City Council Minutes - 01/12/2004 Agenda Item No. 3. 1
Council Meeting of Q,I D.o�{
Council Goal Setting Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2004
Roll call — Present were Councilors Moore, Wilson, Sherwood and Mayor Pro Tem Dirksen. Craig
Prosser and Bill Monahan from City staff were present. The meeting began shortly after 3 p.m.
Bill Monahan introduced the format for the day and introduced Finance Director Craig Prosser to
update the Council on the City's financial plan.
Financial plan update — Craig Prosser showed the Council the latest financial plan which illustrates
that the City will be going negative in fiscal year 2006-07, by $3 million if initial budget requests
from City departments were all funded. After backing out new positions that likely won't be
funded, Craig showed revised financial figures which forecast a restoration of the positive balance
until fiscal year 2007-08. Some new positions will be funded under this scenario. Craig Prosser
asked for direction from Council.
Councilor Wilson asked for information on why the financial trends are happening. Craig Prosser
explained that the major driver is personal services costs as 80% of costs are related to personal
services. Cost of living allowances, dental and health plan costs, PERS, liability insurance and new
facilities for personnel are included in those costs.
Councilor Wilson asked for information broken out by those expenses which would be considered
"cost of doing business" compared to "new services or facilities" which are coming on-line and
have an increased cost associated with them.
Craig Prosser distributed a matrix line "Long-term Financial Issues Council Priorities Major Issues"
to check with the Council to determine if the assumptions from 2003 remain the same. He noted
the proposed increase in franchise fees and creation of a privilege tax which Council clearly gave
direction. He distributed a list showing the present franchise fees in various cities in Oregon. The
matrix illustrates that there is room to increase some fees in Tigard, but those fees would be
reflected on consumer bills. He explained that franchise fees and privilege taxes function the same
way. An additional $250,000 could be generated by increasing Northwest Natural Gas franchise
fees from three to five percent, at the same time a PGE increase would be substantially higher.
Craig explained the limits that presently exist.
A privilege tax will be developed by the Finance Department to be brought back for Council
consideration in spring of 2004.
Urban renewal is another financing tool which has been discussed. Craig Prosser noted that
Washington County has raised the possibility of an urban renewal area that generally could follow
the commuter rail priority. Council should consider whether to explore utilizing this financing
A local option property tax levy has also been discussed with Council during the past few years.
Earlier, November 2004 was identified as a possible date for an election. Now a decision whether
to pursue a levy in 2006 or 2008 is at issue. Craig Prosser explained that a local government
cannot change its permanent tax rate. A levy for no more than 5 years can be adopted, consistent
with the $10 cap.
The Council expressed the need for additional training in finance. More training will be scheduled
as the new member of City Council is appointed and oriented.
i .
Goal Completion for 2003 and Goals for 2004
Bill introduced the memo which had been provided to the City Council outlining the goal
achievement for 2003 by quarter and proposed goals submitted by department heads for 2004.
Council determined that it has had sufficient time to study the goal achievement and desire to go
right into discussion of goals for 2004.
Goal 1 — Financial Strategy
The Council has expressed an interest in a conservative approach on budget strategy. The Council
expressed the desire to continue to delay the time frame when a serial levy will be needed.
Council intents to find other ways to increase fees and reduce costs so that a levy can be delayed
to a later year while we pursue a long-term solution to the City's financial needs.
The Council discussed the need,to give staff more direction and tasks define what should be
accomplished under the financial goals.
Councilor Wilson suggested convening a strategic planning session later in the year to discuss each
of the goals established by Council and give more complete direction on what should be achieved.
Mayor Pro Tem Dirksen suggested that the financial strategy continue as the prime City goal for
2004. Craig Prosser suggested modified goal language which he had submitted to Council in
advance of the meeting. Council considered that language.
Council discussed the possibility of tax increment financing and heard from Bill the two ways to
approach it. Council expressed an interest in having an urban renewal plan to put before the
voters for approval rather than seeking a charter amendment.
Councilor Wilson noted that he believes that a Central Business District Urban Renewal Plan should
be prepared first, followed by the more costly required funding needed for the Washington Square
Regional Center. If the City can complete one urban renewal program successfully, Councilor
Wilson projected that it could lead to building community trust so that a second urban renewal
area could be developed.
Council consensus was to adopt Craig Prosser's suggested Council goal with modification. Council
acknowledged that during the year it explored creation of an economic development program.
Progress was made in the past year as Tigard joined the Regional Partners for Economic
Development. Council concluded that this action fulfills the section of the goal related to
economic development and the ongoing effort will be considered to be a task.
Council suggested the following goals for 2004:
A. Develop and implement a sustainable long-term financial strategy for issues such as:
a. General Fund needs
b. Library
c. Transportation
d. Parks and open space
e. Washington Square regional center
f. Central Business District
g. Water system
h. Extension of urban services through annexation
Goal 2 -- Tigard Central Business District
Bill reviewed the Ianguage of the goal and the status of the committee effort, as expressed to
Council at a November study session.
Mayor Pro Tem Dirksen suggested that this is an important goal; Section A of the 2003 goal has
been completed. Section B can be modified to delete reference to the design of the Tigard's
commuter rail station.
Councilor Wilson feels that the TGM grant needs to define the vision, putting the vision into a
document so that a more defined direction is created.
Mayor Pro Tem Dirksen also suggested that the task force be expanded to include representation
from other business center, the CPOs, and others. Councilor Moore suggested citizen business
users are needed to give their input to the committee.
The Council discussed how to get membership representation by people with a variety of concerns.
! Councilor Wilson feels at least half of the committee representatives should be representatives from
the community at large. The advisory committee's initial task, defined in the creating resolution is
to be completed in about four months, so a change could be made at that time. Councilor Moore
noted that a second committee may be an appropriate direction to go. Councilor Wilson noted
that for anything to happen in downtown an urban renewal plan is needed requiring citywide voter
The need for an improved downtown area has been debated in the community for many years. It
has been promoted and fought against by groups for many years, Councilor Sherwood noted.
Council agreed to language for a goal as follows:
A. Support the activities of the Downtown Task Force as it defines a vision for redevelopment.
B. Select a consultant to carry out the Transportation Growth Management (TGM) grant to
create a redevelopment plan based upon the recommendations of the Task Force and
C. Choose a financing mechanism, such as tax increment financing, for carrying out the
redevelopment plan or vision.
D. Broaden the Task Force to include citywide representation.
Council took a break at 2:52 p.m. returning at 3:08 p.m.
Council returned and finalized Goal 2 by adding a statement broadening the Task Force. The
change is reflected in the goal above.
Goal 3 -- Transportation
Council discussed the goal. Councilor Wilson noted that the transportation system plan has
identified many projects requiring funding, including ODOT projects, outside of our control.
However, no priority list and strategy have been developed. Councilor Wilson would like the goal
to go beyond what Tigard's responsibilities are but to include how Tigard can promote other
agencies to fund improvements to facilities under their control.
Council considered that the Right-of-Way management become a task. Councilor Sherwood
suggested that the Council must at least meet twice with ODOT during 2004. A goal was
suggested regarding communication with ODOT. Councilor Wilson suggested that there may be a
need for the City to retain an outside expert to assist the task force and staff to do transportation
modeling or other work to help determine the funding recommendation for the City.
City Council discussed the goal and decided to leave Goal 3 A. and B. in place for 2004 as
written, as follows:
A. Aggressively pursue solutions to congestion of state, county and city facilities that cross
through Tigard.
a. Reforming the Transportation Financing Task Force.
b. Identify project priorities and funding needs for state and city facilities.
B. Continue working with Tri-Met to identify and fund additional intra-city bus routes.
Council reviewed Chief Dickinson's proposed 2004 goal which focused on the need for
improvements to pedestrian safety. Council expressed appreciation for the submittal of the new
idea and encourages the Police department to carry out the goal. Council looks forward to the
results of the study and recommendation, however, did not feel that a City Council goal is needed
at this time.
After much discussion, the Council modified the goal for transportation to read as follows:
A. Aggressively pursue solutions to congestion of state, county and city facilities that cross
through Tigard.
a. Reforming the Transportation Financing Task Force.
b. Identify project priorities and funding needs for state and city facilities.
B. Continue working with Tri-Met to carry out the Memorandum of Understanding and
identify and fund additional improvernents with an emphasis on intra-city bus routes.
C. Council shall meet with ODOT representatives at least once in 2004 to discuss state road
facilities in Tigard and the related funding needs and priorities.
D. Council will continue discussion of the Transportation Goal during the Strategic Planning
meeting on transportation.
Goal 4 -- Park and Recreation
Council noted that during the past year the City completed an update of the Parks Master Plan for
City facilities. Also, the City created a Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. The Youth
Forum, formed prior to 2003, continued to function during the year and has spun off other
groups and activities.
Councilor Moore noted that he has supported efforts citizens who have approached him desiring to
seek voter approval to acquire additional open space. He has told individuals that if they want to
pursue park acquisition in a funding package presented to the voters, he believes the Council will
support it. Council discussed the idea and indicated a willingness'to review and support a
grassroots effort to put forth a greenspaces bond. Council recognizes that the choice of election
date needs to be considered in Iight of other City issues of funding questions scheduled for voter
After discussion, Council agreed to the following goals:
A. Meet with the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee to:
a. Discuss the vision of the Task Force and the Council related to the City need for
parks and recreation.
b. Discuss possible acquisition needs and financing for the City of Tigard as well as
unincorporated Bull Mountain.
c. Discuss options and interest in creating a park and recreation district.
B. Continue to participate in discussions with the Tigard-Tualatin School District and
neighboring cities to consider the school district's funding needs.
C. Meet with the Skate Park Committee and formulate a plan of action.
D. Continue to support the efforts of the Youth Forum.
The last item to support the efforts of the Youth Forum, follow directly after an update on the
activities of the Youth Forum and the recently created Youth Advisory Committee.
Goal 5 — Water
The water goal for 2003 represents a continuation of a ten year effort to secure a long-term
source of drinking water. The goal read "continue to evaluate options for long-term water
supply." Council concluded that since negotiations have gone well to complete a contract with the `
Joint Water Commission, which should culminate in a contract in early 2004, the goal has been
completed. Council recognizes that additional work to complete negotiations of a wholesale
contract with the City of Portland and potential expiration of other sources of water will continue
to be tasked. In addition, the Joint Water Commission contract does not guarantee the acquisition
of water rights; however, efforts will be made to improve the capacity of the Skoggins Dam which
could eventually lead to ownership rights.
Council expressed satisfaction that the Joint Water Commission agreement will finally be in place.
Goal 6 — Growth Management
Council discussed the development projects which are now underway in the City. Several of those
projects are underway without controversy. In addition, Council discussed the status of the Bull
Mountain Annexation Plan. During the coming year, Council expects that effort will be necessary
to complete the Annexation Plan. Council recommended the following goal which will be Goal 5
rather than Goal 6 since no water goal will be needed in 2004:
Goal 5 — Growth Management
A. Continue Bull Mountain annexation information preparation Ieading to a July 2004 Council
action on the Annexation Plan.
B. Form subcommittees and review their completed White Papers.
C. Designate a subcommittee which will review the Planned Development section of the
Community Development Code, led by the PIanning Commission.
D. Develop a framework/timetable for a Comprehensive Plan update.
E. Negotiate with Washington County staff to determine who will prepare the plan and zoning
for the l-IGB Areas 63 and 64, and identify the source of funding for the plan.
Goal 7 — Communication
The language for 2003 read as follows:
A. Increase Tigard's communication with other elected bodies through active participation of
City Council members and staff.
B. Improve and expand communication with citizens, particularly communicating successes and
future concerns.
Council proposes reducing the number of meetings during the year with our state representative
and senator from once a month to as little as once every three to four months. Council recognizes
that the legislature is not in session, thus monthly updates are not necessary. Council does want to
continue to meet with state and regional officials and elected officers. Council modified the goal
language to read:
Increase Tigard's communication with other local elected officials and bodies through active
participation of City Council members and staff.
Councilor Wilson noted that he has heard lately an interest in forming neighborhood groups or
other citizen participation groups. But, it may be more productive to review the Development
Code and other citywide regulations that apply. Mayor Pro Tem Dirksen and Councilor Sherwood
have expressed to the Community Development staff the need°to review density transfer
regulations and opportunities while the Planning Commission considers revision to the Planned
Development section of the Community Development Code. Council may want to review bad
examples of development, according to Councilor Wilson, and determine if there are ways to
modify City regulations in order to prevent the adverse impacts. He specifically cited construction
of walls in residential areas.
Council discussed the development opportunities presented by the code which seemed to
encourage development of sensitive properties.
Council discussed and agreed to leave in the Council goal section D to continue to improve and
expand communication with citizens.
Mayor Pro Tem Dirksen suggested three additions to the Council goal. He suggested that the
Council support the mission of the Tigard Youth Council by considering adding youth
representative to all City boards and committees. Also, he suggested the Council support the
Tigard Beyond Tomorrow goal to maximize City involvement opportunities through educational
programs by developing and implementing a citizen leadership series. He suggested Council
investigate the possibility of supporting the Tigard Beyond Tomorrow strategy to "encourage
public participation through accessibility and education with an annual citizens fair for community
events and businesses." He suggested that a fair could highlight areas of the City, events of the
City and the groups who sponsor them.
Council supported investigating the possibility of doing these three tasks. Councilor Sherwood
suggested that the leadership series of Tualatin and Beaverton should be looked at as they have had
success. Council suggested using Tigard's recording facilities to record and retain the training and
also borrow materials from Tualatin and Beaverton.
The proposed goal for communication is changed to Goal b and reads as follows:
A. Increase Tigard's communication with other local officials and elected bodies through active
participation of City Council members and staff.
B. Improve and expand communication with citizens, particularly communicating successes and
future concerns.
C. Support the Tigard Beyond Tomorrow goal to maximize citizen involvement opportunities
through educational programs by implementing a citizen leadership series.
D. Investigate the possibility of supporting the mission of the Tigard Youth Advisory Council
"to empower, improve and connect the lives of Tigard's youth" by adding a youth
representative to all City boards and committees.
E. Investigate the possibility of supporting the Tigard Beyond Tomorrow strategy to
"encourage public participation through accessibility and education with an annual citizens
fair for community events and businesses."
New Goals
Council had an opportunity to suggest additional new goals for consideration. Council concluded
that it wants for have a strategic planning session next week on transportation, a second session will
be held after the six month goal report is prepared. At that session the Council will review the
goal achievement and determine if any course of action should be changed.
Council considered the liaison appointment list dated January 8, 2004. All liaison appointments
were confirmed with the addition of commuter rail coordinator committee assigned to Mayor Pro
Tem Dirksen who volunteered.
Council discussed a number of other issues including the following:
1 . There is no need for changes to Council ground rules or the City charter at this time.
2. Council will consider having the City Attorney read a prepared hearing procedure statement
rather than leave that responsibility to the mayor.
3. Have the architect for the City Hall remodel look at how the Town Hall can be better
utilized to have presentation materials visible to the public.
4. The ftlIing of the Council vacancy will involve a screening of process through the use of
questions to be developed by the Council later.
Council discussed the need to give direction to the filling of the Council vacancy. Further
discussion will occur at an upcoming Council meeting.
Council suggested that the draft Council goals be brought forward for discussion at the January 20
Council meeting for adoption on January 27.
The goal setting session at the Tigard Water District Building recessed at 5:27 p.m. to reconvene at
Cafe Allegro for the Council dinner without discussion of agenda items.
The Council reconvened the meeting at Cafe Allegro at 6 p.m. and finished dinner at 7 p.m.
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