City Council Packet - 02/14/2002
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BEAVERTON, OREGON 97075 Notice ion no
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City of Tigard Y ❑ Tearsheet Notice
13125 S17 Hall Blvd.
*17i gard , Q.r, egon 9 7 2 2 3 0 E3 Duplicate Affidavit
Account: Payable
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Explanatory Statement
i, N a ; hY S ' d - for the, CountyVoter's Pamphlef for' "Measure No. 34-47, Tigard j
being first duly sworn, depose and say that I F Public Library General Obligation Bond Authorization was filed 1
Director, or his principal clerk, of th!cga d- with the County Elections Division.
a newspaper of general circulation as definer The Explanatory Statement reads as follows:
and 193.020; published at- Ti garL Voter approval of this measure would allow the City of,Tigard to
aforesaid county and state; that theiiga.rd issue up to $13,000,000 in general obligation bonds a new I
Ilea s I r A- 4 7 /13 a n d F x n] a n a t o r library. The bonds would finance the costs of acquiring property and
a printed copy of which is hereto annexed, wa. designing, building and furnishing a library near SW Hall Boulevard
entire issue of said for UpJr and O'Mara Street to replace the existing City library.' , a
newspaper In 2000, the Tigard City Council created the • New • Tigard Library
consecutive in the following issues: Construction Committee composed of citizens and city officials to
assess the need for anew library. The City Council also authorized a
February 14,2002 Needs Analysis Report. Based on the findings-of that report, the
committee recommended the construction of a 47,000-square-foot
facility to accbmmodate, the present and future needs/ ckf :the
community: t
The current library was built in 1936. During that yeah,, the Library
staff circulated 147,000 items and answered 5,000 reference ques-
tions. In 2000, library users checked out 607,000 items. - a313
cent increase in 14 years. The number of reference questions
Subscribed and sworn t befo me thi answered rose to 43,000-a'760 percent increase.-.During the I5-year
period since the present facility opened, the Internet has changed the
way people seek information and the way IibYaries provide it. Today,
otary 'computers utilize floor space that the Librai~+ once used to hou$e
materials: The number of people attending"library programs grew
My Commission Expires: from 4,000 in 1986 to 15,000 in 2000 - a 27S percent increase.
AFFIDAVIT In addition to more space for books; seating and parking, the Imo-
posed new library ,would include a community meeting, room with
170 seats, a separate, enlarged children's area, quiet study spaces,
additional room for computers, a drive-up book drop, a quiet reading
room and distinct areas for technology training. The new library.
would be located in a natural setting.
If this measure is'approved, the bonds would be repaid over 20 years
or less. The estimated initial, annual' property tax rate would be
approximately $0.31 per thousand. For example, it is estimated that
the owner of a $200,000 home would pay approximately $62 a year
or $5.16 per month during the first year. That amount is expected to
decrease, over .the life. of the bonds as assessed xalues rise and new
properties are added to the city. The measure's funds' would not, be
used. to increase the library staff the operation,ofthe library.
The City has received two bequests that'will be,defra~ s6nit
costs' of the new library. The-City and the Library Fotindahon, an
in in ndent non-profit organization, also plan to seek additional
t through grants and donations to augment the funds raised y
through this bond measure if the measure is passed.
A model of the library project is available for viewing in the Library.
Pursuant to Washington County Resolution and OrderNo: '99-132,
any person dissatisfied with an explanatory statement in a County
.Voter's Pamphlet may.Iietition the Circuit. Court seeking a,different
statement and stating the:reasons th e statenteat.does not co" I with
state law. If such petition` is.,filed with the Circuit court not l
ess diin
the fifth day after the . filing deadline. (March' 21, 1002)'' fo'r ` the
explanatory statement, the Court shall review the matter iii the same
manner and time frame as the Supreme, Court in ORS- 251.2355'ind
shall certify the: explanatory- statement:,to the= County. Election
Ppr f Either informatitrtt, ; rc m i.4``ifg , eo t lectiti cr,.
Cutlet ; Wheatley,.at ;a~ or sb3-639-4I'~"3t14. MWI