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ITec Engineers, Inc. 12- Aug -96
• ZTec Enginers, Inc.
1. Directions to use the charts and graphs
2. Deteruine the wind load for the sign ht.
Is it 80,90 or 100 MPH wind speed?
sign ht. 80 MPH 90MPH 100 MPH
0' < ht.< 15' 24.34 30.872 4 S
l , 2 ' . O ' 15' < ht. < 20' 25.94 32.91 51.97
20' <ht. <25 27.32 34.65 53.76
3. Calculate the face area of the sign tiles center of sign
Moment : b *hlht.(centerline)l4lind Load(psf)
Wind design Factors
Let : L : 10 ft. P : Ce }Cq *i *gs
b : 5 ft. where Ce -
ht.: 15 ft. Exposure Exposure Exposure
ht. B C D
Calulate the face area * ht. : b t L * ht. 0' -15' 0.62 1.06 1.39
5 * 10 * 15 : 750 FT. ' 3. 20' 0.67 1.13 1.45
• 25' 0.72 1.19 1.5
Wind farce per square foot 30' 0.76 1.23 1.54
80 MP? , wind :one : 28.5 psf
Cq : 1.4 for signs
Mount : face area * ht.* wind farce qs (80 'ph) : 16.4 psf qs (100 ooh)
750 * 28.5 : 21375 ft. lbs. qs (90 mph) : 20.8 psf
or 21375/1000 : 21.375 kip ft.
P(80aoh) : 28.5 PSF
Select from the tables the pole required P(90 'ph) : 35:8 PSF
Go to the tables with the anent of 21.38 k -ft., on the appropriate
chart and select the footing size for the appropraite rind exposure.
Choose 3'x5'x6.S' deep or 5'x5'14' deep is another possibility.
Tiec Eagineers, lac.
. 6. Design Table - 80 iph vihd, Exposure C, Sign Height (25 ft.
footing size ' Moment OT
Faca lr!a Xoaent Saction Pipe size Tvall Width Length Depth /1.5
x h k -ft in'3 Dia.(in.) in. ft. ft. ft. k -ft.
10 0.29 0.13 3 0.216 1.5 1.5 2 0.337
20 0.57 0.26 3 0.216 1.5 1.5 3.5 0.591
30 0.86 0.40 3 0.216 2 -2 2.5 1.000
40 1.14 0.53 3 0.216 2 2 3 1.200
50 1.43 0.66 3 0.216 2 2 3.5 1.400
60 1.71 0.79 3 0.216 2 4 1.5 2.400
70 2.00 0.92 3 0.216 2 3 3 2.700
80 2.28 1.05 3 0.216 2 4 2.5 4.000
90 2.57 1.19 3 0.216 2 4 2 3.200
100 2.86 1.32 3 0.216 2 4 2.5 4.000
200 5.71 2.64 4 0.237 2 4 4 6.400
300 8.51 3.95 5 0.258 3 4 4 9.600
400 11.42 5.21 5 0.258 3 4 5 12.000
500 14.28 6.59 6 0.28 3 4 6 14.400
600 17.14 7.91 6 0.28 3 5 5 18.750
• 700 19.99 9.23 8 0.322 3 5 5.5 20.625
800 22.85 10.55 8 0.322 3 5 6.5 24.315
900 25.70 11.86 8 0.322 3 6 5 27.000 _ .
1000 28.56 13.18 8 0.322 3 6 5.5 29.100
1100 31.42 14.50 8 0.322 3 6 6 32.400
1200 -34.27 15.82 8 0.322 3 6 6.5 35.100
1300 37.13 17.14 10 0.365 4 % 8 3 38.400
1400 39.98 18.45 10 0.365 4 8 3.5 44.800
1500 42.84 19.77 10 0.365 4 8 3.5 44.800
1600 45.70 21.09 10 0.365 4 8 4 51.200
1700 46.55 22.41 10 0.365 4 8 4 51.200
1800 51.41 23.13 10 0.365 4 8 4.5 57.600
1900 54.26 25.04 10 0.365 4 8 4.5 57.600
2000 57.12 26.36 10 0.365 4 8 5 64.000
2100 59.98 27.68 10 0.365 4 8 5 64.000
2200 62.83 29.00 10 0.365 4 8 5.5 10.400 .
2300 63.69 30.32 12 0.375 4 9 4.5 72.900
2400 68.54 31.64 12 0.375 4 9 4.5 72.900
2500 71.40 32.95 12. 0.375 4 9 5 81.000
2600 74.26 34.27 12 0.375 4 9 5 81.000
2700 77.11 35.59 12 0.375 4 9 5 81.000
2800 79.97 36.91 12 0.375 4 9 5.5 89.100
2900 82.82 38.23 12 0.375 4 9 5.5 89.100
3000 85.68 39.54 12 0.375 4 9 5.5 89.100
3100 88.54 40.86 12 0.375 4 9 5.5 89.100
3200 91.39 42.18 12 0.375 4 9 6 97.200
3300 94.25 43.50 12 0.375 4 9 6 97.200
3400 97.10 44.82 14 0.375 5 10 4 100.000
3500 99.96 46.14 14 0.375 • 5 10 4.5 112.500
3600 102:82 47.45, 14 0.375 5 10 4.5 112.500
3700 105.67 48.17 14 0.375 S 10 4.25 106.250
3800 108.53 50.09 14 0.375 5 10 4.5 112.500 •
3900 111.38 51.41 14 0.375 5 10 4.75 118.750
4000 114.24 52.73 14 0.375 5 10 4.75 118.750
4100 117.10 54.04 16 0.375 6 10 4 120.000
4200 119.95 55.36 16 0.375 6 10 4.25 127.500
4300 122.81 56.68 16 0.375 6 10 4.25 127.500
4400 125.66 58.00 16 0.375 6 10 4.5 135.000
4500 125.52 59.32 16 0.375 6 10 4.5 135.000 •
4600 131.38 60.64 16 0.375 ' 6 10 4.5 135.000
4700 134.23 61.95 16 0.375 6 10 4.5 135.000
R, ITec Engineers, Inc. 11- dug -3t
Anchor Bolt Design Id •
1. Conpute the Moment at the base Plate
• 5'
Example •
10' x 5' 130.94psf = 1,547 I
15' 1 15471 112' /ft. = 278460" 1E II ( WEye
This moment must be resisted by the bolts on one side of the base plate Il
The bolts in tension and the base plate pressing against the concrete on the othe
the pressure on the concrete will press over several square inches, with the
aazimaus pressure at the edge and varing to zero a few inches toward the bolt
To figure the bolt tension, take the center to center bolt spacing in the
direction of the wind, and divide this value into the rind moment and the by
the number of bolts in tension, This will give the bolts tension
Example • 14"
Wind - - -) I z : 25314.54 f /row at
12' 11
- -- 25314.54
- - -- --- - - - - -- - 8438.181 f /Bolt
11" pitch 3
The nininum bolt area is found by dividing the bolt tension by the allowable
steel stress. Consult the steel manual (RISC) for bolt providing the
required net section, at the root of the threads.
8438 V—T0l —e A/64
0.293720 sq. in. / bolt j, p,c27 ij
21,600 *1.33
!'e5 0,CW3
5/8' bolt gives 0.202 sq. inches (too small) % /Z 0
3/4" bolt gives 0.302 sq. inches ( a.k.) c. 2'Z
Bolts are kept from pulling out of the concrete by bond of concrete to the bolt. •
Find the allowable bond.fros the current building code. Find the perimeter 7/0 0.4
of the bolt . Each inch of the bolt will have a perimeter (pi * D) 11' or III 0
pi D square inches of area per inche of bolt. " able
This pi * D tine the bond will give aallowable load. on inch of bolt can take.14 0.
this into the load per bolt and total linings esbedsent can be obtained.
v' —G" c 0.
12" I-- 1� N
i -- 3" Clear. X3/4" Oia. Steel Rod I 10
\/ \'II1, \ /\/ \/ \/ \ /\ //N. \
-H•NNhi.NF, 1 I
6" Protection / \ \ / v �\� / \ \ / \ \/\ \ / / \\ \ \ /\\ , of Thread
— Wit i _L °— J..., — _i_ ' \ .2. *6 : ° +° �' . 1 / /� o 6 Anchor Bolt Detoil — Sixteen (16) required. �'
1 — .-- .�F== p =te +... f .. . \ j\ "
� 7.,== _�= IF, �\ = .17... Scale: f = 1' -0 ".
I' �4 1 `: I . / .n 7 c
. n . ncrete Caisson 5 r - > I- -i- —d T =— -- — ° r .
A°. Rebar / \y \I \y \ V . \./ "�' \ \ \ ' "' o a 7 1/2" co
Rebars. o, / \ / \ � \ /� / /� / / \ /� j v ° g T I � 6" — 1 (8) I" Div. m
long, equally it \ \ \ \\ v o $ ! MI i around a \ / / \ / \� o '6 4 1 /16" R.
io. rebar circle o / \ / \ / v ,-
\ / /<)" t j0
iii _TT
- 1.,......;– 4.– ._ :...t ..... ± ::...• ID .6 • o ° / ° co ti •
• • f 1111 •
'� a ;�•$ k— =° 1 1. . \ /� r2 4 1/16" 1---- b
� \ � \ \ ' \ \�. �� �. �� \� \ �� i 8 1/8"---1
9/ 16" R. (Typ_�
\ �j� \ \ / / \ \�� \ \�� \ \�� \ \�` \�� \ \�� \ \ \/ Materioi: 1 I /4" th ck Grade 50 Steel Baseplote.
Scale: 1 1/2" _ r -0 ".
6"--1 I--.—
_ 6 , -6 .,:
A 1 l / I6 /91Releosed fee permitting. RA
Design Motes Rev. Date I f�scripion p PP d
npressive strength of '3,000 PS/ of 28 days. •
; :.}:, -,: Funk Forging Company
5 Grade 60 Steel. f� ;,� 9 p
t : l � 1633 Fifth Avenue
>oil- beorir�g lorces o! 200 lbs. /sq- fl. per ; �, Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411 -3797
do not exist, it is the Erector's responsi— I ::' h Telephone: (708) 757 7421
"'y" =�" FAX: (708) 758 -6629 IS
new base designed for the -existing soil o
rNinee:•. live- Foundation Caissons for the Texaco !,;/..5 '"
B'I Twin Pole Si.,n C'I ".,••,