Resolution No. 12-39 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON
WHEREAS,toward the end of the last Ice Age,some 12,000 to 17,000 years ago,a series of cataclysmic floods,
representing the greatest floods on earth, occurred in what is now the northwest region of the United States,
leaving a lasting mark of dramatic and distinguishing features on the landscape of Montana,Idaho,Washington
and Oregon,including the Willamette Valley;and
WHEREAS, in 2009 Congress established the Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail in the states of
Montana,Idaho,Washington and Oregon enabling the public to view,experience,and learn about the features
and story of the Ice Age floods through the collaborative efforts of public and private entities;and
WHEREAS,the national geologic trail is in its earliest stages of planning through the leadership of the National
Park Service and the Ice Age Floods Interagency Coordination Committee to collaborate and oversee the
activities that will enhance interpretation of the Ice Age floods story and features along the flood pathways of
the Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail pursuant to the attached Foundation Document(Exhibit A) for the
Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail;and
WHEREAS, the national geologic trail will consist of a network of marked touring routes with interpretive
opportunities distributed across this vast area and existing roadways will link many of the region's geologic
resources by way of a long, central pathway and designated loops and spurs, and where in places foot and
bicycle trails that enable access and provide interpretive opportunities of fundamental and other important
resources and values will also be a part of this network;and
WHEREAS, Metro, in partnership with Clackamas and Washington Counties, and the cities of Sherwood,
Tualatin,and Wilsonville are now in the process of completing the Tonquin Trail Master Plan and will fund and
operate the proposed 22-mile regional trail that will travel through landscape and unique geological features that
were formed by the Ice Age Floods within and near the Tonquin Geologic Area in order to interpret the natural
resources and tell the story of the Ice Age Floods;and
WHEREAS, there may be funding opportunities by tying the regional trail to the national trail, and linking the
two trails may result in economic development by bringing more tourists and scientific research to the
communities the regional trail will serve.
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that:
SECTION 1: The City of Tigard supports changing the name of the Tonquin Trail to the Ice Age Tonquin
SECTION 2: This resolution is effective immediately upon passage.
Page 1
PASSED: This r day ofCJ61'i� 2011.
yor-City of Tigard
City Recorder-City of Tigard
Page 2
DESCRIPTION OF National Park Sprv'cp
GEOLOGIC TRAIL ww►.-- Ice Age Floods National Geologic Montana,Idaho,Washington, ,Trail
'At the end of the last Ice Age,some 12,000 to 17,000 years .-A,-
an-ago,a series of cataclysmic floods occurred in what is now the , - « '
toot(lowest tegiun of the United States,leaving a tasting mark •Y -14
of dramatic and distinguishing features on the landscape of ..
parts of the States of Montana,Idaho,Washington,
and Oregon."
Public Law 11 I.11,March 30,2009
Today,evidence of the im mensc floods remains in many
forms including high water lines,huge current dunes,
boulders transported hundreds of miles.giant coulees and w
dry falls,and enormous gravel bars.These remindersof the -
floods exist on public and prWate lands across the four states
of Montana,Idaho,Washington,and Oregon.Many of the
most dramatic features are managed by federal,tribal,slate,
and local governments.
The national geologic trail will consist of a network of
marked touring routes with interpretive opportunities
distributed across this vast area.Existing roadways will link
many of the region's superb geologic resources by way of
a long,central pathway and designated loops and spurs.In
places,other types of foot and vehicle fruits may also be a part 6
of this network. - -
N 1 .l' 11 I ti ti T II N V n a T A to A
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to or
Map adapted fror•:ke Age ifoods Study of A.tematrver and Fnwronmental Assessment February 2011,prepared for the National pack Sernice by)ones r I
&fors Artnrtects and:amtscatie Arthnet is
Purpose Significance Fundamental Resources Other
and Values Resources and Values
Stgnifiaancestatemenlsdeflnewhat is"fast important Fundamental resources and values are thosefeatures. The identification ofeertain resources and values ai
_jiiiii�l about the trail's resources and values.They express why s1•stems,processes,experiences,stories,scenes,sounds, fundamental is rat meant to imph,that other resora
The Ice Age Floods National Y the trail and its resources are significont within a regional, smelts,or other attributes that are critical to achieving are nor important.The National Park.Service dram:
Geologic Trail tells the stories of national,and global context jocusurg attention on those purpose and maurrarmng.significance.that which is most distinction because it care help rraMv and other rosin
exceptional finalities that Congressfelt were important to important about the trail could bejeopardiedifthese park sysrnnunits set priorities among competing
t/reeataelVsmicleeAgefloodsand preserve and interpret. resources and vahrzsare allowed todegrade. management concerns.
invites people l0 discover and �'t Cataclysmic Ice Age Floods.Ice Age Floods National outstanding Floods-Related Geologic Resources. Floods-Related Cultural Resources.Although gcolol
explore the resulting extraordinal'Y Geologic Trail represents the greatest floods on earth. Numerous floods-related geologic features exist within this resources are the primary focus of the national geologr
landscapes and distinctive Repeated caraelysmic releases of water exploding from four-state area,but not all have Nen inventoried.Resources the human history of the region adds another dimensu
features.Interpretolion,researe glacially dammed Lake Missoula thundered across the are catrgortzrd into seven types,including bedrock features, the floodi xtorv.The federal and start pinions respun
landscape to the Pacific ocean,carrying water,debris,rock, terrain features prc-existent to the floods,erosional landforms for managing the trail also manage cultural resources u
and stewardship are achieved and ice with a discharge equal to 10 times the flow from all of created by Ice Age floods,depositional landforms created accordance with laws and regulations that mandate the
through collaboration betwee today's risers worldwide. by Ice Age floods,glacial features,lake features,and features protection.Cultural resources along the trail corridor
ppublic and private arfners.;r Distinctive Geologic Resources.The ice Age floods deposited by wind. convey thousands of years of human history and pater
p p og l settlement across the numerous,varied landscapes sha
sculpted extraordinary ton dscapes and left behind a variety Exceptional Scenery and Views.Vast landscapes and Ice Age flood,
of distinctive geologic features across a vast area of the stunning scenery created by the floods arc present at many
northwestern United States.Gigantic basalt coulee's,enormous places along the proposed trail routes.Views of natural and Access to Diverse Recreational and Educational
dry falls,and flood ripples of immense proportion are fast a human-influenced scenery enable visitors to comprehend the Opportunities.Providing for enjoyment and understa
few examples of the evidence that survives to illustrate the scale of the floods,to appreciate the grandeur that the floods of resources is ventral to the mission of the National R
Interpretive Themes
scale and power of the floods. created.and to understand the impact of the floods on human Service and to every park unit or trail that the agency
."ticincrit and on the natural world. administers.Through partnerships,the national geology
Science and Research.The discovery and investigation trail offers access to a variery of recreational and educa
of the Channeled Scabland led to in understanding of Scientific Knowledge and Research.Investigation of the opportunities that enable visitors to learn about,appre
Interpretive themes are the key concepts to be cataclysmic origin that challenged prevailing geologic thought. Ice Age floods has greatly contributed—and continues to
p p and experience the floods features,
communicated to visitors to help thein understand and Ongoing research has established the Ice Age floodsas the contribute-to the body of scientific knowledge.In bringing
appreciate the significance of the trail. quintessential example of megalloud landscapes thrinnghout to light the story of the floods.J Harlen Bretz.Joseph Pardee,
the world. and other geologists,yielded a new theory for the origin of
'i Geologic Setting,A remarkable alignment of past geologic
forces,resultingterrain,and Ice Age conditions roduced a Human Settlement.The Ice Age floods transformed the many landfnrms In the northwest.Aided by new trchnnlogies,
g P subsequent researchers built upon these early diwaveries and
series of some of the greatest floods on earth,dramancalh• environment of the northwestern United States,greatly further advanced our knowledge of the floods and
sculpting 16,010 square miler of the northwestern United influencing the use of the landand its resources from early landform features.
States and as much of the Pacific Ocean floor. rtanvc peoples o contemporary society.
Cataclysmic versus Incremental.The Ice Age floods remind --
us that the slow,incremental processes shaping our earth can
be purxtuaicd by sudden,epic,cataclysmic events,and that -
such events are possible in our lifetimes.
Evidence that Remains.In the wake of the floods,a wide
array of floods-formed Natures remained,just waiting for v
human cunosiq•to discover.Some features are gigantic-
readih•visible from space:others are while-only revealed
and appreciated through close observation.
In Search of the Truth.Unraveling the mysteries of the
Ice Age floods reveals the human,often subjective and
sometimes wnt-nuous,side of the scientific method that
arises when new evidence challenges prevailing paradigms.
Lives and Livelihoods.Just as the Ice Age floods left an
enduring mark on the landscape of the northwestern United
States,mi too has that landscape profoundly shaped human .,i•
hisory and culture across the region.The impact of the a °�
A. floods continues to this clay.