Ordinance No. 12-12 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON -
ORDINANCE NO. 12- 1-a-
WHEREAS, Washington County Board of Commissioners adopted by Resolution and Order the West Bull
Mt. Concept Plan;and
WHEREAS, the city of Tigard signed an intergovernmental agreement with Washington County to refine the
concept plan into the River Terrace Community Plan;and
WHEREAS, the River Terrace Community Plan will put into place a means to implement the vision of the
concept plan through zoning, development code regulations and other measures that will make urban
development possible; and
WHEREAS, the city of Tigard was awarded grant monies as part of the intergovernmental agreement and the
proposed amendment will allow access to funds;and
WHEREAS, the city has proposed an amendment to the Tigard Comprehensive Plan Map to include land use
designations for the River Terrace Community Plan area based on recommended land uses in the concept
WHEREAS, the city has proposed an amendment to the Tigard Comprehensive Plan by updating policies
corresponding to Statewide Planning Goal 14;and
WHEREAS, the Tigard Planning Commission held a public hearing, which was noticed in accordance with
city standards, on December 3, 2012, and recommended approval of the proposed CPA 2012-00002 by
motion and with vote in support;and
WHEREAS, on December 11, 2012, the Tigard City Council held a public hearing, which was noticed in
accordance with city standards, to consider the Commission's recommendation on CPA 2012-00002, hear
public testimony, and apply applicable decision-making criteria; and
WHEREAS, on December 11,2012, the Tigard City Council adopted CPA 2012-00002 pursuant to the
public hearing and its deliberations; and
Page 1
WHEREAS, Council's decision to adopt CPA 2012-00002 was based on the findings and conclusions
found in Exhibit"C" and the associated land use record which is incorporated herein by reference and is
contained in land use file CPA 2012-00002.
SECTION 1: Tigard City Council amends the Tigard Comprehensive Plan Map to include land use
designations for the River Terrace Community Plan area as shown in Exhibit"A".
SECTION 2: Tigard City Council amends Tigard Comprehensive Plan to include new text as shown in
SECTION 3: Tigard City Council adopts the findings and conclusions contained in Exhibit "C" in
support of the Council's action and to be the legislative basis for this ordinance.
SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be effective 30 days after its passage by the Council, signature by the
Mayor, and posting by the City Recorder.
PASSED: By u n ao)hTi s vote of all Council m mbers present after being read by number
and title only,this day of ,2012.
Catherine Wheatley,City Rek2r er
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APPROVED: By Tigard City Council this day ofC' ✓-"'J ,2012.
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Approved as to form:
ty Attorney
ORDINANCE No. 12- ).'1-
2Page 2
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Proposed Comprehensive Plan Designations
October 29, 2012 - CPA2012-00002
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City of Tigard c:Xk .b-i t P
■ CPA2012-00002
Proposed Tigard Comprehensive Plan Text Changes
The City of Tigard proposes to amend the Goal 14: Urbanization chapter of its comprehensive plan
to include the policies below. The policies will be located under existing Tigard Comprehensive
Plan Goal 14.3. The policies are intended to provide guidance during the preparation and after
adoption of the River Terrace Community Plan.
5. Metro brought areas known as Area 63,Area 64 and Roy Rogers West Area within the Urban
Growth Boundary. These areas are known as the River Terrace Community Planning area. The
City of Tigard shall be the designated service provider for the area.
6.The City shall prepare and adopt a River Terrace Community Plan for the area. The basis for the
River Terrace Community Plan shall be the land use designations from the West Bull Mountain
Concept Plan.Refinements to the West Bull Mountain Concept Plan shall be considered during the
public planning process for the River Terrace Community Plan.
7.The City shall identify appropriate urban zoning districts and regulations as part of the River
Terrace Community Plan,which shall comply with the Statewide Planning Goals and the Metro
Urban Growth Management Functional Plan.
8.The City shall defer land use and zoning decisions within the area to Washington County,as
outlined in the Intergovernmental Agreement dated April 24,2012,until the River Terrace
Community Plan is adopted.
9. If all areas are not annexed by the City by the time the River Terrace Community Plan is adopted,
the City shall seek an amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement of April 24,2012
transferring land use and zoning responsibility for the River Terrace Community Planning area,
including unincorporated areas,to the City.
10. Once the River Terrace Community Plan is adopted,and upon annexation to the City,urban
zoning districts shall be adopted for these areas. If unincorporated areas remain,rural zoning shall
be retained for these areas.
11.The City shall prepare a public facilities plan and an infrastructure financing plan as part of the
River Terrace Community Plan.
12. No application of City zoning or development shall be approved by the city within the River
Terrace Community Plan Area until such time as a full analysis under the Transportation Planning
Rule (TPR) (OAR 660-012-0060),which shall include a transportation funding strategy prepared in
coordination with Washington County,has been completed and approved for the River Terrace
Community Plan Area by the City. The funding strategy should identify transportation
improvements proposed to resolve transportation system impacts generated by development of the
River Terrace Community Area,the responsible party for constructing improvements,their
associated cost estimates and public and/or private funding sources,including sources that may be
specified by any applicable memoranda of understanding or development agreement. If the funding
strategy includes transportation Supplemental Development Charges,it should identify the process
and timing for their approval and implementation.
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Agenda Item:
ori 1�-- Imo.
Hearing Date: December 3,2012 Time: 7:00 PM
120 DAYS = N/A
FILE NO.: Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA) CPA2012-00002
PROPOSAL: To amend the current Tigard Comprehensive Plan Map to include map
designations for the River Terrace Community Plan area based on
recommended land uses found in Washington County's West Bull Mt.
Concept Plan; to amend the current Tigard Comprehensive Plan Goal 14:
Urbanization goals,policies, and recommended action measures.
APPLICANT: City of Tigard OWNER: N/A
13125 SW Hall Boulevard
Tigard,OR 97223
LOCATION: River Terrace Community Plan Area
Community Development Code Chapters 18.380 and 18.390;
Comprehensive Plan Goals 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ,12, 13, and 14;Metro
Functional Plan Title 11; and Statewide Planning Goals 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13,and 14.
Staff recommends the Planning Commission finds this request to meet the necessary approval
criteria and RECOMMENDS the Tigard City Council amends the Tigard Comprehensive Plan text
and map as determined through the public hearing process.
CPA 2012-00002 PAG E 101`17
Project History
The city has agreed via an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Washington County to refine
its West Bull Mt. Concept Plan into the River Terrace Community Plan. The community plan will
put into place a means to implement the vision of the concept plan through zoning, development
code regulations and other measures that will make urban development possible. The process will
also include updates to utility, parks and transportation master plans, including the financial
strategies necessary to fund and maintain required infrastructure improvements.
The concept plan was created over the course of three years with the help of a stakeholder working
group (SWG) and a technical advisory committee (TAC). Project goals and principles guided the
development of the land use, transportation and parks framework maps. These maps represented
the vision stakeholders agreed upon for the future development of the area. They provide a variety
of residential densities and housing types; disperse densities throughout the community; provide
appropriate amounts of commercial uses, parks, trails and open space; and outline a multi-modal
network of connected streets and walkable blocks. The SWG and TAC both voted to forward the
concept plan to the Washington County Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners for
consideration and adoption. In November 2010, the Planning Commission voted to recommend
the Board adopt the concept plan. In December 2010, the Board adopted the concept plan by
Resolution and Order.
Since the conclusion of the concept plan, the city has annexed a portion of the area (Area 64) and
petitions have been filed by property owners to annex the remainder of the area within the urban
growth boundary (Areas 63 and Roy Rogers West). The city will complete the River Terrace
Community Plan for all of these areas.
City staff has developed a work program to guide the project through completion. This will include
a lot of technical work to ensure the community plan meets the state and regional planning
requirements, as well as a public involvement plan to engage stakeholders in any necessary
refinements to the concept plan as the process moves forward. Staff anticipates completion of the
River Terrace Community Plan in summer 2014.
The first recommendation is to adopt the concept plan recommended land uses (Exhibit A) into
the Tigard Comprehensive Plan. This action will set expectations for the community planning
process, as well as allowing the city to access a portion of the CET funds from Metro that were
given to the city through the IGA with Washington County. A number of policies will also be
recommended for adoption to guide regulation of the River Terrace area during and after
completion of the community planning process (Exhibit A). These recommended land uses will be
further analyzed as part of the community planning process and if there are needed refinements,
recommendations will be brought back to planning commission and city council for adoption at the
end of the process.
Proposal Description
The primary intent of the amendment is to ensure the City's Comprehensive Plan remains a
viable tool for decision-makers. By adopting the amendment, the City will set expectations for
the River Terrace Community Plan process and start the transformation from vision to zoning
and regulations for the area.
CPA 2012-00002 PAGE 2 OF 17
Applicable criteria, Commission findings and conclusions
•Tigard Community Development Code
o Chapter 18.380
o Chapter 18.390
•Applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies
o Chapter 1: Citizen Involvement
o Chapter 2:Land Use Planning
o Chapter 5:Natural Resources and Historic Areas
o Chapter 6: Environmental Quality
o Chapter 7: Hazards
o Chapter 8:Parks,Recreation,Trails,and Open Space
o Chapter 9:Economic Development
o Chapter 10: Housing
o Chapter 11:Public Facilities and Services
o Chapter 12:Transportation
o Chapter 13: Energy Conservation
o Chapter 14: Urbanization
•Metro Urban Growth Management Functional Plan Title 11
• Statewide Planning Goals
o Goals 1,2,5,6,7,8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13,and 14.
City Department and outside agency comments
Chapter 18.380:Zoning Map and Text Amendments
Chapter 18.380.020 Legislanve Amendments to the Title and Map
A. Legislative amendments. Legislative zoning map and text amendments shall be
undertaken by means of a Type IV procedure, as governed by Section 18.309.060G
Findings: The amendment to the Tigard Comprehensive Plan establishes policies to be applied
generally throughout the River Terrace Community Plan Area; and therefore, the application is
being processed as a Type IV procedure, Legislative Amendment, as governed by Section
Chapter 18.390: Decision-Making Procedures
Chapter 18.390.020.Description of Decision-Making Procedures
B.L. Type IV Procedure. Type IV procedures apply to legislative matters. Legislative
matters involve the creation, revision, or large-scale implementation of public policy.
Type IV matters are considered initially by the Planning Commission with final decisions
made by the City Council.
Findings: The amendment to the Tigard Comprehensive Plan establishes policies to be applied
generally throughout the City of Tigard. Therefore was reviewed under the Type IV procedure as
detailed in Section 18.390.060.G. In accordance with this section, the amendment was initially
considered by the Planning Commission with City Council making the final decision.
Chapter 18.390.060.G. Decision-making considerations. The recommendation by the
Commission and the decision by the Council shall be based on consideration of the
CPA 2012-00002 PAGE 3 OF 17
following factors:
1. The Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines adopted under Oregon Revised
Statutes Chapter 197;
2. Any federal or state statutes or regulations found applicable;
3. Any applicable Metro regulations;
4. Any applicable comprehensive plan policies; and
5. Any applicable provisions of the City's implementing ordinances.
Findings: The Commission reviewed applicable Statewide Planning Goals, Metro Urban Growth
Management Functional Plan, the Tigard Community Development Code, and the Tigard
Comprehensive Plan. As indicated pursuant to the Commission's findings and conclusions found
within this staff report the amendment is consistent with this criterion.
CONCLUSION: Based on the analysis above, the Commission finds that the proposed
amendment satisfies the applicable review criteria within the Tigard Community Development
General Findings
Finding: The City's Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Tigard City Council in 1983, and
acknowledged as being in conformance with the Statewide Planning Goals by the Land
Conservation and Development Department (LCDC) on October 11, 1984. LCDC re-
acknowledged the plan's compliance with the statewide planning goals through the Periodic Review
Finding: The Commission finds that the following Comprehensive Plan goals and policies apply
to the amendment and the amendment satisfies the applicable goals and policies for the reasons
stated below. During the course of public hearings, the Community Development Department and
the Planning Commission provided all interested parties opportunities to identify, either orally or in
writing, any other Comprehensive Plan goals or policies that might apply to the amendment. No
additional provisions were identified.
Chapter 1: Citizen Involvement
Goal 1.1 Provide citizens, affected agencies, and other jurisdictions the opportunity to
participate in all phases of the planning process.
Policy 2. The City shall define and publicize an appropriate role for citizens in each phase
of the land use planning process.
Findings: The proposal has complied with all notification requirements pursuant to Chapter
18.390.060 of the Tigard Community Development Code. This staff report was also available
seven days in advance of the hearing pursuant to Chapter 18.390.070.E.b of the Tigard Community
Development Code.
CPA 2012-00002 PAGE 4 OF 17
As part of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment process, public notice of the Planning
Commission and City Council public hearings was sent to the interested party list, River Terrace
property owners and property owners within 500 ft. of River Terrace and published in the
November 15, 2012 issue of The Times. The notice invited public input and included the phone
number of a contact person to answer questions. The notice also included the address of the City's
webpage where the entire draft of the proposed amendment could be viewed.
Policy 3. The City shall establish special citizen advisory boards and committees to provide
input to the City Council,Planning Commission, and City staff.
Findi4 The West Bull Mt. Concept Planning recommendations were endorsed by both the
project's steering committee and technical advisory committee. These groups included community
stakeholders,property owners and jurisdictional partners.
Policy 5. The opportunities for citizen involvement provided by the City shall be
appropriate to the scale of the planning effort and shall involve a broad cross-section of the
Finding As outlined above, the community was given notice and opportunity to get information
and get testify.
Goal 1.2 Ensure all citizens have access to:
A. opportunities to communicate directly to the City; and
B. information on issues in an understandable form.
Policy 1. The City shall ensure pertinent information is readily accessible to the community
and presented in such a manner that even technical information is easy to understand.
Findings: Information regarding the topics included in this Comprehensive Plan Amendment was
available in multiple locations in an understandable format for the duration of the process. This
included paper and electronic copies that were available in the permit center and also on the
Policy 2. The City shall utilize such communication methods as mailings,posters,
newsletters, the internet, and any other available media to promote citizen involvement and
continue to evaluate the effectiveness of methods used.
Fin—� Information was distributed throughout the process via the City's website and direct
mailings to property owners in the River Terrace area and all property owners within 500 ft. of the
Policy 5.The City shall seek citizen participation and input through collaboration with
community organizations,interest groups, and individuals in addition to City sponsored
boards and committees.
Fin_ dingy The West Bull Mt. Concept Planning recommendations were endorsed by both the
project's steering committee and technical advisory committee. These groups included community
stakeholders,property owners and jurisdictional partners.
CPA 2012-00002 PAGE 5 OF 17
Chapter 2: Land Use Planning
Goal 2.1 Maintain an up-to-date Comprehensive Plan,implementing regulations and action
plans as the legislative basis of Tigard's land use planning program.
Policy 1:The City's land use program shall establish a clear policy direction, comply with
state and regional requirements, and serve its citizens' own interests.
Findings: The amendment refines the general policy direction related to Tigard Comprehensive
Plan Goal 14: Urbanization for completion of the community plan and subsequent development
of the River Terrace Area.The policy statements are clear and serve the interests of the citizens.
The city coordinated the development of the proposed polices with the Oregon Department of
Transportation,the Department of Land Conservation and Development,and Metro to ensure
compliance with state and regional requirements.
Policy 2:The City's land use regulations,related plans, and implementing actions shall be
consistent with and implement its Comprehensive Plan.
Findings:The amendment refines the general policy direction related to Tigard Comprehensive
Plan Goal 14: Urbanization for completion of the community plan and subsequent development
of the River Terrace Area. It also applies comprehensive plan designations to the River Terrace
Area that are based on the West Bull Mt. Concept Plan recommended land uses. Both will be
used to guide the application of Tigard zoning and regulations to the area that will be consistent
with the comprehensive plan.
Policy 3.The City shall coordinate the adoption, amendment, and implementation of its
land use program with other potentially affected jurisdictions and agencies.
in :The City sent out request for comments on the proposed amendment to all potentially
affected jurisdictions and agencies.All were given 14 days to respond.Any comments that were
received are addressed in Section VII: Outside Agency Comments of this Staff Report.
Additionally,Metro,the Oregon Department of Transportation,and the Department of Land
Conservation and Development staff provided input throughout the development of the
proposed amendment.
Policy 20. The City shall periodically review and if necessary update its Comprehensive
Plan and regulatory maps and implementing measures to ensure they are current and
responsive to community needs, provide reliable information, and conform to applicable
state law, administrative rules, and regional requirements.
Findings The proposed amendment will update the Tigard Comprehensive Plan map and
policies to prepare for the future development of the River Terrace Area. The area has been
brought into the urban growth boundary and a concept plan completed. The concept plan was a
collaboration of many stakeholders, regulatory agencies, and local jurisdictions. The amendment
will set the stage for the transformation of the concept plan into a community plan where the
application of zoning and regulations will take place. The community plan will provide reliable
information to make findings against applicable laws and requirements. Findings of conformance
to applicable state and regional requirements for this amendment can be found in Section V of
this Staff Report.
CPA 2012-00002 PAGE 6 OF 17
Chanter 5:Natural Resources and Historic Areas
Goal 5.1 Protect natural resources and the environmental and ecological functions they
provide and, to the extent feasible, restore natural resources to create naturally functioning
systems and high levels of biodiversity.
Findings: As discussed in the findings made for Statewide Planning Goal 5, the amendment does
not alter the City's acknowledged Goal 5 inventories or land use programs. No changes will occur
to current Natural Resource protections as the result of adopting the proposed amendment. The
amendment does not conflict with goals and policies of this chapter of the Tigard Comprehensive
Chapter 6: Environmental Quality
Goal 6.1 Reduce air pollution and improve air quality in the community and region.
Policy 3: The City shall promote land use patterns, which reduce dependency on the
automobile, are compatible with existing neighborhoods, and increase opportunities for
walking,biking, and /or public transit.
Findings: The proposed amendment designates comprehensive plan land uses based on the
recommended land uses found in the concept plan. The concept plan was completed using a
principle of transportation choices and connectivity. The concept plan provided for a broad
range of connected infrastructure that allowed convenient access for pedestrians, cyclists, drivers,
and transit riders. It also recommended a neighborhood commercial area that is accessible by bike
or foot from the neighborhoods adjacent to and within the planning area. Giving residents a
variety of choices will promote the reduction of vehicle miles traveled. No transportation
amendments are proposed at this time, but will be addressed during the community planning
Chapter 7: Hazards
Goal 7.2 Protect people and property from flood, landslide, earthquake,wildfire, and severe
weather hazards.
Findings: The adoption of the proposed amendment has no impact on City policies or programs
related to hazards. The community plan will address hazards through the application of zoning
and code regulations.
Chapter 8: Parks, Recreation,Trails, and Open Space
Goal 8.1 Provide a wide variety of high quality park and open spaces for all residents,
including both:
a. developed areas with facilities for active recreation; and
b. undeveloped areas for nature-oriented recreation and the protection and
enhancement of valuable natural resources within the parks and open space
CPA 2012-00002 VAGI?7 01'17
Goal 8.2 Create a citywide network of interconnected on- and off-road pedestrian and
bicycle trails.
Findings: The adoption of the proposed amendment has no impact on City policies or programs
related to parks, recreation, trails, and open space. The comprehensive plan map will have open
space designations added with the amendment, but the city has no zoning to identify properties
for these uses. Recommended locations will be finalized through the community planning
process and address needed parks, trails, and open space. The Tigard Parks System Master Plan
will be updated as part of the process and guide future city facilities.
Chapter 9: Economic Development
Goal 9.3 Make Tigard a prosperous and desirable place to live and do business.
Fins: The proposed amendment designates five acres of the River Terrace area as
neighborhood commercial on the Tigard Comprehensive Plan map. The concept plan intended
this commercial area to serve as a retail,mixed-use gathering place for the neighborhoods in close
proximity. The overall vision of the concept plan is to create a network of multi-modal
transportation improvement to promote walking and biking through the neighborhoods to access
the commercial area. The concept plan stakeholders recommended this approach as opposed to
auto-oriented commercial development to make the area more desirable and livable.
Chapter 10: Housing
Goal 10.1 Provide opportunities for a variety of housing types to meet the diverse housing
needs of current and future City residents.
Findings: The proposed amendment designates the majority of land within the River Terrace area
as residential on the Tigard Comprehensive Plan map, divided into low, medium, and high
density. The range of comprehensive plan designations will allow for a variety of housing types
on different sized lots to meet the housing needs of future residents in the area. This diversity will
also allow the city to comply with Metro Title 11 requirement of 10 units/net developable acre.
Tigard zoning and regulations will be applied to the area during the community planning process
based on the proposed comprehensive plan designations.
Chapter 11: Public Facilities and Services
Goal 11.1 Develop and maintain a stormwater system that protects development,water
resources, and wildlife habitat.
Findings: The adoption of the proposed amendment has no impact on City policies or programs
related to stormwater. However, the concept plan process outlined the necessary infrastructure
needed to accommodate the recommended land uses. The community plan will analyze the
findings of the concept plan and update stormwater needs and cost estimates as necessary. The
Tigard Public Facility Plan will then be updated accordingly.
CPA 2012-00002 PAGE 8 OF 17
Goal 11.2 Secure a reliable,high quality,water supply to meet the existing and future needs
of the community.
Findings: The adoption of the proposed amendment has no impact on City policies or programs
related to its water distribution. However, the concept plan process outlined the necessary
infrastructure needed to accommodate the recommended land uses. The Tigard Water Master
Plan also accounted for the recommended land uses in the River Terrace area when calculating
future need. The community plan will analyze the findings of the concept plan and update water
infrastructure needs and cost estimates as necessary. The Tigard Public Facility Plan will then be
updated accordingly.
Goal 11.3 Develop and maintain a wastewater collection system that meets the existing and
future needs of the community.
Fi : The adoption of the proposed amendment has no impact on City policies or programs
related to wastewater collection. However, the concept plan process outlined the necessary
infrastructure needed to accommodate the recommended land uses. Clean Water Services is
currently updating its regional collection model and these results will be incorporated into the
community planning process. The community plan will analyze the findings of the concept plan
and update water infrastructure needs and cost estimates as necessary. The Tigard Public Facility
Plan will then be updated accordingly.
Chapter 12;Transportation
Goal 12.1 Develop mutually supportive land use and transportation plans to enhance the
livability of the community.
Goal 12.2 Develop and maintain a transportation system for the efficient movement of
people and goods.
Goal 12.3 Provide and accessible,multi-modal transportation system that meets the
mobility needs of the community.
Findings The proposed amendment is consistent with these goals. The comprehensive land use
designations were developed through the concept planning process,which took into account the
transportation impacts of the recommended land uses.Although no transportation improvements
are proposed to be adopted at this time, the community planning process will analyze and refine
the transportation proposals to support the zoning applied in the process. The concept plan was
also completed using a principle of transportation choices and connectivity. The concept plan
provided for a broad range of connected infrastructure that allowed convenient access for
pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, and transit riders. The community planning process will incorporate
findings and infrastructure needs into the Tigard 2035 Transportation System Plan and address
the State's Transportation Planning Rule as required. The Tigard Public Facility Plan will then be
updated accordingly.
CPA 2012-00002 PAGE 9 OF 17
Chapter 13: Energy Conservation
Goal 13.1 Reduce energy consumption.
Policy 1: The City shall promote the reduction of energy consumption associated with
vehicle miles traveled through:
A. land use patterns that reduce dependency on the automobile;
B. public transit that is reliable, connected, and efficient; and
C. bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure that is safe and well connected.
Findin4: The proposed amendment designates comprehensive plan land uses based on the
recommended land uses found in the concept plan. The concept plan was completed using a
principle of transportation choices and connectivity. The concept plan provided for a broad
range of connected infrastructure that allowed convenient access for pedestrians, cyclists, drivers,
and transit riders. It also recommended a neighborhood commercial area that is accessible by bike
or foot from the neighborhoods adjacent to and within the planning area. Giving residents a
variety of choices will promote the reduction of vehicle miles traveled. No transportation
amendments are proposed at this time, but will be addressed during the community planning
Chapter 14: Urbanization
Goal 14.1 Provide and/or coordinate the full range of urban level services to lands and
citizens within the Tigard City Limits.
Fes_The proposed amendment adopts the recommended land uses from the concept plan
into the Tigard Comprehensive Plan map. This is the first step of the process to plan for the
provision of urban level services to the River Terrace area, which will be served by the city of
Tigard. This amendment does not address the full range of services needed for the area, this will
take place during the community planning process. The result will be an updated public facility
plan and an infrastructure financing strategy for the future development of the area.
Goal 14.2 Promote Tigard citizens' interests in urban growth boundary expansion and other
regional and state growth management decisions.
Fins: The proposed amendment is consistent with this policy as this is the first step in
completing the River Terrace Community Plan for areas brought within the urban growth
boundary. The city will be the service provider for the area and completing the community plan is
in Tigard citizens'interest:
CONCLUSION: Based on the analysis above, the Commission finds that the proposed
amendment satisfies the applicable goals and policies contained in the City of Tigard
Comprehensive Plan.
Fin : The Regional Framework Plan calls for long-range planning to ensure that areas
brought into the UGB are urbanized efficiently and become or contribute to mixed-use,walkable,
transit friendly communities. It is the purpose of Title 11 to guide such long-range planning for
CPA 2012-00002 PAGE 10 OF 17
urban reserves and areas added to the UGB. It is also the purpose of Title 11 to provide interim
protection for areas added to the UGB until city or county amendments to land use regulations to
allow urbanization become applicable to the areas.
The proposed amendment will update the Tigard Comprehensive Plan map and policies to
prepare for the future development of the River Terrace Area. The area has been brought into
the urban growth boundary (Areas 63 and 64 in 2002; Roy Rogers West in 2011) and a concept
plan completed. The concept plan was a collaboration of many stakeholders, regulatory agencies,
and local jurisdictions. The amendment will set the stage for the transformation of the concept
plan into a community plan where the application of zoning and regulations will take place. The
community plan will provide reliable information to make findings against all requirements of
Title 11.
The concept plan made findings against Title 11 (those in place in 2007) and found the work to
be in compliance related to requirements for a concept plan. This included the requirement of
average residential densities of at least 10 units per net residential acre. The concept plan averaged
10.7 units per net residential acre in Areas 63 and 64 (216 acres and 2,311units). The 2011 urban
growth boundary expansion included in this proposed amendment (Roy Rogers West) is subject
to updated Title 11 rules. The new rules require a zoned capacity for a number and type of
housing unit for new areas added to the UGB. Roy Rogers West required zoned capacity for a
minimum of 479 dwelling units dispersed in the area or adjoining Areas 63 and 64. The proposed
land uses will achieve the target through application of various city zoning districts that meet the
criteria for low and medium density residential designations (1 to 12 units/acre). The flexibility
afforded the city during the community planning process will ensure compliance with Title 11.
The proposed amendment also meets the requirements for sufficient commercial services,
inventory of and protection plan for natural resources, and a conceptual school plan. Each of the
three is shown with a Tigard Comprehensive Plan map designation. The commercial area will
provide basic services for the area. The open spaces coincide with Clean Water Services setback
requirements and the school district owns the property designated as public institution and
anticipates the development of a school once enough homes have been built to support it.
The proposed amendment also sets policy direction consistent with Title 11 for interim
protection of areas added to the UGB. The city will not allow urban level development of the
area until the community plan is complete and compliance with all regional and state
requirements are confirmed.
The proposed amendment is a first step to set expectations for the community planning process.
The concept plan found compliance with Title 11 requirements and the community plan will be
required to do the same. The city worked with Metro, the Oregon Department of Transportation
and Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development staffs to ensure their concerns
were addressed for the proposed amendments. They were provided the opportunity to review
and comment on all work leading up to the document proposed for adoption.
The proposed amendment (CPA2012-00002) adopts the West Bull Mt. Concept Plan
recommended land uses into the Tigard Comprehensive Plan map and adds policies to prepare
for the future development of the River Terrace Area. The area has been brought into the urban
growth boundary and a concept plan completed. It will set the stage for the transformation of the
concept plan into a community plan where the application of zoning and regulations will take
CPA 2012-00002 PAGE 11 OF 17
place. The community plan will provide reliable information to make final findings against
applicable laws and requirements. The proposed amendment is consistent Title 11.
CONCLUSION: Based on the analysis above, the Commission finds that the proposed
amendment is consistent with the Metro Urban Growth Management Functional Plan Title 11.
Statewide Planning Goal 1—Citizen Involvement.-
nvolvement.This goal outlines the citizen involvement requirement for adoption of Comprehensive
Plans and changes to the Comprehensive Plan and implementing documents.
Findings: This goal was met as the proposal has complied with all notification requirements
pursuant to Chapter 18.390.060 of the Tigard Community Development Code. This staff report
was also available seven days in advance of the hearing pursuant to Chapter 18.390.070.E.b of the
Tigard Community Development Code.
As part of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment process, public notice of the Planning
Commission and City Council public hearings was sent to the interested parties list, property
owners in the area and within 500 ft. and published in the November 15, 2012 issue of The Times
(in accordance with Tigard Development Code Chapter 18.390). The notice invited public input
and included the phone number of a contact person to answer questions. The notice also included
the address of the City's webpage where the entire draft of the text changes could be viewed.
Statewide Planning Goal —Land Use Planning.
This goal outlines the land use planning process and policy framework. The
Comprehensive Plan was acknowledged by DLCD as being consistent with the statewide
planning goals.
Findings: The amendment to the Tigard Comprehensive Plan is being undertaken to update the
City's acknowledged Comprehensive Plan in a manner consistent with current conditions and
citizen values. The amendment to the Tigard Comprehensive Plan is being processed as a Type
IV procedure, which requires any applicable statewide planning goals, federal or state statutes or
regulations, Metro regulations, comprehensive plan policies, and City's implementing ordinances,
be addressed as part of the decision-making process. All noticing requirements have been met.
All applicable review criteria have been addressed within this staff report; therefore, the
requirements of Goal 2 have been met.
Statewide Planning Goa15—Natural Resources
This goal requires the inventory and protection of natural resources, open spaces, historic
areas and sites.
Findings: The City is currently in compliance with the State's Goal 5 program and Metro's Title
13: Nature in Neighborhoods program, which implements Goal 5. The amendment does not
alter the City's acknowledged Goal 5 inventories or land use programs. No changes will occur to
current natural resource protections. As a result, the amendment to the Tigard Comprehensive
Plan is in compliance with Goal process requirements.
CPA 2012-00002 PAGE 12 OF 17
Statewide Planning Goal 6.•Air, [later, and Land Resources Quality
To maintain and improve the quality of the air,water, and land resources of the state.
Findings: The City is currently in compliance with Metro's Title 3: Water Quality and Flood
Management program, which implements Goal 6. The amendment does not alter the City's
acknowledged land use programs regarding water quality and flood management protections. As
a result,the amendment to the Tigard Comprehensive Plan is in compliance with Goal 6.
Statewide Planning Goal 7—Areas Subject to Natural Hazards
To protect people and property from natural hazards.
Findings: The City is currently in compliance with Metro's Title 3: Water Quality and Flood
Management program, which implements Goal 7. The amendment does not alter the City's
acknowledged land use programs regarding water quality and flood management protections. The
City is currently a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program administered by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency. The amendment does not alter the City's participation.
As a result,the amendment to the Tigard Comprehensive Plan is in compliance with Goal 7.
Statewide Planning Goal 8—Recreational Needs
This goal requires the satisfaction of the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and
visitors and,where appropriate,to provide for the siting of necessary recreational facilities
including destination resorts.
Findings: The City is currently in compliance with Statewide Planning Goal 8. The amendment
does not alter the City's acknowledged Goal 8 policies or land use programs. As a result, the
amendment to the Tigard Comprehensive Plan is in compliance with Goal 8.
Statewide Planning Goal 9:Economic Development
To provide adequate opportunities throughout the state for a variety of economic
activities vital to the health,welfare, and prosperity of Oregon's citizens.
Findings: The City is currently in compliance with Goal 9 and Metro's Title 4: Industrial and
Other Employment Areas through its acknowledged Comprehensive Plan. The amendment does
not alter the City's acknowledged Goal 9 policies or land use programs. As a result, the
amendment to the Tigard Comprehensive Plan is in compliance with Goal 9.
Statewide Planning Goal 10:Housing
To provide adequate housing for the needs of the community, region and state.
Findings: The City is currently in compliance with Goal 10 and the Metropolitan Housing Rule
(OAR 660-007/Division 7), and Metro's Title 1: Housing Capacity, and Tide 7: Housing Choice.
The City is currently under periodic review and performing a Goal 10 analysis,which includes the
River Terrace area. The adoption of the amendment does not alter the City's compliance with
Goal 10 as the addition of the recommended land uses in the River Terrace area is consistent
with state and regional housing requirements. The amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is in
compliance with Goal 10.
Statewide Planning Goal 11:Public Facilities and Services
To plan and develop a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities and
services to serve as a framework for urban and rural development.
CPA 2012-00002 PAGE 13 OF 17
Fins: The City is currently in compliance with Goal 11 through its acknowledged
Comprehensive Plan. This includes an adopted Public Facility Plan as required by Oregon
Revised Statute 197.712 and Oregon Administrative Rule 660-011. The amendment does not
alter the City's acknowledged Goal 11 policies or plans. However, as part of the River Terrace
Community Plan process, the Public Facility Plan will be updated to account for the
recommended land uses and future development of the area,including a financing strategy. As a
result,the amendment to the Tigard Comprehensive Plan is in compliance with Goal 11.
Statewide Planning Goal 12. Transportation
To provide and encourage a safe, convenient, and economic transportation system.
Fin-4 The City is currently in compliance with Goal 12 and Metro's Regional Transportation
Plan through its acknowledged Comprehensive Plan and Transportation System Plan as required
by Oregon Administrative Rule 660-012 (Transportation Planning Rule). The amendment adopts
the recommended land uses from the West Bull Mt. Concept Plan into the Tigard
Comprehensive Plan map. The amendment also includes a policy to not allow development of
the area until a full TPR analysis is complete. The River Terrace Community Plan process will
make findings against the TPR based on the land uses proposed. As a result, the amendment to
the Tigard Comprehensive Plan is in compliance with Goal 12.
Statewide Planning Goal 13:Energy Conservation
Land and uses developed on the land shall be managed and controlled so as to maximize
the conservation of all forms of energy,based on sound economic principles.
Findings: The City is currently in compliance with Goal 13 through its acknowledged
Comprehensive Plan. The amendment does not alter the City's compliance with Goal 13. As a
result,the amendment to the Tigard Comprehensive Plan is in compliance with Goal 13.
Statewide Planning Goal 14. Urbanization
To provide for an orderly and efficient transition form rural to urban land use, to
accommodate urban population and urban employment inside urban growth boundaries,
to ensure efficient use of land, and to provide for livable communities.
Findings: The City is currently in compliance with Goal 14 and Metro's Title 11: Planning for
New Urban Areas through its acknowledged Comprehensive Plan and land use regulations. The
City also has a signed Urban Planning Area Agreement and Urban Services Agreement as
required by ORS 195.065 and ORS 197.
The proposed amendment will update the Tigard Comprehensive Plan map and policies to
prepare for the future development of the River Terrace Area. The area has been brought into
the urban growth boundary (Areas 63 and 64 in 2002; Roy Rogers West in 2011) and a concept
plan completed. The concept plan was a collaboration of many stakeholders, regulatory agencies,
and local jurisdictions. The amendment will set the stage for the transformation of the concept
plan into a community plan where the application of zoning and regulations will take place. The
community plan will provide reliable information to make findings against all requirements of
Title 11.
The proposed amendment is a first step to set expectations for the community planning process.
The concept plan found compliance with Title 11 requirements and the community plan will be
required to do the same. The city worked with Metro,the Oregon Department of Transportation
and Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development staffs to ensure their concerns
CPA 2012-00002 PAGE 14 OF 17
were addressed for the proposed amendments. They were provided the opportunity to review
and comment on all work leading up to the document proposed for adoption.
The adoption of the proposed amendment (CPA2012-00002) does not alter the City's
compliance with Goal 14. The amendment is consistent with this goal.
CONCLUSION: Based on the analysis above, the Commission finds that the proposed
amendment is consistent with the applicable Statewide Planning Goals.
The City of Tigard's Community Development Department, Administrative Department,
Finance Department, Public Works Department, and Police Department have had an
opportunity to review this proposal and have no objections.
CONCLUSION: Based on no comment from City staff, staff finds the proposed amendment
does not interfere with the best interests of the City.
The following agencies/jurisdictions had an opportunity to review this proposal and did not
City of King City
City of Tualatin
Clean Water Services
Metro Land Use and Planning
Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
Oregon Department of Transportation, Region 1
Oregon Department of Transportation, Region 1,District 2A
Tualatin Hill Parks and Recreation District
Tualatin Valley Fire& Rescue
Tualatin Valley Water District
The following agencies/jurisdictions had an opportunity to review this proposal and sent in
comments that are found as Attachments 1 and 2:
City of Beaverton
Washington County,Department of Land Use and Transportation
Findings: Washington County was supportive of the proposed amendment and recommended
also adopting other elements of the West Bull Mt. Concept Plan, such as parks, trails and street
classifications. The city is proposing this amendment as a first step in completing the required
community plan for the area. The aforementioned elements will be reviewed and refined as
necessary during the process and incorporated into the respective city master plans. The
proposed amendment is in compliance with state and regional requirements. Updated master
plans will be adopted during the community planning process and will ensure continued
compliance with state and regional requirements. Staff recommends no changes to the proposed
amendment based on the Washington County comments.
CPA 2012-00002 PAGE.15 OF 17
The city of Beaverton recommended adding policies that addressed the importance of
coordination among the two cities and other agency partners and developing cooperative
agreements for phasing of improvements along the boundary of River Terrace and South Cooper
Mountain community plan areas. The city of Tigard acknowledges the importance of
coordination during the planning process and has been in frequent discussions with agency
partners. It is important and inherent in any large planning process. Tigard has convened the
concept plan technical advisory committee to ensure information is being shared throughout the
planning process. Tigard has also met with Beaverton staff a number of times and will continue
to do so throughout the process.
The city of Tigard has acknowledged the importance of coordination by several adopted policies
currently in the Tigard Comprehensive Plan. Some examples include Policy 2.1.3, Policy 5.1.4,
Policy 6.2.2,Policy 7.1.3,Policy 11.1.2,Policy 11.3.2, Policy 12.5.1 and Policy 12.5.3.
Tigard is in full support of coordination of planning efforts. The city's River Terrace Community
Plan work program has included the importance of coordination, as has the Tigard
Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends no changes to the proposed amendment based on the
Washington County comments.
CONCLUSION: Based on responses from outside agencies listed above, the Commission finds
the proposed amendment meets all requirements of these agencies and is consistent with the best
interests of the City.
The proposed changes comply with the applicable Statewide Planning Goals, applicable regional,
state and federal regulations, the Tigard Comprehensive Plan, and applicable provisions of the
City's implementing ordinances.
Therefore, Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the
Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Tigard City Council as determined through the public
hearing process.
CPA 2012-00002 PAGE 16 OF 17
November 26,2012
Senior Planner
;_-✓ /v LSC l � November 26,2012
Interim Community Development Director
CPA 2012-00002 PAGE 17 OF 17
Community and Economic Development
November 21, 2012
Darren Wyss, Senior Planner
City of Tigard Planning Division
13125 SW Hall Boulevard
Tigard, OR 97223 v
RE: Comments for Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) 2012-00002--Adopt West Bull MT
Concept Plan Recommended Land Uses and Associated Policies
Dear Mr. Wyss:
The City of Beaverton has reviewed the proposed Tigard Comprehensive Plan Text Changes and
offers the comments listed below. As you know, the City of Beaverton Is preparing to launch a
public planning process for the South Cooper Mountain area located just north of SW Scholls
Ferry Road and SW 175th. Approximately 544 acres of what is also known as Urban Reserve
Area (URA) 6B was added to the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) in October 2011. One of the
conditions Metro placed on the UGB expansion requires the City of Beaverton to prepare a
concept plan for the entirety of URA 6B (1,776 acres) as well as a community plan and
corresponding comprehensive plan provisions and land use regulations for that portion of
South Cooper Mountain now in the UGB. The City Council approved annexation of this 544-
acre territory on November 13, 2012.
Given the numerous common transportation, sewer, water, stormwater management, natural
resource, and trails and transit service issues involved in the River Terrace planning effort and
Beaverton's upcoming South Cooper Mountain project, the city suggests that policies be added
regarding inter-jurisdictional coordination and cooperation as follows:
• Transportation & transit: It is recommended that policies be added requiring
coordination among the two cities, Washington County, TrIMet and ODOT to address
transportation and transit, including timing of needed improvements and funding
strategies and mechanisms.
• Sewer, water and stormwater manaeement: Policies requiring coordination among the
two cities and Clean Water Services should be added to address common sewer, water
and storm water management issues.
City of Beaverton •4755 SW Griffith Drive •PO Box 4755 • Beaverton,OR 97076•www.BeavertonOregon.gov
Natural resources: In addition, the city suggests a policy be added regarding
coordination among the two cities, Metro, Tualatin Hills Parks & Recreation District and
Washington County to address protection and enhancement of natural resources in the
area, provision of access to public lands and natural features, including planning for
trails and pedestrian and bicycle travel to access these lands and features, and connect
with other local and regional trails.
Intergovernmental Agreements; The city recommends adding a policy regarding
cooperative agreements among the two cities, Washington County, CWS, and other
applicable service providers to address phasing of development along SW Scholls Ferry
and SW 175th/Roy Rogers, including timing of transportation sewer, water and
stormwater improvements needed to support urban development in the River Terrace
and South Cooper Mountain community plan areas.
The City of Beaverton believes it is critical that the two jurisdictions coordinate particularly
closely in the analysis of transportation and utilities, and cooperate with partner jurisdictions
and districts to find solutions to meet the challenges we face in providing services to these
urbanizing areas. It would be mutually beneficial for the cities to work together on developing
financing strategies to take advantage of economies of scale and spread the costs of
infrastructure over a larger area.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on Tigard's proposed Comprehensive Plan Text
Changes. We look forward to coordinating with you as both cities move forward with their
respective planning efforts.
/Steven Sparks, Al P
Planning Manager
November 20,2012
City of Tigard Planning Division
Attn.: Mr. Darren Wyss, Senior Planner
13125 SW Hall Blvd.
Tigard,OR 97223
RE: CPA2012-0002
Dear Mr. Wyss,
The county appreciates the opportunity to participate in the city's planning of River Terrace and
looks forward to completion of the River Terrace plan.
The county supports the adoption of the West Bull Mountain Concept Plan into the city of
Tigard's Comprehensive Plan. The county would also encourage the city's Comprehensive Plan
to be amended to include other elements of the Concept Plan, such as parks,trails and street
Please let me know if you have any questions. I can be reached by phone at(503) 846-8817 or
via e-mail at paul_schaefernco.washin on.or.us.
Thank you
Paul Schaefer
Senior Planner
T:\PLNG\WPSHARE\PAULS\WestBuliMtn—River Terrace\CPA2012-00002.doc
Department of Land Use &Transportation • Long Range Planning Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 350-14, Hillsboro, OR 97124-3072
phone: (503) 846-3519 • fax: (503) 846-4412