Willard Vac, Inc ~ C120077 I r Contract#C_Vqop�n n CITX oF TioARD,OREGON PEMONAL SERN'ICES AGREEMENT TMIS:1GR }J%fF.\T made and entered into this 30 chv of lune 2012 bV and bem cen the City of Tigard,a municipal corporation of the Snare of Oregon, hereinafter -called City, and Willard Power Vac, hereinafter called C:otxttactor. RECITALS City has need for the services of a company with a particular tmi in , ability, knowledge, and exlwriencc Ilossessed by Contractor,and City has determined that Contractor is qualified and capable of performing the professional services as CitN does hereinafter require,under those terms and conditions set forth: 'Merefore,the parties agree as fellows: Scum OF Wox�r Contractor shall initiate services upon receipt of City's notice to proceed together with an executed copy of this Agreement. Contractor agrees to complete work that is detailed in Exhibit A— Scope ofIN.'ork atad by this reference made a pais hereof. EFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATioN 'Dais Agreement shall become affective upon signature by both parties and shall expire, unless otherwise tentunated or extended, on June 30, 2011. All work under this Agreement shall be completed prior to the expiration of this .Agreement. 3 QIPENSAT]ON City agrees to pay Contractor an arnotuat not to exceed Thircv Four Th-Qu-sand TwQ Hundred Seven T �� and 98/100 Dollars ($34,272.9€.) annually for performance of those services described in this Agreement. 11av trent will be mach lased on Contractor's invoice, subject to the approval of the. City, and not more frequently than monthly. Payment shall be payable within thirty (30) clays from the date 'of the Contractor's invoice. CONTACT INFORNimON All nnaces,bills,and payments shall be made:in writing and may be given by personal delivery,:mail, or fax. Payments xnay be delivercd by personal delivery, taaail, or electronic transfer. The foUitig addresses and contacts shall be used to ttansrnit notices,bills,pavrncrtts,and other information: City of Tigard Willard Power Vac:,, Inc. .Attn: Nickles Nissen Attn: Daniel Busbv 13125 SW Hall I hr& 15020 NE Glisan "Figard,Oregon cin 97223 Portland,OMm 97230 Phone: 503) 718-2605 i'lttrstc: 503�256-9905 ....•__ Fax: 503) 684-9940 Fax, (503)256-0602 L°n-Uil Addres4. Lmail.Address. 4 Cts ;ll".0 �t8"t Contract!� suits i vuh ing jury question arising under this Agreement must be brought in the appropriate colut of the Mate of Oregon. CaNDITIQN5 of Strnl'r. wG A Pr Biic AGENCY Where applicable, Contractor must make payment promptly as due to persons supplying Contractor labor or Xnatoids for the execution of the work proitided by thL'R order. Contractor nntst pay all contributions or arnounts due from Contractor to the Industrial.Accidcmt l and incurred in the Mfcsmmnce of this order. Contractor shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted a unst Buyer or any %ubdivision of City on account of any labor or=tcrial to be f rn shed. Contractor further:agrees to pati to the Deparmiernt of Re-mnue all sums withheld frorn employees ptusuant to ORS 316.167. Cols PLETE AGREEMENT This Agreement and attached exhibit constitutes the entire 'Lgreument between the parties. No waiver, consent,modification,or change of terms of this Agreement shall bifid eithet party unless in Ming and signed by both parties. Such waiver, consent, rrtodifcation, or change- if made, shall be: effective only in specie instanccs and for the specific purpose given. There are no understandings,agreements, or representations,ural or written, not specified herein regarding this Agreement. Contractor, by the signature of its authot:i.zed representative, hereby acknowledges that be/she has react this Agreement, understands it and agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions. IN WI1NESS WH1_l EOF,City has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized undcrVIed officer and Ctractor has executed this Agreement on the date hereinabove first written. TI' CIo 'TI 7AMRD CONTRACTOR R3: b1 rized City staff 131: �luthti .xe ent of C�e3r tractor Date 1 Data Cz o:atraet Exhibit A Scope of nrk Willard PoWer VqC' In 'RLlA7� __. Commercial HN.A.C. Cleaning Division April 3,2012 City of Tigard HVAC System Cleaning Building List lid Number Name I Address _ CleanedTIIme� Cast Tigard Police 13125 SW Hail Blvd 1. Q1-057 Department Tigard, Or 97223 8/3/201{3 1ZHrs $ 4,527.77 2. 03-020 Tigard City Hall 13125 5W Hall Byrd 8/2/2010 10 Hrs $ 3,864.48 Tigard, Or 97223 3. 07-007 Tigard Public Works8777 SW Burnham, St 4/16/2007 10-12 Hrs $ 2,493.00 Tigard, Or 97223 4. 07-008 Tigard Senior Center $815 5W Qmara St 2/15/2008 8 Hrs $ 1,523.37 Tigard, Or 972.23 5. 07-009 Tigard Nieh Building 8720 SW Burnham St 1/11/2012 4 Hrs $ 1,076.00 Tigard,Or 97223 6. 07-€329 Tigard Cash House 15160 Sw Sunrise LaneTigard, Or 97224 5/1/20137 3 Hrs $ 1,059.70 Tigard Permits 13125 SW Hall Blvd 7. 08-042 9/24]2008 12 Hrs $ 5,966..89 Building Tigard, Or 97223 & 08-046 Tigard Library 13500 SW Hall Blvd Tigard, Or 97223 7/26/2009 6 Days $ 12,561.62 Tigard Fanno Creek 13335 SW Hail 9. 08-047 House Tigard,Or 97223 9/23/2008 2 Hrs $ 6(15.15 10. 12-034 Tigard Zuber House 9025 SW Burnham St Tigard,Or 97223 2 Hrs $ 595.{30 $ 34,272.98