City Council Minutes - 04/28/2009 Agenda Item No. 3,1 s Meeting of (o. Oct City of Tigard Tigard Business Meeting — Minutes TIGARD CITY COUNCIL LOCAL CONTRACT REVIEW BOARD (LCRB) MEETING DATE/TIME: April 28, 2009 — 6:30 pm Study Session; 7:30 p.m. Business Meeting MEETING LOCATION: City of Tigard—Town Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 • Mayor Dirksen called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. Council Present: Mayor Dirksen, Council President Wilson, Councilors Buehner, Henderson and Sherwood. Staff Present: City Manager Prosser,Assistant City Manager Newton, City Attorney Ramis, City Recorder Wheatley,Assistant Planner Daniels, Human Resources Director Zodrow, Senior Human Resources Analyst Burbank, Community Development Director Bunch,Associate Planner/Arborist Prager. • STUDY SESSION Track 1007 ➢ Update on Urban Forestry Master Plan Associate Planner/Arborist Prager presented the update: • Reviewed information provided to the City Council in the staff report regarding progress made on developing and implementing a citywide Urban Forestry Management Master Plan. • Tree canopy has remained relatively steady over the last ten years; however, it is becoming fragmented. Larger groves of trees are being replaced by smaller groves and individual trees. • According to survey results, the community is highly satisfied with the current state of the urban forest, but they are not complacent in that they want to continue to protect, expand and maintain the urban forest. • Urban forestry management and efficiency of City operations could be improved with more communication between departments/divisions with a focus on long-term maintenance and management of the urban forest. • Through meetings with community stakeholders,people want the City to take a qualitative approach to tree protection, especially during development. The stakeholders do not want the City to focus as much on mitigation and replacing trees on a caliper-inch basis. • The Urban Forestry Committee will be meeting May 6,2009,to begin formulating recommendations to provide the basis of the Urban Forestry Master Plan and provide a road map for Code and program implementation. • Associate Planner/Arborist Prager distributed a draft Tigard Urban Forestry Master Plan showing the format for implementation of the goals and action measures. This is a sample only and was not reviewed by the Committee. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LCRB MINUTES—APRIL 28, 2009 City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 11 Six goal areas were identified: 1. Develop a hazard tree program for public and private property. 2. Revise the street tree and landscaping/screening ordinances to address consistency of provisions and to areas of the Code that have not worked well. 3. Revise the tree protection ordinances for better protection during development. The focus would be to preserve a higher quality of trees by taking a qualitative approach rather than mitigating on a caliper-inch basis. 4. Expand the City's Goal 5 resource protection program. This will mean focusing on protecting the remaining groves of trees through the Goal 5 process. 5. Develop a tree and urban forest stewardship program for all properties in the City. The focus would likely be providing educational materials and some level of tree protection on private property;i.e.,limiting pre-development clearing of sites. 6. Improve the City's management of its urban forest by creating City standards, identifying funding sources,and focusing on long-term maintenance. Council President Wilson questioned how hazardous trees can be identified with certainty. Associate Planner/Arborist Prager referred to his experience when he worked for the City of San Francisco where there was Code language dealing with hazardous trees on private property. There had to be clear evidence that the tree was likely to fall within a 24-hour period. Councilor Buehner commented that a problem is that a dangerous tree is left standing until it falls on someone house and then the costs are paid by an insurance company. She said almost all homeowners'insurance plans do not cover the cost of removing a hazardous tree until it falls. If there is a Code provision in the local jurisdiction specifying- that a third-party arborist identify a tree as a hazardous, then a larger number of homeowners' insurance policies will cover the removal. This would give the homeowner an incentive to remove a hazardous tree,a proactive approach. In response to a question form Mayor Dirksen, Associate Planner/Arborist Prager advised the map indicatin,,:, the amount of tree canopy lost is a comparison of tree canopy in 1996 to tree canopy in 2007. Assistant Planner Daniels provided the City Council with information regarding public involvement for the Urban Forestry Master Plan. Some new things staff introduced in this project have been successful. One of those things was allowing a public comment period at the end of every of Urban Forestry Master Plan Citizen Advisory Committee meeting. This allowed the Committee to make deliberations without interruptions and the public knows they will have an opportunity to participate. Assistant Planner Daniels said information has been posted online and this has provided additional communication to the public. Council President Wilson noted he supported the staffs general approach. He referred to specific areas such as issues regarding trees planted in parking lots. Mayor Dirksen noted in the staff summary that areas to be improved include commercial areas —parking lots and along rights of way. Associate Planner/Arborist Prager referred to the map showing commercial/industrial zones, which illustrated areas of sparse tree canopy. Council President Wilson noted the tree code was in place when construction occurred at Washington Square; however, those trees are not growing likely because of the way the trees were planted. Council discussion followed. Council President Wilson said mitigation fees might a good way to collect funds ("pay in lieu of") to purchase protection casements for other large trees around the area. City Attorney Ramis said this might be possible; a review of the Code is needed. Mayor Dirksen commented that he Eked that a landscape architect has been engaged to help with the tree plantings. Some of the past tree plantings look more like a tree farm with letter effort for an aesthetic, natural looking planting. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LCMINUTES—APRIL 28, 2009 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 2 of 11 In response to a question from Council President Wilson, Associate Planner/Arborist Prager advised that Costco was required by the City to meet a 35 percent canopy cover within fifteen years. This was not met. Therefore, the City required them to increase the size of the landscape islands as well as install irrigation. He commented that Winco did a minor modification and were required to upgrade their parking lot. Winco increased the size of their landscape islands and did treatments under the pavement, increasing the size of the rootable areas for the trees while not losing parking spaces. This could be a technique staff could use in the future. Council President Wilson commented on how plantings were done in Canada: porous paving Lip next to the trunk along with irrigation and protection bollards. Track 1008 Discuss Proposed Ordinance to Allow Use of Police All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) on City Streets Police Chief Dickinson and Captain Bell reviewed how the Police Department would like to use the ATVs purchased. To allow City staff to get the ATVs to the parks,tracks and trails, an ordinance has been prepared to allow city staff to use City streets. They do have a trailer for the ATVs;however,it is sometimes more practical to drive the ATV on a City street for short distances. Police Chief Dickinson also advised the City Council that the proposed ordinance repeals a section regarding trains blocking City streets (10.32.180). The legislature took authority away from local governments regarding trains blocking City streets; therefore, if the City Council adopts the proposed resolution, this section will be repealed. City Manager Prosser pointed out that the proposed ordinance would also allow Public Works staff to drive ATV vehicles on City streets. Public Works uses ATVs for their work in City parks. Councilor Buchner commented her only concern was that the ordinance should be explicit insofar as this is for city-owned ATVs only. In response to a question from Mayor Dirksen, Captain Bell said the City does not have the authority to regulation other jurisdiction's streets or highways (State and County). He pointed out,however,that the City of Tigard enforces the laws on roads within the City's boundaries. In response to a question from Councilor Buehner, Captain Bell advised the vehicle code is not enforced by the City on private streets. Councilor Henderson asked about whether the ATVs are licensed. Captain Bell said the ATVs are not classified as a motor vehicle. • EXECUTIVE SESSION:The Tigard City Council went Executive Session at 6:57 p.m. under ORS 192.660(2)(d) and (e) to discuss labor negotiations and real property transaction negotiations. Executive Session concluded 7:08 p.m. • STUDY SESSION (continued) Trick 1009 Administrative Items were reviewed by City Manager Prosser Agenda Revisions - Add Proclamation: Military Families Appreciation Day - Removed Agenda Item No. 8—Fields Final Order (continued to June 9,2009) - Added Agenda Item No. 11 — Authorize City, Manager to Sign Documents — Burnham Street Business and Storage TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LCRB MINUTES—APRIL 28, 2009 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 3ofll Metro Planning Trip — Mayor Dirksen advised he learned today that Metro is planniing, another trip to Vancouver B.C. and asked if any Tigard Council members who would be interested in going again. Lake Oswego would like to see representatives from this area go on this trip. This trip will be in mid June. Additional details will be comin,_c, to determine who should possibly participate, Councilor Webb and Mayor Dirksen a,_Dyeed it would be more beneficial to Tigard representatives to see the Port Moody area. Track 1010 ➢ Construction Excise Tax Meeting—Mayor Dirksen reported Metro is planning to extend the construction excise tax another five years. He pointed out that Tigard was opposed to this tax when it first came out. The good news is that Metro is addressing many of the issues that"made us oppose it." Our criticism was that they were collecting money Metro-wide and using the money to benefit certain small areas. Tigard was not the only jurisdiction to make this complaint. Portland contributes most of the money but does not have any urban expansion area and, therefore,receives no direct benefit The consideration for this time,is if they extend the tax, the majority of the mot-icy would be used to fund localgovernments who are doing development plans/comprehensive plan "re-dos" to meet 2040 goals. A list of potential projects was provided. For example, in Tigard the projects include the Tigard Triangle, the 99W Corridor, and the new street plan for downtown Tigard. Portland projects include the high-capacity transit along Barbur Boulevard/99W. Mayor Dirksen says he believes this extension would be more palatable to Tigard. The process to receive the funds,through grants,would need to meet certain criteria. Study Session concluded at 7:17 p.m. 1. BUSINESS MEETING 1.1 Mayor Dirksen called the City Council &Local Contract Review Board meeting to order at 7:31:30 PM 1.2 Roll Call: Name Present Absent Mayor Dirksen ✓ Councilor President Wilson ✓ Councilor Buchner ✓ Councilor Henderson ✓ Councilor Webb V/ 1.3 Pledge of Allegiance 1.4 Council Communications &Liaison Reports: None 1.5 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items: City Manager Prosser called attention to the City Council action regarding a real estate transaction for the Burnham Street Project. See agenda Item No. 11. Mayor Dirksen announced that final decision scheduled for the Fields Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Agenda Item No. 8) was continued to June 9,2009. 7:32:52 PM 1 PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Dirksen proclaimed: A. PROCLAIM MAY 1, 2009 AS SILVER STAR BANNER DAY TO REMEMBER OUR WOUNDED AND ILL SOLDIERS FROM ALL BRANCHES OF THE ARMED FORCES TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LCMINUTES—APRIL 28, 2009 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 4 of 11 B. PROCLAIM MAY 3-9,2009,AS BE KIND TO ANIMALS WEEK C. MILITARY FAMILIES APPRECIATION DAY 7:33:42 PM 3. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION • Citizen Sign Up Sheet o Ralph E. Robbins, 8376 Pfaffle Street, Apartment 119, Tigard, Oregon (Carriage House Apartments) testified that he entered into a lease for his current apartment in December of 2008. He reported the apartment management has not lived up to their obligations with regard to the condition of the apartment including cleanliness and mold problem. He noted a concern that his complaints had not been dealt with because of his age. Mayor Dirksen responded that he was unsure whether there was any, direct action the City could take, as this might be a civil action matter. The Mayor asked City Manager Prosser if there was an issue regarding a mold problem with a potential safety hazard,would there be some action the City could take. City Manager Prosser responded that the City has a housing inspection program and said an inspector could review a mold complaint. The Mayor asked Mr. Robbins to leave his contact information with the City Recorder so a City representative could contact him. 7:38:02 PM o Gordon Ilovies, 6832 SW 67`h Avenue, Tigard, Oregon introduced himself as a candidate for the Tualatin Valley Fire&Rescue Fire Board Position No. 3. He gave his background and the years he has been a citizen of this community and his fire service experience. 7:39:11 PM o Jim Long, 10730 SW 72" Avenue distributed a letter to the City Council. He said he and his neighbors were before the City Council a couple of years ago regarding problems with motorists disobeying stop sign at the SW Spruce and 72" Avenue intersection, At that time, the Chief of Police followed through with quick action and more than 50 citations and warnings were issued within a short period. Mr. Long read the text of his letter to the City Council; a copy of the letter is on file in the City Recorder's office. The problem is ongoing a represents safety issues to the neighborhood. The neighborhood was surprised to learn that the City opened bids for a pedestrian project on April 21, 2009. He advised he contacted Project Manager Vannie Nguyen and staff member Zen Dutson contacted the neighbors to explain the City of Tigard's plans for a pedestrian walkway. Prior notification regarding this project did not occur and this is their principle concern along with the lack of City concern regarding pedestrian/vehicle safety. The neighbors did not have an ability to provide input on this project early on. At this time, they suggest: 1. An official, designated crosswalk, with appropriate signage, angled from the north wheelchair ramp across Spruce connecting the pedestrian walkway, wlitcli should be the entire length of the block on 72`1 Avenue (not just 20 feet from the intersection). 2. A line in the middle of the street to keep drivers more focused on staying within their proper lane and not in the walkway. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LCRB MINUTES—APRIL 28, 2009 City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 5 of 11 Mr. Long said this is an overdue, poorly designed, low-cost band-aid on the problem of drivers disobeying stop signs at the 72""and SW Spruce intersection. At this time, they, are not suggesting a traffic light, speed bump,more strectlights or reflectors for the walkway. Mayor Dirksen said the letter submitted will be distributed to appropriate staff City, Manager Prosser noted both the Community Development Director and Police Chief are present at the meeting to take note if these matters. 7:44:26 PM Mayor Dirksen reviewed the Consent Agenda: 4. CONSENT AGENDA: 4.1 Approve. City Council Minutes for February 17 and March 10,2009 4.2 Receive and File: a. Volunteer Program Report b. joint Meeting inutes —Tigard-Tualatin School Board and the Tigard and Tualatin City Councils for March 31,2009 4.3 Appoint Linda Monahan to the Library Board—Resolution No. 09-22 4.4 Appoint Troy Mears as a Member, and Holly Polivka as an Alternate Member, to the Park and Recreation Advisory Board—Resolution No. 09-23 4.5 Approve Grant Application to the State of Oregon for a 2009 1 lorneland Security Grant for the Police Department 4.6 Approve Grant Application to the Department of Justice for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Grant for the Police Department 4.7 Approve Grant Application to the Department of justice for the Edward Byrne Memorial justice Assistance Competitive Grant Under the Fiscal Year 2009 Recovery Act. for Two-Year Fundingb for a Crime Prevention Specialist for the Police Department 4.8 Approve Grant Application to the Department of justice for the Fiscal Year 2009 Recovery, Act Local Youth Mentoring Initiative for After-School and Summer Camp Programs for the Police Department 4.9 Approve a Grant Application to the Department of justice for the Edward Byrne Memorial justice Assistance Competitive Grant for Under the 2009 Recovery Act to Enhance Forensic and Crime Scene Investigations for the Police Department 4.10 Authorize Application for Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (ORPD) Grant to Purchase Summer Creek Property—Resolution No. 09-24 4.11 Authorize Dedication of $1 Million from the Open Spaces Bond for Purchase of Summer Creek Property—Resolution No. 09-25 Motion by Council President Wilson, seconded by Councilor Webb, to approve the consent agenda. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present: Mayor Dirksen Yes Council President Wilson Yes Councilor Buchner Yes Councilor Henderson Yes Councilor Webb Yes Mayor Dirksen called upon Bob Betcone of the Trust for Public Lands (TPL). TPL is working with the City on the Summer Creek property negotiations. Mr. Betcone noted TPL is proud to be asked to work-with the City to assist ill the effort to purchase this property,which has been a long-time ongoing effort. He said he brought with him 350 letters written by Fowler Middle School students and Tigard community members supporting the TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LCRB MINUTES—APRIL 28, 2009 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 6 of 11 purchase of the property. He said the letters indicate how important this property has become to the community. The TPL will continue to assist the City to acquire the funds to purchase the property; they are optimistic noting the support of Washington County and Clean Water Services. Applications will be submitted for funding sources so this property can be purchased for a beautiful new park for the City of Tigard. Councilor Buchner thanked Mr. Betcone for all the work done by the Trust for Public Lands. 7:49:49 PM 5. COUNCIL GOAL UPDATE City Manager Prosser reviewed the status of the City Council goals. A copy of the written report is on file in the City Recorder's office. 7:56:52 PM 6. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 11.04 REGARDING RECYCLING FOR BUSINESSES Public Works Utility Division Manager Goodrich introduced Environmental Program Coordinator Joe who presented the staff report to the City Council. A copy of the staff report is on file in the City Recorder's office. Motion by Councilor Buchner, seconded by Council President Wilson, to approve Ordinance No. 09-05. ORDINANCE No . 09-05 -- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 11.04 TO INCLUDE A BUSINESS RECYCLING REQUIREMENT The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present. Mayor Dirk-sen Yes Council President Wilson Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Henderson Yes Councilor Webb Yes Motion by Councilor Buchner, seconded by Council President Wilson, to approve Resolution No. 09-26. RESOLUTION NO. 09-26 --A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ADMINISTRATIVE RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE TIGARD'S BUSINESS RECYCLING REQUIREMENT The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present. Mayor Dirksen Yes Council President Wilson Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Henderson Yes Councilor Webb Yes 7. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE TO ALLOW POLICE ALL TERRAIN VEHICLES (ATV'S) ON CITY STREETS AND REPEAL TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE 10.32.180, TRAINS NOT TO BLOCK STREETS, WHICH HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY ORS 824.222 AND 824.223 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LCMINUTES—APRIL 28, 2009 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 7of1l Police Chief Dickinson presented the staff report. Captain Be]] was also present for this agenda item. Motion by Council President Wilson, seconded by Councilor Webb, to approve Ordinance No. 09-06. ORDINANCE NO. 09-06- AN ORDINANCE REVISING TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE (TMC) 10.32.175 TO ALLOW OPERATION OF CITY OF TIGARD-OWNED ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES (ATV'S) UPON PUBLIC ROADWAYS, STREETS, HIGHWAYS, PARK PATHWAYS, AND OTHER RELATED AREAS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF TIGARD,AND TO REPEAL TMC 10.32.180 RENDERED OBSOLETE BY ORS 824.222 AND 824.223 (2007) AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present. Mayor Dirksen Yes Council President Wilson Yes Councilor Buchner Yes Councilor Henderson Yes Councilor Webb Yes Agenda Item No. 8 was rescheduled to June 9, 2009. 8. (442k�- G06NCR, FINAL DECISION ON THE PIFITDS COMPRPHRNSAIR Pl," A-MENDME ANPAONING ATAP AMPNDATFINT �,-PA2008 00008& ;z(;)N2008 ()0002� 8:08:11 PM 9. UPDATE ON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT CODE DESIGN STANDARDS AND ASSOCIATED LAND USE REGULATIONS AND PLANNING AND ZONING MAP REGULATIONS Associate Planner Farrelly presented the staff report and a PowerPoint presentation; these documents are on file in the City Recorder's office. After the presentation, Councilor Buchner asked if there has been consideration to include the library in the Urban Renewal District. Associate Planner Farrelly indicated this would be something that could be considered. Mayor Dirksen said the benefit and impact of including the Library would need to be determined. Councilor Buchner said it might be beneficial when considering a library expansion in the future. Council President Wilson asked if the City Attorney has reviewed the TPR. City Attorney Ramis said he has reviewed the TPR and this does represent a challenge. It's a good thing that the City is discussing this with Oregon Department of Transportation. We need to be sure that this conversation takes place at the line level and above as important policy questions need answers that might have legislative implications. Mayor Dirksen said there are other actions the City is taking concerning transportation that might mitigate the concerns that Oregon Department of Transportation has with the plans for the Downtown. Councilor Buchner commented on the long-term plans for fight rail with the density plans being contingent upon the light rail. She asked if the State could look at the long-term implications of having light rail or do they only look at the status quo in terms of transportation planning. City Attorney Ramis said mitigation for the impact of development is a key part of the Rule and how it works. One of the unanswered questions concerns the schedule for the mitigation when compared to the schedule for development- this is often a TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LCRB MINUTES-APRIL 28, 2009 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 8 of 11 funding issue, The Rule says, in a clear way, that if your project affects a state facility negatively, then your choices are to mitigate the impact, scale back the project, or do not do the project. City Attorney Ramis added, "In the world of development of cities, sometimes life is a little more complicated than that." Mayor Dirksen said that this has brought up an issue at the Metro level (MPAC and JPACf) that, at present, it appears that the way the codes are written, the existing transportation system dictates land use. This seems backwards to Mayor Dirksen in that the land use should dictate what the transportation system needs to be. Mayor Dirksen said this issue is above the level of this City Council and needs to be addressed at the regional and state levels. City Attorney Ramis said the Rule is premised on the idea that transportation and land use planning are interactive. However, determining which comes first and how this interaction works, has not been worked out very well. Council President Wilson commented that the Transportation Planning Rule is worded such that every new driver has a negative impact on capacity. It seems like a good idea until you think about how it actually works. Mayor Dirksen said he thinks there is broad base support in the Metro region for the plans for the Downtown area. Regardless of the challenges and accommodations that need to be made, the will appears to be there to accomplish the plans. Council President Wilson said he would be opposed to watering down the plans for the Downtown because of the TPR; he would engage in garnering support to change the TPR. Councilor Webb commented that we are not the only City unhappy with the TPR implementation. Mayor Dirksen reported that Hillsboro, Forest Grove, and Cornelius are experiencing similar problems as Tigard. City Manager Prosser advised that he and Mayor Dirksen met with Portland Mayor Adams and learned that Portland is having problems with development of the Macadam Corridor because of the TPR application. This is a statewide issue. City Manager Prosser advised that this has been taken to Senator Burdick and Representative Galizio, and is only at the conversation stage. There are no plans to address the TPR this Legislative Session. Mayor Dirksen pointed out that downtown Portland is specifically excluded from needing to meet the requirements of the TPR. Perhaps, the question should be why should this exclusion be limited to just this one center? It might be argued that centers, in general, should be exempted from the TPR. Council President Wilson said that if you decentralized the center, then this should alleviate transportation problems. Councilor Buchner said the rules date back far enough to the time when downtown Portland was the only dense, urban center. Like a number of ODOT rules and regulations there needs to be a push to change outdated requirements. 8:27:03 PM 10. URBAN/RURAI,RESERVES PLANNING AND GROWTH MANAGEMENT ASPIRATIONS Councilor Buchner referred to maps distributed to the City Council. The maps show theoretical urban and rural reserves. There has been no delineation yet regarding what might be removed from rural reserves. The maps show what is considered to be good land for farms and forest. One map shows natural features such as rivers, wetlands, creeks, wildlife refuge, etc. There is quite a bit of controversy among advocates for rural reserves with a significant difference of opinion between famers in the north and west part of the County who either farm their own land or lease other land and irrigate using water from the irrigation district. Their land is mostly in the area that Hillsboro has listed within their aspirations and involves some of the best farm land in the state. Councilor Buchner reported that many of the farmers in the southern part of the County (and many of which are around Tigard) are involved with lower quality farm land and are not committed in the long term to stay in farming. 'I'liese two groups of farmers are not communicating well. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LCRB MINUTES—APRIL 28, 2009 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 9 of 11 The next step will be to try to address some of the conflicts between the farmers and the entities those who would Eke to put in manufacturing facilities as proposed by the Hillsboro aspiration plan. Where these facilities are identified to be placed is in the best farm land, north or Hillsboro towards North Plains and Banks. At the next meeting, Councilor Buchner reported they will take the next step to come up with a draft for the "next cut" to reduce the amount of land that might be included in the urban reserves and dedicating more land to rural reserve. Councilor Buchner noted that it was interesting that, for example, if the Wildlife Refuge is included in rural reserves, it would not be eligible for many grant programs for amenities; ie., sewer to the visitor's center. Councilor Buchner said she anticipates there will be controversy between the farmers and those who are interested in developed on the flat land. She noted her concerns for protection of lands on steep slopes; i.e., how much density will be allowed to occur on slopes. 8:33:31 PM Community Development Director Bunch advised he has also been following this process at the regional level. The approaches taken by Washington, Clackamas and Multnomah County are inconsistent. Clackamas and Multnomah Counties are approaching this from a fairly conservative viewpoint in that they have not included that much land within the urban reserves. The City of Portland has indicated that it will likely continue to have a significant amount of infill. Washington County has a large urban reserve area. There is some concern with the "Core Four" about where to come to agreement among the three counties. All four entities, the three Counties and Metro, have to come to agreement. Metro wants to have the urban growth report ready to go by 2010. It will be interesting to watch how the different approaches are meshed. 8:34:50 PM Councilor Buehner said she was expecting to get another version of maps for the Council to review next month so the rest of Council can advise her as to how they would like her to vote as this goes forward. Mayor Dirksen said his observation of the process is that Washington County initially included every piece of land that should be considered for either urban or rural reserves in the next phase in the study area. Once the large swath of land was identified, then they will pare away to determine what really should be included within either an urban or rural reserve. One of the things found in Washington County,is that the same qualities that make a piece a property good farmland also make it a good industrial land so a lot of land is on both fists. At some point, the political decisions will need to be made about the designation of these parcels. Councilor Buchner said the first cut included the very steep, forested lands and were eliminated from consideration for urban reserves. She is hoping they will get to the main issues soon. 8:37:00 PM 11. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN DEDICATION DEED AND EASEMENT DOCUMENTS FOR BURNHAM STREET BUSINESS AND STORAGE, LLC ACQUISITION, INCLUDING EXPENDITURES FOR THE ACQUISITION City Manager Prosser reviewed this agenda item for rigbht-of-way acquisition along Burnham Street for the Burnham Street project. The City has been in negotiations with the Burnham Street Business and Storage business and has reached agreement with them for a sale of price$80,220. The Council had previously adopted TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LCRB MINUTES—APRIL 28, 2009 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 10 of 11 a resolution giving the City Manager authority to sign documents for any amount less than $75,000. Because the purchase price for this property exceeds this limit, the staff is requesting the City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign the documents to complete this acquisition. Motion by Councilor Webb, seconded by Councilor Buehner, to sign the deed and easement documents for Burnham Business and Storage LLC. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present: Mayor Dirksen Yes Council President Wilson Yes Councilor Buchner Yes Councilor Henderson Yes Councilor Webb Yes 8:38:37 PM 15. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Council President Wilson, seconded by Councilor Webb,to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present: Mayor Dirksen Yes Council President Wilson Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Henderson Yes Councilor Webb Yes 'r �-'CO Catherine Wheatley, City Recorder Attest: Mayor, City of Tigar Date: �� ' 0�3 D L7 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LCRB MINUTES—APRIL 28, 2009 City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 11 of 11