Plans X 08/26/98 09:45 $503 239 7038 AMERICAN HTG INC fJ 002
(503) 239 -4600
FAX (503) 239 -7038
1 -800- 454 -HEAT
DATE: August 26, 1998
TO: Robert Poskin - City of Tigard
FROM: Diane Gardner
SUBJECT: Progressive Insurance - 7150 SW Sandburg
Attached is information regarding the Trene Tracer DDC control
system which will be utilized on this project. The issue which you
asked about will be handled in the programming of the controls.
The systems will go into night setback and the outside air dampers
will close during unoccupied hours. The dampers will be allowed to
open as needed to maintain unoccupied temperatures if the outside
air can be utilized.
If you have any further questions, please call me.
•:08/26/98 09:45 $503 239 7038 AMERICAN HTG INC Z003
rRAIIE The Trans Company
A Division of American Standard Inc.
AMERICAN HEATING Date: July 28, 1998
Aft: Diane Gardner
Progressive Insurance
TraneOregon contractor license number. CCB#064452, WA #ROBERGD032CJ.
The Trane Company is pleased to provide the enclosed submittal for your review and approval.
Products Included in this Submittal Package:
Qty Description
1 Building Automation System Board Panels
1 General Controllers
The attached information describes the equipment we propose to
furnish for this project and is submitted for your approval.
Portland, OR — Stan McIntyre
7257 SW Kable Lane
Portland, OR 97224
j Phone: 503 -620 -8031
Fax 503- 639 -1454
Reviewed and found generally acceptable.
Muter deviations may be noted. No further
sidetelted required if nations are complied
7h1 qv fie
R.13, vanderweiI Engineers, Inc.
J:VO9sit241C43Aaumr'nen'vN e 1M
-08/26/98 09:46 $503 239 7038 AMERICAN HTG INC 0004
/ mecnanicai a pwcaseVa.+
.I. .a - ouuu...y r. .. ................��.�.......�..- .
Item(s): Al Qty: 1
Tracer L Building Management incorporates humidity and
System temperature overrides to ensure Zone Control
i occupant comfort The Tracer zone control software
coordinates the operation of
The Tracer Building Demand Limiting HVAC equipment. Up to 32 zones
Management System provides The Tracer demand limiting can be defined, with each zone
building automation and energy software can be used to reduce including as many as 24 devices.
management functions through peak power demand and Zone parameters include:
stand -alone control. Each Tracer subsequent utility costs. Two occupied/unoccupied heating and
is capable of monitoring and independent demand limiting cooling setpoints, economizing
controlling HVAC equipment, routines can be defined, with setpoint and temperature
providing the user with each program monitoring up to deadbands for night setback,
management information, and three meters. Demand limiting occupied operation, demand
networking with other Tracer parameters include 15 or 30 limiting and duty cycling.
systems. minute demand intervals, auto -
adjustment, and shed/ restore Reports and Logs
When linked over a twisted wire deadband size. Each demand The Tracer reports and logs
pair with Unit Control Modules, limiting load has a maximum off software provides the operator
Programmable Control Modules, time. Temperature limits are with access to important system
and Thermostat Control Modules, defined to ensure occupant data. A list of available reports
the Tracer serves as the hub of comfort. follows:
the Trane Integrated Comfort
System (ICS). The Integrated Chiller Sequencing Tracer IDOL
Comfort System offers The Tracer chiller sequencing - Current Summary Report
advantages over conventional software provides leaving water - Monthly Summary Report
systems in reliability, simplified temperature control for - Monthly Demand Limiting
installation, and the level of sequencing up to six chillers and Report
diagnostics and monitoring associated pumps. The - Yearly Demand Limiting
provided. sequencing program can be used Report
Q, to control chillers with or without - Yearly Meter Report
Application Software unit- mounted controllers and - Yearly Degree Days Report
The Tracer Building Management provides automatic chiller rotation - Weekly Temperature Report
• System uses application software as well as a sequencing status -Weekly Timed Override Report
to control system functions and to report. - Monthly Timed Override Report
provide equipment control -Event Log
strategies. Application software Process Control Language - Input/Output Status Report
provided with each Tracer is The Tracer process control - Integrated Comfort System
described below. language (PCL) allows the - Equipment Reports
creation of custom routines to - Monthly Totalizing Report
Time -of -Day Scheduling perform calculations based on - Custom Status Report
The Tracer time - of-day real -time data. PCL routines can - Printout of all User - Entered
scheduling software provides use analog and binary point Data
both time - of-day start/stop and values, alarm status, constants
optimal start/stop control. 32 and equation variables. In Timed Override
master schedules can be defined, addition, these mathematical The Tracer timed override
providing schedules for each day operations can be included: software allows the user to
of the week plus holidays. Each multiplication, division, addition, temporarily turn on a device that
daily schedule can contain up to subtraction, minimum, maximum, was scheduled off. Timed
6 actions. As many as 25 average, and functions such as override can be activated by
holidays can be defined for the square root Logical operations thermostat binary inputs, analog
system. such as true/false, either/or and inputs, or through a CRT. Up to
high/low are also supported. 64 timed override groups can be
Duty Cycle defined by the operator. Weekly
The Tracer duty cycle software Boolean Processing and monthly timed override
provides the ability to cycle The Tracer Boolean processing reports are provided for easy
equipment according to user- software enables the user to documentation of after -hours
' defined on /off patterns. Duty devise customized functions operation.
cycle operating parameters using true/false logic statements.
include period length, off time, Up to 32 Boolean processing
and delay time. The Tracer also equations can be defined.
Trans System Submittal Page 4 of 12
•..08/26/98 09:46 $503 239 7038 AMERICAN HTG INC al 006
System Set Up for Tracer Rooftop Outputs (Point Type 06)
ALARM PRIORITY: When the Tracer Rooftop loses Note: In order for alarms to be processed, at least
communication with the Tracer or detects a unit fail- one of the following entries must enabled: "Alarm Pri-
ure, the following will occur depending on the Alarm ority° must be either NON - CRITICAL or CRITICAL,
Priority entry: "Save Changes in Event Log ?" must be YES. or
°Print Changes?" must be YES. -
`- 0 = NONE
` l , a A message will be sent to the logging g port. MINIMUM ON TIME Enter the minimum amount of
b. The message will be stored in the Event Log. time (between 0 and 120 minutes) that the Tracer
; _ Rooftop Unit must be in an °ON° state before chang-
• 1 = NON -CRITICAL - An alarm will be generated ing to an "OFF" state. This is a
: . required entry.
which performs the same functions as Alarm Ph-
., -.
''';'.'K ority 0 (NONE), and the following: MINIMUM OFF TIME: Enter the minimum amount of
' '_I•, time (between 0 and 120 minutes) that the Tracer
a. If Port 1 is a CRT, the beeper will sound. Rooftop Unit must be in an "OFF" state before
;Y.. - b. The remote alarm output (if used) will be ON. changing to an 'ON" state. This is a required entry.
c. If this unit is part of a Tracer Building Manage-
ment Network (BMN) or Tracer Access system, Note: The Tracer Rooftop Unit has three °ON"
the Tracer will notify the upper level system modes (STARTUP, OCCUPIED, and PURGE) and
(BMN or Access) of the alarm. five "OFF" modes (DUTY CYCLE, DEMAND OMIT,
. 2 = CRITICAL - Critical Alarms perform in the same SHUTDOWN). The unit can be in Heating or Cooling
manner as Non - Critical Alarms, with the follow- in any of these modes, except PURGE, which is
ing exception: Economizer Cooling only.
{. After the Tracer notifies the upper level system MINIMUM DAMPER POSITION: Enter the percent -
(BMN or Access) of an alarm, an operator with age (0 -50 %) that the outside air damper should be
Tracer security level 2 must acknowledge the open when the fan is running during occupied hours,
alarm. If the alarm is not acknowledged within a except when Air Balance Control or Economizing is
specified period of time (set at °Critical Alarm in effect. The dampe is closed during unoccupied
Redial Time° in the Configuration Menu, if not hours and whenever the an Is turned off during oc-
0), another critical alarm will be generated by copied hours.
the Tracer, causing the entire alarm process to -
start over. Note: An enthalpy switch must be assigned to the
corresponding zone (type 07) to allow economizer
SAVE CHANGES IN EVENT LOG ?: Enter ° +° for operation. Tracer Rooftops do not have their own
YES or " -° for NO. If YES is selected, when the enthalpy switches.
Tracer Rooftop changes Tracer operating modes,
the change will be stored in the Event Log. OCCUPIED FAN MODE: Press "- enter for ON or
°; enter for AUTO. ON means there will be continu-
PRINT CHANGES ?: Enter " +° for YES or -" for NO. ous fan operation during OCCUPIED hours, except
If YES is selected, when the Tracer Rooftop during Duty Cycle OFF times or when shed by De-
changes Tracer operating modes, the change will mand Limiting. There are separate entries for these
. be sent to the logging port. modes. AUTO means there will be fan operation
only during Heating or Cooling.
Note: When normal communications are resumed
or the Tracer Rooftop returns to normal following a Note: The "Minimum Damper Position° must be less
unit failure, the following will occur. than or equal to the "Maximum Damper Position° en-
a. A message will be sent to the logging port. in the Air Balance Control program.
b. The message will be stored in the Event Log.
.08/26/98 09:47 ft503 239 7038 AMERICAN HTG INC lI006
Section 8
Building Control Menu
The Building Control Menu contains operator- Duty Cycle Point
entered data used by Tracer's on -board computer to Definition Main Menu 6.5
define the control functions it executes (Time -of -Day Building Control Menu dS
Scheduling and Demand Limiting). Because the Tracer's Duty Cycling (DTY) program reduces
values entered in these programs are changed from equipment operating time by periodically shutting
time to time, the security clearance required to down loads throughout the day. Duty cycle intervals
access the Building Control Menu is relatively low and OFF times are established in the Duty Cycle
(Access Level 1). Point Definition Menu; this allows the operator to
stagger equipment OFF times, and alternate
Several building control programs are available only equipment ON times to reduce electrical demand.
if specified to be active during the programming
phase of the Tracer setup. The affected building Timed Override Main Menu 65
control programs are: Time of Day Scheduling, Building Control Menu SS
Timed Override, Priority Control, Run Time The Timed Override (TOV) program permits
Maintenance, and Totalizing. These programs can
be added by expanding the Tracer database, as temporary changes in equipment operating
memory available permits. Refer the Tracer schedules; in other words, equipment scheduled
Programming Guide for details. OFF can be manually turned ON for a limited,
operator - defined period of time. A toggle switch,
Following is a brief description of each Building push button or keyboard command from a CRT
terminal initiates TOV operation.
Control program, with a menu access prompt
provided beside each heading. Menu layout is
illustrated in Figure 2 -1, along with examples of the Demand Limiting Main Menu 6S
data entries associated with each Building Control Building Control Menu 6S
program. Be sure to review Tracer Programming By monitoring the building's electrical demand
Guide EMTB -PG-11 for detailed programming meter, Tracer's Demand Limit (DML) Programs A
Instructions. and B attempt to reduce peak power demand by
turning OFF certain electrical loads when demand
exceeds a specified limit. To ensure continued
Zone Setpoints Main Menu 6S occupancy comfort, maximum OFF -times and
Building Control Menu 2S temperature limits are defined for each demand -
Operation of equipment points assigned as limited load.
members of Tracer Zones (Point Type 07) is
governed by Tracer's Zone Control program. As a
part of this control strategy, values entered under Trend Log Main Menu 6S
Zone Setpoints define control functions that can be Building Control Menu 7S
used to override the Time-of -Day Scheduling, Duty Tracer's Trend Log program can log and store the
Cycling and Demand Limit routines. 24 most recent values for up to 32 system points.
Operator program entries identify the monitored
Time-of-Day points and establish a sampling interval for each.
T of y Main Menu 6S While any point type can be logged, analog values
Scheduling Building Control Menu 3S are most typically monitored.
Time -of -Day (TOD) Scheduling provides time -of-
day start/stop, optimal start/stop control, and Air Balance
nighttime free- cooling purge. To perform these Control Main Menu 65
functions, Tracer uses a master scheduling system Building Control Menu 8S
that allows the operator to define up to 32 master With the Air Balance Control program, Tracer
schedules. Eight days (Monday through Sunday, attempts to maintain the desired indoor static
plus holidays) can be set up within each master pressure by regulating airflow through Midrange
schedule. Tracer Rooftop Units (Point Type 06). Control
decisions are based on binary inputs from a
differential pressure switch sensing indoor and
outdoor static pressures. Based on these inputs,
Tracer directs the selected rooftops to increase or
decrease the position of their outdoor air dampers to
maintain the desired static pressure differential.
8-1 EMTB -OG -15