City Council Minutes - 08/26/2008 Agenda Item No. Council Meeting of Tigard Busmess Mee • t, 1 g Minutes TIGARD CITY COUNCIL,LOCAL CONTRACT CT REVIEW BOAT (L MEETING ELATE/TAME: August 26, 20)0)8/6:30 p.m. Study Session and 7.30 p.m Business Meeting MEETING LOCATION: City of Tigard - Town.Mall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard., OR 97223 • STUDY SESSION Trach 1 Mayor Dirksen called the meeting to order at 6:301 p rn, Discuss Whether to Participate in the 0 5oatrvrr. .Assistant C tyManager Newton reviewed the information distributed to the City Council regarding the plans to celebrate Oregonxs 150}`}'year of being a state. At a mini urn Assistant City ager Newton suggested that the regular events the G yconducts would adopt this as a theme during the months of April and May;i.e.,the SOLV event. City Council members agreed with Mayor Dirksen that this is a good idea,but at this time Participation will be minimal. . Track 2 • Council Agenda Scheduling Assistant(Ity-Manager Newton reviewed the Council Service Task Force recommendation regarding shortening City Council meetings. Council members received information regarding types Of meetings with outside agencies and program/department reports. The Council will meet with Metro,the School District,and TriMet since the City Council goals are directly related to these agencies. For other agencies,the City Council will no longer schedule agenda sessions for them to give updates;rather,the Gty Council would life to receive a written report or suggested these agencies be encouraged to record a video presentation and air it on the government channels. The City Council will no longer meet with the Senior Center Board. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LCRB COUNCIL/LCMINUTES -- August 2b, 2008 City of Iig urs 13125 5 11 L l Pled,Tigard, 97223, ..1 :5.03-639.4171 ..�1 n www.tig,,Ird-or.gov ,�a�--pag,z 1 CtyCouncil will continue to receive the short updates during the citizen comm urications; periodically,TVF8c R.will give updates on the Tigard stations. Program/Department Reports: When there is a special presentation to be made by the City Council for people who have worked on a program,then the Council would like a short report on the program. Boards and Committees: City Council will continue to meet with these groups regularly. Mayer Dirksen asked if there was some activity planned to kick-off the Neighborhood Program. Assistant C:ityManager Newton reported that in the next Cit 5cape the Meering Committee would be unveiled. Only one neighborhood does not have a webpage. Annual meetings will start this fall. In January or February,the Citywill host an open house so neighborhoods can display what they are doing. This open house will occur every-year. In response to a question from Councilor Buehner,Assistant CityNlanager Newton agreed that the City Council members'presence at this event would be good. Trach m City Council agreed to cancel the November 11,2008,City Council meeting;this is Veterans Day,a City holiday. + City Council received written testimony for.Agenda Item No.6 Legislative Public Hearing - CPA 2008-0003 - Tigard Comprehensive Plan Update Pertaining to Statewide Planning Coal 5: Natural Resources and Historic Areas. Associate Planner Floyd will include reference to this testimony during his staff report. • City C crunch reviewed the schedule for upcoming Council meetings. EXECUTIVE SESSION. The Tigard City Council went into Executive Session tinder CARS 192.660(2) (e) and (h) to discuss real property transaction negotiations and for consultation with counsel concerning legal rights and duties regarding current litigation or litigation likely to be filed. City Council reconvened the StudySesson. • Councilor Buehner distributed a map showing the urban reserves draft study area;a copy is on file in the City Recorder's office. The Deserves Steering Committee ttee has reviewed this configtu-aton,which shows the area often referred to as the"donut." The C.orumittee is to vote on whether this is the appropriate study area for the urban reserves to go forward. Councilor Buehner asked for Council direction. She said her only concern was with the adjustment to add a small part of Multnomah County where it would have been more TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LC MINUTES - August 26, 2008 Cf of Tigard 1 13125 SWBall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 I 503-639-4171 I wvvw.dgard-orgov I Arige 2©f 13 logical to use either Germantown Road or 185"'as a boundary, Councilor Buehner said she has not received an answer as to why the proposed boundary-was selected,which is irregular because it follows along a creep that meanders in and out of the county. Mayor Dirksen said he thought Councilor Buehner should pursue this boundary question. In response to a notation by Councilor Wilson, GityAttorney Ramis reported that the urban reserves area does not go into Marion County near Wilsonville. Marion County declined when asked if they would be willing to participate in the urban reserves through an Intergovernmental Agreement. Yaml-0 County also declined. 1. BU INESS IVIEETING 1.1 Mayor Dirksen called the meeting to order at 7.32:12 P 12 Roll Call Name Present Absent Mayor Dirksen V, Councilor Sherwood f Councilor Buehner Councilor Wilson Councilor Woodruff 1.3 Pledge of'Allegiance 1.4 Council Communications &Liaison Reports: None 7:32`:51 PM 1.5 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items: None 7:33:01 P1 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICAnON 'Tigard Area Camber of Commerce Update: President Lisa Watts introduced the new Tigard.Chamber CEO,Chris Zoucha. Mr,Zoucha will.be serving the Chamber full-time beginning next week A new office manager willl be hired. He reviewed the September schedule,which will include the Governmental Affairs Meeting on September'9 to discuss upcoming ballot measures. The annual golf tournament will,be September 11. President Watts advised that Leadership classes would start in January 2009. Citizen Communication 7:36:401 PM Brad Johnson,8444 SW Bond Street,Tigard,OR 97224 spoke about safety concerns in his neighborhood. During the past year,the residents of SW Bond Street located TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/L MINUTES — August 26, 2008 pity of Tigard 1 13125 SW Tall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.6gard-or.gov I Page 3 of 13 between SW 79"'Avenge and SW 81"Avenue have grown increasingly conte ed about the high-rate of speed of vehicle traffic. He referred to a recent street connection that occurred with the development of Cage Forest;the volume and speed of traffic on SW Bond Street has increased dramatically. He reported that there are 19 children who Eve on a two-block stretch on Bond Street between 79`x'Avenue and.815'Avenue: During the past year,several parents have witnessed near-accidents on Bond Street. Residents have contacted Tigard Citypolice to see what could be done to address the problem. The police have been sympathetic and more attentive to the area;however, thus far it has little effect on mitigating what the residents feel are unsafe speeds. He reported an incident from the night before,where a motorist used the street as a"drag strip" and left a 145-foot long skid mark just before the stop sign at 79"'Avenue. Mr.Johnson advised that neighbors are in the process of drafting a petition and following the process to place speed humps on Bond Street to mitigate excessive speeding. He referred to a similar situation resulting in speed humps on Ashford.Street, Mr.Johnson said his communication tonight should be considered the beginning of an ongoing entreat to the City Council requesting significant meaningful action be taken to reduce traffic speeds along Bond Street. In response to a question from Councilor Woodruff about what the cost would be for speed humps,Mr.Johnson understood it would be$1030 to$1500. He said he would be willing to pay-much more because it is such a safety concem. In response to a question from Council President Sherwood,Mr.,Johnson confirmed he had talked to City staff about speed humps;however,while sympathetic it is still early in the process. The neighbors were concerned that this would be an issue when the development was proposed and:it is now time to get something done. Councilor Buehner said the "children at play" signs have helped in her neighborhood. Mr.Johnson said there is a sign life this on Bond Street. Mayor Dirksen commended Mr,Johnson for the proactive actions. Mayor Dirksen said he did not think there would be a problem with getting speed bumps on this street unless there would be some engineering issue regarding the street. Usually,the only delay is because of the expense,bort if Mr.Johnson and his neighbors are willing to cover the cost,this should expedite the process. Mayor Dirksen added there are other options rather than only speed humps for traffic calming devices that might be better for the neighborhood. 7:45.14 PM Dean Kirkpatrick, 8050 SW Bond Street,Tigard:,OR.noted there was a"(gild at Plaf sign around the corner that was run over. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LMINUTES - August 26, 2008 Cstyof Tigard< „1p 13125 5W I 1.111 Blvd..,Tigard,OR 97223 �1 �503-639-4171 1 L zvww dgird-or.gov I.,. Page 4 of D 7.45.48 PM Mayor Dirksen reviewed the Consent Agenda. 3. CONSENT AGENDA- (T ga7d City Ccx=4 Local Ccmtrract RmewBa d aai City Cmter 3.1 Approve City Council Minutes for June 17 and 24,2008 3.2 Approve Intergovernmental Agreement between the City€f Tigard and the State of Oregon Department of Transportation for Installation of a Signalized Crosswalk on Hall Boulevard 3.3 Approve Intergovernmental Agreement with Clean Water Services to Develop a Private Water Quality Management Plan--Resolution No.08-49 A RESOLUTION N APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREE NT WITH LEAN WATER SERVICES TO DEVELOP A PRIVATE WATER QUALITY FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN 3.4 Name the Tigard Library Park Shelter as the"Muhammad Saili Memorial Shelter" and Planting a Tree in the General Vicinity of the Shelter in Honor of Drs.H.Achmad Amins,Mayor of Samarinda,Indonesia Resolution No.08- 50 A RESOLUTION NAMING TIGARD LIBRARY PARK,SHELTER AS TEE "M 11 SAILI MEMORIAL SIELTER°' P T[NG A TREE IN THE GENERAL VICINITY OF TFE SFELTER IN HONOR.OF DRS.H.AC HMAL7 AMINS, MAYOR OF SAIINDA.,INDONESIA 3.5 Local Contract Review Board: a. Award.Contract to Murray,Smith&Associates,Inc.for the Design and Construction Management of the 10-Iv[illion Callon Reservoir Site Improvements Including a Dump Station and Reservoir Seismic Evaluation/Upgrades b. Award Contract to Water Track Service,Inc.for Street Sweeping,Services and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Contract Motion by Councilor Wilson,seconded by Councilor Woodruff,to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion was approved by unanimous vote of CatyCouncil present. Mayor Dirks en Yes Councilor Buchner Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Sherwood Yes Gauncilor Woodnaff Yes TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/L ES August 26, 2008 Girt'of Tigard 13125 SWFIall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503 639-4171 1 �u�rwr,agarcl or.gov Iµ yPage 5 of 13 *� 1 7:47:47 PM 4. AMENDMENT TO RESOLU11ON NO.08-06,THE RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY FOR.BURNHAM STREET AND ASH AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS a. CityEngineer Duenas presented the staff report regarding proceeding with acquisition with all properties needed for the construction of improvements to Burnham Street and Ash Avenue. Before the Council was a proposed resolution amending the original Resolution of Necessity,which would authorize the City Manager to negotiate and enter into agreements on this project,including those valued at$75,000 and higher. b. Council consideration: Motion.by Council President Sherwood,seconded by Councilor Wilson,to approve Resolution No. 08-51. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C)►UNCIL AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 06 TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO PROCEED WITH ACQUISITION OF ALL PROPERTIES,INCLUDING THOSE VALUED AT $75,000 AND HIGHER,FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO BURNHAM STREET AND ASH AVENUE The motion was approved by unanimous vote of City Council present. Mayor DirIzen Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Sherwood Yes ounc4or Woodruff Yes 7:50:11 PM 5. QUASI- I PUBLIC HEARING-COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (CPA) 2008-000047ZONE CHANGE GE (ZON) 2018-00001 -JIVANJEE ZONE CHANGE E QUEST: The applicant is requesting approval for a Comprehensive Flan Map Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment to change the Comprehensive flan Designations and Zoning Map Classifications for two lots totaling 1.18 acres from Medium: Density Residential (R-12) to General-Commercial(C G). LOCATION: 11580 and 11600 SW Hall Boulevard;Washington County Tax Assessor's Map 1S135DD, Tax Lets 100 and 1600. The site is bounded byS Hall Blvd. on the gest, Hwy. 217 on the east,property zoned GG on the south, and property zoned CSP on the north. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LMINUTES - August 26, 2008 Gty of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hill Blvd., Iigard,OR 97223 1 �:503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.g©v I Page6 of 13 � � CLT NT ZONING: -12:Medium-Density Residential District. The R 12 zoning district is designed to accommodate a full range of housing typesat a minimum lot size of 3,050 square feet. Wide ranges of civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Medium-Density Residential, PROPOSED ZONING: CG: General Commercial District. The CG zoning district is designed to accommodate a full range of retail,office and civic uses with a Citywide and even regional trade area. Except where non-conforming, residential uses are limited to single-family residences, which are located on the same site as a permitted use. A wide range of°uses, including but not limited to adult entertainment,automotive equipment repair and storage, mini-warehouses,utilities,heliports,medical centers,major event entertainment,and gasoline stations, are permitted conditionally. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION General Commercial. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.380 and 18.390;Comprehensive Plan Goals#8 (Transportation) and# 12 (Locational Criteria) and any applicable Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines, and any Federal,State, or Metro statues or regulations. 7:51:13 PM a. Mayor Dirksen opened the public hearing, b. City Attorney Ramis reviewed the rules of procedures for the hearing. C. Declarations or Challenges Do any members of Council wish to report any ex parte contact or information gained outside the bearing,including anysite visits? Council President Sherwood noted she frequently drives by this location. - Have all members familiarized themselves with the application? All City Council members indicated they were familiar with the application. - Are there any challenges from the audience pertaining to the Council's jurisdiction to hear this matter or is there a challenge on the participation of any member of the Council? There were no challenges. d. Associate Planner Pagenstecher presented the staff report identff*g the location of the property,the standards of approval,and the plans by the applicant to develop a storage facility,which is not allowed in the current zone. Staff finds that the applicant has met the standards of approval. The Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve the proposal. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/L MINUTES — August 2b, 2008 , .., City of Tigard 13125 SW FM Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 7 of 13 Councilor Puehner asked how it happened that there was an island of residential land in the middle of general commercial zoning. Associate Planner Pagenstecher advised staff looked into this question, but found no legislative information as to whythis occurred:. He said it might have been possible that there was residential development on the site that was being accommodated with the residential zoning. Density requirements are met with either commercial or residential zoning designation for this property. In response to a question from Mayor Dirksen,Associate Planner Pagenstecher advised the applicant has applied for a pre-application conference,which is scheduled for next week. Associate Planner Pagenstecher said the applicants have indicated they would:like to access the property off Warner Avenue and retaining an emergency access on Hall Boulevard. Access remains to be determined in the conditional use permit review. 8:00.14 PM e. Public Testimony - Applicant Saj jivanjee,9055 SW Beaverton dale Highway,Portland Oregon noted his agreement with the staff presentation. He noted they plan to add an additional storage to the one theyhave already completed. He described what the proposed storage facility would look like;the new building would have more windows and would be aesthetically pleasing. f. Associate Planner Pagenstecher recommended that City Council approve the Comprehensive Flan and Zoning Map amendments by adopting proposed ordinance. 8:00:56 PM g. Mayor Dirksen closed the public hearing. h. Council Discussion and Consideration: Ordinance No.08-1 In response to a question from.Councilor Woodruff, Council President Sherwood noted there was an existing older apartment building and housing in this area located on a bluff overlooking Highway 217. Associate Planner Pagenstecher advised the existing dwellings would be a non-conforming use. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LMINUTES ES — August 26, 2048 ( fry4 Tigard m 13125 S /ILull Iilud.,Tgard,oIi 97223 zyCj 8503 639-4171 g1 Nvww.tfgard-or.gov '{ . Page S ofT3 8:02:05 PM Motion by Council President Sherwood,seconded by Councilor Buehner,to adopt Ordinance No.08-12. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING COMPRE NSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT, CPA 2008-00004,AND ZONE CHANGE ZON 2008-00001,TO CHANGE THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATIONS AND ZONING MAP CLASSIFIC :TIONS FOR TWO LOTS TOTALING 1.1`8 ASS FROM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RR 12) TO GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C-G) SUBJECT TO A CONDITION OF APPROVAL LIMITING THE TRIP GENERATION RATE TO THAT ALLOWED D C) ` GHT UNDER THE E ISTING R-12 ZONING 8:02:5:5 PM Mayor Dirksen commented that when the City Council considers changes such as this,Council considers traffic impacts and changes in the residential capacity that we have in the Caty: This piece of property is small;therefore,the impact is slight. 8:03:251'M The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present. Mayor Dirksen Yes, ounclor Buehner Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Sherwood Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes' 8:03:46 PM 6. LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING- COMPREI-ENSTVE PLATS AMENDMENT(CPA) 2008-00003 TIGARD 00MPREI iENSIVE PLAN UPDATE PERTAINING TO STATEWIDE PLANNING GOAL 5: NATURAL RESOURCES AND HISTORIC AREAS QUEST: To amend the current Comprehensive Plan to<include goals,policies and recommended action measures to reflect current community conditons and values relating to Ti ard's Natural Resources and I-Estorical Areas. The complete text of the proposed Amendment can be viewed on the City's website at http://www.tigard- or.gov/code-amendments. LOCATION:Citywide, ZONE: All City Zoning Districts. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LMINUTES - August 26, 2008 C tty ofeT gard f 1 125 S�Y11 it Iiivd.,Tigan,6i97223 ry ym1 503-639-4171 1 www.tig-.ird-or.gov _I Page 9 of 13 APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.380 and 18.394; Comprehensive Plan Chapters Citizen Involvement,Environmental ( :7ality,Hazards,Public Facilities and Services,and Natural Features and Open Spaces; Metro Functional flan Titles 3 and 13;and Statewide Planning Goals 1, 2, 5,6,7 and 11. 8.03:57 PM a. City Attorney Ramis reviewed the rules of procedure for the hearing. b There were no declarations or challenges. 8:06.53 PM C. Mayor Dirksen opened the pubic hearing. d. Associate Planner Floyd presented the staff report;detailed speaking notes prepared. by Mr.Floyd are on file in the City Recorder's office: 8:21:18 PM Councilor Buehner recalled that there were two workshops before the Planning Commission and the Commission received public testimony at the workshops as well as at the public hearing. Councillor Buehner added that the (_atyy Council also held a workshop and took public testimony also. In response to a question from.Mayor Dirksen,Associate Planner Floyd advised there were about six to nine members who served on the Policy Interest Team for this section of the Comprehensive Plan update. Councilor Woodruff asked about Page 5-2,Paragraph 1. He noted appreciation for the addition of some unique features but wondered.why Sumner Creek was not added. After-brief discussion,Associate Planner Floyd said staff would add Summer Creek to this section. e. Public Testimony 8:23:54 P Warren Aney,9403 SW 74d'Avenue,Tigard OR.97223 submitted a letter for the record;a copy is on file in the CtyR.ecorder's office. As a professional wildlife biologist,he advised he supports the plan,but noted hisconcernabout the phrase"to the extent feasible," He would like for this wording to be strengthened and offered several alternatives. Councilor Buehner thanked him for the time he gave to the Gry for this effort. Mayor Dirksen commented on the word"feasible" and said he,too,spent time thinking about alternative language. He concluded that this word will work because it allows us to consider individual circumstances and factors when determining whether TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LC MINUTES — August 26, 2008 6 �J of Zig�rd I 23125 SWI-i i2vd.,Tqgarc3,OR 97223 ry 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tig-,ird-or.gov I Page 10 of 13'' criteria have been met. Eventually,the City Council would make the final determination on whether"feasible" was adequately addressed for each circumstance. Mr.Aneyconcurred with Councilor oodruff's observation that he would prefer wording that would indicate"as much as possible" and agreed this was subjective. Councilor Wilson said he would agree with Mr.Aney if this was Development Code language;however,this is for the Comprehensive Plan,which is a guide for writing the Development Code. City Council will be the ultimate arbitrators of what is feasible. Resources and Development Code language still need to be identified and this language would be much more specific. The Comprehensive Plan represents"aspirational" language. He said he hoped that Mr.Aneywould be involved when the Development Codelanguageis prepared. Councilor Wilson responded to a question from Mr.Aney advising he thought the aspirational language is needed because the City t council is in a position of balancing the budget and competing interests;the language gives the City Council some flexibility. Mayer Dirksen added if this fleibilitywas not allowed,it could potentially commit the City to actions,which might not even be legally defensible. f. Staff Reco ndaton; Associate Planner Floyd advised that.staff found that the language included in the amendment complies with the applicable State land use goals, the City's municipal code and comprehensive plan policies,as well as federal,state,and regional plans and regulations. Therefore,staff recommends adopting language forwarded by the Planning Commission found in Exhibit A of Attachment 1,as amended by the recommended changes in Attachment 2. 8,3:3;13 PTV1 g; Mayor D rksen closed the public hearing. h. Council Consideration. Councilor Woodruff advised,while nothing will please everyone,he is satisfied with the work,and adjustments made during the numerous meetings,which included citizen involvement. Councilor Buehner thanked the Planning Commission and staff for all of their work referring to the numerous hours spent on this matter. The Mayor acknowledged the work of the Policy Interest Team This will be a good guide for this'City Council and future City Council members to deal with issues with trying to balance human habitat and natural resources preservation within the confines of the urban growth boundary --this has been a challenge and this goes a long waytoward moving forward. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/L MINUTES — August 26, 2008 tyof Tigard 13125 SWT3ailBlvd.,Tzgard,( Ii 97223 " } v:503-639-4171 1 www.tig:trd-or.gov I Page 11dnf13�apYu ara 8:35:53 PM Councilor Wilson said staff did a good job of responding to City Council's August'5 comments. A policystill needs to be made on PolicyNo.7 referring to the three alternatives presented. He said he thought any of the alternatives could be included. e he thought.Alternative 2 could be adopted,the Council would probably implement something that would be closer to Alternative 3 in terms of eventual Development Code language. 8:37:14 PM Councilor Buehner concurred with Councilor Wilson and leans toward Alternative No. 3. Councilor Woodruff agreed. Mayor Dirksen noted his concern with No.3is that it implies that the City is a bystander during these actions. He suggested combining the wording for No. 2 and 3. Mayor Dirksen noted his preference for Alternative No.2. There was consensus by the City Council for Alternative No.2. 8:3'x:58 P Motion by Councilor Wilson to approve the staff recommendation with the insertion of Alternative No. 2. Mayor Dirksen suggested including Summer Creek in the list of resources and Councilor Wilson agreed to this suggestion. There was brief discussion. Councilor Wilson rephrased the motion: "I move that we adopt Ordinance 08-13 according to the staff'recommendation with the following changes: l-ie insertion of Summer Creek before Fanno Creek in the list of resources and among the three alternatives in Policy 7,that we include Alternative No.2." Councilor Woodruff seconded the motion. ORDINANCE NO. 08-13 - AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 2008-00003 TO UPDATE THE GOALS,POLICIES AND RE CC)MkIENDED ACITONMEASURES PERTAINING TO NATURAL RESOURCES AND FUSTORIC AREAS, STATEWIDE PLANNING GOAL 5,AS AMENDED. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present. Mayor Dirizen; Yes Councilor Buchner Yes Councilor W son -Yes Councilor She wood Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LMINUTES — August 26, 200 Csryof rigard <13125 5`t'V I Ixll Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 „ 1 503-639-4171M, + .*,rd-or.gov m �I� Merge 32 of 23 8:43:05 PM 7. GDUNC[L LIAISON REPORTS Councilor Buehner announced her stepson is participating in the Olympics for the US 8-man rowing team. The team took the bronze medal. 8. NON-AGENDA ITEMS= None. 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION Not held 8:43:32 PIVI 10. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Couricilor Woodruff seconded by Council President Sherwood,to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present. Mayor Dirksen Yes Councilor Buchner Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Sherwood Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes c, Cep. CWtfherine Wheatley, GtyRecorder Attest: 0 N6�6rAty of Tigard Date:—/0- :? 9 1 1:\ADM\Qthy\CCM\2008\080826final.doc TIG ARD CITY COUNCIL/LCRB MINUTES – August 26, 2008 fii� "' 'i S 1 125 WHaff jOR Tigard, 1 503-639-4171 1 www.dgard-or.gov I Pagel3qfI3 " i '" I