Correspondence • September 8, 1998 CIW OF TIG� Kappertz Design Corp. 345 SW 6th OREG Gresham, OR 97080 RE: Chevron Building Plan Review 15670 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road PC#: 8-88c ' BUP #: 98 -0347 Submittal documents for the above referenced project have been reviewed for conformance with the applicable 1996 Oregon Specialty Codes and other applicable codes and standards. The following comments are noted: SITE WORK 1. Parking stalls 2, 3 and 4 need to be reviewed by your designers. Stall 2 appears inaccessible when 3 and 4 are in use. Provide details. 2. No building shall be constructed, altered, enlarged, moved or repaired in a manner that by reason of size, type of construction, number of stories, occupancy or any combination thereof, creates a need for a fire flow in excess of 3,000 gallons per minute at 20 psi residual or exceeds the available fire flow at the site of the structure [UFC, Section 903.3]. A. Provide Fire Flow Testing pursuant to NFPA 291 using the enclosed "Hydrant Flow Test Report Form." . B. Complete the enclosed "Fire Flow Work Sheet" and return to the City of Tigard, attention Plans Examiner. Note: These documents shall be on file before a building permit will be issued. FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY - Provide Type 2 -A fire extinguishers throughout so that the travel distance to an extinguisher does not exceed 75 feet [UFC Std. 10 -1 3.2.1]. Please submit three copies of revised submittal documents and a letter indicating your response to the above comments for review. Please call me at (503) 639 -4171 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Rob rt Poskin, C.B.O. SENIOR PLANS EXAMINER mAprm sys\docsthup98_0347\pc8_88c.doc 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 TDD (503) 684 -2772 -P9F e03y7 A.41- September 11, 1998 ®RAG' Drysdale Chevron 15670 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road Tigard, OR. 97035 Attn.: Larry Ritchey RE: Fire Flow Test Dear Sir: Further to your phone request citing on what authority the City of Tigard has in requesting a fire flow test for your proposed project at the above address, I can advise you of the following: Required Fire Flow Ordinance 96 -01 - UFC 903.3 - No Building shall be constructed or altered that would create a need for a fire flow over 3000 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure or exceed the available fire flow at the building site. The fire flow requirements shall be determined by UFC Appendix 111-A. Under the provisions of Appendix III -A, the required fire flow for your project is 1500 gpm. In order to approve the building permit application, the applicant must (a) provide a hydrant within 250 feet from any portion of the building, which is currently provided , and secondly test said hydrant to ensure that the flow at 20 PSI residual will flow 1500 gpm. I trust this is the information you require. Sincerely, R ert D. Poskin, C.B.O. Senior Plans Examiner 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 TDD (503) 684 -2772 July 29, 1998 t Peter Kappertz Copy ®P ©A Off Kappertz Design Corp. 345 SW 6th Street ©Q78CDf1 Gresham, OR 97080 Dear Mr. Kappertz: This letter is in response to your request for Minor Modification approval to modify the Chevron gas station at 15670 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd. The request is to expand the existing convenience store into the location of the existing service area, replace the existing six (6) fuel dispensers and canopy with four (4) dispensers and a larger canopy, adding an attendant's booth. This property is zoned General Commercial (C -G). The present use of the site is listed as a conditional use for this zoning district. The existing facility has been in operation since 1966, however, the site was not annexed until 1976. Staff has no record of land use approvals at this location other than sign related permits and building permits. The Tigard Community Development Code Conditional Use chapter allows the Director to approve, approve with conditions or deny expansions to existing Conditional Use permits. To review a modification as a minor modification, the Director must first find that the expansion does not invoke one or more of the 10 criteria for a major modification. Section 18.130.050.B. indicates that if the requested modification meets any of the major modification criteria, the request shall be reviewed as a new Conditional Use application. Section 18.130.050.B. states that the Director shall determine that a major modification(s) will result if one (1) or more of the following changes are proposed: 1. A change in land use. The use of the land before and after the modification is a vehicle fuel sales and, therefore, does not trigger a major modification. 2. An increase in dwelling unit density. The proposal does not involve a residential development; therefore, this standard does not apply. 3. A ten percent change in the ratio of the different types of dwelling units to the number of units. This criterion is not applicable, as this request does not involve a residential development. 4. A change in the type of commercial or industrial structures. No change in the structural occupancy type of the building is proposed. Page 1 of 3 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 TDD (503) 684 -2772 5. A change in the type and location of accessways and parking areas where off -site traffic would be affected. This request will not require a change in accessways or parking areas where off -site traffic would be affected. 6. An increase in the floor area proposed for non - residential use by more than 10 percent where previously specified. The building is not being enlarged, only re- modeled. Therefore, this proposal will not result in an increase in floor area. 7. A reduction of more than 10 percent of the area reserved for common open space and /or usable open space. There is no area reserved for common open space; therefore, this standard does not apply. 8. A reduction of specified setback requirements by more than 20 percent. The setbacks will remain the same as before the modification; therefore, this criterion does not trigger a major modification. 9. An elimination of project amenities by more than ten percent where previously specified provided such as: a. Recreational facilities; b. Screening; or, c. Landscaping provisions. The current landscaping percentage is below that required by the code. Originally, there was more landscaping, however, dedication of right -of -way for SW Upper Boones Ferry Road resulted in a reduced landscaping percentage on -site. There is still a significant amount of landscaping within the right -of -way. The proposal involves adding additional landscaping to the side property line to create a buffer area and increasing landscaping at the front of the site, facing the street. The result will be an increase in landscaping which will better comply with the existing development code standards. No other project amenities will be reduced; therefore, this standard has been satisfied. 10. A ten percent increase in the approved density. The site does not involve a residential development; therefore, this standard does not apply. This request is determined to be a minor modification to an existing Conditional Use. The proposal complies with the following relevant Tigard Community Development Code standards: 18.106 - Off - street Parking; 18.108 - Access, Egress and Circulation; 18.100 - Landscaping and Screening (after the proposed improvements); 18.116 - Solid Waste and Recyclables; and 18. 96 - Additional Yard Setback Requirements. Based on the finding that the proposal is a minor modification and complies with the development code standards, the Director's designee has determined that the proposed minor modification will continue to promote the general welfare of the City and will not be significantly detrimental nor injurious to surrounding properties, provided that development which occurs after this decision complies with all applicable local, state, and federal laws. THIS REQUEST FOR MINOR MODIFICATION APPROVAL HAS BEEN APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 7/29/98 Letter to Peter Kappertz, Kappertz Design Corp. Page 2 of 3 Re: 15670 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd. Minor Mod. Approval • 1. Obtain building and other necessary permits for the proposed renovations. Submit a copy of this letter when applying for building permits. 2. The site must be constructed as approved and site improvements installed prior to final building inspection. There is a fee for the required permits. Please contact the Development Services Division for information on current fees. If you need additional information or have any questions, please call me at (503) 639 -4171. Sincerely, Julia Powell Hajduk Associate Planner h: \cu rpl\julia \Chevron.doc C: 1998 Planning correspondence file 15670 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road Minor Mod. File • • • • 7/29/98 Letter to Peter Kappertz, Kappertz Design Corp. Page 3 of 3 Re: 15670 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd. Minor Mod. Approval •