CCDA Minutes - 03/23/2008 Agenda Item No.
Meeting of -7
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City of Tigard
Tigard Business Meeting — Minutes
MEETING DATE: February 12, 2008
MEETING LOCATION: City of Tigard—Town Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223
Track "I
Mayor Dirksen called the meeting to order at 630 p.m.
Name Present Absent
Mayor Dirksen ✓
Councilor President Sherwood ✓
Councilor Buchner ✓
Councilor Wilson ✓
Councilor Woodruff ✓
Staff Present: City Manager Prosser, Conununity Development Director Coffee, City Attorney Ramis, City
Engineer Duenas,Associate Planner Farrelly,Assistant Community Development Director Bunch,Associate
PIanner Roberts, Program Development Specialist Lueck. Also present: Consultant Joe Hertzberg.
)% Council Discussion and Input to Mayor Dirksen for Governor's Transportation Subcom nittee
Mayor Dirksen is serving on the Vision Subcommittee on die recently activated Governor's Transportation
Subcommittee. Scope of work is to forward a recommendation to the legislature in 2009 to address state
transportation needs.
Councilor Buelhner said she has learned by attending JPACT that there is no support from Washington
County representatives for the 1-5/99W corridor xvid1 funds frons d1e usual sources. Mayor Dirksen
commented that the Tigard City Council could bring flus up to our legislators dieing the regularly scheduled
meetings that their support is needed. In response to a question from Councilor Woodruff, City Manager
Prosser said the state legislators will likely be scheduled to tneet with the City Council at the end of the
special legislative session. I Ie said that transportation funding is slated to be reviewed by the legislature in
its 2009 session and this is a good time to start preparing.
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Councilor Wilson asked if there was a mission statement for the Transportation Subcommittee. Mayor
Dirksen advised the scope of the Subcomriaittee's work was discussed at the fust meeting. The
Subconunittee will be 1naldng decisions about parameters for a transportation funding package.
Councilor Wilson said that it seems u7 recent years consideration has not been given to what really needs to
be done. For example,proposals have been to move away from collecting a gas tax. This seems
unpractical. The mechanism for collection is already there, there are no start-up costs,no device needs to
be iuhstalled in everyone's car, people from out of state contribute,you do not have to deal widl people's
perceptions of privacy, and flus could easily be applied to other types of fuel that might be irhtroduced. It
works. Councilor Wilson said he didn't krnow why there is a need to move away from the gas tax other
than there has been no political will to raise the tax. I Ie added it seems that everyone wants to build
everything but roads;i.e.,bike pates and mass transit. We have not been keepuig up.
Councilor Sherwood observed that the metropolitan tri-county area funds most of the state because much
of the state is Waal. We end up not getting back what we pay. We need to figure out how to get back a
good share of this revenue.
Councilor Wilson commented drat rural legislators do not have congestion,but they have votes. I Ie said
his perception has been that they have not been interested in raising taxes. He agreed widh Councilor
Shervood's comments that it costs more to build roads per amount collected; to spread it equally in terrns
of population does not make sense.
Councilor Buelmer advised she talked to lobbyists and legislators last week. She said she heard diree tongs
that concerned her:
- State preemptions on local jurisdictions'ability to set fees and taxes for transportation projects
- Timber dollars will discontinue for ural counties,which in the past is why they have not been
interested u1 raising taxes. She anticipates these counties in 2009 will be seeking help from the
legislature to be made whole.
- There is no cominitinent to fund state-owned facilities.
Councilor Woodruff noted there is no problem With consensus that there are infrastructure problems Xvith
the current roads and we do not have enough roads to handle the traffic. There is agreement on what the
needs are;he said he thinks it's more of a "political will"issue. Additional money is needed. I Ie pointed
out that what seems to work best for our community is to tie the funding source directly to what you want
to do with it. The gas tax, as controversial as it is, does tie die revenue directly to what it is going to be used
for as long as it is equitable: where the money comes from is where it will be used to help that need.
Councilor Woodruff noted that the City has made a commitment to our residents drat we will reduce our
gas tax if there is some kind of a state tax ghat would provide us additional revenue. There might be other
creative ways to develop revenue. The residents in die recent City survey have indicated support for what
the City is doing.
Councilor Shervood noted she supported mass transit to move people;however, she said no one is
addressing what it takes to move goods around this county. She referred to the time when she owned her
own business and the need to travel within die county. "If we are to keep com nerce in this county,we
have to figure out a way to move business and goods around the county." Mayor Dirl:sen reported that
the Governor's Transportation Committee has good representation from the business coma-inunity.
Mayor Dirksen recapped what he heard as the Council's input to hitn (Track 2):
• The gas tax is probably tie best way to fund transportation projects.
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• The transportation package should not necessarily exclude any other anodes of transport, but
should focus on improving existing roads and looking at new routes if needed.
• We need to consider the needs of freight-hauling capacity around die County and State.
• We all need to be talking to our legislators to make sure they understand our concerns and what our
priorities are.
• There is a need to concentrate on maintaining and improving State facilities.
Councilor Wilson said he would also like to see a focus on congestion relief rather than"simply just roads."
There was discussion on die bridge program and questions about how priorities were placed spend to
spend those dollars. There was discussion about how priorities might be set: i.e.,amount of congestion
and volume of traffic. Existing funding mechanisms favor wideiung existing facilities rather than creating
new connections. Councilor Wilson suggested using modeling to objectively determine which routes would
protnde the greatest relief. Councilor Woodruff said"the more scientific, d1e better"and supported a
greater amount of objectivity.
Mayor Dirksen shared his idea about suggesting a different way to apportion dollars to the areas with
regions that need improvements. He referred to the California model. The California Departtnent of
Transportation does not determine how projects will be funded;they collect the money and redistribute it
to regional governments which make the decisions within their regions regarding how that money should
be spent. Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) does a good job in rural areas.
Couiicilor Woodruff commented on past experience tviti fiuiding. There was discussion on the City of
Tigard also being connected to transportation discussions by Washington County and Metro.
Mayor Dirkscn suggested dlere are issues to overcome for Tigard,Tualatin, and Sherwood in that he dunks
that many people in County government subconsciously think of us as being part of Portland. Councilor
Buelmer concurred noting that at a recent J13ACT meeting, someone stated that Tigard's issues are lmore
aligned with Portant than with die rest of die County.
Administrative Items Reviewed:
o Item 3.5 will be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. Trus item requests
the City Council to approve an Intergoverninental Agreement wide the University of Oregon for
the Downtown Urban Design Vision Project. A February 12, 2008,memo was distributed to the
City Council.
Councilor Buelmler addressed Community Development Director Coffee noting there is a
perception that we are trying to cut citizens out of d-ie design process. Community-Development
Director Coffee responded that the City Center Advisory Coirunission is aware of this and will hear
more at dneir meeting tomorrow. In addition, therewill be a design charrette for die citizens once
there is something to review.
Track 4
Assistant Coinimunity Development Director Bunch responded to questions presented by
Councilor Wilson. This represents an opportunity to get a good product from die University of
Oregon using their Research Services Progn-an. The question was why is this costing money;
students used to do this work for free. Assistant Community Development Director Bunch
explained that the Department of Higher Education revenues have not kept up widi tie costs and
they receive a lot of their money from state and federal governments and so they are operating
under those administrative rules. They are mandated to recover their administrative costs through
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these projects. Many yews ago the University of Oregon and other I*Iicr education institutions
were at greater liberty than they are today to offer free or low cost services. Sometimes students
may volunteer their services to get experience in a particular field or occasionally professors assign
local case studies that might have benefit to the client. Staff has approached this as a contract with
the University of Oregon. Assistant Corn nunity Development Director Bunch described die scope
of work and the University's response outlining the services they would provide. This is more frilly
outlined ii die February 12 nhemorandurn distributed to the City Council.
Staff has been talking to die University of Oregon about dhis for die past year,working wit-i diem
so they could adjust their schedule to provide us this service. Experience with this program has
shown that this would be more than a 4:1 benefit ratio for the money expended for this particular
project. Also,we are establishing a relationship with not only tie University of Oregon but also
wid-i Metro and TriMet about our long-term objective and need and there is a potential to catapult
Tigard as a research model for how to redevelop utter-green suburbs. As a result, die Mayor has
been invited to the Mayor's Design Conference. Staff has also discussed this with the University of
Oregon's public relations people and also with the School of Architecture to involve us in tris bind
of effort. Councilor Wilson agreed this was a good deal for the City of Tigard. Assistant
Connmuunity Development Director Bunch clarified that the money Tigard will pay for this service
twill go to the Office of Research and Special Projects. The product will be dratvuhgs of die
downtown and entered iito a program that will generate a three-dimensional representation of tie
downtown. Conunurnity Development Director Coffee said this invaluable as we get into
design guideline discussions. This willalso help With discussion on a form-based code. Councilor
Wilson noted this will be a tool to help citizens, staff,and Council make decisions.
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch estimated Tigard will receive about 6-700
person worn:hours dhrough this contract over a period of five and one-half mond-is.
Tl-.Lis item will be pulled frorin die Consent Agenda so staff can present information about this
Intergovernmental Agreement to the viewing public.
o Item 7—Elected Officials' Emergency Operations Guide was distributed to the City Council.
o Item 8—Council received a February 9, 2008 letter from Wilma Lynn rn opposition to a
Reimbursement District (Note: The address for Ms. Lynn is not within the boundaries of die
Reirnbursernent District No. 3S—Fairhaven Street,which is on the business meeting agenda
Track 5
• E-' CUTIVE SESSION:The Tigard City Council went go into Executive Session to discuss real property
transaction negotiations and pending litigation under QRS 192.660(2) (e) and (h).
Executive Session concluded at 7:29 p.m.
• STUDY SESSION (contiiued)
Track 6
)> Discuss Council Team Building Meeting with Joe Hertzberg
Council discussed when to meet with Mi. Hertzberg. Individual discussions will be scheduled followed by a
meeting witi all of die City Council and Mr. Hertzberg fora tearnbuilding training workshop. City Council
_ _TIGAR.DC_IT_Y_ C_OUN_CIL/L_C_R_B/CCDA MI_N_UTES — February 12, 200_$_
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members agreed it would be beneficial to review tie"non-defensive" cominianication information prior to
the teauibuilding training.
Study Session recessed at 7:32 p.m.
1.1 Mayor Dirksen called tie City Council, Local Contract Review Board, and City Center Development
Agency to order at 7:41:28 PM
Name Present Absent
Mayor Dirksen ✓
Councilor Buchner ✓
Councilor Sherwood ✓
Councilor Wilson ✓
Councilor Woodruff ✓
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
1.4 Council Communications&Liaison Reports—Councilor Buchner advised she would report on a recent
JPACT meeting at end of meeting.
Councilor Woodruff congratulated Jaclde Quello who was selected as Mother of the Year for
Washington County.
1.5 Call to Council and Staff for Non Agenda Items: None
7:43:43 I'M
• Tigard High School Student Envoy Megan Foltz presented a report on the activities of students at
Tigard High. A summary of her report is on file in die City Recorder's office.
• Citizen Comini-mication—Sign Up Sheet
• Follow-up to Previous Citizen Commuiucation: None
7:46:26 PM
• Follow-up—Fifth Tuesday City Council Meeting of January 29, 2008—
City Manager Prosser noted three citizens raised issues at the Fifth Tuesday meeting:
• Parking enforcement on Fanno Creek Loop — Staff un the Police Department have been in
contact with the citizen who raised die issue. This is a large issue.u1d will take awhile to resolve.
• Improve biking in Tigard — Community Development Department staff received die
recommendations from the citizen who raised die issue. Staff is in contact with this individual.
• Missing sidewalk area on SW North Dakota Street — Community Investment Program (CII')
projects are being assembled now and staff will look to determine if this can be addressed in the
7:47:36 Pi\4
Mayor reviewed the items listed on the Consent Agenda:
3.1 Approve Council Minutes for November 20,27,and December 4,2007
3.2 Receive and File:
a. Council Calendar
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b. Tentative Agenda
3.3 Approve Intergover nunental Agreement to Collect and Rernit Constriction Excise Tax Between the
Tigard-Tualatin School District 23J and the City of Tigard
Members of the Coirunittee for Citizen Involvement—Resolution No. Q8-02
3.4 Appoint At-Large
Remove 3.5 for separate discussion;listed after the Consent Agenda
'. 7 L
re. 08 03
3.6 Approve Budget Amendment #9 to the FY 2007-08 Budget Increasing Appropriations by $14,265 in
the Mayor and City Council Budget to Reflect the Costs Associated tvidi the November 6, 2007
Election—Resolution No. 08- 03
3.7 Local Contract Review Board:
a. Approve the Purchase of a Vac-Con Combination Server Cleaning Truck from Enviro-Clean
Equipment, Inc.
Motion by Councilor Woodruff, seconded by Councilor Sherwood to approve the Consent Agenda with Item
3.5 removed for separate discussion and consideration.
The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present.
Mayor Dirksen Yes
Councilor Buehner Yes
Councilor Wilson Yes
Councilor Sherwood Yes
Councilor Woodruff Yes
7:50:29 PM
Council then considered the following Consent Agenda item, pulled for separate discussion and consideration:
3.5 Approve Intergovernmental Agreement with University of Oregon for the Downtown Urban
Design Vision Project—Resolution No. 08-04
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch presented the staff report and described the scope of
work,which twill include citizen uivolvement. City Council discussed the proposed agreement and the
benefits of entering into such an agreement. (See additional information on this topic on Page 2,,,vinich
was discussed by the City Council and staff during the Study Session.)
8:02:27 PM
Motion by Councilor Bueluier, seconded by Councilor Wilson to approve Resolution No. 08-04.
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The motion was approved by a unanitmous vote of Council present.
Mayor Dirksen Yes
Councilor Buelhner Yes
Councilor Wilson Yes
Councilor Sherwood Yes
Councilor Woodruff Yes
8:02:54 PM
City Engineer Duenas introduced Mr. Lurance, a former Washington County official. M1. L arrance has
contacted elected officials in Washington County and Metro expressing concerns about the lack of a triable plan
to accoinnnodate the expected growth in western Washington County. One of the major wealmesses between
western county and southern county are the connecting roads.
Mr.Larrance's continents are stumhhharized below:
• We are at a unique opportunity in time because of die urban growth bouundary atnenclinents occurring
along the western edge of the urban area in Washington County, the Bull Mountain area, die North
Bethany area and the south Hillsboro area (2500 acres,wluich could have as many as up to 40,000
• It is hard to unagine in platuting terms a 21"Century Washington Couurty kvidhout an interstate freeway
link leaving I-5 somewhere near Sherwood and connecting again somewhere in Washington.
• You supply can't build an arterial system that is large enough to handle through-traffic and local traffic
without properly spaced freeways.
• Spoke of a fiitu ristic vision of modes of travel.
• Freight movement in Washington County is sorely lacking.
• The "lie),into the door" can be found within the regional and local government discussions of the
urban and rural reserves drat will occur dais next year.
• Widh 400,000 more people projected to live ui Washington Couulty, there needs to be more of a
transportation backbone to support the arterial, collector and local street network.
• We don't luiow what modes of transportation will exist a hundred years from now;but,we do know we
need the right-of-way for those anodes to be moving within.
• We have toasted billions to date by not having the transportation link.(s) in the plan. It is important to
have "placeholders"un the plan. He referred to the Regional Transportation Plan adopted by Metro last
year but it was in an"undone" format and is still being discussed this year.
• Tigard has all kinds of deficiencies identified in the Regional Management Plan.
• There is an incredible amount of though-traffic (commuters).
• There is no solution for access in west Tigard without another limited access facility.
8:10:'17 PIVI
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• The one portion of the west transportation leg that is still in the Regional Transportation Plan is the
connector to 99W from I-5. I Ie noted his concerns that if connector is built to the west--beyond
Sherwood--it will setx,e the Couunty. Then,itis not really a Washington County project;rather,it
becomes a way to move people from the east side of Portland to the coast without going through
Tigard and Tualatin. I Ie questioned why tiffs should go on"our" list of projects when it is not serving
our people.
• Conununication among other City and regional elected officials is important to promote our area's
transportation needs.
• It is an opportune tune to relay our area's concerns as the Governor's subcommittee has been activated.
Mayor Dirksen is a member of the subcommittee.
• Another opportunity is the Major Streets Transportation Improvement Plan proposal that will be
placed before voters once again. This is a great way to demonstrate credibility widl the public.
• The County has a wort:program ill progress for 2005 for die Regional Transportation Plan,which
includes a review of the nordi/south corridor.
• Urged all City Councils of Washington County to have one person designated to interact witli the
Couunq, to remind the County that it is their job to be the beeper of the arterial system. Freeways and
other multi-modal forms of limited access are also part of the purview.
Councilor Wilson noted his appreciation for Mr. Larrance's activism and concurred-with Mr.Larrance's points.
Councilor Wilson referred to the Interstate Bridge replacement,which"got on die agenda"and now we are
talking about spending$3 billion while "throwing away a perfectly serviceable bridge. The I-205 bridge took a
lot of pressure off of die 1-5 bridge for}Tears. I Ie agreed that we've had this connection on the plan and we
have removed it for no good reason and now we are struggling just to get a little piece of it—it's not on any list whatsoever. Councilor Wilson said"we are tallcing about a massive expansion of 217,which would
not be necessary if we had a bypass. Effectively Roy Rogers Road and Tile Flats and all of the little roads are
beconhing,out of necessity,what a bypass would do... in the City of Tigard,Highway 99 is so bad and we Have
not been able to get any money to fix it, so we have had to institute our own gas tax.. The last fiuided study
with Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to look at 99W,we have actually withdrawn the 7-lane
profile planned between 1-5 and 217 partly because we don't avant it to divide our conunuunity, but also because
there was no possible way to fiend it. We cancel more projects than we get done." Councilor Wilson agreed
with Mr. Larrance that dis county in general, and this part of the county in particular,are being ignored by all of
die decision makers. All of the attention seems to focus on the I-5 corridor in the City of Portland.
Nli.Larrance comrinented on the modeling used to deternhine to go ahead with die Interstate Bridget
replacement;he advised he looked at the data and believed it was skewed. Mi. Larrance said he is looking for
funding for an independent analysis of die transportation needs for Washington County.
8:17:53 PM
Councilor Buehner referred to the Long-Term Transportation Plan Committee several years ago; she and Mi.
Larrance served on this Committee. One of the issues that carne up was the placement of die 99W to
1-5 corridor. There was a process to do preliminary plannung diroughout a number of meetings. All of
this work disappeared;a new report was started and a new group doing a plan presented last year. In
the intervening years there has been so much build-out in Tualatin drat most of the alternatives teat
were viable 10 years ago are gone. Councilor Buehner said she is concerned drat tie same thing is
going to happen in die soudh Iillsboro area in drat no one is looking at the long-term picture. At tis
time, there is no way to travel from TV I lighway at Cornelius Pass on to Farmington Road. She noted
her concurrence for the need to set aside right-of-way now. The history of what has happened widh the
99W to 1-5 section is a perfect example of how die County and tie regional government has been
handling d-is over tie last 20 years—nod-ling has happened and she is concerned about what will
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Happen. She voiced her support for Mi.Larrance and would life to see a proposal for acquiring right of
8:20:42 PM
Councilor Woodruff said the Tigard City Council has been supporters of the bypass from the outset. The
closer it can be to Tigard as it comes off of I-5, the better. The Council has made its position known to
whoever would listen. Councilor Woodruff said it's easy to feel powerless when these big projects happen
somewhere;was the input taken into account? If there are other ways Mi.Larrance could enlist other elected
officials throughout the County to channel efforts to have more impact,please keep conunuiucatuig that with
the Tigard City Council.
Councilor Sherwood and Mayor Dirksen noted that years ago when work was being clone on the Westside
Bypass,it was said that if we built die Bypass it would encourage houses and development. It chid not get built,
but the gtowtl occurred anyway widhout the infrastructure to support the population.
Mayor Dirksen referred to cormrnents by those who say we need to wort:toward a more sustainable economy
widi less dependence on oil and by building more freeways,it is malting us more dependent. He said that
regardless of whether we have automobiles that use gasoline, electricity or even if it is multi-modal with mass
transit,the will still need die corridor by-,vlhich people can be transported from Point A to Point B. Unless you
decide to limit population growth, development will need to happen. A good description of a third world
country is a country where the infrastructure has failed to keep up widi population. "If we allow population to
grow widiout building die infrastructure to support the population, we are all going to end up living in a place
where we don't want to live."
1llr. Larrance said that,in essence,we are planning"Washington County to be the region's slurp, because we are
planning all of the density of the rest of the region but without transportation facilities to move people...All
environmentalists should support freeways,because freeways are the least-cost,least-fuel, least-smog alternative
for moving achy kind of mode." I Ie said that the corridor he envisions could reroute heavy rail and get the
heavy rail out of the urban area,which would also increase our capacity on our roadways uvidvn the urban area.
This is a way to utilize the existing infrastructure we have in a better way;it would be adding a piece that grabs
back capacity that we're misusing now. It would really solve so many issues. For die kind of densities we have,
we need a freeway about every seven miles and these could also be used for mass transit vehicles.
Councilor Buehner said she attended a National League of Cities convention and attended a program by people
from Minneapolis who were talking about multi-modal transportation,including freeways. She asked to have a
DVD about what they have proposed and what they have actually started to implement using bus stops in die
middle of freeways. There are ways to do this and this is something we should be thinking about.
Councilor Wilson referred to a Metro-sponsored trip that he.and Councilor Sherwood took to Vancouver,B.C.
The purpose of the trip was to look at Vancouver as a model for building cities. He recalled one of die
speakers described referred to a chief difference between the US and Canada: die US has the Interstate
1=1ighway system and they do not. The speaker said the US system was a good thing. When you get greater
densities,people change their lifestyles and can live and function without cars to some degree. Councilor
Wilson said we are far from this kind of density. Most of Vancouver is fairly low density as we are. Ina lot of
cases, the two viewpoints are talking past each other and no one is examining things on the same level. It takes
some homework on our part to challenge some of the notions behind the "kill-die-freeway idea." Mr.
Larrance said he agreed with Councilor Wilson's cornaments.
Mayor Dirksen said die other problern,besides the philosophical one,is the huge expense involved in keeping
up with the infrastructure. Now studies show that to bring die highway system up to what it needs to be right
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 ( Page 9 of I6
now for the population we have today,would cost somewhere between$3-4 billion—that's just to catch up, not
to deal with anything that happens in the future. This is a huge ainou nt of money to ask taxpayers to raise.
Mayor Dirksen said a recent Metro study, The Cosl of Co11,gLSIL011, demonstrated that it costs tie Portant Metro
area about that same $4 billion per year in lost economic income because of hazing a substandard
transportation system. It's not always the question of how much can we afford to pay,it is also how much can
we afford to lose.
8:30:55 PM
Motion by Councilor Sherwood, seconded by Councilor Buehner, to recess die City Council meeting.
The motion was approved by a unanuaaous vote of Council present.
Mayor Dirksen Yes
Councilor Buchner Yes
Councilor Wilson Yes
Councilor Sherwood Yes
Councilor Woodcliff Yes
Recess City Council Meeting (Motion by Council)
Convene City Center Development Agency (CCDA)Meeting:
• Chair Dirksen called the Call Cite Center Development Agency to Order at 8:31:25 PM
• RollCall: Chair and Board Members of City Center Development Agency
Name Present Absent
Chair Dirksen ✓
Board Member Bueluler ✓
Board Member Sherwood ✓
Board Member Wilson ✓
Board Member Woodruff ✓
a. Chair Dirksen opened the public hearing..
1). City Attorney Statement: City Attorney Ramis reviewed the nature of this public hearing that is being
conducted by the City Center Development Agency,which is not a meeting of die City Council,nor an
amendment to the Comprehensive plan,nor a land use decision.
c. Declarations or Challenges: None
d. Staff Report: Corntnivaity Development Department
Senior Planner Nachbar presented die staff report.
• The consideration of tae Master Plan is a culmination of a ten-month process to develop a Master
Plan for Fanno Creek Park and die Downtown Plaza.
• Staff recommended dlat die City Center Development Agency board members review tae
continents and adopt the Plan.
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8:34:24 PM
• History of the Plan development process was rcxnewed noting the involvement of the Fari no Geek
Park Steering Conunittee and die City Center Advisory Commission.
8:39:38 PIt-1
Consultant Mike Zilas oveiviewed key elements of tine Master Plus. The PowerPoint presentation for this
agenda item is on file in the City Recorder's office.
6:58:58 PM
City Center Development Agency board members discussed the presentation and asked questions of staff
and the consultant.
• The style of building for the pavilion as shown in the PIan is a placeholder rather than,-[
recommendation of any style or shape. The location and scale of the building is what would be
approved if the Agency adopts the plan.
9:01:59 PM
Upon implementation of the plan, the Agency will be working with property owners in dne downtown to
assemble the land parcels. Several conversations have occurred with property owners in the area affected by
the Plan. Senior Planner Nachbar reviewed how implementation could occur referring to projected costs
and sequencing of projects;i.e., construct the Plaza fist to support new development next to the Plaza. He
spoke of a timeline for the Plaza over a four-year time period; the Plaza cannot be constructed all at once.
T1nc first step will be to have the City and the property owner, Stevens Marine, work together. The Agency
will need to determine where the fundingwill come from to purchase the property,assist with business
relocation,and construct tine project. The City/Agency is at the point where preliminary discussions are
being held with property owners. The financial mechanisms,including a loan prograrn from the City of
Tigard to the Urban Renewal Agency are being setup.
9:07:24 PM
e. Public Testimony: Proponent and Opponents
Kevin Christianson—9185 SW Burnham Street,Tigard, Oregon introduced himself as one of the attorneys
from the Scott FIookland film. I Ie noted issues that have come up and their interest un a dynamic
downtown. He identified four issues:
1. Corruninucation—there have been opportunities for hearings and discussions during dne last ten
months;however,he noted tine importance of keeping lines of communication open. Whedler it is
real or perceived, there is a question about the adequacy of communication between the City and
property and business owners. He acknowledged this concern might be more of a perception and
yet continued corninuunication efforts will be key.
2. Cost—there are concerns about where the resources to fund will come from. He referred to the
proposal to move forward u1 an evolutionary process but wanted to advise the City Center
Development Agency of his concerns about adequate funding.
3. Safety—his firm is across the street from the Plaza,which is anticipated to attract both good and
bad elements. However the Plan develops, safety should be a fiindainentd consideration.
4. Protection of existing property owners—while growth is wanted,it should not be at the expense of
existing businesses. He-rged the interactive and evolutionary process to continue while engaging
existing business owners.
9:12:29 PM
City of Tigard 1 13125SWHall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 � 1 J Page ll of M
Councilor Bueluler urged members of the law ficin to participate and observe activities of the City Center
Advisory Cornn-ission and the frequent Tigard Chamber of Conunerce meetings where the urban renewal
project is discussed.
Mayor Dirksen advised Nit. Christianson's points are well taken and will be considered as the Agency moves
9:14:34 PM
Alice Ellis Gaut advised she was presenting testimony wearing"two hats": 1. Representing Carl Switzer,Chair
of the Fanno Creek Steering Cona nittee and 2. Representing die City Center Advisory Commission as Ms.
Ellis Gaut is the Chair of the CCAC. Highlights of her remarks follow:
• Conunended the staff and consultant for their presentation and the work on this project,which she
characterized as a hands-on, coirnnuluty-involved effort.
• Great care was given to developing a Plan that would not"tie the hands of future bodies." The Steering
Committee and the CCAC were careful and deliberate to state their intentions within the plan for the most
sustainable alternatives in materials and designs.
• Ms. Gaut referred to the Steering Couunittee's work and Mr. Switzer's message that the design elements
were just placeholders. There will be future design decisions made by other bodies regarding the types of
buildings and markers to be placed.
• The CCAC encouraged and demanded that this be a completely citizen driven process. She referred to
other CCAC members who were present: Carolyn Barkley, ....Murphy,and Dan Dolan.
• She urged the CCDA to adopt the Plan.
9:21:22 PM
Dan Dolan, 12520 SW Main,Tigard, OR identified other properties he owned in the downtown area. Mr.
Dolan was a member of the Faruno Creek Steering Cointnittee. its a property and business owner,he is very
interested in what occurs in the downtown. I Ie sees the Plan as a positive thing for Tigard, for their business
and for everyone in die community. He said they were ready to move forward;the Plan is a great document
that he thinks will work. Councilor Wilson and Mi. Dolan discussed the efforts that will be needed on the part
of die City and the property owners.
9:23:49 PM
Sue Biellie, 11755 SW 114"'Place,Tigard, OR testified and distributed a letter. She said she would like to see
the natural habitat areas expanded. She noted the Plan contained a lot of good diings but asked dle CCDA to
not adopt the plan until more consideration has been given to the Plaza site and for dze natural resources.
9:30:04 PM
Marland Ienderson, 11795 SW Kaffierine Street,Tigard OR noted his appreciation for Lisa Olson's work on
die Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan. Mayor Dirksen also extended thanks to Mi. Ienderson for his help
as well.
9:31:28 PM
f. City Center Development Agency Board Discussion
Board members connrnented on the number of tunes die Plan has been reviewed and discussed and advised
they were ready to vote on the Plan. Mayor Dirksen said he would be pleased to move forward with die Plan.
Councilor Buehner referred to an earlier conunent about funding. One of the resources that will be available
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 " I Page 12 of 16
will be Parks System Development Charges. Mayor Dirksen acknowledged the price tag for the Plan will be
Thigh; however,urban renewal funding is only once source and the Agency/City plans to utilize many different
funding sources.
Alice Alis Gaut advised that the CCAC discussed the parks System Development Charges at length. Of
concern was utilizing SDC dollars but to make an effort to replace those dollars when money starts to become
available so parks can be purchased in other parts of die City. Chair Dirksen said the City is committed to
purchase larks throughout die City.
9:'4:50 PM
g. Chair Dirksen closed the public hearing.
h. City Center Development Agency Board Consideration:
Motion by Board Member Sherwood, seconded by Board Member Wilson to adopt CODA Resolution No.
The motion was approved by a unaninnous vote of Board Members present:
Chair Dirksen Yes
Board Member Bueliner Yes
Board Member Wilson Yes
Board Member Sherwood Yes
Board Member Woodruff Yes
9:36:11 PM
)% Motion by Board Member Buehner, seconded by Board Member Sherwood, to adjourn the CCDA meeting and
reconvene the City Council meeting.
The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Board Members present:
Chair Dirksen Yes
Board Member Buehner Yes
Board Member Wilson Yes
Board Member Sherwood Yes
Board Member Woodruff Yes
9:36:53 PM
Report on JPACT Meeting
Councilor Bueluier reported on a recent)PACT meeting where long-term transportation planning was discussed for
the Metro area. The City of Tigard is not a voting a member of JPACT. The two voting members from Washington
County are Conunissioner Roy Rogers and Beaverton Mayor Rob Drake. She noted there were a couple of issues
that came up that concerned her about transportation needs in south County. During flus meeting there was
discussion about polling and surveying that had been conducted accompanied with a discussion about placing
priorities. The Sellwood Bridge was discussed as a high priority for the entire region. Sheadvised she wrote a note
aslg about die I-5/99W connector,which was very low on the priority list even in die opinion of our County
representatives. She said she noticed that there were Mayors or Council members attending from a number of the
cities who are not voting members of the JPACT. She said it seemed to her that since die City is tiring to improve
our outreach to other parts of the region that we should seriously consider having someone from the Council
regularly attend JPACT meetings so that they are up to speed on what is going on. There was a presentation on the
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 -,nv,, ( Page 13 of 16
proposed agenda for the 2009 Legislative Session and it did not include a number of items that die City Council had
discussed during the Study Session dzis evening. She said she was disappointed at the approach and where die
attention seemed to be placed. She reiterated that she believed someone from die City Council should attend.JPACT
meetings so we are a better player and can do a better job of makuig sure our needs and concerns for our residents are
addressed in the future.
Mayor Dirksen concurred it would be great to have someone at those meetings all of the tune.
9:40:24 P1\,I
Council;neeting recessed. Councilor Buchner left the meeting.
9:50:14 PINI
Council meeting reconvened.
The agenda was rearranged. The next item considered was Agenda Item No. 8.
10:04:20 PM
Emergency Management Coordinator/CERT Program Coordinator Lueck presented d-le staff report.
Certificates were presented to citizen volunteers who recently completed the CERT training program:
Class Nos. 6 and 7 (citizens) and Class Nos.2 and 3 (City staf� were recognized.
The goal is to have three or four trained citizens in each neighborhood.
lgenrla Item No. 7 ry u set over-to Alarr'ch 11, 2008.
• Staff Report: Public Works Department
9:50:54 PNT
a. Mayor Dirksen opened the public hearung.
b. Declarations or Challenges: None
C. Staff Report:
City Engineer Duenas presented the staff report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation,which is on
file in the City Recorder's office.
d. Public Testimony
Sandra I Ian-ilton, 11290 SW Fairhaven Court,Tigard, OR reviewed the series of events affecting her
property over the last several years. She noted frustration in being told repeatedly that the sewer was
comm ig soon followed by delays. She advised she wanted the sewer to be constructed as soon as
Mayor Dirksen noted a letter was received from Wilma Linn advising of her opposition to a
reimbursement district. Ms.Linn's property is not'Within District#38's uea. He commented that
City of Tigard 1 '13125 SW Ball Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 JPqge14of16
people are not required to connect to sewer if a District is established in their neighborhood;hooking
up to sewer is volunt-,u
C. Staff Reconztnendation
City Engineer Duenas reconhinended die proposed resolution be approved by the City Council.
10:03:30 I'm
f.. Mayor Dirksen closed tie public hearing.
g. Council Consideration: Resolution No. 08-05
Motion by Councilor Sherwood, seconded by Councilor Woodruff, to adopt Resolution No. 08-05.
The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present.
Mayor Dirksen Yes
Councilor Wilson Yes
Councilor Sherwood Yes
Councilor Woodruff Yes
10:04:20 PM
Council then considered Agenda Item No. 6.
10:14:07 PM
Motion by Councilor Woodruff, seconded by Councilor Sherwood to recess die Council meeting into a Study Session.
The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present.
Mayor Dirksen Yes
Councilor Wilson Yes
Councilor Sherwood Yes
Councilor Woodruff Yes
> Review Proposed 2008-09 City Council Budget Requests
City Manager Prosser reviewed this item with tie City Council.
Mr. Prosser said that Dennis Mulvihill of Washington County has advised Tigard staff that Tigard needs to have
representation by hiring a consultant to track all of the meetings where transportation issues are discussed to get
our issues out. This would include reporting to the City Council and staff in order to mobilize elected officials
to address issues. Mi. Mulvihill said dais would cost tie City at least$50,000 to $70,000. After discussion the
City Council decided to start with $20,000. Also discussed was die possibility of having other cities,and private
businesses in our region join the City of Tigard in this effort to keep the local transportation issues on tie table
at tie legislative session. City Council and City Manager Prosser discussed how to select this consulta it. Mr.
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 f 503-639-4171 1 } Page 15 of 16
Prosser said he would likely ask 1141. Mulvihill to assist in the selection. City Council requested City Manager
Prosser to proceed and bring back:information regarding selection of a consultant.
Assistant City Manager Newton referred to the Travel/Training line items in the proposed City Council budget.
She reviewed costs of a conference in Washington DC as well as die conference sponsored by the National
League of Cities. City Manager Prosser pointed out diere will be two new seats up for election this November
and die potential for two new City Councilors who might benefit from attending dlese conferences. After
discussion and tie finture plans of the Ciq Council members,it was determined the proposed handing be
submitted by reducing the Orlando conference expenses from$22,000 to $15,000.
City Manager Prosser referred to die County sustainabilitj,organization (Vision Action Network) and tae City
Council members agreed that die City would not budget fiends for this.
City Council discussed the dollars allocated for a team building consultant,which is die budget based on dne
amount of the cost experienced this year. City lVlanager Prosser suggested these dollars be left in tae budget
should issues come up.
There was discussion on an automatic cost of living for the Mayor/Council stipend. City Manager Prosser
advised it was his understanding that a task force would be formed by the Council to look at how to encourage
people to run for City Council and to rexnew how to manage the demands of members of City Council.
10. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.
Cts " U ) 1-C,
adhermi e Wheatley, City Recorder
114a o• ty or Tigard
Date: �p --D' �g
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