City Council Minutes - 09/14/2010 Agenda Item No. .4 . �- Meeting o- q o?O/D City of Tigard Tigard Business Meeting - Minutes TIGARD CITY COUNCIL& LOCAL CONTRACT REVIEW BOARD (LCRB) MEETING DATE: September 14, 2010 MEETING LOCATION: City of Tigard—Town Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 6:30 PM STUDY SESSION Council Present: Councilor Webb, Council President Wilson, Councilor Buchner, Councilor Henderson and Mayor Dirksen Staff Present: City Manager Prosser,Assistant City Manager Newton, Public Works Director Koellermeier, Streets and Transportation Senior Project Engineer McCarthy, City Engineer Kyle, Assistant Community Development Director Hartnett, Deputy City Recorder Iirager and City Attorney Hall Mayor Dirksen called the Study Session to order at 6:31 p.m. 1. Discuss Selection of a Project for Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) Funding Public Works Director Koellermeier introduced this item and said the City had MTIP funds available for a project and asked Council for their direction on which of three top projects to pursue. He said Streets &Transportation Project Engineer McCarthy would describe each project. Streets &Transportation Project Engineer McCarthy said all three were great projects that would be a good use of public funds. I Ie distributed a matrix comparing the projects. A. Main Street/Green Streets Phase 2—Tigard already has funding from Metro for Phase 1 which covers Main Street from the South end of the railroad tracks to Pacific Highway. Phase 2 would finish Maui from Scoffuns Street to the Main Street/Greenburg/Pacific Highway project. B. Pacific Highway/Gaarde /McDonald Street Intersection Improvements —This is a sequel to the Pacific Highway/Hall/Greenburg project and would be a significant intersection improvement. Total cost is $7 million and could involve a third lane on Pacific Highway through the intersection and additional turn lanes. ODOT budgeted $1 million to begui TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 14, 2010 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW I Iall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 Nvww.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 ofM conceptual design which is currently underway to examine the best place to add lanes. Another$3 million is tentatively available in the 2012-13 biemnium budget. He said ODOT is looking for a local commitment and as Tigard doesn't have a lot of money to put towards this project at this point, the MTIP funds could become part of a local match. C. Walnut Street from Tiedeman to 116" Street—This project finishes Walnut Street past Towler Middle School, adding parking strips, sidewalks and bike lanes He suggested keeping Walnut as a two-lane road except to add a center turn lane at the school driveway. Councilor Webb asked if the City had already purchased the right of way for the Walnut Project. Streets &Transportation Project Engineer McCarthy said the City had bought right of way from Tiedeman to at least 116`" which covers this entire project. Councilor Buehner said she was not convinced that it makes sense to put in planting strips just for four blocks. Streets &Transportation Project Engineer McCarthy said that could be worked out u1 the design process. He suggested that in places constrained by trees or front yards, the sidewalk could be made curb-tight. Councilor Henderson asked if the bike lane would be kept in and Streets &Transportation Project Engineer McCarthy said it would. Mayor Dirksen suggested asking the neighborhood association (not just those who live along Walnut) if they would rather have a left-turn lane or planting strips. Streets &Transportation Project 13ngineer McCarthy said this MTIP funding was originally dedicated several years ago to widening Greenburg Road from Tiedeman to Highway 217 but the design process determined that the significant bridge widening required made this project impractical. I Ie noted that Metro's purpose for this funding is to improve access for roads other than for cars, to a Regional or Town Center. He said staff took this to the Tigard Transportation Advisory Committee who discussed at length the project alternatives to the Greenburg Road widening. He said their votes put the Wahnut Street Project slightly ahead of the Pacific Highway/Gaarde/McDonald Intersection, and the Main Street/Green Street Project was a distant third. Streets &Transportation Project Engineer McCarthy said he talked with Metro and ODOT representatives to fmd out which,if any of these projects have their support. I-Ie said they would likely support the Walnut Street Project but not as much as Main Street/Green Streets. However, they saw finishing Walnut Street as something they could fund because it provides safer pedestrian and cyclist access to both Tiedeman and the downtown area. Streets & Transportation Project Engineer McCarthy said the Pacific Highway/Gaarde/ McDonald Intersection has the most accidents and is also predicted to become the major punch point on Pacific Highway once the Hall and Greenburg intersection projects are completed. He said a drawback is that the MTIP funding would only cover a portion of what is needed for the project. In response to a question frons Councilor Henderson, Streets & "Transportation Project Engineer McCarthy said the Walnut Street Project would be significantly covered by this money. Councilor Buchner commented that the Walnut Street Project used to be the No. 1 priority prior to starting the downtown design. Streets & Transportation Project Engineer TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 14, 2010 Cit,of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 Nvww.tigard-orgov I Page 2 ofM McCarthy said staff thought the Pacific/Gaarde/McDonald Intersection would be a significant benefit but there are issues with the funding. They noted that the Wahiut Street Project has been a priority for a long time. Councilor Buehner added that a few downtown business owners did not want Phase 2 of the Main Street/Green Street project. In response to Councilor Webb's question about when the gas tax would be available for another intersection project, City Manager Prosser estimated it wouldn't be for eight or Hole years. Council discussed the dangers to pedestrians along the stretch of Walnut Street near Fowler Middle School. Council President Wilson commented that usung safety as a qualifier; the statistics show more accidents in the Pacific/Gaarde/McDonald Intersection. He said if no local commitment is shown to that project, other funding sources may not be available for it in the future. Councilor Buehner recommended choosing Project C -Wahiut Street. Councilor Henderson said it appealed to lihn because there was enough money to get it done. Mayor Dirksen said the top two projects were equal in importance and he had mixed feelings. He noted that the whole region is looking at Pacific Highway and there is a greater chance that outside money could be found for Project B, than for Project C. He said that tended to tip his vote towards Walnut Street. He asked Streets &Transportation Project Engineer McCarthy if this perception was accurate. Streets & Transportation Project Engineer McCarthy agreed that it was. Public Works Director Koellermeier asked if there was enough of a consensus to go forward with a recommendation for Project C —Wahiut Street. Mayor Dirksen said he didn't hear a consensus but he did hear a majority for applying the MTIP funding to the Walnut Street Project. 2. Draft Letter to the Homebuilders Association Mayor Dirksen asked Assistant Community Development Director Hartnett if the letter was drafted by County staff and directed at City staff rather than Council members. She said her understanding was that this was coining from Hillsboro and Tualatin Planning Departments with the support of thein- mayors. She said one concern is that if HBA pursues this appeal, there could be a lengthy time of uncertainty and the cities and county would suffer as a result.-She said the intent was that a letter such as this from the mayors would stop that process. She said Metro was aware of the letter. Mayor Dirksen asked Council for their recominendation on whether or not to sign this letter. Assistant Community Development Director Hartnett suggested an alternative would be to craft our own letter that suggested that the Construction Excise Tax not be tied up in a lengthy litigation; let's sit down and get this worked out. She said part of Metro's charge is to bring the jurisdictions together around these issues. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 14, 2010 Cityof Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 ww,,v.tigard-or.gov I Page 3 ofM Councilor Buehner and Council President Wilson were un favor of signing the letter. Councilor Henderson said he needed time to consider this. Assistant Community Development Director Hartnett said this information was sent out September 10, 2010. Mayor Dirksen suggested tabling it to give Council time to consider the letter and discuss it at next week's meeting. Other Business: A. The date of November 8, 2010 was chosen for the Joint Meeting with Lake Oswego City Council. B. ODOT's Jason Tell is not available until the November 16, 2010 Council Workshop Meeting. C. City Manager Prosser said that Fred Fields has permits to cut trees on his land on Hunziker Street. Mayor Dirksen asked about mitigation and City Manager Prosser said Mr. Fields isn't required to do any. He cautioned Council to discuss this only in the most general terms to avoid legal issues. D. Town Hall—Mayor Dirksen reminded Council about the Town Hall on October 5 and said staff cannot be directed to create any materials for it regarding the parks bond measure because they are prohibited from promoting political causes while at work. Council has no such restriction. E. F anno Creek House Consent Agenda Item—Councilor Henderson asked if this was in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and City Engineer Kyle replied that it was. Mayor Dirksen expressed concerns that any improvements be architecturally appropriate for the style of the house. Engineer Kyle assured Council that the architect and staff share his concerns and they will make sure improvements look appropriate. Mayor Dirksen said this answered his questions so this item no longer needed to be pulled from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. The Study Session was adjourned at 7:21 PM. 1. BUSINESS MEETING A. 7:30:16 PM Mayor Dirksen called the meeting of the Tigard City Council to order. B. Deputy City Recorder Krager called the roll: Present Absent Councilor Buehner x Mayor Dirksen x Councilor Ienderson x Councilor Webb x Council President Wilson x C. Pledge of Allegiance TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 14, 2010 City of Tigard I 13125 SW Hall Bhrd.,'Tigard, OR 97223 I w\v%v.tigard-or.gov I Page 4 ofM D. Council Conununications & Liaison Reports —Councilor Buchner said she wanted to give a report at the end of the meeting. E. Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items - None 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION A. Tigard High School Student Envoy Tracie Tran gave an update on THS activities and upcoming events. A copy of her report is on file in the meeting packet. B. Tigard Area Chamber of Cominerce Director Debi Mollahan gave a report on the Tigard Chamber activities. She distributed to Council a copy of the 2010-2011 member and Business Directory. A copy of her report and the 2010-2011 Member and Business Directory are in the meeting packet file. Councilor Buchner commented that she attended a Chamber Lunch and Learn event and found it very worthwhile. C. Follow-up to Previous Citizen Communication—none D. Citizen Communication Rob Cornilles, candidate for Oregon's 1 st Congressional District spoke. He gave his background and plans, if elected. He said he looks forward to being a good partner with Tigard. Ellen Witham, a resident of Millen Drive said she wanted to advocate on behalf of urban chickens. She cited other laws ul nearby cities. She said there are many reasons citizens want to have chickens in their backyards, noting that many people in Tigard already have chickens. She said she has chickens and wants to have them legally, but she doesn't meet the code language. Mayor Dirksen said that in response to her e-mails and others received, Community Development staff is working on statutes regarding keeping chickens and the Community Development Director will come up with a Director's Interpretation of the law for clarification and to decide whether there is a need for modification. He said people are allowed to have chickens in the City of Tigard but there are limitations and restrictions. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Dirksen read the consent agenda for the Tigard City Council and the Local Contract Review Board. A. Approve Council Meeting Minutes: 1. June 8, 2010 2. June 22, 2010 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 14, 2010 Cit}-of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 Nvww.tigard-or.gov I Page g ofM B. Appoint Members to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - Resolution 10-45 - A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MARSHALL HENRY AND TROY MEARS AS MEMBERS TO THE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Mayor Dirksen recognized Mr. Henry in the audience. C. Approve Memorandum of Understanding between Metro and Tigard for Washington Square Regional Center Trail D. Local Contract Review Board: 1. Award Contract for Structural Repairs of the Fanno Creek House Councilor Webb corrected a date on the minutes as stated by Mayor Dirksen when reading the Consent Agenda and then moved to approve it. Council President Wilson seconded the motion. Councilor Henderson recused himself from voting on Item 3.D due to a conflict of interest. Yes No Councilor Buehner a Mayor Dirksen s Councilor Henderson L Councilor Webb 1 Council President Wilson 1 4. PROCLAMATIONS—Mayor Dirksen made the following proclamations: A. Proclaim September 18, 2010 Family Day,A Day to Eat Dinner with your Children B. Proclaim September 2010 National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month C. Proclaim the 223rd Anniversary of the US Constitution on Constitution Week, September 17-23, 2010 5. RECEIVE RECOGNITION FOR PAR`T'ICIPATION IN 2010 CENSUS 7:49:34 PM Associate Planner Daniels presented Council with the plaque and certificate of appreciation from the U. S. Census in recognition of the City of Tigard's service and support. She read a letter highlighting the importance of the census and gave a brief history of Tigard's participation in the 2010 census. She said the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) created a Complete Count Committee Work Plan and participated ill census training, handed out census information at the Tigard Farmers Market and sent a mailing to multifamily housing units within hard-to-count areas in order to increase response rates. She said the CCI also TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 14, 2010 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 6 ofM received an award. Mayor Dirksen said that an accurate census is very important for communities to function and for governments to govern well. Councilor Webb mentioned the coordinated and broad effort made to include homeless people in the census this year. 6. PRESENTATION AND REQUEST TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE WASHINGTON COUNTY COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SERVICES LEVY 7:53:24 PM Rob Drake and Kathy Fastenau of the People for Libraries Campaign presented this item. Mr. Drake gave background on the levy renewal for countywide library services and distributed a handout. He encouraged everyone to also support the Public Safety Levy. Councilor Webb said she applauded the county for making sure the rates stayed the same which showed sensitivity to the current economic situation. Mayor Dirksen noted that a recent library audit showed for every tax dollar spent on Tigard's library, the City receives back four dollars. Councilor Buehner moved to approve Resolution No. 10-45 and the motion was seconded by Council President Wilson. Resolution No. 10-45 - SUPPORTING THE WASHINGTON COUNTY COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SERVICES LOCAL OPTION LEVY MEASURE 34-180—NOVEMBER 2, 2010 Yes No Councilor Buehner x Mayor Dirksen x Councilor Henderson x Councilor Webb x Council President Wilson x Resolution No. 10-45 passed unanimously. 7. PRESENTATION BY THE WASHINGTON COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY SYSTEM PARTNERS ON THE PUBLIC SAFETY LOCAL OPTION LEVY Washington County Sheriff Gordon presented tlnis item on the renewal of the Washington Public Safety levy. Sheriff Gordon said this tax renewal continues services in place since 2000. The rate was 43 cents per thousand and has dropped to 42 cents per thousand. He presented a PowerPoint on the leer describing the services this levy covers. He also offered support for the library leer. Councilor Webb said this was important to the County and she brought in a Resolution for Council action tonight. Mayor Dirksen read the resolution, assigning it the number 10-47. Council President Wilson moved to adopt Resolution 10-47. Councilor Webb seconded the motion. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 14, 2010 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 -,vww.dgard-or.gov I Page 7 ofM Resolution No. 10-47 - A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE LEVY RENEWAL FOR MAINTAINING PUBLIC SAFETY COUNTYWIDE SERVICES - MEASURE 34-179 Yes No Councilor Buchner x Mayor Dirksen x Councilor Henderson x Councilor Webb x Council President Wilson x Resolution No. 10-47 passed unanimously. 8. LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING - ADOPT USE CLASSIFICATION DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT (DCA2010-00004) At 8:15:22 PM Major Dirksen opened the Public Hearing. City Attorney Hall reviewed the public hearing procedures, a copy of which was also available at the front of the room. Mayor Dirksen asked Council if there were any Declarations or Challenges and asked if any Council member wished to declare or discuss a conflict of interest or reason for abstention. There were done. Associate Planner Floyd presented the staff report. He said this is the first major code amendment under the City's regulatory iinprovement initiative and is a long overdue housekeeping item. He noted that the Chapter has insufficient detail, is inconsistent in the level of detail, and does not address new kinds of land use which have occurred recently. I Ie said this also adds specific seasonal exceptions such as for Christmas tree lots. 8:23:46 PM Associate Planner Floyd said this change alphabetizes the uses, to simplify and make the Code easier to use. He highlighted new itnformation spice Council last discussed this in July: • The number of days allowed in transitional housing was amended to a 45-day maximum rather than the existing 30 days. • Another change addresses a grammatical error, combining sentences. • The third change is to correct a typographical error on page 101 He said staff is requesting a continuance to allow time to update the documents and said there was time available on the Council agenda for September 28, 2010. 8:28:15 PM Public Testimony -Mayor Dirksen noted that no one had signed up to speak. He asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak. No one did. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 14, 2010 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 NvA-Vw.tigard-or.gov I Page 8 of14 Staff Recommendation -Associate Planner Floyd said staff recommended this matter be continued until September 28, 2010, to allow time to make a few minor modifications. Council President Wilson moved to continue this item to a future Council Meeting, Councilor Webb seconded the motion. 8:29:29 PM Mayor Dirksen closed the Public Hearing. He said there was a motion on the table for a continuance until the September 28, 2010 Council Meeting. A vote was taken and the motion to continue passed unaninously. Yes No Councilor Buehner x Mayor Dirksen x Councilor Henderson x Councilor Webb x Council President Wilson x 9. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING—ADOPT AN ORDINANCE WITHDRAWING PROPERTY FROM THE TUALATIN WATER DISTRICT 8:30:04 PM City Attorney Hall read the public hearing procedures which were also available at the front of the room. 8:33:18 PM Mayor Dirksen opened the Public Hearing • He asked if there were any Declarations or Challenges. There were none. • He asked if any members of Council wishes to report any ex parte contact or information gained outside the hearing, including site visits. Mayor Dirksen stated that he drives through the area. There was no ex parte contact or information. • He asked if all members of Council had familiarized themselves with the application and they indicated they had. • He asked if there were any challenges from the audience pertaining to Council's jurisdiction to hear this matter or on the participation of anv member of Council. 8:33:54 PM Utility Division Manager Goodrich provided the staff report. He said this boundary clarification was approved by Council on November 17, 2009 but the item is being brought before the Council again because one property was not included in the original map. He said this action will correct the legal description and clarifies the water service boundary. He said the Tualatin Valley Water District Board approved this revision in September 2009. Mayor Dirksen asked if Council had any questions. There were none. Public Testimony: Mayor Dirksen asked if anyone present wanted to testify on this matter. There was none. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 14, 2010 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 w\v%v.tigard-or.gov I Page 9 ofM Utility Division Manager Goodrich said the staff reconntnended approval of the ordinance. 8:37:32 PM. Mayor Dirksen closed the Public Hearing. He asked if there was any Council discussion. Councilor Buehner raised the issue of a small area of land on the map that was not being included. Mayor Dirksen asked staff if there is a technical reason for this. Utility Division Manager Goodrich said the City initially asked for its inclusion to create a more logical boundary. He said TVWD said they had a certain member that wished to stay within the current boundary. Mayor Dirksen said this is something that could be addressed in the future and suggested moving forward tonight. City Manager Prosser asked if Tigard would have to modify their water infrastructure to serve the neighborhood in question. Utility Division Manager Goodrich indicated that there would just be opening and closing of existing pipes. Council President Wilson moved for adoption of Ordinance No. 10-13 and Councilor Buehner seconded the motion. Deputy City Recorder Krager took a roll call vote of Council. ORDINANCE NO. 10-13 -AN ORDINANCE WITHDRAWING TERRITORY FROM THE TUALATIN VALLEY WATER DISTRICT SUBSEQUENT TO ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD Yes No Councilor Buehner x Mayor Dirksen x Councilor Henderson x Councilor Webb x Council President Wilson x Ordinance No. 10-13 passed unanimously. 10. ADOPT THE WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN 8:44:05 PM The Staff Report was given by Senior Project Engineer Murchison who shared a PowerPoint presentation. He asked if Council had any questions. Council President Wilson asked what the life of an ASR well was. Senior Project Engineer Murchison said, "We are in basalts and our gallons per day are holding steady. But they are young, and as we go further out, it may be something to look at in the future." He said cleaning or flushing the wells may help prevent problems. Mayor Dirksen asked what will happen after the year 2030. Senior Project Engineer Murchison described the future of ASR wells supplementing what is received from the Lake Oswego partnership. Mayor Dirksen asked if the City would be able to store water for peak usage days. Senior Project Engineer Murchison replied that the City has twice its peak-day storage now. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 14, 2010 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 10 ofM Council President Wilson asked if Tigard citizens are oveiwatering on peak-use days. He asked if conservation during peak days would extend the supply and said there is new technology that uses weather stations to determine irrigation needs. Senior Project Engineer Murchison said the City is trying to educate people on water conservation. He noted that the peak-day use is what determines the size of a system, not the average day use. Mayor Dirksen noted that Tigard's water usage has gone down even with an increased population. Councilor Buchner motioned to approve Resolution 10-48 and Councilor Webb seconded the motion. Resolution No. 10-48—A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE CITY OF TIGARD'S WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN Yes No Councilor Buchner x Mayor Dirksen x Councilor Henderson x Councilor Webb x Council President Wilson x The motion passed unanimously. 11. ADOPT THE SANITARY SEWER MASTER PLAN City Engineer Kyle introduced this item. He said a key part of this system is the City's relationship with Clean Water Services (CWS). He said Tigard operates the small pipes and CWS operates the big pipes. IIe said peak use for the sewer system is opposite the peak use time for the water system. Sewer system peak use is when the weather is bad because water intrudes into the sewer pipes. He said CWS will work with the City on this problem. He said City's sewer system is doing quite well with only four areas that have capacity concerns. IIe said a goal is to replace 2% of the system each year and the sewer fund is in good shape to handle this obligation. Councilor Buchner noted the storm water leakage area along 135`x' and asked when that would be worked on and if there would be public outreach. City Engineer Kyle said that project needs to be put into the Capital Improvement Plan and first have monitors installed to diagnose the problem. He estimated this wouldn't happen before next July and said there would be public outreach, especially when the digging starts. Mayor Dirksen asked if liners can be used to rehabilitate sewer pipes. City Engineer Kyle said he's been looking at alternative ways to make these repairs. Mayor Dirksen asked about the sewer reimbursement program. He asked for a rough update on where the City stands, what is left and what the timeline is. He said most areas that can be done have been completed. Three are being pursued now. He said within a few years these areas will all be completed unless there is some new development. He said that to date, one third of the customers who could connect to the sewer system have done so. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 14, 2010 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 wvvw.tigard-or.gov I Page 11 of14 Councilor Henderson asked how much of Durham's 22 MG of sewage is produced in Tigard. City Engineer Kyle guessed that the answer was one-third, but said he would do some research and get back to Councilor Henderson on that question. Councilor Webb moved to approve Resolution No. 10-49 and Council President Wilson seconded the motion. RESOLUTION NO. 10-49 —A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE CITY OF TIGARD'S SANITARY SEWER MASTER PLAN Yes No Councilor Buchner x Mayor Dirksen x Councilor Henderson x Councilor Webb x Council President Wilson The motion passed unanimously. 12. RECEIVE REPORT ON BURNHAM STREET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS 9:20 PM Engineer Kyle reviewed completed projects over the last year, including: ■ Woodruff Bridge at Fanno Creek ■ Hall Boulevard Crosswalk ■ Hall & Bonita sidewalk ■ Garrett Street paving overlay and sidewalks ■ Barrows Road Sidewalk ■ Skate Park Restrooms ■ 72"" and Baylor sewer ■ Hoodview and Kable sewer ■ I-Iunziker sewer ■ Steve Street Water Quality Project City Engineer Kyle said these are small projects that may not be noticed unless people live next to them but they add value to the entire community. He said Engineering Manager McMillan will give Council an update on Burnham Street construction. Mayor Dirksen said people have given him very positive comments about Burnham Street. Engineering Manager McMillan reported on the sidewalk stamp design contest and the ceremony for the whiners. She said all four of the winning designs are in the sidewalk between the Public Works building and the fire station. She also called attention to the boulders which have been placed around for seating. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 14, 2010 Cityof Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 12 of14 9:27:13 PM Engineering Manager McMillan discussed gateways, noting that this project has gone through six years of design review and planning. She showed slides of the gateway locations and an artist's rendering. She said there would be four downtown gateways - Hall and Burnham, Hall and Pacific Highway Main and Pacific (south) and Main and Pacific (north). Ideas were discussed with downtown busiiiess owners as well as with the CCAC as to what the lettering says. Their suggestion to Council is that they say Welcome to Downtown Tigard. Mayor Dirksen suggested that simply, "Downtown Tigard" is adequate. Council President Wilson agreed and said the phrase "Welcome to Downtown Tigard" would require smaller letters. Mayor Dirksen said studies show that the word, "Downtown" needs to be featured prominently. Engineering Manager McMillan said the gateways will have real stone with colored letters. Mayor Dirksen suggested green. Anodized bronze was also suggested. Engineer McMillan asked if she could have latitude about font. Council suggested she use the font that is on the entry signs. Engineering Manager McMillan will ask Parks Manager Martin what font was used for the entry into Tigard signs. She asked if the Tigard logo needed to be on the downtown gateways and Council said it did not. All agreed that capital letters would be best. Councilor Henderson asked if the gateways will all be the same size and City Manager Prosser said the gateways could be sized to the area. Councilor Henderson asked what the CCAC consensus was and Engineering Manager McMillan said there was none. It was noted as a side issue that the City Hall sign is very hard to read at night. 13. NON AGENDA ITEMS 14. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS —Councilor Buehner gave an update on the Transportation Summit she attended with Council President Wilson. She said panel discussions reflected similar discussions that Tigard's Council has held. She offered to share her notes and handouts if there was interest. Council President Wilson said he attended the Practical Design session where several representatives of transportation agencies from around the country attended and discussed public relations. Mayor Dirksen said he attended a Conference about the need for rebuilding America's infrastructure. I-Ie said most of the time was spent discussing the Columbia River Crossing. 15. ADJOURNMENT Councilor Henderson moved for adjournment and Council President Wilson seconded. All voted un favor and the meeting was adjourned at 9:51:31 PM. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 14, 2010 City of'rigard 1 13125 Sys/Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 ww\v.tigard-or.gov I Page 13 of 14 r --ate Yes No Councilor Buehner x Mayor Dirksen x Councilor Henderson x Councilor Webb x Council President Wilson x Carol A.Krager,Deputy City Recdker Attest: Mayor,City of Tigard i C aDID Date 1:\ADM\CATHY\CCM\2010\100914.doc TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 14, 2010 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 14 of14