DIR 1989-16332 SW 72ND AVE i r
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September 21, 1989 /� ` J/'"� �
Wayne J. Roll, President
Associated Furniture Distributors, Inc. CIIYOF TI�ARD
P. O. Box 716
Tualatin, OR 97062
RE: Director's interpretation
Wholesale/distribution use I-L zone
Dear Mr. Roll:
This interpretation is in response to our meeting on September 5th and your
letter received September 8th. The question relates to the Community
Development Code requirements and whether your company, Associated Furniture
Distributors, Inc., could leqally operate in the I-L (Light Industrial) zone_
Based upon our conversation and your letter, I understand that the business
operation will include the following:
1. Approximately 8,200 square feet of floor area including warehouse,
office, and a showroom for clients.
2. Sales of furniture will primarily be to commercial customers or their
clients, with incidental sales to employees. The general public will
only have limited opportunities to buy diecontinued merchandise for
periods of no more than three consecutive days and no more than once
every three months.
The I-L zone is primarily intended to provide for wholesale and light
manufacturing uses. However, a limited number of commercial retail and service
uses {eg. veterinary aervices, vehicle fuel sales, and construction sales and
aervices) are also permitted in this zone. The business in question is
classified as a "light wholesale storage and distribution" use as defined in
the Code. The incidental salea of periodically discontinued merchandise to the
public is not significant enough to consider the activity as a "general retail
sales" use, which is not allowed in the I-L zone. Also, the infrequent sales
activity would not be inconsistent with other businesses that are permitted in
this zone.
In conclusion, the business you describe in the September 8, 1989 letter is a
permitted use in the I-L zone. No Planning Division approval is necessary in
this case, however, permita will be required by the Building Division to occupy
the new space (Contact Brad Roast, phone: 639-4171). Please contact me if I
can be of any further assistance.
Sinc rely, Appr ved by
� r /
Reith S. Liden ' Ed'Murphy
Senior Planner Directort , mm nity Development Dept.
c: Dick Buono "
13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171
21 L t9$9
Associated Furniture Distributors, Inc.
Representatives • Distributors • Interior Consultants RECEIY�D PLAtiWtN6
P.O. Box 716 • Tualatin, OR 97062
(503) 620-8550 S E P 8 1989
August 7 , 1989
City of Tigard
Keith S . Liden , Senior Planner
P.O . Box 23397
Tigard , OR 97223
Dear Sir ,
Thank you for the time and courtesy that you extendeci to me and Mr . Dick
Buono of Pac Trust yesterday afternoon .
As a result of our meeting , it is my understanding that our intended use
for 8200 square feet in building 17 of Oregon Busines� Park I is in
accord with the uses permitted by the City of Tigard ' s light industrial
zonino .
Associated Furniture Distributors would like to relocate from building
4 to enhance its presence and be more accessible to its clientele and
display its product line in a more professional showroom setting . This
in turn , would provide a tremendous boost for our sales efforts to :
a) the manufactured housing industry , its factories and dealer
network throughout the Northwest and Northern California ,
b) motels , condominiums and apartments ,
c) businesses and institutions ,
d) accomodation sales to employees of any of the aforementioned and ,
e) support sales to customers of mobile home dealers referred to us
by appointment .
Sales under conditions d) and e) above would be in keeping with the whole-
sale practices of our company and the segment of the industry that we
have specialized in since 1978 .
Finally , our ware'house inventory consists of furniture in fabrics , fin-
ishes and styles specified by our customers for quick shipment to co-
ordinate with their interior programs . Because these requirements change
periodically , it is requested that consideration be given to allow us
to offer this merchandise at public sale , not exceeding three days
duration , no more than one every three months , as an outlet for discon-
tinued stock on hand .
Please confirm your approval for our operations within this zone . I will
await your response before proceeding with Pac Trust .
Cordially ,
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Wayne � P.o' , President