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POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. I _ __._..._._ �_._ _ . - - �. __ _ . �r r �� �:� �'ri �b�, .�. ..w�, ��`."�..�'�.��'��'���.��.L''r�:.�:.�"�� �s � •� ���i �'��».� .1 i ,,�,n-�„�� �- y �.��..`:,.�..��._...._........�.: _::�,���' �� mxc� MoTOi�,s � � � .__._. Cond�.ta.on3�. Use (CU ].-77) Pac�.f�.c �Iighway Nor�h �� �aarde �-J _.,�:... . _.. _. _ _ __. ... ___. ��: , � � LU I � ...�..� ... ... .... .'�.,, ....... .,.. ' . ... ......... ...., ........ . ........... . ......... ........... . .�,.,.,, ,,......, .�..:.. .....,... ......... ,. . ,. . .., ....... �. . , ., � . ....,.. ...,.�.... .,.,..,.�.: ,.�:..,.. . �.......... ........ ...:... �... . .� . ...,. . . � +/ � �.:,.... . ...�.,..,....., . . . . . /,� � i�� '�..� ' ;.� . , MEI�fORANDUM �Q: C1.�y Cb�.1X1CJ.�. EROM: D�.Ck �3ol�tz � � . . SU'BJECT: Ta:�a�d Motors Tecnporary Use DATE; April. 2�E, 197$ a ' Rir,hard Coap�r i, reques�ing an extertsa.on c�£ k�rte Temporary Use Permit gran�erl to him one yea� agp, ��May 23, ].977) �o �exmit a mabi3.� s�tes o���.ce, He �vas giv`et�, a Cond�.t3.ona1 1Use Permii: by rhe Pla�izit�g Comm�:ssion ta c�pera�e tt�e sa�.es J.o� on. Ma�r 3, 197�. T�e �r�ndi�ional. t�sEa Permi� w�a� �ranted by the P1.r�nning Comrcli,ssio�ri, .....,....--------- �.....,,� a�.. .� �.�..�..�..,:. stabjec� �o �he �ol�owin� �cortc��anspe��� ° �-'-�.�"-�.�..-�- Y �. ;i 1. A. deta�.�.ed 1.anclscapp plan l�e subimititecl �or t��sa.gn rev�.�w. �� .- . '� ` - `p nent�,y �.�,osec�, a���d �he r�ma�ning ' 2. accp��upo�.n� ,ontoSS.��I�.�Pac���.c�Hiahwa b� exmat�en�l c�.osed i� an , � Y P � a1�e�•n����,ve nleat�.s of access (£rotii:ag� road) �.s d�ve�.opecl, �. ar�:a shown as na��ura�. grount� cov�r b� lzndscaped a�.d ma�.ntained T e w�.�han six mon�}i� .�.i nc� ��on��gE� ro�d �.s cons�ruc�ed. 4. An on-s3,t� tl�a�.n�g� �eten�it�n sys�em b� st��bmi���d �t�r di.rectr�r o� ': p�t�l�.c wo�`ks arp�ova�.. ' ... .«�._�� ' � .. u�.di�icrt� ��2 has t�ci� ��en t:�om����th as d�t�e,�m:�nec� b� a z�:cen� on-si�� . inspectiion. Zti acldr��l.o�y the State Ct�.gh���.�r D�p�., in � Le���1� da�ed Augus� .18� �.C�77i h�.s req�estec� c].osure �nd s���ec� •�1z�3.r. c+�nc��n �r?�a�ci�.n� �h� po��n��,a]. ' ha��x'c�s o� �.eavin� this ctti�b cu� o�e�� ' Conr�i.��.bn ��� h�s �o� be�n cam 1iec� ��t� be,c�i�s� of t�t� endin P1.ann.�d ' ...��.._,_. _.��� _. � . D�ve1�mett� �t h�.�l�� �.�' buil.ti, z�i�1 inv:drve c,onst�'uc�ion o� the ��c�ttta�� ra�td� = �.�..-._,:�-�..u..�.�.-r- - -�-y��, � Ori Ju1�t ].; 1�77,��h� D�sigr-� �.e�vie� Baa�:cl ��pp�bv�d thc s�.te �.mprovEm�tit �:�..�._.....- �].�t� �uf�je�o� _ � �'o1lot�a,ri�* Gonc°�["���,aris: �.� _ �t- b , _. __ _�,��.,�.. � ,�. _ � � ,� � . ___--�- �-=e...�� ` �.. �A, t�r��.tz�g� syst�m 1�� ir�s��.11ec1 tof�en � s��s�m 5�we� �ys��m is ��r�t�,;I.al�le �� ��t� si t-�� (Su1�j��t rt� Pub1�,G �'r��lcs �a.��c�or appxr�lral>„ 2� A s�.clec���,lc tv C,�mm��c�.a.�J, St���t ���tir��.rds 1�� i.nsr��.�.�� b.�.��:� S:rtJ. '� '`"� paGa f3.c �CS��h���y �nc] ty-�� sdt��he�-1y� cur� �:u� c1�s�rl� 3� S�.i;� �.►�np�r��em�t��s t�c aC�om��.�.s�1�d p��.a� �rs us� o� tl�e s�L�: 4. '�t�� e�cis t;ii�� sfi.�� �� i��t��e��1�l C������� �o ��s�,�� �err�.��v a��r���.�.}� � 5� �:�t� �r �ty���i�um �b� �.8 ��r►Gl��� ��re� r.������ �� A1�. :Ia��t��;;��.p�� �c��a� �b�l:��.n� ����r�m�tyl� �b� cti�,�t��:c�� , — . ,_ . . , . . . , . . , . , r,, . ' � • .� . . � . � �r-�"� . ' � � f i�,: .f��J�r�.1. �'4� 1g�8 .� , `�..�• rt�mo��.ndum � . Yaag� � . ' • �ondit�ia� ��2 and ��3 hav� noi: b�en comp:l.i.ed wifi�h.' R�garc�in ��3, 1:;��r,� ar� st�il�. more 1.ancT'scape �.s an s to be pravidc�cl and a �.andsca�e b'u�fe� �"�`"' y , - ...�.�.,..�..��.�..�..��-R ..�,�.. y a ang t c� nort ern p�o�erty ].xne. Staf� _,a.s b�� the opinion �l��.t �he requiremer�t �,_ .. �.��..�._�-- �o J.anclsaape �he r�ar of the 1n� a�r�� 'ad j�ce�n� ai�andoned motel shoul.d no� occu`�`r"�'""�� ' 'itn�a.l�the s� ------- `�-�-� � p rop er�.i e s ar e e e"�`�.o`�'c3:� � --��-------�—.�R.. u_ __ �_...�.._.. S"r�`CQNCLUS IONS t z , � . �_ '�he �p�3.icat�� s�ated when reques�in� �he Tempara�y Use on� e �ar ago, t�i�.� h� ha a lease �Qtic�r���o b�uy �h� prop��'�y �.n �ne �rear. �f the location ..��_ � � � �1 ' -„�, � e � ,� Y P � Y. ��� .r �� �he Couttc,i l. c qnses ex en e em oxa � �"i��xman�n� o�f�.ce�struc�t-u��ot�e zs �.n,�en��.on �as �o u the �co erti an bu�� P y � �or �nathe yeax�i �her� shoul.d 1�e snm� e�'tor� to exac� a �Euture cammitme�nt �a even�ual.ly uP�rac�� �he prop���y wi��i �. pe�cttanen� off3.c�. A.�so, �he app1.�.�;an� h�s hac� �tttpl� ��,m� �o �om��,y �r�.th the r,dnd:�t�ions o� app�o�ral, and sha'uJ.d be r�qu�.r�d ta rpc�.�,�y �1�es� mat�ers, �T.AF�, RECQMM��TDAT�ONS: � S�af� r�cotnm�nd� t��a� t�e Tempora��r Us� b� grat�ted �or a pe�i.o�l o£ one year :Erottt its° expi�ra�ion' caate (I�Iay 23� �.9I8) sub j�c� �o the �o1.l.at�ing con�i�xons s �.. Th�i: �he �tn;Ct�1,F�.J.�.�cl cc�ncla.�ion� bE ,sat�,s��cc� wi��iin 90 c�ays ar �Ya� T�mpo��<4,r� �s� Fermi� b� revt�ked. • � i 2 i �'ha� no f�.t�.'���� ex��nsian o� �:a.rr�� b� gran��d be�o�.c1 NI�� 2�, �.979, and ���� �he ap�l.a.�an� sp�ricl �he n.exi: ,year planning �r�� a�ncl bua.�.r��.ng a p�rmari�n� b�ti�.�.i�ng on �he siL'e; �,ar, 1�y� ��i� en� o�' th� ���.i� fa.ncl an �],�e�na�� 1.�ca�i�n, �ar ���� �iu�xt�ess. ,_� , i , .. __._ ... ��., ,�.. _..,. ._��_ ... .. ..._ . ,. _,. . . __� ��-�----=. .- - - -- _ _. . e � �eo�swa ; p � � � �� ��:":.�'��x�'��::,� ,�� p �.3 � ��.4{�4/��C�eF`L�S JL-A� R��1Y���?aa:i�1� ������ ���'�. �.y;��;�:��'���� r�II.'�,��.�"��� ���'���'3�1 �'�'�'`��'° 31, r�w{d�� . �.�o �C� �,�»7 7 ; ���� �,��77 i����.�ry ���� ���;���� �J,����a�� �.�� ��,�:���:;�,� t:���,� �,���a ����� ����, x�����c���,�k��.�����.�;�-� ���„�„�'�� •�:;�x�� �����a���rr��:i� .�„�,���.�,it���3�', :,��.c�1�'� r".�,��.�.�, �"'�Y�.�Fw�n'��m���z ��.`�'���'�`}���. 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Y�D.c9.1/..1!�i�i\�� � �* . 4..�'I�.v i . i�'�Ib�ili J� �t�i ..� .r ��._ a��i.CI,l1N _i.3�Y�'.�r 1�{4 YH f r �a�\ ..�J �Y�p �y�n p�, �y��y ,� �e � ^r +��] �a� ,yt t.e4�r.h,���`'F.:%A��II d�'i1F.r�h"; C�..�1t,P,bA��w. �4�l�._��da ��i#.�_.t f.li-'i � �.':,,�ynd..4v'�tif3;Jl�A ��t Rt�,,, ��g f�,M f P^,�-q1��y yy .X11 WR(^i�n� .'F\ �"rtL y a�,K1.°1: �+�`� k` � �A� �� ,�,w�c�'�' oJ�W�"�+:aN'��:A A'w C"��ar"v��;t.:: �\�,��r��«��W �;�� Y��i�,'�i...tfMwz�:.�&�R"�'�.>�t R:��«3.�..Ja;,��i, � w i� p yy�� ') k ry , a•., �.e •S'�rl� ' �:' .�i " y *1-" ti�p r " 7-y.'Y {'fA'w.d� {.w ut "`;,wy�,�{5�q,a���Y eaf {�y.�`,p'W a,,K��r. �� ,�j��'{a�� � ���`1') r'.*y{{ t_•I p� �'S "}} p. �^"t♦1',��. J �y� � ".�! p 5!f tl.1y. .,L.7.�M�} �1�'RL�N 4�F,�tl��`V'4� }k��.b'��1VJ 1� �..��•MM�N 9,.ti'�d�aY,+`.w" �"��F1' �.� � �v'1�"LaG�M.4J1.�\�pIW f'x ��>� r.�w��r��J,F��' I���M M VN�� �� Y` � �t� nn c $ .Yw�34'h Y ��"'�' S��%1.`�"� � �f K�Si � e��wy , � ;.�r� � tt f �� � �� �4��ti ��'��''�t'd a� �a�'.� a.��������":,. �>��.�� t:.���'�,�., a: _-�ax_y�a�. �_.�;v �.1 .�:, :�,�'����`,C.�"�. �.�. �. � .�n ,� , � � , � � �: ���.;�� ,,+�,� f �� �''w�'����� m,�r��w ��:d�;�.,�„�,'�: U'e���'�i�'�x",�' �Z��x4.� "�O,e�F��: �.a$:,C.�'�a��:.{�u�;,,�,� ��:� I� '�''��2 r,� K ��,��t���►�p y� ,�j �.v A� ey���;�+ �y ` d pq l:7 ��o...r�4(.:1���. .Stl�Wa�:i 4��"V k"'�._�����G�T �a'�.' C.':��o!4wi1��.;d��1....nJ:N���w, r .._�..i.. �i1,�~ fi.:H4:�'.� ;'.s\.. ��d.•b�,�' w, . � G' �����'�1 �i,�j ���4�?'7 � � � t� 8. V.� ��rN �N ���`MC:�,x� 'P;• `�''(r"�I �{�a ✓'�� '�'v'4(�i1,:��"..� � �Y t�:� „� (S?.��d�i,� i! �'�C.tf,7.+'r i.a�`� �.'�i,A�.,..ryM9,� noj. �_xYi��4v w l, ti..}.. � : 4_i � _ .,�( 6« �f.�e�l �. � .•a. . . `.a!:.�1:_`� A�A: �w�����.6 Ca��� .a��.�..�.,��� �.l�1(_.� .ai n. riv e_�u,��a ra.,?i;;d'._ C �' � �.�1 i , b . , Y.. {' , ..y . ^�� . _ F . , �R fY� w' .4... �1 � �, 1''.� ;,'': ;p � , � � ' '�'. i � ti � " `.` ,.�., n������ ������,�1 �����r �d�.,i� ..�_Z��4 �x '��;'�F �'���.� .cf�u,�(�ae�a�, —3 � � 'e��'�` �-'u�� '�_� W _��,�u.._ �..��_ k '0,i.�l.k�'�' �4" �Y��,��`-�"���'��`� 4a.�.� �1 i: �.� ,a_`.: �.' . .:'�'.(''� ���r�u��'�;a���,�'€;�� �_� ; � �v��,�'�l��y� ��:x"�����'4n�; 4v�eh,�`i��a�tn���� 9.+� �.�:�A�.'+.�kq�.'k �t���1a���'�� ����/,.:�}:� „ �, ��"':* �'��,�,�` y�`�.���i«� , ,� _ .._`._.�._ , ..,� .__ ry . ___ . _ . , . \ .. �.. �;';...� . ... , . . . _ . .,. . ���_; �'4�r �- t f.; � , a , .� _,�''''� �A,RJEYI�p�C1V.�ON.�.G1-L'� .L�.S�4����i'I']H:� ffirtc#=rrr�ma.�vxtv�'ra� �f)O!5 13.W.002�YMh�R(7�ATr BTR�iI�` 7CIQAIxD,OR�.G(�01�7 9722:� ►si��.�amr�oxm ttso�y 8��-���s ����1�� � +7une 22, '1��7 JU�'��'� � ���. ��'7 r�� r����� . �� City of Tigard P1a�nning Denar�:ment Ci�y Ha11 1242� S. W. Main S�h,» Tiga�d, Or�gon 9722� �e o Ti gat^d M��ars - C11 177 C�n�7em�h: Mr. Cooper of Ti gard Mo�ors reques�.e� our -F7 rm �c� mak� a study of �h� storm water runpff fr�m his s7te. T�t� extistin� p�vir�g on+�h� s7�e was ac�omp�ished severa7 yea�s ac�o. ` . � y , 99 W ar�cl �1 aws an�o the north-� . _ vement ar�� d�^a�n� a�a fr�m Hwy , ' west�rr�unpav�d por��on of �he �rac�, T'he pav�h� e�g� aiong th7s n°Q�eaes�terly un7�7prnved polrt�on i s uni�'orm and wa�er shee� dr�7 ns on�o �he uni mpr port�o►� iausi Y►g no e�os7 ran or concer��ra��d �'��w. N�r� Gaoper's site pla'n 7ndica��s the ex�s��n� unimprov�� nr�rtinwes�erly s��ri p whi�h �s approx7m�t�1y 85 �eet dee� �o rema�►� �inpaved a�rd pl anted �o gra��. Th�s 7 an wi 71 no� chan�e th� exi s�t7 n� drai����� patterr� a1�d ��11 ca���rtue ,., �;p provide an �dequ��e i�unoff �r�a fot^ �he cir�7�rage from �he paved a��a� � S i hcet^e1y s . �1. � �- ,�'�►�.. �.�. r -;�. : �.. �ar�,es ��� HI�►� s Nar��7s�Mcl�o�ag�e l�ssaciates ��H�ds , �c: Nit^� di�k G�o�eh � �_.� . 1 � , ��� � ly��,� i.�r�:7 S .I,xJ/ 1 .i . � � a C�x�,�'c�Yl ��r�,1�Ca ���.�;�.�v�,y ����.��;r�lea�t; t �i������ �� ��t�����r ., - �'��« �30� ��� � ���,�'c����oz�� C�r��;��� �`7�d�� ������;�,c�ri� ��.�:1 G�i1�+�1 ��,a� ����,��c� ����a���� � �,�c��+� �l�rn ��r� ���; rs�� 7��r�w �.� ������ ��� �ri�r �1e�,s�e ���r�.c�'� ��i� €��� pro�l���c w�,�h ��e ���c���s. �.��e a��r�.:R.��r�� �.� ��c�����iz��; �c� �:�c��� c��� y � CyT1� C'l��L'� C�.'� �1�`'�� ��1� ��:1.�.�'� ��'� '�;��''�.� �"��I1��.1Ct���,�; l'��td: VU'lt�l�l"� ��lE;: ��'C?���,�C� � �j �( p� ;if J.'L/G4� �4w"1 ���1s7�G4�Jr�I L�! � , � ��.,���:�J�'��.�`� i ¢ � ��.��� �c������� � ��.�.a���.��� �.�����a�.#; 1��/�,�� ;. � � � � � 4 i �. ., ,�. . ,.. , , , _. . , , ..., . ._. _... � .., .�. _,� ___. - --� - .....�..,_. :,..�.,,_ r ,- . _. . _ ., __ : p'� �� } � � �. . ' i��. �� _ 1+Y. _.., .. ' r ���� � �� �� �M�oY/6��10 ���� .;�i11"��1��� 1'". �. �ox 23657� � � �� � �2�20$�� �. ��111 ", ��� Tigsrd, t?�'egort 97223 , �.� May 25, �.977 Ra chaacd A. Caoper 9075 SeW. Pinebrook Tigard, ��: 9722� Re; Co�.d�.tior.Yal. Use AppeaZ an3 Dear Mr. Cooper� �emporaxy Use �.equest Yl.ease be advisecl �he �'igaxd �ity Cou�xc�.�., a� ���eix zeguJ,a� m�e�a.ng �f Niay 23, 1.977, a���.�a condita.ona�. ti�e appeal., u�1��lc��,ng �he P�.a�nnin� Commission�s Actio� a�proving �he c,ondi�ional. �ise stabjec� �o �he foJ.�.ow�.ng cc�nd i.�ians: �.� A de�a�.�.ecl l.andscape plan be sut�mit�ed �o� des�rgn x��ri.�w. 2,d ��e Sou�hern acces� pa�.n� b� pexmane�:a��1y cl.ased, and the �'' x�mai�.ing acc�ss �t��.n� oti�o S.'�. Pac3.;E�.c H�.ghway 1�e pexma�entl�r c�.osed i£ an a�.�erti:lat�.ve m�ans o:E access (�roill�a�e �o�d) �.s �ev��.o�ec1. �. '�he a�ea s�own as na�ur.a�. grou�ic� c�sver be 1,ands�apcd and maa.n�a�.ned w�.tlzin s�.x man�hs i� na� �rnn�age road is cc�nw s�xt�c t�d. 4. An ar�-5ite �1�'aa.nage xete�ntinn syst.em �b� su�m�.�t�ed foz D�.rec��r o� Pub].:ic Wor1t� app�ov'a�.. �ot�nc�.�. a�so �pp�oved �:etnpmrary txse reques� sul�je�� �o: �,� W�shLng�on Co�tn��r He��.�1i ll�p�z�m�nt appxov��. o� p�4pnse� sai�i�'.a�`�r ho�.d�.ng tan�co I� y�iu �i�ve any q��st3.ons p1.e�se �'e��. ��`ee �o contact t�ie P1,anning D�pa�'�ment,. . S�.nc,�re�.y r r;� ., ,>�+ �-��. ��er �O�y� �la���.g � D�:�b C�.�y �,�Co�c�er � Cc: G�a�g� Sc�iet�c�� � I� �'��: T��� �t��.�.awirx� aclrnd�'],�r�gm���.� mtts�1i� �eceiv�cl 1�� �1y� Ca.�y o� '�'ig��d w�.�h3.n �ot�,r�eem C�4) c�a�s of ��t�r �c�r,��p� a� ��yis 1������: F��.�,t�xe �n x���i��. ��3�s ���.t�ow'�.��gment m�.y zesr��.� �.�i ��ct�a.o�, b� �h� Ca.ty b� ��.g��d� 7 1�er�1i� ��1�nb�le��e ��t�.� �,�tt�� �oc�t��tn���.n� �h� a��i�n a� ��� '�ig�,xd Ci��` ; ��tiric�1: � 1�av'� �'ec�3,�'�t1 attd �e�c1 ��i3.s 1:����z �t�c� x �g�ee �o ��� tlecis�.on � , �Ze�� �o�t�mpr��et� ��� �o �b�.�e 1�y a�� �erms and/'o�: C�r�d��3.on� A��.�IG�'1pC�. .� . . :� ,,,�° , �. - ,;� , � .t�. s �.� r � - � �{ �» � � 4 ./M ..���V'�,. �.�M � . . ..., . .� .. �pahe. _ Sig��i�t�r� ��� . . / ��' � _,. ... . .... .. . � . . . .. .� . (a) �lant�i.ng���recto� st9y^,�';ed c�-:d�,nance had be�n �xepaxed �for Ca'w�'"�il's cons�.d�r» at�.on as» Pez C�unc�.,:�,,`d3.z�a�ian �'� �iay 1G�h meet�.ng:;� �.� {b) Mati,on to edapt; �:��w,r-.'�::E�.m�n �Qok, ��cc�nfl�d by Cauzxc��°M,�►�c� �t3,cicelson, Mayor ��,shr�p r��onur�end�d Ccaunc,31 tab1� i��m un�,�.�. N�4 ��'7 mee�s ax�d ��� �h� oppo�'�un3,�y ka ��n5ider pz�a�osed p�o���c�� In zes�anse to a q��st3�ox� E•�om Coun�:��,m�� W��.�rri` Pl,anning D�.z�cto� ��ai:�s� �FU ��7 was sl.���d �o hal.d f�.r.�t me��ing �d��.y �.x� Jit1y. ��x�atnr adv1.$�� �,� cntald t��C� si� months bp�o�.�e r�Pp cauLd �3ev��.op cr�.����.a �o ��v�,�ta' �xo�a�a�.s b�. Cot�nc�lman 'Wakem s tated y af ter r�v3.���.ng �1.1 tki� Cxanscr�,�ts, k�e wa� in favor �o� x�ne Gharl�� dLte Eo �kie £a��s and �'�.nd�.ngs r,e�axd�.ng prb,�ect. A�p�aved �y ma;�a�a.ty voteo RQ�.�, ca�.�, vote as fQ�.].ow�: Cr�u�G�.lmen �oak, M:l�kelson �n� (�ak�m �rot�.ng ay� a�r�d r�iay�r l9i�sho�.� and Caunc�.l.n�an 5Cherkl.� VO��11� 11��. , A S�C4N� ���,�7�I�G WI�,� BE REQU��,ED. �.1. �Ptl'B�xC �IEAR�N�S g:�5 P,M. A. APp;E�L +� Canda.��.un�Y, Us.w. � c�ec�ues� b� Richa�d �,. C�aper �c� l.�ca�� � used �.�� 1a� i,n a ��3 {�ene�ral. Ct�rr�n�rcia�) ��x�� on S.�'. �'�c�.�ic �tig�hw�y, Nar�k� o� S�W. Gr�€��c�e S�ree� (�tas��.n��o�n County� T�� N��p 2�1. 3T1�J, T�x �I�p� �40�) �.. Public hea��.ng ap�ned. Z. Pla�`�r�in� D�r���a�' reviEwed h�;�'�ozy af �r�qu���. 3� Pub1,�,� 'Ce���mpn�s �roponentss Ntrs. W. Cnop�� ' x�2��, �udy �i:ar 43.n, �:OQ3.,� S�W, 25 th, �ar��.�n� riir� Sck�enck, �.diS�. �,'�. Barbux BLrid. , po�tl.��.d ' �tr. Dool.ey, 1�.3�5 �.W. 'Ma�'ian S�r�e� ��, & I�xs. Re A�� �oopex, ��75 S+'�, Fin�braok Mx. Go�.�per su�m„lt��r� pe��.��.on ��.gn,ed 'b�t 2�5 signa�u��:s �.n �a�'o� �f appl3.�ation Mx. �ass�,, �7ai N,�� 122n�� poxt�.and ��o��� and �iazg���e� Th�r�ipsort, �.�7�i5 SdW� W�,��.�:�� Mx. Ka�e�.s ���56� S.�'. �a1�t�� S��ce�t M�r. '�ooda�c�f �,02�5 S.�'y Wa�,�u�� S�z�e� Oppon��t��; �R��� & �t�s� �aazde, �.n9p5 S�W. Ga�zd� S��`t�et Nira � �I�;s, Nop�e�, �.ng75 5��, Gaa�d� Sti�c�eet . �d��d �Ies�1;�n4 �.q�75 S;�a, Ga��d� S r���� .,.� Mrti t�ax3.n� 9��.9q� 5�"W. C�ar�� S�reeG , 8�.1�iaz�ne �ch�ckl� �.p�9t� 5;�1, �'a�.r��t�d� �'a i i � � 4� �1.��nin� �3.��c�o� ��.���� p�.�r�rii�g Comm�:���oti �g� ��p�a�r�r� �o�pp�'s ��p].�.c�a��,�n a� 4h�e��x 1�1a� 3�� m��ti�.t�g, �rote b��:ri� 5 �a x: b�.gGUS�ian '��r G�ut���L ar�t1 st���� Ye��rd�.t�g N�b 3 pn�,3��.�:�s! �.��tds��p3�n� . ���,u�.�a�� �iti��.�nat�v� �r�cr���.�n� ��d c�.���.�:�c�i��.o� b�tWe�ri a����gt�� � 'u�e� �nd ��nd�.��.�r�a�, u���� 5� Pt���i� �1��x�.n� ��.�s��j �� ����.�n �� C�u�t���.�.m�.� S�he�ki.� �� �phald �p���i� �o ���n� ��r�c�#���or��� u�e, �� Mta�ibr� �d�e�d �xort � �.��� b� � s�cond� �A.q�; 3 � R���J�A�i �L�'�x��� �i�Ntf'��5� �lA�" �3, 1�7'7 ._ .�w,.�:�. �., ,-�, ., W—. .. _ . " 7. Mo��t,,��;by Ca �.;��il.maax tii,ck�e�,s�n, s�cancl�d by C' +�nc�lmaz� �'"�,k, tc� d�:ny . � rapQe..�.1 and ,�,d P�.anning �ommiss3.o�nps de�is' � �-� to app�cQv� ct�nd��i.qnal u�e xeque3� � .��ec� �o �he �ca11.QY�ri,�n� cond�.�:�.c, ,�. �., A. deta�.l.�r� 1ant�scape �].an be subrni.L��d �cur �l�s��n rev�.ew. �. '�h� �ou�hezn access po�.n� b� �e�'�ian�r��l�r ��.Qserly and Ch� r�w ma�,r��,x�g ac�ess �Q:�nt vt�to S.GI. Pac�,�:ta Highway be pe�cmar�ently �.las�d 3,� ��n a].�e�na�3,v� me�n� o�' $ca�s� (�ran�age raec�) 3.s deveLap�d, �. '�he ��e� shown, as nattiral, grou�nd ��v�r be l,andscaped and �ai�n� ta�,ned wi�Y�:t�. s�,x mantihs �.£ no �r�n�ap;� road �,� �.oz�struc�e�. 1�� �,n o����.te drai�age re�e�rt�i,on 5ystem be �ubm�,�.ted �or c1�,xecCar 4� Pl1ba.�.0 'W'OT��S,�J 8pp7."OV'�,�.e M�}�ox req�t�s��c1 �uli.�,g an con�lic�.� o� i���i�es� i.n �he cas� o� CoLtnG�,lman Sche�k�,a vo��,x�g o'n ar� �.ss�te wh�n Mr,s. SGk���k1� h�d o�f�xed �,��rimony, . C���t A,tit;Q�ney s�.�t�d he c��a, nd� see ,� c�.e�r l�E�aJ. cqnflic+� c5n a canct�.tianal, us� ap�eal. ��unc�.l.mm� �ch��1��.a s�a��d h� �li,d no� �eel, ��e�e w�s a c4n�El,ic� a�' �,ntere�� o� h�� p�x�� M,o��,a� pa���d by 4 �o �, vo�e� Gqunc�,Lman Scl�eck�.a vcatin� n�y. � B� TE�iP���tX' �1SE � Reqµe�t by Ri,c�ard A.� Cc�oper �o �,��.�w a �empo�ary mob�.l � � o�f�.ce �� S�W. Paci�'i� 1�i�.gl�way' Nar�h c�� �.We Ga�r�e S��ee� (4��sh�.n��qn Co��x��y. �'a� I��,� 2S� �JDDa Tax �,o� �,0�(�1 � ° � . , �.. �'u��,�.c h��x;tn� opei�ed. 2� Pl,ax��x�,x�g t�3.�,�ec tq�c ��a t�d ��.c ts �nd ��.�d�,ngs. 3. Pt�b�.3.� �'�s t�,tn�n�r: Prp����n,ts: I��. R,.A. Coope�, app�.�,can�, ma�.� �xesert�a�ipn , p���nen t��: �ix a r�nd �i�s. t��►ppek �r. �nd �I�`�► Ca�axci� M�csp �1�stl,�n I33.t��,anrte SGh�cl�].a � . 4� planz�a.�xg ��.x�c�ar ���orrrm�r�c�ed a���ov�l. g�lb��c� lo �AS�hi�g ton Cb'un�Y r I�Iea�.�h I�ep�,�tmAk�� ap�t�nva� o� �rt��pos�d �a��.�ary �iolding tank� ��ne��� c�����s��on 1�� Cc��nc�:�. an��1 ��a,�� �'ol.�:pw�d� .. �, �earir�� r�:ased. .,� � b, Ma��,or� t�y Coi�nt�3.��mari 1�i.Ckelsan� r�eco�ric�ed b3� Cotinc�.l,man Cqal�� �o appra�re �� �eq���s� s�t�j�c t to �����''� �ye��mm�r��a��.or�� Ap�a�o��d �iy� 4 t� �. vq te� �a�n�3.�,tti�n Sc�i�ckla �ro 1��,n� nay. H�,C�SS�D �.a��.C1 P.�s �,�CO�V��ED �,p:Z� �'�1M� � . �' C� A�'F�.��, � �Q���'��p1�A�, ttS� � ����e5� ��r t��t�:�, �gge�t �or �r�r�d�.��oi�al t��� p��nti� �a 1a�:��e �;r� dt�k�:��c�s i�. �.� R�� (s�.t�g� :��m��,� z�s�.�et��i��,y z�t�� a� g7�5 S�"�� �'�;��t���i� �W�,sh� C�uxi�y '��� �fap �,5� 2GA�� '��� �a� ��J� �.� p�t��,�.c �ea��.ng op�x���� �.� � 2� P�,�tin�.�i� D��:��ko� p�r����n��� ����� ���a�r�, P�.G� � -� FtE�t��A� M������ �f��C]�'�S; �A� 2:�t �.�77 }�,f '.,� 1` ��+�,O�O I�F�i�AV�T Qr �U�II��T��N ____�..�� ..�.�... ; , STATE OF O�tEGO� �:Z�'Y'�?�'T�1�,t!i,�l� ' � i SS� , 4 / ����V�IX��d�ti�l �1�51�G� Nf"��'I��Cyr" �.J`�3�,���-��'A���C"rS� COUI.VTY 0� WAS�iINGTO�]' IN'��;c� zs�i�x�� � he�x�t�g v�'fll�i�l��ltl by��,�������t�i�c�!! �'o�e��. �c�i�.�'��.y � at'��a�v��r ;���rr���r��� �c����r� �toc�,�� z. ..................... .......................................................................�.....�...............�..4......._...... ........... 1��4���„�a'�!t'��?'����ea��,'�gai'rt,.�r��t��a,a . ---- ,��y'��; ��77;�t�.qb�.m,'�►ith r�s���� �i�ing first ��ly sWorn, depose and s�� i;hat T am th� publisher .................. /y�({y7 .yu,�,� yp T(y�,�)�y�e'( �Hy� t�tt���aXt�a�v��g: � ......r....... . µA'�J.I��1""�i ���k�A�I.Vi�["l��.i���iV.�""'n � n a• oi The Tig�rd Times, a ne�vspap�er of general cir�itl�atio�, as defin�ed R������ �Y �a�x'�i�� L����� �{;�� ����li» ................... �ar��� ras�.�e�`�i�t �o loc��� tt�a t��- by ORS 193,010 aind iJ3,U20, published at Tigard, in the afores�id county and"' ' ����$.��� �`�"�� ����'����������������~ 4Y��sfiirpi�+�����a��'�t�v��'�� ,��a �5�� st�,te; th�t the legal natic�, a printed copy of Whicf� is hexeto aninexec�, waa Z�A,'����,p���pp`� , �VAtl4P�S�.�iY`�P�1�.�1�?�X1:) �.G'i,�.4z1V ��CY�"i pub�ish�c� in tlie entire issue af suid newspaper for .........�.�............ sticCesSive and ����fi�'t��'�'t������,�3��c�i��i�sr���'p�i�'f° �q�t��t�y N'�����•a�nd�h�C�t��r�t`�'9� consecutive we�ks in the fallow'in� iss�es d �'�1�nr� 1�'eigi�k�+�r�pr�d 1�t�z� ��T � , ,......�.......,....................... ................�..........,,..,. �� �o � ; tn pt�t�v��c����t' � sk�`����un �tl . ..,.�..d�:���..»�:�::., .......�:�.9.....�.�..!�wl.. 1 • �tA1� '11�a�a►f�;t�ait� ;�t��d �`���' �`r1�`'�V�Xh� i �tr��t�'a'�" ,�����th ,�v�r ��n,� t.�� ��.sb ...,.. ,. . ......,.. � _.... 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Notary.�.�/�1C of��re dn � �ui�l3s������ 11 1� ��d�� � M ( � � � v � ��uOnJSa� �../J r � �f L i�� i Mi�M � � r,l. w O���Rp:�uw4Q"J4.h3 �` �r.i � . _.�....._.- _�..-..--_._ � � N!� cominission expir�s ..lL.� �%:.... 19.�.1, ...,. ,.� . _ _..� _.._........�.� a. i ��.��'°' �y �►'����"� �' �► �'� ���'�����'�� ��� �r����`�.�k�� �`` �':,���� ��1�:�;�'��.��::� �;:�:��'���"�.� �����'� ��:}���� ���::������������ ��k��;aG�tti�'���t;� ���0�a��r�i� ri+, �N�?l�iw�h,� �V;�i A- '4MM+�'�;��{���'M, . 'R'I�YA++���.r'�k`4��9pv: F�`� �'�r�F�'1Y��4�rlA'4�-� �'�."���"�� M�w��N" �at�"�j�+ii4�M� +k`�iAen���rF�A.G�,* ��A��i3,1.�1�+mhq�Kal'v�tkli+d' �rfi' Q�.1A.���t�Ur ���'�FY�I���� f4��Jf��rtli�� A.'�� t'kwXiA�l* tk:�� �O,�M�F i�' !R�'r,��A�A��'Y,i'M��i.�iln �y���IN�� ��"k�#!4F�+7���#+ Yf�r�+' ��R+`MA^���:7e�� NiM �NF�'45�1:� ��41h� �E�'�' �� �"F' �i�`'�k�� �,��w!'GkX�a�'1��7�� �+F/+�w#�h�dy�#���ai�I�i43w� Y�Y+n4►,�,i�' ���+4y:� �1M��rl�� ��+WR�eM�+14��� #���}KW �f�Al+?��R�G,�:�{ ��irMl�+���Ai�� '�� �5t ���t!ii ���A�'���w�M'1�.4 r.��'`r��i�'��y�'jA d @i.t�a"�a�� �i.Aa'�.�W��k,6�P i'f�'ak ��}"t��'4���i�`�Ll`9'�� �4�aA�� ��id�'�=A ������������� ������� ��`���� K��:� �r.� ����'�,���� ���°� ��;��� �"���'����������� �ca�������������;t �,� �� t��"��.���#�� ��k������a;�� ,���»��� x��� �.�����:"'!'�"�''��.�� �'��' ��#���.�;�,� �'+��r�����;�,�'� ��► ��.��� ����:�������� �������,� ;������� �,�� ���.������������ �����+�����, �;��� ���� ,i4�VIl�'.e�.�MY^�M�}��;� �'�'�F���r.`J� j��'9s,�}�..��� �F+��1 fa�4�" '}�'�Y t��w i��Kia�1��M�'�N �7iiG,�'rh+R�1I�� �'�R �'�a��ii���+�°''�" "., 1MN���A��AM11�?�� �'A�d�'tC��w�$+t�; ���i� �A�I�W i�y�u,�r�i�+IF���f1A�Yd.AW'11���. ,�..ia„iaL���.Hat �•'+x��t, !{MN�N'R�M��WT� �rMwq'�dvF�4i��.(�yti� ���� �� �������������� ��* Y�`�`",�'�"� +!��"��ir '����lF�,�� :��� �Y�.�+`��1f�,!r�� ,��'����"�'a�� �'.�"�`tr,�+�'.,��� ��� ���4�'���"�,��'�.,b�� ��t�°� ����������,�r� �w�,+������ ���� ������►� ;��� �A� �'���������� ����� �r�� �M�}��� ���"������� p #�t� ��� �.�����'�a���'r��' ���+"�r�����u� ��!!►�3''�+��i�.��� +t���'�.�I"��`��,� '`»�t'•,�S �u.��'�����"�,�t�t��i ,��".�� �'��;��, �w��+�n���:�' ���" �';��.��.��:��� �a:��*`����� �;���'�����'��w ��" '�+"+� ����: ���:� ��:�' :�'�,����,��.��� ��;��l��"����i�'«`�.��� ���'�►r�l���?��� �:.��:� ��+G��°.� ���►����`��.� ��� �x�`�c�=� ���.���; �� �; ; ����� ����.�,��� , ` :��+����*+����z� ����������;� �'����������� ��������,��� ����a���� �����,a��� ���� ���� ��������. � ���������� �� ������� ,� �, _ . �. . � . , . . _. . __. _. . �.. .__.. ._ ,__� _.� . . __. . _� F il . �1 (Y�� � I+', �e (� �,ic;�.arcl A. Cooper 1�ay J, �.J77 Page 2 � No�i;e : Th.� �01.�1ow'in� ac��no�w�.ec�gemei�t m�x�t be recea.ved by the Cit�r o� Tigar�: wa.�lxa.n �our��en ��4) d�.�,� o� your �ec�ipt o� t�ii� l�t- ��r. �'��.l�.r� to retu�,�r� this �cl�now��;cl��men� may r�su�,� in ac- , �Lic�n k�,y �k�:� Gity of �'igar�.. x h�reby ac;].�nawJ.er��;� tk�is �.et�t�� d,nctxmEn�in� �Yie ac�ion o:� the Z'iga�^d ��:ar�ning Comrna.ssi�i�. � ha�e xj�ce�.ved and read �E�i� 1e�tPr, ancL x ag��� �:o the c��c�.s�o-�n h��e �.or�umen��c� an.d t� a��.de �y an� t��m� az�d/ o�~ condi-��,ans a���c,�ied.. ,, �,. .�� T � � ;�.'` � ��� `,� ,�',:� , � . - � _ .�:.�.._�. �a.�na�;ur� ' r� ll�.te ,A, ��.�as�; �� �.d��r�.s�d �ha1: con�.i�;�c�na�. subject �d ��a�� apnro�r�.7. tntts� be sa.�is��,ec� �r3a�� �;p is►�a��c;e a� bua��.�.irig pe�rni�s. wi} t+� i � ... ......... . ...�.,. . ,..:.. ...i ... . ..,. , .. . ..-...�.. ........ . ,. .... . , ,., - .�. ..... . ...... l" , �:� . .. . .. . ...... ..._ .�.__... ... .. M :.._ ,__ 4a ryri. , ._ � �.. �.::. efj�a��� �, �`�*�'4 �,�°"` � ,� �t�� �'�j�� �'��,,�y ��d:� ��`i ' �°c,, /I ��`'� � � Company� May 6, 1977 C1�r��.rman P'l�nn3.ng CAmin�.ssiot� C.ity of T�.g���. �3.�a��rd, O�t 9'7223 �ear Sirt A� ���e P1,anni�g Ca�unission mee�ing on I�y' 3, �.977� a new commis-� s�,on�r �af�o ln��d not been preaen�: a� ��e car�.3,er hearing a��Cec� a q�estion abou� the co�aYmen� �.n N�r. Coopex'� mr3.gir���. apg1.3,�a�ion ��ia� "nei�Y�bors favor tihe propo�ed �u�e." �: answe.r�:d �h�.s c�ues��.un far I��. Ca�pe�; � sa�.d �ha� ���y did fav�x �.�. �trs. Gharses �Tes�- �.e�n (aurner c��' ���oper�y a�.�acent �o �he wes�) arxi`v�d late a� �Y��t� May 3 m�eC3.n�. I �.e�t youx mee�in� w�.��li 1�er imm�d�a�e�.y� af�er ��e h�a�i�g t��a Mx. Co�p�r's appl3c�t3orn atxc� liad a c�iscussion �ai�h. h�r 3.r� ��on� at ��i� s�:hba�. x told �ex �Y�at �h� ob�c�c�3,an a�e �ra�.s�d ! ai� �he �tarch hea��.ng a'bo�t �a�e� p�o�lems had heen ���o�.�ed by � �orad3.�io�, r�� app�'ov�.l. She �t�en �old me �:ha� r�a��z �ras not h�x` onl� o�►,��:�t�.on, ��i�,t �he ogpased �h� usec� c�r 10� iri 3.�s entixe�y, �nr� that s1�e wdi��.d f�.gh� �tet�em�n��.�r �a p�even� iC w�et� ai,t r:�me �a�� . fa�e �f�e Ci��r Coun�3.1. ��h�.g �;�nera,�. a�po�i��.an tiy I�s. Ne���.�n �ta� �'new�" �o mc�; I �e�- 1�.eved �1��L he� o�,��ct�.o�t w�as e�.�.m�.na��d U�r the �.nc�.u�ion o� ��e ., ��a�.�t�g� ca�c�i��vix. '��i�L� c1�t�C�iss�dr� �a3.tfi 1�e� s�ov�ec� �lya� �ny be�.�.e� wag �.n erro�c. T d�.c1 no� 1c�o� ��at �t�e har� gene��� ��a�ec��.oxxs to �KL°, Coope�'s app�:���t�,oni �to� i� �.0 c�.ea� �o m� w���,� �xe.� �cea�ons a�e �o�' app�s�.�,� �.�. :C m g�xiding � �op`v o� ��.i� �e��e� �o �i� T�.�arc� Ci�y Cour.ci�, so i i �h�� �1�ey t���.l �i�v`e �Y� �pp��t��t��.�y �c� �a�.� io� �t�s� �es��.���a �e��- �imarty whem ����,y� �w��w.y.��w` ya�t� de��.s��.on �ox r�ppx�o�ra�,� S�.n-- e�,�s �}� , � , . � �%, ., ��t.� � .� G�r��:�� J�� Sc�ien�c 10�.5�,�.`VV`»�arbt�r Bot�1��r��rd,��uit+�'�0417 ' Bxb1��� T��rkl�z�c�,Oregari �1�x9 �. c�: �p�/.'���•�0�.45 ' '��.g�r��`c� C�.�� Co�in���. C�rr�►f��i•�ia1 rt�rr�1ttv�st►tt�ttf `� , Ct�all�stdf� r �.r.u.^ , i y � +i—_'-..,+.-�,+"+`vvY..,_, .t...�-�.:.�aYt +�':�:'f.�,l t '� 1u.A�Y��Iwn�.,.�,a..p. .�.....�. .. .. ..... ... ..... ... .... .� ..,i.i.. ..,,,.. .�..... ..�. ....... .�. ...�,.. .. . y . ..... .,. .. ��.. .. . .. .,. � , . . •�� '� � ti V 7VI�1�UT�u T�GA�.� �'L�.1`�I�x1�G CbMMTaS xbN �Ia y 3, �.9 7'l - 7 : 3 C� T�.M. F o�w J.�r J�ui�ior �ia.�h Sc.lzool -- Lec��ure Rocam 108(�5 S .W . Wa.�,nut St:���� � Ti�;ard, Or��on 1. CALL 'TO QRD�R: 2. I�4L�� C:ALT�: Prescn't : Popp, r�oore, T�p�di�o, Go�.dbac� , ����, Sakata, N'a.coli, Heim (Note . Arriv�d durin�; 7teni 5 . �.) St�.f� . Daniels, �Edwards 3. ApP�,OVAL 0�' �xN�T�S : wo�a �.�l��a th�.� P��� �� ��cOnd to �;he � last paragr�ph o� �he minutes be corre���d . �o read as fal�.ows: �'Wc�od s`ug��s`��d �;�a� an�rtha.rag mo�� thar.. 6z t�nits w'ou�.d e�r,��d maximum. " � `�hc motior� �r�.s a�p�°av�d b� un�.i�i���s �l . vai ce vra�e . Wxt� �his ��r�.~��txon �:he minu��s o� �pra.1 �.9, �.9''l7 tu��e ap�ro��d a� read. � �: C0�7N�t1N'xC.�.TxC�I�S '= S�',�.�� i�fr�rnlecl t�Y�e �;arrrm�_�sa.r�n that F�t� �ic�irn l�ad ��.bma.�Lt�t� h��� �^�s.i���.�xan; �f�'�cta.v� Jur1e , 1�77. � : k�T�Br�C H�A�,II�GS ; : 5 . i Cu �.-77 A r�c�u��t 1�� �.i�h�.x�r� A. Ct�c����r tc� �.�c;a-�� a, us�d �a,r 1c�� ir� a C�� (G������al Ct�i�m���:ial) �c�n� c�n S .W . �a��.i�'ir; I�i�hwa,y y n��^tl� df S yw � C�.�.x�cl� 5�����: (��s77 � �Cc� b T�.� Ir7�.p �5�. 3I�n, Tah L��:. 1.�00) A� S��.f f �,e��or-�: t� R���,d 1�y D�.i-����.� r� �"1r� ��im �.;���ri�v�d �����.�n� ��� ����i�� r��' �h� �;t��,�.�, ; r����t • •' i �3. A��p��.ic.a.�t '� ����,�nt�.i��r��: , C� ft�C'�Y i�.�"C� �'il���7 E�Z'� r`�.��j��.�,C:`e�.�7`�,f ���,'��Tl`��C� 'd. .�'C���'].:�i 1:�.�,i �i�`�.� ��.�.z� a��c1 �.����t� �,1�at �t� �� �m��c��d �,�� �����l� �.�•�� ��,r�c���:�.�a� i���.t��.s �.d,�a��r�-t� �-� t��� �'.rc�n� �tcn �'��t ...., �.�.�ai�� �a r;x�'�t� ��.�;llt��.y �.n r��.�r�rw� �.r� c�a����.� i�7r��� c:a r� ��,, . �` �� .... �. .�._._. _.. ,� _ ,. . � �:� \ . . .. .. . . , . .. . . . .. . � ...., �...,.. . M ��.,. ������'�.., MxNUT�S T�GA1�D PT AN?�Y:IN'C COMh1xSS I0�`I hlay 3, 1977 �- 7: 3Q �.M. Pa�� 2 , �.ixt�et7� on�f;o k�a�i�ic H.a.�hway. Q Wdod c�ues��.an�d whe�her a cax lat wou�.� ha�e a de- s�.r�,bl� e���ct an �he �'u�ure t���s o� �hE �,cljacent v��an� parr�ls . C. Pul��.a.c, `��s�imony� x rr ��.vo�: o G�or�e Sch�rick, rE��x�seri�tin� the nwner o� �Lhe �.and, �r�sen�;ed. �. si�� �r�an �ht�v�ing pro�o�ec1 �urr�`undin�; land us�� a.� `rhey �.�e�a�� to thE ca�� lo� . 'Tl��se us�s wer� c�utlined as r�c�mrrie��c;a.al�-�ro��ssion�.:l and m`��.ti-�'�.mi1� � o Chuck Wor�c�arcl s'��,ted �hat -�h� Ga.r Zo� wauld �nhanc� tl�e �.�ea ar�d wo��.cl b� �, �ow tra�:�ic genera-��� . Iri c�,���c��ition : v �ibi�.nn� Schek�.a, ��'4� xIZ ir��mY���, s�at�d tl��.�: �h� �:"01.1.ow.i.n� i��m� �l��tz�.d �� r,onside�.��c� : �,. Th� subsurf�.c� t��.��� �rob��m.,ry 2. That a u���. ��.:� 1�-L as �t�i� �t�mm��r�;�.�,1 , the���- �r�r� nUt xn �n�y:Cc�a�m�.nc� wit�i �h� Nei�17�c��hQOC1 ��an 3, Th� tr��s �QC;a�;ed in �k�is �.���. �l�o�a�.d �a�;].r ��r� �ra.�� �.��� �urrt�ut�c�a.iy� ar. ��, nc�t the �i�.�,��iw'a� �:�r�,�— �'i� � 4 . 'I't�a.�t i� �.��i�c���.� i� �r.�:n��d. -�h c :�c��.1 c��v in� ��r�c1 a.� �x c�n� 1�� ai:,ta�l��c�: a, S�1������.��: w��t�� �.r� �;�1� b�,�� �.r�a �� c�xya��ri�c� :�x�c�m ��a� ��.t� � '�. '��x� 1��.��� �.:r��. r��' �h e ��.t e �b� h��.�ri�.y { . �c:c����x�c� ' �. A r�aax���.�i �;c�ni��rc��. ��.r�i�� 1�� 7.a��.��c� �� -�he ���lx��.� c�r��� �..��co��c���.��..r�� �.aiar����,��.n� �.nc� r,v�i�;� ��;�°��� ��a.�h3.�� � � ..�..�� t► �Y « � �x.NU�r�cs 'TIGAR�7 P�ANNx�TG COMMIS�S�ON Nia� �, 197? - 7: �Q P.�I. Pa�;e 3 • D. S�;a�f �.e�ommend�.t�.on : S'tatf re�nmmends dena�a� l�a�ra on t�i� �'ollov�rir�,g find- ings, � �. The p�oposed land use is a ��,�h��v�.y--o�xen��d �ty�c o.f buain�ss anc� do�5 not �anft�r.n1 �:o �the "R��a.�i.l Commerc:�al" 2. �h� �enerally unci�velo��d ��i�.���,c�:er o� �hi� �.nd �.djo�.r�in�, pa.rc�ls p:ro�ra.d�s -��ie np�JOr�u�,a,�y �:or de��1���;mer.�t o� a�a �.t�x�act ive x���.i1 c;ommCrcial � �r�d. �'he t��ritinuatzon �.� �tl�e "s�t;�:i�" , which pr�:��.�tly c�x.is�� on �L�ae n�r�th��.st`rn ,��c�rt�Un o� p�.�:ific Hi��iway ��ou1.d �e a m�.��a�e, ��7.��c;aally ,inc�e this �rou�.d px��bab�y �;a.s�t �Lhe c�i� �o� �he �t��� o� �.cv��.a,�m��� to a�t�,ur c�n tl�e ad�c�a n�.r��; ��a�c�1s . Both N��,�hl�orht�c�d � ancc� I x r ��,v� a�- �;�mp�ec� to sta� �1�� c:or���.i�t�er� ��p�.risi��� o�' ��,rx�a 11�.gh��.y c1����.c���m�n� an th� �i�ini�sr c��' Garr���� �.rid Sc�ht�o�. �tr�et� � T1�� ma,jora��:;� r�� �I �.nt� �.r� �t�is �.:��a �,s �c�w p��.nra�d :i or cr»r�rri�x��a,�.�.�-��r��'�ssi�rna7 de�cwP�apm�r��, wa.t� tla�s and a.�s �,r3j�.r,�n�L ��a.r�;�1s r��ar t;h� Ga�.�d�-Ivlc�I�c�n�.�.� in�.er�cc�tic�i7 'b�xn� s�.�.��a. �ro� r�-��.�.a. u�� : T�� b��.�; ���.�.�s :e�.cxa.�.-�y a��ror�c�d a�:r�d�ss Par��'ic �rc�m �Lhi� sit� w�.s �jur�K�d s�,��,s�a�.�t:�a�� 'by sta��' b�c;a�us� r�� th� s�r��n�r�� a.n �he �"r��m of ��z�ci�ig �.nd �.�.i�t�s�a�in� �la��h r�as �r��- �icl�cl. a Gcac��a�r s�t�,t�d. �1��.� �.a~air��,�� ��vas n���; �, �°�a j�r p��ob-� ��m, ��a�, a u��d �a� 10�� �vc�u.ld ��r�rx.��;� tk�� ax���,, �L1�� h�u�s �'c�� the �,c�� v���u�.d 1�� �"x1c�m � A�N!. ti.1. �w d�.r1�, �.n�. ��at ��t� exx�t,in� ���;n c�i� �1�� �i-�� ��tz1c� 1�� ��e� . c� �c���tt�. Cr�c���� s�:���d ��i�.� ���� c,�.� ���L wc,u1 c� �� �.ri , a�,�:�°�.�:�i�r� �.�s�� �:� th� c�:c�mm�t�i�y � � � : Cairn.m�ssxoi� �i���u�sic�� : � k • � '�����r�.�r�� ���,t�d �.h��; �r���3 c����.b�� ��"�"r��� ���s �,��- ���.�i����L �� ���y�t�u�� �.� �,t�.��,��.i�r� ���,�.n . c� 5�.���.�,�, �,���t;xc�r���d wl�� �� ��,r� ����.si� ��az;�7�u:r��ed �� � ' ��r��s��� �, ���v ���.al� wl��r� r��7� �� 1:;hc� m�,�c�r ������.�rra� � � . ,�,.........�...�s.�..0 ��r�Y-.�iN...�.1.,yN�fa.:;1�1:..�...,.."'i' .�2"fi:.��."ti.. .� 'td1��., ...��v+.. . . � .._ N 4�4 �'�u � ' s._. „, MZN'U'I'E� �'IGARn ��,Ar�NTNG COMrI�zSS�ON �lay 3, 1977 �- ? : 30 ,�.M. � Page 4 ��as 1�.nd us� , o Disc�u�siori t�n 1an.d us� � a Waa�l out�.in�d '�h� NPO 7�I pol�.ci�� w11�.ch �u�port�d thP �ro�o�ed u.se �,r:�. stat�d �hat �k�e l�.nds�a���.ng a.n . frant was preferab�.n ta th� a���.z.��.i�� � s px�aposa�. . o Moore s`��,t�d that t�e �.rea sho���.d k�e �evelo��d c�m- m���a.al�pro.�essiona.l. o I��a.m qt���tion��. poa.it�s .x� �h� a,pp�.i�;ant ' � vvxi�t;�,�n subm�.��ic�n a� t� �h�.c�, o:� the n�i�hUr�ra.�ri� ��vne�s a�a�a��r��r�d �he dev�X�prnen�: . o �chen�k s��.�°,�c� that `th� �.�.,��ainan� �r�r�er.�y a�r�Prs w��� �.n fat�ar of -��i� �arn,�osal . � ��a�'�' pl����n-L�� �:on�.�.�a.�ns �� �h� ,��ra�,�dsa� was ap� ��c��r�d. I�aco�i mov�c� �.nd S�.ka-La ��c:c�ndecl :�c�� a��r�va�. �w�.�Lh t��� �1�a.��e �;�a��:' x��c,tamm�nd�,��.ra�s� �1�� mc�ta t�n w�.s �,�px�rs�ed �.r� �. .t`��rc �;o �wr� �r���� �ra��, w�.th ���.m and ]��jr�r� c1�.��c��-��,n� �.�c� Pc��� �.Ustax.nsn�� 5 :� S ��77 A r���z�s't� 1�� Isui��t�� �ratc�rpris��, Zn�, ta �x���.�;� �. JC �.ra-� 9��C�.�.��.��.t'�11 'W�.�h �, 1'tT 1�'1�IT1�12�1 �.C�� S 1.�G U� ��y �?(�� �C�l��..�"�' �C�?�.''�:: i�� �. �,��.0 (S�.���.� �'�,rn�.��) �c�n� a z� S �1N. �.�.5�,� A�cr�ri�u�y �r���h c��t' S �'W� �'��n�e r S t x���� (�N'�.s�� , Cc�� �:'�.� �Z�.�► ���. 3DL�, �'�.� L�t , �(7C1, 3(�(�, �.ri cl �4U(�) ` A. S�L�.�:r' �,���r�rt; ; � T���.d �y' l��.n�.��.� ,-�' �► Al�I��.� c.�,�.•L`'� P�1 c��c�xl t��.�:�i��x : ; � � ��1� 13�.�.�. , �.�-���� i��.n�, ' s �,��;C��r1��y ���r����c� t;�� �x~����� c��x�d�. ��c�������nd ��' �:h� t��v��.��ri7���� �.z�c� a�.c�x����w��l N�(� �rx "� f,�x1, �,z�� ���.a�.��d t���r��.���rnt�� t���an�.i7�� i� �.��1�.�.a.c�n tr� t�a� �r��cr���� d��r��:c��t��ri`� , � x .a ,, � ��:. MTNUTES T I GA1�D PLC�N'�T x NC COMM 1�S I ON r,��,y 3; ��J"T7 - 7. 30 F.�ltl Page 15 � d 7'l�e app7�.can� ��a.��d t�at �th� sr��.�e�n wt�uld b�: a � mini�n�tm a� 45 ���t �i�h . � � , �ommassion �iscussxc�n : o Disc�u��i�ri on s����n]..11� �.nc� "l�nd �.cc;e�s o Sakal�a �1.axifi�� �l�e t;on��rns out�a,n�d in �c�u�h� man' s J.�i�ter. a Popp s�ated �hat �a.�ht�dbs�'urin� s����ning w�u�.c� Ue ne��ssary� �,�.c�ng �i .�V . 72nc1 �.nd alang i�h� ar�a ad.- aoining �l�e rc�a.d�x�r.�� ��c� �h� �outh. . o II��.m ��;atec� �l�e n�ed �or ded�.c�a�.a.on or �ya�.� ��r��� . im�x��r�rner�t a�.dn� S .�'V . 72nd., o Wood quES�ic�n�d �.x�htirl,g �.c�n��o� ��n tlae sxt�. Maa�.�� mc�v�r� anc� S�.��.�a ���c�����d ��r �.l���r�v�.l V�r].��7 5�;�,:�� F��comrn�r�da�:�.ons 1, �y a.�ic� �, p1��� an���c� �����n3n� c�ia S :W . 7�nc� A����t�� �.nd �.�7� �c�u�t;� sid� c�� �he s��e . The mc�-��:a�� �+�.s a����t�v�c1 iz� a s��rc�i� t� ane v�'��, wx�,17 Sa�a.�L�. �is��n�.3r��: G. OTH:��. BU'S�N�SS ; Shirl�:�r N���li�� �,sx�c�cl -�17�.�t �;he �r�mrr�a.���.r�n ��a.r her �;�n�;c�rns �,1�r��t C�` �.�-77: SIY� ��at���. �;��a�,�t : � I�+��.�.�c 'w�,s ��n� �t�t�.r�� that C'� �-�'�'7 w��t�c� 1�� �'��'�h c7�� th� a,��z�d.�., r��,u s�.t�� l�i�r �:o m a.s� �1�� �u�a:1�.r 1���.�.��.��, ��i�c� a.�L w�,s 1;���.�d �x���: � � � '�r��.t �,�a�:� r�x�������,Y w c�u 7.t� �c�-� �. 1�a c� �.�.�c�c�.�c��r�t a,�c.°�ra� �:t�a.� ��r,�. ��.�i1 c��' ��.�;a �'i�: ���hw�.� �n�. ����.�:, ���a.i��.�;� ��rc��� �ms ��i�t�c� �� �.he �it,�. . r� �`h�.-� �h� a����x�•a.r�t, ���. �a��d l��x� ��.m� �.n ��:�.��n� ����.� a�w � l��.ic��v�.1 �� i:h� ��t���.���m�r��; �vla�� ����� 'w��� r���c����s c� 11��c��� st�at��. ��a,�t �i.z�c.�, �"�.�s� tr��t�:.trrr�i�� 1��.� �e�c�r� �;iv�r�:� , �t1�� m�,�t�:���r sh���r� �r� �i������.� -��.1�1c�� r�� �c�.�i�� . � S 1:,�,�`:� �t�,at;�t1 ����.�: ��. ���.���.� r�� ��� . �'��t��.�r� �t����1 ��a���a.`� t r� ,�1 -��a� ��.1.� ����n��.�, �� �r�r�xm��,��.r�n c�;c��r,1 r� c,c����.r���r �, ��w rrr�t,a c�n � � ,w�s�smA��n , � .. �� ` U �:,, MZN`U'�ES `�'rG�RD P�,.�N�1YNG CaI�MISSIQN May 3, �.�7? - 7 : 3� P,T�I. P�,ge 1G o Da.sc�rss�,on Qn po�sible cc�mm�.ssa.on �.c�;�ion Ct�ldbach moved and �ioo�re seio�ded �a recc�nsid�r i�l�e matt;er b�-- c�.tt�� af som� ��ten`l;ia�.1y i�nac�u�a�;� irl�o��mata.on dbtained :�'rom tk�e a�plicaY�t . Tk�e ma�ion �'a�.l�u �.n a ti� vot�, '�ith Wa�d, �a.ka�:,a� Tep�da.nd, and N�.i:coli diss�n�t�n�� � ,2 ra Sta�l �ar�s�n,�;ed a m�mo o:� the L�xban G�o�vn Bd�znc��.ry� o �c�pp asl��c� that an� ann�x�:c� p�.rce�.s 1�� �,utoin��:ic�.�.�.y cli�,���ed ta Ci�y zoziir��;► L Pt�pp ��t�ta.�sted �:l�at s'�a�'� ir�v�s��.ga�;e �`�.��.m�n ' s �re�nl��u�e • �ondi��,c�n�.�. u.se pe�rnit . o �'e�a�d�.no an�l Goldbac;h ok���cted �to M�� ��.�t�r�sran ��°-rv�n� o�i I�pO VY� �.s a r�sid�nt int�r�s`� . T���ec��.nc� rr����c1 �,x�d Ga�.cl�ach s�c�ndet� tha�; �:��e mt��;�.�r �� tal��n � -�� -I.:he �dnim�.`�t�e �:"or Glt�.��°'Il �nvol.v��m�n�:; fh�' inves�i�;�ti�x� . '�h� motic��. v�'a� ��.���'���� �y' ��i�,namnus vaxc,� vr�`fae. 7� .�D��Jfi��tNN���TT: �'�iere 1a�ir�� �c� a�h�� bu�in��s, �1�� m��t�n� �u�.� �.�jc�u�w��d r�.�; �.2; �.5 � ; + � ! i � . � , � ,. _ , a . . . .. . .. __ . . ... . ._.. . .. .... . . . .. . ... . . r���..,� .. � . r�� ' �1'ICE UF PUBI.IC H�ARAN�,�i A��Ip�►1/6�' (� PU��.ICA�I4�N � T��j�,�D PLArvr�iN.c coM�tss�or� Mmy$, I977 �--.7:30 �'.M. S�'�T� OF UR�GON, .Fovu�ler Junior High Schoo�-- L�Gture Ramm GOUI�T`I'Y tJ�' WA5HINGTON, s�' 14�65 S.�J.`W�inut �-- TAgard, �Dre�on � b. PiJI3LIC H�AItII'�1Gat Z� ..............�1�!.�.��.}�.,...S.�ha.��.�........................�....�.................,..w.,............�..... .,........ , 5,� ZOrI�CkIAN!�E��77 NP4'V'I � �� . A requ�st by.Charle� E� Cosxon for' beirag first duly sworn, depose and say that I am the publisher ..�_...........�._........... �a���� m�P�►7►endment to�har��e tlhe xoning desi�nation from WashingEan ., nf T�e �'igard Time�, a netrvspaper of gez�eral circulation, ns a�efined Cpunty,`�c�ning "�t5-1" '�o City bf Ti- `......"... . ..�. gard Zt�niz�g ;,�R'�" �ingle f�r��ly resi- by OBS 193.010 and 193.0�0, published at Tigard, in, the afnresaid county and ��ntial sottth of S�W� Durham R�a� (Wast�. Co,Tax Map�Si l4A'�'Tu'x Y.ot stat�; that th� ie�a1 noti�e, a printed �opy of Whieh is hereto anne�ed, vvas ;���� " ' ♦ .�.2 ZflT�iE CH�1�I.G� 12,-71 I�IPO.WI " A request by' Don�.ld F'r�Dlact� �or � published in the entire xssue Uf said newspaper fox .....�..1..�.......,...� 5t1CCL'S51V� and "�p��"map amendm�.�'•fo'c�i'i�t�ge°�h�; �zoning designatio�ti from 'Washingt�n cousect�ti�e weel�s in the foYlor�ving issues ......._,,,...�......."..�.....,.. ...,... C�ui�ty .�ai�ing "RS-1" to City:.o��TI. ... .. .........e. �3,pY'll 27, �977 ;gard+Z�nirag "R-'7�` singl� �axnily regY- .___. ........._. .......�.......�...w.............,^......_.... .. ....�_._..�. .....�...��......... ...,...�...`..,....___..... ��iPnt�ay soutk► �►f S.'4V'. Ut�rham kioas� ........ . ... rJ� ,/� /,7 � _ (Wash, Cr�.T�x Map 251 1�A,7Cax Lot. . ..�.. ::�..�._� _.r!. :.�:_.� ...... ,700), " ... . ..... . .�.......��..., ._.. ignature� �4 5,4 CONbY`I'IC)I�AL iJSE 8-77 I�1P0 `VI � A reqiaest by Charles E�•CqSton for �a�b�cribe� an� �worn to b��o�e me tliis ..........�.�d..................... day af ,..w..,�,., a�onditianral`use permit t�ioc�te t,wo dupleates in a �t-7 xone tsingle famiiy M�,y ?7 res�dential) sc�tith bf :r�'Vl�� Duirhant .�......,...... ................................. �9......... Road('VVa�n.Ca.Ta�t Map 2S 1 I4A,Tax � ` � Lot 600). � �,,�� a ,� �,,�.� �,6 CONDITIOI�AL't.r5E 9-77 NPCl II ...........a.. ... .......���:......... ..�....,...._...�....,_................. p ��que�t by T�in�swood �eve�ap. �. Alotary Puk��,i��`O� Or�gon fnr a� c�nditional tt5� , _ ment Comp�n� � �ermi�to'la�nte t�va dup�exes in a R-� � � ,,� Csingle�amil�restc�enti�l)zane n�a S,'W. 1�I� commissiod e�pires . .M........... _.. ...��: ! ....... .. 19....,� 'siedeman�►,veinu�'�Wast�,C�,Tax Map _ L, �- �- 151 34�7,Ta.t Lut 56Q1)� • . ° 5,5 CUNL?YTi IdN:A'L�[�5E 1L77 Nk'O IIT � A re�uest`�y�ic�'ar"�A, Coaper to,: �I�cat�a u��d car 1ot in a ��3 (G�neral �Comm�r�i�1� zone on "�'W'� Pacif�c 'I�i�h�vay r�ortl� nf S�W, G�ttrde 5treet (V�JaS�.Ca��'�x M�p 2S1 3Db,Ta�Lat ibUp , ' 5,8 CONI�II'ttJN,AL tJSE 5•77 �PC� IV ' � • A �`�r�uest b� �ast�at� T1i�atr�s for a �ohditir�na� �ts� permit to r�madel ... .a..�,_.M'ri��tJ¢�_ �"2"J, 31rW� a��d�icpa��d�.driv�-ta�We�ish, C�j Tg� 5,Vu� Pacific H�g�►�►ay ( , p�1�,p 1S1 �GUC�Tax Y.ot 50Uj� ' S.7 :CONDITIOI�A'li L7S� �q=77 ta�a v • A ��q�est �by John Sltourte� fnr � c��tt�itiunat tise pet�mit ���' outside sta�'ag� �t �2xU 5.�V+ ]�oriita Ttt��c� ` (W`as�, Gn�`T�� C�Jia�251 ��A,T�it�ot �' '19UD). . . ��� 5� SUBI�t�It����J 5-�=77 t�Pl� I11 A rcq�test b��ut�+c�EnterPrises;Ir►C, t,� c���te a 96 1bt sulirtivisibr� �►itti a minimum I�t� stz�'o� l�b,�On sq, �ti in � R,-Yt1 CSiztgle �'atrtll�) �dn� vn ��W� ' 115tt� A`ven�e ���tth of 5,'J�r Fot�n�t� '' �tk`eet (Vljash,� C�:`�a� IV�a� 259 �l��i , ,`T�Lot�2��, 3b�, �nc�900�� .,.. �ri inter�est iit any A�l'p�t`soi��hav►t�g d�' t�i� h�at�irig matt�rs,��� ��vit�� t� 4��P�tt�r afnt�s�►bm�t��r�tl aild'�v'�rttteh t��s� _... y tt�t�t�st���ony►n , �dv t�e vf th�n��tiri�� ('rI`�y75 --� P�1��ish Apt`ii�7, �9`7�'� , :.:�. . .. _ . _, .... _. _ __ . _ � _ ��-�' .����.r ; � CIT�I OF�TIGARU � n N4TICE OF�'LT�BLIC H�ARIN.f�5 p ���la�V�� �� ����.���T�t�� i Natia� is her�by�giv�n tha.t �.public h�ar�ng w�Zi be he1�by the C�t�r Council STp�TE aF QREGON, at Fov+tlenr Jun�or High Lectua�e Ftaor�'►� ss. � 10�65 S.W� "Vt�alnut, Tigard, Ore�om, co�x �o�� wA���uvGxor�, ► � :;A,pr�125,lg'17,�ammencing a�5:00 I�.Ng. with s�pect to th�go�R� ue.�k by lDa�n z .......,.,�.._......... ........................................,............_......_....�...... � ZOI�.IE CHA�1�1:�rlC , � , , , ,,�o.s:��.-�.S;Ch�..:�e�'. Vredenbur,�t�o chang�the��n�ng d�s- i�ration�fmrx►`°R-7 Singl�a�a�Dy�t��i- bEi�g :fiirst dul,y sworn, depase and say �that I arn tlie put�lisher ,,.............. �-d e►t t x�1': �o �''C_p y° G o�m e r- �... c��Pa�ofe�sia�n�l"�an a .?a u e p�rc�l ....... .....�..,.._. of The 'rigard Tirr�es, a newspaper of general circulatipn, as defined � on �.�T� Hampton atreet, �ast +of �i�V ` 72��'e:(W�tsh�Go.�T�IViap 2�1�1AC, Tax Lot� 1�00 and 15Q0) , . ks� O8S �93.01� and ]93.02p, publis�ed at Tigard, in tlie aforesaid �craunty and � ����.,����,�� ,.�,R�gues��by.k{en •Bowman x�o apply R-7�S�ngle lF�mily si�ate; that the legal natice, a prin�d copy of Whicl� is hereto annexed, was ��„yident�a4 za�ni�ng i� place a�f RS�1 ,� �'�orie acre �W,n: �vunty z�ining� a't th� publishec� in the �ntire issue af s�id newspaper fox� ..._.�..................... successive and �.gW �orner af �W 92nd A�� aa�d S�V' JDyxrham Itoad. (Va�'r�..Cou�ty'Ts�x�V��p c�nsec�ativ� weeks in Lhe follodving iss�ae5 ,. ����� a�eA'Tt�a��t 3QU� ...;�...... ......... .�,.........-...�..............�._........._. .. „ • . .�.,..,....._........+.• A ril 13 & 2�0 l;�l? p , " � ZON.�s�1H��1£r�E;•--�Eequ�st by�M�er� �� ��/'� � ..,._...�..........._..�.............._....�.�..._........_..._..... ......._.._.....�..� .�. . ..�...... . .._.... ..w r�y Ma�r►e�to m�ne�nd the aaraitz�rmap � � ��:�-� from R-7�Single�am#ly�tesidential7 to � �A-2��V?eilti-F�mily,Resid'ential)�or�nu�x� ......_._,._._.� ....... ...:.� .. ........,,.., ... ..� (Si� ture) l.Fa�'cels o�n ��1V' Dak�i:a� 5tre�t ��V. c►f G' ._ 27th ?4Lat 1Q8Q W'�.s�►ingit n�OUn�'Ta c M p�` � Su�scribed and swo�n to before me this .......................�...�........:._... day a� ............ 415� 35C�?►,TaYC�L�otS 30a,30�! a��d A00)� � � ; �OI��.X.X1�Ei .QT�DIN,AIW.+�.�`'E A,MEN•D- `..... ...Ap�l.Z...................... 15........,�77 �$�dEIV.T � Am�ndment ta'»Tig�ar�d �Vfu- � Iz�ic�pa.1�o�+�,S��ctian':�i7.28.�10 to est�b- ` lish 400' as� t�� mt�cimiam�cu1-a��-sz�c � 1�n�4h, , . .......�.......... ..�..r�.....�..�.�.�....... . . ....... .'�...... ......�..�..........,.... Notary P�S�ilic of Ore�on � Ar,PPE�IJL, ��N.� CHA1V�lE �—'Re- g��s�b�Ho'wrj►rd X�. Glaxer fbr a zona; � �ch�nge frarn Wn: Cauntiy► SUburb�n N�y commissibin expires ..........�.. . ....�_.1�... .......�.�... 19.,�1., (�&t) to Cit� df T�gard 5ingle��nmily � _ � laesfdenti�i �-7� with ��an ov�rlyin� __ ""'�lann�d Developm�nt lPr�+� to pertnit �„ �iat q�a�i houses'.�(F'o�'r-plex�s), at ��7V 'lZlst so�th of SpY�ingwuod 7��l�re.(WJn.'" ; rCour�ty�'ax YVI�p 15],3�,Tax Lnt 5�), � A�'PEAL---'�0�1•]E��TYqN,E�.L U�� -_� ` R�quest�y�rCor`bett LDe�'elogmen�Coirp� for a rn�ac�t�on�l .uae pern�i� ta lncat�e , a� rinodel hom� at; :12035 SW' �a�ifi�: ��ig'hway, (V!Jn. �a�tnt�► Tax ]VYap ?S� " 7.AA,Tfix'�.o't l�00). � ° fi TEM�'ORA.Itgt' US� =- �Reyi�est by `�' �i harcl,•,A G,o,,,�o �r to�r�11ow a t�mpo= `� ` rary ma il o i�'c��C SoWy P�ctfi�',Hl�h� _ � way Td�= af a+'Wr G�Arc�e Str��: (W'�n. Gtlunt� Ta� �Mttp 25� 3�D� `Tdx X..cst 1000), , �. All lntereste� persans m�y app��c �nd'be h�ard�in f�vor a��'ar aga#nst t�e said pt�apasai, • II'�''OR1CDl�R(7F THE GITX COUN�I� � ` ', � Doris ��r�1g, � � Cit�r Recot�de"r �'1'`�''3138 --- l��i��ish Anlr�l 13, 20� 1�77) � _ ,y.. . , .,, ,. �.., , ,, „ffi . . . _ p � �. z � S�wc�x a�d w��e� h+���.�a�p �� p��c�hib:�t�d a 3 p (��,]�y c��� mc��.��. ��bm� �t a ��.me �z���c a ����a��.�n csE na �.�ss than two y��.�s b� a�.1c��r��.a �N - '�h� e�t�.i�r� site °b� st�'����� to Desig� Fte�triew Boax'dd ,5 � �7�e �c� th� aa�� ye�,�x �.��.s� situa�icm �.� 1�e rei:u�.'ned to F1,ar�nin.g Comrr�i s s�.dt�o Asso�.�.a�e �1,ara��:�� s��t�F�d M�d Go�bei�t was ap�e�lin� cc�nd�.ti�n nut�laex� �.d (3) Pi��l�i.c �es�3�m�nys Pxapa�ae�its� Ne�.sc�r� Ccar.'��1��, �.�035 SoWn Pac�.�'�,c �.3,ghw�Y, aPP�al.ed #:�e ��mov�.l. c�C �.k�e bi:Ll.boa,�:d as an t��.�~ea�,is�.ic bu�d�� to p�.a�e c�� l.��rr! a�s 1,�ase h��de� c�� th� p:�o�����r. Ca��b�tt f�xther st��.�d th� owa�.��s of p�up��ty c1i.d not f�e1. ��vv�� db�.� t.r� x���c►v���g t,.1�E� 1.�3.,11.boa�c�a 4����n�:��s � 'Nn�ne bisct�ssio� by Cour�ci�.9 appl�3.cant ��d sl-.a�f �.�e�a��c��.ng a�.ressi 1.an�.scap3.n� r�nd x�mova�. o� hi�,lbc�a.�c�d (4) Staff ��GOmm��.d�d x�ma�r��. a:E t�� �b3:1.1,boa��dp (5) �tt1�l,ic Hea�in� Clusedn " (6) M�t�i.c�r� 1�y Caunci�,tr�a�n Sr,hec,t��.a, sc�c�nde�, b�T Council,man M�.ck�lsb�n, h� �pp�o�re cot�di��.o�,a�. �as� �t�bj�c� �o �he �01.�.otaa.ng �onditic�ns; :l � '�his �pp����:� �.� v��3.� for ane y�a�' at whi�h �ime �he co�nc�:�tio�al use p��m3.� w�,�.�. b� ��:ev�.ewed and annu�l.l.y ther�a�ter. x�' at th�� �itne� th� a�p�,�.can� has pur�hased �he p�eope�i:y, �lzp bi�Ll.b�ard wi�.�. �b� �r�;ma�r�d b 2 � Sewpr �nc� �,�at�r ��ra�lc�a�p be p�:o2iila�.�e.d. 3 � OnJ.y on;� t�oc1��, l7,Ume at a t�3.�� £'dr a r�t����3:�n t�� na �.�ss t���n �wa yea�s b� ��.�,a��t�s � � The ent3,�r� s�,�� ��: s��ij�ct ta De�3.gn R�rr�.e�r �a��cl �r�.t.h ��cl� mnd�l. ��C���. t'r���.��o App�o�rcc� by ��a�.a.mou�s ��rc�te �:E �ou1°���.�.n �' Gn '���IpORAttY' US� � R����s�� by R�..��a�� A� Coop�r t� �11,�� t� tcmpn���.�y mabil. ra���.r.� � ai: ���4 �'a�:���t� �J3,�,Y�ta'ay �Vt��t1� of SnWo Gaa�c�� Si��e�� (�Ias1�3,x��tt�� .��r cc��a�t;y rrax ri��p �zs�. ����, �a� T��� �.U��) , (�.) P�1��.3,� k�����,�g C�pe�ted� (7.) C�.�.y Adm3.r��.sf:r�t��.� ���3.c��r1 Car�nc�,�. th� P�.a�.�r�i.�g Cammiss3.��n �r,u�.d b� a�t3.r�� c�� �rtl Coc����°� cc�rx�t��.�:tron�l, ��� �cr�qu�s� ai: ���3�r M��' �rd meet�.tig4 Ac��3.i��;����t�x �i��°�1��;� ��1�cri���� ���n��1. �;o�1.d; C:L) �a].� t��;���.�:� �r� ���,�s3.�e� ��i��o���cy ur�� �x•�q���� ���d ��k�� ��t�.t.�� un��� c��.sid��:at3.c�n; o�c ��} ����.��.�.ue �e���.r�� �c� �t��c.l� d:�#:� �he ��.a��i�.� Commi�s3.r��n �Yas ��lc�n ac�:�at� o� �h� �o�r�3.��r��a�. ��� �eq���tn ��t�e��.1, �.�.�c�.�s3,��a �� C�ur�c:i1. ��ar� ��:��:�a ; (�� �c�t�r�n �by Cc�ur�c�.i�.�iia� �13.�k��.�c�n, ��c�r�r�r��ei t�� Cc�t�n���m�� G��,��mg �r� ���,t�.�u� ����in� �� �tay 9t��� p��di��� ��.���.ra�.�x� C�mm�t�s3.�m�s �fay ��� r��t��m1��t�.��� Cd�ri�3,�..r��t� G�ale�m �ta�.�d �h� �.t��:.��xt �� h3.� t�ic�L�.�r�� M�.�c�r "��y �.�7�� r����d� _... � � . 5 �w� u��� �� t,�.� �J.�nt�atn �r�mm�.ss�.cyn ��� �v �.�a�, �'��'aa�d�,�g �.���r�i,�1.���.�. ��� q g � l�.�t�� ����� �,f;�m ���.�r.�� �t t°��i� Apr��� �.�t�� �t�:��in�� x����c�� ����r��v�� �� �r�a�a�3.rr���a� rrc�te ��' C�ui°x�i�:La ' �A�� � � �.�G�LA.T� M��'���d� ����"���� AP�t��_, Z5� ��J�I7 __... ,.�.,�...��� _ .. _._, �._ u.,�:,: :��...f ,M��: ���,��:, _ .. . .,_ .,_ ._ ai yy�. a 1 f� \.r �:4 1 A�'F�DA'�xT 0�' NSArLxNG STATE OT nREGaN ) County of �!'as�iin��or� � ss. �ity o� Ti��.rd ) � T , Judith A. H��.s�, bea.ng fir�t d�11y swo�^�z, on oath clepos� and sdy: �hat Z am �ecretar� �ox the Pl�.nning Department �or �he Gi�y o� Tigaxd, Oregat� � � That T �e�ved ndt�.ce of ��aring o� th� T�igarc� Planning ��mrrai,s�ion �f. which t�.� atta��ec� i� a copy �N�ar��ed �xk�ibit 1�) upr�n ea�h of th,e fo�.�.ot��.n�� named persons o� �he ,..,,2�:���� �a�` da�y of , i97,�, b� m�ila,ng to ��,ch o� �hem a� t�e a dress �htiwn on '��ie a���,ch�c� li.st (Market ���ik�a� B� , �aid not�.cc� �,s h�a�oto at'tache�_�, de�posi-�ed in e tJni•�e�. S��tes �Iax�. on �t�� ���,r.,�y. clay of � � , �.J7r'� p��s�age �re��,%d. w �. .....,�.s..,...�:�.�;� �'w -��:,�,�,,�...� S�.bscr,ib�c� and sw�rn �o �e�o�� ie .c�n this 2�.��� t�ay c�� �'�.,i�... , 19 7"� �r.: Y4tS�Rp�'�" " �� � n f.., .:� Yy�p + ,,� . °n� h�° s , ' ���..� ��y� 4� n YrF� ' . , . �� ��.� � "�; Not y P�xbl�.c o:� 0�^�gon V�A` . � � ° 's ... ' +��:r.�v .v 4.. '� ^ � .,'-'t, :'�e. � � ,�� ' � r � �� �� .� f.� � w. . /�"�y r �7�y y.�4 y�y�.y �y K � 1 �°'� 1�� �,, c�M1 4 �.!��.7�6`el.it�11u1���7►�.�+�V�� e�p�.r�s i 1 , a : ��+ k. : .� j ��" ' � � . ,,,+ � p ',� . ' � �� `'�_:��� q �M� �. � ' - r ���� �1N ������ .�`nlrb�tl6 ���. P,4. Box 73397 12�20 S,W, Main, Ti��rd, �regon 9722� ]��ar Property Own,ex�: T1�� agenCla en�lds�d for �h� nex� r��eety.ng of t�ie Ti�ard Flar�ning Comm�,�sa,on inc,lud�s �n it�m �cirel�d i;� red) which, due �o i1;s �.ocation ad�acPn� pra,�er�y owne�l or occupier� by �rou., or due to you.r pre'viou�.sly :ind�.c�,��d it�ter�s�y �h� Ci�ty fP�1� ab�i�atec� �o nc�ti�y ydu� x� you wish ��n rn�,k� your views kr�ov�n in th3,� mat��r, oi° i:� �r��u �n1y �v�.sh to avail �ro�irse�.� o� this oppor�u�ix�y �ta be �.n�ornled con�:e�n�.n� this projec�;, the T�.�ax�d Pla�aria.ng Coimmissian in�rit�s �rou t�o at�end this me�ting. � . , _ _. . . �..__-. �.^ _ � ____ .. ___ _.._. � _�..._. _-_____- � � I 'j 1 {i � ♦� � � AGENDA . Tx�'rARD PLAr1N�CNG COMMTSS�ON May 3; Y977 -- ?; 30 P.M. �'ow.ler Junior Hi�;k� Sc:hc�ol - Lec��tre �oom " �08�5 S .W. Wa1nu.� St,reet - �'�.�arc1, OrPgon 1. CA�,L, 'r0 ORDE1�; �. �.aLL CALL: 3. A�PFtC�VAI, OF M Z NUTE S : �. 4, CaMMUN r CAT:C ONS : 5. AUBLIC� H�ARTNGS. �5. 1 SUBUTV:�SZC�i� ��4-77 NI?C� �r;t .A, rec�u�st by Kut�c�i En�er�iz�i�es, Znc. to c.r•ea�e a 96 1.ot s��-� c�i�risio�. �ith �, rninimum �.ot size of 10,000 sq . �t . �.n a �t-1.0 (Si���,e l��,mi1y) Lan.r� on S .W. �15�h Avcnue, sou�h of S �W, �'o�-- n�r St�e�� (�V�sh: Co � Tax Ma� 2Si 3DJ�, Ta�: Ld� 2d0, 300, �.r1d 400) . 5 ,� �UN� CI�A�TG� 1�--77 �vno vi A ��c�ties� b� D�r�:a:.Ld P�llorl� fo� a �one map am�nt�mer�t �a �;ha�ge �t�e �v�yin desi r�a�ion. �rom 11Jashin�i;on C9u�nt� �anin�; 7 �'RS��'r �o C�.�ty o� Tiga�d Lon�.n� i►R=-7,► Sii��1e Fama.ly R�sid�n- -�i�,�, sw�-.�-��i r�� � »`W. D�u�I��,r� Ro�.c� (���h� CQ . Tax Map 25�. l�A, �'a� Lc�t 740) : 5 . 3 �ON� C�IANG� 9�7'? NPO VI .A r�qt��s�E 'b� C��.��.es �� Co�to� �t�� a �one map �.m�t7dm�nt �:cr r:har��c� �he zc�n�.r�g t1�si,�nat;a,vn �rnm W�,shing;to� Cot�r�t�y Za�ing "�,5�-�," �o Ci��r o� '�'iga�d Zoni��; r��-7'� S�n�;�.� F�.mil�y Res�.c��n- � ��,a�. �ot��:l� o� S �W: Du���.�i k�o�,d �W�,�h : Co , Tax M�.� 2S� 14A y �` ��.� Lt�t 600} ► � . � ,5»� C4Nt�:C?':[OIV�Lr LYS� ��-?'7 �TPO x� � r�q�e5� by Cl��.�l�s �. Co��on �o� � cc��c13.`�i��a�Y use pertn�.� t�o �.csca`�� �'wo c�t���.�xe� in a 1��7 �U�e (sin��.e �'�.mi1y resi.��n� ' ti�1,� , so�:��i o:C S �W r D�rham Rod�. (��sh� �a� ".Cax M�.� ���. �4�j � '��.x Lc�� 600� � 5 �5 C:(�1�L��`�xt�NAI� US:� ��-77 NPd �T� ; � rec�tl��� 'b� Ri��a��. A. Cob��;� �� �.aC�.�1:� �, usec� c�ar 1�a� a.r� � , a �µ� �G��t�r�,�. C�mz i ' _ iC Higl���,�� ne�.�i��.� �nrtP r�n S��y Pa.c�,� . .. � nc���h r�:� S ��a G�.�,rc1� 5����t (W�sk�. Ca � '��,� ��,� 25;1. 3S�D� `��.:� Lat �,OO�d� r � A" Nr P �1: � 1 AG�ND� �`YGARD gLANNING COMMIS�ION � May� 3, �.9?7 -- 7: 30 �.M. � � Pagp ? 5.6 CONDITI�NAL TJSE 9-77 NPQ Y�,T A r�qu�51: b�r King�v�o�d D�velopment Compan� for a condi�idnal u,se p�rmx� �ca loca,�t� �wo duplexes �.n �, �-�7 {single �arr�n�y r�sidenta�a,�.) zo�� on S.W. Ti+�d�man Avenue (Wash� (;�, T�,� N�ap lS1 3�17, Tax L�� 5601) . 5 ,7 C�NI�zTZONAL �JS� �.0�7'7 NPO V � �ec��est by John Sk�tzr�Les :�ar a cond�.i�ional use permi�� �or ou�tside s�ar�,�;e a� 7220 S�W, Boini�ta �oad �,�'a�h. Co . Tdx Map 2��. �.�A, Ta� Loi; 1900� + 5. 8 CON17�7.�x(�NA� U►�s'E' v--r'l? NPO IV �A� ret��u�s`� b� �astga�e Th�a�;�e� �or a co�.diti.onal use permi� '�d �em.�d�1 and e�tp�.nd a driveWin ��ea�i,r� at� 11626 S ��, p�.ci-� �i c Hx�hway (Wash, Co . T�,.� M�.p 1S 1 3GDG, Tax Lo� 50Q) . 5 ,9 ZC�1��; CkI,A.VGF �.3-77 �TPn T�I A req�.e�t by �a�.°ry Jacksc��: �or �, zbne ma� amendtn�nt �t� ��aange �;h.e �oning d.e�ign�,�Lit��i �t�ae Wdshi���tan Cc��nty Zo,n�.ng "RU-•4" �o ! Ci-Ly o� Z�iga�d ��ning "R�-7, �a.��1� F�.mi�y Resic�e�tial" be- '� ��r�en S�W� �`�nn�r S���et �.n�. ���� E�aro�. 5�;�°��� ('�a�h. Co . Tax � M�,,p ���. 3A�1, �Cax Lot 504) � , k, x �� N '�`�4 1 it;,' . . . {��� � ` . r, VICINTTY' MAP � % '"'' �� � � o, ��.��— � ... ._,....,.�.����,.. _,. .L ��1����:. �...ti.� ..,.,.��.��'�..,;..k,....,��,N....tc�.5 r,'�i�i...��....ti,,,..�.,...< 'a�,�.�.i��,��i . EAS7'S7p ..E.�... ..�.,� _.. _.,. .. .� ��, I� .. ,.an,.ea x,_ ,.:,.uuµw�� , „ ' ) ��� nly" NIt!����;r.�F� .�� � , � 7 Cl0 °" �- ' so��e. • °---..�..---.-...a�� . ������ CONDxTIONAL USE �,-77 °°���`� '� .�„~ �w �� � ++ r..,--.—.. �,� ,Q,. 60a � . �-..�. � ���"°`:"+�'h�.'�, '�"'Y;xTfi'� '���,Jlx.r� ,��',�ta��'� *� `"�.,.��``�•N"rTb zq� ��?Qb.'�' ,,��, .5'4Ac. lb i _.l '°w.""' e W M (..��'� '`� , � � y� "�" �' / V�„t?�ft w,,,,E211�7� •ry N ��;PF' ��,.k yl MMsr� 1 +1df'f�wYi��i" '"„-.„ ' ����°-..'-+_, p aM �+�.,� � �,^ ,�+ � �� p �y ���.,,� � 1�V y""H'�.`tM�.��y�r�:�P�„ f'. `r ��lr�,�, ,.a,.�y' M V�V � �R"+.M�. �� A� '+ W ��,iw`� �'f'� ��Y�MAiy� tM+� G JAc. 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" � tid,agc��t i 6 °' .�" � ' rl(� M ��� 5 f �a�a. 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QRDxN�1NC� i�o, '17-�2 A�1 O�.I�ZNANC� ADUPTZ�IG HOUS�I�G PQLIC�ES FO'R THE �� �'xGARD DETAII�E1� pLAI� AR,EA �N ACCORDANGE WI,T.H TE-IE FRA.MEWORK Q�' THE COMMUN�T`I PT�ANNTI�G PROCESS �.ND A�'TA.INTNG THE PURPOSES ANI� QBJECTrVES 0�` TH� 5TATEWTDE �lOUSxNG GOAL AND SETTrNG AN EFFECTZVE DA'�E. Mot�.oln by Caur�ca.�.man Cook, s�condec� b� CounciJ.man Wakem �o ad�p� o�d�:n��Ge 77-22 as ammenclecl. Y�ia�a,q�� by �QUnC�:�.tnan Scheclt�.a to am�xid oxdinance b�r de�.��ing pala.cy nut�b�x �,2. �to��.�n da.�d �rom ].at;k of. sec�nd� Mo�3.az� pm�s�d 1��r 4 �0 1 vo��. RqJ.e �a1.1 vo�� as �ol�.owsa Mnyo� Bi�hop ��.d Cctun.C�.1.m��. �oo�C, M�.c�.elson a�nd W3kecn vc���.�g aye at�d Counc�,�,man �cl�eakla va�3.i�g na�. Nlo�i�n w'il.� �r�cea.�te s�cc�n,c� read�.ng a� regtt].a� m�et,ing Ap�i], 1�., �.9%7« ��G����� 9.30 P.M, R��4�V���p 9:4n P.�t. 4.�+ �4�E CN�.�iG� �» �t�qlxes t by J'« A1.�a� Pa��rsan �a amend zatxi�.g map fzom C-5 (Li��,��d. t�e3��'hil�oac�ood Comm�rc�a�) to R�7 (Singl�e �'atn3.Ly ��s3�a�nt�iaJ.) £ax a 4�79 ac�� pa����. at 5.C�� �.2�,st (4�ast�in��on Count�r Ta� l�a�a �.51 34C� Tax Lo� �.a.oa� (�.) Pt�1a�.�.c �ea��:n,� open�de (2) F1.anr�i�g D�.xec�c�r s�ated ���xe wAS � publ.�.c �eed a�.c� ��ne£�.t b�r ��:i.m3.n€ttian o� t��e C-5 �1es�,gn���.�r� on p�;Cp��ty wh3.ch was 3.��pp�;dpx�3.a�e �n�d �.n�oi�pa�3.bl�e with tlic y�t��:nur�d�.rig �.�nd u�es a (�) Fub�.3.� Tes�imany ��opp�,e��s � ��i�e Oppan��t� e Non� (�) Da,�'ec�a� ���nmmex�t��c1 Cou�cil.�s a��x��ta�. �, (�) �ut�1�,� 1����.��xig c�.ased. � (b) Mo��.�n b� Caunc3:�.man, Gonl�,� s�c�dn�ecl 1�y Cat�nci.].m�n Sche�k�.a at�t�ha��.zing � s����' ta p��pa�e an o�c��,�,anc� a.m171.em��:�irig ��q�u�s�� Ap�x�arr�� by t�nar��.m��as �r��e a� Cau���.�.� r''"��� 4�� AP�E�L - A,t� appea�. �� R�.ch�.�d A� Caop�� �f ari �c�i.�n n� �1�� T�,�,��ti P1ant�ir�g ; �omm,�.s��.ot� on �f�z�� �.� �,9'�7� cten�'�:ng his x��qt��s i� �ar �.o��t�.�n df � tr��d ���� , .� �:o� i.�n a C�� (G��x���1, Catnm,����.a�.) ���� an ��Wr �a�i�'3.� ��.g�hw�y No�;i:h a�' �. 5:�1� Gaa�c�� 5��`�e� (�I�sh�,i�g��n County Ta�x Map 2�1 �t�ni �'a�t L�� ��700) (�.) P'u�1�3�� h����.ng ape�.�dq ��) ��,ax��,�.�g; '��.����a� si:at�d P1�t�r��.�g Gammi�sio�. ��rl d�my�� a���.3.ca�i��n �� 1��se� �ri ��te �'��.l.��i�g sta�� �atncl�.;�gs: . �. � '��� ��apos�� 1.ar�� use 3.,� a �:t��way or�.�t�t�� typ� r�f�trs3.�,e�s ��n� �o�� na� ��n���m �� ��h� '�R��ai�. ��mm�r��.a1", ���� 4 � R��C�ULAR �EET��G 1��1��`'���f �f���h ��; ��77 _. ,;�..,,r,_.w.._..�:.� . , � ,,.� ,, , _ _ . . _.,.. .�-. . . • q � 2 �- Tl�e �enera�.�.y uxidev��,pperl charac�e� of �ha,s and adjax�ning pa��cels pxovides th� oppor��uni�y £or d�ve].opm�nt c�f ar�, �.��xac��.�v� retai�. commerci��J. axeab Tl�� ��ntinu�.ti.on o� �he "st,r�,p", which p�esen�].y �x3.$�s on �he no�t��as�ern porti.r�n o£ PaG3.Lic I-�i,gk�w�,y wou�.d be a mistake, expec3a1,1.y s�.n�e th3,s wou�.c� px�obab�,y cas� the di,� �or Lh� typ� a£ c��ve.Lapmen,t ta accur on �he adjo�.ning par�el.sa Both Ne:��nbarho�a r a�nd ��� h�ve a�tempt:ed �� s�op the con�it�u�cl ex� paris�.on o£ stz3.p hi�g�way cl�vel.c�pment a.n the v�a.��ix�.i�y� c�� Garx�ett az�d Schoo�. S tre�ts o The ma j Q'r�.�y o�' �.�a�d in �h3,s a:rea is �now p�.dn,ned �or �t�mm�r�,iaJ, p�o;Eessional. c�eve�.opm�nt, tai.�h ��h�,s and its ac�jac�en� pa�.�c��.s n�ar the G,�ard��McDnnal�a �.�.��rs�c�.on being s1.a�ec� for r��,�i�. use, Tlie boa� sales ��c3.1.�.�y app•roved across Paai��.c� �rom ��his �sa.�e was judg�d satis,��ac�o�:y by staf� be��us� o� �h� sc�e�n�z�g �.�r� t�he £u�m of £encirig a�,d ].�n.dscaping whir.h w�s p�ovid�c�a D�,r�c�or fU��k��r s�ater� PJ.ann�.��ig Comm�.s��.o�, a1,sa mc��r�d �o deny �h� �pp],��a��.o�. a.n brc��� �� �llow appl.a.can� t� me�t w�.�h NPO ��� �nd �o n�ee� w�,th st�a�� t-.a pr,epart� an a��c�p�ab1,� sit� p�.�nd A3.reG�o�r c13,sp�.ayed �ev�i.��d s�te p1.dn an� adv�.s�d Cou��c�.1 they wou].d not b� con.s�.�erai.ng s�,,�� pr�p�sal. as p�es�n��ci ta P�.ar,:a�in� Cramzn�ss iana (3) Pt�b1.�.c '1'estl,rt�oa�y�� p�npoz��n�Ls � R3,�r.ar� Ao Cr�a��xt app�.i�a�.t�, e�p��ss�d conc��c?�s on �d�qu�c� of dl,splast arez on n��r site p�.�,n.a Co�z�e� st�atecl �h�re was � ptx�l,�.� ���d ��� t�e p��pr�s�c� �.aw in��ns3 �.y� us� anc� ���e �it� �ras t:�� mc�st ap�i�ap�3.ate av'$�.1�ab�,e �.n. Tiga�r�d p Geo�ge �ch�n�i r�al.�o�, ��p�,aiz�.ed ��t�u�e p]..��as .�r��r �n�•i�� ��ea w�ter� p�;o�ose�. s3.t� was 1rrr.atedn - Gr�uc��, �1o�da�'rl, �,o2�.5 SbW„ '��.l�n�t atic� I�a1lat�d D�xeeszeni �.�2d0 �b'�o N�w��� Drivey ��cpx��ssc�d �uppo�t �o� �.ocat�.on c�:� �h� tt s ec3 c a.� �,o�. b Ci�� �teca�c��r read �.e���� :�zom U�S, I��.��,anal. ��n�r a���s�ittg to �C�. Coop��s G1��rac�e�.�n �ppan�n�� w Mxs w S�17ec�lc�.� e�c�x����d appas�.ti�r� �o use b�c�use a� being i�� c.c�n�'�.i.c:�. �v3.�� I�PO �k3 �lan in tt�a t th� pro- ` pase� �s� �r�p�;�set���� � s�.��.p higl�way us�e '� 1��sa 5c�c�c;lcZ.� re��.��a�d p�1.�.c3.�s �c�b�r�d b� C�unc�.�. 3.n ��ae f��0 ��� p�,at�� ��x�g��� �isc��si.c��i 1�y ��aan��.�.� pxo�c�nen�s a�nd �appr�iri�;�ts ��g�.��i�g 3,�1�:ei�� G�' 1�P0 ��3 p l.a.t�a (��� k'�a�ri.�.n� D3.�;�c�t�� ���r�.ewe�. a.nt�nt a� P�,a�.�.3.�g Cc�tr,mi�s�.�n�s a�t�.�n ��� �c�c���r�d�d C;ou�c3�1, ��m��.d ��i� p�;Ap����l, ���k td P�,g�n3.ng Cc��i�mi��ir�n to be �oi�s�,���c�� �.s s�c�t� as ��s���.b�.� �,i�� �'���1�.�� ��i�� b��si�ri �t��rie�r �vmrc� �����m�.t�� �.� �.a���sc�a��.ng �.� ap��opr�.�t�� ��nera,� dr.scussir�i� �b�r Cdu�c�,�., .q�a��' r�n� �,e���. Ccau�Y���. �c�g�rc��.�g ��� ,... appx�p�i��n��� o�' Cr�u�r�c�.�, h�a��.�.g ��i a����,1 w�x�x� �r�p��aJ. �r�� c13,��'���r��. �'h��.n tta�� t�r���3.na�.�..y ��r�s���t�d �a i�h�: ;P1.��n�.n� Cotnnit�.ssi.�t�� (5� �le��...�,�:g ��.as��n �C�) t�o��.a� �b� C��i�c3:�.�.a�-i �+1�1�emy s���t���d b� �c�utac3l,m��i ���i� N� ��tt�arwd P,A,d�� 5� M �E��i�,A'�, N����xNG NI��1CJ`�E�r M�,��r�h ��� �.�77 . ...,., ._: a-. . : ..�- _ .;,s,_. _. . . ___ . . . _ .. . . _ . � new p�opnsa�. ba��C, t.a P�,a��,�i��ag Gonunissi.or� to be �ons�.dered at ea��.iest pass�.ble d.at;e a�a.d i�' �p��'c�v�c1, �ro��sal �o b� £o�waxd�d �a Design Revi.e�r Boa�d £ox` �.a�:d���.�� apPrqval o P7,an�:3.ng D�.�.���.t�� ad�ri�s��l Gmu�ca.L M�c, Caoper h�.c� appJ,i�d �c�r a Temparary Use Pe�m�it Lha� C���r��^i1� woul,d t�e h�ar3.ng Apra.�. 25tho M��io�n 1ay Cau��c:i�.m�,� Cc�ok, se�nn�ied by Catitl�3,J.rna�n, Micice�.son tA amend rnt��a.��. �c� app�'c�v�, a�p�a�. and �'p`rwa�d �a D�s3.gn Rev��w �oa�d �ox Ia�,nr��c��pe �.pp�:�va1�u G�ne�;a1, di��u����� �'o�.�.�w�c�a Mn�a,p� tn ame�d .fa.a.:�.Gd 3 �o �, Mayor Bisl�op a�nd Counc3.lman Caok va�ing ay�a O��.gi.a�a�. ma�i��� app�av�d by u�r�anitnous �vote nt Cou�c�,�.d �,6 20N�NG QRDx�1AI�CE AMENDM�,N'°�° � Ta ame�xd Section 1.8 b 58�d1U of '�i�a�rc� �tur��.t;i�al Coc�e �G add t.h�; ��Cw3M Main 5�x��� Comm�rcia��� zone �o li.st c�� zoz�ing dis��ricts wh�,�h are su�j�c�: tc� t��� D�:sigr� R�view� p'ro�ess. (�.) Puk��.ic 1z����3.ng ope��c:d a ('l,) �P�.an�n�.�g U�,��e.r to� s����� �ac�fis d (�� Pu'��.�.c T�s�3,tinr�riy�� Px`c�p�n��nts � �C���; Oppt�n�n�5 � �r�n� (4) Di�°���c�� r�c:omtn�a�d�ri �pp�'n�va�.d (5) Pt�b�.a.c hea�itlg �1.����dm . (6) OT�DINA�CE 'Nt�n '�� A� t�1��x�AN�� AI�Et�DxNG �'H� T�.Gt11Zti MtJ�N�CIPAL �(�D� � C�IAPT�R �.8 e a��Q�0 "�0 ADU "C-��M� MAIN STI���T �OMMERCxAL�� TO TI�05F ZOI�E� �N �E�ICki Bt.3ILD�N� PEI�.�CT.T5 A1�117 CER`I'��'ICAT�� n�' dCC�PA�NC'1l AI�E S�l3J�Cm �CO APk��.4V'.AT.y BY THE DESTCN TtE�x�� B4ARD AND DE� G�,�.�R�.NC A�N EMERGE�1CYe M�r�.c�n �a arlop�; Ct��s���Yr��.�ar�a� Wale�mi s�c:a�.d�� by Cau�nc�.l,mat� NY�.c2�,��.sond App�raved 1ay u�.ana.t�.�u� �`a�� ��' C��tnci�.� , 5, GFN�STS StTF�p���SI01� � �3.�s;u��ir�°n, at ��qu��st G�E Ma,o� �is��p � (gj �a�o� B�.���p �xp����e.� �����`-�'x� tl�.a� p�.��i�ning Cntnxniss�,t�i� hac� ��,b].ed �pp�.�.�a�ion �' ��� 9�0 �a�sa �C�.yo�� �t�.��d h� �'�.1� it �as tt�e��e�'a�� �r��cessax� �o informa�.�.� �ev3.e�i �c�3.�� tr� ��s�.�� Cc��c��°i.�, �o ux��e�r��anr� t��a� h�d t���� p�.ac�d ka�i ��1,�.� �,�g�l, cnti��.��� �r�� app�.�.c�°n�� stia��c� �1�� �gs�tes w��:�; (�:) Pla�n3��n� �Go�nt��.ss�tan �h�r� ��:��a���c� t�c� c���ic��� �p�l.ic�t3.ot� ���:• 9q r1a��; (�) P�.�nini.ri�, Cc��Yittta.ss�.an s�a��s ��C7 ��3 �!��.d����s ��.�� mus� �e d�v�l,c�p�� i.rt ��JD at�r� �v3.�.1 nb�. � Gans�.�ex su�di�v�.s�.��n �i.�`�c�:�t� �C.1T�� h��i�ve� pUD �,s ��r�mm�a��i,��.��� �.ot m,at�d�.t�rJ�� ari.�1 t�) app�.3�����t h�� tk�� ��.gh� �o �not se��. �c��.� �h�n��n P�.�nt��,ng ��.������ stat�.d ��� �.���.d �,�i qu���i�� 3.s sp�e�.�3.�:a�.�� desigri��:ec1 a� P�b ���ing� D3.���c:t r�� ���°�i���e�� ���;+��.er��c� �i���o�� o�' app�.�.c��i c�rY a��� c�nun�n���� pl.ai�t��.r�g Cnt�tn�.�s3.c�r� wa� t�,�i.�a� �t���.r��ity to a��:empt �.r� p��v�d�: � i���s��Y� � ......... �ooc1 ���d���t �'��' tl��' a�:c���� G�n����. r1�sc�u�si�r� �by (����atYU�3.�,, ��.��� ��� Le�s]. �c,uns��, ���a,�cc��.n� p��vib�z� actit��. 1��` P'�,an�t�.r�� Cra�u�is,��.+��� �.��gth,� d�1�� G���et� tt� t�t� ap��.���t�� �nt� �rr; �h�� a1.�����t�.�v�� r���� �,v��:1,ab�.�n �.�,.; 6 � ��C'U�A�t M��T�;�f� �I�NtJ`��;�� �1�.��h �8� 1:�77 �A,�� � . _ . _ , .,�w.., , _ ,_ �,m. ._..�:_.�_ _:_ ._.., ._ _.. J 1 /4� °4!'��y�� y�/ I1.�♦` .. A��lDAV'IT 0� P'URI,ICAT(ON �ivoTic��F v�Lic��a�aHC� Notice is hereby given that n publiq 5TAT� OT`pR�GON, h�cartng will be held by the Ciry Council nt�awler Jupiar I�tgh School Lecture COUNTY 01��VASTtINGTON, 9b' Room, 108fi5 SW WFtlrlut Street, Ti- 'gurd,Qregon,on Marclt 2�,1977,com- mencin� ut 8;00 A,M, W1th resp�ct to T, .,..., . .,..7osepki...Scha�.e�........................ ..................�....,.,............,.............. the n��l�win�� ' cJ�.�,r , f o� AP AL�An appeal by Ri y ►ioing fJ.xst tluly gW�x�n, depose ancl eay lhnt I nm the publish�r ......................_....... �oaper�of an�cCinn of the Tigprct Plan- n1ft�'°"�Smmfssion on Mar�h 1, 1Q77,+ ........of The'Ttgard Times, u newspAl�er oE�enerat clrculation, As'tiefined i denyln� hiy request for IacAtion of a . ° �•• ►iseci c�r lot tn a CW3(General CommCr- by UItS 1U3,O�b nnd i9�,020, pubi3shed at Tlgard, �rt the nfnres�td county ttnd clAl) zone on SW Paclfic Nighway north bF SW Gz��rde Street.(V1Wash,Co, st�t�; thnt thc 1�1�u1 notie�, n �rtntecl copy of Which ls hereta nnnexed, was ����an ZS1 3Dp,'I'nx Lpt 1000), � ZbNE CHANG� — Tiequ�st by J,� , Al1An Pmter�bn to amc��d�z�q���� r�ttp '� �lshed ln tf�e enllre issue ot salcl n�wspttper far.......3....�........... sticeessive and from G-G(Litnited Nelghboxhpod Cam,, m�rcipl)to R»7(Stngle Cutrilly Resider7. ' consecutive weeks !n lhc talloWing Issues ....,.a............................,..,.....,.........,........,......,. ; tial)for�t 4,79 ucre parcel at SW 121�t,� March �.6 &; �3, �.977 k (Wash,co,Tax Mdp ISt 34C,�Cax t,oc� , 11U0) � �..�.�.............r..�............_.............._,,....,....�....._..�...... .. °.�.. =�f ,......�ed..... T�[vi��rtAxY t�s� � it�quest by�I �'`` �,,�,,,e/` `w � ��� , Generul 7'elept�on� Campnny' ttl pro� ........' .`".. ''..'... `' f .'"....'°..°.".... Vid��dditi�na)offi�e s a�e td ace t to ��� � (�b�nAture) , tNe presQnt fnaility locuted ut 8$38 SW� , I3uCnhttm Street,(V�lush,Co,T�tx Mqp, Suh3r.rlbed and sworn io betor�me tl�ts ....2�.�:k�......�...........�...dny of......„... �S1 2I�B,TaX Lot 100), • TENCPOItARY tJSC �-- Request by ... ..... ....... ..March.....is.......7? I,amb�1VPStan for s temporz�ry us�pet�i Mtt etctenstnn for temporury aff6ce, " quact�rs lacr�ted at E3800 SW�-tan�ptqn /, ^11' n tn bxr�qac�ni�P � . ee� �t V�AC.„„ .�4�'�u���P......... ... .:S ...:�? , ,......... ... � � , ........,..w.. .. ... . � o umend S .�.a , �� Notbry Py ic uf Oregnh � �ONiNG C?ItDtNAtJC� AMENa• ME;1�T 'I' eotfon 18,58A10 , ,! � of'I'i�ard �,1ur�iCipal Cud� to ndd lhe �GL � "C�3M MAin Stre�t CummerCial"zdtie MY Cnmmission expir�s .,..... .....�. . .�....,.... 19�i.'., � � to tist oF zorting distridts Which�re�iib- ,: .._... ,,.�.._... _.�---_-:.._._.;:_:;=. __ JeCt t�tlte Des(gh t2evfeHt proc�ss, Ail int����sted p�rsons trlpy r�ppear �nd be he�rd in f'nvcr dP pr dgainst the ' snld prnpae�ls, GY OIiACtt O�'THE CIT�'COUNCIL bnrts�lartig City Record�r ('I�I'310A•—�il�bli�h Mqi�c�i l�;�3,1�77) � c' , � C�7��` b� m�Gl��.t� ��S�I�� d�' PtTI��,�C EY����a 1������ �s ��xeby� ��vetx ��a�� ,� p�tbl�.� h��x�.z�g �,r�.��. b� ���ld by 1�k�e C3�y Cc�u�c�,L �,C Fo�r�,�� �u�3.v� �4.g�h �cl�nc��. �e��ur� Tt��m, 1Q�65 ��t Wa],n+u� �tr���� �'�,$a�d� ar�gar�� �r� M�a�c�li Z�, �.977, c4�nea���.�i� �C� 84Ud l�wA�. �r�,��i ���p�c� �o �h+� :�01.1,�w'�,x��� , A�'l��rAx, W � �g�p�al, b�r It�,�'h��d ,A. ��aper �fc ar� �,ct��a� o:� �h� �i.��,�d l�l�i���.a�g; �c�mm3.s��.c�n on M�x�rh 1 t �,�77 p �er��r�.�t� ��.s x�qute�t �o� l��m��.on ; �a� a ���d c�� �.�� it� a ��3 �C�;�x����. �Cc���c���l.� xr��a� oz� SW P�,ci�3.� 1�'�.�h���r ��r tk� o�' SW G��x�i� ����e��. (W�;��e ��. �ax �i�p ��� 3DD, '��x �a� �.�UO}. �I��II� �'t1�A.��E � l�e��s��tt by �. ��.L�� �'��a�c��� t�o ��n��� �on�.�� tnap :���rn C�5 c��.�►i��� I����;�bork►�oc�c� c�c�t�t�����1� t� R��' (S�,�g�� �"�m�.�.� � ��e�,d�in��.�1� �r��e a 4�7� ��xc: ������. a� ��,i �.Z�.��. ('�a;sl�b C�� �a� Ma� ��1, ��+t�� 'Ta� L�►� 11��). `1C�,l��t�I�'�'� �'�� � R�q�r�s� '�y� �;����a�. �'��.���x,arxe t��ropa��r �a ���c�v�id+w �dd�.��.t����. ��'�'�,�e ��m�e �,r�,����n� �� th� �z•��b��.� fac�.�.��y �:��:ateti a� �it��� S�J! ���arrttt�m �C�ee�M �C3���� ��►. '�as� M��� �S�. Z�S�� r1,'a�r '�t��. �ao�� ��'�I�k�t��.�' U�� � ���h�a��� `b�r �,�m� �d����� �'c�� � ��t������y �t�� p���t�,� ����r���r�n ��ar ��mp�r���r n���.�� c�u��c��x� �.r�ca�er� �� C'aG(�� �C+l t��i����Qt�. ' S�r�e� n�� t� �;����d ��.� ye��. �t��I��� ��.�i�����C� �l�l�.��l� ��"�" �» �'� ��n��r� ����:i��. 1��«��.(��.� q;� '���;�ar�: N�ur�3.��.�t�], +�o�l� �� ra�c� �r�� °'���x�i �����.��t ��'���� �;a�»c�.���a���.'f �uax� toc� �,�:��: t�f �ar�3���; ��.�t��,�:�� ��h�.�� ��� �u�1�,3��� �� �t��. 1����.�,� I��v�.�� ��xt�r��.�» ��.� i���������c�� p��i����� m�y a�����r ��+� �� 1����� ��a ���r�xF �� a� ������t; t�i� �a�d p��p����.$� . �3'� t����It ��` �','��1� ���"�C �c���l�;���, I���3:� l��ti��:9.� ��.�y� �,����rd�a� � �'�` �����,�.��� t���c��► 1�� ��� �:�7"7» . a , -, � ,` . �.i i�!IT�[� �`rAT�c'u I�I A`�'"I C�1`�JAL. 8�,�� C�F O F���(�N � A�ubsidi�ry of IJ.��E�ancorp ,�A`` �:�' TIQARD BRANCH �� ,��°'� 12160 S�W,MAiN STFtEE'r �,,. �'''� '�`'�u� s� ry�� P,C7.BOX 233C18��'iGAFtQ,OR�GOIV 97223 •e1'�°�,,) � ,�?�� HEAb aRF`icr:--roprLa�{n r��"��,.>�, , .'�a���;� i a . �� l� ���� � �°��` ��.�a���a �3� ���77 I�' ; � � Ga��r ��7t��c.a.�. C���� r�� "�."i���r� �,"����1 �. T^�n ���3.r� ':i'�.�;�.���, ����;�r� ��2�� G��.t��.������.s `�:'�a.�� J��t;t��- �,� ��*�°�i����x ��� '������.� �� ����.-. �'��������� ���c����� r����� t� ���'lua,r�.� �c� ���:���� �. �a�;����� ��� �;�� �r�: '�9,��:��3.� �S��,t�c•y��r �.n '�"3.���r�� �����1�� i;h� z��n�� �� '��.;��c� ���s��°���� ���.�� ��������,���.�e ���,�;�� ���. �"�ca�,�� �� r��a �.a�tW�a ������,�� ���A�� 1������ �r� �����. �«�.~3,r��; �:ti�.� ��.r��� ��i�.;� ;����.1:� �►�����ty���E� ��3:��t� o� ta�,f ��t���.1 s��.�� �c�z���,�a���� �: an� ��.���s�� t:� r��.�t�� �e� �r��� ��A,��; lt� �t�� �.:�.�����rr �a+���r����c� ���.� 1����.��,��� ����i�.x� ��r�.�°E� ��� �z.n �3 �re��r r���t��.�������� t►����r���^. :�i� m�r ��i,����x� '��.���:� tt��� � n��c� �c�t° �1��.�� ���� c�� 1��x��,n�,�� ��a��.,�,���� t�� � tau��:�°����m,�a� ���ty� ��,� '��`�'V'�.t�lt;��.� �'r�Cf"�r��i k��trr��l.� �.x� c��:t� ��.��rtt� �t��C�` �7��t�."� �'t�U��`�y ; � � � ��� �, �� �f��� �� �� -, �� ;�;� ��� , 'V'�.�� �'xA�����l���t� �. ��a���;e►,r , �� � , � � �� �`��,���C�������' ���.������� � Ricl�ard A, Cc�oper ��1�.� w ,�LL ���� ��`��� ��� ���� J075 SW P.in.�bro�k Tig��d, OR 97223 �I�� ��1� ���r`���1� ���� �1� ���+�`��$� March l7, 1977 �igard Ci�y Council Tigaxd, OR J7�23 Uear Coux�c�.l Members, "�`��'e°°t,��p,���,;��,a,� '1'l�.i� is in re�erc�nc� to my �,pplica��ion �ar �, eez��.cc�xtL t�se pex�mit �or a Used. Car lr�� on S. W. Paci�ic Hwy. in Z',iga.rc�. �'he r�asons for ttsir�g a �ear.�oraxy mobil� of�ice include� 1. No city s�v�er 2. L�ase op��ion �o:� one ye�,r �'he 2,4' � 40' mobile office wx.l1 ha�r� a ?50 gall.c�rx S�l:a�e of Uregon ap,�roved holciii�g �an;� for sewer� Z'l�� o��ice wil�. �av� �n �wnYng, clecl�.tng �d will �e coirr�le�e�.y lanclscaped. Tha,n� �oit �o� y��ur consxdera�ion. Siza�cerely you�s, �� � ♦ d'°� �-.WCif+�`°'�L������.,�..��� J Ra.c1la.�c1 A� Caoper .� ,,. I3A.�/�sc � � �, ___ � _. _. �• �'' � " . � , ..r �. .;r�,X� G- , r r�� G' ._ c,'1 � .,, `` '��' p��Jl���'RArI.'�R 5�I.C�, I�1� �..�,,���� G� � �.� � ;'`•,�a �� , 'f ,�r�'�"''� .�`�y� RT. 1, 'i�OX 310--�472•�1�48 s.,.,���'�C� �jr �.1<<� �;st'� -+;�;. � �.:�' ��r���' ��t,, , '��,1;�L ,i ,� ' PlIcNili�N"�ILL�, OF��� 9?�.�$ .�,�� �,,,r�c„ � ,, �, <��"�� F �� � f C+yt. , h tal `U i,,.1 i.�y,IS�`' fr i `'�',,��ff���h+t'vi,,�`� i�� '�f +�C�1��_�` r`� r#`�,?���� ����� `'�°` '� ��., �p ��ud ��( � ��'I�'' r � � � I!1 �Yl i��ll�'�yU11J7 4 ' ���� r�� �1.���'}}.� `���" utt�-•V_.a�, � �r�-1�.�� r' '��� r r ' ��`��' ` � �` �r •''4��t� c ,�^�y,a� ��',i� w� ,�.�j ��.t�_��i' T� '1 i l/� .l� �ls � .f�i�'i j,f. �r ^�•t*���"'�!- /j� rw'j ����� ,�����uwCl1'��Y,��'t`a'��r z f'..c,°�i.•fiy� ����� �� � �� �x��I�� �I�I�IIjI���k�.�� . ���rt��+ . .��e.�1%i�l.Y,�LL �L�' ""%�. �+�y'.�1'�S�I ' � fl r •S�F' �. i,`SY ' t ,` � 1 ��i" ��„ � a�.�- _�z�.'��"= Y K � N 1. .r ���. r � _ � G � �. � .... r ...e.` L � � � I I lr� � �, ; u' � � �"}�.v�./�.W �'Y �j � �,�-i,-a:tr�r r-.. 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C` ��:t..- ,, � � �.,T..,� i .,' 1 �L ' �^ r' a c .. ' _ _ ` �j �' �+i�.t � . J�Ma, � ,.n.� . ��— �� f . d��'1�..u»�4., 1r� hsa... � . . . � �, . ' .. ' ' �' .. y��� . 11� A� Fr ` �� �'`rt�,F ���... �� �s i�i��f3`�t'+'f �w..ut W�"'•.. fiF ��.,� � �r , , ...i ,.r—� �., ,, �, � � r ,.,, �,;�e, , , .� ,� � .,� - �;. �-- ��e �' � f_� � �. Yi ,�,r A' � , �.✓ , � '�� ,� . v� �'` '`�.,,;�/� �� �5' � , �,a'�'`,' ;i ,+�.1�- r .��. ,,� �. I, � �. �. . �'1�,�� `�'�r ,d -; . �; � � � � � � .� ` ���h, �p " �J � �.� �� _ .. y �� �'-'����j ��/ t'�Y,y�`'��4�l � � ��,�' ` 1Y �Y��� � 1'' .. �'t! �YT fu��n� �.�F.� � ,l c�� 'Y I� y I� M �_ �� �"�,� ' ���,�� �b�� 4����tJ 4�� ' . ��.� �� i4lt� �`�`• 4 i �;"��iy1,�ti": � a� # i _ _v �aE,�.h' i�w �`�' .M��,�'i ��'1�`•'� �! � ,� � �ic,���. �xT���o� swau�� � �� ti� I "�,'�• �,y�-� �. �' w��,�, � TY � . ���� ��.-,. �F :� �4...,, 1 � ���� �� ������ ���0�1f1�tID.'�i, . . {�. �� �X�3i.cDr'J7 12420�. {N. Main 1"i��rd,Or�g�n 97223 Ma�ch �.0� 1.977 R�.chaxd A. Coope� 9�7 5 S a W. P�.neb�aolc �'igar.c�� Or.egon 9%223 Re; Conda.�3.ona1 Use App�a�. to �.�.�.�w a t�sed ca� 1.oi; �n Pac�.�ic fiwy. nnxth a� Gaa�cle S�re�� in a C�-3, General Cammerc�.��. ZonE Mr. Coope�s �'�.ease b� ac��v3,�ec� �1�at �he Ta,ga�cl Ci�y� Counc3.1 �a�.�.�. 1io�.� a p�1�1.a.c hea�3,ng £t�r �he ab��re W�qti�st a� 3.�s regu�.ar mee��.�xg o� Ma�ch 28, �.977 a�� $:d0 P.Me Counc�.�. meet�,ngs �r� held at Fow�.�°r Juniox I��.g� Sc1�bo�. �.ect�re rootn, 10�b5 Soi�'. Wa�.nta� �5��ee�, T3.ga�d, t?�e�o�i. I�' �rot� �a�re any qt��s�iorts Yegarcla.�.g ��ie he�r3:ng, �1,ease �ee� �ree to cont�.ct me or �he ��.a�ining ll�partimen�. S�.ncer��.y; � �su � � �r ti�'� �it,.�,,..����'''":�� ,.�,yy�.iG�-�f,� Dar�.s �tar��,g Ca,i;�r Ke�b�'de� �, DH/fs �'QT�: �'1�e �o�.�.o��ng acl�nv�r�ec�gtnen� tnt�s� 1�e xeGe�.i,re� fi�r �he C�.�� o� T�,gaz� �be�c,�e �1�e �1ate b� ��� abn�re men��.onec� �u1��.�.c he�.�i,rig. �'a�.�.u�'� �� �o �a ma�r �es�t�l� �.ri ac��.zsn �iy tf�g ��.1�y a� '�3,ga�c�� � �i�rel�y aclen��let�ge ��i�.s �e���r �octim�ri,��.n� �1�e r�a�e ��' ptt1��.�� 1��a:�a�n�� ' as s�e� by th� '��.g�.�c� c�.�rj� �o�t�c�.�.� � �,��re r��e3,��t� �r�r� �e�� th�.s �.��te�� �°�, � �c::.. - .yinae�+�'� . ��r �F ,�� � , �. �7., ...a' �.gn °t�.�'e �- ,1�„ .,,..,.�: � � r cr.c �. .,.... . . ..... ......... . LGL�G..... .. ...* , _,., .... ... . . „r. .. ....,, . . ,�. ........., �ya..�� i+�i �.�,.y...�F...�. n.. ,� ,_ ...�n:.'.� �m �� v ..� .., .......�. ..... r 1!� ' - ' �I�"Y' ��" �°'I�A.�� 'N�:[�11Y��11U �1►L P. 0. Bnx 23557 12�20 S. �I. Main �`�r��,►�;���'� Tigard, Oregon 9�72�� �q� � ,�� March �, 1977 ���� CI�"Y (�F 1`IuA�n '�i�a�d I1�o�o�s 9075 S .W. Pinebroo�� T�.g�,rd., Oregon 97�23 DPa�° M� . Cooper: P�.eas� b� ad.�v�.sed that �h� T�.gard planning Cornmission a�; �heir �eg�xlar m�E�a.�g c�� Nlarch �., 197'� d�nie�. yot�� req�x�s-� �Lo 1oca�e a uaed car Yo� in a C--3 zone a�a S .W� Pa�ific I��.ghw�,�r north o� S .W. Gaa�de S�ree� �o a l lav� �ou to mee� wi�1� ��a�f to prepare an a,ccept-� �,b�,e site �lan �,nc� ��o rnee� w3.th NPO �#3. T:�" w�e �a�. �ae of a1�y �tcr-�her assis�;ance please do no� hesi�a-�� to can�ac� m� �,� -��iis of fice� Sincerely, � � � ��� �.�� �"��e°�'��..� —_�-��..� "�°�„�' `.--� °� :�ich�,�c� Danie�.s 1�ssociate planner RD; s� ` , � � �� be rECe`a�vecl by�the Cit�r 1Vote , of��`a.ga�c��'w�,�hinkfot�r�ee���l4mucl � g � ) a�s o�' yo�.� �.�ec�:ip� of �his let��r. Tai�.u�e �c� r.e��trn �;his acl�n.o�tledgmen� �na� ' �rest�l� in ac�io�. �by �la.e Ci��r o:� '�a,ga�r�. �: he�°e�by ac��now�.ed��� �Lhi� l��t�e� c����.men�:ing �t�ie ���ioi� o� th� T�.g�,�c� P�,�,�inin�; Cam�m:Lssion, x h�,v� �ec;e�.v�c� �,nd re�d �hx.� �.ct-�e� �nc� r agre� �o �he �.ecis�.on here �.�cui����,+ec� �.�a�. to �.�b�c1� by a�y �erm� and/oa� Gdnc�i��.oa�s a�tac�aecl. ` �. �� �� , � . ,, , «� _ . r,� , r 7 g+' � ��;...�- ►5'].�'llr.'3�'�,'1�.�'� ; s', �,.�, � � D�t�� u 0 ,� . ..,.,,.. _ ,,.,. .,,.�..,, .:., .,:� ,,:,_.. ���,..,�. . .�..�..,.. < .. _,�.,.._ ,,,. .,� �_ ............ . .�.. ....,.... . ,........� , J.,. ,.,� �;°... ,/""` ���� � �v�� , �������� MA� " � �971 Marck� 4, 19?7 ���� �� �I�ARp �ic;haxd A. Cooper 9075 �W JPi.r�ebrool� Ti�arc�.} OR 9'�Z23 Z'ig�,rdL City Cati�nci�. Ti.ga�t�, �R 97223 J)ear Council l�emb�r,s, x, Richar�. A. Cooper dba 'I'iga5rd Mo�o�s, am ��que�tu�g �, he�.~^ing q on msr px�apose�. Used Car �.o'� ori S. 1�� I�aci�ic �wy� Tl�.s appea�. i� ma�.e due to �che r�jec�ec�. det;isiori tn�.c�e by the Ci���r Planning Comnissic�n oi� Nlarch. lst. T wauYd apprEC�.ate having �his hPaxing as sc�on �� �ossi�l�� Sinc,ere�l� yo�.r�, :� F:���� �° �`� ae''��,.��L �..�°".. �4� .��...,..�,.:��...�. Richard A, Coope� RI�,G/`��c , [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] �' . � �, � � I�1Y'V���'��S � `r�C�A�.�7 �Ta�N]�7N("x C'.�1��b1Z S��.o� ;h����r�;h 1 , 7.9 77 -- ?;(JO P �M. `�'w�l.�ty Juna�� �3:z�h S�k�ao� �- T���turt� �r�c�m �.����0 S .W�� 97t�1 A�r�a�ue — T� i ard, 0��.��r�n :� . GAZ,�'., 'r0 (7R:�TdR: xh� rn�e�ir�� uta� �,a1�,c�d tc� r�rc��� 1ay Cl�a,a,r�nan �c��,� �.� ?:�.5 k�.M. , . �. R��,�� ��T.�L� Px���cn't : Pc��ap, 14��c�c��c, 'I'c�ac��.inc�, ��r�od, Nicoli , S�]ya�ta� (�.xr:�v�c� durin� 5 .�.) � �xc;ta,5r-;d 1��c��r��;� ; frc��c����h • �'il���x�� : �hi� �aps �. ,A��k�4�'AI� (��' A4�NUT�S : Th� minu��e� �� ���ru�x~y �.�tl� w�rp �,p�ro��c�d �.s �ul�m�,t��d, � . ��.��iI�ZU�'z CA'�x OI�S : , 4� 1 Re��r�. .�rc�rn �3�_ue: R,��'�c�n Ccar�m�:���� r�r� S�.�n C�d� 1�,��i��-�n� . Da��� $c�7�,n , ��:l.ann.in�; ��.x�c�c;tc�r, �t�.�r�d �:���.� a r��or� c�n �'��E��� sta.��c��.n� �;i�a�s r�r��7 c� 1�� �c�ad;�� fc��� t,�a� A�aa�il 1.�� m���in�,� � . �'�T.�L�7 C: ��:�A�.x1VGS ; � . C",I� �:�?? (`Tya.�ard N1d�:c�rs) A r�r�u��t 1��� Ra.c�h�.rd. A� Cr�c���� �c� 1 c�c;a.�i:� �. �a��c� ��.r 1ot �� �. l:-�3 (��n�ra�. C�i�rr�cr�,ia�.) �c�nc dn S .�4t� Fat;�.f�.� Ha �l�w�.y nc�x°�k c��' ,.: S �W � C��.arc�� S`��:'����� , ' " �' ���a�l�� �r�� �"ax �I�p ���. ��T�, '��.�: rJc�t �a�t�) . `��b�.�d �rt�m 2�-�,5�77. A . S�r,�ff N,�;��r�� R�ad bv i���`��n . �. A.�,��:�.��.r�t `� 1��c�S e�n t,a,t a c���7 : (�€7c����� S�l��nk, �.�j�� xc�an�t; ' � �������t���r��a.��.x�>c�, Stat�cl t��.t 1��ir�.rC r�va.� �. ��t1�a:L�.� x���� �'c�r t 1�a.� �.a�° s�n�t,r�n s z.�;�� u��, t h�.� t 1�c�� �i�t,� a.�� r��ur�s-Gaon �.� ��h� r�t�st; a����z�c7��x•��,t��, �.�c� ����.t tl�.� a�r�7 �c�.��.rxt ��v�.� 1°z��t �.�"l,�w�d ta �.tt�;�c� �l�r-� N�CJ � n����ti��� �.s �.�r�� �7z� x���c�u�;�� . C. �,��u�.7�.�� r.C�;,��.�.mc�r�� : N�x�� �'. �r St�:�'�` ��t���rrvr,��c�atac�n : �t�,�'�i r���c���tr�tai����rtc�� t���a��.�� k5f�.���� ��� tl�.� �'c�1�.c-�r���.r�� i`ir�c�i�a��: �. . '�"�i� �z�����c��f_y�. :1�,r�� ���� a� a h�i������.;�t ��•ai.���t��� ty��:r� c�f ; �°���i z���� ar�r� r�c�ty s r�ca�, c���X�i�'r���m �:r� �h:,t�� "�.��t�,i�. 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I3t���h �Yca�i�;���x�l��c�cad I �zzd, x Ix l�a���?e ��.�t:�;n7��tE:;�. to �t�,� �;h� conta.r�ta�d ���aan�x�» c�f �1,r�.� 1��.�;1-����.y cl��r��.�t�-- m�n�L �n tla,� v'xc:ina.ty df C�rr�tt and ��he��1 ���L^c�ts. `�':r� inajc�rity� o�: �.�.rid in i.h�:� a�r�a zs nc�vt9 �l�.�z��r� ,fur c°c�rnrn�r�-- �i�.l �.�rc��'����c�na�. d�v��.�a��rn�r��, ��rxt�i fi��.i� �a�r� �.�� ��rl,j�...� c;c.�zat �����1s n��.r th� Ga�.:rd�.�i�rc;D�na�d 7n�t���:��°:�:�tic�z� b���.zz� � ��.a.t��. �'ar r�tail u�� . rrl�i� bc��.t :��.� f.� :��,�;�1�.,�y ap�x�r•���d ' �.c;ra�s Pa.�a�fic from th7.s sa.t� ur�.� �`ud�;�r� ��.�is�`a��;t�:ry �V �taf��b�c,�t��e ra� th� scre�nin� iz1 �he� �'��m of �'�rxr.ir�� �x�d 1.�.nc��c;�.pxr��; w�iit:h ��a� �ra���.d�d . r� Gc��a�.fi�� Sr�h�n� �t.�t.��. �����.� th� ���.�a �.�;an� wc�uld ��� wil].�.z�� to fu�,�'ill. �.n� c;ox�c��.�IN�G�n� �>�;�; by Pl��,nnxn� Cornma.�sir�n �s�c��i�.l:ly a:n r��;ard �to 1 arlc�sca�in�;. �. C�mmi��aan D�.,sc:u,��xc�r�: c� �►a�c;.7��xr�n r�ix why <�.��7.°ic�an� h�.c� ��c�t ���r�. �n�i���.�d to �he N�0 �'Z x r►7��tin�. O i��1..._li�.>44 L.)id��� �/ll ��1..7�4L 4/�� ���� [�.�?1�')4 1��i t��h.J � � I�c�ar� :�t�.�f��c� ��a�.t th� NI�C7' : in��nt �'c�r �:�le� �.��c;�. :in r�ucjst ii.�r� wr�.s as � �..��t�.1 c;��n�.lE�x tr� ��rv� f�la� cor�rnrr��xn�ty :��t �,c� at�,x'a�:� ci�a.�r�a by i.�=!°�'f� c� , � Wc�t�d a���.�d t���� �L�ac� a��������nt ��7�,��n�.�G c����,�.a.7.�d plan . � T��,��c��i.n� �nc�����c� �rad 1��c,c���� ��c;���a��;yr� �:c� c3�n� t�c� �.����.i��.�,�t�n a�n r�:�c��� �,o �.�.�r�v�y thc� �.���. �.c��.ntt.a m���t t��ii:h �`ta.fi' �c� ��c��yax�� �.Il �.C���7�:�.�1�.C� 51�� �7�d 1'3� �M'c�nd d���c� �h� mc�t��n '��w �rra�-�r�t�c�d tr� �.dc� t��.� �h� �.���a�a c,�.rat �� �.`L�.���c�c� t c� rz���t �w�a�t�7 N�0 �:C x . �.: Tl�c� rr�c�t�r�ri ���� s�, �.r����d�d» �'h� mr��:i�n �v�� ��.�;5�� i� �. � �tc� �. �rc�i�� ��t�� ��7 t:� �::���.ta "� ����c:��x ry;�. . � . ��-�.-�'�7 (��ut5c:l�a .� xy��c�t�c��� �t;� c;x•�.��.t.�� �. �� ��t �ul��d a��:�°i c�� r�a� �. �-�5 �c��t°� ��.x�c,��. i n �,,n �,-��(� �7.z����� �'��,rn�.�.� x���:i c�c�x��k;� �.�. ;�u�� � A. 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Paci:�i� T��.�;h���ay r�ort•h af 5 .�►'. � �aard� S��.ry�e� . r ; 1 . :P����r��a.�tiar� 'by �t�.�:� . �� ,� �c�l�n ��id���d ��i� N�0 a ��.t� p� �.n o:� t��.� ��yc�l�c��;�c� ��s�c.� Uar �.a� � a�zd de:�cr�.l��r� wl��.t c��c�zr�d at ��a.� F�l�r. ��.ry �.5't�i P.L�.nn].n�; } � C�rnmi�����1 me:��in�;. ; , a � 2. :�i��:���a.t�n� + , � � � I�x�� . �cthc�t��la ��oin��r� c��.�t �.l��.t �kae :�e�� .tra.i� �a��� t� b� i� � cc�r��"1.`i�;� with tl�r.� IvT�O rr3 ���.n x� �tZ7a� i�t r�,�r�s�r��.r�d a � ��r�p hi�;��y�=�,�r �::�� . � , S � I�lu��tn�ak� ��.�.r� tl��� ��� uc��a:l� �.a.k� �c� ��� tl�c-� x��0 a.c����� �. ; 1�1.��.n���t �;�t,a.�.�j rn c�r�t �'d r �.�l t,h e;�;� ����,��c�€�7� ��' �;r c�tx�d 1,c� �.�c�a.d ; � � ; ha.�7in� N��O r�r�c:��ra�r� c�'�r� t7rn� �, r.�����r��a1�r���t ���c��c�wa1 �;arn� � � �ap c�n �n e c�� �t���n� ; , c� lis�,���y7�r��`t' ��u�;����;t�.�c� tt�a-to l�c��'r.�7w�� �ntiD c����c��c��ati7�.�i�1� �7x�c�����;�.�� ` k�� a�����•c�����d r�n �thE�s�;r� r�.r•c°�����x��i,°ic`�� ���e�.�t, �. �it���sl�� c�c��,��1c�r��rx�nt + ,., , � , ��.�.r� Ue� ���:��:��a�����c� r�rjc� cy�c�l� �;x��.:��:�ca:��.� ���ti��c.r���d a.n tr.,� �r�;, c�f , , �,���i�.� �ra xza�1 a d��c� ��i t 1� t 1�i� �?��.n. f o ��1���ri7r�k� ma.r�� �, rr�r:�-1�.r.�t� ��vl�a r�la ���a� ��c�r���c���r� 1�,�� ������3�;�:7�. �L c� : � ���r�r.�� t1�.c �:c�i��;�u�;�.c�r���.��a °"a r��a z��� :� �.��d. � ���ayc��c:�������c� ��� ' . �., � �,�t.��.�'f °�� �1�a� ��'1.��r�ri?��.; C"�,i.a�d�7�;5:i��n �� �,��c��:r ��'�;�r�•�a�.xy;y' 7 5th ' �r�c::,�ta z��;� '.��a��,� ��x7�.�r��;� r��a.�. r�� -�'c;���c��n�� : �. . 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Richard Cooper 9075 S ,ti'V. Pin�b�ook Ti�;a�d, Ore�on 97223 Dea� N�r. Caop�r. : Pl�ase be ad�risecl �ha� the Tig�rd Plannin� Commission at tia.eir ��gular mee�ing of �'ebrua.ry 12, �.977 tabled y��x� reques� to loC�,�e a used car sales o�era�ion in a C�-3 zon� along Paci:�i.� Highway uritil t;he NPU #3 cou.�.d review t�e pxoject . �� �re ca� be of any �t�.rthe� �,ssis�ance p�.��,�e �.� �o� h�si�a�;e �;o cont�,c� me a� �his t���ice, S�:r�cer�:Lyy .,... �����w ..,._,a�,,;,, � �� � R,ichar�. Daz�i��.s R;D:�� Assoc�.�,t� p�.axlner 1Va�e b The �ol�,oWing ackr�owl��.gement mus� lb� r�ceiv�t� by 1;he L�.�y d� Tiga��. 'wit�iin :�oiur�een C��) day� o� �o�.r r�cei�� o� �h3.s 1.�-��e.r . �'a.i�u�e to r���.rn this ac��owled�ement m�,y rest�lt in ac�ion �y the C�.�� o� '�iga�rc�� � 1�e��b� ar�l�r.�o'��.�t��� ��ii� �.et`�e� c�ocL�.m�n�ciz�� t�ie a��ic�� o� ��e �� Tigdre� Z�1,�,��.niri� Cn�nt�ia.���.on. � �ya�re �ec�e�:�e� anci ���,t� �tfiis 1�t�er� ,, u-���� , �� .,� � . ,� ; , ,, � � ,, . ,, ��n� . , � .. �� !a � .� �� ,�� �' �'�' ° F���f�..�"�: - ,. •;,��__ .�._ , �: ,. r.� - ,, �' S�,gria���'e �� ' � T�ate , l:':�� w ��'��°t��;r� ��, 1�77 ����.�.�c� �a���r �►�'�� �.�', k��.rn���r�a� '��,�a,rd� C��r��r�n ����3 S�a�.� 1���. �c�����.�� ��� ��r�a�� �� �.�d��.��r� ���,�: ��.� "�'�.��,rc� ��,�,z���.n� Cc�r�n�.��i�� ��; '��'l��.x' ����"��.(,�,�'` �1Gti��a,�ll� C�� �{"f��`J�C�Bb�'�l' �,�r ��`�`"� '���iJ�.E��. �1'���:` 7L"�3C�,'U��'� `�� �.�a��,�� .�, �i��.�d <���� ���,1�� c��c���.`��.�►� �.� �. �"�-� "���� �,���� ���.��,��,� a��.�i�wa�r ��a��.� 1��� ���► �� cc��.�.� ���r�.�r�� ��z� ��x�c�,��ct� �� �r� ��.� �� ca� �.�� ��i�°��,�a� a���,�a����a �1��,�� �.�a nc�� ����:���,�� , �c� �a���.�� �a� �� ��,�.� ���'�.c�. �a�.n��r��.�', , . ��,����rc� ��n�.c��.� �p�� A�r��►��.�,�;� ��.��.�:�� �'��t�; '�.�� �r��.�.��'�,�t� �.����c�t��.���r�t�!+�z�t r���.�`� �� ;��ac:��.�r�c� �y �k�.� �:�.�y� �r� �'��a,x�. �v�.����� �oi������ ���� c��.�� raa� �r��a� ��c��.�� �� ���.� �.����r. �"��,�.�.�� �;� r���.a��. ���x�.� �,������a����d,������� t�t�,� x�����.�; �.�� a����r� `�� ��.� C�.�� �:�" '�'3.���c�; � ������� �����i4��c���c� ����� �,e���:� �,������:��� ��� �.���.d�� �:� �;�a ��,���c� ��.t��iri��� �r�m�a�,���,c��n. � ��,�r� ��c��.rr�d �,inc� ���,c� ���.�i �.�����c� Y � �' �� � �� � ,.�. ��,�° r `,.R...ti� � q� � J ` , � �. wm.� � �+� r � ��°�.�«w...�+w� �• . .� . .. , .... ... ...... . ...... .. .. . .. .. . . r. . . � � , '�, ►.d��1�,�4.�1G#i�M 44R i7 �"°�f�m...1 ic.�/' �� �/�G»r�/�,�i°� J.Jl�+�a. � �� ,� � , .��.a, . ,, . � � . ,� �'°� ' � ��'�,���`r'�``' � �,.�°`� '' �'� ''��' �� � .� , ��'"'; ,�"�}" r,� r �� ,� .,, .,. � � .r `" - ,� _'�•'"� �" „ � �,�-°" �,;���%�.�,_ �',�'�','�,� ,.�- ��,�•���"��,�`'����- �-" : , �,.. , �,, �� �� , ��' .��.a a.:: . ��`, r ' � ���;cy+ " «"� �"' , x ,s" �° ,/✓� .. � ,� � � r � �"� � C� I�; 4 � ��'`'`�'� c�'yY¢'w� �-.,,i-�P'° � ��P p'�✓7 �°`r� �.� ��`��� ,��� �` :� � � � v .�p .� �� �'�'�a ��u.,, �y;. y � ,;�-���.�x.�.`��,�`�' ,�`�`�`�i''�`' �����,�t'�J : 1!. {.,_ �L�" r:.�#` � +°'`� m- ✓' ��. r'', o', ...,.:.�.,..... . , . . ..,;,..,. ui ... ... . . . . ,,. ' ' , �.�.�.���:,.. ._ ... . ...... . ....�., .... , . .,.,......, ..., ..� �� a....,�,ra �.-,�.. a...�,u,' + �ii .. ........ ..... , .., � � ,�b �i*� « lY1.LJ.Y Ur��s � r1',T'�ArLD �L�AN�'�`IVCz CCyM1Y1 Z UN � Fek��u�.�ry �5, �:�7'7 �a�� 3 o P�illips a�k�cl tk�at #�.8 be al�.r�w�d t��rou�h a varz.a�a�e �r.r���ed�.ng . �.��xe m�t�.c��. ti���.s �.p��'C�v'�d b5r unan�mca�us voz c� �vate . n S�a�f �r�s�n��c� �o��.c�� #19 . P�blic Tes��.many : �r o I�i'bi�.zln� ��h�c:kla �ubmi��,�d t���i;imoi�y on poli�y �`�.�. Cemm�ssic�n Di��u��ic�n on �o�.�.cy� #7.9 , 'r����clinc� n»v�d and 'N�.ct�1i sccon��ed to �.����ovc �r�.9 �trik�:ng ' ��i� �c�rds "�cmola.ta.r�n �kial�. be sub j ec�t �,t� �.��tiTi�w. ,► Tl�� n7o�i:.ic�n ��v��� a.���.ic�v�d by �.na.�a�.mc��s vc��..�� ��te . Sta�'� �����n�t�d. ��1i�y �r�20. uc�mm�.���or� Da.scusrt.�i�n ori #20. ��blic 7'esta.r��ny� a Bx.b��.n�� Sch�r�1�1.�i r�p�o��z� #�� b����u�� o� a �rassib�.e �ri�'�rcc;mc��'t ��al�.�:� � ��hi�.lir�s rri��r�d a�xd I���a�.�, ��c:'.c�nt���d to ci�1��t� ���.�cy� rr�� � T��� mc��:x�n ��� �.,����avc�d �sr �.�adn�.mcaus �r�x�c va�P. o ��.r�.:k �c���n r e�r.1�s t�d ��x�.i; ]:�� �.�n�.�7� Cc�mm�����c�z� �'�x��w�.x�d ��a� pr�1 x�a�� ox�t�o C�.�� Cr�txr���.1 �.�� �.���,�� ��.� t� �h�a x� da.sc;���t�.c�n � n�t�.� ���. i��.i��u�es c��' th� �lt�,nn�rx� Cc�r�u�n�.��i��n ����cex~r�s nia �� � v��u�.d i,�� �nc1c�����. �� T�h���a.��� z�c�v�cl �ri� n�c�c�°r� ;;c�c����r��c� �,1��.� i7t� �»w �u�i�ca:�� b� �u�mi�t��� �,�'te� :1.� � �0, �.��� r7ac��t�c��i :C'�,j.��c� i� �. :l. ��� 5 vca fi.,� �/�t;�� �N�r�cl, Pt���, `r����c�a �c� �.���. l��c�c�r e cl:�.;������:i�.�» s �5 , �`U��,IC ��A�:[�C� ; � � �1 �r�c�A�,�a n�����c��.� ' A r�c������t -Lr� �.c�c.�.�� �. �a�;��. c��z�r ��,�.�� c���r.�.tic�� xn �. C4�3 �c�n� y �: s�:�.��� ������t : R��.a �� ����n� �� A����.�c.*�;n�; ' � ���F��c�a.i��.�.3r��� � C���g� S��a��� ,������r��;�c� r�•a.:C`�'����it ��r�����,� � :Cc�z� ��x��.^���.�r�7n�; ��.����.� i� xN�Z �,��..c��� �:� �the ��.� 1c�� . . „_. _. ._.. _ . _ _ _ .: , : � �;,� :..,. _ . .._ . .. . .► �'� � a ' �. �',. �, s:, . ,;�: � nzT�uT�s 2'x C�1�.�D PL,AN��'Z NG Cal�rb9 T�S?C�N �'��ru�.�:ly l5, �977 p�,�e 4 ; C. �'ub�.ic '1'�s-L-imon�: c� Bibian�� St>hec��la s�at�d �;hat NPO STx had not m�� a� �h� requt��� axid tl�a� xt d�.d not comply witla NPO x I I �c�1 i�� . o Sh�.r.� ° y N�s��].c�, ad�oinin� ��rop�rty ov�Tr�e�, sta'ted i;k��,t �. �a��d c�,r 1.0� z�ou�d de�v�.1u� h�� p�Uperty p�.u� �a�ts� clraa..n�.�� a,nd ta,�a���.c �rc�1�l�ms. o �c�����r, aZ.°�p�.�.c�ant , sta-��d `�ha,t ai�y s�w�.�e u►ould be �����-r:c�nt�.in�d, th�.t oth�r �zt�s ha.d �be�n s�ud�.�d , �e�a�� �el�c�:.�n�; this s�.fi,e . v S�;a�� infc�rxn�d ��.he ��mmi��xan th�.� N7�0 x�� �aad re�- ceive�. m�E�ing �.�end�.�. b. St:a�"� R�comr��nt�.ata,Uns: S�a�'� 1���:c�rnrn�nds �en�a�, . �. �omma.�;s��rl D��cus�i��1 : � t� I�i�:a�a st�.��c1 �i�a�t i�' t1�� c;t�t�di�ti�na.�. u�;� �a�r� �����m��;t�� i� �k�c��:l d la� r��r� ���c1 y��;arl�. v Mvc�xie ,st;at�r1 �11�,� �.h� t��� �var��.d. b� �n �;on�lxc>� �witzi ��n �r�c x . � IJ��c�u��uaa�� �z� �'PO :C x;I �t��.:i�;�� �.ncl t��a:�'�'x c ��a��.�ms � hrc�ax��;j rr��r��€�t� a.�t� Pc�pp ��c;r�nc��d �tr� c��r��� •t��� ���:�����s�.�. ��.�;�d on s�:�:�'�' �.i.:�t�i:��;�. �'ric� mc��t�a.��� �'�.a 1��. �.n �. � �c� � Uc�a c�� �c�t�. �!Vc7r�c� ri���c,r� �.nc� N�C�c���� sc��r�ra.�.er� �t:�� t;�.�7� � ��r��i�. NI�(� x��: Cr\!l.i..l� .41�i V J..ls YY lr 1�� ���y V�li ls�li Y �'��r��.x ����t� t h tt-� t��� �.��a�.�.c�i�.-� c,�n�a d�:� �, �:r��i�i�,a r�n a.1 ,���rrni� c�rs �. �c��.��� b�.�:�� � T��� rrr���.r��� wa�� a������t���� �.n �. � t� z �t��.� �a.�1 vcqt��� ��vi �h '�e:����c��i.��r� �,t7 c� �1���.� °i��� c�a��,��e:��t i rz�. ��.c,c�:l a'a :��r�u��t;�;c� �l.�a�,� ,�ta��' �rr��r�� e��ticyn � ., c�r�n�:it�r���s �'r�r t�r�.�a�������. �t:i.th s�t�:C� �H�����;s �►f°��r� it ���c;c����rr�cy�.�� t��riial A ... .� n �y � VA�:�ANCE �"��.�77 C�i��;������,� C.c���a��) ,A �r�c�u�,��� :�`�ax� � v�.�.�i�.r��� �:� ��i� ��.���i�� a��r�ua���rr�et7�� �f �t�� �'���a�c� ri7°u��,c�a.��.� C'�c��. 1�. ���.�'� Re,�.sr��� ; FF�„��.d `�y� Lana.��.� ,_ , ,_,. .e . .�.�._ . _.. ._ ... . ..�._ _.� __ ....,.. . . _. �. , .. _ _ , , . ._ :_. _ _ v� f. � � ` �/�•J�,�� FV�..Jr1�. V'��!n �. "1 ' F \' f �U � I Af:�F�TJ.A � .7. � T��1�RD �LAI�'N Z NG C�?I��JVI x u S�OTT �� �'�Ur�u�.ry 15, 1977 - 7:�0 r,M. � �'v��a�.a.�Ly Jun�.ar Hx��� �chc�c�1 -- �.��cturc Roc�i7� �.4G5a S.W. �'Ith Av e�nr�e - Ti�;�.rc�, O.r�gon � _ ; � � DCJCK�;T: C��-1•-"T7 �' � �,��UES�r: Z'o �c�c��.t� �. us�d r.�.i ��,1�s oper�.`�ion ix7 �.� C�--3 �on�. :. x�,CJGATxO�': S .W � I����.�ac ���;l�a�c��.y� (�ti'�.�h. Co . T�.� ��a.p �S1 3DD, Tax 1 �' �t�-� �.O�C1) ��� � !: ; AI��T.,ZCA1�`I': R�.���,x�t� A. C��t�p�r/rr.��;�.r� r,�a�c�7°S } r� r} M i �,. I . .�AS Y C F�iCTS : �` � �Y � . r �i�;e �.s d��i�;n�,�;�c� "R�t;ail C�r�nm���i�.�." c�n �h� N��7�h'bc�r-- ; .Ch� �; hor�d Px�.n I x Z �.nc� �on�� "C�-3 G�n�xa�. Cvrnzn�rcial" � � 1 P 2, S���ic�n �� � �8 .d����) c�f tla� `!'�.�;a.�d Mu��xc�.�aa1 C��� a��c�ws � '►au�c�r�l�a.�.�; '�aat �.rad �r�.al�� �a:l.es �,� a �c�nc�x�,�ona7. u�� ; �.r� tl�� G�-3 z�zae . 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( -- �,�7 ��� �� , Tigaacd �1.anning Cammi,�;sivn 63����,7�. ��� Rec'd.�,-„�,�,.�, v,. 7.242Q SW Ma�.ri S�. , 'r�,��,rc�, 4x�eg�n 97223 • �,e�e�,p� #�y� Aa�e �ec'd,�;�,,,,`l�;.� By�._.....,�;,,,,�., '�'. '�'�.. PLEASE �RT�TT IN INK UR, TYPE � Act�.on Requestec� .nnc�j, aon�1 � Appl3.can�'s N'atne �t�.cl�ard A. Coo �r (dt�a 7'���zd Mdtora) Phon� 6�9�4426 ._.......� Ap�1��.can'�'� �ldtis'e�� 5075 S.'W� �in.ebrbolc �� Tipard OR _ 9722� stree� c• �ty -(s��,�e (z�.p Ownor's Name �1:L�.n r�n4�� Pho�� �5�a-1615 � OWne�^'s Acldre�s�� • � �22nc�_SL•ree� pn�t�.�nc� UR 9'722q ���;r e e'� c �y � a'Q ".,."."�.Z� App�.3.can� 3,s� Aµ'riex� Can��act QUra��ser�,.,_, �ev��.Qp�� ,� Agein�_;_„ O�hei', L�ssee h Own�tir Reco�llit�.on r�� appl�.�a�i,on; ��.�n�.ture o� oWz�ex s) P�rsb�t ��spoln��.b�� �'o� arip�.i�a�ion . _ �e�r e ��_5ch�nlc _�S?, ��r,i��� �nrbt►r Bn�1�Yt�.S�...��--�-IS r�a��1�, n�,�, �R �7Z].�. (s�reet) tr,�ty��" ���,�e z�,p) _ _ _. _._ _ � T�RO��RTY ��V'dLVED: ��,� M�,� #,�.�1?� �'��t Lb�(�]� �,,�= r. Ac�c�r�ss _. _ . __ �xea, �.:�-,� ,(�G�^e�) ���.stii�� Bt��.�.�inge (# �nd ��r�i�) i : „��ari� � , T .� � C��'�'et�� zb��.k�g �.=� . Ctt�'xe�t� TJs� . V's���n� � �.. , ,,. .....�-.� Ap��:�.cant'� A����.��.�;�'s 1�rnpr�s�d �b�nir�� P�rapb�ed TJs��,�,.r,.,, ___ S�fl1�xSa�(71� R.�Q�J�k��I���x�t ,�,,,;,_,�i��.e �tQ�t9�'� ,,.,,�;,_,,,�'Fas�.tio'( R�qu�.:t•�k��t�i;� ���'�g�.�: b��c�:l���,or� ;�.,�,._...,.V�,c�:r����' M�� ��� lYl�� M7��r.�' �tr��'`�I.��i�rt/.4��f41t9Y �Vi�:'�t� w.'r.tw+�.�..µAui �cry�wk4+sax.*+��+5�r � vi��u�:t a 1)4[y��'.': MN�,T.«.ippi'7'.t"•+y� �i' � �a u r �� r �� �,� � ( ,A,��''L�CATION I.{'OR �O�T�I'TTONAL US� PEIi1�iT'.0 Ap��.l.can�: ktichard t�. Coaper (clba Ti�ard Mo�.ars) �075 S.W. Pin�br�o�C Tigard, OR �,oca�ion: rl,'�.� 1ot� l.aOU, M�p No. 251. 3�D, I'aci��.c Hi�hc�ay, Tig��c�, OR. Si�e Condi��.bn: ,w 7.'h� s3.�e con�a�.ns 49,320 sq.f�. of l�tld, o� wh�.ch �pprc�ximate�.y 32,dQU ts xmpr�vecl w3.�1� t�].ac1c �op �avemen�, x�ere 3.s a1.so a �.ar�� rneta�. s�.�n w�.rh �carler b�nrcl} 4 y�t�d li��xt;s, a c�ssp�o�. �.nd �r�r�e�: s��v�.c� box. PrOpoa�d U5�: Sa�.e o� u�ed au�antbb���s. Na �ic�c1�.�3.on�1 3.mp�ovetti�ri�:s a�� �t���.c3,-- pn�ed. Sa1.�� ;Ccx� �t �.��s� tlie :Ea.rsi: �vre1�`e tnnl-t�lz� w�.��. ��e coi�.�- 4�� c1�tc�ee� ��'ot� a.iX a�������.v� ti�o��i1� o��iC�. �ieas�tin� �o� Use: A���:;�Ca�.t �p�r�.�ed '.C�.ga�r� Mo��rs on �Cain S�r��� �nr� p�Gif�.� �a.�h� , ' wn� (�t��� �a S�mbo��) ��� 22 �r���g i�nt�.�. h� wa� ���c��d �u ttio�e �s �. xe�u�.� o� �t�e �'�.y`��ss c�ev�����men�. A�a�13.�ar�� l�.�s s��rrl��cl ����� �u�.�� �a� at�dt�h�r 1r�c�t�.o�, �nr 17�.s t�usa.ness an: �:'�.�;�rc� anr� 1�e1i��r�s ,�...�° �lye p�.�up�s�d �,oca.��.ox� `�i�.�. l�e :����.s�����x� �or 1�ort� 1i�.� cu�t,�m��s at��1 ��o�p�r�s. r w b" j � :�, �� � �' V� � Comprehens3.t�e Plan e �,n au�amobi.�.e sales lot is a perrn3.��ec1 use �.n a C-3 z�ne, Reta�.� Conun�rc���. Compret�ensive Plan c�es3.gna�ion. � Bene��,� �o �.�ub'13 c: �.p�lica�ciL•'S 22 �ears 3.n �business in T3g�rd prave �t�e neeri �o� a �.oca��,on wlxere used cars can be bou�;h�, solci and krat��d. This opera�ia�1 pra�ti��s consum�r benefa.�s b�' a��erin� new dr�.v�rs a �aci�.3.ty �o �n�er �he ma�lt��, ��is�ing cl��.vers a �1a�� �ti �racie up or d�,spose ra� � cax. Tk�ere is na used ��� sales 10� �vai�.ab�.e 3.n 'Tigaird e�c�p� �.t Kr��uss C'heva.�a�.e� in C3.t� Cei�.�er, T3.���d �es�.� ,. t�e�n�s' a1�ex��a��.v�s n��,r are �o ,�a ta Neta'hexg, Por��.attd t �eav�rton, e�c. O�fi,e� Jus��,�iGa�:i�otxc Of t�wo c�a�s r ori�.� �h.c nr�r.�1� �ti�b cu� w�.1�. be �t�er1. C��pl.ican� �as a�;��e� ta c�.os� 1aaCh �1r:�v����is a.�c1 ob�a�.n �.rt��;es� ancl e����s �m h�,s pxo��r�� �r�m i�.�w ���,d �fi3��t� may �e iau�.�.� �o ��� Sr��i�lzw�s� ot �ti,� pxorier��. (�a��: Ttl�.s new ��oa�1 �.s �a�� n� � p��,nt�.�c� c�e� ' �relopm�l�L p�;oposa�. b��,n� submi��ed �d�;� �c� �,ceri� ,� pro��r�:L�s �a �1�� s�u�1�, ndi,�tih �t�c1 w�st.} Tt��.sons ��r. Chaoair�� mt�i� Lo�a��,c�n: ��ny ��11��r p�o���Z� zon�c� si��s h��r� � C�:� p�.�t� ct��i�tiar3.an. o�1i�� s�.��s �re �x����.��-bo�t�d or h��v� �oo� v�.��:1��:�..��y d�,� a�ce�s o� �i�. ��' ������ This �3.t� i.� �.�.�'�ac�� d�v'e�.o�e� ��.�1� :�i:L�, �t�c� �, ��� �.�. k �� � ^b f" t� 'A.' ..fl. tf r � \. p•,�vemen� ar.d ha� �xcel.l.ez1G v3.sibili�y. The acc�ss poin�s are a�.� ready avai�ablC, additiona].��, ua�l��Ce many o�li�� loca��.ans, �his ��.te .is par� o� an. asseuil�la�e l�eir►g; submiG�ec� as � �lannerl dEVel� opnien� whl.ch, if aecepted, w�.1.1 e�.iminate �hose c:urb eu�s �hereby fur�hex �:nhancing usc o� �he prop�r�y a� an a1.t�omohile salES �.o�. x�np ac�: T�ere wi��. b� no �civerse a.mp�c�. Ne:t.��,l+ors £a`vor �he pr.o�ased 115e, Pu'U�iC 5ervic�u: � �h�re �ri�.�. b� n.� i.n�rea�e i� sc:rv3.ce� �e�nnd �hose ��rov�ide� �iy C1�e c '.�y �a eve�y' �usiness: `�he s3.te �.s a1.r�e�dy� s�rv'ecl by wzCer. The e��.sti�:rt� cess�o��, i� mo�� �tyan su�£�.�3.en� �o s�::rv� �he miri.i- ma1 e�f�.tien� �i:om a ��ta..�peNson o��:���. 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