City Council Minutes - 12/22/2009 Agenda Item No. Meeting of 14 City of Tigard F Tigard Goal Setting Meeting — Minutes TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE/TIME: December 22, 2009; 1 p.m. MEETING LOCATION-, City of Tigard— Fanno Creek House, 13335 SW Hall Boulevard I. Call to Order and Roll Call • Mayor Dirksen called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. Present: Mayor Dirksen, Council President Wilson, Councilor Buchner, Councilor Henderson, and Councilor Webb. Staff Present: City Manager Prosser,Assistant City Manager Newton, Public Works Director Koellertneier, Finance and Information Services Department Director LaFrance, Streets and Transportation Senior Project Engineer McCarthy, City Recorder Wheatley II. Goal Setting Discussion City Council members discussed how to approach the goal setting and reviewed some of the major issues coming up: urban reserves, land use regulations/design for the downtown, and continue to work with the legislature. City Council members reviewed the status of the 2009 City Council goals. City Attorney Rnn-.Lis arrived at 1:25 p.m. EXECUTrVE SESSION: The Tigard City Council went go into Executive Session at 1:30 p.m. under ORS 192.660(2) and (h) to consult wid-i legal counsel regarding litigation likely to be filed. City Council goal setting meeting reconvened at 2:35 p.m. The ptchininary draft of the City Council 2010 goals, five-year Council goals,long-term Council goals, and list of 2010 tasks is attached. Council will review the draft goals on January 5 xvith final adoption scheduled for January 12, 2010. Discussion points included the following: • Establish long-term and short-term goals. ■ Financial strategies plan is something that can be started,but will not be completed this year. ■ Focus on implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. ■ Update Transportation System Plan and area plans, i.e.,Triangle, 99W corridor, etc.) ■ Urban and rural reserves process for the City should be completed in January. ■ Tree Code will need updating. ■ Continue to promote and plan for 99W light rail. ■ Downtown focus to include developer outreach/recruitment. ■ Downtown circulation plan will be adopted. • Consider a parks bond 2010. • WCCLS and public safety levy will be before voters in 2010. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL GOAL SETTING MEETING MINUTES —DECEMBER 22, 2009 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 w-,vw.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 2 ■ Take communication methods to a higher level to convey city values and "telling out story." Tallied of lobbying efforts, a marketing package and thinking of Tigard within the context of the region. ■ Discussed the possibility of a public information officer. ■ Focus on a common message and approach. Communication is part of every City employee's responsibility. ■ In-house graphics are high quality at this time. ■ Consider setting aside money for contract assistance; i.e., $15,000 to polish and translate information to "get the word out." ■ Cited the Burnham Street advertisements as a good example of communication efforts so that the community is aware businesses are accessible during construction. Mayor Dirksen suggested businesses be listed by name. ■ Councilor Henderson suggested outreach to citizens begin regarding the longer-term goal of the Ash Street connection. The circulation plan might include "backage" roads to 99W. • Councilor Henderson referred to properties that are in prune locations that should be promoted; i.e., former Wendy's Restaurant and New York, New York Restaurant. City Manager Prosser commented on timing concerns; that is, if there is no plan in place, then it is likely the will just get "more of the same." Discussed the need for a balance for immediate action versus doing it the right way. ■ Perhaps a segment of 99W could become another urban renewal district. Suggestion for the five-year plan: Explore 99W urban renewal district. ■ Council President Wilson talked of the work being done by the students for highway 99W. He noted his hope that the results would inspire enthusiasm. restricting driveways, alternative backage roads, rezoning — a plan for 30-50 years redevelopment — "Parkway 99W." He said it would be good if the students presented some radically different alternatives. ■ Gas tax — after completion of the Gteenbutg Road intersection, consider another project. Solicit input from in the City's Neighborhood Network. ■ City Manager Prosser referred to the aquatic district activities,which will require staff time. This is not a City Council goal but will need attention;i.e., might be addressed through a City policy. ■ Councilor Henderson referred to a potential park bond in 2010. Discussion followed on the need to determine when and if this matter should go forward to the voters. Councilor Webb suggested securing options on land until decisions could be made. A special work session will be scheduled with the Park and Recreation Advisory Board. Meeting recessed: 3:55 p.m. Meeting reconvened: 4:08 p.m. " City Manager Prosser and City Council members refined the draft list of goals (see attached). III. Adjournment: 4:35 p.m. (Icu,kz - 0 rerilleheatley, City Recorder Attest: Mayor, City of Tigard > Date: q. / 3 . ) 0 1:\ADB[\CVt*]-]Y\CChi\2009\091')?2 Goal Setting.doe TIG.A R.D CITY COUNCIL GOAL SETTING MEETING MINUTES -DECEMBER 22, 2009 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 w\vw.tigard-or.gov I Page 2 o,f 2 Attachment to December 22, 2009 City Council Goal Setting Minutes DRAFT On December 22, 2009, the GI i C01111d1 met to set ltsgoals for the co1111ngyear. These goals rep"sent those items that the Counal feels deserve special attention in Me monfis allead. The U will acconlplul� nmeb more than what is luted bene, but IYe identify these to be ofpartiadar importance to our residents. 2010 Council Goals 1. Implement Comprehensive Plan � a. Complete the Transportation System Plan (TSP) and begin area plans (Tigard Triangle, 99W Corridor,etc) b. Update Tree Code c. Continue to promote plan for 99W Light Rail 2. Implement Downtown Urban Renewal a. Initiate developer outreach/recruitment ' b. Adopt Downtown Circulation Plan 3. Strategize with Park and Recreation Advisory Board on a 2010 Parks Bond a. Decide whether to return to ballot and,if so,when b. Develop laud acquisition strategies (potential options to purchase, etc.) 4. Advance Methods of Communication a. Support strategic clarity/City values initiative (Do the right thing,Respect and care; Get it done) b. Develop communication tools to tell our story and support City goals 5. Support 2010 Washington County Cooperative Library System (WCCLS) and Public Safety Levies Five-Year Council Goals • Obtain Ash Street railroad crossing in downtown • Explore 99W Urban Renewal District • Continue to support the Legislature in addressing the financial needs of state and local governments in Oregon • Develop long-tern financial strategy • Start implementing plan for City facility needs • Develop Sustainability Plan Long-Term Council Goals • Continue pursuing opportunities to reduce traffic congestion • Continue implementing Downtown Urban Renewal Plan • Continue to monitor the Tigard/Lake Oswego Water Partnership 2010 Tasks to be Accomplished: 4. Kim: Downtown Ads—List businesses by name 2. Downtown Parking& Circulation Plan and Downtown Code (tools to achieve common parking) 3. One-Way Street between Wendy's and NYNY--"fix" 4. U of O 99W—Radically different alternatives so people react !del (Residential/Commercial/Blvd like Champs-Elysecs) 5. How to use CP04T?—Plan G. Aquatic District Gap Funding 7. Council Workshop to Define Sustainability Goals L\ADM\Citj Cnuncif\G0A43\2010\Council Guxls 2010.doe y