Correspondence ja - ero dug 3 Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue May 24, 2002 Paul Koch King City City Manager 15300 S.W. 116 Avenue King City, OR 97224 -2693 Dear Mr. Koch, This letter is in regards to the Fire Districts application for a temporary permit for our doublewide modular home to be located at our Station 35 in King City. The address is 17135 SW Pacific Hwy. The District is planing to do structural and seismic upgrades at Station 35 during the next fiscal year. These upgrades would be similar to the work that is currently being completed at our Station 33 in Sherwood. This modular home has been modified to make it a fully functional living quarters for our firefighters. It meets all of the current energy saving requirements and meets all other current building and safety code requirements. Our current plans call for all of the required modifications to the Station to be completed within one year of moving the home on site. I have been working with your City Planning Consultant, Keith Liden with Parsons Brinckerhoff, to better understand the application approval standards required by King City. During that review, it was determined that the property is still designated "Institutional" under Washington County Development Codes. Because the District would like to move the home onto the property "as soon as possible ", we would like to apply for our temporary use under the Counties Institutional designation. Under the County Development Code, temporary use is allowed with a Type I administrative review. Please see the enclosed copy of Keith's letter explaining the application approval . standards under the Washington County Community Development Code. With the Cities approval, we would like to move the home from Station 33 directly to Station 35 where it will be stored in the back parking lot for approximately 4 months. Please see the enclosed site plan for the exact location where we would store the home. When we are ready to start the construction work on the Station, we would relocate the home closer to the Station and connect it to the site's utilities. Administration Office 20665 S.W. Blanton Street, Aloha, Oregon 97007 -1099 Phone (503) 649 -8577 Fax (503) 642 -4814 www.tvfr.com • At that time we would apply for any and all permits required to set up and occupy the home. Please see the second enclosed site plan for the location of the home when Station crews would occupy it. Keith's letter also discusses some of applicable provisions under King City code requirements. I would like to address some of these issues to assure you that the Fire District will make every effort to meet your requirements. Parking and Loading: The current staffing at the Station is 4 Firefighters on each shift. Currently there are five designated parking spots in the front parking lot and twelve designated spots in the rear parking lot. While the home is being stored and when it is being occupied, we will lose three spots in the rear parking lot. When you review the site plan you will see that the rear parking area is very large and there are additional non - designated areas that can be used to accommodate additional vehicle parking. Circulation and Access: Because it is the Districts intention to keep the Station fully operational during the storage and use of the modular home and during the upgrades to the existing facility, there will be little to no impact on the circulation and access to the site. Vision Clearance: During the storage and use of the home, it will be located to the west of and behind the Station. This area is not immediately visible from the street. During the use of the home it will be more that 250 / away from Pacific Hwy. It should therefore have no impact on the Vision Clearance requirement. Signs: The District has no plans to install any additional signage at the site as part of this Temporary Use. A small sign would be placed at the front door of the station directing the public to the home located in the rear parking lot during its use. A small sign may be placed on the modular home indicating that it is the temporary quarters for our crews. During the construction upgrade phase, the general contractor may wish to place a construction sign on the property. They would be required to meet all applicable city requirements for such signage. Lastly, we understand that even the Type I administrative review of our application, would take some time to complete. We would therefore respectfully like to make a request. If it is the City's intention to "approve" this application, would it be possible to get an immediate approval of the Manufactured Dwelling Permit Application or a letter from the City allowing our transporter to move the home from Sherwood to the King City site as soon as possible? The construction and landscaping work at our Station in Sherwood can not be completed until the home is removed from the site. Our current plan is to move our Sherwood Firefighters back into their Station the week of May 28th Any assistance in expediting the application process would be deeply appreciated. I hope this letter addresses the city's concerns related to this temporary use application. With this letter the following is included: King City Application for Land Use Action Tri County Manufactured Dwelling Permit Application Copy of letter from Keith Liden with the applicable Application Approval Standards Five (5) copies of the site plans showing the location of the home during its storage and its location during occupancy. If you have any question please call me at (503) 259 -1279 or on my cell phone at (503) 969 -6868. I look forward to hearing from you. Respectfully, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue • Greg P y Support Services Operations Manager . Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue cc: Keith Liden City Planning Consultant - ov 3 Parsons 400 SW Sixth Avenue Brinckerhoff Suite 802 Quade & Portland, OR 97204 Douglas, Inc. 503 - 274 -8772 Fax: 503 - 274 -1412 EARS YEARS • May 14, 2002 Greg Perry Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue 20665 SW Blanton Street Aloha, OR 97007 RE: TVFR Temporary Use 17135 SW Pacific Hwy. Dear Mr. Perry: This letter is a summary of the preapplication phone conversations and information exchanged regarding the district's proposal to temporarily store and occupy a residential manufactured home on the TVFR property located at 17135 SW Pacific Highway. The purpose of the manufactured home is to provide temporary housing for district staff while the permanent fire station, including its living quarters, are remodeled to meet current seismic code requirements. . The district is currently completing a similar project in Sherwood. The district plans to submit a temporary use application to: 1. Store the double -wide manufactured home at the rear (west) of the property for approximately four months. The district needs to move it from the Sherwood station before it will be ready to begin remodeling the King City station. 2. Move the manufactured home next to the station and use it to house on -duty staff for a period not to exceed eight months while the remodeling is being completed. The building will be placed and connected to utility services as required by city and Uniform Building Code requirements. On behalf of the city of King City, I am providing this summary of the application approval standards and process we discussed. Over a Century of Engineering Excellence Page - 1 • /BOO YEARS Zoning Issues The property, along with several others, was recently annexed into the city, but the Washington County zoning has not been changed to King City designations. So although it is in the city, county land use designations and regulations continue to apply. Two courses of action are available to the district: 1. Submit a temporary use application under the Washington County regulations that would be administered by the city; or 2. Submit a joint zone change (from county to city zoning) and temporary use application under the city's regulations. 1. Temporary Use — Washington County Requirements Two chapters of the Washington County Community Development Code. The Institutional District (330) allows temporary uses through a Type I (administrative — no notice) review (Section 330 -3.6). The Temporary Use (430 -135) provisions allow the temporary use of a manufactured structure to house commercial, industrial and institutional use for a period up to one year (430 -135.1 C). Compared to the second option, this is a much quicker process, especially if ODOT is notified before the application is submitted. 2. Temporary Use — King City Requirements According to the city's agreement with the county, the city shall apply the zones, which most closely resemble the county's designations. The county's Institutional designation applies to the property now. Because the city does not have a zone designation that directly corresponds with the Institutional zone, one could probably make a case for either CF Community Facilities zone or LC Limited Commercial zone. It appears to me that the CF zone would be the most appropriate match. The city will probably initiate a process soon to change the county zoning to city zoning for this property and the others. If you are prepared to submit a land use application according to this option before the city- sponsored zone change is initiated, the city will include the zone change as part of the application. The applicable provisions are summarized below: • Chapter 16.108 Community Facilities zone. Temporary uses are allowed in any city zone district subject to the provisions of Chapter 16.168 Temporary Uses. Over a Century of Engineering Excellence Page - 2 9 ®O YEARS a • Chapter 16.168 Temporary Uses. The approval standards in Section 16.168.050 should be addressed in the application. These standards require compliance with the remaining code chapters. • Chapter 16.132 Parking and Loading. Parking on the site must meet the requirements of this chapter. Public safety facilities, which include fire stations, are required to have one space per 500 square feet of floor area. Although the code does not have a specific standard for construction parking, the temporary use application should demonstrate how parking for district staff and construction workers will be provided on the site • Chapter 16.136 Circulation and Access. The application should indicate that the existing access will be used, and that except for construction workers and deliveries, there will be not additional traffic generated by the temporary use. • • Chapter 16.144 Vision Clearance. A 15 -foot vision triangle is required on both sides of the driveway. However, because your access will be to a state highway the city will rely upon ODOT to identify any potential access or vision clearance issues. • Chapter 16.148 Signs. While this is a temporary use criterion, you can simply indicate that no new signs are proposed (as I understand). Based upon our conversations, I understand that the district will pursue the first application review option using county regulations. I have attached the two relevant Washington County Community Dvelopment Code sections for the Institutional zone and the temporary use requirements. Review Process Please contact the city (503- 639 -4082) and ask Rosie Day for an application form and related information. The review process for the first option should take approximately 2 weeks after a complete application is received. Please contact me (503- 478 -2348) if you need further assistance. Sin e ely Keith S. Liden, P City Planning Consultant cc: Paul Koch, Interim City Manager Chris Gillmore, City Attorney Rosie Day, King City Over a Century of Engineering Excellence Page - 3