2013-02 Cityscape City of Tigard's Official Newsleuer
Mayor's Corner mkflcdL 0/2-ex d
I hope you are keeping warm and What makes a neighborhood a great place?
dry as the winter weather continues. The Neighborhood Involvement responses will be used to identify and
I invite Tigard residents to join Committee and its volunteer improve communication between
me once a month for open discussion partners who maintain the residents,the Neighborhood
regarding Tigard.These"Fireside Chats neighborhood websites invite Involvement Committee and City
with the Mayor"will be held on the you to"attend"the annual Council.
second Thursday of each month from Neighborhood Network Open One thing is certain...the
3-5 p.m.This month's event will be House—online! neighborhood program is based
held at the Beveland Street Bistro and During the month of on relationships.Your comments
Coffee House.It's located at 7357 SW February,visit the city's website will help us identify neighborhood
Beveland St. #100 in Tigard,off of or(your neighborhood's assets and the areas where there's
72nd Ave.by Lowes. blog) to take a look at the room for improvement so that
I extend this invitation to any Neighborhood Network we can build a community that's
resident with concerns and/or ideas Program and what it offers Tigard informed,engaged and developed by
regarding our city and residents who residents. the people who live there.
would simply like to stop in and say While you're there,please take a short Log onto the city's website at
hello.These gatherings are for me survey and share your thoughts about www.ligard-or.gov/neighborboodto get started!
to gain a better sense of the needs the features that make a neighborhood a It's your chance to identify neighborhood
and wants of Tigard's citizens. Our great place to call home.The short survey priorities and connect with the city.
residents are a valuable resource for may be completed anonymously and the
suggestions,compromises and solutions
to many of Tigard's challenges and I Road Work Ahead on OR 99W (Pacific Hwy.)
am looking forward to meeting with
you. In February and March,a contractor will be closed on the highway during the
Many great things are happening in for the Oregon Dept. of Transportation day.There will also be occasional lane
Tigard.The Council truly appreciates (ODOT)will begin construction to widen closures on Beef Bend Road at OR 99W.
the support of each resident,business OR 99W at Beef Bend Road in order Drivers should be alert to trucks entering
and organization that works to make to build a dedicated right turn lane for and exiting the construction zone on
Tigard A Place to Call Home.We are southbound travelers.There have been a OR 99W and on Beef Bend Road.The
a community of great progress and high number of rear-end crashes at this adjacent shared-use path will remain open
promise and it is my distinct pleasure to intersection and the new right turn lane throughout construction.
serve as Mayor. should significantly reduce the frequency Work will be complete by September
of those incidents. 2013.For more information,visit the
The majority of the construction will project website at htlp://tiny.cc/beeend or
occur during the day,off the highway. contact Lili Boicourt,ODOT Community
John L.Cook,Mayor There will be intermittent nighttime work Affairs Coordinator at Lili.D.Boicourl@odot.
with lane closures on OR 99W.No lanes state.or.us or 503-731-8247.
ACity of Tigard
Farmers Market Moving Downtown
A Big Commitment New Location for 2013!
from the Beginning On Sunday,May 12,the Tigard Area While You're There...
Do you have what it takes to
become a police officer? Farmer's Market opens its 20'season in Bring the entire family to the
Imagine that you've decided
a new location—the city's Public Works market!The market features activities to become a police officer for the parking lot at the corner of Burnham and and entertainment for all ages.When
Hall (8777 SW Burnham St.). you're done shopping,visit other popular
City of Tigard.You've applied and.
competed against hundreds of other This site features abundant downtown features like the Fanno
applicants to earn the position but parking,easy access and Creek Trail,the Ash Street Dog
that's where the hard work begins. best of all,pedestrian Park or the Jim Griffith
amenities that include Memorial Skate Park.
Officer training starts with a wide sidewalks, G Main Street and the
16-week Oregon Police Academy. shared bicycle lanes Tigard library are
When completed,officers return to and crosswalks the short walks from the
the Tigard Police Department for 21 entire length of new market site.
weeks of field training.This places Burnham Street. If you're
a recruit with experienced officers interested in becomin
selected and trained as Field Training The Tigard Area g
Officers. Field training progressively
Farmer's Market is the 43 a vendor,log onto the
place to find fresh,locally market website at
increases a new officer's knowledge
and experience to a level at which produced fruits,vegetables,plants, ket.org.
they are entrusted to work as a solo food and crafts.Your purchases support See you in the spring!
officer. local farmers and programs that expand
When satisfactorily passed,
access to healthy food and sustainable
the recruit spends one week
with a supervisor riding along as
an observer.If the supervisor Tigard Seeks Nominations for Exemplary Citizen
is satisfied that the recruit's
Do you know an extraordinary city and civic values or promoting cross-
performance is acceptable,then the
volunteer that deserves recognition? cultural awareness.
recruit is returned to field training Whether they're an individual or ani-
for a final"two-week checkout" y g Applications are available at
nation,neighborhood or business,the svzvzv.ti and-or. ov exem la or at Ci Hall.
and evaluation.If the field training g g / p rJ City
officer recommends the recruit for Tigard City Council is accepting nomihi Mail your completed nomination to
solo status,they are assigned to a tions for the 2013 Exemplary Citizenship Tigard City Hall,Attn:Joanne Bengtson,
Award. 13125 SW Hall Blvd Tigard,OR 97223
regular patrol shift.
Police personnel strive to live Award recipients will be chosen for by 5 p.m.on March 18.
up to the Tigard Police mission, their role in implementing or helping The winner will be honored at the
"To create the highest level of with an outstanding project,program 2013 Tigard Chamber of Commerce
or service;enriching and revitalizing Shining Stars Community Awards
livability possible by working with g tY
April 26.Banquet on A
our citizens to preserve and protect our community or a neighborhood; q p
life,liberty and property."Residents demonstrating responsiveness,creativity
place enormous trust in their police
force and it drives the level of
commitment that officers show on a Downtown Artist Selected!
daily basis. Tigard is committed to showcasing downtown area.
If you're thinking about a law public artwork that supports Downtown The artist was chosen by citizens
enforcement career,it's a job that Tigard as"a vibrant and active urban serving on a subcommittee of the City
requires a substantial commitment to village at the heart of the community." Center Advisory Commission(CCAC).
service and the community. To kick off that process,the city has Borello was one of 60 artists hoping
selected Portland artist Brian Borello to contribute their talent to the Main
to design two large art pieces for the Street/Green Street project.
Paget www.tigard-or.gov•503-718-2476 CITYSCAPE
Cityscape Newsletter
Citizens Police Academy
It Only Happens Once a Year!
3RE13 Now Recruiting for 2013
Learn about your police
Emergency 1 o m m u n i 0 a t i p n M a d@ E a s y . department from Tigard's finest!The
Citizens Police Academy returns this
Register Today for Emergency Notifications spring for a nine-week course on
consecutive Wednesday evenings from
For more information or to register in the CodeRED system,please visit the city's website 7_930 p.m. at Tigard City Hall (13125
at www.tigard-orgov/codered or contact Emergency Management Coordinator Mike Lueck SW Hall Blvd.).The academy begins
at 503-718-2593 or mikelGatigard-orgov. April and ends May 29.
CodeRED @ a Glance Did You Get the Call? Informative and fun,the academy
�Ik Getting the word out about an The CodeRED system was activated fosters better understanding and
emergency is essential to public last November when a boil water alert was communication between residents
safety. Tigard's CodeRED issued to Tigard water customers.The and the city's police department.
emergency notification system tracked whether each call successfully The intent is not to produce citizens
system can do just that. connected with a recipient. Some calls trained in law enforcement,but to
Sign up and the system can failed to connect because CodeRED phone teach citizens about the limitations and
provide you with up-to-the- numbers were either blocked or because abilities of law enforcement so the
minute information on utility contact information was outdated or police can better serve the community.
outages,missing persons,fires, incorrect.If you registered for the CodeRED The course covers a wide range of
evacuations,floods,bomb system,but did not get the November boil law enforcement topics:investigations,
threats,hostage situations or water alert message: patrol functions,traffic-related issues,
other emergencies via phone,
• Contact your phone/data service community policing,gangs,narcotics
email or text.It can also tell
you what action needs to be provider to confirm that these investigations,use of force and
CodeRED numbers are not blocked: firearms.All sessions are conducted
taken to ensure your safety. by members of the Tigard Police
855-969-4636 and 866-415-5000.
The system is capable of Department.Academy graduates
transmitting a message to all • Verify that your CodeRED contact emerge with increased knowledge
of Tigard's 24,000 registered information is correct by logging in to and enthusiasm to share with family,
contacts in less than an hour. your CodeRED account or by calling friends and neighbors. Since it began
Tigard businesses,residents. 503-718-2591. in 1995 nearly 450 community
and water customers (including We're Updating Our Files members have participated in the
customers in Durham, King City For calls that did not connect in program.
and unincorporated Washington November,the CodeRED system will issue Apply now—enrollment is
County)are encouraged to a non-emergency test call sometime between limited to 25 participants.The
register for this free and February 4 and February 8,2013.If this application deadline is March 16,2013.
confidential notification call is unsuccessful,the recipient's contact Applications are available online or in
system. information will be deleted from the system. the Tigard Police Department lobby.
Complete and return your
application via fax(503-718-2645),
Budget Season Begins... mail(Tigard Police Department,Attn:
While most people are enjoying As the budget hearing dates draw Jim Wolf, 13125 SW Hall Blvd,Tigard,
the post-holiday quiet,departments closer,we'll announce them in the OR 97223) or e-mail to jim@tigard-or.
throughout the city are crafting a stay- Cityscape and on the city's website. gov.A criminal background check will
the-course FY 13-14 draft budget for As always,the city is committed to be conducted to determine eligibility
the city manager's consideration. She providing residents with the highest level and applicants will be notified by mail.
will use this data to compile a proposed of service and the most effective use of For more information contact Jim
budget to take to the citizen-led Budget city resources. Wolf at 503-718-2561 during normal
Committee in late April. business hours.
February 2013 www.tigard-or.gov•503-718-2476 Page
City of Tigard
Community Tree Planting
Drivers cited into court sometimes mistakenly believe that they're allowed to
pose questions that judges aren't trained exceed that speed under ideal conditions. Are those gray winter days closing
n on you?Beat the winter blahs
to answer. Some examples: "Why is Basic laws of physics are a key in
and Friends of
by it
the speed limit just 30 mph on such a factor in setting limits: as a vehicle's Trees install 1 helping the city
native plants along
wide street?""Why is the yellow light speed increases,the energy it can Pinebrook Creek a quiet and peaceful
so short?""Why don't they extend the expend in a collision rises,as they say,
left turn lane farther back from the waterway in the heart of Tigard.
exponentially.For example,a collision
intersection?"Sometimes I share their between a car and a pedestrian at 30 mph Be a part ofTigard's stream
curiosity,but I realize that the regulation is far more likelyto be fatal than at l
of traffic is strictlyfor professionals with restoration legacy
p 20 mph.That's one reason why the speed � Saturday,February 16
advanced training in engineering and limit in Oregon business districts,where y' Y
traffic management.g interactions between cars and pedestrians 9 a.m.-1 P.M.
The first speed limit,a mere are likely,is set at 20 mph.For vehicles Registration is required for groups
10 mph for"light locomotives" (as involved in a head-on collision,the of three or more.
cars were then called),was imposed in survival rate drops dramatically as speeds Meet at the volunteer tent on the
England in 1861. Since then,states and exceed 35 mph. corner of Pinebrook Street and
countries have adopted a wide range In setting speed limits,traffic 89th Avenue.
of permissible highway speeds. Some en h two ma onions of the German autobahns engineers must weigh or g � � Tools,gloves and snacks will be
p variables:public safety,including the provided.
have no speed limits at all. Studies show risks of conflicts among those using
g some
average speeds of 88 mph along Wear sturdy shoes and dress for
g P P our streets,and the need to efficiently the weather.
stretches of that advanced freeway move cars and trucks from one place
system. Such extreme speeds would be to another.In balancing these goals,it This work is part of a regional
very hazardous on Oregon's winding and always makes sense to favor safety over challenge to plant two million native
mountainous highway system. efficiency. trees and shrubs in the Tualatin River
By contrast,Oregon's"basic rule" watershed over the next 20 years.
sets a limit of 55 mph on unposted BY JUDGE MICHAEL J. O'BRIEN Since 2005,the City of Tigard and
rural highways,though many drivers TIGARD MUNICIPAL COURT thousands of volunteers have planted
over 100,000 trees and shrubs along
Blue Ribbon Task Force Update our waterways.These native plantings
add beauty,create cleaner and cooler
In former Mayor Dirksen's 2012 experience in a variety of backgrounds and water,reduce erosion and improve fish
State of the City address,he summarized perspectives. and wildlife habitat.
Tigard's financial situation and the The Mayor's Blue Ribbon Task Force
e Y All ages are welcome at this
factors that challenge presented their findings family friendly event.For additional
Oregon municipalities' to Council at the end of information or to register your
commitment to maintaining 11111111V;* _ December 2012.In the group,please contact Environmental
financial stabilityas a Blue Rabbo�l
��- �d.S�Force following months well Program Coordinator Carla Staedter at
"cliff"over which all of us highlight each of the task
503-718-2788 or Carla@tigard-orgov.
will eventually fall unless forces
something fundamentally changes.Thanks
to prudent fiscal decisions Tigard isn't The city offers generous thanks to the
facing the"cliff"at this time,but the city task force members listed below:
has no financial flexibility to address service Dr.Barry Albertson,PhD.,State
enhancements without corresponding cuts. Representative Margaret Doherty,Bob
The Council convened a citizen task Smith,Mark Haldeman,David Burke,
force composed of citizen members of the Melody Graeber,Fire Chief Michael
Dan Goodrich
Mike Stevenson,, ,
budget committee and representatives from Duy
citizen advisory committees with working Sue Yesilada,Jason Rogers,Tom Woodruff,
knowledge of government financing,and Jessica Cousineau and Troy Mears.
Page www.tigard-or.gov•503-718-2476 CITYSCAPE
Mrr:rrr_09m-T FFM,7..
Survey Do the services offered at the Tigard Public Library meet your needs?
This is your chance to let us know. Please take a moment to fill out this
February 2013 brief questionnaire because this is your library.
1. How often do you visit the Tigard Library? Please check one.
❑ 4 or more times a month ❑Less than once a month ❑Neuer
❑ 1-3 times a month ❑First-time visitor
2. How old are you? M
❑ 18 or younger ❑26-40 ❑ 61 or older
❑ 19-25 ❑ 41-60
3. Please rate the following areas of library service:
Library Service Excellent Good Just OK Poor Don't Use
Availability of Internet Computers ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Checkout Desk ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Reference Desk ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Children's Room Desk ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
t4. How has the reference staff helped you in the past three months(Adult,Children's or Young Adult)? Check all that apply.
❑Answer reference questions ❑Learn aboutprograms and classes ❑ Use databases or Internet resources
❑Download and/or use library e-books ❑ Obtain reading recommendations for ❑ Use the library computers
myself or family
❑Find a speck item(book,DVD, etc) ❑Place a hold ❑Did not use
❑Find items on a topic ❑Printfrom library computers ❑ Other:
5. Did you know that Tigard Public library offers hundreds of free educational and entertaining programs for all ages throughout the year?
Please check all those you are likely to attend.
❑Author Visit ❑ Craft Workshop ❑How-to Program ❑ Teen Program
❑ Children's Event ❑Dance Performance ❑Movie ❑None
❑ Computer Class or Open Lab ❑History Program ❑Music Performance ❑ Other:
F 6. If the library were open on Thursdays,would you visit? ❑Yes ❑No
7. What would you do on Thursdays at the library? Check all that apply.
❑Pick up holds ❑ Use the Internet ❑Homework/Study ❑ Check out materials ❑ Use the Children's Room
❑ Other:
8. Comments: IL
Please return your survey to the Tigard Public Library, 13500 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223
or take it online at www.tigard-ongov/library
The Library Wants to Hear From You!
It starts with respect.if you respect the customer as a human being,and truly honor ..
their right to be treated fairly and honestly, everything else is much easier." �
Doug Smith '1
At the Tigard Public Library,we from Friday,February 1,through
respect you and your opinion. Once a Thursday,February 28.Last year
year,we ask you to fill out a survey to more than 3,000 people responded.
let us know how you use the library This year we'd like to know how
and how we're doing.How well have you use the library and what your
we served you?What can we do interests are so that we can offer We value your opinions and
better? use the responses to improve our
programs that you would like to services.Please take a moment to fill
The survey will be available in attend.The survey will also ask you out the survey.
this issue of Cityscape,in the library to rate our customer service.You can
from Sunday,February 3,through participate whether or not you use
Saturday,February 16,and online the library.
Fold Here
Tigard Public Library
13500 SW Hall Blvd. First Class
Tigard,OR 97223 Postage
503-684-6537 Required
Tigard Public Library
13500 SW Hall Blvd. R
N �
�- Tigard, OR 97223
Tape Closed
Cityscape Newsletter
Library is Closed
on Churodaye
News from the Tigard Library 13500 SW Hall Blvd.
All programs will be held in the George and Yvonne Burgess Community Room unless otherwise noted.
Introduction to Social Media for Travel Switzerland Animation Behind the Scenes
Businesses and Non-Profits Tuesday,February 19,7-8:30 p.m. Wednesday,February 6,5:30-6:30 p.m.
Monday,February 4,6:30-8:30 p.m. Learn about travelling the beautiful Ages 8 and up
Wondering how social media sites country of Switzerland with Jonathan Mark Shapiro of the local animation
like Facebook and Twitter can benefit Larsen,certified Swiss specialist from company LAIKA will take you
your business or non-profit?Colleen Switzerland Tourism. behind the scenes of their latest
Wright,of Responsive Interactive Sample some of the best cheese and movie,Parallorman. He'll introduce
LLC,will show you how to use chocolate from the country famous you to actual production puppets
them to improve your outreach and for its majestic Alps and world famous and describe the creative process of
visibility. watches. LAIKA's signature brand of stop-
Sponsored by Friends of the Tigard Library Sponsored by Friends of the Tigard Library motion animation.
Chinese Lunar New Year Festival �w__ Movie Matinee
Sunday,February 10,1:30-2:30 p.m.
"Reptile Saturday,February 9,1:30-3 p.m.,All Ages
Puett Room,All Ages —8 p.m.,A7Ages Join us for a screening of an
Come celebrate the beginning of the yearg good tiAcademy-Award nominated LAIKA
the Reptile Man introduces you to film about a boy who can see dead
of the snake!Make paper lantern and p y eo le and doesn't mind one bit.
snake crafts and taste some traditional some of natures most beautiful and p p
foods.Program provided in partnershp with the misunderstood creatures in a thrilling
Tigard High School Asian Club. and educational show. •,
Super Bowl Sunday
Writing Workshop Sunday,February 3,3-7:30 p.m.
"Characters You'll Never Forget" : Watch the big game
Monday,February 11,7-8:30 p.m. on the library's big
Authors Carolyn Rose and Mike Chocolate Masquerade : screen in an alcohol-
Nettleton will present a mini-workshop Friday,February 15,4:30-6:30 p.m. : free environment.
on creating memorable characters. Grades 6 and up ,
Sponsored by Friends of the Tigard Library
Challenge your palette at this chocolate
tasting event.Nibble and rate a variety
Genealogy Workshops
Over 50? Finding Meaningful of tasty while enjoying a sweet
Work with an Encore Career movie and making your own Mardi Gras Wednesday,February 13
mask. 4:30-6 p.m.and 6:30-8 p.m.
Wednesday,February 6,7-8:30 p.m. Technology Room(2nd Floor)
Over 50?Betweenjobs? Rainy Day Fun Q Trained volunteers will help
Semi-retired? Saturday,February 16 you learn how to explore your
Career coach Laura Schlafly will 1:30-2:30 p.m. family's roots using Ancestry.
Puett Room,All Ages com and Herita e uest Online.
show you how to launch an encore g Q
career and what it might mean for No matter what the Registration is limited to 16
you financially and emotionally when weather,brighten your people per session. Call 503-718-
planning a career change. day with art projects and games designed 2517 to register for one of the
to spark your imagination and keep you 90-minute sessions.
Sponsored by Friends of the Tigard Library looking on the sunny side.
February 2013 www.tigard-or.gov•503-718-2476 Pagel
City of Tigard PRSRT STD
Community Emergency Response ° 13125 SW Hall Blvd. US Postage
Team (CERT)Training—Spring 2013 Tigard,OR 97223 PAID
Ever wonder how 503-639-4171 Portland,OR
you'd react during a _— Permit No 2528
crisis or disaster?CERT
training can give you the
skills and confidence
to provide lifesaving
support in an emergency. POSTAL CUSTOMER
CERT students receive
24 hours of training in basic emergency response
skills like first aid,search and rescue,and fire safety/
suppression. City Hall Closure:
The spring CERT training session begins ► February 18: Presidents'Day(Library will be open)
March 5 and runs through April 20.This free training City Center Development Agency Meeting:
takes place each Tuesday night for eight weeks,from ► February 5 @ 6:30 p.m.,Red Rock Creek Conf.Room
6-9 p.m. Class size is limited and registration is
required. City Council Meetings:
For more information,visit the city's website ► February 12, 19,26 @ 6:30 p.m.
at avavzv.tigard-orgov/CERT or contact Emergency
Management Coordinator Mike Lueck at 503-718-2593 Meetings are held at City (13125 SW Hall Blvd.) and are open to
the public.Council agendas are available online at avzvzvtigard orgov/council
or mikel@tigard-orgov.
or contact Cathy Wheatley at 503-718-2410 or cathy@tigard-orgov.
Hang-up,Turn-off, and Tune-in to Driving
It's everywhere!Distracted driving,that distracted driving for reasons other than drivers
is.The number of traffic-related crashes using their cell phone.This includes drivers
linked to distracted driving are off the who allow a pet to be positioned in a way which
charts.Distractions get in the way of obstructs a driver's vision.
safe driving and include anything
that takes your Need more sobering statistics? How about
• Eyes off the road (a visual
distraction) In 2009,5,474 people were killed on
U.S.roadways and estimates show an additional
• Hands off the wheel(a 448,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes
manual distraction)
that reportedly involved distracted driving.
• Mind-off driving(mental • Of the people killed in distracted-
driving-related crashes,995 involved reports of a cell phone
A recent survey conducted by a major insurer found that as a distraction(18 percent of fatalities in distraction-related
the number of drivers accessing the internet while driving is crashes).
on the rise.Furthermore,a 2011 study on distracted driving
showed that 53 percent of survey respondents owned a smart The greatest proportion of distracted drivers were
t While associated.with the"under-20"age group-16 percent of all
phone and in 2012 that number had grown to 61 percen
drivers younger than 20 involved in fatal crashes were reported
texting and Internet usage appears to be growing,the same
study revealed that the frequency of mobile phone calls had to have been distracted while driving.
come down slightly. • Among drivers involved in fatal crashes who were
Regardless of the ways drivers use a mobile reportedly distracted,the 30-39 year-olds had the highest
communication device,the inherent risk associated with that proportion of cell phone involvement.
usage is growing. Officers are issuing more citations related to Please take steps to stay safe and within the law. Safe driving
is no accident.Plan ahead and drive smart.