City Council Minutes - 11/20/2007 Agenda Item No. 3 , 1 For Agenda of TIGARD CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING November 20, 2007 1. WORKSHOP MEETING 1.1 Call to Order- Cit}r Council: Mayor Dirksen called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. 1.2 Roll Call Naive Present Absent Councilor Buchner ✓ Councilor Sherwood ✓ Councilor Wilson ✓ Councilor Woodruff ✓ Mayor Dirksen ✓ 1.3 Pledge of Allegiance 1.4 Council Communications &Linison Reports: Councilor Sherwood said she would continent briefly about the National League of Cities Conference at the end of the meeting. 1.5 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items: City Manager Prosser said there were none. ?. JOINT MEETING WITI PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD 6 : 10 : 31 PM Public Works Director Koellermeier gave the staff report and said the joint meeting W111-1 Council was ti_tnely since the PRAB has been working hard on many issues and wanted to discuss three general topics with Council— Developing a funding package for Iand acgarsition Moving ahead with a pilot City-tin recreation program Deciding whether or not to include a recreation component when updating the Parks Master Plan Tigard City Council 1lcctitlti Nlinutc:c N nccmber 21),2007 PRAB Vice Chair Brian Davies introduced other board members in attendance: Jason Ashley, .Jason Rogers, Kim Lemberger and Trisha Swanson. I Ie reported on several items the PRAB worked on in the past year including: • Identifying potential park and open spaces to purchase + Outlining a pilot recreation program and approaching the Budget Coniuhittee last year (unsuccessfully) to request funding associated with a one-year pilot recreation program • Giving input on various pari:policies • Representing PKAB on the Downtown improvement project planning and Comprehensive Plan amendments PRAB Vice Chair Davies said they recommend Tigard pursue a bond measure for park land and open space acquisition to offset the growing SDC surplus. He said the PRAB identified 129 acres of sin-plus land for possible purchase and would like to see secure founding to offset SDC's. I Ie said PRAB cannot specify a dollar figure yet but recomnnends a bond measure on the November 2008 or November 2010 ballot. I Ie said tie PRAB has also continued wort:on a pilot recreation program proposal. I Ie said that on die heels of the successful opening of the Skate Park it is tune to push for building snore parks and open spaces as well as adding a City of Tigard run recreation program. I Ie said die PRAB is seeking direction from Council. PRAB Member Lemberger said a recreation program could do a lot for the Tigard comnnunity. She mentioned slope pari: competitions, the Balloon festival and coordination of activities at die newly revitalized downtown plaza. PRAB Member Rogers said, "We lnnow what other park programs look life but what should ours look like? What does the Council want?" He said die PRAB will be updating the Parks System Plan in their next few meetings but before that diey need Counncil uiput on whether to add a recreation program component. Councilor Bueliner commended PRAB for dieir great ideas,but expressed concern that the City has much to deal with in the near future including identifying a long-term water source, developing the downtown, die temporary gas tax, and a potential bond for transportation issues. She said the difficulty is determining priorities and last year die Budget Committee citizen members said a recreation program was nota high priority. Councilor Sherwood said she agrees with Councilor Bueli ner, but if a recreation program is identified as a high priority on surreys, it should Ilse on the priority list. She said she was not against going out for a bond measure but wants it to be specific because citizens need to know exactly what they will get. She asked the PRAB to come back to Council with these specifics: • What would a recreation program cost? • Who/what is covered? • How would it tie iii with existing programs such as youth soccer? 1'i,gard City-C(IO ICI)\ICLAIJI;nIMLICC9 Nncember 20,2007 2 Councilor Woodruff noted that he is Council liaison to the DRAB and reiterated his support. Ile acknowledged their disappointment when the pilot program was not approved last year. IIe noted that the upcoming scientific sLrvey contains specific questions about a recreation program and open space. IIe expressed support for a modest pilot project funded by the General Bund but said it is important to have five to ten benchinarks that can be used to demonstrate whether or not the program was successful. IIe said a pilot project may be the only way to see-if this is what citizens want. City Manager Prosser said staff will report on the cointnunity sui:vcy at the Council meeting of December 18,2007. Councilor Wilson noted he was not on the Council during budget meetings last yeat but agreed with concerns expressed by Council. IIe told the PRAB they need to convince Council that citizens want to spend their tax dollars on dis. He said he was skeptical because for many years Tigard residents have been involved in nnunerous activities that he felt were adequately run by non-profit and volunteer-led organizations. IIe asked for assurance that the proposed program would be significant enough to have a greater impact than what currently exists. Cowicilor Sherwood asked die PRAB if they had approached local soccer or basketball organizations. PRAB Vice Chair Davies said they had not approached the local sports program organizations. IIe said the proposed recreation program would fill gaps such as after- school activities, no-school day activities, small programs and one or two community events. I-Ie noted that there are already agreements with die soccer program at Cook Pari:and these would not be affected. PRAB Member Swanson mentioned that the Tigard Recreation Association dance program had recently folded. She said the after-school program at May Woodward Elementary is so popular that children are being turned away. Mayor Dirksen was he was supportive of the PRAB's recommendation to fund a pilot program last year during Budget Con ii-nittee discussions but he was outvoted. IIe said that while he believes there is general support, a better job needs to be done of selling the program. He suggested the PRAB consider making the proposal more appealing and be willing to look at alternatives to what had been presented. He mentioned that at a joust meeting ti the Tigard-Tualatin School District and the cities of Tigard, Tualatin and King City a need was identified for a single point contact for activity coordination to ensure shared facilities are used most effectively. IIe suggested that tie PRAB consider coordinating with Tualatin and the School District which could allow for cost distribution while meeting selirice needs for everyone involved. Councilor Sherwood said limiting a pilot program to one year might not do it justice and suggested a two-or three-year test program. Mayor Dirksen and Councilor Woodruff agreed. Tigard City COL111 11 NICC611,L4\linutcs November 20,2007 3 Public Works Director Koellertneier gave staff continents including: • A reconunendation for the inclusion of a recreation program component ui die Parks Master Plan. • A preference for focusing on a bond measure for 2010 to allow enough time for a marketing plan and campaign • Concerns that die City's recreation program may have more success than what there is funding for and preparation of a"Plan B" taking-tie program to its next step is recoirunended. • Staff is talking to neighboring conununities and providers to investigate ways Tigard residents could join their recreation programs widiout payuhg out of district fees,perhaps by having Tigard pick up that component. They expect to have information on this by budgeting tune. PRAB Vice Chau Davies thanked Council for their ideas continents. He said he appreciated Public Works Director Koellerineier's comments and agreed that 2008 may be too soon to place a land bond measure on the ballot. Councilor Wilson said he is more supportive of a bond 3neastre for property than a recreation program bond. IIe said the housing market has slowed down somewhat and it night be timely to look at what is available. I-Ie suggested seriously looking at purchasing land soon or it might be gone forever. Public Works Director Koelleizneier gave some statistics saying, " In 1999 we had 313 acres of pari:and open space properties for 36,000 people. In 2007, we have 383 acres so you can see dint the have been acquiring property, but the population has grown to 46,000. We are just barely keepuig up with growth." IIe said staff is prepuing a thorough report on land acquisition that will be presented to Council after the first of the year. Councilor Buchner suggested using land adjacent to City-owned reservoirs for small neighborhood parks. Mayor Dirksen said that if d-ie pilot plan is successful then the nest step may be going out for a bond which would then be based on success, having had a program in place that citizens obviously liked. PRAB Vice Chair Davies said the PRAB recommends procuring land first and then setting up a two-year pilot recreation plan. Council Woodruff mentioned a new designation that they learned about at the National League of Cities Conference — PIayful Cities. He suggested that PRAB Google this group. Mayor asked how Council felt about putting a recreation program component in the Parks Master Plan. Councilor Sherwood said she Nought it was a good idea and the Mayor concurred. TiGard CIL)'C OLUICI1 NICUM1,1,MiIIMUS November 20,2007 .1 Councilor Woodruff suggested that the PRAB develop a skate park advisory group made up of luids to work on issues, competitions, policing frons their perspective. Nlayor Dirksen asked the PRAB if they would be interested in taking dais on and Vice Chau Dall7es said they would be. Councilor Buehner suggested looking at the hours the skate park is open to snake sure it is open when the younger kids can use it. 3. DISCUSS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE — PUBLIC FACILITIES & SERVICES - CPA 2007-00004 7 : 20 : 55 PM Associate PIanner Wyss gave a staff report briefiig Council on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment pertaining to Statewide Land Use Planning Goal 11: Public Facilities and Services. He said staff worked with a Policy Interest Team and the Planning Commission to develop proposed goals, policies and recommended action measures. He said die public hearing for this section is scheduled for December 4, 2007. He said the most substantive change suggested by the Plann ilg Cotmmission was adding a policy to Section Five - Franchise Utilities — that directs to City to manage die siting of wireless cominu nication towers to minimize visual impact. He said no public testimony was given at the Planning Colnlnission public hearing on November 5, 2007 and no further changes were suggested by the Planning Conhlmission. Council discussed the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and made die following colmrments and suggestions. Section 1.: Stormtivater Management Councilor Woodruff suggested and Councilor Wilson agreed, drat die introduction should define what exactly public services and facilities are. Page 11-3: City Manager Prosser said it is incorrect to say that honey placed in the Storm Sewer bund is managed by C1eanWater Services. He said die Cite manages it and there are other corrections to be made including the Surface Water Management fee percentage. Associate Planner Wyss said he would work with City Manager Prosser to fix dlese errors. Page 11-4, Policy 4: Mayor Dirksea asked if specific mention of annexation is necessary. Associate Planner Wyss said he would bring different wording back for Council review. Page 11-4, Policy G: Councilor Wilson said this policy implies a more active role than the City will have. Associate Planner Wyss said the discussion from die Policy Interest Teale was how to keep the smaller streams in a natural state by not piping them. Mayor Dirksen said there may be instances when stream alteration would be necessary and tie way the language is written none would be allowed. I Ie suggested the language, "Streams should be maintained in their natural state so as to preserve their storm water conveyance and treatment functions," which would allow modifications if necessary, and it some cases would even improve the stream. Ti-ard f;itv Council Mcciinq A[inuec;; November 20,2007 5 Section 2: Water Supply&Distribution Action Nleasurrc i (page 11-S): Council Woodruff said die language was not strong enough in this Action Measure. He said the City should be long past investigating; - it should be developing - a partnership with otter 1LrrlSdrethOrlS to secure a long teen water supply before this document is completed. Page "11-6: Councilor Buchner said the Intergovernmental Water Board is known as the IWB. Action Measure iv: Councilor Buehner said pressure flows are an ongoing issue in die City, particularly at higher elevations. She suggested re-writing this to say, "Where appropriate, increase pressure flows..." Mayor Dirksen said it might tale a capital unprovetnent prograrm to improve flows. Policy S. Councilor Wilson said this Policy needs clarification because it could be interpreted to read that parking lot expansions and other development which would not require water wound have to comply xviti dais policy. Section 3: Wastewater Management Page 11-9: Councilor Woodruff noted that the printing in die black bot in his version of this document has missing words. Policy 5. Councilor Wilson asked for clarification on the City's current policy to prohibit repair or replacement of septic tank systems widhin the City, unless it is not feasible to connect to the wastewater system. Associate Planner Wyss said it was his understanding that people within 300' of a sewer line when their septic tank requires repair,must hook up. Engineer Duenas said it depends on the extent of the repair and a replacement would not be allowed. I Ie said the City is just enforcing what Washington County requires. In response to a question from Couuncilor Sherwood asking how the City would know if a septic system was being repaired, Engineer Duenas said a plutnbing permit is required and the homeowner would be corning to Tigard's Permit Center. Section 4: Community Facilities Page 11-16, 9. The City shall require the Senior Center to be accessible.... Mayor Dirksen asked, "Require who, require ourselves?" Associate Planner Wyss said Community Development staff had changed the word "ensure" to "require" as requested by Council in previous comprehensive plan amenchnent discussions. Councilor Buchner said this was one instance where"ensure"was properly used. 'ligand(:itc COLII161 Ucctin};Aline; Novcmbcr 20,2007 6 Page ,11-15: Councilor Buehner asked why there was a reference to Beaverton. Mayor Dirksen said this was just a fact pertinent to the discussion on schools. Associate Planner Wyss said it would be changed to read, Beaverton School District. Pagel 1-14: Councilor Woodruff noted that in a Key binding, Police response time had increased over the Iast 5 years to 4 minutes, 30 seconds. He asked how it had changed. Councilor Sherwood said the goal used to be 4 minutes or under. Associate Planner Wyss said the response time five years ago was 3 minutes and 52 seconds. Council recommended saying it had increased by a certain number of seconds. Section 5: Franchise Utilities Councilor Buchner remarked that there is a current lawsuit regarding franchise fee validity and asked if this should be addressed in this section. City Manager Prosser said the case has been going on for sig: years and there is talk of the legislature moving to limit or otherwise stricture franchise audionity at dle local level. IIe said because of this lie is suggesting re-titling this section and will worn:with staff on wording. 11-19, Policy 6: City Manager Prosser asked staff to continue to worn: on this section. He said the entire field is changing and it is no longer clear who the service providers are. IIe said for example, Verizon is now providing video and Comcast is providing phone service so die references are not accurate. Mayor Dirksen said this brought up a concern for hien about general language in the comprehensive plan and urged staff to make an effort to make it a more tuneless doctulnent. I-Ie used the example of a Key Finding on page 11-14, that notes 'n7FR is planning a new station. He said this reference will be out of date after the fire station is built. Councilor Wilson agreed and suggested drat staff look at entire document with regard to shelf life. Councilor Wilson asked where solid waste hauler agreements are addressed. Associate PIanner Wyss said that was addressed it the)✓nviromnental Quality Section. Councilor Wilson asked if we have anything that says what happens if service providers don't give good customer sclArice. Mayor Dirksen agreed that something should be written in this section. Associate Planner Wyss noted that tine material given to Council includes two Goals, 3: Agricultural Lands and 4: Forest Lands Sections, which were added so the Comprehensive Plan format follows the Statewide Land Use Goals Format. .IIe said Tigard is not required to address these Goals but staff felt skipping some of the numbers would make the doctunent confusing. Councilor Buchner said this should be mentioned in the introduction. Associate Planner Wyss said Council's changes would be incorporated and brought back for the public hearing of December 4,2007. Tigard Cily Council Nlccting MillUtUS Noi'nnber 311,220I17 7 At 7:58 Councilor Sherwood moved that Council adjourn and reconvene as the City Center Development Agency. Couuicilor Bueli ner seconded and die nnotion was approved by all Council present. Councilor Buchner yes Councilor Sherwood yes Councilor Wilson yes Councilor Woodruff yes Mayor Dirksen yes Chair Dirksen called die City Center Development Agency (CCDA) meeting to order and called a five-minute recess. Chair Dirksen reconvened die CCDA at 8:05 p.m. 4. DIRECTION FOR PREFERRED CONCEPT DESIGN PLAN FOR FANNO CREEK PARK AND THE DOWNTOWN PLAZA 8 : 06 : 53 PM Principal Planner Nachbar described die process used to develop die Fanno Creel:Park and Downtown Plaza plans which began in April and is expected to go dhrough January. He said the master plan would provide direction for construction and is die catalyst project identified in the Downtown Plan. He said staff was seeking Council connnients and direction to move forward. I-Ie said it is projected that the final version would tonne to Council for adoption on January 22, 2008. Principal Planner Nachbar introduced Walker IvIacy Consultant Mike Zilis, Steering Committee Chair Switzer, Kendra Smith from Clean Water Services, and Page Stevens and Paul Meyer, owners of Stevens Marine. IIe said steady progress has been made towards a plaza and park for downtown and a Resolution was passed by die CCDA on August 28, 2007 confirming the site choice of the plaza as die current Stevens Marine site. IIe said staff has been working tvidn two conunittees, the Steering Conunittee and the City Center Advisory Commission, and both conn nittees have been encouraged to make independent recominenda Lions. He said die consultant firm Walker Macy developed three design schemes and we're evolving towards one scheme,which has been refined since CCDA reviewed it last. Principal Planner Nachbar said while everyone seems comfortable widh the plan, most people are concerned with the details. I-le said a master plan is untended to provide a layout and general concepts, such as die plaza, fountain and urban creel:idea. IIe said details would develop during a secondary design process which will take place when die City designs and builds a shelter for the plaza. Ti-gard City CMM 1 INlcctillg Minutes Nus ember 20,2007 9 Chair. Dirksen said that a third group is working on design guidelines for tlhe entire Downtown which also affect what this project loops like. Principal Planner Nachbar said that in addition to developing these standards, specific design guidelines are being developed hist in case we have a project in hand for the properties next to the plaza. Walker Macy Consultant Zilas gave a synopsis of the Latest project design. I Ie presented slides showing the park area, creel: and riparian zoite. He described the lower part: as a natuue pari:with trails and overlooks. He stated that the regional trail will follow the creek and noted that the public spoke at length about making the area safer and nicer. Fie said otter schemes presented to the public and conhrnittees showed two ideas of how the trails should work in the park. He said tie continuity between the two schemes was the irnportaiice of die Ash Street Crossing as well as bringing die trail up through talc lower portions of the properties to the plaza site. He said Clean Water Services is proposing to re-meander d-ie creek and build additional wetlands. I-Ie said there are a variety of proposals is to connect the trail from bellied A-Boy across the creek. He said the cotnrnittee was in favor of bridging tie trail belluld die brew pub property and crossing over the creek towards Main Street on a cantileavered deck. In response to a question from Chair Dirksen, Principal Planner Nachbar said the City currently has a Memorandum of Understanding with the owner of the brewpub for a public access easement at tie brewpub property. Consultant Zilas said he heard very clearly from the conlrnittees a preference for including sustainability to make this the "green heart" of Tigard. IIe said there were strong preferences ex-lhressed for a traditional downtown lVldl inore natural elements for the para:. Consultant Zilas presented die proposed Upland Part:&Plaza plan with its sections: Light colurnrhs, PIaza, Fountain, Cafe Seating, Festival Street, Stormwater planters and the Urban Creek IIe said the inixed-use building in the plaza could take on a variety of characteristics and he presented twee design options. IIe recommended that "honest' materials be used (real stone and wood) and that it should be well constructed. The options shown were: > Picnic Shelter/Restroom- Contemporary Style with Green Roof > Picnic Shelter/Restroom with Solar Panel (another way to bring in sustainability) > Picnic Shelter/Restroom—Traditional,Lodge style Widh Gable Roof Board Member Wilson asked about a water quality facility that he heard would serve 40 acres and asked if that was what the urban creel: discharges into. Principal Planner Nachbar said there was currently another facility planned for Maui and Conunercial Streets which would take water from the northern half of downtown as well as 99W. He said he is exploring with City Engineer Duenas ways to drain more water into Fanno to create a more fully functioning creek. Ti,qnrd CkV COUI)CIt NICCtIn 11'b I7ll IL'ti Nloccmbcr 3U,2007 9 Board Member Wilson expressed concerns about low suuhuner creek flow which can make the water murky and unappealing. He said the creek is more interesting when it has more volume. I Ie said he was also concerned about the steepness of the banks and with a large deck taking over half of die creel: area, the design would not have the intended effect. He suggested terracing down to the water. Kendra Smith of CIeanWater Services responded and said they had looked at that section of Fanno Creels to see if terracing would work. She said the concern is that it is so steep and because there is about 12 cubic feet per second pushing through there. She said there is a backwater created by 99W during flooding events that shapes the creels into an hourglass shape and die narrowest part is at Main Street by the A-Boy property. She said it is difficult to get anydiing to grow along die banks but CWS will be testing some plants this winter to see what can tolerate the velocities that flow through in winter. In response to a question fiom Board Member Wilson about widening the creek she said there wasn't enough space between the two buildings for dhe creel: and a trail if it was widened. She also expressed concern about slope stability. She suggested that any improvements recharging the groundwater such as pervious surfaces and stonnwater planters will help with flow. Chair Dirksen said overall he likes tie look and the direction of the park and plaza layout. He asked what die justification was for moving tie padh from one side of the creek to the osier and whether this would affect property, owners. Walker Macy Consultant Zilis said it is not only being done for restoration on dhe upper bank but that it is also better from a public use standpoint. Board Member Wilson said he disagreed "vidi some of the comments about adding more slu-ubs and would prefer that people be able to see into tie park rather than have it walled off from view widi plantings. Board Member Buehner said she attended a recent Fanno Creek Park and Plaza Open I-louse and found it to be a very positive experience. She noted drat here were questions from citizens about stream meandefing so she wished Clean Water Services had been bete to respond. She said she could see that many comments from citizens have been incorporated into the concept. S : 56 : 04 PM Page Stevens, one of the owners of Stevens Marine was invited to speak. I Ie said his business has been in die downtown Tigard location for 27 years but had outgrown tie property and so he was receptive when Principal Planner Nachbar came to hien ividh the idea of using d-ie property as tie main plaza area for tie new park in a revitalized downtown. He said their business has outgrown their current facility and a change to a site tividh enough space and on a busy street would be an advantage. He said die),currently work out of four locations and it Would benefit them to work out of a consolidated location. He said they wish to stay ii Tigard and continue to do business with their established customer base. Ti}ani Cit}.Cuund Nlccting Minutes November 20,2007 10 Chair.Dirksen said die CCDA would be pleased to work with them In any way they can. He said they would attempt to find another location in Tigard drat will meet tleu needs. He suggested putting guides at the new plaza letting the Public know die location of Stevens Marine's new site. Board Member Woodruff said it was encouraging to hear directly from Mr. Stevens that he is supportive of this concept. Carl Switzer, representing die Steeming Committee and City Center Advisory Cotmthhission, said there is consensus that Tigard is moving Ih the right diLection and dhat most concepts presented are solid. He said he liked how die consultants Integrated many of dheir suggestions about how die trail would meander through die park. He noted that a loop system in die pari;will create a feeling of safety. He said tie feeling about the general design of die plaza is positive but they would like to retirisit die building design. He said there could a really dramatic element at die plaza that expresses die heart of Tigard, and die CCAC would like die building as proposed as a placeholders but not as a final design. In response to a question from Board Member Woodruff about whether or not staff has provided good opportunities for input, Mr. Switzer said there were. Chair Dirksen said he had a few conitnents regarding the size of the plaza water fountain and asked if the plaza is usable other dhan for a water feature? He asked if there would be the flexibiliq, to turn it off and use more of die plaza for other functions? Consultant Zilas said the fountain is designed to be programmed Ih a variety of ways including turning it completely off. Board Member Wilson said die Plaza needs to be multi-use and if a water feature is to be part of it, it should be able to be turned off. He recommended that flus be written into the deisgin document. Board Member Woodruff remarked that some citizens prefer a more European style fountain and don't care for ash Interactive fountain. Board Member Buchner expressed her desire drat die fountain be a subordinate feature of the plaza and not dominate it. Chair Dirksen said it should be a plaza with a fountain,not a fount-Lin with a plaza Chau Dirksen said lie thought die shelter designs are too modern. I Ie said die buildiig needs to reflect more of a traditional design element. I Ie said it is important to improve and protect the degraded creek and riparian area but it is Important to remember that this is first and foremost a pari: for people. 1-le said the more accessible flus area is for people the more dley will care about it. Principal Planner Nachbar said die fugal version of the Master Plan will be coining back to Council on January 22,2008 for approval. CODA Board Member Wilson moved and Board Member Woodruff seconded die motion to adjourn die City Center Development Agency anti reconvene die City Tigard(Jtr COLUIeil MCL611�INIIJIMUS Nm umber 20,20(17 11 Council. The motion was approved by all CCDA Members present. Board Member Bueluier yes Board Member Sherwood yes Board Member Wilson yes Board Member Woodruff yes Chair Dirksen yes 5. TIGARD 99W IMPROVEMENT AND lviANAGEMENT PLAN REPORT— STAFF AND CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CCAC) RECOMMENDA- TIONS 9 : 17 : 02 PM Assistant Community Development Director Bunch said die Iighway 99W traffic congestion is well known and many plans have been done over die years. He said this plan is different because it provides specific policy reconninendations. Ivti:. Bunch acknowledged City, Oregon Department of Transportation (ODO'l) for funding dais study wwidh a grant, Tri-Met,Washington County and Metro were allat the table. Staff proposes that die CAC's reconninendations come to the Planning Connnhission Engineer Duenas sturunarized Highway 99W issues and future needs in a Powerpoint presentation, which is available in die City Recorder's office. He said there is no one answer to the various traffic difficulties on 99W. He said the Coninuttee created combinations of diree maul alternatives: • Partial Widening, • Access Management • full Widening. Councilor Wilson said he was on the Transportation System Plan Coninuttee in 2002 and asked what is different about this plan. Engineer Duenas said tl>is plan contauis medians and unproved intersections,while nnami auiing a five-lane system throughout. Mayor Dirksen asked if traffic signals could be more aggressively coordinated. Engineer Duenas replied that awhile synchronization of the signal system is an objective, it can have tie unintended effect of bogging down traffic. I-Ie said it is designed for a particular speed and when dhat speed is not achieved,it doesn't work. Mayor Dirksen asked if Council has reviewed tis document and feels that they have enough information to make a decision. CitNN Manager Prosser asked when staff would be bringing this back for formal adoption. Assistant Community Development Director Bunch said it would be back for Council review within diree to four mondls. Cowicilor Wilson said he liked die direction of die recommendations but a flaw of die Study is that it considers only the pavement and not the land use aspects. I Ie said many Tigard Cit),(:council MUCting Minures November 20,2007 12 of die commercial uses along 99W such as strip malls, are obsolete. He said if the priority is access control to make it easier for cars along 99W, then backage roads need consideration. He said backage roads were rejected in this report as not feasible and he disagrees. He said they would be challenging because 99W is on a diagonal but he'd lilie to see them affirmed as part of the flan. IIe said seven lanes are in die ODOT plan and if Tigard is going to give up the fiends available for that widening, that money should be spent on backage roads and other considerations. Mayor Dirksen said ODOT will support projects off of the highway if it can be proven that they would enhance the fi>nctioning of the street. Councilor Buehner said she supported backage roads and suggested putting stronger language about then in the report and to make it a directive as part of the land use analysis. Mayor Dirksen asked if it was possible, rather than rejecting this report because it doesn't include this consideration, for Council to call for the addition of an appendix, that would identify this as a preferred method of achieving the goals of access management. Assistant Conuntuuty Development Director Bunch said this is a site design issue more associated with a specific project or redevelopment. IIe suggested keeping the 99W Report as it is and taking on the backage roads as part of Tigard's own project specific improvements. He said requirih7g shared parking and connected parking of new development could be accomplished on a site by site basis. IIe said the City's Transportation System Plan is being updated and specific hinguage can provide direction to do this whenever possible. IIe said die Cite would need to loon: at its own Development Code standards in order to ensure appropriate stacking distance and side- street connectivity and then request design exceptions from ODOT if needed. In response to a question from Mayor Dirksen, Assistant Conuhhunity Development Director Bunch reiterated that the backage roads/shared parking lots solution is a local response to the plan, not part of the plan and is based upon the City's own land use audhofities and policies. Councilor Buehner said she disagreed and wanted to see this become part of the plan so it doesn't get lost. She said if it wasn't included she would not vote for the plan. Councilor Wilson said he agreed that these issues should be addressed. I-Ie mentioned that when looking on the Transportation and Grown Management website it specifically tall.s about coupling land use with transportation. He said their backage road option needs to become part of this ODOT funded plan. Assistsunt Community Director Bunch said, "My concern is one of practicality in that we do have this plan fight now. We don't want to approach adoption of this plan based upon a specific element that can be accomplished through a local initiative." He said the City can accomplish these other things through another ODOT funded TGM plan Tigard's Transportation System Phan. Tigard f al.v(.uuncil INICCCIIIh NIMUlcec Nm-cmbrr 20,2007 13 Mayor Dirksen recommended that Councilors Buehner and Wilson work with Assistant Conhrnunity Development Director Bunch to see if they can come up with a compromise. The proposed I-Eghway 99W Citizen Advisory Committee Reconunendations were presented by Mr. Bunch. A copy of these recommendations is available in die City Recorder's Office. He invited two CAC members to offer their perceptions. Jesse Black said he represented the Tigard Chamber of Commerce. I-Ie thanked NIL. Bunch and Mr. Duenas for shepherding diem on this Con-uhnittee. He said die Cite needs to come to an agreement about what die problem on 99W is. He said ODOT just wants to get more cars darough Tigard but he said he feels the problem is drat there is too much congestion preventing citizens from getting to one side of town to die other, to get from their homes to businesses, etc. IIe said over 50% of the traffic doesn't originate or terminate in Tigard. He felt the only sway to solve the problem was to re-route traffic from Highway 99W to I-5 and the best bypass route is whatever can be built die soonest. He urged die City Council to help hurry dais along. Tim McGilvery said he was die bicycle advocate on the CAC and looked to tie many things together such as the downtown development and cotrunuter rail. He said nothing can be done here about sprawl in Sherwood but diere are ways that Tigard can itnptove transportation alternatives for dieir own citizens. I-Ie urged Council to ask citizens to move around iii single-occupant vehicles. He said Fanno Creek is a jewel and the Fanno Creek Trail is fantastic. IIe recotninended opening the Trail uuider the 99W Bridge as a way to give bicycles and pedestrians a connection to die trail system Without travelling Oil 99W. Mayor Dirksen said Tigard meets regularly tividi Tri-Met about improving mass transit between Tigard and downtown Portland, as well as between nearby cities. I-Ie said Council is looking at bike lanes that don't exactly match die main street grids. Mr. McGilvery said he supported getting rid of die bike lanes on 99W. He said diere may be resistance because it can be the flattest and fastest route but viable alternatives are available to 99W, wlhich is noisy, smelly and dangerous for cyclists. IIe suggested developing a spoke and hub system to move citizens arouuzd. Couuicilor Wilson said he supported all 10 recommendations and suggested adding an eleventh - removitng the bike lanes from 99W and putting them on parallel streets. I-Ie also suggested a twelfth — putting utility lines underground and adding a street tree program. IIe said due Ciq was told years ago that the power lines were of too high a voltage to put uuhderground but diere hasn't die underground directional boring capacity then that is available now. He suggested die low voltage telephone and medium voltage lines could be removed from the poles since we're doing work diere anyway and put undergrotuid. He said high voltage electrical lines could temani near die top of die pole, and street trees could be planted underneath them. Tigard(Av C until Atccling Ntinut" N<mumhcr 20,2007 1q Assistant Conununity Development Manager Bunch said worl.-ing«rith the Tree Board irught be feasible when planning the undergrounding of utilities to enhance the 99W aesthetics. 6. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS 7. NON AGENDA ITEMS — City Manager Prosser asked Council to bring their calendars to the nest meeting so team building and goal setting meetings can be scheduled. S. ADJOURNNIEN T At 10:27 p.m. Councilor Woodruff moved for adjournment. Councilor Buchner seconded the motion and all voted ui favor. Yes No Councilor Woodruff ✓ Mayor Dirksen ✓ Councilor Buchner ✓ Councilor Shernvood ✓ Councilor Wilson ✓ Carol A. Krager, Deputy City Recorder Attest: Mayol, City of Tigan Date: Tigard CitV COL1I161 NICC[ins�INNIUIcs Novonher 20,2007 1i