FRIENDS of the MUSEUM, Washington county, Tualatin Valley Unit will sponsor the traveling trunk display at the TIGARD TOWN and COUNTRY DAYS "Good 011 Summer Time , at COOK PARK, Saturday,
•August 6 at 12 P.M. to 6 P.M. and Sunday, August 7 , 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. The exhibition will be held in the Friends of the Museum booth at Pioneer Square. Brent Lambert, Director and
Richard Mathews, cura tor, of the Museum will be present to answer any questions you may have concerning gifting and the preservation of artifacts, Please come and meet your old—time
friends in Pioneer Square and see the replica of the Old McDonald store that graced Pacific Highway 99 and the present McDonald street in Tigard. Coffee will be served free -of—charge
to all Senior Citizens ! Here in Pioneer Square you will find the stage bouncing with entertainment from the "Good 01' Days, i' featuring Lena Dolan and her group of 30 oldsters; the
Sunshine Singers with their 01' Time Favorites; the Swinging Seniors; Josephine Beshears, presenting skits; Harriet Harries, Harp and Hat Show, and surprises galore! Helen Cole from
the Oriental Theatre, Sherwood will be entertaining at the Organ through—cuz the day. All of this and more to come on Sunday. The Hot Shots, Old Time Fiddlers, The Carrie Moffett entertainers,
Caroline Hamilton and Lois Abling, jeanne dodge at the piano, singing Broadway tunes . And... Walter Scott, from the pioneer Scott family, and his partner, playing music for dancing
as Walter played in the Old Grange Hall. While visiting, watching or listening, buy a dill pickle from the old bar- rel, a cracker and cheese snack or a watermelon slice from *the old
display For the young generation, you will see butter case for food products. being churned, buy a cup of buttermilk just like the good old days!