Tualatin Valley Workshop - C110034 CITY OF TIGARD,OREGON
The Agreement between the City of Tigard, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon,
hereinafter called City, and Tualatin Valley Workshop, hereinafter referred to as Contractor, entered
into on the 14th"day of June, 2011,is hereby amended as follows:
3. Basic Fee
As compensation for Basic Services as described in Exhibit 1 of this Agreement, and for
services required in the fulfillment of Paragraph 1, the Janitorial Service shall be paid
annually based on Table 12012-13 Annual amount. This agreement shall constitute full and
complete payment for said services and all expenditures which may be made and expenses
incurred, except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement. The Basic Fee shall not
exceed the amount of$186,638.43,which is a$24,775.40 deduction to the original contract.
Table 1:
Tualatin Valley Workshop Project Cost
2011-12 2012-13 Amendment#1
Annual Annual (Adjustment)
Public Works $32,570.30 $31,259.71 ($1,310.59)
Senior Center $18,082.80 $12,033.63 ($6,049.17)
Nich-Network Building $5,250.25 $4,991.43 ($258.82)
City Hall/Public Safety/Permit
Center $64,547.26 $55,968.85 ($8,578.41)
Library $90,963.22 $82,384.81 ($8,578.41)
$211,413.83 $186,638.43 ($24,775.40)
SUMMARY OF ANNUAL COSTS Oregon Department of Administrative Services
Project Coating Wbrks heat
The summary sheet is linked to the othetr sheets in this workbook.Any area shaded in light green Is either a formula
or linked to anotherwork sheet,The only manual input to this sheet will be to input the QRF name,The costs are to
be divided into five categories:Raw Materials,Labor,Overhead,Delivery and Reserve Costs.Raw materials consist
of supplies,small equipment&tools,and large or special equipment.Each category is detailed on the following
sheets.Labor costs is direct labor used to produce or service the contract.Overhead costs is a line item charge
which is computed on the overhead sheet.Transportation or delivery and reserve computations are also completed
on the following sheets.All these costs will vary depending upon your organization and the specifications for the
project.Each sheet will have an example calculation and further instructions for completion,
QRF NameTua.latinValle.Workshop,
...... .. ..
Project Tigard City PublicWorks/Old Public WorkM?Vater Bid."13260 Square feet Approximate"Reduction in Spec 2 days vacuuming central trasl
Executive Director S.i nature:
Flaw Materials _
Per Time Use-Supplies (from supplies worksheet) is 698.18
Equipment,Tools&Subcontracting (from small equipment vrorksheetj S 260.00
Subtotal S 958.18
Direct Labor (from labor daily worksheet) 23,580.69
See Overhead Worksheet LL
Transportation (from Trans&Reserve worksheet) Ls—
Total Before Margin 30,321.92
Margin Held in Reserve (from Trans&Reserve worksheet) 5 937.79
Total Bid Yearly S 31,259,71
montftffl$ 2,604.98
SUMMARY OF ANNUAL COSTS Oregon Department of Administrative Services
Project Costing Worksheet
The summary sheet is linked to the outer sheets in this workbook.Any area shaded in light green is either a formula
or linked to another work sheet.The only manual input to this sheet Mil be to input the QRF name.The costs are to
be divided into five categories:Raw Materials,Labor,Overhead,Delivery and reserve Costs.Raw materials cons'
of supplies,small equipment&tools,and large or special equipment.Each category is detailed on the following
sheets.Labor costs is direct labor used to produce or services the contract-Overhead costs is a line item charge
which is computed on the overhead sheet.Transportation or delivery and reserve computations are also completed
on the following sheets.All these costs will vary depending upon your organization and the specifications far the
project.Each sheet will have an example calculaWn and further instructions for completion.
QRF Name ITuaWn Vallev Workshop,Inc.
Project TI,Bard„Public,Library,48430 square feet.2012 WPNeekend 6P-Central trash and 3 xweek vacuuming-Contract reduction.
' „
Executive Director Signature:
Raw Materials
Per Time Use-Supplies (from supplies worksheet) $ __:727.5$
Equipment,Tools&Subcontracting (front small equipmentwerksheet) s 5.558.0!3
Subtotal 11$ B 285.5&
Direct Labor (from labor daily worksheet) $ 88,31{i.44
See overhead Worksheet 3 15.241.18
Transportation (from Trans&Reserve viorksbeet) $ 76.03
Total Before Margin 5 79,913.28
Margin Held in Reserve (from Trans&Reserve works`,cet) 2,471.54
Total Bid Yoody $ 82.384.81
Monthly $ 6,865.40
SUMMARY OF ANNUAL COSTS Oregon Department of Administrative Services
Project Costing Worksheet
The summary sheet is linked to the other sheets in this workbook.Any area shaded in light green is either a formula
or linked to another work sheet.The only manual input to this sheet will be to input the QRF name.The costs are to
be divided Into five categories:Raw Materials,tabor,Overhead,Delivery and Reserve Costs.Raw materials consis
of supplies,small equipment&toots.and large or special equipment.Each category is detailed on the following
sheets.Laborcosts is direct labor used to produce or service the contract Overhead costs is a line iters charge
!which is computed on the overhead sheet Transportation or delivery and reserve computations are also completed
on the following sheets.All these costs will vary depending upon your organlzation and the specifications for the
project.Each sheet will have an example calculation and further instructions for completion.
QRF Name Tualatin-Wley Workshop
Project ITIgard City Senior Center$110 sq.it 2012 reduction in spec-(no weekend work)Glean only-entrances+bathrooms daily- Stalrs,Elavator Wei
Executive Director St nature:
Raw Materials
Per Time Use-Supplies (from supplies worksheet) S 691,68
Equ 1pment,Tools&.Subcontracting (from small equlprnentwx sheer) Is 290,00
Subtotal 11 5 9a1.66
Direct Labor (from labor daily worksheet) s a,522.03
See Overhead Worksheet is 2,228.22
Transportation (from Trans&Resem worksheet) Is 63.05
Total SaforeMargial 5 11,792.98
Margin Held in Reserve (from Trans&Reserve worksheet) S 240.67
Total Bid Yearfy $ 12,033.63
Monthlyl S 1,002.60
SUMMARY OF ANNUAL.COSTS Oregon Department of Administrative Services
Project Costing Worksheet
The summary sheet is linked to the other sheets in this workbook.Any area shaded in light green is either a formula
or linked to another work sheet.The only manual in,put to this sheet will be to input the QRF name,The costs are to
be divided into five categories:Raw Materials,Labor,Overhead,Delivery and Reserve Costs,Raw materials consist
of supplies,sroail equipment&tools,and large or special equipment.Each category is detailed on the following
sheets,Labor costs is direct labor used to produce or service the contract.Overhead costs is a line item charge
which is computed on the overhead sheet.Transportation ordelivery and reserve computations are also completed
on the following sheets.All these costs will vary depending upon your organization,and the specifications for the
project.Each sheet will have an example calculation and further instructions for completion.
QRF Name ITualatin Valley Workshop
Project ITigard City Hall Public Safe / __r 38750
_ sfeet. 2012 reduction in spec 2x vac per ween and central trash
tyl Parmrts ua_ve,
Executive Director Signature:
Raw Materials
Per-Time Use-Supplies (from supplies worksheet) $ 717,93
Equipment,Tools&Subcontracting (from small equlpmentworksheet) S 2,005:00
Subtotal $ 2,722.93
Direct Labor (from labor daily worksheet) 141,136.57
See Overhead Worksheet S 10,354.24
Transportation (from Tracts&Reserve worksheet) i s --� 76.05
Total Before Margin $ 54,289,79
Margin field to Reserve (from Trans&Reserve worksheet) is 1.679.07
Total Bid Yearlyl$ 55.968.85
monthlyl3 4,664.07
SUMMARY OF ANNUAL COSTS Oregon Departrrrent of Arimhristrathve Services
Project Costing Worksheat
The summary sheet is linked to the other sheets in this workbook.Any area shaded in sight green is either a formula
or linked to another work sheet.The only manual input to this sheet will be to input the QRF name.The costs are to
he divided into five categories:Raw Materials,Labor,Overhead,Delivery and Reserve Costs.Raw materials consis
of supplies,small equipment&tools,and large or special equipment.Each category is detailed on the following
sheets.Labor costs is direct labor used to produce or service the contract.Overhead costs is a line item charge
which is computed on the overhead sheet.Transportation or delivery and reserve computations are also completed
on the following sheets.All these costs will vary depending upon your organization and the specifications for the
project.Each sheet will have an example calculation and further instructions for completion.
QRF Name ITualatin Valley Workshop
ProjectTigard City NeFvaork Building 2240 square feet 2012 reduction in spec Zx vacuuming Central Trash
Executive Director Sl nature:
Raw Materials
Per Time Use-Supplies (from supplies worksheet) Ls 401.60
Equipment,Tools&Subcontracting (from small equipment worksheet) LI 260.00
Subtotal t $ 661.60
Drect Labor (from labor daily worksheet) HE 3,306.59
See Overhead Worksheet S 923.41
Delivery _
Transportation (from Trans&Reserve worksheet) [$
Total Before Margin S 4,891.60
Margin Held in Reserve (from Trans&Reserve worksheet) Is 99.83
Total Birt Yearly $ _ 4,991.45
Month S 415.95
Request for Price Approval
.............................................. .............. Con tract 4
(Product or Service)
Total pricc. 174 per (month,year,each,doz.)
Requesting Agency:
Requesting QRF,
Agency and QRF agree the proposed price and supporting
documentation meets the requirements of OAR 125-055-0030.
Authorized Agency Signature
Autp&ized QRF Signature
V41A(01A iy IA".- 1C phone
Email Address
JDAS/SPO has reviewed the submitted documentation supporting the
price offered by the QRF and approves the price for procurement of the
above stated product or set-vice in accordance with OAR 125-055-0030.
DAS QRF Coordinator
Revised C State Procurement Office
1/26P-009 M" Achieving Results Together
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City has caused this Amendment to be executed by its duly authorized
undersigned officer and Contractor has executed this Amendment upon signature and date listed
Signature Signati e
AA 61
Printed Name Printed Name
�� 3� Zolz lU 0
Date Date
City of Tigard
June 23, 2014
Tualatin Valley Workshop
Atm: Josh Bearman
7763 SW Cirrus Drive
Beaverton OR, 97008
REF.: City of Tigard Agreement for Janitorial Services
Period:June 14, 2014 through June 13, 2015
Tualatin Valley Workshop Contract #C11034
Dear Mr. Bearman:
The City of Tigard has determined that your company has performed in accordance with the
requirements of our Agreement. Therefore, the City of Tigard, pursuant to the
renewal/extension clause contained in the terms and conditions of the Agreement, desires to
exercise its third (3rd) one-year extension to the Contract effective from June 14, 2014
through June 13, 2015. This renewal period shall be governed by the specifications, pricing,
and the terms and conditions set forth per the above referenced Contract.
Please acknowledge acceptance of this renewal by signing this document in the
space provided below and returning it to me within ten (10) days. You may keep a
copy for your records.
The City looks forward to doing business with Tualatin Valley Workshop.
Michelle Wrigh LP
Business Manager
I/We hereby acknowledge acceptance of this Contract renewal, and agree to be bound by all
requirements, terms, and conditions as set forth in the above r enced ontract.
-(Vw [sc,S4'Nga, (lean � I SySid:
Company: gn
Date: � Printed: �S(n t/G6l✓IMGln✓VI1GIn
13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard, Oregon 97223 • 503.639.4171
TTY Relay: 503.684.2772 • www.tigard-or.gov
ul 12 City of Tigard
rchrUurq 11 , 2, 01
Tualatin Valley Workshop
Attn: Josh Bearman
7763 SW Cirrus Drive
Beaverton OR, 97008
REF. : City of Tigard Agreement for Janitorial Services
Period : June 14, 2012 through June 13 , 2013
Dear Mr. Bearman:
The City of Tigard has determined that your company has performed in accordance with the
requirements of our Agreement. Therefore, the City of Tigard, pursuant to the
renewal/ extension clause contained in the terms and conditions of the Agreement, desires to
exercise its first (1st) one-year extension to the Contract effective from June 14, 2012
through June 13, 2013 . This renewal period shall be governed by the specifications, pricing,
and the terms and conditions set forth per the above referenced Contract.
Please acknowledge acceptance of this renewal by signing this document in the
space provided below and returning it to me within ten (10) days . You may keep a
copy for your records .
The City looks forward to doing business with Tualatin Valley Workshop .
Michelle Wright
Business Manager
503 -718-2445
I /We hereby acknowledge acceptance of this Contract renewal, and agree to be bound by all
requirements, terms, and conditions as set forth in the above refere d Contract.
Company: Signed:
Date : / Printed: oSL'\ �et V-v v- 4y\
13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard, Oregon 97223 • 503 . 639 . 4171
TTY Relay: 503 . 684 .2772 0 www .tigard-or. gov
THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 15th day of June, 2011 by and between the City of Tigard,
a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called "City", and Tualatin Valley Workshop, Inc.,
hereinafter called"Contractor",collectively known as the"Parties."
WHEREAS, Contractor provides janitorial services as required by the City;and
WHEREAS, ORS 279.850 requires a public agency to purchase goods or services from a Qualified
Rehabilitative Facility if the goods or services offered by the Qualified Rehabilitative Facility meet the public
agencies need,
WHEREAS, Contractor is currently a certified Qualified Rehabilitative Facility,
WHEREAS, Contractor is aware of the purposes for which City requires the services
WHEREAS, the State of Oregon's Department of Administrative Services has approved the proposed
pricing for the Contractor's services to the City; and
WHEREAS, City and Contractor wish to enter into a contract under which City shall purchase the services
described in Exhibit A;
THEREFORE,The Parties agree as follows:
Contractor agrees to provide services related to janitorial services as detailed in Exhibit A — Scope of
Services and by this reference made a part hereof.
Contractor shall initiate services upon receipt of City's notice to proceed, together with an executed
copy of this Agreement. This Agreement shall become effective upon the date of execution and shall
expire,unless otherwise terminated or extended, on June 14, 2012. All services shall be completed prior
to the expiration of this Agreement. The Parties may mutually agree to four (4) additional one-year
options. Any execution of an option year must be made in writing sixty (60) days prior to the any given
contract year's expiration.
City agrees to pay Contractor an amount not exceeding Two Hundred Eleven Thousand Four Hundred
Thirteen and 80/100 dollars ($211,413.80) for performance of those services described herein during
the first year of the contract. Future contract year pricing (assuming execution of any given option year)
will be mutually agreed upon and approved by the State of Oregon. Payment shall be based upon the
following applicable terms:
2011 GSA—janitorial Services Page 1
A. Payment will be made in installments based on Contractor's invoice, subject to the approval
by the City, and not more frequently than monthly. Payment shall be made only for work
actually completed as of the date of invoice.
B. Payment by City shall release City from any further obligation for payment to Contractor,
for services performed or expenses incurred as of the date of the invoice. Payment shall not
be considered acceptance or approval of any work or waiver of any defects therein.
C. Contractor shall make payments promptly, as due, to all persons supplying labor or materials
for the prosecution of this work.
D. Contractor shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the City on
any account of any labor or material furnished.
E. Contractor shall pay to the Department of Revenue all sums withheld from employees
pursuant to ORS 316.167.
F. If Contractor fails, neglects or refuses to make prompt payment of any claim for labor or
services furnished to Contractor or a subcontractor by any person as such claim becomes
due, City may pay such claim and charge the amount of the payment against funds due or to
become due the Contractor. The payment of the claim in this manner shall not relieve
Contractor or their surety from obligation with respect to any unpaid claims.
G. Contractor shall pay employees at least time and a half pay for all overtime worked in excess
of 40 hours in any one work week except for individuals under the contract who are
excluded under ORS 653.010 to 653.261 or under 29 USC sections 201 to 209 from
receiving overtime.
H. Contractor shall promptly, as due, make payment to any person, co-partnership, association
or corporation, furnishing medical, surgical, hospital care or other needed care and attention
incident to sickness or injury to the employees of Contractor or all sums which Contractor
agrees to pay for such services and all moneys and sums which Contractor collected or
deducted from the wages of employees pursuant to any law, contract or agreement for the
purpose of providing or paying for such service.
I. The City certifies that sufficient funds are available and authorized for expenditure to finance
costs of this contract.
Neither party shall assign or transfer any interest in or duty under this Agreement without the written
consent of the other and any attempted assignment or transfer without the written consent of the other
parry shall be invalid.
All notices and bills shall be made in writing and may be given by personal delivery, mail or fax.
Payments may be made by personal delivery,mail, or electronic transfer. The following addresses shall
be used to transmit notices,bills,payments,and other information:
2011 GSA—janitorial Services Page 2
Attn: Nick Nissen,Facility Svcs Supervisor Atte: josh Bearman
Address: 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Address: 6615 SE Alexander Street
Tigard,Oregon 97223 Hillsboro Oregon 97123
Phone: 503-718-2605 Phone: 503-2238-6801,ext. 1001
Fax: 503-684-7297 Fax: 503-238-6810
Email Address: ngn@tigard-or.gov Email Address: bearmanna tv-workshoti com
The parties agree that any decision by either party to terminate this Agreement before the 14`h day of
June, 2012 shall be accompanied by thirty (30) days written notice to the other party prior to the
date termination would take effect. There shall be no penalty for early terination. If City
nates the contract pursuant to this paragraph, it shall pay Contractor for sen-ices rendered
prorated to the date of termination.
City shall have access to such books, documents, papers and records of Contractor as are directly
pertinent to this Agreement for the purpose of making audit,examination, excerpts and transcripts.
Neither City nor Contractor shall be considered in default because of any delays in completion and
responsibilities hereunder due to causes beyond the control and without fault or negligence on the part
of the parties so disenabled, including but not restricted to, natural disaster, war, civil unrest, volcano,
earthquake, fire, flood, epidemic, quarantine restriction, area-wide strike, freight embargo, unusually
severe weather or delay of subcontractor or supplies due to such cause; provided that the parties so
disenabled shall within ten (10) days from the beginning of such delay, notify the other party in writing
of the cause of delay and its probable extent. Such notification shall not be the basis for a claim for
additional compensation. Each party shall, however,make all reasonable efforts to remove or eliminate
such a cause of delay or default and shall, upon cessation of the cause,diligently pursue performance of
its obligation under the Agreement.
Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable requirements of federal and state civil rights and
rehabilitation statues, rules, and regulations. Contractor also shall comply with the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990, ORS 659.425, and all regulations and administrative rules established pursuant
to those laws.
Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless City, City's officers, employees, agents and
representatives from and against all liability, claims, demands, judgments, penalties, and causes of
action of any kind or character, or other costs or expenses incidental to the investigation and
defense thereof, of whatever nature, resulting from or arising out of the activities of the Contractor
or its subcontractors, agents, or employees under this contract, except, however, that the foregoing
shall not apply to liability that arises out of City's sole negligence.
2011 GSA—janitorial Services Page 3
Contractor shall maintain insurance acceptable to City in full force and effect throughout the term of
this contract. Such insurance shall cover all risks arising directly or indirectly out of Contractor's
activities or work hereunder.
The policy or policies of insurance maintained by the Contractor shall provide at least the following
limits and coverages:
A. Commercial General Liability Insurance
Contractor shall obtain, at contractor's expense, and keep in effect during the term of this
contract, Comprehensive General Liability Insurance covering Bodily Injury and Property
Damage on an "occurrence" form (1996 ISO or equivalent). This coverage shall include
Contractual Liability insurance for the indemnity provided under this contract. The
following insurance will be carried:
Coverage Limit
General Aggregate 2,000,000
Products-Completed Operations Aggregate 1,000,000
Personal&Advertising Injury 1,000,000
Each Occurrence 1,000,000
Fire Damage (any one fire) 50,000
Medical Expense (any one person) 5,000
B. Business Automobile Liability Insurance
If Contractor will be delivering any goods or services which require the use of a vehicle,
Contractor shall provide City a certificate indicating that Contractor has business automobile
liability coverage for all owned,hired,and non-owned vehicles. The Combined Single Limit per
occurrence shall not be less than $1,000,000. Said insurance shall name City as an additional
insured and shall require written notice to City thirty (30) days in advance of cancellation. If
Contractor hires a carrier to make delivery, Contractor shall ensure that said carrier complies
with this paragraph.
C. Workers'Compensation Insurance
The Contractor and all employers providing work, labor or materials under this Contract
that are either subject employers under the Oregon Workers' Compensation Law and shall
comply with ORS 656.017,which requires them to provide workers' compensation coverage
that satisfies Oregon law for all their subject workers or employers that are exempt under
ORS 656.126. Out-of-state employers must provide Oregon workers' compensation
coverage for their workers who work at a single location within Oregon for more than 30
days in a calendar year. Contractors who perform work without the assistance or labor of
any employee need not obtain such coverage. This shall include Employer's Liability
Insurance with coverage limits of not less than$500,000 each accident.
D. Insurance Carrier Rating
All coverage provided by the Contractor must be underwritten by an insurance company
deemed acceptable by the City. The City reserves the right to reject all or any insurance
carrier(s)with an unacceptable financial rating.
2011 GSA—Janitorial Services Page 4
E. Certificates of Insurance
As evidence of the insurance coverage required by the contract, the Contractor shall furnish
a Certificate of Insurance to the City. No contract shall be effected until the required
certificates have been received and approved by the City.
The procuring of such required insurance shall not be construed to limit contractor's liability hereunder.
Notwithstanding said insurance, Contractor shall be obligated for the total amount of any damage,
injury, or loss caused by negligence or neglect connected with this contract.
In case suit or action is instituted to enforce the provisions of this contract, the parties agree that the
losing parry shall pay such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable attorney fees and court costs,
including witness fees (expert and non-expert),attorney's fees and court costs on appeal.
Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations,
including, but not limited to, the requirements concerning working hours, overtime, medical care,
workers compensation insurance, health care payments, payments to employees and subcontractors
and income tax withholding contained in ORS Chapter 279B, the provisions of which are hereby
made a part of this agreement.
It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should there be any conflict
between the terms of this instrument in the proposal of the contract, this instrument shall control and
nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of the terms of proposal conflicting herewith.
In the event any provision or portion of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable or invalid by any
court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining terms and provisions shall not be affected
to the extent that it did not materially affect the intent of the parties when they entered into the
Contractor shall pay all contributions or amount due the Industrial Accident Fund form that Contractor
or subcontractors incur during the performance of this Agreement.
This Agreement, including the exhibits, is intended both as a final expression of the Agreement
between the parties and as a complete and exclusive statement of the terms. In the event of an
inconsistency between a provision in the main body of the Agreement and a provision in the Exhibit,
the provision in the main body of the Agreement shall control. In the event of an inconsistency
between Exhibit A and Exhibit B, Exhibit A shall control. No modification of this Agreement shall be
effective unless and until it is made in writing and signed by both parties. No waiver, consent,
modification, or change of terms of this Agreement shall bind either party unless in writing and signed
by both parties. Such waiver, consent, modification, or change if made, shall be effective only in
specific instances and for the specific purpose given. There are no understandings, agreements, or
2011 GSA—janitorial Services Page 5
representations, oral or written, not specified herein regarding this Agreement. Contractor, by the
signature of its authorized representative, hereby acknowledges that Contractor has read this
Agreement,understands it and agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City has caused this Agreemen. to be executed by its duly authorized
undersigned officer and Contractor has executed this Agreement the dgejereinabove first written.
Approved by Tigard's Local Contract Review Board:
\ �� vVl'�11�
By: Au th ed City Representative By:Auth rued ontractor Representative
-71 � 3
Date Date
2011 GSA,—janitorial Services Page 6
1. Pick up trash, and remove from building. Daily
2. Replace liner if soiled by drink or wet debris. Daily
3. Wash and disinfect interior of all waste containers if liners fails. Daily
a. Reusable plastic liners are acceptable if they are maintained replaced as
4. At Permit Center ONLY,roll large trash bins (with wheels) to the curb of Monday Evening
the driveway circle to be picked up.
1. Empty small recycle bin into large recycle container. Daily
2. Remove cardboard to outdoor recycling container. Daily
3. Empty large indoor recycle containers to outdoor recycle containers. As Needed
4. At Permit Center ONLY, roll large recycling bins (with wheels) to the curb Monday Evening
of the driveway circle to be picked up.
1. Clean area including doors, floors, and door mats. Daily
2. Mop floors as needed. Daily
3. Spot clean door glass and surrounding windows. Daily
4. Empty trash receptacles. Daily
5. Clean and service sand urns and damp clean ashtrays. Daily
6. Clean entire lobby entry doors. Weekly
1. Pick up all trash including sanitary containers. Daily
2. Service all soap, towel, toilet tissue, sanitary and seat cover dispensers as Daily
needed (load properly).
3. Sweep floor and pick up debris. Daily
4. Mop floors with germicidal solution. Daily
5. Clean mirrors (leave free from streaks). Daily
6. Clean and disinfect all toilet bowls including seat and urinals. Daily
a. Brush inside of bowl trap and under inside of rim.
b. Bowls must be free of stains and mineral deposits inside and outside.
7. Wipe all wall surfaces around sink basins and urinals to remove evidence of Daily
8. Wash or scrub sink basins with germicidal solution. Daily
9. Clean and disinfect all restroom fixtures and counter tops. Daily
10. Wash walls and partitions with germicidal solution. Weekly
1. Ammonium germicidal cleaner properly mixed is to be used in all
cleaning processes.
2011 GSA—janitorial Services Page 7
1. Clean and disinfect nozzle and basin. Daily
2. Use brush in drain and remove signs of corrosion. Weekly
1. Pick-up trash. Daily
2. Spot clean glass in doors and surrounding windows. Daily
3. Sanitize tabletops and damp clean seats and backs of chairs. Daily
4. Sweep floor and pick up debris (including stairway at City Hall lunchroom).; Daily
5. Mop floors with germicidal solution. Weekly
6. Vacuum between refrigerator and counter. Monthly
NOTE: Kitchen located at Senior Center is not part of service area.
1. Pick up trash. Daily
2. Empty small recycling containers. Daily
3. Wipe reception area counter tops with disinfectant solution. Daily
4. Spot clean interior office windows. Daily
5. Vacuum floors. - Daily
6. Empty large recycling containers. As Needed
1. Wipe all counter tops, desks and tables with germicidal solution. Daily
1. Dust all office desks, chairs and tables when cleared. Weekly
a. Do not disturb papers.
2. Dust all low areas - hand height(70") including sills,ledges exposed filing Weekly
cabinets, bookcases and shelves.
3. Dust and sanitize all telephones. Weekly
4. Dust all high areas above (70") height including shelves, moldings,ledges Weekly
and top of door frames.
5. Dust Venetian blinds. Monthly
6. Dust Venetian blinds. Annually
a. Do not remove blinds.
b. To be completed in May.
1. Polish conference room tables. Weekly
2. Vacuum fabric furniture in Library only. Weekly
3. Damp wipe plastic chairs with germicidal solution. Monthly
4. Clean all Tables in Auditorium and Community Room. Monthly
2011 GSA—Janitorial Services Page 8
1. All brass areas, e.g. door handles, electrical light plates etc., to be polish-free Semi-Monthly
of tarnish and fingerprints with brass polish.
1. Vacuum thoroughly all carpeted areas including wall-to-wall carpet,carpet Daily
staircases, carpet mats.
2. Carpet shall be spot cleaned as needed. Daily
3. Move chairs to vacuum and replace in an orderly manner. Daily
4. Machine shampoo all carpet. (To be completed in April and October) Semi-Annually
5. Carpets in all building will be cleaned twice per year. Once by walk behind Semi-Annually
NOTE: Vacuums used shall have a motor driven brush and a beater bar if
carpet has apad installed, and shall have a motor driven brush only
if there is not pad under the carpet.
1. Sweep floors and remove debris. Daily
2. Mop vinyl/tile with a properly mixed quaternary ammonium germicidal Daily
3. Remove black marks, tar and oil. Weekly
4. Strip, clean, refinish and machine polish. Annually
a. To be completed in April or October.
1. Spot clean all interior windows. Daily
2. Wash complete glass in interior offices and doors. Quarterly
3. Wash all exterior windows inside and out. Annuallv
a. To be completed in May.
4. Wash all ledges. Annually
a. To be completed in May.
1. Clean all window coverings. (To be completed in May) Annually
1. Remove flies and other foreign material from light fixtures. Quarterly
2. Thoroughly wash all light fixtures. Annually
a. To be completed in April.
1. Vacuum HVAC outlets removing dust, cobwebs and debris. Monthly
2011 GSA—Janitorial Services Page 9
1. Trash Pick-up in all areas
a. Pick up trash, and remove from building. _. . . IMM
b. Replace litter if soiled by drink or wet debris. Dally
c. Wash &disinfect waste containers if liners fail. As Needed
2. Recycling Containers
a. Empty small recycle bins into large recycle container. Daily
b. Empty large indoor recycle containers to outdoor recycle containers. Daily
3. Main Entrance Lobby
a. Clean area including doors, floors, and door mats. Daily
b. Mop floors as needed. J Daily
c. Spot clean door glass above&below door handles. Daily
d. Empty trash receptacles. Daily
e. Wipe down tables and chairs. Daily
f. Remove black marks, tar and oil from floor. Weekly
g. Strip, clean, refinish, and machine polish floors. Annually
4. All Restrooms
a. Pick up and empty all trash (including sanitary) containers. Daily
b. Service all soap,paper towel, toilet tissue, sanitary and seat cover Daily
dispensers as needed.
c. Sweep floor and pick up debris. Daily
d. Mop floors with germicidal solution. Daily
e. Clean mirrors. Daily
f Clean and disinfect all toilet bowls including seats and urinals. Daily
g. Clean inside of bowl and under inside of rim. Daily
h. Wipe all wall surfaces around sink basins and urinals to remove evidence ; Daily
of splashing.
i. Wash or scrub sink basins with germicidal solution. Daily
j. Clean and disinfect all restroom fixtures, including door handles. Daily
k. Disinfect Koala diaper changers. Daily
1. Wash walls and partitions with germicidal solution. Weekly
5. All Drinking Fountains
a. Clean and disinfect nozzle and basun.
b. Clean drain and remove signs of corrosion.
6. Lunchroom / Employee Lounge
a. Empty trash receptacles. Daily
b. Sanitize tabletops and countertop. Dally
c. Sweep floor and pick up debris. Daily
d. Damp clean seats and backs of chairs. Weekly
e. Mop floors with germicidal solution. Weekly
2011 GSA—Janitorial Services Page 10
7. Office and Workroom Areas
a. Empty trash receptacles &recycling containers. Daily
b. Vacuum carpeted floors and dust/mop tile. Weekly
c. Empty large recycling containers. As Needed
8. All Public Areas-Library&Lobby (includes Lobby desk, Circulation desk
Reference desks, and Children's Dgskl
a. Wipe all counter tops, desks & tables with cleaning solution specifically Weekly
designed for the particular surface (Circulation Desk: granite top &
Children's Desk-Plastic Laminate)
9. Conference Rooms
a. Wipe table tops with specific appropriate solution for each surface to Daily
clean and/or polish wood surfaces.
b. Vacuum floors. Daily
e. Empty trash/recycling containers. Daily
d. Sanitize sink and countertop. Weekly
10. Study Rooms
a. Wipe table tops with specific appropriate solution for each surface to Daily
clean and/or polish wood surfaces.
b. Vacuum floors. Daily
c. Empty trash/recychng containers. Daily
11. Dust Vertical / Horizontal Surfaces
a. Dust all areas under 70" incl. sills,ledges, cabinets, bookcases &shelves. Weekly
b. Dust all areas above 70" incl. shelves moldings,ledges and top of door Monthly
12. Furniture
a. If accidental spill or stain, clean furniture. ASAP or When
13. Special Surfaces
a. All metal and aluminum finish areas (door handles, light plates etc.) are Monthly
to be free of tarnish and fingerprints and cleaned with appropriate polish.
14. Floor Maintenance - Carpet
a. Vacuum all carpeted areas including wall-to-wall carpet, carpet staircases Weekly
and entry walk-off mats.
b. Carpet shall be spot cleaned as needed. As Needed
e. Move chairs to vacuum and replace in an orderly manner. As Required
d. Machine shampoo and maintain all carpets. (Truck Mounted) Semi-Annually
e. Machine shampoo & spot clean carpet areas of Community Room& Semi l�nnually
Children's Room.
2011 GSA—janitorial Services Page 11
15. Floor Maintenance - Resilient and Hard
a. Sweep floors and remove debris. Daily
b. Mop vinyl/tile with ammonium/germicidal cleaner. Day
c. Remove black marks, tar and oil. Weekly
d. Strip, clean, refinish and machine polish. Annually
16. Community Room
a. Vacuum floors and carpets. Daily if room is used
b. Mop wooden floor area. Daily if room is used
c. Spot clean glass doors and windows. Daily if room is used
d. Empty trash/recychng containers. Daily if room is used
e. Machine shampoo carpet.(Truck Mounted) Semi-Annually—
Spot Clean as
f. Polish wooden floor. Annually
17. Eaaqy
a. Check for&remove debris and garbage. Daily if room is used
b. Wipe down & sanitize counters, clean sink. Daily if room is used
C. Mop floor. Daily if room is used
18. Children's Area / Program Areas
a. Vacuum floors and carpets. Daily
b. Empty trash/recychng containers. Day
c. Mop the/floors with germicidal solution. Daily
d. Spot clean door glass (above and below handle) As Needed
e. Maclvne shampoo carpet Semi-Annually—
Spot Clean as
19. Houghton Reading Room
a. Vacuum floors and carpets. Day
b. Empty trash/recycling containers. Daily
c. Spot clean glass entry doors. Day
d. Dust granite hearth. Weekly
e. Dust outside of built-in display cabinet& clean glass. Weekly
f Dust tabletops with appropriate cleaning solution. Monthly
g. Clean fireplace glass &hearth. Monthly
h. Machine shampoo carpet. Semi-Annually
i. Polish chair armrests. Quarterly
2011 GSA—janitorial Services Page 12
20. Elevators
a. Vacuum carpet (public) and mop the (staff) Daily
b. Sanitize buttons/panel. Daily
c. Spot clean any surface (fingerprints, etc.). Daily
d. Clean and sanitize all surfaces. Weekly
21. Light Fixtures
a. Remove insects & other foreign material from light fixtures. Quarterly
b. Thoroughly wash all light fixtures. Annually
22. HVAC Vent Registers
a. Vacuum HVAC registers removing dust, cobwebs and debris. Quarterly
23. Window Coverings
a. Clean all window coverings. Quarterly
24. Windows
a. Spot clean all interior windows. Daily
b. Wash public area windows/glass doors. Weekly
c. Wash complete glass in interior offices and doors. Monthly
d. Wash all exterior windows,inside and out. Annually
e. Dust tongue in groove deck / wood ceiling (2nd Floor) light shelf by the Annually
clear story.
25. Display Cases - 2 in Lobby, 2 in Local History, 3 in Houghton 2 in New
a. Clean glass. Monthly
26. Public Computers OPACS : Young Adults Kids New Books Areas
a. Dust built-in laminate countertops Weekly
27. Miscellaneous
a. Dust built-in benches. Monthly
b. Dust brace frames (big V's) Monthly
28. Contractor shall also be responsible for all other duties as assigned in writing
or electronic communication (email) by the City's Contract Manager. Only
the City's Contract Manager may assign extra duties.
A. Remove Trash and Waste
All waste receptacles and other trash containers within the buildings will be emptied each night and
returned to their initial locations. Wet spills on interior of wastebasket will be removed. Can liners
will be replaced when obviously soiled or torn.
2011 GSA—janitorial Services Page 13
B. Remove Recycle Paper
Small recycling paper bins will be emptied each night into the larger indoor recycling bins and
returned to their initial location. The large recycling bins will be emptied on an "as needed basis"
into the recycling containers located outside.
NOTE: All recycling paper shall be kept separate from garbage and be emptied into the
recycling containers.
C. Cardboard Disposal
All cardboard that has been broken down and placed beside wastebaskets shall be removed to the
cardboard recycling containers located outside.
NOTE: All cardboard shall be kept separate from garbage and be emptied into the
cardboard recycling container outside.
D. Clean Entrance Mats
Entrance mats located in the interior of the entrances will be cleaned. If vacuuming does not remove
the affected soil, the mats will be taken outside and swept with a stiff broom until all visible soil has
been removed. Entrance mats will be lifted to remove soil and moisture underneath, and will then
be returned to the normal location after cleaning. No entrance mats will be placed upon a damp or
wet floor surface.
E. Empty Ashtray Receptacle
Empty and damp wipe with cloth or sponge to remove evident soil from all ash tray receptacles.
F. Spot Clean Glass
Remove smudges, finger prints, streaks, stains, lint, etc., from all glass i.e., interior office glass,
entrance doors including surrounding glass windows. Spot cleaning is not to leave noticeable color
differential from surrounding area.
G. Cleaning Toilet and Urinals
Remove scale, scum, and mineral deposits, rust stains, etc. from the interior of toilet bowls and
urinals. After cleaning, toilets and urinals will be free from rings, mineral deposits, and rust stains
and will have a uniform, bright, shiny appearance.
H. Spot Clean Restroom Walls, Partitions, and Doors
Clean the partition walls, partition doors, walls surrounding the urinals and toilets. Remove any
nonpermanent stains, spots, streaks using a clean cloth or sponge dampened with a germicidal
detergent solution. Wipe the surface dry using a clean cloth. After cleaning the surface will have a
uniform appearance free from dust, lint, streaks, stains and writing.
I. Clean Mirrors
Remove soil, streaks, smudges, film, etc. from the surface of mirrors with a damp cloth or sponge.
After cleaning, surface will have no visible signs of streaks, smudges, lint, film, etc. and present a
uniform, clean appearance. Cleaning of mirrors shall include the frame of the mirror.
2011 GSA—janitorial Services Page 14
J. Mop and Disinfect Restroom Floors
Prior to mopping, the floor surface will have been swept with a broom to remove all loose dirt and
soil. Mop the floor with a germicidal detergent solution and rinse mop with clear water, using a
separate mop. After mopping, the floor will have,a uniform appearance free of spots, spills, stains,
dirt, and oily film, mop strings, etc. Dispose of the remaining detergent solution by pouring it down
the toilets. Spills or stains caused by the dumping of the detergent solution will be wiped clean.
K. Refill Paper Product Dispensers
1. Restock all paper towel dispensers to the proper level. Folding paper towels will be interlocked
with remaining towels in the cabinet.
2. When toilet tissue dispensers hold two rolls, replace consumed rolls and partial rolls, which
appear to be down to the last 10-15 sheets.
3. Toilet seat cover dispensers will be filled with a new package when empty or when less than six
sheets remain in the package. The dispensers and adjacent surfaces will be wiped with germicidal
detergent to remove fingerprints and smudges after filling. The device will be checked for proper
operation after filling and any inoperable devices will be reported to the Contract Administrator.
L. Refill Soap Dispensers
Soap dispensers will be filled to within 1/2" of the top with liquid soap. The dispensers and adjacent
surfaces will be wiped with a germicidal detergent to remove handprints and smudges after filling.
The device will be checked after filling for proper operation and any inoperable devices will be
reported to the Contract Administrator.
M. Clean and Disinfect Kitchen / Bathroom Sinks and Counters
Completely clean and disinfect all exposed surfaces of the kitchen and bathroom sinks. A non-
abrasive cleaner will be used on the exposed hardware. The cleaning includes the drying and
polishing of all exposed hardware. After cleaning, the fixture will present a clean, bright, shiny
appearance and will be free of all visible soil, streaks, oily smudges, residue cleaning agents, spots,
stains, etc. Inoperable or broken fixtures will be reported to the Contract Administrator. Different
cloths, sponges, brushes, and scouring pads will be used to clean the sinks than the ones
used for cleaning the toilet and urinals.
NOTE: Abrasives such as AJAX or Comet shall not be used on bowls, tubs, paint, or
other finished surfaces. Harsh acid products such as hydrochloric acid bowl
cleaners shall not be used on metal fixtures,paint, or other finished surfaces
N. Clean Drinking Fountains
Remove all soil, streaks, etc. from drinking fountains, and the entire cabinet; disinfect all polished
metal surfaces including the nozzle and drain.
O. Dusting
Remove dust, lint, cobwebs from all vertical and horizontal surfaces including. Baseboards,
moldings, ledges, door and window casings, Venetian blinds, deflectors, pictures, walls, corners,
ceilings and open metal gratings. All furnishings and structural surfaces must be free of dust. Do
not disturb personal items such as papers and other documents on desks. The contractor shall not
be responsible for cleaning any flat surface that has papers or books on them. Low dusting is 70
inches below and High dusting is 70 above
2011 GSA—Janitorial Services Page 15
P. Vacuum Carpet
Prior to vacuuming, all surface litter; such as paper, gum, rubber bands, staples, paper clips, etc. will
be picked up. Chairs and trash receptacles will be moved as necessary to vacuum underneath. After
vacuuming the entire floor, it will be free of all visible litter, soil, and dust and embedded grit,
including corners,under partitions and next to the baseboard.
Q. Restore Furniture to Standard Arrangement
Upon completion of the cleaning tasks, the furniture will be arranged in the original pattern. In the
lobby, conference rooms and lounge setting, there will be a uniform appearance with chairs placed
with equal space around the tables.
R. Wash All Hard Furniture Surfaces
Using a cloth or sponge dampened in a germicidal detergent; completely clean all flat surfaces, table
and chair legs or supports to remove spills, spots, dirt, lint, etc. Gum should be removed from any
surfaces to which it is adhered. Use appropriate cleaner solution for type of table i.e. wood,metal so
as not to damage surface of table.
S. Spot Removal on Carpets
Carpets will be checked daily for stains. All stain areas will be treated with spot cleaning solutions,
following the direction of the manufacturer for the specific stain involved. Spot cleaning will
continue until as much of the stain as possible is removed. After cleaning to remove spots, the
carpet should be free from visible spots and stains.
T. Clean and Disinfect Customer Counters
Remove any non-permanent stains, spots and/or spills from all counters, using a germicidal
detergent solution. Cloths used shall be different than those used in the bathrooms.
U. Dust Mop and/or Sweep Non-Carpeted Floors
Prior to sweeping or dust mopping, all surface litter such as paper, gum, rubber bands, paper clips,
spills, etc. will be picked up. The entire area that is to be swept will be thoroughly cleaned to
remove dust, dry soil, and other surface debris. All areas such as under chairs, trash receptacles, and
other furnishings, which are accessible, and behind doors, will be swept. After sweeping, surfaces,
including corners, and places inaccessible to the mop, will be free of all visible soil, streaks, litter and
spots caused by spills.
V. Damp Mop Spills on Non-Carpeted Floors
When stains and soil are not removed by the dry cleaning methods, they are to be removed by spot
damp mopping. After spot mopping, the floor surface will present a clean appearance, free of spills,
spots, film and other stains which can be removed by the application of detergent from a well wrung
damp mop.
W. Wet Mop Non-Carpeted Floors
Entrance mats will be removed and cleaned. The surfaces will be swept or dust mopped prior to wet
mopping to remove all loose soil and dust. All accessible areas will be mopped to remove all soil and
non-permanent stains. After mopping, the floors will have a uniform appearance with no streaks,
film, swirl marks, detergent residue, mop strings or other evidence of soil. There will be no splash
2011 GSA—Janitorial Services Page 16
marks left on the baseboards. Any splash marks will be removed immediately. The entrance carpet
will be replaced when the floor is completely dry.
X. Minor Construction Cleanup
Minor construction cleanup includes removal of dust, loose debris, etc. that would be picked up or
cleaned during a regular Custodial Service. This will be considered part of the contract.
NOTE: Large debris,piles, etc. due to construction is not considered part of the contract
Y. Wash Light Fixtures
The diffuser or light globe will be removed, cleaned and reinstalled. The fixtures and the diffuser
will be damp-wiped, the fluorescent tubes or light bulb will be dry-wiped to remove all visible dust
and soil. The diffuser and globe will be cleaned on both sides and dried. After cleaning, the fixture
will be free from dust, oily soil, smudges, streaks, etc. Any adjacent area soiled by the cleaning
process will also be cleaned. (To be completed annually,in April).
Z. Wash All Exterior Window Glass
Completely clean both sides of all exterior building window glass. All areas adjacent to the window
glass, including the frame and sills, will be cleaned. After cleaning, the surface will present a
uniform appearance free of all smudges, fingerprints, stains, streaks, lint, etc. Areas adjacent to any
window glass, which is soiled by cleaning of the glass, will be completely cleaned and restored. To
be completed annually,in May.
AA. Wash All Interior Window Glass
Completely clean both sides of all interior office window glass. All areas adjacent to the window
glass,including the frame and sills,will be cleaned. After cleaning, the surface will present a uniform
appearance free of all smudges, fingerprints, stains streaks, lint, etc. Areas adjacent to any window
glass,which is soiled by cleaning of the glass,will be completely cleaned and restored.
BB. Routine Attention
After performing custodial tasks in any area, attention must be paid to the following details:
straighten Venetian blinds or draperies, close windows, turn off lights, close and lock doors.
CC. Wash Venetian Blinds
In the cleaning process, both sides of the blinds will be cleaned in place. Do not remove blinds.
The hardware will not be damaged and the blinds will operate properly. Blinds must be completely
dried after cleaning. After cleaning, the blinds will have all visible soil, smudges, non-permanent
stains, streaks, etc. removed and will present a uniform clean appearance. Contractor shall be
responsible for damage and installation, and operation if blinds are removed for cleaning. To be
completed annually,usually in May.
DD. Carpet Cleaning
Machine shampooing of carpet is to be performed in accordance with manufacturer's recommended
practices. The Contract Administrator prior to shampooing of carpet shall approve the cleaning
method. The carpet shall be vacuumed thoroughly to remove all loose dirt before shampooing. All
carpet shall be shampooed semi-annually. To be completed in April and October.
2011 GSA—Janitorial Services Page 17
2. Shop Areas M/Tu/W/Th/F 1,960
Areas to be serviced: All office areas, restrooms, shower areas, kitchen/lounge, floors—hard
surfaces, spot clean windows.
D. Old Public Works yard 12800 S.W.Ash
1. Main M/Tu/W/Th/F 2,700
Areas to be serviced: All offices,work areas, conference room, locker rooms, kitchen, floors—
carpet and hard surfaces, spot clean windows.
2. Shop Areas M/Tu/W/Th/F 140
Areas to be serviced: Office area, employee restroom.
E. Skate Park Rest Rooms Su/M/Tu/W/Th/F/Sa 120
Areas to be serviced: Clean and restock 2 rest rooms in summer (April to September) and 1
rest room in winter (October to March)
F. Tigard Public Library Su/M/Tu/W/Th/F/Sa 48,430
Areas to be serviced: All offices, Community room, conference rooms,work areas,lobby
areas,public areas,public restrooms, employee restrooms, floors—carpet
and hard surfaces, spot clean windows.
G. Senior Center M/Tu/W/Th/F 9240
Areas to be serviced: All offices,work areas,lobby,restrooms—2 upstairs, 3 downstairs, floors
—carpet, linoleum, and hardwood, spot clean windows, eating/dining
room. Note: Do not clean Kitchen.
Day porter will have a pager or cell phone on at all time. The cell or phone number will be supplied to
Facility for proper disbursement.
A. Police Department lobby restrooms daily. - M/Tu/W/Th/F/Sa
1. Sweep floors and pick up debris. Day
2. Mop floors with germicidal solution. Daily
3. Clean and disinfect all toilet bowls including seat and urinals. Daily
4. Clean mirrors. As Needed
5. Wash or scrub sinks basins with germicidal solution. Day
6. Clean and disinfect all restroom walls. As Needed
7. Clean and disinfect restroom fixtures and counter tops. As Needed
8. Service all soap, towel, toilet tissue, sanitary and seat cover dispenser. As Needed.
2011 GSA—Janitorial Services Page 19
B. Police Department lobby daily. - M/Tu/W/Th/F/Sa
1. Sweep floors and pick up debris. Day
2. Spot clean windows. Day
C. Be prepared for Emergences in City building.
D. Library- M/Tu/W/Th/F/Sa
1. Spot clean windows. Daily
2. Service all soap, towel, toilet tissue, sanitary and seat cover dispenser. As Needed
3. Check all bathroom floors. (3 times a shift)
4. Check out side trash can in front. (Empty if 3/4 full)
5. Dust when not busy. Daily
6. Inspect lunchroom Mop floor. As Needed
7. Check trash receptacles in Restrooms. (Empty if 3/4 full)
8. Sweep floors and pick up debris Lobby and Restrooms. Daily
9. Spot Clean Chair in Community Room. As Needed
10. Be prepared to clean anything that might need done. As Needed
E. Skate Park Rest Room- M/Tu/W/Th/F/Sa
1. Clean and check supplies first part of your shift before you start at the library
Night crew will repeat as the contract states.
A. This is after all Janitorial staff has left or if we have any type of Bio clean-up problem
1. Extra cleaning will be $22.00 per Hour with a 2 hour minimum
2. Bio Cleaning will be $25.00 per hour with a 2 hour minimum
3. Cost of Bio Kits minimum $20.00 and maximum$100.00
2011 GSA—janitorial Services Page 20
2011 GSA—janitorial Services Page 21
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Agency and QRF agree the proposed price and supporting
documentation meets the requirements of OAR 125-055-0030.
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Autpdrized QRF Signature
� V"A Tv– Wovie-S phone#
Email Address
DAS/SPO has reviewed the submitted documentation supporting the
price offered by the QRF and approves the price for procurement of the
ab ated product or service in accordance with OAR 125-055-0030.
AS QR oordinator
Revised State Procurement Office
1/26/2009 Achieving Results Together