City Council Minutes - 10/10/2006 r",ri-
Agenda Item No. "?
For Agenda of -.2 09
Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes
Date: October 10, 2006
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard
Tigard, Oregon
Attending: Mayor Craig Dirksen Presiding
Councilor Sally Harding
Councilor Sydney Sherwood
Councilor Nick Wilson
Councilor Tom Woodruff
Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items follow up
Study Session
Briefing on Outreach Associate Planner Farrelly reviewed this topic
and Education with the City Council. Information presented
Meetings with Urban included the following:
Renewal District
Property and Business ➢ Distributed a letter dated October 6, 2006,
Owners concerning signed by Mayor Dirksen inviting
Land Use and Design involvement in developing new land use
Guidelines regulations for the Downtown Urban
Renewal area.
➢ The above letter was mailed to 500 people
today. The CCAC members and volunteers
will follow up to urge people to get involved.
➢ The two meetings announced in the letter
will be in an Open House format with four
information stations set up.
In response to a question from City Manager
Prosser,Associate Planner Farrelly advised he
had not heard about plans for a convenience
store to be located in the downtown.
Administrative Items ➢ Associate Planner Farrelly advised he
followed up with an inquiry to Trader Joes
and found out they have no interest in
opening up a store in the space vacated by
➢ Tonight's Business Meeting:
o Item No. 2—Citizen Communication—
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 1
Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items (follow up
Tualatin Resource Center Annual
Update by Catherine West will be
o Item No. 4—Update on the 415`
Brigade by the American Legion will be
rescheduled due to illness of one of the
➢ Council discussed the meeting schedule for
November,December and January:
o Thanksgiving week—The regularly
scheduled meeting will be held on
Tuesday,November 21 (workshop _
o There will be two business meetings in
December,December 12 and 19. The
December 26 meeting will be
o The January 9,2007,Council meeting
will be held for ceremonial items:
oaths of office,election of the Council
president,Mayor's State of the City
Address,photographs,and a reception
for the newly elected Mayor and
Councilors. Business items may be
scheduled if needed before the next
scheduled business meeting of January
➢ Council tentatively selected December 15,
2006 for its 2007 goal-setting meeting, 1-5
p.m. at Councilor Wilson's home.
(Recorder's Note:This meeting was
subsequently rescheduled to December 11,2006,
1-5 p.m.,at Councilor Wilson's home.)
➢ Councilor Sherwood and Ms. Gretchen
Buehner said they would attend the kick-off
of the after-school programs. Councilor
Woodruff will try to attend. In an e-mail
message to the City Manager,Youth Services
Officer Huiras advised there will be an
assembly at Twality Middle School, 4-5 p.m.,
October 16, 2006 with a variety of speakers,
entertainers, and media representatives.
➢ Council members received a copy of an
October 10,2006,memorandum from City
Engineer Duenas regarding a meeting with
the Congressional delegation arranged by
Westside Economic Alliance. Also attached
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 2
Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items follow up)
to the memorandum was a flyer announcing
the WEA Breakfast Forum Series meeting
for October 26,2006.
➢ Community Development Director Coffee
introduced the new Long-Range Planning
Manager Ron Bunch.
Executive Session The Tigard City Council went into Executive
Session at 6:45 p.m. to discuss real property
transaction negotiations and for consultation
with legal counsel regarding potential litigation
under ORS 192.660(2)(e) and (h).
Executive Session concluded at 7:19 p.m.
Business Meeting 1.1 Mayor Dirksen called the City Council and
the Local Contract Review Board to Order at
7:30 p.m.
1.2 Council Present: Mayor Dirksen, Councilors
Harding,Sherwood,Wilson,and Woodruff.
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
1.4 Council Communications&Liaison Reports
➢ Councilor Woodruff announced that the
October 31, 2006 5r'' Tuesday City Council
meeting was cancelled.
1.5 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda
Items: None
2. CITIZEN ➢ Tigard High School Student Envoy Jasmina
COMMUNICATION Dizdarevik presented a City Council Student
Report. A copy of her report is on file in the
City Recorder's office.
➢ Mayor Dirksen announced that Catherine
West would not be giving an update on the
Tualatin Resource Center. The Center is
temporarily closed after a recent break-in and
they are looking at other options to relocate.
➢ City Manager Prosser gave a follow-up report
on previous citizen communication from Mr.
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 3
Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items follow u
John Frewing. He noted a citizen had
suggested that the City revise its methodology
with regard to Parks System Development
Charges. The idea was to take into account
the future value of land since it takes quite
awhile to purchase land. City Manager
Prosser said it would be difficult to determine
the future real estate market. He explained
the valuation methodology the City uses was
updated about two years ago to calculate
changes in land value, which is a fee formula
based on market value. The fee is then
multiplied by an average of two indices: one
reflecting the change in construction costs and
one reflecting changes in land acquisition
costs. This information will be forwarded to
Mr. Frewing.
➢ City Manager Prosser also provided a follow-
up report to a citizen inquiry about
development on 79th Avenue. Community
Development Director Coffee and City
Engineer Duenas will be meeting with this
citizen later this week or next week.
3. Consent Agenda 3.1 Receive and File: Motion by Councilor
3.1.a Council Calendar Harding, seconded by
3.1.b Tentative Agenda Councilor Woodruff,to
approve the Consent
3.2 Local Contract Review Board Agenda.
3.2.a Award contract for Hydrogeologist of
Record The motion was approved
3.2.b Award Contracts for Traffic and by a unanimous vote of
Transportation Engineering Services on Council present.
an as-Required Basis
Mayor Dirksen Yes
Councilor Harding Yes
Councilor Sherwood Yes
Councilor Wilson Yes
Councilor Woodruff Yes
4. Update on the 41" This agenda item will be rescheduled.
Brigade by the
American Legion
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 4
Agenda Item Discussion& Comments Action Items (follow up
5. Resolution in Washington County Sheriff Rob Gordon Motion by Councilor
Support of the addressed the City Council on the upcoming Sherwood, seconded by
Washington County election for which there is a County Public Mayor Dirksen, to adopt
Public Safety Levy Safety Measure (Ballot Measure 34-127). Resolution No. 06-62.
A copy of the slide presentation is on file in the The motion was approved
City Recorder's office. by a unanimous vote of
Council present.
The purpose of the levy is to maintain public
countywide safety services such as jail, special Mayor Dirksen Yes
enforcement teams,prosecutors,juvenile Councilor Harding Yes
counselors,probation and parole services, Councilor Sherwood Yes
emergency communications and emergency Councilor Wilson Yes
shelters for victims of domestic violence such as Councilor Woodruff Yes
Tigard's Good Neighbor Center. This is not a
new or additional tax. Approval by voters will
continue existing levy and budget levels.
Sheriff Gordon asked the City Council to
support the proposed resolution.
Councilor Sherwood thanked Sheriff Gordon
for attending tonight's meeting.
Mayor Dirksen noted that,while the funding
that would be designated for the homeless
shelter appears to be a small amount,
approximately half of the shelter's budget would
come from this resource.
Councilor Woodruff also thanked Sheriff
Gordon for attending and said it was a good
reminder about services offered by the Sheriffs
Department enhance the Police Department.
Sheriff Gordon reviewed some of those services,
which included civil process and service, the
county jail, search&rescue,investigations for
smaller cities, tactical/swat teams, forensics,
major crimes teams, and"cavalry"if more
officers are needed for situations in local
jurisdictions. A portion of the levy would assist
with improvements for the 911 facility.
Sheriff Gordon,in response to a question from
Councilor Woodruff, advised that there are 14
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 5
patrol districts within the County. The Sheriff's
office coordinates with local police agencies.
In response to a question from Councilor
Harding, Sheriff Gordon explained how he
derived the figures he used in his presentation to
show statistics on law enforcement services.
Councilor Harding noted she would like to be
able to see trends for the last three years.
Councilor Harding noted the most recent levy
expired last June. Sheriff Gordon noted there
have been some cost savings because of vacant
positions;however, those savings will be gone by
December 31, 2006. If the levy passes in
November, the Sheriff's office will be able to
borrow from the County to continue the current
level of service until the new levy becomes
Mayor Dirksen added his thanks and noted he
appreciated the assistance the Sheriff's
Department provides to the police department.
The City Council considered Resolution No. 06-
62 at this time:
MEASURE 34-127
6. Update on Library Director Barnes presented the staff
Proposed report and slide presentation for this agenda
Washington County item. A copy of the presentation is on file in the
Cooperative Library City Recorder's office.
Services Operational
Levy Mayor Dirksen noted the City Council
considered and approved a resolution at a recent
City Council meeting. He also noted he is the
co-chair of the political committee supporting
this measure. Approval of the levy will"go a
long way" towards restoring the open hours of
the library.
Councilor Harding referred to impacts on the
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 6
General Fund when additional money is needed
to fund library operations.
Councilor Wilson noted the high level of
support the library has within the community.
He said he hopes the voters can support this
ballot measure in November.
7. Commuter Rail City Engineer Duenas, and Tri Met staff
Update members Elizabeth Davidson and Steve Witter
presented information and a slide presentation
to the City Council. A copy of the presentation
is on file in the City Recorder's office.
Major construction will begin on the
Washington County Commuter Rail this fall.
This 14.7-mile project is one of the first suburb-
to-suburb projects in the country and will
provide a critical public transportation
alternative to better serve the Westside corridor,
connecting the cities of Beaverton,Tigard,
Tualatin and Wilsonville.
Construction will begin in late October with
work beginning in Wilsonville,proceeding north
towards Beaverton. Fourteen miles of railroad
track will be reconstructed. Construction
impacts were reviewed including road closures at
railroad crossings.
It is anticipated that the project will be
completed in mid-2008 with trains beginning
operations in the fall of 2008.
A groundbreaking ceremony is planned to be
held at the Tigard station on October 25. About
600 invitations have been mailed out for the
A review of safety concerns and measures were
reviewed. Of primary concern within Tigard are
the crossings at Bonita and Main Street. Mr.
Witter noted that both commuter and freight
trains will be traveling through at greater speeds
than what the trains are now going. While the
commuter trains will be slowing to stop at the
Tigard station,the freight trains will not be
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 7
slowing down. Medians are proposed at the
Bonita Road and Main Street railroad crossings.
Mayor Dirksen noted the impacts to businesses,
but said the trade-off might be that the traffic
flow is improved overall.
City Engineer Duenas said he anticipated that a
signal will be needed in the future on Tiedeman
Discussion followed on potential impacts on
traffic during the construction. Once the
construction begins, a schedule can be updated
regularly and an information line will be set up.
Construction activities will be coordinated with
schools and emergency services providers.
There was discussion on the specialized machine
called the P-811 that will be used to do the track
reconstruction work. Some track will be left and
a clean up plan will be implemented.
8. Public Hearing Mayor Dirksen opened the public hearing. Motion by Councilor
(Informational) to Sherwood, seconded by
Consider Resolution There were no City Council declarations or Councilor Wilson, to
No. 06-63 forming challenges. approve Resolution No.
Sanitary 06-63.
Reimbursement City Engineer Duenas presented the staff report
District No. 39 (SW and slide presentation for this agenda item. A The motion was approved
Hill View/102nd copy of the presentation is on file in the City by a unanimous vote of
Streets Recorder's office. Council present.
There was no public testimony. Mayor Dirksen Yes
Councilor Harding Yes
Staff recommended that the reimbursement Councilor Sherwood Yes
district be approved. Councilor Wilson Yes
Councilor Woodruff Yes
Mayor Dirksen closed the public hearing.
The Council considered Resolution No. 06-63:
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 8
9. Continuation of Community Development Director Coffee Motion by Councilor
Public Hearing from presented a summary of the staff report. The Woodruff, seconded by
September 26,2006 City Council held a hearing on September 26, Councilor Sherwood,to
(Quasi-Judicial) to 2006, and agreed to continue the hearing to adopt Ordinance No. 06-
Consider the October 10, 2006. Council held the record 15.
Annexation of the open for written testimony to be submitted by 3
Cach Creek Area p.m. on October 3. Additional written The motion was approved
(ZCA 2006-00002) testimony was submitted to the City Council in by a unanimous vote of
the Council meeting packet and this information Council present.
is on file in the City Recorder's office.
Mayor Dirksen Yes
Council members indicated they had reviewed Councilor Harding *Yes
the additional testimony. Councilor Sherwood Yes
Councilor Wilson Yes
Attached to these minutes,marked Exhibit A,is Councilor Woodruff Yes
the detailed summary of the remarks by the
Mayor and City Council members for this *Councilor Harding
matter. explained at the time of
her vote that she was
After City Council members concluded their going to say yes,but she
remarks, Mayor Dirksen advised the Council also understood that it
would be considering Ordinance No. 06-15. could be undone by a
judge. She said she
AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING 35.78 needed to take a stand on
ACRES,APPROVING CACH CREEK AREA saying this is property that
ANNEXATION (ZCA2006-00002),AND we own, that it is part of
WITHDRAWING PROPERTY FROM THE our city. She said that if
TIGARD WATER DISTRICT the judge should rule
WASHINGTON COUNTY ENHANCED another way,we'll address
Before the Council voted,Mayor Dirksen asked
City Attorney Ramis if the Council had
overlooked any steps needed prior to a vote of
the City Council? City Attorney Ramis advised
that the Council had taken the proper steps
under the statute and now was the time to vote.
Also,in response to a question from Mayor
Dirksen, City Attorney Ramis confirmed that the
hearing had been closed previously.
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 9
Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Motion by Councilor
Harding, seconded by
Councilor Woodruff to
adjourn the meeting.
The motion was approved
by a unanimous vote of
Council present.
Mayor Dirksen Yes
Councilor Harding Yes
Councilor Sherwood Yes
Councilor Wilson Yes
Councilor Woodruff Yes
Catherine Wheatley, City Reco r
Mayor, byi of Tigard
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 10
Exhibit A
Council Comments—Consideration of annexation of the Cach Creek Area(ZCA 2006-
0002)—October 10, 2006 (Agenda Item No. 9)
Mayor Dirksen asked if everyone reviewed the testimony received since September 26,
2006. All Council members indicated they had reviewed the testimony. Mayor Dirksen
asked for Council comments.
Councilor Harding
I think this is a tough one. It's hard, because if the shoe were on the other foot, we would
have the same people who were wanting to incorporate saying, "Wait" -- you know, if
they were a city this is land that we own that we want to be part of our City and we
wouldn't want someone else incorporating and taking part of that. I think we have to be
careful in looking what the properties are. We haven't received a lot of testimony from
other people. Part of me says what is the harm if we wait until after the election...wait
until November. If they should incorporate then go from there and say should we hold
onto it or sell it,what could we do. It's kind of tough. I've been on the fence...I can
understand both sides. And, I understand our position,too. This is not something that
just came about at the time that they filed the petition to incorporate. But, it makes sense
to have property that we own in the City in our own City limits. So, with that I think that
we also have a judge that is going to be making a ruling that we haven't had come down
yet. So, it almost seems regardless of what we decide, it could be undone. Is it really
something we have to do tonight, even. Or, should we wait until the judge makes a
ruling. Tough call. I have been very undecided to be quite honest.
Council Woodruff I have said before that I want to make sure that whenever I vote on something
that I think it is legal and that I think it is right to do for the people of Tigard. So, I take
this very seriously. I have prepared some remarks here related to this and to the process
we have been in for the last couple of years regarding issues related to annexation.
I do think that this is a legal act,based on my understanding. But in any case, as
Councilor Harding said, a judge is going to rule on that question now that the issue has
been given to the court by those people who are opposed to this particular annexation.
The second question,though, is easier for me: Whether it is the right thing to do? I think
if you took a survey of the residents of any city, I am convinced that they would agree
that property owned by a city should not end up in the city limits of another city. Land
and assets purchased by the taxpayers in a city should remain under the local control of
that city. That seems like a no brainer to me. I don't see how you can argue on the other
side of that.
My support of this proposal is not at all in conflict with my support of the people living in
the unincorporated Bull Mountain area. I believe that they have every right to make
choices for their future. This Council has publicly stated that incorporation of that area is
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 11
a good thing. Since the majority chose not to join the City of Tigard, then incorporating
into a new city is a very viable option. We have done nothing to oppose this
incorporation vote.
I am disappointed with some of the people that have been out front on this issue for a
couple of years and are now leading the charge on this vote by making Tigard and this
Council the villain.
They have said things so often and so convincingly that I think many people come to
believe the things that have been said are true. I say shame on them for saying in a
hundred different ways that Tigard wants to force people to become a part of Tigard.
Over the last several years,there has not been one parcel annexed to Tigard against the
owner's will.
I say shame on them for saying that all we care about is gobbling up more property just
so we can collect more taxes. Ninety percent of the property related to this proposal is
owned or controlled by the City of Tigard and it will generate no property tax income
Shame on them for repeatedly saying that this City and Council do not care about the
community's quality of life or appearances. The implication is that we don't care about
families and that we break the rules so we can crowd as many homes as possible onto
every parcel. This is not only untrue,but it is very offensive.
Shame on them for always trying to make it seem that we are the ones that are not
cooperating and being reasonable. If there is to be a better dialogue and partnership, then
there needs to be compromise on their side as well.
And finally, shame on us for allowing these attacks on us to drain our time, our energy
and our resources. We have allowed some non-residents of Tigard to have more power
and influence than they deserve to have on this Council.
I support this ordinance and I am hopeful that no matter how the election turns out,the
relationship between Tigard and the people of Bull Mountain will improve.
Councilor Sherwood
I am going to support the annexation of this property for the following reasons:
The City of Tigard owns 17.71 acres of this land and, as a City Council we represent
45,500 residents who elected us. For us to leave this land in another city's boundaries
would be irresponsible to those citizens. It was the bulk of their money that purchased
this land and, as such,they have a vested interest in protecting their purchase. Because of
the agreements with Washington County,the City took steps years ago to buy this land
when it became available. For many years,the City Council of Tigard had a policy not to
purchase land for parks outside the city limits. This instance of Tigard owning land
outside this boundary for park land is a good example of why they didn't purchase land
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 12
for parks on Bull Mountain. If our efforts to annex this property become void, I would
look for input from the citizens of Tigard to determine if they wish to leave their property
inside the City of Bull Mountain or sell it. However, with the circumstances what they
are now, I am going to vote for this annexation until the courts decide whether we have
the right.
As for the olive branch approach—I would suggest that Tigard take the land into the City
of Tigard and develop it as park. We have been moving in that direction for years and
have been waiting until it had been annexed before developing it. Also, having the Water
District property inside our boundaries also gives us the impetus to develop even more
park land. If Bull Mountain does incorporate, it would take more than a few years before
they would have the available funds to develop parks. We would not be locking up parks
to residents outside the City limits,just like we don't do now with our parks. We
promised the people on the north side of Bull Mountain that we would build parks and
just as they were getting to the point of being able to assemble the land to reach the park
land,the new city boundaries of Bull Mountain were drawn. After two years of
negotiation, we purchased the Cach property just before Bull Mountain incorporation was
legally being petitioned for.
If the people in Bull Mountain are really serious about an olive branch approach, I would
offer that the City of Tigard bring the land to be annexed into the city and develop it for
park land during the next few years for all of the residents on Bull Mountain. If the
incorporation is a positive vote, then we can work together to develop a plan for
maintenance of the said park land.
Councilor Wilson
Actually, some of Tom's comments are similar to mine. I don't really want to talk to
tonight about the legal issues. Everyone agrees that whether or not the annexation will be
allowed to stand will be decided by the courts based on the interpretation of the law.
What I really want to address is the morality of our decision, since it was called into
question by Mr. Franzke at the public hearing two weeks ago. Mr. Franzke writes and I
quote: "What I want to address is the `wrongness' of the City's action—it is wrong,
wrong, wrong. Has this Council no sense of decency? Has it no respect for the will of the
citizens who will be affected by its actions? Must the lust for more tax revenue trump
basic fairness? I urge the Council to do the right thing: stop the annexation effort
immediately and abide by the outcome of the incorporation vote on November 7th "
Now, Mr. Franzke doesn't say why he thinks it is wrong to annex the property. Maybe
he thinks it is obvious. It is not obvious to me. I am going to show why, in fact,the
opposite is true—that the citizens of - for incorporation of Bull Mountain ought to step
aside and let the City of Tigard annex the property. Mr. Franzke,rather than advancing a
cogent argument, attacks this City Council saying that we have no sense of decency, no
respect for those impacted by our decisions. And then, he suggests a motive—that we
lust for tax revenue. Of course, that is ridiculous. There is no tax revenue,this is public
land. Was this a mistake by Mr. Franzke? I doubt it. Mr. Franzke is an attorney who
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 13
chooses his words carefully. No, I think this is a conscious effort to destroy the
credibility of this Council and the City of Tigard. Mr. Franzke is an attorney after all.
He is trained to tear down witnesses on the witness stand. In court it is more about
winning the argument than getting out the truth. This has been going on for two years.
We have been subject to baseless assertions, half-truths, insults, and yes sometimes even
Now, I like to believe the best about people. When people tell me something, I assume
they are telling the truth. But, when the same issues are said over and over and over
again and you correct them and they still say the same things, I call it what it is—it's a
Since our motives have been called into question, I would like to talk a little bit about
what my motives are and it is certainly not a lust for taxes.
I bought my first Tigard house in 1990. Shortly thereafter I was appointed to the
Planning Commission. Tigard at that time was a rapidly growing City. At that time,
from 1990 to now, one-third of all the houses that are currently standing in Tigard were
built— 15 years; one-third. As we sat on the Planning Commission, we saw subdivision
after subdivision application come through: Benchview Estates, Morning Star, Hillshire
Estates, Quail Hollow, Hillshire Woods, Mountain Highlands, Ravenridge, Arlington
Ridge, Eagle Pointe, Whistler's Walk,Daffodil Hill, Pacific Crest, and on and on and on.
Most of these subdivisions were on the west part of Tigard moving toward Bull Mountain
because that is where the land was. As the development pushed to the City limits and
annexations began to occur, it has been alleged that these annexations were forced
because of our IGA with Washington County. The Washington County IGA was signed
in 1997. In 1996, 18 acres were annexed—all voluntary. In 1995, 25 acres were
annexed. In 1994, 76 acres were annexed. These annexations occurred one by one over
time, voluntarily as development occurs.
We knew that there was no parks provider in unincorporated Washington County. We
knew that there was no legal way to stop or even slow development. We had to get out
there in front of development. We had to take action to annex Bull Mountain if there was
to be any park land up there at all. We knew we didn't have much time. When we
started the process,there were no park advocates from unincorporated Bull Mountain.
No one came to us and said they had a concern about development. Unincorporated Bull
Mountain was essentially asleep unaware of the onslaught of development that was just
about to hit it. The rest is history.
When we began the annexation effort,the tenor of the debate was against the City. It was
not particularly for anything. They blamed Tigard for all of the ills of Bull Mountain,
including the lack of park land. Mr. Franzke, when he testified to the Board of County
Commissioners on July 25th said, "Here we are after many years of being governed by
Washington County followed by almost ten years of governance by the City of Tigard,
and we have no parks. So money has gone back and forth. It's gone through system
development charges and so on and so forth,but the money has not been spent on Bull
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 14
Mountain. And here we are two years after the annexation battle in which parks are a
major issue there and still nothing has been done."
There has never been a parks provider in unincorporated Bull Mountain. Washington
County has two parks. One is at Hagg Lake; it's self-supporting. The other is at Metzger.
The little park in Metzger was formed in the 70's by the citizens there when they formed
an LID. They support that themselves with their tax income. Every five to seven years
as inflation eats away at their budget,they have another vote to support another increase
in the amount that they tax themselves. It's always been approved. There has never been
any County tax money used for parks ever in Washington County.
Secondly, Tigard never governed Bull Mountain in any sense of the word. Tigard
administered the zoning and building codes. It is much in the same way that King City
hires Parson Brinkerhof to administer their zoning code. No one would say that Parsons
Brinkerhof governs King City. Tigard had no authority to change any zones on Bull
Mountain. It had no authority to change the code without the County Commissioners
voting on it. They collected fees from developers to pay for the administration. Those
fees were used for administrative use only.
Mr. Franzke mentioned system development charges. System development charges are
collected by the City of Tigard from developers for parks when building permits are
issued. No SDC's were ever collected in the unincorporated area. Mr. Franzke knows
this. I believe he intentionally used vague language to mislead. He said—listen carefully
to this—"So money has gone back and forth. It's gone through system development
charges and so on and so forth, but the money has not been spent on Bull Mountain."
The implication is that this money was collected from unincorporated Bull Mountain
residents and spent elsewhere. It is absolutely not true. Are you outraged Mr. Franzke?
Let me tell you who should be outraged—it should be the citizens inside the city limits
from whom these fees were collected. Not, from those in the unincorporated areas. It
should come from my neighbors, it should come from people like me.
I bought my second Tigard house three years ago. Systems development charges were
included in the purchase price and rolled over and I paid them through my mortgage.
When I bought my house,this is how much I paid. (At this point Councilor Wilson
placed a sum of cash on the desk before him.) That's $1700. That's real money. That's
what I paid for parks. All of the citizens in the unincorporated area together—all together
—paid less than this amount—less than one penny. Where's the outrage? Who deserves
the parks—these people or these people?
Who deserves a park? The median household income in Metzger is $30-40,000. The
median household income in Bull Mountain is $75,400,000. When people of modest
means adopt a can-do attitude,band together and achieve a community goal like the
people of Metzger did,they deserve to be commended. When they take care of
themselves without asking for a handout,that's admirable. When wealthy people
demand services they did not pay for and indeed refuse to pay for; when they come in
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 15
here and demand services from us,that deserves to be condemned. Mr. Franzke, save
your lectures about fairness and get out of the way, we have a park to build.
Mayor Dirksen
I appreciate all of things that my fellow Councilors have said. Like Councilor Harding, I
was kind of on the fence on this,trying to decide what made the most sense here --
whether we should annex this or not in light of what also is happening on Bull Mountain
—with the incorporation effort and several other things. But also, like Councilor
Woodruff, I never had any doubt as to what would be the right thing to do. Sometimes
what makes sense and what's the right thing to do isn't the same thing. But, if I have to
make a decision between doing something that makes sense and doing the right thing, I'll
always pick—at least I try—to always pick the right thing. I told my sons when they
were growing up, when you have to make a decision and you know what the right thing
to do is, but sometimes it doesn't make sense because maybe nobody else is supporting it
—if you decide to do the right thing, later even after everything goes to hell, you can
always say, you know what I did was the right thing.
The really sad part about this --today should be a day of celebration. Today is the day
when we get a chance to make a step to fulfill a promise that we made to the people that
live on Bull Mountain, both inside the city and outside the city—that we would do our
best to try to figure out a way to provide a park on Bull Mountain. We agreed with
everyone that the Bull Mountain area was a park-deficient area. And, our Parks Master
Plan recognized that also and for years has shown the need and identity for a park on Bull
Mountain. This Council has worked for years in an effort to find and purchase land on
the Mountain to provide the people there with a park. The people that were opposed to
the City for the annexation effort two years ago were amongst the loudest voices saying
that the City should be looking for land on Bull Mountain to build a park. We, since that
time—agreeing with them—we've made every effort to do so. Now, when we get to the
point where we are actually going to do it, we're being opposed, vilified, and punished by
those very same people for doing what they asked us to do. That's unfortunate. They
have their agenda,they've moved ahead. We have ours as well. They don't match.
That's not to be surprising.
This Council—I feel—this Council and even the previous Council—that worked toward
a conclusion on Bull Mountain, whether it be an annexation or whatever is appropriate—
has always done so in an effort to do for the community what the community needed.
My personal opinion is that the Friends of Bull Mountain and,to some extent,that it is
the same people that are the people for incorporation—what it has always been about for
them is not necessarily what the community needed or what anybody needed, but what
they wanted—what they wanted—those individuals. And,that's unfortunate. But
because they have that agenda and because they have that desire, doesn't mean that we
need to bend to it. We have no control over what they do and they will ultimately
determine their destiny on Bull Mountain. And, we don't know what that will be. But
we do know what we can do and what we have control over. And so we can move
forward with our plan in that direction. And I think that's what this Council needs to do
rather than trying to second guess what may or may not happen—what other people may
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 16
or may not choose to do. But rather,move ahead with what we know and what we are
secure in and what we have control over. And one of those things we can do, is move
forward toward fulfilling that promise that we promised years ago to provide a park on
Bull Mountain. And, for that reason, I would support this annexation as well.
Tigard City Council Minutes - October 10,2006 17