City Council Packet - 10/07/1997
OCTOBER 7,1997 6:30 PM
Assistive Listening Devices are available for persons with impaired hearing and
should be scheduled for Council meetings by noon on the Monday prior to the
Council meeting. Please call 639-4171, Ext. 309 (voice) or 684-2772 (TDD - I _
Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf).
Upon request, the City will also endeavor to arrange for the following services: E
Qualified sign language interpreters for persons with speech or hearing E
impairments; and
• Qualified bilingual interpreters.
Since these services must be scheduled with outside service providers, it is
important to allow as much lead time as possible. Please notify the City of your j
need by 5 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the meeting date at the same phone
numbers as listed above: 639-4171, x309 (voice) or 684-2772 (TDD -
Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf).
s ~ I
OCTOBER 7, 1997
s ff
1.1 Call to Order - City Council
1.2 Roll Call
i City Manager
3. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Tigard City Council may go into Executive
Session under the provisions of ORS 192.660 (1) (d), (e), & (h) to discuss
labor relations, real property transactions, current and pending litigation
issues. As you are aware, all discussions within this session are
confidential; therefore nothing from this meeting may be disclosed by those
present. Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend this ! -
session, but must not disclose any information discussed during this
• t
} I .
a I ;
4 a e
Agenda Item No. i ii
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m, by Mayor Jim Nicoli
Council Present: Mayor Jim Nicoli, Councilors Paul Hunt, Brian Moore, Bob Rohlf, and Ken
Staff Present: City Manager Bill Monahan and Assistant to the City Manager Liz Newton.
Mayor Nicoli discussed the results of a meeting held on Thursday October 2, 1997 with the Police,
City Attorney, Building Official, and Community Development Director regarding the Tiffany Court
Apartments. The task force meets on Friday.
There was discussion on the Deer Creek School wetlands proposal. Mayor Nicoli noted that
Washington County could utilize some of its Metro Greenspaces funds to help the effort.
Goal Setting
• Discussed "concepts," "goals, tasks, issues" distinction, "Council 1997 goals - updated,"
"How the Visioning process worked in."
• Went over all of the goals formed by Council early in 1997, broke them into goals, issues and
i tasks.
s • Discussed the visioning goals and how they fit into Council goals. I.
• Council members gave input regarding new goals for this year.
Staff will return with an update of existing goals and incorporate the following new suggestions:
• Provide a place for plastics recycling.
• Mayor Nicoli noted that near Fred Meyer's corporate office on the east side, there is a group '
that handles recycling. Could we set up a once or twice time a month place to drop off
plastics, etc?
• Councilor Hunt wants to consider hiring a volunteer coordinator sooner, possibly through the +
n, supplemental budget process.
• Councilor Rohlf noted that the Downey application showed our Code does not provide a way
to stop a development request. He would like to review the Code to build in ways to
preserve aesthetics. Tasks would be to:
> revise the Community Development Code to protect aesthetics (large trees,
> we need to consider how the Code can reflect how we as a community value
j aesthetics (trees, wetlands, etc.) Once we define what we like, we decide how to
have "teeth" in the Code to achieve our objectives.
Councilor Hunt expressed concerns about several existing goal activities:
• Get USA involved in our sewer line plan, make sure proper lines are in place to serve present
and future development.
• Need to get the Planning Commission involved in reviewing the streets classification and j
when the Road Bond should go on the ballot.
• He questioned why the Cook Park project has not moved ahead quicker.
• Band stand status - any progress in planning for it? ff
o Why the Gray line has not been used to irrigate the picnic areas at Cook Park. Over the
summer the ballfields were attended to, but not the picnic area.
i ,
On October 21, staff will review with Council draft prioritization of the goals, tasks and issues. Staff
will show detail of the steps needed to complete the projects while estimating the time and resources
needed to meet the goals.
ADJOURNMENT: 9:40 p.m.
William A. Monahan, City Manager
AAts fTigar
Date: G~ y2 0~ y /C/4
iAa d.%[.1hy%.-W 71007. d.
r r.
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
FROM: William A. Monahan, City Manager
DATE: October 1, 1997
SUBJECT: Council Goat Setting
As discussed during the Study Session portion of the September 9 Council meeting, staff _
recommended that the Council goal setting schedule be changed to a Fall cycle. Our June
status report recommended that the goal setting meeting be held on September 30, 1997. Due
to schedule conflicts, Council agreed instead to an October 7 meeting. We agreed to hold a
facilitated meeting, with a follow-up meeting scheduled for the Study Session meeting on
October 21.
On September 9 I distributed a memo detailing my proposed approach to our goal setting
session. I have updated the contents of the memo to reflect the agreement that we reached on E
the progress. Re-stated, it is: i
My proposal is that Liz Newton and I meet with Council at 6:30 p.m. on October 7 to list all
suggested goals generated by Council and staff. Time will be provided for Councilors and
1 staff to discuss each proposed goal, add elements to the initial proposal, and discuss pros and
cons. The meeting will continue until approximately 10:00 p.m.
Prior to the close of the meeting, Council members will be asked to assign preliminary priority
numbers to the goals. We may find that given the number of goals, some fall-out from the
process may occur. After the meeting, Liz and I will take the list of goals and assemble a
i memo that we distribute to Executive Staff members for comment. A copy of the memo will
be sent to Council so that individual Council members can reflect on the proposed goals during ;
the days leading up to the second goal setting meeting.
9 r:
Memo to Council
October 1, 1997
Page TwoI
The October 21 meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will be devoted to a review of the memo,
Executive Staff comments, and the comments of Council members who have by then had a
week to reflect on the goals. The goals will be refined, priorities assigned, and a final list
The list of goals will then be the starting point for Council's meeting with me during my
performance review. My contract runs through November 15, 1997. It provides that Council
must give me notice by October 15 if it wishes to not continue my contract for another year.
We need to schedule my review to allow at least initial discussions to occur. I suggest that an
Executive Session be scheduled after the November 14 Council meeting to begin my review.
Materials for the Goal Setting Session
Staff has assembled materials for Council consideration in preparation for the goal setting.
These materials are attached:
1. A chart showing all Council goals for July, 1997 - June, 1998, updated.
2. A summary of present Council goals through September, 1997.
i 3. A memo from me dated October 1, 1997 regarding concepts.
4. The visioning product as reported by the Action commi,tees.
Liz and I look forward to working with you to update the Council goals.
jj attachments
ia2dmkbdN 00197-1. dm -
Council Goals for July 1997 - June 1998
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug. Sept. 1998
1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998
Cite Administration 1. Council Goal Setting ♦
2. Media Relations o n - o f n
3. Space Plans
4. Plan Addressing the Homeless - - o n
n...........'...... - - - - - - - -
5. Employee Recognition i i - - o n....<..'.......1z.... _i..... L.°............-.......-.....?.- - - - - - - - -
6. Visioning - O - i ♦ - ♦ x
7. Implement Wk lace Violence Recom x x x x x x s
- - - - o ..n. . ._o....c ..l ....n...,.... '
8. Volunteer Program
9. Review Ordinances and Resolutions - - - - - ; ♦ €
Com. Development 10. Housing Code x ♦ - - x O x
11. Public Transit Improvements
12. Parks Master Plan x € .x € x x x♦ x
13. Lon Range Plans: Cook Park DONE
_ _
14. 99W Improvements ♦ O x € x x x x
15. Annexation Policy € E €
16. Rewrite Tigard Development Code x
17. Working with Metro - - o ..n .-.....5..g.... _
............-.....s.- - - - - - - - -
_ _
18. Downtown Area - - o f n - ' .8..... °......!.......°....i........".....€. - - - - - - - - - - -
19. Greens aces Funds x € ♦ € x x ♦ € x
20. Support Passenger Rail Service Planning o n - o i n g - - - - - - - -
21. Apprise of Pending Dev. Locations - i - o ..n... -.g. o i n g - - - - - - - - - - - -
22. Pln Studies: Wash. S q., Scholls, Walnut Is ♦ x i x ..x ..x i x x
En ineerin 23. Revise Engineering Fees O - x ♦ - - i - - - x - - -
24. Develop Neighborhood Traffic Mn mt Plan x ' - ♦ - - - - - - - x
25. Traffic Calming ♦ ° - - ♦ ' - € - - - :x
26. Public Facilities Plans: Streets x ♦ - - x ♦ - - -
Sewer Sys - x € O - x ♦ - -
Sidewalks - - x ♦ - - x ♦ - - - -
Police Department 27. Youth Center Stud) - - - - - - x - - - -
a............................................................................................. i................ d...................
28. Police Funding for Specialty Programs - x - - - - - x
Public Works 29. Lon -term Water Su 1 x ♦ - - € - - x
30. 2000 Trees b the Year 2000 - - x [ [ O € x
KEY: x = Activity or reports due
♦ = Council review (scheduled on agenda)
is\adm\cathy\ :il\golchrt.doc
l~ i
Council Goals -1997
Status Report - September 1997
4 1. Change Council Goal Setting Cycle to Fall
Staff proposed that the next Council goal setting date be
September 30, 1997; after reviewing tentative agendas, the
goal setting was set for October 7 with completion on the
October 21, 1997, meeting. This will coordinate the goal
setting process with budget preparation. ! .
42. Improve media relations.
Update (June 1997): Improve Media Relations - This is a goal
that is also a carryover from last year's Council goal list. City -
staff has met with members of the media to discuss ways to
improve coordination so that positive news stories can be
Update (September 1997): Staff schedules weekly meetings j
with the Tigard Times and will propose the same schedule to the
Oregonian when a regular reporter is assigned to Tigard. Staff
also is contacting Channel 2 with at least one story idea per
month for their "Neighborhood News" segment.
i t
City Council Goals 1996197 - Page 1
f ¢
1. '
11 3. Develop long-range and short-range space plans
and evaluate funding alternatives.
Update (June 1997): As of the writing of this update, staff
prepared a memorandum for Council consideration concerning
the options to explore for future City facilities. Staff will proceed
as directed by Council at the June 10, 1997 Council meeting,
Staff will incorporate appropriate elements of the previous study
and take into account the addition of the modular building
acquired for urban services. Information will be prepared for
review by King City, Durham and the Water District.
Long-Term Financing Options: Measure 47 created uncertainty
concerning the capacity of cities to bond. It also created
uncertainty for Library funding through both general fund
resources and the WCCLS levy. Library facilities are at
Workplan: Staff will review and reevaluate our financing
options for City operations including the Library. We will review
the five-year plan strategy. This is something we should be
doing over the several years so that by the time we get to the
end of our current plan, we have a strategy in place to address
the next period.'.
Update (September 1997): A space committee has been
meeting since July to review options for expanding facilities.
The committee, made up of citizens and staff members, is
currently reviewing financing options.
i ~
City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 2
J 4. Develop a plan to address the problems of Tigard's
Update (June 1997): This is a goal that is also a carryover from
last year's Council goal list. IOS is in the midst of constructing
and fund raising for the RITE Center to be located at
Green bu rg/Tiedeman in Tigard.
At the Council meeting of August 27, 1996, City Administrator Monahan
reviewed the status report recommendations of the 1994 Task Force:
1. Severe Weather Policy: Interfaith Outreach Services (IOS) operated
a shelter the last two years. It is possible the IOS will not continue
this service because of funding priorities the IOS Board needs to
determined. The City Administrator has met with the IOS Director;
they are reviewing the various options and sites.
2. Educate public about the problems of the homeless: City has
worked with IOS, disseminated information at CIT meetings and _
placed articles in the Cityscape. These efforts will continue.
3. Establish and Eastern Washington County Task Force: This effort j
was superseded by the formation of a Steering Committee to build
the RITE Center, a 30-bed facility to be located in Tigard.
4. Institute Other Programs: Staff suggests that the Community
Development Needs Assessment under CDBG include
homelessness as a "need" that should be addressed.
Update (September 1997): No additional work for this goal is
scheduled at this time.
' i
~uI City Council Goals 1996/97 -Page 3 F
- 1
q s. Employee Recognition.
Update (June 1997): Council wants to make the public more
aware of the good work by staff and the positive side of City
employment. One option is to recognize employees in the
Cityscape. We will explore options to get the word out to the
i '
Update (September 1997): "Employees of the Month" are now
being recognized in the Cityscape. The first article appearing in
Cityscape featured two City employees, John Roy and Darwin
DeVeny, who were commended for their extensive efforts with k
the Tigard Festival of Balloons. Regular write ups on employees
will continue to occur in this newsletter.
4 6. Conduct Visioning Process.
Update (June 1997): The Visioning process, titled "Tigard
Beyond Tomorrow," is a community-wide effort to establish a
long-term direction for the future of Tigard. The process is a
partnership with the Tigard-Tualatin Schools and involves f.
citizens in a variety of ways throughout the process. The end
product will be a set of target areas, goals for each target area
and strategies to implement the goals. f
Timing: Council will be apprised of progress on this goal at
the last meeting of every month while the Vision Task Force
meets and during the time the Action Planning Committees are
Update (September 1997): The Vision Action Committees have
been meeting over the summer to develop strategies to address
issues identified as priorities by the Vision Task Force in the six
target areas. The Vision Task Force will meet with the Action
committees on October 9 to review the proposed strategies. j
City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 4 E
J 7. Implement Workplace Violence Recommendations
Update (June 1997): 1996, an employee committee reviewed
the safety of City work sites and made recommendations for r.
improvements to procedures, security systems, and physical
settings. Training and materials are proposed in the 97/98
Update (September 1997): The Public Works Department r
completed an assessment of the costs and modifications
necessary to implement the physical security recommendations
presented in the Violence in the Workplace Task Force Report. +
i This information is currently being reviewed by the City
Manager. Upon approval, the security alterations will be made.
Training programs for all employees and supervisors regarding
workplace violence is scheduled to be presented at various
times during the months of October through February.
~l 8. Improve Image Through Volunteer Program
Update (June 1997): An effort will be made to identify volunteer
opportunities and the means to carry out a program to channel
the interests and efforts of volunteers toward and improved City
Workplan: Emphasis will be on developing a program
identifying opportunities for volunteer assistance and then
utilizing volunteers appropriately. The role of the Administration
Department will be to assist departments in identifying and
placing volunteers. In addition, records should be kept to
recognize the volunteers for their efforts and to quantify' the
results of the projects.
City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 5
' J
Update (September 1997): A volunteer committee (staff
members) was formed. The committee solicited and received
input from City employees about ideas for projects/programs that f`
could use volunteer assistance. A notebook of volunteer
opportunities is being compiled to assist in matching up
volunteers and work they could do.
In addition, the City is sponsoring "Make a Difference Day" on
October 25. This event was featured in both the September and
i October editions of the Cityscape. Three projects are being
used to kickoff the ongoing volunteer program. These projects
1. Clean up along the railroad tracks in Tigard.
2. Tree planting in Englewood Park,
3. Arranging books in order ("shelf reading') in the Library.
One of the Visioning Action Planning Committees has developed
action strategies to maximize the effectiveness of the volunteer
spirit in our community.
J 9. Review Existing City Ordinances and Resolutions
Update (June 1997): This is an ongoing process and as
ordinances or resolutions outlining Council policy areas are
detected to be inconsistent with practice or community need,
staff will bring these forward for Council consideration for
Update (September 1997): Staff will research ordinances,
resolutions and Council policies (that is, policies established
since 1993). The first step in this project will be to define the
i scope and then create a format for reporting and tracking (for
future reference). The target date for reporting to Council is the
December 1997 workshop meeting.
City Council Goals 1996197 - Page 6
~l Board, Committee & Task Force Updates
Update (June 1997): Annual updates will be scheduled on
Council agendas. The updates shall be either in a meeting s
format or written report. Boards and Committees will be ; .
I assigned a pre-scheduled time, while Task Forces will meet
when the Task Force requires Council direction or upon
completion of the effort. t
Update (September 1997): 1) CIT's are scheduled to meet with
the City Council during workshop meetings. At three of those
meetings (January, May and September), the CITs have time
scheduled (1 hour) to review CIT process and CIT issues. k
2) The Library Board is scheduled to meet with the City Council
in November.
3) Planning Commission is scheduled in May, however, if items
of mutual interest arise (i.e., workshop on Community
Development Code rewrite), joint meetings will be scheduled as _
s City Council Goals 1996/97 -Page 7 r
410. Develop Housing Code Section for the Community t
Development Code.
Update (September 1997): Council appointed a task force for
this project. The Task Force's first meeting is scheduled for
October 10, 1997.
3 q 11. Public Transit Improvements K
Update (June 1997): Monitor and participate in work being done
! by Tri-Met. Staff to advocate improvements to create better
transit choices within Tigard.
Update (September 1997): Staff from Long Range Planning has -
been working with Tri-Met on their upcoming study of the
Washington Square area for a possible Tri-met demonstration
project. Long-Range Planning staff has been working with the
Westside Transportation Alliance to obtain information on how
much Tigard employers pay Tri-Met in payroll vs. how much bus
service the City receives from Tri-Met. Staff is also working with 1.
Westside Transportation Alliance to learn about "Transit 1
Management Associations." The Westside Transportation
Alliance is applying for a grant from DEQ to explore running a
shuttle between VVIlsonville and Beaverton. This shuttle will also
service points in between - including Tigard.
3 City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 8
{ t(
4 12. Parks Master Plan: Review and update the city
parks master plan to meet the changing
recreational needs of the community and the
planning requirements of Oregon state law
affecting system development charges.
i Update (June 1977): Workplan:
• Finalize project approach and form advisory committee
• Analyze planning characteristics; identify potential park sites
. Analyze existing park areas and facilities
• Analyze community park needs
Develop recommendations for park site/ facility development
j • Develop capital improvement and implementation plan
The Finance Department will participate in this goal by
identifying the funding available for park expansion and supply
information to those working on the expansion planning of the
maintenance costs for expanded facilities.
The current SDC charges are based on fee calculations that
include the estimated $40,000 cost of developing a parks master
Update (September 1997):A request for proposals to prepare a
park system master plan was issued in eady August Ten
proposals were received by the 8128 closing date. The selection
committee is schedule to pick finalists and complete interviews
the week of 917197. Work on the study will begin shortly after a
contract with the finalist ranked highest is signed and awarded.
City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 9 y;
s is
1 `j
' 4 13. Finalize long-range plans for Cook Park. I
i Update (June 1997): As of the writing of this update, the Master r
Plan is scheduled to be reviewed by the City Council on June
10. Council will also hear an update from the Task Force and
consider public comment. I
Update (September 1997): The plan was adopted by Council as
scheduled in June 1997. An agreement with USA for the
purchase of eight acres located along the eastern edge of the
existing park is pending. The purchase will complete the
assembly of adjacent land called for in the master plan. Staff is
working with a wetlands consultant on implementing the master
plan. The consultant is completing necessary permits for DSL &
Corps of Engineers.
~ 14. 99 W Improvements: Promote completion of the
planning process and support funding of improvement
identified along 99 W such as the Hal1199W Project.
Update (June 1997): The proposed workplan is as follows:
• Apply for TGM funds (requesting a $40,000 grant) to
i complete public involvement process (Complete in July
1997; receive money in August 1997)
• Acquire consultant services to design public involvement
process (Septerber 1997)
• Complete public involvement process (November 1997 -
February 1998)
• Package implementation program
• Take implementation program through public process.
recommendations for park site and facility development -
(March - June 1998)
Develop capital improvement and implementation plan
i City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 10
Update (September 1997): The City requested three grants from '
j ODOT.• Washington Square Regional Center, Highway 99W L
j Access Management and Safe Routes to School. One grant
was awarded and that was for the Washington Square Regional G
Center. i
In the coming weeks, staff will be asking for Council direction on
the other two projects that did not receive a grant.
ODOT and the City had begun work on access management
planning through Tigard, the Highway 99W grant would have
provided the funding to complete that work. The amount } -
requested was $53,185.
J Is. Develop Annexation policy; especially for island
Update (June 1997): Staff presented a proposal for annexation
policy to the City Council in May 1997 (after the approval of
Measure 50, which repealed Measure 47 and the questions
concerning annexation process.) Council direction was to
proceed with the policy as presented. This includes requiring f
non-remonstrance agreements required for property owners who
I hook up to sewer but are not within the City. Staff will process
1 these annexations once every year. In addition, staff will
process all outstanding non-remonstrance agreements and
propose annexation of these properties within the next year.
I Update (September 1997): Staff has begun processing
annexations. Staff will present an overview of annexation issues
i to Planning Commission on September 22 and to Council in
City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 11
i '
{ it
4 16. Rewrite Tigard Development Code
Update (June 1997): Rewrite Tigard Development Code. This r
is a goal that is also a carryover from last year's Council goal list. i'
Work is progressing with the Steering Committee and Technical
Advisory Group.
Update (September 1997):Steering Committee will hold at least
two meetings in September to review draft code; meetings
thereafter will decide on progress. Ultimately two other public
meetings and hearings by both the PC and Council will be
required prior to adoption. Work sessions with review bodies will
? also be necessary.
q 17. Define and develop Tigard's approach to
working/dealing with Metro.
Update (June 1997): This is a goal that is also a carryover from T
last year's Council goal list. Ongoing; staff to keep Council
j apprised of issues as they occur or if direction is needed. Asst.
to City Manager recently testified at a meeting where
jurisdictions were invited to give their perspective on
communication issues with Metro.
Update (September 1997): Ongoing.
City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 12 w
418. Develop City's direction for the Downtown Area.
Update (June 9997):. This is one of the areas identified in the t
Visioning Project to review for livability goals. In addition
continue work with the Downtown Merchant's Association to I
develop the City's direction for the downtown area as a
continuation of the 1996 Council goal. Community Development
staff will work with representatives of the Association and
Council to develop a work plan for a concept plan for the area to
meet the intent of the Metro town center designation placed on
the downtown
f Workplan: h .
• Identify downtown issues through the Visioning Project and
2040 work.
At this time, no additional funding requested for the downtown
Propose comprehensive plan and development code
amendments for the downtown area, December 1998 -
February 1999. -
Update (September 9997): The Community Character and
Livability Action Committee met in August with representatives of
downtown business and property owners to brainstorm
strategies for the downtown. Also in attendance were
representatives of other city downtown and commercial areas to
share "success stories." The Action committee will finalize
strategies for the downtown to be presented to the Vision Task
Force on October 9th.
City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 13
~ F
X119. Promote use of Metro Greenspaces funds for the
Tualatin River and Fanno Creek.
,i Update (June 1997): This is a goal that is also a carryover from
last year's Council goal list. Work continues; staff will apprise
Council as properties are identified and negotiations reach the
point where Council direction is needed-
Update (September 1997): Council approved an amended
project priority list. Fanno Creek and Tualatin River land
acquisitions are among the projects under consideration.
4 20. Support passenger rail service planning through
Update (June 1997): City representatives will attend meetings -
and monitor activities and keep the Council informed of i
passenger rail activities. S
Update (September 1997): The Legislature approved 5500,000
toward continuing evaluation of the Passenger Rail Line from
Beaverton to Wilsonville. The County working through ODOT
will be coordinating the next phase of the study. 1
X121, Apprise Council of Pending Development
' Locations
Update (June 1997): Staff is now providing weekly updates of
application activity to the Council. Goal completed.
{ City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 14
d M.
. I
V22. Planning Studies - Washington Square/Schollst
Walnut Island:
Update (June 1997): Three areas of the community were
identified for planning future needs (land use, public
facilities) and the role the City will play. Each area is
unique & experiencing development pressures. Distinct
studies are needed; not all can be completed at the same
time due to staff and financial limitations.
Request grant funding for Washington Square
Work in cooperation with Beaverton on Scholls Ferry Area
Continue to assist in the resolution of Walnut Island Issues
i Request grant funding for Washington Square
? Cooperatively requesting $150,000 TGM grant (Metro,
ODOT, Washington Co. and Beaverton) for Washington
Square work.
l_:r Beaverton requested a TGM grant for work on Scholls
No additional funding has been requested for Walnut F
Island i
TimeG.,o t
- Complete Washington Square grant applications - July 1997
- Receive grant money for Washington Square, August 1997
- Provide analysis of required comprehensive plan
amendments for downtown area - June 1998
Hire consultants for Washington Square - September 1997
- Analysis and public involvement for Washington Square -
November 1997 - June 1998
- Public hearings on Comprehensive Plan and Development
Code revisions for Washington Square - June-October 1998
City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 15
Update (September 1997):ODOT (Oregon Department of
Transportation) awarded the City $160,000 in grant money to z
support planning for the Washington Square Regional Center.
The City had requested $163,000.
The Washington Square Regional Center grant will perform land
use and transportation comprehensive planning for the
j Washington Square area.
J 23. Revise Engineering Fees to recover staff time spent
in development review process.
Update (June 1997): This is a goal that is also a carryover from
last year's Council goal list. This goal was delayed until the
i effects of Measure 47/50 were known. This is now on the
Engineering Department's work program for review this year.
Update (September 1997): Analysis of fees to charge is in
progress. The options are scheduled to be presented to Council
in mid-October for discussion.
Workplan: The Workplan calls for preparing a proposal to
- rcvrcvv ura. vng.rrvvrrry r.,cucr rct,VUN JCGII CIIIIC J/JCIIC Ill -"the development review process. The proposal will be .
it- presented to Council for discussion and approval, then will be
placed in the ballot for the election in May 1998.
Timeline: -Present options to Council for discussion - Mid
October 1997
-Prepare final package of fee revisions - early November 1997
-Submit fee package to Council - late November 1997
-Submit fee package for placement on election ballot-March
-Election - May 19, 1998
City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 16 E:
-Report results of election to Council and implementation
schedule (if passed) - early June 1998
J 24. Develop A Neighborhood Traffic Management Program:
t r
i Update (June 1997): In 1996, the Traffic Calming Committee
formed to evaluate traffic calming techniques and recommended
a series of actions to Council. The recommendations require
evaluation and refinement by City staff before a set of action
items are carried out. The Engineering Department will take the
lead in evaluating the recommendations and preparing proposals
for carrying out the recommendations in a timely manner. Other
i departments will be involved during this process, and the r
Engineering Department will be responsible for coordinating their
participation. If additional funding is required to implement the
recommendations, the affected departments will prepare budget
adjustments to carry out the programs.
• Evaluate and refine the recommendations - 1 month
• Prepare proposals carrying out recommendations. -
( • Budget Adjustments - Each budget cycle for the next few
• CIP Projects - As available funding allows, incorporate in each
CIP Budget Year to implement recommendations. I
Update (September 1997): The evaluation and refinement of the
recommendations of the Traffic Calming Committee is in
progress. Proposals for carrying out the recommendations will
be prepared by early November. These proposals will be
presented to Council in December 1997. Implementation will
follow. It is anticipated that some of the recommendations will
be incorporated through budget adjustments in each year's
budget cycle, while others will be included as CIP projects as
available funding allows.
j City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 17
X125. Evaluate use of traffic calming devices for SW North
Update (June 1997):This is a goal that is also a carryover from E
last year's Council goal list. The Study has been completed;
staff will be reporting the findings to City Council at the June 17,
1997 Workshop Meeting. i
Update (September 1997): A task force was established in July
1997 to examine the options for SW North Dakota and present
solutions to City Council. The task force is composed of
residents of SW North Dakota, a representative each from the
Summerlake area and the businesses at the north end of the
j street, a City Council member and City staff. The task force met
a numerous times and tentatively agreed on a proposed solution.
A public meeting was conducted on September 8, 1997 to
present the proposed solution and to receive input from
residents of North Dakota and Summerlake. One or more
additional meetings of the task force will be scheduled to review
public input and prepare a proposal to City Council for approval
and implementation. The projected time frame is as follows: E
-Complete meetings and prepare final proposed solution-end of
September 1997
-Present solution to City Council for disr_.t,sgion and action. - early
October 1997 `
-Implementation of solution October and November 1997
-6-month trial period December 1997-May 1998 with traffic
-Assessment by task force of installed improvements-June 1998
-Adjustments as needed and permanent installation of
improvements-July 1998
City Council Goals 1996197 - Page 18 F
1 rv
J 26 Comprehensive Public Facilities Plans for:
• Streets
• Sewer System t
s Sidewalks
Update (June 1997):
• Workplan: The total timeframe for development of the
! comprehensive plans and report to the City Council is 18
months. This is a feasible timeframe if the process is
implemented promptly and continued steadily to the planned
completion date for presentation to Council. Impediments to
meeting that time frame could be diversion of staff to other
high priority tasks which impact the overall timeframe for
completion. Listed below are the components of scheduling
i this goal in order to be ready for presentation to Council in 18
months: 2 weeks - Compile information; assemble existing
• 1 month - Evaluate available information and existing -
plans to include ongoing studies
• 1 month - Identify additional studies that are needed to a)
serve existing City and b) serve those areas within the :
urban growth boundary likely to be annexed to the City
• 1 month - Develop tasks that would result in preparation of
the comprehensive plans • 12 months - Develop comprehensive plans
• 1 month - Identify funding based on developed plans
• 2 weeks - Submit findings and proposed funding
I mechanisms to City Council.
Update (September 1997): The June update presented the
timeline for this goal. The compilation of available information
and existing plans is in progress. Evaluation of the existing
information and plans is scheduled for October. Identification of
additional studies and plans required is scheduled for
City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 19
' I
a November. Progress report to Council is due in late November i;.
1997. The 18-month timeline for this goal is as follows:
,l -Compile information and assemble existing plans-September
-Evaluate available information and existing plans - October
1 -Identify additional studies and plans - early November 1997
f -Progress report to Council-late November 1997
-Develop tasks for preparation of comprehensive plans-
December 1997
i -Develop Comprehensive Plans - January 1998 through
December 1998
-Identify funding options based on developed plans-January-
February 1999
-Submit findings and proposed funding mechanisms to City
Council March 1999
Note: This proposed timeline may be revised based on the
proposals of the Transportation and Traffic Action Committee as -
part of the visioning process. It may likewise be adjusted based
i on the results of the Transportation System Plan study currently i
~i---. Develop a long-range plan for development and
maintenance of city streets.
Update (June 1997): This is a goal that is also a carryover from
last year's Council goal list. The Capital Improvement Program
will be presented for Council consideration on June 24, 1997.
City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 20
C f' I
Update (September 1997): This goal has been accomplished.
r~ The Capital Improvement Program was presented for Council
consideration and action on June 24, 1997. Council approved
the 7-year program presented in the 1997-98 CIP with funding
for FY 1997-98. This plan provides guidance for implementation t
of a long-range capital improvement program to develop the city i
streets in Tigard. The approval of the Pavement Major
Maintenance Program (PMMP) in the same CIP package
addresses the preventative and corrective maintenance actions
needed for Tigard's city streets. There is currently a $1.3 million
dollar backlog of pavement overlay projects that will be
addressed by the continuing PMMP projects. Until the. ongoing
Transportation System Plan study is completed, the 7-year CIP
will be in effect. Adjustments are expected in the 7-year CIP
after completion of the study and as development occurs
requiring development and expansion of major collector streets
such as Gaarde Street and Walnut Street.
i ~
,I 27. Participate in Youth Center Study (of private interest
groups) consider the results, and determine City f`
position on developing a youth center.
Update (June 1997): Police Chief Goodpaster is on the Youth
Task force. The new Chair, Stan Baumhofer has had a
discussion with Sports Nation in Tualatin regarding providing
after school programs. this issue is being actively discussed at
this time and the School district is also involved to determine
what types of transportation could be available to assist
transporting the children to this location after school. A "goals"
paper is being prepared by the group to send to Sports Nation
for a formal response.
City Council Goals 1996/97 -Page 21
f Update (September 1997): Stan Baumhofer has been replaced
10• by Sydney Sherwood who is the new Community Relations
person for Pearson Financial. Currently an after hours program
is being developed between Costco Sports Nation and the
Tigard/Tualatin School District
q 28. Police Funding - Specialty Programs: Program
such as Youth Officer, GREAT, DARE, Officer at
the Square, etc, must be evaluated.
Update: (June 1997)Budget line items restored by the Budget
Committee for 1997-98 fiscal year. i
{ Update (September 1997): Long-term funding has been
identified as a goal through the visioning process and the Action
Committee is currently developing an action plan for the goal.
~l 29. secure long-term water supply.
i .
Update (June 1997): This is a goal that is also a carryover from
last vear's Council goal list. Ongoing: -staff will leeoN Coin, 1
lapprised of the consortium's activities.
j Update (September 1997): Staff has been working on the
formation of a sub-regional agency to explore and develop the
j W111amette River as a viable drinking water source. MSA
updated the Council on September 16 and 23 as to options for
long term water sources after the year 2005. In the next quarter
we will hopefully have the agency intergovernmental agreement
signed by interested parties and begin looking at transmission
I alignment and land acquisition.
City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 22
i f
a X130. Plant 2000 Trees by the Year 2000
Update (June 9997): This long-term goal will require a plan for
annual planting of 500 trees. Emphasis will be on the following: }
• Replacing trees on public property lost through storm activity
Replacing tress on private and public property which have
caused damage to sidewalks in a subdivision
i • Planting within city parks and greenspaces
1 . Propose a street-tree planting effort
The Property Manager and Planning Manager, with input from
the Development Review Engineer, will develop a new street
i tree planting program that will describe desired tree selections,
proper planting methods and care and maintenance
responsibilities. This plan will be presented to Council for
adoption. The Park Supervisor will initiate a tree planting
program for City owned and operated properties.
Partial funding will be from the tree replacement fund which has
an appropriation balance (FY 97/98) of $246,200. Private
donations will also be utilized.
I Various volunteer groups will be involved in this project such as
the boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, neighborhood groups, churches and
Frianriic of Creek /110M_: n tiv:ai I Ci~iccl
n tize - t is 1NIIIIng to
donate over 100 Douglas Fir Trees.) J
Update (September 9997): A personal services contract has
been issued to Joe Percival & Associates to develop a tree
planting program of city parks and open spaces an siding specs
for a Fall planting. We will begin coordinating with school and
other public agencies for a spring planting in the next quarter
On "Make a Difference Day" (October 25), trees will be planted
at Englewood Park by Volunteers.
i:lad m\cathy\co u n cj No ls97-8.doc
City Council Goals 1996/97 - Page 23
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
j /
! FROM: William A. Monahan, City Manager
7 '
j DATE: October 1, 1997
SUBJECT: Concepts
I suggest fourteen general concepts which I consider to have importance and which I submit to
begin discussion at the Council Goal Setting meeting.
• Hire a great Library Director with vision to continue to make the Library a
treasured asset in the community.
• Continue to empower my Executive Staff to carry out their jobs, seek ways to ;
improve services, solve problems, grow supervisors and support staff.
• Understand and carry out the results of the Visioning program. Use the results
of this process to proclaim the "Good News" that Tigard is well, has direction,
and is headed on a path to address issues head-on with community support and
• Make best use of our newly-acquired properties, including the Cook Park
expansion, Greenspaces acquisitions, and the Burlington Northern property.
• Celebrate our successes every chance we get. Make the community aware of
i our good efforts. Continue to provide the media with positive stories.
• Build a better relationship with the school district through involvement of their
staff and administrator in our decisions; i.e., park planning, Triangle planning, j
implementation of the Visioning process as a partner, etc. Make more of an
3 effort to understand their needs and speak positively about these efforts.
a 1
( Memo to Council
October 1, 1997
Page Two
• Make positive movement to get the downtown revitalization process on track.
The approach to give total deference to the property owners has not worked;
someone needs to act. Our visioning efforts should serve as a start. We the
City need to get the Chamber of Commerce and others to invest their time and
energy to move along the revitalization effort. f
• Carry out the Council goals which relate to planning and infrastructure studies
l in a systematic way. We need to be realistic about what we can accomplish
with existing resources. k
• Citizen involvement must be improved. The CIT process has a level of success,
but it doesn't reach and involve enough people. A much larger group of
stakeholders who are willing to work with us, understand our process, and
become partners with us must be identified, known, and trained. This is an
ongoing effort that could be coupled with the unveiling of the results/direction
of the Visioning process.
1 The Space Committee recommendations must be fully understood, priced, and
converted into a plan of ideas which will present to the voters a realistic picture
of what the is, the cost, what it will achieve, and why package it is in the best
long-term interest of the community to follow the proposal.
• Enlarge the City's volunteer program, making connections between volunteers
and opportunities in all City departments. increase the reporting of volunteer r
usage, striving for an equal number of Library and non-Library volunteer hours
each month. Determine the need for a City Volunteer Coordinator and make _
appropriate decision.
i -
• Improve and better track the Council goal setting process. Make it more
{ responsive to Council and community needs. Fold the Visioning results into the
goal setting program.
• Make our customer (citizen) service-based orientation better. Work with staff
and the public to get the message out that we are changing - because it is the
right thing to do. Make ourselves accountable for carrying out the changes so
that our attitudes, services, and results are truly community-based and in tune
with citizen desires.
I c
e f. -
Memo to Council F
October 1, 1997 i
Page Three
k ,
e Improve the quality of presentations to the Council and public. Using better
materials and equipment, and most important training and assistance to staff, _
our conduct of public meetings and information process must improve. All staff
involved in contact with the public will be trained and provided guidance in
presenting information clearer, more complete, and better for the purpose of
educating the public.
2 @
' ,773 tE~
A M,
Sd f`,
OCTOBER 9, 1997 - 6:00 - 9:06 PM
PUBLIC NOTICE: Assistive Listening Devices are available for persons with
impaired hearing and should be scheduled for Vision Task Force meetings by noon `
on the Monday prior to the Task Force meeting. Please call 639-4171, Ext. 394
(Voice) or 684-2772 (TDD - Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf).
Upon request, the City will also endeavor to arrange for the following services:
Qualified sign language interpreters for persons with speech or hearing ~ -
impairments; and 1
{ Qualified bilingual interpreters.
Since these services must be scheduled with outside service providers, it is
important to allow as much lead time as possible. Please notify the City of your
need by Noon on the Thursday preceding the meeting date at the same phone
numbers as listed above.
• DINNER - Visiting time during dinner
• WELCOME - Liz ex Loreen
What has happened over the Summer?
~f -
Community Character/Quality of Life - Cathy Wheatley 20 min.
Growth at Growth Management - Nadine Smith 20 min.
Public Safety - Ron Goodpaster 20 min.
Transportation az Traffic - Gus Duenas 20 min.
i Urban 8z Public Services - Ed Wegner 20 min.
Schools ex Education - Mary Alice Russell 20 min.
What to expect next?
• ADJOURNMENT - 9:00 pm
pp t
pnm.Ie.Ln1c.. 0 O
rwKam $ B L7 R
O ❑ . O
(What Tigard will look like in 2017) °
Go.m Tigard citizens are involved in their community. Involvement is citizen driven and citizens have the tools to communicate effectively with
community-wide decision makers. y supports its volunteers with
nteer spirit has been maximized through community-wide coordination of volunteers. Our community
appropriate training and volunteer recognition.
Tigard encourages local, regional and community events. City funding priorities go to events which move toward financial self-sufficiency
and new community-wide events.
commitment owners, and residents of the Main Street Area display strongityleadership
A clear direction ownershihas been established for a
Business owners, property p, and
being iarea is seen mplemented. a focal point for the commun.
downtown development. The Main Street
pedestrian-friendly downtown and 9
The Tigard community has a defined, proactive vision for community aesthetics. Open space is a priority and new development is required
to dedicate open areas for community use.
u~: _ - and Tomorrov~ ItESPONSIALE
- Tigard 13ey uality of Life PAR Y
Character & Q ACTION PLANS
Community Adm Staff
STRATEGY foundation of ncedstopP s Adm Staff
rarnselscwhtts pdm Staff
Continue with Volunteer Committee duct t°researe heonle{fcctivepr B
e10 description & con i dvocate)
RCE ointment of
CITIZEN VIS1ON Consider app • Writ role (Citzen A
DIRECTION Volunteer • Develop Ombudsman Adm Staff
#1) City will maximize the ommunity
MMUNITY budsman Adm Staff
RISM & CO effectiveness t the CoordinatorlOm ortunities pdm Staff
UNTEE volunteer spirit to Inventory curent volunteers Day 10/25197
Vol Adm Staff
V E(vtENT greatest 2) Enhance current volunteer • Inventory a
INVOL Difference '
axitnize theeffectiv eness o f accomplish the g • Sponsor' M ' for students
rn to accomplish the good for our program • Develop Volunteerism program Adm Staff
community a tofacilitate Volunteer Program
Htheow do we volunteer Spirit • Use cityscape pdm Staff
atest good for our community rove the CIT Program
gre • Solicit ideas to hop a features tar CI'C program
3) Strengthen Citizen • Review use of CityscaP
CounciVAdm Stall
Involvement Team PT) Adm Staff
program s (stu y s d meetings) more accessrble
for exiting and new residents;
• Mates Council meeting Adm Staff
4 public ♦ Sponsor Annual ReOppoen's rtu~p eaiesFlouse Adm Staff
1) Encourage P promote volunteer h dboot: Adm Staff
participation thntugh + Develop a Citizen han od council Tigard t and its services
always taken citizen #Z) Citizen involvement and education
has opportunities will be • improve communica5°aarn on local g
Is the current level roviding accessibility • Develop community lucation prog
involvement seriously. h enough' pre
ruaximized by P is on
of citizen inv aV. men hCir voices heard? educational program
citizens truly process, Suring
",W do \ve ensure that out? e ibility to information,
'bons of citizens are carried oviding opportunities for
input and establishing and CD Staff
C13D Comm
maintaining a program Of
C13D) Committee CD Staff
effective communication 1-ivablc Oregon) CffD Comm
• FstablishMission Statement t for rthe C- Economic DevDir, Central 1) Tigard's CBD: Be Pro It Develop erise (i•e• developing identityltlreme CD staff
ortunities Explore options: Outsideexp Approach when StaWVOIU teas
DONVN'fowN #1)ProvideoPP active Use"Corcconcept RRtracks Staff
RD'S whole is doing roactively with + meat Plan clean up along Public Wks
to work p istrict • Develop Era"() Makemica Develop 10t25l97
'f IGA a
Ttgar while the downtown d's local economy Central Business Participate D
residents might say (CBD) business and • in Difference Day "
quite well as . area is not 4 plant trees
keeping Pace. Many ro eny owners and
on Square is the commercial and to set the
washing citizens of'fig
center of Tigar d . TW ° etf° at downtown course for the future of the
r,,halization failed at the b aal llot box in the t 'in 1980's. Is there a role for the City
central downtown area
determining what the citizens desire is for f _
q/ .h:lloran\dacs\visiont~nauiscc.doc ,
- - Tigard Beyond Tomorrow of Life PARTY
Character & Quality AC ION PLANS
Coninlunity CI Staff
cu staff
STRATEGY romote the mission statement CD Staff
GOAL code • 11ow mCS it P h design criteria CD Staff
• Review zoning oriented business through
CD Staff
TASK FOILCE Al CI;.Review • Court' family is ~~or matcg
CITIZEN ard's ulations ~xplore gruntprogtan CD Staff
ViSION 2}Tig
DIRECTION City of Tigard reg •
• Uecome a mere Re6f l.ivahle Ore ° 99W widening & affects on CUD CD Staff
TOWN (continued) evise tenn ulations strategy W a'10D IODOT
N • R Park+ng tt: and") CU Staff
• Deviong
S DOW elop
area. u"prove mentsti.e."\yelc°+ne to-fig
TIGA hat role Cn Staff
tal) theme CD Staff
a central downtown' lay in downt'\v Gateway" (Po ectin
r to conunumty
s}tould public financing P \Vork on t Develop' }ling fixtures reflg
CVD Special sweet hg this mntnityi use as a connection CD Staff
CIO en,? 3) Ttgard's • Install Creek: Showcase
• ells through CUD CUU Comm
strategies addressing fanno Creek..
ublie restrooms destrianslbicY
• Install p Plan - PC l~ntentatiml
aesthetics Develop connectivity v`r"m list for IMP
• Develop ' Council
• amenity imprU event
propose criteria for Council stated city Admin. Staff
• Create study gt-upto philosophy those council
philosophy events 10 carry out Council's City eted for local residents vs. Uudget Comm
n to events that are tang 11 d gct Comm
1) Comm unity eve nts on • Consider etv
overall a Philosophy Distinguish aPP roaches and recent taxpayer direction
VENTS 41) Develop Develop v ionwide Admin. Staff
COMNIUNI'fY E 'VENTS City event Sponsorship that draw reg criteria•confront loMu baszdsupP°rt City
events such asthe Festival of • Develop Cunding must havecommuni% ty` & do{+ned by
Community based on criteria estabhsh~d
and tile 0 1d fashioned Fourth community events thaamong t • onsored
vents annually Year. With of appr -valuate events ;utuuattY Admin. Staff
Balloons an ore Popular each Y will see establish es balanceal + I'Mulnum
July gr°vv m p the city Popular or tradition) vent Philosophy Admin. Staff
my g re 47 of, Ilow can events, requests ton to look at other t vGruni'm olunteers eve Admin. Staff
l3alhit Measu standing + Create stud , ackets for event volunteers resources
Risk Mngr
general fund revenue' unity of new events • how to P other funding
{educed for support resources Develop "t event organizers to develop
for sanctions CD staty
and other new cincrease tricrease in Encoum8 both old and °evv
these events, ed as they and limited City ~u events • e events lic consider riders
events, be Support o[ declining 2) C L•ncourag umbrella insurance PO y ~n space cc Staff
umber in the face Develop an unders+andable> • Evaluate City uisition of op' Finan
size and n process to assist • to.rated b CU Staff
city revenues7 step by-step evems(c°sts methods or dedication °O Possible needs
Cl) Staff
• Develop a list of rams are p
vohmteer~- heti Determine if tax Incentive programs
a in DCvelopit, CudC Council
i) • v Code to balance aesthetic seen vviCw ill developer recinted CD Stott needs strategies to Communit ent and • Rcviety De o en space risk is supported 1, app erties
uch as P b the vision' CD Stall
H I) Develop wand Balance developm Dtftne icrrnS s d
GOAL needs ♦ mit to stall by for developing FtOF CD Staff
TIiET1CS d for aesthetic needs • Ue proactive, com a site design review Comm
AES d an balance ment \vlneed designs for roadways
CONIMUNITY Scare, tnfill develop + Consider establishing lousing
of d regulations
Vacant land is becoming and resources are ies • Gstablish aesdoeticat Y P
to Provide protection
is increasing. fined aesthetic Clualit • Revisit sign codc: cnforcemcnt an
open sp1" ies should be de t who
limited. What strale6 valued by hose T iard `
developed to encourage citizens and the.
with others n already livelwork hi b 1
City to work to partnership need?
our community to address this
0G"D HI .0IG40iPOW
C-n -.V ac.u
9 DIRECTION STATEMENT: (What Tigard will look like in 2017) $
Tigard continues to grow. Growth is accommodated while protecting the character and livability in new and established
neighborhoods. The City encourages and supports private sector programs to maintain diverse and affordable housing.
Urban services are provided to all citizens within Tigard's Urban Growth Boundary. Recipients of services pay their share.
Local and small businesses are encouraged as an important part of our community and our economy.
The City of Tigard is an active participant in regional issues. Its citizens are educated about issues in our region and take
advantage of opportunities to participate in decision-making processes.
Tomorrow PAKTY
- - Tigat'd feyanManagement ~tON,p 5 Cuncot?la%
& Groweh City engineer
and Range Ping
GY unto redeveloptnent Lung
STwill acccssory~ infilt,
L Develop criteria for location s accomm ate Current Ping
GCA _ ♦ tructuce need to
i~tcreased • evaluate infras ut1 Mountain for new residential Current Ping
N TA sinesin the abilitY
SK [OKCe 1) Create infill, velopment increased densttics
VISiO rawth d red= mcrcial zoning paic tom d ru Ali
tON odate 6 CD Director
CiTiZBI i et densities an atible • Consider w$eaicr it's aPPrOQ h imps P
piKRCf #1)Acre oweom~ n ctsofincrease g blic
the • Evaluate meet o ~argelots {roar, t c d educates the a CuRent Ping
courages otecting olicies to all {future
m source are ent that informs an
Growth ten while ?I d livability of accom odatien develop
Long Range P n6
Metro s 2040 that utilize character an areas • Protect natural n b
designs established growth. educationaltlem Center Long Range Pin'
building house, and wand • Provide an the Town center intheTown
site and le family dads. ne roprtate CD Dircctot
ies" app
smaller lots for sing those, scan man issues in indNhe h1 e r d densit educates the Pub C
and is close to letting 1 in harmony 41 Address P c vtlopment of existing
r pc Lan
Pange P S
Tig wlh ConeeP a if not, thr:Tigard town • Constdet rdc densities to del that nforms
2040 Gco for Tigard. 2) Address corridor element that in an
is the vision + Review Metzger a' l.ongRange l
future the areas educational LonS Range ping
with the should be em? Y can be Center and Ccrridors to 41 Provide an e or all o et ia al centers y ,as g g
if yQ5 designated as of annexation of soar orate larger study Lon Ran e Ping
modauon of higher densities in the
Standads olt. bile protecting Gro xthplan • Explorethc unpa`ts
p40 etTon incorP Public
Plan the ? -040 Explore a", Cntr master Ping d educates the P pills
address the e
im on Ronn
rs an L g
the 2 ow and it , E ec
tonal C l n
g e
Plenlent character and livability of v lanning and ♦ As P
the chars 3) Address p ♦ educauonal element thatinfom Long Rang Ptng
ighborhoods at of the Reg
ne. iss associated ♦ provide an ationplan tnlctute Range Ping
established growth d Center IMP evaluate npublic tavide tetras Long
with the Regrow d roide nests been Wattled one Action
Create and aluatt a"be[ew ha an
• a l pan to e' aivers Valnutlsld l pirector
• Crc ith ana besot the remainder of ` City wilt CD
Adopt a Piazt for anon the ncx
1) of 1 [otee anon action) vvhat conditions
♦ vvith annex vvith this
services are orderly sneer ♦ proceed her disagreed that estabtislies under Asst to city bingr
ii2) Uthat' 'Island Commits morn County
t Director
well as by to all citizens \V3 fill reemcnt w Bull Mtn as C
all as proved Ti 1rd,s urban • Create a6 facilities & specific ices D
rows by annex lint for future vv'tthin & accept county ewcomets etv in
Tigard g the city P V° oucldarY and icesp am aimed at n rovi o of s Cit' ) En
s fait p to g
infill. ltnw can CO o{ sere aY ctcd cd• Prot, that allow Min
so that they d0 not uri. 110vv geupien s ♦ Provide targ with W ash Cara almexalion veers to Bull
antic acts on our contra thatout- WW", nt seice an 'atiorts, low
im City ' annexation their share Reach rovision of u
2) Adopt criteria. nder s CPOa Asst to city
et annex. waivers fur p that ran • pollee
negative 12p affect the y s ices what City i ncluding P t use
does than services when lad u Bull • d ability tog ublic info Pt0$ oiningT'gard
area, lines on ExP"ut ercate P
SB or Provision o u v stances yeas rt°rity, hasizesbencftts of } c igineer
policy and( Growth Boundary cite um west of 11ari a P wcomcrs, carp veer City
to our Urban Mountain will annex W ith area out to ne it storm se CD Director
• rn'r , r oaches
stsmctureidentity to M outlin etzg cr,
hasizt of Metzger
educate as a P'rr s the rctenuon
needed inthat cleariy es thtir cote in re
Adopt a plan to and cmpof lovid in g tvices
about WasliCnty o{ elitese
3) Metzger residents • Explore costs Intntwith rovision P
it1T1$atd Tlegotiateagree servItes,includingP
annexation •
provision of urban
I .lr:\turcen\dotswisionunatrisg.duc - - _
j ,r.
Tigard Beyond Tomorrow
Growth & Growth Management
4) King City/Urban Growth ♦ Explore existing city boundaries with King City, the urban growth boundary Long Range Ping
Boundary Annexation down to the Tualatin River for possible annexation
City policy 6.11 states: "the city shall k3) The City encourages & 1) Implement a program to • Start community dialogue on issues associated with affordable housing CD Staff
provide an opportunity for a diversity of supports private sector pro- educate Tigard citizens • Define community goals for affordable housing to determine target Council
housing densities and residential types at grams to maintain diverse about the importance of • Prepare written materials that reflect the community's goals Asst to City Mngr
various rites and rent levels. Ilowever, and affordable housing affordable housing • Develop outreach program including Cityscape articles, press releases, CD Director
prices g S speaking opp's, outreach to businesses, churches, senior centers and
the City is a minor player in the provision community based organizations
of affordable housing compared to federal,
state, county, and local non-profit 2) Make incentive programs • Form study committee CD Director
agencies. Should the City do more to help available to providers of • Committee consider waiver or reduction of SDCs, lax abatement for non- Long Range Ping
promote affordable and homeless housing? affordable housing units profits, and/or property tax reductions for affordable housing projects
♦ Committee consider targeting financial incentives to specific areas of the City Long Range Ping
♦ Study committee report issued to City Council Long Range Ping
♦ Council consideration of recommendations of study committee CD Director
• Implement Council direction CD Director
♦ Develop outreach program to "advertise" incentives Asst to City Mngr
3) Review City's zoning ♦ Consider minimum densities, inclusionary zoning & density bonuses as tools long Range Ping
code and Comprehensive to encourage affordable housing
Plan policies to provide ♦ Incorporate code language into Dev Code to require minimum densities and Long Range Ping
maximum opportunities for inclusionary zoning and for density bonuses to encourage affordable housing
affordable housing ♦ Develop a mechanism to track affordable housing units constructed Long Range Ping
4) Incorporate affordable • Identify opportunities to provide affordable housing in mixed use areas Long Range Ping
♦ Include discussions on affordable housing in public wFshops on mix use areas long Range Ping
housing policies into study ♦ Write policies & zoning code language to reflect desired affordable housing Long Range Ping
of Downtown, Wash Sq, & opportunities in mixed use areas
other mixed use areas ♦ Implement policies Long Range Ping
♦ Considerjobs/housing ratio as an incentive to focus housing Long Range Ping
5) Strengthen ties between
City, Wish Cnty, and other • hold summit on affordable housing with policy makers, develop community Long Range Ping
Wash Cnty cities to jointly and technical resources to identify issues
♦ Summit follow-up to considerjoinily providing technical assistance for Long Range Ping
provide affordable housing developers of affordable housing
services ♦ Consider increase in number of Wash Cnly subsidized units allowed in Tigard Long Range Ping
10N/97. 101urccoldu 'onlmatrieg.doc 2
f \
Tigard Beyond Tomorrow
Growth & Growth Management
6) HOMELESS -Implement ♦ Identify available resources CD Staff
programs aimed at prevent- • Develop resource brochures for distribution that identify community resources Asst to City Mngr
ing homelessness • Develop landlord education programs to be held quarterly that provide tools to Chief of Police
help prevent homelessness
♦ Develop resource center for services that may impact homelessness Asst to City Mngr
7) HOMELESS - Investigate ♦ Identify resources available for emergency housing, such as vouchers Council
tools to Frovide emergency ♦ Identify potential providers/agencies that provide info on emergency housing Council
housing ♦ Prepare written materials to distribute regarding emergency housing Asst to City Mngr
♦ Provide phone number with recorded information for emergency housing Asst to City Mngr
It is estimated that 58% of the people who t/4) Local and small busi- ♦ Assure input is received from local businesses as development codes are CD Director
work in Tigard are employed by businesses nesses are encouraged as 1) Retain and assist local developed
that have under 50 employees. Local and an important part of our businesses ♦ Assure that planning and transportation efforts develop, local business access CD Director
small businesses are an important part of community and economy and "friendly" site design is included
our community and our economy. What ♦ Explore tax incentives to encourage & recruit new small businesses in Tigard CD Director
can the community do to retain and assist
these businesses?
I -h:\IoreenWocs\visionlmatrixgdoc ~J 3 _
Ca..... vw-g h..M
nwg°uia oalaces, 9G~~1DIRECTION STATEMENT: (What Tigard will look like in 2017) G~
Tigard is a safe place to live, play, and do business, with efficient public safety services coordinated by police, fire, and
emergency management providers. Citizens and businesses are well educated about public safety services; Tigard's
citizens understand their role and responsibilities for the safety of themselves and their community, and businesses take a
proactive role for their responsibility in protecting their investment in the community. Public Safety service providers plan
for their service delivery in such a way as to miniimize the negative impacts of the regional populations that travel to and
through our community each day. Stable funding provides uninterrupted public safety services at desired levels.
Tigard Beyond Tomorrow
Public Safety
What is the best way to continue to provide Itl) The community 1) Re-energize existing • Detennine status ofexisting Neighborhood Watch areas Chicfof Police
crime prevention and public education residents, business owners, neighborhood watch areas • Recruit Volunteer Coordinator for Neighborhood Watch Program Chiefof police
programs in the current economic and service providers will • Educational promotion for existing Watch Programs Chicfof Police
environment? form partnerships to Measure effectiveness of Active Watch Programs Chiefof Police
effectively enhance public
safety and emergency 2) Expz.nd Neighborhood . Develop Watch Programs in additional or new neighborhoods Chicfof Police
services Watch Program Educational promotion for new Watch Program areas Chiefof Police
Measure effectiveness ofactive new Watch Programs Chicfof Police
3) Implement Crime Pre- • Implement CPTED with Public Safety providers reviewing & commenting on Chicfof Police
vention Through Environ- all land use applications received by the City
mental Design (OPTED) to
assist efficient & effective
public safety response to
calls for service
4) Implement Enhanced . Implement ESP program with multi-family dwelling units (apartments) within Chiefo police
Safety Froperties Program the City
(ESP) to assist safety &
emergency responses to
multi-family complexes
5) Conduct survey ofbusi- . Develop survey tool - questionnaire Chiefof Police
nesses to determine public . Print/fold survey Cttie f oC pot icc
safety/emergency services . Send survey Finance Dir
needs Review survey results Chiefof Policc
6) Develop business crime • Track business calls for service. Develop data base Chiefof Policc
prevention program Conduct info search to find programs that work well in other communities Chiefof Police
. Create current business calls for service report Chiefof Policc
• Create Business Crime Prevention Focus Group Chiefof police
• Educate focus group Chiefof Police
• Create structure and parameters of the Business Crime Prevention Program Chiefof Policc
• Implement the program Chief of Folice
Tigard Beyond Tomorrow
Public Safety
Is there a need to refocus police/fire 02) Develop long-term, 1) Review Police, Fire, & Conduct information search Police & Fire Chiefs
strategies or funding sources considering stable funding sources to Emergency Management Review information Police & Fire Chiefs
the impacts that regional populations have ensure efficient, service funding mechanisms Gather more detailed info re: programs that Tigard wishes to consider using Police & Fire Chiefs
on Tigard's public safety programs? Are uninterrupted public safety already in use nation-wide Present funding alternatives to City Council/Budget Comm and Fire Board Police & Fire Chiefs
• Decision by CounciVBoard regarding how to implement report findings Police & Fire Chiefs
there any ways to acquire funding from the and emergency services
regional or statewide populations that are 2) Review funding options . Track calls for service from regional population - develop data base Chief of Police
behind these trends? for regional impacts on local • Review current revenue streams from regional users of the local system Chief of Police
public safety & emergency Survey other nationwide communities to determine how they balance local Chief of Police
Is there a need to refocus police/fire services dollars and regional service needs
strategies or funding sources considering • Municipal Court Study to determine how court could: create more efficient Court Manager
the impacts that regional populations have public safety service and reduce repeat offenders
on Tigard's public safety programs? Are • Prepare report detailing current calls for service created by regional population Chief of Police
there any ways to acquire funding from the - traffic accidents & reported crimes, funding options, and Muni. Coun role
Present funding alternatives to Council/Budget Comm & Fire Board Police & Fire Chiefs
regional or statewide populations that are Decision by Council/Board regarding how to implement report findings Police & Fire Chiefs
behind these trends?
There is a need to better educate citizens in 83)11te community is 1) Develop community-wide Educate citizens to be self-sufficient for the first 72-hours after disaster strikes Dir Emergency Mng
the community about how they can be trained and prepared for program to train citizens to Develop an Emergency Response Coalition Dir Emergency Mng
prepared for emergencies and what they emergencies be self-sufficient for the first Educate Coalition (to understand purpose, emergency types, define training by Dir Emergency Mng
should do in case of an emergency. We 72-(tours after an emergency group (seniors, bilingual, homeless, etc)
• Develop short term goals Dir Emergency Mng
also need a broader group of volunteers event . Determine what needs are out in the community Dir Emergency Mng
who can be called on in emergencies. How Develop work plan for coalition for next 3 years Dir Emergency Mng
can these steeds a fulfilled?
2) Coordinate Tigard Develop Tigard Emergency Response Work Group for responders to regularly Dir Emergency Mng
emergency response meet to determine joint needs and coordinate efforts
providers • Hold regular meetings for information sharing Dir Emergency Mng
. Modify response plans based on exercise/real life response experiences Dir Emergency Mng
• Conduct annual exercise of response programs Dir Emergency hing
10/9/97.10lorce 'dvisionWanixps.doc
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TR-A-Am F F I Cl;` 9 g R
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71 N
$ $
u..~~~.., (What Tigard will look like in 2017)
Tigard takes a proactive role in regional transportation planning. Funding sources are diverse, include regional resources
and are adequate to build and maintain our transportation system.
Each type of street safely handles the traffic it is designed to serve. Local traffic is served by a well-connected street
network that minimizes traffic impacts on neighborhoods. Tigard's arterials and major collector streets accommodate
through-traffic reducing the impact of regional traffic on local neighborhoods.
Alternative transportation methods are affordable and available. Use of alternative transportation is encouraged.
Tigard Beyond Tomorrow
Transportation and Traffic RESPONSIBLE
En inar
CITIZEN VISION TASK FORCE Yearl Im lementation City g
♦ pevelop Comprchcnsive Traffic Calming Program - Y P City Engineer
plRECTION 1 Disco rage through program City Engineer
♦ ImplementTmiliccalming 401 rove traff is safety trap.,. on local streets ♦ Reduce posted speed Chief of Police
What can be done to keep focal trafficis on P ♦ Enforce posted speed hunicipal Court
neighborhood streets and through traffic CD Director
main arterials? ♦ increases lines for speeding
♦ Review possibility of mixed use areas near residential neighborhoods City Engineer
& improvements of major collectors & arterials CD Dir/City Eng
2) Entourage through traffic Identify & Promote 4, Widening use of through routes CD Director
r collector or arteries status
on mtijor collectors and ♦ Look at upgrading existing streets to majo CO Director
arterials ♦ prohibit direct access onto minor collectors city Engineer
♦ Examine & implement ways to maximize use of existing lanes chief of Police
While traffic congestion is a central issue ♦ Accelerate removal of vehicles after minor accidents Chief of Police
Municipal Cc Judge
for'figard citizens, how important is safety
on our streets and roads? Are they safe ♦ Strict enforcement posted speed limits City Engineer
3) Reduce actual speed on ♦ Higher fines for speed es (implement) ighb orhaods City Engineer
enough? If not, what should be done to neighborhood streets ♦ Traffic calming measures
address this concern? ♦ Implement traffic control measures where appropriate CD Director
♦ Controlled access to collector roads CD Dir/City Eng
CD DidCity Eng
♦ Review all existing streets to be connected for feasibility orconnection
1) Develop a program to ♦ Review options for connecting existing streets wiComprchensive Plan CD Dir/City Eng
92) Improve traffic flow implement the prioritize street connections in order of importance CD DidCity Eng
What is the connection between land use ♦
Comprehensive Plan ♦ Develop funding strategy for city funded Street connections CD DidCity Eng
and transportationI- Can new development
♦ Use street system study to determine desirable connection points CD DidCity Eng
be built with smaller impact on traffic?
fic congestion be reduced Cit Engineer
How can traf limited funding and continued 2) Look for additional points ♦ identify areas of altemate routes City Engineer
assuming ♦ Establish ROW Acquisition Program to set aside corridor connection points
growth of the City? of connectivity Plan to reflect review results ty City Engineer
♦ Amend Comprehensive Transportation Map
♦ Coordinate with other jurisdictions for connection points CO DtrlCity Eng
Off-street bikepaHlicr estrian walkway connectivity CD Dir/City Log
♦ Enhance
3) Identify alternate City MngrlCouncil
♦ Determine optimum route for alternate modes Rail Task fvc
transportation modes ♦ Explore formation of Tigard TMA Comm.
Can alternate transportation, such as mass Explore rail commute options
transit, walking, carpooling, and biking, 4,
help reduce traffic congestion? tIf SO, he what
steps can be taken to encourage
increased uses?
'J - h:Vorccn\Joctlvison\mauixr.Jue
- - Beyond Tomorrow RESPONSEESLE
Tigard Traffic PARTY
Transportation AM city
City Engineer
STRATEGY d tegistrltion fees City Council
15 tax Art
GOAL Endorsement of increased g' City hfanager
• Y lanes
provideil0 odes
YIS1ON TASK FORCE a uses of ♦ for transit users
4) Eincourag CD pirlCity E° Staff
CETEZEN RECTEON odes ♦ Reduced faces ni u to increase mvareness of altemate in
city Councit
DI &
altemate m • Educational came g of various e M
ris odes Cp pirlCity council
urisdictui for continuity -119
♦ COOT dinate with other j & promote usconn ctivity CD pirlCity
al eCfurts to dev`de s Ulan walk\v'a)' Cl) pirCity Eng
participate in region at1P'
e development • Require development of bikcp master plat
S) Eacourag ♦ id, connections In tltsl~ ~~es rianareas walkway city Engineer
heruate modes ♦ Iteview & Pro" bikcp P Cngineer
of f+ & update existing City'
• IL,vi,w and city traffic signals City Engincer
county and d tlow city Eview par
♦ Sy nchronication owaatl fi turn lanes of e&'lncc Engines
n & Implementation Reduction of nvo• y urisdictions for continuity city
♦ p>,y pirlCity '012,
6jpesig • Coordinationwithother, streets E
Flow Enhance ngineer
Emphasis on street sulp tg ougb°ut City ht distance is necessary City
of Tratftc
♦ hung where cieur sir
rner t • Incle i mstreet lig cc of areas
♦ z, aintenan sand aneriats
EmPhas on tr„way ~ Ci y
to t Council
♦ lmprov,d s!gt uge possible new
stablish a task force exarnine current funding source
L• s and l) Establish a task force to sources o{ funding E,nglCouncil
Possible Crry EngiCouncil
ri3) Identify and develop examiue current & City
urces new sources of funding cntt measures
te ~on cr ~
stow n e ensure that adeLluale ,`tng funding reso ♦ IMPIC"Wol l
2) hill) c nt task force • initiate inng recur n,asures
exist to keep our to the arterial,
and fundiwng
collector and local streets UP
that they necd to
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~M Tigard
4 are provided to ice basis.
unities and libraries) a cost for seN
enhanced services on
arks, recreat►o charged for oWth
ess to Pat"'-' are aid for by 9r special interest
(such as acc service Wth is bus-Messes, ses, to access
Sere ices fees for ro s With and how
urban taxes and to serve ~ ices, partnership ices,
Basic neCessary as►c urban s
through property intrastructure sic urban seN about b
of the delivery of ba educated
Expansion ost e{ticient Citizens are
couraged .
an effort to facilitate tmun mities are en
In as, and otheC communities
group e the services.
and preserv
Tigard Beyond Tomorrow
Urban & Public Services
_ DIRECTION PARTY -1 1 WATER 41) Actively participate in 1) Form consortium of • Persuade area jurisdictions to participate in consortium Public Wks Dir
What water sources will Tigard use in the regional development of water neighbor-ing jurisdictions • Inform water users of progress Public Wks Dir
future and how will new infrastructure for sources & adequate, innovative to develop a regional water
water services be paid for? funding mechanisms to develop plant for Willamette River
those sources for Tigard users water
while exploring local options for • Designate Engineering Finn to proceed P W Dir mans. IGA
water reuse and groundwater 2) Develop plans for • Research and purchase/obtain plant site PW Dir mans. IGA
sources surface water production • Secure casements for pipeline PW Dir mans. IGA
and supply • Construct project PW Dir mans. IGA
3) Conservation - Reuse - • Educate water users in conservation methods Public Wks Dir
Alternatives • Explore alternative sources Public Wks Dir
• Develop ways to control access to water which would not allow growth to Public Wks Dir
outgrow water supply
Would it ever be appropriate to charge #I) Library will have a stable 1) Provide additional • Determine which library services are "basic" & which are enhanced Library Bd/Staff
users fur some Library services in order to funding base for the provision of library services through • Select "enhance(r" services that could he subject to user fees Library Bd/Staff
offset costs? basic services users fees for selected • Determine which market is for additional fee-based library services Library Staff
(Basic services are defined by "enhanced" services. • Public education on "library fees" Library Dir/Staff
flow can increased demands on the Library the Oregon Library Association) • Establish appropriate fees and tracking process Library Bd/Dir
be met, given tight financial budgets? • Establish budget process that allocates fees for library use Lib Dir/Fin Dir
• Evaluate process for cost-effectiveness Library Dir
2) Identify entrepreneurial • Complete literature search regarding examples of partnerships between Library Staff
means of generating public libraries and/or schools with businesses
support for library services • Create task force to review info, ID companies within service area as Library Staff
potential partners and explore entrepreneurial concepts
• Public education regarding partnerships to involve non-profit/service orgs Library Staff
• Explore concept of"sponsored" collections Task FrclLib Dir
• Explore concept ofrenting audio visual or computer equipment Task Frc/Lib Dir
• Explore concept of video "rental collection" (pattern after rental book Task FrciLib Dir
• Evaluate possibility of constructing library to serve public & high school Task FrcfLib Dir
• Evaluate possibility of sharing staff between public library & media Task Frc/Lib Dir
• Develop proposal for minimum of two innovative funding options I ibrary Dir
♦ Continue developing & adding partnerships until 10% of support by 2001 Library Dir
1 • h'..\IorecnW~xs\visionlmxtrixu.doc l l ~ t -
Tigard Beyond Tomorrow
Urban & Public Services
LIBRARY (continued) 3) Seek alternatives to • Develop library foundation Lib Dir/Lib
current tax base funding • Review/evaluate models of library support Lib Dir/Lib Staff
PARKS, RECREATION, OPEN SPACE k 1) Create a special parks & 1- A) Develop a short term . Educate partners/citizens about pilot program Munro/Kurt
Could a special parks & recreation district recreation district with the City pilot recreation program Gather volunteers and staffing for pilot program Munro/Kurt
help our area provide better park and rec of Tigard spear-heading the for school age children Create athletic and non-athletic recreational programs Munro/Kurt
services? Should the City become a process and maintaining • Develop training for stafiand volunteers Munro/Kurt
recreation provider? AND is there a need membership for its citizens Cooperating with existing leagues and groups Munro/Kurt
for Parks & Rec Advisory Board to be • Address latch key issues Munro/Kurt
reestablished to better address park needs? • Maximize use of existing facilities Munro/Kurt
• Address short term funding options, grams, fees, hardship grants Munro/Kurt
Implement program Munro/Kurt
Debrief to determine success of program & whether to continue Munro/Kurt
I- B) Create a task force . Appoint task force Public Wks Dir
regarding development of Educate partners/citizens re: community recreation needs & avail facilities Public Wks Dir
a park and recreation Develop interest & representation for non-athletic recreational needs Public Wks Dir
district Assess community needs & resources Public Wks Dir
Develop community wide partnership Public Wks Dir
Develop and utilize existing school/park facilities and properties Public Wks Dir
Create a partnership to maintain existing facilities Public Wks Dir
Address funding issues - bond/levy, prop taxes, private supp, grants, fees Public Wks Dir
Co-oping with existing leagues and groups Public Wks Dir
• Include Sr Center & Seniors as an essential part of the District's programs Public Wks Dir
}low should we manage and protect H2) The City educates and 1) Adopt educational and Develop community wide partnership to educate citizens about need to Public Wks Dir
wetlands? supports citizen efforts to under- presentation program for protect & preserve wetlands and open spaces
stand the importance of flood- wetlands & open spaces Prepare list of possible land acquisition sites avail inside & outside City Public Wks Dir
plains and how the areas are • Reclaim what lands we already have Public Wks Dir
managed and protected Address funding issues Public Wks Dir
• Implement school educational program Public Wks Dir
I 9/97-h:\lorc(-- s\visionl,nuuixu.doc -
A, t . -
$ EDUCATION DIRECTI®N STATEMENT: (What Tigard will look like in 2017) $
Tigard area residents have access to good quality public and private schools. Residents of our community, whether or not
they have children in the school system, understand the importance of education and how they can help promote
education of our community. The public schools have stable funding through state and local funding options. Curriculum
and extra-curricular programs are important and are well supported through volunteers, local funding, and increased
partnerships with business and government.
New development assists in paying for new education infrastructure required by growth in the community.
Public schools and governmental entities, in our community, actively partner in day-to-day operations and other costs to
facilitate the most efficient delivery of services.
Tigard $eyandTomorrow RESPONSIBLE
Education PARTY
Schools & ACp1oN PI pNS
STRATEGY athletic and T-T School District
nsorship of clubs -
GOAL Possibility of local business spo lion T•T School District
K FORCE ♦ Explore the TAS community anon. leading club, athletic and recreation
N l) Identify recreational activitics'c all school eve s' elementary schools. od of T.T School District
volunteer P high schools an boots
DIRECTION and City supporting, 4, Increase schools
#l} Schools an resources for more directly to sc with supp
ent will work recreation and programs in middle . City of Tigard
ovemm providing young ♦ TieexistingyOLL athletic plug
Flow should schools balance concern toge act
7 re there t rovide a ivity programs for tners an community volunteers to coordinate and
ther to p acv Business par d other wm
about extracurricular ac a ros iding community-based people,
any new ways to continue p 4? Recruit senior ct try an recreation classes. City of Tigard
recreation activity program teach hobby, cities itt other i°Cal
extracurticular programs7
for young people relationship between schools and City of Tigard
' ♦ investigate the funding Oswego and
for 2) Investigate a MY, Park and recreation districts. a reements formed in Lake City of Tigard VarlK Does a new stable funding source funding source to ♦ ExPlorc the citydschool funding S
schools need to be identified? Ashland to fund student a Forato thletics andactivities. Portland Community
provide after-school spore make a recome
and activity prOp a roafund student a iv n't
rams for 4, Create a Citiur-STask a City Y atter•school edur31011, college
Schools Program (offering through the P~ and
and recreation o community tahlishmg ng a
ri City of Tigard
students. ♦ Establish atru well as youngPeoPte)
ts as
interest classes for adul Tualatin School
District- em between 1hoTigazd
Recreation ovemmemal egreem reconstruct school
♦ Create an Wert and and Tualan" to developl
District and the cities of Tig
properties used for recreation. T-T School District
and coordinate activities. T-T School District
cachets 1 for recroitment, training
♦ Increase votunteertsm in schools to help 5C hoo T-T School District
support funding for volunteer coordinator at t cacti cash T-T School District
1) Us,:volunteers to ♦ and Placement. wok with young students. frame commitmen city
t of Tigard
provide additiooal
#2) Educational teachers, Use ,it., students to volunteers.
teaming oppo rtunities for ♦ coops paront required to be in and volved support t ~fa11 ~ommnunity T-T School District
oppoRunities for students ♦ training
♦ Coordinate recrounic ,
Students. chedule to o1Ter enrichment
in Tigard-Tuslatin Scttoots
will be maximized. Consider using school facilities on extended day s
2) t4ximize the use of and remedial Progra°s•
district facilities.
'r .h:UurccnW++ca\visoin\~nauixu doe _ - .
Tigard Beyond Tomorrow
Schools & Education
Partnership between public schools and the 03) The schools and city 1) Examine the potential for • Create new City position of School Media Specialist at the Tigard I ublic City of Tigard
City are needed to address shortfalls and government will work city government to provide Library.
efficiencies. together to maximize some support services for • Tigard hires an Educational Activities Specialist. City of Tigard
financial efficiencies and the 'l igard-Tualatin School • Create I or 2 summer jobs per City department for Tigard High School City of Tigard
address funding shortfalls. District. ♦ park and Recreation District assume responsibility for use, upkeep, staff & City of Tigard
income for gyms, fields, unused class rooms.
♦ Develop paid intern positions for vocational training within the City and City of Tigard
Does urban development process need to k4) Government policies I) Support policy changes • Through legislation, impose a development tax on all new construction City of Tigard
be better linked with long-term school will permit the Tigard - that will promote the (residential and commercial) for schools.
~ provide tax incentive for land donated to schools. City of Tigard
planning? How can the district acquire Tualatin School District to District's ability to provide a Improve cooperation between government agencies, schools, developers, and City of Tigard
suitable sites for new schools? How will prepare for growth and adequate school facilities. planners.
funding be found to build and operate control the quality of ♦ Obtain legislative approval to pass bond/levy measures above the limits City of Tigard
these schools? services it provides imposed by measures 5, 47, & 50.
students. ♦ Legislation should permit development moratoriums until all school City of Tigard
infrastructure issues are resolved.
2) School officials will • Explore the possibility of constructing two-story schools in the future. T-T School District
create a long range plan to • Continue to include land acquisition in future bond elections; create a 5 to 20 T-T School District
address future growth. year plan for growth & acquire properties sufficient for projected enrollment.
♦ Build smaller schools - smaller buildings Iltat can be used and sold in the T-T School Board
future when they are no longer needed.
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