City Council Minutes - 05/10/2011 Agenda Item No. 3 A . Meeting of " City ofrigard Tigard Business Meeting - Minutes TIGARD CITY COUNCIL AND LOCAL CONTRACT REVIEW BOARD (LCRB) MEETING DATE/TIME: May 10,2011 —6:30 p.m. Study Session; 7:30 p.m. Business Meeting MEETING LOCATION: City of Tigard—Town Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 • STUDY SESSION Council Present: Mayor Dirksen,Councilor Woodard,Councilor Wilson,Councilor Henderson and Council President Buehner Staff Present: City Manager Prosser,Assistant City Manager Newton,Parks Manager Martin,Management Analyst Barrett, Management Analyst Wyatt,Assistant Public Works Manager Rager,Assistant Community Development Director Hartnett and Deputy Recorder Krager At 6:30 Mayor Dirksen called the Study Session to order. City Manager Prosser discussed administrative items. o Economic Opportunities Analysis (Agenda Item No. 4) —Additional information was received after the Planning Commission recommendation.Part of their recommendation was to acknowledge the expansion of the town center boundary into the Tigard Triangle by updating Comprehensive Plan definitions and updating the Metro map which has been past practice. A year ago Metro said all they needed was formal notification and they would change the map. ODOT however,has raised concerns about the town center expansion and questioned the process. At the Planning Commission's request, staff double checked with Metro and asked for a letter confirming our process. Metro did not provide the letter and has subsequently said that to expand the town center boundary Tigard would have to amend the Comprehensive Plan to include the map. Assistant Community Development Director Hartnett said it is not difficult to bring this back separately;staff was just trying to be efficient. She said, "I have every confidence that when we go through the process they're asking us to go through,we will be successful in establishing the town center boundaries." Councilor Buehner asked how much staff time will be involved. Assistant Community Development Director Hartnett said it will be less efficient but they will find another project within which it fits. City Manager Prosser said he would address the changes that staff will be requested to complete during tonight's public hearing. The public hearing will go forward but staff will need to return with this Comprehensive Plan amendment. A. UPDATE ON THE CITY'S EFFORT TO HIRE A PARK BOND PROGRAM MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT Parks Manager Martin updated Council on efforts to hire a Parks Acquisition and Improvement Program Management Services consultant. He said 12 firms were contacted and five firms submitted proposals.Two finalists were selected for interviews held on April 22. Staff will bring a recommendation for a contract with Conservation Technix to the LCRB in a few weeks. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - May 10, 2011 Cityof Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 11 Councilor Wilson asked how PRAB will decide how much to spend on land purchases and how much will go towards capital improvements. Parks Manager Martin said the PRAB is committed to allocating 80% or higher towards acquisitions. The rest will be used for development and planning. He noted that Tigard will still be buying land in the third year of the bond period. Councilor Wilson said he was in favor of that but requested enough construction be done to improve public access,such as signs, trails and parking. Mayor Dirksen noted that some properties have safety hazards that the city will need to remove. Parks Manager Martin said the PRAB's two top priority projects are a bridge to access the Jack Park expansion property from the fire station and changes to Fanno Creek House zoning. Council President Buehner suggested a crosswalk on Walnut Street for safety in accessing the bridge to Jack Park. Councilor Wilson said he spoke with someone at the Shining Stars banquet about a potential trail at Quail Hollow. Assistant Public Works Director Rager said there is pending litigation regarding that area so it cannot be discussed at this time. Councilor Henderson asked if maintaining that trail would be costly. Assistant Public Works Director Rager said the city is already mowing the trail across from it. City Manager Prosser said if Council wanted to continue this discussion in any more detail,they would need to go into an Executive Session. Councilor Wilson said he wanted to respond to the person asking about the trail and City Manager Prosser advised saying there are some legal issues surrounding the property that need to be settled. B. CONSIDER A REQUEST FROM THE TRUST FOR PUBLIC LANDS TO SUPPORT SENATE BILL 342 Mayor Dirksen said that Josh Alpert of the Trust for Public Lands (TPL) was present to answer questions. He said he reviewed this and TPL requested an endorsement from him but he declined to comment without seeking general consensus from Council. He said his own view was that if passed, the bill would direct more money towards urban areas. He asked Council members for their opinions on Senate Bill 342. Council President Buehner said it was a good idea. Councilor Woodard asked for a synopsis. Management Analyst Wyatt said the main point is that only 4 percent of lottery funds go to the urban areas. There is a decrease in federal support and this is likely to continue. He said Tigard worked closely with TPL during the Summer Creek property acquisition and this brought awareness to the cumbersome OWEB (Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board) funding process. He said the League of Oregon Cities is neutral but supports creation of this local government sub-account. He said Hillsboro's Parks Department is in favor but is not taking a formal position. Josh Alpert clarified that SB 342 does not contain the language that is before Council;this language is included in an amendment. He said TPL monitors allocations of federal funding and it is "pretty much gone,"and puts a greater onus on the state natural resource funding,which is fairly fixed. He said that leaves the burden squarely with the local governments and while TPL doesn't disparage what OWEB has done in the past,they think there is room to try new things with lottery money. He said TPL believes that conservation is moving in the direction of local community support which necessitates finding ways to leverage local money. Mr.Alpert said that another concern is while OWEB will grant funds for a project such as restoration of a threatened turtle pond;they are reluctant to purchase the land surrounding the pond,where the threat actually lies. So if development occurs,the turtles are lost anyway and the money was wasted. He said part of this proposal is asking them to look at long-term community investment. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — May 10, 2011 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 2 of 11 Councilor Woodard said he had many concerns about what kinds of strings are attached. He said,"You don't get anything for free. We don't know what this will turn into or what kinds of control would evolve." He said he cannot support this right now and would like to see the final draft. Mr.Alpert said he could forward the latest draft to Council. Council President Buehner said the reality is that the legislature is going to shut down in seven weeks and there is not enough time for additional consideration. She said the money is not being spent in urban areas due to a political agenda. Mayor Dirksen agreed and said,"It's not only not being spent in urban areas;it's not being spent in Western Oregon." Councilor Woodard said he would rather see the lottery dollars be spent elsewhere;i.e.,to assist with schools or problem gamblers. Council President Buehner said spending these dollars on parks is dedicated in Oregon's constitution;they cannot be spent on anything else. Mayor Dirksen suggested a letter of support,endorsing the principle could be an alternative to a Council resolution. Councilor Woodard agreed to the alternative. Councilors Wilson,Buehner and Henderson said they were in favor of supporting SB 342. City Manager Prosser said Management Analyst Wyatt and Assistant City Manager Newton will monitor this bill and if additional amendments surface,information will be distributed to Council. Additional Administrative Items - o City Manager Prosser said there was a meeting with parks officials on Metro's Intertwine. Mayor Dirksen's comments were distributed to Council.All comments are due by today. He suggested that Tigard respond to the email and then follow up with a letter. It is to be decided whether each jurisdiction will sign one letter or if they will draft their own letters. Council agreed with sending an email followed by a letter. o Assistant City Manager Newton asked who would attend the Wilsonville ozone facility tour. Council President Buehner is going and Councilors Woodard and Wilson will get back to her. o Council President Buehner said she would be bringing up a Non-Agenda item tonight regarding the need to respond to Metro's letter requesting any Urban Growth Boundary expansions. She noted they need a response by June 20,2011. Council discussed separate properties for consideration. City Manager Prosser asked if it needed more discussion. Council agreed they did not need additional discussion and the letter could be sent.Assistant Community Development Director Hartnett said she would attach a map. The Study Session ended at 7:23 p.m. 1. BUSINESS MEETING A. At 7:33 p.m. Mayor Dirksen called the meeting of the Tigard City Council to order. B. Deputy Recorder Krager called the roll: Present Absent Councilor Wilson x Council President Buehner x Mayor Dirksen x Councilor Henderson x Councilor Woodard x TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — May 10, 2011 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 3 of 11 C. Pledge of Allegiance D. Council Communications &Liaison Reports- none E. Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items—City Manager Prosser noted that two items have been pulled from the Consent Agenda: 3.0—Award Contract for Auditing Services,and 3.D— Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Intergovernmental Agreement with Washington County Regarding the Sunrise Property. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION A. Follow-up to Previous Citizen Communication—None B. Tigard High School Student Envoy Tracie Tran gave a report on recent events. Prom was held at the Left Bank Annex in Portland this year. Student body officer elections were held. A copy of Ms.Tran's report is in the packet for this meeting. C. Tigard Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Debi Mollahan updated Council on Chamber activities. The Shining Stars Banquet was held Saturday. The Tigard Festival of Balloons is June23-25 and the Chamber is selling raffle tickets for a booth at the Festival. Council President Buehner said the Shining Stars event and auction were wonderful. D. Citizen Communication—Sign-up Sheet-none 3 CONSENT AGENDA: (Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board) A. Receive and File: 1. Three-month Council Calendar 2. Tentative Agenda B. ADOPT REVISIONS TO CITY WIDE PERSONNEL POLICIES G_AIVI A RD C=9N 4 A GTFOR O A T PiTING 8FR;qG 8 Item removed from agenda and will be discussed at May 17,2011 Workshop Meeting. PR-GP R4* Item removed from agenda. Councilor Wilson moved to approve the consent agenda as amended and Council President Buehner seconded the motion. All voted in approval. Yes No Councilor Wilson x Council President Buehner x Mayor Dirksen x Councilor Henderson x Councilor Woodard x TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — May 10, 2011 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 4 of11 4. LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING—COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (CPA) 2011-00002—TIGARD COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT TO ADOPT THE TIGARD 2011 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES ANALYSIS a. Mayor Dirksen opened the public hearing at 7:44 p.m. b. City Attorney Ramis read the hearing procedures.There were no questions and no one reported a conflict of interest. C. IR Community Development Department: Senior Planner Wyss introduced Steve Faust,Senior Planner with Cogan Owens Cogan,who assisted with the city's economic opportunities analysis and ensured it applied with applicable state rules and regulations.He presented the Planning Commission's unanimous recommendation to adopt the 2011 Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA) and amend the Tigard Comprehensive Plan Goal 9:Economic Development and the Tigard Comprehensive Plan Glossary. Senior Planner Wyss presented a PowerPoint which is part of the meeting packet. He said the city is currently under periodic review and completing the EOA is required by the periodic review work program.It compares a projected 20-year industrial employment land demand to existing supply and ensures an adequate supply of land for industrial and employment for long-and short-term needs. He said the EOA process consisted of six tasks and the Planning Commission acted as the advisory committee to review each task with the consultants and staff He said this gave the Planning Commission a good understanding of the characteristics of Tigard's employment lands and helped them develop policies and action measures to plan a 20-year supply of appropriately zoned land. Senior Planner Wyss said the Comprehensive Plan Amendment would have also expanded the Tigard Town Center boundary by amending the definition in the Glossary and refers to maps maintained by Metro.Initial feedback was to change a Town Center boundary by amending a comprehensive plan was correct.But just prior to the Planning Commission hearing,the Oregon Department of Transportation submitted a letter questioning the validity of this approach.The Planning Commission still made a recommendation based on the definition having no direct impact on the EOA. They suggested staff obtain a letter clarifying Metro's position prior to going to Council. Since the Planning Commission last met,Metro provided a comment letter(Exhibit C) that supported the assumptions in the EOA and clarified the process for changes to the Tigard Town Center boundary.They agreed with ODOT that a formal adoption of a map would better meet the intent of Metro Functional Plan Title 6. City Manager Prosser said that since Metro's letter was not received until after the Planning Commission made its recommendation,a modification to the Commission's recommended definitions would be appropriate.The modification would eliminate the reference to a Metro Tide 6 map to define the boundaries of a Town Center,Regional Center and Corridor. He suggested that Council take public testimony today,close the public hearing,deliberate,and then ask staff to return in two weeks with modified definitions,at which time Council would make a decision. d. 11 Public Testimony: Richard Shavey, 11371 Sycamore,Tigard,OR 97223 spoke on behalf of the Planning Commission. He said the Planning Commission met with staff and Cogan Owens Cogan for seven meetings. They were very thorough in the information they provided and were responsive to requests for additional information. He said the Planning Commission had difficulty narrowing the economic development scope of work to land use issues only. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES—May 10, 2011 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 5 ofll Mr.Shavey referred to the Planning Commission's letter to Council in which two actions are mentioned that the Planning Commission feels deserve immediate consideration for follow-up. Monitor local and regional development initiatives to understand what the surrounding cities are doing. We need to get the bigger picture. Once we have this we can then focus on what Tigard should undertake as a city. He said they are aware that staff are busy but what could be planned now and done within six months is a work program on economic development. He said the Commission is taking some initiative on this by visiting other planning commissions in the area to find out what they are doing and what their procedures are.He suggested the formation of a"council of commissions"who would invite planning commissions to come in and talk about what other cities want to do. He said we need to understand what their strengths are and determine how we can support them to be effective. Mr. Shavey said the Planning Commission enjoyed working on the EOA and helping develop the goals and feel it will serve the community well. He encouraged Council to adopt them. Mayor Dirksen called for additional testimony;there was none. e. . Staff Recommendation: Senior Planner Wyss said that based on the findings and conclusions found in Exhibit C,staff recommends approval of CPA 2011-00002,with consideration of the process outlined in the City Manager's earlier comments. f. 8 Council Discussion: Councilor Wilson said it was interesting to hear the testimony regarding the Planning Commission's emphasis. He said,"When I read the document,I had the feeling we were moving into areas other than land use and was uncomfortable,especially with the notion that the city should be picking winners and losers,rather than the market doing that." He said that as a land use matter,the city can't choose among businesses,determining whether they are sustainable or belong to a cluster. He stated that these were his only concerns;otherwise,it was a good document. 9 Councilor Woodard commented that communication with other cities is important. He asked about Task 1,No.7,which encourages businesses that are environmentally and economically sustainable. He asked how the city would do this.Mayor Dirksen addressed this and Councilor Wilson's comments by suggesting that in general,those kinds of processes come into play only if the city decides to aggressively recruit businesses. He said Tigard will have to decide what types of businesses it wants and what incentives might be provided. He asked staff for confirmation and Senior Planner Wyss agreed with his summary. Councilor Woodard said,"We are going in the right direction." He thanked the Planning Commission for the hard work they are doing. 'Council President Buehner said the staff and Planning Commission did a great job in meeting the requirements for the periodic review. She asked Senior Planner Wyss how many more work tasks remained and he replied that there are three more tasks. Councilor Henderson referred to a survey on page 3 of the Executive Summary which found that Tigard lagged behind Washington County in annual population growth rate and asked Senior Planner Wyss to comment. Senior Planner Wyss said the population trends come from the Portland State University Population Research Center. Mayor Dirksen said this is not surprising because Tigard is coming to the end of the development surge and is approaching build-out. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — May 10, 2011 Cityof Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 6of11 In response to a question from Councilor Henderson,Senior Planner Wyss said the vacant industrial land demand listed in the report was based on projected job growth in the City of Tigard and the amount of space each job would require. Some jobs would be accommodated through redevelopment or current vacant space. Councilor Wilson said the EOA confirms a lot of what Council already knows. He said,"When land is constrained you build up,particularly in the Tigard Triangle. He said staff has documented that land is in demand in the Triangle. Tigard is a leader in the suburban communities in terms of office demand." He said the analysis confirms we are moving in the right direction and he supports it. Mayor Dirksen said he agreed.He speculated that a poll of Tigard residents would indicate there is no desire to see more industrial development in the city. Council President Buehner asked,"You don't think there is a desire among our citizens to see the tax base supported with more employment land?" In response Mayor Dirksen said there is a balance point and the city has almost reached it. Councilor Wilson added that vacant land does not add to the tax base;improved land does. He said it is the improvements we want and building higher density developments on under-improved land will increase our tax base. Councilor Henderson said he wanted to make sure that redevelopment is emphasized and is communicated as a very important goal. Councilor Woodard said this report is a good road map. He thanked the Planning Commission and staff for their hard work. Mayor Dirksen said that as the city looks at developing the downtown and the Tigard Triangle it is beneficial to do this economic analysis now. He added his compliments to staff,the consultant and the Planning Commission. He noted that the Planning Commission said they enjoyed working on this. Mayor Dirksen asked if there was a consensus to table this item for two weeks to add further findings on the expansion of the city center. Council agreed. g. At 8:22 pm Mayor Dirksen closed the Public Hearing. Council will reconsider the ordinance on May 24,2011. 5. PRESENTATION ON STATUS OF TRANSPORTATION PLANNING RULE AND RELATED ISSUES WSenior Transportation Planner Gray said the purpose of this report is to update Council on recent activities and discussions on the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR),projects being done,and conversations occurring at the State level. She gave some background on issues with the TPR. Senior Transportation Planner Gray discussed efforts at the local level to get relief from the TPR. She said remedies include adding capacity,reducing travel demand or changing the way it is measured. Adding capacity has a downside. There is a general agreement that this will not work here. She said while staff has not given up on increasing capacity,there are smarter ways. She said reducing demand with growth requires shifting travel to other modes for a more balanced system,which relates to the work the city is doing on high capacity transit. She said it is not only about high capacity transit but includes standard bus service, walking,biking,alternative routes and connectivity. Alternative mobility standards are another option, which changes the way it is measured. She said all of these things are coming out of the Southwest Corridor Plan. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — May 10, 2011 Cit} of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 7 of 11 Senior Transportation Planner Gray said the Mobility Corridor Refinement Plan will be underway soon to identify the transportation improvements and develop the alternative mobility standard. The Mobility Corridor study is the mechanism by which ODOT's standards can be changed. She said expanding the town center designation to the Triangle will also provide some relief from TPR restrictions. She said at the state level there has been much discussion about the TPR and last year the League of Oregon Cities (LOC) made this one of their priorities. The Department of Land Conservation and Development (LCDC) invited agencies to testify at their September meeting. There were also issues raised by the state legislature about the TPR's impacts on economic development. In response,LCDC and the Oregon Transportation Commission formed a joint committee to determine whether changes were needed and what those changes should be. Three meetings have been held. Senior Transportation Planner Gray said she was invited along with representatives from Bend,Eugene,Roseburg and Metro. Common issues were raised. Recommendations included five changes to the TPR and five changes to the Oregon Highway Plan.These were approved by the Oregon Transportation Commission. She said LCDC will form a rulemaking advisory committee to develop the amendments by the end of the year,and she has been named to that committee, having been recommended by both Metro and LOC. She said there is a TPR update in Council's meeting packet listing the ten recommended changes. Councilor Wilson asked,if things are moving faster than expected and there is some flexibility in the Triangle by December,what is Tigard's next step. Senior Transportation Planner Gray said she is working on the SW Corridor Plan and she recommends the city remains flexible and clarifies the town center boundary expansion requirements. She said some of the station location planning will help. Council Woodard referred to the Metro's Functional Plan trip generation credits and asked if the city could seize an opportunity while waiting for the policy changes. She did not think the city would qualify now. Assistant Community Development Director Hartnett said the timeframe for new rules is after December, when the drafts are due.There will be a rulemaking process. She referred to the Councilor Woodard's question on the increase in the credit saying this is tied to the changes made to Title 6. She said one of the new requirements is a planning activity consistent to what Council wants to do to develop a Tigard Triangle Master Plan and the downtown area. She said Title 6 is looking for what Tigard wants to do. She said to keep in mind that the earliest possible opening date for high capacity transit is 2023,but these things come to pass and amazing changes happen in communities. Councilor Henderson mentioned that the National League of Cities talks about"20-minute communities." He asked if there is a component in the calculations that follows this "live,work and play" aspect. Mayor Dirksen said the Transportation Planning Rule does not take 20-minute communities into consideration. He said under the TPR,it is assumed that any development is going to impact nearby highways because people will drive to everything. It will not consider how the activity takes place near the development in a 20- minute community. Councilor Wilson asked if there was ever a discussion about completely revamping the way ODOT's money is distributed in the state. He said that is really the problem,we are building highway projects where they are not needed,and the places that need improvements have gone begging for years. He said the market will build what and where it wants to build,and transportation improvements should follow. Mayor Dirksen agreed and said that he testified that instead of land use planning dictating what the transportation system needs to be,the current TPR defines the land uses. Assistant Community Development Director Hartnett said she recently attended an American Planning Association conference and for the first time there was a specific track on retrofitting the suburbs. She said this is an issue coming more to the forefront in many communities. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — May 10, 2011 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.dgard-or.gov I Page 8 of 11 Senior Transportation Planner Gray said that one of the challenges as the town centers are planned is the need to address the parking ordinance. As long as parking is plentiful and free,people will drive. It changes the land use pattern,making it unfriendly for walking. She said both ODOT and Metro will be looking closely at parking. Mayor Dirksen thanked staff for the update. 6. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS 7. NON AGENDA ITEMS None At 9:03 p.m. Mayor Dirksen adjourned the Council Business Meeting and said a Study Session would be held in the Red Rock Creek Conference Room after a short break. 8. STUDY SESSION At 9:10 p.m. Council went into the Red Rock Creek Conference Room for a second Study Session. • CITY MANAGER RECRUITMENT;SEARCH FIRM DECISION;CANDIDATE PROFILE AND INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Staff Present: City Manager Prosser,Assistant City Manager Newton,Human Resources Director Zodrow, City Attorney Ramis,Assistant Community Development Director Hartnett,Management Analyst Wyatt and Deputy Recorder Krager Others present: Alliance Resource Consultant Eric Middleton, Oregonian Reporter Eric Florip and The Times Reporter Geoff Pursinger Human Resources Director Zodrow talked about the executive recruitment firm chosen,Alliance Resource Consulting LLL,and introduced Eric Middleton,who is Tigard's main contact with the firm. Mr. Middleton discussed his experience and background,including the placement of around 100 city managers. He distributed a timeline. Mr. Middleton said they will give continual weekly updates to Council. He said he will notify Council when a candidate from the community applies,whether qualified or not;internal candidates shall be treated exactly the same as external candidates. He said he likes to interact with the community and because he would be in town for the next few days he would like to start talking to stakeholders right away. He will meet with staff and department heads and looks forward to talking to Council. He said his firm will place the advertisements as soon as the profile is approved by Council. He said they ask for a written reference release to indemnify Alliance as well as the City of Tigard. They will research professional references for at least the past 15 years,including interviews with peers,subordinates and managers. Alliance will investigate credit,criminal,civil and motor vehicle records. They also search the internet regarding candidates,including Facebook and blogs. Alliance will make sure they build in enough background searches to thoroughly vet any candidate. He said they will take care of logistics on the TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — May 10, 2011 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.dgard-or.gov I Page 9 of 11 day of interviews,so the Mayor and Council will only have to be concerned with interviewing,not whether a candidate is going to arrive,etc. Council President Buehner said she heard from a city manager in the area who intends on applying. She has started stakeholder interviews and each person she has talked to has raised the issue of looking for a woman to fill the job. Mr. Middleton said if Councilors are approached by prospective candidates,they should refer them directly to him so everything is handled appropriately. Councilor Henderson asked how a local and a New York candidate would have equal consideration. Mr. Middleton said he will give his honest and best opinion on every candidate. He wants to make sure the profile contains each requirement theCouncil identified and that finalists meet the requirements. Councilor Woodard asked what the attributes and demographics for the job will look like. Mr. Middleton said it is up to Council to develop parameters such as size of previous city,or skills such as finance or economic development experience,etc. He said things that are attractive to city manager candidates include the quality of the relationship with the council, the financial stability of the city,opportunities for growth, economic development or the opportunity to take the city to the next level. Council President Buehner mentioned that Oregon does not have a sales tax. Mr. Middleton said he was aware of that and will make sure candidates from out of the area understand that. Councilor Wilson asked if the current city manager salary is sufficient to be attractive relative to the cost of living. Mr. Middleton said he thought it was appropriate to the area,but he would ask about raising the salary in special cases. Councilor Henderson asked if there were any questions that could not be asked, such as whether or not they are married. Mr. Middleton cautioned Council about questions that could not be asked of candidates in an interview or used as a deciding factor, such as questions about age, sex,sexual orientation,marital status or religious preference. He said the City Attorney might want to give the Council a briefing prior to the interview process. He said,however,if a candidate introduces a topic, the Council may ask further questions. Councilor Wilson said most of the people interested in this job will be current city managers or assistant city managers who have developed a reputation in the community they serve. He asked how we can get to that kind of information. He said the last time Council hired a City Manager they relied mostly on written materials and he was hoping to go beyond that prior to meeting any candidates. Mr. Middleton said he would be willing to extend deadlines to accomplish additional information gathering. Some of their reputations will precede them and if he knows about that,he will share that information. He said one council went on site visits where they interviewed citizens, faith-based organizations and school boards. He said there may be candidates who don't want that done,but his firm will do the best to obtain as much information as possible. Mayor Dirksen asked if the recruiter knew he had made lists of stakeholders and Council was in the process of interviewing these people. Mr. Middleton said he did and it was fine with him. City Manager Prosser said this would be the last Council discussion on this topic he would attend. Councilor Wilson said he was pleased with City Manager Prosser's performance and since he knew more about this job than anyone,he hoped he could stay longer. City Manager Prosser said during the recruitment firm interviews,Mr. Middleton said he sees a role for the current city manager in terms of talking to candidates and he will be available. Mr. Middleton requested that Council authorize City Manager Prosser to be available to respond to questions they may have. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES—May 10, 2011 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 10 of 11 PF Human Resources Director Zodrow asked Council if they were comfortable with Alliance Resource Consulting as the recruiter and the timeline. Mayor Dirksen said it was a very ambitious timeline but the candidate profile could be finalized at the May 24,2011 Council meeting. City Manager Prosser said there may be a quasi-judicial public hearing on that date and if there is,the only option to keep on the timeline would be to hold a Special Meeting. City Attorney Ramis said he did not think the hearing in question would be held on that date. 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION—None held. 10. ADJOURNMENT At 9:56 p.m.Mayor Dirksen adjourned the Study Session. Carol A.Krager,Deputy City corder Attest Mayor,City of Tigard a� avl� I/ADM/Cathy/CCM/2011/May/Final/110510 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES—May 10, 2011 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov Page 11 of 11