Plans i/5a5 .4) f 1 A!' BUILDING TECH BOOKSTORE, INC.
a. 3020 SW Cirr - Drive • Be , CR 97
�� ,,,, ve �n CC8 -59E6
1 ° i ^C3 541 - 5C20 • 1-800-ASK BOOK • FAX 503 541 -0770
Roof ing Ma & SyStems
t ;� 12
Listings and Classifications
in effect as of December 15, 2000
Please read information contained
in paragraph 2 on page v
RIAFic _
Underwritm Laboratories Inc .®
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` !' Roofing Systems (TGFU) — Continued Roofing Systems (TGFU)— Continued
Surfacing: One application of Karnak No. 97 fibered aluminum coating Foam" 1.5 in. min placed foam side down over min 3/4 in. thick "Fesco",
applied at 1 -1/2 gal /sq. mechanically fastened to the deck, is a suitable alternate for 1.5 in. min
Unless otherwise indicated, these constructions are intended for installation l niform thickness or tapered insulation may be used in the following
I i 1 over an existing Class A, B or C system. . systems provided they do not exceed the indicated incline or thickness.
i • , Class A The following products may be used in lieu of "E'NRG'Y -2" or "ISO -1"
1. Deck: NC Incline: I 'PSI- 25 -2 ", "Nailboard ", "E'NRG'Y -2 Plus ", "ISO 1 Foil Faced", '"E'NRG'Y -2
Existing Roof System: Class A, B or C (gravel may be removed). Gypsum Composite" or "Fesco- Foam ".
I; Insulation (Optional): Perlite, wood fiber, isocti•anurate, mechanically "GlasBase Plus" is a suitable alternate to "GlasBase" or "DvnaBase ".
fastened or hot mopped. "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation" or "Laminator Board" may 'be used in any
noncombustible deck roofing systems.
j Base Sheet (Optional): Type 15, Type 30, Type Gl or G2, spot mopped
or nailed in place. Fiberglas Canada "Base Cap hoof Insulation" may be used as an alternate to
I "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ".
Pl Sheets: One or more plies of SPLNBOND POLYESTER HTBUR10 Vapor barriers or ply sheets are optional beneath roof insulation on all
I '•. '; or HTBUR20 nonwoven felt imbedded in conventional roofing asphalt. systems.
Surfacing: Gravel or crushed stone at 400 lb/sq or slag at 300 lb /sq in Taped joints are optional with "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ".
j' hot roofing asphalt or loose laid. "PermaMop" modified asphalt is an acceptable alternate to hot roofing
1 2 Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 1 /2 asphalt in the asphalt felt built -up roofing systems.
I Existing Roof System: Class A, B or C (gravel may be removed). Red rosin paper must be used over combustible decks when "GlasPly IV" or
Insulation (Optional): Perlite, wood fiber, isocvanurate, mechanically "GlasPly Premier" are nailed as base sheets in asphalt membrane sytems.
i fastened or hot mopped. " PermaPly 28" or "Di s Base Sheet" are suitable alternates to "Glas-
Base Sheet (Optional): Type 15, Type 30, Type G1 or G2, spot mopped Base" fiber glass base sheet.
The Class A and B roof coverings are suitable for installation over min 3/4 in.
j or nailed in place.
thick "Fesco" or "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ". Min 3/4 in. thick wood fiber
j: ; , Ply Sheet: One or more plies of SPUNBOND POLYESTER HTBURIO or roof insulation is suitable any for assemblies over noncombustible decks
r ' HTBUR20 nonwoven felt imbedded in conventional roofing asphalt. unless otherwise specified. •
I, • • • Surfacing. Gravel or crushed stone at 400 lb/sq in hot roofing asphalt "GlasTite Flexible" is a suitable alternate for "DynaBase ", "GlasBase" or
l .: or loose laid. " PermaPly 28 ".
I .: . 3. Deck: NC Incline: 1/4 "DynaWeld Base Sheet" and " DynaWeld Cap FR" are suitable substitutes for
I; .. Existing Roof System: Class A, B or C (gravel may be removed). "DvnaBase" and "DynaGlass 30 FR ".
Insulation (Optional): Perlite, wood fib is ocyanurate, mechanically Barrett "Ram -Tough KLB -100" modified asphalt may be used in lieu of
fastened or hot hot mopped. standard hot mopping asphalt in all applicable Classifications.
t' Base Coat (Optional): Type 15, Type 30, Type Cl or G2, spot mopped "Roof Defender Fiber Glass Cap Sheet" is a suitable alternate to " PermaPly 1
nailed in place.
yP p pp or
28" in all applicable Classifications. " DynaGlas S " and "DvnaLastic 250S"
may be used in lieu of "DynaPly" in all applicable Classifications.
1:-:. Ply Sheet: One or more plies of SPUNBOND POLYESTER HTBURIO, Class A
HTBUR20 or HTBUR40 nonwoven felt imbedded in conventional roof- 1. Deleted
ing asphalt.
Surfacing: Cold coat with 1-1/2 gal /sq fibered aluminum roof co n
2. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 1
(Karnak #97) �� Insulation (Optional): Any thickness, one or more layers "Fesco ",
a•. , "Fesco-Foam ", "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ", "ISO 1 ", "E'NRG'Y -2" or
JOHNS MANVILLE INDUSTRIAL S A DE C V R19067 any UL Classified polvisocyanurate insulation, hot mopped or mechani-
ally fastened in combination (optional) with 1/2 in. "Retro -Fit" cover
LOTE 13 MANZANA 4 PARQUE DE LA PEQUENA Y MEDIAN board, or 3/4 in. "Fesco" over polystyrene.
Base Sheet: One ply Type GI "GlasPly IV" or "GlasPly Premier ", or
SINGLE PLY MEMBRANE SYSTEMS Type G2 "Glas- Base" or "Ventsulaton ", or "DynaBase" (modified bite-
Class A - Ballasted men), nailed or hot mopped.
1. Deck: NC Incline: 2 Ply Sheet: Two or more plies Type G1 "GlasPly IV ", "GlasPly Premier ",
Insulation (Optional): JM "Fesco ", "Retro -Fit Board ", "Fesco- Foam ", hot mopped.
• I "ISO -1 ", "E- NRG'Y -2 ", "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation" or any UL Classi- Surfacing: Gravel, crushed stone or slag and hot roofing asphalt.
fled polyisocyanurate, urethane, perlite/ urethane composite, perlite/ 3. Deck: C -3/4 Incline: 3
a polyisocyanurate composite, glass fiber, perlite or wood fiber, any Insulation (Optional): Any thickness, one or more layers "Fesco",
thickness or polystyrene (any thickness) covered with 1/ 2 in. min perlite "Fesco- Foam ", "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ", "ISO 1 ", "E'NRG'Y -2" or
any UL Classified polyisocyanurate insulation, hot mopped or mechani-
Base Sheet: Type 15, Gl or G2 or vented base sheet mechanically tally fastened in combination (optional) with 1/2 in. "Retro -Fit" cover •
fastened or hot mopped . board, or 3/4 in. "Fesco" over polystyrene.
Membrane: "Duraply 3.0mm liso ", "Duraply 4.Omm liso ", "Duraply Base Sheet: Type G2 "PermaPly 28 ", "GlasBase" or "Ventsulation" or
• 4.0mm mineral ", "Duraply 4.5mm mineral ", "Dibiten 3.0mm liso ", "DvnaBase" (modified bitumen), nailed or hot mopped.
"Dibiten 4.0mm liso ", "Dibiten 4.0mm Hojuela ", "Dibiten 4.5mm Ply Sheet: Two or more plies Type GI "GlasPly IV ", "GlasPly Premier ",
• Hojuela "Duraply F.V. 2.8mm liso ", "Duraply F.V. 3.0mm liso", hot mopped.
"Duraply F.V. 3.5mm mineral ", "Duraply F.V. 4.0mm liso", "Duraply F.V. Surfacing: Gravel, crushed stone or slag and hot roofing asphalt.
i 4.0mrn mineral ", "Nordflex 170 ". 4. Deck: C -3/4 Incline: 3
Surfacing: Gravel. Insulation (Optional): Any thickness, one or more lavers "Fesco ",
• "Fesco- Foam ", "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ", "ISO 1 ", "E'NRG'Y -2" or
JOHNS MANVILLE INTERNATIONAL INC R10167 any UL Classified polyisocyanurate insulation, hot mopped or mechani-
c MOUNTAIN TECHNICAL CENTER, LITTLETON CO 80162 tally fastened in combination (optional) with 1/2 in. "Retro -Fit" cover
1/2 in. thick (min) gypsum board or 1/4 in. thick (min) G -P Gypsum board, or 314 in. "Fesco" over polystyrene.
Dens -Deck® may be used in any existing noncombustible deck Classification. ' Ply Sheet: Three or more plies Type Cl "GlasPly IV", "GlasPly
When this is done, the resulting roofing system is acceptable for use over Premier ", nailed or hot mopped.
combustible (15/32 in. min) roof decks. The joints in the gypsum board and Surfacing: Gravel, crushed stone or slag and hot roofing asphalt.
overlavment board are offset 6 in. with the joints in the deck. Polystyrene 5. Deck: NC. Incline:1 -1/2
insulation must be laced beneath the gypsum board and Dens - Deck ®.
j "DuraBoard (1/2 )" may be used in lieu of "Retrofit" in any applicable Insulation (Optional): Any thickness, one or more lavers "Fesco ".
• ,i Classification. "DuraBoard (3/4 ")" and "DuraBoard (1 ")" may be used in lieu "Fesco-Foam ", "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ", "ISO 1 "E'NRG'Y -'_" ur
of "Fesco Board" in any applicable Classification, proper thicknesses must be any UL Classified polyisocyanurate insulation, hot mopped or mechani
maintained. tally fastened in combination (optional) with 1/2 in. "Retro -Fit" cover
c:. (j ASPHALT FELT SYSTEMS WITH HOT ROOFING ASPHALT board, or 3/4 in. "Fesco" over polystyrene.
Unless otherwise specified, min insulation thicknesses shall be "Fesco" 3/4 Base Sheet: Type G2 " PermaPly 28 ", "GlasBase" or "Ventsulation" or ,
:I l in., "ISO 1" 1.4 in., specified, 1.4 in., "Fesco-Foam" 1.5 in. min, "Fesco- "DvnaBase" (modified bitumen), nailed or hot mopped. _
• I " . III:
I' I
Roofing Systems (TGFU) Continued Roofing Systems (T — Continued
Surfacing: Type G3 "GlasKap ", hot mopped. Surfacing: Type G3 "GlasKap " , hot mopped. .
6. Deck: NC
Incline: 1 -1 /2 2. Deck NC Incline: 3 •
Insulation (Optional): Any thickness, one or more layers "Fesco ", Insulation (Optional): Any thickness, one or more lavers "Fesco ", •
"Fesco- Foam ", "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ", "ISO 1 ", "E'NRG'Y -2" or "Fesco-Foam", "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ", "ISO 1 ", "E'NRG'Y -2" or
any UL Classified polvisocyanurate insulation, hot mopped or mechani- any UL Classified polyisocyanurate insulation, hot mopped or mechani-
cally fastened in combination (optional) with 1/2 in. "Retro -Fit" cover tally fastened in combination (optional) with 1/2 in. "Retro -Fit" cover
hoard, or 3/4 in "Fesco" over polystyrene. board, or 3/4 in. "Fesco" over polystyrene.
Ply Sheet Two or more plies Type Gl "GlasPly IV ", "GlasPly Premier ", Ply Sheet: Two or more plies Type Cl "GlasPly IV ", "GlasPly Premier",
nailed or hot mopped. nailed or hot mopped.
Surfacing: Type G3 "GlasKap ". Surfacing: Type G3 "GlasKap ", hot mopped.
f' Qi l t,eck: C -15/32 Incline: 1 3. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: No Limitation
-eo Insulation (Optional): Any thickness, one or more lavers "Fesco ", Base Sheet (Optional): "Roof Defender Fiber Glass Cap Sheet ", "Glas- .. "Fesco -Foam' , "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ", "ISO 1 ", "E'NRG'Y -2" or Base "GlasPly IV", "GlasPly Premier ", nailed or adhered with hot
• any UL Classified polyisocyanurate insulation, in combination (optional) roofing asphalt.
with 1/2 in. "Retro-Fit" cover board, or 3/4 in. "Fesco" over polystyrene. Ply Sheet: Two or more plies Type Gl "GlasPly IV ", "GlasPly Premier ". .
Base Sheet: One ply Type Gl "GlasPly Premier" or "GlasPly IV ", or
Surfacing: Type G3 "GlasKap ". .
- Type G2 "PermaPly 28 ", "GlasBase" or "Ventsulation ", or "DynaBase" Class C
. (SBS modified bitumen), mechanically attached or hot mopped. Incline: 1 -1/2
Ply Sheet: One or more plies Type Cl "GlasPly Premier ", "GlasPly IV ", 1. Deck: C -15/32
hot mopped. Base Sheet (Optional): "PermaPly 28", "GlasBase ", "GlasPly IV",
Surfacing: Type G3 "GlasKap", hot mopped. "GlasPly Premier ", nailed or adhered w ith hot roofing asphalt.
6. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 1 Insulation (Optional): Any thickness, one or more layers "Fesco ",
Insulation: Any thickness, one or more layers "Fesco ", "Fesco- Foam ", "Fesco-Foam ", "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ", "ISO 1 ", "E'NRG'Y -2" or
"Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ", "ISO 1 ", "E'NRG'Y -2" or any UL Classi- any UL Classified polyisocyanurate insulation, hot mopped or mechani-
fied polyisocyanurate insulation. One layer of 1/2 in. "Retro -Fit Board" cally fastened in combination (optional) with 1 /2 in. "Retro -Fit" cover
- may be placed on top of the above insulations but is not acceptable by board, or 3/4 in. "Fesco" over polystyrene. •
itself. Ply Sheet: One or more plies "PermaPly 28 ", "GlasBase", "GlasPly IV" ;
Base Sheet: "PermaPly 28 ", "GlasBase ", "Ventsulation", "DynaBase", or "GlasPly Premier ".
• "GlasPly IV ", "GlasPly Premier ", nailed. Surfacing: Type G3 "GlasKap ".
Ply Sheet: "DynaPly" or "DynaBase ", hot mopped. 2. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 3
Surfacing: Type G3 "GlasKap ", hot mopped. :
Base Sheet (Optional): "PermaPly 28 ", "GlasBase ", "GlasPly IV" or
9. Deck: C-15 /32 Incline: 1 "GlasPly Premier ", nailed or adhered with hot roofing asphalt.
Base Sheet: "PermaPly 28 ", "GlasBase ", "Ventsulation" or "Dyma Insulation (Optional): Any thickness, one or more layers "Fesco
• Base ", nailed. "Fesco- Foam ", "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ", "ISO 1 ", "E'NRG'Y -2" or
Ply Sheet: " DynaPly" or "DynaBase ", hot mopped. any UL Classified polyisoryanurate insulation, hot mopped or mechani-
" Surfacing: Type G3 "GlasKa hot mo ed.
g: vp p' pP cally fastened in combination (optional) with 1/2 in. " Retro-Fit" cover
• 10. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 3 board, or 3/4 in. "Fesco" over polystyrene.
Base Sheet: "PermaPly 28" or "GlasBase ", nailed or adhered with hot Ply Sheet: One or more plies Type Cl "GlasPly IV" or "GI
roofing asphalt. Premier ", adhered with hot roofing asphalt.
Ply Sheet: Two or more plies "Roof Defender Fiber Glass Cap Sheet ", Surfacing: Hot roofing asphalt, " Topgard B ", applied at a rate
"GlasBase ", "GlasPly IV ", "GlasPly Premier ". gal / sq, "TopGard A ", applied at a rate of 1-3/4 - 2 gal / sq or "ToF
Surfacing: Gravel or slag. . B ", at the rate of 2 -3 gal /sq in combination with "Fibrated Alum
11. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 2 Roof Coating", applied at the rate of 2 gal /sq.
Base Sheet: "Roof Defender Fiber Glass Cap Sheet" or "GlasBase ", 3, Deck: C -15/32 Incline: Unlimited
nailed or adhered with hot roofing asphalt. Base Sheet (Optional): "PermaPly 28 ", "GlasBase ", "GlasPly I
Insulation: Any thickness, one or more layers "Fesco" (must be 1 in. Premier", "GlasPly nailed or adhered with hot roofing asphalt.
,' mi at 1 in. incline), "Fesco- Foam ", "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ", "ISO Insulation (Optional): "Fesco ", "Fesco- Foam ", "Fiber Glass Roof
1 ", "E'NRG'Y -2" or any UL Classified polyisocyanurate, hot mopped or lation ", "ISO 1 ", "E'NRG'Y -2" or any UL Classified polyisocyai
mechanically fastened, in combination (optional) with 1/2 in. "Retro-Fit" insulation, hot mopped or mechanically fastened in combii
cover board, or 3/4 in. "Fesco" over polystyrene. (optional) with 1/2 in. "Retro -Fit" cover board, or 3/4 in. "Fesco'
Ply Sheet: Two or more plies Type Cl "GlasPly IV ", "GlasPly Premier' Premier".
• - Surfacing: Type G3 "GlasKap ". Ply Sheet: One or more plies "PermaPly 28 ", "GlasBase ", "GlasP
. 12. Deck: NC Incline: 2 or' "GlasPly Premier ".
Base Sheet (Optional): "Roof Defender Fiber Glass Cap Sheet ", "Glas- Surfacing: Type G3 "GlasKap ".
Base ", "GlasBase Plus" or "Ventsulation", nailed or adhered with hot COLD APPLIED SYSTEMS (BUR)
roofing asphalt. "Roof Defender Fiber Glass Cap Sheet" is a suitable alternate to "PermaPly
Insulation (Optional): Any thickness, one or more lavers "Fesco ", 28" in all applicable Classifications.
"Fesco- Foam ", "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ", "ISO 1 ", "E'NRG'Y -2" or . Class A
• any UL Classified polyisocyanurate, hot mopped or mechanically fas Ply sheets are fully adhered with "MBR Cold Application Adhesive ",
tened, in combination (optional) with 1/2 /2 in. "Retro -Fit" cover board, or applied at 1-2 gal /sq.
3/4 in. "Fesco" over polystyrene. 1. Deck: NC Incline: 1
f • Ply Sheet: Two or more plies Type GI "GlasPly IV ", "GlasPly Premier". Insulation (Optional): "Fesco ", "Fesco - Foam ", "Fiber Glass Roof Insu-
. • Surfacing: Type G3 "GlasKap ". lation ", "ISO 1 ", "E'NRG'Y -2" or any UL Classified polyisocyanurate.
Class B insulation, 3.6 in. max, mechanically fastened, in combination with 1/2
• 1 • Deck: NC Incline: 3 in. "Retro -Fit" cover board, or 3/4 in. "Fesco" over polystyrene.
Insulation (Optional): Any thickness, one or more layers "Fesco ", Base Sheet Three or more plies Type G2 "PermaPly 28 ", "GlasBase ".
"Fesco- Foam ", "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ", "ISO 1 ", "E'NRG'Y -2" or Surfacing: "Fibrated Topgard Type B ", 2 -3 gal /sq.
t • any UL Classified polyisoryanurate insulation, hot mopped or mechani- 2. Deck C -15/32 Incline: 1
_ cally fastened in combination (optional) with 1 /2 in. "Retro-Fit" cover Insulation (Optional): One or more layers, any thickness, "Fesco ",
i board, or 3/4 in. "Fesco" over polystyrene. 'Fesco-Foam ", "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation ", "ISO 1 ", "E'NRG'Y -2" or
Base Sheet Type G2 "Roof Defender Fiber Glass Cap Sheet ", "Glas- any UL Classified polyisocyanurate roof insulation, in combination
i . Base" or "Ventsulation ", or "DynaBase" (modified bitumen), nailed. (optional) with 1/2 in. "Retro -Fit" cover board, first layer mechanically
Ply Sheet One or more plies "GlasPly IV ", "GlasPly Premier ", hot attached, subsequent layers adhered with "MBR Cold Application
t •
mopped. Adhesive" or 3/4 in. "Fesco" over polystyrene, mechanically attached.
• '1 _