City Council Minutes - 06/03/2008 Agenda Item No. L/. / , G
Meeting of —1 V
City of Tigard
Tigard Special Meeting — Minutes
MEETING DATE AND TIME: June 3, 2008 — 6:30 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: City of Tigard—Town Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,
Tigard, OR 97223
1.1 Mayor Dirksen called the meeting to order at 6:34:00 PM
1.2 Roll Call:
Name Present Absent
Mayor Dirksen ✓
Councilor Buehner ✓
Councilor Sherwood ✓
Councilor Wilson ✓
Councilor Woodruff ✓
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
1.4 Council Communications&Liaison Reports: None
1.5 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items: None
REQUEST: Amendments to the current Comprehensive Plan Topic 1: General Policies;
Topic: Special Areas of Concern; and Topic: Locational Criteria by updating the goals,
policies and recommended action measures to reflect current community conditions
and values. The complete text of the proposed Amendment can be viewed on the City's
website at LOCATION: Citywide.
ZONE: All City Zoning Districts. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community
Development Code Chapters 18.380 and 18.390; Comprehensive Plan Chapters Citizen
Involvement, Environmental Quality, Hazards, Economy, Housing, Public Facilities and
Services, General Policies, Transportation, Urbanization, and Natural Features and
City of"Tigard 1 13125 SW[Tall Blvd.,Tibnrd,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 Nv%vw,til,* I Page 1 of 20
Open Spaces;Metro Functional Plan Titles 1, 3, 6, 12, and 13; and Statewide Planning
Goals 1,2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 14.
6:3.1:20 PM
a. Mayor Dirksen opened the public hearing.
b. City Attorney Yamachika reviewed the rules of procedure for this hearing.
6:37:21 I'M
C. Declarations or Challenges: None
- Does any Council member wish to declare or discuss a conflict of interest or
6:37:44 I'M
d. Associate Planner Wyss presented the staff report Assistant Community Development
Director Bunch was also present
An email communication from Sue Beilke was distributed. This communication was also
reviewed in the public hearing following this hearing. Assistant Community Development
Director Bunch summarized the comments from Ms. Beilke and staff's position. r,:-13:.13 I'M
&.1(0-1 I'M
Councilor Buehner said she understands Ms. Beilke's perspective regarding the connection
between Goal 2 and 5. She asked staff if, by referencing this during the public hearing, was a
sufficient connection created for future ordinance development. Assistant Community
Development Director Bunch said natural resources language has been integrated throughout
the Comprehensive Plan review. The language in the Plan will not prevent City Council as it
implements the plan through adoption of ordinances to match the needs and desires of the
6:•17:59 I'M
C. Public Testimony: None
f. Asscociate Planner Wyss recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed
ordinance as also recommended by the Planning Commission.
g. Council Questions: None
r,;unto I'M
h. Mayor Dirksen closed the public hearing.
i. Council Consideration:
Motion by Councilor Sherwood, seconded by Councilor Wilson, to adopt Ordinance
No. 08-07.
City of'Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tibnrd,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.til', I Page 2 of 20
The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present:
Mayor Dirksen Yes
Councilor Buchner Yes
Councilor Wilson Yes
Councilor Sherwood Yes
REQUEST: To amend the current Comprehensive Plan to include goals, policies and
recommended action measures to reflect current community conditions and values
relating to Tigard's Urban Forest.. The complete text of the proposed Amendment
can be viewed on the City's website at amendments.
LOCATION: Citywide. ZONE: All City Zoning Districts. APPLICABLE REVIEW
CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.380 and 18.390;
Comprehensive Plan Chapters Citizen Involvement, Environmental Quality, Hazards,
Public Facilities and Services, and Natural Features and Open Spaces; Metro Functional
Plan Titles 3 and 13;and Statewide Planning Goals 1, 2, 5, 6, and 11.
6,91 23 Pi�I
a. Mayor Dirksen opened the public hearing
b. Rules of Procedure: City Attorney announced the rules of procedure that were outlined
in the previous hearing are still in effect.
C. Declarations or Challenges: No conflicts declared by any City Council member and no
challenges to hear this matter were expressed from the audience.
d. Associate Planner Floyd presented the staff report.
The Comprehensive Plan amendment fulfills Task 1 of Council Resolution No.07-30
that directs the Tree Board and Planning Commission to develop and recommend to
the City Council appropriate goals policies and recommended action measures relating
to tree stewardship within Tigard including the contributions of trees to Tigard's quality
of life.
Associate Planner Floyd advised the Tree Board and Planning Commission have
worked in close cooperation with each other and the public to develop a consensus-
based document, which is before the City Council tonight. The Tree Board met more
than 25 times and these meetings were open to the public. The Tree Board made a
unanimous recommendation to the Planning Commission. Also, two Joint workshops
were held between the Tree Board and the Planning Commission to specifically discuss
this item and to work out details. The Planning Commission held two public hearings
in April before making a unanimous recommendation to City Council. The final
language reflects the compromises reached by the involved parties. This amendment
will establish Tigard as a strong steward of trees in the urban forest and it leaves
City of'Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 I Page 3 of 20
considerable room as to how the City might choose to implement it in the future. T1mis
flexibility is reflected in the following four themes contained in the document:
1. Minimize impacts to and removal of trees without absolutely prohibiting their
2. Use of flexible and incentive-based standards.
3. Broadens the definition of mitigation.
4. Ensures the speedy removal of hazard trees.
(61:49 IINI
At the May 5, 2008, City Council workshop regarding this item, the City Council
received input from the public and then gave direction to staff. Associate Planner
Floyd reviewed the recommended language changes contained in Attachment No. 8 to
the City Council packet material
Staff received one additional comment letter from Sue Beilke (e-mail with attachments
sent today). This letter was distributed to the City Council.
Associate Planner Floyd said that staff recommends that the City Council find the
Comprehensive Plan amendment to meet the necessary approval criteria and approve
the Planning Commission's recommendation and adopt the proposed Comprehensive
Plan amendment to update goals, policies and recommended action measures
pertaining to Tigard's urban forest as determined through die public process. An
approval ordinance was included the City Council's packet,Attachment No. 1.
(65:48 PM
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch referred to the e-mail submitted-
by Sue Beilke. He said her concern was that the language before the City of Tigard this
evening regulates only the removal of trees on environmentally sensitive lands and lands
subject to hazard. Her e-mail communicates that all lands within the City should have
trees regulated and require property owners to obtain a permit for tree removal from
the City. Assistant Community Development Director Bunch advised that the staff's
response is that these policies before the City Council this evening provide the
opportunity for City Council to decide whether to have a permit process. The Council
would have the flexibility to regulate trees only in designated, specific areas and also
regulate trees citywide. The intent is to provide the City Council with a flexible tool.
Ms. Beilke stated in her email that she opposes language such as "where possible and
appropriate." Assistant Community Development Director Bunch said there are a
couple of policies in the proposal that use the words "as appropriate." For example,
The City shall, as appropriate, require the use of trees and other vegetation as
buffering and screening between incompatible uses.
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch said the above language was
provided to give some practicality and reasonableness to specific actions. In some areas
City of Timid 1 13125 SW I-IA Blvd.,TiWard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 I Page 4 of 20
it might not be appropriate, feasible, or practical to require trees and other vegetation as
buffering and screening between incompatible uses;other methods might be required.
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch said that Ms. Beilke says the urban
forest section fails to address several key items of concern and are related to the recently
adopted goals,policies and action measures in the Parks and Recreation section. Again,
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch advised that these policies are
integrated with those policies in the Parks and Recreation section; in fact, the whole
Comprehensive Plan is an integrated document. The criteria, can be mixed and
matched and used as needed by City Council decision makers to address a specific issue
or criteria.
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch said Ms.Beilke's email says that no
language in the amendment addresses important natural resource areas — local forests
that are unprotected and deserving of acquisition in the language. He said that the
City's Goal 5 process provides the City Council with that kind of regulatory ability.
This is a Goal 2 process oriented toward trees as part of the general land use process
and development. There is another way to get to what Ms. Beilke is talking about.
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch referred to Ms. Beilke's reference
to special status to protect rare and diminishing species, addresses the oak prairie
habitat reduced to less than 1 percent in the entire Willamette Valley. He said she again
references that there is no language that addresses the upland forest's remaining acreage
and advised that this will be brought to the City Council as part of Goal 5.
Furthermore, Ms. Beilke says these policies do not have specific language addressing
forests that might harbor rare species such as the northern red-legged frog and actions
taken to improve their habitat. She says the language does not address fragile habitat
and that these action measures, policies and goals need to have more detail. Ms. Beilke
says the proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan are not in compliance with
applicable regulations and asks the City Council not to adopt the adopt the changes,but
deny them and continue to work with citizens to strengthen this document until it
meets both Goal 2 and Goal 5 requirements. Assistant Community Development
Director Bunch stated that these polities have been coordinated, from staffs
perspective, with all applicable state agencies. The state agencies have not submitted
any statements that they are not in compliance with the statewide planning goals; they
are the experts.
7:00:05 RM
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch addressed the concern about Ms.
Beilke's concern about the desired levels of detail. The Comprehensive Plan is a general
tool to stand the test of years if need be. At the same time, there is language in the Plan
that will be revised as necessary during reviews every two or five years. The Plan's job
is to provide a flexible legislative tool for the City Council. If the Plan has "these levels
of detail" providing specific directions to meet very specific interests (i.e., red-legged
frog, oak forests) then we might not be able to preserve the forest because we are
looking at specific trees. It's necessary to have a broad tool; we don't want to tie this
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City Council's hands or the hands of future Council members with die level of
specificity desired by Ms.Beilke.
7:00:59 P\I
Councilor Buehner asked about Ms. Beilke's concern regarding retention of invasive
species (those that have been placed on the state nuisance list) and whether we have
sufficient flexibility in the current language should a future City Council wish to adopt
an ordinance relating to not allowing or getting rid of invasive species. Assistant
Community Development Director Bunch said the proposed wording provides the
basis the adopt regulations to prohibit or prevent invasive species, similar to what
Portland does. There are policies in the Goal 2 tree section and invasive species are
referenced in the natural resources section.
Councilor Wilson noted that he had supplied the federal definition of invasive species,
and he liked this language because it was specific.
7,010-1 P>>I
Public Testimony:
• Alan DeHarpport, 5740 SW Arrowwood Lane, Portland, OR 97225, testified. He
advised he was trying to achieve a sense of balance with die Tree Code, ongoing
development, and infrastructural development with the City. He noted when he was
before the City Council on May 5, 2008, there was an issue of trying to get
builder/developers on the Tree Board. He said no builder living in the City limits is
willing to sit on the Tree Board, which could be implied as apathy; however, he has
heard comments from those in the community who feel the City and staff have made
up their minds about the tree regulations, that their input is unwelcomed and any*
efforts attempting to add the view of the builder/developer community would be a
waste of time and effort. He said he couldn't imagine that die above statement is true,
considering the builder/developer community is one of the most effective groups and
would appreciate input ftom the City Council or staff about this. He said he wished
that someone from the Council, staff, or Tree Board, had actually contacted the HBA
when no builder/developer, who was a City resident could be found to sit on the
7:�h:0(1 PAI
He went on to name several people who would have been willing to provide input;
however, he did note that none of those people were Tigard residents but either had
owned or now own property in the City of Tigard and have worked with the current
tree code. They have a vested interest in the City and urban forest CPA currently
before the City Council.
7:1)5:14 P\I
Mr. DeHarpport said his biggest concern is without builder/developer input, he feels
the CPA, as written, has the potential to create an even larger divide between a key
stakeholder group that could have been included rather than avoided in an effort to
reach out to non-resident members of the builder/developer community. He urged the
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City Council to read through the list of recommendations;a copy of this list is on file in
the City Recorder's office. He asked the City Council to consider making some of the
changes they recommend. Mr. DeHarpport referred to the survey question regarding
the regulation of trees, and his concerns were noted in the first suggestion contained in
his written comments.
7:116:37 PNI
Mr. DeHarpport summarized the recommendations contained in his written testimony.
7:119:211 I'LI
Councilor Wilson, in response to staffs comment, said he thought the intent of this
Language is to give the City Council and future Councils flexibility to preserve trees to
the extent that it could impact property rights or on the other hand preserve property
rights to the extent that it could impact trees. We are going to find some balance,
which is the next step in the process; i.e., revising the Code. He said he hoped Mr.
DeHarpport understands that the City Council is to some degree not being specific
purposely. Mr. DeHarpport said he understood this;but, there is no acknowledgement
of development. That is, the document states "preserve trees" without acknowledging
that development has a place in the community as well. Councilor Wilson said he
thought that this was a valid point; however, with regard to Mr. DeHarpport's
statement that they haven't been able to be involved, he hoped that in the next part of
the process they could be.
7:111:54 I'M
Councilor Bueliner said as a follow-up to Councilor Wilson's comment that she did
respect Mr. DeHarpport's position. She said she certainly did not want to see trees
preserved to the exclusion of everything else. She also said she hoped that Mr.
DeHarpport and/or his colleagues would volunteer to serve on the committee as work
starts on die ordinances;this will be a very important process.
John Frewing, 7110 SW Lola Lane,Tigard OR 97223, offered testimony on two points:
o He said he worked with Associate Planner Floyd and the Tree Board, as a
citizen, and through a number of meetings and workshops. Nov, at this point
when the City Council might adopt Comprehensive Plan words, he said he
finds that the words are so general that they do not mean very much. He said
he understands the City Council wants flexibility, but the entire document and
staffs response could always be, "Well, we have flexibility." Mr. Frewing said
the whole section could be resolved by saying:
■ Goal: "We will try to preserve trees."
■ Policy: "Work with community persons to save trees."
Mr. Frewing agreed that eventually there will be ordinances written and said he
hoped this would work out all right. He said that he thought the City has lost
an opportunity to actually state clearly what we want.
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o Mr. Frewing referred to the terminology "minimize" and "maximize." He said
there needs to be a legislative basis for finding a minimus or a maximum. He
said, "You can't say something is the lowest or the highest without having
something to compare it against." The policies and goals do not have any
legislative basis for later requirements of some kind of alternatives presentation
so that one can find that either tree removal has been minimized or something
else has been maximized. There needs to a basis of at least two elements.
Councilor Wilson commented that Mr. Frewing was saying there should be a standard;
however he wondered how something like this could be accomplished. Mr. Frewing
said that wording could be added to one of the policies that says, "The City shall
include the requirement for alternative presentations when something is to be
minimized or maxit„ized." Mr. Frewing said he was not asking for a standard at this
time, but there ought to be something in the language that allows and directs the Code
writers and the committees that they can and should require the presentation of
alternatives in information where one is being asked to minimize or maximize
• Ken Gertz, Gertz Fine Homes, 19200 SW 46`x',Tualatin, OR 97062 testified that he is a
landowner and a long-time resident of Oregon. Overall, he said he was in concurrence
with the Plan with the exception of what has been voiced by Mr. DeHarpport. He
would like to see the developers and the City work on a combination of preservation
and reforestation. This should be a Citywide effort, not just on treed sites. He said the
problem he has with the way this is being approached at this time,is singling out a class
of person. Mr. Gertz advised that many times developers are buying property from the
elderly as they are those who have the larger pieces of property. This is their retirement-
property. He is concerned that the way the current goals are written, there is nothing to
protect these people.
Mr. Gertz explained that tree mitigation could impact the value of a piece of property if
the number of developable lots are reduced. He was concerned that if there is no
language to protect the "seniors" they could inadvertently be discriminated against. Mr.
Gertz said this does not have any bearing on him as developer as he will offer the
purachase price based on how many lots he can develop; however, this is a huge impact
to those trying to sell the property. He questioned the fairness. He said he has asked
many times that language be inserted to provide some protection for the landowner and
this has not happened.
Councilor Wilson referred to the current code, which provides certain zoning and
allows a certain number of lots. Under current zoning the only deduction from
developable land would be for sensitive lands; i.e., steep slopes or floodplains. Mr.
Gertz concurred with Councilor Wilson's statement. Councilor Wilson went on to say
that trees would not cause the developer to "lose" lots; however, it could raise the cost
because of mitigation. Mr. Gertz commented there is a policy in the proposed language
regarding preserving groves of trees. Councilor Wilson said he thinks the language
expresses a preference of groves over individual trees. Mr. Gertz said there is nothing
Laity of'figard I 13125 Sew I Iall blvd.,"I'iFnrd,OR 97223 1 503-639-=4171 1 www.ttb,, I Page 8 of 20
specific in the language that assures a property owner that he or she would be allowed
to develop the property to the current zoning code. He noted there could be density
shifting, but people do not like smaller lots. He said his fear is that there is nothing
specific stated to inaintain the rights of the landowner.
Councilor Wilson referred to Mr. Gertz' concerns and Mr. Frewing's concerns and said
what he is hearing is that they believe the Comprehensive Plan language is too general.
Councilor Wilson said this might be all right if then the language allows for a
compromise to take place in the next step.
Councilor Buchner said she is sensitive to Mr. Gertz' concerns. She said that she
"...again, would strongly suggest that maybe you would be willing to volunteer to be
part of the workgroup to work on a proposed ordinance,because it is going to be very
important that we get input from all sides of this issue..."
Mr. Gertz said he has volunteered to work on the ordinances. However, the problem
is, "what we say today and what happens six months or a year from now when this
whole plan is fully put together—without a guideline to follow...we are not going to be
dealing the same faces anymore. That's just the way it is. I look more at contract Iaw
than anything else." Councilor Buehner said she has asked questions of staff intended
to include issues in the legislative history about what is being done so that future
decision makers will know how the Comprehensive Plan was approached.
7:26:38 1'\1
Councilor Sherwood commented the current Code is written so that people could fell
every tree on a lot before selling the property. This is not where the City wants to go;
that is, to become so restrictive that before people sell their lots they cut all the trees.
We need to find a balance and to use good judgment.
7:2T-16 I'M
Mr. Gertz said he believed if"we work together,we can come to an agreement."
Councilor Wilson referred to the goal for housing and said he could not recall if this
goal contained language to preserve the land available for the number of units within
the applicable zone and if there is an expectation that when it is zoned for a certain
number of units, that it will actually be permissible to build those.
7:28:52 1'M
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch responded to Councilor Wilson
that goals and policies are in the Comprehensive Plan addressing housing and economic
development needs. There are very specific goals that target the number of housing
units and the number of employees emphasizing that development is an important part
of this community. Councilor Wilson asked, as an example, when die Tree Code is
written if there are relevant portions of other goals that apply, then those would need to
be addressed as well. But, the Development Community is pointing out that"if you do
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Flail Blvd.,"Tigard,Olt 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 I ,nage 9 of 20
this to the Tree Code, this is not going be possible." Mr. Gertz confirmed that this has
been the problem, but so far "it's been falling on deaf ears." When we bring these
issues up,it gets pushed to the side so that is why he feels strongly that this needs to be
part of the goals.
Mr. Gertz referred to the development of the urban growth boundary and the
regulations overlaid on property within the boundary. The development community
"pretty much needs to develop to the current standards...If you don't put something in
the goals that basically says you really need to adhere to the current zoning standards,
who is to say it wouldn't go the same way as the sensitive lands issue...where all of a
sudden you have people that are losing acres of property to sensitive lands." Sensitive
land has to be viewed as an entirely different thing than trees. Trees need to be
preserved as best as possible but you cannot penalize people that own the property just
because they have trees. It is not fair to them. Someone with a blank piece of property
would have a substantially more valuable property than the person who has a treed
property. Trees are not wetlands; they are not riparian areas — they should be
preserved, but we can also grow new trees through replanting. Mr. Gertz said "if you
are going to be enforcing this on one class of people, it should be enforced on the
whole City. And, if you really have a goal as a City to preserve trees and enhance the
canopy of the City,it needs to be on a citywide basis."
7:32:46 I'M
Mr. Gertz suggested that all the language that would needed is for the City to say, "we
want to see x-amount of trees per lot." That way existing trees would count or trees
could be planted, as long as they will become mature trees. The advantage is that not
only does this address treed lots today, but they address "un-treed" lots as well and it
spreads evenly across the whole city and it provides a citywide canopy.
In response to a statement by Mr. Gertz, Mayor Dirksen noted there is nothing in the
proposed Comprehensive Plan language that requires tree mitigation. The document
says we need to have tree mitigation procedures and policies; it doesn't say what those
policies and procedures will be. Mayor Dirksen said he thought that,in many ways,Mr.
Gertz' and Mr. Frewing's concerns are similar: "on the one hand you are concerned
that the document is not specific enough and then on the other hand,you ask us to add
other things to it that would make it very specific." Mr. Gertz maintained that what he
was suggesting wasn't specific—it's just clarifying that "we are going to be able to give
the people the number of lots on the landowner's property that they can currently get.
We are not asking for any changes. All we are asking is for a guarantee that it will
remain the same. This is a paramount thing to senior citizens... for the developing
community it means absolutely nothing to us, because we are only going to purchase
what we can develop as the number lots. It has everything to do with the landowner
who currently owns the lot with trees. That's what it is all about. And, the fear is that
there is nothing there to protect these people's rights. What is wrong with putting
something in there that says...with all of these guidelines, you are going to do this and
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you are still going to be able to develop at the current zoning standards. That is what
needs to happen."
7:35717 I'\1
Councilor Bueliner recalled she had requested that when the City reviewed the urban
forest section of the Comprehensive Plan to make sure there was a connection with
Goal 5 and to have a balance. She said she believes there is legislative history attached
to the housing and development sections that addresses some of Mr. Gertz' concerns.
T361 IR 1'11
Mayor Dirksen pointed out that another issue is that one portion of our Code can't be
written in such a way that it violates another portion of our Code. When we talk about
development standards and zoning requirements with regard to what the zoning is
going to be and what the minimum density will be — and then we refer to tree
protection requirements, one cannot preempt the other. Then, in the urban forest
section,when we say that trees will be preserved to the maximum extent possible, that
includes considering meeting the needs of the Development Code to allow
development to the minimum. zoning standard. Mr. Gertz asked then if this shouldn't
be one of the goals.
7:37:08 I'M
After some discussion,Assistant Community Development Director Bunch noted that
this has been discussed at the Tree Board and at the Planning Commission and staff has
responded in the policies with the statements that you have to consider the
Comprehensive Plan as a whole. Not only do we have housing targets in the zoning
code that directs us to be consistent but there is a policy recommended by the Planning
Commission that says die City shall consider the financial impacts of preserving trees.
2-16 — Prescribing the mitigation of impacts of development, the City shall give
priority to the protection of trees and shall consider the financial impact of
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch said this gives "you that balance to
seek. In addition,there is a policy that says:
The City shall, in order to preserve existing trees and ensure new trees will thrive
allow and encourage flexibility of site design through all aspects of development
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch said this issue has been discussed
and addressed. The Planting Commission has made its recommendation. "What we
are hearing this evening are fears and concerns..." We have a whole range of land use
goals and policies that address the aspects of development in the City of Tigard,which
the Council and the Planning Commission, not bound by specifics, can weigh and
balance when making decisions.
City of Tigard 1 13125 5W Hall Blvd.,'Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-1171 1 I Page 11 of 20
Mr. Gertz contended that if it weighs in the wrong direction, senior citizens could lose
their retirement funds. "This not a very happy situation for any us;we're all going to be
there someday." Most of what we are dealing with today are small-lot subdivisions. He
said he sees no harrn in referencing this. If it is not a problem, then put it in. This will
give direction to those in the future.
Councilor Wilson said he believes this language is there on Page 2-16, Goal 2.
Staff Response:
Associate Phumer Floyd noted Mr. Frewing expressed a broad concern that this
document is not specific enough to bind the City to do anything. The document does
not prescribe administrative practices or regulations. The document does have specific
objectives for the City. For example,Policy 2.3.1
The City shall develop and implement standards or procedures designed to
minimise the reduction of existing tree cover, with priority given to native trees
non-native varietals that are long lived and/or provide a broad canopy spread.
The above tells die City to establish standards that will minimize tree removal and also
prioritize. It doesn't say how we will do it,but describes the overall objective.
Policy 2.3.6 requires the City to provide flexible standards that are available to builders.
If you are going to ask the development community to protect more trees, we should
give them the tools to do so.
Alternatives analysis was discussed by the Tree Board. At the time of this discussion,
staff was concerned about asking a person to provide multiple site plans for one project
might be in conflict of the requirement for clear and objective standards. Also,
submitting multiple plans might not be the best way to do this. Associate Planner
Floyd referenced the appeal of a administrative interpretation over how soon one can
demonstrate they have minimized tree removal. The current process does not require
people to submit multiple maps. There is a narrative that requires the developer to talk
about the process they went through. Associate Planner Floyd said he would argue the
proposed language does give specifics; this is not a useless exercise and there are
specific results that will emerge.
7:41:_S P�[
Councilor Buehner referred to the Homebuilder's letter (Mr. DeHarpport), Item No.
III (on the first page) relating to language on Page 2-12 and the top of Page 2-13. She
said that she did not see any language in the proposed Comprehensive Plan that
addressed the specific issue. She said she would not have a problem with adding this
language, to make it clear that the City will continue to recognize the right of people
who are not developing to have control of what they do with trees on their own
property. Councilor Sherwood said she felt the same way. Councilor Sherwood added
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that she thought that Councilor Woodruff, at another meeting, commented that we do
not want to be getting into anyone else's backyards.
7:45:54 I'M
Associate Planner Floyd referred to discussions about the above comments at the Tree
Board and Planning Commission level. There was a lot of concern about Tigard
becoming too restrictive affecting people's property rights. He said there are a lot of
ways to do this. Many cities require permits and specify certain thresholds that have to
be met;i.e.,you are allowed to cut up to three trees per year. The goal is to avoid clear
cutting of the property. A lot of current research shotes that trees on property adjacent
to another create value for both properties. There is a collective gain if the whole
neighborhood is treed. The proposed document does not speak to permits, because
the Planning Commission and Tree Board did not want to bind Council in this regard
so that language was removed.
7:•17:08 I'M
Associate Planner Floyd noted there was a property owner in Tigard who had no intent
to develop his property but he was selling his property to a different party. The
purchaser asked the seller to cut the trees before the sale was closed. Associate Planner
Floyd said he is not sure if the current language would prevent this type of situation.
7:4Z,iB P"'I
Councilor Wilson asked if any thought was given for more aspirational language in the
Code that wasn't specific but would provide that homeowners would not be unduly
burdened with regard to tree removal. Are we requiring people to live a certain way on
their land; is there some flexibility. Councilor Wilson said he didn't see anything that
spoke to what Councilor Sherwood and Councilor Buchner mentioned.
7:48:79 PU
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch noted this is an important issue. A
homeowner on a 5, 10 or 15,000 square foot lot has a right to manage his or her trees
and landscape in the manner that is consistent with their lifestyle. Comparatively,if we
have a four or five acre piece of property that has a lot of trees on it and it is clear cut
one year and someone waits to build on it, then the City has lost a considerable number
of resources. There needs to be a distinction. To have the flexibility for future
decisions,the City might want to adopt a policy that recognizes the rights of individuals
to manage the trees and landscapes on their own property. That would not include the
clear cutting of sites that have significant importance. So, recognizing the rights of
individual homeowners to manage their trees and landscapes is important, but at such
time the City Council or the future City Council decides to adopt a permit process, then
they would have this particular policy to guide them. For example, regulating the
cutting of each individual tree five inches in diameter and requiring a person to get a
permit to do so is not conducive to the homeowner's rights;however,requiring them to
get a permit to cut mote than 15 trees per year (for example) or to provide advice and
encouragement to manage their landscapes might be in the City's interests. Assistant
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW I-Tg1l Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 I Page 13 of 20
Community Development Director Bunch suggested language to recognize the rights
of individuals to manage their private trees and landscapes would be sufficient.
7:51:211 PN1
In response to Mayor Dirksen, Councilor Buchner said she would find this type of
language to be acceptable "if we can be clear that we are not imposing any litnitations
on the property owner with respect to individual trees or a small number of trees." She
said she understands the concern if someone wants to clear cut the property; this is a
different issue. We do not want to get down to telling people what they can or cannot
do with their property. She does not think this is what the residents of our community
want in terms of taking care of their own property. Councilor Buchner said she would
like for there to be a policy statement in our Comprehensive Plan reflecting the above.
If a future City Council would want to be more restrictive, then they would need to go
through the process for a Comprehensive Plan amendment
7-53:31 PAI
Mayor Dirksen said he thinks that Assistant Community Development Director
Bunch's proposed language reflects the aspiration as stated by Councilor Buchner
without being too specific. The proposed language acknowledges the rights of
residents to have control over the landscaping on their property without undue
interference from the City.
As a point of clarification, City Manager Prosser asked if it would make a difference to
the City Council whether the property was dividable under current zoning — or not
dividable? City Council indicated it would not make a difference. Councilor Buchner
said that something that is not dividable now might at some point in the future become.
dividable. We need to maintain the maximum amount of flexibility. We are looking a
major policy issue of whether we want to tell homeowners what to do on their own
property. In response to a question from City Manager Prosser, Councilor Buelmer
pointed out there are not that many large lot owners in the community;we are dealing
with small infill-types of potential development Councilor Sherwood noted in her
condominium association , they have a large trees and two have had to be removed.
No permit was required. She said she talked to the City forester who confirmed for her
that these were diseased and would not recover. At the same time, Councilor
Sherwood noted that there are some people in her association that would Like to have
all the trees removed while others want the tree canopy. You have to find the balance;
yet, she would not want the City to determine that the trees could not be removed.
Mayor Dirksen said he thought the definition £or nuisance or hazardous trees would be
different that the general removal of trees for no particular reason. Councilor
Sherwood agreed.
7-55A9 I'M
Councilor Buchner noted another city requires the homeowner to prove that a tree is
sufficiently diseased to justify a permit for removal. She noted this could be expensive
for the property owner and she was concerned that the City of Tigard would not move
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 I .Page 14 of 20
in that direction. Councilor Sherwood agreed. Councilor Wilson added he thought the
whole City Council agreed.
7:57:12 1'N1
h. Mayor Dirksen closed the public hearing.
7:57:19 PNI
i. Staff comments and recommendations:
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch, in response to an inquiry from
Mayor Dirksen advised that he would place the policy under the first goal: "To enlarge
and improve and sustain a diverse urban forest (Page 2-13); it would be acceptable to
place the language either under Goal 2.2 or 2.3.
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch said that based upon the above
conversation, he thought it was important to recognize the rights of the individuals;
they need to manage trees and landscapes; but it also needs to also be on developed
residential lots. Combining the three principles, Assistant Community Development
Director Bunch proposed the following language:
The City sball ircogni�e the lights of individuals to manage hies and landscapes m developed
7-59-50 PNI
Councilor Buehner said she did not think the City Council said specifically just on
developed residential lots. Mayor Dirksen said that is what Assistant Community
Development Director Bunch is recommending to be added as this would help avoid
the opportunity for clear cutting. There is a difference between potentially developable
Councilor Wilson commented on the distinction being not to impose regulations on
someone's living situation, their home. Mayor Dirksen said that's why he
recommended the wording include "resident" as opposed to "property owner."
Councilor Wilson added that this would not apply to other types of land;i.e.,industrial.
Councilor Sherwood said she liked Assistant Community Development Director
Bunch's language.
7:>9-1I P\I
Councilor Buehner asked that if she has a house and a separate lot that is undeveloped
that could be divided,how would that policy apply to trees that she had on the potential
second or third lot.
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch responded: For example, if you
had a lot that was 20,000 square feet and it is not divided. That would be considered a
developed,residential lot so you could manage your landscape any way you would want.
But, if you had a 10,000 square foot lot and also owned another tax lot adjacent to it
and there is a tax lot line separating the two, then this policy would apply to the lot on
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Ball Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 I Page 15 of 20
which your house sits on. The intent would be to regulate the clear cutting of the lot
adjacent to you; that is one outcome. He also noted regulations would need to be
developed. The intent would be to no constrain a person in any way of managing the
landscape on the property that your house is on, but it could likely constrain you to
manage the landscape on the separate lot
9-0]:Is hal
Mayor Dirksen asked how this would apply to that salve 20,000 foot lot if it was
dividable; if it was one lot tax now, but it could be divided. Assistant Community
Development Director Bunch responded that it would say you would have the right to
manage the landscape on the whole 20,000 square foot lot
8701:41 I'M
Councilor Buchner noted there are tax or estate planning reasons to partition property
and she is raising the concern whether the City would be creating a discriminatory
situation if there is a differentiation between whether one lot is split and one is not
Mayor Dirksen responded to Councilor Buehner's comment and said if the property
owner has done that, then they have created a situation that is different. Therefore, it
would be legitimate for the City to recognize the difference between the two
Councilor Wilson suggested the discussion was getting too specific. Councilor
Sherwood said this type of language would be considered during the Code update.
Mayor Dirksen said that what we are looking for is language now that will guide to the
proper type of code. Councilor Sherwood responded that what Assistant Community
Development Director Bunch has written makes sense.
8:0234 hal
Assistant Community Development Director Bunch said he did not use the word
"residence" because the property might be renter occupied. The word "individuals" is
broadly inclusive and allows maximum flexibility for the property owner. Councilor
Wilson suggested the following wording
The City of Tigard shall twogtih�e the right of individuals to viallage their home landscapes.
Councilor Wilson asked why we would need to be specific about whether it's a lot or
dividable; this would come later in code.
Mayor Dirksen asked Assistant Community Development Director Bunch to repeat his
proposed language. Assistant Community Development Director Bunch said:
The City shall recognie the rights of individuals to manage trees and landscapes on developed
residential lots
Cityof Tigard I 13125 SW I Iall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 I Page 16 of 20
8-01`77 111
City Attorney Yamaclvka spoke to Assistant Community Development Director Bunch
about addressing the specificity issue on residential developed lots is fairly specific and he
would agree with Councilor Wilson that something that says:
The City will continue to recognize that individuals have the right to manage tees and
landscaping on theirp,vperty.
Discussion followed regarding additional changes to the wording. Councilor Wilson
was asked to restate his suggestion:
The City of Tigard shall recog�ti�e the right of individual to manage their hones (or their
Additional discussion on the wording followed regarding the wording which would
represent the intent of the City Council. Assistant Community Development Director
Bunch suggested the following wording:
The City shall�cogniZe the eights of individuals to manage their residential landscapes.
There was consensus of the City Council regarding the above wording. Mayor Dirksen
suggested it would be more appropriate for this wording to appear in Goal Section 2.3.
8:05:57 rni
Councilor Buchner recommended that the letter supplied by the Homebuilders be
included in the reference materials for those who will be working on the ordinance-
process. Councilor Sherwood added that Sue Beilke's comments should be included
and Councilor Buchner concurred.
Attorney Yamachika recommended the City Council make a motion to add this
language to the Comprehensive PIan.
Motion by Councilor Buchner to amend Goal 2.3 (Exhibit A of the proposed
ordinance) to recognize the rights of individuals as read by staff (The City shall recognise
the rights of individuals to manage their residential landscapes.)
Councilor Sherwood seconded the motion.
The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present.
Mayor Dirksen Yes
Councilor Buchner Yes
Councilor Wilson Yes
Councilor Sherwood Yes
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW I-Tall Blvd.,Tig ird,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tig I Page 17 of 20
Councilor Sherwood made a motion to adopt the ordinance; however, this motion was
withdrawn when it was pointed out that there were some housekeeping amenchnents to
consider also. After discussion on process, the following motion was stated as follows:
s:rna:�i r.[
Motion by Councilor Buchner to adopt the staff recommendations set forth in
Attachment 8 (of the Council Agenda Item Summary document) to be included as part
of the ordinance.
Councilor Wilson seconded the motion.
The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present
Mayor Dirksen Yes
Councilor Buchner Yes
Councilor Wilson Yes
Councilor Sherwood Yes
Motion by Councilor Sherwood to adopt Ordinance No. 08-08 as amended.
Councilor Wilson seconded the motion.
The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present
Mayor Dirksen Yes
Councilor Buchner Yes
Councilor Wilson Yes
Councilor Sherwood Yes
Council discussed a recommendation from the Council Service Task Force regarding Council
Compensation relating to additional responsibilities that could be assigned to the Mayor or a
City Council member along with an increased stipend to be paid to the official who agreed to
the increased assignments.
Assistant City Manager Newton reviewed this agenda item. Highlights of the discussion
that followed are listed below:
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW I fall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 I Page 18 of 20
The proposed ordinance was reviewed --
Assistant City Manager Newton suggested omitting the last sentence in Section 1 of the
➢ Section 2 of the ordinance would define responsibilities and the term (i.e.,might be 3-years);
set compensation more generally. Specificity would be set by the City Council.
➢ Councilor Buehner and Councilor Sherwood spoke to how this came about as a
recommendation by the Council Service Task Force. The goal is for die City to have more
effective regional representation if an elected official has the ability to attend more key
meetings. This should translate into more resources for the City of Tigard.
➢ Council members stressed that they would like to invite and receive public comment on this
proposal. Councilor Wilson noted that this was not about compensation of a City Council
member,but more about giving the Mayor (or Council President) the ability to be more
available. While recognizing there are trade-offs to have the elected positions be classified
as citizen representatives, at the same governance is very demanding and the City could
receive more benefits with a Mayor more engaged.
➢ Councilor Wilson commented there was no hurry to implement this and the City Council
should take more time to consider how or if it should be implemented.
➢ Mayor Dirksen suggested that people send in recommendations to Assistant City Manager
Newton so she could create another draft for the City Council to review.
After discussion about how to proceed from here, the City Council members agreed to
schedule this item for public comment on June 24,2008. City Council members will provide
input they might have to Assistant City Manager Newton as she prepares the information for
the June 24 meeting.
Motion by Councilor Sherwood,seconded by Councilor Wilson, to adjourn.
The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present:
Mayor Dirksen Yes
Councilor Buehner Yes
Councilor Wilson Yes
Councilor Sherwood Yes
City of'I'iprd 1 13125 SW!-Tall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.til, I Page 19 of 20
Attest: atherine Wheatley, City Recorder
Ma , ity of Tigard
City of Tigard 1 13125 SIX Hall Blvd.,Tigard,Olt 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.t4,-ird-or.g0v I Page 20 of 20