City Council Minutes - 02/10/2004 Agenda Item No. 3 f
Meeting of 3 • Ci . o
February 10, 2004
The meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m. by Mayor Dirksen.
• EXECUTIVE SESSION: Executive session was postponed until the conclusion of the
business meeting.
No. 6)
Chairperson of the Skate Park Task Force, Rich Carlson, and members of the
Skate Park Task Force addressed the Council. Mr. Carlson advised there would
be a meeting on February 25, 2004 at 7 p.m. in Town Hall to recruit people
to work on various subcommittees. Mr. Carlson recognized the task forces'
partnership with the city and asked the Council to promote the skate park. He
mentioned the task force would like to name the park after Mayor Griffith.
Councilor Sherwood suggested establishing a deadline for funding and
commitments may spur activity and participation.
City Manager Monahan noted the site could be available in late September,
and added changes in the composition of the City Council resulting from the
November election could affect support.
Mayor Dirksen added the site would not be available indefinitely.
> DISCUSSION OF COUNCIL VACANCY (See also: Agenda Item No. 5)
City Attorney Ramis advised Council to develop a selection process and to
follow it. He suggested the Council address the following items when
establishing the process:
■ who will be interviewed
■ interview format
■ timeline
■ interview questions
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Meeting of February 10, 2004
■ candidate evaluation (individual judgment/scoring or grading system)
■ when the decision will be made
Several Councilors stated they would be basing their candidate preferences on
the candidate's history of volunteerism and involvement with the city and the
candidate's experience.
After discussion, the Council established the following process:
■ Interviews will be conducted the evening of February 12, 2004.
■ The Council will interview all eight candidates.
■ The Council will meet at 5:30 p.m. to discuss possible interview
■ Interviews will begin at 6 p.m. and be held in twenty minute intervals.
■ Although the meeting is open to the public, the Council prefers
candidates do not sit in on the interviews of fellow candidates. This will
be communicated to the candidates.
■ Candidates will be rated on a scale of one to eight (with eight being the
Councilor's top rating).
• The candidate with the highest score wiII be offered the appointment.
■ Should there be a tie, the Council will vote again, only on the tied
■ If they wish, candidates may make a five minute prepared statement, and
the Council will use the remaining 15 minutes for their interview
■ Wall Street Options
City Engineer Duenas updated the Council on the progress of the Wall
city g
Street protect.
The is working with environmental consultants to
prepare a strong, complete application for the environmental permits. The
application should be submitted next week.
In terms of timelines, the best case scenario would be for the city to get the
permits by this June, and the project would go out for bid. However, a
Comprehensive Plan Amendment needs to occur in order to remove two
ponds on the property, and Pinebrook Creek also needs to be realigned to
the south of the road and then tied back into Fanno Creek. The city
process for amending the Comprehensive Plan typically takes eight to nine
months. However, the window for doing this type of work occurs between
July and September.
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Meeting of February 10, 2004
The city is hoping to obtain permission to begin phase I of the project,
construction of the first 425 feet of Wall Street, which will provide joint
access for the library and Fanno Pointe Condominiums. If the 2004
construction window is not feasible, the project would be postponed until
2005. In the interim, the library would be accessible via a temporary right-
of way. There is a possibility the permits would not be granted.
Note: Mayor Dirksen and Councilor Moore advised they would like to discuss the
Downtown Redevelopment Public Involvement Plan and water respectively, at the
conclusion of the business meeting.
Council study session recessed at 7:32
1.1 Mayor Dirksen called the Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting
to order at 7:33 p.m.
1.2 Roll Call: Mayor Dirksen, Councilors Moore, Sherwood and Wilson
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
1.4 Council Communications 8z Liaison Reports:
Mayor Dirksen said he had met with County Commissioners earlier today and
encouraged them to consider the city's request to collect park systems
development charges in the urban services area of Bull Mountain.
1.5 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items
City Manager Monahan noted:
Item #7, Local Contract Review Board (LCRB) Public Hearing —
Considering a Resolution Granting an Exemption from Competitive Bidding
Under LCRB Administrative Rule 8 0.0 15 for Design Services on the 12 l
Avenue Improvement Project, will not be considered at tonight's meeting.
This item will be heard at the February 24 meeting.
Several study session items and an executive session would follow the
business portion of the meeting.
Mayor Dirksen stated:
Council would hear item #6, Update from the Skate Park Task Force,
before item #5, Discussion of Council Vacancy.
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Meeting of February 10, 2004
■ Angela Jensen, Tigard High School Student Envoy, told the Council about various
activities and information related to the high school. Ms. Jensen distributed a
handout (Agenda Item No. 2, Exhibit 1), which is on file in the City Recorder's
■ Chamber President Dan Murphy updated the Council on Tigard Area Chamber of
Commerce activities.
3. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilor Sherwood, seconded by Councilor
Wilson, to adopt the Consent Agenda as follows:
3.1 Approve Council Minutes for January 12, 13 and 20, 2004
3.2 Receive and File:
a. Council Calendar
b. Tentative Agenda
3.3 Approve an Intergovernmental Agreement with Washington County Regarding
the MSTIP3 Project for the Walnut Street Improvements
The motion was approved by a unanimous vote:
Mayor Dirksen - Yes
Councilor Moore - Yes
Councilor Sherwood - Yes
Councilor Wilson - Yes
Library Director Barnes reviewed the progress of the new library. Her PowerPoint
presentation, (Agenda Item No. 4, Exhibit 1), is on file in the City Recorder's office.
Mayor Dirksen explained the library is seeking donations for public art, which will
be located in the library lobby and the children's room.
Note: Item #6 was heard before item #5
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Meeting of February 10, 2004
Rich Carlson, Chairperson of the Skate Park Task Force, introduced Mr. LaChance a
skate park supporter. Mr. LaChance gave a PowerPoint presentation, (Agenda Item
No. 6, Exhibit 1), which is on file in the City Recorder's office. Several skate
boarders, supporters, School Resource Officer Rick Peterson and Darrin Marks from
the Police Activities League narrated portions of the presentation. It was suggested the
Niche building might be considered as a youth center. The task force submitted a
letter, (Agenda Item No. 6, Exhibit 2), to the Council proposing the skate park be
named after Tigard Mayor Jim Griffith. The task force distributed cookies (an
example of one of their fundraising activities), a Tigard Skate Park brochure, (Agenda
Item No. 6, Exhibit 3), designed by Mr. Deutan, and a handout on existing/proposed
Oregon skate parks, (Agenda Item No. 6, Exhibit 4). All documents are on file in the
City Recorder's office. Mr. DeWan is in the process of developing a skate park web
site. Mr. Carlson advised there would be a meeting on February 25, 2004 at 7 p.m.
in Town Hall to recruit people for various subcommittees.
Mr. Carlson requested the Council members act as advocates of the skate park, and
encouraged them to be involved. He added the involvement of city staff may be
needed. Councilor Moore indicated his support and volunteered his time to further
the park. Councilor Wilson offered technical assistance. Councilor Sherwood
expressed her support. The Council was in favor of naming the park after the late
Mayor Griffith. Short of the city funding the project, Mayor Dirksen committed
whatever support and help the Council could provide to get the skate park built.
Mayor Dirksen recognized the effort of task force members and supporters.
City Manager Monahan suggested steps the city could take to move forward with the
skate park. They are as follows:
■ Initiate the process to name the skate park after Mayor Griffith. This item could
come back to Council on February 24 or March 9.
■ Visit and outline the site to demonstrate where the skate park would be situated.
This would be affected by the size of the skate park, which has not been
determined. Mr. Monahan suggested Council authorize a site analysis.
■ Hold a spring event on the site.
■ Discuss the commitment of staff resources.
■ Determine a timeline of when the property could be available.
Mayor Dirksen proposed staff help to identify and assist with grants to fund the park.
Mr. Monahan mentioned the city will be eligible to apply for state grant funds as it
has done in the past. However, state funding would necessitate construction of the
larger, full-size skate park and city property would not be counted towards matching
funds. Councilor Moore asked if staff could investigate options to provide matching
funds for such a grant.
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Meeting of February 10, 2004
Mr. Monahan proposed the city explore the ultimate cost of the skate park, identify
the maximum amount of available grant funding, and then calculate the remaining
balance. The possibility of the city guaranteeing this remaining cost, should fundraising
efforts fall short, was mentioned.
Council consensus was to pursue Mr. Monahan's proposal.
Council business meeting recessed at 8:57 p.m.
Council business meeting reconvened at 9:05 p.m.
Note: Item #5 was heard after item #6
Mayor Dirksen asked City Manager Monahan to summarize the discussion that was
held in study session. Mr. Monahan provided background on the vacancy and
described the details of the interview and selection process as foIIows:
■ Interviews will be conducted the evening of February 12, 2004.
■ The Council will interview all eight candidates.
■ The Council will meet at 5:30 p.m. to discuss possible interview questions.
Ideally, each Councilor will come up with one question they would like to ask.
■ Interviews will begin at 6 p.m. and be held in twenty minute intervals.
■ If they wish, candidates may make a five minute prepared statement, and the
Council will use the remaining 15 minutes for their interview questions.
• Candidates will be rated on a scale of one to eight (with eight being the top
= After the interviews, the ratings will be tallied and given to the Council.
= The candidate with the highest score will be offered the appointment.
■ Should there be a tie, the Council will conduct a second vote among the tied
■ Candidates will be chosen randomly for scheduling, with the first candidate
offered the 6 p.m. interview. Should they be unable to make this interview
(the meeting was scheduled to begin at a later time), the candidate would be
assigned the earliest interview appointment they can attend, which would be no
later than the 6:40 p.m. appointment slot.
Mr. Monahan noted the meeting is open to the public. However, in fairness to all
candidates, the Council's preference is candidates do not sit-in on the interviews of
others. Candidates are welcome to attend the final deliberation, once interviews are
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Meeting of February 10, 2004
Once the candidate is chosen, the Council asked that the individual take an
"informal" oath of office before the February 17, 2004 meeting. A formal
ceremony would be conducted and televised at the February 24, 2004 meeting.
Councilor Moore asked if the new Councilor could tour the city and begin
orientation before the meeting on February 17, 2004.
This item was not considered; it will be heard at the February 24 meeting.
Council business meeting recessed at 9:15 p.m.
Council study session reconvened at 9:15 p.m.
• STUDY SESSION continued
■ City Manager Monahan referred to a letter from Charlie Cameron,
Washington County Administrator, regarding a follow-up to the meeting
on the revitalization of the commuter rail/217 project. Mr. Cameron
asked for the city to appoint one person each to the policy advisory
committee and the technical advisory committee. Mr. Monahan indicated
Community Development Director Hendryx would serve on the technical
advisory committee. Mayor Dirksen volunteered to serve on the policy
advisory committee.
■ Utility Audit Update
Finance Director Prosser distributed (Study Session Agenda Item, Exhibit
1), and summarized an earlier memo to the Council regarding utility
franchise audits. Although Tigard is already involved with audits of Verizon
and Qwest, the city may have an opportunity to join the City of Portland
in an audit of Northwest Natural Gas. If the Council is interested in
pursuing the Northwest Natural Gas audit, a budget amendment would be
required once audit costs are known. Mr. Prosser estimates Tigard's portion
of the audit could range from $20,000 to $40,000. The Council directed
Mr. Prosser to pursue the audit of Northwest Natural Gas.
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Mayor Dirksen asked for the Council's direction regarding the citizen
involvement process in relation to the downtown redevelopment plan. He
explained there were two scenarios:
1. The task force would identify"stakeholders," people who have a stake in
the future of the downtown. Public outreach would be achieved through a
series of public meetings. These meetings would occur before and during
the work with the consultant.
2. The other scenario involved adding members to the task force to represent
a broader range of interests. Public outreach would be achieved through
this "expanded" task force. This task force would work with the consultant
to create the redevelopment plan.
City Manager Monahan pointed out that during the discussion of their goals,
the Council indicated it wanted the task force enlarged to be more
representative of the community at Iarge. At that time, Council direction was
to disband the existing task force because they had completed their task of
designing a commuter rail station. Since urban renewal and financial issues
surrounding downtown redevelopment will affect the entire city, the whole
community should be represented on the task force.
Councilor Wilson agreed with Mr. Monahan's assessment and added both the
larger community and the task force should guide the redevelopment process.
He noted urban renewal would require a vote of the entire city and support
for the issue needed to be citywide.
Recruiting participants was discussed. Councilor Wilson said having a
$100,000 TGM grant may encourage people to become involved.
Mayor Dirksen proposed a slightly expanded task force that would work with
the consultant to come up with a draft plan, which would be shared with the
community through a series of public meetings. Monthly meetings would be
held, in different venues throughout the city, to review the plan. Meetings
would be publicized and public comment would be accepted.
Councilor Wilson asserted the redevelopment plan should be something that
evolves as input is received, possibly starting with community surveys.
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Councilor Moore expressed concern over the current lack of progress from the
existing task force and suggested fresh ideas and progress are likely to come
from outside the group.
Mr. Monahan stated the award of the TGM grant carries with it an expectation
of major public involvement. Ideally, the entire community should be
In response to a question from Mayor Dirksen, Councilor Wilson described the
role of the task force as one in which the task force would give direction to the
consultant regarding specific courses of action. Mayor Diricsen confirmed the
role of the task force would be to serve as the decision-making body and
intermediary between the citizens and the consultant.
■ Discussion of Appointments to the Bull Mountain Task Forces
City Manager Monahan distributed a handout, (Study Session Agenda
Item, Exhibit 2), listing citizens interested in serving on the Bull Mountain
task forces. He indicated progress was being made and meetings may be
underway in the next week or so.
■ Water
Councilor Moore noted reports on Willamette River water quality have
been impressive. Local communities, including Tigard, are being asked if
they would like to reconsider the Willamette River water source. Councilor
Moore wondered if the Council had'a renewed interest in exploring this
option. It was noted a vote from the community would be required in
order to use the Willamette. Councilor Moore added this source may offer
an opportunity for ownership and water rights at a lower cost than either
the Bull Run or Joint Water Commission options.
Councilor Wilson said he was agreeable to the city exploring the possibility,
but asserted considering this option would create controversy. Since the
city is dealing with other controversial issues, he suggested it may be
appropriate to pursue this option when other issues are resolved. Councilor
Sherwood stated she has always thought Tigard would be driven to the
Willamette as other water sources became more difficult and costly to
The Council gave Councilor Moore "qualified support," to enter into
preliminary discussions on the Willamette River water source. It was noted
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Meeting of February 10, 2004
it is important to keep all options open in order to give voters a choice of
water sources in the future.
Council study session recessed at 10:08 p.m.
• EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Tigard City Council went into Executive Session at 10:08
p.m. to discuss labor negotiations under ORS 192.660(1 d).
The meeting adjourned at 10:52 p.m.
Greer A. Gaston, Deputy City Recorder
Mayor, City of Tigard
Date: 3 . •U L
[:IAD MICATHYIC C MI200410402 9 0.D O C
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Meeting of February 10, 2004