Ordinance No. 12-06 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 12- otp AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 12, WATER AND SEWERS,TO REMOVE DAY-TO-DAY BUSINESS PRACTICES WHICH ARE NOW DOCUMENTED ADMINISTRATIVE RULES WHEREAS, the Tigard Municipal Code (TMC), Title 12, Water and Sewers, is outdated and contains information on the day-to-day business practices related to water and sewers;and WHEREAS, on August 23, 2011, council adopted Resolution No. 11-06 which authorized the use of administrative rules;and WHEREAS,Chapter 12.01 allows for the creation of administrative rules pertaining to the entire chapter;and WHEREAS, on June 6, 2012, the city implemented administrative rules which document day-to-day business practices relating to water and sewers;and WHEREAS, the rules are designed to be more accessible and "user-friendly" than the municipal code and will improve the city's ability to communicate basic utility practices to its customers;and WHEREAS, day-to-day business practices are currently documented in two places—the municipal code and the administrative rules;and WHEREAS,this ordinance will remove the day-to-day business practices from the TMC. NOW,THEREFORE THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 12.03,Billing and Collection of Utility Charges, of the TMC is amended as shown in Attachment 1, (strikeout/underline version),and Attachment 2, (finalized/clean version). SECTION 3: Chapter 12.10,Water System Rules and Regulations, of the TMC is amended as shown in Attachment 3, (strikeout/underline version),and Attachment 4, (finalized/clean version.). SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be effective 30 days after its passage by the council, signature by the Mayor,and posting by the city recorder. PASSED: By utn an',ai u 5 vote of#council members present after being read by number and title only,this LQ� day of 92012. acherine eatley,City Recorder ORDINANCE No. 12- D Page 1 APPROVED: By Tigard City Council tlhis��y of Dir sen,gayor Approved as to form: 11Z 4 ,&- i omey 9�'ate ORDINANCE No. 12- Page 2 Attachment 1 Additions Underlined in Color Deletions Strikethrough in Color TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE Chapter 12.03 BILLING AND COLLECTION otherwise receives services from the City's storm, OF UTILITY CHARGES. surface water, sanitary sewer or water systems. The occupant of occupied property is deemed the Sections: user. If the property is not occupied, the person who has the right to occupy it shall be deemed the 12.03.010 Authority user.(Ord. 02-29) 12.03.0120 Definitions. 12.03.0330 Rates,Charges,Fees,Penalties, 12.03.0330 Rates,Charges,Fees,Penalties, Collections. Collections. 12.03:030 Delinquent Colleetion PFeeedur-es: (a) Clean Water Services Rates and Charges Resolution and Orders n••mbef°C 3 4as amended; Pr-oeedur-es Sewer-Only and Ordinance Numbers 26,27,28, and 29 as EustomeFs. amended are hereby adopted by reference and 12.03.050 Other-Fees And Charges--. shall be in full force and effect as part of this 12.03.0640 Utility Charge Adjustments municipal code. And Payment Agreements. 12.03.0-750 Customer Appeal Process. (b) Collections from utility customers will be applied first to interest, penalties or other fees 12.03.010 Authority and charges, then proportionately among the rest of charges for services billed or as provided by All definitions, authority, rules, and regulations as contract with Clean Water Services. described in Chapter 12.01, Utility Services Rules and Regulations, are applicable to this chapter. (c) All Fees and Charges set forth in this chapter shall be set by resolution by the Tigard 12.03.0-120 Definitions. City Council. (Ord. 02-29) (a) Utility Charges. x.03.03" Delinquent`'^Deet'^" T Any combination of water service charges, sanitary sewer service charges, surface water (a) Billing Gyele Utility ehar-ges will b charges or other fees and charges authorized by billed touser-s every other- fneath wat the Tigard City Council or the Clean Water meter-s-are-read. Utility bills will be plaoed in the Services imposed on users of utility services. United SWes Mail after-the water meter- ead e 60 ys after- billing for- non ,a (b) Delinquent. eustemers. Sueh- atiiityy--bills shall statue amounts and types of.har-ges ineluded in the Utility charges not paid by the due date specified and shall state the due date for-the utility ehar-,es on the bill for such charges are considered Such due date shall net fele"" than 14 days �em delinquent. the date tills o mailed. (c) User. (bReminder- Netiee— Fel these •,•:1;•,, edges not paid by *he due daw, ende User shall mean any person who uses property natiee will be sent-te the-eustemer. The Notie which maintains connection to, discharge to, or shall state the &meufAs and types of ehafges pas 12-03-1 Code Update: 10102 TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE due and the date by whieh suoh ehafges Fflust be business aa.. RTE) water . .ill her eeted after paid to avoid tufn off pr-eeedufes. The r-eminde noFmal operating hours or-on weekends, notiee shall be plaeed in the United States Mail fiet less than 14 days after-the original doe date on r(f) MeterDiseemeetion Charge—A ehafge the ofiginal Lill shall he aided to eavh e at : uh:eh a meter-: t e.l off and leeked for- non ieiit if*clic [c)Shu9€fNet}ee For— these utilit� ehar-ges fiet paid by the due date stated on the meter haev on without prior- appr-eval of the tit.. The .neer will he r ffl � te edo.n the a nd an the Fent door-of the dwelling o slave of business the water seritee ea}ped off. Water sefviee-shall at least 44 hours prior-to the sehed led aetual shut of her eeted until the a .sremer has paid rhe off, The City shall maintain a list of all shut-off pastdueutilitty e-hiTges,water- ,liseenneerion et:ees indieati fig the r:.ne and to anion the norive was plaeed and by when The shot off netiee shall state the a nts and types of ehafges past (g) Multifamily Housing Colleetion P due and the ,late and time s eh eha fges must he When aeeounts for- multifamily housing paid to avoid aetual shut off of seFviees. eamplexes tising mastef fneter-s rather- than individual metefs beeafnes—delinqueiitt, (d) Shut Off Proeedur-e All aawounits ..a:..idual responsible for-payment „ determined to be unpaid 48 hours after- a shut a t:li4 rhe ut.. hills shall he notified of the past due notiee has been plaeed on the premises shall be status of the aeeetiat in the nofmal preeess ser listed-and-sehedulea�ut off, The 48 hours- rof4h in seetion 12. r—. Howevenrlieu e shalt he a ..teal on business .taus enly and shall the-sb'sctaxgpreeeduz=ethe responsible-parFty shall not ineltide Holidays or- weekends. On the aa.. he notified in writing that the shureff a educe sekedtiled for—shute€ -daily pa)4aeats-will be will be followed if the delingtte„t utility ehaFges r-eviewe.l to ,°term° ;f a nl;eahle a nt� afe of paid within thii4y ,lays Nor;fieation will have been r e.l The lint a amended will the Aso he .nate to all tenants known by the City to be delivered te the appropriate efew member- :l 1 A is r .t 'thin the tbe-e�tei}tie'S.mi:c-T=eeviitirsiivr=paicr Yvzcrzirrrc:c who .ill then shut ag and leek these .peters on tbifty days will be notified and t...-.,ed eff the list. -danee with seetien 1 2 n2 030 (e) and ia1 (n9) /el Water- niseenneetien Charge f^r Rlen Paa7aiielitA Abse•° will he added to eaeh 12.03 n-a 40 Delinqueney Colleetion aeeounr that has of been paidprior- to the ri.ae PFoeedures Sewer Only indieated on the shut off notiee The ehar-ge v e Customers. all vests a ated with the delinquent eelleeriopreeess. The ehaf:ge shall apply even if aettial shut n For- ur:lity eha f:ges on aeeou.pts .:theur ater off is not peFfefmed due to the payment of the e e, delinquent amounts may be elleetepast due balaftee made to the er-ew member- in the t gthe felleu.iag eolleet:en methe.ts .n lieu of field the o gee oto shut off, sh..teff n edur-e ser fefth 1 2 lift nen ( ) �Zu-vi-iir cc�ust�r• , sen,iee-will be same dayas (d),Ee).: diseenaeet:on if the e..tstanding hill and related bar-ges are aid in fill by 5.00 PM if ram, eat (a) Delinquent utility charges may be will not re@eimeeted ufitil the next fegula The ee Difeeter-oi-designee shall 12-03-2 Code Update: 10102 TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE ,1eetimens mayeueu .tldbut t liitd to gaskets, Y 0 0 0 „ fnemete voices, lac z--insefts, fneteF6, pfa.Ssur-e—FegulatAr (b) DeliaquefA utilitY ehar-ges may be valves, relatedlabor-, equiprnent, rehieles,anQ eellleeted by filing a ,lain.--in the er-ial^ (n„a 02-49) eeuA. The Finanee—DireEtw.. sh ll 1,^..0 th authority to opt .. ,it of s eh „1.ims by the City Aoemey and shall have the authority to sign 12.03.0640 Utility Charge Adjustments and Flo neeessar-y deeu eat-. And Payment Agreements. (e) Delinquent utility ehar-gesmay Errors in billing or collection shall be corrected in ealleeted by '•••frog the uneelleeted h^lanee ave a timely manner by the City. Resulting credits on to the Washing4on County Tax Assessef fe accounts or refunds shall be made as 1„^;,,., an tax twills . allowed by nuc 454.225. expeditiously as possible. Disputed billings or This method of eelleetien shall only be used ;f'the other collection transactions shall be dealt with as usef of the se es being billed ; also the ewneF follows: of the pr-emises ewmeeted to the system. Th In recognition of the need for exceptions in some cases, authority is granted as follows for in this manner shall be ehar-ged ^ tufaeveF fee and adjustments to utility charges and to the shall two t,,.ned over- to the Assessor- eaeb ,or- h,, implementation of payment agreements. X411 r eked to the inter-ge,.of. nent.,l Water Be,r�1 (d) Delinquent utility ehar-ges faa), also be eaeh Faenth upon their rvques4-. eelleeted by disewmeeting utility sen,iees. disc., neetien of or- ••tgoing ••blit• (a) The Finance Director or designee shall se��iee-pipes-and faeilities. Diseenneefien shall have the authority to waive utility charges up to ..1., be pursued with the approval of the r;t„ $2-58500.00. Such waiver may be made based upon a written request from the customer and for ealeulated and ,^t be paid by the utility s o good cause. Good cause may include but is not before m eetion is established (Ora 02 limited to correction of user or account 2-99 information, failure of the City to send a bill, demonstrated failure of a user to receive a bill, i2.03.050 OtheF Fees And Chmrgcorrection of measurement of either fixture units or equivalent service units and adjustments to the a) Rettifned Cheek Charge—A ehar6e will time in which requester became the user. Waivers be added to aeeetints for-any eheeks r-ew ed from may include returned check charges, the bank unpaid for- ^ reasonThe eh^ a shall disconnection charges or utility charges. be set by fesolution of the City Couneil. (b) The City Manager or designee shall (b) Repair- or- u epl.,,,oment ef Water ",retort have the authority to waive utility charges up to and Sen,iees Onee installed, any assts $2,500.00. _Such waiver must be made based asseeiated--with—the --eplaeoment e upon a written request from the customer and for damaged er missing stows and sen,iees will be good cause as defined in subsection (a). The City 12-03-3 Code Update: 10102 TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE Manager shall receive a written report of findings from staff and then weigh the evidence presented by the customer and the staff before making any such waiver. (e)=A►nrrequests to Waive utility ehar-ges above $500.00 shall be made in writing to th-e the next available agenda and so , I' " eastemer- at least one week in adranee—All mater-ialsr-related to the request shall be ace- available to the Board and the eustemer- may be allowed to make a pfesentation to the Beafd at the disefetion of the Board Chaifman. (dc) The City may enter into a payment agreement with a customer to facilitate the payment of delinquent utility charges. Such agreements shall not exceed the term of three years, current charges must be paid when due, and the agreement must be signed by both parties and must be a legally binding agreement. Breach of such an agreement by the customer shall result in further collection efforts. Payment agreements for amounts over $10,000 must be approved by the Tigard City Council. (Ord.02-29) 12.03.0-750 Customer Appeal Process. (a) Customers shall have the right to appeal billing decisions made by staff. If a customer is not satisfied with a decision, the customer may appeal to the Finance Director within fourteen days of the decision in writing explaining the issue and justification for the customer's position. Finance Director decisions may be appealed to the City Manager within fourteen days of the decision in a similar fashion. City Manager decisions may be appealed within fourteen days of the decision to th ity Council. ReardCouncil decisions are considered final. (Ord.02-29,Ord. 96-02). ■ 12-03-4 Code Update: 10102 Attachment 2 Finalized/Clean Version TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE Chapter 12.03 BILLING AND COLLECTION 12.03.030 Rates, Charges, Fees, Penalties, OF UTILITY CHARGES. Collections. Sections: (a) Clean Water Services Rates and Charges Resolution and Orders as amended; and 12.03.010 Authority Ordinance Numbers 26,27,28, and 29 as amended 12.03.020 Definitions. are hereby adopted by reference and shall be in 12.03.030 Rates,Charges,Fees,Penalties, full force and effect as part of this municipal code. Collections. 12.03.040 Utility Charge Adjustments (b) Collections from utility customers will And Payment Agreements. be applied first to interest, penalties or other fees 12.03.050 Customer Appeal Process. and charges, then proportionately among the rest of charges for services billed or as provided by 12.03.010 Authority contract with Clean Water Services. All definitions, authority,rules, and regulations as (c) All Fees and Charges set forth in this described in Chapter 12.01,Utility Services Rules chapter shall be set by resolution by the Tigard and Regulations,are applicable to this chapter. City Council.(Ord. 02-29) 12.03.020 Definitions. 12.03.040 Utility Charge Adjustments And Payment Agreements. (a) Utility Charges. Errors in billing or collection shall be corrected in Any combination of water service charges, a timely manner by the City. Resulting credits on sanitary sewer service charges, surface water accounts or refunds shall be made as charges or other fees and charges authorized by expeditiously as possible. Disputed billings or the Tigard City Council or the Clean Water other collection transactions shall be dealt with as Services imposed on users of utility services. follows: (b) Delinquent. In recognition of the need for exceptions in some cases, authority is granted as follows for Utility charges not paid by the due date specified adjustments to utility charges and to the on the bill for such charges are considered implementation of payment agreements. delinquent. (a) The Finance Director or designee shall (c) User. have the authority to waive utility charges up to $500.00. Such waiver may be made based upon a User shall mean any person who uses property written request from the customer and for good which maintains connection to, discharge to, or cause. Good cause may include but is not limited otherwise receives services from the City's storm, to correction of user or account information, surface water, sanitary sewer or water systems. failure of the City to send a bill, demonstrated The occupant of occupied property is deemed the failure of a user to receive a bill, correction of user. If the property is not occupied, the person measurement of either fixture units or equivalent who has the right to occupy it shall be deemed the service units and adjustments to the time in which user.(Ord.02-29) requester became the user. Waivers may include 12-03-1 Code Update: 10102 TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE returned check charges, disconnection charges or utility charges. (b) The City Manager or designee shall have the authority to waive utility charges up to $2,500.00. Such waiver must be made based upon a written request from the customer and for good cause as defined in subsection (a). The City Manager shall receive a written report of findings from staff and then weigh the evidence presented by the customer and the staff before making any such waiver. (c) The City may enter into a payment agreement with a customer to facilitate the payment of delinquent utility charges. Such agreements shall not exceed the term of three years,current charges must be paid when due, and the agreement must be signed by both parties and must be a legally binding agreement. Breach of such an agreement by the customer shall result in further collection efforts. Payment agreements for amounts over $10,000 must be approved by the Tigard City Council. (Ord.02-29) 12.03.050 Customer Appeal Process. (a) Customers shall have the right to appeal billing decisions made by staff. If a customer is not satisfied with a decision, the customer may appeal to the Finance Director within fourteen days of the decision in writing explaining the issue and justification for the customer's position. Finance Director decisions may be appealed to the City Manager within fourteen days of the decision in a similar fashion. City Manager decisions may be appealed within fourteen days of the decision to the City Council. Council decisions are considered final. (Ord.02-29,Ord. 96-02). ■ 12-03-2 Code Update: 10102 Attachment 3 Additions Underlined in Color Deletions Strikethrough in Color TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE Chapter 12.10 WATER SYSTEM RULES 12.10.010 Definitions. AND REGULATIONS. Inter-geyefwaental Water-13!2gEd(AVB) Sections: i-epr-esentative board of fivejur-isdietional 12.10.010 Definitions. inember-s within the T-igafa Water-Sen4ee Afea. 12.10.020 Introduction. The purpose ffi f the nx1u is to. ak-e 12.10.030 Use Of Water. reeemmendations to the Tigard City ' i 12.10.040 Service Size. , and to eaffy eut other- 12.10.050 Separate Connection. sibilities set f fth i the eeepemtive 12.10.060 Furnishing Water. 12.10.070 Private Service Pipes. 12.10.080 Violation of Utility Services Tigard Water Service Area(TWSA)shall Code mean the territory within the boundaries of City of 12.10.090 Jurisdiction. Durham,City of King City,Tigard Water District 12.10.100 Waste-Plumbing-Inspection. and the portion of the City of Tigard not served by 12.10.110 Physical Connections With Tualatin Valley Water District(TVWD). Other Water Supplies Or Systems. 12.10.020 Introduction. 12.10.120 Cross Connection Control Program. All definitions, authority, rules, and regulations as 12.10.130 Payment-Delinquency. described in Chapter 12.01, Utility Services Rules (Repealed By Ord.96-02), and Regulations,are applicable to this chapter. 12.10.140 Water Rates. This seetion of Title 12 applies to wate 12.10.1650 Interrupted Service-Changes utility sef-viees pf:evided by the City as In Pressure. ati'he~ty of the T-igafd Water- service 12.10.1-760 Service Connection Additional—de€x}itions, ' r.-io ra, rR-1les� Maintenance. r-egelations within Title 12 are phew le to this 12.10.1870 Limitation On The Use Of seetion. Water. 12.10.220 Fire Hydrants. 12.10.030 Use Of Water. 12.10.2,3180 Fire Hydrant-Temporary Use. 12.10.24190 Illegal Use Of Fire Hydrant Or Water will be furnished for ordinary Meter. domestic, business and community purposes, and 12.10.2500 Amendments-Special Rules- fire protection only. No water will be furnished Contracts. for the direct operation of steam boilers, 12.10.2610 Grievances. machinery or golf courses, except on an i n�Qn PoweF To Grant Var-ia interruptible basis, and the City will assume no 12.10.220 Findings And Declaration Of A responsibility therein. (Ord.93-34) Water Emergency. 12.10.230 Enforcement. 12.10.040 Service Size. 12.10.240 Penalties. 12.10.250 Water Shut-Off. Upon the application for new water service, and payment of all charges, the City will install a service connection and meter of such size and location as approved by the Public Works 12-10-1 Code Update: 11108 TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE Department. Meter and water service piping shall the City. Consideration will be given to the City's be sized using the fixture count method as ability to serve and to eligibility for annexation to described in the State of Oregon Uniform the City of the property to be served. The City Plumbing Code. _The minimum size of any water may contract with other governmental entities for meter, which connects to the city water system, the provision of water. The terms of service will shall be five-eights/three-fourths inch diameter. be defined by agreement and consistent with the terms of this Chapter. (Ord. 93-34) In new subdivisions, the City requires the installation of water mains, valves, hydrants and 12.10.070 Service Pipe Standard and water services by the developer as a part of Maintenance. improvements as described in this chapter. All improvements and installations shall be in Service pipes of all sizes, within or without accordance with Public Improvement Design the premises, whether for domestic, commercial, Standards. (Ord. 02-31; Ord. 93-34) or fire protection purposes, must be materials, quality, class, and size as specified by the state 12.10.050 Separate Connection. plumbing code or regulations of the City. A separate service connection will be The service pipe within the premises and required for each dwelling, apartment or motel, throughout its entire length to the water meter of place of business, and institution. All outlying to the pr-epeAy line if the water-fneter-is set behift buildings and premises used as a part of such must be keptin dwelling place or business or institution may be r serviceable condition. _a�It must be served from such connection, as well as all pprotected from freezing at the expense of the buildings on such premises operated under the one customer, lessee, or agent, who shall be management. City shall prescribe the number of responsible for all damages resulting from leaks buildings to be served from one meter and such or breaks. (Ord. 02-31; Ord. 93-3) determination shall be final. (Ord. 02-31; Ord. 93-34) 12.10.080 Violation of Utility Services Code. A. Waste 12.10.060 Furnishing Water. No customer shall cause or permit water to The City shall not be obligated to furnish and run or be discharged through the fixtures,pipes or install, at its expense, system facilities for all faucets on the customer's premises in excess of the property within the City. The City shall, so far as quantity necessary for domestic,irrigation or reasonable and practicable and within its financial other permitted purposes under this Code. means, however, provide adequate source of supply, necessary primary €eedertransmission B. Damage. mains, storage facilities and other improvements necessary to make water service generally No person shall willfully or maliciously available to all areas within the City. Extensions damage or in any manner interfere with or remove to furnish water to areas not now served by the any of the pipes,valves,back flow prevention City will be made at the expense of those persons devices,meters, lock seals, surface water requesting service. Such extensions will be made management systems or other property belonging by the City or by those expressly authorized by to the City or used in connection with the City 12-10-2 Code Update: 11108 TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE utility system.Any person violating this section reservoirs, fixtures, etc. is the complete shall be charged for all costs associated with responsibility of the City's Public Works repairing any such damage or interference,plus Department.—–No plumber, contractor, or other any penalty.This charge may be added to the person will be allowed to connect to or operate utility bill. Failure to pay such repair charges shall any part of the City's water system up to and be a basis for discontinuance of service. including the water meter. (Ord. 02-31; Ord. 93- 34) C. Tampering. 12.10.100 Waste-Plumbing-Inspection. No unauthorized person shall tamper with, alter,or damage any part of the City utility Water will not be furnished to premises system,reservoir system,pumping station, surface where it is allowed to run or waste to prevent water management system,metering facilities, freezing or through defective plumbing or open or close any fire hydrant or service line.No otherwise. Plumbing should be in conformance person shall alter the utility service in a manner with the appropriate codes of the jurisdiction which would allow service to more than one issuing the building permit. household without applying for service and complying with this Code.The Council may 12.10.110 Physical Connections With establish a tampering fine by resolution for Other Water Supplies Or violation of this provision.This fine may be Systems. included in the utility bill. Failure to pay that fine can result in discontinuance of service. Neither cross connections nor physical connections of any kind shall be made to any D. Violations. other water supply, whether private or public, without the written consent and approval of the Violation of this section is punishable by a City Council, and the written approval of the I fine of not more than$5,000. Violation of this Oregon DepaAment of Human SefvieesHealth section a second or subsequent time within a 24- Authority.--Included in this category are all pipe month period is punishable by a fine of not less lines, appurtenances and facilities of the City than$1,500 and not more than$5,000. system and all pipes, appurtenances, pumps, tanks, storage reservoirs, facilities, equipment, E. Code Violation a Civil Violation. appliances, etc., of other systems whether located within or on public or private property, or the In addition to the other penalties provided by premises of a water customer. this Code and State law,a violation of any requirement of the Utility Code shall be a civil Any such connection shall be removed by the violation pursuant to Tigard Municipal Code 1.16 customer within ten days after written notice to and may be prosecuted in the Municipal Court of remove is given by the City. If not removed the City of Tigard. (Ord. 94-19) within the time specified, the City may remove or discontinue any connection which it may have for servicing the property. 12.10.090 Jurisdiction Of Water System. The operation and repair of the City's water No person shall interfere with or attempt to system, including pipes, valves, pumps, prevent the Public Works Director or other 12-10-3 Code Update: 11108 TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE authorized representative from entering upon watef faueets should be kept elesed to pro,., private premises and inspecting the property when . (Ord. 93-34) an emergency exists or the Public Works Director or authorized representative exhibits a warrant 12.10.1-760 Service Connection authorizing entry. (Ord.93-34) Maintenance. The City will maintain all standard service 12.10.120 Cross Connection Control connections in good repair without expense to the Program. customers. Each customer is required to use reasonable care and diligence to protect the water The City maintains a cross connection meter and meter box from loss or damage by control program in order to protect the public freezing, hot water, traffic hazards, and other water supply from contamination or pollution, and causes, in default of which, such customer shall to assure that approved backflow prevention pay to the City the full amount of the resulting assemblies or devices are tested and/or inspected damage. annually. Each customer is required to maintain Determination by the City of appropriate levels of vegetation and other obstruction free zone of a protection shall be in accordance with the minimum of two feet around the water meters, fire Accepted Procedures and Practice in Cross hydrants or other water appurtenances. Clear Connection Control Manual, American Water access to the meter shall be from the street side in Works Association, Pacific Northwest Section, a direct path to the water meter. Failure to current edition. maintain the area will result in City personnel clearing the area to meet the City's meter reading 12.10.130 Payment-Delinquency. and maintenance needs. The City shall have no (Repealed by Ord.96-02). liability for trimming of maintaining vegetation in order to read meters.(Ord.02-31; Ord. 93-34) (Repealed by Ord. 96-02,Ord. 96-02; Ord. 93-34) 12.10.1570 Limitation On The Use Of 12.10.140 Water Rates. Water. All rates, fees and charges shall be set by A. Limitation on the use of water as to resolution of the Tigard City Council. (Ord. 93- hours,purpose, or manner may be prescribed from 34) time to time by order of the Public Works Director, based on a finding that the limitation is reasonable given the available and projected water 12.10.1650 Interrupted Service-Changes supply and demand. Any order under this section In Pressure. shall be reviewed by City Council at its next session following issuance of the order. The City The water may be shut off at any time for Council may affirm,withdraw or amend the order. repairs or other necessary work with or without notice. Conditions may cause a variation of the B. The Public Works Director, the City pressure. The City will not be responsible for any Manager or the City Council may call for damage caused by interruption of service or voluntary reductions in water use, including, but varying pressure. When sefvi,e is inte f,. plea, iet not limited to, voluntary rotational watering plans. 12-104 Code Update: 11108 TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE (Ord. 01-15 §1, Ord. 93-34) €allows: Q.;10.220 Fire Hydr-ants. A. The City Managef or-desigpee shall Repealed by Ord. 2 3, (04 93 34) the power-to waive atter utility fes and ehar-ges up to $2,500. 12.10.23180 Fire Hydrant-Temporary Use. B. The City N4aaager-er-El authorized to make leak adjustment Any person who desires to use a fire hydrant .-edit ^ waiver of fee dete-minati for temporary water supply must obtain based on City pr-aetiees and pr-eeedures permission of the City. The charge for temporary and all de '' sider-ed f"a' use shall be set by resolution of the City Council. (Ord. 02='9,Ord 96 02,T-MG 12�3.) Customer is responsible for repair and/or replacement of damaged meter. (Ord. 93-34) G. >r.eept when pr-ehibited by subseet:^„ T' Bf this Se , 12.10.24190 Illegal Use Of Fire Hydrant Or 'Al-ater- Board may Meter. mies and Fegodlatiefis enaeted by the City Connection to a fire hydrant or meter without of TigaFd when it finds that: 1) stfiet proper authority is a Class 1 civil infraction. appheation of the mles and regelati^^� (Ord. 02-31; Ord. 93-34) Bate • ndue o e hardship ` thee appheant with no signifieant benefit 12.10.2600 Amendments- Special Rules- the—water-—system; 2) the vai-ianee Contracts. requested has ., ,,..,tor 1 .,,averse oro^t upen the water-system and it is eensis The City may at any time amend, change or with established pelieies of the Tigar-d modify any rule, rate or charge, or make any City Ceti special rule, rate or contract, and all water service is subject to such power. (Ord. 93-34) D. The Inter-geveffmneatai Water-Beafd may 12.10.2610 Grievances. of p--epef4- fi-o p-^teet:-11 c-res ca;meEterl—rega=iements, fees Any grievance as to service or complaints rates and e> 93 34) shall be made to the Public Works Director, who shall attempt to resolve the problem. Any 12.10.30220 Findings And Declaration Of A unresolved grievances as to service or complaints Water Emergency. shall be reported and will be considered by the Ifiter-govefamen4al Water- Board at the Bear-] Upon finding that the municipal water supply next fneeting.City Manager. (Ord. 93-34) is incapable of providing an adequate water supply for normal usage due to a drought, system 12.10.280 Power m.. Grant v.,rianees failure or any other event, the City Council may declare a water emergency and require that water usage must be curtailed. The declaration shall 12-10-5 Code Update: 11108 TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE include the effective date, the reason for the 12.10.34250 Water Shut-Off. declaration and the level of prohibition declared. The City Council may include an estimated time After the third violation of a curtailment for review or revocation of the declaration. (Ord. restriction, the Public Works Director may order 01-15 §2) that the water service to the location where the violation has occurred shall be shut-off or reduced. A shut-off notice shall be posted on the 12.10.3230 Enforcement. property at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled shut-off or reduction. The shut-off notice shall A. Warning. The City shall send a letter of specify the reasons for the shut-off or reduction. warning for each violation of a Any person wishing to avoid a shut-off must curtailment restriction if no previous provide the Public Works Director with evidence letter of warning has been sent to the that the shut-off will create a health or safety risk. person responsible for the violation. All shut-offs imposed under this section shall be The letter of warning shall specify the temporary, not to exceed thirty (30) days, violation, may require compliance provided the applicable charges are paid prior to measures and shall be served upon the reconnection. (Ord.01-15 §6) person responsible for the violation. Service may be in person, by office or ■ substitute service or by certified or registered mail,return receipt requested. B. Civil Infraction. After the person responsible for the violation has received a warning letter, any subsequent violation shall be treated as a civil infraction under Chapter 1.16. (Ord. 01-15 §4) 12.10.33240 Penalties. A. First Violation—Warning letter. B. Second Violation of the same type — Class 3 infraction$50. C. Third violation of the same type—Class 2 infraction$100. D. Fourth and subsequent violations of the same type — Class 1 infraction $250. (Ord. 01-15 §5) 12-10-6 Code Update: 11108 Attachment 4 Finalized/Clean Version TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE Chapter 12.10 WATER SYSTEM RULES 12.10.010 Definitions. AND REGULATIONS. Tigard Water Service Area(TWSA)shall Sections: mean the territory within the boundaries of City of 12.10.010 Definitions. Durham,City of King City,Tigard Water District 12.10.020 Introduction. and the portion of the City of Tigard not served by 12.10.030 Use Of Water. Tualatin Valley Water District(TVWD). 12.10.040 Service Size. 12.10.050 Separate Connection. 12.10.020 Introduction. 12.10.060 Furnishing Water. 12.10.070 Private Service Pipes. All definitions, authority, rules, and 12.10.080 Violation of Utility Services regulations as described in Chapter 12.01, Utility Code Services Rules and Regulations, are applicable to 12.10.090 Jurisdiction. this chapter. 12.10.100 Waste-Plumbing-Inspection. 12.10.110 Physical Connections With 12.10.030 Use Of Water. Other Water Supplies Or Systems. Water will be furnished for ordinary 12.10.120 Cross Connection Control domestic, business and community purposes, and Program. fire protection only. No water will be furnished 12.10.130 Payment-Delinquency. for the direct operation of steam boilers, (Repealed By Ord.96-02). machinery or golf courses, except on an 12.10.140 Water Rates. interruptible basis, and the City will assume no 12.10.150 Interrupted Service-Changes responsibility therein. (Ord. 93-34) In Pressure. 12.10.160 Service Connection 12.10.040 Service Size. Maintenance. 12.10.170 Limitation On The Use Of Upon the application for new water service, Water. and payment of all charges, the City will install a 12.10.180 Fire Hydrant-Temporary Use. service connection and meter of such size and 12.10.190 Illegal Use Of Fire Hydrant Or location as approved by the Public Works Meter. Department. Meter and water service piping shall 12.10.200 Amendments-Special Rules- be sized using the fixture count method as Contracts. described in the State of Oregon Uniform 12.10.210 Grievances. Plumbing Code. The minimum size of any water 12.10.220 Findings And Declaration Of A meter, which connects to the city water system, Water Emergency. shall be five-eights/three-fourths inch diameter. 12.10.230 Enforcement. 12.10.240 Penalties. In new subdivisions, the City requires the 12.10.250 Water Shut-Off. installation of water mains, valves, hydrants and water services by the developer as a part of improvements as described in this chapter. All improvements and installations shall be in accordance with Public Improvement Design Standards. (Ord.02-31; Ord. 93-34) 12-10-1 Code Update: 11108 TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE quality, class, and size as specified by the state 12.10.050 Separate Connection. plumbing code or regulations of the City. A separate service connection will be The service pipe within the premises and required for each dwelling, apartment or motel, throughout its entire length to the water meter place of business, and institution. All outlying must be in serviceable condition. It must be buildings and premises used as a part of such protected from freezing at the expense of the dwelling place or business or institution may be customer, lessee, or agent, who shall be served from such connection, as well as all responsible for all damages resulting from leaks buildings on such premises operated under the one or breaks. (Ord. 02-31; Ord. 93-3) management. City shall prescribe the number of buildings to be served from one meter and such 12.10.080 Violation of Utility Services Code. determination shall be final. (Ord. 02-31; Ord. 93-34) A. Waste No customer shall cause or permit water to 12.10.060 Furnishing Water. run or be discharged through the fixtures,pipes or faucets on the customer's premises in excess of the The City shall not be obligated to furnish and quantity necessary for domestic,irrigation or install, at its expense, system facilities for all other permitted purposes under this Code. property within the City. The City shall, so far as reasonable and practicable and within its financial B. Damage. means, however, provide adequate source of supply, necessary primary transmission mains, No person shall willfully or maliciously storage facilities and other improvements damage or in any manner interfere with or remove necessary to make water service generally any of the pipes,valves,back flow prevention available to all areas within the City. Extensions devices,meters,lock seals,surface water to furnish water to areas not now served by the management systems or other property belonging City will be made at the expense of those persons to the City or used in connection with the City requesting service. Such extensions will be made utility system.Any person violating this section by the City or by those expressly authorized by shall be charged for all costs associated with the City. Consideration will be given to the City's repairing any such damage or interference,plus ability to serve and to eligibility for annexation to any penalty.This charge may be added to the the City of the property to be served. The City utility bill.Failure to pay such repair charges shall may contract with other governmental entities for be a basis for discontinuance of service. the provision of water. The terms of service will be defined by agreement and consistent with the C. Tampering. terms of this Chapter. (Ord. 93-34) No unauthorized person shall tamper with, 12.10.070 Service Pipe Standard and alter,or damage any part of the City utility Maintenance. system,reservoir system,pumping station, surface water management system,metering facilities, Service pipes of all sizes, within or without open or close any fire hydrant or service line.No the premises, whether for domestic, commercial, person shall alter the utility service in a manner or fire protection purposes, must be materials, which would allow service to more than one 12-10-2 Code Update: 11108 TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE household without applying for service and complying with this Code.The Council may 12.10.110 Physical Connections With establish a tampering fine by resolution for Other Water Supplies Or violation of this provision.This fine may be Systems. included in the utility bill. Failure to pay that fine can result in discontinuance of service. Neither cross connections nor physical connections of any kind shall be made to any D. Violations. other water supply, whether private or public, without the written consent and approval of the Violation of this section is punishable by a City Council, and the written approval of the fine of not more than$5,000. Violation of this Oregon Health Authority. Included in this section a second or subsequent time within a 24- category are all pipe lines, appurtenances and month period is punishable by a fine of not less facilities of the City system and all pipes, than$1,500 and not more than$5,000. appurtenances, pumps, tanks, storage reservoirs, facilities, equipment, appliances, etc., of other E. Code Violation a Civil Violation. systems whether located within or on public or private property, or the premises of a water In addition to the other penalties provided by customer. this Code and State law, a violation of any requirement of the Utility Code shall be a civil Any such connection shall be removed by the violation pursuant to Tigard Municipal Code 1.16 customer within ten days after written notice to and may be prosecuted in the Municipal Court of remove is given by the City. If not removed the City of Tigard. (Ord. 94-19) within the time specified, the City may remove or discontinue any connection which it may have for servicing the property. 12.10.090 Jurisdiction Of Water System. The operation and repair of the City's water No person shall interfere with or attempt to system, including pipes, valves, pumps, prevent the Public Works Director or other reservoirs, fixtures, etc. is the complete authorized representative from entering upon responsibility of the City's Public Works private premises and inspecting the property when Department. No plumber, contractor, or other an emergency exists or the Public Works Director person will be allowed to connect to or operate or authorized representative exhibits a warrant any part of the City's water system up to and authorizing entry. (Ord.93-34) including the water meter. (Ord. 02-31; Ord. 93- 34) 12.10.120 Cross Connection Control 12.10.100 Waste-Plumbing-Inspection. Program. Water will not be furnished to premises The City maintains a cross connection where it is allowed to run or waste to prevent control program in order to protect the public freezing or through defective plumbing or water supply from contamination or pollution, and otherwise. Plumbing should be in conformance to assure that approved backflow prevention with the appropriate codes of the jurisdiction assemblies or devices are tested and/or inspected issuing the building permit. annually. 12-10-3 Code Update: 11108 TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE access to the meter shall be from the street side in Determination by the City of appropriate levels of a direct path to the water meter. Failure to protection shall be in accordance with the maintain the area will result in City personnel Accepted Procedures and Practice in Cross clearing the area to meet the City's meter reading Connection Control Manual, American Water and maintenance needs. The City shall have no Works Association, Pacific Northwest Section, liability for trimming of maintaining vegetation in current edition. order to read meters.(Ord.02-31; Ord. 93-34) 12.10.130 Payment-Delinquency. 12.10.170 Limitation On The Use Of Water. (Repealed by Ord.96-02). A. Limitation on the use of water as to (Repealed by Ord. 96-02,Ord. 96-02; Ord.93-34) hours,purpose,or manner may be prescribed from time to time by order of the Public Works 12.10.140 Water Rates. Director, based on a finding that the limitation is reasonable given the available and projected water All rates, fees and charges shall be set by supply and demand. Any order under this section resolution of the Tigard City Council. (Ord. 93- shall be reviewed by City Council at its next 34) session following issuance of the order. The City 12.10.150 Interrupted Service-Changes Council may affirm,withdraw or amend the order. In Pressure. B. The Public Works Director, the City The water may be shut off at any time for Manager or the City Council may call for repairs or other necessary work with or without voluntary reductions in water use, including, but notice. Conditions may cause a variation of the not limited to,voluntary rotational watering plans. pressure. The City will not be responsible for any (Ord. 01-15 §1,Ord.93-34) damage caused by interruption of service or varying pressure. (Ord. 93-34) 12.10.180 Fire Hydrant-Temporary Use. 12.10.160 Service Connection Any person who desires to use a fire hydrant Maintenance. for temporary water supply must obtain permission of the City. The charge for temporary The City will maintain all standard service use shall be set by resolution of the City Council. connections in good repair without expense to the Customer is responsible for repair and/or customers. Each customer is required to use replacement of damaged meter. (Ord. 93-34) reasonable care and diligence to protect the water meter and meter box from loss or damage by 12.10.190 Illegal Use Of Fire Hydrant Or freezing, hot water, traffic hazards, and other Meter. causes, in default of which, such customer shall pay to the City the full amount of the resulting Connection to a fire hydrant or meter without damage. proper authority is a Class 1 civil infraction. (Ord.02-31; Ord.93-34) Each customer is required to maintain vegetation and other obstruction free zone of a 12.10.200 Amendments-Special Rules- minimum of two feet around the water meters,fire Contracts. hydrants or other water appurtenances. Clear 12-10-4 Code Update: 11108 TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE The City may at any time amend, change or responsible for the violation has received a modify any rule, rate or charge, or make any warning letter, any subsequent violation shall be special rule, rate or contract, and all water service treated as a civil infraction under Chapter 1.16. is subject to such power. (Ord. 93-34) (Ord.01-15 §4) 12.10.210 Grievances. 12.10.240 Penalties. Any grievance as to service or complaints A. First Violation—Warning letter. shall be made to the Public Works Director, who shall attempt to resolve the problem. Any B. Second Violation of the same type — unresolved grievances as to service or complaints Class 3 infraction$50. shall be reported and will be considered by the City Manager. (Ord.93-34) C. Third violation of the same type—Class 2 infraction$100. 12.10.220 Findings And Declaration Of A D. Fourth and subsequent violations of the Water Emergency. same type — Class 1 infraction $250. (Ord. 01-15 §5) Upon finding that the municipal water supply is incapable of providing an adequate water 12.10.250 Water Shut-Off. supply for normal usage due to a drought, system failure or any other event, the City Council may After the third violation of a curtailment declare a water emergency and require that water restriction, the Public Works Director may order usage must be curtailed. The declaration shall that the water service to the location where the include the effective date, the reason for the violation has occurred shall be shut-off or declaration and the level of prohibition declared. reduced. A shut-off notice shall be posted on the The City Council may include an estimated time property at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled for review or revocation of the declaration. (Ord. shut-off or reduction. The shut-off notice shall 01-15 §2) specify the reasons for the shut-off or reduction. Any person wishing to avoid a shut-off must provide the Public Works Director with evidence 12.10.230 Enforcement. that the shut-off will create a health or safety risk. All shut-offs imposed under this section shall be A. Warning. The City shall send a letter of temporary, not to exceed thirty (30) days, warning for each violation of a curtailment provided the applicable charges are paid prior to restriction if no previous letter of warning has reconnection. (Ord.01-15 §6) been sent to the person responsible for the violation. The letter of warning shall specify the ■ violation, may require compliance measures and shall be served upon the person responsible for the violation. Service may be in person, by office or substitute service or by certified or registered mail,return receipt requested. B. Civil Infraction. After the person 12-10-5 Code Update: 11108