City Council Minutes - 03/22/2005 Agenda Item Na -4/1 1 Far Agenda of '5 , 10-05 COUNCIL MINUTES TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 22, 2005 Council Present: Mayor Dirksen; Councilors Harding and Sherwood and Woodruff (arrived at 6:38 p.m.) Mayor Dirksen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. • STUDY SESSION > Review of FY 2005-06 Community Event Funding Requests Interim Finance Director lmdieke presented this agenda item for discussion. The Community Event Funding Requests were presented to the City Council for initial feedback. These requests will also be in the proposed budget for final review by the Budget Committee in May. The application Atfalati Recreation District for the Cook Park Concession Stand was distributed to the City Council. A revised spreadsheet showing the total requests was distributed to Council. This revised spreadsheet showed a request from the Tualatin Riverkeepers for an education.program. The Riverkeepers' request was initially submitted to the Social Services Subcommittee; however, the Subcommittee recommended that this would be more appropriately classified as a community event. Total requests for community event funding equaled $48,175 with $45,300 available. However, -dollars would be available from the social services (relating to the transference of the Tualatin _Riverkeepers. from social services to community events). Interim Finance Director lmdieke noted that,base funding is set aside for three events (by City Council resolution): Tigard Balloon Festival, Broadway Rose Theatre, and the Tigard 0 of July Celebration. In addition, the request from the Atfalati Recreation District has been established by an agreement between Atfalati and the City of Tigard. The $5000 contribution from the City to Atfalati would be an accounting transaction to subsidized accrued interest on improvements at Cook Park. Interim Finance Director lmdieke reviewed the funding requests individually. Tigard City Council Minutes March 22, 2005 page 1 - Atfalati -$5000 (see notes above). - Broadway. Rose - $10,000 as established by resolution. . In-kind includes some assistance from.the Public Works Department. Councilor Harding also noted the significant amount of Cityscape space allotted to this group. In response to a question from Councilor Harding, Interim Finance Director Imdieke said he would find out whether the City of Tualatin contributes to Broadway Rose. - Dog Park-$400 for the overall program. It was noted that the Times gives this group good newspaper coverage. Councilor Woodruff arrived at 6:38 p.m. - Tigard Festival of Balloons -- $10,000 (by resolution) plus,in kind-support from the Public Works and Police Departments. - Tigard Blast -- $5000 — Councilor Harding advised she would like to have more information about how this event benefits the community as it appears to be focused as a promotion for the downtown businesses. There was. discussion about how Tualatin Hills Fire and Rescue, the Tigard. Police Department, and the Tigard Skate Park participates in the event. Councilor Harding reported that-she was told she could not distribute her campaign information at the event. Councilor Woodruff and Mayor Dirksen indicated that they had distributed their campaign literature last year. It was noted that this is a family-oriented event and there have been four successful events. Mayor Dirksen acknowledged that the Blast supports the downtown business owners and he pointed out the long-standing goal of the City Council to support the downtown. Councilor Sherwood commented that the event also allows the City departments an opportunity to connect to the community. Tigard 4th of July — $7,500 — this event is promoted as family event and has been offered to the community for 18 years (started in 1987). The Police and Public Works Departments give in-kind support to this event. I - Tigard High graduation -- $2,000 --- Interim Finance Director lmdieke said the purpose of this event is for a safe and sober high school graduation. Mayor Dirksen noted the allocation to this event was increased last year. At some point in time, the City might want to reconsider how much involvement it has for this item. - Tualatin Riverkeepers -- $3000 -- It was noted that this group would like to put on a paddle tour during the Tigard Balloon Festival. Councilor Harding noted this group sponsored a tree planting event earlier this year. Tigard City Council Minutes March 22, 2005 page 2 - Tualatin Riverkeepers — $3,275 -- This amount represents the amount proposed in the social services grant application (see above notes). This amount would be used for education activities for children. An in-kind contribution was also requested for some City staff support. Tualatin Valley Community Band -- $2000 -- This band offers two free community concerts a year. There was discussion about support this group receives from other donors. Interim City Manager Prosser and Interim Finance Director Imdieke summarized that funds would be available for the groups that have applied for funding. After brief discussion, consensus of the City Council was to send the proposals for community event funding forward to the Budget Committee for review. > Update: Family Day Assistant to the City Manager Newton presented this item to the City Council. A March 8, 2005, memorandum from Assistant to the City Manager Newton to the Mayor and Council highlights the background and the next steps if the City Council is interested in pursuing Family Day. Discussion followed with Council members offering suggestions for the date of this event including sometime around the City's "birthday," which is September 11. Councilor Woodruff noted that perhaps this could be coordinate with National Family Day, which is September 26. Another idea would be to incorporate this event with the Tigard Blast. Cultural diversity and tolerance was also suggested as part of this event's focus. City Council consensus was to support further staff development of a Ti possible Family Day with assistance from the Tigard Turns the Tide, the Vision Task Force and other groups. > Update: Citizen Leadership Series Assistant to the City Manager Newton presented this item to the City Council, A March 9, 2005, memorandum from Assistant to the City Manager Newton to the Mayor and Council highlights the background and the Council direction that was requested by staff. The purpose of a citizen leadership series would be to provide information on local issues and to develop leadership skills. An outline of the program was reviewed, which stated the Mission, Purpose and Topics for the Series. This outline is on file in the City Recorder's office. Councilor Sherwood recalled the leadership series sponsored by the Tigard City Council Minutes March 22, 2005 page 3 1 I Chamber of Commerce in the 1980's. Sessions included information on local government, the school system, area history, a bus tour, and a visit to } the State Capitol when the Legislature was in session. The series was discontinued because people were not signing up. Assistant to the City Manager Newton reviewed the outline of a seven-week program. She reported that she will finalize the program and anticipates a fall start-up. City Council will have an opportunity to review this again. > Discuss Structure, Adoption Process, Governance Issues— Urban Renewal Community Development Director Hendryx reviewed information from a March 11, 2005, memorandum from the City Attorney's office regarding urban renewal. A copy of this memorandum is on file in the City Recorder's office. Highlights of the review and discussion are listed below (see the March 11, 2005, memo also for more information and detail): Urban renewal district -- how it could be structured, including Tigard only or in conjunction with a County plan. • Urban renewal adoption process: activate the urban renewal agency; j appoint a City Center Development Agency; establish a City Center Advisory Commission; and develop an urban renewal plan and report. Voters must approve urban renewal in Tigard (Tigard Charter, Section 47). The vote would be to approve tax increment financing and the urban renewal plan. E Urban renewal plan for Tigard to be incorporated with the County's project — how this would work. It was noted that the City of Tigard voters must approve the County plan if the County plan includes area within Tigard. • Governance — authority of an urban renewal agency whether it be by the City or County. A County entity would consist of joint membership with board members from participating jurisdictions. It was noted there are many options for establishing governance. Community Development Director Hendryx said the City Council would need to adopt an urban renewal agency ordinance. He briefly described financing, opportunity for public comment, and the consideration of the public comment. Community Development Director Hendryx noted the importance of public outreach and said the City of Tigard would need to hire a consultant to prepare the urban renewal plan. Tigard City Council Minutes March 22, 2005 page 4 Community Development Director Hendryx reviewed the following proposed timeline: • Mid-April:.— Request for proposal out for consultant to prepare the Urban Renewal Plan • Mid-June: Consultants hired • End of June: Downtown Plan accepted • End of June: Public outreach efforts are outlined • End of June: Resolution initiating urban renewal plan preparation. (Plan would be prepared over the next few months) • June: City Council activates CCDA and CCAC • October/Novernber: Plan is prepared for Council consideration • End of February: Ballot title completed for the May 9, 2006 election Council concurrence was for Community Development Director Hendryx to proceed with the request for proposals for a consultant to prepare the plan. There was discussion with City Attorney Ramis on proceeding with a Tigard-only urban renewal plan, which could eventually link up with the County's plan. Councilor Woodruff noted that the urban renewal process is convoluted and difficult to understand, especially with the possibility of the City and County merging together on a Plan. He noted the importance of explaining this to the voters in a simple, straightforward manner. Community Development Director Hendryx said if the City Council wants to proceed with urban renewal as a tool for the downtown area (and to keep on the timeline for a May 9, 2006, vote), the City Council must move forward now and focus on the downtown. Later, the City Council can decide whether it wants to join the County's urban renewal effort for the Highway 217 Corridor. Discussion followed about the development of a City urban renewal plan and how it could be incorporated later with the County plan. City Attorney Ramis noted that should the County's plan move forward, the same information prepared for the Tigard-only district would be needed for the County district. Community Development Director Hendryx advised he would be returning to the Council in April requesting approval to issue RFP's for a consultant. Councilor Harding stated that the City Council should look at the whole picture with the Downtown Plan and the Comprehensive Plan Update. Discussion followed on timing for the Downtown Plan and integrating it with the Comprehensive Pian Update. Mayor Dirksen said he thought the City should move forward with the Tigard City Council Minutes March 22, 2005 page 5 Downtown Plan now. Councilor Sherwood and Councilor Woodruff concurred with Mayor Dirksen. > Discuss Urban Services Agreement Mayor Dirksen suggested this item be scheduled for discussion at a future meeting. Interim City Manager Prosser advised he would review the Council's tentative agendas and scheduld the discussion. > ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS a. Council Groundrules (Resolution No. 04-83) provide that the groundrules are to be submitted to the Council either in the July or August Workshop meeting. The Ground rules can be reviewed and revised at any other time in the year when a specific issue or issues are identified requiring action prior to the established review period. City Council members present indicated they had no issues with the current groundrules; a review will be scheduled in July or August. b. City Recorder Wheatley was excused from the April 12, 2005, Council meeting;.Deputy City Recorder Gaston will serve as the clerk to the Council for that meeting. c. Calendar Review • March 29: 5tn Tuesday Council Meeting — 7 p.m. — Water Auditorium • April 4: .Special Meeting - Library Community Room o 6-7 —Goal update (staff) o 7-7:30_Social 'h Hour: Councils/Board/Public o 7:30 -- Joint Meeting with Tigard-Tualatin School Board and City of Tualatin City Council • April 12: Council Business Meeting —6:30 p.m. —Town Hall • April 19: Council Workshop Meeting —6:30 p.m. —Town Hall • April 23 Downtown Task Force Open House — 9 ,a.m. — 12 p.m.— Library Community Room • April 25 Budget Committee Meeting — 6:30 p.m. — Library Community Room • April 26 Council Business Meeting —6:30 p.m. —Town Hall > Councilor Harding requested that item 4.4, the Interim City Manager Contract be pulled from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion. • EXECUTIVE SESSION: Not held Meeting recessed at 7:20 p.m. Tigard City Council Minutes March 22, 2005 page 6 1. BUSINESS MEETING 1.1 Mayor Dirksen called the City Council and Local Contract Review Board meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. 1.2 Council Present: Mayor Dirksen; Councilors Harding, Sherwood, and Woodruff. Councilor Wilson was absent. 1.3 Pledge of Allegiance 1.4 Council Communications & Liaison Reports: None 1.5 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items: None 2. ACKNOWLEDGE SUSAN KOEPPING FOR SERVICE TO THE CITY OF TIGARD Assistant to the City Manager Newton presented the staff report for this agenda item. Before the City Council was a resolution thanking Susan Koepping for her outstanding service as Volunteer Coordinator. Ms. Newton reviewed the highlights of Ms. Koepping's accomplishments during her service to the City of Tigard, which began on April 15, 1998. Ms. Newton also read a message from former Councilor Brian Moore congratulating Ms. Koepping on her retirement and thanking her for the wonderful job she did for the City of Tigard. Councilor Sherwood noted that Ms. Koepping was also successful in bringing in volunteers for other community organizations. Interim City Manager Prosser noted that Ms. Koepping "made me a believer" in the value that volunteers bring. He said Ms. Koepping's friendly and positive attitude made Tigard a special place. Mayor Dirksen added that the City of Tigard would miss Ms. Koepping. He referred to a past report on the monetary value of volunteers. Last year, volunteers contributed what would have amounted to $500,000 for the hours they served. Motion by Councilor Sherwood, seconded by Councilor Woodruff, to approve Resolution No. 05-19. RESOLUTION 05-19 — A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING SUSAN KOEPPING FOR HER SERVICE TO THE CITY OF TIGARD AS VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR I The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present: Mayor Dirksen: Yes Councilor Harding: Yes Councilor Sherwood: Yes Councilor Woodruff: Yes Tigard City Council Minutes March 22, 2005 page 7 Ms. Koepping spoke to the Council, staff, and community and thanked them for "great seven years." She noted her appreciation to the volunteers who gave their time and energy to make Tigard a great community. She thanked the Mayor and City Council who provided the opportunity for a volunteer 'program and the employees who were gracious and appreciative for the volunteers who worked alongside them. She concluded by noting her appreciation for Bill Monahan's counsel and wisdom and to Liz Newton for all she did for her. (Note: Item Nos. 5 and 6 were considered at this time.) > PROCLAMATION — NATIONAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WEEK; MARCH 28 -APRIL 3, 2005 Mayor Dirksen read the proclamation and declared March 28-April 3, 2005, as National Community Development Week with the concurrence of the City Council members present. Mayor Dirksen noted the Community Development Block Grant program is at risk at the Federal level due to budget cuts under consideration.. 3. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION • Follow-up to Previous Citizen Communication: No one spoke at the March 8, 2005 Citizen Communication agenda item. o George Burgess submitted a letter from the Friends of the Tigard Public Library, 13500 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223, requesting continued use of the "annex building" to store books for the Friends of the Tigard Public Library. The Friends sell.these books to raise funds for the library. Interim City Manager Prosser said he was aware of some discussion about the annex building (niche); it has been determined that the skate park will not affect this j building. The Friends may continue to store books at this site. o Gretchen Buehner, 13249 SW 136t" Place, Tigard, OR 97223, requested that special Council meetings, such as the one being held on April 4 with the School Board and the City of Tualatin, be held on dates and times that do not conflict with the Tigard Planning Commission. Mayor and Council members k agreed they would try to avoid conflicts. It was noted that sometimes conflicts cannot be avoided when scheduling dates when other boards and councils are available to meet. 4 CONSENT AGENDA: Note: Item 4.4 was removed for separate discussion by the City Council. Motion by Councilor Sherwood, seconded by Councilor Woodruff, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: Tigard City Council Minutes March 22, 2005 page 8 4.1 Approve Council Minutes for February 8, 2005 4.2 Appoint Brian Davies to the Park and Recreation Advisory Board and Appoint Trisha Swanson as the Alternate to that Board — Resolution No. 05- 20 RESOLUTION NO. 05-20 --A RESOLUTION TO APPOINT BRIAN DAVIES TO THE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AND TO APPOINT TRISHA SWANSON AS AN ALTERNATE TO THAT BOARD 4.3 Approve Tigard Library Policies as Recommended by the Tigard Library Board 4.4 Removed for separate discussion (see below). 4.5 Relinquish Public Sewer Easements at Tigard Market Place 4.6 Local Contract Review Board: Award Contract for City--Wide Janitorial Services to Wellspring Services The motion was approved by-a unanimous vote of Council present: Mayor Dirksen: Yes Councilor Harding: Yes Councilor Sherwood: Yes Councilor Woodruff: Yes 4.4 Approve Interim City Manager Contract Human Resources Director Zodrow was present to answer questions on the proposed contract. Interim City Manager Prosser left the meeting while the City Council discussed this item. Councilor Harding noted she requested this item be removed as she questioned and requested Council discussion on the cost of living (COLA) provision. Human Resources Director Zodrow reviewed the COLA decision the City Council determines each year. She noted last year the Council decided to implement the COLA on October 1. If the Council decides to act similarly this year, the COLA would become a moot point as the City Manager should be named by that time and the Interim City Manager's contract would not be in effect. Councilor Harding said that this would be a good time to make changes. Mayor Dirksen said he would be concerned about taking away the COLA for the Interim City Manager without considering the rest of the contract. Councilor Harding noted the Interim City Manager had received a substantial increase in pay and it did not seem congruent to also include a COLA. Tigard City Council Minutes March 22, 2005 page 9 There was discussion on Councilor Harding's suggestion to review the COLA provision in the new City Manager's contract. Mayor Dirksen noted that Councilor Harding had given the City Council information on performance-based contract language. Human Resources Director Zodrow will review this language and include information for City Council review when drafting the contract for the City Manager. Councilor Harding reiterated that she thought now was a good time to make a change. Motion by Councilor Sherwood, seconded by Councilor Woodruff, to approve the Interim City Manager's Contract as submitted. The motion was approved by a majority vote (3-1) of Council present: Mayor Dirksen: Yes Councilor Harding: No Councilor Sherwood: Yes Councilor Woodruff: Yes Interim City Manager Prosser returned to the meeting. (Note: Agenda Item No. 7 was considered at this time.) 5. RECOGNITION OF NORTHWEST MEDICAL TEAMS FOR TSUNAMI RELIEF IN SOUTHEAST ASIA Assistant to the City Manager Newton presented the staff report on this agenda item. Before the Council was a resolution and plaque thanking the Northwest Medical Team, Mr. Bas Vanderzalm from Northwest Medical Teams was present. Councilor Woodruff said it was great to have Northwest Medical Teams as a part of the Tigard community. He said the phrase, "locally based, internationally valued," certainly applied to this organization. Mr. Vanderzalm said he and his wife were glad to be a part of the Tigard community. He thanked the City for the Bonita Park, located near the Northwest Medical Team facility. He said he appreciated the City's support. Motion by Councilor Harding, seconded by Councilor Woodruff, to adopt Resolution No. 05-21. RESOLUTION NO. 05-21 — A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL COMMENDING TIGARD-BASED NORTHWEST MEDICAL TEAMS FOR 25 YEARS OF SERVICE TO MILLIONS AFFECTED BY DISASTER, CONFLICT AND POVERTY AROUND THE WORLD Tigard City Council Minutes March 22, 2005 page 10 The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present: Mayor Dirksen.- Yes Councilor Harding: Yes Councilor Sherwood: Yes Councilor Woodruff: Yes 6. REPORT ON INDONESIAN RESOURCE CITIES EXCHANGE Tigard Public Works Director Dennis Koellermeier, Water Resources Manager for Clean Water Services Tom Vanderplatt, and Senior Vice President for Murray Smith and Associates David Liebrandt presented information to the City Council on their recent trip to Indonesia. They worked with local officials of Samarinda and Balikpapan to develop work plans and action steps to improve their domestic water supply. A copy of the PowerPoint slide presentation to the Council is on file in the City Recorder's office and summarizes the information shared with the City Council. Mayor Dirksen said he was proud the City is involved with this program, which provides good training for the City of Tigard staff as well as providing a service to the Indonesian people. Interim City Manager Prosser advised he has been fortunate to make two trips to Indonesia. He noted the program has done good work and to see the changes the Indonesian participants have implemented "is amazing." Interim City Manager Prosser noted this program is funded by the ICMA Resource Cities Partnership (US Aid). Expenses to the jurisdictions and organizations participating include some meals and gift exchanges. i A delegation from Indonesia will arrive in the Tigard area on April 9 and visit the City Council during its April 12 meeting. 7. UPDATE AND DISCUSSION ON NATURAL RESOURCES PROTECTION PROGRAM AND GOAL 5 Associate Planner Hajduk presented the staff report for this agenda item. Ms. Hajduk provided the policy context for Council's Growth Goal; provided a background/update on the .Tualatin Basin Goal 5 effort; and discussed the proposed natural resource protection work plan. A copy of the PowerPoint slide presentation to the Council is on file in the City Recorder's office and summarizes the information shared with the City Council. Councilor Woodruff asked Associate Planner Hajduk if the changes in this program over the last six months have been positive, Associate Planner Hajduk advised Tigard City Council Minutes March 22, 2005 page 11 there are mixed reports with regard to the Metro shift in direction -to focus on regulation only in the highest riparian areas with non-regulatory tools to be used for the remaining resource areas. This change was made to address concerns about the potential for Ballot Measure 37 claims. There was discussion about the City of Tigard's regulations for natural resource protection. Councilor Sherwood referred to Councilor Wilson's earlier suggestions about incentives for natural resource protection. Councilor Harding noted the work still being done on this issue and that some of Councilor Wilson's ideas may be utilized. Associate Planner Hajduk noted the opportunity for public involvement and the surprisingly few questions and comments that came from the Tigard area as compared to other jurisdictions. Associate Planner Hajduk noted issues will be identified with a report to the City Council in June or July. She referred to the goal options slide in the PowerPoint presentation. She noted the Vision Task Force talked about this matter, but did not want to go beyond stating the desire to "preserve and protect" open space and greenway areas. In response to Associate Planner Hajduk's request for general direction from the City Council, Mayor Dirksen noted the City already enhances and restores natural areas and referred to the restoration of much of the riparian area next to the new library. He noted the existing groups and programs in place. Councilor Woodruff noted he agreed with preserving and protecting (maintaining) but also would agree to expansion of open space. There was discussion on Measure 37 as it affects Goal 5 with Council support noted for Metro's change of direction. > Mayor Dirksen reported to Council about an opportunity for additional park land near Jack Park. Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue Chief Jeff Johnson spoke to Mayor Dirksen about the possibility of a joint project on a five-acre piece of land adjacent to ,lack Park where a new fire station is to be built. Some of the property could be used for access to Jack Park and parking spaces for the park could be shared with the parking lot constructed for the fire station. 8. ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT PROGRAM (CAP) Assistant to the City Manager Newton presented the staff report on this agenda item. Accompanying Ms. Newton was Associate Planner Hajduk, who helps manage the CAP. A copy of the PowerPoint slide presentation to the Council is on file in the City Recorder's office and summarizes the information shared with the City Council. i Ms. Newton reported on the results of the first two years of the program and the Tigard City Council Minutes March 22, 2005 page 12 i i plans for the future. As part of an expanded neighborhood program, staff will propose that each neighborhood have a CAP liaison. This person would review the assessment reports and serve as a link between the neighborhood and the City to address issues identified through assessments. The following (see PowerPoint slides) information was reviewed with City Council: o CAP Mission o Goals o CAP Successes 0 2003-2004 Comparisons o Follow-Up o Improvements for 2005 o CAP Card Samples o Focus for 2005 Councilor Harding and Assistant to the City Manager Newton discussed the amount of citizen involvement and contact, and the perception that this is a code violation exercise. Ideas for improving the program included easier ways for citizens to connect to the program by use of the website, identifying neighborhood liaisons, and informing citizens about the CAP by providing information at the library. Assistant to the City Manager Newton noted the CAP is featured in the Cityscape and the Community Connector reports. Code violations were noted more often during the first year of the program. The follow up to violations noted on CAP walks is to address.serious issues immediately. Other violations are noted to let property owners know of problems (education tool) rather than to issue citations. Mayor Dirksen asked how many staff people go out on the CAP walks on Wednesdays. Assistant to the City Manager Newton said seven staff members are usually assigned to each walk; the number of staff can be reduced if neighborhood liaisons are added to the program. Benefits to staff were noted including gaining more familiarity with Tigard neighborhoods and a better understanding of what other staff members are doing. Mayor Dirksen noted that during the budget process, he would like to know about how much the program costs as it relates to its perceived value. Assistant to the City Manager Newton advised the neighborhood program concept will be presented to the City Council on April 19. 9. UPDATE— DIRECTION ON REVISED CITY LOGO Assistant to the City Manager Newton presented the staff report on this agenda item. One of the 2005 Council goals is Graphic Identity (branding) to include a new City logo, signage and letterhead. Members of the Vision Task Force met on Tigard City Council Minutes March 22, 2005 page 13 r February 24, 2005, to brainstorm ideas for themes and values. Their suggestions were provided to the City Council for review and were outlined in a March 9, 2005, memorandum from Assistant to the City Manager Newton. A copy of this memorandum is on file in the City Recorder's office. I Councilor Woodruff said he was looking for a more comprehensive approach — not just the logo-- but for a representation of what Tigard is about. Discussion followed on the general themes for Tigard, such as "family friendly," "a sense of community," "a caring community," and "a place to call home." Assistant to the City Manager Newton said that development of a logo should not cost more than $2000. Discussion followed about who should be asked to propose concept ideas. The next step will be to prepare a letter to be sent to graphic designers to assist with the development of a new logo. 10. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS: None 11. NON AGENDA ITEMS: None 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Not held. 13. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Councilor Sherwood, seconded by Councilor Harding, to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present: Mayor Dirksen: Yes Councilor Harding: Yes Councilor Sherwood: Yes Councilor Woodruff: - Yes The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. j Ca erine Wheatley, C y Reco d r Attest: Mayor City of Tigard Date: M ley D, 0 S fMdmketh&0rn\200M050=final.doc - Tigard City Council Minutes March 22, 2005 page 14 i