MLP2002-00014 i . � , / % NOTICE OF TYPE II DECISION MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2002-00014 CITY OF TIGARD KRASAUSK PARTITION Commumty�Dever�nt ShapingA BetterCommuraty 120 DAYS (WITH EXTENSION) =8/3/03 SECTION I APPLICATION SUMMARY FILE NAME KRASAUSK PARTITION CASE NO Minor Land Partition (MLP) MLP2002-00014 PROPOSAL The applicant is requesting a Minor Land Partition to partition one (1) existing 15,579 square foot lot into finro (2) parcels for detached smgle-famdy residences An existing single-famdy dwelling is located on the sub�ect parcel and is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 in compliance with all setback requirements APPLICANT Miles Schlesinger OWNER Paul Krasausk and Joe Marcharg Jr 11455 SW Shrope Court 15833 SW Misty Court Tigard, OR 97223 Beaverton, OR 97007 ZONING DESIGNATION R-4 5, The R-4 5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally LOCATION 10085 SW Kathenne Street WCTM 1S135CC Tax Lot, 03100 PROPOSED PARCEL 1 7,500 Square Feet PROPOSED PARCEL 2 7,500 Square Feet FLAG LOT ACCESS AREA 556 Square Feet APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA Community Development Code Chapters 18 390 (Decision-Making Procedures), 18 420 (Land Partitions), 18 510 (Residential Zoning Distncts), 18 705 (Access Egress and Circulation), 18 715 (Density Computations), 18 745 (Landscaping and Screening), 18 765 (Off-Street parking and Loadmg Requirements), 18 790 (Tree Removal), 18 795 (Visual Clearance Areas), and 18 810 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards) SECTION II DECISION Notice is hereby given that the City of Tigard Community Development Director's designee has APPROVED the above request sub�ect to certain conditions The findings and conclusions on which the decision is based are noted in Section V NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014JKRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 1 of 23 : CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT u mit to t e ng�neering epartment rian ager, , ext or review an approval 1 Prior to final plat approval, the applicanUowner shall ensure that the visual clearance area including areas of existing fencing along the Tigard street frontage is not obstructed The applicant shall also submit a report from a traffic engineer showing that sight distance standards as enumerated by AASHTO are met, and if not, that any improvements required to meet the sight distance standards have been completed 2 A Public Facdity Improvement (PFI) permit is required for this pro�ect to cover the public sewer line, the new storm Ime m Katherme Street and any other work in the public right-of-way Six (6) sets of detailed public improvement plans shall be submitted for review to the Engmeering Department NOTE these plans are in addition to any drawmgs required by the Budding Division and should only include sheets relevant to public improvements Public Facdity Improvement (PFI) permit plans shall conform to City of Tigard Public Improvement Design Standards, which are avadable at City Hall and the City's web page (www ci tigard or us) 3 The PFI permit plan submittal shall mclude the exact legal name, address and telephone number of the individual or corporate entity who will be designated as the "Permittee", and who will provide the financial assurance for the public improvements For example, specify if the entity is a corporation, limited partnership, LLC, etc Also specify the state within which the entity is incorporated and provide the name of the corporate contact person Failure to provide accurate information to the Engineering Department wdl delay processing of pro�ect documents 4 Pnor to approval of the final plat, the applicant shall obtain a Site Permit from the Building Department to cover all gradmg for the lot(s), all on-site private utdity installation (water, storm, etc ) and all driveway construction NOTE this permit is separate from a Public Faality Improvement permit issued by the Engineering Department for work in the public right-of-way 5 Pnor to approval of the final plat, the applicant shall pay an addressing fee in the amount of $30 00 (STAFF CONTACT Shirley Treat, Engmeenng) 6 The final plat shall show a ROW dedication on Katherine Street to provide 27 feet from the center(ine The resulting area of both parcels, excludmg the access easement area shall be a minimum of 7,500 square feet 7 The applicant shall execute a Restrictive Covenant whereby they agree to complete or participate m the future improvements of SW Katherine Street ad�acent to the sub�ect property, when any of the following events occur A when the improvements are part of a larger pro�ect to be financed or paid for by the formation of a Local Improvement District, B when the improvements are part of a larger pro�ect to be financed or paid for in whole or in part by the City or other public agency, C when the improvements are part of a larger pro�ect to be constructed by a third party and involves the shanng of design and/or construction expenses by the third party owner(s) of property m addition to the sub�ect property, or NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 2 of 23 D when construction of the improvements is deemed to be appropriate by the City Engineer in con�unction with construction of improvements by others ad�acent to the sub�ect site 8 The final plat shall show a �oint ingress/egress easement to be shared between the three properties involved in the three partitions (MLP 2002-00012, 2002-00013 and 2002-00014) and shall also address maintenance responsibility of the shared access 9 The applicant shall either place the existmg overhead utdity Imes along SW Katherine Street underground as a part of this pro�ect, or they shall pay the fee in-lieu of undergrounding The fee shall be calculated by the frontage of the site that is parallel to the utility lines and wdl be $ 27 50 per lineal foot If the fee option �s chosen, the amount will be $ 2,063 00 and it shall be paid prior to approval of the final plat 10 The applicant's final plat shall contain State Plane Coordinates on two monuments with a tie to the City's global positioning system (GPS) geodetic control network (GC 22) These monuments shall be on the same Ime and shall be of the same precision as required for the subdivision plat boundary Along with the coordmates, the plat shall contain the scale factor to convert ground measurements to grid measurements and the angle from north to grid north These coordinates can be established by • GPS tie networked to the City's GPS survey • By random traverse using conventional surveying methods 11 Final Plat Application Submission Requirements A Submit for City review four (4) paper copies of the final plat prepared by a land surveyor licensed to practice in Oregon, and necessary data or narrative B Attach a check in the amount of the current final plat review fee (Contact Planning/Engineermg Permit Technicians, at (503)639-4171, ext 426) C The final plat and data or narrative shall be drawn to the minimum standards set forth by the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 92 05), Washington County, and by the City of Tigard D The right-of-way dedication for Katherine Street shall be made on the final plat E NOTE Washington County wdl not begin their review of the final plat untd they receive notice from the Engmeenng Department indicating that the City has reviewed the final plat and submitted comments to the applicant's sunreyor F After the City and County have reviewed the final plat, submit two mylar copies of the final plat for City Engmeer signature (for partitions), or City Engineer and Community Development Director signatures (for subdivisions) Submit to the Planning Department (Morgan Tracy, 639-4171, ext 2428) for review and approval 12 Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall submit a landscape plan which shows A Landscape or solid fence screening along the portion of the proposed accessway that is visible from WCTM 1 S135CC lot 3300 and 2900 This screen shall compIy with one of the three options for screenmg as prescnbed in TDC Section 18 745 050 (5 Installation of said screen shall occur pnor to final budding permit approval on Parcel #� B A street tree plan for the proposed access drive m accordance with the size and spacmg standards under TDC Section 18 745 040 C NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 3 of 23 THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS Submit to the Engineering Department (Brian Rager, 639-4171, ext 2471) for review and approval 13 Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide the Engineering Department with a "photomylar" copy of the recorded final plat 14 Prior to issuance of the buildmg permits, the public sewer line work for the three partitions shall be completed and accepted by the City 15 Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide the City with as-built drawmgs of the public improvements as follows 1) 3 mil mylar, 2) a diskette of the as-builts in "DWG" format, if available, otherwise "DXF" will be acceptable, and 3) the as-built drawings shall be tied to the City's GPS network The applicant's engineer shall provide the City with an electronic file with points for each structure (manholes, catch basins, water valves, hydrants and other water system features) in the development, and their respective X and Y State Plane Coordinates, referenced to NAD 83 (91) 16 Prior to issuance of the building permit for the new parcel, the applicant shall pay the standard water quality and water quantity fees per lot (fee amounts wdl be the latest approved by CWS) 17 The applicant shall provide signage at the entrance of the �omt driveway that lists the addresses that are served by the driveway Submit to the Planning Department(Morgan Tracy, 639-4171, ext 2428)for review and approval 18 The applicant shall provide a tree protection plan for Parcel #2 and shared access dnve, prepared by a certified arborist The applicanUowner shall install the required tree protection measures prior to budding permit issuance The applicant shall further note that the protection plan shall indicate that a certified arborist must be present during any excavation within the dnplines of any trees to remove 19 The applicant shall submit a tree mitigation program that accounts for 19 caliper inches to be planted on the site, planted off-site, or is a payment m lieu of replanting Street trees along the driveway cannot be counted towards the mitigation requirement Such mitigation replanting or payment shall occur prior to final budding inspection Subm�t to the Building Department (Development Service Technicians, 639-4171, ext 2439) for review and approval 20 Prior to issuance of any buildmg permits, the applicanUowner shali provide documentation that Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue has reviewed and approved the fire flow documentation for the existing fire hydrant 21 The applicant/owner shall submit a site plan with the buddmg permit application for Parcel #2 that meets the height and setback requirements as prescribed for flag lots, per TDC Sections 18 730 020(C) and 18 420 050(4)(e) The site plan shall also show access taken from the �oint NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 4 of 23 accessway The site plan shall also reflect the abandonment of one of the existing driveway accesses serving the parcel on SW Tigard Street and�oint use of the shared drive THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION Submit to the Planning Department (Morgan Tracy, 639-4171, ext 2428) for review and approval 22 Foilowing completion of the shared access drive but prior to issuance of any final budding inspections, the applicant/owner shall provide evidence that the screening along the access drive as required in the landscape plan has been installed, as well as the street trees along the shared access drive 23 The applicant shall install the mitigation replanting or remit the payment in lieu as specified in the applicanYs mitigation program THIS APPROVAL IS VALID IF EXERCISED WITHIN EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION NOTED UNDER THE PROCESS AND APPEAL SECTION OF THIS DECISION SECTION III BACKGROUND INFORMATION Pro ert Histo The su �ect parcel is located within the City of Tigard The �roperty is designated Low Density Residential on the Tigard Comprehensive Plan Map The sub�ect lot was divided from Lot 10 of Greenburg Heights Addition subdivision Apart from a lot Ime ad�ustment that was perFormed m order to facilitate the current application, no other land use approvals were found to be on file Site Information and Pro osal Descri tions The applicant is reques ing a Minor Land Partition to partition one (1) existing 15,556 square foot lot into two (2) parcels for detached single-family residences An existing single-famdy dwelling is located on the sub�ect parcel and is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 in compliance with all setback requirements The ad�acent properties and surroundmg area are characterized by smgle-famdy homes SECTION IV PUBLIC COMMENTS The City maded notice to property owners within 500 feet of the sub�ect site providing them an opportunity to comment A number of letters have been received from adJ acent property owners, including Brooks Gaston, John Slagle, Margaret and Dewey Hamdton, and Gererdene Gibson The concems were pnmardy focused on storm dramage issues as a number of the nearby yards have poor dramage currently The Hamdton's also inquired about the depth of the proposed sewer to ensure that �t would be adequate to serve the furthest lot These issues are discussed in greater detad under Chapter 18 810 (Street and Utdity Improvement Standards) later in this decision SECTION V APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Land Partitions (18 420� The proposed partition complies with all statutory and ordinance requirements and regulations, The proposed partition complies or can be made to comply with all statutory and ordinance requirements and regulations as demonstrated by the analysis contained withm this admmistrative decision and through the imposition of conditions of development approval All necessary conditions must be satisfied as part of the development and building process Therefore, this criterion is met NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 5 of 23 �i � There are adequate public facilities available to serve the proposal, Public facilities are discussed in detail later in this decision under Chapter 18 810 (Street & Utdity Improvement Standards) Based on the analysis provided herein, Staff finds that adequate public facilities are avadable to serve the proposal Therefore, this criterion is met All proposed improvements meet City and applicable agency standards, and The public facdities and proposed improvements are discussed and conditioned later in this decision under Chapter 18 810 (Street & Utility Improvement Standards) Improvements will be reviewed as part of the permit process and during construction, at which time the appropriate review authority wdl ensure that City and applicable agency standards are met Based on the analysis in this decision, Staff finds that this criterion is met All proposed lots conform to the specific requirements below The minimum width of the building envelope area shall meet the lot requirement of the applicable zoning district The minimum lot width required for the R-4 5 zoning district is 50 feet for sin le-family detached units, and 90 feet for duplex lots Both parcels are 75 feet in width Therefore, this s�andard has been met for single-family dwelfings, no duplexes wiil be able to be constructed on any of these proposed lots The lot area shall be as required by the applicable zoning district In the case of a flag lot, the accessway may not be included in the lot area The minimum lot area requirement in the R-4 5 zonmg district is 7,500 square feet for detached smgle- famdy units and 10,000 square feet for duplex units The proposed partition creates finro (2) lots that are both 7,500 square feet The remaining 556 square feet is utdized for the flag lot accessway Both parcels meet the requirements for smgle-family residential development This critenon has been satisfied Each lot created through the partition process shali front a public nght-of-way by at least 15 feet or have a legally recorded minimum 15-foot wide access easement The proposed partition plat dlustrates Parcel #1 as having 75 feet of frontage and Parcel #2 as having 70 feet of frontage on the proposed 20' wide access easement which connects to SW Tigard Street This critenon is met Setbacks shall be as required by the applicable zoning district Setbacks for the R-4 5 zonmg district are as follows front, 20 feet, side, 5 feet, and rear, 15 feet The existin house on Parcel #1 is proposed to remam This structure is situated 29 feet from the front prope� Ime, 43 feet to the proposed rear property line, 10 7 feet from the east side property line, and 9 4 fee from the west side property line As such, the existing dwelling may remain as part of this partition application When the partitioned lot is a flag lot, the developer may determine the location of the front yard, provided that no side yard is less than 10 feet Structures shall generally be located so as to maximize separation from existing structures Proposed Parcei #2 is a flag lot There is opportunity on this 7,500 square foot lot to provide suitable separation from other nearby existmg structures However, at this time no home construction is proposed Therefore, conformance with this standard wdl be ensured through the building permit review process A screen shall be provided along the property line of a lot of record where the paved drrve in an accessway is located within ten feet of an abutting lot in accordance with Sections 18 745 040 Screening may also be required to maintain privacy for abuttmg lots and to prov�de usable outdoor recreation areas for proposed development The applicants plan calls for a 20 foot wide access drive to serve Parcel #2, m addition to serving two NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 6 of 23 other lots being proposed in separate partition applications These other lots wdl also be flag lots behind the parent parcels that front on SW Katherine Street and SW Tigard Street Smce the access drive will be utilized for the other finro flag lot parcels behind the homes on Katherine Street, a screen is not appropriate along the shared property Imes of the sub�ect parcel and the parcels being created by MLP2002-00012 and MLP 2002-000�3 However, the homes located at 10060 SW Tigard Street (WCTM 1S135CC lot 3300) and 10145 SW Katherine Street (WCTM 1S135CC lot 2900) are not a part of or associated with this application, and should be buffered from the visual impacts of the shared driveway Therefore, landscaping or a solid fence shall be established along the boundary of the shared drive where �t can be seen from tfiose parcels FINDING The application fads to propose adequate screenmg for the area along the flag lot accessway to satisfy this requirement CONDITION Prior to issuance of building and or engineering permits to construct the proposed access drive, the applicant/owner shall submit a landscape plan which shows landscape or solid fence screening along the portion of the proposed accessway that is visible from WCTM 1 S135CC lot 3300 and 2900 This screen shall comply with one of the three options for screening as prescribed in TDC Section 18 745 050 5 Installation of said screen shall occur prior to final building permit approval on Parce 2 The fire district may require the installation of a fire hydrant where the length of an accessway would have a detrimental effect on fire-fighting capabilities The fire district (TVFR) has reviewed the proposal and has provided comments as outlined later in this decision under Agency Comments It is likely that a fire hydrant wdl be required at the time of building permit application due to the general lack of other hydrants near the intersection of the access drive and SW Tigard Street Documentation of the fire flow level wdl be required to demonstrate that the minimum 1,000 gallon per minute flow is available FINDING The length of the proposed accessway and distance to the future dwelling from the street will have a detnmental effect on fire fighting capabdities should the existing hydrant not have adequate fire fighting flow CONDITION Prior to issuance of any building permits, the applicant/owner shall provide documentation that Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue has reviewed and approved the fire flow documentation for the existmg fire hydrant Where a common drive is to be provided to serve more than one lot, a reciprocal easement which will ensure access and maintenance rights shall be recorded with the approved partition map This proposed partition would require that the accessway be shared Parcel #2 wdl Jointly be responsible for the accessway with the other lots that are served by it, with the exact stipulations for mamtenance to be established by the applicant in the reciprocal easement FINDING The access drive will serve Parcels #2, m addition to finro other parcels, part of separate applications CONDITION The final plat shall show the proposed 20-foot wide �omt access easement to be shared between Parcel 2 as well as the finro other parcels on the ad�oming lots and shall also address mamtenance responsibdity Any access way shall comply w�th the standards set forth in Chapter 18 705, Access, Egress and Circulation This standard is addressed under 18 705 (Access, Egress and Circulation) later in this decision Where landfill and/or development is allowed within or ad�acent to the one-hundred year floodplain, the city shali require cons�deration of the dedication of sufficient open land area for greenway ad�oining and w�thin the floodplain This area shall include portions at a suitable elevation for the construction of a pedestnan/bicycle pathway with the floodplain in accordance with the adopted pedestrian/bicycle pathway plan NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 7 of 23 I �l I The partitioned lots are not within nor ad�acent to a one-hundred-year floodplain Therefore, this standard does not apply An application for a variance to the standards prescribed m this chapter shall be made in accordance with Chapter 18 370, Variances and Ad�ustments The applications for the part�tion and variance(s)/ad�ustment(s)will be processed concurrently No variances or adJustments have been submitted with this application Therefore, this standard does not apply Residential Zoning Districts (18 510� Development standards in residential zoning districts are conta�ned in Table 18 510 2 below TABLE 18 510 2 - (Cont'd ) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS If�f RESIDENTIAL ZONES STANDARD x < s , � �- „R-4 5=< �'�� Parcel 1� �Parcel 2s � Minimum Lot Size Detached unit 7 500 sq ft 7 500 sq ft 7 500 sq ft Duplexes 10 000 sq ft Average Mmimum Lot Width Detached unit lots 50 ft 75 ft 75 ft -Du lex lots 90 ft Maximum Lot Coverage -- Minimum Setbacks -Front yard 20 ft 29 ft Can be met -Side facing street on comer&through lots 15 ft N/A N/A Side yard 5 ft 10 9ft/9 7 ft Can be met -Rear yard 15 ft 43 ft Can be met -Side or rear yard abutUng more restncUve zonmg distnct — N/A N/A -Distance beiween property line and front of garage 20 ft 29 ft Can be met -Side Yard Setbacks for Flag Lots[fDC 18 420 050(A)(4)(e)]* 10 ft N/A Can be met Maximum Height 30 ft *' 14 Can be met'* Minimum Landscape Requirement -- N/A N/A Not a part of this table but has been InGuded for reference "The maximum he�ght on a Flag Lot is 1 Y=stones or 25 feet whichever is less or as otherwise provided for in TDC 18 730 020(C)(2) A minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet is required for each lot The proposed lot sizes of 7,500 square feet meet this standard Parcel #1 contains a smgle-family dwelling and is in compliance with the required R-4 5 setbacks Parcels #2 is currently vacant Future development of these parcels will be reviewed through the building permit process to ensure compliance with the R-4 5 development standards Setback standards, required by Table 18 510 2 will apply to all future development of the proposed lots It should be noted that the setbacks and height limifs for the flag lot (Parcel #2) are different than the underlying zone, as required by Sections 18 730 020(C) and 18 �120 050(4)(e) FINDING Based on the analysis above, the Residential Zoning Distnct Standards for Parcels #1 and #2 wdl be met with the imposition of the followmg conditions CONDITION The applicant/owner shail submit a site plan with the budding permit application for Parcel #2 that meets the hei ht and setback requirements as prescnbed for flag lots, per TDC Sections 18 730 020(G� and 18 420 050(4)(e) Access, Egress and Circulation (18 705� Continuing obligation of property owner (Sect�on 18 705 030 A) The provisions and maintenance of access and egress stipulated in this title are continuing requirements for the use of any structure or parcel of real property �n the City There are reciprocal access agreements necessary for adequate access to proposed Parcel #2 Owners of this parcel wdl be under the obligation to provide and maintain access to their own property Specific NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 8 of 23 maintenance provisions wdl be specified in the access easement agreement to be recorded with the partition plat This provision has been met Access Plan requirements (Section 18 705 030 B) No building or other permit shall be �ssued until scaled plans are presented and approved as provided by this chapter that show how access, egress and circulation requirements are to be fulfilled The applicant shall submit a site plan The Director shall provide the applicant with detailed information about this submission requirement The applicant has provided a site plan showing a 20-foot-wide accessway for access, egress and circulation for Parcel #2 To reduce the number of driveways entering SW Tigard Street, the applicant will be required to consolidate the driveways serving the sub�ect flag lot with fhe driveways on the two ad�oming flag lots as well as the existing driveway serving the ronting parcel on SW Tigard Street Joint Access (Section 18 705 030 C) Owners of finro or more uses, structures, or parcels of land may agree to utilize �ointly the same access and egress when the combined access and egress of both uses, structures, or parcels of land satisfies the combined requirements as designafed in this title, provided Satisfactory legal evidence shall be presented in the form of deeds, easements, leases or contracts to establish the �oint use, and copies of the deeds, easements, leases or contracts are placed on permanent file with the City Joint access to Parcel #2 is proposed, therefore, an access easement wdl be required to be recorded with Washington County and filed with the City Public street access (Section 18 705 030 D� All vehicular access and egress as required in Sect�ons 18 705 030H and 18 705 0301 sha I connect directly with a public or private street approved by the City for public use and shall be ma�nta�ned at the required standards on a continuous basis All proposed parcels wdl have access to the shared driveway which wdl connect directly with SW Tigard Street, a public street The 20-foot-wide accessway satisfies the 20-foot access width w�th a minimum of 20 feet of pavement required for up to 6 dwelling units per the dimensional standards in TDC Table 187051 Access Management (Section 18 705 030 H) Section 18 705 030 H 1 states that an access report shall be submitted with all new development proposals which verifies design of driveways and streets are safe by meeting adequate stacking needs, sight distance and deceleration standards as set by ODOT, Washington County, the City and AASHTO The location of the new private driveway to serve this development and two other proposed partitions ad�acent to this site, should have adequate sight distance, based upon its location along Tigard Street However, the applicant has not yet submitted a report showmg the sight distance is met Staff recommends the applicant submit a preliminary sight distance certification from their engineer pnor to approval of the final plat Any improvements that may be needed m order to ensure adequate sight distance shall be completed pnor to approval of the final plat as well Section 18 705 030 H 2 states that dr�veways shall not be permitted to be placed in the influence area of collector or arterial street intersections Influence area of intersect�ons is that area where queues of traffic commonly form on approach to an intersection The minimum dr�veway setback from a collector or arterial street intersection shall be150 feet, measured from the right- of-way line of the intersecting street to the throat of the proposed driveway The setback may be greater depend�ng upon the influence area, as determined from City Engmeer review of a traffic �mpact report subm�tted by the appl�cant's traffic engineer In a case where a pro�ect has less than 150 feet of street frontage, the applicant must explore any option for shared access with the NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 9 of 23 ti � � ad�acent parcel If shared access is not possible or practical, the dr�veway shall be placed as far from the intersection as possible The �oint private driveway location will not be in the influence area of a collector or arterial street intersection Section 18 705 030 H 3 and 4 states that the minimum spacing of driveways and streets along a collector shall be 200 feet The minimum spac�ng of driveways and streets along an arterial shall be 600 feet The minimum spacing of local streets along a local street shall be 125 feet SW Tigard Street is classified as a neighborhood route, which most closely relates to a local street The new private driveway wdl be over 400 feet away from the Kathenne Street intersection, and over 1,000 feet away from the Tiedeman Street intersection Therefore, this critenon is met Minimum access requ�rements for residential use (Section 18 705 030 I) Private residential access drives shall be provided and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Fire Code This standard wdl be addressed under the Agency Comments' section on page 21 of this decision Access drives in excess of 150 feet in length shall be Provided with approved provisions for the turning around of fire apparatus by one of the following a) A circular, paved surface having a minimum turn radius measured from center point to outside edge of 35 feet, b) A hammerhead- configured, paved surface with each leg of the hammerhead having a minimum depth of 40 feet and a min�mum width of 20 feet, c)The maximum cross slope of a required turnaround is 5% The site plan shows that the accessway is approximately 120 feet in length Since the dnve wdl not exceed the 150 foot length limitation, no turnaround will be required FINDING Based on the analysis above, Staff finds the Access, Egress and Circulation Standards have not been met Demonstration of compliance wdl be assured through the budding permit review CONDITIONS ♦ Prior to final plat approval, the applicant/owner shall submit a reciprocal access easement and mamtenance agreement for the �omt access servmg Parcel #2 for review The easement shall be recorded with the plat ♦ Prior to issuance of budding permits for Parcel #2 or any other parcel bemg served by the shared driveway, the applicant/owner shall abandon one of the existmg driveway access points on SW Tigard Street Density Computations (18 715� A Defin�t�on of net development area Net development area, in acres, shall be determmed by subtracting the following land area(s) from the gross acres, which is all of the land �ncluded in the legal descnption of the property to be developed 1 All sensitive land areas 2 All land dedicated to the publ�c for park purposes, 3 All land dedicated for public rights�f-way 4 All land proposed for private streets, and 5 A lot of at least the s�ze re9uired by the appl�cable base zonmg district, if an ex�sting dwelling is to remain on the site B Calculating max�mum number of residential units To calculate the maximum number of residential units per net acre, divide the number of square feet in the net acres by the minimum number of square feet required for each lot in the applicable zoning distr�ct NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 10 of 23 C Calculating minimum number of residential units As required by Section 18 510 040, the minimum number of residential units per net acre shall be calculated by multiplying the maximum number of units determined in Subsection B above by 80% (0 8) The standards for Density computation address the intensity of residential land uses, typically expressed as the number of housing units per acre The total square footage of the sub�ect property is 15,811 square feet There are no sensitive land areas, public dedications, or private streets within the sub1 ect proposal However, to determine the net developable area, the square footage of Parcel #1 (7,500 square feet) is subtracted from the calculation because it has a pre-existing single-family dwelling Additionally, the area of the accesswa (556 square feet) is subtracted as it is excluded from the lot area per TDC Section 18 120 089( � This results in a net developable area of 7,500 square feet As the minimum lot size for the R-�5 zone is 7,500 square feet (10,000 square feet for duplexes), the maximum number of additional residential units (single-family or duplex) is one The proposed partition creates 2 separate lots in conformance with the density requirements FINDING Based on the analysis above, the Density Computation Standards have been met Landscaping and Screening (18 745) Street trees Section 18 745 040 Section 18 745 040 A All development pro�ects fronting on a public street, private street or a private driveway more than 100 feet in length approved after the adoption of this title shall be required to plant street trees in accordance with the standards in Section 18 745 040C This proposed pro�ect has frontage on SW Katherine Street The access drive serving the proposed lot wdl be approximately 120 feet in length Therefore, street trees are required alon� the access drive and shall be planted in accordance with the standards for size and spacing m this title, under Section 18 745 040 C Since SW Katherine is unimproved and since the street improvement wdl not occur as part of this application, planting of street trees will be deferred until the street improvements occur The remainin� landscape standards are deferred until the time of development, except for screening of the private drive which is addressed in this decision under Section 18 420 050 FINDING The requirement for planting street trees along the access drive is not met In order to meet this requirement the applicant shall satisfy the following condition CONDITION The applicant shall provide a street tree plan for the proposed access drive in accordance with the size and spacing standards under TDC Section 18 745 040 C Tree Removal �8 790) A tree plan for the planting, removal and protection of trees prepared by a certified arborist shall be provided for any lot„ parcel or combination of lots or parcels for which a development applicat�on for a subdrvision, partition site development rev�ew, planned development or conditional use �s filed Protection is pre�erred over removal wherever possible The applicant has not specified the trees that wdl require removal, but has included an arborist's assessment of the trees This assessment notes that there are several trees that wdl require removal to accommodate the shared driveway, however, several of these trees are on seParate properties from the sub�ect site On the sub�ect site, there are four trees that are greater than 12' in diameter Only one of these trees requires removal due to the construction of the shared access drive Since this removal represents removal of 25% of the trees on the site, 50% of the removed caliper mches requires �eplacement through a mitigation program The tree proposed for removal is a 38' cottonwood, so the applicant will need to submit a mitigation plan that accounts for planting 19 caliper mches apart from those trees required as street trees along the shared accessway The remainmg trees on site wdl be required to be protected through the construction phase per the City Forester's recommendations noted later in this decision and the applicant's arborist report FINDING Based on the analysis above, the Tree Removal Standards have not been met In order to meet the standard the applicant shall satisfy the following conditions CONDITIONS Submit a tree protection plan with the budding permit application for Parcel #2, shared NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 11 of 23 , � access drive, and utili installation prepared by a certified arborist The applicanUowner shall install the require�tree protection measures prior to budding permit issuance Submit a tree mitigation program that accounts for 19 caliper mches to be planted on the site, planted off-site, or is a payment m lieu of replanting Street trees along the driveway cannot be counted towards the miti�ation requirement Such mitigation replanting or payment shall occur prior to final budding mspection Visual Clearance Areas (18 795) TFiis ap er require�ha a c ear vision area shall be maintained on the corners of all property ad�acent to intersecting right-of-ways or the intersection of a public street and a private driveway A clear vision area shall contain no vehicle hedge� plantin , fence, wall structure or temporary or permanent obstruction exceeding three �3) feet in heigh� The code provides t'�at obstructions fl�at ma be located in this area shall be visually clear between three 3 and ei ht (8) feet in he�ght Trees may be placed within this area provided that all branches be�ow eight�8) teet are removed A visuaf clearance area is the trian�ular area formed b measuring from t e corner, 30-feet along the right of way and along the driveway and connec�ing these �inro points with a straight line Apart from the large oak trees on SW Katherine Street, which are exempt from the visual clearance requirements, there are no obstructions to the visual clearance area for the egress from Parcel #1 The site plan shows a wood fence along SW Tigard Street that exceeds the height allowed for pro�ections into the visual clearance area The portion of the fence that encroaches mto this area wdl be required to be removed in order to comply with the visual clearance area for the egress for Parcel #2 FINDING Based on the analysis above, Staff finds that the Vision Clearance Standards are not presently met CONDITION The applicant/owner shall ensure that the visual clearance area on SW Tigard Street is not obstructed prior to approval of the final plat Impact Studv (18 390� Section 18 60 090 states, "The Director shall make a finding with respect to each of the follow�ng criteria when approv�ng, approving with conditions or deny�ng an application " Section 18 390 040 states that the apQlicant shall provide an impact study to quantify the effect of development on public facilities and services For each public facility system and type of im pact, the study shall propose improvements necessary to meet C�t� standard, and to minimize the impact of the development on the public at large, public fac�lities systems, and affected private property users In situations where the Community Development Code requires the dedicat�on of real properiy interests, the applicant shall either specifically concur with a requirement for public nght-of-way dedication, or prov�de evidence that supports that the real prope� dedication �s not roughly proportional to the pro�ected �mpacts of the development Section 1 390 040 states that when a condition of apProval requires the transfer to the publ�c of an �nterest in real property, the approval authonty shall adopt findings which support the conclusion that the interest in real property to be transferred is roughly proportional to the impact the proposed development will have on the public The applicant has submitted an impact study The applicant will not be required to physically improve the street due to the limited extent of frontage on this street However, the applicant w�l be required to submit a waiver of remonstrance for future participation in a Local Improvement District (LID) for street improvements to mitigate for the addition of 20 vehicle trips from the site The applicant wdl be extendmg storm drainage to account for the additional impervious area being added to the site Sewer is already avadable and has sufficient capacity to senre the develo ment Other impacts to public facdities are offset by the collection of Systems Development Charges �SDC's) collected at the time of buddmg permit issuance Therefore, this standard can be satisfied through meeting the conditions of approval in this decision The Washmgton County Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) is a mitigation measure that is required at the time of development Based on a transportation impact study prepared by Mr David Larson for the A-Boy Expansion/Dolan II/Resolution 95-61, TIF's are expected to recapture 32 percent of the traffic impact of NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 12 of 23 new development on the Collector and Artenal Street system The applicant will be required to pay TIF's of approximately $2,260 per new dwellmg unit Based on the estimate that total TIF fees cover 32 percent of the impact on maJor street improvements cit�rwide, a fee that would cover 100 percent of this pro1 ects tra�c impact is $7,063 ($2,260 times one unit divided by 32) The difference between the TIF paid, and the full impact, is considered the unmiti ated impact on the street system The unmitigated impact of this ro ect on the transportation system is $4,803 The applicant wdl be required to dedicate additional right of�way along SW Katherine Street The approximate value of these exactions is $1,575 (75'X7'X$3 00 s f) As the value of this dedication is less than the unmitigated impact, this exaction is clearly proportionate PUBLIC FACILITY CONCERNS Street And Utility Improvements Standards (Section 18 810� ChaQter 18 810 provides construction stan ar s for t e implementation of public and private facilities and utilities such as streets, sewers, and drainage The applicable standards are addressed below Streets Improvements Section 18 810 030 A 1 states that streets w�thin a development and streets ad�acent shall be improved in accordance with the TDC standards Section 18 810 030 A 2 states that any new street or add�tional street w�dth planned as a portion of an existing street shall be dedicated and improved in accordance with the TDC Minimum Rights-of-Way and Street Widths Sect�on 18 810 030 E requires a local residential street to have a 42 to 50-foot nght-of-way width and a 24 to � -foot �aved section Other improvements required may include on-street parking, sidewalks and bikeways, underground ut�lities, street lighting, storm drainage, and street trees This site lies ad�acent to SW Kathenne Street, which is classfied as a local residential street on the City of Tigard Transportation Plan Map At present, there is approximately 20 feet of ROW from centerline, according to the most recent tax assessor's map The applicant should dedicate additional ROW on the final plat to provide 27 feet from the centerline SW Katherine Street is paved but not fully improved to City standards TMC 18 810 030(A)(1) states that streets within a development and streets ad�acent shall be improved in accordance with City standards However, 18 810 030(A)(5) states that the City may accept a future improvement guarantee in lieu of street improvements if the improvement assoaated with the pro�ect does not, by itself, provide a significant improvement to the street safety or capacity Although this development wdl mcrementally increase the amount of traffic on the roadway, the increase wdl not substantially degrade the level of service on the street A street improvement ad�acent to this site, therefore, will not significantly improve the safety or capacity of the street In addition, 18 810 030(A)(5)(e) states that a guarantee in lieu of street improvements is acceptable if the proposal is a land partition on property zoned residential and the partition does not create any new streets This partition wdl not create a new street Based on these code provisions, Staff therefore recommends that the applicant be required to enter into an agreement with the City whereby the owner agrees to participate in any future widenmg pro�ect for the street carried out by the City, a third party, or through a local improvement district This agreement must be executed pnor to approval of the final plat This partition is being proposed m con�unction with two others (MLP 2002-00012 and MLP 2002-00013) The net result of all three partitions is three additional budding lots According to the applicant's plan, the three new parcels wdl each share a common driveway that wdl access SW Tigard Street The applicant wdl be required to show a�oint ingress/egress easement on the final plat to clarify that the three NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 13 of 23 properties have access nghts The applicant wdl also be required to execute a �oint maintenance agreement to clarify maintenance responsibdities between the three parcels Cul-de-sacs 18 810 030 K states that a cul-de-sac shall be no more than 200 feet long, shall not provide access to greater than 20 dwelling units, and shall only be used when environmental or topo�raphical constraints, existin� development pattern, or strict adherence to other standards in this code preclude street extension and through circulation . All cul-de-sacs shall terminate with a turnaround Use of turnaround configurations other than circular, shall be approved by the City Eng�neer, and . The length of the cul�e-sac shall be measured along the centerline of the roadway from the near side of the intersecting street to the farthest point of the cul-de-sac . If a cul-de-sac is more than 300 feet long, a lighted direct pathway to an ad�acent street may be required to be provided and dedicated to the City The applicant's plan does not mclude a proposed cul-de-sac, therefore this standard is not applicable Street Alignment and Connections Section 18 810 030(G) re4uires all local streets which abut a development site shall be extended within the site to provide through circulation when not precluded by environmental or topographical constraints, existing development patterns or strict adherence to other standards in this code A street connection or extension is precluded when it is not poss�ble to redesign, or reconfigure the street pattern to provide required extensions In the case of environmental or topographical constraints, the mere presence of a constraint is not sufficient to show that a street connection is not possible The applicant must show why the constra�nt precludes some reasonable street connection There are no existmg public streets that stub into this site Access to Arterials and Ma�or Collectors Section 18 810 030 P states that where a development abuts or is traversed by an existing or proposed arterial or ma�or collector street, the development design shall provide adequate protection for residential �roperties and shall separate residential access and through traffic, or if separation is not feasible, the design shall minimize the traffic conflicts The design shall include any of the following • A parallel access street along the artenal or ma�or collector, • Lots of suitable depth abutting the arterial or ma�or collector to provide adequate buffering with frontage along another street, • Screen �lanting at the rear or side properly line to be contained in a nonaccess reservation along the arterial or maJor collector, or • Other treatment suitable to meet the ob�ectives of this subsection, . If a lot has access to two streets with different classifications, primary access shouid be from the lower classification street The proposed development is neither abutting nor traversed by existing or proposed arterial or collector streets Therefore, this standard is not applicable Private Streets Sect�on 18 810 030 S states that design standards for private streets shall be establ�shed by the City Engineer The City shall require legal assurances for the continued maintenance of private streets, such as a recorded maintenance agreement Private streets serving more than six dwelling units are perm�tted only within planned developments, mobile home parks, and multi-fam�ly residential developments No private streets are proposed with this development Therefore this standard is not applicable Block Designs - Section 18 810 040 A states that the length, width and shape of blocks shall be desi�ned with due regard to providing adequate building sites for the use contemplated, consideration of needs for convenient access, circulat�on, control and safety of street traffic and recognition of limitations and opportunities of topography Block Sizes Section 18 810 040 B 1 states that the perimeter of blocks formed by streets shall not exceed 1,800 feet measured along the right-of-way line except NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 14 of 23 . Where street location is precluded by natural topography, wetlands or other bodies of water or, pre-existing development or, . For blocks ad�acent to arterial streets, limited access highways, ma�or collectors or railroads • For non-residential blocks in which internal public circulation provides equivalent access This proposal is not creating any additional streets and therefore this standard is not applicable Section 18 810 040 B 2 also states that bicycle and pedestrian connections on public easements or right-of-ways shall be provided when full street connection is not possible Spacing between connections shall be no more than 330 feet, except where precluded by environmental or topographical constraints, existing development patterns, or strict adherence to other standards in the code The existmg development pattem precludes the practical application of this standard, as there is no logical connection to make via a pedestrian connection Lots - Size and Shape Section 18 810 060(A) prohibits lot depth from bein� more than 2 5 times the average lot width, unless the parcel is less than 1 5 times the minimum lot size of the applicable zoning district Both parcels are less than 1 5 times the 7,500 square foot minimum lot size Therefore, this standard is met Lot Frontage Section 18 810 060(B) requires that lots have at least 25 feet of frontage on public or pr�vate streets, other than an alley In the case of a land partition, 18 420 050 A 4 c applies, which requires a parcel to either have a minimum 15-foot frontage or a minimum 15-foot w�de recorded access easement In cases where the lot is for an attached single-family dwelling unit, the frontage shall be at least 15 feet Each of the proposed lots meets the 15-foot minimum frontage requirement onto either SW Katherine Street, a public street, or the shared accessway Therefore, this standard is met Sidewalks Section 18 810 070 A requires that sidewalks be constructed to meet C�ty design standards and be located on both sides of arterial, collector and local resident�al streets By entenng into the restnctive covenant for Katherine Street, this critenon wdl be met Sanitary Sewers Sewers Required Section 18 810 090 A requires that sanitary sewer be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existing mains in accordance with the provisions set forth in Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 1996 and including any future revisions or amendments) and the adopted policies of the comprehensive plan Over-sizin� Sect�on 18 810 090 C states that proposed sewer systems shall include consideration of additional development within the area as pro�ected by the Comprehensive Plan There is an existing 8-inch sewer line in Katherine Street that has adequate capacity for this development The plan shows that a new main line wdl be extended northerly from Kathenne Street befinreen the three properties involved in the partitions to serve the new parcels This plan is acceptable provided the three partition applicants work together and the utility improvements are installed under one permrt Storm Drainage General Provisions Section 18 810 100 A states requires developers to make adequate NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 15 of 23 provisions for storm water and flood water runoff Accommodation of U pstream Dramage Section 18 810 100 C states that a culvert or other drainage facility shall be large enough to accommodate potential runoff from its entire upstream drainage area, whether inside or oufside the development The City Engineer shall approve the necessary s�ze of the facility, based on the provisions of Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 2000 and including any future revisions or amendments) There are no upstream drainageways that affect this site Effect on Downstream Drainage Section 18 810 100 D states that where it �s anticipated by the City Engineer that the additional runoff resulting from the development will overload an existing draina�e facility, the Director and Engineer shall withhold approval of the development until provisions have been made for improvement of the potent�al condition or until prov�s�ons have been made for storage of add�tionai runoff caused by the development in accordance with the Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and SurFace Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Serv�ces in 2000 and including any future revisions or amendments) In 1997, Clean Water Services (CWS) completed a basin study of Fanno Creek and adopted the Fanno Creek Watershed Management Plan Section V of that plan includes a recommendation that local governments institute a stormwater detention/effective impenrious area reduction program resultmg m no net increase in storm peak flows up to the 25-year event The City wdl require that all new developments resulting in an increase of impervious surfaces provide onsite detention facilities, unless the development is located ad�acent to Fanno Creek For those developments ad�acent to Fanno Creek, the storm water runoff will be permitted to discharge without detention The applicant's original application showed a plan for directmg the dramage from the three properties out to the ditch in Katherme Street However, dunng the review period, it became apparent that the ditch system m Katherme Street is not adequate to accommodate the flows from the three partition developments The applicant's engmeer perFormed a thorough downstream analysis and concurred with Staffs concern The engmeer is now proposing that a new public main line be mstalled in the street and extended westerly to a point where it can be safely discharged mto a very defined ditch at the end of the Katherine Street improvements From there, the ditch travels over City park land to Fanno Creek Staff concurs with this solution and is comfortable that it wdl adequately accommodate the dramage from these developments All existing rain drains that may discharge mto the ditch system in Kathenne Street, where the new main will be installed, will be tied mto the new line The existing ditch and culvert system wdl be removed and backfilled Existing dnveways wdl be restored once the culverts are removed One neighbor (Brooks Gaston) submitted a letter, dated March 14, 2003 Mr Gaston lives in the home at 10272 SW Meadow Street, which backs up to a relatively vacant property (Webb property, 1 S1 35CC, #600) befinreen his home and the applicant's proposed Parcel 6 (as shown on the plan) Mr Gaston's property is approximately 230 feet to the west of Parcel 6 Mr Gaston indicates that the overland sheet flows behmd his home have worsened over the years and causes his back yard to flood each winter Mr Gaston was concerned about the original storm drainage plan shown by the applicant, as it may not be deep enough to collect all of the water from Parcel 6 Mr Gaston is hoping that a storm drainage solution could be developed that would alleviate his back yard flooding issue The applicant's representative (Miles Schlesinger) met with a representative from the Webb parcel, Mr Gaston and another neighbor south of Gaston along Meadow Street separately to discuss the potential of one common storm line that would run westerly across the Webb parcel, then south along the east boundaries of Gaston and the neighbor to the south to get to the ditch m Kathenne Street At this point, NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 16 of 23 the ditch in the street is more defined That solution was not agreed to by all parties, so the applicant could not carry it forward However, the current plan wdl ensure that the overland sheet flows expenenced by Mr Gaston will not become worse If anything, they will improve because all of Parcel 6 will be able to be dramed toward the new Ime This is due to the fact that a storm line will be installed, which wdl have a depth of approximately three feet With the old plan, the applicant was attempting to tie into a ditch, which would only have a few mches of depth The plan shows a common private storm line extending north from Katherine Street along the west boundary of Tax Lot 3000 (Swopes, MLP 2002-00013) with laterals to reach all new parcels Staff is confident that this new plan wdl adequately address the storm water runoff from this development Bikeways and Pedestrian Pathways Bikeway Extension Section 18 810 110 A states that developments ad�oining Proposed bikeways identified on the City's adopted pedestrian/bikeway plan shall include provisions for the future extension of such bikeways through the dedication of easements or right-of-way SW Katherine Street is not classified as a bike facdity Cost of Construction Section 18 810 110 B states that development perm�ts issued for planned unit developments, conditional use permits, subdivisions, and other developments wh�ch will princ�pally benefit from such bikeways shall be conditioned to include the cost or construction of bikeway improvements Not applicable Minimum Width Section 18 810 110 C states that the minimum width for bikeways within the roadway �s five feet per bicycle travel lane Minimum width for two-way bikeways separated from the road is eight feet Not applicable Utilities Section 18 810 120 states that all utility lines, but not limited to those required for electric, communication, lighting and cable television services and related facilit�es shall be placed underground, except for surface mounted transformers, surface mounted connection boxes and meter cabinets which may be placed above round, temporary utility service facilities dunng construction, high capacity electric lines opera�ing at 50,000 volts or above, and • The developer shall make all necessary arrangements with the serving ut�lity to provide the underground services, • The City reserves the right to approve location of all surFace mounted facilities, . All uncferground utilities, including sanitary sewers and storm drains �nstalled in streets by the developer, shall be constructed prior to the surFacing of the streets, and • Stubs for service connections shall be long enough to avoid disturbing the street improvements when service connections are made Exception to Under-Grounding Requirement Section 18 810 120 C states that a developer shall pay a fee in-lieu of under-�rounding costs when the development is proposed to take place on a street where existing utilities which are not underg round will serve the development and the approval authority determines that the cost and technical difficulty of under-g rounding the utilities outweighs the benefit of under-grounding in con�unction with the deve�opment The determination shall be on a case-by-case basis The most common, but not the only, such s�tuation is a short frontage development for which under-grounding would result in the placement of additional poles, rather than the removal of above-ground utilities facilities An applicant for a development which �s served by util�t�es wh�ch are not underground and which are located across a public right-of-way from the applicant's property shall pay a fee in-lieu of under-grounding NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 17 of 23 There are existing overhead utdity lines along the frontage of SW Katherine Street If the fee in-lieu is proposed, it is equal to $ 27 50 per lineal foot of street frontage that contains the overhead lines The frontage along this site is 75 Imeal feet, therefore the fee would be $ 2,063 00 ADDITIONAL CITY AND/OR AGENCY CONCERNS WITH STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS Public Water System This site is served from the City's water system The plan shows that three new meters wdl be set at the private driveway entrance onto Tigard Street Three new water services will need to be run westerly to reach the new parcels This work will require a plumbing permit from the City Storm Water Qualit The City has agree to enforce Surface Water Management (SWM) regulations established by Clean Water Services (CWS) Design and Construction Standards (adopted by Resolution and Order No 00-7) which require the construction of on-site water quality facilities The facilities shall be designed to remove 65 percent of the phosphorus conta�ned in 100 percent of the storm water runoff generated from newly created impervious surFaces In addition, a maintenance plan shall be submitted ind�cating the frequency and method to be used in keeping the facility maintained through the year The CWS standards mclude a provision that would exclude small pro�ects such as residential land partitions It would be impractical to require an on-site water quality facility to accommodate treatment of the storm water from the new parcel Rather, the CWS standards provide that applicants should pay a fee in-lieu of constructing a facdity if deemed appropriate Staff recommends payment of the fee in-lieu on this application Grading and Erosion Control CWS Design and Construction Standards also regulate erosion control to reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants reaching the public storm and surface water system resulting from development, construction, grading, excavating, clear�n�, and any other activity whicfi accelerates erosion Per CWS regulations, the applicant is required to submit an erosion control plan for City review and approvai prior to issuance of City permits The Federal Clean Water Act requires that a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) erosion control permit be issued for any development that wdl disturb five or more acres of land Since this site is not over five acres, the developer wdl not be required to obtain an NPDES permit from the City prior to construction The site plan for the subsequent home wdl need to include a grading and erosion control plan that wdl be reviewed and approved by the Buddmg Division Site Permit Required The applicant is required to obtain a Site Permit from the Budding Division to cover all on-site pnvate utility installations (water, storm, etc ) and driveway construction This permit shall be obtamed prior to approval of the final plat Address Assi nments The City o Tigard �s respons�ble for assigning addresses for parcels within the City of Tigard and within the Urban Service Boundary (USB) An addressmg fee in the amount of $30 00 per address shall be assessed This fee shall be paid to the City prior to approval of the final plat For this pro�ect, the addressing fee wdl be $30 00 The developer wdl also be required to provide signage at the entrance of shared driveway that lists the addresses that are served by the dnveway This wdl assist emergency services personnel to more easdy find a particular home NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 18 of 23 Survey Requirements The applicant's final plat shall contam State Plane Coordinates [NAD 83 (91)] on finro monuments with a tie to the City's global positionmg system (GPS) geodetic control network (GC 22) These monuments shall be on the same line and shall be of the same precision as required for the subdivision plat boundary Along with the coordmates, the plat shall contam the scale factor to convert ground measurements to grid measurements and the angle from north to grid north These coordinates can be established by • GPS tie nefinrorked to the City's GPS survey • By random traverse using conventional surveying methods In addition, the applicanYs as-budt drawings shall be tied to the GPS nefinrork The applicant's engineer shall provide the City with an electronic file with points for each structure (manholes, catch basms, water valves, hydrants and other water system features) in the development, and their respective X and Y State Plane Coordmates, referenced to NAD 83 (91) SECTION VI OTHER STAFF COMMENTS City of Tigard Police Department has reviewed the proposal and requested that the address for the Parcels #'f and 2 be posted at the front of the driveway near the street in order to speed delivery of emergency life/safety services RESPONSE This wdl be required as a condition of approval City of Tigard Forester has reviewed the proposal and offered the following comments 1 18 745 030, TREE PROTECTION DEVICES E PROTECTION OF EXISTING VEGETATION Existing vegetation on a site shall be protected as much as possible 1 The developer shall provide methods for the protection of existing vegetation to remain during the construction process, and 2 The plants to be saved shall be noted on the landscape plans (e g , areas not to be disturbed can be fenced, as in snow fencing which can be placed around the individual trees) 1 1 All tree protection devices shall be located on the Tree Protection Plan Any tree that will not be removed onsite that is within the limits of disturbance of this pro�ect must be protected Any tree that is located on property ad�acent to the construction proJect that wdl have more than 15% of its root system disturbed by construction actiwties shall also be protected 1 2 Details and specifications are required as to how the trees wdl be protected on site 1 3 Provide a construction sequence including installation and removal of tree protection devices, clearmg, grading, or installation of sediment and erosion control measures, and other activities that may be required to implement the tree protection measures 1 4 Include in the notes on the final set of plans that equipment, vehicles, machmery, dumping or storage, or other construction activities, burial, burnmg, or other disposal of construction matenals must not be located inside of any tree protection device or outside of the limits of disturbance where trees are being protected No grading, fillmg or any other construction activity may occur within the tree protection devices at any time or outside of the limits of disturbance where trees are being protected unless approved by the City Forester NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 19 of 23 1 5 All tree protection devices shall be ■ Visible ■ Constructed of 11 Gauge steel chain-link fencing supported on at least 2" O D steel posts Each post shall be no less than four feet high from the top of grade Each post shall be driven into the ground to a depth of no less than finro and a half feet below grade Each post shall be spaced no further apart than four feet ■ Between each post, securely attached to the cham-link fencing, shall be a sign indicating that the area behind the fencing is protected and no construction activity, including material storage, may occur behind the fencing ■ Approved in the field prior to cleanng, grading, or the beginning of construction ■ Remain m place and maintained untd all construction is completed and a final inspection is conducted 1 6 To determme the size of the tree protection zone follow the guidelmes listed below ■ For individual trees follow the trunk diameter method For every one-inch of diameter at breast height (DBH), or 4 '/Z feet above the ground, allow 12 inches of space from the trunk of the tree For example, a tree that is 15" at DBH must have at least 12' of tree protection zone around the entire canopy of the tree ■ For groups of trees the tree protection zone must be outside of the dripline of the trees on the edge of the stand if there are conifers with narrow crowns on the edge of the stand follow the trunk diameter method or the dripline method, whichever is greater 1 7 Identify, on the Tree Protection Plan, the location of the stockpile area and the stagmg area (if different from the stockpde area) 1 8 All of this information must be included in the final plan's notes or drawmgs 1 9 If it is necessary to enter the tree protection zone at any time with equipment(trucks, bulldozers, etc )the City Forester must be notified before any entry occurs Before entering the protection zone a layer of at least five (5) inches of wood chips or mulch must be placed over the root zone where the vehicles wdl be driven This method wdl minimize the adverse impacts of compaction from the equipment When access to this area is no longer needed the wood chips or mulch must then be dispersed (somewhere onsite is okay) down to a level of not more than four (4) inches deep 1 10 Specific to this pro�ect • All trees on the neighboring properties must receive the same protection guidelines as the trees on the applicant's site • If the tree protection guidelines outlined in the conditions of approval are not followed, moved after being approved in the field, knocked down during construction or are removed prior to the end of construction the pro�ect wdl be o Immediately shut down untd the fencing is reinstalled according to the conditions of approval o Each impacted tree shall be bonded for seven years m the amount of $5,000 00 per tree o Corrective action wdl taken by the applicant to address the damage done to the Critical Root Zones of each tree Corrective action may include, but not limited to, loosenmg compacted sod, replacing graded soil or removing filled soil o A fine of$250 00 per day shall be assessed to the applicant for each day that the fencing is down • Tree #25 should be preserved at any cost and the sanitary line should be moved to the eastern side of 10085 SW Katherine or the westem side of 10135 SW Katherine NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 20 of 23 2 ILLEGAL TREE REMOVAL, 18 790 060 C 2 Payment of an additional civd penalty representing the estimated value of any unlawfully removed or damaged tree, as determined using the most current Intemational Society of Arboriculture's Guide for Plant Appraisal 3 TREE SPECIES SELECTION & PLANTING, 18 745 030 C INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS The mstailation of all landscaping shall be as follows 1 All landscaping shall be installed according to accepted planting procedures 2 The plant matenal shall be of high grade, and shall meet the size and grading standards of the Amencan Standards for Nurberg Stock (ANSI Z-60, 1-1986, and any other future revisions), and 3 Landscaping shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of this title G CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF EXISTING VEGETATION The review procedures and standards for required landscaping and screening shall be specified in the conditions of approval during development review and m no instance shall be less than that required for conventional development 3 1 It is recommended that all tree planting follow the guidelines set forth by the International Society of Arboriculture's tree planting guidelines as well as the standards set forth in the American Institute of Architects' Architectural Graphic Standards, 10�' edition In the Architectural Graphic Standards there are guidelines for selecting and planting trees based on the sod volume and size at maturitv Additionally, there are directions for sod amendments and modifications I recommend that these guidelines be followed and adhered to at all times 3 2 In order to develop tree species diversity onsite it is recommended that the following guidelines be followed ■ No more than 30% of any one famdy be planted onsite ■ No more than 20% of any one genus be planted onsite ■ No more than 10% of any one species be planted onsite 3 3 I recommend that all of this mformation be mcluded m the final plan's notes or drawings City of Tigard Operations Department has reviewed the proposal and has no ob�ections to it City of Tigard Public Works Department has reviewed the proposal and has no ob�ections to it SECTION VII AGENCY COMMENTS Clean Water Services comments have been discussed above under Public Facdity Concerns Tualatin Valley Water District has reviewed the proposal and has no ob�ections to it Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue has reviewed the proposal and offered the following comments �� FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD DISTANCE FROM BUILDING AND TURNAROUNDS Access roads shall be within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior wall of the first story of the budding as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building An approved tumaround is required if the remainmg distance to an approved mtersectmg roadway, as measured along the fire apparatus access road, is greater than 150 feet (UFC Sec 902 2 1) NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 21 of 23 z> DEAD END ROADS Dead end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet m length shall be provided with an approved turnaround Diagrams of approved tumarounds are avadable from the fire distnct (UFC Sec 902 2 2 4) 3> FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD EXCEPTION FOR AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER PROTECTION When buddings are completely protected with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system, the requirements for fire apparatus access may be modified as approved by the Chief (UFC Sec 902 2 1 Exception 1) a� FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD WIDTH AND VERTICAL CLEARANCE Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet (15 feet for one or two dwelling units and out buildmgs), and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches (UFC Sec 902 2 2 1) Where fire apparatus roadways are less than 28 feet wide, "NO PARKING" signs shall be installed on both sides of the roadway and in turnarounds as needed Where fire apparatus roadways are more than 28 feet wide but less than 32 feet wide, "NO PARKING" signs shall be installed on one side of the roadway and in turnarounds as needed Where fire apparatus roadways are 32 feet wide or more, parking is not restricted (UFC Sec 90224) s� SURFACE AND LOAD CAPACITIES Fire apparatus access roads shall be of an all-weather surface that is easdy distinguishable from the surrounding area and is capable of supporting not less than 12,500 pounds point load (wheel load) and 50,000 pounds live load (gross vehicle weight) You may need to provide documentation from a registered engineer that the design will be capable of supporting such loading Documentation from a registered engineer that the finished construction is in accordance with the approved plans or the requirements of the Fire Code may be requested (Design critena on back) (UFC Sec 902 2 2) s� TURNING RADIUS The inside tuming radius and outside turning radius shall be not less than 25 feet and 45 feet respectively, measured from the same center pomt (UFC Sec 902 2 2 3) �� GRADE Pnvate fire apparatus access roadway grades shall not exceed an average grade of 10 percent with a maximum grade of 15 percent for lengths of no more than 200 feet Intersections and tumarounds shall be level (maximum 5%)with the exception of crowning for water run-off Public streets shall have a maximum grade of 15% (UFC Sec 902 2 2 6) s� SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES - FIRE HYDRANTS Fire hydrants for single famdy dwellings, duplexes and sub-divisions, shall be placed at each mtersection Intermediate fire hydrants are required if any portion of a structure exceeds 500 feet from a hydrant at an intersection as measured in an approved manner around the outside of the structure and along approved fire apparatus access roadways Placement of additional fire hydrants shall be as approved by the Chief (UFC Sec 903 4 2 2) s� FIRE HYDRANT DISTANCE FROM AN ACCESS ROAD Fire hydrants shall be located not more than 15 feet from an approved fire apparatus access roadway (UFC Sec 903 4 2 4) �o► REFLECTIVE HYDRANT MARKERS Fire hydrant_locations shall be identified by the mstallation of reflective markers The markers shall be blue They shall be located ad�acent and to the side of the centerline of the access road way that the fire hydrant is located on In case that there is no center line, then assume a centerline, and place the reflectors accordingly (UFC Sec 901 4 3) ��� SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS - REQUIRED FIRE FLOW The minimum avadable fire flow for single famdy dwellings and duplexes shall be 1,000 gailons per minute If the structure(s) is(are) NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 22 of 23 3,600 square feet or larger, the required fire flow shall be determined according to UFC Appendix Table A-III-A-1 (UFC Appendix III-A, Sec 5) �2� ACCESS AND FIRE FIGHTING WATER SUPPLY DURING CONSTRUCTION Approved fire apparatus access roadways and fire fighting water supplies shall be installed and operational prior to any other construction on the site or subdivision (UFC Sec 8704) SECTION VIII PROCEDURE AND APPEAL INFORMATION Notice Notice was maded to X The applicant and owners X Owner of record within the required distance X Affected govemment agencies F�nal Decision THIS DECISION IS FINAL ON MAY 19, 2003 AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE ON JUNE 4, 2003 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED �A e�al TF�e Director's Decision is final on the date that it is mailed All persons entitled to notice or who are otherwise adversely affected or aggrieved by the decision as provided in Section 18 390 040 G 1 may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18 390 040 G 2 of the Tigard Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal together with the required fee shall be filed with the Director within ten (10) business days of the date the IVotice of Decision was maded The appeal fee schedule and forms are available from the Planning Division of Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223 Unless the applicant is the appellant, the heanng on an appeal from the Director's Decision shall be confined to the specific issues identified in the written comments submitted by the parties during the comment period Additional evidence concerning issues properly raised in the Notice of Appeal may be submitted by any party during the appeal heanng, sub�ect to any additional rules of procedure that may be adopted from time to time by the appellate body THE DEADLINE FOR FILING AN APPEAL IS 5 00 PM ON June 3, 2003 Questions If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Plannmg Division, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon at (503) 639-4171 May 19, 2003 PREPAR BY Morgan racy DATE Associate Planner /� ��� '"� �°'��/G�-�`� Ma 19 2003 APPROVED BY Richard Bewer orff DATE Planning Mana er i\curpinUnorgan\workspaceUnlpUnlp2002 00014(krasausk)MIp2002 00014 deGSion draft u doc NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 23 of 23 . . OEOORAPXIC IHfORM�TION BVBTEM YICINITY MAP TIGARD ST s c LE MLP�002-00014 _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ � KRASAUSK PARTITION � � PIHAS ST �� Q� � /C� � �Q MEADOW ST C �R «H� � � an rt s� ao -=,- �, F� , � { � �� � ���� �o�/�6 a� �� s� \ � »F� ��a k � C�,q��� ., � " �� �,, x F— ' ��e �f , � �auu hrr� ¢ J ry{� � �NfINf�A D � � p n°� , 2 BEEF�END RD I M .. R .. Q � � i , ��Y Y � Tlgardlvee Map � N 0 100 200 S00 400 feel n C 7=321 feel P `— Z 2N04 � City of T�gard � Infortnauon on thia mep le for penerel Ioealion ony end ehoulE be ven0ed xilh lhe Development Servlcee Drvlsion JOHNSON S 'A� ,�,25 SW H.��B��d O,Is • TI(503)839-r771 3 �Q �� http//w.�w N tigard or ue Commun�ty Development Plot date Mar 20 2003 C�magic\MAGIC03 APR I \ _ , � � _ ---- _,,�� � � °� �';���., ` zo'w�d�5h,��d �`,�.����=�_;_,��_��==�-—�� "^�;� .' 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cm or nouro � � N KRASAUSK PARTITION Ma is not to scale �_ . ,, ,, NO�ICESOF TYPE II�DECISION A {� , �' � MINOR LAND PARTITIONN�(ML'P,),2002-00014r � � ' , r � , � CITY OF TIOARD i � ' K�SAUSK PART��T��N a Commuraty�DeveCapment � Slaa ngABetterCommumty 120 DAYS (WITH EXTENSION) =8/3/2003 SECTION I APPLICATION SUMMARY FILE NAME KRASAUSK PARTITION CASE NO Minor Land Partition (MLP) MLP2002-00014 PROPOSAL The applicant is requesting a Minor Land Partition to partition one (1) existing 15,579 square foot lot into finro (2) parcels for detached single-family residences An existing single-family dwelling is located on the sub�ect parcel and is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 m compliance with all setback requirements APPLICANT Mdes Schlesinger OWNER Paul Krasausk & Joe Macharg Jr 11455 SW Shrope Court 15833 SW Misty Court Tigard, OR 97223 Beaverton, OR 97007 ZONING DESIGNATION R-4 5, The R-4 5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally LOCATION 10085 SW Katherine Street, WCTM 1 S135CC, Tax Lot 3100 PROPOSED PARCEL 1 7,500 Square Feet PROPOSED PARCEL 2 7,500 Square Feet FLAG LOT ACCESS AREA 556 Square Feet APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA Community Development Code Chapters 18 390 (Decision-Making Procedures), 18 420 (Land Partitions), 18 510 (Residential Zoning Districts), 18 705 (Access Egress and Circulation), 18 715 (Density Computations), 18 745 (Landscaping and Screening), 18 765 (Off-Street parking and Loading Requirements), 18 790 (Tree Removal), 18 795 (Visual Clearance Areas), and 18 810 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards) SECTION II DECISION Notice is hereby given that the City �of� Tigard Community Development� Director's designee has APPROVED the above request The findings and conclusions on which the decision is based are noted in the full decision, avadable at CityrHall ' � r ' THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE V,ALID�FOR 18 MONTHS ` FROM THE EFFECTIVE�DATE OF`THIS DECISION All documents and ap licable critena in the above-noted file are available for inspection at no cost or copies can be obtaine�for fi�renty-fve cents (2��) Ner page, or the current r�te charged for cop�es at+he time of the request SECTION III PROCEDURE AND APPEAL INFORMATION Notice Not ci e mailed to X The applicant and owners —� Owner of record within the required distance —� Affected government agencies / Final Decision � THIS DECISION IS FINAL ON MAY 19, 2003 AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE ON JUNE 4, 2003 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED Appeal The Director's Decision is final on the date that it is mailed All persons entitled to notice or who are otherwise adversely affected or aggrieved by the decision as provided in Section 18 390 040 G 1 may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18 390 040 G 2 of the Tigard Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal together with the required fee shall be filed with the Director within ten (10) business days of the date the Notice of Decision was mailed The appeal fee schedule and forms are available from the Planning Division of Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223 Unless the applicant is the appellant, the hearing on an appeal from the Director's Decision shall be confined to the specific issues identified in the written comments submitted by the parties during the comment period Additional evidence concerning issues properiy raised in the Notice of Appeal may be submitted by any party during the appeal hearing, sub�ect to any additional rules of procedure that may be adopted from time to time by the appellate body THE DEADLINE FOR FILING AN APPEAL IS 5 00 PM ON JUNE 3, 2003 Questions For further information please contact the Planning Division Staff Planner, Margan Tracv at (503) 639-4171, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223 YICINITY MAP TIG � MLP200Z 00014 � KRASAUSK PARTITION P AS 9T ; MEADOW 57 � sk c� aF� � ~ �Sr a,r U J � Q F �� ]C • ' N � « P � �� Cry (TgW b r..e+1 �iu���ow� rpiaw mf � Yoi1NM �4/� � � � � � � M f�ly � � ��Wde Saril� �—���{ra.�..�.��d 'rm�'�'a��v. � C9,p �tct�S � ! s �� � � f � I' � ` \ � C°L' ��`,� r.�F'� � � ' - `6 � i � � � v' �"qP va' � �- , � � I C' � \ r~ - �ti � T � �r� ' \ \ \ _ � _� �� _ �^'-I N�PZR1f'ADO/HCKraw�;lt�}i��f�ra.t� M m �� I Af�4 f�5v6SecfS�Pt. ` � �� f _ \ r y � � I � Ar�u�s ` � � i� � � I + � � � � � Rd ess � � a � — — �W—�,. % i F x _.. ` — ~ -��SW KATHERINE STREET _-��-��r-�-r���� - - = - - - - . .�.. CITY oF T�GARD r M�PZOO2 000,4 errB p`''rr N KRASAUSK PARTITION Ma la not to eale NOTICE TO MORTGAGEE, LIENHOLDER,VENDOR OR SELLER THE TIGARD DEVELOPMENT CODE REQUIRES THAT IF YOU RECEIVE THIS NOTICE IT SHALL BE PROMPTLY FORWARDED TO THE PURCHASER HOTICE OF PENDING LAND USE APPLICATION MINOR LAND PARTITIOH CITYOFTIGARD Communrty�DeveCopment S(iaprngA BetterCommunity DATE OF NOTICE March 21, 2003 FILE NUMBER MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2002-00014 FILE NAME KRASAUSK PARTITION PROPOSAL A request for a Minor Land Partition to partition one (1) existing 15,579 square foot lot into two (2) parcels for detached sing�e-famdy residences An existing single-famdy dwelling exists on the sub�ect parcel and is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 in compliance with all setback requirements ZONE R-4 5 Low-Density Residential District The R-4 5 zoning district �s designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential un�ts at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA Community Development Code Chapters 18 390, 18 420, 18 510, 18 705, 18 715, 18 745, 18 765 18 790, 18 795 and 18 810 LOCATION 10085 SW Kathenne Street WCTM 1 S135CC Tax Lot, 03100 YOUR RIGHT TO PROVIDE WRITTEN COMMENTS Pnor to the City making any decision on the Application, you are hereby provided a fourteen (14) day penod to submit written comments on the application to the City THE FOURTEEN (14) DAY PERIOD ENDS AT 5 00=PM ON�APRIL��4,200 Ali comments should be directed to Morgan Tracy, Associate Planner in the Planning Division at the City of Tigard, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223 You may reach the City of Tigard by telephone at (503) 639-4171 ALL COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF TIGARD IN WRITING PRIOR TO 5 00 PM ON TNE DATE SPECIfIED ABOVE IN ORDER FOR YOUR COMMENTS TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS THE CITY OF TIGARD APPRECIATES RECEIVING COMMENTS AND VALUES YOUR INPUT COMMENTS WILL BE CONSIDERED AND ADDRESSED WITHIN THE NOTICE OF DECISION A DECISION ON THIS ISSUE IS TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED FOR i4PRIL�25;2003� IF YOU PROVIDE COMMENTS YOU WILL BE SENT A COPY OF THE FULL DECISION ONCE IT HAS BEEN RENDERED WRITTEN COMMENTS WILL BECOME A PART OF THE PERMANENT PUBLIC RECORD AND SHALL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION . Address the specific "Applicable Review Criteria" described in the section above or any other critena believed to be applicable to this proposal, . Raise any issues and/or concerns believed to be important with sufficient evidence to allow the City to provide a response, . Comments that provide the basis for an appeal to the Tigard Heanngs Officer must address the relevant approval cnteria with sufficient specificity on that issue Failure of any party to address the relevant approval criteria with sufficient specificity may preclude subsequent appeals to the Land Use Board of Appeals or C�rcuit Court on that issue Spec�fic findings directed at the relevant approval criteria are what constitute relevant evidence AFTER THE 14 DAY COMMENT PERIOD CLOSES, THE DIRECTOR SHALL ISSUE A TYPE II ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION THE DIRECTOR�S DECISION SHALL BE MAILED TO THE APPLICANT AND TO OWNERS OF RECORD OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN 500 FEET OF THE SUBJECT SITE, AND TO ANYONE ELSE WHO SUBMITTED WRITTEN COMMENTS OR WHO IS OTHERWISE ENTITLED TO NOTICE THE DIRECTOR'S DECISION SHALL ADDRESS ALL OF THE RELEVANT APPROVAL CRITERIA BASED UPON THE CR�TERIA AND THE FACTS CONTAINED WITHIN THE RECORD, THE DIRECTOR SHALL APPROVE, APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS OR DENY THE REQUESTED PERMIT OR ACTION SUMMARY OF THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS . The application is accepted by the City . Notice is sent to property owners of record withm 500 feet of the proposed development area allowing a 14- day written comment period . The application is reviewed by City Staff and affected agencies . City Staff issues a written decision . Notice of the decision is sent to the Applicant and all owners or contract purchasers of record of the site, all owners of record of property located within 500 feet of the site, as shown on the most recent property tax assessment roll, any City-recognized neighborhood group whose boundaries include the site, and any governmental agency which is entitled to notice under an intergovernmental agreement entered into with the City which includes provision for such notice or anyone who is otherwise entitled to such notice INFORMATION/EVIDENCE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW The application, written comments and supporting documents relied upon by the Director to make this decision are contained within the record and are available for public review at the City of Tigard Commurnty Development Department Copies of these items may be obtained at a cost of$ 25 per page or the current rate charged for this service Questions regarding this application should be directed to the Planning Staff indicated on the first page of this Notice under the section titled "Your Right to Provide Written Comments " YICINITY MAP TIGA _�__�____ � MLP2002 00014 � KRASAUSK PARTITION �n c MEApOW ST sy. �r'�,pc f r 1 F �ST 1 U ��n S 7 � u N �� C o � P Cry fTgud r w......+...r r � r.....�o-.+�•�...� ama�+ / � rrm.. . r `�� e � � MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DATE May 8, 2003 TO Morgan Tracy, Associate Planner FROM Brian Rager, Development Review Engineer � RE MLP 2002-00014, Krasausk Partition Access Management (Section 18 705 030 H� Section 18 705 030 H 1 states that an access report shall be submitted with all new development proposals which verifies design of driveways and streets are safe by meeting adequate stacking needs, sight distance and deceleration standards as set by ODOT, Washington County, the City and AASHTO The location of the new pnvate driveway to serve this development and two other proposed partitions adJacent to this site, should have adequate sight distance, based upon its location along Tigard Street However, the applicant has not yet submitted a report showing the sight distance is met Staff recommends the applicant submit a preliminary sight distance certification from their engineer prior to approval of the final plat Any improvements that may be needed in order to ensure adequate sight distance shall be completed prior to approval of the final plat as well Section 18 705 030 H 2 states that driveways shall not be permitted to be placed in the influence area of collector or arterial street intersections Influence area of intersections is that area where queues of traffic commonly form on approach to an intersection The minimum drrveway setback from a collector or arterial street intersection shall be150 feet, measured from the right-of-way line of the intersecting street to the throat of the proposed driveway The setback may be greater depending upon the influence area, as determined from City Engineer review of a traffic impact report submitted by the applicant's traffic engineer In a case where a pro�ect has less than 150 feet of street frontage, the applicant must explore any option for shared access with the ad�acent parcel If shared access is not possible or practical, the driveway shall be placed as far from the intersection as possible The�oint private dnveway location will not be in the influence area of a collector or arterial street intersection ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP 2002-00014 Krasausk Partition PAGE 1 Section 18 705 030 H 3 and 4 states that the minimum spacing of drrveways and streets along a collector shall be 200 feet The minimum spacing of driveways and streets along an arterial shall be 600 feet The minimum spacing of local streets along a local street shall be 125 feet SW Tigard Street is classified as a neighborhood route, which most closely relates to a local street The new private driveway will be over 400 feet away from the Katherine Street intersection, and over 1,000 feet away from the Tiedeman Street intersection Therefore, this critenon is met Street And Utility Improvements Standards (Section 18 810� Chapter 18 810 provides construction standards for the implementation of public and private facilities and utilities such as streets, sewers, and drainage The applicable standards are addressed below � Streets Improvements Section 18 810 030 A 1 states that streets within a development and streets ad�acent shall be improved in accordance with the TDC standards Sect�on 18 810 030 A 2 states that any new street or additional street width planned as a portion of an existing street shall be dedicated and improved in accordance with the TDC Minimum Rights-of-Way and Street Widths Section 18 810 030 E requires a neighborhood route to have a 54-foot right-of-way width and a 32-foot paved section Other improvements required may include on-street parking, sidewalks and bikeways, underground utilities, street lighting, storm drainage, and street trees This site lies ad�acent to SW Katherine Street, which is classified as a local residential street on the City of Tigard Transportation Plan Map At present, there is approximately 20 feet of ROW from centerline, according to the most recent tax assessor's map The applicant should dedicate additional ROW on the final plat to provide 27 feet from the centerline SW Katherine Street is paved but not fully improved to City standards TMC 18 810 030(A)(1) states that streets within a development and streets ad�acent shall be improved in accordance with City standards However, 18 810 030(A)(5) states that the City may accept a future improvement guarantee in lieu of street improvements if the improvement associated with the pro�ect does not, by itself, provide a significant improvement to the street safety or capacity Although this development will incrementally increase the amount of traffic on the roadway, the ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP 2002-00014 Krasausk Partition PAGE 2 increase will not substantially degrade the level of service on the street A street improvement ad�acent to this site, therefore, will not significantly improve the safety or capacity of the street In addition, 18 810 030(A)(5)(e) states that a guarantee in lieu of street improvements is acceptable if the proposal is a land partition on property zoned residential and the partition does not create any new streets This partition will not create a new street Based on these code provisions, Staff therefore recommends that the applicant be required to enter into an agreement with the City whereby the owner agrees to participate in any future widening pro�ect for the street carried out by the City, a third party, or through a local improvement district This agreement must be executed prior to approval of the final plat This partition is being proposed in con�unction with two others (MLP 2002-00012 and MLP 2002-00013) The net result of all three partitions is three additional building lots According to the applicant's plan, the three new parcels will each share a common driveway that will access SW Tigard Street The applicant will be required to show a�oint ingress/egress easement on the final plat to clarify that the three properties have access rights The applicant will also be required to execute a �oint maintenance agreement to clarify maintenance responsibilities between the three parcels Block Designs - Section 18 810 040 A states that the length, width and shape of blocks shall be designed with due regard to providing adequate building sites for the use contemplated, consideration of needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traffic and recognition of limitations and opportunities of topography Block Sizes Section 18 810 040 B 1 states that the perimeter of blocks formed by streets shall not exceed 1,800 feet measured along the right-of- way line except • Where street location is precluded by natural topography, wetlands or other bodies of water or, pre-existing development or, • For blocks ad�acent to arterial streets, limited access highways, ma�or collectors or railroads • For non-residential blocks in which internal public circulation provides equivalent access PLANNING Section 18 810 040 B 2 also states that bicycle and pedestrian connections on public easements or right-of-ways shall be provided when full street connection is not possible Spacing between connections shall be no more than 330 feet, except where precluded by environmental or topographical constraints, existing development patterns, or strict adherence to other standards in the code ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP 2002-00014 Krasausk Partition PAGE 3 PLANNING Lots - Size and Shape Section 18 810 060(A) prohibits lot depth from being more than 2 5 times the average lot width, unless the parcel is less than 1 5 times the minimum lot size of the applicable zoning district PLANNING Lot Frontage Section 18 810 060(B) requires that lots have at least 25 feet of frontage on public or private streets, other than an alley In the case of a land partition, 18 420 050 A 4 c applies, which requires a parcel to either have a minimum 15-foot frontage or a minimum 15-foot wide recorded access easement In cases where the lot is for an attached single-family dwelling unit, the frontage shall be at least 15 feet PLANNING Sidewalks Section 18 810 070 A requires that sidewalks be constructed to meet City design standards and be located on both sides of arterial, collector and local residential streets Private streets and industrial streets shall have sidewalks on at least one side By entenng into the restrictive covenant for Katherine Street, this critenon will be met Sanitary Sewers Sewers Required Section 18 810 090 A requires that sanitary sewer be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existing mains in accordance with the provisions set forth in Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 1996 and including any future revisions or amendments) and the adopted policies of the comprehensive plan Over-sizing Section 18 810 090 C states that proposed sewer systems shall include consideration of additional development within the area as pro�ected by the Comprehensive Plan There is an existing 8-inch sewer line in Katherine Street that has adequate capacity for this development The plan shows that a new main line will be extended northerly from Katherine Street befinreen the three properties involved in the partitions to serve the new parcels This plan is acceptable provided the three partition applicants work together and the utility improvements are installed under one permit ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP 2002-00014 Krasausk Partition PAGE 4 Storm Drainage General Provisions Section 18 810 100 A states requires developers to make adequate provisions for storm water and flood water runoff Accommodation of Upstream Drainage Section 18 810 100 C states that a culvert or other drainage fac�lity shall be large enough to accommodate potential runoff from its entire upstream drainage area, whether inside or outside the development The City Engineer shall approve the necessary size of the facility, based on the provisions of Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 2000 and including any future revisions or amendments) There are no upstream drainageways that affect this site Effect on Downstream Drainage Section 18 810 100 D states that where it is anticipated by the City Engineer that the additional runoff resulting from the development will overload an existing drainage facility, the Director and Engineer shall withhold approval of the development until provisions have been made for improvement of the potential condition or until provisions have been made for storage of additional runoff caused by the development in accordance with the Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 2000 and including any future revisions or amendments) In 1997, Clean Water Services (CWS) completed a basin study of Fanno Creek and adopted the Fanno Creek Watershed Management Plan Section V of that plan includes a recommendation that local governments institute a stormwater detention/effective impervious area reduction program resulting in no net increase in storm peak flows up to the 25-year event The City will require that all new developments resulting in an increase of impervious surfaces provide onsite detention facilities, unless the development is located ad�acent to Fanno Creek For those developments ad�acent to Fanno Creek, the storm water runoff will be permitted to discharge without detention The applicant's original application showed a plan for directing the drainage from the three properties out to the ditch in Kathenne Street However, dunng the review period, it became apparent that the ditch system in Kathenne Street is not adequate to accommodate the flows from the three partition developments The applicant's engineer performed a thorough downstream analysis and concurred with Staff's concern The engineer is now proposing that a new public main line be installed in the street and extended westeriy to a point where it can be safely discharged into a very defined ditch at the end of the Katherine Street improvements From there, the ditch travels over City park land to Fanno Creek ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP 2002-00014 Krasausk Partition PAGE 5 Staff concurs with this solution and is comfortable that it will adequately accommodate the drainage from these developments All existing rain drains that may discharge into the ditch system in Kathenne Street, where the new main will be installed, will be tied into the new line The existing ditch and culvert system will be removed and backfilled Existing dnveways will be restored once the culverts are removed One neighbor (Brooks Gaston) submitted a letter, dated March 14, 2003 Mr Gaston lives in the home at 10272 SW Meadow Street, which backs up to a relatively vacant property (Webb property, 1 S1 35CC, #600) between his home and the applicant's proposed Parcel 6 (as shown on the plan) Mr Gaston's property is approximately 230 feet to the west of Parcel 6 Mr Gaston indicates that the overland sheet flows behind his home have worsened over the years and causes his back yard to flood each winter Mr Gaston was concerned about the original storm drainage plan shown by the applicant, as it may not be deep enough to collect all of the water from Parcel 6 Mr Gaston is hoping that a storm drainage solution could be developed that would alleviate his back yard flooding issue The applicant's representative (Miles Schlesinger) met with a representative from the Webb parcel, Mr Gaston and another neighbor south of Gaston along Meadow Street separately to discuss the potential of one common storm line that would run westerly across the Webb parcel, then south along the east boundaries of Gaston and the neighbor to the south to get to the ditch in Katherine Street At this point, the ditch in the street is more defined That solution was not agreed to by all parties, so the applicant could not carry it forward However, the current plan will ensure that the overland sheet flows experienced by Mr Gaston will not become worse If anything, they will improve because all of Parcel 6 will be able to be drained toward the new line This is due to the fact that a storm line will be installed, which will have a depth of approximately three feet With the old plan, the applicant was attempting to tie into a ditch, which would only have a few inches of depth The plan shows a common private storm line extending north from Katherine Street along the west boundary of Tax Lot 3000 (Swopes, MLP 2002-00013) with laterals to reach all new parcels Staff is confident that this new plan will adequately address the storm water runoff from this development Bikeways and Pedestrian Pathways Bikeway Extension Section 18 810 110 A states that developments ad�oining proposed bikeways identified on the C�ty's adopted pedestrian/bikeway plan shall include provisions for the future extension of such bikeways through the dedication of easements or right-of-way ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP 2002-00014 Krasausk Partition PAGE 6 SW Kathenne Street is not classified as a bike facility Utilities Section 18 810 120 states that all utility lines, but not limited to those required for electric, communication, lighting and cable television services and related facilities shall be placed underground, except for surface mounted transformers, surface mounted connection boxes and meter cabinets which may be placed above ground, temporary utility service facilities during construction, high capacity electric lines operating at 50,000 volts or above, and • The developer shall make all necessary arrangements with the serving utility to provide the underground services, • The City reserves the right to approve location of all surface mounted facilities, • All underground utilities, including sanitary sewers and storm drains installed in streets by the developer, shall be constructed prior to the surfacing of the streets, and • Stubs for service connections shall be long enough to avoid disturbing the street improvements when service connections are made Exception to Under-Grounding Requirement Section 18 810 120 C states that a developer shall pay a fee in-I�eu of under-grounding costs when the development is proposed to take place on a street where existing utilities which are not underground will serve the development and the approval authority determines that the cost and technical difficulty of under- grounding the utilities outweighs the benefit of under-grounding in con�unction with the development The determination shall be on a case- by-case basis The most common, but not the only, such situation is a short frontage development for which under-grounding would result in the placement of additional poles, rather than the removal of above-ground ut�lities facilities An applicant for a development which is served by utilities which are not underground and which are located across a public right-of-way from the applicant's property shall pay a fee in-lieu of under- grounding There are existing overhead utility lines along the frontage of SW Katherine Street If the fee in-lieu is proposed, it is equal to $ 27 50 per lineal foot of street frontage that contains the overhead lines The frontage along this site is 75 lineal feet, therefore the fee would be $ 2,063 00 ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP 2002-00014 Krasausk Partition PAGE 7 ADDITIONAL CITY AND/OR AGENCY CONCERNS WITH STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS Public Water Svstem This site is served from the City's water system The plan shows that three new meters will be set at the private driveway entrance onto Tigard Street Three new water services will need to be run westerly to reach the new parcels This work will require a plumbing permit from the City Storm Water Qualitv The City has agreed to enforce Surface Water Management (SWM) regulations established by Clean Water Services (CWS) Design and Construction Standards (adopted by Resolution and Order No 00-7) which require the construction of on-site water quality facilities The facilities shall be designed to remove 65 percent of the phosphorus contained in 100 percent of the storm water runoff generated from newly created impervious surfaces In addition, a maintenance plan shall be submitted indicating the frequency and method to be used in keeping the facility maintained through the year The CWS standards include a provision that would exclude small pro�ects such as residential land partitions It would be impractical to require an on-site water quality facility to accommodate treatment of the storm water from the new parcel Rather, the CWS standards provide that applicants should pay a fee in-lieu of constructing a facility if deemed appropnate Staff recommends payment of the fee in-lieu on this application Site Permit Required The applicant is required to obtain a Site Permit from the Building Division to cover all on-site pnvate utility installations (water, storm, etc ) and driveway construction This permit shall be obtained prior to approval of the final plat Address Assignments The City of Tigard is responsible for assigning addresses for parcels within the City of Tigard and within the Urban Service Boundary (USB) An addressing fee in the amount of$ 30 00 per address shall be assessed This fee shall be paid to the City prior to approval of the final plat For this pro�ect, the addressing fee will be $30 00 ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP 2002-00014 Krasausk Partition PAGE 8 The developer will also be required to provide signage at the entrance of shared driveway that lists the addresses that are served by the driveway This will assist emergency services personnel to more easily find a particular home Survey Requirements The applicant's final plat shall contain State Plane Coordinates [NAD 83 (91)] on two monuments with a tie to the City's global positioning system (GPS) geodetic control network (GC 22) These monuments shall be on the same line and shall be of the same precision as required for the subdivision plat boundary Along with the coordinates, the plat shall contain the scale factor to convert ground measurements to grid measurements and the angle from north to gnd north These coordinates can be established by • GPS tie networked to the City's GPS survey • By random traverse using conventional surveying methods In addition, the applicant's as-built drawings shall be tied to the GPS network The applicant's engineer shall provide the City with an electronic file with points for each structure (manholes, catch basins, water valves, hydrants and other water system features) in the development, and their respective X and Y State Plane Coordinates, referenced to NAD 83 (91) Recommendations THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT Submit to the Engineering Department (Br�an Rager, 639-4171, ext 318) for review and approval A Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit is required for this pro�ect to cover the public sewer line work, the new storm line in Katherine Street and any other work in the public nght-of-way Six (6) sets of detailed public improvement plans shall be submitted for review to the Engineenng Department NOTE these plans are in addition to any drawings required by the Building Division and should only mclude sheets relevant to public improvements Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit plans shall conform to City of Tigard Public Improvement Design Standards, which are available at City Hall and the City's web page (www ci tigard or us) The PFI permit plan submittal shall include the exact legal name, address and telephone number of the individual or corporate entity who will be ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP 2002-00014 Krasausk Partition PAGE 9 designated as the "Permittee", and who will provide the financial assurance for the public improvements For example, specify if the entity is a corporation, limited partnership, LLC, etc Also specify the state withm which the entity is incorporated and provide the name of the corporate contact person Failure to provide accurate information to the Engineering Department will delay processing of pro�ect documents Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant shall obtain a Site Permit from the Building Department to cover all grading for the lot(s), all on-site private utility installation (water, storm, etc ) and all driveway construction NOTE this permit is separate from a Public Facility Improvement permit issued by the Engineering Department for work in the public right-of-way Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant shall pay an addressing fee in the amount of$30 00 (STAFF CONTACT Shirtey Treat, Engineering) The final plat shall show a ROW dedication along Katherine Street to provide 27 feet from the centerline The applicant shall execute a Restnctive Covenant whereby they agree to complete or participate in the future improvements of SW Katherine Street ad�acent to the sub�ect property, when any of the following e�[ents occur A when the improvements are part of a larger pro�ect to be financed or paid for by the formation of a Local Improvement Distnct, B when the improvements are part of a larger pro�ect to be financed or paid for in whole or in part by the City or other public agency, C when the improvements are part of a larger pro�ect to be constructed by a third party and involves the sharing of design and/or construction expenses by the third party owner(s) of property in addition to the sub�ect property, or D when construction of the improvements is deemed to be appropriate by the City Engineer in con�unction with construction of improvements by others ad�acent to the sub�ect site The final plat shall show a �oint ingress/egress easement to be shared befinreen the three properties involved in the three partitions (MLP 2002- 00012, 2002-00013 and 2002-00014) The applicant shall provide signage at the entrance of the�oint driveway that lists the addresses that are served by the driveway The applicant shall either place the existing overhead utility lines along SW Kathenne Street underground as a part of this proJect, or they shall pay the fee in-lieu of undergrounding The fee shall be calculated by the frontage of the site that is parallel to the utility lines and will be $ 27 50 per lineal foot If ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP 2002-00014 Krasausk Partition PAGE 10 the fee option is chosen, the amount will be $ 2,063 00 and it shall be paid prior to approval of the final plat The applicant's final plat shali contain State Plane Coordinates on two monuments with a tie to the City's global positioning system (GPS) geodetic control network (GC 22) These monuments shall be on the same line and shall be of the same precision as required for the subdivision plat boundary Along with the coordinates, the plat shall contain the scale factor to convert ground measurements to gnd measurements and the angle from north to grid north These coordinates can be established by � GPS tie networked to the City's GPS survey • By random traverse using conventional surveying methods Final Plat Application Submission Requirements A Submit for City review four (4) paper copies of the final plat prepared by a land surveyor licensed to practice in Oregon, and necessary data or narrative B Attach a check in the amount of the current final plat review fee (Contact Planning/Engineering Permit Technicians at (503) 639-4171, ext 426) C The final plat and data or narrative shall be drawn to the minimum standards set forth by the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 92 05), Washington County, and by the City of Tigard D The right-of-way dedication for Katherine Street shall be made on the final plat E NOTE Washington County will not begin their review of the final plat until they receive notice from the Engineering Department indicating that the City has reviewed the final plat and submitted comments to the applicant's surveyor F After the City and County have reviewed the final plat, submit two mylar copies of the final plat for City Engineer signature (for partitions), or City Engineer and Community Development Director signatures (for subdivisions) ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP 2002-00014 Krasausk Partition PAGE 11 THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS Submit to the Engineering Department (Brian Rager, 639-4171, ext 318) for review and approval Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide the Engineering Department with a "photomylar" copy of the recorded final plat Prior to issuance of the building permits, the public sewer line work for the three partitions shall be completed and accepted by the City Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide the City with as-built drawings of the public improvements as follows 1) 3 mil mylar, 2) a diskette of the as-buiits in "DWG" format, if availabie, otherwise "DXF" will be acceptable, and 3) the as-built drawings shall be tied to the City's GPS network The applicant's engineer shall provide the City with an electronic file with points for each structure (manholes, catch basins, water valves, hydrants and other water system features) in the development, and their respective X and Y State Plane Coordinates, referenced to NAD 83 (91) Prior to issuance of the building permit for the new parcel, the applicant shall pay the standard water quality and water quantity fees per lot (fee amounts will be the latest approved by CWS) i\eng\brianr\land use commentslmip\mIp2002 00013 doc ENGINEERING COMMENTS MLP 2002-00014 Krasausk Partition PAGE 12 � � i . � REQUEST FOR COMMENTS CITYOFTIGARD Commuraty�DeveCopment S(zapmgA�etter Commumty DATE March 21,2003 TO Dennis Koellermeier,Operauons Manager/Water Deparrnnnent REC�IVED PLANNING FROM CitY of�i9ard Plannin9 Diuision STAFF CONTACT Mor9an TracY,Associate Planner[x24281 MAR 2 8 2003 Phone [5031639-4111/Fax [5031684-1297 CITY OF TIGARD MINOR LAND PARTITION[MLPD 2002-00014 ➢ KRASAUSH PARTITIOH Q REQUEST A request for a Minor Land Partition to partition one (1) existing 15,579 square foot lot into finro (2) parcels for detached single-family residences An existing single-family dwelling exists on the sub�ect parcel and is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 in compliance with all setback requirements LOCATION 10085 SW Katherine Street WCTM 1S135CC Tax Lot, 03100 ZONE R-4 5 Low-Density Residential District The R-4 5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA Community Development Code Chapters 18 390, 18 420, 18 510, 18 705, 18 715, 18 745, 18 765, 18 790, 18 795 and 18 810 Attached are the Site Plan, Vicinity Map and ApplicanYs Information for your review From information supplied by various departments and agencies and from other information available to our staff, a report and recommendation will be prepared and a decision will be rendered on the proposal in the near future If you wish to comment on this application, WE NEED YOUR COMMENTS BACK BY APRIL 4 2003' You may use the space provided below or attach a separate letter to return your comments If you are unable to respond by the above date, please phone the staff contact noted above with your comments and confirm your comments in writing as soon as possible If you have any questions, contact the Tigard Planning Division, 13125 SW Hall Blvd , Tigard, OR 97223 PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS THAT APPLY _ We have reviewed the proposal and have no ob�ections to it Please contact of our office Please refer to the enclosed letter _ Written comments provided below IName 8� Number of Person Commenting I \ i 1 A � � REQUEST FOR COMMENTS CITYOFTIGARD Commumty�DeveCopment ShapmgA Better Communzty DATE March 21,2003 TO PER ATTACHED FROM City of f9ard Planning Diu�sion STAFF CONTACT Morgan TracY,Associate Planner�x24281 Phone [5031639-4111/Fax [5031684-7291 MINOR LAND PARTITION[MLPI 2002-00014 ➢ KRASAUSK PARTITION Q REQUEST A request for a Minor Land Partition to partition one (1) existing 15,579 square foot lot into two (2) parcels for detached single-family residences An existing single-famdy dwelling exists on the sub�ect parcel and is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 in compliance with all setback requirements LOCATION 10085 SW Kathenne Street WCTM 1S135CC Tax Lot, 03100 ZONE R-4 5 Low-Density Residential District The R-4 5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA Community Development Code Chapters 18 390, 18 420, 18 510, 18 705, 18 715, 18 745, 18 765, 18 790, 18 795 and 18 810 Attached are the Site Plan, Vicinity Map and Applicant's Information for your review From information supplied by various departments and agencies and from other information available to our staff, a report and recommendation will be prepared and a decision will be rendered on the proposal in the near future If you wish to comment on this application WE NEED�YOUR COMMEIVTS BACK BY APRIL 4, 20034 You may use the space provided below or attach a separate letter to return your comments If you are unable to respond by the above date, please phone the staff contact noted above with your comments and confirm your comments in wnting as soon as possible If you have any questions, contact the Tigard Planning Division, 13125 SW Hall Blvd , Tigard, OR 97223 PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS THAT APPLY _ We have reviewed the proposal and have no ob�ections to it Please contact of our office Please refer to the enclosed letter _ Written comments provided below I Name�Number of Person Commenting I l , w CITY �, TIGARD REQUEST FOR C0�' _NTS NOTIFICATION LIST FOR LAND USE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS FILE NOS � 'G� O OI FILE NAME cI. c� ar 1�y .5,,x..,-z�S-` .f _ a �'s, �x +s ° .7'*:� .���� t � � �� �� �.���� ° x*`��� � z �� �� C���H��NV��Vf�E�T�$�'�`� �� �'����'�>���� �° � ����" , � ��P �.¢a a�iz�a-�z'� � �'�s %r C` �, w r -� r �t���a .� ,r,r.. 14 DAY PENDING APPLICATION NOTICE TO CIT AREA Central ❑East ❑South QWest BProposal Descnp in Library CIT Book a� ,� __ ,x z 5`�^� a "'�X", � A a r —i `"3'�t, � w �a.� ^ ,�-ze zw„�+. .:y�n .,,� � '�� "�� �`�d � t F\�y .�?��} � E 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'h6ab�*�'r.d � �Y h 9 ���C.d�"�'C.,. d 'a ��'�I�XO��iY'Y�3��"'�'s� d � � Y^i V..sS P�� � �-.S S w' '-�'Y(y =LONG RANGE PLANNING1Barbara Shields Planrnng Mgr =�iOMMUNITY DVLPMNT DEPTJPIanning Engineenng Techs �LICE DEPTJJim Wolf Cnme PrevenUOn Officer BUILDING DIVISIOWGary lampella Bwlding Official ][ENGINEERING DEPTJBnan Rager Dvlpmm Rewew Engineer ATER DEPTJDennis Kcellertneier Operauons Mgr CITY ADMINISTRATION/Cathy Wheatley Cily Recorder PUBLIC WORKS/John Roy Property Manager UBLIC WORKS/Matt Shne Urban Forester �PLANNER—POST PROJECT SITE IF A PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 10 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC NEARING! _C DJSherman Casper Pertnrt Coord(sowcua re TiF� �Y s ta 4 � �.��'j Ry�'z Cp �p A ?��`t'�r. ' '"�"�^�_s •I�' �2"�'�� '� ^.'`� ..� E�34- �'� i� , x �i t ti r � ��� ��iY������O�Y�� �i-�'a�„``'�.�4 r � a ,.d.-*.�r„ 7 � ..S.rc- ..� x ea.� a r.+,Axi�,;� �.� .r� .�A'��t��°� b� _a_ Ir � °� ;�rt��°�. .� °� z �� �-��s �' TUAL HILLS PARK&REC DIST+��ALATIN VALLEY FIRE&RESCUE♦ _ TUALATIN VALLEY WATER DISTRICT+� �LEANWATER SERVICES• Planning Manager Fre Marshall Administratrve Office Lee Walker/SWM Program 75707 SW Walker Road Washington County Fire Distnct PO Box 745 755 N Fusl Avenue Beaverton OR 97006 (place in pick up box) Beaverton OR 97075 Hdlsboro OR 97124 �, �, j������&�` ��� �`��"�'���„� k A� �,LOCAL IIND STATE IURISDICflONS �� -� �rv� Y`����� �����'��` ���`� �� {�°� � � , �� � 4sa�a �-'�` ro ����^�.�,�� -�i����r� � _ �, CITY OF BEAVERTON� CITY OF TUALATIN� OR DEPT OF FISH 8 WILDLIFE OR DIV OF STATE LANDS _ Planning Manager Planning Manager 2501 SW First Avenue Jenrnfer Goodndge _ Insh Bunnell Develapmenl Services 18880 SW MaRina�Avenue PO Box 59 775 Summer Street NE PO Box 4755 Tualatin OR 97062 PoRland OR 97207 Salem OR 97301 1279 Beaverton OR 97076 _ OR PUB UTILITIES COMM METRO LAND USE 8 PLANNING � OR DEPT OF GEO 8 MINERAL IND 550 Capitol SVeet NE _ CITY OF DURHAM � 600 NE Grand Avenue 800 NE Oregon Street Swte 5 Salem OR 97310 1380 City Manager PoRland.OR 97232 2736 PorUand OR 97232 PO BOx 23483 BOb K�l�ght DataResourceCerrter(ZCA) US ARMY CORPS OF ENG Durham OR 97281 3483 Paulette Allen Grow�h Manapement Cooidinatar OR DEPT OF LAND CONSERV&DVLP Kathryn Harns _ Mel Hwe GreenSpacesCooidinaWr(CPA20A) La�ry F�ef1Ch lcomp r�annme�memson�y) Routmg CENWP OP G CITY OF KING CITY� Jennifer Budhabhatti ReponalPlanne�(WeUands) 635 Capitol Street NE Swte 150 PO Box 2946 City Manager _ C D Manager Giowth ManapemeM Services Salem OR 97301 2540 Portiand OR 97208 2946 15300 SW 116th Avenue King City OR 97224 WASHINGTON COUNTY � OR DEPT OF ENERGY�POwenines in nrea� _OR DEPT OF AVIATION�MonoPO�e Towe�sl Dept of Land Use&Transp Bonnevdle Power AdmirnstraGon Tom Highland a�aM�� 155 N First Avenue _CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO� Routing TTRC—Attn Renae Ferrera 3040 25th Street SE Sude 350 MS 13 Planning Director PO Box 3621 Salem OR 97310 Hdlsboro.OR 97124 PO Box 369 Portland OR 97208 3621 _Brent Curtis ccPn� Lake Oswego OR 97034 Gregg Leion�can� _ OR DEPT OF ENVIRON QUALITY(DEQ) ODOT REGION 1 # Anne LaMountain pc.vuRe� CIIY�F P�RTLAND (NOUfy(or Wetlantls and Poterit�al Environmeinal Impact5) _M8�8I1 D8n1eISOf1 DeveloOmeM Review CooNinator Phd Healy ncwuae� David Knowles Wannmp Bureau Dir Reg�onal Administrator Carl Toland Right-of Way Section Na�b�� S�@V8 COf1W3y(General Apps) Portland Bwiding 106 Rm 1002 2020 SW Fourth Avenue Swte 400 123 NW Flanders Sr Cartographer�cPazcA�MS�< 1120 SW Fifth Avenue PoRland OR 97201-4987 Portland OR 97209-4037 Jim Nims�zcn�MS,s Portland OR 97204 _Dona Mate�a tzcn�MS,s ODOT REGION 1 DISTRICT 2A� WA CO CONSOLIDATED COMMUNIC AGENCY(WCCCA) `971�(MOnopole ToweB) Jane Estes Pe�m�Speaalist Dave Austin 5440 SW Westgate Dnve Swte 350 PO Box 6375 Portland OR 97221 2414 Beaverton OR 97007 0375 `�`�����k� ?�� �`������_ ��a��' �_�'s �%UTILITY PROVIDERS AND'SPECIAL A6ENCIES~� �� ��E�¢��,�'��� �� �,F" ����$�,� � � PORTLAND WESTERN R/R,BURLINGTON NORTHERWSANTA FE R/R OREGON ELECTRIC R/R(eur�ington NoNhem/Santa Fe iLR Predecessor) Robert I Melbo President&General Manager 110 W 10th Avenue Albany OR 97321 � SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANS CO R/R METRO AREA COMMUNICATIONS V ATBT CABLE _TRI MET TRANSIT DVLPMT Clifford C Cabe Construction Engineer Debra Palmer�n��xa�o�o��r� Pat McGann (If P,otec7 s WM n/M le o!A Transit Route) 5424 SE McLoughlin Boulevard Twnn Oaks Technology Center 14200 SW Bngadoon Court Ben Bald�nnn Pro�ect Planner Portland OR 97232 1815 NW 169th Place S-6020 Beaverton OR 97005 710 NE Holladay Street ��eaverton OR 97006-4886 Portland OR 97232 �PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC Y NW NATURAL GAS COMPANY VERIZON �QWEST COMMUNICATIONS Ken Gutierrez Svc Design Consultant Scott Palmer Engineenng Coord Ken Perdue Engineenng Jen Cella Engineenng 9480 SW Boeckman Road 220 NW Second Avenue PO Box 1100 8021 SW Capitol Hdl Rd Rm 110 Wdsonv�lle OR 97070 Portland OR 97209 3991 Beaverton OR 97075 1100 Portland OR 97219 TIGARDlTUALATIN SCHOOL DIST #23J BEAVERTON SCHOOL DIST #48 ATB�T CABLE w,,•eawivr+�9ew� Marsha Butler Admmistrative OKces Jan Youngqwst Demographics&Planning Dept Diana Carpenter 6960 SW Sandburg Street 16550 SW Merlo Road 3500 SW Bond SVeet Tigard OR 97223 8039 Beaverton OR 97006 5152 Portland OR 97232 � INDICATES AUTOMATIC NOTIFICATION IN COMPLIANCE WITN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT IF WITHIN 500 OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FOR ANT/ALL CITY PROJECTS(Pro�ect Planner Is Responsible For Indicatmg Parties To Notdy) h�patty�masters\Requesl For Camments Notificauon List 2 doc (Rewsed �r�ios� ' � . 10175 SW Katherine Tigard, Oregon 97223 March 24, 2003 `�sV Planning Division, City of Tigard �� 13125 SW Hall Boulevard �?.,'n� �: ,._ Tigard, Oregon 97223 �rv'` `'r � ' `--� �,UAR ����;: D Dear Morgan Tracy '`-� We are Dewey& Margaret Hamilton and we live at 10175 SW Katherine St. Tigard, Oregon. This is a response to your letter notifying us of the development plans on lots abutting or near our property. Our property abuts the 10120 SW Tigard St. property [ SCHLESINGER PARTITION] on its Southwest corner and is separated from the 10135 SW Katherine St. property [SWOPES PARTITtON] by one lot to the East. The property at 10085 SW Katherine [[KRASAUSK PARTITION] is two lots to the East of our property. We have lived on our property for the last 40 years and we have concerns about the placement of homes on the rear of each of these properties, particularly the Tigard st. property. When we moved into this home in June of 1963 we had a septic tank sewer system. Over the next few years we had constant problems with this system during the wet months of the winter. Back flow of groundwater through the drain field overwhelmed the septic tank. Our problem became so acute that in 1970, during a sewer connection moratorium, we had the Washington County Health Department condemn our system so we could be connected to the newly installed sewer line on Karol Ct. Fiaw sewage from our septic system was surfacing in standing water at the rear of our lot. We know the former owner of the Tigard St. property had similar problems until she recently sold the property to the present owner. That house is now vacant. Surface runoff during the winter is a problem for most of the homes along Tigard and Katherine streets and that is why we are concerned about the addition of three new houses on these properties. Many present homes must have sump pumps to keep water from pooling in their crawl spaces in the winter. Mowing lawns in the winter months is limited because the water table is so high that the weight of a lawnmower cause the wheels to sink into the soil until the deck of the mower is touching the ground. During periods of heavy rain we have also experienced sheet runoff two to three inches deep from East to West across the rear half of our property. We believe this runoff will be a serious problem for the � proposed new houses especially the one at the rear of the Tigard St. property. We assume any development on these properties will not be allowed to add additional fill to those lots to alleviate known winter surface water problems. Any addition of fill to theSe lots will most certainly force addi�onal winter runoff on to surrounding properties such as ours. An additional problem we can foresee is the length of sewer line needed to reach the rear of the Tigard St. property. The only available sewer connection is through either of the Katherine St. properties. We are not certain of the depth of the sewer line in front of the Katherine properties but we know it is not deeply buried. Given the minimum rate of fall required for a sewer line we question if there is enough fall to adequately serve this proposed dwelling. If there is not enough fall will a sewage pumping setup be required? If there is enough minimum fall to reach this dwelting will a long sewer line of minimum fall be an invitation for future trouble? We believe we have lived here long enough to know very well what kind for water and soil conditions exist on and near these properties. We question the wisdom of placing homes on these properties especially the Tigard St. property. We also have concerns about any alteration of these properties that will change existing groundwater flow patterns. We hope your office will consider our observations and opinions as valid and will apply them in your decision making process granting development permission on these properties. If you need to reach us by phone about any further ir�formation you may contact us at[503] 639-6332. R spectfully '� '�, � `,_'�c ` ,� F�Lo, / W �.�. � Dewey R. Hamilton � � � .� _�C��-��Z � � �.'-. . ���/1���.'-�`�"V Margaret C. Hamilton << > — � a i reGz March 31, 2003 W l� lb3 10270 S W Meadow St Tigard OR 97223 Mr Morgan Tracey Associate Planner City of Tigard 13125 S W Hall Blvd Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Mr Tracey I'm wnting to you concerrung a proposed six-lot minor land partition in the azea of the intersechon of Tigard Street and Kathenne Street I'm very concerned about the drainage repercussions that my neighbours and I may face if tlus land partihon and the subsequent development proceeds I believe that if the land to our east is developed without senous consideration of run-of, my yard and home as well as my neighbours' yards and homes, could be damaged and devalued by water damage We ask that you work with Mile Schlesmger—who plans the six-lot subdivision—to make an mvestment in water-diverting systems to dram water away If we can work together,perhaps we can come up with a win-wui situation Please look mto tlus situation as soon as possible, and work with us as we try to find a solution that meets the needs of the crty, the citizens and new development Feel free to call me or my husband,Denms O'Doherty, at 503-624-7067 Thank you Kmd regards, � �-,t�� Gererdene Gibbons � , , , c — — , r � � — i � 3ir � � � � ' � /e� �i/yIo� Brooks and Knstin Gaston 10272 SW Meadow Street Tigard, OR 97223 March 31, 2003 Morgan Tracy Associate Planner Crty of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd T�gard, OR 97223 Mr Tracy, I'm writing to you concernmg a proposed six-lot rrvnor land partitions, 2002-00012, 2002-00013, 2002-00014, in the area of the mtersection of Tigard Street and Katherine StreP+ I'm ���ry con�Prned about the dra�^aa� repercussions that �ny neiahbcrs ard I ma}� face if ttus land partition and the subsequent development proceeds Since I moved into my home, I've mvested approximately $5,000 dollars m dratnage to keep water out from under my home, and to help water flow from my backyard onto Meadow Street If you were to look over my back fence -- toward the east -- you would be able to see that Kathenne Street's properties and the deep lots ad�acent to Tigard Street are graded to dram onto my property and my neighbor's property My neighbors, especially those on the north side of Meadow, have also mvested heavily to repair damage from water, and to install dramage systems � - I believe that if the land to our east is developed without senous consideration of run-off, my yard and home -- which is about 75% m the flood plane-- as well as my ne�ghbors' yards and homes, could be damaged and devalued by water damage I've recently met with Mr Schlesinger, the developer of the partition He expressed tnteresting m meeting our needs by adding a swale on the western end of lus property and draimng storm water south to Kathenne Street He and I both agree, however, that if this solution is pursued, the ditch along Kathenne Street may have to be improved I also reques� that t�ie city of Tigard i equire sto�m water clramage system on ihe access ruad that will extend south from Tigard Street to the new development Please work w�th us as we try to find a solution that meets the needs of the city, the c�tizens, and new development Feel free to call me at 503-968-6011 �han�k�your K I���-���1�/l�t-- '-�fi Brooks and Kristm Gaston � BETTY J. NELSON 10275 SW Meadow St Email b�nelson@hevanet com Tigard,OR 97223-5212 503-639-0573 RECEIVED PLANNING Apri13, 2003 qPR 0 7 2003 Mr Morgan Tracy CITY OF TIGARD Associate Planner, Planrung Division 13125 SW Hall Blvd Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Mr Tracy I am submittmg this written comment in regards to the request for a Mmor Land Partition at the following locations 10120 SW Tigard St WCTM 1 S 135CC, Tax Lot 3400— File Name Schlesinger Partition 10135 SW Kathenne St WCTM 1S135CC, Tax lot 3000— File Name Swopes Partition 10085 SW Katherine St WCTM 1S135CC, Tax lot 03100- File Name Krasausk Partrtion My concern has to do with storm/rain/water drainage My property is located at the end of Meadow St on the cul-de-sac and it, along v�nth the properties on either side, the Gaston's at 10272 SW Meadow and the Slagle's at 10305 SW Meadow, are mundated with water run-off each year and we each have mvested considerable time and funds into drainage systems to protect our property and prevent water standmg under our homes According to maps in your office this area is a flood plam and water flows through our property on its way to Fanno Creek The fields surrounding the back of our properties are graded in our direction so that water from those fields dram directly onto our properties, therefore, any further development that might add to our drainage problem is of great concern to us the amount of water already running through here is phenomenal as can be seen by the stream of water continually flovv�ng down Meadow St to the storm drams wluch are located at the opposite end of the street What assurances can you give us� What requirements can you place on the developers to eliminate any further impact on our properties� We need assurances from the City that the developers will be required to provide adequate dramage away from our properties so as to not further impact us who live downstream Thank you for your careful consideration of our concerns I look forward to heanng from you as to proposed solutions to this problem Sincer 4 � � � I t t L R t � b " = r r z ` � H����� � � t„ � Morgan Tracy Associate Planner 13125 SW Hall Blvd ' Tigard OR, 97223 � Steve Valdez ' 10360 SW Meadow st Tigard, OR 97223 Apnl 1, 2003 I am a resident of SW_Meadow Street My house backs up to the pazk area off of Kathenne Street My concern of the mmor 1`and partition 2002-00012, 2002-00013, and � 2002-00014 is that the'increase of water flow m the ditch that runs parallel down � F Kathenne Street, belurid the houses of Meadow Street and empties mto Fanno Creek ' � would mcrease sigruficantly if these lots were developed I would be afraid that the way the ditch is now it would not sufficiently let tlie water flow easily mto the creek wrthout � gettmg backed up, because the drtch is not maintamed , Please consider that if water is going to be diverted to the ditch along Kathenne Street it may easily get backed up and flood the yazds and or houses on the south side of Meadow Street Thank you for takmg the time to read my letter and takmg rt mto consideration , Steve Valdez V C.t� � Brooks Gaston 10272 SW Meadow Street Tigard, OR 97223 'vlarch 14, 2003 Bnan D Rager, P E p � � � � � � Development Review E-�g�neer �1 � J C�ty of Tigard MAR 2 ' 2003 T 13125 SW Hall Blvd Tigard, OR 97223 f,� i �' 4F TIGAR� Mr Rager, I'm wnting to you concerrung a proposed six-lot rrunor land partition in the area of the �ntersect�on of Tigard Street and Kathenne Street I'm very concerned about the dra�nage repercussions that my nei�hbors and I may face if ttus land partition and the subsequent development proceeds Since I moved into my home, I've invested approximately $5,000 dollars in drainage to keep water out from under my home, and to help water flow from my backyard onto Meadow Street If you were to look over my back fence -- toward the east -- you would be able to see that Kathenne Street's properties and the deep lots ad�acent to Tigard Street are graded to drain onto my property and my neighbor's property My neighbors, especially those on tlie north side of Meadow have also �nvested heavily to repair damage from water, and to install drainage systems I believe that �f the land to our east is developed without ser�ous consideration of run-off, my yard and home -- wlvch is about 75% in the flood plane -- as well as my neighbors' yards and homes, could be damaged and devalued by water damage We ask that you work with 1VLles Schlesinger -- who plans the six-lot subdivision -- to make an mvestment in water-diverting systems to drain water away If we can work together, perhaps we can come up with a win-win situation I've recently met w��h�ir Schlesinger ile expressed �nteresting in meeting our needs by adding a swale to the western end of his property and draining storm water out to Katherine Street He and I both agree, however, that tf this solution is pursued, the ditch along Kather�ne Street may have to be improved Please look mto this s�tuat�on as soon as possible, and work with us as we try to find a solution that meets the needs of the c�ty, the c�t�zens, and new development Feel free to call me at 503-968-601 1 Thank you, 'L, �'�- Brooks Gaston �� , ���f��3 � 1 �. 1 � _ , :� --�--- ------ ----------- ---- ------- �� I ' �x'�. , 1 '� � � � �tir,�i.r��;�.�_�:� nr;i i� F,fYE�Y�!!{�E�}1�,��d�fN, ,l�l�`lCF, �d.1E.�.�lf i��iur�t�n �f rHry �iareu 3i,�isU.i :t4snciate !'lannei•, ('ia���iir��; t)ivisian ; C'ity of"i�i�;ard 1312_5 Sti'4'Aai{ 8nuieFaz•d '{�ic�sar�� flri•irr�� y7?�;i —-o- °'-� -�- i f i`�tilf �'�t�. �'t"2iC�': � 1 am suFamittin� furthc.r wrirtc_n commr.nt un thr rr.quc�t fur a �iinur Lan�i Yxrtition a#thc fn!)nw it�; i�c�tio���: 1(112� tiV4' Ti�ard :�tt•eet�'4�'C'T�i 1 ti135C:Ct Tax i.ot 34iH}—File iiarne: ' �chlr.�in�c�r Partstic�n; ItM13� �+��' k�thtrinr. titrc.c�t�'1'(''I�M19 1SI3St't', �1'�x t,ut 3!N}tl—H'ilt: •►�n�e' �!#'4?�3QQ 1_�3r�l�I(►!►_' �n� l�?4lf4S �t'�� k2theri?�e 4lrett 1�'C"T'•.Vi l C�t�("{-:� T'�Y i.c►t, , i�3�t�J. ���ic n�mc; itis��usn°�rtitic;�. In mF� ru�nmcnts of i�kl�rtt� 1�3, :UU3 I stt�tctl m,y ugpo�Etion to ihc bu►Id[n�* vi xpKrtmcnts on tltese ��r•n��ei�tie�. It i�Ta� �nV uizc�er'standin� li�at tl�is wa� tl�e�h.jecteve c�f tl�e tle;eln��er mak- ! in�thc rcc�t�cst fvr a �Tinvr L�nd Yartition. I ht►vc�incc lcarncd thi5 maF� not bc thc cxsc. «'hile I �r►��l�i nnt hack a�v��� �rnrn �►p�incina i»ulti-f:�►t�ih=��nit�c hein� t�ut ii► T ic-n��1d nnt he :���x;sc.c� t� sin�is.�-famils- �;.�t�+:��;s�this ��t�ulc! ������;naist.iIIt li'l:'I2 W�tilt!�.�!:c.�€�s� ;� *�.� ; a��a. i r�ene� ntiV ca��cerr� nt�er• tfi� �tinssihle ir�cr•ea4ec# dr�air�a�+�frnm ;�til' new de��efc►;im�l�t on thrsc propc.rtic� �n�i wuuld ask thc C:it�� Ylannia�; llivisiun makc surc thxt thi� ccrnccrn is add►•ecsec� with tlie de�'��QI)lila 1lit�t•estc (cee wretten contmenic ���ade Niar•ct� �8. L��31. �3:iL'C:' ., Jo6n �Ix�tc � 10305 S«'1 �w 4t. 'fig�ircl,t)R 97223 ; r�,��3,r tt�. BQtt�� '�elsn� �I"i3(iiaS �rii3ivu �o3as 5.��. nn�t}daw sc. Tiq�ird, Oreqr��� 97ZZ3 Nnone:_�U3-bu4-3��I tma�t:5tug='�t'eaptel'C.com �� �o�, - , . 3/y�/e3 . i i i $. -�--- � �- i ; ���� � f � � �(1f21�N�i�N_�t ��:I 1' ��l�,l�?/lrf���.�'�l�fN, .I.�E!!f/�� �.��.3`�d� ��i�.►r�r� '�ra� yi�ren :a, ;��3 S ;�SSOCi�[� j3��liil@i•, �I�tttilltro,, Di��ision �.!�y {!t �I�;tllt� , 131�5 S�'4'Aall Sc,uie�Farcl "1-isaart�_ �1f��i)[! �777�,i -�"- -- ir�iQ Y' i�`ii'. I i?iE't': i xm �ubniittin�t�is evrittca commcut c�u t�ac. rr�uc�st for x��inur Lxnd Pttrtitiun ai thc. fc�I- Io��e��� In�atior�s: 1!)12t3 fi�3' Tigard �str�et`i`(°T�i l,135C't',Tax I:nt 3�00—Fiie naiiie: ' tic•htcwin�c•r Y:�rtitir�n: 1!l134 4�� iwathc�renc=4trc�c�t���f'�I'!►t 1�i35t'[`. 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""��"' � . �'""" ��" . � " SORENSEN-SLAGLE Thi� creen is sl�wlv er�ding the sin�le-familv residential character nfi the�e .<L.L...,.L......�lh . �..�� ..FT':.,....-.-1 C+�.,.,+ T�+t,.. l'':t�, .-....., ..1T...,,.. .,...,.�+..,.,.-.+ L..,:/.7:....-� �.-. irii'b��vvti�vv�s.� ivvJt v+ � �bua�a v�c�,a.t. �■ �..v �..�a� i�vrr u�.VVr:� uYutc�r�t.�rc vct+iui���j.y w ne estaniisr�eci an i�atneri►�e we wiii soon see more'�usinesses trying to est.ai�iisn them�eive� in and arrnind these nei�hhnrh��d� in similar fashi�n. ) wrnilci ask the a�iesti�n� l� thi� in the interest �f these nei�hh�rh��ds`? And m�re +l,.,Y. rl.�r ;t :., tl,.. :..�„�.,.,+ ,��+1.,. C`:r.. ..�'T:....r.7� 1 �.,., «.., L':r..+ �.. +1,,, .-....�,..,� wrcan uaccc� +.i �c .�1 u�K� �:i�vic�..i� v� �uv �.�c'� v� . ��ju�ta. i .yu, ,av: i �r,fc avr uw ��..c.t,fw+.� i've aireaay stateat and secona for tne investment we iiave aii made. why wouid tne f'itv want t� er�de the�e nei�hh�rh�c�ci.� with h�L�iness interests when the C'itv g�v- .�w�rr�c�.-.� �.s1. �.�+�� n i.� � r.a.i�-�i.� ���. i.� • �. 41..�n.� v.i+.R{���r�i...�n • s�tl+ �.n G.�(itutHi+G a�at.1 �.aVtw J(.sV�i ct o'I�Vit4W�u��VUVi ���i�Yiv+'iirb bubJC� uci�ba�V'V[iiVVUJ rr�L+t V.i�.. ger ana uetter parKS, niKe and waiKing patns, nature ennancement aiong �ranno i..reeic and imnmved nlavQmzin�.� f�r the children in thi� area? And at c�n�iderahle cnst nnt �t�, �;..,.,,n., �.,,+ r�i;�.,.,.tt�, v�aiy ��avu..y ciu� Yv��a�vuu>. �1Vhile 1 understand this "husine�� creen" will nr�hahlv n�t imna.ct me ner��nallv in +L.., 1,....� ♦.,..... ,,:rl. *1,., ..�.f;,..�, � � .,...,.. .,,..- tl,.., .,{�(�'l.i ,«,.F� F r..,-., y�f'V J��V1L 4L1111� ►1 fLf1 Ll)�r �.Ati��Jt1Vf1 V� 171'Y� VV11�+v+al1J Vl'�+l t�l�+ tJVJ'J►Vti� �U�1V�1 V\ \lIV\V J water into tny �roperty, t'r�e ia�ig tercn ramirications ui aiiowi��g tii�se partirio��s couid clamage the wh�le �f this re�idential are�. IS it w�rth the chance? 1 wrnild ar�ie that .s ; ..+ A..,a T L,,,+�.� . ,��:n„ .,,:11 1..,�1r 1.,.,.� .>,,.7 1,..«,-i l�.,F,-., „..,.,+:.,.. +1.....f,1�,A:«....- �ti �;y a,v�., i ♦t��a • �tvjlv �'vui vt�avv v��u �vv» �vu� N���s ��luv vv.�l�v Fj��.ui�u�b ��s�..��. �vau�v� L.�t7Q t'illYlil011 t'e(�UeStS IO ttl� tJCV�IOp�f ([iiZt'eSiS. Sincerel�. J�hn Sla�le in�zn� r�a� r�r.,..,�,,.,, r* ,v✓v✓ v •♦ ���rasvvvr ��. Tiga�•d, uregon y i��3 C'�»v t�� Rmnk� C'ra�t�n � . D„�+., AT'.,1�..... uvitt � rvi.�v�� MAILING RECORDS 1 • � AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE OF A LAND USE PROPOSAL IMPORTANT N4TICE: THIS AFFIDAVIT MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A COPY OF THE NOTICE THAT WAS POSTED ON THE SITE. In the Matter of the Proposed Land Use Applications for: Land Use File Nos.: MLP2002-00014 Land Use File Name: KRASAUSK PARTITION I, Morgan Tracy, Associate Planner for the City of Tigard, do affirm that I posted notice of the land use proposal affecting the land located at (state the approximate location(s) IF no address(s) and/or tax lot(s) currently registered) 100��s�..r K,,f��rrn�. Sfr��- and did personally post notice of the proposed land use application(s) by means of weatherproof posting in the general vicinity of the affected territory, a copy of said notice being hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, on the 2O'f'� day of�,•r,I� , 2003. �_ Signature of Person Who Perfor ed Posting (In the presence of the Notary) (THIS SECTION FOR A STATE OF OREGON, NOTARY PUBLIC TO COMPLETE/NOTARIZE) STATE OF OREGON ) County of Washington ) ss. Subscribed and sworn/a#'iune.d before me on the �day of �J(� �� , 20 �� . * p�PICIAL SEAL ' J 9EN(�TSON �"�t1 �,�''�� � l, `l� l NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON �,v COMMISSION NO.368086 MY COMMISSION E�XPIRES APR.27,200� NOT Y PU BLIC F OREGON My Commission Expires: ' � ( �� o� h:Uoginlpatty\masterslaffidavit of posting for staff to post a site.doc Y 1 � M I NOR LAN D PARTITI OIV (M LP) 2002-000 I 4 REQUEST: A request for a Minor Land Partition to partition one (1 ) existing 15,579 square foot lot ento two (2) parcels for detached single- family residences An existing single-family dwelling exists on the sub�ect parcel and is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 in compliance with all setback requ�rements LOCATIOIV: 10085 SW Katherine Street WCTM 1 S135CC Tax Lot, 03100 ZONE: R-4 5 Low-Density Residential District The R-4 5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single- family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18 390, 18 420, 18 510, 18 705, 18 715, 18 745, 18 765, 18 790, 18 795 and 18 810 Further information may be obtained from the Planning Division �staff contact: Morqan Tracy) at 13125 SW Hall Blvd , Tigard, Oregon 97223, or by calling 503- 639-4171 A copy of the application and all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and the applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost and copies for all items can also be provided at a reasonable cost II AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING CITYOFTIGARD Carnmuntty�Development SFwp1ngA BetterCommuraty I, �atr�cra L Gu�f or� being first duly sworn/affirm, on oath depose and say that I am a SenzorAdmanutratzve SpecraCrst for the �'cty of7'�gard, `Was(zzngton County, Oregon and that I served the following {Chetic Appmpnate Box(s)Bebw� ❑x NOTICE OF DECISION FOR MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK ET ALL PARTITION � AMENDED NOTICE (File NoJName Reterence) � City of Tigard Planning Director A copy of the said notice being hereto attached, marked EIIhhlblt"A",and by reference made a part hereof, was mailed to each named person(s) at the address(s) shown on the attached list(s), marked Exhlblt"B",and by reference made a part hereof, on MaY19,2003,and deposited in the United States Mail on M8Y19,2003,postage prepaid , G�����LJ d� (Person tha repa otic ,S7,A2tE O�F O�GON ) County of`Was zngton �ss C�ty of 7igard ) Subscribed and sworn/affirmed before me on the � � day of , 2003 OFFICIAL SEAL ,� J BENGTSON NOTARY PUBLIC OREGON COMMISSION NO 368088 MY COMMISSION E�XPIRES APR 27 2007 My Commission Expires � �� � EXHIBIT � , � NOTICE OF TYPE II DECISION MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2002-00014 CITY OF TIGARD KRASAUSK PARTITION Commuraty�DeveCopment S(u�ptngA BetterCommuraty 120 DAYS (WITH EXTENSION) =8/3/03 SECTION I APPLICATION SUMMARY FILE NAME KRASAUSK PARTITION CASE NO Minor Land Partition (MLP) MLP2002-00014 PROPOSAL The applicant is requesting a Minor Land Partition to partition one (1) existing 15,579 square foot lot into two (2) parcels for detached single-family residences An existing single-family dwelling is located on the sub�ect parcel and is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 in compliance with all setback requirements APPLICANT Miles Schlesinger OWNER Paul Krasausk and Joe Marcharg Jr 11455 SW Shrope Court 15833 SW Misty Court Tigard, OR 97223 Beaverton, OR 97007 ZONING DESIGNATION R-4 5, The R-4 5 zoning distnct is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditiona�ly Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally LOCATION 10085 SW Katherine Street WCTM 1S135CC Tax Lot, 03100 PROPOSED PARCEL 1 7,500 Square Feet PROPOSED PARCEL 2 7,500 Square Feet FLAG LOT ACCESS AREA 556 Square Feet APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA Community Development Code Chapters 18 390 (Decision-Making Procedures), 18 420 (Land Partitions), 18 510 (Residential Zoning Districts), 18 705 (Access Egress and Circulation), 18 715 (Density Computations), 18 745 (Landscaping and Screening), 18 765 (Off-Street parking and Loading Requirements), 18 790 (Tree Removal), 18 795 (Visual Clearance Areas), and 18 810 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards) SECTION II DECISION Notice is hereby given that the City of Tigard Community Development Director's designee has APPROVED the above request sub�ect to certain conditions The findings and conclusions on which the decision is based are noted in Section V NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 1 of 23 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT u mit to t e ngineering epartment rian ager, , ext or review an approval 1 Prior to final plat approval, the applicant/owner shall ensure that the visual clearance area including areas of existing fencing along the Tigard street frontage is not obstructed The applicant shall also submit a report from a traffic engineer showmg tFiat sight distance standards as enumerated by AASHTO are met, and if not, that any improvements required to meet the sight distance standards have been completed 2 A Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit is required for this pro�ect to cover the public sewer line, the new storm line in Katherine Street and any other work in the public right-of-way Six (6) sets of detailed public improvement plans shall be submitted for review to the Engineering Department NOTE these plans are in addition to any drawings required by the Building Division and should only include sheets relevant to public improvements Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit plans shall conform to City of Tigard Public Improvement Design Standards, which are available at City Hall and the City's web page (www ci tigard or us) 3 The PFI permit plan submittal shall include the exact legal name, address and telephone number of the individual or corporate entity who will be designated as the "Permittee", and who will provide the financial assurance for the public improvements For example, specify if the entity is a corporation, limited partnership, LLC, etc Also specify the state within which the entity is incorporated and provide the name of the corporate contact person Failure to provide accurate information to the Engineering Department will delay processing of pro�ect documents 4 Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant shall obtain a Site Permit from the Building Department to cover all grading for the lot(s), all on-site private utility installation (water, storm, etc ) and all driveway construction NOTE this permit is separate from a Public Facility Improvement permit issued by the Engineering Department for work in the public right-of-way 5 Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant shall pay an addressing fee in the amount of $30 00 (STAFF CONTACT Shirley Treat, Engineering) 6 The final plat shall show a ROW dedication on Katherine Street to provide 27 feet from the centerline The resulting area of both parcels, excluding the access easement area shall be a minimum of 7,500 square feet 7 The applicant shall execute a Restrictive Covenant whereby they agree to complete or participate in the future improvements of SW Katherine Street ad�acent to the sub�ect property, when any of the following events occur A when the improvements are part of a larger pro�ect to be financed or paid for by the formation of a Local Improvement District, � B when the improvements are part of a larger pro�ect to be financed or paid for in whole or in part by the City or other public agency, C when the improvements are part of a larger pro�ect to be constructed by a third party and involves the sharing of design and/or construction expenses by the third party owner(s) of property in addition to the sub�ect property, or NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 2 of 23 D when construction of the improvements is deemed to be appropriate by the City Engineer in con�unction with construction of improvements by others ad�acent to the sub�ect site 8 The final plat shall show a �oint ingress/egress easement to be shared between the three properties involved in the three partitions (MLP 2002-00012, 2002-00013 and 2002-00014) and shall also address maintenance responsibility of the shared access 9 The applicant shall either place the existing overhead utility lines along SW Katherine Street underground as a part of this pro�ect, or they shall pay the fee in-lieu of undergrounding The fee shall be calculated by the frontage of the site that is parallel to the utility lines and will be $ 27 50 per lineal foot If the fee option is chosen, the amount will be $ 2,063 00 and it shall be paid pnor to approval of the final plat 10 The applicant's final plat shall contain State Plane Coordinates on two monuments with a tie to the City's global positioning system (GPS) geodetic control network (GC 22) These monuments shall be on the same line and shall be of the same precision as required for the subdivision plat boundary Along with the coordinates, the plat shall contain the scale factor to convert ground measurements to grid measurements and the angle from north to grid north These coordinates can be established by • GPS tie networked to the City's GPS survey • By random traverse using conventional surveying methods 11 Final Plat Application Submission Requirements A Submit for City review four (4) paper copies of the final plat prepared by a land surveyor licensed to practice in Oregon, and necessary data or narrative B Attach a check in the amount of the current final plat review fee (Contact Planning/Engineering Permit Technicians, at (503) 639-4171, ext 426) C The final plat and data or narrative shall be drawn to the minimum standards set forth by the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 92 05), Washington County, and by the City of Tigard D The right-of-way dedication for Katherine Street shall be made on the final plat E NOTE Washington County will not begin their review of the final plat until they receive notice from the Engineering Department indicatmg that the City has reviewed the final plat and submitted comments to the applicant's surveyor F After the City and County have reviewed the final plat, submit finro mylar copies of the final plat for City Engineer signature (for partitions), or City Engineer and Community Development Director signatures (for subdivisions) Submit to the Planning Department (Morgan Tracy, 639-4171, ext 2428) for review and approval 12 Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall submit a landscape plan which shows A Landscape or solid fence screening along the portion of the proposed accessway that is visible from WCTM 1 S135CC lot 3300 and 2900 This screen shall compIy with one of the three options for screening as prescribed in TDC Section 18 745 050 (5 Installation of said screen shall occur prior to final building permit approval on Parcel #� B A street tree plan for the proposed access dnve in accordance with the size and spacing standards under TDC Section 18 745 040 C NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 3 of 23 THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS Submit to the Engineering Department (Brian Rager, 639-4171, ext 2471) for review and approval 13 Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide the Engineering Department with a "photomylar" copy of the recorded final plat 14 Prior to issuance of the building permits, the public sewer line work for the three partitions shall be completed and accepted by the City 15 Prior to issuance of budding permits, the applicant shall provide the City with as-built drawings of the public improvements as follows 1) 3 mil mylar, 2) a diskette of the as-builts in "DWG" format, if available, otherwise "DXF" will be acceptable, and 3) the as-built drawings shall be tied to the City's GPS network The applicant's engineer shall provide the City with an electronic file with points for each structure (manholes, catch basins, water valves, hydrants and other water system features) in the development, and their respective X and Y State Plane Coordinates, referenced to NAD 83 (91) 16 Pnor to issuance of the building permit for the new parcel, the applicant shall pay the standard water quality and water quantity fees per lot (fee amounts will be the latest approved by CWS) 17 The applicant shall provide signage at the entrance of the �oint driveway that lists the addresses that are served by the driveway Submit to the Planning Department (Morgan Tracy, 639-4171, ext 2428) for review and approval 18 The applicant shall provide a tree protection plan for Parcel #2 and shared access drive, prepared by a certified arborist The applicant/owner shall install the required tree protection measures prior to building permit issuance The applicant shall further note that the protection plan shall indicate that a certified arborist must be present during any excavation within the driplines of any trees to remove 19 The applicant shall submit a tree mitigation program that accounts for 19 caliper inches to be planted on the site, planted off-site, or is a payment in lieu of replanting Street trees along the driveway cannot be counted towards the mitigation requirement Such mitigation replanting or payment shall occur prior to final building inspection Submit to the Building Department (Development Service Technicians, 639-4171, ext 2439) for review and approval 20 Prior to issuance of any building permits, the applicant/owner shall provide documentation that Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue has reviewed and approved the fire flow documentation for the existing fire hydrant 21 The applicant/owner shall submit a site plan with the budding permit application for Parcel #2 that meets the height and setback requirements as prescribed for flag lots, per TDC Sections 18 730 020(C) and 18 420 050(4)(e) The site plan shall also show access taken from the �oint NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 4 of 23 accessway The site plan shall also reflect the abandonment of one of the existing driveway accesses serving the parcel on SW Tigard Street and�oint use of the shared drive THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION Submit to the Planning Department (Morgan Tracy, 639-4171, ext 2428) for review and approval 22 Following completion of the shared access drive but prior to issuance of any final building inspections, the applicant/owner shall provide evidence that the screening along the access drive as required in the landscape plan has been installed, as well as the street trees along the shared access drive 23 The applicant shall install the mitigation replanting or remit the payment in lieu as specified in the applicant s mitigation program THIS APPROVAL IS VALID IF EXERCISED WITHIN EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION NOTED UNDER THE PROCESS AND APPEAL SECTION OF THIS DECISION SECTION III BACKGROUND INFORMATION Pro ert Histo The su �ect parcel is located within the City of Tigard The Qroperty is desi�nated Low Density Residential on the Tigard Comprehensive Plan Map The sub�ect lot was divided from Lot 10 of Greenburg Heights Addition subdivision Apart from a lot line ad�ustment that was perFormed in order to facilitate the current application, no other land use approvals were found to be on file Site Information and Pro osal Descri tions The applicant is reques ing a Minor Land Partition to partition one (1) existing 15,556 square foot lot into two (2) parcels for detached single-family residences An existing single-family dwelling is located on the sub�ect parcel and is pro�osed to remain on Parcel #1 in compliance with all setback requirements The ad�acent properties and surrounding area are characterized by single-famdy homes SECTION IV PUBLIC COMMENTS The City mailed notice to property owners within 500 feet of the sub�ect site providing them an opportunity to comment A number of letters have been received from adJacent proper�y owners, including Brooks Gaston, John Slagle, Margaret and Dewey Hamilton, and Gererdene Gibson The concerns were primarily focused on storm drainage issues as a number of the nearby yards have poor drainage currently The Hamilton's also inquired about the depth of the proposed sewer to ensure that it would be adequate to serve the furthest lot These issues are discussed in greater detail under Chapter 18 810 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards) later in this decision SECTION V APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Land Partitions (18 420� The proposed partition complies with all statutory and ordinance requirements and regulations, The proposed partition complies or can be made to comply with all statutory and ordinance requirements and regulations as demonstrated b the analysis contained within this administrative decision and through the imposition of conditions o�development approval All necessary conditions must be satisfied as part of the development and building process Therefore, this criterion is met NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 5 of 23 There are adequate public facilities available to serve the proposal, Public facilities are discussed in detail later in this decision under Chapter 18 810 (Street & Utility Improvement Standards) Based on the analysis provided herein, Staff finds that adequate public facilities are avadable to serve the proposal Therefore, this criterion is met All proposed improvements meet City and applicable agency standards, and The public facilities and proposed improvements are discussed and conditioned later in this decision under Chapter 18 810 (Street & Utility Improvement Standards) Improvements will be reviewed as part of the permit process and during construction, at which time the appropriate review authority wi�l ensure that City and applicable agency standards are met Based on the analysis in this decision, Staff finds that this criterion is met All proposed lots conform to the specific requirements below The minimum width of the building envelope area shall meet the lot requirement of the applicable zoning district The minimum lot width required for the R-4 5 zoning district is 50 feet for sin le-family detached units, and 90 feet for duplex lots Both parcels are 75 feet in width Therefore, this s�andard has been met for single-family dwellings, no duplexes will be able to be constructed on any of these proposed lots The lot area shall be as required by the applicable zoning district In the case of a flag lot, the accessway may not be included in fhe lot area The minimum lot area requirement in the R� 5 zoning district is 7,500 square feet for detached single- family units and 10,000 square feet for duplex units The proposed partition creates finro (2) lots that are both 7,500 square feet The remaining 556 square feet is utilized for the flag lot accessway Both parcels meet the requirements for single-family residential development This criterion has been satisfied Each lot created through the partition process shall front a public right-of-way by at least 15 feet or have a legally recorded minimum 15-foot wide access easement The proposed partition plat illustrates Parcel #1 as having 75 feet of frontage and Parcel #2 as having 70 feet of frontage on the proposed 20' wide access easement which connects to SW Tigard Street This criterion is met Setbacks shall be as required by the applicable zoning district Setbacks for the R-4 5 zoning district are as follows front, 20 feet, side, 5 feet, and rear, 15 feet The existing house on Parcel #1 is proposed to remain This structure is situated 29 feet from the front property line, 43 feet to the proposed rear property line, 10 7 feet from the east side property line, and 9 4 feet from the west side property line As such, the existing dwelling may remain as part of this partition application When the partitioned lot is a flag lot, the developer may determine the location of the front yard, provided that no side yard is less than 10 feet Structures shall generally be located so as to maximize separation from existing structures Proposed Parcel #2 is a flag lot There is opportunity on this 7,500 square foot lot to provide suitable separation from other nearby existing structures Nowever, at this time no home construction is proposed Therefore, conformance with this standard will be ensured through the building permit review process A screen shall be provided along the property line of a lot of record where the paved drive in an accessway is located within ten feet of an abutting lot in accordance with Sections 18 745 040 Screening may also be required to maintain privacy for abutting lots and to provide usable outdoor recreation areas for proposed development The appiicants plan calls for a 20 foot wide access drive to serve Parcel #2, in addition to serving finro NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 6 of 23 other lots being proposed in separate partition applications These other lots will also be flag lots behmd the parent parcels that front on SW Katherine Street and SW Tigard Street Since the access drive will be utilized for the other finro flag lot parcels behind the homes on Katherine Street, a screen is not appropriate along the shared property lines of the sub�ect parcel and the parcels being created by MLP2002-00012 and MLP 2002-00013 However, the homes located at 10060 SW Tigard Street (WCTM 1 S135CC lot 3300) and 10145 SW Katherine Street (WCTM 1 S135CC lot 2900) are not a part of or associated with this application, and should be buffered from the visual impacts of the shared driveway Therefore, landscaping or a solid fence shall be established along the boundary of the shared drive where it can be seen from tFiose parcels FINDING The application fails to propose adequate screening for the area along the flag lot accessway to satisfy this requirement CONDITION Prior to issuance of building and or engineering permits to construct the proposed access drive, the applicant/owner shall submit a landscape plan which shows landscape or solid fence screening along the portion of the proposed accessway that is visibie from WCTM 1 S135CC lot 3300 and 2900 This screen shall comply with one of the three options for screening as prescribed in TDC Section 18 745 050 (5) Installation of said screen shall occur prior to final building permit approval on Parcel #2 The fire district may require the installation of a fire hydrant where the length of an accessway would have a detrimental effect on fire-fighting capabilities The fire district (TVFR) has reviewed the proposal and has provided comments as outlined later in this decision under Agency Comments It is likely that a fire hydrant will be required at the time of building permit application due to the general lack of other hydrants near the intersection of the access drive and SW Tigard Street Documentation of the fire flow level will be required to demonstrate that the minimum 1,000 gallon per mmute flow is available FINDING The length of the proposed accessway and distance to the future dwelling from the street will have a detrimental effect on fire fighting capabilities should the existing hydrant not have adequate fire fighting flow CONDITION Prior to issuance of any building permits, the applicant/owner shall provide documentation that Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue has reviewed and approved the fire flow documentation for the existing fire hydrant Where a common drrve is to be provided to serve more than one lot, a reciprocal easement which will ensure access and maintenance rights shall be recorded with the approved partition map This proposed partition would require that the accessway be shared Parcel #2 will�ointly be responsible for the accessway with the other lots that are served by it, with the exact stipulations for maintenance to be established by the applicant in the reciprocal easement FINDING The access drive will serve Parcels #2, in addition to finro other parcels, part of separate applications CONDITION The final plat shall show the proposed 20-foot wide �oint access easement to be shared befinreen Parcel 2 as well as the two other parcels on the ad�oining lots and shall also address maintenance responsibility Any access way shall comply with the standards set forth in Chapter 18 705, Access, Egress and Circulation This standard is addressed under 18 705 (Access, Egress and Circulation) later in this decision Where landfill and/or development is allowed within or ad�acent to the one-hundred year floodplain, the city shall rec�uire consideration of the dedication of sufficient open land area for greenway ad�oining and within the floodplain This area shall include portions at a suitable elevation for the construction of a pedestrian/bicycle pathway with the floodplain in accordance with the adopted pedestrian/bicycle pathway plan NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 7 of 23 The partitioned lots are not within nor ad�acent to a one-hundred-year floodplain Therefore, this standard does not apply An application for a variance to the standards prescribed in this chapter shall be made in accordance with Chapter 18 370, Variances and Ad�ustments The applications for the partition and variance(s)/ad�ustment(s) will be processed concurrently No vanances or adJustments have been submitted with this application Therefore, this standard does not apply Residential Zoning Districts (18 510� Development standards in residential zoning districts are conta�ned in Table 18 510 2 below TABLE T8 510 2 - (Cont'd ) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Il�f RESIDENTIAL ZONES STANDARD R-4 5 Parcel 1 Parcel 2 Mmimum Lot Size -Detached unit 7 500 sq ft 7 500 sq ft 7 500 sq ft -Duplexes 10 000 sq ft Average Minimum Lot Width -Detached unit lots 50 ft 75 ft 75 ft -Duplex lots 90 ft Maximum Lot Coverage Minimum Setbacks -Front yard 20 ft 29 ft Can be met -Side facing street on comer&through lots 15 ft N/A N/A -Side yard 5 ft 10 9ft/9 7 ft Can be met -Rear yard 15 ft 43 ft Can be met -Side or rear yard abutting more restnctive zoning district N/A N/A -Distance between property line and front of garage 20 ft 29 ft Can be met -Side Yard Setbacks for Flag Lots DC 18 420 050(A)(4)(e)]' 10 ft N/A Can be met Maximum Height 30 ft " 14 Can be met`"' Mmimum Landscape Reqwrement - N/A N/A •Not a part of this table but has been Included for reference `*The maximum height on a Flag Lot is 1 Yz stones or 25 feet whichever is less or as otherwise prowded for in TDC 18 730 020(C)(2) A minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet is required for each lot The proposed lot sizes of 7,500 square feet meet this standard Parcel #1 contains a single-family dwelling and is in compliance with the required R-4 5 setbacks Parcels #2 is currently vacant Future development of these parcels will be reviewed through the building permit process to ensure compliance with the R-4 5 development standards Setback standards, required by Table 18 510 2 will apply to all future development of the proposed lots It should be noted that the setbacks and height limifs for the flag lot Parcel #2) are different than the underlying zone, as required by Sections 18 730 020(C) and 18 �20 050(4)(e) FINDING Based on the analysis above, the Residential Zoning District Standards for Parcels #1 and #2 will be met with the imposition of the following conditions CONDITION The applicant/owner shall submit a site plan with the buildmg permit application for Parcel #2 that meets the hei ht and setback requirements as prescribed for flag lots, per TDC Sections 18 730 020(G� and 18 420 050(4)(e) Access, Egress and Circulation (18 705� Continuing obligation of property owner (Section 18 705 030 A) The provisions and maintenance of access and egress stipulated in this title are continuing requirements for the use of any structure or parcel of real property in the City There are reciprocal access agreements necessary for adequate access to proposed Parcel #2 Owners of this parcel will be under the obligation to prov�de and maintain access to their own property Specific NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 8 of 23 maintenance provisions will be specified in the access easement agreement to be recorded with the partition plat This provision has been met Access Plan requirements (Section 18 705 030 B) No building or other permit shall be issued until scaled plans are presented and approved as prov�ded by this chapter that show how access, egress and circulation requirements are to be fulfilled The applicant shall submit a site plan The Director shall provide the applicant with detailed information about this submission requirement The applicant has provided a site plan showing a 20-foot-wide accessway for access, egress and circulation for Parcel #2 To reduce the number of driveways entering SW Tigard Street, the applicant will be required to consolidate the driveways serving the subJect flag 1ot with fhe driveways on the two ad�oining flag lots as well as the existing driveway serving the fronting parcel on SW Tigard Street Joint Access (Section 18 705 030 C) Owners of two or more uses, structures, or parcels of land may agree to utilize Jointly the same access and egress when the combined access and egress of both uses, structures, or parcels of land satisfies the combined requirements as designafed in this title, provided Satisfacto legal evidence shall be presented in the form of deeds, easements, leases or contracts�o establish the �oint use, and copies of the deeds, easements, leases or contracts are placed on permanent file with the City Joint access to Parcel #2 is proposed, therefore, an access easement will be required to be recorded with Washington County and filed with the City Public street access (Section 18 705 030 D) All vehicular access and egress as required in Sections 18 705 030H and 18 705 0301 shall connect directly with a public or prrvate street approved by the City for public use and shall be maintained at the required standards on a continuous basis All proposed parcels will have access to the shared driveway which will connect directly with SW Tigard Street, a public street The 20-foot-wide accessway satisfies the 20-foot access width with a minimum of 20 feet of pavement required for up to 6 dwelling units per the dimensional standards in TDC Table 18 705 1 Access Management (Section 18 705 030 H� Section 18 705 030 H 1 states that an access report shall be submitted with all new development proposals which verifies design of driveways and streets are safe by meeting adequate stacking needs, sight distance and deceleration standards as set by ODOT, Washington County, the City and AASHTO The location of the new private driveway to serve this development and finro other proposed partitions ad�acent to this site, should have adequate sight distance, based upon its location along Tigard Street However, the applicant has not yet submitted a report showing the sight distance is met Staff recommends the applicant subm�t a preliminary sight distance certification from their engineer prior to approval of the final plat Any improvements that may be needed in order to ensure adequate sight distance shall be completed prior to approval of the final plat as well Section 18 705 030 H 2 states that driveways shall not be permitted to be placed in the influence area of collector or arterial street intersections Influence area of intersections is that area where queues of traffic commonly form on approach to an intersection The minimum driveway setback from a collector or arterial street intersection shall be150 feet, measured from the right- of-way line of the intersecting street to the throat of the proposed driveway The setback may be greater depending upon the influence area, as determined from City Engineer review of a traffic impact report submitted by the applicant's traffic engineer In a case where a pro�ect has less than 150 feet of street frontage, the appl�cant must explore any option for shared access with the NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 9 of 23 ad�acent parcel If shared access is not possible or practical, the driveway shall be placed as far from the intersection as possible The Joint private driveway location will not be in the influence area of a collector or arterial street intersection Section 18 705 030 H 3 and 4 states that the minimum spacing of driveways and streets along a collector shall be 200 feet The minimum spacing of driveways and streets along an arterial shall be 600 feet The minimum spacing of local streets along a local street shall be 125 feet SW Tigard Street is classified as a neighborhood route, which most closely relates to a local street The new private driveway will be over 400 feet away from the Katherine Street intersection, and over 1,000 feet away from the Tiedeman Street intersection Therefore, this criterion is met Minimum access requirements for residential use (Section 18 705 030 I) Private residential access drrves shall be provided and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Fire Code This standard will be addressed under the "Agency Comments" section on page 21 of this decision Access drives in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with approved provisions for the turning around of fire apparatus by one of the following a) A circular, paved surFace having a minimum turn radius measured from center point to outside edge of 35 feet, b) A hammerhead- configured, paved surface with each leg of the hammerhead having a minimum depth of 40 feet and a minimum width of 20 feet, c) The maximum cross slope of a required turnaround is 5% The site plan shows that the accessway is approximately 120 feet in length Since the dnve will not exceed the 150 foot length limitation, no turnaround will be required FINDING Based on the anal sis above, Staff finds the Access, Egress and Circulation Standards have not been me� Demonstration of compliance will 6e assured through the building permit review CONDITIONS ♦ Prior to final plat approval, the applicant/owner shall submit a reciprocal access easement and maintenance agreement for the �oint access serving Parcel #2 for review The easement shall be recorded with the plat ♦ Prior to issuance of building permits for Parcel #2 or any other parcel being served by the shared driveway, the applicanUowner shall abandon one of the existing driveway access points on SW Tigard Street Density Computations (18 715� A Definition of net development area Net development area, in acres, shall be determined by subtracting the following� land area(s) from the gross acres, which is all of the land included in the legal descript�on of the property to be developed 1 All sensitrve land areas 2 All land dedicated to the public for park purposes, 3 All land dedicated for public rights-of-way 4 All land proposed for private streets and 5 A lot of at least the size required �y the applicable base zoning district, if an existing dwelling is to remain on the site B Calculating maximum number of residential units To calculate the maximum number of residential units per net acre, divide the number of square feet in the net acres by the minimum number of square feet required for each lot in the applicable zoning district NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 10 of 23 C Calculating minimum number of residential units As required by Section 18 510 040, the minimum number of residential units per net acre shall be calculated by multiplying the maximum number of units determined in Subsection B above by 80% (0 8) The standards for Density computation address the intensity of residential land uses, typically expressed as the number of housing units per acre The total square footage of the sub�ect property is 15,811 square feet There are no sensitive land areas, public dedications, or private streets within the subJ ect proposal However, to determine the net developable area, the square footage of Parcel #1 (7,500 square feet) is subtracted from the calculation because it has a pre-existing single-family dwelling Additionally, the area of the accesswa (556 square feet) is subtracted as it is excluded from the lot area per TDC Section 18 120 089( � This results in a net developable area of 7,500 square feet As the minimum lot size for the R-�5 zone is 7,500 square feet (10,000 square feet for duplexes), the maximum number of additional residential units (single-family or duplex) is one The proposed partition creates 2 separate lots in conformance with the density requirements FINDING Based on the analysis above, the Density Computation Standards have been met Landscaping and Screening (18 745� Street trees Section 18 745 040 Section 18 745 040 A All development pro�ects fronting on a public street, private street or a private driveway more than 100 feet in length approved after the adoption of this title shall be required to plant street trees in accordance with the standards in Section 18 745 040C This proposed pro�ect has frontage on SW Katherme Street The access drive serving the proposed lot will be approximately 120 feet in length Therefore, street trees are required alon� the access drive and shall be planted in accordance with the standards for size and spacing in this title, under Section 18 745 040 C Since SW Katherine is unimproved and since the street improvement will not occur as part of this application, planting of street trees will be deferred until the street improvements occur The remainin� landscape standards are deferred untd the time of development, except for screening of the private drive which is addressed in this decision under Section 18 420 050 FINDING The requirement for planting street trees along the access drive is not met In order to meet this requirement the applicant shall satisfy the following condition CONDITION The applicant shall provide a street tree plan for the proposed access drive in accordance with the size and spacmg standards under TDC Section 18 745 040 C Tree Removal (18 790� A tree plan for the planting, removal and protection of trees prepared by a certified arborist shall be provided for any lot„ parcel or combination of lots or parcels for which a development application for a subdivision, partition site development review, planned development or conditional use is filed Protection is pre�erred over removal wherever possible The applicant has not specified the trees that will require removal, but has included an arborist's assessment of the trees This assessment notes that there are several trees that will require removal to accommodate the shared driveway, however, several of these trees are on separate properties from the sub�ect site On the sub�ect site, there are four trees that are greater than 12' in diameter Only one of these trees requires removal due to the construction of the shared access drive Since this removal represents removal of 25% of the trees on the site, 50% of the removed cali�er inches requires replacement through a mitigation program The tree proposed for removal is a 38' cottonwood, so the applicant will need to submit a mitigation plan that accounts for planting 19 caliper inches apart from those trees required as street trees along the shared accessway The remaining trees on site will be required to be protected through the construction phase per the City Forester's recommendations noted later in this decision and the applicant's arborist report FINDING Based on the analysis above, the Tree Removal Standards have not been met In order to meet the standard the applicant shall satisfy the following conditions CONDITIONS Submit a tree protection plan with the building permit application for Parcel #2, shared NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 11 of 23 access drive, and utility installation prepared by a certified arborist The applicanUowner shall install the required tree protection measures prior to building permit issuance Submit a tree mitigation program that accounts for 19 caliper inches to be planted on the site, planted off-site, or is a payment in lieu of replantmg Street trees along the driveway cannot be counted towards the miti�ation requirement Such mitigation replanting or payment shall occur prior to final building inspection Visual Clearance Areas (18 795) is ap er requires a a c ear vision area shall be maintained on the corners of all property ad�acent to intersecting right-of-ways or the intersection of a public street and a prrvate driveway A clear vision area shall contain no vehicle hedge� plantin , fence, wall structure or temporary or permanent obstruction exceeding three �3) feet in heigh� The code provides t'�at obstructions that may be located in this area sliall be visually clear between three (3) and ei ht �8) feet in height Trees may be placed within this area provided that all branches be'low eight�8) eet are removed A visuaf clearance area is the trian�ular area formed by measuring from t e corner, 30-feet along the right of way and along the driveway and connecting these �inro points with a straight line Apart from the large oak trees on SW Katherine Street, which are exempt from the visual clearance requirements, there are no obstructions to the visual clearance area for the egress from Parcel #1 The site plan shows a wood fence along SW Ti�ard Street that exceeds the height allowed for pro�ections into the visual clearance area The portion o the fence that encroaches into this area will be required to be removed in order to comply with the visual clearance area for the egress for Parcel #2 FINDING Based on the analysis above, Staff finds that the Vision Clearance Standards are not presently met CONDITION The applicant/owner shall ensure that the visual clearance area on SW Tigard Street is not obstructed prior to approval of the final plat Impact Studv (18 390� Section 18 60 090 states, "The Director shall make a finding with respect to each of the following criteria when approving, approving with conditions or denying an application " Section 18 390 040 states that the a�Qlicant shall provide an impact study to quantify the effect of development on public facilities and services For each public facility system and type of impact, the study shall propose improvements necessary to meet Cit� standard, and to minimize the impact of the development on the public at large, public facilities systems, and affected private property users In situations where the Community Development Code requires the dedication of real property interests, the applicant shall either specifically concur with a requirement for �ublic right-of-way dedication, or provide evidence that supports that the real property dedication is not roughly proportional to the pro�ected impacts of the development Section 1$ 390 040 states that when a condition of apQroval requires the transfer to the public of an interest in real property, the approval authority shall adopt findings which support the conclusion that the interest in real property to be transferred is roughly proportional to the impact the proposed development will have on the public The applicant has submitted an impact study The applicant will not be required to physically improve the street due to the limited extent of frontage on this street However, the applicant wdl be required to submit a waiver of remonstrance for future participation in a Local Improvement District (LID) for street improvements to mitigate for the addition of 20 vehicle trips from the site The applicant will be extending storm drainage to account for the additional impervious area being added to the site Sewer is alread�y available and has sufficient capacity to serve the develo ment Other impacts to public facilities are offset by the collection of Systems Development Charg es �SDC's) collected at the time of building permit issuance Therefore, this standard can be satisfied through meeting the conditions of approval in this decision The Washington County Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) is a mitigation measure that is required at the time of developmenf Based on a transportation impact study prepared by Mr David Larson for the A-Boy Expansion/Dolan II/Resolution 95-61, TIF's are expected to recapture 32 percent of the traffic impact of NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 12 of 23 new development on the Collector and Arterial Street system The applicant will be required to pay TIF's of approximately$2,260 per new dwelling unit Based on the estimate that total TIF fees cover 32 percent of the impact on maJ or street improvements citywide, a fee that would cover 100 percent of this pro1 ects traffic impact is $7,063 ($2,260 times one unit divided by 32) The difference between the TIF paid, and the full impact, is considered the unmiti ated impact on the street system The unmitigated impact of this ro ect on the transportation system is $4,803 The applicant will be required to dedicate additional right of�way along SW Katherine Street The approximate value of these exactions is $1,575 (75'X7'X$3 00 s f As tFie value of this dedication is less than the unmitigated impact, this exaction is clearly proportiona�e PUBLIC FACILITY CONCERNS Street And Utility Improvements Standards (Section 18 810� Chapter 18 810 provides construction standards for the implementation of public and private facilities and utilities such as streets, sewers, and drainage The applicable standards are addressed below Streets Improvements Section 18 810 030 A 1 states that streets within a development and streets ad�acent shall be improved in accordance with the TDC standards Section 18 810 030 A 2 states that any new street or additional street width planned as a portion of an existing street shall be dedicated and improved in accordance with the TDC Minimum Rights-of-Way and Street Widths Sect�on 18 810 030(E) requires a local residential street to have a 42 to 50-foot right-of-way width and a 24 to 32-foot paved section Other improvements required may include on-street parking, sidewalks and bikeways, underground utilities, street lighting, storm drainage, and street trees This site lies adJacent to SW Katherine Street, which is classified as a local residential street on the City of Tigard Transportation Plan Map At present, there is approximately 20 feet of ROW from centerline, according to the most recent tax assessor's map The applicant should dedicate additional ROW on the final plat to provide 27 feet from the centerline SW Katherine Street is paved but not fully improved to City standards TMC 18 810 030(A)(1) states that streets within a development and streets ad�acent shall be improved in accordance with City standards However, 18 810 030(A)(5) states that the City may accept a future improvement guarantee in lieu of street improvements if the improvement associated with the pro�ect does not, by itself, provide a significant improvement to the street safety or capacity Although this development will incrementally increase the amount of traffic on the roadway, the increase will not substantially degrade the level of service on the street A street improvement ad�acent to this site, therefore, will not significantly improve the safety or capacity of the street In addition, 18 810 030(A)(5)(e) states that a guarantee in lieu of street improvements is acceptable if the proposal is a land partition on property zoned residential and the partition does not create any new streets This partition will not create a new street Based on these code provisions, Staff therefore recommends that the applicant be required to enter into an agreement with the City whereby the owner agrees to participate in any future widening pro�ect for the street carried out by the City, a third party, or through a local improvement district This agreement must be executed prior to approval of the final plat This partition is being proposed m con�unction with two others (MLP 2002-00012 and MLP 2002-00013) The net result of all three partitions is three additional building lots According to the applicant's plan, the three new parcels will each share a common driveway that will access SW Tigard Street The applicant will be required to show a�oint ingress/egress easement on the final plat to clarify that the three NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 13 of 23 properties have access rights The applicant will also be required to execute a �oint maintenance agreement to clarify maintenance responsibilities between the three parcels Cul-de-sacs 18 810 030 K states that a cul-de-sac shall be no more than 200 feet long, shall not provide access to greater than 20 dwelling units, and shall only be used when environmental or topo�raphical constraints, existin� development pattern, or strict adherence to other standards in this code preclude street extension and through circulation . All cul-de-sacs shall terminate with a turnaround Use of turnaround configurations other than circular, shall be approved by the City Engineer, and • The length of the cul{le-sac shall be measured along the centerline of the roadway from the near side of the intersecting street to the farthest point of the cul-de-sac • If a cul-de-sac is more than 300 feet long, a lighted direct pathway to an ad�acent street may be required to be provided and dedicated to the City The applicant's plan does not include a proposed cul-de-sac, therefore this standard is not applicable Street Alignment and Connections Section 18 810 030(G) re4uires all local streets which abut a development site shall be extended within the site to provide through circulation when not precluded by environmental or topographical constraints, existing development patterns or strict adherence to other standards in this code A street connection or extension is precluded when it is not possible to redesign, or reconfigure the street pattern to provide required extensions In the case of environmental or topographical constraints, the mere presence of a constraint is not sufficient to show that a street connection is not possible The applicant must show why the constraint precludes some reasonable street connection There are no existing public streets that stub into this site Access to Arterials and Ma�or Collectors Section 18 810 030 P states that where a development abuts or is traversed by an existing or proposed arterial or ma�or collector street, the development design shall provide ade uate protection for residential Qroperties and shall separate residential access and through�raffic, or if separation is not feasible, the design shall m�nimize the traffic conflicts The design shall include any of the follow�ng . A parallel access street along the arterial or ma�or collector, . Lots of suitable depth abutting the arterial or ma�or collector to provide adequate bufFering with frontage along another street, . Screen planting at the rear or side property line to be contained in a nonaccess reservation along the arterial or ma�or collector, or • Other treatment suitable to meet the ob�ectives of this subsection, . If a lot has access to two streets with different classifications, primary access should be from the lower classification street The proposed development is neither abutting nor traversed by existing or proposed arterial or collector streets Therefore, this standard is not applicable Private Streets Section 18 810 030 S states that design standards for private streets shall be established by the City Engineer The City shall require legal assurances for the continued maintenance of private streets, such as a recorded maintenance agreement Private streets serving more than six dwelling units are permitted only within planned developments, mobile home parks, and multi-family residential developments No private streets are proposed with this development Therefore this standard is not applicable Block Designs - Section 18 810 040 A states that the length, width and shape of blocks shall be desi�ned with due regard to providing adequate buifding sites for the use contemplated, consideration of needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traffic and recognition of limitations and opportunities of topography Block Sizes Section 18 810 040 B 1 states that the perimeter of blocks formed by streets shall not exceed 1,800 feet measured along the right-of-way line except NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 14 of 23 • Where street location is precluded by natural topography, wetlands or other bodies of water or, pre-existing development or, • For blocks ad�acent to arterial streets, limited access highways, ma�or collectors or railroads . For non-residential blocks in which internal public circulation provides equivalent access This proposal is not creating any additional streets and therefore this standard is not applicable Section 18 810 040 B 2 also states that bicycle and pedestrian connections on public easements or right-of-ways shall be provided when full street connection is not possible Spacing between connections shall be no more than 330 feet, except where precluded by environmental or topographical constraints, existing development patterns, or strict adherence to other standards in the code The existing development pattern precludes the practical application of this standard, as there is no logical connection to make via a pedestrian connection Lots - Size and Shape Section 18 810 060(A) prohibits lot depth from bein� more than 2 5 times the average lot width, unless the parcel is less than 1 5 times the minimum lot size of the applicable zoning district Both parcels are less than 1 5 times the 7,500 square foot minimum lot size Therefore, this standard is met Lot Frontage Section 18 810 060(B) requires that lots have at least 25 feet of frontage on public or private streets, other than an alley In the case of a land partition, 18 420 050 A 4 c applies, which requires a parcel to either have a minimum 15-foot frontage or a minimum 15-foot wide recorded access easement In cases where the lot is for an attached single-family dwelling unit, the frontage shall be at least 15 feet Each of the proposed lots meets the 15-foot minimum frontage requirement onto either SW Katherine Street, a public street, or the shared accessway Therefore, this standard is met Sidewalks Section 18 810 070 A requires that sidewalks be constructed to meet City design standards and be located on both sides of arterial, collector and local residential streets By entering into the restrictive covenant for Katherine Street, this criterion wdl be met Sanitary Sewers Sewers Required Section 18 810 090 A requires that sanitary sewer be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existing mains in accordance with the provisions set forth in Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 1996 and including any future revisions or amendments) and the adopted policies of the comprehensive plan Over-sizin� Section 18 810 090 C states that proposed sewer systems shall include consideration of additional development within the area as pro�ected by the Comprehensive Plan There is an existing 8-inch sewer line in Kathenne Street that has adequate capacity for this development The plan shows that a new main line wdl be extended northerly from Kathenne Street between the three properties involved in the partitions to serve the new parcels This plan is acceptable provided the three partition applicants work together and the utility improvements are installed under one permit Storm Drainage General Provisions Section 18 810 100 A states requires developers to make adequate NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 15 of 23 provisions for storm water and flood water runoff Accommodation of U pstream Drainage Section 18 810 100 C states that a culvert or other drainage facility shall be large enough to accommodate potential runoff from its entire upstream drainage area, whether inside or outside the development The City Engineer shall approve the necessary size of the facility, based on the provisions of Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and SurFace Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 2000 and including any future revis�ons or amendments) There are no upstream drainageways that affect this site Effect on Downstream Drainage Section 18 810 100 D states that where it is anticipated by the City Engineer that the additional runoff resulting from the development will overload an existing draina�e facility, the Director and Engineer shall withhold approval of the development until provisions have been made for improvement of the potential condition or until provisions have been made for storage of additional runoff caused by the development in accordance with the Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and SurFace Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 2000 and including any future revisions or amendments) In 1997, Clean Water Services (CWS) completed a basin study of Fanno Creek and adopted the Fanno Creek Watershed Management Plan Section V of that plan includes a recommendation that local governments institute a stormwater detention/effective impenrious area reduction program resultmg in no net increase in storm peak flows up to the 25-year event The City wdl require that all new developments resulting in an increase of impervious surfaces provide onsite detention facilities, unless the development is located ad�acent to Fanno Creek For those developments ad�acent to Fanno Creek, the storm water runoff wdl be permitted to discharge without detention The applicant's original application showed a plan for directing the drainage from the three properties out to the ditch in Katherine Street However, during the review penod, it became apparent that the ditch system in Katherine Street is not adequate to accommodate the flows from the three partition developments The applicant's engineer perFormed a thorough downstream analysis and concurred with Staffs concern The engineer is now proposing that a new public main line be installed in the street and extended westerly to a point where it can be safely discharged into a very defined ditch at the end of the Katherine Street improvements From there, the ditch travels over City park land to Fanno Creek Staff concurs with this solution and is comfortable that it wdl adequately accommodate the drainage from these developments Ali existing rain drains that may discharge into the ditch system in Katherine Street, where the new main wdl be installed, will be tied into the new line The existing ditch and culvert system will be removed and backfilled Existing driveways will be restored once the culverts are removed One neighbor (Brooks Gaston) submitted a letter, dated March 14, 2003 Mr Gaston lives in the home at 10272 SW Meadow Street, which backs up to a relatively vacant property (Webb property, 1 S1 35CC, #600) between his home and the appiicant's proposed Parcel 6 (as shown on the plan) Mr Gaston's property is approximately 230 feet to the west of Parcel 6 Mr Gaston indicates that the overland sheet flows behind his home have worsened over the years and causes his back yard to flood each winter Mr Gaston was concerned about the original storm drainage plan shown by the applicant, as it may not be deep enough to collect all of the water from Parcel 6 Mr Gaston is hoping that a storm drainage solution could be developed that would alleviate his back yard flooding issue The applicant's representative (Miles Schlesinger) met with a representative from the Webb parcel, Mr Gaston and another neighbor south of Gaston along Meadow Street separately to discuss the potential of one common storm line that would run westerly across the Webb parcel, then south along the east boundaries of Gaston and the neighbor to the south to get to the ditch in Katherine Street At this point, NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 16 of 23 the ditch in the street is more defined That solution was not agreed to by all parties, so the applicant could not carry it forward However, the current plan will ensure that the overland sheet flows experienced by Mr Gaston will not become worse If anything, they will improve because all of Parcel 6 will be able to be drained toward the new line This is due to the fact that a storm line will be installed, which wdl have a depth of approximately three feet With the old plan, the applicant was attempting to tie into a ditch, which would only have a few inches of depth The plan shows a common private storm line extendmg north from Katherine Street along the west boundary of Tax Lot 3000 (Swopes, MLP 2002-00013) with laterals to reach all new parcels Staff is confident that this new plan will adequately address the storm water runoff from this development Bikeways and Pedestrian Pathways Bikeway Extension Section 18 810 110 A states that developments ad�oining proposed bikeways identified on the City's adopted pedestrian/bikeway plan shall include provisions for the future extension of such bikeways through the dedication of easements or right-of-way SW Katherine Street is not classified as a bike facility Cost of Construction Section 18 810 110 B states that development permits issued for planned unit developments, conditional use permits, subdivisions, and other developments which will principally benefit from such bikeways shall be conditioned to include the cost or construction of bikeway improvements Not applicable Minimum Width Section 18 810 110 C states that the minimum width for bikeways with�n the roadway is five feet per bicycle travel lane Minimum width for two-way bikeways separated from the road is eight feet Not applicable Utilities Section 18 810 120 states that all utility lines, but not limited to those required for electric, communication, lighting and cable television services and related facilities shall be placed underground, except for surface mounted transformers, surFace mounted connection boxes and meter cabinets which may be placed above round, temporary utility service facilities during construction, high capacity electric lines opera�ing at 50,000 volts or above, and e The developer shall make all necessary arrangements with the serving utility to provide the underground services, . The City reserves the right to approve location of all surface mounted facilities, • All underground utilities, including sanitary sewers and storm drains installed in streets by the developer, shall be constructed prior to the surtacing of the streets, and . Stubs for service connections shall be long enough to avoid disturbing the street improvements when service connections are made Exception to Under-Grounding Requirement Section 18 810 120 C states that a developer shall pay a fee in-lieu of under-�rounding costs when the development is proposed to take place on a street where existing utilities whicl� are not underg round will serve the development and the approval authority determines that the cost and technical difficulty of under-g rounding the utilities outweighs the benefit of under-grounding in con�unction with the deveiopment The determination shall be on a case-by-case basis The most common, but not the only, such situation is a short frontage development for which under-grounding would result in the placement of additional poles, rather than the removal of above-ground utilities facilities An applicant for a development which is served by utilities which are not underground and which are located across a public right-of-way from the applicant's property shall pay a fee in-lieu of under-grounding NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 17 of 23 There are existing overhead utility lines along the frontage of SW Katherine Street If the fee in-lieu is proposed, it is equal to $ 27 50 per lineal foot of street frontage that contains the overhead lines The frontage along this site is 75 lineal feet, therefore the fee would be $ 2,063 00 ADDITIONAL CITY AND/OR AGENCY CONCERNS WITH STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS Public Water System This site is served from the City's water system The plan shows that three new meters wdl be set at the private driveway entrance onto Tigard Street Three new water services will need to be run westerly to reach the new parcels This work will require a plumbing permit from the City Storm Water Qualitv The City has agreed to enforce SurFace Water Management (SWM� regulations established by Clean Water Services (CWS) Design and Construction Standards adopted by Resolution and Order No 00-7) which require the construction of on-site water quality facilities The facilities shall be designed to remove 65 percent of the phosphorus contained in 100 percent of the storm water runoff generated from newly created impervious surFaces In addition, a maintenance plan shall be submitted indicating the frequency and method to be used in keeping the facility maintained through the year The CWS standards include a provision that would exclude small pro�ects such as residential land partitions It would be impractical to require an on-site water quality facility to accommodate treatment of the storm water from the new parcel Rather, the CWS standards provide that applicants should pay a fee in-lieu of constructing a facdity if deemed appropriate Staff recommends payment of the fee in-lieu on this application Grading and Erosion Control CWS Design and Construction Standards also regulate erosion control to reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants reaching the public storm and surface water system resulting from development, construction, grading, excavating, cleariny, and any other activity whicfi accelerates erosion Per CWS regulations, the applicant is required to submit an erosion control plan for City review and approval prior to issuance of City permits The Federal Clean Water Act req�uires that a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) erosion control permit be issued for any development that wdl disturb five or more acres of land Since this site is not over five acres, the developer will not be required to obtain an NPDES permit from the City prior to construction The site plan for the subsequent home will need to include a grading and erosion control plan that will be reviewed and approved by the Building Division Site Permit Required The applicant is required to obtain a Site Permit from the Building Division to cover all on-site private utility installations (water, storm, etc ) and driveway construction This permit shall be obtained prior to approval of the final plat Address Assiynments The City of Tigard is responsible for assigning addresses for parcels within the City of Tigard and within the Urban Service Boundary (USB) An addressing fee in the amount of$30 00 per address shall be assessed This fee shall be paid to the City prior to approval of the final plat For this pro�ect, the addressing fee will be $30 00 The developer will also be required to provide signage at the entrance of shared driveway that lists the addresses that are served by the driveway This will assist emergency services personnel to more easily find a particular home NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 18 of 23 Survey Requirements The applicant's final plat shall contain State Plane Coordinates [NAD 83 (91)] on two monuments with a tie to the City's global positioning system (GPS) geodetic control network (GC 22) These monuments shall be on the same line and shall be of the same precision as required for the subdivision plat boundary Along with the coordinates, the plat shall contain the scale factor to convert ground measurements to grid measurements and the angle from north to grid north These coordinates can be established by • GPS tie networked to the City's GPS survey • By random traverse using conventional surveying methods In addition, the applicanYs as-built drawings shall be tied to the GPS nefinrork The applicant's engineer shall provide the City with an electronic file with points for each structure (manholes, catch basins, water valves, hydrants and other water system features) in the development, and their respective X and Y State Plane Coordinates, referenced to NAD 83 (91) SECTION VI OTHER STAFF COMMENTS City of Tigard Police Department has reviewed the proposal and requested that the address for the Parcels #'f and 2 be posted at the front of the driveway near the street in order to speed delivery of emergency life/safety services RESPONSE This will be required as a condition of approval City of Tigard Forester has reviewed the proposal and offered the following comments 1 18 745 030, TREE PROTECTION DEVICES E PROTECTION OF EXISTING VEGETATION Existmg vegetation on a site shall be protected as much as possible 1 The developer shall provide methods for the protection of existing vegetation to remain during the construction process, and 2 The plants to be saved shall be noted on the landscape plans (e g , areas not to be disturbed can be fenced, as in snow fencing which can be placed around the individual trees) 1 1 All tree protection devices shall be located on the Tree Protection Plan Any tree that will not be removed onsite that is within the limits of disturbance of this pro�ect must be protected Any tree that is located on property ad�acent to the construction pro�ect that will have more than 15% of its root system disturbed by construction activities shall also be protected 1 2 Details and specifications are required as to how the trees wdl be protected on site 1 3 Provide a construction sequence including installation and removal of tree protection devices, clearing, grading, or installation of sediment and erosion control measures, and other activities that may be required to implement the tree protection measures 1 4 Include in the notes on the final set of plans that equipment, vehicles, machinery, dumping or storage, or other construction activities, burial, burning, or other disposal of construction materials must not be located inside of any tree protection device or outside of the limits of disturbance where trees are being protected No grading, filling or any other construction activity may occur within the tree protection devices at any time or outside of the limits of disturbance where trees are being protected unless approved by the City Forester NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 19 of 23 1 5 All tree protection devices shall be ■ Visible ■ Constructed of 11 Gauge steel chain-link fencing supported on at least 2" O D steel posts Each post shall be no less than four feet high from the top of grade Each post shall be driven into the ground to a depth of no less than finro and a half feet below grade Each post shall be spaced no further apart than four feet ■ Between each post, securely attached to the cham-link fencing, shall be a sign indicating that the area behmd the fencing is protected and no construction activity, including material storage, may occur behind the fencing ■ Approved in the field prior to clearing, grading, or the begmning of construction ■ Remain in place and maintained until all construction is completed and a final inspection is conducted 1 6 To determine the size of the tree protection zone follow the guidelines listed below ■ For individual trees follow the trunk diameter method For every one-inch of diameter at breast height (DBH), or 4 '/2 feet above the ground, allow 12 inches of space from the trunk of the tree For example, a tree that is 15" at DBH must have at least 12' of tree protection zone around the entire canopy of the tree ■ For groups of trees the tree protection zone must be outside of the dripline of the trees on the edge of the stand if there are conifers with narrow crowns on the edge of the stand follow the trunk diameter method or the dripline method, whichever is greater 1 7 Identify, on the Tree Protection Plan, the location of the stockpile area and the staging area (if different from the stockpile area) 1 8 All of this information must be included in the final plan's notes or drawings 1 9 If it is necessary to enter the tree protection zone at any time with equipment (trucks, buildozers, etc )the City Forester must be notified before any entry occurs Before entering the protection zone a layer of at least five (5) inches of wood chips or mulch must be placed over the root zone where the vehicles will be dnven This method will mmimize the adverse impacts of compaction from the equipment When access to this area is no longer needed the wood chips or mulch must then be dispersed (somewhere onsite is okay) down to a level of not more than four(4) inches deep 1 10 Specific to this pro�ect • All trees on the neighboring properties must receive the same protection guidelines as the trees on the applicant's site • If the tree protection guidelines outlined in the conditions of approval are not followed, moved after being approved in the field, knocked down during construction or are removed prior to the end of construction the pro�ect will be o Immediately shut down until the fencing is reinstalled according to the conditions of approval o Each impacted tree shall be bonded for seven years in the amount of $5,000 00 per tree o Corrective action will taken by the applicant to address the damage done to the Critical Root Zones of each tree Corrective action may include, but not limited to, loosening compacted soil, replacing graded soil or removing filled soil o A fine of$250 00 per day shall be assessed to the applicant for each day that the fencing is down • Tree #25 should be preserved at any cost and the sanitary line should be moved to the eastern side of 10085 SW Katherine or the western side of 10135 SW Katherine NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 20 of 23 2 ILLEGAL TREE REMOVAL, 18 790 060 C 2 Payment of an additional civil penalty representing the estimated value of any unlawfully removed or damaged tree, as determined using the most current International Society of Arboriculture's Guide for Plant Appraisal 3 TREE SPECIES SELECTION & PLANTING. 18 745 030 C INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS The installation of all landscaping shall be as follows 1 All landscaping shall be installed according to accepted planting procedures 2 The plant material shall be of high grade, and shall meet the size and grading standards of the American Standards for Nurberg Stock (ANSI Z-60, 1-1986, and any other future revisions), and 3 Landscaping shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of this title G CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF EXISTING VEGETATION The review procedures and standards for required landscaping and screening shall be specified in the conditions of approval during development review and in no instance shall be less than that required for conventional development 3 1 It is recommended that all tree planting follow the guidelines set forth by the International Society of Arboriculture's tree planting guidelines as well as the standards set forth in the American Institute of Architects' Architectural Graphic Standards, 10th edition In the Architectural Graphic Standards there are guidelines for selectmg and planting trees based on the soil volume and size at maturitv Additionally, there are directions for soil amendments and modifications I recommend that these guidelines be followed and adhered to at all times 3 2 In order to develop tree species diversity onsite it is recommended that the following guidelines be followed ■ No more than 30% of any one family be planted onsite ■ No more than 20% of any one genus be planted onsite ■ No more than 10% of any one species be planted onsite 3 3 I recommend that all of this information be included in the final plan's notes or drawings City of Tigard Operations Department has reviewed the proposal and has no ob�ections to it City of Tigard Public Works Department has reviewed the proposal and has no ob�ections to it SECTION VII AGENCY COMMENTS Clean Water Services comments have been discussed above under Public Facdity Concerns Tualatin Valley Water District has reviewed the proposal and has no ob�ections to it Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue has reviewed the proposal and offered the following comments �� FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD DISTANCE FROM BUILDING AND TURNAROUNDS Access roads shall be within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior wall of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building An approved turnaround is required if the remaining distance to an approved intersecting roadway, as measured along the fire apparatus access road, is greater than 150 feet (UFC Sec 902 2 1) NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 21 of 23 2� DEAD END ROADS Dead end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an approved turnaround Diagrams of approved turnarounds are available from the fire district (UFC Sec 902 2 2 4) s) FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD EXCEPTION FOR AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER PROTECTION When buildings are completely protected with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system, the requirements for fire apparatus access may be modified as approved by the Chief (UFC Sec 902 2 1 Exception 1) a� FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD WIDTH AND VERTICAL CLEARANCE Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet (15 feet for one or two dwelling units and out buildings), and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches (UFC Sec 902 2 2 1) Where fire apparatus roadways are less than 28 feet wide, "NO PARKING" signs shall be installed on both sides of the roadway and in turnarounds as needed Where fire apparatus roadways are more than 28 feet wide but less than 32 feet wide, NO PARKING" signs shall be installed on one side of the roadway and in turnarounds as needed Where fire apparatus roadways are 32 feet wide or more, parking is not restricted (UFC Sec 902 2 4) s� SURFACE AND LOAD CAPACITIES Fire apparatus access roads shall be of an all-weather surface that is easily distinguishable from the surrounding area and is capable of supporting not less than 12,500 pounds point load (wheel load) and 50,000 pounds live load (gross vehicle weight) You may need to provide documentation from a registered engineer that the design will be capable of supporting such loading Documentation from a registered engineer that the finished construction is in accordance with the approved plans or the requirements of the Fire Code may be requested (Design criteria on back) (UFC Sec 902 2 2) s� TURNING RADIUS The inside turning radius and outside turning radius shall be not less than 25 feet and 45 feet respectively, measured from the same center point (UFC Sec 902 2 2 3) 7> GRADE Private fire apparatus access roadway grades shall not exceed an average grade of 10 percent with a maximum grade of 15 percent for lengths of no more than 200 feet Intersections and turnarounds shall be level (maximum 5°/a)with the exception of crowning for water run-off Public streets shall have a maximum grade of 15% (UFC Sec 902 2 2 6) s� SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES - FIRE HYDRANTS Fire hydrants for single family dwellings, duplexes and sub-divisions, shall be placed at each intersection Intermediate fire hydrants are required if any portion of a structure exceeds 500 feet from a hydrant at an intersection as measured in an approved manner around the outside of the structure and along approved fire apparatus access roadways Placement of additional fire hydrants shall be as approved by the Chief (UFC Sec 903 4 2 2) s� FIRE HYDRANT DISTANCE FROM AN ACCESS ROAD Fire hydrants shall be located not more than 15 feet from an approved fire apparatus access roadway (UFC Sec 903 4 2 4) �o> REFLECTIVE HYDRANT MARKERS Fire hydrant_locations shall be identified by the installation of reflective markers The markers shall be blue They shall be located ad�acent and to the side of the centerline of the access road way that the fire hydrant is located on In case that there is no center line, then assume a centerline, and place the reflectors accordingly (UFC Sec 901 4 3) ��> SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS - REQUIRED FIRE FLOW The minimum available fire flow for single family dwellings and duplexes shall be 1,000 gallons per minute If the structure(s) is(are) NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002 00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 22 of 23 3,600 square feet or larger, the required fire flow shall be determined according to UFC Appendix Table A-III-A-1. (UFC Appendix III-A, Sec. 5) �2� ACCESS AND FIRE FIGHTING WATER SUPPLY DURING CONSTRUCTION: Approved fire apparatus access roadways and fire fighting water supplies shall be installed and operational prior to any other construction on the site or subdivision. (UFC Sec. 8704) SECTION VIII. PROCEDURE AND APPEAL INFORMATION Notice: Notice was mailed to: X The applicant and owners X Owner of record within the required distance X Affected government agencies Final Decision: THIS DECISION IS FINAL ON MAY 19, 2003 AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE ON JUNE 4, 2003 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. A����eal: The Director's Decision is final on the date that it is mailed. All persons entitled to notice or who are otherwise adversely affected or aggrieved by the decision as provided in Section 18.390.040.G.1. may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18.390.040.G.2. of the Tigard Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal together with the required fee shall be filed with the Director within ten (10) business days of the date the fVotice of Decision was mailed. The appeal fee schedule and forms are available from the Planning Division of Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. Unless the applicant is the appellant, the hearing on an appeal from the Director's Decision shall be confined to tfie specific issues identified in the written comments submitted by the parties during the comment period. Additional evidence concerning issues properly raised in the Notice of Appeal may be submitted by any party during the appeal hearing, subject to any additional rules of procedure that may be adopted from time to time by the appellate body. THE DEADLINE FOR FILING AN APPEAL IS 5:00 PM ON June 3, 2003. Questions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Division, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon at (503) 639-4171. May 19, 2003 PREPAR BY: Morgan racy DATE Associate Planner �.. � ; � l � � _��<�,-�_ �� = � May 19, 2003 APPROVED BY: Richard Bewer orff DATE Planning Mana er i:lcurpin\morgan\workspacelmlplmlp2002-00014(krasausk)�mIp2002-00014 decision draft ii.doc NOTICE OF DECISION MLP2002-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION PAGE 23 of 23 . - . GEOGNAP IC FORM�TIO SY9fEY YICINITY I�'iAP TIGARD ST S c LE MLP�OOZ-00014 _ - - - - -- - -- - � KRASAUSK PARTITION � PIHAS ST ��� �� �� '� � ��'o MEADOW ST C � R GCRR � RD s� 0.9 -._� /� � ,� N 9 O,y�2,� ��o� - /� ' Y r �^ , �<- � � � � �� � ; � U �/��� �—SUL kffR9�_ �P � �HfINIfA ] J -� � 1 - gF�{F 6EN�R� Dil'it IAU +RD Q\/ o Y i /` Tigard Fvea Mep ` � N 0 100 200 300 400 Feet A C 1�327 leat � P i 2N0 � City of T�gard � Informa6on on thia map is for peneral lowlion ony and should be venfied v.ith the Development Serviees D�wsion JOHNSON S 'PD ,a,zs�He��B�� O'ISl "• TI(503)839-4171 3 �Q �� http/Mv✓w u tigard or ue Community Development Plot date Mar 20 2003 C 4nagic\MAGIC03 APR \ _ � \ - ��.�.�...`N`\ \ � � '',�_ ��� ;��.� � \ yO��%dG 5��( � ���_.—.__ -l___ � cq,p A'tc�sS s�rF�.�,a r�-- , ��==,�p-- ��. . %� �� O � R� '"' `\� 1, t, 1 � , �j� v�A � � \�� `\ � � � � � � / �1 "I �I� ti � � , A,� �L� � ,,,�!�'�.� ' � i \ ` � .... r � s � �� ,� , '� � I� r, � �`t b ,� � � �, y I ti \ \ � 1, Fi,tl ` ti �{.x� � Pr � � ��� ��Fittii �� � � �E � \ � :la�y�� �-ietid'�YY � � r��`n u r�i��� t r�h��ii � .. 1\ { �. 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(Person that Pr ared Notice ,57,A2rE O F O�GON ) County of'lNashzngton )ss C4ty of�igard ) Subscnbed and sworn/ med before me on the��day of , 2003 � -o OFFICIAL SEAL N � J BENGTSON NOTARY PUBLIC OREGON � COMMISSION NO 368086 MYCOMMISSIONE�XPIRESAPR 27 2007 My Commission E�cpires � � NOTICE OF TYPE II DECISION MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2002-00014 CITYOFTIGARD KRASAUSK PARTITION Commumty�DeveCopment ShapingA BetterCommuraty 120 DAYS (WITH EXTENSION) =8/3/2003 SECTION I APPLICATION SUMMARY FILE NAME KRASAUSK PARTITION CASE NO Minor Land Partition (MLP) MLP2002-00014 PROPOSAL The applicant is requesting a Minor Land Partition to partition one (1) existing 15,579 square foot lot into two (2) parcels for detached single-family residences An existing single-family dwelling is located on the sub�ect parcel and is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 in compliance with all setback requirements APPLICANT Miles Schlesinger OWNER Paul Krasausk & Joe Macharg Jr 11455 SW Shrope Court 15833 SW Misty Court Tigard, OR 97223 Beaverton, OR 97007 ZONING DESIGNATION R-4 5, The R-4 5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally LOCATION 10085 SW Katherine Street, WCTM 1 S135CC, Tax Lot 3100 PROPOSED PARCEL 1 7,500 Square Feet PROPOSED PARCEL 2 7,500 Square Feet FLAG LOT ACCESS AREA 556 Square Feet APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA Community Development Code Chapters 18 390 (Decision-Making Procedures), 18 420 (Land Partitions), 18 510 (Residential Zoning Districts), 18 705 (Access Egress and Circulation), 18 715 (Density Computations), 18 745 (Landscaping and Screening), 18 765 (Off-Street parking and Loading Requirements), 18 790 (Tree Removal), 18 795 (Visual Clearance Areas), and 18 810 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards) SECTION II DECISION Notice is hereby given that the City of Tigard Community Development Director's designee has APPROVED the above request The findings and conclusions on which the decision is based are noted in the full decision, available at City Hall THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID FOR 18 MONTHS FROM THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION All documents and applicable criteria in the above-noted file are available for inspection at no cost or copies can be obtained for finrenty-five cents (25�) per page, or the current rate charged for copies at the time of the request SECTION III PROCEDURE AND APPEAL INFORMATION Notice Notice mailed to X The applicant and owners X Owner of record within the required distance �— Affected government agencies � Final Decision THIS DECISION IS FINAL ON MAY 19, 2003 AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE ON JUNE 4, 2003 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED Aqpeal The Director's Decision is final on the date that it is mailed All persons entitled to notice or who are otherwise adversely affected or aggrieved by the decision as provided in Section 18 390 040 G 1 may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18 390 040 G 2 of the Tigard Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal together with the required fee shall be filed with the Director within ten (10) business days of the date the Notice of Decision was mailed The appeal fee schedule and forms are available from the Planning Division of Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223 Unless the applicant is the appellant, the hearing on an appeal from the Director's Decision shall be confined to the specific issues identified in the written comments submitted by the parties during the comment period Additional evidence concerning issues properly raised in the Notice of Appeal may be submitted by any party during the appeal hearing, sub�ect to any additional rules of procedure that may be adopted from time to time by the appellate body THE DEADLINE FOR FILING AN APPEAL IS 5 00 PM ON JUNE 3, 2003 Questions For further information please contact the Planning Division Staff Planner, Morgan Tracv at (503) 639-4171, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223 � YICINITY MAP TIG � MLP2002 00014 � __________ i $ KRASAUSK PARTITION � RS ST �� y /9 MEADOW 57 � sy, c� � y�a�''� � V Sl �� J Y { N C P Z �O Cry lTgerd _ e � qya ,...�. -•�,.m.�,�� � '�. � � . � � } \'�r, ` Zo'w�k 5�.�r.d I-.�.rar�.�ra�.�.ror..�.Ju� % cqy� � i¢Vi�s i r' � j sj�f � �I! T ` � Rr �`., .,.pF� � � � a � �� � 1 � �. . �_,____— —� — — � n u �9 � � d.�,k+ ,.�va ` 4 ,� � „ �..� � \ i ' �� � � � � � �r� \ \ \ �^`� M{.P3R7� OI�OIE/CKia�wu�k�L��1�1s.7� + fktecca z ��S.bs�d-S,Pt • � a ` � F �" � � r „ � � � � i�auai � �� o�. , � , C . — \ Rde,,. - - - _�il � r ~� y � _ 6 i 9 � ~ `' —- -��SW KATHERINE STREET —_—�1-�{���-r$-_�`-_-�'� - - - - - - - � CITY OF T16ARD � MLP2002 00014 ��N N KRASAUSK PARTITION M8 19 110[t0 BC81B '-. , `�Z L��oD�/� 1 S135CC-03900 2S1028B-00412 A ORD BU W CALCAGNO VICKI A PAT I 10130 SW KATHERINE STREET EXHIBIT 1018 IGARD ST TIGARD OR 97223 T ARD OR 7223 1 S 135CC-03700 1 S 135CC-0O600 ALFORD BURT W&PATRICIA M CHANEY CORALYN A 10180 SW TIGARD ST 11730 SW TIEDEMAN TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC-03800 1 S 135CC-00300 ALFORD BURT W PATRICIA CHITTENDEN LLOYD A EVELY 10180 SW TIGARD ST 11600 SW TIEDEMAN AVE TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 2S102BB-00405 2S102BB-00100 BAKER HOWARD W DOROTHY M CRESS SCOTT B AND DANA B 12065 SW KAROL CT 9966 SW KATHERINE STREET TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC-00800 1 S 135CC-007 00 BOWSHER CHARLEY L � DAY CHRISTINA L&ROGER W LUCILLE N 10200 SW TIGARD ST 11820 SW TIEDEMAN TIGARD OR 97281 TIGARD OR 97223 2S102BB-00402 2S102BB-00403 BRACK RICHARD J DORENE DEROSSO DAVID LEROY AND 14100 SW 98TH CT JOANNE SUSAN TIGARD OR 97224 12015 SW KAROL CT TIGARD OR 97223 2S 7 o2BB-0o411 2S 1 o2BB-0o201 BRENNAN MABEL G FLEMING PASQUALINA TRUSTEE 12020 SW KAROL CT 10060 SW KATHERINE TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 2S 102BB-00409 1 S 135CD-09800 BRICKEY JUDY F FOSTER DEANNA K 12070 SW KAROL CT 9991 SW PIHAS CT TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 7 35CC-03300 7 S 135CC-01600 BROOKER FRED 8 HARRIETT GASTON BROOKS R&KRISTIN A 10060 SW TIGARD ST 10272 SW MEADOW ST TIGARD OR 97224 TIGARD OR 97223 2S102BB-00501 1 S135CC-02800 BRUNO STEVE K HAMILTON DEWEY R M C 10240 SW KATHERINE ST 10175 SW KATHERINE TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S135CC-02900 2S102BB-00600 HAMILTON JUDITH M METRO 17225 12TH AVE NW REGIONAL PARKS&GREENSPACES SEATTLE WA 98177 600 NE GRAND AV PORTLAND OR 97232 1 S 135CD-01400 1 S 135CC-01500 J&S CONCRETE INC NELSON BETTY JANE 18285 NE RIBBON RIDGE RD 10275 SW MEADOW ST NEWBERG OR 97132 TIGARD OR 97223 t S 135CC-00200 1 S 135CC-07 700 JACKSON PAUL R O DOHERTY DENNIS AND JACKSON SIMONE DENISE PAUWELS GIBBONS GERERDENE 10250 SW TIGARD ST 10270 SW MEADOW TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 2S 1028 B-00404 1 S 7 35CC-00703 JOHNSON CLIFFORD A&CYNTHIA LE OLLISON RANDY L&CINDY 12045 SW KAROL CT 11100 SW 95TH TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC-03100 1 S 135CB-00800 KRASAUSK PAUL 8 OREGON DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION MACHARG JOE JR 8 R/W PROPERTY MANAGEMENT UNIT TOTORICA CAROL E RAIL DIVISION PO BOX 5931 555 13TH ST NE#3 BEAVERTON OR 97006 SALEM OR 97301 2S 1028 B-00410 1 S 135CC-02600 KRAUSHAAR STEPHANIE E& PATRICK PAUL C BEDNAREK CHRISTOPHER F JR KATHLEEN A 12050 SW KAROL CT 10235 SW KATHERINE ST TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 2S1026B-00300 2S102BB-00408 LARSON MARLENE D PURDY JOHN T PO BOX 23634 12090 SW KAROL CT TIGARD OR 97281 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CB-00700 1 S 135CC-01900 MCCALL OIL PYLE ROY W&MARY LOUISE TRUSTE CHEMICAL CORPORATION 10330 SW MEADOW BY NED MCCALL TIGARD OR 97223 5480 NW FRONT AVE PORTLAND OR 97210 1 S 135CC-04000 2S 7 02BB-00406 MCCALL PROPERTIES INC REEVES PAUL M BY NED MCCALL 12085 SW KAROL CT 5480 NW FRON AVE TIGARD OR 97223 PORTLAND OR 97210 1 S 135CD-01100 1 S 135CC-00702 MCCALL PROPERTIES INC RIFFEL ALLEN W&SUSAN A BY NED MCCALL 11742 SW TIEDEMAN AVE 5480 NW FRONT AVE TIGARD OR 97223 PORTLAND OR 97210 1 S 135CC-03400 2S 102BA-003 SCHLESINGER STACEY TIG DUSTRIAL LLC 10120 SW TIGARD ST 113 LL MOUNTAIN RD#104 TIGARD OR 97223 T ARD OR 97224 2S 1028 B-00407 2 102BA-00307 SCHMASOW WALLACE I AND TIG D I STRIAL LLC ANN MARIE 1133 ULL MOUNTAIN RD#104 12100 SW KAROL CT RD OR 24 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC-07 400 2S 1028 B-0O500 SLAGLE JOHN D AND TOLLIVER KENNETH RAY&ALICE E SORENSEN JANICE M 10200 SW KATHERINE ST 10305 SW MEADOW ST TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC-02700 7 S 135CC-03200 SLYTER ROBIN S AND SUSAN D TRUJILLO BERNARDINO&EVA C 10205 SW KATHERINE ST 10030 SW TIGARD ST TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC-00500 1 S 135CC-02000 STOVER LAWRENCE W&SHARON A VALDEZ STEVEN M& 13432 SW 136TH PL KIMBERLY M TIGARD OR 97223 10360 SW MEADOW ST TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 7 35CC-01800 1 S 135CG03500 SUDENGA CHARLENE M VONAHLEFELD PAUL 10300 SW MEADOW ST 10130 SW TIGARD ST TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC-03000 1 S 135CC-00700 SWOPES BRET&LINDA S WATANABE OSAMU AND SUWAKO 13440 SW HOWARD DR 11770 SW TIEDEMAN AVE TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC-07 200 1 S 135CC-03600 SZYDLOWSKI DOROTHEA L WEBB ROBERT LEE 10365 SW MEADOW ST EDNA M TIGARD OR 97224 10140 SW TIGARD TIGARD OR 97223 2 102BB-0OS 2 1S135CC-01300 TI D TY OF ZWERLING ADAM J& 131 HALL CARDILLO DEBORAH A T ARD O 97223 10325 SW MEADOW ST TIGARD OR 97223 2S 1028A-00302 1 S 135CC-02500 TIGARD INDUSTRIAL LLC ZWINGRAF JOSEPH R 11336 SW BULL MOUNTAIN RD#104 10265 SW KATHERINE ST TIGARD OR 97224 TIGARD OR 97223 Jack Biethan 11023 SW Summerfield Dnve#4 Tigard, OR 97224 Brooks Gaston 10272 SW Meadow Street Tigard, OR 97223 Don & Dorothy Erdt 13760 SW 121st Avenue Tigard, OR 97223 Ellen Bedstein 14630 SW 139�Avenue Tigard, OR 97224 Martha Bishop 10590 SW Cook Lane Tigard, OR 97223 Vanessa Foster 13085 SW Howard Drive Tigard, OR 97223 Susan Bedke 11755 SW 114th Place Tigard, OR 97223 Nathan and Ann Murdock PO Box 231265 Tigard, OR 97281 Patncia Keenns 12195 SW 121 st Avenue Tigard, OR 97223 CITY OF TIGARD - fENTRAL CIT SUBLOMMITTEE (i\curpin\setup\labels\CIT Central doc) UPDATED November 27 2002 .� s AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING CITY.OFTICiARD ('o�umuaity�vevelopmerit S(+apiregA Better Community I, �1'atricia L. Lu�ord, being first duly sworn/affirm, on oath depose and say that I am a SeniorAdministrative SpeciaCut for the City of 7'rgar , 4NasFiington County, Oregon and that I served the following: ccnea�nvaoa�e eoxts)sebwl ❑X NOTICE OF PENDIN6 LAND USE APPLICATION fOR: MLP200�-00014/KRASAUSK PARTITION ❑ AMENDED NOTICE (Fi�e No./Name Reterence) � City of Tigard Planning Director A copy of the said notice being hereto attached, marked Exhibit"A",and by reference made a part hereof, was mailed to each named person(s) at the address(s) shown on the attached list(s), marked Exhlblt"B",and by reference made a part hereof, on M81'Ch 21,2003,and deposited in the United States Mail on M81'Ch 21,2003, postage prepaid. (Per at Pr pared otice ,57A2�o�o�GoN ) County of`lNaskington �ss. City of?igard ) , Subscribed and sworn/affirmed before me on the _�1�' day of � , 2003. OFF{CIAL SEAI «;' dANE M JELpERKB �� � •�' NOTARY PUBIIC-OAEGON COMMlSSION NU.32B5?8 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT.�_T?003� My Commission 6rpires: 7 O r �� NOTICE TO MORTGAGEE, LIENHOLDER,VENDOR OR SELLER EXHOBIT� THE TIGARD DEVELOPMENT CODE REQUIRES THAT IF YOU RECEIVE THIS NOTICE IT SHALL BE PROMPTLY FORWARDED TO THE PURCHASER NOTICE OF PENDING LAND USEAPPLICATION MINOR LAHD PARTITION CITY OF TIGARD Commuraty�DeveCopment S(taping A�etter Communsty DATE OF NOTICE March 21, 2003 FILE NUMBER MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2002-00014 FILE NAME KRASAUSK PARTITION PROPOSAL A request for a Minor Land Partition to partition one (1) existing 15,579 square foot lot into two (2) parcels for detached single-family residences An existmg single-family dwelling exists on the sub�ect parcel and is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 in compliance with all setback requirements ZONE R-4 5 Low-Density Residential District The R-4 5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA Community Development Code Chapters 18 390, 18 420, 18 510, 18 705, 18 715, 18 745, 18 765, 18 790, 18 795 and 18 810 LOCATION 10085 SW Kathenne Street WCTM 1 S135CC Tax Lot, 03100 YOUR RIGHT TO PROVIDE WRITTEN COMMENTS Prior to the City making any decision on the Application, you are hereby provided a fourteen (14) day period to submit written comments on the application to the City THE FOURTEEN (14) DAY PERIOD ENDS AT 5 00 PM ON APRIL 4, 2003� All comments should be directed to Morgan Tracy. Associate Planner in the Planning Division at the City of Tigard, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223 You may reach the City of Tigard by telephone at (503) 639-4171 ALL COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF TIGARD IN WRITING PRIOR TO 5 00 PM ON TNE DATE SPECIFIED ABOVE IN ORDER FOR YOUR COMMENTS TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS THE CITY OF TIGARD APPRECIATES RECEIVING COMMENTS AND VALUES YOUR INPUT COMMENTS WILL BE CONSIDERED AND ADDRESSED WITHIN THE NOTICE OF DECISION A DECISION ON THIS ISSUE IS TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 25;2003� IF YOU PROVIDE COMMENTS, YOU WILL BE SENT A COPY OF THE FULL DECISION ONCE IT HAS BEEN RENDERED WRITTEN COMMENTS WILL BECOME A PART OF THE PERMANENT PUBLIC RECORD AND SHALL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION . Address the specific "Applicable Review Criteria" described in the section above or any other criteria believed to be applicable to this proposal, . Raise any issues and/or concerns believed to be important with sufficient evidence to allow the City to provide a response, . Comments that provide the basis for an appeal to the Tigard Heanngs Officer must address the relevant approval criteria with sufficient specificity on that issue Failure of any party to address the relevant approval criteria with sufficient specificity may preclude subsequent appeals to the Land Use Board of Appeals or Circuit Court on that issue Specif�c findings directed at the relevant approval criteria are what constitute relevant evidence AFTER THE 14 DAY COMMENT PERIOD CLOSES, THE DIRECTOR SHALL ISSUE A TYPE II ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION THE DIRECTOR�S DECISION SHALL BE MAILED TO THE APPLICANT AND TO OWNERS OF RECORD OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN 500 FEET OF THE SUBJECT SITE, AND TO ANYONE ELSE WHO SUBMITTED WRITTEN COMMENTS OR WHO IS OTHERWISE ENTITLED TO NOTICE THE DIRECTOR�S DECISION SHALL ADDRESS ALL OF THE RELEVANT APPROVAL CRITERIA BASED UPON THE CRITERIA AND THE FACTS CONTAINED WITHIN THE RECORD, THE DIRECTOR SHALL APPROVE, APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS OR DENY THE REQUESTED PERMIT OR ACTION SUMMARY OF THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS . The application is accepted by the City . Notice is sent to property owners of record within 500 feet of the proposed development area allowing a 14- day written comment period . The application is reviewed by City Staff and affected agencies . City Staff issues a written decision . Notice of the decision is sent to the Applicant and all owners or contract purchasers of record of the site, all owners of record of property located within 500 feet of the site, as shown on the most recent property tax assessment roll, any City-recognized neighborhood group whose boundaries include the site, and any governmental agency which is entitled to notice under an intergovernmental agreement entered into with the City which includes provision for such notice or anyone who is otherwise entitled to such notice INFORMATION/EVIDENCE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW The application, written comments and supporting documents relied upon by the Director to make this decision are contained within the record and are available for public review at the City of Tigard Community Development Department Copies of these items may be obtained at a cost of $ 25 per page or the current rate charged for this service Questions regarding this application should be directed to the Planning Staff indicated on the first page of this Notice under the section titled "Your Right to Provide Written Comments " YICIMITY MAP TIGARD —________= � MLP2002 00014 � KRASAUSK PARTITION P M/S ST � 3 I O C MEADOW ST sy� c� �h}. r' F �Sr 1 U Y N �� I p OL � Z Cry fTg d r a.a+mn+.a� r..w��..o�.+..e..m omm� � �z...�m / r. 1 S 7 35CC-03900 2S 102BB-00412 A ORD BU W CALCAGNO VICKI A PAT I 10130 SW KATHERINE STREET EXHIBIT� 1018 IGARD ST TIGARD OR 97223 T ARD OR 7223 1 S 135CC-03700 1 S 135CC-0O600 ALFORD BURT W 8 PATRICIA M CHANEY CORALYN A 10180 SW TIGARD ST 11730 SW TIEDEMAN TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 7 S 135CC-03800 7 S 135CC-00300 ALFORD BURT W PATRICIA CHITTENDEN LLOYD A EVELY 10180 SW TIGARD ST 11600 SW TIEDEMAN AVE TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 251028B-00405 2S102BB-00100 BAKER HOWARD W DOROTHY M CRESS SCOTT B AND DANA B 12065 SW KAROL CT 9966 SW KATHERINE STREET TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC 00800 1 S 135CC-00100 BOWSHER CHARLEY L DAY CHRISTINA L&ROGER W LUCILLE N 10200 SW TIGARD ST 11820 SW TIEDEMAN TIGARD OR 97281 TIGARD OR 97223 2S 102B6-00402 2S 102B8-00403 BRACK RICHARD J DORENE DEROSSO DAVID LEROY AND 14100 SW 98TH CT JOANNE SUSAN TIGARD OR 97224 12015 SW KAROL CT TIGARD OR 97223 2S1o2BB oo41t 2S1o2B6-0o2o1 BRENNAN MABEL G FLEMING PASQUALINA TRUSTEE 12020 SW KAROL CT 10060 SW KATHERINE TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 2S102BB 00409 1S735CD-09800 BRICKEY JUDY F FOSTER DEANNA K 12070 SW KAROL CT 9991 SW PIHAS CT TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC-03300 1 S 135CC-01600 BROOKER FRED&HARRIETT GASTON BROOKS R&KRISTIN A 10060 SW TIGARD ST 10272 SW MEADOW ST TIGARD OR 97224 TIGARD OR 97223 2S102BB-00501 1S135CC-02800 BRUNO STEVE K HAMILTON DEWEY R M C 10240 SW KATHERINE ST 10175 SW KATHERINE TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC-02900 2S 102BB-0O600 HAMILTON JUDITH M METRO 17225 12TH AVE NW REGIONAL PARKS&GREENSPACES SEATTLE WA 98177 600 NE GRAND AV PORTLAND OR 97232 1 S 135CD-01400 1 S 135CC-07 500 J 8�S CONCRETE INC NELSON BETTY JANE 18285 NE RIBBON RIDGE RD 10275 SW MEADOW ST NEWBERG OR 97132 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC-00200 1 S 135CC-01700 JACKSON PAUL R O DOHERTY DENNIS AND JACKSON SIMONE DENISE PAUWELS GIBBONS GERERDENE 10250 SW TIGARD ST 10270 SW MEADOW TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 2S 102B B-00404 1 S 135CC-00703 JOHNSON CLIFFORD A&CYNTHIA LE OLLISON RANDY L&CINDY 12045 SW KAROL CT 11100 SW 95TH TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC-03100 1 S 135CB-00800 KRASAUSK PAUL 8 OREGON DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION MACHARG JOE JR& R/W PROPERTY MANAGEMENT UNIT TOTORICA CAROL E RAIL DIVISION PO BOX 5931 555 73TH ST NE#3 BEAVERTON OR 97006 SALEM OR 97301 2S 102B B-00410 1 S 135CC-02600 KRAUSHAAR STEPHANIE E& PATRICK PAUL C BEDNAREK CHRISTOPHER F JR KATHLEEN A 12050 SW KAROL CT 10235 SW KATHERINE ST TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 2S 10288-00300 2S 1 o2BB-0oao8 LARSON MARLENE D PURDY JOHN T PO BOX 23634 12090 SW KAROL CT TIGARD OR 97281 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CB-00700 7 S 135CC-01900 MCCALL OIL PYLE ROY W 8 MARY LOUISE TRUSTE CHEMICAL CORPORATION 10330 SW MEADOW BY NED MCCALL TIGARD OR 97223 5480 NW FRONT AVE PORTLAND OR 97210 7 S 135CC-04000 2S 102BB-00406 MCCALL PROPERTIES INC REEVES PAUL M BY NED MCCALL 12085 SW KAROL CT 5480 NW FRON AVE TIGARD OR 97223 PORTLAND OR 97210 1 S 135CD-01100 1 S 135CC-00702 MCCALL PROPERTIES INC RIFFEL ALLEN W&SUSAN A BY NED MCCALL 11742 SW TIEDEMAN AVE 5480 NW FRONT AVE TIGARD OR 97223 PORTIAND OR 97210 1 S 135CC-03400 2S 102BA-003 SCHLESINGER STACEY TIG DUSTRIAL LLC 10120 SW TIGARD ST 113 LL MOUNTAIN RD#104 TIGARD OR 97223 T ARD OR 97224 2S 1026B-00407 2 102BA-00301 SCHMASOW WALLACE I AND TIG D I STRIAL LLC ANN MARIE 1133 ULL MOUNTAIN RD#104 12100 SW KAROL CT RD OR 24 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC-07 400 2S 102B6-0O500 SLAGLE JOHN D AND TOLLIVER KENNETH RAY&ALICE E SORENSEN JANICE M 10200 SW KATHERINE ST 10305 SW MEADOW ST TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC-02700 7 S 135CC-03200 SLYTER ROBIN S AND SUSAN D TRUJILLO BERNARD�NO&EVA C 10205 SW KATHERINE ST 10030 SW TIGARD ST TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 7 S 135CC-00500 1 S 135CC-02000 STOVER LAWRENCE W 8 SHARON A VALDEZ STEVEN M& 13432 SW 136TH PL KIMBERLY M TIGARD OR 97223 10360 SW MEADOW ST TIGARD OR 97223 7 S135CC-01800 7 S135CC-03500 SUDENGA CHARLENE M VONAHLEFELD PAUL 10300 SW MEADOW ST 10130 SW TIGARD ST TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1 S 135CC-03000 1 S 135CC-00700 SWOPES BRET 8 LINDA S WATANABE OSAMU AND SUWAKO 13440 SW HOWARD DR 11770 SW TIEDEMAN AVE TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 t S 7 35CC-01200 1 S 135CC-03600 SZYDLOWSKI DOROTHEA L WEBB ROBERT LEE 10365 SW MEADOW ST EDNA M TIGARD OR 97224 10140 SW TIGARD TIGARD OR 97223 2 102BB-0OS 2 1S735CC-01300 TI D TY OF ZWERLING ADAM J 8 131 HALL CARDILLO DEBORAH A T ARD O 97223 10325 SW MEADOW ST TIGARD OR 97223 2S102BA 00302 1S135CC-02500 TIGARD INDUSTRIAL LLC ZWINGRAF JOSEPH R 11336 SW BULL MOUNTAIN RD#104 10265 SW KATHERINE ST TIGAR� OR 97224 TIGARD OR 97223 Jack Biethan MILES SCHLESINGER 11023 SW Summerfield Dnve#4 11455 SW SHROPE COURT Tigard, OR 97224 T I GARD OR 97223 PAUL DRASAUSK, JOE MACHARG JR Brooks Gaston & CAROL E. TOTOR I CA 10272 SW Meadow Street PO BOX 5931 Tigard, OR 97223 BEAVERTON OR 97006 Don & Dorothy Erdt 13760 SW 121 st Avenue Tigard, OR 97223 Ellen Bedstein 14630 SW 139th Avenue Tigard, OR 97224 Martha Bishop 10590 SW Cook Lane Tigard, OR 97223 Vanessa Foster 13085 SW Howard Dnve Tigard, OR 97223 Susan Bedke 11755 SW 114th Piace Tigard, OR 97223 Nathan and Ann Murdock PO Box 231265 Tigard, OR 97281 Patricia Keenns 12195 SW 121 st Avenue Tigard, OR 97223 CITY OF TIGARD - CENTRAL CIT SUBfOMMITTEE �i\curpin\setup\labels\CIT Central doc) UPDATED November 27 2002 i1 � f ,r'� ,. PRE�►PP HELD BY CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING DIVISION 13125 SW HALL BOULEVARD TIGARD, OR 97223-8189 503 639 4171/503 684 7297 CITY OF TIGARD OREGON LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION Fde# �P aoo�-000�y Other Case# Date � B Recei t# �K K�I Date A lication Com lete TYPE OF PERMIT YOU ARE APPLYING FOR ❑Ad�ustmenWanance (I or II) � Minor Land Partition (II) ❑Subdivision (II or III) ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amendment(IV) ❑ Mmor Modification (I) ❑Zone Change (III) ❑ Conditional Use (111) ❑ Planned Development(III) ❑Zone Change Annexation (IV) ❑ Histonc Overlay (II or III) ❑Sensitive Lands Review(I, II or III) ❑Zone Ordinance Amendment(IV) ❑ Home Occupation (i or II) ❑Site Development Review(II) no Miscellaneous (I)- (Lot Lme Ad�ustment/Temporary Use/Tree Removal/Director's Interpretation, etc ) ress i avai a e ►p o85 S �l R I I�� `�" .D q7 3 �'�EV��v►�G �� �G `� �b ��iorV �6TP� � c 3 � 5 a�� '� P�u�� K�.A�� u�S a � aR � ' 33 �S �S � �7 ����2� 2 ��� �d� - �yl- � So� - �� �� � ,4�� /�/�¢s��s/� s�3 -�yl- 4�r"� ac is i more an one *When the owner and the applicant are different people the applicant must be the purchaser of record or a lessee in possession with wntten authorization from the owner or an agent of the owner The owners must sign this application in the s ace rovided on the back of this form or submit a wntten authonzation with this a lication ease e spe c APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT ALL OF THE REQUIRED SUBMITTAL ELEMENTS AS DESCRIBED IN THE "BASIC SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS" INFORMATION SHEET r A �r, � THE APPLICANT SHALL CERTIFY THAT ♦ If the application is granted, the applicant shall exercise the rights granted in accordance with the terms and sub�ect to all the conditions and limitations of the approval ♦ All the above statements and the statements in the plot plan, attachments, and exhibits transmitted herewith, are true, and the applicants so acknowledge that any permit issued, based on this application, map be revoked if it is found that any such statements are false ♦ The applicant has read the entire contents of the application, including the policies and criteria, and understands the requirements for approving or denying the application(s) SIGNATURES OF EACH OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ARE REQUIRED o� c� Owner's Signature Date � ��zg/o z O e s Sign ure Date Owner's Signature Date Owner's Signature Date Owner's Signature Date Owner's Signature Date Owner's Signature Date CITY OF TIGARD Communzty�DeveCopment � S(npmgA Better Commumty LAND USE PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION 120 DAYS = 7/17/2003 �� FILE NO MINOR LAND PARTITION (MLP) 2002-00014 FILE TITLE KRASAUSK PARTITION APPLICANT Miles Schlesinger OWNERS Paul Krasausk & Joe Macharg Jr 11455 SW Shrope Court 15833 SW Misty Court Tigard, OR 97223 Beaverton, OR 97007 REQUEST A request for a Minor Land Partition to partition one (1) existing 15,579 square foot lot into two (2) parcels for detached single-family residences An existing single-family dwelling exists on the sub�ect parcel and is proposed to remain on Parcel #1 in ` compliance with all setback requirements LOCATION 10085 SW Katherine Street WCTM 1 S135CC Tax Lot, 03100 ZONE R-4 5 Low-Density Residential District The R-4 5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally APPLICABLE REVIEW Community Development Code Chapters 18 390, 18 420, 18 510, 18 705, 18 715, CRITERIA 18 745, 18 765, 18 790, 18 795 and 18 810 CIT AREA Central CIT FACILITATOR List Available Upon Request DECISION MAKING BODY BELOW ❑ TYPE I � TYPE II ❑ TYPE III ❑ TYPE IV DATE COMMENTS WERE SENT MARCH 21, 2003 DATE COMMENTS ARE DUE APRIL 4, 2003 ❑HEARINGS OFFICER [MONJ DATE OF HEARING TIME 100 PM ❑PLANNING COMMISSION [MONJ DATE OF HEARING TIME 700PM ❑CITY COUNCIL [TUESJ DATE OF HEARING TIME 130PM �STAFF DECISION RENTATIYEI DATE OF DECISION APRIL 25, 2003 COMPONENTS RELATED TO THE PROJECT AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING IN THE PLANNING DIVISION � VICINITY MAP ❑ HYDRAULIC CALCS � ARBORIST REPORT � SITE PLAN ❑ UTILITY PLAN ❑ IMPACT STUDY � NARRATIVE ❑ GRADING PLANS � OTHER STAFF CONTACT Morgan Tracy, Associate Planner (503) 639-4171, Ext 2428 i � J �� CITY O� TIG D OREGON March 19, 2003 Paul Krasausk, Joe Macharg Jr 15833 SW Misty Court Beaverton, OR 97007 RE Notice of Complete Application Submittal— MLP2002-00014 Dear Mr Krasausk and Mr Macharg ' Staff has received the mformation necessary to begin the review of your proposal The estimated time for rendenng a decision from the date an application is deemed complete is 5-6 weeks If you have any questions regarding your application, please don't hesitate to contact me at (503) 639-4171 ext 2428 Sincerely, � Morgan Tracy Associate Planner \\tig333\usr�depts\curpin\morgan\workspace\mlp\mIp2002 00014(krasausk)\mlp 2002-00014 letter of completeness doc c MLP 2002-00014 Land Use file 13125 SW Hall Blvd Tigard OR 97223(503)639-4171 TDD (503)684-2772 � � •�. December 5, 2002 �+�� �� ����� Paul Krasausk OREGON Joe MacHarg Jr 15833 SW Misty Court Beaverton, OR 97007 RE Letter of Incompleteness, Krasausk Partition Casefile No MLP 2002-00014 Dear Mr Krasausk and Mr MacHarg Staff has had an opportunity to review your application submittal While many of the necessary materials were included in your application, there remain several items that require either clarification or are missing These are listed below 1 Finalize the Lot Line Ad�ustment You will need to record the approved Lot Line Ad�ustment and provide evidence to the City that the county has recorded said ad�ustment 2 Deed/Title/Proof of ownership Include a copy of your deed or title 3 Prea�plication conference notes Miles Schlesinger held a preapp August 29, 2002 Include a copy of these notes with your resubmittal 4 Tree inventorv/mitigation/protection plans I note in one set of plans that at least one tree is proposed for removal You will need to provide a list of the trees on the site (that are larger than 12 inches in diameter), their size (diameter measured at 4 feet above ground), and whether or not they are proposed for removal (including future removal for home construction) For those trees removed, mitigation replantmg may be required, depending on the percentage of 12" and larger trees that will be removed For those trees that will remain, a plan for their protection is required Typically, this is prepared by an arborist, and includes measures for tree protection fencing located at the tree's dripline We will assume that all trees are healthy, unless you submit an arborists report documenting that their condition is unhealthy or unsafe For trees that are dead, dying, diseased, or dangerous, no mitigation or protection is required 5 Narrative A written narrative addressing the approval criteria of Chapters 18 420, 18 510, 18 705, and 18 810 You have included a statement which satisfies the requirement for an impact study, but the remainder of the approval criteria have not been addressed 13125 SW Hall Blvd Tigard OR 97223(503)639-4171 TDD(503)684-2772 .i �, � � 6 20 Complete Sets of Revised Materials Please submit 20 full sets of your application materials, including the material already submitted Make sure that all over-sized plans are folded to 8 '/2 by 11" size, and that the material has been collated into sets Should you have any questions with regard to these items, please feel free to contact me at 503-639-4171, extension 2428 Since ly, �- Morgan racy Associate Planner C MLP2002-00014 Land Use File i rl l , � �a � � r� � ' A { 12-2U-U2 ' ��� To Crty of Tigard � ► From Cazol MacHarg 1345 W 4`�St,Bldg C Reno,NV 89503 Tel (775) 358-3338 To Whom It May Concern , , My maiden name was Cazol Totonca In Apnl 1990 I got mamed and my name is now � Carol MacHarg I am wrrtmg tlus letter to give pernussion to apply for the land use and partrtion for our property located at 11085 SW Katherme St, Tigard, OR 97223 , If you have any questions please call me at the above telephone number Smcerely, ��Gz� � ��� Cazol E MacHazg � . � , � � ,r ,r , � , , ,, � { I� 1 � ' KTIVI Pr�OPERTY INVESTMEN � S � P O BOX 5931 • BEAVERTON, OREGON 97006 ��� �/ /�/ ��/yy� f U� �2Y1 J ,�/ ��- lap��S�1 /\ � � � � �� ��� � / � �n G�►-�� �_ /�4 C��� ly�% �/ � C�� ������ �...� �� � � �� � � �� �� � , _ �-,-.� C�.�e � ..� �� ��� �� _ �>� � ��� PORTLAND SOUTHERN OREGON 4--C' C+ sC�£t. -� �l - - �--4 a V ...�. 4 �.r..L.se T �` _�.-. �..."i�i ` 1 �i..Y��•iZ`.�.1:.�'t R'fia�." � ;',�=' - � c'' �_ =i� _ ^ �.-n..v i ._ _""'L� ` �h`..cTA _ 4: i .. _� Y ��'t�`.._x�.�7.�-�=: i`1'�t%°.,r�2""��F_'Y} .�-�c'_Gl`,.y��.'��.�i'.--� � �4'r.�`�..}'-� .. �- - �- --- -l- �'T� ;� � _ - _ ; -`r' s >�" 1""?<,:-� 4��„�. ��v-+`��.•"z e' � it.�..._t�•"F wr a..._.�..�-.. - .�Y?. �='��=-�+�- _ �y �z -� _ -_._.r � � .. ^' "'4'��c'Td�..-� ,�aT.���._�Y-�.,�'�..x+����f.:���� N � .�^x-.._v��. Ls..- _ '_ � � �.Hy_.,c _ r�� 1� ° _ � ^.2'�1. �E •�"'s -- _ '.asY•��.�. K^,�._� ,ie«�=.����r.�t� .."� �YJ����Y.i.-1 ,L"S e� � - _ _ - _ q, - _ �=���f°"��`.o-:��..v��'-r,,..r.��n -= .�v -,�_a-a { .. -- +r � �.a s^k _ "` "`�c - t"^°` .�dai.A..e].��Ja+� � L�,��._° -= �_ � _"� Y� �"—• _ '-- � - _-' '� ....��f.{ �"L~ ',i,��- K'F'��="�-r^��.��y4 �� �=-'�Y�-'m[�` �.�_aJ"` - .ri.�ir��.v.v-- �+'G.-•. _ - .-t-���._ - ->�J.�� - � -�iii�y - �.,.�..�7r-+�-:`.+ �t������ ��_� _�.?'yL£P�' __ __ ^.y�1'.�"'�^c_�"�"-.,.bn°our.�-��^ya'�T-Fr z�-'x�!'--��.T'�'.�l'��`S'����'L�°^ V .-�...3u^�:L'ds.�°'��... __� ,. �� � AGREEMENT � This agreement(the"Agreement")is made effective as of October��2002,by and between Stacy Schlesinger, Bret Swopes,Paul Krasausk and Joe Macharg,Jr of Portland, Oregon RECITALS Stacy Schlesinger ("Party A") desires to acquire certain easements for sewer, stormwater and roadway construction purposes across properties owned by Bret Swopes ("Party B") and Paul Krasausk and Joe Macharg,Jr (together,"Party C") Partres B and C desire to develop each of their respect�ve propertres into two 7500 square foot lots each Parties B and C have agreed to grant Party A easements for sewer,stormwater and road construchon purposes, in exchange for grants of property The parhes therefore agree as follows AGREEMENT Section 1 Grant of Easements 11 Easements Parties B and C agree to grant Party A easements for sewer, stormwater and roadway construction access, consistent with the attached Exl-ubit A, in exchange for and in considerarion of the real property described in Section 2, below 12 Sur�ey Party A agrees to arrange for a land survey of all three parcels, to be completed no later than October 1,2002 At that time,the partres will agree on the exact locations of the easements,based on the results of the survey The final easements will be prepared and recorded no later than February 1, 2003 The parties agree to bear the cost of the survey as follows �' J � 1 - AGREEMENT SS BS PK JM .,,r�-,..--z-sy -_-- �.-��,�e_::v...-,��_-�"`.��.f'c a'r �.�`�'._Fc:- i`��'z' "`' �Y L...=^'' = ;.�xc'''Y�„"-'�-„`.�'1'--�_.,�'�'�.�`--�'-.f .,��'+v=°��:a�`�ve:��;� 1 TM �,.-`�'M°��.�."`e-t+"= � .��-"�'"�?�''-�--.t��"`#'= r'� =;.=�:.-�.`"T� _-�_.,�:-� =rr N.`�s:-yq...-.�� •�.€4r.3=ti"�::''+����.�-�z��`,�����;�'�.e=��y,"'C"r -�- h, r.r-=,...�.. ..,r -.�.a w,r� �`Y "r`y �,�.�c tG�_;-`=���^` �w�a',x�.�r"'''�'° ',�.'�"^�` ��'`t�r� �G��t£���« �`K3�'"+�+a.2�„J .".-_ >,�t-.�_-�e•_•^..e+fC�Y_iw.i��..t �� i.r -��' �.da�•.[er4+-�r „ z�,e. 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' ._ __ ,--- ---_---�?ar�y-� -33% ---- --- - ---- �— -------- - -- - -- - - - - - ----- Party B 33% Party C 33% Section 2 Grant of Property, Lot Line Ad�ustments, Partition 21 Grant of Property All three parcels are located in an area zoned R-7 5 residential, requiring lot sizes of at least 7500 square feet Parcels B and C are currently 15,000 square feet each Parties B and C wish to partition their each of their parcels into two lots of 7500 square feet each The roadway easement granted to Party A will reduce the square footage available for partitioning, however Therefore, in exchange for and in consideration of the easements,Party A shall execute,acknowledge,and deliver to partres B and C Statutory Warranty Deeds conveying real property consistent with the description in the attached Exl�ubit A,sufficient to allow Parcels B and C to be partitroned into two lots each of 7500 square feet The final description of the property to be deeded will be agreed upon no later than February 1, 2003, following the survey of the property referred to in Sectron 1 2 above 2 2 Lot Line Ad�ustments and Partition � Party A will ad�ust the lot line of Parcel A and file the appropriate parhtion applicahon to create two lots of 9,000 square feet consistent with the attached ExYubit A Party A will bear the costs of this lot line ad�ustment and partrtron Party B will ad�ust the lot line of Parcel B and file the appropriate partition applicarion to create two lots of 7,500 square feet consistent with the attached Exhibit A Party B will bear the costs of this lot line ad�ustment and partrtion Party C will ad�ust the lot line of Parcel C and file the appropriate partition application to create two lots of approximately 7,500 square feet consistent with the attached Exhibit A Party C will bear the costs of this lot line ad�ustment and partition ¢� P� 2- AGREEMENT SS BS PK JM ,.J� �Fw t,. 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'-�J{-=•�z.�}'���x %r�q:_�z����:6}�ae-��i>..-�SSY�.�.��FZ��.-�_�''�,._.-N-�'��•�'�= -'�-rslrxr+-sc�ec°a s �Ls.r...,r.�� '�"r-�-� _ -xzx� ...s�.�+�....�-.-m-•�,Z a�-.=�-..�. - - --"�--��Section� Sewer,-Stormwater and Roadway Design;C-onstruction and Maintenance --- 31 Design Party A, or her designees, shall be responsible for desigrung and constructrng the sewer, stormwater utility and roadway as described on the attached Exhibit A Parties B and C will have the opporturuty to comment on and consent to the design of the sewer, stormwater utility and roadway Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld 3 2 Pre-Construction Access Parhes B and C grant to Party A and her agents the right to enter on Parcels B and C at any reasonable times for the purpose of conducring tests or studies in furtherance of the design and construction of the sewer, stormwater utility and roadway Parties B and C shall reasonably cooperate with Party A in making such tests and studies 3 3 Construction Access Parties B and C grant to Party A and her agents the right to enter on Parcels S and C at any reasonable times for the purpose of constructing the sewer, stormwater utility and roadway 3 4 Roadway and Sewer and Stormwater Construction Costs The parhes agree to bear the costs of the roadway,sewer and stormwater design and construction as follows Party A 50% Party B 25% Party C 25% 3 5 Roadway Maintenance The parties agree that all lots bordering the roadway shall include deed restrictions allottrng the following responsibility for road�vay maintenance costs Party A's two lots 25 % each (for a total of 50%) Party B's lot 25 % Party C's lot 25% �' ��1. 3 - AGREEMENT SS BS PK JM �6 = = t ..�; ' �y-t }�^+�rn"'�J� �"'4G.,.`zatmz4'.�}nlr�r.7r�7�"'1_'i.�r'zn���?_'L�s� y��e.���fy.y'3...."' .--^-��""^ �r---�t�� �..�,,,.�.,,,.r�� �~ '-�'�° i= .Y�Rx£<����- ` '� 4_ 7�x�.SrT Y4 �7.!�� �'��+.�'� 4+.i��F-" -3=Ki`�,v.c--�` _J9��•�++�h --�s'o�i.,���y���'"t.-y'�`LF�;�"�=`_c''..m";i ���'cr�t��.a�=s'1���wa`%�=�,'4:ijY.1.°R��:'���3r^''.'�'`,,,�`S`�`�""'�y�''��_"'''s_.+r.��`'°'z'+'���'�.3�Z:r. ^ °�'�`7.? ,, .-oy.�� ,,� � �'"�`�'�_ -�....+r-"'�-..�Tr- >. -�r`'"_Tr=—a- � j>� a-�-- _"`� � r& r.�,l.��..,'lt;•.`t,ns.,q��^ �D�.x-��� rr.,�, Y <...- �.�_: �.. �; +a: �,�, rt',�y.,� ��,p��gR '� M W sx.}.a:e' -_� .��.aa 3, '�,r�a� m��.+ �r�..�.�c.� .7�'.s�c�, „��'���fiF���..��. r'3" "'��c�cc u.a-.. �� ._.�.s��"c'sG �a�-?*�Ti.w�,. �uLY=.. �.=c,,�� •�_as♦.h�i-c�__�-s -���y sz-�zJ�- xv.m���_°-�te�r`.�sA`- n-- °� '��.������"'^-.a��`h'u�''�..•�'�,-�$x---y�_-� �`r�:s%x�H`�'���'��+s'"�-.�«?��k�'•t�`�.���,.T^��-'����a.��e��'°"`�-.,�s•'`��`����ss�r��l�i-_����rl���� Y. "k'?'.' `-'3� a.�c'�--s-C:_�°- �.�=��,�.a_w��`Y�__dT�,�"�""�"'�k�'xs�a�._r�.�,��,rRT-.�p:�.�sti_ K'7�n _"_�.__�,�•^-�s.o�,�i�T,. '.21"dL:"`,:�.0 'r E�"=3�vw.6�- '_..'�-�e..�a= � Section 4—Termination for"Cause - --�- "--- --�"�� �--^- "�-�---- —-�---�" Party A will provide firm estimates of the total cost for surveying the parcels, desigrung and constructing the sewer, stormwater utility and roadway no later than December 30, 2002 If these costs exceed$18,000 per party, than any party may terminate this agreement upon proper written Notice provided within 10 days of receipt of the estimate If the construction of the sewer,stormwater utility and roadway is not complete by September 30, 2003, then any party may terminate this agreement upon proper written Notice mailed no later than October 10, 2003 Section 5 Warranties and Representations of Party A 51 Warranties Party A warrants and represents to Parties B and C that the following matters are true and correct, and will be true and correct at the time that all actions contemplated by tYus Agreement and the easements described in Section 1 1 and the grants of property described in Section 21 are recorded 511 Ownership Ms Stacy Schlesinger("Party A")owns the real property described as Parcel A on Exhibit A attached hereto,together with all improvements situated on it This real property and improvements,together with all other rights, hereditaments,and tenements appurtenant to the real property and improvements, are collectively referred to herein as "Parcel A " 512 No Condemnation or Assessment Proceedings There is no pending or threatened condemnation or similar proceeding or assessment affecting Parcel A, or any part of it and, to the knowledge of Party A, no such proceeding is contemplated by any governmental entity 513 Litigation, Law There is no litigation, arbitration, or administrative hearing pending before any governmental authority that concerns or affects Parcel � �� 4 - AGREEMENT SS BS PK JM ''���r-i..,. 3ti u r�±- u< r ;�,�.•a`a�'1��c"-�acsa�.r�an:..;����.'am=.' ar,vv��"'s'E'��'°3."�^-st-'""`"e.�. ,."'�-�••T 2���.....s�•,�:•-_'i..�°�� _ s�_=�?���_�s _r_g�s -��.�; �-•��_''�"���'��, 1°v-� � -ti�-s"`°�''�' x�Y��1w,-,'�`�sr-E-��;���-��..•.-' w x„"_k:�.''�� '�r-Gu �ifs_'�€-�=.��.'��'�G."'.�".'Fi�r.� :�"�°ca � t+t����� ��s'�+s,�����-�� - �:�,-�r°,a`r�Ts� '+-ti ....��n .�`'"`s�',�.''.��:,.'��'"�' '''t�,' "-e=��a'�,��`=�� �-���i `�`'�zk�"��'�-�+-� e��"s �r,�r�.r a�a���-'r,�.�s�c�^��� �..t� _�''�� f? ^. °' '�',_-,s,-�,�--.�_�„�.� �>f.,.}���-ie9��-.�az�i.r �� � -os±.rs zCrSs'�+-�-r'�7a.�F! _ E �j „r '¢�g..��"e �' '--'��� � 'k-�y ,�., --�S•Y, .+� a ��-."�?'' � .K���� +:.� ��-�---� ' '��=.as.. -�o_U" a.�'s. " i'�-.. .�''�- _ �"_'=�'-'°Q"'_-�ic ..�..Y a-..+s _ ra _��.rm__ � ..ix ._ ����r �y � �� � —�� �A,—or any portion of"it arid,-to the kriowledge of Party A;no such proceeding is - - - --- threatened To the knowledge of Party A, Parcel A complies with all laws, ordinances, and governmental approvals and decisions that relate to it 514 Hazardous Substances For purposes of this subsection, the phrase "Hazardous Substances"has the same meaning as is designated in ORS 46� 200(15) party A warrants, represents, and covenants as follows (1) To the knowledge of Party A, there are no Hazardous Substances in, upon, or buried on or beneath Parcel A and no Hazardous Substances have been emitted or released from Parcel A in violahon of any environmental laws of the federal or state government, (2) Party A has not brought onto, stored on, buried, used on, emitted or released from, or allowed to be brought onto, stored on, buried, used on,or errutted or released from,Parcel A any Hazardous Substances in violation of any environmental laws of the federal or state government,and (3) To the knowledge of Party A, no underground storage tanks are located on Parcel A,including(without limitation)any storage tanks that contain, or previously contained, any Hazardous Substances, and Owner agrees not to cause or permit any such tanks to be installed in the Property before Closing 515 Status of Party A Party A warrants that Party A is not a foreign person,foreign partnership,foreign corporation,or foreign trust,as those terms are defined in IRC �1445 516 Breach of Agreements Neither the execution of this Agreement,nor the execution, delivery, or recordation of any document or agreement reterenced herein,constitutes or will constitute a default under any other agreement or contract �=-�� �� 5 - AGREEMENT SS BS PK JM �*^rsls y:'�ci-�.�a rma�.�:l� K_ �.r-svFi+� �..��-"1c �EC-+�-� +�i :i;� � -�,aw�-=a�a�fs-��ava.��t'�',:mayv^c�rr�.sn��'w E. "�c` 3. -r-- �a+�w���A-a..�_�t�a�.'-�"'='�-Q:�..�.c��'��e'y„L�Q ;� .�w =�e'��i� �x��-�i €�n'i�`'.zs`.2.�va '��, ��i��f'?:--`z '�`��.'^c�i"S �•."*`"9`„fi", "s° •"ks"� �?F�"�'*G `rv -�.r'�—�.�g�?r�:s�'��.�3��-�".�1,i'�`.�Q`'°",, �... �—��- �.�.'�ry"��'"-'�uR;'�.-��.'�,.�w`.ta���i.��y�-k.'�_���'.',t^.�[��S'�r"�5?s�.E3��w---'���hLE�Y"���S.y.-, ��' rr �Tf�f ``j�l���.�t�� �«"'°m�'��.---���^"�Ca"'K'T�i�.�;r�.�v�'a-�. F�.°�� T.M13�.�� ,.+.tr-,_�. � ���.�..�-'�"� �=� A ra,t�'�.�s�� '�a4.�c �'fs4 �'�..i �-�+r:�.am�.�.-,., _ �.-�'.�r.."'&?.� �"''�''�� F��'.�a aa� ���'w��`w�i...R`".�, �'ry ,.� rt'��.,�`Y�P�1 " ,�. � T s�v�_��".�...,� __: �� �e44 �.sssr -�,..i- � ��� ''�"^_ - _ '�az-^�" �'� � ��^--~ -� ythat relates to the Property or to which Party A is a party- - - - - � -�- -- —--�--J 517 Contracts and Leases Party A warrants and represents that there are no lease agreements,maintenance contracts,service agreements,or other contracts of any nature that pertain to,cover,or affect Parcel A or any part of it,that have not bcen disclosed to all Parties B and C 5 2 Not later than 30 days after notification that all actions contemplated by this Agreement and the easements described in Sechon 1 1 and the grants of property described in Sectron 1 1 and the grants of property described in Section 21 are ready to be recorded, Party A shall deliver to Parties B and C title insurance insuring that the land granted by Party A to Party B and the land granted to Party C are free from all encumbrances Section 6 Warranties and Representations of Party B 61 Warranties Party B warrants and represents to Part�es A and C that the following matters are true and correct, and will be true and correct at the time that all acrions contemplated by this Agreement and the easements described in Section 1 1 and the grants of property described in Section 21 are recorded 611 Ownership Bret Swopes ("Party B") owns the real property described as Parcel B on Exhibit A attached hereto,together with all improvements situated on it This real property and improvements,together with all other rights, hereditaments,and tenements appurtenant to the real property and improvements, are collectively referred to herein as "Parcel B " 612 No Condemnation or Assessment Proceedings There is no pending or threatened condemnation or similar proceeding or assessment affecting Parcel B, or any part of it and, to the knowledge of Party B, no such proceeding is contemplated by any governmental entity �' Pc� 6 - AGREEMENT SS BS PK JM tes��.�-�.�. r�ra= zr� �sc�� ur�-i�•7�'-s--� '� -awr. _ _.�...��„ ys�z a�.��r- a-nrcypp x �-�-+ .r�A.:a.- ,t� ..,n�F�.��w+ GGI" rb.ictn s�°�".�rt��P� __�10q._--_�_...Y'�si�zs�tiKi'lev�-�aj rq $'�^�.,�._��� '�"r�.�t_*_Co'T�°J'� .�`'.�w.�;s��s•�'-Sti.�iS�"-^�s����- y 's'^����- "1f�-�"�'�.a�+,-es��r'��n" �_ _._.>:�s_ `^�_ <.�•"S'�"�p° ":i_ �..�.i��L c^ x-'g--� "`��'L"?���-�'�F+�-r`�'.-"".."��^S���'�a�+'''�Y' .' A�r��_,.��'�..v..�A..��!i.�S C��� ��,:ty .L<1..��.E}"�Sc�S`3'R£fa r:�z����y�..�L, �k.s�.^^ .rs�.l�d'a3k�T`�-f T=i� �3r�.r..�.�"�� „�et"v-_,•,�2��-�-'a^°rt,�.-�_.����v�..r���=�� �as�w��-.��.a���'-,+� ty �- � �� � -rtZ't -��°.a.�."� sa+�'=� r._�-_ .... c�' -4'�=��-'��"t:'��i` € •,.-�`-- �+,...�.::�.��Y"=Y '�����. � i- 'k,..-. �'N,L�rts �. a 4S' .��'rr._�'w'V�� � a �- _ _._ ^'' ` 613 �Litigation, Law There is no litrgation,arbitration, or administrative hearing pending before any governmental authority that concerns or affects Parcel B, or any portion of it and, to the knowledge of Party B, no such proceeding is threatened To the knowledge of Party B, Parcel B complies with all laws, ordinances, and governmental approvals and decisions that relate to it 614 Hazardous Substances For purposes of this subsection, the phrase "Hazardous Substances"has the same meaning as is designated in ORS 465 200(15) Party B warrants, represents, and covenants as follows (1) To the knowledge of Party B, there are no Hazardous Substances in, upon, or buried on or beneath Parcel B and no Hazardous Substances have been errutted or released from Parcel B in violation of any environmental laws of the federal or state government, (2) Party B has not brought onto, stored on, buried, used on, emitted or released from, or allowed to be brought onto, stored on, buried, used on, or emitted or released from, Parcel B any Hazardous Substances in violatron of any environmental laws of the federal or state government, and (3) To the knowledge of Party B,no underground storage tanks are located on Parcel B, including (without lirrutation) any storage tanks that contain, or previously contained, any Hazardous Substances, and Owner agrees not to cause or permit any such tanks to be installed in the Property before Closing 615 Status of Party B Party B warrants that Party B is not a foreign person,foreign partnership,foreign corporation,or foreign trust,as those terms are defined in IRC �1445 � ��� 7- AGREEMENT SS BS PK JIV1 "�r�y.�.-�--.-n�cn�v+-s�:�. rtc� �$'+�+.�_:••a'+rtr�.tvr���F^u� WsSxa��o�.i1S-'as`��+e�a bs* yK�-a �cr�IIri'� c�A Xe�u. ^ 'SC`P �Z' a+il G�aJ..s �CV� �C:?w�++ss L 'IrS_`-^__—.��_.� �S ��G' ��r�. �.a�'�.� ��..tT' ���s„�y�ticri,g`��"�,�-y*�'--'�'�—,�`�ss'�=a��:�, -------h�—r.�,.r�e�+���..��::���� -n-z ��rs. '"bT`" �`�.+,�'�'-r+i;� ��.> +�r`'� .� i^�^,�xc„ '�.b ,ti �t�� ar" u� ,..�.�....��_ - _ �`:��a����' '�i.�:c....+�YAy`�.-'"�''���.,t.��_.��.�.m� ��`�°.�.�a'��-�$'sRS-z�..=�������,��`?c^� _�^+�t -c.,�r�_.�r�s'T_� .,c��. _.,�xc-��..°.�-.3?��-+ .u,ti,aF',a��i'<r'�4rreo-S��.`'�.:�-'�::,1-�.-..'.��- .yaiax:aiz���=Y'.e.'at�.'"��.,�" "t.�"���.� ?._� e ~.�m,�-�_'�'�--? � x T'�'��eq c��^.v�-.. � T�,. S +a � �_.r��,�i h =T4f�$'A' � 'Lf J3ee�� � Y - T ' 616 Breach of Agreements Neither the execution of this Agreement,nor the execution, delivery, or recordation of any document or agreement referenced herein,constitutes or will constitute a default under any other agreement or contract that relates to Parcel B or to which Party B is a party 61 7 Contracts and Leases Party B warrants and represents that there are no lease agreements,maintenance contracts,service agreements,or other contracts of any nature that pertain to,cover, or affect Parcel B or any part of it,that have not been disclosed to all Part�es A and C 6 2 Not later than 30 days after notification that all actions contemplated by tl-us Agreement and the easements described in Section 1 1 and the grants of property described in Section 21 are ready to be recorded, Party B shall deliver to Parties A and C ntle insurance insuring that the land granted by Party B to Party A and the easement granted to Party C are free from all encumbrances Section 7 Warranties and Representations of Party C 71 Warranties Partv C warrants and represents to Parties A and B that the follo�ving matters are true and correct, and will be true and correct at the time that all actions contemplated by this Ab eement and the easements described in Section 1 1 and the grants of property described in Section 21 are recorded 711 Ownership Mr Paul Krasausk and NIr Joe Macharg,Jr ("Party C") own the real property described as Parcel C on EYhibit A attached hereto, together with all improvements situated on it This real property and improvements, together with all other rights,hereditaments,and tenements appurtenant to the real property and improvements, are collectively referred to herein as "Parcel C " 71 2 No Condemnahon or Assessment Proceedings There is no pending ar threatene��l condemnation or similar proceeding oi assessment affecting Parcel �' �p� 8 - AGREEMENT SS �BS PK J1��1 r��-- .s.T�.Y��'r-�=:��-�SC�a�rs.�������.c:�,5...'��� � , ._ .���' -�.�c:..�'-� .. y:� +iY-eyz,�=,�._°9�Y.�" ��,.,a� .. ..�e.'+i,1=^ a-`�°-�y� Q+4 4 — -.�er*N.lx- �� k�L.1' � .w`�Lw��=� C � � s9nrs c.�����_i.�-_....�a�fY3S'�����1 S`� � ....��"e t-a��CS�t L �`'�'�-.°�i`t "�"a�, ��^e� Yc-r�.a..'3'.�:3r"'i*-�FR'�'���i�hu��..�—s�h ...,,�.�'���'��-�» �..�ua'„��„--,���'�� a�.1..�+f�,"+ \3 "" 't".�-�±-i.��+-i.Z���+� ?s" _ s�sc�5es°a'�s.cJ�d��i�=".°�--=�-��- +J`�xPr3a5�'a _.. � L��E,��E'�»w:���' q*'��„'z�':�` ' „r� "�s ��'�'�"'�� ��� ,Ya �' � � y�� " o-re '�� - ------ ---C�r-any-part-of rt and;to-the knowledge of-Party G; no-such proceeding-is— -- contemplated by any governmental enhty 71 3 Litigation, Law There is no litigation, arbitration, or admirustratrve hearing pending before any governmental authority that concerns or affects Parcel C, or any portion of it and, to the knowledge of Party C, no such proceeding is threatened To the knowledge of Party C, Parcel C complies with all laws, ordinances, and governmental approvals and decisions that relate to it 714 Hazardous Substances For purposes of this subsection, the phrase "Hazardous Substances"has the same meaning as is designated in ORS 465 200(15) Party C warrants, represents, and covenants as follows (1) To the knowledge of Party C, there are no Hazardous Substances in, upon, or buried on or beneath Parcel C and no Hazardous Substances have been emitted or released from Parcel C in violatron of any environmental laws of the federal or state government, (2) Party C has not brought onto, stored on, buricd, used on, emitted or released from, or allowed to be brought onto, stored on, buried, used on, or emitted or released froin,Parcel C any Hazardous Substances in violation of any environmental laws of the federal or state government,and (3) To the knowledge of Party C, no underground storage tanks are located on Parcel C,including(without limrtation)any storage tanks that contain, or previously contained, any Hazardous Substances, and Owner agrees not to cause or permit any such tanks to be installed in the Property before Closing 71 5 Status of Party C Party C warrants that Party C is not a foreign person,foreign partnership,foreign corporation,or foreign trust,as those terms are � �� 9 - AGREEMENT SS BS PK JM ��� '.. ��, -�r-� f ,� a�_�9�-�•�,.�^•Trr--�c����k�'-�.-�..-�,�,_�,,�,y,....,.�y-,��, �.�.��"r.�'.�� ,� .F �.r�'c.u:..i����'� -,""�'°.`z`��.5 ��'�i'��---..r �.�.=c�a.,r��' -��� .3 � �'.�"�`�3�5.� ��".�.�...�3'�`.: ��4�'��sfz'�v`��-'�r _���,.� ' � `3h'�--x`��'",�"�'*Tqt a"'dT�?'4�:�LS�d�T�3��t�'��r��F�-.�� ' �. �..�r�mt�.r�-'.T5x.�3',�•s. x,�,�...� ��y �a�`eE�'�+s�sv�-°=-�' +^-�se�'r� "� �c�7: �s'"' � ' i���ae•��e.Y,;u�-�= _�.i`n-^CR-,�� � i...._ �,�'-`���,� �,� --.�.,y_ � _ ..�'�'""� - r� _ _ ,$ a S'mn�'�.a .rad. uc�� -� _ _ _ _ __�______._� ___'_ __ — _'— -_ _ _.__ _- — ___— _— __- - _ _ ___- __ _ _�_ defined in IRC �1445 716 Breach of Agreements Neither the execution of this Agreement,nor the execution, delivery, or recordation of any document or agreement referenced herein,constitutes or will conshtute a default under any other agreement or contract that relates to Parcel C or to which Party C is a party 717 Contracts and Leases Party C warrants and represents that there are no lease agreements,maintenance contracts,service agreements,or other contracts of any nature that pertain to,cover,or affect Parcel C or any part of it,that have not been disclosed to Parties A and B 7 2 Not later than 30 days after notification that all actions contemplated by tYus Agreement and the easements described in Section 11 and the grants of property described in Sectron 21 are ready to be recorded, Party C shall deliver to Parties A and B title insurance insuring that the easements granted by Party C to Party A and the easement granted to Party B are free from all encumbrances Section 8 Indemnity 81 Party A From and after the date of this Agreement, Party A agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Parties B and C, for, from and against any and all liability,loss,expense,cost,or damage,including,but not limited to court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or in any manner relating to (a) Party A's breach of, or assertion contrary to, any representation, warranty, covenant, obligation or agreement of Party A contained in this agreement or in any other instrument or document executed,or to be executed and delivered in connection with this agreement,(b)any claim or suit by a third person,firm or corporation for a Uroker's or finder's fee for assisting Party A in connection with the transactions contemplated Uy this agreement, (c) any and all obligations ana liaUilities of Partv A occurring prior to the closing date,including,�vithout ��=J ' , n� - j'1 10 - AGREEMENT SS BS PK JM s�+a�Fj .t_ ,�" .�'^"" F"' i �'"P..°a�.�'_�a^� 'z ' �s��n_'8.�n" �. ��r_ r_��v�= � _._ ��� --'�-�~��=-��:€� _;�'�tirc�.a�?'�=y�:�'�.°'�:.,� �"'"'Y�,� s `� ��Y�..i'��v v r� �=.tti��...ri"�.�'���rt�ac�r�K,`k'�:�."����� ��� � "k?rt°�IY'3�*�; - �`..�����irr�T'�s .�,-��cT�._�.�ab,��r,�'ss.'���t'r�'r�.�'- --> "F ��n.x- .r.�.:G �- +�- `�--� �c.� �' n � -'a �'�+ x' Ic F.h'�°}- � �� '^'F,t+T . ." _'�..� rT�a`r'�"^' roy-,. �' �-�� .aats < �+`�"-._.. .,,��_�a��3t.3�.�z£+�'!�g�..-';�;�'a-��� _���— ��xi"�.�a�'�-'ii�+�&:�,ky�,y �'�.xa.ss.�a �����`=3%c�s+rmxr.r;:�_�E i��" ��t3' ��� � _—__—.r._ � �Y �t r.s.� ' � � ��.�.. � • - -limitarion,-liabilities for breach of contract,liabilities arising in tort,liabilit�es for materials -- - - sold or services rendered, liabilities to all other creditors, and all tax liabilities, including, without limitation,liability for personal property taxes,transaction privilege(sales)taxes, use taxes and other excise taxes now or hereinafter imposed as a result of or in connection with Party A's operation of the property, and (d) the presence or suspected presences of any Hazardous Substances in,on or under Parcel A,released during the period of trme that Party A has possession of, or ownership rights in, the Prerruses This section is not in contravention of, nor does it operate as a waiver of, any liability that may accrue under state or federal statutes 8 2 Party B From and after the date of this Agreement,Party B agrees to protect, indemrufy, defend and hold harmless Parties A and C, for, from and against anv and all liability, loss, expense, cost, damage, including, but not lirruted to, court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or in any manner relating to (a) Party B's Ureach of, or assertion contrary to, any representation, warranty, covenant, obli�ation or agreement of Party B contained in this Agreement or in any other instrument or document executed,or to be executed and delivered in connection�vith this Agreement,(b)anv claim or suit by a third person,firm or corporation for a broker's or finder's fee for assishng Party B in connechon with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, (c) anv and all obligahons and liabilities of Party B occurring prior to the closing date,includin�,�vithout lirrutatron,liabilities for breach of contract,liabilities arising in tort,liabilities for materials sold or services rendered, liabilihes to all other creditors, and all ta�c liabilitres, including, without limitation,liability for personal property taxes,transaction privilege(sales) taYes, use ta�es and other excise taxes now or hereinafter imposed as a result of or in connection with Party B's operation of the property, and (d) the presence or suspected presences of any Hazardous Substances in,on or under Parcel B,released during the period ot time that —��, —u , , 11 - AGREEMENT SS BS PK JM ="e ���� 3 *-'��'`� :���'� ' ��,������:�`'� _ _���x.�.���:�� ��;���� �` ' �— � ��s - - �,�'5��� ,'�Fc^��.+�'*`•v+'�"=ic . �3. t«��'�'s(°°f�`�3�i+'�� �'°-v,$� "�,�+-� —'�. �'6 y:ec�t;�.T,�_�' :..."'.�-:..�.�T'v .w..�:� ��.�`7d-�'�`�a�#+ ���,�°..-�,."k�"�v..._' d�u^a.2'�L.r�s-"��,��7d'�v.�1..,�3'. -�.� �,E+'�� .c_ . ..�- �,.•�-�ti�--z..4-�_-"`"`- �✓ -�e=- '�.�`���'�---�z.�-..�sa-:c�=- .'� :s?r�t�t�ss-3,.F��wr.,�-.,,a�-.;r'�°-z'C�` r'�5�SdA ho�,. t c=5",_�,�r%s�'"' ��J��� '°�"� _ _ - - Fz�� � � .�-.,--i.+�.�P�_ x k - ----.--- Party B has-possession of, or ownership rights in, the Premises - - - - - --- - - -- -__ This section is not in contravention of, nor does it operate as a waiver of, any liability that may accrue under state or federal statutes 8 3 Party C From and after the date of this Agreement,Party C agrees to protect, indemrufy, defend and hold harmless Parties A and B, for, from and against any and all liability, loss, expense, cost, damage, including, but not limited to, court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or in any manner relating to (a) Party C's breach of, or assertion contrary to, any representation, warranty, covenant, obligation or agreement of Party C contained in this Agreement or in any other instrument or document executed,or to be executed and delivered in connection with this Agreement,(b)any claim or suit by a third person,firm or corporation for a broker's or finder's fee for assisting Party C in connectron with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, (c) any and all obligations and liabilities of Party C occurring prior to the closing date,including,without lirrutat�on,liabilities for breach of contract,liabilities arising in tort,liabilities for materials sold or services rendered, liabilities to all other creditors, and all tax liabilities, including, without limitation,liability for personal propertv taxes,transaction privilege(sales) taxes, use ta�es and other excise taxes now or hereinafter imposed as a result of or in connection with Party C's operation of the property, and (d) the presence or suspected presences of any Hazardous Substances in,on or under Parcel C,released during the period of time that Part� C has possession of, or ownership rights in, the Premises TYus section is not in contravention of, nor does it operate as a waiver of, any liability that may accrue under state or federal statutes Section 9 Waiver Failure by any Party to enEorce any right under this Agreement shall not Ue�-ieemed to Ue a waiver of that right or of any other right �� ' �� 12 - AGP.EEMENT SS BS PK JI��I �s�-=+�xn �`�� �� �` ,— � �� � 1�'� .�� ..+`� �� ''�v �� .--Q.'�.r.a� Y'L ��� �� r a� � y t F ry f - __ _Section-tO—Successors- - ------ ----- -------------- --- — ---- - —____� � The terms,covenants,and conditrons herein contained shall be binding on and ulure to the benefit of the heirs, successors, and assigns of Party A, Party B and Party C Section 11 Notices All notices required or perrrutted to be given shall be in wrihng and shall be deemed given and received upon personal service or deposit in the Uruted States Mail,certrfied or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed as follows To Party A Stacy Schlesinger c/o SM Builders 11455 SW Shrope Court Tigard, Oregon 97223-4071 With copy to Brent H Hall Attorney at Law 111 SW F�fth Avenue, Suite 4040 Portland, Oregon 97204 To Party B Bret Swopes 9055 SW Burnham Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 With copy to Arnold S Polk 5150 SW Gr�ffith Drive Beaverton, Oregon 97005 To Party C Paul Krasausk Joe Macharg,jr 15833 SW Misty Court Beaverton, Oregon 97007 The foregoing addresses may be changed by written notice, given in the same manner Notice given in any manner other than the manner set forth above shall be effective when received by the party for whom it is intended Section 12 Attorney Fees If litigation is instituted �vith respect to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the losing party, in addit n to all other sums and allowable ;�� �J� 13 - AGREEMENT SS BS PK JM � � ._..` � �'�'-•� ��F�� -�= �-- � =�,"�"�s '�G''c�.`��.i-�..�r'�C"�ir4�''" � ` �rsr +.�w.w� -� .v+..�ro-°,o..'�'_, �b.. � _,°'""',A,T't�.� r�a������� ti "�y"Z°'' e.�'�'^'+°"^�°-4��¥� e� � ��—a�_�^-�P '�"� � -�--w�"2"'�7£."� -°1_`?� c q� .;qs �,17.t � � � �;e�,»a'w. � �aw�,.,��,�;-w^a��� y,�.r, �� wi�.r�' M��+�. t�?P-�.45'�����n `�-_���� r�+�. �i,�. a �' �, "'u'��—^z-5�� -�.��3_ --t+�.Z;=tz~�.er.�es�Yi��.�� Jc�F�"�i��'^�.c�-ee�a.' �h.c'�� _ -�.a-` _ �eie-di=��-s�+�-�,� �a '��=.,—. �^ `���` �a.�G.° Y ^•r �T b .r� y - ---- --costs, its reasonable attorney fees, both in preparation for and at trial and any appeal or -- �— review, such amount to be set by the court before which the matter is heard Section 13 Counterparts, Pronouns This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts,all of which shall be considered one and the same Agreement and shall be effective when one or more counterparts have been signed and delivered by Party A, Party B and Party C With respect to any pronouns used, each gender used shall include the other gender and the singular and the plural, as the context may require Section 14 Governing Law, Interpretation This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Oregon In the event a court of competent�urisdiction holds any portion of this Agreement to be void or unenforceable as written, Party A, Party B and Party C all intend that (1) that portion of this Agreement be enforced to the extent permitted by law, and (2) the balance of this Agreement remain in full force and effect Section 15 Time Is of the Essence Time is of the essence of tl�us Agreement Section 16 Authority to Execute Each person executing this Agreement on behalf of each Party, respecti�ely, warrants his or her authority to do so Section 17 Statutory Disclaimer THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO ANY PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES � �� 1� - AGREEMLNT SS BS PK J�I � � � - � � � 4 r' ���- -P , „�,��£x � � Y tk� ��.+'�a��� F-'.,--�e�%s� "`"'rE �-,ui�c+' � �° �e,�R�,'�W�'�;� .�r aa _1�L3 ta9S'�� 'ac�.�i963�k_=�-x-a.`s�r ti�� ��'.c�.*:� �. � � ��—•--,--'�t�°� F _ . ---� Section-38—Descriptive-Headings ------ --- - --- -- -- ------ - ------ The descriptive headings of the paragraphs of this Agreement are inserted for converuence only and shall not control or affect the meaning or construchon of any provision hereto Executed on the day and year first above written PARTY A a y S ger PARTY B , � �-- Bret Swopes PARTY C ��G�< P ul Krasausk joe Macharg,Jr —�— 15 - AGREEMENT SS BS PK JM t � Transnation TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AUNO�YE�I[ACDU�ANY 5933 NE Win Sivers Drive Ste 300 Portland, OR 97220 Phone (503) 262-4714 Fax 262-4697 Transnation Title Insurance Company Jerry Bales 12360 East Burnside Street Portland, OR 97233 Date Prepared December 4, 2002 ORDER NO W312935AT PROPOSED PLAT TITLE OFFICER CONTACT Kathy Roberts, Advisory Title Officer (503) 262 4657 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEES The Oregon Real Estate Commissioner and any County or City w�thin which said subdivision or proposed subdivision �s located That, accordmg to the pu6lic records which impart construct�ve notice of matters affect�ng title to the prem�ses hereinafter referred to, we f�nd that effective as of November 20, 2002 , the last deed of record runs to PAUL KRASAUSK, JOE MACHARG, JR AND CAROL E TOTORICA, each as to an undivided interest, as tenants in common The prem�ses are described as follows As fully set forth in "Exh�bit A" attached hereto and by this reference mcorporated herein This �s not a report issued preliminary to the issuance of a title insurance policy The use hereof is mtended as an informational report only, to be used in con�unction with the development of real property Liability hereunder is I�mited to an aggregate sum of not to exceed S 1000 00 (contmued) / ■ Order No W312935AT EXHIBIT "A ' Legal Descr�ption The East 75 00 feet of the West 525 00 feet of Lot 11, GREENBURG HEIGHTS ADDITION, in the City of Tigard, County of Washingtoa and State of Oregon SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE DATED December 4, 2002 ORDER NO W312935AT We also find the foilowing apparent encumbrances, which �nclude "Bianket Encumbrances as defined by ORS 92 305(a), and also easements, restrictive ,. covenants and rights of way prior to the effective date hereof 1 Municipal liens if any imposed by the City of Tigard 2 Trust Deed including the terms and provisions thereof, Dated August 27 2002 Recorded September 16 2002 Recorder s Fee No 2002-107516 Grantor Paul Krasausk and Joe Macharg Jr and Carol E Totorica Trustee Lawyers Title Insurance Beneficiary IndyMac Bank, F S B a federally chartered savings bank Amount $100,000 00 Loan No 1796728 NOTE 1 Taxes paid in full for the year 2002-03 Total Amount $1 600 31 Levy Code 023 74 ACCOUnt No R273812 Map No 1S135CC-03100 We have also searched our General Index for �udgments and state and federal tax liens agaa.nst the grantees named above and find NONE FND OF REPORT MJR/mlm i r I Sp � 1��0 Ip v,o i p � 4GG0 � 0 JI7.It �V �� Z� - - - - - - - � � �y � � � F� � � .,s 3T� a �o , a Ac '''�, � �--� j � �'a . . �. �y � ��'�� ,C �oo s% 6 �� �:r .�e � c c� /� I IJ I � 3� � ] J J � ��10 Ae y0 � '� B �� ,e� �oo � .� sr//�� = s ttOiM + A n n r � n ts n ` 500 2600 2T00 2800 2900 3000 3100 33�� ,,�� fJ A� 33.Ic ,!1 Ac !?�IC !1 IC !f�e !S Ao J9 Af � � I � � 3200 sa k ,� t� �! r •�!I t „ i�t�s N N ,ATH RINE : STREE7 � c [lIM 0 l C �i r�,��,�.��� �� �..������a������r�- MO�TN �INI /ONN L MICL�IIr 0 L C E MAP � S I 2 BB THIS MAP IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY OF TRANSNATION TI7LE INSURANCE COMPANY � This map is made solely for the purpose of assisting in locating said premises and the Company assumes �� no liabiliiy for variations if any in dimensions areas and locations ascertained by actual survey r lssueu Bv GUARANTEE TRANSNATIONTITLEINSURANCECOMPANY CONDITIONS AND STiPIILATIONS Transnation A 1 ANUAMERICA COTIPAN\ 1 DEFINITION OF TERMS 6 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY PAYMENT OF LOSS The following terms when used in this Guarantee mean (a) The liabdity oF the Company under this Guarantee shall be limded to (a) land The land described specifically or by reference in this the amount ot actual loss sustained by the Insured because of reliance Guarantee and improvements affixed thereto which by law constdute upon lhe assurances herein sel forth but in no event shall such real property liability exceed lhe amount of the liabllity stated on the fece page (b) public records Those records which impaA constructrve nohce of hereof matters reladng to said land (b) The Company wdl pay all costs imposed upon the Insured in litlgation (c) date The effechve date camed on by the Company for the Insured and all cosls and (d) the Insured The parly or parties named as the Insured in this attomeys fees in IiGgat�on carned on by the Insured wdh the wntten Guarantee or in a supplemental wnting executed by the Company authonzahon of the Company (e) mortgage Mortgage deed of trust trust deed or other secunty (c) No Gaim (or damages shall anse or be mafntainable under this instrument Guarantee (1) if the Company after hawng received noUce of an alleped defed lien or encumbrance not shown as an Exception or 2 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE OF THIS GUARANTEE excluded herein removes such defect lien or encumbrance wnthin a The Company assumes no liabiliry for loss or damage by reason o(the reasonable time after receipt of such notice or (2) for habiliry following voluntanly assumed by the Insured in setlling any claim or swt�nnthout (a) Taxes or assessments which are not shown as ews6ng liens by the wntten consent of the Company records of any taxmg aulhonty that lewes taxes or assessments on (d) All payments under this Guarantee except for attorneys fees as real property or by the public records prowded for in paregraph 6(b)hereof shall reduce the amount of the (b) Unpatented mming claims reservahons or exceptions m patents or m liabdity hereunder pro tanto and no payment shall be made without Acis authonzing the issuance lhereof water nghts claims or title to produang this Guarantee for endorsement of such payment unless the water Guarantee be lost or destroyed in which case proof ot such loss or (c) Title to any property beyond the lines of the land expressly described destrucdon shall be fumished to the satisfaction of Ihe Company in the description set forth in the Guarantee or title to streets roads (e) When liability has been defindely fixed in accordance with the avenues lanes ways or waterways on which such land abuls or the condrtions of this Guarantee the loss or damage shall be payable nght to maintain lherein vaults tunnels ramps or any other structure within thuty days thereafter or improvement or any nghts or easements therein unless such property nghts or easements are expressly and specdically set forth in 7 SUBROGATION UPON PAYMENT OR SEfTLEMENT said descnption Whenever the Company shall have seNled a claim under this Guarantee all (d) Defects liens encumbrances adverse claims against the htle as nght of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaHected by any act of the guaraMeed or other matters(1)created suHered assumed or agreed Insured and d shall be subrogated to and be ent�led to ali nghts and to by one or more of the Insured or(2)resuNing in no loss to the remedies which the Insured would have had against any person or property Insured m respect to such claim had lhis Guarantee not been issued if the payment dces not cover the loss of the Insured the Company shall be subrogated to 3 PROSECUTION OF AC710NS such nghts and remedies in the proportion which sa�d payment bears to Ihe (a) The Company shall have the nght at its own cost to ins4tute and amounl of said loss The Insured if requested by the Company shall prosecute any action or proceeding or do any other act which in its transfer to the Company ali nghts and remedies against any person or opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish or confirtn the property necessary in order to pertect such right of subrogation and shall matters herein guaranteed and ihe Company may take any permit the Company to use the name of the Insured in any transac�on-or appropnate action under the tertns of this Guaranlee whether or not it lingation involwng such nghts or remedies shall be liable thereunder and shall not thereby concede liability or waive any pro�sion hereof B GUARANTEE ENTIRE CONTRACT (b) In all cases where the Company does so insUtute and prosecute any Any action or achons or nghts of ac6on that the Insured may have or may action or proceeding the Insured shall pertnd lhe Company to use at bnng against the Company ansing out of the sub�ect matter hereof must be ds ophon the name of the Insured for such purpose Whenever based on fhe provlWons of this Guarantee requested by the Company the Insured shall gNe the Company all No prowsion or condiLon of this Guaranlee can be warved or changed reasonable aid in prosecu6ng such acGon or proceeding and the except by a wnUng endorsed or attached hereto signed by the President a Company shall reimburse the Insured for any expense so mcurted Vice Presidant the Secretary an Assistant Seuetary or other valldating o�cer ot the Company 4 NOTICE OF LOSS-LIMITATION OF ACTION A statement m wnting of any loss or damage for which it is claimed the 9 NOTICES WHERE SENT Company is liable under this Guarantee shall be fumished lo the Company All notices reqwred to be given the Company and any statement in wnUng v�nth�n sixty days aker such loss or damage shall have been detertnined and reqwred to be fumished the Company shall be addressed to it at the office no nght of acuon shall accrue to lhe msured under this Guarantee unLl thuty which issued this guarentee or to the Company at 101 Goteway Cenlre days aker such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall Parkway Gateway One Richmond Vvginia 23235-5153 be had by the Insured under this Guarantee unless acbon shall be commenced thereon v�nlhm lwo years afler expira6on of said thirty day 10 The fee specified on the face of this Guarantee is the total fee for title penod Fadure to furnish such statement of loss or damage or to search and exammahon and for this Guarantee commence such action Nnthm the hme herembefore specdied shall be a conclusrve bar agamst maintenance by the Insured of any ac�on under this Guarantee 5 OPTION TO PAY SETTLE OR COMPROMISE CLAIMS The Company shall have lhe op4on to pay or setlle or compromise(or or in the name of the Insured any daim which could result m loss to the Insured vnlhin the coverage of this Guarantee or to pay the full amount of this Guarantee or if this Guarantee is issued for lhe benefit of a holder of a mortgage the Company shall have the option to purchase the mdebtedness secured by said moAgage Such purchase payment or tender o(payment oF the full amount of the Guarantee shall termmate all liability of the Company hereunder In the event after notice of ctaim has been given to the Company by the Insured the Company offers to purchase said indebtedness the owner of such indebtedness shall trensfer and assign said indebtedness and the mortgage secunng the same to the Company upon payment of the purchase pnce Guarantee Coadihons and SUpula4ons Form 7150-14 ORIGINAL P ADJOINING DEEDS W312935AT I � - -__ - - - - — - _ -��:��_ ���.-���.� .,,_�__ _ a „ „=Prr�=r���KP��j, �q�,qra, ��s�.�a.�-� 'nlY�.=.r,�l.,u�'A�"�t _� ��ti�,-, r G- T� i, '��,�"`.r1��.r755��A`�+7J_MU•��,a+rabY.��d3U..-.��.,....T-�_ _ _ - A - - � � ., _��� 93045871 � a`� *, a�s �FI E q��i watdnpec�n Couirtr � �e `v I w �T�c ��\ �-� STATU7 ORY WARRANTY DEED �� ��-� r e "'� Clorle A Chevrz nnd Rodolfo S Chnvez ns tennnts bv the enriretv � r c.,!I Grentor ��� con� }`and�arra�i to, BEPHARDINO TRUJILLO AI70 LVn C T�ZU.7ILL0. HUSdAIvD AND WI�E. rn � Grr�nlee - � dic(ollowmg descnbed real properly free of heiu und enrumUrunces c:apt aa speciGcul(y tcl fortlt hcrein _ ' � �� Seo Exhibit "A for Legnl Doseripeloo -_ � r- �Q � � l>>...I �TOH LOUHTY _ � CJ� /'`AL P��L fY T/7 A�f R TAX _ T�� - !( t q� �� �� - R�ODrdlQQy � j,,,�! FTE Pa10 � FitlR�mrk7nTq1elniwsnuCOmGM'O1Qr1/LA II}� ,� -7�4 a�� = �� Th�i property is l�ee of lie�u mid encumbrrntes EXCEP f STA2UTORY POWERS AND ASSESSH�NTS OF � UNIFIED SENEMGE AGENCI RICHTS OF PUBLIC IN AND TO TNAT PORTION OF PREHISES °__ � DESCRIB'eD k1EREIN LYINC l7I'lHIN THE LIMTTS OF ROADS SREETS OR NICHUayS EASEMENi Rf KEGORDFD 4 16 87 IN EOOK 639 PAGE 347 c � TH1S INS7RUMEM'W1LL NOT ALLOW USC OF THE PAOPERTY DESCRIBED IN THfS INSCRUMtiNT IN � VIOLATION OF APPUCA6LE LAND USE IAWS AND REGULATfUNS BEFORE SIGNITG OR ACCEPI'ING �' THIS 1NSIRUMEM' 7HE PERSON A(,QUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK W(TH �' � 7HE APPftOPF[ATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMEf�I'TO VERIFYAPPROVED USES - Tlie Iruc crnuideral�nn for Ihia tonveynnce�s 5 91.p00.00 (I Icrc wmpl �rdh ihe rcqwremenis uf ORti 93730) �� � � o � Dated llus�day of� 17 93 � � , e_ , . � L �/�+� � - ,��Ct',c;l a,��r-. 0� � Ro ol E Chavcz Cloria A Chavez I; s _ _ � , @ STATEOPOREGON a Cotui(yoJ WASHINCTON }=s � ; BE IT REM£MBERED 7hut on d�u�_duy of !9 ��— Grjorc nir dic o �u�dcrs�grred u Nolary PitLle ui vnd�orsaiJ Coio�ly und S(urr perraiull uppeumd l4c��ulw��iaixrd � RODOLFO E GNAVF2 AND GinR2A�. CHAVG7 � i .-� �_ u�onn Io me Io be Uie(den7�eu(vfd�vi�ua!S_dricnbrd ui uud i�6o eaetuted Il�e utUiui ui�UUUUn!und ucMowledgid(o nic Umt THEY r.�inui d Um winc/rt�ly und voG�nfartly � � lN TEST/MONY fVH£R£OF//mi�h�n iuuo cc(uiy hruid and uJfi�rd nt�o�cml rcul Ihc day mtd ycur trul abovc e ��rutwi � 1 � i � 1 � ' OFFICIALSEAL olaryPtG�rfo�Orrgon � �- +�� AuDg^,�7 GUCKLAND MyConuncu�anr�pinr � 94 I �- �OlidlYW^LICOfiEGON � i _ ` } ISS 0 i0 00040G I r� � i� c ni ,JULY 31 i934 V � ' Tide Or er No 34217 � EscrawNa 93040720 THISSPACERESCRVEDFORRECORDERSUSE Afqr rBCOlding�olum lo i , Bernardtno Tru11110 I ' 10030 SW Ti aid Sereet � � T1 ard OR 97223 � p wmo Addnu�D � Unt�a ehsnGe If request�d al1 V;alatemenU sh�Y ba sanl to lho Iollowinp oEdras� N �- 1..3� SW T� ��a �i _� Nome Addraae Lp rY ! < -+�.-.... -_ _.. � 4�� r - — - _.�. _�_�_ .. _ .. �e. .1 _��� -- � _--� �.'_. � {a Y '-�—--�-T—•— ____ =���..a.-i.+r�-z; _�m��_� •T�— � '�e"�" „� r�� �-��/ � �� -- -�� t, ,,w�,F.i.....j�i}�s�`w5"xi:fL:��.—r��.i`3��..� - 67� i�ryF ���. o`�-,S arder No 734213 #r7a r � EXHIBIT A �� r A parUo�of Lot 11 GREENBUAG HEIGHTS A061TION In the County of Weshington end Sleta of Orepon ``{ � desctlbed as followe F �` �� Beglnning et a polnt an She South Ilne ol sald Lol 1 t whlch bears 626 toet Eest(rom the Southwast camer � � ��� 1 of eald lot thence Nonh elonp the Eest Ilne of that ti aet descrlbad ae Parcel I ln deed to Kay W LNtn�stor � sl urc �ecorded In Book'1ae pega 2�6 a dlsWnce o1401eet to the Soulhwnst corner of that t'acl descrlb�d i � es Parcel II In eald deed lhence Soutb 89 57 Eas[elong the South Ilno of eald Parcel II a dlstan:e o(40 _ feet thonce contlnulnp elonp Iha Soulheaste�ly Ilne nl sald Parcel If a dlstnnce o119D leet,more or lese ^ to the most Eeet9Ay eomer o�eeld pereel being a polnt on the West Ilne a[S W Tlgerd Slreet ihane0 � r- Southeeetedy alonp the West Ilne o} S W Slgard St�eat a dlstance o� 2�0 teet moro or less to lls = Z Interseetlon wlth the Soulh Ilne of Lat 11 thence West along eald South Ilne a dlslan�e af 300(aet more ` � � ar lose to Iho palnt of bopinning ^ � _ � s . � � � ! - � � � � ' �� � e , � F . � e , �� A A' STATE OF OAEGON � � � - Counly ol Waahlnpton SS 6 g � I� 1 JettyRHa�son Duec�ar ot 0.scessisient � and toxotlon and Ex-bflldo Aucordor of Con I� � �eyarres lor sald tounry do here cortlfy � thot lhe vAtNn Insfrumenl vt vml�np wes reeelved and raeorded in book af recade of 4� sa�d caunry � � Jorry R. Fian9on Dlreclor ol Om b GountYe C erk u0n Ex $�� � � �' �' Doc 93045671 �� Recr 301591 129 00 05l11/1993 10 4'� 39AM ■� i 0� -� -- ! - a I �4� J C�"_��..�••-�r_ �- f— / T� � ^r'T r.. -.-��� _.....� -'� 9�+ � h�. { ) 1 � j� 7 I � � �'T � ;, f �. �;���� a r q �j r 1� t� � � r � i ,,, ��+? r nrr�a Y ! i �i( �c1 1 ✓ [� � Y!,yiY ri "y��l e4��ir 4 hssy �tUr T1� �t��% ��f_.•�{ 7y'�t4C�df q� ,�''Ywy,l�'`''�� ���u��7 Ksi.�� .� �'�Yh�� �c;a���ri.�s�T" -.m ��y'�a��,.k�i+"J, 4�n `;f� r� C�'%=�`ri � �,{ Kti� �3'04l^is- +r� I �-�_��...�:�,�. ����'{,yp �_7,�C� ��'1 7 � s.'� �� �� 4�a�� � 7�' ��}�♦¢r�✓ s ,v 1b+� �vary .enw� t N�r���+Y'� � T�"x,lY�„y�1���/r'��.[i�r�C����h�.���3�Y�ylF�l�I�4 , ��}'1���� I / „pF�h:..�,y�+l �'��J� f ` e � � y�r� Jf� h y � y� '�r Yi� � - � 1 � l � � � � � � �} Au r�� r T� � + [ ' � � 1�I t4 l� �ly �~ � � � �� �i _;�.�__,._�„ 1 ' � I r ���, � < � � �` � � ` � �� �� `� ' A �s i � � -�. - ,r h` �1����4� `{ �ct � *!� , �;`�rcn I i ` i���r� �����i'?`E ` � ���� � � 9_ ` � - ����— ���..:���.r.y,,......,��...�._����--�-- n� �a 6TATE OP OREOON l 8S �ounty of Wrrhlnbton� � �� r of Asaer ment�andry n�N lo County rtlfy that Clerk for eeelwd 1he wll R�N ay ot u�ld 9nd �6 � � r,p .�, oountY k 6�'��� YPf, � u'� �i !L4 �H � Iroolor oT e�yyM� �allol�,Ex lerk DoC 98128462 Rect 220619 41 00 11/16/1998 11 21 93am J" � , - � +,� AMLA/C1 � b �,' ~ STATUTORY WALtItANI'�'D�ED �o � • ,oraator � araatee, �voy��adwunnts tc � �cdly tct forth hereia the folbwla8 d�lbed t�al ptop�Y�+to ot Iluu aad eocumb�meu,e�P� � � �R yg�pL DSSCltIP1'ION SSE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACH6D HE[tETO ti �� ��rf ¢ � T�L preperly�s&ee oY lun�sad euwmbraocea�EXCEP'P � � TfiiS IlVSTRUMSNT�LI.NOT AL1AW 138E OF THS PROPER'PY DESCAIBED fN THiS 1NSTRUMBNf 1N VIOLAI'ION OF APPLICJWL��D US8 I�WS AND REdULA'TIONS BBFORB�PROYED USPS AN�T� THiS INS'1'RUMENT THS PERSON ACQp lR�l�NFE�PAR7'AiE1VT TO�pR1FY S�iOU���ED IN THE APPROPR[ATE CiTY 4R COUN7'1' DETERM[NB APIY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AQAINST FARMINd OR FORFS7 PRACITCPS ORS3�.93� ^O� Heiacom I withtho vlmmentsofORS93 Tbo Wz coas��raUOU fot thu eoovay+nce ir S fior _39�— Dated thu�2--d�Y�� p� MARIS RIISB � T �"�' •o — 5Ti1TE OF OREGON �Of neeutuMON }SS �,af��,g�,er _�,,l948�,6ejon n„fhe BE IT REMEMBFRED,T1iat vn thu�S� persara«y aPPtatd fha wuhin na++ied �duslgritd,a NotaryPubUc(n ond for,rad Counry 1o�own ta me to be fhe rdenticd indaidual�dercn6ed ut ard+vho eur fha wltNL►u�rdumurt and acb+ !o ew dg�ed W liF• _tZttYkd iht dC»IC fi[e1y 0nd lunta�j' �y claJ scat rhe day and yeru/art above "�`�'°` TyHEREOF I hove hemuuo�+�+y H�a�^ IN Tb'STIMON�' �� �((ca � BFX � otory PublFc for Oreg�w� oLOA�IA w1� � a �� 2�a2 �ta.910Q7'9 11�Y Comnnsrlon aP H1 COAYII�MEI{MRES�fO� I 'I1tle Ordu No 863570 THiS SPACE RESER�D FOR KECORDBR S USE ��,Na 98042681 �r ueordlnp rNUm w n 0 T�oaYd OB_4�223,�-- �,Addru�ap b�ii MilowN+9�nu�qd�Il ux Ya�t�Aali be Mnt � rw P �/ v-- �o � .. Order No 863670 EXHIBIT'A A porilon of Lot 10 aREENBURG HBIGHT6 ADDITION In the Cfty ol Tlperd County o}Waehlnpton and State of Orepon deacribed a4 tdlawa to-wlt BeQlnnlnp at a polnt on tha West Ilne of Tlyard Street(County Road No 67)160 feet North of the South Ili�e of sald Lot 10 when measured et d9ht anplea to ihe South Ilna o1 eald Lot t0,thence Nodh 89'87 We9t t diitanca of 200 feet to a polnc Ihonce 3auth parellei wRh the West Ilne of oald lot i0 7b foet to the true polnt ot bepinnlnp thonce South 89'b7 East to a point on the West Ilne ot Tlderd Street ihev�ce Southeastedy alonfl the WeW Ilna oi T{pard Street to Ite polnt ot Intereectlon wlth the Sauth llne�of oald Lot 10 thence Westedy elonp the Soulh Iine ot sald Lot to to a polnt due Soulh ot the point of bepinnlnp, then�e Nonh 76 foet,more or less to Ihe true polnt of bealnnlnp � I � � - , r ��� STATE OP OREGOH � � 0 \��, Cwnty of Wuhington � ��\ 1 Jerry F Hefison bM6�ior o1 0.�sesa mart and Ta�qaf dnd Fx(Mklo CowN C�erk fa ee�d �8o fMVby c+auN uY+� nop�QMp ntum Ep (NN�M,Add(M�Lp) the wlt'W�m5� W W recalvat7 and a�wd in p4ok ot r pt aa.�d Bnt9wo�s------------ ------------- c�,,nty� M'F�a , �'I�r� 10173�W IcathMln��trM1------------------ `,*� ------ -- ud OR Y722] --- � • � -�---------------------------- F �. / / Wl�MiN�M11d MI�l�t�nrnb b \t�a0A �7lrecta o1 �.Addn�� Z1P) � �y�tla, r,� Bnt9wo�,__________________________ Doc 2001063395 101�5 SW KNh��tn�Slrwt TI nd OR 972�] Rect 282102 174 00 --� - --------------------- ---- ��� 06/29/2001 02 O1 03po WARRANTY DEED (Individual Gra�to ) James Sang and Trudi L Cieveland Sang as tenants by the en� ary Grantor oonveys and warrants lo Bret � Swopes and Lmda S Swopes as tenants by ihe en��rety Grantee the following described real property 6ee of encumbrances except as spe�afically set Forth herem s�tuated mWashington County Stete ot Oregon � descMbed as(ollows to-wit (� See aHached Exhibit A N d �.. � � WASMINGTON COUHTY F �y7a�rr �� r0� � FEE PqID DATE a e 3 �The property is free from encumbrances except(d rone so state) The herein desrnbed prem�ses are wdhin the bo�ndanes of and sub�ect to lhe statutory powers including the power of assessment of the Urnfied Sewerage Agenry The truE consbera�wn for this wnveyance is$146�00 QO (Here compl;wnth the requirements of ORS 93 C�0) Dated Jine 27 2001 THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT AL�OW IiSE OF TlSE PFOPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUUIENT IN NOLATiON OF APPLIGABLE LAND USE LAW8 AMD RECaULAT10F1S BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUYEMT TME PERSON ACCUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE C17Y OR tOUHTY PLANNWG �EPARi1NENT TQ VERIFY APPROVEII USE9/WD TO DETERY NE ANY LJ6i1T5 ON LAWSIlfTS AGIUNST FARNING OR FOREST YRACTICES AS DEFlNED IN ORS 30 83Q /. /� s �v / i �� � , �t�i� �� , " ` �s James Sang \...Irv'di L CleJeland ang �/ � State of 3regort,County of Washington)ss I certify that on June 27 200I I know or have sasusfactory evidence that James Sang and Trudi L Cleveland Sang are the persons who appeared beFore me and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be their free and voluniary act for the uses an rp s mentioned in th�s nstrument L�CL. ` � Notaty lic�n and for the State of Or n oFF�v�se„� ` My missbn expires January 74 2004 LISw iAE01NBUR0 � NOTAPV PUBIIC�iEGQN COMtrx55iON NO 729SR MYCOrdr.t�SSiOnE*PaESUW�nR�'2� ZOW � ` � � EXHIBIT"A" Eest 75 feet of thc+West 450 leet of Lot 11 GREENBURG HEIGHTS ADDITION m the Clty of Tigerd County of Washinpton and State ot Oregon � � s �pW IN.T73-4WNM FNO MG CUD{I eer�wM ww R�w4 u.rv�a g �� -�"--`��---=� -T-��-� 3 30 86463 u,�.w,w�s.0 o� w..n�n�,co�n� � K1VGW ALL MSN B} tXLSE PRXSENTS That__W34LTEA ROY ZWINGLI � � - -- - ^---~ - ---_.. _.�. _ .�.. - - -�._ _..._..._ __ herelnaftu c+lled/rsnear, !or tlu coratder�Oron heroineffer��ted does herebr Qranr bar�a�n ull aad oon�ey unto FR�A HAOORER and HARRIETT HROOHER � _,___ _ _ _ her�lruJter ui7�d aranle� �nd vrdo ararle��huri suocesaon end awgna d1 of flu�t cartun rcd properly wdh!ho lsnsmeMa 1»reditunenlr snd appurlenartua tlureunto befor�ju�or ia wty�ma��pperteirot� a�tuelad rn the County d __ __.State o!Ofe�on,�esct�ed a�lollnwa,to w�t Baqinninq at e point on the North Iine of Lot 11, GREENBU$G AEIGtiTS w� ADDITION, WA9lu.ngton County, Oregon, that bears Sou�h S9 - � 57' East 525 0 feet from the Northwest corner thereof, thence o South DO° 45' East parallel with tne W�st line of said Lct l.t, N I6u 0 feet ta a poant, thence Sauth 89 57' Ezst 40 feet to a paznt, .— I being tAe txue 8oint of beginning of the tract her�in desrribed o thence North 89 57' West 40 feetJ thence Norch 00 45' East ' parallel arfth said h'esterly line 160 feet to a point na the rlorfh line of said i,ot 11, thence South 89� 57' East alonq eaid North line, to the poznt of intersection with the West line oE S W Tiqnzd Stxeet thence Southcasterly along sa�.d Westerly 1_ne 136 feet to a point, thence Southwesterly to the true point of beq=nning �G � ! { � � I P�vncr a+aur�uwf toHnuue otsa�moH oH�tnssc s�W � To Heve and fo Hold tha aems unto tha sad Qr�rrtee end�rantea a hut� suxessors end eur�ns lorever � Ths trve Rnd ettuel matvdeteLOrt pa�d lar tlur lrenster :telad�n terau af dollara �a,t�2�$0� �Q mTf�s�rR°d�.aeksi�woes�s�oeevel���eed�nteiha[eA�PiiSaJer���nc=pmmuooE.sxtrr6�e � ' � �r � �� srrFaT '����a�e�����(��nfenwbef�tArry��6olsO�fnotipplrea6ka5oulCDed�lsndS.�OR59t0301 °�s~ !n aomtrurrt�flus dad er�d w1�ero tM contest so reqwrea the f+n�uler rncludes the plure/end e�!prernmahul � I cher�$ea ahel!bp tatplud!o mako Ne prvnaons huroi eyply�7{r�tlly fo pp,t�e4oru and ta�ndmdueh Y lnW�taee�tWhsreof,fhegrantorh�seYetutedllvaumtrumentfhia_�?��of _��.$tember _ 19�3 �f�ooryora�e ar�ntar rt haa cstned its nm�e io be sr�ned and rts ua1�flr:ed by an dhcer or other penon duly aulhor �i � Iued to do w by ordsr af ifr bosrd d d�reclon, - - A --__ I �. - 1'IItS IN37AUY[NT WILL MOT AL10W USE 6i 7HL PROPERf'f DE �l�� I SCRIBm INTHIS INSTRUNENT IM VIOUTION Of Al/LICA9LE LAJID USS UWS AND REGI1lATI0Xi lY/OkE SiGNIMG OR ACCEPTING «�7ER R�Y ZWI I THIS IHST@IINTNT THE ►ERSON ACGUIRING FEE 71TIF 7C iME --- --..��.,.__ �.. pRO�[RTY SHCL[D CXLCK W17H iHE APPRO►AUTE UTY OR �' �� -�' LOUHTY PUMNI].G DEMIRM[M TO V[IIIFY AP�ROYED USI.S, �� �W�����^ _ __ _ T _ "` � ' Y STATEOFOREGON Cauntpol- YiA�h_a�na.tilL1_, ,,.� �s� ti ' Thr��ratrvmenf ass a�'.�owled(ed belora ms on�.$p.p�£��_,�,3 __..l9�� - b7..._._.._IdIIl�rr Rnx 7,�.n--*+ri--=—' --_ -- _— _---- rht.Imrr,r�ene,.a.«k,wW��dqia adoro me a,_ .__ _ .W,�__,i9__. b1_...__ _._._ -.,...._._......_., _ _....... �.._.. .. .. ba _ ____ ,,,„_ ,,, of...« .. ... ., _...�_.._..�._ ..._„_ .. _ �; �..... _ QFRC+At.SEnZ- '`'�' ���.-�--.� � " r --"SUSAR YAR � � �-'"" NOTA o �CNUK f -.•!'--r--'—.- '� CO�NI�..LIC ORECOIY ^ Nofary ubhc tor O Qon 14Y Cp7�N,�,����Mo 01as,7� � �� y ' ` � � � �1fp obadrvumn erprrd��� 7 L _� Mf1'�7�g06 �lalter R Zwing2i '� 1�5Q0 S W FaCific Hwy, �143 �����Q� i � '''�' � Ca+rtb o��I f � P�A1���+nd,�re9on 97223 _ �vta� �.�� a�+�MTO�t e�wr'awe oois�s ��`7. _Fre��r►dJlarrfetL�roo[cer__ ___ 10050 5VI 'Cigard St ���O�Y����ty ��,,,, Tigard,_ Ol��9722JwM, ��,ei.'_ — -- �'��a^4►ecxd�tth�a1��� s',�,� �Ah.r�adWww..M ar�ci���a� �o �� -.�_ � �r ro� � ��ames_Rey SLreinx ���,�A � ��t a �p," ` °� ' ��u�.°iwr.�iwi.h� $4��e ?Sv'.} _ �� �4f'Ot7ry�y/C� � - `� Portland, OR 9120�._.� —- — '' - xAwe�oo�au ai —�-' �� `t ��� 1 •S' Ynnl .I�ww 4�N wM�dl w�u�Fw�nti�MY M vM I�tY�hll��dlna ��r.��,ya'�" Fred and Harriett Brnaker doc 93086463 10060�w Ttgard_St. _ Rect 1io179 Tigard. OR 97204---_ - _.-- - 10/20/1493 O1 06 4•PN �3 QO y„ ! _ M�Mt�DD�il�.Li ._._.__ y I — ___.._' ' � — ��,^, � -- -- _�... `. .. a VESTING DEED AND EXCEPTION COPIES W312935AT � y 6TATE OF OREOON � � County of WaWJnpton I Jerry R Haneon,Dlroobr ol Aeseae- meM end Twtbe and Ex-OMkJo Co�MY CieAt fo�tald counlY do�araby Certlfy thal lhe wllhin Inel►ument ol wrltiny wes recolved and reoorde0 h��of te��d counry ` �'--�' ,O Jorry R H�on D�rec�r of Ateasemertsnd � � � OfBtlo CowNY v'lerk Doc 98024011 Rect 204775 38 00 'a0 03/13/1998 10 15 54a[o oAH00�+ p�ARTf�71'OP VBfPRAN9 APPA�B pbnrw�JurR.nr/u�tPqw'r1 -�..�������-����-������..^�����-����----�����---����--�-������������� �����-- SPECIAL WA►RRANTY DEED wm � u CZZ126 OR273812 The STATE OP OREGON,by and through che Dueaor of the Oiegon Depar►�nwt of Veterans'Affaus grantor conveys and specialty warrants unto Paul Yrasausk Joe MacHarg,Jr,and Carol E Totonca grantee(s) the follow�ng deACribed:eel propetty free of encumbrancee ciested or suffeted by the grenror on ar before November 6,1989 except as specdically set forth henm s�tnsted at 10085 SW Kethe:me Tigard Oregoa 97223 ia Wrshmgton County Scate of Oregon,to wu Tlu East 75 fxt of the Weat 525 feet of Lot 11 (3REffiVBURG HffiGHTS ADDiTION,m the Cuy of Tigerd County of Weshmgton end State of Ocegon Th�s De�d�e g�vea m fulfiWneat of that cettau�Conaact of Sale daud IZovamber 6 1989,recorded November 7 1989,�n 89 54019 SUBJF.CI'TO 1 Any taus foz 1998 99 when due or payable 2 Any Rtght of Redempnon as Provided by I�w 3 Regulauoos,uicladmg lev�es lucu asaesamenta nghts of way and easaneMS of the Unif"ud Sewerage Agency 4 Ciry hens if any of the C�ty of Tigard The we and acival cemtdesatton for th�e conveyance�S61 170 00 AEtI'ER RECORDINd RETIJRId TO Until a�ange�s requeated,a11 tax statementa shull be sent to the foIIoamg add:ess. TICOR 1TTI.E PAUL E KRASAUSK 8625 SW CASCADE AVBNUE IQI PO BOX 3931 BEAVffitTON OR 97008 BEAVPR'[�ON OR 97006 1'v2 ]i�4wpa971 � �`A � • i � �9QAL WARRAN�Y� �Ca�d� � C22126 OR2T3812 'PU HAYB AND'PO HaI.D es�d roal pmpeny uato aatd gramee(��theic heue aad aaofgae forever `I��S INSIRUIVffi�iT WILL N�I'NSAW USS OF THB PROPS[tTY DBSCRIB�IIY'I'MS 1NS'TRU11�Nf W VIOIATION OP APPt1GA8LS LAND USB LAWS AIm REOUTATIONS B BFORB 3I(iNIIVCi OR ACC�TIIV(3 THIS QVSTXUM�V'P,T�II.+PBRSON ACQ UIItINO PB8 TPl1B TO 7iiB PROPSRTY SHOULD CF�CK WiTH TH8 APPROPRIATR QTY OR�OUNTY PIANDRNd DBPARTIV�N't TO VBRIFY APPROVBD USB3 AND TO DS1'BRMIIVF3 ANY L�II19TS ON LAWSiJPfS AQAIIdST FARMINQ OR FOREST PRACTICFS AS DSFIlV�II�f ORS 30 930" IN WITNESS WEiP.REOF the D�ector of the Otegoa Departauat of Vuterena'Affe�s hae ceuaed theae preaeots to ba axecut�ed thie Febcuary 23,1998 7Lo fo�sgo�ng mcual af conuderanou�S cnu ae I verlly belleve D�tectoz of Otegon Depencneiu of Vetorane'Affaits gy ��'��i'i Glut R Scboepp Maoager,Accoants Semces STATB OF ORSQON ) )es Counry of Manon ) On February?3,1998 fhis matiument wes aclmowledged before me by the above named G1ut R Schnepp who�ersoneIIy appeared and bemg fuat duly swom,d�d say thet he�s dnly authonxed w aiga tho fumgomg documem on behelf of the Qngon Deparm�ent of Vetereas th o Dtnctor Sefae me IQotary Lc For Otegon oFr�a�sea� mrrM nnRUren NOTAAY PUBLiC-0AFAON C01�1 HO�OBi71 MYCOAdIiYSSWNEl�11�5fEalt 40pR � 3114W(�0.93) � � � lP oerlenooscos sa�03 PM 2002-107516 \\ u.w c�e.+ sen.�e u Mo��eMN ms.00�e.oa a��.00 Tow■��+s o0 A[ter Recotdmg Please Recurn To IIIIII III IIIII I II II IIIIIII I I�I IIII II I II IIIII I I II) IridyMaC BBIIk� F S B C/O DoC1IIilellt M3I1a IIt 00189038200�1075180180191 g�� 1 Jary Flunor4 Olndoref Anp�m�n�nd Taswon �ndla-0111e1eCounNCl�rMtorNhohlnotentounry � (CompanyNameJ doh�nbycotlfytlMth�w�Milnlnalium�ntafwrlUnp ' vw�no�lwd�nd ncard�d In tho boyY of ncord�af ultloowrty 1L..�q.h � r�+..� (Name ol Msfuial PersarJ J�ry 0.H�n�on,Otr�cter un�mant�na ru�don 6a-0f}Ido Countlr OaM 155 North Lalce Avenue � (Stieet Addressf pasadena, CA 91101 (Crry stare Z1p Code) Until a chauge�s requesced,all taz statements � Shall be seut to tl�e Wlluwwg address � 13880 SW Pacific Hwy �' (StreetAddressJ i Tiqard, OR 9�228 � � (City State Z�p Code) d c� � (Space Above Thrs L�ne For Recadmg DafaJ Z W DEED OF TRUST � Z � DEFII�IITIONS a� � Words used in mulliple sechons of this docimient are defined below and other words aze defined m SecUons 3 11 13 1�,20 and 21 Certaw niles regarding the usage of words uscd m this document aze also pro�ided m Secnon 16 (A) "Security Iustruu�eut"means this document,wh�ch�s dated Augllst 27, 20o2 together with all Itiders to th�s docume� (B) `Borrower",s Paul Krasausk atxi Joe Macharq, Jr and Carol E Zbtorica Boaower is the trustor under this Secuniy Instniment (C) '�Lender"�s IndyMac Bank� F S B , a fede,rally chartered savings ban}c Lender�s a Fed�elal SaVings Bc�nk organized and exishng under the laws of Ucuted States of America L�der s address�s 155 North Lake Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101 Lender is the beneficiary under this Sec�ty Instr�ment I,oan No 1796728 Oregon Deed of Tnro4S�ngle Fomdy Paoale ModFreddu Moe WIFORM 1NSTRUI�IEIYT Form 7038 U VOl —Tac Confet.uNCe SouACa,Lvc— Psge 10[l4 �aoo�ox oe�oo �.���� i���es��i��t��� o��������� ��. ZeOZ-le�si8 _ �----- (D) "Trustee"�s L3wyers Tltle Znsurance (E) "1Vote"means the pronussory note signed by Bosower and dated Auqust 27 r 2002 The Note states tbat Borrower owes Lender one hundred thausandDand NO/S��l 0,000 00 � � plus interest Bocrower has promised to pay this debt tn regalar Penodic Payments and to pay the debt m full not later tban �� 1, 2032 (F) "Propercv' means the properry that ts descrtbed below under the headmg `Transfer of R�gttts ui the Property (G) "Loan"means the debt ev�denced by the Note plus mterest,any prepayment charges and late charges due under the Note and all smns due under this Secunty Insuument,plus mterest (F� "Riders" means all R.iders to this Sec�mty Ins�ument that are executed by Borrowa The fullowu� Riders are to be executed by Borrower(cheGc box as applicable) � Ad�ustable Rate Rider ❑ Condommmm Rider ❑ Sewnd Home Rder ❑ Ballooa Ridcr ❑ Planned Untt Development Rider ❑ Biwcekly Paymcnt Rider �] 1 4 Fauuly Rider ❑ Revocable Tmst Rider ❑ Other(s)(spectfyf (1) `Appl�cable Law'means all controlling apphcable federal,state and local statutes regulations ordmances .iud admmistret�ve niles end ordera (thnt heve lhe e!T'ec,t uf law) as well as .ill dppLc.,blc fin.il, nun appeelable ��cial opmions (,n `Commumt� Assoc�atton Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessments and other charges that are imposed on Borrower or the Property by a condomimnm assoc►ation,home.owners association or siuWaz orgawzahon (K) "Electrumc Fuuds Trausfer" means any transfer of fun�i.i, olher lhen a transact�on urtgin.sted by�hc,�k, draft or s�milar paper mstrument wh�ch�s m►bated throueh an electromc ternunal telephonic rostrument computer or magpene tape so as to order mstruct,or authonze a finane�al msntution to debit or cred�l an account Such term includes bu[ is not l�ted to pomt�f sale transfers au[omated teller machme trdnsactions transfers mitiated by � telephone w�re transters and automated cleannghouse transfers � (L) "Escrow Items'means those items that aze descnbed tn Sect�on 3 (M) "NLscellaaeous Praceeds"means any compensahon, settlement, award ot damage� or proceeds paid I�y I any thad parry(oWer than msurance proceeds paid under the coverages descnbed m Section 5) For {►)damage to or destruchon of, the Properry,(u)condemnanon or other talang of all or any pazt of the Property (iii)conveyance �n l�eu of condemnation or(rv)nusrepresentations of or omtssions as to the value and/or condittou of We Property �I (N) "Mortgage Insurance"mcans msurance protecting Lender agamst the nonpayment of or default on the I Loan � (0) "Penodu PaymenN'means the regularly scheduled arnount due fnr (�) pnncipal and ►nterest under the Note plus(i)any amounts under Section 3 of this Security Instrument Loan No 1796728 Oregoc Dad o1 TrwRSmgle Fam�ly Foa�ie Mae/Fredd�e Mae UNIFORM INSl'RUMENT Form 3038 Ol/01 � —THS CoMri.ur�es Souats,Inc— Page 2 0(14 i+aaon owo �. ����� i,v��oomo���in�� o�o T��a�w��s�� 2002-107516 (p) "RESPA" means the Real Eshete Settlement Procedures Act (12 U S C §260] et seq) and its �mplementing regulacioq Reg�laUon X(Z4 C.F R Part 35UU) as they aught be amended from tune to time or any additional or successor legislation or regulation that governs the same sub�ect matter As used in ttus Secunrv Inst.nm�ent 'RESPA refeis to all reqwrements and restr�ctions Wat ue imposed m regard tu e federally releted mortgage loan even if the Loan does not quahfy as a'federally relaied mortgage loan under RESPA (Q) "Snccessor�n inierest ot Borrower"means any parry tbat has taken title to the Property whether or not that party has asstmied Borrower s ubhga�un�under the Note and/ur this Secur�ty[nstcument TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN TF�PROPERTY This Seauity Inswment secures to Le�er (i) the repayme� of the Loaa, and all reae.vals extens�ons 1nd modiLcahons of the Note and (u)the performance of Boirower s covenants and agreements under tlus Security Instrument and the Note For this puipose Borrower urevocably grants and conveys to Trustee in mist with power of sale,the followtng described property located m the County uf Washington (Typa ol Recorduiq Junsd�cfion] (Name o/Recoidrnr�JunsdrebonJ Legal description attached hereto and made a part hereof Parcel # R273812 �vhich cucrently has the address of 10085 5outh West K3thex'llle Street �svaer� Portlalld ,Oregon 97223 (`Property Address ) Ic�ry) (Lp CodaJ TOGETI�R WITH all lhe impruYements nuw or herealter er�x.teci on the property and all easements, appurtenances and fixtures tu>w or hereafter a part nt the praperty All replacements and adddions shall also be covercd by this Secunty Instrument All of the foregomg is referre�to m th�s Secunty Instrument as the Property BOR.ROWER COVENANTS ihat BoIIOwer is lawfully se�sed of the estate hereby conveyed and h�s the nght to grant and convey the Property and tbat the Property us unencumberod except for ene�brances of record Boaower warrants and w�ll defend generally the tiUe to the Ptoperry agamst all clauns and demands sub�ect to any encumbrances of record THIS SECURITY INSTRiJMENT combmes umform covenants for nahonal use and non umform covenants with Lmtted variahons by�unsd►cGon to constttute a umform securtty ms�trt�ent covenng r�sl property LTNIFORM COVENANTS Hotrower and Lender covenant and agee as follows 1 Payment of Pnunpal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, attd Latc Charges Borrower shall pay when due the pnncipal of and tnterest on, the debt evtdenced by the Note and any prepaytnenl chazges and late charges due under the Note Borrower shall also pay fimds for EsQOw Items pursuant to Section 3 Payments due under the Note and th�s Scciuity Instnunent shall be made m U S cu[rency However �f any check or Loan No 1796728 Oregon D«d of Trwt Single Pam�ly Fanme,NadFrnld'ie Mse UNiFORM IlYSTRUMENT Form 3038 01/01 —1'HE COMPLIANCT SOUACY,INC— Page 3 0(14 �motOR udo� vw�rmmpi■neuwre mm I�����YII�I��I��� 02000 Tha C uqlnne Sou«Inc I��III-107516 2 other mstrument received by Lender as payment undet the Note or th�s Secur�ry Instrument is rehuned to Lender unpaul,Lender tnay reqwre that any ur all subaequent payments due�mdez the Note nml ttus Security Instrument be made m one or more of the follnwmg forms as selected by Lender (a)cash (b)money order (c)certitied check bank cheds, tre�surcr s check or cashier s check, prov►ded any such check �s dtawn upon an mstitution whose deposits are msured by a federal age�y mstrumentality or�uty or(d)Electromc Funds Transfer Payments are deemed received by I,ender when recerved at the locaUon desi�ated m the Note or at such other locahon as may be designated by Lender m accordance wdh the notice provisions m Section 15 Lender may ceturn any payment or paiUal payment if the payment or partial payments ue imsufficient to brmg the Loan cwrent Lender may accept any payment or par4al payment msuflic�ent to brmg the Loan current, wrihout ��ver of any r�ghts hereunder or pre�udice to�ts nghts to retuse such paymern or parhal payments m ehe tuture hut[.ender is not obhgated to apply such payments at the time such pavments aze accepted if each Periodic Payment is applied as of its scheduled due date theu Lender need not pay �nterest on imappLed funds Lender may hold such unapphed funds until Borrower makes payment to bnng the L,oan curreM If Borrower does �t do so w►thin a reasonable period of timc Lender shall erther apply such funds or retum them to Borrowcr If not apphed earlier such tunds will be appLed to the outstanding princ�pal balance under the Note immediatety pr�or to foreclosure No ofTset or claim which Borrower mtght have now or in the future agau�st Lender shall reheve Bouower&om maktng payments due under the Note and this 5ecunty Instnuntnt or pertornung the covenants and agreements secured by this Secunty Instrument 2 Appl�cat�on of Payments or Proceeds E�ccept as othe[wise descrtbed m th�s Section 2 all payments accepted and appl�ed by Lender shall be appLed m the followtng order of pnonty (a)mt�est due under the Note (b)prmcipal due under the Note (c)amounts due under Scctton 3 3uchpayments shall be applted to each Pcnodic Payment m the order►n wtuch it became due Any rema�ng amounts shall be apphed first to late chargea second to any other amounts due under ttus Secunty Instrument and then to reduce the pnncipal balance of the Note If Lender recerves a payment from Borrower for a deLnquent Period�c Payment which tncludes a sulficient amount to pay any late charge due the payment may be apphed to the deluiquent payment and the late cl�arge It more than one Per�odic Pdyment ia outstand�ng Lender may apply eny pdymenl rei.etved (rum Burruwer tu Uie repavment of the Penodic Payments�t aad to the ertent that each payment can be paid m full to the ecte�u that any excess exists aft�the payment is appl�ed to the full payment of one or more Per�odic Pa}�nents such ercess may be appLed to any late charges due Volimtary prepayments shall be appLed fust to any prepayment charges and then as descnbeci m the Note Any appl�caUon of payments msurance proceeds or NLsccllaneous Procecds to pnncipal duc und�r lhc Note shall not extend or postpone the due date,or change the amount of the Periodic Payments 3 Fuods tor Escrow Items Borrower shal]pay to Lender on the day Penod►c Payments aze due under thc Note until the Notc is paid m full a sum(the Funds )to provlde for payment of amounts due for (a)taxes and assessments and other�tems wh�ch can attam pnont�over ttus Secur�ry Instcument as a Len or encumbrance on the Property (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property if any (c,) premrums for any and ell m�ur�►n�� reqwred by Lender under 5edion 5 and (d) Mongage Insurance preuuums �f any or any sums payable by Borrower to Lender u►l�eu of the payment of Mongage Insurance preuuums ►n dccozdance w�th the provisions of Sectwn 10 These items .ue �alled `Escrow Items At on�nation or at any time duru�g the term of the Loan, L,ender may require tbat Comummry Assoc�ation Dues Fees and Assessme�s if any be escro��ed by Borrower and such dues fees and assessments shall be an Escrow Item Borrower shall prompUy futnish to Lendez all notices of amounts to be patd under th�s Sect�on Boaower shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow Items unless Lender waives Borrower's obligat�on to pay the Funds for any or all Escrow Items Lender may wa�ve Bonower s obhgahon to pay to Lender Funds for any or all Escrow Itcros at any time Any such warver may only be m writuig In the event of such wa�ver Borrower shall pay duecdy when and where payable the amounts due for any Escrow Items for wtuch pavment of Funds has been �vaived by Lender and �f Lencler reqwres shall furmsh tu Lender receipts evidencuig such payment wit}un such tune penod as L.ender may requue Bonower's obLgahon to make such payments and to provide receipts shall for all purposes be decmed to be a covenant and agreement contamed m Loan No 1796728 OregonDeed olTrwt Su�gle Family Fanwe MadFreddublac UNIN'URM WSIRU�T"T Form 3038 UIlUl —'I�i CoMeir,uves SoeACa,Lvc— Page 4 ot l4 »uo�oa oeioo rvwv eamDl.meaaua mm I�����'n�����n,�I 02000 TEe Cou4lnrc Sou m Ine W YI ZeOa-30T316 ttvs Secunry Instrumenl as the phrase wven.int and a�re�ent is used in Sectwn 9 If Boaower is obLgatecl w pay Escrow Items directly pursuant to a waiver and Boirower fa�ls to pay the amount due for an Escro� Item, Lender may exercise ris ng,hts under Section 9 and pay such amount and Borrower shall then be obligated under Section 9 to repay to Lender any s�ch amount Lender may cevoke the waiver as to any or all Esaow Iteau at any time by a notice gtven u►accordance with 5edion IS and,upon such revocabon,IIorrower shall pay to Lender all Funds and m such amounts that are thcn requued undcr ttus Sedion 3 Lender may at any tune collect and hold Funds m an amount(a)sutt"icient to pernut Lender to apply the Funds at the t�me spei.�fied under RESPA, and(b)not to exceed the ma.�uutum amnunt a lendei�an ceyuue under RESPA Lender shall eshmate t6e amowit ot Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable esnmates ot expendrtures of future Escrow Items or otherwise m accordance wrih Applicable I.aw The Funds shall be held m an msutut�on whose deposRS are insiued by a federal agency,mstrumenlaliry,or entity (�ncluding Lendu if Lender is an mshtuUon whose depos�ts are so�as�ued)or in aay Federal Home Loan Bank Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items no later than the tune specified under RESP4 Lender shal!not chazge BoIIOwer for holdm�and apply�the Funds annually analyzmg the escrow account,or venf'ymg the Escrow Itelns unless Lender pays Borrower mtuest on the�nds and Applicable Law perrtuls L�nder to make such a charge Lniess an agFeement�s made in wnt►ng or Applicahle Law requires mterest to he paid on the Cunds Lendcr shall not be reqwred to pay Borrower any interest or evmngs on the Funds Borrower and Lender can agrec m wr�tu►g however that mterest shall be paid on the Funds Lender shall give to Borrower without charge an annual accountmg of the Funds as required by RESPA If there is a s�[plus of Funds held m esaow as defined under RESPA Lender�6a11 account to Borrowcr for the excess fiinds m accordance with RESPA. If there is a shortage of Funds held m escrow as defined under RESPA Lender shall notify Borrower as reqwred by RESPA and Borrowec shall pay to Lender the amouut necessary to make up the shortage in accordance w�th RESPA,but m no more than 12 monthly payments li there is a deficiency of Funds 6eld ia escruw ds defined under RESPA Lencier shdll noufy Borrower a5 re.yutred by RESPA en� Burruwer ahell pay tu Lender the amuunl nee,eaa�y lo m.sk� up lhe �efic.�en�y m ��wrdan�c wilh RESPA but m no mnre lhan 12 monthl}payments Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thrs Secunty Instrument Lender shall promptly retund to i Borrower any Funcis held by Lender i4 Charges Liens Bocrower shall pay all taxes assessments charges fines and impositio�s � arirtbutable to the Property wtvch can attain prionty over thts Secunty Inshlunent leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any and Commim►ry Associaaon Dues Fees,and Assessments if any To the e�ctent that these items are Escrow Items Boaower shall pay them in the manner provided m Sechon 3 � Borrower sball p�omptly drscharge any Len which has pnoniy over th�s Securdy lnstrument unless IBorrower (a) agrees m wn4ng [o the payment of the obl�gavon secured by the lien tn a manner acceptable to Lender but only ao long as Buirower is performmg such agre�ment (b)contests ihe l�en in good faith by, or � detends agamst enforcement of the ]ien m, legal proceedmgs wFuch m Lcnder s opunon operate to prevent the I enforcement of the hen while those proceedings are pending but only�mt�l such proceedmgs are concludcd or(c) I secures from the holder of the lien an ageement satisfactory to Lender subordinatmg the hen to Uus Security � Instnmient If Lender dete�vnes that any part of the Property is sub�ect to a lien which can attau�pr�oi�ty uver ttus � becunty Instr�ent, l,ender may give Bonower a noUce identify�the lien Wittun 10 days ot the date on which that notice �s given, Borrower shall sausfy the l�en or take one or more of the act�ons set torth above �n ttus Section 4 Lender may reqwre IIouower to pay a one Ume charge for a real estale tax verification and/or reportmg sernce used by Le�er m connect�on with this Loan. 5 Property Insurauce Borrower shall keep the t�tprovements now exisUng or hereafter erected on the Property msured against loss by Fire hazards mcluded within the teim extended coverage, and any other ha�.u�l� , mcludmg but not limited to earthquakes and}]oods tor wL�ch Lende[requires msurance Th�s msurance shall be maintained m the amounts (includuig deduchble levels) and for the periods that Lender reqwzes What Lender I�oan No 1796728 Orcgaa Deed of 7'ru�t-S�ngJe Fam�ly Fanuie MadFredd�e Mae IIN[FORM INSI'RU'1�II+.NT Form 3038 UI/U 1 —TH�CoMr[.uncs So[mca,INC— Yage 5 0[14 imo�oa uvoa �.�eM�mm i,���da�a���v�� o��0 7������ , Z002-107516 _ ----_---- --- requues pursuant to the precedutg sent�ces can change durmg the term ot the Loan The �nsurance camer provid�ng the msvrdnce shall be chosen by Borrower snb�ect to Lender s right to d�sapprove Borro��er s cho�ce which nght shall not be exercised unreasonably Lender may requue Borrower to pay �n connecUOn w�th this Loan, either (a)a one-time charge for flood zone determination, cutification and track�ng serv►ces or (b)a one t�cne charge lor tlood zone detemunation and certification sernces and subsequenl charges each tune remappmgs or s�milar changes occiu which reasonably migk►t at�'ect such detemunaUon or certificauoa Borrower shall also be responsible for the payme�of any fees imposed by the Federal Emerg�cy Managemenl Ag�n�y in connect�on wilh the rev�ew of any tlood zone detet�minahon resulhng from an ob�ection by Boirower If Borrower fails to mamtazn any of the coverages descnbed above Lender may obtam►nsurunce coverage at Lender s option and Bortower s expense Lender is under no obLgat�on to purchase any part�cul�rype or amount of coverage Therefore such coverage shall cover Lencier but rrught or uvght not protect Borrower Borrower s eqmty m the Prnperty or the contents of the Property agamst any nsk hazard or I�ab�Lty and uught provide greater or lesser covetage than was previously m efCect Bo[rower aclrnowledges that the cost o1 the msurance coverage so obtamed rrvght s��tficantly exceed the cost of msurance that Borrower could have obtamed Any amounts d►sbursed by Lender under this Se�tion � shall become addilional debt of Borrower secured by this Sec►vtty Instnmient These amounts shall bear mterest at the Note rate from the date ot disbursement and shall be payable with such mterest upon notice&om Lender to Borrower reqnesttng payment All msuran�e pultwea requueci by Lencier and renewel�uf au�.h policies shall be sub�ect t�Lender s nghl to disapprove such policies shall include a standard mortgage clause and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as an addit��nai loas paycc Lend�T shall havc thc right to hold the pohc�es and cenewal�ertificates IF Lender reqmres Boirower shall promptly�ve to Lender all receipts of paid preIIVUU�s and renewal notices If Borrower oUtains any form ot msurance co�erage not otherwise reqmred by Le�er for damage to or destruction of,the Property siic.h policy shall mclude a standard tnortgage clause and shall name Lcndcr as mortgagee and/or as an add�tional loss payee In the event of loss, Borro�ver shall gi�e piompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender Lender may make proot of loss it not made promptly by Boaower Unless Lender and Dorrower othenvise agree in wnhng any �n�,�rance proceeds whether or not the underlytng uvsurance was requtred by Lender shall be�pplied to restorahon or repazr of the Property if the restoration or repau�s ewnomically feasible and Lender s secunty is not lessened Durmg such repait and restoration period Lender shall have the nght tn hold such msurence proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to mspect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender s sat�staction provided that such tnspect�on shali be undertaken promptly Letuier tnay d�sburse proceeds for the repairs and restorat�on in a smgle payment or�n a senes of progress payments as the work is completed 1Jnlwss�n�greement is made m wr�tmg or Applicable Law reqwres tnteres[to be paid on such msurance proceeds Lender shall not be reqmred to pay Borrower any interest or eammgs on such proceeds Fees for publ�c ad�usters or other th�rd parues retained by Bocrower shell not be patd oui uf the insurance proceeds and ahall be the�ole ublig,►tion uf Borruwer I£ the restoration or repa�r is not ec.onormcallv teas�ble or Lender s secunty would be lessened,the u�suranc�proceeds shall be appLed to the sums secured by thts Secuctty Instnmient, whether or not then due wtth the excess il.lny pa►d to Borrower Such msurance proceeds shall be apphed in the order provided for m Se�.t►un 2 If Horrower abandons the Property Lender may f►le,negat�ate and settle any avadable msurance claun and related matters If Borrower does not respond within 30 days to a notice&om Lcndcr t6at the►ns�ancc carricr has offered to settle a claiuti then Lender may negotiate and settle the cla�m The 30�ay per�od w►11 begin��hen the not►ce is given In eriher event or if Lender acquues the Property umler SecUon 22 or uthetwise,Burruwer Lereby assigns to Lender(a)Borrower s r�ghts to any msurance proceeds m an amount not to exceed the amounts unpaid under the Note or this Securiry Instrument and(b)any other of Boirower s nghts(other than the nght to any refund of une�ed preirvtmis paid by Borrower)under all ms�ance pohcies coveru►g the Propert} msofar as such nghts are dpplirable to the coverage of the Property Lender may use the msurance proceeds eriher to repatr or resto�e the Property or to pay amounts unpaid under 1he Note or this Secunty Inslr�ent �vhether or not then due Loan No 1796728 Oregoe Deed o[Trurt S�e Famdy Faume MadFreddu Mac l]NIFORM INSTR[JMENT Form 3038 OLOl —1'ru CoMr[,�ntvCE Souxc�,Inc— Page 6 0[ly iw�ioR odoo wrv rnmOluoe aoure mm I�����I�������� 02000.The C eqL ec Saurea Im z�z_�0,��8 i�� 6 Occupaucy BoTruwer ahdll u�cupy,estabhs}t,and use the Property as Boiruwer s prm�ipal res�dence w�thin 60 days after the execuhon of this Secunty Tnstnunent and shall cnntmue to occupy the Pmperty as Borrower s pnncipal residence for at least one ye:ff after the date of occupancy unless Lender otherwise agrees m wnung which consent shall not be utQeasonabty w�thheld, or imless extenuatu�g cacumstances er�st wiuch are beyond Boaowet's controL 7 Preservation, iVla�ntenance and Prntect�on of the Property Inspect�ous Borrower shall not destroy damage or impau the Property allow the Property to detenorate or comuvt waste on the Properry Whether or noi Bocrower�s residmg in the Properry Borrower shall mamtatn the Property m order to prevent the Property from detenoratmg or decreasmg �n value due to �ts condihon Unless�i �s deteruuned pursuant to Section 5 that repau or resWraUon ts not econom►cally fensiblc Borrowcr shall prompUy repau the Property if damaged to avoid further detenorauon or damage If msurance or condemnauon proceeds aze paid m connection with damage to or the taku►g o� the Property Borrower shall Ue responsible for repainng or re�wnng the Pruperty unly if Lrn�ler has released proceeds for such putposes Lenda may d�sburse proceeds for the repairs and restorahon m a smgle payment or m a series of progress payments as the work ts completed if the msurance or condemnauon proceeds aze not sufficient to repau or restore the Properry Borrower �s not reLeved ot Boaower s obligation for the comp1etion of such repazr or restocauon Lcndcr or�ts.�genl may makc rcasonable entrtes upon and ingpeclwns of the Property If►t has reaaonable cause Lender may u►spect the mtenor ot the improvements on the Property Lender shall gtve Bo[rower nottce dt the tune of or pnor to such an mterior inspection spec�lymg sm.h reasunable cauae 8 Borrower's Loan Appluatio�i Borrower shall be in delault it dur►ng the Loan appl�cation process Borrower or any persons or entrties acung at the direction of Bonower or with Bonower s lmowledge or c,onsent gave matenally false ►rusleadu►g, or ma��urete mfurmelton or statemeuts to Lender(or fa�led lo prov�de Lender w�th matenal mtormaLon) m cnnnect�on wdh the Loan Mater�al representahons uulude but ue nut luruted to representations concemmg Borrawer s occupancy of the Property as Boirower s prmcipal residence 9 Protect�on of Lendcr s Interest in the Property rnd I2►ghts Under this Sccurity Instrument lf (a)Bnrt�wer fails to perfortn the c�venants and ageements contuned m this Securitv Instrument (b)ihere is a leg.►1 proceeding that irught s�gmficantly affect L.ender s mtesest m the Property and/or nghts under ttvs Secuuty Insirument(such as a proceedmg m banlauptcy probate for condemoation or forfetture 2or enforcement of a lien which may attain pnor�ty over Uus Securiry Instciunenl or lo enforce laws or regulat�ons) or (�)Borrower has abandoned the Properiy then Lender may do and pay tor whatever is reasnnable or apPropriate to prntect I.ender s mterest m the Properry and nghts under thts Secur►ty Instrument includmg protechng and/or assessing the value of the Property, and se�urtng eniUur repairtng the Property L,ender s acttons can mclude but are not luruted to (a)paymg any s�mc secared bv a lien wh�ch has pnor�ty over tfus Sec�ity Instn�ment, (b)appeariag in court and (c)payuig reasonable attomeys fees to protect �ts mt�est in the Property and/or r�ghts under this Secunry Instrument mcludmg its secured pos�t�on m d ban)aupccy proceedmg Secunng the Property mcludes but is not l�ted to entenng the Properly to make repaus change locks replace or board up doors and w�ndows dram waler from pipes elinnnate buildtng or other code violat�ons or dangerous cond�hons,and have ut�l�t�es turned on or oll Although Lender may take act�on imder ttvs SecUOn 9 Lender does not have to do so and is not under any duty or obligation to do so It u agreed that Lender mcurs no habdtty fur not lalung eny ur ell e�tiun�euthonced under ttus Section 9 ■ Any amounts d�sbursed by Lender under this Sechon 9 shall become addition.il debt of Borrower secured by th►s Secunty Instrument These amoimts shall bear mterest at the Note rate&om the dete ot disbursement and shall be payable,wnth such interest,upon notice&om Lender to Borrower request�ng payment If this Secunty Instniment�s on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply with all the provisions ot the lease lf Bocrower acquaes fee t�fle to the Properry the leasehold and the fee tide shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in wnting lU Mortgage lnsurance It Lender requtted Mortgage Insurance as a condihon ot m.�►king the L.oan, Boaower shall pay the preauums reqwred to ma►ntmn the Mortgage Insurance in efFect If for any reason the Lr�an No 1796728 Oregon Deed of Tnat-Sin61e Fam�ly Fannu MnelFredd�e INac IJNIFORM INS"1'RUMFIV I Form 3038 ODUI —THE COMPLlA,VCE SOUACI,INC— Page 7 of 14 i,uowA o�oo uvw �pluoc�aurcemm I�������'������ 03000 TheC u9Lae Sauu foe 2002-107516 Murigege Inaurance coverage reqwred by Lender ceases to be available from the mortgage msurer that prev�ously provided such insurance and Borrower was required to make separately des►gnated payments toward the prem�ums for Mortgdge Insurance Borrower shall pay the premiums reqnired to obta►n coverage substancially eqwvalrnt to the Mortgage Ins�ance prev�ously in ef�'ect,at a cost substant�ally eqwvalent to the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect from an altemate mortgage msurer selected by Le�er If substantially equivalent Mortgage Insurance coverage is not avadable Bo[rower shall continue to pay to Lender the amount of thc separatcly Idesignated paym�ts that were due when the u�stuance coverage cease�to be m effec� Lender w►Il accept use and � retdm thrse payment� as a nun-refundable loss rese[ve in Leu of Mortgage Insuran�e Such loss reserve shall be non retundable notwithstandmg the fact that the Loan is Wt�mately paid in fiill and Lender shall not be reqwred to pay Borrower any tnterest or earnuigs on such loss reserve I.ender can no longer reqwre loss resen e payments if Mortgage Insuiance coverage(in the amount and for the penod that Lender reqwres)prov�ded by an msurer selected by Lender again becomes available is obtained ancl Lender requues sepazately des►gnated p.�yment� toward the premiums for Mortgage Lnsurance If Lender reqwred Mortgage Insutance as a condibon of mnlang thc Loan and Borrower was requued to make separately designated payments toward the prercuums for Mortgage Insurance Burrower ahdll pay lhe preuuums reqwred tu mamtain Murtgdge In�urerx.e m effe�t ur to provide a non-retundable loss reserve until Lenda's requueu�ent for Mortgage Insivance ends ►n accordance with any written agreement bctwccn Bonowcr and Lcnder provtdmg for such ternunauon or until tcri[unat►on is requued by �pplicable L,aw Nottung►n this Sect►on 10 all'ects Borrower s obhgatton to pay urterest at the rate provided m the Note Mortgage Insurance re�mburses Lender (or any entity Wat purchases the Note) for certain lossea it may mcur if Borrower does not repay the Loan as agreed Borrower ts not a party to the Mortgage Insur,uicc Mortgage msurers evaluate t6etr total rtsk on all such msurance in force from tune to tune snd may enter inlu egeement�with uther part�es that share ur mudify theu n�k,or reduce lus�e� These agreemeuts are on terrru and condiUons that are saAStactory to the mortgage msurer and We other pa�ty (or parties) to these agreements These agreements may requtre the mortgage insurer to make payments usmg any source of funds that the mortgage msurer may have ava�lable(which may tnclude funds obtawed from Mo[tgage Insuranc e preuuums) As a result ot these a�e�nents L,ender any purchasa of the Note,annthet msurer any remsurer any�ther entrty or any atTiliate of any of the foregomg may recerve (dtrectly or tnd�recfly) amounts that der►ve from (or �ught be characterized as) a portion of Boaower s payments for Mongage ins�ance m erchange tor sharmg or modity►ng the u»rtgage tnstuer's nsk, or reducing losses If such agteement provides that an affihatc ol Lender takcs a share of the msurer s nsk m exchange for a shxre of the premiums paid to the msurer the arrangement is often termed capttve remsurance Further (a) Auy such agreemeuts w►Il uot a[fect the amuutils thrl Burruwer I�as egreed to pay tor 1tilurtgage lnsurance,or any other termv of the Loan Such agreements wdl not inerease the ammmt Qorrower��dl nwe tor Mortgagc Insurancc,and they w�ll not cntitle Borrowcr ta any refund (b) Any such a�reements w�ll not afLect the r��hts Borrower has — if anv —�v�th respect to t6e blortgage Iusurance under the Homeo�vners Protect�on Act of 1998 or any other law These nghts mav mdude the nght to rece�ve certam disclosures,to request and obtam canceUaUon of the Mortguge Iusurancc, to Lave the Mortgage Insurance terwnated automatically, andJar to rece�ve a refund of any blortgage Insurance prennums that were unearned at tLe t�me o[such cancellahon or termmation ll Assignment of M�scellaneous Praceeds, Forfednre All Miscellaneous Proceeds aze herehy assigned to and shall be paid to Lender If the Property �s dau�aged, su�h IvLscellaneous Proceeds shall be app�ed to restorat�on or repau of the Property if the restoraLon or repau is economtcally feas�ble and Leraler's security is not]essened Durmg such repau and restorahon pertod Lender shall have the right to hold such Iv[tscellaneous Proceeds until Lender has had an opport�ty to mspect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender s sausfact►on provided that �u�h �pecUun �hall be urxie�taken prumplly LenclEr may pdy for the repairs and reslorat►un in n aingle disb�asetnent or tn a series of progress payments as the work�s cnmpleted Unless an agFeement is made in�vrttmg or Applicable Law requues mterest to be paid on such NLscellaneous Proceeds Lender shall not be requued to pay I,oan No 1796728 Oregon Deed of Trwt�mg�a Faruly Faun�e MaelRreddle Mnc lJN1FURM lN�7 RUMEN 1 Form J U3 N U 1/U 1 —7�IP CUHPLIANCY SUURIB INC— Pagt 8 of 14 �auoioa avoo v�w eomploaraourae mm I�������n�������� 0200D T6e Co(qLam S�w Inc � i� 2002-107516 Borrower any interest or eamiags on such M�scellaneous Proceeds If the restoration or repau'is not econoirucalty feas�ble o�Lender s secunty would be lessened,the 1ltiscell�eous Procecds shall be apphed to ihe sums secured by this Secur�ty Instcumeni, whether or not then due with the excess �f any paid to Borrower Such IvLscellaneous Proceeds shall be appLed m the order pruvided fur m Sei.4on 2 In We event ot a total takmg destructioq or loss m value ot the Property the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be apphed to the siuns secured by ttus Seciuity Instc�ent whether or not then due,with the excess if any,pa�d to Borrower In the event of a parttal talang,destrucUoq or loss in vatue of the Property ut whtch the fau market value of the Property imu►ed�ately beFore the partial taking,desmict�oq or loss m value�s equal to or greater than the amount of the sums sec�ued by thts Sec�ity Instrument unmedtately before the partial taking,destruct�oq or loss m value unira� Boirower and Lender otheiw�se agFee ►n wr►ung the sums secured by tlus Secunty lnstrutnent shall be reducad hy the artnunt of the Mtscellaneous Proceeds mulhphad by the following&action (e) the tot11 amount of the sums secured�mmed�ately before the pariial taking des�ucUOq or loss m value drvided by(b)the lau marl.et value of the Properry iumiediately before the pariial c tia �n�n,desuucuon or loss in value Any balance shall be paid to Boirower In the event of a part�al takmg destruchon,or loss m value ot the Property m wh�ch the tair market velue at the Property immediately before the partial takmg deshucUoq or loss m value ts less than the amount of the su�s ae�ured immediately before the parual taku�g, desmicnon, or loss m value, unless Borrower and Lender othenvise agree m wnUng, the Miscellaneoua Proceeds shall be appLed to the sums secured by thrs Secur�ty Instn�ment whether or not ihe sums arc thcn duc If the Properry is abandoned by Borrower or i�after not�ce by Lender to Borrower that the Opposmg Parry (as defined m the next sentrnce)offers to make an award to settle a claim for damages,Burrower fails to respond to Lender wiWm 30 days after the daie the notice is given,Lender�s suthonzed to collect and apply the IvLscellaneous Proceeds either to restoranon or repaa of the Properry or to the sums secured by ttus Security Listnunent whether or not then due Oppusuig Party meana the thud patty that o��es Burruwer Mia�elleneou� Pru��eQ� or thc pany agamst whom Borrower has a nght ot act�on m regazd to M�scellaneous Proceeds Borrower shall be in default if any actton ot proceedtng whether ctvil or crurunal �s begun that m Lender s�udgmenf,could result m forfeihue of the Property or other matenal impaument of Lender s mterest m[he ProPerty nr nghis under this Security ]nstrumeat Borrower c�n cure such a defauh and �f accelerahon has occucred reu�state as prov�ded in bection 19 by causmg ihe actton or proceedmg to be dism�ssed with a nilmg that, in Lender s�udgment precludes forfeiture of the Property or other mater�al impaument of Lender s mterest m the Properry or nghts under this Secunty Instnmie� The proceeds of any award or claim for dama�es that �re attributablc to the�mpaument of Lender s mterest m the Property are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lencier Ali IvLscellaneous Pro�eeds that are not appLed to restoraLon or repalr of the Property shall be appl�ed m the or�er provtded for m Sechon 2 12 Borrower Not Released,Forbearance By Le�der Not a Wa�ver Extension of the t�ne lor p-�yment or mocL6cation of atnortization of the sums sec�sed by thts Sec�nty Inshument granted by Lender to Boaower or any Successor in Inlaest of Borrower shall not operate to release the Lab�liry of Borrower or any Successo[s in Int�est of Boirower Lender shall not be reqmred to comm�e proceedmgs agamst any Successor u►In�erest of Borrower or to refuse to extend ttme for payment or otherwise modify amortization oC the sums secured by this Security lnsttument by reason of any demand made by the ongmal Bocrower or any Successors m Interest of Boaower Any forbearance by Lender in ererctsmg any nght or remedy includtng wtthout l�tauon, Lender s acceptance of payments from third persons entit�es or Successors m Tnterest of Bo�rower or�n lmounts less thln the amount then due shall not be a wazver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy 13 Jotnt and Several Liabd►ty, Ca-signers, Saccessors and Ass�gus Bound Borrower co�enants and agrees ihat Borrower s obl�gahuns end Lab�lity shall be�ant and several However �y Borrower who co s�gns ttus Secunty lnstntment but does not execute the Note(a co-stgner') (a)�s co-sigmng this Secur�ty Tnstrument only to mortgage grant and convey the co s�gner s mterest in the Property�mder the tcrms of ttus Secunty Instrumcnt (b)�s Loan No 1796728 Oregou Deed o(Tnnt S�ngle Fam�ly Famw MadFreddie Mae UNIFORM INSl'RUMEN'1 Form 3U38 UU01 —TR[CoMPLI.uvCB SoURCE,Wc— Page 9 of 14 I�OOIOA 0&00 �vow compleoreaourc mm I���11��������� OZ000 The Coapluuc Sau a lm i� Z002_107�36 not personally obl►gated to pay lhe sums seciued by ttua Se�ur�ty [nstrument, and (c)agrees that Lender and any other Boimwer can agree to extend modify forbear or make any accomrnodat�ous with regard 10 the terms ot th�s Securtty Instrtunent or the Note wrihout ihe co-s�gner s coasent Sub�ect to the prov�sions of Section 18 any Successor in Interest of Borrower who assumes Borrower s obLgations under ttus Security Instrument in wnUng, and is approved by Lender shall obla�n all of Borrower's nght5 and benel�ts under th�s Secunty lnst[ument Boaower shall not be released from Borrower s obLgations and liabil�ty under ttus Securtty Instiument unless Lender agrees to such release m writing The covenants and agreements of Uus Security Instrument shall bind(except as prov�ded in Section 20) and benefit the suc�eswrs,,cid ass�gns of Lender la Loau Chnrges Lender may charge Buuower fees for serviees periormed m connection with Borrower s default for the purpose of protectu�g Lender s interest m the Property and nghts under ttus Security Instrument including but not Luvted tu, attoineys' fees,property inspect�on and valuaLon fees [n regard to auy other fees the absence of express authouty m W�s bectmty Insttwttent to charge a spec�5c fee to Borrower shall not be construed as a proh�b�tion on the charguig oF such fee Lender may not charge fees that are erpressly prolubiteii by th�s Secunty[nswment or by Applicable Law If the Loan is sub�ect to a law�vh�ch sets�*+aY,mum loan charges,and that law is finally intemzeted so th�t the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected m connection with the Loan exceed the peiuutted L�uts then (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the chazge to the permitted liuvt,and(b)any suuL+already cullei.ted from Bonower wtuch exceeded peruutted luiuu will be refunded � to Borrower Lender may choose to make ttus refund by reducmg the prmcipal owed under the Note or by maktng a i dure�t payment to Botrower If a refund reduces pnncipal the reducUon will be treated as a partial prepayment wtthout any prepeyment charge(whether or not a prepayment chazge��provideJ fur umler l6e Nule) Borrower 5 acceptance ot any such refund made by d�rect payment to [iorrower will constrtute a warver ot any nght ot act�on Borrower uvght have az�smg out of such overcharge 1� Nulices All notices grven by BoIIOwer or Lender►a wnne�t�un w�th thi�Sc.uuily Inntrument mus�be in writing Any not�ce to Borrower in connection with th�s Securtty Ins[nmient shall be deetned to h1�e been a��en to Borrowcr whcn muled by fust class mail or when actually dchvered to Bonower s notice address if sent by other means Notice to any one Horrower shall constrtute notice to all Borrowers uriless Apphc�ble Law erpressly reqwres utherw�se The nott�e address shall be the Property Address nnlesa Boirower has designated a substitute not�ce address by not�ce to L,ender Borrower shatl promptly notify Lender of Bo�rower s change ot address It Lender spec�l�es a procedure for reporting Bozrower s change of address then Borrower shall only report a change ul e�lcireas ttuough thel speci6ecl pro�edure There may be only une dea�gneleei notice.�ddce�� under this S«urity lnstnunent at any nne time Any not�ce to Lender shall he g�ven by delivermg�t or by ma�lmg rt by f�rst class mail to Lender's address stated herem unless Lender has des�g�ated another address by notice to Borrower Any notice m connection v�nth thts Secunty Instrument shall not be deemed to have been gnen to Lender until actually recerved by Lender If any notice reqwred by this Secunty Instr�ent is also requued under AppLcable Law the Applicable Law requuement will sahst}r the corresponding rcqwrement under this Secui�ty Instrument 16 Govem�ng Law, Severab�ty, Rules of Coustruction Ttus Secunry Instrument s6all be govemed by federal law and the law of the�uti�ciictton in�vh1�.h the Propert}+�s localed Ali nghts and ob]igaUon��uatained m this Secutity Ins�ument aze sub�ect to any reqturements and lumtahons ot Applicable Law AppLcable Law uvght explicrity or impl�cidy allow the parUes to agree by contract or it might be silent but such silence shall not be construed as a protubtUOn agatnst agreement by contracl 1n the event that any prov�sion or clause of ttus Security Instrument or the Note conlLcts with AppLcable Law such conflict shall not affect other provis�ons of Uus Secunty Instrument or the Note wluch can be given effect v�nthout the conflichng prov�s�on As used �n th�s Secunty Instrument (a)words of Ihe masculine gender shall mean and mclude waeapc�ndmg neuter words or words of the femmme gender (b)words in the suigular shali me�and mclude the plural and vice versa and(c)the word `ma}� g�ves sole discret�on withoul any obLgation tn hke any achon 1T Borrowcr's Copy Bonower shall be given one copy ofthe Note and of this Security InsttUment Loan No 1796728 Oregon Deed o[I'rw6Smglo Famdy}am�e M�dFredd�e Mac IJNIFORM 1NSTR[J�IEIVT Form 3038 U 1�U I —1�1e Contrt.[�uvca So[mCS,Iru— Page 10 0[14 �aows ovao vw�r m�l�oeuauree rom ILJ�^e����������yn, 02000 76 C erplane Sowri�oe i� wow 2002-107516 18 Traus[er ot the Property ur e Benefic�el Interest�n Burrower As used in this Section 18 Interest m the Property means any legal or beneficial mterest m the Property uicluduig but not l�uted to those beneLcial mterests uausferred ia a bond for deed contract for deed mstallment sales co�ract or escrow ag�eement the mteni of which u the transfer of utle by Borrower at a futiae date to a purchasa If all or any part of the Propeity or any Interest m the Properiy is sold or transferred(or if[iorro�ver is not a natival person and a beneficial mterest tn Bonower�s sold or transferred)wtthout Lender s pnor written consent, Lendec may requue immediate payment m tull of all sums secuted by this Sec�uity Instcument However ttus opuun ahall not be exerased by Lender if such exercise is protL�bited by Applicable Law It l.ender exerc�ses thi s nptinn Lender shall give IIorrower notice ot accelera�oa 1 he nouce shall prov�de a penod of not less thau 30 days ftom the date the notice �s given m accordance w�th Sect►on l5 withm which Boirower must pay all sumS sec�ed by ttus 5ecuntv Instrumem If Borrower fads to pay these sunu prior to the expaat�on of this penod L.ender may �nvoke any remedies pe�tte�by this Secuc►ty instnunent w�thout further not�ce or demand on Borrowcr 19 Borrower s R�ght to Reuuscate Atter Acceleration If Boirower meets certain condd�ons Borrower shall have the nght to have enforcement ol this Secunty Instrument discoatmued at any tune pnor to the earliest of (a)five days before sale of the Property pursuant to anv power of sale contamed m th�s Secur�ty Instrument (b)such other penod as Apphcable Law uught specify for the ternunahon of Borrower s nght to ieuistate or (c) entry of a �ud�nent enforcmg tlus Secunry lnsaument Those conditions aze that Borrower (a) pays Lender all sums wh�ch theet would be due under ttus Secunty Instrument and the�Tote as if no acceletation had occurred (h) ciues any delault of any other co�enants or agzeements (c)pays all expenses mcurred m enforcmg this Seciuiry Instrument mctuding but not limtted to reasonable attomeys fees properiy mspect�on and valuation fees anci other fees mcurreci for the purpose of protecting Lender's imerest m the Property and nghts under ttvs Security Instnvnent and (d) takes such achon as Lender may reasonably reqture to ass�ue tbat Lender s mterest m ihe Properiy and nghts under tius Sec�rtty Inson►ment and Borrower s obligauon to pay the sums secured by ttus Securuy Instrument shall continue unchanged L.ender umy require that Bouower pay auch remslatement s�uru md expenaea�n une ur mure of the following forms as selected by Lender (a)cash (b)money order(c)cert�fied check bank che�l, ireast�rer s check or cash�er s check prov�ded any such check�s drawn upon an u�stitution whose deposits are msured by a federal agency mstrumentalily or enuty� or(d)Elec�onic Funds Transfer Upon reinstatanent by Borrower, ttus Secur�ty Instnm�ent and obligations secured hereby shall remam fully ef�'edive as if no accelerat�on had occurred However this nght to remstate shall not appty in the case of accelerat�on imder Sect�on 18 20 Sale of Noce, Change of Loan Sgrvicer, Notice oi Grievance The I�Tote or a partial mterest m the Note(together wdh this Secuttty Insttument)can be sold one or more Uutes w�thout prtor not�ce to Borrower A sale rmght result in a change m the enGty(lrnnwn as ihe L.oan bernce�)that collects Fenod�c Payments due under the Note and th�s Security lnstrument and perfomu other mortgage loan servicmg obl�gat�ons under the Note ttus Sectuity Instrument and Appl�cable L,aw There aLso m�ght be one or more changi.s of the Ludn Servuer imrelated to a sale of the Nnte If there is a change of the Loan Servicer Borrower wtll be grven wntten nntice of the change which will state the name and address of the new Lo,in Serncer the address to w}uch payments should be made and aay other mformauon RESPA reqwres�n connection wLth a nohce uf transfer of servicing If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan�s serviced by a Loan Serncer other than the purchaser of the Note the morigage loan serncing obhgat�ons to Sorrower will remain with the Loan berncer or be tr�sferred to a successor Loan Serncer and are not assumed by the Note piachaser unless othenvise provtded by the Note piuchaser Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence �om, or be�oined to any �wLc�al ac,(►un (as either 1n mdivtdual liugant or the member of a class) that anses &om lhe other party's actions pursuant to ttu� Secunry 1nsUument or that allegcs thut the other party has breached any provision of or any duty owed by reason of ttus Seciuity Instrument unnl such Bonower or Lender has notified the other parry (with such nouce given m wmphance w�th Ihe reqwrements of Se�tion 15) of suc.h alleged breach and atlorded the other party hc.re.to e reasonahle penod after the��nng ot such nohce to take cnrrective act►on I1 Appl�cable Law prov�des a hme rennd which mu�t elapse before certam action can be take�that t�me penod will be deemed to be redsonable for purposes I,oan No 1796728 Orcgon Deed of Truet Smgle Famdy Feneu MadFredd�e Mae iJN]FORM IIVSfRIJMENT Form 3u38 U1JU1 —THH CotbrtlntvCE Sooacr,LvC— page Il o[14 �auutoa auuu ������m� i��i���ai���mm��u a�oT��o��� �«G� � i � I002-107516 of this paragraph 1'he noUce of accelerat�on and npportumty to cure given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the aouce of accelerauon given to Borrower pursuant to Scchon 18 shall be de�ned to sat�sfy the notice and opportunity tn take corrective acnon provisions of t6is Section 20 21 Hazardous Substances As used in this Se�,hon 21 (a) Elacudous Substances are those substances defined as toxic or hazardo�s substances pollutants or wastes by Env�ronmental Law and the followm;substances gasolme keros�e, other IIaaunable or tox�c petroleum products,iowc pest►cides and herbicides volatile solvents matenals conta�tung asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials (b)'Envtronmental Lat� meens Federal laws and laws of the�urisdicuon where the Property �s lo�.ated thet relete tu heallh, aafety or env►ronmental protectton (c) Envuonmental Cleanup �c►cludes any res�nse actton remed�al actton or removai action, as defined in Envuonmental Lavr and(d)an Envuonmental Condthon means a condtUon that can c.ause contnbute to,or otherwise tn�er an Env¢unmental Cleanup Borrower sha0 not cause or pernvt the presence use disposal storage or release of any Hazaidous Substances or ihreaten to release any Ha7.�rdous Substances on or m the Properry Borrower shall not do nor allow anyone else to do anything affecnng the Properry (a)that �s m v�olanon of any Env�ronmental Law (b)which creates an Environmental Condihon, or (c)which, due to the presence we or release of d Hdcardous Substance creates a condiUon tbat adversely afTects the value ot the Property The preceduig lwo sentencea shall not apply to the presence use or storage oo the Property of small quantttics of Hazardous Substances that are generally recogwzed to be appropnale to nomial res�dent�al uses and to mamtenaace of the Properry (m�luding but not luntted to hazatdous substances m cnnsumer products) Borrower shall promptly grve Lender wnricn nottce of(a) any utveshgahon, cla�m, demand lawsmt or other acuon by any govecnmental or regulatory agency oi private party�avolv�ng the Properry and any Ha7ardous Substance or EnvironmenW I.aw of which Borrower has actual knowledge, (b) any Envuonmental Cun�i4on, includmg but not l�tcd to any spillmg leaktng discharge release or threat o}release ot any Hazardous Substance and(c)any condition caused by the presen�e use or release of a Hazardous 5ubstance wtuch adversely affects thc value of the Property If Boaower leains,ur is nutified by any governmentdl or regulatory authonry or any pnvete party that any re�val or other remediation ot any Hazardous 5ubstance affecting the Property is necessary Borrower shall promptly take all necesaary remed�al act�ons m accord�nce with Envtronmenlal La�� Nothmg herem ahall create eny ubhgelion on Lender for an Environmental Cleanup NON [JNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows 22 Acceleranon, Remed�es Lender shall �ve notice tn Borruwer pnor to accelerat�on followmg [3orrower's breacL of any coveuaut or agreement m th�s Security lustrumeul(bul nut pnor lo�ecelerat�an under 5e�t�on 18 unless Appl�cable Law ptovides othernnse) 7 he aot�ce shall specify (a)the default,(6)the act�ou reqwred to cure the default, (c) a date, not less than 30 dnys frum �he date �he notice is given to Borrower, by wh�ch the detaull mu�t be cured aud(d)that failure to cure the deCault on or before the dnte specilied�u the uohce may result m accelerauon o[the sums secured by th�s Securitv Iu�trumeut and sale of the Propercy The notice shall turcher�nform Borrowcr of thc r�ght to reiuslate niter accelcration �ud thc nght to bnug a �uurt a�t�on to assert thc non e�stence of a defanit or any other defense uf Borrorver to acceleratton and sale If the default �s not cured ou or befnre tlie date spec�Tied�n tlie nohce, Luidrr rt ila optwn may reqmrc immcdi�te paymenl in full of aU sums secured by this Secur�ty I�istrument nith��ut further demaud and may invoke the power of salc and any other remed�es perantted by Appl�cablc La�� Lender shall be entdled to collect all eapen�es incurred�n pursnmg the remedies provided�n this Sechou 22 ►ncludmg,but not l�mited to,reasouable dttarneys' fees and costs o!htle evidence If Leuder tnvokes the power of sale,Lender shall execute or cause Trustee to eaecute a nr�tten not�ce of the occurreuce of an ev�t of de[ault and of Lender's election to cause the Property to be sold aud sLall canse such nat�ce to be recorded m eacL county iv whtcL et�y part of the Property is lorated Lender or Trustee shall g�ve notice of sale m the manner prescnbed by Applicable Law to Dorrower and to other persons presenbed by Applicable Law After the hmc requtred by�lpplicable Law Trustec without demand Loan No 1796728 Oregon Dced of Trus4Sutg�e Famdy Faooie MaeJFrcddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRllMENl Form 1038 O1/01 —Txa ConieL�ti�cs Sovac�Inc— P�ge 12 of 14 uoaoR ouoo �. �„P,��� � I�W�109�v��099�1�V1 0��7��0,���� �. �� ze02-ia�sss on Borruwer, shall sell �he Property et public auct�on to Ihe h�ghest bidder at the t�me and place and under the tern�v designated �n the notice nf sale �n one or more parcels and �n any order Trustee deteruunes Trustee may postpone salc of alt or any parccl of thc Property by publ�c announcement at the hme and place of any prev�ously scLeduled sale Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at any sale Trustee shall deLver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveyin�the Property without a�ty covenant or warranty, e�ressed nr �mplied The recitals m the Trustee'a deed shall be pnma [ac�e ev�dei�ce of thc truth of thc statcments mnde thcrcan Trnstee shall apply the proceeds oI the sale m the [ollowing order (a)to all expenses of the sa1e,�nclud�ug,but not linuted to,reasonable Trustee's and attorneys'fees,(b)ta all sums secared by this Secanty Instrument,and(c)any e=cess to the person or persa�s legally�utitled tu tt Z3 Reconveyance Upon payment of all sums secured by this beciuity lnstnmient Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the Propert}+and shall surrender thts Seciuity Insttument and all notes evidencing debt secured by lhia Secunty Instrument tu Tn�tee Tnutee ahell r�wnvey the Property w�thout warcanty to the person or persons legally entrtled to it Such pecson or persons shall pay any recordaiion costs Lender may charge such person or persons a fee for reconveywg the Properry but only if the fcc is pa�d to a thud party(such as the Trustee) for services rendered and the chazging of the fee�s perm�tted under Apphcable Law 24 Subshtote Trustee Lender may Gom time to tiute remnve Tnulee and appomt d auccessor lruslee to any Trustee appomted hereunder Wtthout conveyance of the Property the successor trustee shall succeed to all the t►tle power and duhes conferred upon Trustee herein and by Appl�cable Law 25 Attorneys' Fees As used�r►thi�Se�.�ur�ty Ia�lrumenl and m the Note, ariomeys lees shall mclude any attomeys fees awarded by an appellate court 26 Protecttve Advances. This 5ecurity Insirument secures any advances Lender at rts discretion, may meke under SecUon 9 of this Security Instiument to protect Lender s �nterest m the Property and rtghts under ttus Secur�ty Instnmient 27 Rcquired Evidcace of Property Insurance WARTIING Unless you provtde us w�th ev�dence of the msuran�e �overege a� reqwreii by our contract or loan agrcemcnt, we may parchase insurancc at your expense to protect our mterest This ►nsurance may but need not also protect your mterest If the collateral becomes damaged the coverdge we purcha�e may not pdy eny�lmm yuu make or any cla�m made agamst you You may later cancel this coverage by providu�g evtdence that you have obtazned property coverage elsewhere You ere responsible for the c.ost of any tnsurance purchased by us The cost of ttus msurance may 6e added to yonr�ontract or loan balance If the cost is added to your contract or loan balance the mtcrest rate on the underlying contract or loan will apply to ttus added amount The e}i'ective date of coverage may be the date yo�pnor]oan coverage lapsed or ihe ciate you failed to provide proof of coverage The coverage we purchasc may be cons►dexably more expensive than msuraace you can obtem on your own and may not sausfy any need for properry damage coverage or any mandatory liability iasurance reqwremeats imposed by AppL�eble Law I�n No 1796728 Orcgon Deed o(Trvit-S�ngle Farnily-Fanwe Hix/Fredd�e Mac i1NIFORM INSI'RUMENT Form 3038 OLO1 —THC COMTLIANCfi SOUACTi�LdC— Page 13 0l 30 1�DOIOR O8/00 wrv eo�lnouaureawm I��p'������'n�y'n'�1� C2000 The Co�lsnc Soueec la lQ mrOY 2002-107�16 BY SIGNING BELOW Borrowcr acccpis and agccs to thc tcrms and covenants conta�ned in thia Secunty Instrument and m any Rider executed by Borrower and recorded with it Wimesses �'`� (Seal) aul Krasa Dorrowcr ,�l��� �.:iti���G`-J (Seal) Carol E Totorica B°rt°wu "`-' (5ea1) �7 C�ldr � J Boaower (Seal) Bonowe� O (Acknowledg§nt on Following PageJ State of � § Counry ut § Before me the undersigned authority on this day pe�onally appeared Paul Krasausk ��-- F ?htnr,.. �nrj Trw Ma[�h�+-.z T•- /1,,,,�� �i V�..�� la�own to me(or proved to me Wrough an identity card or otha document) to be the person(s)whose name is subscr�bed to the foregoing In+Yn�ment and aclQmwle�ged to me tha li shehhev erecuted the same for the purposes and considetauon therem expressed �.�) �y°t ��� �Z OFFICIAL SEAL � r CIN�Y M SCHAFFNER � • NOTARY PUBLIC OREGON S COMMISSION NO A339678 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN 22 2005 Notary Publ�c I,oan No 1796728 My Comauss►o Expues��.t�� Orcgon Dced of Tru:t Smglo Fan�ly FanoK MadFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMEI�T Fonn 3038 Ol1Ul —1'ae Co�trClnlvCS 5oUACY.INC— Page l4 of 14 i�uoion adoo �,._�V���mm 1�0�����1�611H111���� o�ooa 7�� ���<���a 1 � � 2002-107336 INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT _ I State/ On this the � y of �� Yaa� DaY ��� J Monlh I Commonweahh ss i i before me �•� County of Nama of Nolvy Publc the undersigned Notary Public personally appeared �.A�� � �r�r�� �E ��'FfA��,�2 Name vl Slpncr(s) ❑personally known to me � � �proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence --....�,m......» ... �� � SUZANNE L NEEI.EY �o be the person(s) whose name(s) i� subscr�bed ; NotarypuhYc SmtsotN�vnde � �o the ithin instrument and acknowledged that � ; �°�""t�n W0°�0°� ' he/sh�xecuted it ' No op.6217&2 Expres Apnl�.�e„� :..�..,.��.�.��..-�---•...�..�—......mp w...-• _'� WITNESS y h a o eal ��, afu ol otary Public I i T10 A � Though the�nlormaUOn�n this sect�on!s not required by law d ma ve valuable to . persons retying on the dOCUmenf and could plevent 1l2udulenf r moval and op ot thumb here Top of thumh here realtachment o/fh�s lorm to anofher document Descriptlon of Attached Document �— � Title or Type of Dacument � ��� � ( �Document Date �������— Number of Pages � Signer(s)Other Than Named Above /�N�� � c O t 98B Nalmel Notary Aesx�auon 9360 De Sob Ave D 0 Bo:2402 Chauwiwtft CA 81313 2�02 www nWlonelnalary org Itom No 5170 Reorder Cnll Toll Free 1 800�876-6827 1 2002-107616 J_` � 1-4 FAMILY RIDER (Assignment of Rents) Loan No 1796728 11115 1 4 FAMILY RiDCR is made this 2']� day of p,ugust, 2002 and is mcorporated mto and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage Deed of Trust or Secunty Deed (the Secunty Instrument ) of the same date grven by the unders►gned (the Borrowe�) to secure Borrower s Noce to IndyMac Ban1c, F S B , a fedp�'ally chartered savuzgs bank (ihe Lender ) of the same date and covenng thc Properiy descnbed m the Secunty Instrumcnt and located at 10085 South West Katherine Street, Portland, OR 97223 [Property AddressJ l-4 FANIILY COVENANTS In addilion to the covenants and agreements made m the Security Instrument Borrnwer and Lender fiuther covenant and agree as follows A ADDITIONAL PROPERTY SITBJECT TO T� SECURITY INSTR[JMENT ln addrt�on to the Property descnbed►n Secunty Inshument ihe followmg Uans now oi hereafter attached w eh�Propeny to�he extent they are fixttues are added to the Property dcscnptioa uttd shall aLso constitute the Property coveted bv the becurity In�trument butlding materials,appliances and goods of every natttre whatsoever now or hereatter located m on or usc� or mtended to be u5ed m connecUon wtth the Property mcludmg but not limited to those for the puipo�es ot supplymg or distr�but�ng heatmg coolutg electr�ciry, gas water, air and light fire prevention and eYttnguishtng apparatus secunty and access control aPparalus plumb►ng bath tubs \41tP1 F1f.�f2i5 water closets suiks �anges stoves refrigerators dishwashers disposals washers dryers awmngs stoim windows storm doors screens himds shades curtams and curtazn rods attached murors cabmets panelmg and attached floor�uvermga all of which mcludmg replacements and addrtions thereto shall be deemed to be and remam a part of the Property covered by the Secunty Insirument All of the forego�ng together w�th the Property descnbe�l ui �he Securriy Instrument (or the leasehold estate if the Secunty InsUuutcnt �s on a lcasehold)are referred to m ttus 1 4 Family R.ider and the Security Instrwnent.0 the Pruperiy B USE OF PROPERTY, COMI'LIANCE WIT'H LAVV Borrower shall not seek agree to or mahe a change in the use of the Property ot its zonmg class�ficatlon,unless Lender has agreed in wntmg to the change Boirower shal! comply with all la�vs ordinances regulations and reqwrements ot any governmental body applicable to the Property C SUBORDiNATE LIENS Ercept as peruntted by federal law Borrower shall not allow any lieu mferior to the Secunty Insttument to be perfected agauist the Property without Lender s pr�or writtcn perm�ssion Imt�als .4 Multiotate 14 Fam�ly Rider—Fanau MadFredJ�e Mac i1NIFORM L*iSTRUMEPIT m J170 Ol/Ol —TNC Co�t�.uves So[me8,Ir��— Page 1 0[3 iumntU aaoo �• �����o� IIatlHIYq�W����IIN��191Y ozoaanrc�wv� � sa,� i�� i � 2002-30T316 D RENT LOSS INSURANCE Borrower shall mamtain tnswance agamst rent loss in sddition to the other hazazds for which msurance is requ�red by Secttnn 5 E '�BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REINSTATE"DELETED Sectton l9 i5 deleted F BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY Unless Lender and Botrower othenvise agree in writing Section 6 concemmg Borrower s occupancy ol the Property ts deleted G ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES Lpon Lender s request aRer default Burrowtr si�ll aa�i�ii tu Len�ler all leases of the Property and all security deposrts made m connection with leases of the Property Upon the assignment, Lender shall have the nght to modify extend or te�unate the exisung leases and to erecute new leases m Lender's sole d�scretion As used in th�s pangraph G the�vord 'lease shall mean sublease it the Secunty Instrum�t is on a leasehold Fi ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS, APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER, LENDER iN POSSESSION Botrowcr absolutely and uncondittonally ass�gns and transfers to Lender all the rents and revenue� ( Rents ) of �he Properiy regerJlea� oC to whom the Rents uf the Property are payable Burruwer eutl►ur�cra L�nder or Lcnder s agents to collect the Rents and agrees that each tenant of the Property shall pay the 2ents to Lender or Lender s agents However Borrower shall recetve the Rents until (i) Lender has giv�n Borrower nottce of detault pursuant to Sect�on 22 ot the�ecurity Instrument and(ii) Lender has gtven not�ce to the tenant(s)lhat the Rents are to be paid to Lender or Lender s ag�.nt Th►s assignment of Renta conslrtutes an absolute assigninent and not an ass�gnment tor add�tional aecurity only If Lender g�ves not�ces of default to Boaower (i) all Rents recerved by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as trustee for the benefit of Lender only to be applied to the sum�secure�!by the 5ecur�ty Instrument (u)Lender shall be entitled to collect and receive all of the Rents of thc Property (iii) Borrower a�rees that each tenant of lhe Property shall pay all Rents due and unpe�d to Lender ur Lender s agen►s upon Lender � written demand to the tenant (rv) unle�s applicable law provldes otheiw�se all Rents colicc,ted by Lcnder or Lcnder s agents shall be appl�ed Frst to the costs of tak�ng control of and managmg the Pioperty and collectmg the Rents includuig but not l�ted to attomeya fecs rece►ver s fees prem�ums on recerver a bonds repdir and maintenance costs tnsurance premiums taxes assessmen[s and other charges on ihe Propeny and then to the sums secured by the Security Instrument (v) Lender Lender s agents or any�udicially appomted recerver shall be liable to account for only those Rents actually received and (vi) Lender shall be entitled to ha�e a rc.ceiver appo�nted to take possession ot -tnd man��c the Property and collect the Rents end prolrts der�ved lrom the Property without any showmg as to the madequacy of the Property as secunty 1f the Rents of the Property are not sufficient to cover ihe costs of takmg�ontrol of and aianeging the Property and af collcctmg thc Rcnts any funds expended by Lender for such pucposcs shall bccomc mdcbtedness of Burrower to Lender se�ured by lhe Se�urity Instrument pursuant to SecUon 9 Borrower repzesents and warrants that Borrower has not cxecuted any pnor assignment o1 the Rents and has not performed and w�ll not perform any act that�vould prevent Lender from erercising�ts rights under ttli� paragraph 796 8 Init►als � � hlult��tote 1�Fam�ly ILdcr Funme MadFredd�e Mae IAVIFORI►f ASTRUAIENT or i 317U U 1/Ol —THE COMPLIANC6 SOURC¢,ING— P9ge 2 0(3 Ia5a7MU ONOo wwr amPli oumaawm I��YY�����������' D7000 ThcCcmPL uccSwuu Iuc i� 2002-107s16 � ' Lenda, or Lender s agents or a�ud�c�ally appomted receiver shall not be requuecl tu enter upon tdke control ot or mamtain the Property before or after giving notice of default to Borrower However Lender or Lender s agents or a�udicially appointed receiver may do so at any ume when a default occurs Any app�catiun of Rents shall not cure or waive any default or invalidate any other nght or remedy of Lender Th�s assignment of Rents of the Property shali t�mtnate when all the sums secured by the Securtty Instrument are paid m full I CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISiON Borrower's default or breach under any note or agreement m which Lender has an�nterest shall be a breach under the 5ecunty lnswment and Lender may invoke any of the remedies permitted by the Security Instruatent BY SIGNING BELOW Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and provtsions coatained ui th�s 1-�1 Family Rlder CGC,[x_ �� �s�> L�� �!—�fr� �s�> Paul Rrasausk ��=�WC� Carol E 7.btorica ����oW�� �' (Seal) (Seal) Joe harg, Jr soROW� ao�W�� Loan No 1796728 MulHtmte 1-t Famdy Rlda—Rannle Mae/Preddfe Mae iJNIFORM i1�iSTRUMENT Form 3170 Ol/Ol —T�a Co1nel.innCL SooxcE,Wc— Pagc 3 ot3 tua+mu oLOo ����.��om 11C9�I�IIi011a����A o���n T��p,�,� �«<�o� i O�der No 136220w EXHIBIT "A (IIIII Legal Descnption 2002-107�16 The Eaet 75 00 feet of tha West 525 00 feet of Lot 11, GREENBURG HEIGHTS ADDITION, in the City of Tigard, County of Washington and State of Oregon PROPOSED PARTITION FOR 10085 SW KATHERINE STREET TIGARD, OREGON The proposed land use action is the minor partition of this lot into two parcels one of a 7500 SF lot with a 1969 vintage 1008 SF home and a new lot to the rear of 7975 SF having frontage on a new private street and a lot line ad�ustment to that property to compensate it for extending the road through it to get to the rear of an ad�oining property, 10120 Tigard Street Both home sites will have access to storm and sanitary sewer through a line on the property line wrth the property known as 1013 5 S W Katherine Street which will be placed in a recorded easement to service 10120 Tigard Street IMPACT The land use action will benefit the city in that a neighbors property will be hooked up to crty sewers decommissioning a 30 year old septic system and by utilizing 15246 SF R-4 5 ZONE to smaller size lots The home which fronts on Katherine Street is hooked up to sanitary now and the second lot created by this land use application will have approximately 106 ft of private street frontage A new starter house will be built on the newly created 7975 SF lot • The partition of this 14972 SF property divides into one 7500 SF lot and home with frontage at 10085 Katherine Street and one 7500 SF lot with frontage on the proposed private drive after the lot line ad�ustment now being recorded in Washington County with the ad�oining property, 10120 Tigard Street This meets the minimum size of the R-4 5 Low Density Residential District • R-4 5 Zoning district dimensional requirements are able to be met when the lot is developed • Access on the new private drive is proposed � Clear vision will be met at Tigard Street from our access from the private drive when it is constructed per the city code • Recognizing that Tigard Street is an important street, we are willing to do whatever the city wishes in planning for those improvements or in committing the property to pay for those improvements for our 28 `/z Ft when they are done Likewise, I am willing to commit the existing residence at 10085 Katherine to improvements along that street although I believe that sidewalks and curbs would detract from the charm of all Katherine Street properties because it would cause removal of the very large trees • A Fire hydrant is located on Tigard Street by Katherine Street The location is within approximately 300 ft of our two proposed homesites This partition meets the ob�ectives of good planning The new lot at the rear of 10085 Katherine Street does not affect that home at all and utilizes an underdeveloped lot while meeting all requirements of R-4 5 Any increase in use by increased traffic by one additional home will be mitigated by the increased tax value of those improvements Chapter 18 420 O50 Land Partition A This application complies wrth all known statutory and ordinance requirements and regulations B There are adequate facilrties to service one addrtional home which will be built on the back of the current house addressed 10085 Katherine Street It will be connected to a lateral line which will be placed to service a neighboring parcel currently on a septic system The new home will also have access to a storm sewer system which is in Katherine Street C The new home will have access via a private 20 foot wide street to Tigard Street after a lot line ad�ustment with the 10120 Tigard Street which is currently being recorded at Washington County D After the lot line ad�ustment 10085 Katherine will have two 7500 square foot lots The new lot will have access through the private drive to Tigard Street Chapter 18 420 060 Final Plat Submission Requirements The requirements of this section will be met when the final plat is submitted � Chapter 18 420 070 Dedicated Lands There are beautiful large trees where sidewalks would go on Kathenne Street There are no sidewalks along Katherine Street now and we believe to put them in would destroy the neighborhood character We would be agreeable to having them in front of the new home which would have access to Tigard Street Chapter 18 420 080 Recording Partition Plat These requirements will be met Chapter 18 510 020 List of Zoning Districts The new lot sizes and dimensions meet the requirements of the 4 5 zone Chapter 18 510 030 Types of Uses It is the intention to build one new approximately 1400 square foot single family dwelling on the new lot Chapter 18 510 040 Densrty The densrty requirement is met by this partrtion Chapter 18 510 O50 Development Standards This development meets the standards and no variances are being requested Chapter 18 705 030 . , t Access, Egress, and Circulation This property is unusual as it will have two fronts when this partition is completed The 10085 Katherine Street home will front on a local street, Katherine Street The back yard or second building site will face a new private 20 foot wide street which will give this parcel access to Tigard Street The 20 foot access to the rear lot of 10120 Tigard Street property adequately gives our approximately 75 foot frontage service by emergency vehicals Chapter 18 810 Street And Utility Improvement Standards It is not the intention of this development action to do any work on Katherine Street or to the home at 10085 Katherine However, we are willing to enter into a restrictive covenant to provide for future improvements when and if they are made to Katherine and record such at the time of recording the partrtion with Washington County We hope to have underground utilities for our new parcel However, if that is not possible we will pay a fee in lieu of that to the city \T � � ��� ',' �F � ���r_= _��"t__ _ � _ _ ' _ _' ____ m ` _`_ ����eanV�afer��Services �-� - � � � - � - - --- �-- - -r-_ _ _ _ __ � � Our commitment is clear November 5, 2002 Miles Schlesinger 11455 SW Shrope Ct Tigard, OR 97223 Re Minor land partition located on SW Katherine in Tigard, OR CWS file 2477 (Tax map 1 S135CC, Tax lot 03000, 03100, 03400) Clean Water Services has reviewed your proposal for the above referenced site Staff has conducted a pre-screen review and requested completion of a Sensitive Areas Certification Form Following the review of submitted materials it appears that sensitive area near this site would only require a 50' buffer Since your property is beyond the 50' maximum buffer, you do not need a Service Provider letter as required by Resolution and Order 00-7, Section 3 02 1 This document shall serve as your Stormwater Connection Permit authonzation from Clean Water Services as required pursuant to Ordinance 27, Section 4 B All required permits and approvals must be obtained and completed under applicable local, state, and federal law This concurrence letter does NOT eliminate the need to protect sensitive areas if they are subsequently identified on your site If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 503-846-3613 Sincerely, L��2� Chuck Buckallew Environmental Plan Review � C\D��elopm�nt Svcs\SP 00 7\Concurr�ncc Lcu�rsUS135CC03000 03100 03�}00 Pruperty b�yond min but��r doc 155 N First Avenue Suite 270• Hillsboro Oregon 97124 Phone (503)846 8621 • Fax (503)846 3525•www cleanwaterservices org ar_-+d-e..�- __� _..` �_s�--. _-3` ' r ^F ' , .. . ' x �� - -_ Fa --� '���°r�'�.•`-�`Y, � _ ._ � - -_214 _ _ - � L � _ -� __ .� r Y ._ - .�-cs� ^.. .. ._^� a.�..,� �.. � u.-�_ a � ._S ^'4 Fv� ��f.C'-�c _. _ __ �--°- -'T ti°=F=-' _° _ _ __- _ __ _ - __�y y ,-�- s., �_�, - _ _ � i ' _ _' -c _ -- _` � - .,., �:- - ..� - -'�,a- .-i'�'s_tr'-n,:a="�' _ �`c'��t�7x�T�..:- •-�- ..._iw: R-�_�--_.---r..r�..�.`��_ '- _ t��r^-._-J��, _ �t.r F,,,="- ,L:`= - -".o-„�a= "'"c""=�'�'x ie.s..°r'-�__"�.`�•�fy,�YV,'t��-y�2-t^ .4��.2 �`~` .... .r :-r_�y-�r�-_ .. _ - _ t z,�Y„�`-__ '^"�.s�-�+:.a r�T�.�...+r r_== ='��,-.�--T-' _'�s���rT'a'r-__=>� tc�r�c�'tcr^te+-�r�;o.,-.u.._-°n.-9+�-�+-�,��+-e=�ro=_"„ - �r.--.-._,. -.v�� ,T'�--e._-•--s.,^�••�.-t_^-w4�ar� � „ - - ' -------°-=---'-�.,-- - - — "� � - �C�C 1 il�\umber C1eanWate��� Ser�ices Oor comm�lmcnt is �Icar Sensitive Areas Certification Form Prope�ty Owner Name Address City/StatelZip Telephone Fax E mad Authorized Agent Name SM Bu�lders, Inc (Contact S M�les Schlesmger) Address 11455 SW Shnope Court Cdy/StatelZip T�gard, OR 97223 Te�ephone �503)968-6500 Fax (503) 620-8487 E mail Pro�ect Location Street road or other descnptive locat�on 10120 SW Tigard Street and 2 ad�acent propert�es to the south that front SW Kather�ne Street Legaf Descnption Gluarter CC Section 35CC Township �S Range lW In or near(city or town) County Tax Map# Tax Lot# T�gard Washmgton l S I 35CC 3000 3 I 00 3400 Waterway None River Mde N�A Latitude 45-26-04 Longitude ���_.}6 ,�� Ad�acent Property Information Street road or other descriptive location Ad�acent to the west of TL 3400 descnbed above Legal Description Gluarter „ „ Section „ �� Township ,„ Range „ In or near(city or town) , „ County „„ Tax Map# Tax Lot# 3600 Waterway „ River M�le „ „ Latilude „ , Long�tude �� �� } .. .�"_n- __ � -�+;{ z r`^�, r,...r- � 1 �,•^ -�i n�- ' `_ ��i � hc s�rc�7�+s.�._ ,: _ .__•_� Y �� �-•rrs=- =.s_-°-r.�-�-�y.s.._4�__-'•z�A'� W*=cr�R,� s�%si�,.��.rw,�„ JF�°� ']�,`�r ��..5., "' u--�3-i�SR�� � - _ ", .._iY��.L"'J.!'.'°",f - A�T.� z-�'-=,—a� - �^"`� R_ �� „ ---.-x+n[.���=��T"� CiH`y �-t �F 4^ _ -f `- a .r_ _._ .�_ _�y -^ - ' ,,. r G-.-�"i:-m .. �R w'-^� 'T�'�t'�eL�K��`���.�d��4"CT.,_. 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Filc Number An on-site,water quality-sensitive area reconnaissance was completed on Date By Title Company 10/24/02 Richard Bublitz& Profess�onal Wetland Sc�entist Env�ronmental Technology Consultants David Waterman Environmental Specialist A Existence of Water-Gluality-Se�sitrve Areas As defined in the Distnct s Design and Construction Standards water quality-sensitive areas ❑ do �do not exist on sde(check appropnate box) Nore mosr lrkely � do ❑ do not exist within 200 on ad�acent prope�ties or❑ unable to evaluate ad�acent nor ab[e ro property(check appropnate box) determ�ne wrth certarnry • If water-quality-sensitive areas exist complete Sect�on B below • If water-quality-sensitive areas do not exist skip Section B sign this form and submit to the Distnct with plan approval package 6 Types of Water-Quality-Sensitrve Areas The type(s)of water-quality-sensitive area(s)that occur on site or within 200 ft on ad�acent properties are(check all that apply) �wetland(s) ❑ spnng(s) ❑ intermittent stream(s) ❑ perenrnal stream(s) ❑ ponds Sign this form and submit to the District with plan approval package and one(1)copy of the Natural Resources Assessment RepoR(information and forms are avadable through the Distnct) Nore req,�esrrng o The Natural Resources Assessment Report includes that ful!ussessment not be requrred see ' Wetland Delineation Report per DSL I Corps reporting requirements(if wetlands present) a�tuched doc«menl . Rapid Stream Assessment Technique Form and maps or other D�str�ct approved assessment(if construction or discharge is proposed into through or across an intermittent or perenrnal streams) • Vegetated corridor documentation including a base map and photographs showmg the surveyed location of all sensitive areas vegetated corndors and vegetated corndor condition I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this document and to the best of my knowledge and belief this information is true complete and eccurate Property Owner PrinUType Name PnnUType T�tle Signature Date - - --- _—_ -��,_=,-�_�= -- _- _ _ - - ° - - -- - - - } �-Rw� ;-.n.-��:.y7 r-� =�,.o- � .�-'' �'"'.�'`r,��_-;'-�.:s��rYi�'�.n'.S� �P �..`�h�3�� .i.-"'.`v...z, �� � ,`.�'ts`'� �t`.'_ eni.rr"" =� -'"�"'-r' -,a i.'�-= �v�x-�a-�'.L._.-e=_h,w,..�•- 3� �' r ' �c�0 �`,F"'_3�e r-�-°-��F � � �"�.``�3➢�z�nc�%- �`^�. i � �= � v ;�.�; �.�_ ��-^�a�r� -�' �� �,-�.� �rs�- j,,,'`^-�c�a���^�- �' '� _ y' ��' -"=,6-.� ^�'..�' �' �„ k��-� � �r-�?��1-c-•- =��.�r�� '�-�'�-r= G,. �.+.��.'r-ac'^.���-�'=-�� a.�w�� c",.' S'.ct� �"e"��-= �v,-=,-�' '"_�.:,'c'° y°+�'�x�s�'°'� ��€�'.=��-4 ��.,�_P.rN.,c''"z, �r�� +y� -,- �- a+-.�r_ -Y:.�? -•c..'--��c��-«'-+e..^,c�,�-tar ��-t����3� >�"-� c-:r L.- � �x'�T+�z.�-�+- '�'..i.s-�-'^�.. �.'�`°-..'=.^��_`Gx�° �._ � :��'`"�<'-�gy_' ��...�- "��°"r'a`=�'=�=_�.. �.,3.,s�:.ri_.�'"'``s�� Y...A--.°c,�.Ke`�'�.-at�'^���.,r�.d' ����;�z�"' w..�„ �`�r,�.�'�i-�°t�:��-�'Y* ^.-�,._"'i,,'i���=s�.-�� 'r�-�,,..� ���'�,:� ��- _�,�.�'°�y,��r�,� �, ' .r-�j�`�'�,.�. >�"�'.:-s...—.5�'e" '..'��y�-�- �.,,r - '� �m.ss_. �''-'i �� -s�.. r wF�j���i.8` s�''�Q�ai'1�''� �I�S�,��.�.'��''u�' �� '' ��.. �.�.�r.....��.„ _ � ""'-°� �oue b� - ���'6- t°d'°°�°g�' elc�leleporl cum rotuv enutrolec/tcons cont � 11 1 I.eu�l+�ap� 1 untra lur la��uyr R 1 �Vl li 11 11�S�i14 i (1(i�� IS 1 rn�ral 1 uulra�lur M I 47521 �al[It� �LOiROttOlo f ul0[t0/ti►t?Rt ��al� l Ih�unon o,�lcvu/F i�f.rj�nH�v In� October 25,2002 Ms Heidi Berg Cleanwater Services 155 N F�rst Avenue, Suite 270 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Dear Ms Berg, On October 24, 2002 we performed a water quality sens�tive areas reconnaissance for tliree cont�guous parcels in T�gard, Oregon totaling 1 2-acres 1S135CC03000 (L0135 SW Katherine Street) 1S135CC03100 (10085 SW Katherine Street) 1S135CC03400 (10120 SW Tigard Street) The three parcels were shown on the Clean Water 9ervices GIS overlay map as potentially being within a vegetated corridor of a water quality sens�tive area as shown on the attached map The first scope of our �nvest�gation was to identify any potential wetlands, streams, or spr�ngs regulated by Clean Water Services on the sub�ect propert�es We performed a thorough meander survey across these sites and identified no streams, spr�ngs, or any port�on of the propert�es w�th the potential to meet the three cr►teria of a�ur�sdict�onal wetland The vegetat�on across the ent�re area was fairly un�form, consisting oP sparse ornamental trees, lawn grasses, and various weeds Photos 1 through 3 attached with th�s document show the condition of the parcels The grasses were typical lawn grasses �ncluding Agrost�s sp (Bentgrass), Loltum sp (Ryegrass), and Poa sp (Bluegrass) Weeds were common throughout, pnmanly Taraxacum o�crnale(Common Dandelion, FACU) We could find no areas on the sub�ect property tliat had the potential to meet the three criter�a of a�unsdictional wetland, and as such, no data plots were warranted The water quality sensitrve areas overlay shown on the Clean Water Services GIS map encompassed a 250' setback from a mapped waterway that supposedly has its origm approx�mately 75' west of Tar Lot 3400 Tlierefore tl�e second scope of our invest�gation was to �dentify and brtetly assess th�s feature and determ�ne whether rts vegetated corridor would have any potent�al encroachment on the sub�ect propert�es The first aspect we invest�gated �n regards to this offsite waterway was the supposed crossing at Kathenne Street As demarcated on the attached map, we did identify a stormwater outlet into a ditch at the west termmus of Kathenne Street (The portion of Kather►ne $treet west of the dayliglit point is a city park with unimproved nght of way) This waterway appeared to be strictly stormwater-dnven, as we � were able to follow the stormwater lme up Katherine Street to the east via numerous catchbasins along the road We did not ident�fy any "T" �nto this storm system from a natural water body As shown on the attached map, the head of d�e ditch at the daylight point �s well over 200' away from any portion of the sub�ect property, so no further analys�s of this feature was warranted The second aspect we investigated in regards to the offsite waterway was a cursory invest�gation on Tax Lot 3600 The Fes�dent (son of the property owner) of this property allowed us access onto the site to per�onn a bnef investigation He claimed that_historically there was a drainageway that was aligned roughly north to soutli across tlie bacl. -- _-=- _ =�"��, _ _ - `_-�._ ,}_ - .- �. = -_- - ��� � _ ___ __-- - ----Y -- - - -�`•""---��.�;� _ __ �.N^r'Jw ___ � _ _ _ _ _' _� _ _ _ _ _ - _ �_ - I _ - ' ��-� -' �.. _ _:--e�'.e .....v..._ '' _ _ ._ _ - ' r_" _�- ' r ' _ ' -_ _ w--�-'m'r-.-rc- P � T�"T._ � y' i�; a.z•+a�"' rr �.�f..�"xt� sz-��rt��y�,�,...]`e4� „' �`-i-s`.-�•-i �,c� `�.. .""'�y'�, �l�l�`�L�'S� �f���.� R4 F 1 r.����+ �yp 2 1 ,��� _3�y," „"'^ � '�y��'..fi' �F'-f'2a��!_�"2'�^��-°E=.�li.-ai'�l' Y"�:rLYY: 5=..73-����N6 t<i.y+�,+NiS. ���-r��-`9-1-`"r l�.+e��.4h S'z'_.1'�45 n �[..�"^'L_�Y5s �7r'�f y�� r 1r.°3-.°�a.-.�GT.n!'��f38: l°-b", �.+..A"L'�Y CTi.�1 =:,�`.<.a��=nN.a...i�_;.,��x����r�i"'�f.�s.T'-����`M �' r� 4,t�"�m-���a"�y$"'i��}�*�"i'�7�.^-'n.cCtS".. "4`�, '�'-_,:�rr'ro^`,-1'�'�'_+"ir-..'-'�'��.s��� ��` ���t� ��� �c '�`�i ti'1sK�#>dCi..-+m� i��"r"'-1ti t-rk+CH��f+-..-�-_.� �� t. ���Y -�`.�'°��4'..� -�Y ti'�_T�+-�i__�.v•�� R F oS .��o-n.a F�� r � 's��a��sz.�=+���.' z-'� �"�`a`�� T"��-,:i'�,`*��--��-..-�.,::�^„�a�,�s�-=" �°�-nc�.�=-:��,..'t".-r.a...-�`�;`.���--�'��'�t� }��� � �r�-` �' ...r���aa.��� ci.;�����-++�ss ��-��=-'���'`��e�> '� —�s:�:�,a;--�`r-� we"J,-..�w.:... ,�" ��Y s C '� �,� ,,,• t�' s: � i- _ r. -c�s � s�de (west) of the property, then �n the 1960's when the ad�acent properties to the south and west were subdivided and developed, the dra�nageway was effectrvely blocked off, �uhich causes water to back up 7nto h�s property durtng the wet season Dur�ng our �nvestigation, the vegetatrve character of the area �ust�fied the h�stoncal scenario g�ven by the resident The back portion of that property consisted of a thicket of Rosa nutkana (Nootka Rose, FAC) mixed with Phalar�s arundinacea (Reed Canary Grass, FACW)wh�ch graded into an assoc�ation of�asture grasses and Carex sp (Sedge spec�es) Upgrad�ent to the east the vegetat�on graded out of the Carex into an association of solely pasture grasses, primanly F�stuca arundinacea (Tall Fescue, FAC-) with lower percentages of Agrostrs sp (Bentgrass spec�es, � FAC) Then at the eastern port�on of the property near Tax Lot 3400,the vegetation was an assoc�ation of Rubus drscolor (Himalayan Blackberry, FACU) with various pasture grasses No evidence of a channel�zed waterway was found cross�ng from this property onto adJacent propert�es as shown on the GIS map The cursory investigat�on allowed to us by the resident of that property was not for the performance'of a full wetland delineat�on on that property The information we were able to gather from the property was that the easternmost encroachment of a vegetation assoc�ation that appeared to meet the hydrophyt�c vegetation definit�on was a patch of Phalarrs arundinacea (Reed Canary Grass) that was paced off as being approx�mately 100' from Tax Lot 3400 The Carex-dommated assoc�ation was approximately 160' from Tax Lot 3400 Based on the offs�te invest�gation allowed us, we were not able to conclude with absolute certainty that wetlands were present on Tax Lot 3600(neither hydr�c soils nor wetland hydrology were confirmed) But given the vegetative condit►on, we can make the conservative assumption that the areas described above likely meet all the three cnteria of a wetland A�cord►ng to Table 3 1 of Clean Water Services Des�gn and Construction Standards (Chapter 3) the max�mum buffer widths for a wetland with ad�acent slopes less tlian 25% is 50' (Slopes are clearly less than 25% in the area as ev�dent from the attached USGS quad map and the photographs ) Given the results of our tnvest�gation that potential wetlands are present start�ng at approximatel� 100' from the property line of Tax Lot 3400, we con,clude that the 50' vegetated corridor of any potential wetlands on that property do not encroach on the sub�ect property We request that Clean Water Services not requtre a full Natural Resources Assessment in accordance with Appendix C of the Design and Construction Standards, as additional mvestigation of the potenttal offsite wetlands will have no beanng on the sub�ect property Maps and s�te photographs are included with this packet as supporting documentat�on Please call if you have any questions Sincerely, ������� Dav�d Waterman �J Bublitz,P 1 a�� --�+� �7 �� ,' n� ,�. � �� -. , ��1'I r— c� �j/ Environmental Spec�al�st n age���ess�onal Wetland Sc�entist el tlar��° �00�a�� ' '-_' `-��,..4-�';x�"�`�-�•"'_ --_----___-_ - ,_r�, _ _` _ '__ _--��4-_,-- - -- ` - -- - — - �- ,. - � � - - �.. _ �. �,- - _ _ ,.- r ` - - -) - _ xCc3��,x''-'�.sr�.r.�t.o,.= - _" �.. =���^,�i�'°��'a=..�-r=:�-_���'-�_�r:a.?��-s..a�"r�r�5a:-.,_ +„�._t.��..�- yr.z���_^-�sy"la,m ft,`Ae,"r,.,,r-..r��y�'--'�X''���"'.�� �. 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Project 10120 S W Tigard Street Tigard, OR 97223 Prepared for Mi�es Schlesinger S M Builders, Inc 11455 S W Shrope Court Tigard, OR 97223 Felbruary 25� Zoo3 Prepared by / William L Owen, B S , M A, C A Registered Consulting Arborist#ii4 �"� American Society of Consulting Arborists Diplomate,American Board of Foiensic Examiners INSPECTION DIAGNOSIS AND EVALUATION OF TREES SHRUBS AND RELATED PLANTINGS CONSULTATION WITH RESPECT TO PLANTING TRANSPLANfING PRESERVATION MAINTENANCE AND ARBOREAL PLANNING COMPREHFNSIVE LOSS OR DAMAGE REPORTS DULY SANCTIONED APPRAISALS � FOR LEGAL OR CONTRAC'I'UAL PURPOSES LEGALLY ACCEPTABLE TESTIMONY IN COURT CASES f ' WILLIAIVI L OWEN an� SSOCIATES '� ' Tree and Landscape Consulriilg Serv�ces ����'���1 l` 1'O I30X 641 PORTLAND ORhGON 97207 503/222 711U7 Febi uai y 25, 2003 Miles Schlesinger SM Butldeis, Inc 11455 SW Shrope Court Tigard, OR 97223 RE 10120 SW Tigard Stieet Pio�ect Tree Report Dear Mi Schlesinger Enclosed find the tiee report on the sub�ect pio�ect lt chaiacterizes eveiy tree on the i(u�� piopeities involved but caiuiot show tlie full constiuction inipact until I have a full scl ��� aichitectuial and engineering drawings foi the site Only then can I do lhe mitigalion and in�pac,l statements necessaiy to meet Crty of Tigard requirements Please advise me if you need additional information to th�s report Thanlc you Veiy truly yours � ���,i / � i��i WilliainL Owen, BS , MA , CA Registered Consulting Arborist#114 American Society of Consulting Arboi ists Diplomate, American Board of Forensic �xaininei s r , ,��_�__--_--__�___�.__ w � T y� a' "�g INSPECTION DIAGNOSIS AND EVALUATION OF TREES SHRUBS AND RELATE D PLANTINGS � � CONSULTATION WITH RESPECT TO PLANTING TRANSPLANTING PRESERVATION MAINTENANCi A�'U �� ARBOREAL PLANNING COMPREHENSIVE LOSS OR DAMAGE REPORTS DULY SANCTIONED APPRAISALS � FOR L�.GAL OR CONTRACTUAL PURPOSES LEGALLY ACCEPTABLE TESTIMOIVY IN COURT CASES � _�,b„ ----�- -r^-- TABLE OF CONTENTS � Assignment and Purpose 1 Method of Analysis 1 Present Condition 1 Findings 1 - 6 Recoinmendations 6 _ g Summary 9 Species Glossary 10 Pruning Standards 11 Standard for Fertilizing C 1 - CS Assumptions and Limiting Condihons Site Plan / TRE� RCPORT S M Builders, Inc Pro�ect For Miles Schles�nger at 10120 S W Ttgai d Sti eet Tigard, OR 97223 1) Ass�gnment and Purpose The Assigrunent �s to survey of the trees on the sub�ect srte as plaiuied, to determine 1) lh� present condition,viability and prognosis for sui vival and 2)their suitability for preservalio�� as landscape amenity trees The Purpose is to meet the requirements of the City of T��,ai�l Tiee Ordinanc,e for suc,li pro�ec,ts 2) Mcthocl of An�lysis of Tree Populat�ou A visual inspection was done looking for typically noimal specimens and for abnormalitics and indications of disease, (dead tissue, galls, c,onks etc ) to find visual symptoms of ti ec failure or hazard In addition, in so far as possible visually at this point in the procc�s piognosis for survival considering the impact of construction is assessed 3) Present Condihon a) See tree schedule ff b) Insects & disease Evidence of scale mites, aphid Typically normal Evidenc,c. of apple scab, leaf blight c) Man-caused damage Improper piuning and ioot compaction, neglect d) Nature caused damage Storm damage in larger trees 4) F�ndings/Problems/Recomme��ded Solut�ons The information following in the tree schedule is provided to inform all concerned parties regarcl�n� the impact of the sub�ect pro�ect on the trees marked to be preserved on the plot plan enclosed, as well as prognosis See plot plan enclosed with tiees numbered per following schedule *4 00 feet above ground oi ils equivalent, per City of Tigard requirements 1 S M Quilders//WLO&Assoc#0227 Tree Schedule Tree Size Tree Species Condrtion Remarks # 1 52" Cottonwood Fair Split stem at 4' to 30" and 36" stems One stem to southeast and one stem to northwest Southeast stem leans toward Tigard Avenue Tree needs attention, prumng, cleamng out of dead wood, but is preservable Will require cabling system, if reserved 2 52" Cottonwood Fatr Split stem at 4' Very similar in all iespects to tiee#1 Splil stems are 26" and 36" One to southwest and one to northeast Same requirements as tree#1 Both trees # 1 and #2 appear to be unaffected by the construction, though lree#2 will be within a few feet of the new driveway With proper professional care, tree should be reservable 3 38" Cottonwood Fair Split stem at 24" Strong lean to south �n both stems, 14" and 17" Curve upwards at approximately 15' Tree near the edge of the driveway as planned if the driveway cannot be moved to the north, at least 8 feet, the tree cannot be reserved 4 Cottonwoods, Naturally occurring multi-stemmed from 5 clumped 6" to no more than 12" in two of the 6 6"— 12" stems They are in good condition 7 variable though with some lean in certain trees to 8 diameters the southwest Typically a naturally occurring clump, a series of multi-stem trees Preservable m present plan and would be an asset to the property if reserved 9 13" Apple Poor This tree has been neglected and not properly pruned Shown on edge of driveway Not preservable if driveway isn't moved 2 S M Bwlders//WLO&Assoc#0227 10 13" Plum 1'air Poor pruning history Triple stem at 4' with included bark In need of proper care Not threatened by construction at this time Could be retained but would ; need cabling long term No need to � remove unless construction forces the tree out 11 13" Plum Fair Qurte similar to tree #10 Fork stem at 3' wrth included bark Heavy on one side o1 , scaffold but wrth proper pruning could bc � retained Not threatened by construction as drawings a ear at this oint 12 11" Maple Good Should be preserved if possible because of condrtion and location on the ro erty i 13 13" Maple Good Pair to tree#12 to the south approximately 20' Similar tree in all respects Reta�nable as the draw�ngs iudicate at this point If possible should be retained 14 8" Multi- Hawthorne Fair Spread out with much advanticious � stem sucker growth Another clump to the � 8" southwest approximately 9' (is not listed 8" on plan) in similar condrtion These trees 7" could be retained because they appear to 8" be out of range of construction Will � require substantial professional work to � bring them into reasonable condition Could be assets to property if that was � done I S 7" Plum Fa�r Substant�al fasciation (mistletoe-like) clumps in the tree Not a particularly � significant tree Could be retained and bc an asset to the property but will need rofessional work � 16 10" Pear Fair Poor pruning history Split in stem with a double stem at 3 1/2' Is retainable and could be left and pruned properly Not a tiee bf significance or one which should re uire s ecial treatment to retain � � S M Bwlders//WLO&Assoc#0227 17 11" Birch Good Distinct lean to southwest (approximately 20 degrees) A tree (except for the lean) in good condition The driveway as planned comes directly to the north of the tree such that it would not survive the construction unless the driveway is moved 10 feet to the north 18 12" Maple Good Split-stem at 3' with suspicious included bark, but still basically a good tree with good form in the two large scaffold branc,hes forming the crown Appears to be free of any incursion from construction A tree worth preserving with cablin and rofessional care 19 13" Pine Fair Lean to the north of approximately 18 degrees in the first 20' of the stem, then curves upright A possible problem tree for stability underground based on the appearance of the root structure at ground level Possibly a retainable tree but will require further professional investigation of its stabili in the round 20 14" Maple Good Split-stem with co-dominancy at 5 '/2' with included bark A decent tree with a good overall crown formation which, though it has some poor branch cuts in its history, still could be an asset to the ' property if it does not have to be removed for the construction Will require professional care and cabling �n time because of the s lit stem 21 15" Apple Very Poor Bad pruning history, with broken branches, odd shaped crown, surface rooting, potential girdling root problems Typical tree for a back yard, but nothing special to take special pains to preserve if cor��truction will not allow rt or threatens it Xt is in need of professional work and resha in Notes On the plot plan to the east of trees 21 and 22 along the property line are three Portuguese laurels shown as drip line circles which are not trees and do not qualify under the ordinance 4 S M Builders//WLO&Assoc#0227 22 9" Apple Very poor Severe lean to the south Split stem at 4' but a good uruon Very much in need of professional help Lean to the south is significant, 12 to 15 degiees As with tree#21, not a tree wortl� taking special pains to preserve 23 30" Scotch pine Split stem at 5' with �ncluded bark on (measured ma�or stem to the northwest, and another at 3' to the southeast 19" and 20" Will above require cabling and professional care to ground ieta�n Is in position to be retained and be due to an asset to the property if properly scaffold maintained The southeast stem at 20' spread) has a secondary scaffold branch coming out at an odd angle curving back toward the northwest, but the tree overall is preservable and is a good candidate to reserve 24 24" Oak Fair Tri-stem at 11' with some included bark (Oregon white) on the east face, Basically a decent old oak with a poor pruning history to clear the road, but is preservable In this area, if any dramage or sewer line construction is done, tlus is a tree worth working around and preserving because of its size and a e 25 30" Oak Fair Split stem at 8' to the north and south (Oregon white) with 14" stems going upwards Defimte �ncluded bark extrusions on the east and west sides with scarring evident Worth retaimng because it can be cabled and if professionally maintained, because of its size and age, can be retained as an asset to the property This tree has also had some indisciiminate pruning over the roa�way which is unfortunate It also has some root da�nage in the driveway, yet it appears to be stable If it is possibly in _ the path of a sanitary sewer line for the pro�ect,the sewer lme should be moved to go past the tree and give it clearance because of its age and si�nificance With rofessional care it can cemain 5 S M Bu�lders//WLO&Assoc#0227 26 30" Oak Fair Lean to the west of probably 7 degrees Crown is somewhat one-sided There is breakage and poor prurung history, yet the tree has much character and can be retained if properly pruned to balance weight in the crown because of the lean Another tree to retain because of its age and significance Old ivy vine is still ii� the tree although cut at the ground leve] Dead old vines should be removed 27 11" Maple Fair At 8' there is a split stem with a fork of 6"moving to the south co-dominant witl� included bark at that point One-sided pruning history leaves the tree with a somewhat odd shape Preservable if ro erl maintained 28 14" Splrt- Flowering Plum Very poor Multi-stem growth with natural grafts anci stem much advanticious growth in great need 10" of professional care Tlus tree is a mess The beautiful spring blossom period is probably the reason it has been kept to this po�nt Very poor pruning history ancl in need of professional care It is in line with tree#27 in the corner and can be retained based on the drawings, but needs a lot of work to make a decent tree out o i it Basically I would remove and replace that tree rather than spend money tryin� to make �t look decent 1 rees on this site vary as trees 12"and below, and above 12" in dianieter The ordinance refei s io trees "over 12" in diameter at 4' above the ground" However, I have included all of the trees foi consideration to give the greatest basis for decisions on which trees to preserve on the pro�ec� regardless of size differential The best example of this are trees#4, 5,6,7&8 as described in il�c tree schedule When a full engineering drawing showing building and construction impact ,s available, I will apply the ordinance to it for removal and mitigation specifics Following are tli� general tree preservation specifications explained to �eet City of Tigard Tree Ordinanc,e requirements � 5) Recommendations a) Before Construction Removal of trees for buildings and parking lot area C S M Bwlders//WLO&Assoc#0227 1) The tree clearing contractor should be required to submit and review with the developer and the Consulting Arborist plans for how the trees will be removed Specifically, the plan should descr�be the eqwpment to be used, method of cutting,cliiec,l�ans o( fall as nec,essary,roules lur removal of wood debris, loading area loi wood and debris, how trees to be retained will be protected from damage in the process (both above and below ground), and any other information necessary in a good clearing ancl removal plan in a sensit�ve, closcly pioximatc, tree prescrvation area Lhis plan must be approved by the developer and the Consulting Arborist before the clearing begins and must be strictly followed 2) As a prei equisite to#1 above,tree ai ea protection fencing shall be i�istalled at the drip line of each tree to be pieserved The fencing shall be oranbe plastic type, at least 4' high, wired fiimly to steel posts, driven into the giound no farther apart than 8' O C , stretched as tightly as possible to give a smooth appearance The fencing installation must be �nspected and final approval given by the Consulting Arborist before c.learing, grading, or otlier such construction activity begins on the proJect 1 he fencing shall only be moved or removed on written permission of the Consulting Ar�orist 3) In light of(1) above, it must be made cleac to the clearing contractoi that he will be held responsible for damages(as professionally appraised)to any tree or trees marked to be preserved, if such damage is due to c�ntractor negligence by fail�ng to operate�n a safe and prudent manner in the clearing, giading and tiee removal opeiation 4) The Consulting Arboi ist must be notified at least 48 hou►s in advance of any work on the site,and will be on call during feuce installat�on and site cleat�ng work, and will also inspect without pr�or notice, to insure full compliance with 1, 2 and 3 above b) During Construction Dur�ng construc.tion of the pai kuig lol and buildings,decis�ons must be ma�le on-site by the Consulting Arborist regard�ng specific ioot impacl/interface p�oblems, working closely with the construction contractor Long experienc,e has demonstrated that this teclmique is the best way to max�mize retenlion of trees Often,only on-site, in speciiic refeicnce to Uie biuldui� layout,cxact location of build�ngs,pailcing lots, etc can these decisions best be made I ha�e been ietained by l�liles Schlesinger to supervise tree preservation activities on this construction site,beginning to end By working closely in pre-construction meetings, meetings on-site with the contractor, and as necessary on-site during near-tree construct�on, critical �vork around trees to be retained can be done with the least impact on the trees c) Post Construction Therapy 7 5 M I3uilders//WLO&Assoc#0227 1) Ongoing maintenance specifications required for all trees retained All tre� work to be done only by State Licensed/International Society of Arbonculti.uc, Certified Arbonsts, as directed by the Consulting Arborist a) Prumng to be done to Standards of the American National Standard5 Institute for tree work(see enclosed ff) 1) Dead wood, stub, hanger removal 2) Crown shaping as needed for better appearance/balance 3) Thimm�g for wind sail reduction, where necessary, tree by tree, as recommended by the Consulting Arborist Note thimm�g of any tree crown shall not exceed 10% unless specifically directed by Consulting Arborist b) Fertilization to National Arborist Association Standards, Soil In�ection method (see enclosure) 1) Formula to be slow-release, liquid with trace elcments, w�th Mycorrihiza supplements 2) Specific ratio NPK and trace elements to be approved by Consulting Arborist in advance 3) Specific timing of application to be set by Consulting Arborist,but must occur only between July 15 and August 15 of the first growth year following completion of construction work around trees unless specified otherwise by the Consulting Arborist c) Irrigation for the trees need be by natural rainfall only,except as may be modified by Landscape Architect and Consulting Arborist in relation to the designed-in landscape trees and shrubs (Plantin�;s under native tree species should be chosen accordingly) d) Insect and disease control(plant healthcare)treatrnents,if any,will be based on specific need only The type, amount and timing of applications to be woiked out by the Consulting Arborist in con�unction with the Certified Arborist Contractor chosen to do tl�e work 2) Monitoring Program / a) A critical element in tree preservation in construction trauma � impacted trees is periodic, ongoing inspection of the trees by the Consulting Arborist who 1) did the imtial examination, and 2) witnessed the construction impact on a specific, tree-by-tree basis 8 S M Bu►Iders//WLO&Assoc#0227 b) 1 ree monrioring inspection should be done twice annually, Spring and Fall (April-May and September-October) for the first three growth yeais following complet�on of construct�on, then (normally) once annually thereaflei c) Inspection findings for maintenance therapies should be specified in writing for necessaiy tree maintenance work G) Swniva�y The foie�oing shows what is necessary and possible to do on the site iegard�ng tree preservation, both now and ongoing, how and when the necessary work should be done, by whom, and undei whose diiection when the full constiuclion plan is available lf the lindings and iustructions herein are noted, observed and cari ied out as recominended, the result ca�i be a well duue addition to the City of Tigatd,with a preserved natural tree population that should ilot only sutvive the construction but also be set up to enhance and enduie for years lo come Cerhfic�►hon I certify that all the statements of fact ui the foregoing 1 ree Repoit are true, c,on�plete and correct to the best of my luiowle id beli id are ul good fa�th � � �S� �.3�.3 Wil iam O , S , M , Registeied Consulting Arborist #114 Amencan Society of Consulting Arboi ists Diplomate, American Board of Forensic Examiners t 9 S M Buildeis//WLO&Assoc#0227 C S 1VI Bu�lders, Inc. Pro�ect SPECIES GLOSSARY Cottonwood Populus trichocaipa Apple Malus spp Plum Prunus spp Maple Acer platanoides Hawthorne Crataegus oxycantha Pear Callery spp Birch Betula pendula Pine Pinus sylvestris Pine Pinus contorta Oak Quercus garryana / 10 S M Builders//WLO&Assoc#0227 � � � With the Amencan Nat�ona!Standard for prun�ng, ANSI A300, specifications can be wrrften �n a wrtual infirnfe number of combinat�ons The followrng �nformation rs desrgned to he/p yvu understand exactly what w�ll be accomplrshed in a pruning operat�on �!'�C1C� �I�� A minimum or maximum diameter size of branches to be removed should be specif�ed in all pruning operations This establishes how much pruning is to be done Pruning Objectaves Pruning ob�ectives should be established prior to beginning any pruning operation A300 provides two basic ob�ectives Hazard Reduction Prunsng Hazard reduction pruning (HRP) is recommended when the primary ob�ect�ve is to reduce the danger to a specific target caused by visibly defined hazards in a tree For example, HRP may be the primary ob�ective if a tree had many dead limbs over a park bench AAaintenance Pruning Maintenance pruning (MP) is recommended when the primary ob�ect�ve is to maintain or improve tree health and structure, and mcludes hazard reduction prunirtg An example here might be to perform a MP operation on a front yard tree Pruning Types Hazard reduction pruning and mamtenance pruning should consist of one or more of the pruning types noted below Crovbn cleaning Crown cleaning shall consist of the selective removal of one or more of the following items dead, dying, or diseased branches, weak branches and watersprouts Crown th�nning Crown thinning shall consist of the selective removal of branches to increase light penetration, air movement, and reduce weight Crown raiseng Crown raising shall consist of the removal af the lower branches of a tree to provide clearance � Crown Reduction, or Crovun Shaping Crown Reduction decreases the he�ght and/or spread of a tree Consideration should be given to the ab�l�ty of a spec�es to sustain this type of pruning Vista Pruning Vista Pruning is selective thinnmg of framework I�mbs or specific areas of the crown to allow a view of an ob�ect from a predetermined point Crown Restorat�on Crown Restoration pruning should improve the structure, form and appearance of trees which have been severely headed, vandalized, or storm damaged - over- NATIONAL ARBORIST �►SSOCIATION S�a�dard for ��rt�l�z�n� Sha�e � O��ar�ent�l 1'r�es (Rev�sed 198n f������C�'�� This standard serves to provide a guide in drafting specifications for the application of fertilizer to shade and ornamental trees as well as a standard of practice Trees in the forest or commercial nursery either field or container grown may have different env�ronmental considerations and are not addressed in this standard It is suggested that the entire text be read before specifications are deveioped All of the following should be included soil test type of fertilizer fertii�zer analysis rate of application time of year and method of application The purpose of fertilizing landscape plants is to maintain satisfactory vigor promote healthy growth assist the plant �n overcoming the adverse effects of diseases or insects or to correct mineral element deficiencies Plants requ�re at least sixteen chemical elements for proper growth and development Three of these elements — carbon hydrogen and oxygen — are provided by air and water the other essential elements are obtained by the roots from the soil Nitrogen is used in large amounts by plants is easily leached and often volatile It may be necessary to apply nitrogen annually or biennially Variations in methods and recommendations are expected in different regions Therefore it is recommended that soil be tested every two to three years The test will report quantities of chemical elements calaum phosphorus potassium and magnesium The test will also provide a pH reading which is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the soil The actual soil pH inFluences nutnent absorpt�on and plant growth through the effect of hydrogen ions on nutnent availability Each essential nutnent is only available to plants w�thin a specif�c pH range The presence of a chem�cal element(nutrient)in the soil is no guarantee that it is in a soluble form available for plant absorption The concentration of hydrogen and associated ions affects soil reaction and the formation of soluble and insoluble compounds All nutnents must be in solution to be available for root absorption Foliar analysis for determination of chemical element needs is recommended for trees showing specific nutnent defiaencies It �s poss�ble to have a soil test�ndicate that adequate levels of all nutrients are present in a soil and still have nutnenl deficiency symptoms appear on a plant The nutnent may occur in a form that is unavailable to the plant There may also be physical problems within the so�l such as compaction poor drainage or poor aeration that can affect nutnent absorption SECTION A: TYPES OF �ERI'ILIZER I Organic Fertilizer — is that categonzed as derived from a plant animal or synthetic organic source Nitrogen (N) occurs naturally in organic fertilizers (manures) and gradually becomes available for plant use as the material is reduced by microorganisms Synthetic organic nitrogen fertilizers are created by coating urea with sulphur or resin-like materials which make the material slowly availabie for plant use Organic fertilizers are characterized by a slow rate of nitrogen release long residual low burn and root �n�ury potential and low water solubility The higher effic�ency of slow release fertil�zers means less nitrogen runoff to contribute to pollution of streams and subsurface water The un�t cost o(slow release fert�lizer absorbed by the plant�s actually lower than that of readily available materials � II Inorganic (Chemical) Fertilizer— is that derived from chemical sources These nutrients are readily available in the soil and are rap�dly soluble with a short residual period li I Soluble Fe�tilizer—is m�xed w�th water and appl�ed �n I�quid form Soluble fertilizers may be applied to the foliage to the soil v�a the deep root feeding method or as a so�l drench treatment Soluble fertilizers are usually inorgan�c and readily available but may be organ�c and slowly available Matenals with a I�m�ted solubility that dissolve slowly are often listed on fert�lizer labels as water insoluble n�trogen — WIN (See EXAMP�E I page C-5 for WIN calculations) SECTION B: FERTILIZER ANALYSeS I New Plantings — use a high phosphorus fertilizer to assist in plant establishment such as those with nitrogen phosphorus and potash (N-P-K) ratios of 0-20-0 0-46-0 4-12-4 or 5-10-5 C 1 II Established Pientinga,.--i�se(ertilize�s witt7 N-�' K i atios of 3-1 2 or 3 1 t tor best response ''hese ic►mulatlons rn.�y be aupplemented vvith traco e ements as local conditions diCtate Nitrogen fert lizers such as 21-0-D Jn-p 0 or 45-o-0 et�n be appllad �f soll analysi5�nd�c,stes no oth�er nutrlents dre reyuirPd Inorganic(water sofuble} nitrogen icrtil�zers stiould be anplied�nnually VPry I�ti'e dvailable nitroge� re�a�ns in tne soil from yetr to year since most of it+s eithei used by plants�khen ave�lable oi carr�c�l away by waiPr Sy nthetic ar organ�c n�trOgen ;WIN) m�y be�pplied bienn�ally duc�tc its slow ava�lability Pho�011arus and potassium are chemiCally bUUnd tU th�soil and becoms slowly dva�laUla thraugh several c,�rowing seasons They should be included i i tertihz�r aNplic-ation in rnost c'HSes e�ery ?-3 yEars in elther ;p,�ng or fall whichever is mpre ppnvenient In light-textured or sana�loam soils F�otass�u�n must be applied anr��ially Suil►ests evPry 7-3 year��ro a mus�whEn us ng nitrogen fertllizQrs .7��0��� 0...i pR�L��� �� �6-{f����0 @�� Importsn�QP�roper Rates�—the rates suggested in this Stan�ard shou�d only be usvd as a yu�csel�ne for feri�liz�ng trees SpecrfsC 8o�ls anc!tol��r test raCammendations from umvcrsity pr private 4e9iing iabs should be tollt,wed when ay��lable Good }udgement �s ne�essary lo Cletermme whether frequency rate or mPthods should vary rn given s�tuat+o�s Trees oi the same speC+es may ie5pond d�fferently to rates of tertdizer due to IoCat�on in the landscepe,soil conditions ralrtf�ll and oth�er environm�ntal fa�tor� Actual fert�lizer rates shoufd be ad�ust�d after cuns�rlermc� oh site in5pections oi f�l��ge coln� prewnus slern or twig growth general heaNh of the tre2 OI'Othe►en�irOnttl�ntal factors I T1'en8plenfing—ferti�iz�tipn at time bt transpl�nUng is recommended to assret in planl re-e5tabhshment and to Supply phosphar�s necessary for rppt growtt� C�eCauso that�Isment move$v�,ry 81pw1��in soils Appiy 1 Q Ibs of phosphate containing fertilizer,such a�Q 20-20 Q-46-0 4 12-4 or 5-1(?-5 per cubic yard of backfill A rate flf 10 Ik�y oi super phospnat�per Cubi� yard is approx�mately equal to 0 5 Ib f9rtilizer�er bushel oi backs�l� II �stablished Plsntinga— a} 3quare loal nte4hod-- For optir-iur�plant t,�rowth it is gpnerally recommended to appiy 3 Ibs of actual nrtrogen per 1 OOQ sq �t of area unde the branct► spr�ad ot thB tree par year,or 6 IbS every two years if foliege coior annual groK�th or gener�l v�q�r�s not n4i mal �ncreasQ annu�l applicaiion rate to 5-6 I��s Ttie surtace ar8a unde� the circular branch apread uf a tre�c,�n be c.alc.ulated as foilow� Suriace area=Raplu,x 3 14 The radius is the d�stance from ihe trunk!o thE edg�s ot tha branch sp�e�d As an exarr�pl� a tree w�th a tc�taf branch,predd�f 3G feet wpuld heve a radius o( 18 fee! The ar�a �accord�ng to the fcrmula wouid equat 1g r 18 � 3 14 or � 0�7 sq ft ConsiCering th� rec�mmeridation of 3 Ibs of actual nitrogen per 1 000 sq ft , one w�,Uld apply abeut 17 Ibs of 18-5-9 t fertrl�z�r 3 0-0 1 Es 16 5 Ibs Cautro�r !�the area under the�rrcular branch s�aread contains�m�ervious 5urfacQs su�h as wafks d�ives and�ound�hor7s 1/79R fL�dgPme�l should b�Rxerc�se�y�s t0 �t�he�her tG WSe th� sq�are foof ine�hod for ca,cu/atron l�educed so�i �rea d�es nat d�rn�rnsh a tred� need fUr fertiliaei how��+er o�er-application of fertilizgr C�n cause sod ana tree root da-na�e Alternat��p fFrtilvinq m�#hod;may have to be uti'ized b) Di�m�ler Qresst H�gt� (DBF9) — PJleasure t��e trunk d�amater 3t 4'� feet nbove yrade Generally tar opt�murr� qYOwih epply Y<1b �ciu�l nitrogEn per inch D8H to tree�s under fi inches in diamete� �`h-e rata can oe inerea5ed ta '/a Ib N per�nch pf3H fc,r most trees over�inChes D8f-1 FettiliLing trees usi+�g the Uf31�i formula results in 5rn7i'ar qu�nt+ties as the surfaee a�ea method Us�nq thP same 6 nch Ddt ti e�as dbUVFS ar�c1 lertilizing with �i:IG aCtual PJ per tnch G�H would req�,irN 16' Ihs uf 1Fi 5-11 6 Inche�(dia ) k U 5 I!�lincl�(ratej - d U Ib ('cmount ot �J) 3 � Iti (amount ot IVr fJ 18 t°ioN rr 18-5-11) - 16 7 Ibs ol ,S-5 �t Cauhc�� 1l/ith ;rees yrowing �n �estn�tetl a�eas such as sidew�lk°tr�ps pian+er, �;t� tt�e squdre (oo+inelhcd �s pre�eiabic to th� DBH rnethod c) Liquid applicaliQn-- p�lute fe ti�ize� sofutlons shoufd ba aop�ied at*!�e rate recornrriended by the manufact�r�r accord�ny to �peratir�g pressure �nd flow rdle of the equ�pment to be used Apply�>ufiic�ei;t ��qui�i mixture to suppiy the r��{uii�.d rate of Ee�'�hzer as dc�tr�rrn�r�ed by the surf�ce area of pBH mg�hod It is �uggested that one �pply 15� gallons �o each 2 Q00 sq !+ Of surface area n�ect approxirrately ': c�allon of lertil�zer solution p�r in�ection a+ 2'�ft s�acinqs C � 1 Square foot method Apply 5 Ibs of N per 1 000 sq ft to trees on the lawn using 32-7-7 formulated fert�l�zer Calculat�on 5 0 (Ibs N) = 32 (% N) = 15 6 (Ibs 32-7-7 fertilizer) 15 6 Ibs fertilizer x 2 = 31 Ibs of fertilizer added to each 150 gal of water Each 150 gal of water covers 2 000 sq ft if pump pressure is 150 Igs and in�ection spacing is 2'/z ft The pump can be calibrated by counting the seconds it takes to pump'/z gallon of solution into a bucket Each operator should calibrate his pump counting off the seconds and use this same count and cadence while in�ecting the probe into the soil 2 Diameter at Breast Height Method Apply �/2 Ib of N per cal�per inch to trees on lawn using a 32-10-5 formulated fertilizer Calculat�on 5 (amount of N/inch cal 0 - 32 (% of N in 32-10-5) = 15 6 Ib of fertilizer 15 6 Ibs of fertilizer x 2= 31 Ibs of fert�l�zer added to each 150 gal o( water and appl�ed as per grid above �n surface application problem SECTIO(il D: TIMING O� F�RTILIZE6t APPLIC�TIONS All of the following guidelines are sub�ect to regional and climatological differences Autumn is an ideal time to fertilize generaily after the first hard freeze and until the moisture in the soil freezes and root activity ceases In the southern areas of the country where the ground does not freeze root growth in many cases will continue all winter long Early spr�ny belore budbreak�s also an appropriate time When leaves have fully expanded fertilizing can continue until early July However treatments of readily ava�lable inorganic nitrogen between July and September could promote a late flush of growth wh�ch may not harden off before freezing temperatures in autumn and in�ury could occur Mid to late-summer fertilizer applications should be lim�ted to correcting specific element deficiency problems SECTIOt�I E: 11�9ETHODS OF �ERTI�.IZER APPLI�ATlONS I Su�tace applications—Fertilizer is placed in a spreadercalibrated to apply the proper amount of mater�al per 1 000 sq ft Care should be taken to avoid excessive overlapp�ng The application can be made in either concentric circles or in linear stnps starting 2 or 3 feet (rom the trunk out to 5 to 10 feet beyond the drip line of the tree Only fertilizer sources that contain nitrogen alone should be surface applied Fertilizer should be applied when grass blades are dry After the fertilizer has been distr�buted it should be washed o(f the grass bla<les immediately us�ng a lawn spnnkler or irngation system Fertilizer remaining on grass blades that become wet following a light rain or dew formation occasionally causes burning To prevent the soil from becoming deficient in phosphorus or potassium following annual surface applications of nitrogen it is desirable to add these nutrients as needed according to soil analysis Without soil reports the NAA suggests phosphorus at 3 61bs of phosphoric ac�d (Pz05) per 1 000 sq ft and potassium at 6 Ibs of potash (K20) per 1 000 sq ft Phosphorus will not burn grass if used at recommended rates Phosphorus should be appl�ed with the drill hole or I�quid in�ect�on method because �t �s su �nsoluble and does not move down to the roots if applied as a surface treatment Caut�on potassium and nitrogen may burn turfgrass when applied at recommended rates Irrigation of lawn areas should follow surface applications of these fert�lizers I I Dnll Hole Method—The drill holes should be placed�n concentric circles in the soil around tl��tree beg�nn�ng 2-3 feet or more from the trunk and extend�ng 5-10 feet or more beyond the dnp line Space holes Z feet apart and drill them 8 15 inches deep depending upon the tree species root growth patterns and type of so�l �n the root area The recommended rate of fertilizer should be un�formly distributed among the holes Depend�ng on the diameter of the hole it can be filled following fert�l�zat�on w�th peat moss calcine clay perlite small crushed stone sand or other so�l amendment If the area beneath the spread of the branches�s restr�cted reduce lhe applicat�on�n proport�on to the area or number of holes that cannot be made Use a suitabie measuring device and a funnel to apply the fertilizer in the holes If desirable�n sodded areas the holes may be closed by press�ng from different angles with the heel of the worker s shoe or by cutting and lifting a plug of grass f�ll�ng the hole to w�th�n 4 �nches of the top add�ng so�l and replac�ng the plug Keep the fertilizer at least 4 inches below the top of the hole in turf areas to prevent burning o(the grass by dehydration Irngation tollowing fertilizer application w�ll help prevent �r�}ary to turf however do not flood the area as d�ssolved fertilizer may be carned to the surface and cause turf �n�ury C3 When fertilizing trees that contain shrub or herbaceous plant beds within the root area of tre s care must be taken not to punch holes closer than 6 inches to the crown of small plants Azaleas and other plants hav�been in�ured or killed by fertilizer in holes placed too close to the plants The opening of the soil that results from use of tfie dnll hole method allows for penetration��f both water and a�r Thrs �ncrease �n sorl oxygen supply rs olten as valuable as the addit�on ol lert,lizer I I I Liquid In�ection Method — In�ections using a soil probe or lance should be 2'/z feet apart and 8-12 inches deep for trees Begin lance in�ection 2-3(eet from the tree trunk and work out 5 10 feet beyond the �_'rip line of the branches Use a I�ydraulic sprayer at 100-200 Ibs pressure and a soil lance designed for liquid fertili��r with a manual shut off valve and three or four horizontal discharge holes at 90 degrees in its point In�ect f�alf a gallon of i�rtilizer solution into each hole l he addition of water to dry soil as occurs dunng the liquid in�ection process is an excc.11ent side-benefit IV Foliar Sprays— To correct minor element deficiencies spraying liquid fertilizer on the foli��e should be considered especially for correcting iron defic�ency using chelated �ron This method should not be regarded as an adequate means of providing all the necessary mineral elr nts required by rna�or element-defic�ent plants in the amounts necessary for satisfactory growth Micronutnent spray applications are most effective ��I�en made �ust before or during a period of active growth usually from spring to early summer Response as indicatc 1 by greening of chlorotic foliage and normal growth coming from buds on affected shoots is usually observed from 2 to 8 weeks after treatment but response time varies Factors in response time include the plant species age of plant and its parts time of year severity of the deficiency and soil conditions under which plants are growing One or two ap��l�cations dunng the year will generally prevent or control deficienc�es but under some conditions it may be nFr essary to rnake severai treatments annually to maintain healthy growth V Trunk In�ections and Implants — These methods are used for specif�c elernent deficienries part�cularly �ron or manganese as well as for trees growing where tf�ere is restricted so�l surface area under ti�e drip line In�ections or implants should be made as low as possible on the trunk Normally this is done r�ith a clean sharp drill o( the appropriate size Capsules should be implanted beneath the bark and completely int�� the xylem tissue Early spring before growth starts is the best time for trunk implants and in�ections Wound closur�� is most rapid from spnng treatment Trees under 4 inches in diameter should not be treated with in�ection or capsule implants Do not in�ect or implant when soil moisture is low as severe foliar burniny may occur SECTIOf�I F: ADDITIONAL �ERTILIZER GUIDEL��lES Proper and Umely applications of iertilizer will produce benefic�al results on rnost trees Newly establ�shed trees w�ll grow more rapidly following fertilization with a nutrient or comb�nation of nutrients that prev�ously were preseni �n only I�mited amounts in the soil The results are shown in increased leaf size length of current season twig growth and mor�� rapid increase in height Slow-growing tree species may also be stimulated to grow faster by fertilizing Abnormal leaf color and small leaf size o(ten indicate nutrient deficiencies in tf�e soil Var�ous colors or patterns of� olor�ndicate deficiencies of spec�fic essential nutrients The leaves of many trees become darker gr�en follow�ng fertilization �nak�ng ther�n more conspicuous and attractive Fertilizing can help ma�ntain mature trees in a vigorous growing cor�dition A v�gorously yrowing tree is more w�nter hardy and less susceptible to many d�seases and �nsect pests than �s a less viqorous tree Canker causing fungi occur more c,ommonly in weakened trees Also many of the non-infectious tree diseases develop when soii nutrient oxygen and moisture conditions are unfavorable Healthy vigorous trees tend to resist borers while those growing under unfavorable moisture or nutnerit conditions are more susceptible to attack by these �nsects Established trees weak�ned by leaf d�seases �nsect defoliaUon mechan�cal �n�ury so�l compacUon drought or other causes often show reduced twig and trunk growth or dying of branch ends Fertil�z�ny may st�mulate additional growth so�hat the plant can compensate for the adverse cond�t�ons that caused decl�ne I To Prevent Plant In�ury —Avo�d use of lawn fert�lizer/herb�c�de comb�nat�ons where the roots of desirable and sens�t�ve vegetation could p�ck up herb�cide Herb�c�des for use around trees should be appl�ed separately at the rates suggested on the label II Fertilizing Sensitrve Plants — a) When fertiliz�ng Amencan Beech and broadleaf evergreens reduce appl�cat�ons of�norganic fertilizers lo one-half the label-recommended rates of fertil�zer or use slow-release mater�als �nstead b) Be aware that over fertilizing small trees such as flowering crabapples can result �n excess�ve succulent growth Succulent growth is more prone to fireblight symptoms on susceptible plants such as pear Jonath�n apple and mountain ash C4 ��� Fertdize in Moist Soils— Fertilizer should always be appl�ed to mo�st soils to enhance fert�l�zer uptake reduce fertilizer in�ury to plants and aid in so�l�n�ection or dnll hole treatments If soils are not moist irngation should precede fertil�zation to moisten the plant root zone area The liquid in�ection method of fertil�zing trees and shrubs will help moisten the soil �n the root zone while apply�ng des�red nutr�ents The benefits of water in dry so�l w�il reduce nutnent as well as moisture stress IV Fert(lizing Excessrvely Wet Soils—Avoid fertilizing trees growing in soil that is excess�vely wet The roots in wet soil are often damaged from lack of oxygen caused by the accumulation of toxic gases Adding fertilizer in any form may contribute to root in�ury V Read the Label—Read the entire label of any fertilizer product before application and apply per label recommendations EX�1�IPLE 1 Slow release fertilizer is measured by the percentage of water insoluble nitrogen (WIN) Use the following formula to determine the percentage of water insoluble nitrogen in a bag of fertilizer %of WIN X 100 = %of N that is slow release %oftotal N Example for a fertilizer label that reads 32-7-7 Guaranteed Analysis Total Nitrogen (N) 32% Water Insoluble Nitrogen 12 5% Nitrate Nitrogen 2 0% Water Soluble Nitrogen 17 5% Available Phosphoric Acid 7% Soluble Potash 7% 12 5%of WIN x 100 Ibs of fertilizer = 39% 32%of total N 39%of the available N is slow release SEL�CTED REFERENCES KUHNS LARRY J 1985 Ferfiliz�ng Woody Ornamentals Cooperative Extension Service The Penn State University NEELY DAN 1980 Tree Fertilizing Trials Iilinois Journal of Arboriculture 6(10) NEELY DAN and E B Himelick 1971 Fertrlizing and Watering Trees Illinois Natural History Survey Circular �52 RATHJENS RICHARD and Ro9er Funk 1984 Gwde to Turf Trees and Ornamencal Fert�lizat�on Weeds Trees 8�Turf Magazine (October) SMITH ELTON M 1978 Fertilizing Trees and Shrubs in the Landscape Journal of Arbor�culture 4(7) This Standard was revised in 1987 with the assistance of Dr Elton M Smith Ohio State Un�vers�ty Columbus OH ! C-5 I .� R� _____�..... - sa-zr -� ,-��. xa e.,r _ _-�-- .. ..... ..� �,�,�_ �,�.���,,,,,,r� ,.�; - -,.;�..�.. - _ _— ,-— �>. -.-h�- _ - — - -_�- -_# =�-�PRE=�A P �� - 10 N=� � i - - -�����-�,�.�a� - - - ''`�Community�eveCopmerrt (Pre-Application Meebng Notes are Yalid for Six (6) Months) s��B�`��om�u"`� RESIDENTIAL �,a�n�ov� �'D/Z 9/�Z ,�a�. _ ���ar� l�. �(.T R� APPLICANT �I� Sc�IP.S t it��� AGENT Phone �) 9 b S- 6Soo Phone ( ) PROPERTY LOCATION ADDRESS/GENERAL LOCATION �D �Zo S t.t/ I�u a-ruI TAX MAP(S)/LOT #(S) 513� L� - ���tol? NECESSARY APPLICATIONS _��3nr v�s��N CS✓1-?,7 '�o� �I� ��¢5 -oP, - f'(�,�,0 2 L•q-�,� pstR�rt�o►� �M.L p) r sl 3 /�� PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION Lruc.�C- 9/o�R.c�cz,�s fo�' S loT�S �-roM 2 varc�lS 16� 7, �a15 �ro-»� ,B�ce,( COMPREHENSIVE PLAN / MAP DESIGNATION �w �51�y Re.�,r��tQl ZONING MAP DESIGNATION R y. S CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT TEAM (C I T)AREA_��rY, �,T �-i�� ls w�{�+.r SDD� v�- ��vs� IONIMG DISB1iICT DIMENSBOImAI RffQU1REMENYS [Refer to Cod�Sect�on 18 510 l MINIMUM LOT SIZE �S� sq ft Average Min lot width �O ft Max building height ft Setbacks Front O ft Side S ft Rear,�ft Corner 1�ft from street MAXIMUM SITE COVERAGE �% Minimum landscaped or natural vegetation area�_% GARAGES_�ft � t�EIGH�0�N00D I�E�IHG [Refer to the Neiglaboriaood lNeeting Handouel THE APPLICANT SHALL NOTIFY ALL PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 500 FEET, THE MEMBERS �°� OF ANY LAND USE SUBCOMMITTEE(S), AND THE CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING DIVISION of �"�� their proposal A minimum of two (2) weeks between the mailing date and the meeting date is °� required Please review the Land Use Notification handout concerning site posting and the meeting notice Meetinp is to be held prior to submitting vour application or the apphcation will not be accepted 4z ' •. ' - .�,. �.�- -. rtM � �- � -��- =d�ng code-.����� � t� a�,�s'�,.��p.���� R-CI�.N�...n^w`�.�1.�. ___�__ _ _ __ xaminer is e co p r o s a o�a lancf use a��ica ion _ — -- - -- -- - �= _-__-___--- --•-�- _��_ - -- .... -�- n ....- ��' ¢�+SNrF��S.i-..- -_....^_�.A �� �" _ � ,- CITY OF TIGARD Pre-Applicahon Conference Notes -����='?=���=-�--- x'�=�-�� - y _,.' - Page 1 of 9 Res�denUal AppficahonlPlanmrg ahsan SecUon -_-- F=—_- _ _ - -— - ��' A u''� '�•°� `���_ ' � �`�'� r.1 r ,- �� _.- � � .,.�� � � � -- j� bARRA�9�E=[�efe��o Code Ch�pt���a39�1��.����- _ . .,�r .. a..,r.� � k�LT.t4���.dS�ial�.T�� �A r,,,�,,�.,..�,�,�'�����t����,.�,.��;a.��P- ��.lh�ch prov�de��indings based on„t��.app�ble _ �=s p�ro��ltst d�,rd�,�,������vide�a� rt r �+ z ���.��'�s�'��������tinri-�hcn �e�ar�d�' � _ �v�e�� - - –the code for applicabie criteria � _ �,.--�_���='�--`�'��-_���w.-,��.��.��=� _ _ =-��—' �� �j IMPACT S�9DY [Refee to Co�e SecH�ons 18 390 040 and 18 390 0501 As a part of the APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS, applicants are required to INCLUDE AN IMPACT STUDY with their submittal package The impact study shali quantify the effect of the development on public facilities and services The study shall address, at a minimum, the transportation system, including bikeways, the drainage system, the parks system, the water system, the sewer system and the noise impacts of the development For each public facility system and type of impact, the study shall propose improvements necessary to meet City standards, and to minimize the impact of the development on the public at large, pubiic facilities systems, and affected private property users In situations where the Community Development Code requires the dedication of real property interests, the applicant shall either specifically concur with the dedication requirement or provide evidence which supports the conclusion that the real property dedication requirement is not roughly proportional to the pro�ected impacts of the development � AC�ESS [Ret�r to Chapters�8 l05 and 18 7651 Minimum number of accesses ' On� l5 � �-Z�H�Minimum access width Minimum pavement width o^�Z°' r3����fs 1 D' �1-Z�n� Zp' r �jtUY► �� ❑ �WAL�AY REQU�RE�E�1'S [Reie�to Co��C9aapter 18 7051 Within all ATTACHED HOUSING (except two-family dwelfings) and multi-family developments, each residential dwelling SHALL BE CONNECTED BY WALKWAY TO THE VEHICULAR PARKING AREA, COMMON OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION FACILITIES '� RESI�ENTiAI DENS9TY C�COLAT�ON [Reter to Code C6apter��7151-SEE IXAi�PLE BEL�lN The NET RESIDENTIAL UNITS ALLOWED on a paRicular site may be calculated by aividing the net area of the developabie land by the minimum number of square feet required per dwelling unit as specified by the applicabie zoning designation Net development area is caiculated by subtracting the following land area(s) from the gross site area Ail sensitive lands areas includina V.�i�, ��'�i� o� Gx;�t�o� ro���� � Land within the 100-oear floodpiain, �.,,,,a � ��,�,��1� ��`���� � Siopes exceeding 25/o, � Drainageways, and ➢ Wetlands for the R-1, R-2, R-3 5, R-4 5 and R-7 zoning distncts Public nqht-of-way dedication � Single-family allocate 20% of gross acres for public facilities, or � Multi-family allocate 15% of gross acres for public facilities, or � If available, the actual public facility square footage can be used for deduction �PLE Of RESIDEbT1Al DENSITY CAI.C9�LAgl�NS EXAMPLE USING A ONE ACRE SITE IN THE R 12 ZONE(3 050 MINIMUM LOT SIZE)WITH NO DEDUCTION FOR SENSITIVE LANDS Sing�e-�amily Mul�i-Famol� 43 560 sq ft of gross site area 43,560 sq ft of gross site area 8.712 sq ft (20%)for public nqht-of-wav 6.534 s4 ft (15%1 for public nght-of-wav R1ET 34 848 square feet �fET 37 026 square feet — 31050(minimum lot area) — 3,050(minimum lot area) = naes er cre = oats er cr� �iUe qeu�l Co dwelimg uNt NO 80U�OINC UP IS PEBiNI1TFD __�- 4 '� � NETHISSTANOAfl , � 9�B�i� � �1f, �" ,�,, --�_�:.�-s.... � � :��—��..s�=w =z�==:=_�,,�—�_-M�. - — ,.�_ _ �-�y---—.�..�.—�:,.�.e. --�. .t...r...�-�.r-,..s3.�_1a,.�a-a.,.°...,�� au-�.AFt..�....a,.....'�"�..s.--i��,,,�w .....� r�.�,<'w�...r_- ,��,zv.r��c'�.�•w.�_-�,:a��o-�---'°"'_e._.._ -�r-�,.�-� �i CIIY OF TIGARD Pre Applicahon Conference Notes ��=,�-�°=��=���wy=��� �-��� �` -' :=�-Page 2 of 9 -s Residenh�Applicahon/pl�ning an,.ion Sechon --� ' -� -"'- � _ - - j ,L �. . ° _� r��i.�-��t �'{t-s,�7 ca� � Yt_ - ,., ?r� .:.��}....c .!�.. ��i - �,�� � ..�.yfr_ ❑ SPEClA1SEl�A�KKS. [Re[�rt�Go������¢���6�-�'`s4� �_�.� a �'" �r �� the centerlme�����'�� '---°=�= a�..,..�„���, -- - - ;r-�a-r,.;.�►'K� � -e't�'i=.�,- --a,;s.r-�cr.._-C _� _ _-�_ �%r�-.-y�r��'�--�-=f�Y2'��r�5`�l'�-�I���'��7 1.=�1 _ --- l n^ ' ➢ ZERO�LOT LINE LOTS A mmi��a _�_� � =�p fion~s��li�i�t�taintained between each dwellmg unit or garage~ � � y� � ^� ➢ MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL building separation standards apply within multiple-family residential developments ACCESSORY STRUCTURES UP TO 528 SQUARE FEET in size may be permitted on lots less than 2 5 acres in size Five (5)-foot minimum setback from side and rear lot lines ACCESSORY STRUCTURE UP TO 1,000 SQUARE FEET on parcels of at least 2 5 acres in size [See applicablc zonmg distroct for the primary structures'se�back reqaorements.] � w'�.A�LOT BU6LDING HEL6WT PROVISIO@IS [Refer to Code Chapter 181301 MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 1%2 STORIES or 25 feet, whichever is less in most zones, 2'/z stones, or 35 feet in R-7, R-12, R-25 or R-40 zones provided that the standards of Section 18 730 010 C 2 are satisfied Unle.c,5� ,z.Ne{� b7 u ��icc,,� s{�(��'� ��5�.,,�dc, w�l�aD 1 1�'s��, ..r� 5e�,�cF � P Y u�s�� ���s� r�y ❑ �U�ERING�ND SCREENIN� [Reier to Cod�Chapter 18 745D b+s In order TO INCREASE PRIVACY AND TO EITHER REDUCE OR ELIMINATC ADVERSE NOISE OR VISUAL IMPACTS between ad�acent developments, especially between different land uses, the CITY REQUIRES LANDSCAPED BUFFER AREAS along certain site penmeters Required buffer areas are described by the Code in terms of width Buffer areas must be occupied by a mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs and must also achieve a balance betwe�n vertical and honzontal plantings Site obscuring screens or fences may also be reauired, these are often advisable even if not required by the Code The required buffer areas may onlv be occupied by vegetation, fences, utilities, and walkways Aaditional information on required bufrer area matenals and sizes may be found in the Development Code The ESTIMATED REQUIRED BUFFERS a�olicable to your aronosal area is Buffer Level along north boundary Bufrer Level along east boundary Buffer Level along north boundary Buffer Level along east boundary IN ADDITION, SIGHT OBSCURING SCREENING IS REQUIRED ALONG '�' QANDSCAPD�� [Refer to Code Chapters 18 745,1�16�and 18 7051 STREES TREES ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL DEVELOPMENTS FRONTING ON A PUBLIC OR PRIVATE STREET as well as driveways which are more than 100 feet in length Street trees must be piaced either within the public right-of-way or on private property within six (6) feet of the nght-of- way boundary Street trees must have a minimum caliper of at least two (2) inches when measured four (4) feet above grade Street trees should be spaced 20 to 40 feet apart depending on the branching width of the proposed tree species at matunty Further information on regulations affecting street trees may be obtained from the Planning Division A MINIMUM OF ONE (1) TREE FOR EVERY SEVEN (7) PARKING SPACES MUST BE PLANTED in and around all parking areas in order to provide a vegetative canopy effect Landscaped parking areas shall include special design features which effectively screen the parking lot areas from view � RECYCLlNG [Referto Code Chapter181551 ����� Applicant should CONTACT FRANCHISE HAULER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF SITE s� �, SERVICING COMPATIBILITY Locating a trash/recycling enclosure within a ciear vision area such y� as at the intersection of two 2 dnvewa s v�nthin a arkmg lot is prohibited Much of Tigard is within -=i==� ontact_pers "" '=� � ��`�f( .���'��� r --.�:._.�- , __ ��o�- - --_�� .�--.. , _ _-�,.�-- ------=�- —--- -�.��:.���--� � ��- � _- _ CITY OF TIGARD Pre-Apphca6on Conference Notes =_ _ _'_ _ _ _ - _ ___ -- P_age 3 of 9 Res�denUi AppGcabon/P�anning U�s�on Sechon _ _ - _— _ — - -- -- - � � i '� � ,r,^ „ �x� �v'�i y_��rd�w J�i(�a�.,a - ., �'t .. � � ���r fi'a�,-.=.�".E1^. S r ^1� -.. .- ,_ y� w.?}'�_r�'. 4C;�'" " �'+.- �,JQ YL�I�QflI{A ���i���R�a,Vo��Y�41 �i��, �:ft�� g.fi�.��.R}r=r,Y%�� ` ��� ��'`����t� � , �p .� �,�.-���.�..-,�,�.�,,.�..�..�,..�....�- �T°7�1'�f�tW�Y'9"C�'[�/°C�° ..wr.�-^ax,�t emeya.s�c.isass+.:irc�».a+sas.zr Y�'-_-'.'_�..`'��'.z^�=- �---��-"�"�_ '�I_ng�@-�2T�'��..�,,_= ��fliT�S - _ _ ` •�---� _ _ - � __ ".� _ ��-S��i��88��= - ➢ Multiple-family Requires �1 25 spaces per unit for 1 bedroom, 1 5 spaces per unit for 2 bedrooms, and 1 75 spaces per unit for 3 bedrooms Multrfamily dwelling units with more than ten (10) required spaces shall provide parking for the use of guests and shall consist of 15% of the total required parking NO MORE THAN 50% OF REQUIRED SPACES MAY BE DESIGNATED AND/OR DIMENSIONED AS COMPACT SPACES Parking stalls shall be dimensioned as follows � Standard parking space dimensions 8 feet 6 inches X 18 feet 6 inches � Compact parking space dimensions 7 feet 6 inches X 16 feet, 6 inches o Handicapped parking All parking areas shall provide appropriately located and dimensioned disabled person parking spaces The minimum number of disabled person parking spaces to be provided, as well as the parking stall dimensions, are mandated by the Amencans with Disabilities Act (ADA) A handout is avaifable upon request A handicapped parking space symbol shall be painted on the parking space surface and an appropnate sign shall be posted ❑ �9�YCLE RACKS [Re(er to Cod�Sect�on 18 7651 BICYCLE RACKS are required FOR MULTI-FAMILY, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS Bicycle racks shall be located in areas protected from automobile trafric and in convenient locations ❑ S�NS9TIVE LAtdDS [�efer to Code Chapt�r 18 Tf5D The Code provides REGULATIONS FOR LANDS WHICH ARE POTENTIALLY UNSUITABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT DUE TO AREAS WITHIN ThE 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN, NATURAL DRAINAGEWAYS, WETLAND AREAS, ON SLOPES IN EXCESS OF 25 PERCENT, OR ON UNSTABLE GROUND Staff will attempt to preliminary identify sensitive lands areas at the pre- appiication conference based on available information HOWEVER, the responsibilitY to preciselv identifv sensitive land areas and their boundaries is the responsibility of the aoQlicant Areas meeting the definitions of sensitive lands must be clearlv indicated on �lans submitted with the development aqplication Chapter 18 775 also provides regulations for the use, protection, or modification of sensitive lands areas RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IS PROHIBITED WITHIN FLOODPLAINS ❑ STEEP SlOPES [Rei�r to Code Sect�on 18 715 070 Cl When STEEP SLOPES exist, prior to issuance of a final order, a geotechnical report must be submitted which addresses the approval standards of the Tigard Community Development Code Section 18 775 080 C The report shall be based upon field exploration and investigation and shall include specific recommendations for achieving the requirements of Section 18 775 080 C � Cd.EAANOWATER SERYICES[CWSI BOF�R SYANDARDS [R�fer to R a 0 96�/USA Regulat�ons-Chapter 3l LAND DEVELOPMENT ADJACENT TO SENSITIVE AREAS shall preserve and maintain or create a 5�v«-�- vegetated corridor for a buffer wide enough to protect the water quality functioning of the sensitive Pr�✓��area ��� Design Cntena ��T The_VEG.ETATED CO� D9 �NJD is c�e endent on the sensitive area The following_table z'y��+�'R�.r�" � �� 's-1 1�n 1 P � 1 � � -���"�3-i��'`T �}9 _ i i � � a -_�- - ±._.a_.w�. �,� ` .�..r.v_ �,�.�w�. _� '--`."r__�T-�"�.5����.at�"�z�u=�^--•T— .�t=.=-y-v� -_- _ -_- —_ _ � �`1CITY OF 71GARD"Pre ApplicaUon Conference Notes � ; � _ -- � ��-� _ ° Page 4 of 9 FtaideM�al ApplicaGonlPfamm�g Uns�on Sechon __— " _ __�_ -___` _ -- YA�LE 3�YE�ET i - --- -- - - -�u �� _ _ _ - _ �� �� _ _ �_^ !� f= _ _ __ _ � �... i � '`="••-�'z�^-,r L � a�`D��- _. - u ,� � l SEiVSIT1VE AREA DEFINITION TO SENSITIVE AREA� � CORRIDOR PER SIDEZ o Streams with intermittent flow draining �25ro � � 10 to <50 acres 15 feet d >50 to <100 acres 25 feet e Existing or created wetlands <0 5 acre 25 feet • Existing or created wetlands >0 5 acre <25% 50 feet e Rivers streams and springs with year-round flow . Streams with intermittent flow draining >100 acres � . Natural lakes and onds � . Streams with intermittent flow draining �2�,� � 10 to <50 acres I 30 feet � >50 to <100 acres 50 feet o Existing or created wetiands >25�6 Vanable from 50-200 feet Me2sure ( . Rivers, streams and spnngs with year-round flow in 25-foot increments from the startina � � Streams with intermittent flow draining >100 acres point to the top of ravine (break in � . Natural lakes and ponds <25%slope) add 35 feet p2st tne top of ravine3 Start,ng pomt ror mezsurement = edge of the defined channel (banFful fiow) for streams/nvers delineated w�Land boundary delineated spnng boundar� and/or averaae high water for lakes or ponds whichever o`re s o ea�est resource protection Intermi�ien spn�os lo;ated a m�nimum of 15 r�et within the nver/stream or wetland vege,ated cornaor shall not sen�e as 2 st2rUng poin�for measurement 7Vegetated cornoor averaging or reducUon is aliowed only when the vegetated corndor is cer-hfied to be in a margmal or deg aded conaition 3The vegetated corridor extends 35 feet from the top of the ravine and sets tne outer boundary of the veg�tated corndor The 35 feet ma� be reauced to 15 reet,if a stamped geot�chnical report connrms slope stabdiry shall be main,ained with tne reduced setDack from tne cop of ravine Restnctions in the Veaetate Corridor NO structures, development, construction activitiss, gardens, lawns, application of chemicals, dumping of any matenals of any kind, or other activities shall be permifted which otherwise detract from the water quality protection provided by the vegetated corndor, except as provrded for in the USA Des�gn and Construcf�on Standards Location of Veqetated Corridor IN ANY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WHICH CREATES MULTIPLE PARCELS or lots intended for separate ownership, such as a subdivision, the vegetated corndor shall be contained in a separate tract, and shall not be a part of any parcel to be used for the construction of a dwelfing unit �CWS Service Provider Letter PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL of any land use applications, the applicant must obtain a CWS Service Provider Letter which will outline the conditions necessary to comply with the R&O 96-44 sensitive area requirements If there are no sensitive areas, CWS must stiil issue a letter stating a CWS Service Provider Letter is not required ❑ SB��S [Referto�ode Ch�pterl�780D SIGN PERMITS MUST BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY SIGN m the City of Tigard A "Guidelines for Sign Permits" handout is available upon request Additional sign area or height beyond Code standards may be permitted if the sign proposal is reviewed as part of a development review appfication Alternatively, a Sign Code Exception application may be filed for Director's review ��'EiEE RENiOV�I PLAN REQUI�EMENTS [Ref�r�o�ode S�ct�on 1�T90 030 C.] A TREE PLAN FOR THE PLANTING, REMOVAL AND PROTECTION OF TREES prepared by a certified arborist shail be provided for any lot, parcel or combination of lots or parcels for which a _ __«,dev�loprx�er��application-for a subdivision, �a�{nn cita ricvalnnman�V�p��,�jann��g(p��q�_ - - or conditional use is filed �Protection is pr fe� � ssrbie;��- - �—l��-"�" ��°"�_.. ��srs �a�'tr� .�v. '�������-y� � ��-52�T�.z�°y�-�;-'g�'s.a r�i-� .«.,- .- �^' _.a, `F "''3-`.x�-'K�-n��'t�nr��-.�-ry6--.+�w.-r-•�y -- - -�•_�.'--c,�..�i �^- . -..r r_'r�i`� f;._..s.= - ---- - ^-�.�°a�- --� � � CITY�F TI�ARII PrdAnnlir�t�nn(`nnfnronro IJntnc 4 � _�-'�'""-5-�;�:��.., --�-y—o+� .... �.- ��'-`°. s�"Pana 5 nf Q v �.....-.,-F�v. ;s�.cr�mr.b..�. st.+.x i.� •+nu�menrww.a+cw�..�. - - - - � .�_ 4�w �--�"�" `�,.,��+��tc�"t�{��'�>' d - � '' s.._ � � .'•a.+ �5a2''ec�"�L+>..+�r'fm�'+�.(`'�'>":ia�.1_ .. -*� h� e���.n-....,a:�E�4n.�.....'+.` �r.R... t THE TREE PL.AN SHALL lN�Ll1Q'��� �tche f�llow��;at ��. ' �-+rs»-�.+r^Y 4�P � s ``��F ik�':.�i} ��k'; � w.�:.r.�.t�1.��ft, �"��ret...e.,.� �'` +�e�i�t'n,.'�*7T�►ar n�ax,�,�,.. ���"-at��°�i�i��.��=��'�"v'�FOR�(��fs�'�C�'�'���e'$��4�����ia'�icurc��rssaer ��_Xi`�'-u1,��ara ` y • _ _ , ___s�ss" �.. Y^.—_�.� _�-_ _ � _ _'��..�E $ - —=�--�5�-�= ---� "- — - _ � _ r-__ � � w� —" - r—�--- ---=-�-— ' - ` - ➢ Identification of a program to save_����-�_'���'-����vai����9�=�nck�es m cahper Mitigation must follow the replacement guidelines o Section'f8 730-060 D accordmg to the following standards and shall be exclusive of trees required by other development code provisions for landscaping, streets and parking lots . Retainage of less than 25% of existing trees over 12 inches in caliper requires a mitigation program according to Section 18 150 070 D of no net loss of trees, . Retainage of from 25 to 50% of existing trees over 12 inches in caliper requires that two-thirds of the trees to be removed be mitigated according to Section 18 790 060 D , . Retainage of from 50 to 75°/o of existing trees over 12 inches in caliper requires that 50% of the trees to be removed be mitigated according to Section 18 790 060 D , . Retainage of 75% or greater of existing trees over 12 inches in caliper requires no mitigation, ➢ Identification of ali trees which are proposed to be removed, and ➢ A protection program defining standards and methods that will be used by the applicant to protect trees during and after construction TREES REMOVED WITHIN THE PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR PRIOR TO A DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION LISTED ABOVE will be inventoned as part of the tre� plan above and will be replaced according to Section 18 790 060 D ��t�6A�i0N [Refer to Code Sec�on 18 790 060 El REPLACEMENT OF A�REE shall take piace according to the following guidelines ➢ A replacement tree shall be a substantiaily similar species considenng site charactenstics ➢ If a replacement tree of the species of the tree removed or damages is not reasonably available, the Director may allow replacement with a different species of equivalent natural resource value ➢ If a replacement tree of the size cut is not reasonably available on the local market or would not be viable, the Director shail require replacement with more than one tree in accordance with the following formula . The number of replacement trees required shail be determined by dividing the estimated caliper size of the tree removed or damaged, by the caliper size of the largest reasonably available replacement trees If this number of trees cannot be viably located on the sub�ect property, the Director may require one (1) or more replacement trees to be planted on other property within the city, either public property or, with the consent of the owner, private property ➢ The planting of a replacement tree shall take place in a manner reasonably calculated to allow growth to maturity IN LIEU OF TREE REPLACEMENT under Subsection D of this section, a party may, with the consent of the Director, elect to compensate the City for its costs in performing such tree replacement � CLEAR YISION A6EA [Refer to Cod�Chapter 18 7951 The City requires that CLEAR VISION AREAS BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN THREE (3) AND EIGHT (8) FEET IN HEIGHT at road/driveway, road/railroad, and road/road intersections The size of the required clear vision area de ends u on the abutting street's functional classification and any �.���,��' plicant s - - - � j .d'h'r^✓�1"i` +� >ro T L ,. .. '_' .^.-L�� — —��^.��!..q—. �.�.���....�—�'_--��� .e�..-. �.— � �. — _1 — � v=� �—� �� �_..<<. .._ �� _ _CITY OF TIGARD Pre-ApphcaUon Conference Notes _ _ __ _ __ _ _ Page 6 of 9 —."�'Rc�denhal Appfica6oM�lanning Uws�on Sechon - - _-— _�-,__-_--_ __ � ��9DRE S�iEET PIAN flH0�NS9�N 0�S�iEETS [Refer to Code S�c�oo��810 030 FJ_ �7�� �e_ ��c� �r_ - - - ., - - � .�,-� � �.,, � �.< <�. � � ao ��.s ,a� � � ,����' '°` T�' �' =➢��`Be-filed by the a icant in conJ i i io`n �The- pian shall show the pattern of existing and proposed future streets from the boundaries of the proposed land division and shall include boundanes of the proposed land division and shall include other parcels within 200 feet surrounding and ad�acent to the proposed land division ➢ Identify existing or proposed bus routes pullouts or other transit facilities, bicycle routes and pedestrian facilities on or within 500 feet of the site Where necessary to give access or permit a satisfactory future division of ad�oining land, streets st;all be extended to the boundary lines of the tract to be developed �'AD�ISEOP�LOT DII�Et�S60NAl REQ09RE�EIdYS [Refer to Code Sec�on�8 810 06Q1 �r--� MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE 25 feet unless lot is created through the minor land partition process Lots creatad as part of a partition must have a minimum of 15 feet of f�ontage or ha��e a minimum 15-foot wide access easement � The DEPTH OF ALL LOTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 2'/z TIMES THE AVERAGE 1NIDTH, unless the parcei �s less than 1'/z times the minimum lot size of the a plicable zoning distnct I-��y' r,r/.�'v i nC.c� �� '�'l D r1�j �'�����5 (Refer t���de S�c�o�Z8 S�Q�9�1 � � The penmeter of BLOCKS FORMED BY STREETS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1,800 FEET measured along the nght-of-way center line except where street location �s precluded by natural topography, wetlands or other bodies of water or, pre-eristing development When block lengths greater than 330 feet are permitted, pedestrian/bikeways shall be provided through the block �Q�E�EC�fEBS _ 18 33O(Condrt�onal Use) 18 620(T�gard Trarr��Design Standards) " I$ 70�(OffSV�t Parkin�f�oading Reqwremens) _ 18 34O(Directors Int=_rpretaeon) /18 630(Washington Square Rqiona�Center) _ �H 77�(Sens��e Lands Re+new) _ �H 35O(Planned Deve�oprrwnt) f� 1 H 7O5(AccessrgresslCiraila6on) _ 1 H 7HO(SF3ns) _ 18 360(S�te Develop�nt Rewew) 'I H 7'I O(Accessory Residen6al Un�s) 18 785(iempoary Use Perm�s) _ 18 370(vananceslAd�usfiwnts) �18 715(Dens�ty Computations) �18 790(free Removaq _ 18 380(Zoning NaplText Amendrrwnts) �H TZO(Desgn Compahbilrty Standards) � 18 795(v�sua�C�earance Areas) �18 385(M�scelianeous Perm�s) �8 TZ5(Environrrwntal Performance Standards) 18 798(Wirel�.,ss Communi�t�on raa��h-..$) !� �S 39O(Deasan Mawng Proceduresllmpacl Study) 'I H�3O(Excephons To Development Standards) ��$H�O(Street�U61iry Improvement S�ndards) �H 4�O(Lot L�ne Ad�ustrnents) 18 740(H�stonc overfay) — (—��18 420(�a�d Part�ons) 18 742(Home ocapabon Permrts) �-j�8 430(Subdmsions) �'I H 745(Landscaping 8�Saeening Standartis) ✓ 18 51 O(Res�denbal Zoning D�smcts) �H�5O(Manufactured/Mobil Home Regulahons) _ �H 52O(Commeraal Zoning D�stricis) � 'I H 755(Maed Sol�d WasteRecydmg Storage) _ �H 53O(Indusmal Zonmg D�sficls) 18 760(Nonoontorming SrtuaUons) ----r-�----_�-c�--v �.�-.,--�--�-..-_�- -- _ _.�...--,..� _ _ -,��=.�=—�'°= -�.--_ r-�= -,n�y-r-��'�3�tJ.°��� .xa M+sc�.s�.�$'£��..,, _ i," �-�ezmov. �.z�e „t .��'4s�'am'e."a3�"°'-"`����.�^..r_ �.e+ _ y�y.�"°^" — - a�' ' _ 4 ��.s.S-sa#.f���3�z�.�dnka�°^v��.r�...-. ^.�S}tc..�- _RL'k ,"'�_� .�y�"' _ �r�. __ �� -cTm����� a 4�...^J - �-.�=.�_� CIN OF TIGARD_pre Appfica6on Conference Notes "==�`�,.��_�����-�-�-�"°�'�-��`— `�,�_��-r;��=t=„Page 7 of 9� __ Onevin���da`....e.`..c�w,.--- - -----^--`-- --°_.- --_--�.^r�..-a�. sc!.. -1 .�w '�3'... ,r,,, a4� �`�. m=�-�,�ny��.r�.r_ - _ � _ _ _ __ -�-•-+x-_-.� ,,,,,` .•_ur- -' .��_.1,-�-�s....rs'F�-w-�`��.''��.�:..7`�. � � �� y _ - � ... �.,.''"'' a _ ._-, �._ �r� �"" �= - -d�:i.��.a==- - '- —�s- - - -�_ ' ' � - -.w,s=N �—�'�������-�-.������.�x�—�.� -- - -- _' =z .� � D��tOR'� ='�'=�-=�_�-���=� � �__ _��W=y���- ��� � �.t_�=�� �pq�q GOaGE��S��CON9��:= �-=- �.,-.-�-P"� ---z=��€��°^-_ -- �a'-.x�_.`=°r..����'��3�'�.� „' "�.,.�-,-E-f...'.«.-.^"'=u.m�%-��.,Ya��---}`�--�a-`'�'=��t,��..��ra.sc�tncw _ __ -- - — - _ ��=-- = - _- _-- - —_ =_ - _ v ^ � _ ' L � .x � ..-.. _ u ct, l� l _0-(,�f -- -- - --— �r, - h � c c � a �t,✓�P. I S � �o r 'f�,,.�, r,�e�re���'f ���- �a� j� l02 �-✓o-�u 0`/o � r►1 „ � � 5� lo.� r.c o � v+ .u. u.c �� ` � b � 9 0� � No�e, �naroun� ✓�� on � lPiJ� In � c�i [,�l �� � Q PF���e. 4��, �.u., o � �. s�✓e w ,�n b v.� i� ` PROCEDORE / �/ Administrative Staff Review Public hearing before the Land Use Hearings Officer Public heanng before the Planning Commission Pubiic hearing before the Planning Commission with the Commission making a recommendation on the proposal to the City Council An additional public hearing shall be held by the City Council APPL9CAYION SOBMI�'AL PROCESS All APPLICATIONS MUST BE ACCEPTED BY A PLANNING DIVISION STAFF MEMBER of the Commurnty Development Department at Tigard City Hall o�ces PLEASE NOTE Applications submitted by mail or dropped off at the counter without Planning Division acceptance mav be returned The Planning counter closes at 4 00 PM Maps submitted with an application shail be folded IN ADVANCE to 8 5 by 11 inches One� 8'/z" x 11" map of a proposed prolect should be submitted for attachment to the staff report or administrative decision Application with unfolded ma�s shall not be accepted __ _ _ The Plannmg_ Division and En ineering Department wdl perform a �relimmary review of the --_--__- __-hr�tt�rs-�n�j�j��` '-`°" �. '�"' ation is complete_within 30 Tdays of the counter r_ _ ��=�-��4�� in orcn�o - dit�ona� - � _ ` -----�---- m rra s r�q ►r - - _ -� - -� --_ �_, �� .- -_�_-.�� .t.___� ,�.�.._.�.„ ��.,, _ _ _ C1TY OF TIGARD Pre-Apphca6on Conference s �'�``�-�'{� ��=�'� ����'�-`"''�'"�°�-Y---,�� �' e 8 ot9 k Res�denhalA,,,,rCa}10f1�3(1111 �IVISIOfI$OC�011 3 '� i��"='�ed._w.�.a.a�`�'yr,,,rt� :.._ ,�.+ ,..+r '� .,Y,r� 4 t'�r-. }r� _4 p`�.-_Y,� 'WY° � � "i� �'>a.�. .a'''' �3��"C'�� Lf�` � }.'1,��SY'�i±�s:=,., 1'�C°;� � ' } �� �' l v t <7.� ^ u ��.�f� �.�z i` �iC` �t a'f 1+C' �yM�rs� �rTe:,r"S� � ,=�raa�c.a �a�'i i�.+��+r-1.+ „"�5.�-+'��.+hK 1`5;���fx'tf�,,,_� '�t The administrative decision or public hearing will t ically occur approximately 45 to 60 days after an _ � � _ :� ..��*_� ---��- - -- r� ons from the , _ e=pu fie= �' hearing A 10-day public appea,lIpenod follo all land use decisions An appeal on this matter would be heard by the Tigard r'if'�U.l�lnG S w- A basic flo�v chart which iilustrates the review process is av lable from the Planning Division upon request Land use applications requiring a public hearing must have notice posted on-site by the appEicant no less than 'i0 days prior to the public hear�ng This PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE AND THE NOTES OF THE CO!�FERENCE ARE INTENDED TO INFORM the prospective applicant of the prima�y Community Development Code requirements applicable to the potential development of a particular site and to allow the City staff and prospective appiicant to discuss the opportunities and constraints affecting development of the site Sfl�DIV[SI��PIAT�QME RESE�yATfO� [�oan�Sun�e�or's Oifice 563-648-88841 PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A SUBDIVISION LAND USE APPLICATION with the City of Tigard applicants are reQUired to complete and file a subdivision plat naming request with the Washington County Surveyor's Office in order to obtain approvaVreservation for any subdivision name Applications will not be accepted as complete until the City receives the faxed confirmation of approval from the County of the Subdivision Name Reservation �E��lD9��PER�6QTS PLANS FOR BUILDING AND OTHER RELATED PERMITS 1�VILL NOT B� ACCcPTED FQ� REVIEW UNTIL A LAND USE APPROVAL HAS BEEN ISSUED Final inspection approvals by tf�e Building Division w�ll not be granfed unfil there is compfiance with all conditions of development approval These pre-application notes do not �nclude comments from the Bu�lding Division For proposed buildings or modifica�iorts to existing buiidings, it �s recommended to contact a Buiid�ng D�vision P{ans Examiner to determine if there are building code tssues that would prevent the structure from be�ng constructed, as proposed Additionally, with regard to Subdivisions and Minor Land Par�itions where any structure to be demolished has system development charge (SDC) credits and the underiying parcel for that structure will be eliminated when the new piat is recorded, the City's policV is to applV those sVStem development credits to the first building permit issued in the development (UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE DEVEl.OPER AT THE TI(�PE THE DEMOLITION PERM(T IS OBTAINED) e con erence an notes cannot cover a o e requirements an aspects re ate to site planning that should ap ply to the development of your site plan Failure of the staff to provide information required b the Code shall not consf�tute a waiver of the a plicable standards or requirements It is recommended tha�a pros_pective applicant either obtain and read t�ie Community Development Code or ask any questions of City staff-relative to Code requirements prior to submitting an application AN ADDITIONAL PRE-APPLICATION FEE AND CONFERENCE WILL BE REQUIRED IF AN APPLICATION PERTAIiVING TO THIS PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE IS SUBMITTED AFTER A PERIOD OF MORE THAN SIX (6) MONTHS FOLLOWING THIS CONFERENCE (unless deemed as unnecessary by the Planning D�v�sion) � PREPARED BY �o�.v CITY OF TIGARD PIANNING DIYISION Ff PERSON HOLDING PRE APP MEETING PHONE (503) 639-4111 FA1L (503) 684 7291 E-MAIL (stafl's first nartw)a�a t�gard or us TtTLE 18(CITY OF TIGARD S (OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE)IHTERkEY ADDRESS w�r c�vga�d oe us H lpattylmasterslPre-App Notes Residential doc Updated 26-Jun 02 '_' (En ineennq�prea�engl - _''� ' �,� , � �,.�,�,._�-�_.�_�.,.^�...�.3�._�.��.�.-�..�..�,......_,._ �. �r��....�_ "�."'�.'?�ti�a�"��.�,:,,s��';,m" ^`�t:�^''=:r;�;��d-�s � €�"s��������a9����.��+�+fi5�'��i��a9axxm�a���.,._,��.+�{...r�.--u .w��'F+� '�� ..�.�=� � -_�'�-" +��'�`` a� ',� � y./x'-t� `- -_ _ ��r�n''k.',�Y,�Y.•:.s.y_2CL�L•rr� ,•.'+t'i..�"'- ��� _i-. Y`xo_w,C:✓�... _ _� -- � 7. �_ e�r.. �,3'*a,.-= _"a� �--r:- r�=-�- _.��:— �_ - - �r _�. r �:.- _ ,$,,;�CITY OF TIGARD Pre Appficahon Conference Notes �. .�.�" ��,.��,:,���,�r�' _`� - � �` —�-_,.�',�.�= zPage 9 of 9; _ Rneuia..f�a e....r.�.r.-'w,�----- ----^--`--�`-— - `�"s:.sse='.rr.�,_-...�1�`:r��i— '-_�e- ' s _'rr Ei-r��c�- "�`c'�' -- 9 �� y.- _ -r.t^1 � ....i _-,•_• ti".._ .,�.�.T � � �° --------- ---- <,=.......... -_-�- .__ ..r L.AP1D USE APPL9CATION CHECKLIST Please read this form carefullv in con�unction with the notes provided to You at the pre-application conference This checklist identifies what is required for submittal of a complete land use application Once an application is deemed complete by Community Development staff, a decision may be issued within 6-8 weeks If you have additional questions after reviewing all of the information provided to you, please contact the staff person named below at the City of Tigard Planning Division, 503 639 4171 Staff��L � Date ��2 7 fd? 1 BASIC INFORMATION Please refer to the Land use applications basic submittal requirements"checklist for the basic submittal requirements 2 SPECIAL STUDlES AND REPORTS ' Because of the nature of your pro�ect and/or the site you propose to develop THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL STUDIES WILL BE REQUIRED These studies must be prepared by certified professionals with expenence in the appropnate field � Arborist Report/Tree Assessment ❑ Local Streets Traffic Study ❑ Wetlands/Stream Corridor Delineation and Report ❑ Habitat Area Evaluation ❑ Geotechnical Report ❑ Geotechnical Report must address liquefaction potential and sod beanng capacity ❑ Other 3 PREPARING PLANS AND MAPS Plans and maps should be prepared at an engineenng scale (1" = 10/20/50/100/200') and include a north arrow legend and date The same scale should be used for all your plans Where possible the City prefers the use of a scale that allows a site plan or subdivision plat to be shown on a singie sheet Architectural drawings may be prepared at an architectural scale One copy of each plan must be submitted in photo-ready 8%2 x 11 format THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF REQUIRED INFORMATION FOR EACH TYPE OF PLAN (if the plans you submit do not include all of the information requested because you feel it is not applicable, please indicate this and provide a bnef explanation) Y Vicinity Map � Showing the location of the site in relation to • Ad�acent properties � • Surrounding street system including nearby intersections � s Pedestnan ways and bikeways � • Transit stops � • Utdiry access � ;,,,,;x�-_,,.s.�_ ,_ — -�------•- - .- �� _ _.--....,.. - ��r �-t� j h lpattyMasters\checklist d�(ll���un-02j _ �,w�; � r„�...�.�:�.T,,;� .-�_ _� _�w..-�_��°�4��-•�.��:f.� _ _ `_ _ _ ,� �,,.�.,,;,9M:-,,.�4"�?=.._ ,*�^ .._:W ~`„'�--- � Y�� .-,� .. -. ' .. �- _ -n��%,w�fiii:�ds+dY'.�:.ir ca.wta�`�`"�"~°„r�r•Y�.T i °�-�- r'` �.:1�:�,.P L'-_f^-- '_R .�a...,b..»�,+ ..r-r i'st✓.G y .lyrar i " .. �.`x�w�r_� 9V .n ..r�G'. � l�..- ...'�Z`v�=•�wr�_ �c�E�..m. �� �,�.� :''_ c _ S,� 1.,_. r _ 17--• �.1 x.tw:.....,..�a-..r � . _�_^r--,e . �-..�:�_��..w�.. _ _ . �� .-. -';.'"`�'S?�'�x r_F S.f-5�?`.,sv..'x�{a��,�Li"�.--�,�T'S2'���:� z a.�'T,-"�'W'.�,..;;-.....'-.��-_�..�-:� "';* �--a - ��4�,F.�,______� �,,_ - �� -� - I O S' - - - - - -- - - -- - ��� ��� � Parcel boundaries, dimensions and gross area � � Contour lines (2 intervals for 0-10% slopes or 5'for slopes >10%) ❑ � Drainage patterns and courses on the site and on ad�acent lands ❑ � Potential natural hazard areas includmg • Floodplain areas � • Areas having a high seasonal water table within 24"of the surface for three or more weeks of the year ❑ o Slopes �n excess of 25% � ♦ Unstable ground � o Areas with severe soil erosion potential ❑ • Areas having severely weak foundation soils ❑ ♦ Locations of resource areas including • Wddlife habitat areas identified in the Comprehensive Plan ❑ o Wetlands ❑ � Other site features o Rock outcroppings ❑ e Trees with>_6"caliper measured 4'from ground level ❑ � Location and type of noise sources ❑ � Locations of existing structures and their uses ❑ � Locations of existing utdities and easements ❑ � � Locations of existing dedicated right-of-ways ❑ � Locations of dnveways on ad�acent properties and across the street ❑ �/ Subdivis�on Preliminary Pfat Map � The proposed name of the subdivision ❑ � Vicinity map showing property s relationship to artenal and collector streets ❑ � Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner developer,engineer surveyor and designer�as appi�cabie) ❑ � Scale, no�th arrow and date ❑ � Boundary lines of tract to be subdivided � Names of ad�acent subdivisions or names of recorded owners of ad�oining parcels of un-subdivided land ❑ � Contour lines related to a City-established benchmark at 2 intervals for 0-10% grades and 5 intervals for grades greater than 10% ❑ � The purpose, location, type and size of all of the following (withm and ad�acent to the proposed subdivision) e Public and pnvate nght-of-ways and easements ❑ • Public and pnvate sanitary and storm sewer lines ❑ o Domestic water mains including fire hydrants ❑ • Ma�or power telephone transmission lines (50,000 volts or greater) ❑ • Watercourses ❑ • Deed reservations for parks, open spaces, pathways and other land encumbrances ❑ e The location of all trees with a diameter 6 inches or greater measured at 4 feet above ground level ❑ ♦ The location of all structures and the present uses of the structures, and a statement of which structures are to remain after platting ❑ � Supplemental information including ♦ Proposed deed restnctions (if any) ❑ e A proposed plan for provision of subdivision improvements ❑ � Existmg natural features including rock outcroppings,wetlands and marsh areas � The proposed lot configurations, lot sizes and dimensions, and lot numbers Where lots are to be used for purposes other than residential, it shall be indicated upon such lots ❑ � If any of the foregoing information cannot practicabiy be shown on the preliminary plat, it shall be mcorporated --==into a narrat�ve and submitted with the apphcation mar��r+�is,�,-=�� _ � _ ---�-�=°--n-=--_ - - - - P _ _ __ _ ..,� �,..� ��.�; ,��-}�-___���,�--=�—�-,�-�;-- .. _ �.�h arF, n ica r�..d ��- + " �.�.M�.=�a-�.�:����z�' �t�"?��.°'�' _ �patty�masterslcheGchst doc (UPDATED-2CrJun-02)` � ,�"� W y � ' ,'�'�'�" =�' � i�' � .....y-.� r.,: s r-+-x,s..,--+.-- +ra �^��r G�,�. 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'.-� f�-�5`t v� . ti. <rs ��taf,.'��_n��Se�:_` at3K•.=�t.-r,.-h �d:my����� :i�5�'�„c�.._.:....�[t��. _�'�'?� _��r-�,--.�?�'�.'F=- '�.- _ tic.--- -r - _ - -- — - _ _ " _ .- a _ .� � - - -- - - --- - _' -.,�.,-_._�_ _ _ � The owner of the sub�ect parcel ❑ � The owner s authorized agent ❑ � The map scale, north arrow and date ❑ � Proposed property Imes ❑ � Descnption of parcel location and boundanes ❑ � Contour Imes (2 intervals for slopes 0-10% or 5 for slopes >10%) ❑ � Location,width and names of streets, easements and other public ways within and ad�acent to the parcel ❑ � Location of all permanent buddings on and within 25 of all property lines ❑ � Location and width of all water courses ❑ � Location of any trees with 6"or greater caliper at 4'above ground level ❑ � All slopes greater than 25% ❑ � Location of existing and proposed utdities and utdity easements ❑ � Any applicabie deed restnctions ❑ � Evidence that land partition wdl not preclude efficient future land division where applicable ❑ � Future street extension plan showmg existing and potential street connections ❑ Si Development Plan � e proposed site and surrounding properties ❑ � Co tour Ime intervals ❑ � The ocations, dimensions and proposed names of the followmg � e isting and piatted streets and other public ways ❑ o E ements on the site and on ad�oining properties ❑ ♦ Pro osed streets or other public ways and easements on the site ❑ o Alter ative routes of dead-end or proposed streets that require future extensions ❑ � The locati ns and dimensions of the following s Entran s and exits on the site ❑ • Parking nd circulation areas ❑ o Loading a d service areas ❑ ♦ Pedestrian nd bicycle circulat�on ❑ e Outdoor co on areas � e Above groun utdities � e Trash and recy lable material areas ❑ � The locat�ons,dimen ions and setback distances of the following • Existing permane structures, improvements, utdities and easements which are located on the s e and on ad�acent property within 25'of the site ❑ • Proposed structures, provements, utilities and easements on the site ❑ • Sanitary sewer facditie � • Existing or proposed se er reimbursement agreements ❑ • Storm drainage facdities a d analysis of downstream conditions ❑ � Locations and type(s)of outdo lighting considering crime prevention techniques ❑ � The locations of the following ❑ • All areas to be landscaped • Mailboxes � ♦ Structures and their orientation � �=-�d=-s==._._.�==�_=-=- ---- - - - - — — - — — -- -�__ ������4�A���4-���� �� - .T ..���e �;_ -��--, _ nR -- y��f���s � yigl�b 1.- _ ' ` ��_� Y�f�. � rfi�pattyAm�stersCchecklistdoc.,�,_(UpDAT�D Jun 02) f ' ��N 6 ! �'�„� 6r �.rr,�aY S�`� '�Y 1 �ji�=�.'+�yy ei-'^'µ,���y4��- ` ��� r__ �. ^ti i- �Yy _ _ ������-� ��''�`�r1xe s.��'#�-�'t� � ��'��y�u:��,a.�+.����-_--v= � u,ra,�t � ' -" � - _ _ :z�'�r �iz-� �=4= �f�p_ s.T� � s� =-„=urr h__:.J�.�;�... ,�r _°� . ?„� ,t o v.�r k � i - � ;a 3rh+^,p �"^�e'�y`�n�C'46,�a.�.�f��-.�.�-�sw��+'�..�'��i�t�..kL�.���a.'`"'-,-.�.,�'�'...^-- +*...s•'..�r=a �x _��-"�''�tra�?.c,-�..�4 4_�^:`N'�'.s��.:.a'.�t aCs'f.�_s;�?fi�.T�x"!. %:._ . 'F�-'a`-`-�" .�•a� _ �.�i`��` ��..k.� - - L � Location of trees to be removed � � � � Location, size and species of existing plant matenals � � General location size and species of proposed plan materials � � Landscape narrative that addresses � o Sod conditions and how plant selections were derived for them ❑ • Plans for sod treatment such as stockpding the top sod ❑ • Erosion control measures that wdl be used � � Location and descnption of the irrigation system where appiicable � � Location and size of fences buffer areas and screernng � � Location of terraces, decks, shelters play areas and common open spaces �/Pubiic ImprovementslStreets Plan � Proposed right-of-way locations and widths � � A scaled cross section of all proposed streets plus any reserve strips � � Approximate centerline profiles showing the finished grade of all streets including street extensions for a ❑ reasonable distance beyond the fimits of the proposed subdivision � Grading/Erosion Control Plan � � The locations and extent to which grading will take place � , � Existing and proposed contour lines � - � Slope ratios f�Utilities Plan � Approximate plan and profiles of proposed sarntary and storm sewers with grades and pipe sizes indicated ❑ on the plans � Plan of the proposed water distnbution system showing pipe sizes and the locations of valves and meter sizes ❑ � Fire hydrants (existing and proposed) � � Proposed fire protection system �reliminary Storm Drainage Plan � � The location of all areas sub�ect to inundation or storm water overflow � � Location,width and direction of flow of all water courses and drainageways � � Location and estimated size of proposed storm drainage lines � Where applicable, location and estimated size and dimensions of proposed water quai�ty/detent�on facdity ❑ V Tree Preservation/Mitigation Plan � � Identification of the location, size and species of all existing trees � � Program to save existing trees or mitigate tree removal (Section 18 790 030) � � A protection program defining standards and methods to be used dunng and after construction Archite ral Drawings � � Floor plans dicating the square footage of ail structures and their proposed use � � Elevation dra gs for each elevation of the structure Sign Dr ings � � Specify pro osed location, size and height - -, - -- ,��- R�} _ - — -= - =- - -==�-a--=-'` _:__, ��°a; v �„_ - „ , -�-��z _��._r..,�,,..r- - - - - - - ' - - -'. _ �= i���y�.�m' :a��!�„- " r,��~,.��._�����'r� `-��'---y�W�.=�������'r+ " A c-....^--�.^�^r�...._ � �°�� ��,�s.,�f�M+--.�.+�',�i,.,*u'�T.:f=-..t^3�r_.�-.�✓��i`r%-��f'"'�- �� ,�+'�!-,.��..-.+oc..-s�,.�S�.�s.=r�t3vi.r r _ � �/ ��-^�r.�+^-•' �.�'�=[x�7! �._�Yn� "r'w�..✓i r+1,�,.,e! .. ..,.a.,_ �.+�=w�..a . . _ _ ."._ _ , ....� .. _ .. ��'�� zh -�:...f�3,.�.>p...L _t��T�" �"2i_y 5 Reh��'r•�cs�.�7e�+cr�+�'.,,d'1'._t..=.&x�+1 � {� / I 4 tz � � �I� � OREGON April22 2003 Paul Krasausk , Joe MacHarg Jr 15833 SW Misty Court Beaverton OR 97007 RE Extension of 120 Day Review Period Limit—MLP2002-00013 Dear Mr Krasausk and Mr MacHarg Staff is in receipt of Miles Sclesinger's request to extend the 120-day time period in order to satisfactorily resolve the storm drainage issue As you may be aware as it is presently proposed, the pro�ect will not meet City standards and without an alternate solution, staff would be forced to deny this pro�ect Mr Schlesinger has requested a "two to three week extension" to develop the necessary alternative, however, as there is no conclusive information as to when this � information would be received by staff, we will place your application on hold effective April 215f, 2003 until he has submitted an alternative storm drainage design or until May 30`h 2003 whichever occurs first If no feasible solution is received by May 30"' staff will have to issue a denial of the proposed partition If you have any questions regarding this letter application, please don't hesitate to contact me at (503) 639-4171 ext 2428 Sincerely, � , I Morgan Tracy Associate Planner i\curpin\morgan\workspace\mlp\mIp2002 00014(krasausk)\mlp 2002-00014 120 day exlension doc , c MLP 2002-00014 Land Use file ,'I � � ', �� 13125 SW Hall Blvd Tigard OR 97223 (503)639-4171 TDD (503)684-2772 � I S1VI � �JILDERS � , INCORPORATED re��i COVSTRUCTION CONThACTORS 60ARD RFCISTRATIOn� p865"4"t y/7,r/o; Apri121, 2003 1 Mr Morgan Tracy " Associate Planner City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Morgan Brian Rager contacted me Friday morning and suggested tnat we ask for a 2 to 3 week extension so that we could resolve the storm water issue to both of our satisfaction as I recogn�zed earlier in the week after talking to the Webb family that the solut�on I was plann�ng as the improvement scenario would not work Thank you for your considerat�on � Sincerely, ���� ` ,. S Miles Schlesinger Pres�dent 7000 S W Hampton Street, Suite 124 Tigard, OR 97223-8361 503 968 6400 Fax 503 620 8487 Mobile 503 887 2886 Q Prmted on Recyded Piper