City Council Minutes - 08/21/2007 Agenda Item No. V .l , For Agenda of �s 2007 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP Meeting Minutes August 21, 2007 1. WORILSHOP MEETING 1.1 Mayor Dirksen called the meeting to order at 632 p.m. 1.2 Roll Call: Naive Present Absent Mayor Dirksen ✓ rCouncilor Buehner ✓ Councilor Sherwood ✓ Councilor Wilson ✓ Councilor Woodruff ✓ 1.3 PIedge of Allegiance 1.4 Council Conuntuucations&Liaison Reports:None 1.5 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items: None 2. DISCUSS I-5 TO HIGHWAY 99W CONNECTOR PROJECT ALTERNATIVES City Engineer Duenas introduced this item. 1-5 Connector Project Team representatives, Lawrence Odell, Assistant Director of Land Use for Washington County; Russ Knoebel, Principal Engineer for Washington County; and Scott Richman of DaE7d Evans Associates were present. Washington County Principal Engineer Knoebel gave a PowerPoint presentation on the I-5 to 99W Connector Project. A copy of his PowerPoint is on file in die City Recorder's Office. He said future predictions are that there would be 1,000 more velicles on 99W per hour and 500 additional vehicles per hour on Durharn Road, as wellas 1,500 more vehicles per hour on 99W sough of Tigard. I Ie said this would be the Tigard City Council Meeting 1b1unutes—August 21,2007 page 1 reality if no new facilities are built He estiumated that the demand for vehicles moving from east to west between I-5 and 99W would increase by 100%. David Evans Consultant Scott Riclunan discussed the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Amendment process steps, which include developing a range of alternatives to meet the challenges. Ile presented the choices identified to improve transportation between I-5 and 99W, noting that each step includes obtaining citizen iinput through community forums and public hearings— 1. No-Build Alternative 2. Transportation Demand IVlanagement/Transportation System Management (TDM/TSl1,D Alternative 3. Enhance Existing System Alternative (ESSA) 4. Two Connector Alternatives within die Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) (4d and 4e) 5. One Connector Alternative partially outside the UGB (5b) Consultant Riclunan said the State regtures consideration of a no-btuld alternative as well as looking at existing system enhancements before recommending a solution that requires higher capital costs. Mr. Richman said all connector alternatives connect with 1-5 in the same place and he noted that the blue shaded area on the map extends well beyond the I-5 freeway because ODOT and the Federal Highway Adnninistration will not allow a new direct interchange onto Interstate 5. He said it needs to be tied into the adjacent I-205 and Stafford Road interchanges and connected to those via auxiliary Innes or rannps that would not disrupt operations on I-5. Mayor Dirksen asked if traffic would be able to flow directly from I-205 onto a connector without having to travel onto 1-5. Consultant Richman said that was correct. Councilor Buchner noted that on the draft maps a road is shown connecting Tualatin Sherwood Road with 72""crossing over both the Tualatin River and the railroad tracks. She asked if getting another railroad crossing was possible. Mr. Richman said leis understanding was that a railroad crossing or bridge would need to be grade separated and considering feasibility would be part of the analysis. Councilor Buehner also said the route goes through Tualatin Park and Durham Park, which would significantly impact the newly connected park system. She asked if the Project Team had spoken with dne Cite of Durham yet. Mr. Richman said they had not. Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes —August 21, 2007 page 2 On Alignment 513, Councilor Buelhner remarked that the proposed east-west connector road in Tualatin needs to take into account the new high school built to the soudl of Tualatin High School and adjacent land owned by the school district. Washington County Principal Engineer Knoebel said he heard concerns frorn Tigard Council last time he attended a City Council meeting that the farther south die I-5 to 99W corridor gets, the less assistance it would be for Tigard. He said preliminary data shows Alternative 4E has the potential to remove 1,000 vehicles per hour off of 99W north of Main Street in Tigard. Alternative 5B has die ability to remove 900 vehicles per hour and both alternatives could remove 250 trucks off of 99W, north of Main Street. Washington County Assistant Land Use Director Odell said tie five alternatives are being studied as though each individually would solve the issue at stake. He said, "Ultirnately, the solution is going to be a combination of lungs." He�e also noted that the blue swaths on the reaps are 1,000 foot wide and the actual alignments will be much less. He said these routes made the first cut because they avoided sensitive areas like the Tualatin National Wildlife Refuge, cemeteries and schools. Mayor Dirksen asked Council for their corrunents. Councilor Sherwood said any one of the connector alternatives looked like it would remove a lot of cars. She stressed the importance of reducing truck traffic on 99W. She liked the idea that even if a connector is chosen, there will be some improvements to enhance die system. Mayor Dirksen said a combination of a new route plus enhancements to existing roads was the most logical choice. He said the Council previously expressed concerns to the project team and steering cornrnittee about proposed routes being too far soudi, but it appears those routes have been taken off the table. Councilor Buehner said it would be easier to look at the northern two alternatives rather than the southern one due to issues relating to being outside the urban growth boundary. She said die other issue is the viability of getting this land. She said the development dint has occurred could make die right of way very expensive and asked for an estimate on d-ie tight-of-way cost. Washington County Principal Engineer Knoebel said the corridor location will be known within six months, but the right-of-way detains will need to be worked out later. He said as soon as they know the route they hill be out purchasing land in tie corridor to protect the right of way. Mayor Dirksen asked the City Engineer for his comments on the alternatives. Engineer Duenas said each has advantages and disadvantages but he rioted that Alignment 4D connects to Roy Rogers Road which he felt makes a natural connection to Scholls Ferry Road. Engineer Duenas noted the next Steering Cornrnittee meeting was scheduled for August 22, 2007 and they have sought written input fiorn the City of Tigard. Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes—August 21,2007 page 3 Mayor Dirksen said a Ietter was being finalized and would be delivered to the Steering Cortunittee meeting the next day by its 12:30 p.m. meeting. 3. DISCUSS STRATEGIES FOR RSTABLISIIING A CONTINUING DIALOGUE WITH THE OREGON TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION City Engineer Duenas said the Council expressed interest in establishing a dialogue widi die Oregon Transportation Commission members to raise their level of awareness of dhe traffic congestion problems on 99W and other state highways in the area. He said Tigard has a vested interest in talks about: > Highway 217 Widening Project > Hall Boulevard improvements and it being turned over to die City or County > Improvements on 99W Implementation Plan require more finding > Off-street projects In-6ting dle Oregon Transportation Coinunission members to a Council meeting was suggested. Including only tie OTC members who live in the Portland area was discussdd. Councilor Sherwood said inviting all members might be more appropriate. Mayor Dirksen agreed that all should be invited soon so Tigard's needs can be made Icanown. Councilor Buelhner remarked that some topics, such as off-street projects, are issues in many conununities. Engineer Duenas said he would prepare a Ietter for Mayor Dirksen's signature inviting all the Oregon Transportation Coinnnissioners to a future Tigard City Council meeting. 4. ANNEXATION ISSUES: REVIEW STATUS OF ANNEXATION PROGRAM OUTREACH AND REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING APPLYING A LOWER DENSITY ZONE TO DEVELOPABLE PROPERTY UPON ANNEXATION Assistant Conununity Development Director Bunch introduced dhis item and said he would report on the status of Annexation Program outreach efforts and Assistant Planner Eng would then present an analysis about whether the City could apply lower density zoning in the Bull Mountain area upon annexation. Annexation Program Outreach:Assistant Community Development Director Bunch said dle City is in the process of implementing Council's direction to extend annexation invitations to property owners within 100 feet of the City's boundary. He said staff has mailed about 240 Ietters already,and will snail about 500 letters overall,informing property owners of dhe benefits of annexation and describing incentives. IIe indicated that City staff could he more proactive but there was a lot of other wort:for thein to do Tigard City Council Meeting 1\fin rtes—August 21,2007 page 4 to iinplement Council's goals. He suggested drat staff complete die mailings and if any property bwners are interested in an nexation then staff would meet widi diem. IIe said dhere have been no takers except for an annexation that is being processed for development purposes. Councilor Sherwood said, "There was not a goal this year to annex property on Bull Mountain. I don't feel staff should be going out and tiyirhg to get people into the City." She said, "I don't want to spend any more staff time on dnis when we've got a Comp Plan.... and a Downtown to do." Mayor Dirksen said he agreed widi bods sides. He suggested d-lat staff follow up on anyone expressing interest and that there was a duty to encourage what die City thinks is best. IIe said, "We set dais program in motion and I think we should follow it through." He said he was not surprised drat there was not a lot of response yet. IIe said the current level of energy tie staff was putting into dais is adequate due to their lhigher priorities. Councilor Buehner said people tend to procrastinate and as tie ending of tie incentive program nears, there might be more interest. r Mayor Dirksen said die situation might be different if die City sees opportunities in specific properties because of other needs such as expanding the water storage reservoir or adding to the Cach Creek park property. Council direction is for staff to finish dieir efforts -%vid1 mailings and to process any requests that come in. Applying Louver Density Residential Zones to Properm upon Annexation:Assistant Planner Eng noted drat Mayor Dirksen had asked staff to investigate die possibility of applying a lower density to developable property when it is annexed to die City. She said dhat after researching the necessary procedures,staff recornmends against dais proposal and that a better and more effective way to achieve lower density on Bull Mountain world be dhrough die Comprehensive Plannmi g process. Assistant Planner Eng said the Tigard Municipal Code allows for zoning changes upon or after annexation dhrough a process which would include either a Zone Map amendment or a Comprehensive Plan amendment. However, the zone change that has been proposed is one that would go into effect immediately upon annexation,which is counter to current policies in effect such as the Development Code, die Comprehensive Plan, die Metro Regional Functional Plan and die Tigard/Washington County Urban Planning Area Agreement (UPAA) and the State/Metro Housing Rule. She said it was also doubtful that die State and Metro would support significant Plan, Code and UPAA amendments or die incremental approach of initiating Plan and Zoning snap amendments for individual,newly annexed properties. She said it might not be an Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes—August 21, 2007 page 5 effective way to lover residential densities on Bull Mountain. Assistant Planner Eng said there were potential benefits to the proposal but they were not guaranteed, such as: > It nhiglht provide an incentive to annex because as larger lots become less coronion, and developers might want to develop at a lower density to meet a market demand. > There is a perception that anihexing to Tigard automatically results in higher dens* than in the County,which is not necessarily true. This addresses those concerns. > The proposal might provide more low-density residential living opportunities in areas where lower density is more suitable due to die neighborhood characteristics or topography. Assistant Planner Eng said there are many constraints to developing this change, including obtaining approval from many levels of government,including Washington County, State of Oregon and Metro. Mayor Dirksen asked, "Are you saying dlat before we could implement a change we would have to go to these agencies and request their approval?" Assistant Conununity Development Director Bunch said that in order to change tie proceddre Tigard would have to do some major legislative arnendinents. He said the City has to prove to Metro that agreed upon housing targets would not be affected. I Ie also said die City and County have coordinated density plans and this would need to change. Assistant Cointnunity Development Director Bunch said that for Hese reasons, tie task would be complex yet tie outcome would not be very significant because there is not that much Land up there. Mayor Dirksen asked staff how much land would be irnpacted. Mr. Bunch said less than SO acres. Mayor Dirksen asked if this could be done as part of the Comprehensive Plan Update, noting that as the Comprehensive Plan is expected to be hanged for tie downtown, with inixed-use residential being added as well as a residential component in die Tigard Triangle,it might make up for housing touts lost as a result of re-zoning on Bull Mountain.Assistant Community Development Director Bunch said this could be considered with tie Urbanization segment of the Comprehensive Plan. This worn:is expected to be done near die end of the Comprehensive Plan update - twelve to fourteen months from now. Mayor Dirksen asked how long it would take if done as a separate project. Mr. Bunch said it would not be any faster. Councilor Sherwood expressed concern about a cost/benefit ratio of doing this only for areas coining into the City. Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes—August 21,2007 page 6 Cowicilor Bueliner asked if the City would be able to do enough analysis in conjunction with the final zoning for the downtown area to know how increased density will affect die citywide density ratio.Assistant Coininunity Development Director Bunch said staff would look at this and calculate a probable range of numbers to meet requirements and provide for a lower density opportunity elsewhere. IIe said these findings would become part of the Urbanization Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan Update. Councilor Sherwood asked if flus would have to be opened up to other areas of the City besides Bull Mount--dn,where people want to build on larger lots. IVIr. Bunch said if we want to re-zone die areas on Bull Mountain,it would be within a specific geographic area,not necessarily City-wide. Councilor Shervood said she felt this was overly generous to the people on Bull Mountain yet in her neighborhood there is one and one-half acres with 40 units being built on it. She said the City would be generous to one group but mare everyone else keep smaller lots and she did not like flus as a policy. Mayor Dirksen replied that when he asked staff to look into flus, his interest was just the feasibility and process,not whether or not it should be policy. He said if Council wanted to consider this as a City policy lie thought they would need to look at the City as a whple and Enid if there were other areas where it would be logical to apply flus. Councilor Bueliner said the property between Greenburg and Cornniercial is an important piece of land and she hoped it would be considered in the process. The 1Vlayor and Council complimented Assistant Planner Eng on her work making complex process clear and understandable. 5. BRIEFING ON LEGISLATIVE PROCESS OF THE COMPREHENSIATL PLAN UPDATE Associate Planner Wyss briefed Council on the Comprehensive Plan update progress. He said staff has implemented a citizen involvement program consisting of several outreach methods but the prun-,uy activity for gathering input has been holding meetings with the Policy Interest Teams. He said the teains formulated draft goals, policies and recoinimended action measures which were then reviewed by Deputtnent Renew Teams. IIe noted that the Planning Coininission decided to allow citizens three minutes of testimony at thew-workshop sessions and asked Council if they want to do the same. Councilor Sherwood said, "I think it would be great to allow it. The three-minute limit is a great idea." Tigard City Council IVleeting Minutes—August 21,2007 page 7 i Associate Planner Wyss discussed die suggested Comprehensive Plan docuunent outline and Council concurred with die choice to have it organized by Statewide Planning Goals. He said this would make it more clear, easy to use and readable. Associate Planner Wyss gave Council an update on the first Comprehensive Plan Amendment. IIe said die Planning Commission held a workslhop on July 16. A public hearing for Goal 6 — Environmental Quality, Goal 8 — Parks, Recreation and Open Space, and Goal 13 — Energy Conservation was held last evening. This amendment would be presented at the September 25, 2007 Council meeting and placed on die October 23, 2007 Council Business meeting agenda for a public hearing and Council consideration for adoption. Councilor Buchner asked, "As we go through each piece, will it inunediately be enforced?" Assistant Coinrmnity Development Director Bunch said as each chapter or series of chapters is adopted by Council and ordinances are passed, they become effective in 30 clays. Mayor Dirksen asked if there was a problem having part of the Comprehensive Plan updated but other parts not updated. IVIt. Bunch said the State provides a Post Acluioxyledgement Plan Arnenchnent Process that allows updating of individual parts of the plan,instituted to ensure plans remain usable and current. Assistant City Manager Newton asked if staff's intention was to have a wrap-up of the process at the end of die Comprehensive Plan. Associate Planner Wyss said they would. --111S.07 lllr�nr Dhksezi called c7 five-izzittze%jllrak. The Ciy Cozmcil n=lbi��-esinned ad S.13 p.zzz. G. DISCUSS ME,MBERSIIIP STRUCTURE OF THE COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT(CCI) Associate Planner Roberts introduced this item for discussion. IIe noted the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) is the City's officially recognized citizen involvement group whose members are currently drawn ftom two groups — a small pool of former citizen involvement facilitators and die City's other boards and committees. IIe said membership from current boards and committees has declined over time. IIe said another problem is that should any of the four currently serving facilitators resign, there would be none left from which to draw. He said staff recorranends changing the membership structure of the CCI and dhe way members are appointed. Associate Planner Roberts said the present CCI's small membership base limits the pool of potential members and restricts the participation of Tigard citizens. He said that Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes—August 21,2007 page 8 by creating at-large positions, citizens who have an interest ii public involvement, have experience working in community engagement and who are twilling to give their time would have an opportunity to serve on the CCI. He said another important benefit of having at-large positions is the opportunity to build partnerslhips with under- represented groups in the community. Staff and Committee Recommendations include: > Removing the board and conimittee CCI membership requirement and making board and committee membership voluntary,rather than mandatory. > Expanding the COI's ineinberslup to include four at-large members appointed through the City's established application and uiteiview process > Emphasizing and encouraging the recrtutunent and selection of at-Iarge members who reflect the diversity of die cotrurnuhi.ty. > Including a youth (high school) representative > Proved ng an opportunity for any officially recognized Neighborhood Organization to appoint a representative to the CCI. Councilor Bueliner said she hoped that when the Neighborhood Program is fully implemented tine majority of die slots on the CCI can be filled widi neighborhood representatives. Assistant to the City Manager Newton said a recommendation from the Neighborhood Program Steeling Committee was for each neighborhood to have a CCI representative. In response to a question from Councilor Buehner about whether Council should consider ha-,ving a representative from the unincorporated area, Mayor Dirksen said he was not inclined to do that. He said the intent of die CCI is to include members from Tigard neighborhood groups. I-ie said it was a great recominendation to include a youth representative. He said at-large member terms would be good ii the interun but there may be a future need to limit die numbers. He suggested drat as the group grows and positions are being filled by neighborhood representative, at-large members could campaign to be part of a neighborhood group. Committee for Citizen Involvement Member Rex Caffall said that bringing in members from outside die committees made sense to him. IIe encouraged the City to reach out to Pacific Islanders and Latinos. He said teenagers are busy but any involvement from youth is good as they will go back and tell their friends that they have a voice. Mayor Dirksen asked Assistant City Manager Newton to coinnient on the reconhlnendations, given her involvement wid-i the CCI. IIe asked if there should be a lihiit to die number of people on die CCI. IVIS. Newton said she attends most CCI meetings and fhids them to be a dynamic group. She said she was supportive and also agreed that over time Tigard should Tool: at drawing more from the neighborhood groups. She said dlere are presently 13 neighborhoods. Tigard City=Council Meeting Minutes—August 21,2007 page 9 Citizen Caffall said he attends CCI meetings even though he is no longer required to do so as a member of the Planning Com nussion to attend. He said he shares information with his neighborhood and brigs back their input. 7. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS Councilor Buchner reported that the Tigard Water District, at a special meeting, decided to sue the former board. 8. ADJOURNMENT: 8:32 p.m. Motion by Councilor Sheiwood; seconded by Councilor Buchner, to adjourn meeting. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present. Mayor Dirksen Yes Councilor Buchner Yes Councilor Sherwood Yes r Carol A. Krager, Deputy City Re4rder Attest: 1 r j May-9, City of of/Tigard Date: t/I IQ� l0� Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes—August 21,2007 page 10