�C�O 3� City: Pa��-+�^� Zip: 9�21P Receipt No.: •'� ` � 7 0 Application A cepted By: � Contact Person: r�/Leb Phone: ��� Date: � � O Property Owner/Deed Holder(s): ,f �F� �°G � P�t�F�,�.��, �2N.S' DATE OF PRE-APP.: 7 � TIME OF PRE-APP.: _�/ ' c�P^^' Address: 8�25 S� PF�,��L� Phone: PRE-APP. HELD WITH: 7ZZ Clty: �'�� �"� Z�p� 9 3 Rev.1/3/OS i:\curpin\masterslrevised\Pre-AppRequest.doc Property AddresslLocation(s): g Z 25 S� P� �I�FL� S�'� REQUIRED SUBMITTAL ELEMENTS (Note: applications will not be accepted without the required submittal elements) Tax Map &Tax Lot#(s): � °Z�3 s�/ ( S j � 3�C�C3 /�D.o Zoning: � Q'-� ❑ Pre-Application Conf. Request Form Site Size: �-7, �7 $ s• �� 4 COPIES EACH OF THE FOLLOWING: ❑ Brief Description of the Proposal and PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE INFORMATION any site-specific questions/issues that you would like to have staff research prior to the meeting. All of the information identified on this form are required to be submitted by the applicant and received by the Planning Division a ❑ Site Plan. The site plan must show the minimum of one (1) week prior to officiallv schedulinq a proposed lots and/or building layouts pre-application conference date/time to allow staff ample time to drawn to scale. Also, show the location prepare for the meeting. of the subject property in relation to the nearest streets; and the locations of A pre-application conference can usually be scheduled within 1-2 driveways on the subject property and weeks of the Planning Division's receipt of the request for either across the street. Tuesdav or Thursdav morninqs. Pre-application conferences are ❑ The Proposed Uses. one (1) hour long and are typically held between the hours of � Topographic Information. Include 9:00-11:00 AM. Contour Lines if Possible. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCES MUST BE SCHEDULED IN ❑ If the Pre-Applic�ion Conference is for PERSON AT THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNTER FROM a MONOP LE!project, the applicant 8:00-4:00/MONDAY-FRIDAY. must attach copy of the letter and proof in th �.form of an affidavit of IF MORE THAN 4 PEOPLE ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND THE mailing, t t the collocation protocol PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE IN YOUR GROUP, PLEASE Was com eted (see Section 18.798.080 INFORM THE CITY IN ADVANCE SO THAT ALTERNATE ROOM of the Ti�ard Community Development ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE TO ACCOMMODATE THE Code). GROUP. ❑ Filing Fe�$340.00 � April l4, 2005 Description of the Proposal: Property is: 8225 SW Pfaffle St. consisting of a single family dwelling on a 27,878 square foot lot. We are proposing to divide two existing lots into three lots in accordance with the R-4.5 zone. I Where is the sewer line located? Is there a septic system for the existing house or is it connected to sewer? What fees are there for hooking up the existing house? What are the most likely conditions for completion of the partition plat. What fees will have to be paid to fully complete the partition? Site Plan attached. PROPOSED: The proposed use is for two additional single-family lots in compliance with tlze zoning. TOPOGRAPHIC: There is a very slight slope from south to north. No topographical issues. ' �S Z 2 5 S� ° FA�F C.� S� P��eCL � � p � $?��1 l 1.4�aQ � S i � ��C Q O/9�o �(e � `' V �9 � � G � N� 2 14 2 � �U P —_ � , d � � � � � N�C,� L_�f L„i rv�+ _ _ _ _ _ � _ _ � t � � �n C�° —� o �0 N � " O 2�.�e-,.�'Ay - NI�..J�^fr� L�� 1 � � � �.�-� r N 's a s�- �9=� � ; � C� i � � s � , + � � �a ; �� i N�. g�► P� Arr�G sr ��, , No 02�•r�wA YS i-f e�e Map Output Page 1 of 1 MetroMa - _ - ' � • ,`' '1 j � � �:;j• ;, i�•�, `,�.- __ .'_ ''.�`»� `Y�. 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The property totals 0.63 acres. The applicant proposes to divide the property into three lots: existing house to remain on lot 1 being 10,784 sq. ft., lot 2 being 8,207 sq. ft., and lot 3 is 8,399 sq. ft. The average proposed lot size is 9,130 sq. ft. As stated the existing home is to remain on lot one. The existing access off of Pfaffle to the existing house on lot 1 is proposed to remain, and will require an adjustment to the applicable code subsection of 18.705 as proposed for review and approval with this submittal. The existing access to lot one is being proposed to be upgraded to 20 foot wide, with and additional turn around supplied as shown on sheet 3 of the preliminary plan set. This is provided to maximize the safety of this existing access. Public water is provided by the Tualatin Valley Water District which has indicated adequate service is available. Sewer service will be provided by Clean Water Services which has also indicated adequate service is available. No extensions of sewer or water is required for this partition. The only proposed improvements within the right of way that will add impervious area, is the construction of the driveways for lots 2 and 3. The proposed additional impervious area within the right of way of 82°d is approximately 875 sq. ft., combined with the 2,640 sq. ft. per new residence for a total of 6,155 sq. ft. (0.14 Acres) of additional impervious area proposed for this partition. This minimal amount of additional impervious area will have a negligible impact on the existing public storm system. This project is proposing to pay a fee in-lieu of for storm water quantity and quality as indicated in the Pre-Application conference notes, and as allowed by CWS Standards. The site is relatively flat with a slope of 2.5 percent across the site from southeast to northwest. The adjacent properties are zoned R-4.5. II. DEVELOPMENT CODE STANDARDS(SECTION 1H.00� 18.370 Variance/Adjustments 18.370.020 C.5 Adjustments to access and egress standards (Chapter 18.705) b. The Director may approve, approve with conditions, or deny a request for an adjustment from the access requirements contained in Chapter 18.705, based on the following criteria: (1) It is not possible to share access; Hale Design Services 2 • Response. Lot 1 has an existing access off of Pfaffle Street. located approximately 110 ft. from the intersection, and is located at the furthest possible distance from the intersection to accommodate the existing house. A shared access at this existing location for the proposed lots is not possible. A shared access located between lots 1 and 2 on 82"d would be 77 ft. from the intersection, much closer than the existing location. This meets the intent of 18.705.030.H.2. The existing location is the best possible location, however, this location does not meet the 200 foot spacing standard per 18.705.030.H.3, and is requesting and adjustmenl to this standard as allowed by meeting the criteria of this section. Lot 2 cannot meet the access requirement on 82"d, and proposes an access at 137 ft, the furthest location possible, from the intersection. This meets the intent of 18.705.030.H.2 (2) There are no other alternative access points on the street in question or from another street. Resnonse An access for Lot 1 from 82°d would be 67 ft. from the intersection, much closer than the existing location on Pfaffle. The existing access is the best possible location. However, this[ocation does not meet the 200 foot spacing standard per 18.705.030.H.3, and is requesting and adjustment to this standard as allowed by meeting the criteria of t/zis section. Lot 2 has no other alternative access possibilities further from the intersection.. (3) The access separation requirement cannot be met Response. The existing access is furthest from the intersection. Neither of the furthest access points off Pfaffle or 82"d will meet the separation requirement for either Lots l or 2. The access separation requirement can not be met. Lot 1 can not meet the 200 joot spacing standard per 18.705.030.H.3, and is requesting and adjustment to this standard as allowed by meeting the criteria of this section. (4) The request is the minimum adjustment reguired to provide adeguate access Response. The proposed access points are the best option available for adequate access. As demonstrated above, Lot 1 can not meet the 200 foot spacing standard per 18.705.030.H.3, and is requesting and adjustment to this standard as allowed, because the existing access to lot 1 is the minimum adjustment required to provide adequate access. Hale Design Services 3 (S) The approved access or access approved with conditions will result in - a safe access; and (6) The visual clearance reguirements of Chapter 18.745 will be met. Resnonse. 82"d Avenue is a dead end street providing access to l 71ots with the addition of this partition. The east bound right turn queues onto 82"a are not influenced by the existing access to lot 1 at 110 ft. from the intersection. The proposed individual accesses for lots 1 & 2 are at 137 ft. from the intersection will not influence queues entering Pfaffle St. The existing and proposed access points will result in a safe access, and will meet the visual clearance requirements of Chapter 18.747 as shown on sheet 3 of the plan set. The existing access to lot 1 meets the requirements of this section and is requesting and adjustment to the 200 foot spacing standard per 18.705.030.H.3. 18.390 Decision-Making Procedures/Impact Study 18.390 Description of Decision-Making Procedures/Impact Study Response. The proposed Land Partition and access adjustment review will be processed through a Type II review process. A pre-application meeting was held with the City on April 26, 2005, to review the proposal and city application requirements. All required submittal information as identified in Section 18.390.040.B as it relates to the minor partition has been included in this application. An impact study is provided with this submittal to quantify the effect of the development on public facilities and services. There are already adequate existing public facilities to service this 3-lot partition, so the impact study has identified those facilities, availability to the partitioned property and current capacities with ability to service the new property. 18.420 Land Partitions 18.420.050 Approval Criteria 1. The proposed partition complies with all statutory and ordinance requirements and regulations; Response. As provided in this application and narrative, all statutory and ordinance requirements have been addressed. 2. There are adequate public facilities avarlable to serve the proposal. Response. The property has adequate public facilities to serve the property as is summarized further in this narrative and in Section III, "Impact Study." Hale Design Services 4 � - — —� , 3. All proposed improvements meet Ciry and applicable agency standards. Response.No major infrastructure improvements are proposed as part of this partition application. Any improvements as proposed shall meet the City and applicable agency standards. 4. All proposed lots conform to the specific reguirements below: a. The minimum width of the building envelope area shall meet the lot reguirement of the applicable zoning district. Resnonse. The partitioned property lot widths meet the R-4.5 zoning requirement of 50 feet minimum. Proposed average lot widths are as follows: Lot ]-76.8 ft; Lot 2-60.4 ft; Lot 3-60.0 ft. b. The lot area shall be as reguired by the applicable zoning district. In the case of a flag lot, the accessway may not be included in the lot area calculation. Response. The partitioned property lot size meets the R-4.5 zoning requirements of a minimum 7,500 sf lot size. Proposed Lot sizes are as follows: Lot 1 – ]0,784 sf, Lot 2– 8,207 sf, Lot 3 8,399 sf. No flag lots are proposed with this application. c. Each lot created through the partition process shall front a public right-of- way by at least 15 feet or have a legally recorded minimum 1 S foot wide access easement. Response. The partitioned lots have adequate frontage along existing public right of ways, SW 82"d Avenue and SW Pfaffle Street. d. Setbacks shall be as required by the applicable zoning district. Response. All Setback requirements can be met with this partition, as shown on sheet 3 of the plan set.. e. When the partitioned lot is a,1ag lot, the developer may determine!he location of the front yard,prnvided that no side yard is less than 10 feet. Structures shall generally be located so as to maximize separation from existing structures. Resnonse. The proposed partition contains no flag lots. f. A screen shall be provided alorrg the property line of a lot of record where the paved drive in an accessway is located within ten feet of an abutting lot in accordance with Sections 18.745.050. Screening may also be required to maintain privacy for abutting lots and to provide usable outdoor recreation areas for proposed development. Land Partitions 18.420-3 SE Update: 04/Ol Response. The accessway to the existing house on Lot 1 does not abut Lots ] or 2, and is not located within ]0 feet of an abutting property. Hale Design Services 5 • g. The fire district may require the installation of a frre hydrant where the length of an accessway would have a detrimental effect on fire-fighting capabilities. Resuonse. Existing fire hydrants are located adjacent to the site along SW 82nd Ave. and are within adequate intervals to serve all of the lots. The proposed 2 new lots front SW 82"d Avenue, and are within easy access of existing hydrants. h. Where a common drive is to be provided to serve more than one lot, a reciprocal easement which will ensure access and maintenance rights shall be recorded with the approved partition map. Resuonse. Individual driveway approaches are proposed for lots 2 and 3, and a reciprocal easement would not be required, since the proposed design would allow access to each lot without encroaching onto the other(see sht. 3 of plans). S. Any accessway shall comply with the standards set forth in Chapter 18.705, Access, Egress, and Circulation. Resnonse. See section l 8.705, Access, Egress, and Circ�lation. The existing access for lot 1 and any proposed access for lots 1 and 2 will not meet the access spacing requirement, and requires an adjustment as allowed in Chapter 18.370. The application for Adjustments to access and egress standards is included for review with this package 6. Where landfrll and/or development is allowed within or adjacent to the one-hundred- year�loodplain, the City shall require consideration of the dedication of su�cient open land area for greenway adjoining and within the floodplain. This area shall include portions at a suitable elevation for the construction of a pedestrian/bicycle pathway with the floodplain in accordance with the adopted pedestrian/bicycle pathway plan. Response. This partition is not within or adjacent to a 100-year floodplain and does not apply 7. An application for a variance to the standards prescribed in this chapter shall be made in accordance with Chapter 18.370, Variances and Adjustments. The applications for the partition and variance(s)/adjustment(s) will be processed concurrently. Resnonse.T'he application for Adjustments to access and egress standards is included with this application package in accordance with Chapter 18370, Variances and Adjustments. 18.510 Residential Zoning Districts 18.510.020 List of Zoning Districts D. R-4.5 Low Density Residential District Hale Design Services 6 _ Resuonse. The property is zoned as R-4.5, Low Density Residential District. The partition will allow enough land for two additional buildable lots of 8,207 sq. ft., and 8,399 sq. ft., with the existing house to remain on a 10,784 sq.ft. lot. 18.510.050 Development Standards ����:� � Stanclard" �� F���.� � ��e � �es .�is+��� �t Minimum SLot Size The lot sizes meet or exceed�� -Detached Unit 7,500 sq. ft. the minimum requirement -Duplexes ]0,000 sq. ft. for detached units. -Attached Unit []] Average Minimum Lot Width The average minimum lot -Detached unit lots 50 ft. width meets or exceeds the -Duplex ]ots 90 ft. minimum requirement for -Attached unit lots detached units. Maximum Lot Covera e None None Minimum Setbacks -Front yard 20 ft. 20 ft. meet or exceed -Side facing street on corner& through lots 15 ft. 15 ft.meet or exceed -Side yard 5 ft. 5 ft. meet or exceed -Rear yard 15 ft. 15 ft.meet or exceed -Side or rear yard abutting more restrictive zoning district -Distance between property line and front of ara e. 20 ft. 20 ft. meet or exceed Maximum Hei ht 30 ft. 30 ft. meet or exceed. Minimum Landsca e Re uirement None None 18.705 Access, Egress, and Circulation Clzapter 18.705 establishes standards and regulations for safe and efficient vehicular access and egress on a site and for general circulation within the site. Table 18.705.I states that the minimum vehicular access and egress forl single family dwelling units on individual lots shall be one, 10 foot paved driveway within a I S foot-wide accessway. The minimum access width for 3-6 dwelling units is 20 feet with 20 feet ofpavement.. Response. The existing house is to remain on lot one, the existing driveway is to remain as the access and egress driveway for this existing residence only. Access and egress for lots two and three is by way of individual driveway aprons from SW 82"d avenue, as shown on plans. Sheet three of the preliminary plan set shows the proposed improvements to the existing driveway access for lot one, and the individual access points for lots two and three. No flag lots are proposed. B. Access plan requirements. No building or other permit shall be issued until scaled plans are presented and approved as provided by lhis chapter that show how access, egress and circulation requirements are to be fulfilled. The Hale Design Services '7 applicant shall submit a site plan. The Director shall provide the applicant . with detailed information about this submission reguirement. Resnonse. A scaled site plan has been submitted with this application that indicates how access, egress and circulation are met and/or require adjustment to the standards (see response to 18.370 and this chapter) C. Joint access. Owners of two or more uses structures, or parcels of land may agree to utilize jointly the same access and egress when the combined access and egress of both uses, structures or parcels of land satisfies the combined requirements as designated in this title,provided: Response. No joint accesses are proposed. D. Public street access. All vehicular access and egress as required in Sections ]8.705.03Hand 18.705.031 shall connect with a public or private street approved by the City for public use and shall be maintained at the required standards on a continuous basis. Response. Vehicular access is from existing public street for all proposed lots of this partition. Lot 1 has an existing access off SW Pfaffle Street with sheet 3 of the plan set showing the proposed improvements to this access. Lots 2 and 3 will have individual driveway accesses from SW 82"d Avenue. All access points are from a public street, and shall be maintained at the required standards on a continuous basis. E. Curb Cuts shall be in accordance with Section 18.810.030N. Response. No curb cuts are required with this proposal F. Required walkwav location Response. This proposal is for a detached single-family development, this standard does not apply. G. Inadequate or hazardous access 18.705.030.G.1. Response. The lots within this partition will be providing direct access to public streets. The existing access on Pfaffle is to remain, and the proposed accesses on 82"d would not cause or increase hazardous traffic conditions, and would provide adequate access for emergency vehicles, nor will in any other way cause hazardous conditions to exist. 18.705.030.G.2. Response. Lot one is a corner lot that fronts on SW Pfaffle Street, a collector, with an existing driveway accessing the Hale Design Services $ collector. This existing access to lot one is located as far from the • intersection as possible, and has no other practical alternative that would be further from the intersection. Therefore this application is requesting an adjustment to this standard as allowed per 18.370 for the existing access to lot one on SW Pfaffle Street to remain, with the proposed improvements as shown on sheet 3 of the plan set. 18.705.030.G.3. Response. This criterion does not apply to the proposed single-family dwellings. H. Acccss Mana�ement. 1. An access report shall be submitted with all new development proposals which verifies design of driveways and streets are safe by meeting adequate stacking needs, sight distance and deceleration standards as set by ODOT, Washington Counry, the Ciry and AASHTO (depending on jurisdiction offaciliry.) Response. No street improvements are proposed for this 3-lot partition, and the existing driveway, and the proposed driveway access for lots 2 as proposed is the furthest location possible. The existing and proposed driveway accesses are more than 113 feet from the intersection, and will not pose any safety issues to this intersection. The visual clearance areas are met for the existing access (lot 1), and the proposed driveway accesses for lots 2 & 3, as shown on sheet three of the plan set. 2. Driveways shall not be permitted to be placed in the inlluence area of collector or arterial street intersections. In�luence area of intersections is that area where queues of traffic commonly form on approach to an intersection. The minimum driveway setback from a collector or arterial street intersection shall be 1 SD feet, measured from the right-of-way line of the intersecting street to the throat of the proposed driveway. The setback may be greater depending upon the influence area, as determined fram City Engineer review of a trafftc impact report submitted by the applicant's traffic engineer. In a case where a project has less than I50 feet of street frontuge, the applicant must explore any option for shared access with the adjacent parcel. If shared access is not possible or practical, the driveway shall be placed as far from the intersection as possible. Resnonse. Lot one is a corner lot that fronts on SW Pfaffle Street, a collector, and SW 82"d Avenue. Lot two and three front on SW 82"a Avenue. Any possible access to lot one and lot two can not meet the 150 foot minimum driveway setback requirement of this section. However, the existing access to lot one, and the proposed accesses to lot two are located as far from the intersection as possible, as required by this code section. Therefore, the proposed accesses meet the requirements of this Hale Design Services 9 section. "1'his application is also requesting an adjustment to this standard . as allowed per 18.370 for the existing access to lot one on SW Pfaffle St. 3. The minimum spacing of driveways and streets along a collector shall be 200 feet. The minimum spacing of driveways and streets along an arterial shall be 600 feet. Response. As previously stated, lot 1 is unable to meet this requirement and the 150 foot intersection requirement of subsection 2 above. The furthest from the intersection, and the most practical location for access to lot 1 is at the existing driveway location. This application is requesting an adjustment to this standard as allowed per 18.370 for the existing access to lot 1 from SW Pfaffle Street to remain at its present location. 4. The minimum spacing of local streets along a local street shall be 125 feet. Response. The criteria does not apply I. Minimum access requirements for residential use. ( subsections 2, 4, & 5 do not apply) 1. Vehicular access and egress for single family, duplex or attached single family dwelling units on individual lots and multi family residential uses shall not be less than as provided in Table 18.705.1 and Tuble 18.705.2;Access, Egress, and Circulation 18.705-3 Code Update:l0/02. Resnonse (1 &3). The existing access to lot 1 is a 15 foot wide paved driveway, and meets this requirement. The proposed driveway accesses to lots 2 and 3 are proposed to be 20 foot wide, exceeding the minimum requirement. Vehicle access to the proposed partitioned property will meet the required standards for access as stated in Table 18.705.1 and 18.705.2, and shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions for the Uniform Fire Code. 6. Where permitted, minimum width for driveway approaches to arterials or collectors streets shall be no less than 20 feet so as to avoid traffic turning from the street having to wait for traffic exiting the site. Response The applicant has proposed to remove the existing 15 foot wide approach and replace with the required 20 foot wide approach. Also, as an added safety measure, a turn around is proposed so that vehicles will not need to back out into traffic onto SW Pfaffle. It is proposed to construct these proposed changes before final plat approval. Hale Design Services 10 J Minimum access requirements for commercial and industrial use. - No commercial, industrial, or multi-family structures are proposed with this application. Therefore, this standard does not apply. K. One-way vehicular access points. No one-way vehicular access points are proposed with this application. Therefore, this standard does not apply. 18.715 Density Computations A. Defrnition of net development area. Net development area, in acres, shall be determined by subtracting the following land area(s)from the gross acres, which is all of the land included in the legal description of the property to be developed: 1. All sensitive land areas: 2. All land dedicated to the public for park purposes; 3. All land dedicated for public rights-of-way. When actual information is not available, the 4. All land proposed for private streets; and S. A lot of at least the size required by the applicable base zoning di.strict, if an existing dwelling is to remain on the site. B. Calculating maximum number of residential units. To calculate the maximum number of residential units per net acre, divide the number of square feet in the net acres by the minimum number of square feet reguired for each lot in the applicable zoning district. C. Calculating minimum number of residential units. As required by Section 18.510.040, the minimum number of residential units per net acre shall be calculated by multiplying the marimum number of units determined in Subsection B above by 80% (0.8). Response. The total square footage of the subject property is 27,854 sq. ft. . To determine the net developable area, 7,500 sq. ft. is subtracted for the existing house on lot 1 (min. lot size for R-4.5 zone), 462 sq. ft. is subtracted for the right-of-way dedication (82"d). The result is a net developable area of 19,892 sq. ft. The minimum lot size for the R-4.5 zone is 7,500 sq. ft., the maximum number of additional units is two (2) [19,892/7,500 = 2.6 units]. The 80%rule calculates to a minimum number of residential units of two (2) also [2.6*0.8 = 2.1 units]. The proposal is for 2 additional units, therefore this criterion has been met. 18.725 Environmental Performance Standards Response: As this is a typical detached single-family project, which is a permitted use in the R-4.5 zone, none of the environmental conditions listed in this section will be compromised beyond allowable levels. The listed performance standards are met. These Hale Design Services 1 1 . standards would be subject to code enforcement investigation if for some reason the • above standards were in question. 18.745 Landscaping and Screening Standards Section 18.745.040.A.: All development projects fronting on a public street,private street or a private driveway more than 100 feet in length approved after the adoption of this title shall be required to plant street trees in accordance with the standards in Section 18.745.040C. Response: The applicant proposes to fulfill this requirement for street trees by proposing that staff condition the applicant with providing a plan for street trees to be planted along the required public street frontage of SW Pfaffle St, and SW 82°d Avenue, Species and spacing to be indicated on the plans. 18.765 Off-Street Parking/Loading Requirements: This Chapter is applicable for development projects when there is new construction, ezpansion of existing use, or change of use in accordance with Section 18.765.070 Minimum and Maximum Off-Street Parking Requirements. Response: The proposed project will create 3 separate lots for detached single-family residential construction. Submittals of detailed plans for the construction of any home within the development are not available at this time. Table 18.765.2 requires that one (1) off-street parking space be provided per detached dwelling unit. There is no maximum limit on parking allowed for detached single-family dwellings. There is also no bicycle parking requirement for single-family dwellings. The applicant proposes to widen the existing access to lot 1 to 20 feet, and install an additional turn around. Sheet 3 of the preliminary plans shows that there is room for an additional parking space in front of the garage, and an additional parking space in the proposed turn around. It is demonstrated that lot one meets the requirements. It is noted that there is a 20-foot required setback from the face of garages to property lines in all residential zones. To ensure that homes constructed in this development comply with these standards, the following condition can be added: At the time of submittal for building permits for individual homes on lots 2 and 3, the builder shall submit materials demonstrating that one (1) off-street parking space, which meets minimum dimensional requirements and setback requirements as specified in Title 18, will be provided on-site for each new home. 18.790 Tree Removal Response. There are no trees on the site of any significance, therefore, this application does not warrant a tree plan . All the existing trees on the site have been identified on the preliminary map. 18.795 Visual Clearance Areas Hale Design Services ]2 � Response. See sheet 3 of plan set. There are no Visual obstructions between 3 and 8 feet � within the visual clearance triangles for all proposed driveway accesses. The visual clearance criterial can be met with this proposal. 18.810 Street & Utility Improvement Standards 18.810.030 Streets 18.810.030.A.1, 2 & 18.030.E Resnonse: The site lies at the northwest corner of the intersection of SW Pfaffle St, which as indicated by city staff to be classified as a collector, and SW 82"d Avenue, which is classified as a neighborhood road. At present there is 30 feet of ROW from centerline, according to the most recent tax assessor's map and Record of Survey No. 28,966, completed for the City of Tigard on this portion of SW Pfaffle Street. The existing 30 feet of ROW exceeds the required 29 feet needed, therefore no dedication is required for SW Pfaffle St. The north half SW Pfaffle St fronting the project, and also to the ease and west of the site, is currently fully improved. The existing improvements consist of 20 feet of paved half width, with curb and sidewalk, and ADA ramps at intersection with 82°a The existing half street improvements meet the standard of this section, therefore no improvements along Pfaffle are required. SW 82"d Avenue, which is classified as a neighborhood road, has at present 25 feet of ROW from centerline. 27 feet of half street ROW is required, therefore applicant has shown an additional2 feet of dedication as required. 82"d street is currently partially improved, and is a dead end neighborhood road that provides access to a fully build out development of l 6 dwelling units, with the addition of the 2 proposed units proposed with this partition. The applicant is requesting the City to accept a future improvements guarantee in lieu of street improvements (see below). 18.810.030.A.5 S. If the City could and would otherwise reguire the applicant to provide street improvements, the City Engineer may accept a future improvements guarantee in lieu of street improvements if one or more of the following conditions exist: c. Due to the nature of existing development on adjacent properties it is unlikely that street impravements would be extended in the foreseeable future and the improvement associated with the project under review does not, by itself, provide a significant improvement to street safety or capacity; Response This small infill partition is a replatting of 2 existing lots of the Ranch Valley Plat, creating only one additional lot. This parcel is the only parcel available that has not been fully built out. Because this is the only available developable parcel along this dead end neighborhood street, it would be unlikely that any street improvements would be extended in the foreseeable future and the half street improvement associated with this project does not, by itself provide a Hale Design Services 13 T significant improvement to street safety or capacity. Therefore, the improvement , associated with the frontage along SW 82nd Avenue meet this condition, and is requesting the City to accept a future improvements guarantee in lieu of street improvements along the SW 82°d avenue frontage. 18.810.040 Blocks No blocks will be formed with the proposed partition. 18.810.060 Lots Response: The proposed lots have average lot dimensions as follows: Lot 1 is 76.8' x 140.0' Lot 2 is 59.3' x 140.0' Lot 3 is 60.0 x 140.0' None of the proposed lots have a depth that is greater than 2.5 times the average width. All lots have more than 25 feet of frontage on public streets 18.810.070.A Sidewalks: Resnonse: There is an existing sidewalk, located at the curb, along the SW Pfaffle St. Frontage. The applicant has requested an improvements guarantee in lieu of street improvements along the SW 82°d avenue frontage (refer to above applicable sections). 18.810.090 Sanitary Sewers Response: The existing house on lot 1 is already served by a lateral from the main line in SW Pfaffle St. There is an existing sewer main line in SW g2"a Avenue. Two additional laterals are proposed to serve the new lots. 18.810.100 Storm Drainage Response: There are no upstream drainage ways that impact this partition. Two additional laterals are proposed for roof and low point drain connection to the existing drainage ditch along the frontage of SW 82"d Avenue, and can serve the new lots. Developments of this small size, especially residential land partitions, are not required to provide on-site detention. The applicant proposes to pay the water quantity SDC upon application for building permit for the two new parcels. 18.810.110 Bikeways and Pedestrian Pathways Response: SW 82"d Avenue is not a designated bicycle facility 18.810120 Utilities Hale Design Services �4 T r Response: There are existing overhead utility lines which run adjacent to this site along SW Pfaffle Street and SW 82"d Avenue. Prior to final plat approval the applicant proposes to pay the fee in-lieu of placing these utilities under ground. This measured street frontage is 327 lineal feet. At $35.00 per lineal foot, this calculates to $11,445. Stormwater Qualitv: The CWS standards include a provision that would exclude small projects such as residential land partitions. It would be impractical to require an on-site water quality facility to accommodate treatment of the storm water from 2 parcels. Rather, the CWS standards providc that applicants shall pay a fee in-lieu of constructing a facility, if deemed appropriate. As allowed, the applicant requests to pay the fee in Lieu for this standard. III. Impact Study (18.390) The applicant proposes a partition of R-4.5 zoned property into three parcels for the future development of a low-density residential use on Lots 2 and 3. No public or private road extensions are required. SW Pfaffle has existing frontage improvements, and the applicant is requesting a future improvements guarantee in lieu of street improvements along the SW 82nd avenue frontage, therefore, no major road improvements are proposed. The only required minor improvements within existing ROWs is widening of the concrete driveway approach for lot 1, individual driveway aprons for lots 2 and 3, and service connections to the mains for sewer and water. The effect of this proposed partition on the public facilities and services is negligible, and has been minimize as much as practical. This project proposes to dedicate approximately 462 sq. ft. along the frontage of SW 82"a Avenue. The applicant agrees with this requirement for public right-of-way dedication. No dedication is needed and or required along the frontage of SW Pfaffle Street. Traffic Impact Fees—The estimated total TIF for a single-family dwelling is $2,690 per unit. Based on the estimate that total TIF fees cover 32 percent of the impact on major street improvements citywide, the TIF fee is $5,380 ($2,690 times two new units). Based on the estimate that total TIF fees cover 32 percent of the impact on major street improvements citywide, a fee that would cover 100 percent of this projects traffic impact is $16,813 ($5,380 divided by .32). The difference between the TIF paid and the full impact, is considered as unmitigated impact. Since the TIF paid is $5,380, the unmitigated impact can be valued at $11,432. Given that the estimated cost of the dedication of property along SW 82"d Avenue is $7,150, the value of the dedication is less than the value of the unmitigated impacts, the exactions are proportionate. Sewer: A sanitary sewer line is located along the property's southerly and easterly property line, within SW Pfaffle St. and SW 82"d Ave. The lines are 8" mains with adequate capacity for the potential future low-density residential use on the property. A 6" inch line currently serves the existing house on proposed Lot 1 Hale Design Services 15 z i Water: An 8 inch water line is located along SW Pfaffle St serves the existing house. A 4" water line is located along SW 82"a Ave., and has adequate capacity for the proposed partition. Draina�e: A drainage ditch currently collects water along the partitioned property's frontage on SW 82°d Avenue, and drains into an existing storm system commencing at the northerly boundary of the site. The roof and low point drain are shown to connect to this existing drainage system. Parks: The proposed partition will not have impacts to the City's park system. Other Dry Utilities: Gas, electric, and cable services are or can be made available to the property. Hale Design Services 16 ■ Ju� . l6� 2005 11 ;31AM CLEAN WATER SERVICES 603 6814439 No� r4�i � � i P, 1 .��11 1V GVVJ 1TiJ.l �1f a.-���°���'�� � � ��n � � �� ,� ._`,_�, .{;..� : `�� �"I�I�:TI!� ��I �� � l}, . 1�.1J�f Z� �� . ►�lJUN 1. � �� ��� �k r►�m� . .. C�e�nWater Se�rv1ct�S ���a Pre-S.creenfng Sfie Assessment � I�UY CDiAiil�l�nrrit iy C�81r, �;,r,r...=--� Ju►isdietla+ ��w � r Dace O a , AAap$Tax Lot ���(� G�J Q 4� Owne� ct G �� ��.3' ApPNcant S�e J� e Site Address _ Gompamr a t _ �_3 i � n r�:C'�s � q � , Addrass 3 A ._O ' 4 v Mw� �e . Propoa�d ACtivity �*L.a Cky SRstB ZiP ncoVYer +�i�.4 r � .�-��y�Z Phane b Fax 0 �4 rv � o�rrcre�ose e�h�be�+++rnrs rrne Y N NA Y N NA ❑ ❑ Sensltiva Ar�G�posite Map n � � Stormwater Irrfr�structure maps . �� I S/(�tJ l_J Q5# �l AftaP#.�. Oth�r I�I Loc�lly adopted studies or maps p�1 � � $�C�� ��4 �Y,;a � I_.J ❑ � Specity �°`� Rased an a revkw of the abave inform�tion and the requlrem�nts oi Clean Water Seroices � De+aign and Conetruction Standards Reaolution and Order Mo. �4-9: , ' � � 3ehsltive ar�as potsntiaflX exist on atte or vrithin 200'of th�siM. TM�APPLICANT MUST P�RFORM A SITE CERTiF�cAYrON PRrOR 70 IS�U�ANG�QF A SERV�CE PROVfEI�ER. 'if S�nsitive Are�s gxi�t on the site or wittaln ZDb feet or�adjace+tt • properties, � Natural Resourcr.s Aesassrnent Report may also b� ►eyuired, � gen+altive areas dd not app�ar to exiat on slte or within 2QD' pf tAe site. 7his p+'e- � � scretttln�g slte assessm�nt d�o�s NOT elimin�te t1�negd t+o evaluate and protect water qu�llty sensltive areas if lhey are subaequently�tScovered. This d�eurnent� �/w111 serve as your S"rvice Provider iett���s �aqulred by Resolution and arder pq.9,S�sCtlon 9.�2.1. All required permlts and apprQVal� must be obtatr+�d and ; Completed unet�er a�pli�ablb Ibcal, s#ate, and federal i�r. , � Tn� p�aposed activity doe� not meet the deflnitlon oi devaloprnen�. NO SIT� ; � qSS�SSM�NT OR 5ERV1�� 1'ROVIDER �E1TER t3 F�EQU�R�D. Revlewer vmm�nt�' ,c.,r� � ea :r,'v 2,r m �� o:��� Revlewea ay: _ o�t�: �//6�s. U.ffcial use only Post-it"Fax Note �671 oa�e �6 d s "�► Returned f�A 71Cdltf , . To From ��tvd�C �CA���R4' 11�Gi[j �''CrJC�,�.'!!tl)}?@�' • TeVC" ot,I�' c�.�Pt �o. �w g vare�6��Rv� Pno��c n PYane��So3• 6�l' ���' F�� 360 -39 -0 6� �axu JUL-06-2005 15�45 FIDELITY LDBS P.01i02 . ' . _ � y � � - � �delity 1�TationaI T�tI� �o�pany of�Ore oa . � . . . iooi s.w.�n�v�.,po�,orns�an mZOa�,2Z�3 � �• . � . (503)223-8338/FAX(�03)796-6631 • � � FA����,�vsn�t�srorr . ����.�.,,.��.,�..��, . �.. S-t�e. N�1e `' Td: - COMpANY: ` r1�5 i n J� - . � ��ROM: . Jeff Wl/avn,Adv/sory TINe Dfflcer . . Bullder Servlce�/(,and Dsve%pmenr . (60�)T9B-886� D/ne,ct Phane Ll�e . �soa������� �� � . Iw o c Emal! � � �E: � Nt1MHER OF PAGES HEING TI�S��D(Inciuding thts sh�eEj: � �� Date: 7 �o �� Time: ff y�u do nd�r�c��Ye a�� of the p�ges indtcated� pteas$cait us as soon as � . possibie. W�appn�aia��thls ppPar#unity to be of service Eo you...Thanka! �- ,;� ME3SAt3E: � � This facsimite�arrsmission snd all docx,ments accompanyfng it may rAntaln confideniia! : - mforf�latZon. �This lnforrnation Is Inter�ded only for tfie use of the Individual ar sritity named above. If you are p�the Intended r+�cip�eM,yoU���8��,n����that any dt�closur�, �PY��9�or distr�bukior�vf the contents of thls Infarmatlon Is st�tdlY prohfbited. li yac,have receivad tf�is ttan�rni�sion in ernor, please lmmediately nottfy us by telephor�e and amange tor return of the documents. FAX NUMB�R TRANSMIT7'ING 7'0: !�) 3�� - C�y�, � . �:. ,� JUL-06-2005 15�45 FIDELITY LDBS P.02i02 y . � �IJ _ � 5 � RECDppINO RERUESTEO BY �'����� �j FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE CoMPANY OF OREG6N �� �J '� GRANTOR'S NAME �,�� � Helen N Pfafile Revvcable Living Trust, dQted 6J21/93 GR/INTEE'S NAME f �� �C �ti� G�����H� P a c►i m H o m e s, L I.C A'.��}�yG,�p Q G�M SENb TA?C STA'f�MENT5 TO: ��+.���MPA Pac Rim Properties, L1.0 NA� 5700 NW Elray Drive �tiQ�� Camas, WA 96807 AFTER RECOi�pIN�REYURN T4: Pac Fllm Propertltra, LLC 5700 NW Elray Ddve C�mas, WA 98607 STATUTQRY WARRANT'Y D�ED Rlchard 5pltznass,au�ccessar trustee of Ths HNfn N PfeM�RevoCwbla LIvInQ Trust,dated 6l29l93, Grantor, conveys and warr$n�g tv Pecrfm Flomes, LLC, a L,imttad Lleblllty Compeny, Grantee, the following descrlbed rea! property, free and clear aF encurnbrances excep; As spacifi�ally set forth below, situeted in the Cpunty of Washington, 5tate of Oregon, LotS 15 and 18, RANCH VALLEY, in the Ciry of Tigard, CountY of Washin�ton end State of Oregon. Sub�ect tv and ex�ep�ng; Rights of the public end governmencet apencles in and to eny portion of said land ly8n� within the boundaries of stre�ts, roads and highways. Covenants, conclitions and restrictions as rec4rded. EesemenTS e�s recorded. THIS INSTRUM�IyT WiLL NOT ALLQW USE OF 7HE PROPEf�TY D�SCRIBEA!N 7HI5 IMS7AUMENT IN VIO�.,A�'ION QF APPLICABLE I.AND USE I..AWS AND REGULATlONS. BE�ORE SIGNING OR ACCEpTING TNIS INSTRUMENT THE PEASON ACQUII�ING F��TI7LE TO�'HE PROPERTY SHOULD CNECK WfTH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY ApPFiOV�D US�S AND TO pE7ERMINE ANY LIMIT$ON LAWSUI7S AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRAC7fCES A5 DEFINEb !N ORS 30.93Q. THE Tq�1� q�p ACTUAL CQNSlD�FtAT101V FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS �325,OOa.pO (SeQ �RS 93,0301 DATED: Jun� 30, 200b Helen N Hle Revocable Liv'ng Trust, dated 6/ZT/93 By; , Richerd Spitanass, succ or, stee nEN eE Au�eA` �IOTJIRY P�ptlC o�REO N STATE OF ORE�Oy _ _ � . _ ' � MrdMp���VN !O. 36ef�3 �- TOTAL P.02 . , . rvt LP�ooS—D�xx�(� City of Tigard �� 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 � Phnne: 5(I3-�39-4171 ' � � F1�X TRr1NSMITTAL Date June 19, 2006 :vumber of pages including cover sheet 7 To: rinciie From: Carissa �� Co: Trans Nation Title Co: Cit�of Tigard Fax#: 503-256-7441 Fax #: 503-624-3681 Ph#: 503-718-2G43 SUBJECT: PacRim Properties MESSAGE: Per our discussion, attached is the Declaration of Condirion & Restricrion for condirion #1. Pve included the Exhibit I�1ap with it. This is a sample. Als�, I have included the Restricrive Covenant for the improvements that are to be completed on 82"`' r�venue as it relates to condiuon #9 of your project. Please complete this form. Both forms require original signatures and are to be notarized. We will require the origuials for our records. If you have any quesrions,please feel free to contact me. Thank you. I:�ENG�FAX.DOT After recording, return to: City of Tigard — Records Division 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 NO CHANGE IN TAX STATEMENT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT (FUTURE STREET IMPROVEMENTS) THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of , 20 , by the City of Tigard, a Municipal Corporation of Washington County, Oregon, ("CITY"), and , ("OWNER"). RECITALS WHEREAS OWNER is the Owner of record of Property covered by this Agreement as shown in Section 1 below, and WHEREAS OWNER has received approval of a development on the Property from the CITY, as set forth in MLP2005-00006 dated 11/1105 and WHEREAS Chapter 18.810 of the TMC (Tigard Municipal Code) contains certain conditions applicable to street improvements, and issuance of permits is conditioned on OWNER'S compliance with the TMC, and WHEREAS OWNER wishes to mitigate the impacts of the proposed development, and WHEREAS parties wish to fulfill the requirements of Chapter 18.810. IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises, covenants and undertakings, and the issuance of a building permit in advance of OWNER constructing improvements required by the TMC, the parties agree as follows: Section 1: The real property subject to this Agreement is described as follows: Parcels_1, 2 and 3 of Partition Plaf No. , Recorded as Document No. , Washingfon Counfy, Oregon. OWNER agrees that the terms of this Agreement shall bind the OWNER as well as its heirs, successors in interest or assigns. Section 2: The improvements covered by this Agreement are as follows: 82"a Avenue Half street improvements including, but not limited to, curb, sidewalk, planter strip, street widening, storm sewer and street trees. Section 3: This Agreement shall be in full force and effect from the date of its execution until the improvements referred to in Section 2 are constructed in accordance with CITY standards in effect at the time of construction. Restrictive Covenant (Future Street Improvements) Page 1 of 4 Section 4: CITY agrees that the improvements listed in Section 2 will only be required as a result of any one of the following events: (1) when the improvements are part of a larger project to be financed or paid for by the formation of a Local Improvement District, (2) when the improvements are part of a larger public project to be financed or paid for in whole or in part by CITY or other public agency, (3) when the improvements are part of a larger project to be constructed by a third party and involves the sharing of design and/or construction expenses by the third party owner(s) of property in addition to the property described in Section 1, or (4) when construction of the improvements are deemed to be appropriate by the City Engineer in conjunction with construction of improvements by others adjacent to the improvements described in Section 2. In addition to this Agreement, OWNER'S obligation to share design and/or construction expenses may arise by application of the Reimbursement District Ordinance; Chapter 13.09, TMC, or any similar ordinance or law providing a process whereby such expenses are distributed among benefited properties. Section 5: OWNER agrees to sign any and all waivers, petitions, consents and all other documents necessary to obtain the above listed applicable improvements under any improvement act or proceeding of the State of Oregon, Washington County, or the CITY as may be proposed or adopted and to waive all right to remonstrate against the improvements listed in Section 2 above, submitted either alone or in conjunction with other improvements described in Section 4, as may be proposed. OWNER agrees that in lieu of any other document, CITY may treat this Agreement as a waiver of remonstrance on behalf of the property described in Section 1 against formation of such a Local Improvement District. OWNER covenants and agrees that the improvements described in Section 2 will specially benefit OWNER'S property as described in Section 1. Section 6: If CITY decides to form a Local Improvement District as a mechanism for the installation of improvements listed in Section 2, then OWNER shall retain the right to protest only the amount or the manner of spreading the assessment, but not the formation of such district. Section 7: CITY acknowledges that OWNER'S execution and performance of the terms of this Agreement constitutes compliance with the requirements of TMC Chapter 18.810. Section 8: OWNER agrees that if CITY causes the improvements listed in Section 2 to be constructed, or part of such improvements without regard to the source of funds for such project, but not as part of a Local Improvement District, then CITY will charge to OWNER and OWNER will promptly pay OWNER'S share of the cost of such improvements. OWNER'S share will be determined by CITY in a manner similar to spreading the cost of a public improvement to specially benefited properties. The parties intend OWNER to share in the cost of improvements even though actual construction is undertaken and performed by some third party, so long as the improvements, listed in Section 2, are included within the project. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2) of this section, prior to construction of such improvements under this section, OWNER shall be provided not less than six (6) months written notice by first class mail that the project will be built. The notice shall advise OWNER that OWNER will share in the cost of such Restrictive Covenant(Future Street Improvements) Page 2 of 4 improvements and provide OWNER with an estimate of the total project cost as well as an estimate of OWNER'S share of the costs. Failure to provide this "six month" notice in advance of construction shall not nullify OWNER'S obligation to pay, but shall only extend the payment due date by the amount of time less than six months that notice was given, but not more than six months. Upon completion of improvements pursuant to this Section, CITY shall provide written notice to OWNER of OWNER'S share of the actual cost of the improvements and OWNER shall pay OWNER'S share within sixty (60) days. If OWNER's share of the cost of the improvements is $10,000 or more, the owner may elect to pay the City in 10 equal annual installments, with the first installment due within 60 days of the notice. The installment option shall be available only if the OWNER provides written notice and the first payment within 60 days of the notice. If the installment option is chosen, the unpaid amounts shall bear interest at the then legal rate of interest. Interest on overdue payments shall bear interest at the rate of one and one-half(1 '/z%) per month from the date the payment is due until paid. (2) Where the improvements listed in Section 2 are constructed by a third party, who seeks reimbursement in accordance with the Reimbursement District Ordinance, Chapter 13.09, TMC, or a similar ordinance, then the terms and procedures of the ordinances shall apply in lieu of the provisions in subsection (1) of this section. Section 9: At any time prior to the events listed in Section 4, OWNER or OWNER's successors may pay to the CITY an amount determined by the CITY to be OWNER's share of the anticipated cost of the future improvements. Payment under this section shall discharge all of OWNER's obligations under this Agreement. City shall use the funds received under this section solely to pay for the costs of the improvements. Section 10: CITY and OWNER intend that all terms of this Agreement shall be covenants, conditions, and restrictions running with the title to the property covered by this Agreement, and shall be binding upon parties to this Agreement, their heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, and successors and shall be construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property described in Section 1. The parties agree the CITY may, for purposes of recovering the cost of improvements described in Section 2, levy an assessment against the property, described in Section 1, and may enforce payment of such assessment in the manner provided in ORS Chapter 223 or the general laws of the State of Oregon. Section 11: Promptly after its execution by the parties, this Agreement shall be recorded in the records of Washington County to provide public notice and especially notice to future owners of property, described in Section 1 of the conditions, covenants and restrictions against the title to the property imposed by this Agreement. Section 12: CITY may enforce the terms of this Agreement in any court of competent jurisdiction. In addition to any other legal remedies, OWNER'S failure or refusal to comply with this Agreement shall constitute a violation of the TMC and the rights, remedies, and penalties provided in the TMC may also be enforced. Section 13: If suit or action is instituted to enforce a right guaranteed in this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to, in addition to the statutory costs and disbursements, a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the trial and appellate courts respectively. Section 14: The parties agree that if any term of provision of this agreement is declared by a court to be illegal or in conflict with any law, the validity of the remaining terms and provisions shall Restrictive Covenant(Future Street Improvements) Page 3 of 4 not be affected, so long as this agreement continues to reflect the intent of the parties. The parties shall negotiate an equitable adjustment of this agreement so that the purposes of this agreement are affected. Acknowledgment of OWNER'S signature(s) must be notarized. Where the OWNER is a corporation, it has caused its name to be signed by resolution or official approval of its board of directors. OWNER(S): Name of Corporation Signature Address Title Signature Tax Statement Mailing Address �itd�rte�enr from above) Title STATE OF OREGON) ) ss. County of Washington ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on ,(date) by by: (name(s) of person (s)) as (type of authority, e.g., officer, trustee, etc.) of (name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed). Notary's Signature My Commission Expires: Accepted on behalf of the City of Tigard this day of , 20_ City Engineer Restrictive Covenant(Future Street Improvements) Page 4 of 4 . . � �, � 2a�S- - ��G Ington Counry,Oregon 2006-044862 �`�� �� �G� �...712006 02:14:47 PM + �� 1 D-R/8 Cntsy Stn■7 K GRUNEWALD � ��8 a g o c�._ J 510.00 55.00 56.00 511.00-Total=S32.00 N i �� After recordin return to: �� 1 g� �� MBM Holdin Com an LLC 00938962200600448620020029 g p y� I,J�rry H�nfon,Dlnctor olA�num�nt and T�x�tlon . r„ P� B�X I2� and Ex-Orticlo County CI�rM for Wa�hlnaton Counry, ` �Onpon,do h�nby c�rti/y th�t th�wlthln In�VUm�M of •�'; I ' Newberg OR 97132-0120 ��^o W•^�•���d.^a���oro.d�^�boo"o� r=f � ncord�o}sald county. �h � '. J�rry R Hanton,Dinetor at���m�nt and Tuatlon, Eadfflclo Courxy Cl�rk Declaration of Condition and Restriction The undersigned company MBM Holding Company,LLC being record owner of the • following real property located in the City of Tigard,County of Washington and State of Oregon, more particularly described as follows; Lots#1,#2, and#3 of Templeton Heights Subdivision,e�chibit"A"attached is provided for location purposes, Do hereby make the following declaration of condition and restriction covering the northerly 30 feet of lot#1,the northerly 25 feet of lot#2, and the northerly 20 feet of lot#3 of the above described real property, specifying that this declaration shall constitute a covenant which will run with the land and shall be binding on the heirs, successors and assigns of MBM Holding Company, LLC and entities claiming under them and that this condition and restriction shall be for the benefit and limitation upon all future owners of said real properties; The tree(s)greater than 12"DBH located in the northerly said portions of lots#1,#2, and #3, shall not be removed unless the tree(s)are damaged by a wind storm or any other elements of nature and/or said tree(s)become diseased and/or hazardous as determined by a licensed certified arbonst, at which time a pernut shall be obtained for removal of said tree(s). State of Oregon ) � � _�___�,ss. County of �/'1'1�1_� , On this�day of � , 2006,personally appeared the herein Matthew W. Harrell,member of MBM Holdin Company, LLC,an Oregon limited liability company who acknowledged the herein instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. Before me: m�„�„�,,,_ By: Matthew Harrell ' As: a member of MBM Holding Company v,c., OFFICIAL SEAL � ��'1 CHARLENE N(7RRIS ' ��,�% NOTARY PUBLlC-OREGON � � �_s�- COMMISSION NO.393254 Notary Public for the State o Oregon hiY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 16,2009 My Commission Expires (O '�! � �� . . . � � � � � , . _ , � __ � _ ,�__ _�_ __ _ �� � - _ � � � L - - EXHIBIT MAP BEING A PORTION OF LOTS 1, 2 AND 3, PLAT OF "TEMPLETON HEIGHTS" LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 1 WEST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CiTY OF TIGARD, f LAUTT' S TERRAC� LOl 7 DOC. NG. 2�Q3-1�8191 \ \ \ � \ DOC.NO. 2004-127633 \ , f 4 j I I � J 1 I � scn�: i'=3o' � I � r - -j' � -- -- � — - - - - -� - -- I � ' � - N `\ �� - � ! I� w � � � — I � � � — — — � — — � ! z i j � �� uNES � 'i ¢ I { ' = I Q � � 1 2 3 � � � I � Q � � � ! � � � � �TC� � � � I T � � ��� � � � � � � � � � I � , � � � � �. .�_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _____ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ � , � , � S.W. MOUNTAIN VIEW LANE I ' ��� '.-"' . 4V� �1L U1 1 i12. Fax #: �03.25C-?441 _.,_., Fax#: 503-624-�G81 Ph#: 5(1.3-718-ZG43 SUSJEC'Y": PacRim Propertiea h�SSAGE: Per our il.iscussion, attached i� the Declasauon of CJonciition & ltestriction for conclition #1. T'vc inclu�led the Exhibit IVlap with it. T:�is is a samplc. Alsa,I have includ�c�dze Restricti���� Ci�venant for the improven�ents that are to be completed on $?"� Avenue as it rclates to condition#�� of your project Please completc this foxm. Borh f�rms require arigin.al si�atu,�es and ate to be notarized. We will requir� the originals for our recorc�. If you have any qurstions, please feel,frce to contac4 me_ Thank you. r,�NG+Fauc.uor W�� Q�ItJQNd1S 3QOW ?10 l�f1S��f L0 (S)3Jt�d �Z��9�09 NOIld�If1Q Zbbt95��09 3WdN/ 'ON Xd.� b5�t0 eZ/90 �WIl`�1tiQ Z696LbI'bQOJg � # '�I�S • ��l Z89EbZ9�95 � Xd� 1d3Q �NIQ�If18 Q�Id�Il � �WtiN 55�L0 90aZ/0Z/90 � �WIl l�lOd��l NOI1t7�I�I�311 NOISSIWSNt7�11 . . ___` . , � TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME : 10/17/2005 16:12 NAME : TIGARD BUILDING DEPT FAX : 5036243681 TEL . SER. # : BROD4J479592 DATE,TIME 10/17 16:06 � FAX NO. /NAME 5032972040 DURATION 00:05:20 PAGE(S} 21 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM CITY OF fldARa Community�eveCoprnerit Sfiapireg�7�Be�tesCommuniLy Facs i tn�M e Tran s r�n�ttaM To: ,g � I f I���� r�� Comp2�ny: /�'��� � ���� , Phone: Fax: �4,� --�x�- � �t ��G� From: , Planning Divisior� Company: City of Tigard Phone: (503}639-4171 Fax: (503}684-7297 Date: RE. 7'Y1 L�'�ZC10� � ���� Pages including this page: COMM�NTS: —----- ' Emily Eng - Pfaffle Tree selection Page 1 ___�� , p�� ---- ► -�1 t�e�-s C c�.rc�i I�i t�,. �k �� From: "Bill Bader" <bill@pacrimhomes.com> 5���- ��� �1�� To: <Emily@tigard-or.gov> _ Date: 7/11/2006 5:23:33 AM V � Subject: Pfaffle Tree selection '��t I �'� Hi Emily-the top two choices for street trees at our short plat on Pfaffle Street(MLP2005-00006) are the Kousa Dogwood as fist choice followed by the Black Maple as second choice- please confirm the final approved tree species Thanks- Bill CC: "'STEPHEN C HALE"' <schale1@msn.com> 7/17/2006 ��� Conditions Associated With 3:17:SSPM T I D E M A R K Case #: MLP2005-00006 � C�MPUTE9 S�STEM1IS. iNC Condition Status Updated Code Title Hold Status Changed By Tag Date By 1 DEf:D RES��R[CT�ION RE: PINE TREG None Met MAS 7;17'2006 EAE 1. Record a deed restriction that precludes the removal of the?2 inch Pine tree located on proposed parcel n I unless it is deemed by an arborist to be deed dying or diseased. � 1 VISUAL CLEARANCE @ INTERSECTIONS None Met 1/3/2006 MAS 1/3/2006 ST 2. Place a note on the final plat that no structures, fences,retaining walls or vegetation over three feet will be placed in the visual clearance triangles at the intersection of the proposed driveway and streets or the intersection of SW Pfaffle Street and SW 82nd Avenue. 1 PF[ PERMIT REQUIRED None Met 4/5/2006 KSM 4/5/2006 BRS 3. A Public Facility Improvement(PFI)permit is required for this project to cover driveway aprons and any other work in the public right-of-way. Six(6)sets of detailed public improvement plans shall be submitted for review tn the Engineering Department. NOTE:these plans are in addition to any drawings required by the Building Division and should only include sheets relevant to public improvements. Public Facility Improvement(PFI)permit plans shall conform to City of Tigard Public Improvement Design Standards,which are available at City Hall and the City's web page(www.ci.tigard.or.us). 1 PFI SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS None Met 4/5/2006 KSM 4/5/2006 BRS 4. The PFI permit plan submittal shall include the exact legal name,address and telephone number of the individual or corporate entity who will be designated as the"Permittee",and who will provide the financial assurance for the public improvements. For example, specify if the entity is a corporation, limited partnership, LLC,etc. Also specify the state within which the entity is incorporated and provide the name of the corporate contact person. Failure to provide accurate information to the Engineering Department will delay processing of project documents. 1 LOT 3 DRVWAY 150'N - PFAFFLE ROW None Met 1/3/2006 KSM 1/3/2006 ST 5. The applicant's plans shall be revised to show the proposed driveway for Lot 3 at least 150 feet north of the Pfaffle Street ROW. 1 PAY ADDRESSiNG FEE None Met 6/20/2006 KSM 6/21/2006 BLD 6. Prior to final plat approval,the applicant shall pay an addressing fee in the amount of$100.00. (STAFF CONTACT: Shirley Treat, Engineering). 1 PLANTER STRIP ON PFAFFLE None Met 4/5/2006 KSM 4/5/2006 BRS 7. The applicant shall submit construction plans to the Engineering Department as a part of the Public Facility Improvement permit, indicating that they will construct the following frontage improvements along SW Pfaffle Street as a part of this project: A.Street trees in the planter strip spaced per TDC requirements. 1 DRIVEWAY APRON ON 82ND None Met 1/3/2006 KSM l/3/2006 ST 8. The applicant shall submit construction plans to the Engineering Department as a part of the Public Facility Improvement permit, indicating that they will construct the following frontage improvements along SW 82nd Avenue as a part of this project: A. Driveway apron. 1 RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RE:82ND AVE None NOT MET KSM 1 1/21/2005 BRS 9. The applicant shall execute a Restrictive Covenant whereby they agree to complete or participate in the future improvements of SW 82nd Avenue adjacent to the subject property,when any of the following events occur: A. when the improvements are part of a larger project to be financed or paid for by the formation of a Local Improvement District, B. when the improvements are part of a larger project to be financed or paid for in whole or in part by the City or other public agency, C. when the improvements are part of a larger project to be constructed by a third party and involves the sharing of design and/or construction expenses by the third party owner(s)of property in addition to the subject property,or D. when construction of the improvements is deemed to be appropriate by the City Engineer in conjunction with construction of improvements by others adjacent to the subject site. 1 PAY BIKE STRIPING FEE None Met 6/21/2006 KSM 6/21/2006 BLD 10. Prior to final plat approval,the applicant shall pay$637 to the Ciry for the striping of the bike lane along the frontage of Pfaffle Street. Page 1 of 3 CaseConditions..rpt Washington Counry,Oreyon 2006-084439 '12006 01;00:40 PM �`t `f7 L��� �'f'`��' C�lt�1 8��-2� RECORD81 • � �...�0 58.00$71.00-Total=S27.00 ' ��u r'r' t � ( 4„���h c,.� -� i After recording, return to: 00981884200600844390020022 � l� �.k) � I,Rlchard Hob�mlcht,Dlnctor of An�um�nt�nd � R EC E I'�� � Tixatlon�nd Ex-ORlclo Caunty CI�rN ior Wuhinpton T ' r Pac Rim Homes, LLC ca��ry,onoo�,do h�nby urtlfy th�t th�wlthln �'�" 5700 NW El Ray Drive in�trummt oT wrltlnp wa�nc�lv�d and ncord�d In th•r'�: �� 1 � 200� 600kofneord�ol�dd ny. � (( ,� P"•. Camas, WA 98607 I�L ,�o�e .'� �.` . Rlch�rd W.Hob�mlcht,Dir�ctorotAn���m�nt and ��\ � T�xation,Exdfflclo County CI�r1t CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING/ENGINEERiNG Declaration of Condition and Restriction The undersigned, Ellen Partal, being record owner of the following described real property located in the City of Tigard, County of Washington and State of Oregon, more particularly described as follows: Parcel 1, PARTITION PLAT NO. 2006-16, exhibit"A" attached is provided for location purposes, Does hereby make the following declaration of condition and restriction covering the 22 inch Pine tree located on the above described real property, specifying that this declaration shall constitute a covenant which will run with the land and shall be binding on the heirs and successors of Ellen Partal and entities claiming under them and that this condition and restriction shall be for the bene�t and limitation upon all future owners of said real properties; The 22 inch Pine tree located on the above described real property shall not be removed unless the tree is damaged by a wind storm or any other elements of nature and/or the tree becomes diseased and/or hazardous as determined by a certified licensed arborist, at which time a permit shall be obtained for removal of the tree. BY: . C�� Ellen Partal STATE OF Ore�on } , } ss. County of } This instrument was acknowledged before me on the��day of , 2006, by Ellen Partal �L ;, OFFICIAL SEAL , �- ANDREA WEISSENFLUH �' ' r`' NOTARY PUBLIC•OREGON Not Public for Oregon �� COMMIS510N NO.396449 _ My Commission Expires: -Y4 P�1r COMMIS510N EXPIRES AU�UST 24,2009 EXHIBI T MAP � A PORTION OF PARTITION PLAT NO. 2006-016 RECORDED AS DOC. NO. 2006032398, SITUATED IN S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 3�, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 1 WE5T, � D � WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON ,� SCALE: 1" = 40' U < � o I W � — — — — — — — — � < I � I I I � I � I I i __ I PARCEL 3 ( i � � W I I I r -- � � j W r. i I I ° I i �I w � I I I I Q Q < PARCEL 2 i � o � I I � � J I � � � � �-- , ( CK PA710 I I �-c�__ F..,o� �--- � — � I � -----------� I � � I � I � � EXISTINC HOUSE � � � ' ' � �-- � � 22" PIN h----n---- -------� � r15' 3 I �CONCRETE PARCEL 1 � _ � �� i wn�K i 39 j/°\� / I � / ( < I \ / � L-1 �I �I �� �� � ��/✓ I EXISTING CURB, GUTTER & SIDEWALK _ _SW PFAFFLE STREET __ (COUNTY ROAD_NO_ 975) __ _ ------- -------- --EOGE AC------____� ' ' • �- t� �L u r ,,�5 , �c :,1=�-, I��v►•. � �-. — : ° C�t- �'a�c Rim Pro 'es LLC --�i� j l �. �, � July6,2006 City of Tigard Planning and Building Department There is one remaining item on the list of conditions for the short plat #MI.,P2005-0006 that needs to be marked as completed. That was item number one to put a deed restriction in place regarding a tree on lot number one. I am providing you with a copy of the deed that was recorded upon the sale of that lot to a new owner on March 24�', 2006. That deed clearly spells out that this lot is required to conform to all the conditions, restrictions, andlor setbacks associated with the aforementioned short plat. This includes a number of items in addition to the pine tree retention item #1 including item #2 regarding visual clearance, and items number 7 and 17 that cover the requirements to have street trees in the planter strip. In summary the item regarding the pine tree retention has been met as well as ensuring that new owner supports the additional elements that are pertinent to lot 1. We are ready to begin construction of two quality new homes on lots 2 and 3 and I am asking your support in quickly issuing building permits to Pac Rim Properties LLC Thank You and Best Regards Bill Bader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w.wnpai eeu... .oe� �� • o��aooea:maew 2006-037729 \������ . 0-0W CIIt�1 NM7 K ORUNOYALO ��a�o� � ��Illl�llllwll�I (IIIRII H�Il�llll�I�I� • OOY710512006003772i001001� I.JMry MYnen,pnadrMANNMnNR YM TWtqn � �n0 hCTak CwnM LMt IM YM�I�M�yM Ceunlr. After Recording, Return to: . ar.w�yrn.�.y�wn�yu.em..�nrwsun.n�N .n��.ni�er.w.na�.c.�a.e in,n.osew a Ellen Partal - nnrrMw�«wa.,�,,,� � �2"1� ^—JVJ Q�F�le�°�.�- • .wn R w�rw�.w..e«tir.j«.:.m.n��w T..wM1 -c-i�a..c��o,�_ y�2�.3 . a.a�r.o..+r a.� Until a change is requeated, tax etatementa . ahall be eent to the following addreea: . Bllen Partal . b�►a.A� �J�ao�GL. � � � STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED �� (Corporation/Partnerehip) . .. . .. .. . ,. . .. . (Above Space Reaerved for Recorder'e Uee) � Pac Rim Propertiea, LLC, a limited liability company coavsy� and rarzaat■ to �. 811en Partal Oth� lollrnriaq d��cribad r�al prop�rty in khe Btate oi Or�goa aad Couaty of waehington � free oE sacumbrance�, axc�pt �■ sp�cifically sat forth L�r�in� t � � Paresl 1, D11it7ITSOR PL11T M0.1006-016, ia th� City of Tigard, Couaty ot N�ehiagtoa �nd Stats o! oregon. Tax Account Numberle): R0263561 This yroperLy i■ frti o! aac�brancs�, EI[CSDT� Easements as delineated on the recorded plat for clear vieion; conditions, restrictions and/or setbacks, ae shown on the recorded plat. � was►+�r�Tau counrrr SEACPROaEORTV -$��6 The true conaideration for this conveyance ie Sz95,000.00 FEEPAiD pq7'E BEFORE SIGNM6 OR ACCEPTNG 7HIS NSTRUM�IT,THE PFA80N TRANSFERRING FEE TRLE SHOULD NQUiRE ABOUT THE PEHSON'6 RKiHTS,IF ANY UNOER CHAPTER 7,ORC-0ON LAWS Z005 IBALLOT MFASURE 37 120041}.tHl6 WSTAUMEHT WILL NOT ALLOW U6E OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED N THIS NSTRUMB/T W WOLATION OF APPLICABLE LpND U6E LAWS AMD RE6ULATIONS. BEFORE SKiNIN6 OR ACCEPTING TNIS MSTRUMBIT,7ME PERSON ACQUIRINQ FEE TITIf TO THE PROPORY BHOVLD CHECII NrtfH TF#APPROP111ATE CtTV OR COUNTY PLANNW6 DEVAIITM@IT TO VERIFY APVROVED USES AND TO DETERMiNE ANY LIMRS ON LAWSURB AQAINBT FARMIN6 OR FONEBT PRACTICE6 AS DEflNED M ORS 30.830,AND TO WQUIRE ABOUi THE RIGNTS OF NEI6HBORIN6 PpOPEHTY OVYNERS,If ANY UNDER CNAPTER 1,OREGON LAW6 Z000 IBALLOT MEASURE 37(200411. DATBD this �day af March, 2006. Pac Rim Pzoperties, LLC sy: �'.-- � �� ,`��� Bill Bader Member STATS OF ORSGON, COiJNTY OF CLACKHMAS)ee. The loregoing inetrument was aclmowledged before me thie � day of March, 2006, by Bill Sader, ae Me r, of Pac Rim Propertiea, LLC, on behalf of the limited liability company. �. Not ry Public for 0 egon L �,+ OfFI01ALtlAL My ommiaeion 6xpirea: Q�T•Qi ROlG4NN�MiTAIIK NOTARY pUBLIC-OfiEdON COMMIB�ION NO.eE�87 YY COMMI5810N El(PIRES AUO Y�,200B Order No. : 43y0091525w 7/11/2006 —�� Conditions Associated With 10:20:12AM T I D E M A R K Case #: MLP2005-00006 coMaurER svsrEMS iNc Condition Status Updated Code Title Hold Status Changed By Tag Date By 1 PUBLIC SEWER PERMIT RFQU[RED None Met ����'?006 KSM �1����'2006 BRS l 1. The applicant shall provide connection of the three lots to the public sanitar}�sew�erage sy�stem. A connection permit is required to connect to the existing public sanitary sewer system. . 1 UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES OR PAY None Met 6/21/2006 KSM 6/21/2006 BLD 12. The applicant shall either place the existing overhead utility lines along SW 82nd Avenue underground as a part of this project,or they shall pay the fee in-lieu of undergrounding. The fee shall be calculated by the frontage of the site that is parallel to the utiliry lines and will be$35.00 per lineal foot. If the fee option is chosen,the amount will be$ 7000.00 and it shall be paid prior to finai plat approval. If power will be taken from Pfaffle Street the fee will be adjusted according to the frontage along that street. 1 APPROVAL FROM TVWD None Met 4/5/2006 KSM 4/5/2006 BRS 13. The applicant shall obtain approval from the Tualatin Valley Water District for the proposed water connection prior to issuance of the City's Public Facility Improvement permit. 1 EROSION CONTROL PLAN REQ None Met 4/5/2006 KSM 4/5/2006 BRS 14. An erosion control plan shall be provided as part of the Public Facility [mprovement(PFI)permit drawings. The plan shall conform to the "Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Design and Planning Manual, February 2003 edition." 1 GPS COORDINATES None Met 12/14/2005 KSM 1/3/2006 ST 15. The applicant's final plat shall contain State Plane Coordinates on two monuments with a tie to the City's global positioning system(GPS)geodetic control network(GC 22). These monuments shall be on the same line and shall be of the same precision as required for the subdivision plat boundary. Along with the coordinates,the plat shall contain the scale factor to convert ground measurements to grid measurements and the angle from north to grid north. These coordinates can be established by: -GPS tie networked to the Ciry's GPS survey. -By random traverse using conventional surveying methods. I FINAL PLAT REQUIREMENTS None Met 4/17/2006 KSM 6/19/2006 BSB 16. Final Plat Application Submission Requirements: A. Submit for City review four(4)paper copies of the final plat prepared by a land surveyor licensed to practice in Oregon, and necessary data or narrative. B. Attach a check in the amount of the current final plat review fee(Contact Planning/Engineering Permit Technicians, at(503)639-4171,ext.2421). C. The final plat and data or narrative shall be drawn to the minimum standards set forth by the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 92.05), Washington Counry,and by the City of Tigard. D. The right-of-way dedication for 82nd Avenue shall be made on the final plat to provide 27 feet from centerline. E. NOTE: Washington County will not begin their review of the final plat until they receive notice from the Engineering Department indicating that the City has reviewed the final plat and submitted comments to the applicant's surveyor. F. After the Ciry and County have reviewed the final plat, submit two mylar copies of the final plat for City Engineer signature(for partitions),or City Engineer and Communiry Development Director signatures(for subdivisions). 1 STREET TREE PLAN None Met MAS 7/11/2006 EAE 17. Provide and Implement a plan that shows street trees planted along both SW Pfaffle Street and SW 82nd Avenue frontages in accordance with the standards for size and spacing under Section 18.745.040.0 of the Tigard Development Code. 1 PHOTOMYLAR OF RECORDED FINAL PL None Met 3/31/2006 KSM 3/31/2006 BRS 18. Prior to issuance of building permits,the applicant shall provide the Engineering Department with a"photomylar" copy of the recorded final plat. 1 COMPLETE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS None NOT MET KSM 11/21/2005 BRS Page 2 of 3 CaseConditions..rpt