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9 CITY OF TIGARD MECHANICAL PERMIT 11 1 a " COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Permit #: MEC2009 -00243 TIGARD 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard OR 97223 503.639.4171 Date Issued: 05/29/2009 Parcel: 1S125DC06000 Jurisdiction: Tigard Site address: 9651 SW SHADY PL Subdivision: Lot: 0 Project: Duffy Project Description: Install a /c. Owner: FEES DUFFY, ANGELICA V & Description Date Amount DUFFY, SHAWN P, 9651 SW SHADY PL TIGARD, OR 97223 Air Conditioning or Heat Pump 05/29/2009 $14.00 12% State Surcharge - Mechanical 05/29/2009 $8.70 PHONE: Minimum Fee Adjustment - Mechanical 05/29/2009 $58.50 Contractor: SUPREME COMFORT HEATING 9425 SW COMMERCE CIRCLE #16 WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 PHONE: 503 - 682 -1985 FAX: 503 - 682 -1018 Type of Use: SF Class of Work: ALT Type of Const: Occupancy Grp: Stories: Fuel Fuel Types: Gas Pressue: Total $81.20 Required Items and Reports (Conditions) This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in the Tigard Municipal Code, State of OR. Specialty Codes and all other applicable law. All work will be done in accordance with approved plans. This permit will expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance, or if work is suspended for more the 180 days. ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow the rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952 - 001 -0010 through OAR 952 - 001 -0100. You may obtain a copy of the rules or direct questions to OUNC by calling 503.246.6699 or 1.800.332.2344. Issued By: N Calf tiiZ Permittee Signature: Q l� C Call 503.639.4175 by 7:00 a.m. for an inspection that business day. This permit card shall be kept in a conspicuous place on the job site until completion of the project. Approved plans are required on the job site at the time of each inspection. ' • 05/2S/2009 08:49 503 - 682 -1018 SUPREME COMFORT INC PAGE 01 Mechanical Permit Application F 1T1� \ /71T'!� FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Iu�� co /r, Ili City of �1 9rd fin I Receive l V fD Pem,it NI t t e 2 A M t ^ 13125 SW Hall Blvd.. Tigard. OR 97223 VLI ♦ a� Plan Rcvie.v ■ Phone: 503.639,417 Fax: 503.598.1960 OthcrPcrmil: I):uclBy� T I GA.R 17 Inspection Line: 503,639 75 IJala Fteady /By. J,Iri,: ©Sec Page Z far Internet; www.tigurd•or.gov MAY 2 6 2009 Nolificd/Mcrhod: , + P Supplemental Information . TYPE' OF WORN . . COM1 FEE*. 'SCHEDULE' USE CHECKL.1ST ❑ New construction Addition/alteration/replacement a B Me chanical perm f are based on the value o the wor �T ii performed. Indicate the value (rounded to the nearest dollar) of all ❑ Demolition 0 Other: mechanical materials equipment, labor, overhead. and profit. • . CATEGORY' OF .t oNSTRuCrtoN. . , -: ' Value, .1 _�,- - ... .RESIDENTIAL Ff tiVPMCNT./ SYSTEMS FEES` ® I- and 2- family dwelling 0 Commercial /industrial ❑ Accessory building -, For s pe'ciul information use checklist. 0 Multi - family ❑ Master builder ❑ Other: fkscriptirn, Qty. 1 Ea. Total JOB sire INvORMATTON,.ANti :LOCATTON . . • Heating /cooling Air conditioning or heat pump Job site address: 9651 SW Shady Place (rcquiree site plan showing placement) 1 , 14.00 14.00 City /State /ZIP: Tigard, OR 97223 }rumacc 100.000 BTU (ducts/vcnts) 14.110 _ - -•- - - - _ - Furnace 100.000+ BTU tdncl /venla (7.90 Suite /bldg, /apt, no f Project. name: Duffy Gal heat pump 14 .00 —_ Cross street/dircetions tn ,joh site' Duct work 10.00 - " - ' • Ilydronic but water system 1 4,(1(1 ,— Residential boiler (radiator or hydronic 14.00 _. Unit heaters (fuel-type, not electric). in-wall, in -duct, suspended. etc, 14.00 ' Flue/vent for any of above 6.R0 Subdivision: Lot no.: — Other; 1 11.00 Tax map /parcel no.: Other fuel appliances ' DESCRTPTION'OP.WORK - . : • H .... :' .: °:.. Water heater 10,00 Add Air onditi0ncr Gas fireplace —� ^ 10.00 C Flue vent for water heater nr gas . fireplace 10,00 I.ng±ghtcr (gas) _10.00 - -- -- Wood /pellet stove 10.00 Wood fireplace /insert 1 n.OH _ -- - -- Chimney /liner /flue/vent 1)1.110 .0. PROPERIV.OWNER . • a'MANI �.. _ -- -- - - -- -- Other; I um() Name; Shawn Duffy Environmental exhaust and ventilation Add1'css;• — Range hood /other kitchen equipment 10.ro - -- City /State /Z.IP: Clothes dryer exhaust 10.00 - --- Single -duct exhaust (bathrooms. Phone: ( ) Fax; ( ) toilet com artmcnts, utili rnnms 6.80 — _ ®'APPLICANT : . 0 CONTACT PERSON .. Anic/crawlspacc fans - -_ 10.00 - — Business name; Same as Contractor _� Other; ., ., _-- _ ____________ -__ . Fuel piping _ .. g Contact name: __ $5.40 for first four; $1.00 for each additional Address: Furnace. etc. Gas heat um . ..... _...— --,— C'ity /Siatcl7.IP: _ Wall /suspended /unit heater Phone: ( ) Fax: ; ( ) w Water heater _—__.__. . - _--- l- i rcp l ucc E-mail: _ • . .. . CONTRACTOR ': .• Barbecue Business name; Supreme Comfort Inc Clothes dryer (gas) . —.. Other: _ � _ _ Address: 9425 SW Commerce Cir. #16 MECHANICAL PI RM'IT FM � �. City/State/7.1P: Wilsonville, OR 97070 ' Subtotal 14.00 Phone: (503) 682 -1955 -- Fax: (503) 682-1018 Minimum permit fee ($72.9(1) 72.50 ....,, Plan review (25% of permit fcc) CCR lie.: 21892 Suite surcharge (I2 %orpermit reel 8.711 . —_. — —.... TOTAL PERMIT FEE 81.20 Tk1 p ermit n Authorized qi natuirCl pp l'rcntkm cNpire if n permit is nut nhfninctl within IRO /�" — "� — (Igv..110. ∎t nn. been uccrplal n. comprcic. Print name; Randal Lapp — 1 Date. 5/26/09 * frce mclhndnlnny s ^_I by Pri- County Hnilding Induclry Scrv,cc Hoard I \ AviniivaTermitalME.C.PcrmitApp rkw 111/1 140•451'7'r11I /n7JCOM/WP.AI m UJ 0 01 5)1 am Au/[ q“) sp./ shag 1 . Tipard of_ (j o - 72.4 1 - 1:9 N SUPREME COMFORT INC. 9425 S.W. COMMERCE CIR. # 16 WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 682-1985 J SUPREME COMFORT INC 503 - 682 -1018