CCDA Minutes - 09/18/2007 Agenda Item No.
Council Meeting of
Meeting Minutes
September 18,2007
Mayor Dirksen called the meeting to order at 6:38 p.m.
Attending from each jurisdiction were:
Tigud City Council:
N:une Present Absent
Mayor Dirksen ✓
Council President Sherwood ✓
Councilor Buelrner ✓
Councilor Wilson ✓
Councilor Woodruff ✓
Tualatin City Council:
Name Present Absent
Mayor Ogden ✓
Councilor Harris ✓
Councilor Betliman ✓
Councilor Maddux ✓
Councilor Truax ✓
Councilor Barhyte ✓
Councilor Boryska ✓
Kung City Council:
N,-ane Present Absent
M,-Lyor Shay ✓
Councilor Wynn ✓
Councilor Newham ✓
Councilor Gates ✓
Councilor Locldin ✓
Councilor Robinson ✓
Councilor Willdnson ✓
Joint Meeting-,vith Tigard,Tualatin and King City Councils
and Tigard-Tualatin School District Board Minutes Sept. 18,2007 Page 1
Tigard-Tualztin School District Board:
Name Present Absent
Superintendent Saxton ✓
Board Chair Neunzert ✓
Board Vice Chair Ruthin ✓
Board Director Albertson ✓
Board Director Ztrshtmeide ✓
Board Director Chism ✓
No one attended representing the City of Dunham.
Tigard Staff Present: City Manager Prosser, Police Chief Dickinson, Community Development
Director Coffee,Public Works Director Koellermeier,Deputy City Recorder Krager
Tualatin Staff Present: City Manager Lombos, Interim Finance Director Boss, Community
Services Director Hennon,Police Chief Barker
Tigard-Tualatin School District Staff Present: Director of Conununity Relations Stark Haydon,
I Iurnan Resources Director Brown
Mayor Dirksen welcomed everyone to the meeting and said it speaks well of the attendees tliat
this large group is willing to meet together and discuss mutual interests and concerns.
Purpose: Information
Tigard City Manager Prosser introduced this item and said that when meeting with
Superintendent Saxton and Tualatin City Manager Lombos to discuss potential agenda items, it
occurred to them that they were all involved in visioning or comprehensive planning and
thought it would be interesting to share what each jurisdiction has been doing. He introduced
Tigard Corrununity Development Director Coffee who gave an overview of Tigard's
Comprehensive Plan update.
Conrumttnity Development Director Coffee said that updating the comprehensive plan has been
a long-tune goal for Tigard and the process began in earnest in 2005. He passed around a copy
of Tigard beyond Tarna710711, a -%rision document that began in 1996-97 with extensive community
input into what Tigard should become u1 the next 20 years. A community attitude survey
completed in spring of 2005 showed that current citizen issues are similar to those ui the past
(traffic, density, protection of natural resources) with the addition of support for a new
downtown. This interest in revitalizing the downtown area resulted in the passage of m urban
renewal financing measure in spring 2006.
F Ie said staff spent a year on an inventory of details and facts necessary to know about a
cormmuuuty before a comprehensive plan is done. He said out of that research came a resource
Joint Meeting Avith Tigard,Tualatin and Icing City Councils
and Tigard-Tualatin School District Board Minutes Sept. 18,2007 Page 2
report, Tigard 2007,which be passed around for everyone to look at. I Ie said diis document was
also used a basis for the comprehensive plan.
Corivnunity Development Director Coffee said Tigard is currently in the policy development
stage. The public outreach process and Planning Commission workshops and public Bearings
have been completed. IIe said staff also went to Bigg school government classes to talk about
the comprehensive plan process. He said Tigard's comprehensive plan will follow the State's
land use goal framework, but will be more than a land use plan, addressing a variety of issues.
He gave die example of Highway 99W which can be mewed as a land use issue but there are a
number of things the community can do to try and improve the traffic situation. He said the
policy documents are now corning before Tigard's City Council for adoption and he expects the
process to be complete widhin die next year.
Tualatin City Manager Lombos introduced Councilor Beilctnan who has been the liaison to die
Tualatin Tolnormav visioning process. She said their process began in February of 2006 and the
visioning and action plan were finished in June, 2007. Councilor Beikinan said Tualatin is
currently in their implementation plan phase and is forming a corrunittee to follow through on
d-ie action plans.
She said the Tualatin community was extensively involved and focused on where they think
Tualatin should be in the next 30 years. An ad hoc group will develop a structure for die
implementation comhnnittee, which will contain citizens as well as lead partners and will be die
driving force bel-ind getting the action items done. She said their goal is to come before Council
by January with an idea of die implementation committee structure, how it will act and the
schedule. She said the Tualatin City Council has reviewed the action items and tie lead partners
will be asked to review Bern as well. I n response to a question from Tigard Councilor
Woodruff,Tualatin Councilor Beikinan said Heir final product will be their Action Plan.
City Manager Lombos reported that Tualatin was one of only duee cities in the United States
that won an award from the International Association of Public Participation.
King City Councilor Winn asked for examples of items they were addressing. Councilor
Beikrnan cited the action itern to continue the trails along the Tualatin River,a project many
people were requesting.
Tualatin Mayor Ogden said the Tualatin City Council will be going on a retreat in November to
develop a priority list. IIe said they will be using the Tualatin ToniolMv document as a guide.
Tigard-Tualatin School District:
Superintendent Saxton said that the mission of the Tigard-Tualatin School District is Educate
eveg Child IIe said they lticked off their community visioning process in January by forming a
focus group. IIe said they would like to have over 1,000 people participate in this process. They
want to find out what die community wants from d-ie school district, what a graduate looks
like and what skills they should have when they graduate and finally, what kind of teaching
would enable this. Superintendent Saxton said they want to complete the visioning process
by late spring of 2008.
Joint Meeting xv-idi Tigard,Tualatin and King City Councils
and Tigard-Tualatin School District Board Minutes Sept. 18,2007 Page 3
Tigard Community Development Director Coffee asked about plans for their physical plant.
Superintendent Saxton noted that when the District starts reducing class size, they need more
classrooms. He said the facility plan that was prepared for the last bond effort was still current.
In response to a question from Tigard Councilor Buchner about whether the District has
considered changing die time the school day starts, Superintendent Saxton said they would like
to hear ideas from the community regarding this.
Tualatin Mayor Ogden said this group should get together in five years to see how the regional
players have worked together. Tigard Mayor Dirksen suggested looking at working together on
visioning or staging so that each jurisdiction can build on what the others have done.
Purpose: Expression of Interest
Presenter: Tigard Police Chief Dickinson
Tigard Police Chief Dickinson said student safety is a concern for all communities. He said the
City, the Tigard-Tualatin School District, and tie Tigard Kiwanis Chub, wanted to help so they
bought the Police Department an interactive radar reader board which was placed on Durham
Road at Tigard High School. He said it has been very successful in slowing down traffic in
front of the school. Chief Dickinson said that in contrast to the usual school zone traffic signs,
the reader board is an effective tool and he would like to install four more of these signs U1
Tigard. He showed the group a product brochure and asked if there was interest in
collaboration between die School District and oiler cities. The City of Tualatin suggested
combining orders to receive a volume discount.
Police Chief Dickinson noted that flashing school signs are also helpful and die speed bumps
installed near Metzger Elementary have worked well. IIe said that surprisingly, most school
zone offenders are parents.
King City Councilor Winn said their city has been asking Washington County for some time to
inst.-Ma signal at 131"and Beef Bend Road to help slow traffic near Deer Creek Elementary.
TTSD Superintendent Saxton said tie District shares this concern and has written letters to
Washington County Commissioners requesting assistance with the traffic near Deer Creek.
Mayor Shay said King City has used a portable speed device on 131" Avenue and he has
witnessed people slowing down,but unfortunately they had already sped past the school.
Purpose: Information
Presenter: City of Tualatin Interim Finance Director Boss
Tualatin Interim Finance Manager Boss reported that the cities of Tigard and Tualatin and the
School District are participating in a school emergency response plan. He said they are working
on minimizing possibilities as well as what their response would be. He said they will be doing
a table-top exercise this fall and a wall.-through scenario involving lav enforcement and school
joint A4eeting with Tigard,Tualatin and King City Councils
and Tigard-Tualatin School District Board Minutes Sept. 18,2007 Page 4
administrators. He said Tualatin Valley hire & Rescue and Washington County have been
assisting them. Superintendent Saxton noted his appreciation for their efforts at being well
Tigard City Manager Prosser reported that all jurisdictions will participate in a n October
cornrnunity emergency training exercise to test how organizations respond. CERT
(Comintunity Emergency Response Teats) volunteers - citizens who know what to do in their
neighborhoods during the fust hours and days of a natural disaster or emergency— have also
been trailed. City Manager Prosser said Tigard is trying to reach out to the business
community with information because citizens are just as likely to be at their jobs as at home
when an emergency occurs.
Tualatin Councilor Beikimm mentioned that she experienced a "lockdown." at Byrom
Elementary. She said it would be helpful if the School District communicated to parents and
the general conununity what a lockdown is and why they are necessary. Tigard Police Chief
Dickinson said dley try to get information to the community as soon as possible in an
emergency without alaraniig them. He said, "But in the end, people will have to take the
counsel of the police officers that are di-ecting thetas in that kind of crisis."
King City Mayor Shay said they have a small but active group of CERT volunteers who would
be able to give assistance to Deer Creek Elementary in an emergency.
Tigard Councilor Sherwood mentioned a training she recently attended focusing on the role of
public officials during an emergency and recommended all public officials go through this
training. Tigard Mayor Dirksen said he attended an emergency response training while at the
Mayors,Conference and found it valuable.
Purpose: Information;Expression of Interest
Presenter: Tigard-Tualatin School District Superintendent Saxton
Tigard-Tualatin School District Superintendent Saxton described an agreement the School
District has with the city of Tualatin for the artificial turf field. He said die City invested funds
but the District owns the facility and property. He said replacement would be a shared expense.
IIe said die District uses it from 8:00 a.m. — 5:50 p.m. for school use; and t1e City of Tualatin
uses it at other tithes. He noted that the District and the City each set their own fees.
Superintendent Saxton said the District rents other facilities to community groups such as
youth sports organizations, Scouts, daycare, evening events, churches on the weekends,
Japanese school, and the Broadway Rose Theater, etc. Some youth sports groups have
approached TTSD about upgrading some of die fields. I ie said one challenge is to strike a
balfuice between users and organizations. IIe suggested that some kind of umbrella group to
assist Nvidh coordination of these different groups would be helpful. He also noted that the
District has an agreement with Soudhside Soccer Club for the Tigard High School turf field. He
said Southside Soccer Club will replace the field when necessary.
Joint Meeting with Tigard,Tualatin and King City Councils
and Tigard-Tualatin School District Board Nfinutes Sept. 18,2007 Page 5
Superintendent Saxton said a long-term lease had been signed with Broadway Rose Theater for
use of the former Charles F. Tigard Elementary cafeteria. This collaboration will enable the
District to use the building during the day for trainings and meetings and it is available to the
Broadway Rose at other tines for theater classes and productions.
Councilor Buchner suggested that the District develop a partnership with another entity to pay
for lighting the Fowler Middle School tennis courts at night. She said the lights could be on a
tuner and would be off unless needed by tennis players.
TTSD Board Chart Neunzert said the District appreciates the support of the community and
that it does tape a village, or several of them, to raise a child. She said the District however,
needs to be disciplined and first apply their limited funding towards their mission to educate
every child. She said it is a challenge to balance dlat with the needs of the community and other
organizations. But she said the District does consider community needs and when building
new schools recently,made sure space was included for the cornrnunity use. She said that it cost
the District more to add doors that loch to separate classrooms ftorn public spaces, but they felt
it important to have rooms available for use at night and weekends by cornrmunity
organizations. She suggested other partnerships could be developed between schools,cities and
other organizations.
Tigard Mayor Dirksen said he is supportive of the partnership idea. He said Tigard's Park and
Recreation Board proposed a pilot program but Council decided that while there may be a
need, a sway to fluid it still needs to be identified. The Tigard Parks and Recreation Board
recommended hiring a coordinator and he thought this was a position that could potentially
coordinate facility use between organizations, cities and the School District. Tualatin City
Councilor Truax said Tigard should maintain hope that they will find a way to field the pilot
park and recreation program.
Mayor Ditksen suggested that each jurisdiction be involved in a discussion to further explore
mutually beneficial partnerships.
This item was deleted because the presenters were unable to attend.
Purpose: Inforrmation
Pi-esenteis Tigard Tualatin School Distiut Superintendent Saxton
Tualatin City tblanager Lonibos
Tigan!Cry Manager Prower
Superintendent Saxton discussed Tigard-Tualatin School District's plans to consider a local
option levy in November 2008, which is the next general election prior to their current levy
expiration date of July 1, 2010. He said every year in December demographic projections are
given to die State and the School District's fLurding is based on those projections. He said it is
important the projections be very accutate so they can plan for facilities, and projections suggest
they will need to hold a bond election for facilities in 2010.
Joint Afeeting with Tigard,Tualatin and Bing City Councils
and Tigard-Tualatin School District Board Minutes Sept. 18,2007 Page 6
Tualatin City Manager Lombos said Tualatin may put an iteral on die 2008 ballot. She noted
that Clacluunas County has an upcoming library measure.
Tigard City Manager Prosser said Tigard has no firm plans, but an option to support a
recreation levy may be on the 2008 or 2010 ballot. He said it would either be an open space or
a recreation district levy.
Tigard Mayor Dirksen reported that the Washington County Coordinating Cointnittee (WCCC)
is considering November of 2008 for a transportation measure
Mayor Dirksen thanked everyone for dieir attendance and input.
The joint Meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m.
Tigard City Council Reconvened for a Study Session in the Red Rock Creek Conference Room
at 8:25 p.m.
o Staff Report: Community Development Department
Community Development Director Coffee distributed a document tided, Chronology of
Recent Downtown Streetlight Discussions.A copy of this document is filed in the City
Recorder's Office. In response to a question from Councilor Woodruff, Mr. Coffee said the
CCAC is waiting for further direction and clarification from Council.
The Council discussed the streetlight recormnendation process. Mayor Dirksen said there was a
misunderstanding that Council had referred CCAC's decision back to them. Mayor Dirksen said
Council only opened a door if CCAC wanted d-ie opportunity to explore more options.
Council agreed that while it is important to follow process and adopted plans,it may be
appropriate to reconsider, but only if there are compelling reasons.
Mayor Dirksen reiterated that if d-ie citizen group is comfortable widh dieir street light decision,
the CCDA will let that stand- there was just a concern that CCAC made their decision based
on an erroneous assumption that they had limited choices from which to select.
Mayor Dirksen said that as Chair of dle City Center Development Agency (CCDA) he will
write a letter clarifying Council's intention. City Manager Prosser will ask staff to arrange a
meeting with Mayor Dirksen,Councilor Sherwood and die CCAC Chair wid-in the next week.
Joint Meeting with Tigard,Tualatin and King City Councils
and Tigard-Tualatin School District Board Minutes Sept. 18,2007 Page 7
Councilor Buehner asked if another Councilor was available to go to the October 10, 2007
IWB meeting as she is unable to attend. Council checked their calendars and concluded that
no Council members will be able to attend this meeting as her backup.
Mayor Dirksen noted that the fust Joint Water Task Force small group meeting has been
scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on Friday, September 21, 2007.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Carol A. Krager, Deputy City f4corder
Mayor, City of Tigard
Date: A11(2/77Lr Q-7 r3LX)`)
Joint Meeting with Tigard,Tualatin and King City Councils
and Tigard-Tualatin School District Board Minutes Sept. 18,2007 Page 8