City Council Packet - 01/12/1993 CITY OF TIGARD OREGON AGENDA i t PUBLIC NOTICE. Anyone wishing to speak on an agenda item shouid sign on the appropriate sign-up sheet(s). If no sheet Is available, ask to be. recognized by the Mayor at the beginning of that agenda item. Visitor's Agenda items are asked to be two minutes or less. Longer matters can be set for a future Agenda by contacting either the Mayor or the City Administrator. STUDY SESSION (6:30 PM) 1. BUSINESS MEETING (7:30 PM) 1.1 Oath of Office Ceremony - Mayor Edwards Terms of Office: January 1, 1993 - December 31, 1996 - Councilor Paul Hunt, Council Position No. 1 - Councilor Wendi Conover Hawley, Council Position No. 2 1.2 Call to Order 1.3 Roll Call ' 1.4 Pledge of Allegiance 1.5 Election of Council President 1.6 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items j 2. VISITOR'S AGENDA (Two Minutes or Less, Please) 3. PRESENTATIONS • Mayor Edwards { i 3.1 Acknowledgement of Appreciation to Outgoing Councilors Valerie Johnson and Joe Kasten 3.2 Keys to the City: Former Economic Development Committee Members Amo DeBernardis, Paul Etchemendy, Brian Moore, Ron Pulliam and John Savory Former Transportation Advisory Committee Members James Dusevoir, John Etzel, Ron Holland, Joe Kasten, Brian Moore, Nancy Newcomb, Daniel Rosborough, Joe Schweitz, Richard Walker, Robert Walker COUNCIL AGENDA - JANUARY 12, 1993 - PAGE 1 6 - - ~a..a - s 4. STATE OF THE CITY • Mayor Edwards ® ti EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • City Administrator Reilly 6. VIDEO TAPE PROGRAM: TRANSPORTATION ROAD BOND IMPROVEMENTS • Presentation by Engineering Department 7. NON-AGENDA ITEMS 8. ADJOURNMENT 3 i 1lrilr~r**it***it PLEASE JOIN CURRENT AND PAST COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR AN INFORMAL. RECEPTION IN THE TOWN HALL. UMMDIATELY FOLLOWING THE MEETING ssssssssss H:\RECORDER\CCA\CCA0112.93 COUNCIL AGENDA - JANUARY 12, 1993 - PAGE 2 Council Agenda Item 3-~ T I G A R D C I ^1 Y C O U N C I L MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 12, 1993 ,,m, w.. Ma~~nr F.trds. • Meeting was called to order at 6:37 p, , ..f__ -cua 1. ROLL CALL Council Present: Mayor Jerry Edwards; Councilors Judy Fessler, Wendi Conover Hawley (arrived at 6:44 p.m.), Paul Hunt, and John Schwartz. Staff Present: Patrick Reilly, City Administrator; Loreen Edin, Acting Public Works Director; Ed Murphy, Community Development Director; Liz Newton, Community Relations Coordinator; Michael Robinson, Legal Counsel; Catherine Wheatley, City Recorder; and Randy Wooley, City Engineer (arrived at 7:05 p.m.). STUCY SESSION • City Administrator Reilly facilitated discussion on the following: - Noted the 1/21/93 Cities/County Meeting for selection of Metro Policy Advisory Committee appointee from among Washington County cities (excluding Beaverton since Beaverton automatically sends a representative because of its status as largest city in the County). Tigard will submit nomination of Councilor Fessler. - Reminded Council of the 1/21/93 joint meeting with Tigard/Tualatin School District Board, 7:30 p.m. in the Tigard High Library. - Joint Council meeting with City of Beaverton has been suggested by City of Beaverton. Consensus was to meet on February 1 at 7:30 p.m. Staff will confirm and determine meeting place and report back to Council. - WCTCC - Councilor Schwartz agreed to serve as liaison to this committee. (Councilor Hawley arrived at 6:44 p.m.) - 99W Task Force - Mayor Edwards and Councilor Hawley will serve as Council representatives to this group. - Washington County Elected Official Solid Waste Planning - City Administrator noted the planning group interfaced { with Metro to coordinate the County's wasteshed plans. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 12, 1993 - PAGE 1 After brief discussion, it was determined that Acting T.I 1--ks _i rector Loreen Edin will continue to attend Public . meetings; Councilor Hunt will attend when there is a specific need for attendance by an elected official. FOCUS: Councilor Hawley was designated as Tigard's liaison to this group. BUSINESS MEETING 1.1 Oath of Office Ceremony - Mayor Edwards administered the Oath of office to Councilor Paul Hunt, Council Position No. 1 and Councilor Wendi Conover Hawley, Council Position No. 2 (Terms of Office: January 1, 1993 - December 31, 1996 1.2 Call to Order - Mayor Edwards 1.3 Roll Call - All Council Present ' 1.4 Pledge of Allegiance 1.5 Election of Council President Motion by Councilor Hunt, seconded by Councilor Fessler, to elect John Schwartz as Council President, for a two- year term. Motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present. 1.6 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items: None 2. VISITOR'S AGENDA - No visitors. 3. PRESENTATIONS • Mayor Edwards presented: 3.1 Acknowledgement of Appreciation to Outgoing Councilors Valerie Johnson and Joe Kasten 3.2 Keys to the City: Former Economic Development Committee Members Amo DeBernardis, Paul Etchemendy, Brian Moore, Ron Pulliam and John Savory. Former Transportation Advisory Committee Members James Dusevoir, John Etzel, Ron Holland, Joe Kasten, Brian Moore, Nancy Newcomb, Daniel Rosborough, Joe Schweitz, Richard Walker, Robert Waterman 4. STATE OF THE CITY • Mayor Edwards delivered. the State of the City Address. (A copy of the text of Mayor Edwards' speech is on file with the Council packet material.) CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 12, 1993 - PAGE 2 5. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ( City Administrator Reilly submitted his Executive S,•=a^ tY ry u.auw to the Council. A copy of the report has been filed with the Council packet material. 5. VIDEO TAPE PROGRAM: TRANSPORTATION ROAD BOND IMPROVEMENTS • Presentation was facilitated by Engineering staff Randy Wooley and Gary Alfson. 7. NON-AGENDA ITEMS: None. 8. ADJOURNMENT: 8:26 p.m. A da-therine Wheatley, City Recor er /Mayor.-- City of Tigard Date: /~r ~-3 =0112.93 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 12, 1993 - PAGE 3 i ~.r+~~ae~ ~w11~°i/ 1►lCWC19®ia~Y~C Imp- L/VIYIIYIV~~~ i •~r...r. f Legal { E E 1 V E tP.O. BOX 370 PHONE (5031 694036(1 Nn4ir~ Tr 7427 BEAVERTON, OREGON 97075 OFF 2 199n Legal Notice Advertising The following meeting highlights ire published' for your informatioq~Fall • City 06 a,4a~RARV' • ❑ Tearsheet No agendas may be obtained from the City RecOldcf, 13.125 S Ha'.. 23397 PO Box Boul$vard, Tigard,:Oregon 9,7223 or by calling 639-4171:: • Tigard, Or 97223 • 13 Duplicate Affi CITY (ypUNC1I; BUSIIVES$MEETING, • • 'JANUARY 12, 1993 TIGARD CITY HALL -'TOWN HALL. 13125 S.W. HALL BOULEVARD, TIGARD. OREGON Study Meeting (Town Hail Conference Room) (6:30 P.M.) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Business Meeting (11own Hall) (730 P.M.) STATE OF OREGON, ) Oath of Office Ceremony COJNTY OF WASHINGTON, )ss' Mayor Edwards will Swear in New Council Members Wendi Conover Hawley and Paps Hunt I, Judith Koehler State of the City - Mayor Edwards being first duly sworn, depose and sa that I the Advertising • EledwttofCouncil President-Council Director, or his principal clerk, of the ~gara Ames • ' Executive Summary-City Administrator Reilly L a newspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 • Presentation of Keys to the City: Transportation Committee and ; and 193.020; published at Tigard in the Economic Development Committee members-Mayor Edwards. afg City Council Businesreseid county and state;si thatLthetlg ti • - Executive Session: The Tigard City ouncil may go into Execu- tive Session under the provisions ofSRS 192660 (1) (d), (e),_& . a printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the (h) to discuss labor relations, real property transactions, current entire issue of said newspaper for One successive and and pending litigation issum consecutive in the following issues: Local Contract Review Dowd Meeting. January 7. 1993 TT7427 -Publish January 7,1993. Subscribed and sworn o before me this 3rd day of Janttarv 1993 G4-e,e%2~ Notary Public for Oregon My Commissi Expire C~ AFFIDAVIT _ AGENDA ITEM NO. 2 - VISITOR'S AGENDA DATE: Januarv 12. 1993 (Limited to 2 minutes or less, please) i ` Please sign on the appropriate sheet for listed agenda items. The Council wishes to hear from you on other issues not on the agenda, but asks that you first try to resolve your concerns through staff. Please contact the City Administrator prior to the start of the meeting. Thank you. STAFF NAME & ADDRESS TOPIC CONTACTED og n o v si ores l 17 Tigard Charter - Election of Council President l Section 18. President of the Council. A' it.°.. first meeting of eac1L odd-numbered year, the council by ballot shall choose a president from its membership. In the mayor s absence from a council meeting the president shall perform the duties of the office of mayor and preside over it. Whenever the mayor is physically or mentally unable to perform the functions of office, the president shall act as the mayor protem. Ballot - Council President for January 1993 to December 1994: Check One Council Position No. is Paul Hunt Council Position No. 2: Wendi C. Hawley Council Position No. 3: Judy Fessler Council Position No. 4: John Schwartz Vcpres ~\/,mfr' ~r •r~ ~ri L+ rte. c. 'i"t~ gage ui YAPP-rec . CITY OF TI1FAR® WASHINGTON COUNTY. OREGON RESOLUTION I, Gerald R. Edwards, Mayor of the City of Tigard, do hereby designate Valerie A. Johnson as an Honored and Outstanding Citizen in Recognition of over 6-1/2 Years of Service as Tigard City Councilor and for her contribution to the civic welfare of our municipality. Wherefore, I have issued and signed this Certificate of Appreciation as an earnest expression and a symbol of gratitude for the splendid quality of public service 'which ;you have rendered. ATTEST: CITY R'cCORDER- CITY OF T IGARD 1 i' MAYOR-CITY OF TIGARD PPreez A, C17YOF TI1FAM WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON RESOLUTION I, Gerald R. Edwards, Mayor of the City of Tigard, do hereby designate R. Joe Kasten as an Honored and Outstanding Citizen in Recognition of Four Years of Service as Tigard City Councilor and for his contribution to the civic welfare of our municipality. Wherefore, I have issued and signed this Certificate of Appreciation as an earnest expression and a symbol of gratitude for the splendid quality of public service which you have rendered. 'r 1 A-TEST: CITY RECORDER- CITY OF TIGARD F-Y MAYOR-CITY OF TIGARD 01:' j4, 2~1 1 ~r t' r OF TIG®~ JREG9l~9 STATE OF THE CITY January 12, 1993 Mayor Jerry Edwards Good evening ...:.elcome to the City of migardls first official business meeting of 1993. Tonight, we have added two new members to our City Council. Earlier in 1992, we also added a new Councilor to the Council. This is the first time in many years that the Tigard City Council has had a majority of new leadership. I am pleased and proud to be part of this council. The Council members who have served Tigard for the past several years have been outstanding, dedicated people. The new members you see before you tonight are of the highest caliber and dedication. The Citizens of Tigard will be well served for the next four years. In our efforts to provide the citizens of Tigard with the services they expect, we will continue to manage our 4ax dollars with the greatest care. Under the present Administrator and staff, we have managed to function even under Measure 5. The City of Tigard has, from the very beginning, looked at Measure 5 as a mandate to operate within fiscal guidelines rather than to do business as usual. In Tigard, to this point in time, we have done just that. We have operated our City within our budget and have maintained a conservative approach to our daily functions. With a growing population, now approaching 32,000, we are providing outstanding services for basic needs: • Police: In 1952, our Chief of Police formed the Police Citizens' Advisory Committee. • Community Policing training for all personnel was conducted. The Mayor and several City Councilors also attended this training program. • Our Police Department received grant funds to conduct gang resistance training in the middle schools and have set up a community forum regarding gangs. • The installation of car computers will automate data and significantly decrease time officers spend writing reports. • Tha Police expanded Neighborhood Watch/Utility Watch and other crime prevention programs. 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-4171 TDD (503) 684-2772 low. • Crime line was implemented. This program is designed to allow citizens to call and obtain information on a criminal activity in their neighborhood. • Our D.A.R.E. program graduated over 600 5th graders. • G~Ur _P n- i c iln p r-.- mom - Ahas continued to be proactive in new methods of policing. They have been leaders in the region and continue to look for better ways to serve the community. • In our Building Department, we have seen continued growth and change. This has been ongoing even in what many consider to have been a depressed economy. These areas allow our City to provide excellent service at reasonable taxes. Without this economic growth, no City can provide service without seeking higher taxes. 1991 1992 Single Family Permits 174 298 +71% $19,733,075 $30,872,873 +56% Commercial Permits 216 227 + 5% $33,385,007 $20,706,348 -38% Citizens need to understand that we must keep an equal balance between residential and commercial growth. If we continue to grow in the residential area and decrease in commercial growth, your taxes will eventually go up. Residential taxes alone will not sustain service delivery costs. 1991 1992 Misc. Permits: 145 177 +22% $ 1,864,952 $ 3,040,668 +63% (These include single family remodel, fill & grading permits) Total Permits 535 702 +31A Total Valuation $54,983,034 $54,619,880 - 1% Our tax rate, including fire and wastewater, is still very low compared to other jurisdictions in this region. $4.94 In 1992, we accomplished some significant projects in our Public Works and Engineering Departments: • Major improvements to Alfred Street drainage. • Improvements to 87th Street drainage. • Completion of road bond projects. • Compliance with USA/DEQ/EPA requirements at a higher level than other area cities. In solid waste: • Tigard complied with DEQ/-Metrols five-year waste reduction plan. • Also established magazine and milk jug recycling at curbside. Our Library was very active in 1992: ( • We also had a change in leadership in our Library. Irene Ertell retired and Kathy Davis took the helm. • The Library employed several high school and college students as interns, including PCC students and participation in the Private Industry Council's Summer Youth Employment and Training Program. • Our Library was used for the public service announcement advertisement performed by the Portland Trailblazers and featuring Terry Porter. • George Anne Miller chaired "A Storybook Christmas" at the Pittock Mansion. The theme promoted books and libraries and was implemented by Friends of the Library groups in the tri-county area. • We completed a "C D Rom" workstation project with nine data b?sQs for public use. • A successful collaboration with George Fox College where Tigard Library is a satellite for their MBA students gaining two data bases for Library patrons and additional financial and business information. These were just a few of the accomplishments and changes in our public library. The City Council continued to be active in all regional issues confronting our citizens. Issues resolved in 1992 included: • Adoption of a Community Commercial plan and zone designation. • Completion of six development brochure handouts and site plan handouts for public use. • Revised temporary sign requirements. • Revised home occupation requirements and process. • Revised fence requirements. • Revised parking lot standards. • Continuing to work on streamlining our Community Development Code. • Continuing to work on regional water problems, and presently working with the Tigard Water District and neighboring communities on water issues. • Continuing to work on transportation, solid waste, and environmental issues mandated by state and federal agencies. • Continuing to work on issues related to Highway 99W, as well as the Western Bypass. • We are in the process of changing our citizen participation structure: Changes in NPOs and other citizen groups are underway in order to bring our citizen participation structure into the realities of the 90's. The Council's work for 1993 and beyond will become more critical as the region continues to grow and change. Our Council will be taking part in more regional and state issues. More demands will be placed on our staff. Communication and training will need to increase in order to keep up Faith the rapid change. The next four years will see a arAAt deal of F change in how We do business and govern. My challenge, as Mayor, will be to make sure we always go forward in our thinking. We cannot afford to be individuals. As leaders, we will need to work as a solid unit, making our decisions for the benefit of the whole. We will need to prioritize in order to accomplish our mission of providing the best basic services to our citizens. In closing, I would like to recognize our employees who do outstanding work for our community: • Once again, I would like to express my thanks to Pat Reilly, our City Administrator. Without Pat's leadership, we could not have accomplished what we have in the past several years. Pat has placed our City at the head of municipalities in this region, both from a fiscal perspective and from an efficient one. • Let me also say thank you to Pat's outstanding staff: Kathy Davis Library Director Janice Deardorff Personnel Director Loreen Edin Acting Public Works Director Ron Goodpaster Chief of Police Wayne Lowry Finance Director Ed Murphy Community Development Director Liz Newton Community Involvement Coordinator Cathy Wheatley City Recorder Randy Wooley City Engineer • Thank you all citizens who serve on our many boards and committees, and all those who have contributed time and effort to make Tigard a better community in which to live and work. • And finally, thank you, the citizens of Tigard who have supported me in my position as Mayor. serving you is an honor. • Thanks to my wife, Laurel, who has supported me for the past 8 years while I have served on the cil and as Mayor. / • Thank you all! Gera E wards, Mayor C_ CITY OF TIGARD OREGON EXECUTIVE SUMMARY... JANUARY 12, 1993 Patrick J. Reilly, City Administrator 1992 was a busy year for the City of Tigard. A variety of initiatives were launched and work on them is now underway. The following is a sampling of the most significant. COMMUNITY POLICING-the department has been developing its community policing strategy, trying to alter the traditional practice of react and report and move towards community problem solving. REVIEW OF ANNEXATION POLICY ...the Council has completed its review of long standing policies and is preparing to pursue a more proactive strategy. BROADENING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION the Council is continuing its review of our practices and structures and is seeking to develop mechanisms to broaden public participation, especially on those matters which touch upon our quality of life. TRIANGLE LAND USE...the Council has adopted a land use plan for the triangle, which has been the subject of extensive public scrutiny and which is not without dispute. The implementation phase is in its earliest stages. The plan the City adopts will create new opportunities and will position the C?.ty long term for light rail and transportation improvements. WASHINGTON SQUARE/LINCOLN City fReu4SPORTATION STUDY... through public-private partnership, a short range transportation study has started. We also witnessed work on projects started in prior years. The following are representative of our efforts: TRANSPORTATION BOND ISSUE ...the final projects have been completed. The bond issue was managed well and the projects identified have been constructed. WATER... the City is working with the Tigarca 'H'ater District and the Cities of King City and Durham towards the formation of a joint water agency. This is the first step towards protection ! of local governance of water and having one water purveyor for the City. 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-415.1 TDi (503) 684-2772 - ® SOLID WASTE. . .much work was u?i~vt~d on succcssfully renegotiating the franchise. PARK LEVY IMPROVEMENTS continue. 99 W TASK FORCE...the task force has continued its work, recommending interim improvements and a longer term subarea analysis, which will look for alternative traffic corridors. In the meantime, the task force will begin working on a study to determine the role 99W should play in Tigard. The City remained fiscally prudent and healthy this past year. Operating expenditures increased less than 1% when considered on a per capita basis, or less than 5% overall. The personnel cap was maintained for the third year. The budget is in accord with the five-year plan, developed as the basis for the 1990 tax base update. The city continues to grow. Popula4-ion increased by an estimated 3%. The assessed value exceeds $2 billion, over 5% growth. Regional involvement continues to increase. Prompted by Measure 5"s adoption, the organization as well as the Council has devoted substantial time responding to initiatives of others. ' Unfortunately, much of our energies have been wasted on poorly conceived initiatives which do not stand the test of scrutiny. 1992 witnessed several events which will doubtless shape the next several years. I predict that the following three regional issues will dominate 1993: METRO CHARTER ...now that we have a home rule charter, the charter must be implemented. Cities in the region will be watching this process with interest. WESTERN BYPASS STUDY... is approaching the key decision point sometime this next year. Much effort has gone into the study to date. 2040...the first phase of the region wide look at land use has been completed. Alternatives have been identified. Now the study will become more detailed and analytical. Once again, we will need to be involved to have an impact. We will be confronted with a host of other issues as well. Voters will be given the opportunity to re-authorize the Washington County Cooperative Library System Levy as well as decide whether to purchase and renovate the Commercial Street Fire Station into a Community Center. The school district will be grappling with significant financial challenges. The fire district will be constructing a new fire station. The Tigard Water District will be seeking to increase water supplies. USA will discuss the continuing } environmental requirements in the Tualatin River Basin and whether or not to tie sanitary sewer rates to domestic water consumption. ' Solid waste mandates °vill continue to determine our practices and rates. 1993 will be a year of transition for the City of Tigard. Three of the councilors were not on the Council a year ago. The newer members bring new ideas and perspectives. The blending of the new and the old should allow the City to maintain its legacy, while reinvigorating its processes. We say good by to Councilors Johnson and Kasten who served their community well. I assume they will maintain their civic spirit and community involvement and that we will see them from time to time. The City of Tigard government remains a service organization. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for our community. The staff remains committed to service excellence. We pledge to do our best. On behalf of the staff, I look forward to working with the Council and the Tigard citizenry during 1993. I am sure that it will be a productive and interesting year. Pat ck J. 11-Y Cit Admin' rator h:\lo9in\pat\execsuw.93_ r