City Council Packet - 06/01/1988 Revised 5/31/88 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL. MEETING AGENDA JUNE 1, 1988, 5:30 P.M. 12265 S,W. WALNUT, TIGARD. OREGON 97223 5:30 11 HUSINESS MLI.I ING: Call To Or-,dor and Roll Call 5:35 2. FXECU11VE SESSION, lh►o li,3zard City Ce-uncil will q0 int. , Exec:utivo Session undor tho proviaionx of ORS 192,660 (1) (d), (e). & (h) to di scuffs iabiw rol4tionu, rail. propos ty transactions, aril currant and per►dirµl li.t,i�3ation is4uc35. b 55 3, C,ONSM AGINUA: lh►►uo itoms iwo cor►sidorod to bo routino c'►r►d may bo s►nactod in uno motion without uopar•ato diuc:uuuiun. Anyono rimy r•oquaat that: on it om bo r,owovod by motion for, di uc:uuuion and uoparat:a 4ct:ion, Motion to; 311 Doaignat.o Laity Administrator, to aorvo ou City Rocur'dor, Pru 1vm for, t.ho City Counvil Mooting of awns► 1, 1900, 312 Authorito No9vt1stionu for, Corldumnatiorl of Right-of-Way � 13bth Avorwo Loc:«al Impruvomont District Rouulrat,ion No, Q -43 3,3 Author,ixu Noijcitiatt iunu far Condemnot inn of Ri�3ht -o f,'W;Ay D,arta►outh E.oc*l Impr•uvumant Diutric:t Rauolution No 00-44 3 ,4 Aut.horito Kmyor, and Rocordov to uig3n Or'09 r) D0;Wrtmont c►f Trwnu, Atjroomor►t - QW/711th Avo, Intor•soctiun I Rosolutiun No, 9.Q 4�2 31b Approvo R000lution Amandir►<3 Raa, No, 01), 37 ('1igho Arnnoxotiun) AM No, 138-39 (129th & Walnut Ani oxa►tJon) - R000lution No, 1111-46 3,6 Appr,ovo Appolnl;monl. of t'loy 11.inklo to thu C:lt.y cpntor` Plon 140k fore@ Ro§olutiom No, 00-47 6:00 4. COUNCJI.. WORK51401> 1)305MMN: Ar►nomatIon 1)p11.cy, Municipal Sor-viicrs and Contvacting Policy, ArIc4v of Intrarc►st Rosolutir.►n Di.scusnlunI , . 10:00 S. AD20URNMliNT ht/4471D tX1UNCYL AGENDA DUNE 1, 1980 -� PAGE 1 CC SPRING WORKSHOP (coni) 4,2 ACT ION PLAN CALENDAR (What. Whore, WhO- Hi�w• • •?) • Transportation (In Process— Draft Res?) o City Center o Parks o Newsletter Outline 4.3 POLICY DISCUSSIONS o Hull. Mtr►/Walnut Study Annexation Policy (POliries?). . , #'rior'iti�as and Islands, . . Mot4gar example anti discussion. , , Reactive or Proactive (or Actively Respunsivu o Municipal Servicos and Contracting. . . Water (Supply of gwality and off ordablo wator°) , Fir•a (Support TRF'PD/SC,I-D 1111 Consolidation and $2/thousalld 9041) Cooperative j.ntorgovornl►luntal At3rc. iwnt►► (MACC WCCL$, 9-1-1, Dispatch. , .) 4nd Ser,vica Contraci,s (L)SA Mowintl, FSPR, otc.) . , , 0 tlrbar► Plar►nin43 Aron A;lroomont (UPAA) and Urbetn Service Area# of Intor•oet Agroomont:s 4.1 F7NANCC OVURV7FW o Action Plan T4ix Rotos a 91/90 'Fa►x I3e►se or ',x/92 i'ur �'Y 199;x. 93 F'ranchiso 1'00s i) 3 $400,000/yNwr x2; FISPD $100,000 x 9; (E3ull Mtr► al/Walnut 0 4 V'0,000/Year• x 2. and 9.0'X. 1e►x Riau cut, I'r.us e~nd Chorles 0 90% for, 4, $1,)0,000/yoar x 2 4.e $1 ,2M vu . $1 ,2 M deficit, ir► ty 9999" ►I2). . , 4,4 SUPFR COMM'l.1 1 It, e Who, Whit., When, Where, q Pres►►ntit;ion ind lnfortwit,l0n G A;OtO 0 Q & A 4.5 GCNF RAI. I)ISCUGGION u Loadorship U Consonsus and Majority o °Irensition ht/4®7iD COUNCIL AGENDA — JUNE 1, 1998 - PAGE 2 U P D A T E Revised 5/31/98 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL, MEETING AGENDA JUNE 1, 1988. 5:30 P.M. 12265 S.W. WALNUT, TIGARD, OREGON 97223 5,30 11 BUSINESS MEETING: Mall To Or'jor and Roll Call 5,50 2. EXirCU1TVE S£.SSION' The ligar•d City Ccuncil will c3o into kxecutivea Sossion under the provisions of ORS 192,660 (1) (d). (e). & (h) to disc;uaa labor relaztions, read propt,rty transactions, and current and pondin�3 litigation iusues, 7:05 3, CONSM AGENDA, lheoc items cora c:unaidurud to be routine Arid may bo onacteod in one motion without auparate discussion. Anyorio may r..4quu0t that an itom bo romovod by motion fear' discussion and sup:ar'ato action, Mutton to: 3,1 Dcaait3r►ato City Adminiatrat.or• to wrvo as City ROCor'eder' Pru Tc+m for t h€r City Council Mout:i.nc3 of lune 1. 1900, 3,2 Autborixu Ncu3ot:iaticans for Condumnotion of Right-of-,WAY - 13501 Avenue t,oca►l I'.mprovomunt District - Revolution No. Lt--41 3,3 Auth►ori ru Nogot Wticino for CondumnAtion of RiCght• uf• Qaty - OArt auth L,t)ca►l Improvemorit District No. 8a-4/4 5,4 Ac,eti►url,.u Mayor :ar►ci t.o oign Oro gewn Dopa►rt:mont of lrar►# . A;jrtcamont . 99W/78th Avu, 3r►torooction -Rees. No. 315 Approwo Roisolution Amundinq Roo, No, u8,_3y ('Tirgh►a AnnoKAtion) and No, 00-30 (1290) 6 WAInUt Anr►oxot.ion) , Res. No. PgZ4b 316 Approvo Appuintmant of Joy 11inklo i.a t.hu City Contor Plan 'Task Forel+ r Resolution Na. A=4 E&/Jo UA 8,00 A: (110UNCIL.. WORK6110P DIr'Mi�DION: Anno)(Ation Pu)ley. Municipal Survi.c ov PAnd Contracting Policy, Area,ao of IntOr-W t f2ca60lutlean Diocuuoiun. . . 10:00 S. ADJOURNMt_.NT ht/48710 COUNCIL AGENDA - JUNE 1. 1988 - PAGE 1 fir: a � CC SPRING WORKSHOP (con't) 4.2 ACTION PLAN CALENDAR (What, When, Who, How. . .?) o Transportation (In Process, , , Draft Res?) o City Center u Parks 0 Newsletter Outline* 4.3 POLICY DISCUSSIONS 0 Dull Mtn/Walnut Study o Annexation Policy (Policies?). . . Priorities :and Islands. , . Metzger example: and discussion. . . Reactive or Proactive (or Actively Responsive?). . . o Municipal Services and Contracting. , . Water (Supply of quality and affordable w;ator). . . Fire (Support 1'RF'PD/SC:FD til Consolidation and $2/thousand 9041) Cooperative 3nturAovornmer►tal Agroomonts (MACC, WCCt,;:, 9-1- 1, DispAtch. . .) and Service Contr4vt4 (USA Mowing, trSPD, otc,). . , 0 Urban Planning Aroo Agrosomont (VI)AA) Arid Urban Sorvico Areas of Ir►toruxt lroemants 4.1 F1 NANCt. OVrRV1 VW 0 Action Plan TAx Ratou 0 11/90 Tax Paso or, 5/92 for VY 1992m93? FrAnchivo Foos () 4 $400,000/yoAr' X2; t;>PD 0 4• $100,000 x 3i* (Bull Mtn 11/Walnut. C1 4 $x0,000/Yvarr, x 2 and 10% 1'Ax Roto cut. Foot Arid Ch4"jos k 90% for t $50,000/yoAr x 2 $1 ,2M vs, $1 .2 M dof c1t in VY 1991-92) . . . 4.4 SUP'R COMM11'1t F o Who, What, Whvn, Where, $7 o Prosontotion Arid 1nformAti«gin Urxi4to o Q i A 4.S :lL".Nt:RAL DIWUSSION 0 Loader-ship 0 Contnonsus grid MA jority 0 °transition tit/40710 COUNCIL AGENDA 3UNE 1, 1988 PAGE 2 F: Ij .. a> u+ C �-+ — N =d O C uto v C vi A N v C0.4Cu r-► 'ON a, c c � i � UcL) Rte , FE a ch 1 % .j W �$ OD 44 ►� p Is 1 fw ..1 1► V At C� tv 1 a low MIN q1912 o- N %.Wfq 0% ja � a Ala r 0tz ,. ►.�. �,' of I L � 66 N6.4 N �,Q � � }• 9n i +„ in IN i iters- !° r � a +y :` i ^rcd v 2 �. t esti w 7 X Si: iul L'% L- I r. T I G A R D C I T Y C 0 U N C I L SPECIAL MEETING ,tINUTES - JUNE 1., 1488 - 5:45 F.M. 1. ROLL. CALX. Present: Mayor Tom Brian; Councilors: Carolyn Eadon, Jerry Edwards, Valerie Johnson, and John Schwartz; City Staff: Chuck Corrigan, Legal Counsel; Bob Jean, City Administrator; and Randy Wooley, City Engineer. Also present: Mary Himmel, Consultant. T. CALL TO ORDER; Called to order at 5:45 p.m. by the Council President. 3. FCUTIVE SESSION: The Tigard City Council went into Executive Session at 5:50 p.m. , under the provisions of ORS 192.660 (1) W. (a), & (h) to discuss labor relations, real property transactions, and current and pending litigation issues. COUNCILOR SCIIWARTZ ARRIVED AT 600 P.M. AND MAYOR BRIAN ARRIVED AT 6.15 P.M. 4. CONSEn AGENDA; 4.1 DasiAnato City Administrator to serve as City Racor4or Pro Tom for the City Council, Meeting of Juno 1, 1988. 4.2 Authoriip@ NeAotiatisna .for Condemnation of Right-o€-Way - 135th Avenue Local Improvement Di&triet - Resolution No. 88-43 4.3 Akithorivo NeAotlations for Condemnation of RisRht-of-Way - Dartmouth Local. Improvement District - Resolution No. 88-44 4.4 Authori►,e Mayor and Recorder to sign Oregon Department of Trans. Agreement - 99W/78th Ave. Intersection - Rea. No. 00-45 4.5 Approvo Resolution Amending Res. No. 88-37 (TiAhaAnnexation) and No. 88-38 (129th & Wolnut Annoxstion) - Res. No. 88-46 4.6 Approve Apnointment; of Joy Hinkle to they City ';center Plan Task Fords - Resolution No. 88-47 Motion by Councilor Won, seconded by Councilor Johnsen, to approve the Consent AAenda with the following co%m@nts noted for the_ records o Item 4.3 - Resolution concerninA Negotiation Proceas for Dartmouth Right-of-Way Condemnation - The Council Agenda item Summary (under headinA of "Fiscal Impact") notedt "Costs for this project will be included in the Dartmouth LID assessment." This should be corrected to states "Costa for this project will be included in the Dartmouth CIP (Capital Improvements Project) assessment." 6 Items 4.2 and 4.3 - Resolutions Concerning Negotiation Process for Dartmouth and 135th Avenue Rights-of-Way Condemnatiana - City Attorney clarified that the boundariea drawn on the Vicinity Maps included in the Council packets Were not the LID (Local Improvement District) boundaries (shown for vicinity information only). Motion to approve the Consent Agenda passed by a unanimous vote of Council. present. Page i - COMfCIL KMES - JUNE 1, 1988 MEETING RECESSED FOR DINNER BREAK — 7:10 P.M. 5. COUNCIL WORKSHOP: Convened at 8:40 p.m. Topics Discussed: o Finance and Action Plan — Follow up Items o Overview of Annexation and Municipal Services Policies o Discussion of Implementation Strategy G. ADJO r+-M-K IT 10:00 p.m. Approved by the Tigard City Council on � , 1988• Cit eco d r ro Tem - City of Tigard ATTESTI y o`, TI Aard r�tit �.JV.�1 dtc+� cw/5258D Page 2 - COUNCIL 141NMS - JUNK 1, 1988 • J. a f r r r! •1. .� IrA r R�• 5 Y r t e T� �`�'^ ���4"tY'�,�;Y k�- _..: ��'� y %i�`��-�.r YY" `+i•rs��''?;�.F':u`i' �,:q��'r r r r �.fes . r v f• R: ELEF- 40 AL,er - [ 1 i p.: yF i c� 5"gar, %' tr��o t f pax"a��, r!)Sas rtF u,n� �i t � R '� t .r � fiR x. 83" zw ,;�y�E P h r W+ky,5 i, b' y t X�..,x xr r•�# x.. � ��a �E1"i`� h 3'E.n�A'�u^ �C�� "r ��+ .� �' �o�M./i f� 5f•itl'7 �+'W� 1.1'k 9-�F ..' J Z`?..w.Ry..YW1'�..�R^.r+"fFY {'�S4'"�/.".J" i• ' 4' S {;�r �' 1k - � F.• Y k 2"�!'a.`r'iphr �' Tg�t•7�"'j*�'��„'��.y J,�'i�r`.hv� i�y,u T.yF..� u� ;i s iY, y t i,; + rs�'M K• e 1t' f ��s'}STq�'.k''f y' i'E-'i J yySS'."n"i+ �r"' Ir4 "'"f'. Yw<+..i..fi�'�.o-ihr 9. �A,'" _.�a� �F i 4 F e ;�i��-p, � ��r i • pW fs f x� 1;'.� 4 F T,t�`nl�f aeAt��.Y`IR.t'w'�'�a+S�'�r�f*,g.4y"�y3iC�, 'JFF::tf'r�^fr•�.'•'�¢Y�tl.`r';�R �«,:1r't"'y F°i R .•y -U � ♦ � y d „ter r ,, �fi� a aK ' >F tat kr�F!.'ratSt=�T^J 'i°`'Mr•F `*°"�.Y�Y'P y.P >t y 71 �t z '� F -t 9rr yY"t +�a�'E,';fir A�,Wi` I,�'' ? � r c r}"S r Y + J yr/ '„9°c'�sf�'K „t r� � .�$'>• 4'�r� ,P,.s'Ys7}R?.-b.. '„'.ilp v -7 Z.." Y t.�,r f ;.t"y.3LRr ♦I f t• � � � T - CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA or: June 1, 1988 DATE SUBMIl-lED* _LUy_27. 1988 ISSUE/AGFNDA TITLE-, E� PREVIOUS ACTION: Administrator as Recorder pro tem PREPARED BY; Loveen _,___Wilson DEPT HEAD OKA, r TTTY ADMIN Ok ) By' 7— POLICY ISSUE t4l2 NJA INFORMATION SUMMARY Soctiori 22 of the ligard Charter rat uiros that in the RvcorJor'%s iAb-soncv free) a Cownell moetin,4 tho Mayor appoint 4 pro tom Recard4ar, Hiutorically this has boon done by option k)f tho Cawncil i*3 a whole. A0 URNAI I.Vf S, COW 1 , Dogigruito tho Admini-otrAtor 41# Recorder pro tom for, the 0/l/00 11100tif'13- rlSV,At TMPAQT N/A �AjtON AltormAtiva 01 Motion to Appoint, lw/bO!)4D a CITY OF TIGARD- OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA. ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF• :tune DAZE SUBMI1-ILD: Mal 27, _i_988 ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE; Negotiations oPPREVIOUS ACtION: n Condemnation of Ri ht—of—Way 135th Avenua Local Im rovement DistrictV'\ PREPARED BY: Cathy Who v _ DENT l�t.AD OK GIIY ADMIN OK REQUESILD BY: _ _ — --- POLIO ISSUE 1�f FtIRMA�IOCU,��;IJMMi?R X AttachRd is a rosolution which w„es prup.arod by thu city Attornoy'a offico for GG�cancit rcanaici4►rati�,n, �� er �d. t.hi r4s�-ilut.ion would ak,01 ►riv►a thu negotiation proious for purch+xxe1 of thea property; hcrwovor, if a 04tirifac:t.ory Agroomont car►ncit tae ruMchOd thurr: thea catlornt�yrt fear' 1110 f,ily c)f li�tard and horn+by diroc:tod and ,*uthori,od W c.On11110r-u.0 mid pr►p§u(:catQ to final dotormin;Ation roach proc:oodin43" We a►ay bei io a►tl,gt.iirs) 1.he,, rpal proporty Arid 010 intorout:o thoroir► And that; upon 010 filit4 of urocoodinq, p0agoggiyon of rpol property and int�rrout. t.hur•uin n►.'Ay be.) t"ak4�r� 1uu '!" toly," Exhibit A, which ill t.hQ 10,01 410t"iption of t.ho ;ere:}a affoc;t:od by third r4pui,)lution, will bo h4md vorried ikr thea me�c+tlrr�. Al6o, at.aff will b PrS'r►,aroti to answor any quost;font► with rolprci to limine of t.hiu action, rdhould thO Council with to cdit►c:usu. . .:. _� ati ,7: 1. Ad;dpt; the Ft�xs�lut;iron atta►chad. lakr:, no actic►r► at this timoa St)CGg{�TEtl Aq-r10N Staff recommends the adoption of the *ttarhod resolution, cw/50530 How ON .;+rte/�r�111► a►'` "' •illi i? Iar r t � oil bA } how- r-fir/lr ��t��11 WE �, � r iii � ��� _ � •, r ter■ ��111N�.� _ _. tt,�� � , ■� �: X11 �. � � �iw�l'��. J OP a s � + rr CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: June 1 1088 DAIL SURMIT'IED: ISSUE./AGENDA TITLE: Ne otiations on PREVIOUS Acam Condemnation of Right-of—Way Dartmouth Local Improvement Distni+� ' PREPARED BY: Cathy Wheatltu DEIN HEAD OK CITY ADMIN REQUE Si LL) BY LICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY Attached is a resolution which wAs prap,arod by the City Attornoy'a office? for Council e;onsiderotiun, If odoptod, this rouolution would «.author'i7o tho nogiatiation procoss for, puri;h:aso of they property, howovor, if a s.atisfactury jgr•pomont e.omnot: bo roachod thou; ►a ore horoby dirood adthe � aIa aeuthori,pod to +au►n►uri4a and pro% acuto to final dotormination ouch► procoodintjs as m:ay bo mF ouuc►ry to ocquiro thea ri,�ial property and tho intorowts thorain iesd th«aL upon t.h►a filitiq of -*uch procoodir►ij, poaaoasion of r of proporty and intorob't the.►rt►:lr► mAy haws teakon immodi«atoly," texhibit A, which is tho losg«al dauCription of the :aroai 4effoc;t:od by this rouolutiun, will bo hand carriod to tho mooting, Alna, utiaff will bo propitred to answor any questions with roijaird to timinij of this set.ion, should thea Council wish to diecuou , $ . _ .. _ 1. Adopt: tho Rosolut.lon attwchod, 2. ' fA0 r►a detior► At. this tJma. SUrr,0TEb._..ACT ION Staff rocommereds the eedoption of the ottathed resolution, cw/5053D cF A' J ■�- t .�t mom :. mat 1 ��I�' . � , ■1.��t■ ■■ +� � �` ._ r,_. t ■ir//o r '� s i ■i1i�F UUP clic 'i' �a 1 � •Mr - , erg ■ No LAW INS ow LV i , S 1 W=swim lot . 1 _ Alm - T _ OMNI OPP p � oil OnN L { 10 • •� NN ••C� �w mom i `u ��` A r e� fd f 34 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA or: June 1 1988 DATE SUBMITTED: May 27, 1988 ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: ODOT Traffic _ PREVIOUS ACTION: Signal Agreement. - 78th & Pacific _ Ni_ghway (Dartmouth Improvements),-� PREPARED BY: Loreen Wilson DEPT HEAD 0 CIl Y Ce ADMIN lt � _ REQULSTID BY �T.�._.____�._..... _. ._._.._.._........._....-,_.._._..�.._..__.__.._._........_.___..___.._._.._.______._..._..__..._. _..__., r LICY ISSUE l r— 1NFORMAT10N SUMMARY Tho aattac:hod Aqr-:omeni; iu for inuva?lat:ion of a traffic: signal in the vicinity of 760 Avenuc> AnO Pi ifi.c Mi;{hwny. 11he City Attur•rioy's office has roviowod and rocommonciod sumo mw)<iificaations which MOT hau rospondod to in th+sir ;kttached latter, 1ho City Attorney hcaa now forwarded thio for Council action. 1, Approvo *ojrcacamont and paaus rw5olut:tcan which zauthorio-uu oxac:utiun of tho ar,�rr?��iacur►t , 2. Gi vaa further diroct.ion it) ut-off.. Crp 1, Costs for this projoc:t will hyo includod in tho Dartmouth #moi aassomtiont, 2, Unknown. ±,Urrr,jTr Q ACTTON Alturnativo N1 — Motion to appravu rovolution, lw/5054D Department of Transportation ` HIGHWAY DIVISION ►���T Region 1 9002 SE McLOUGHLIN BLVD.,MILWAUKIE,OREGON 47222 PHONE 653-3090 April 11, 1988 InP4plyROW IQ FIW FW-: Charles Corrigan O'Donnell Ramis Elliott & Crew Attorneys at Law 1727 NW Hoyt St. Portland, OR 97209 Subject: City of Tigard Cooperative Improvemtr: Agreement Traffic Signal Project I thought I needed to give ,you some explanation regarding your continents about proposed revisions to this agreement. We have accommodated some of your requests, but not 100%, and I wanted to give you my reasons for that. In your November 10, 1987 letter you asked for revisions grouped under four major points. We have accommodated those requests for numbers 1, 2 and 4. Point number 3 discussed the limitations of newly-developed roadways and that point was also the subjoct of your March 16, 1988 letter. In that letter you asked for three revisions which refer to that, point. The first was to tie the city's study to the completion of our environmental assessment for the 1-5 interchange at 217/Kruse Way project. We can agree to that concept, however, you were using the city's initiation of hearings within six months as the milestone, whereas we would want to make the completion of the plan the measuring point. We have called out the completion of the plan as the criteria and have left the number of r.*nths following our environmental assessment open. 1 would suggest that the City of Tigard suggest a number for that blank for our consideration. The next Item In your March 18 letter was to suggest an addition to the recitals. We have made that addition. (over) O £Cit��1► z a E yam° AN EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER �k'`AY �a�-�e5tie p-ee�I . Charles Corrigan Page 2 .April 11, 1988 Your last point was to remove reference to the city's study and to change the ward "access" to "capacity", We have made the change to "capacity", as you requested, but feel that the completion of the city's study is necessary to determine where additional capacity needs to be provided and, therefore, have left in the words "identified in the city's study". 1 hope this explanation is helpful toward advancing this project to the next step. Richard Kuehn, p.E. Region Engineer o _,.. RK/cp cc Jack Sollis CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA or-. June 1 1C188 DAIL SUBMITTED: ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Amendments to PREVIOUS ACTION: Resolutions 89 and Resolutions $8-37 and 88--38--38 88"36 PREPARED BY: John Acker nz � DEPT HEAD O t7o'1, CITY ADM7 N OK_ REQUE S f t u BY: POLICY ISSUE None 74=7 - _...mT,,, __ S.NF0RMATIQR QtJJ ,RY ;�a:�olutions Qtl.,.�7 ('t gho ormo cation) and 00­38 (1290 & W4+1r►��i i nnc'xal i"�)n) cited incorrot ORS statut.os, fkjouo annexAt;ions worn initi4t.c{i :vnd Forwarctad to th(e P4ortl4vnd Mot.ropoliton Ar'oA BOUndOrY C01111"30aio". the prcpkiocd Roaolut ion would cor r et tho sarivonat S ur,m r :incl aAllow tha annorcatiunx to ba pruceKuad. �C�RNI�iTV1 t;ON Rt D Norio j,"t CAL T.MPAGT Nona SUGGESTED ACTION Adapt; the suggested Resolution, ht/5025D 3 . b CITY OF TIGARD, GREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: June 1,_ 1968 DATE SUBM11-ILD: Maw 31 1988 ISSUE/AWNDA TITLE: - PREVIOUS ACTION: _ Board and Committee Appointment _ _ PREPARED BY: Donna Carbet DEPT BEADO 11 Y AUMI OK RLQUE S1 ED BY May��r'a A t'a Adv. Cam. _�___..,.._.._... ._.. _....,_..,....._�_.., _.__ .--.- POLICY ISSUE: Appointment to the City Center Plan Task Force, INFORMATION SUMMARY A mombor of thy* City Cantor Plan 'task furr o h►aa :aakwd to ba rrapl;icod drag to hiu inability to swat as ufton as roquirod, The Tack Fur-cu hau racunnnondad the oppointmont of buy HPIAle it) tha P05i.tir,111, 1hjo Mayur's Appointownts Aduiuory Committee intorwiowod Ms. liooklu on Aprri1 26, 41"d is alao rocomiondirq her oppointmont t.0 tho biilanco of th►o j,prui buintj wacotod. A1.14 RNA11Vt `. CON,3,11 R11) 11 ;CAL.,�7Mi)AC: "UCCa�S'f rb._pca1ON Motion to appoint Joy Nenklc to tht City Canter Plan Task Force. dt:5n7'2D C1 WORD CITIZEN COMMITTEE INTEREST APPLICATION OREGON NAME: �.�.L) � 9 �. - DATE: , ADDRESS (RE$0 s ��,.�`.,..9. '��f2;.gin t i RES. PRONE:' ADDRESS (BUS.): z & 5TO 402 '' 42' �ftoruUS. PHONE: t LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN TIGARD: -� �' _SUGGESTEO BY: yize".t WHERE DID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? �AI 4--LsA 42& EAUCATIONAL I&CKGROUND: OCCUPATIONAL STATUS AND ItACKCROUNDt t HOW LANG HAVE YOU SEEN EMPLOYED WITH THIS FIRM? x S THIS COMPANY LOCATED WITHIN YOUR. NPO AREA (NPO APPL CANTS OnY)t! PREVIOUS COMMUNITY ACTIVITYt 1S i t ,c: /0' 41A-'V-'4 s ORGANL7.ATIONS AND OFFICES t e2intl Al 4"-- OTHER IN RMATION (GENERAL REMARKS)t BOARDS, COMMITTEES OR NPO INTERESTED IN: Date received at City Hall Date Irta:°viewed _-- -- Date Appointed 'Board, Committee, or NPO Inside City Outside City ca/4772A 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.U.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ACTION PLAN TAX RATES 98-N 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 A.V, -- Total 1,295,659,000 1.,381,460.000 1,472,903.000 1,521,090,000 1,750,000,000 1,650,000.000 - Net 1.219,792.000 1,334.911,000 1.434,734.OW 1.591,604.000 1,700,000,000 1,800.000.000 Bong Debi 180,000 260,000 260.000 260,000 260,000 260,000 Tax case 24410.258 2,$54,673 2.798,165 2,966,505 3.144,02.8 M41,46) (4)($1,00) (5)(31,7fl) (6)($1,75) (7)($t,74) 31900,000 4,134,000 4,302,040 (1)($2,45) (2)($2,43) (3)($2,43) Road Bond 0 1,135,000 1,350,000 1,1.20,000 14118,000 1,115,000 $5 Million (3185) ($.80) ($,70) ($165) ($.60) Tax immont N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C Parc Levy 0 2001000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 $W. 5 Years ($.1$) (3,13) ($11T) ($111) ($,10) TOTAL RATS ' Mon $2,74- $2,66- $2,59- (Curtwni Tax Base Ma Uji New Tax Bass) -10% WWW $2.60- 52,36= $2,30) AmtMat(on impact 33,1�i $3,00 $'3,00 cs/t�i25D i - �h � 4 € 4-2- 11 pillilyl1111 14 1 + [T iEf{i I+ I Iti m+ +L +{+ +'+.qyfqtt1I►1-4'.(1.g0(+ie�►;i+��i+��lt:�7.l:��iz}stiC�l+�rll��iT(+i+�+93�r�+�+F+�t}r4e}e�c�€t Wit: IF THIS MIORDFILIAE �..�. - — �' n DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN - - i THIS NOTICE. IT IS DUE TO THE QUALITY OF ME ORIGINAL DRAWING. az_ fi os 6z cz 9z sz' oz"-sz zz +z oz st�±[i—si -z�e�--ai a- __ _`__9 5__.__b_._ __ - a ++Cin+lun6mluaL+++hxau u o„ Ci t L� rF e.. cif Z.«..,. �..'. L ` a = aur fl a t m_ .._.�="y �••.::3,�'��. ".ski.. ->:" x �-.j.. s�: .....� �� � �;x�� •..,i .... ..zi .� ..az - a.--, .,... MM- MIMi aa° .c��t==:rxt�t.assz gra - itl7 ,� F -fl n'k �� .w•,....i�:c� °t'•��,i.psi 't�'3..5�' ��t u ,..r. -� ' N. �+ ++ � a'•r1a•13:t t'-i f ci9iie�''� r.kd'�" 1 fa!ti�.._� $p pip .. i y i � ve psi zecf � ocume�-� Meet �n� Dake : oco - Io - g$ See 35m,� �f',oii rift *w1m. t�' `,y a i,.a Ia t .�.� a. Jy �� I � • L., l •' ' � 7,. :a a• i i ..fit 1 r . • �llill#�i�lnlp e�c�st M04,"I ,! , 'AIR � hillIrlli 11� '� " ►� '«Kl Ilirl ri 1 111 l��rOI IIrL ZrNAMP!f „�;�;�► 11���,�� af1� rrrur...•. 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We -got a bit sidetracked; following are some comments relating to the content of that discussion; o NPO% are being .misused. They have no accountability, We are not paying attention closely enough to attendance, so when representation of NPO position is made at a public hearing. we have no knowledge of how many people participated in that position development, a We need to change the method of appointment, This is in the works at this time, o We need to set up now NPO guidelines, perhaps rewrite the resolutions, Following are the things that need to be included in that; - the number of meetings to be hold each year; - attendance raquiremonts; - minutes and due by a specific time; - limits on membership (perhaps fewer member's so competition is stiffer); - specifications on how the chairman is selected and how long the chairman can serve as chairman; - length of term limitations and limits on number of terms that someone can serve; - as a regular agenda item, review what other NPOs are doing; - stricter criteria for participation; - the right of City Council to, and I frankly do not remember what the rest of that concept was, but I believe it was to disappoint or unappaint someone when they felt it appropriate; - a mandatory training requirement,- - equirement;- focus on packets and preparation; - not allow tht NPO to form a platform; - perhaps have tho agenda prepared in Community Services rather than Planning to that city-wido issues can be regularly plugged in; - proactivo in co-dtavoluping the agenda with the NPO chair; - porhaps a summary newsletter,, monthly or quarterly, Lotting NPOs know what is going on in the other NPOs (and copies to CC); - how to shift workload in Community Services in order to better support staff, NPO. n Input from the NPO's chairs on possible changes. 0 019 out the NPO feedback on possible changes. This was done almost a year ago when we held soma training and did a survey of NPO members in terms of how they thought NPOs could be more helpful. 0 Need to write up the NPO restructure and put it to a total perspective in two or three weeks. Community Involvew. nt (continued) o In terms of information to CC. need to design a couple of different scenarios so Council can react to different possibilities (may want to use term ombudsman). o Frustration---what is enough. how do we define what a good job in this area is, o Tie in the Community involvement Report, which was done some six months or so ago, o Focus on long-term investment, What is going to serve us for a long term. ht/44230 MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD. OREGON T0: Mayor and City Council April 15, 1988 FROM: Bob Joan, City Administrator SUBJECT: City Intergovernmental Service Contracts The City 'has a significant part of its Operating Budgat tied to Service Contracts, Those contracts have been developed Ad Hoc over time and are in need of review by Council. Much has been written in Public Administration and Business literature about the optimal size of municipal organizations, Conventional theory is that to a point, bigger is better, The recent Fire District consolidations are an example of several units of government of various sizes consolidating to reduce overhead .and achieve operational efficiency, or economies of scale to reduce unit costs. Privatization, or contracting out with the private sector is another means by which governments can achieve operational economies of scala without gearing up a large operation and ovarhead. Service Contracts arta the most common moans among medium sized cities by which they can achieve the economies of scale of larger operations, Tigard currently buys and sells services by contract, Each contract is unique and it is dangerous to generalize as to whether all contracts are "good or bad" for the City. Mama baasic economic definition of terms is usaful in evaluating our Service Control pricing, and Chen in determining the relative benafit on cost of each contract, Salary (hourly wage x hours worked) + e_e�OPits .(�Ox General or 40% police Direct Cost Department Overhead Cost (10% of Direct Cost) City Overhead Cost (20% of Diroct Cost) Direct Cost + Overhead Cost Total Cost In all cases, the City recovers its Direct Cost•. In most cases we "also recover our Direct Cost and Department Overhead Cost, hence the Fees and Charges Policy at 80 percent of Total Cost (70% Direct + 10% Department j r Overhead). Rarely do we charge to also cover City-wide Overhead, assuming there is no real increase in City--wide costs as a result of the contract. But in some cases we actually have a Net Profit, after recovering all direct Department and City Overhead Costs. Mayor and City Council Page 2 March 15, 1988 Cost recovery is not the reason for contracting. Cost recovery must be the means by which other advantages are achieved, If improved operational economies of scale can be achieved through contracting at Breakeven (District Cost + Real Overhead Costs), then the service efficiencies can mean more service or a lower cost to existing citizens, Example., Police Dispatch and Parks USA Grounds Maintenance, Networking contracts can .be beneficial. oven when just Direct Cost recovery is involved, The WCCLS Library contract reimburses us for out--of—City users of our Library, and allow* Tigard residents access to the entire collection of materials County-wide, MACC, similarly, pool% our costs of administering the Cable franchise and programs and leaves us in net more for General Fund use than going it alone, The 9-1.-1 contract is a reverse situation, but also net gain in service through networking services and still actually receiving Not Revenues to offset other related, program costs that would otherwise come out of tax dollars, Some contracts have an indirect offset of cost that may be hard to measure, but still understood subjoctivaly, The School Resource Officer contract recovers all Direct Cost and some Overhead cost, but if we didn't have the contact, would we need to Tadd Police Officers or reprogram Patrol resources for Drug Enforcement or burglary? Other contracts cost us nothing in that we recover our Direct and Department Overhead Costs with no real City Overhead impact, but they help with other city goals or objectives. Tigard, in my opinion, has no interest in consolidating/annexing with the City of King City, and yet we have a real interest in helping all cities in Washington County be able to fulfill their obligations under the County 2000 Policy, by offering service contracts to King City at Breakoven for Building Inspection, Funding, ate. , we racovar our costs, help them, and indirectly benefit our citizens, Recon►mendation., Cach Service Contract Agreement- is different, and each should be reviewed as to cost and benefit by Council. The selected cost recovery level should be set in the Resolution, authorizing each agreement, and then periodically updated to stay consistent with that policy. 4 ht/4283D i sj i CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON SERVICE CONTRACTS O/N Department- Direct indirect Total Cost Revenue Contract Revenue Cost Cost (� Library - WCCLS A 254,000 254,000 76.000 330,000 <76,00> { B 254,000 254,000 -0-- 254,000 Police - 9-1-1 A 92,500 70,000 21'000 91,00o 1.5OOK 70,000 22.500 B 92,500 70,,000 G police - SRO A 44,000 42,500 12.750 55,250 <11,250) B 44,000 42,500 1.500 44,000 8,200 35,500 700x' Police - Dispatch B 36,200 27.800$6,200 27,300 8,200 35,504 700 A 31,700 27,100 8,100 35,200 (3,500) Parks - UA B 31,700 27,100 -0- 27,100 4,600 A 550,000 385.000 165,000 550,000 -0- Sewer - USA -0- a 550,000 385,000 165.000 550,000 250 1.450 <54> S King City - Bldg B I,Ooo 000 200 1.000 -0- 30 130 <30> King City .. Sanding D too too 100 100 -0- 100 -.0- Fees 6 PS 50 Dept 10 Total Net NOTC6 - ha s a� 2it� C4 0 (20) B so DC 70 0/H 30 20> A ACTUAL D BUDGETED * � NCT PROF11 ht/4281D Y CONTRACT PRICING POLICY: MARGIN VS. FULL COST TOTAL TOTAL COST COST WITH WITH $100 CONTRACT CONTRACT TOTAL MARGINAL FULL COSI' COST UNIT CURRENT COST $75 :SERVICES SNARE CURRENT CURRENT OR REDUCED $50 COST & COST & COST & CURRENT IMPROVED IMPROVED SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE $25 ' MARGIN TOTAL COST f COST-I- EXTRA EXTRA TOTAL SERVICE UNITS = UN TS FULL MARGINAL COST/UNIT CURRENT COST OR X CONTRACT COST MARGINAL ,VNITS a lOO� CONTRACT" ht/42610 r -I Y } \ \ 1 * � Q � E i 1 ? € M ^,0=1 pry 77 c/o d 5/86 WASHINGTON COUNTY - TIGARD URBAN PLANNING AREA AGREEMENT _. THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this q � day of � 19�_.4 by WASHINGTON COUNTY, a political s -vision of the Sta e ot Oregon,' hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY," and the CITY OF TIGARD, an incorporated municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY." WHEREAS, ORS 190.010 provides that units of local governments may enter into agreements for the performance of any or all functions and activities that a party to the agreement, its officers or agents, have authority to perform; and WHEREAS, Statewide Planning Goal 1'2 (Land Use Planning) requires that City, County, State and Federal agency and special district plans and actions shall be consistent with the comprehensive pians of the cities and counties and regional plans adopted under ORS Chapter 197; and WHEREAS, the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission requires each jurisdiction requesting acknowledgement of compliance to submit an agreement setting forth the means by which comprehensive planning coordination within the Regional Urban Growth Boundary will be implemented; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the CITY, to ensure coordinated and consistent compre- hensive planse consider it mutually advantageous to establish: 1. A site-specific Urban Planning Area within the Regional Urban Growth Boundary within which both the COUNTY and the CITY maintain an interest in comprehensive planning; 4 2. A process for coordinating comprehensive planning and development in the Urban Planning Area; 3. Policies regarding comprehensive planning and development in the Urban Planning Area; and 4. A process to amend the Urban Planning Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNTY AND THE CITY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: I. Location of the Urban Planning Area The Urban Planning Area mutually defined by the COUNTY and the CITY includes the area designated on Exhibit "A" to this agreement. II . Coordination of Comprehensive Planning and Development. A: Amendments to or Adoption of. a Comprehensive Plan or, implementing Regul ation 53 _ x Page 2 1. Definitions Comprehensive Plan as defined by OAR 660-18-014(5) means a generalized, coordinated land use map and policy statement of the governing body of a local government that interrelates all functional and natural systems and activities relating to the use of lands, including, but not limited to, sewer and water systems, transportation systems, educational facilities, recrea- tional facilities, and natural resources and air and water quality management programs. "Comprehensive Plan" amendments do not include small tract comprehensive plan map changes. Implementing Regulation meafts any local government zoning ordi- nance , a'T nddiv s on ordinance adopted under ORS 92.444 or 92.046 or similar general ordinance establishing standards for imple- menting a comprehensive plan. "Implementing regulation" does not include small tract zoning map amendments, conditional use per- mits, individual subdivision, partitioning or planned unit devel- opment approval or denials, annexations, variances, building permits and similar administrative-type decisions. 2. The COUNTY shall provide the CITY with the appropriate oppor- tunity to participate, review and comment on proposed amendments to or adoption of the COUNTY comprehensive plan or implementing regulations. The CITY shall provide the COUNTY with the appropriate opportunity to participate, review and Comment on proposed amendments to or adoption of the CITY comprehensive plan or implementing regulations. The followingprocedures,shall be followed by the COUNTY and the CITY to notfy and involve one another in the process to amend or adopt a comprehensive plan or implementing regulation; a. The CITY or the COUNTY, whichever has jurisdiction over the proposal, hereinafter the originating agency, shall Ratify the other agency, hereinafter the responding agency, of the proposed action at the time such planning efforts are ini- tiated, but in no case less than 45 days prior to the final hearing on adoption. The specific method and level of involvement shall be finalized by "Memorandums of Under- standing" negotiated and signed by the planning directors of the CITY and the COUNTY. The "Memorandums of Understanding" shall clearly outline the process by which the responding agency shall participate in the ,adoption process. If, at the time of being notified of a proposed action, the responding agency determines it does not need to participate in the adoption process, it may waive the requirement to negotiate and sign a "Memorandum of Understanding. •b., The originating agency shall transmit draft recommendations on any proposed actions to the responding agency for its review and comment before finalizing. Unless otherwise ? agreed to in a "Memorandum of Understanding," the responding 54 Page 3 agency shall have ten (1.0) days after receipt of a draft to sutmitmments ly r in g. the ck of response draft c. The originating agency shall respond to the comments wade by the responding agency either by a) revising the final recom- mendations, or b) by letter to the responding agency explaining why the comments cannot be addressed in the final draft. d. Comments from the responding agency shall be given con- sideration as a part of the public record on the proposed action. If after such consideration, the originating agency acts contrary to the position of the responding agency, the responding agency may seek appeal of the action through the appropriate appeals body and procedures. e. upon final adoption of the proposed action by the origi- nating agency, it shall transmit the adopting ordinance to the responding agency as soon as publicly available, or if not adopted by ordinance, whatever other written documen- tation is available to properly inform the responding agency of the final actions taken. a. Development Actions Requiring Individual Notice to Property Owners i, Definition Development Action Re uirin Notice means an action by a local gover c requires no y ng by mai' the owners of pro- perty which could potentially be affected (usually specified as a distance measured in feet) by a proposed development action which directly affects and is applied to a Specific gar el ordptocsmall Such development actions may include, but not 0 tract zoning or comprehensive plan map amendments, conditional or mlts, s tial use parindividual subdivisions, partitionings or p1 anned unit developments, variances+ and other similar actions requiring a hearings process which is quasi-judicial in nature. 2. The COUNTY will provide the CITY with the opportunity to review and comment on proposed development actions requiring notice within the designated Urban Planning Area. "one CITY will provide the COUNTY with the opportunity to review and comment on proposed tice within the CITY limit% t an so may have affecton -unincorporated portion% ofthe designated Urban Planning Area. 3. The following procedures shall be followed by the COUNTY and the CITY to notify one another of proposed development actions: a. The CITY or the hereina� Y thewhichever originating agency,jurisdiction shallover send by proposal , 1 a 55 i IN'111 11 f j Page 4 first class mail a copy of the public hearing notice which identifies the proposed development action to the other agency, hereinafter the responding agency, at the earliest opportunity, but no less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the scheduled public hearing. The failure of the responding agency to receive a notice shall not invalidate an action if a good faith attempt was made by the originating agency to notify the responding agency. b. The agency receiving the notice may respond at its discre- tion. Comments may be submitted in written form or an oral response may be made at the public hearing. Lack of written or oral response shall be considered "no objection" to the proposal . If received in a timely manner, the originating agency shall include or attach the comments to the written staff report and respond to any concerns addressed by the responding agency in such report or orally at the hearing. d. Comments from the responding agency shall be given con- sideration as a part of the public record on the proposed action. If, after such consideration, the originating agency acts contrary to the position of the responding agency, the responding agency may seek appeal of the action through the appropriate appeals body and procedures. C. Additional Coordination Requirements 1, The CITY and the COUNTY shall do the following to notify one another ofroposed actions which may affect the community, but are not subject to the notification and participation require- ments contained in subsections A and 0 above. a. The CITY or the COUNTY, whichever has jurisdiction over the proposed actions, hereinafter the originating agency, shall send by first class mail a copy of 611 public hearing agen- das which contain the proposed actions to the other agency, hereinafter the responding agency, at the earliest oppor- tunity, but no less than three (3) days prior to the date of the scheduled public hearing. The failure of the responding agency to receive an agenda shall not invalidate an action If a good faith attempt was made by the originating agency to notify the responding agency. b.` The agency receiving the public gearing agenda may respond at its discretion. Comments may be submitted in written form or an oral response may be made at the public hearing. Lack of written or oral response shall be considered "no objection" to the proposal. ) S6 Page 5 dd— c. Comments from the responding agency shall be given con- sideration as a part of the public record on the proposed action. If, after such consideration, the originating agency acts contrary to the position of the responding agency, the responding agency may seek appeal of the action through the appropriate appeals body and procedures. III. Comprehensive Planninq and Development Policies i A. Active Planning Area 1. Definition x Active Planning Area means the incorporated area and certain unin- c corpora stet areas +contiguous to the 'incorporated area for which the CITY conducts comprehensive planning and seeks to regulate development activities to the greatest extent possible. The CITY Active Planning Area is designated as Area A on Exhibit W. 2. The CITY shall be responsible for comprehensive planning within the Active Planning Area. 3. The CITY is responsible for thoupreparation, adoption and amend- ment of the public facility plan required by OAR 660-11 within the Active Planning Area. 4. The COUNTY shall not approve land divisions within the Active Planning Area which would create lots less than 10 acres in siza, unless public sewer and water service are available to the property. ' S. The COUNTY shall not approve is development in the Active Planning Area if the proposal would not provide for, nor be conditioned to provide for, an enforceable plan for redevelopment to urban densities consistent with CITY's Comprehensive Plan in the future upon annexation to the CITY as indicated by the CITY Comprehensive P1 an. 6. Approval of the develolxnent actions in the Active Planning Area shall be contingent upon provision of adequate urban services including sewer, water, storm drainage, streets, and police and fine protection. 7. The COUNTY shall not oppose annexation to the.CITY within the CITY's Active Planning Area. r-� 57 Page 6 B. Area of Interest 1. Definition Area of Interest or Primary Area of Interest means unincorporated lands contiguous to t e ctjve anning Area in which the CITY does not conduct comprehensive planning but in which the CITY does maintain an interest in comprehensive planning and development actions by the COUNTY because of potential impacts on the CITY Active Planning Area. The CITY Area of Interest within the Urban Planning Area is designated as Area R on Exhibit "A". 2. The COUNTY shall be responsible for comprehensive planning and development actions within the Area of Interest. 3. The COUNTY is responsible for the preparation, adoption and amend- ment of the public facility plan required by OAR 660-11 within the Area of Interest. 4. The CITY ma consider requests for Annexations in the Area of Interest subject to the following: a. The CITY shall not require annexation of lands in the Area of Interest as a condition to the provision of urban services for development. b. Annexations by the CITY within the Area of Interest shall not create islands unless the CITY declares its intent to complete the Island annexation. c. The CITY agrees in principle to a plebiscite or other repre- sentative means for annexation in the Metzger/Progress Community Planning Area, which includes Washington Square, within the CITY Area of Interest. Not contrary to the fore- going, the CITY reserves all of its rights to annex and acknowledges the rights of individual property owners to annex to the CITY pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes. d. Upon annexation of land within the Area of Interest to the CITY. the C.TY agrees to convert COUNTY plan designations to CITY plan designations which most closely approximate the density, use provisions and standards of COUNTY designations. furthermore, the CITY agrees to -maintain this designation for one year after the effective date of annexation unless both the CITY and COUNTY Planning Directors agree at the time of annexation that the COUNTY designation is outdated and an ammendment may be initiated before the one year period is over. ' SB Page 7 5. The City of Beaverton and the City of Tigard have reached an agreement on a South Beaverton-North Tigard boundary establishing future annexation areas of interest. This boundary coincides with the northern Urban Planning Area boundary shown on Exhibit "A". Washington County recognizes that the future annexation area of interest boundary line may change in the future upon mutual agreement of both cities. C. Special Policies 1. The CITY and the COUNTY shalt provide information of comprehensive planning and development actions to their respective recognized Community Planning Organizations (CPO) through the notice proce- dures outlined in Section III of this Agreement. 2. At least one copy of any COUNTY ordinance which proposes to (1) amend the COUNTY comprehensive plan, (2) adopt a new plan, or (3) amend the text of the COUNTY development code shall be mailed to the CITY within five (5) days after its introduction. 3. At least one copy of any COUNTY ordinance which proposes to rezone land within one (1) mile of the corporate limits rf the CITY shall be mailed to the CITY within five (S) days after Its introduction. 4. The City of Tigard, City of Beaverton and Washington County have agreed to the following stipulations regarding the connection of, Murray Boulevard from Old Scholls Ferry Road to the inter;action of SW 121st Avenua and Gaarde Street: a. The City of Tigard, City of Beaverton and Washington County agree to amend their respective comprehensive plans to reflect the following functional classification and design consi derati ons: 1. Designation: Collector 2. Number of Travel Lanes: 2 (plus turn lanes at major intersections) 3. Bike Lanes: Yes 4. Right-of-Way: 60 feet (plus slope easements where necessary) S. Pavement Width: 40 foot minimum 1 59 Page 8 { 6. Access: limited 7. Design Speed: 35 M.P.H. 8. Minimum Turning Radius: 350 to 500 feet 9. Parking Facilities: None provided on street 10. Upon verification of need by traffic analysis, the connec- tion may be planned t© eventually accommodate additional lanes at the Murray/Old Scholl s Ferry and Murray/New Scholes Ferry intersections. 11. The intersection of SW 135th Avenue and the Murray Boulevard connection will be designed with Murray Boulevard as a through street with 135th Avenue terminating at the Murray connection with a "T" intersection. 12. The general alignment of the Murray Boulevard connection is illustrated in Exhibit B. b. Any changes to land use desipations in the Murray Boulevard Connection area shall be coordinated with all.jurisdictions to assure that traffic impacts are adequately analyzed. { c. The City of Tigard, City of Beaverton and Washington County shall support improvements to the regional transportation s tem as outlined in the adopted Regional Transportation P an (RTP). d. Improvements to SW Goarde Street between SW 121st Avenue and Pacific Highway 99W should occur coincident with the connection of Murray Boulevard from Walnut/135th Avenue to Gearde Street. e. The City of Tigard and Washington County, with involvement by affected property owners, shall jointly develop an alignment for the connection of Murray Boulevard between the 135th Avenue/Walnut Street and 121st Avenue/Gaarde Street intersec- tions in 1986. S. The CITY and the COUNTY shall informally establish administrative procedures and designate appropriate personnel to receive and review. notices required by Sections 11 A, B and C of this Agreement. 'j 60 . - s Page 9 i Ill. Amendments to the Urban Planning Area Agreement A. The following procedures shall be followed by the CITY and the COUNTY to amend the language of this agreement or the Urban Planning Area + Boundary: 1. The CITY or COUNTY, whichever jurisdiction originates the proposal , shall submit a formal request for amendment to the i responding agency. 2. The formal request shall contain the following: a. A statement describing the amendment. b. A statement of findings indicating why the proposed amendment is necessary. c. If the request is to amend the planning area boundary, a map which clearly indicates the proposed change and surrounding area. 3. Upon receipt of a request for amendment from the originating agency, the responding agency shall schedule a review of the request before the appropriate reviewing body, with said review to bo held within 45 days of the date the request is received. (. a. The CITY and the COUNTY shall make good faith efforts to resolve requests to amend this agreement. Upon completion of the review, the reviewing body may approve the request, deny the request, or make a determination that the proposed amendment warrants additional review. If it is determined that additional review is necessary, the following procedures shall be followed by the CITY and COUNTY: a. If inconsistencies noted by both parties cannot be resolved in the review process as outlined in Section til (3)9 the CITY and the COUNTY may agree to initiate a joint study. Such a study shall commence within 90 days of the date it is determined that a proposed amendment create% an inconsistency, and shall be completed within 90 days of said date. Methodologies and procedures regulating the conduct of the joint study shall be mutually agreed upon by the CITY and the COUNTY prior to commencing the study. :.... b. , Upon completion of the joint study, the study and the'drawn drawn from it shall be included within the record of the review. The agency considering the proposed amendment shall give careful consideration to the study Prior to making 'a final decision. 61 Page 10 f fr B. Prior to August 30, 1986 the parties will mutually study the following topics; Urban services provision by the County and City; the possibility i of Tigard assuming active plan responsibility for a portion of the Metzger-Progress Planning Areqa as shown as an area of interest on Exhibit A; and the possible removal of a portion of Section III 6.4.d., which now requires the City to maintain County plan designations for one year after the effective date of annexation. partiesdasedata®is availableis gasesoon ent as possibhall be considered e after by the September 1, 1986. C. The parties will jointly review this Agreement every two (2) years, or more frequently if mutually needed, to evaluate the effectiveness of the processes set forth herein and to make any necessary amendments. The review process shall commence two (2) years from the date of execution and shall be completed within 60 days. Both parties shall make a good faith effort to resolve any inconsistencies that may have developed since the previous review. If, after completion of the 60 day review period inconsistencies still remain, either party may terminate this Agreement. ' V. This Urban Planning Area Agreement repeals and replaces the Urban Planning Area Agreement dated September 26.'1983, Washington County,Resolution and Order No. 84-730 and City of Tigard Resolution 84-190. This Agreement commences on 1�D!�9 _0 19,, _�• IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Urban Planning Area Agreement on the dato set opposite their signatures. CITY OF TIGARD BY mayor S� 5HINGTON COUNTY By .,.«.."� Date Cha "rman' j Board or County miss oners Datc ��' �a — Record ng Secretary 62 4i . a ��' �� Irr.<I r� `•'9� � .♦7� *Sri .lf.�, - � . xy* ,.►�,y*' I.t f��t. fhS����.�Mii+R 'r 7 r _ .._J..x.j .. rY .-.� .r•.-... .r.� . .._`... .. ., ?.�,..y�: ...,�... �. .�.. .._.. �..r, .. , ' .,,....�. .. ., r-. ..,,:�. .. - e. .. :.11 P,r sr � ._ ...�_ ... •� �. -�.- .. i1p GENERAL Al. GNMEN T err B UMM PUff& 0 AFFA AMW0,0ff 602 601 sot 107 eaa 201 Boo toe Soo 108 101 1100 100 � goo 1101 130'1 1200 1302 r 130Q 100 301 ; 101 200 MURRAY BLVD. CONNECTION 64 ,�#' .. .�... .� ..� _.....,,......:.,...yam-._....�......;ro--�-•,,.�""'r•....-:�:"'"""�C Will IffiNg ling 11 111 11 Section 5. Comoensatton. A. The Agency agrees to cow"nsate tbss City !tier the acquiai- tion of its sewerage facilttios as identifiod in Exhibit "A" atter ed hereto an¢ incorporated herein, the total ampunt of $�536,849.00'-, • payable In the manner following: 1. The suss of $70,000., paid to the City upon execution of this agreements the receipt wharooe is hex$ay acknowledged. , �. Pre-axistl ng gencral,obligatlon ae►(erage ;Caoi7.ity bonds: ' As partial payment dale the City, the Agean.cy hareby agrees to pay to the City, or as City may direct, not leas than ten (10) days prior to•due► dats, W ' -sum sufficient to unable the City t8' pay principal and Interest on all geenera% ob7lignti.on bonds of the City according to the amorticstion aehoduler of each Issue Q* and when a=e fall due with respect , to seweruge facilities of the CUX. Including thoae not forth in'gxhibit "A". Compensation to the •City from the Asonicy•for prin- cipal sumac required for bonded debt service only shall be applied In reduction of the deferred balance of Agoncy's obligations hereunder= interest paymanpa ,on bonded debts hereunder shall constitute Interest due this City on that portion of the deterred balance oV the Agency's obligations hexdu►►der represented by the City's ;bonded l,ndobtekdness as horein domed. 3. The balance of the Agency's obligations to the City Var transfer of the facilities hereunder shall be paid by the Agency to the�C t i>t}� ax�}nual instasll- n nts, such not less than'$ •f;as •a ,P w�:•;�s ' interest on deferred balance'"'at f e75to of rivae (W per cent per ,annum from .7►�%IY _ �c XLO until paid the first payment o e: ma s On or b efa July ,l, lgfVa►nd a like payment on or before July 1 of each aal@n+dar year thertiartor. sent; 0"j. other a ens. A. The City and the Agency further agree Chats 1. The Agency will, not extend servi.eoa to areas outnidre the City and outside existing sanitary districts excerpt with the prior approval of the City where use of City facilities is necessary to serves sucharea, or vhere,aucb -areas are Contiguous to Or in the near vicinity of the City's boundaries. 2. Tho installation and conotruction, And, the financinj thereof, of never linea and facititios having a diamter of lass than 24 inchen earn deemed to be within tho jurisdiction and control of thL, CJ,ty, unledg otherwise agreed to by the Agency. Such 70 o The City has wade a significant effort in the wast to manage the location and type -of grouth,, and to coordinate •this growth with the extension 'of sermices &M expansion of facilities. - o The City. is currently in the process of including all of the "unincorporated islands" within the city limits. 10.1 ANNEXATION OF LAND POLICIES ' 30.2.1 PRIOR TO THE ANNEXATION OF LANDD, TO THE CITY OF TIGARD,, • a►. THE CXTY SHALL REVIEW EACH OF THE FOLLOWING SERVICES AS ' TO ' ADEQUATE CAPACITY, OR SUCH SERVICES TO BE MADE AVAILABLE, TO SERVE THE PARCEL IF DEVELOPED TO THE MOST INTENSE USE ALLOWEDX'. AND MILL ' K�OT SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCE THE LEVEL OF SERVICES AVAILABLE TO DEVELOPED AND UNDEVELOPED LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF T'IGARD. THE SERVICES ARE: l; WATER; ^ 2. SEWER; i. DRAINAGE; M. STREET$; �t 5. POLICE: AND 6. FIRE PROTECTION Most intense use allowed by " the conditions of approval, the sone or the Comprehensive Plan. b. IF'PCQUIRCD BY AN ADOPTED CAPITAL IMPROVEMCM PROGRAM ORDINANCE, THE APPLICAJIT GHALL. SIGN AND RECORD WITH WASHINGTON COUNTY A NONREMONMANCE AGREEMENT REGARDING THE FOLLOWING! ' i. WE,FoAmmog or A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (L.I.D.) FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING SERVICES THAT COULD BE PROVIDED THROUGH SUCH A DISTRICT. THE EXMSION OR XMPROVEMENT OF THE FOLLOWING: a) WATER; b) GEWCR; c) DRAINAGE; AND d) STREETS; 2. THE FORMATION OF A SPECIAL DISTRICT FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE SERVICE OR THE INCLUSION OF THE PROPERTY INTO A SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE SERVICES. ZI — 67 s e ' THE CITY SHALL PROVIDE URBAN SERVICES TO AREAS WITHIN THE TIGARD URBAN PLANNING AREA OR WITH THE URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY UPON ANNEXATION. 10.1.2 APPROVAL OF PROPOSED ANNEXATIONS OF LAND BY THE CITY SHALL BE BASED ON FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO THE FOLLOWING: s►.. THE ANNEXATION ELIMINATES AN EXISTING "POCKET" OR "ISLAND" OF UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY; OR b. THE ANNEXATION WILL NOT CREATE AN IRREGULAR BOUNDARY THAT MAKES IT DIFFICULT FOR THE POLICE IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE PARCEL IS WITHIN OR OUTSIDE THE CITY: c. THE POLICE DEPARTMENT HAS t t9MEllTED UPON THE ANNEXATION; d. THE' LAND IS LOCATED WITHIN THE TIGARD URBAN PLANNING AREA AND IS CONTIGUOUS'TO THE CITY BOUNDARY. �. THE ANNEXATION CAN BE ACCOMMODATED BY THE SERVICES LISTED IN 10.1.10). c� xT ETON-2` .RVIMS cMIDE THCSM LTD= , 2.lm , 10.1.1 THE CITY SHALL-NOT APPROVE THE ,EXTENSION OF CITY OR UNIFIED PEWERAGE AGENCY (USA) LINES EXCCPT: , u. WHERE APPLICATIONS FOR ANNEXATION FOR nWE PROPERTIES HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE CITY; OR b. WHCRE A NONREMONSTRANCE AGRCCMCNT To ANNEX THOSE PROPCRTIES HAS BCEN BIONCO AND RCOORDCD WITH WASHINGTON ODUNTY AND GUBMITTCD TO THE CITY] OR C. WHCRE THE APPLICABLE O'T'ATC OR COUNTY HCALTH AGENCY HAS DECLARED THAT THERE IS A POTENTIAL OR IMMINENT HEALTH HAZARD, 10:2:3 IN ADDITION. TO THE REQUIREMENTS Or POLICY 10.2.1, tTHE, EXTENSION OF SEWER LINES OUTSIDE OF THE CITY LIMITS GHALL NOT REDUCE THE CAPACITY BELOW THE REQUIRED LEVEL FOR AREAS WITHIN THE CITY. • 10.2. AD A PRECONDITION TO THE APPROVAL OF THE EXTrA21ON OF SCRVICF.S OUTSIDE T14F. CITY LIMITS, THE CITY SHALL HAVE THE RXGffT ,OF. ,REVIEII FOR ALL DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS OUTSIDE THE TIGARD CITY LIMITS BUT WITHIN THE TIGARD URBAN PLANNING AREA (REFERENCE TIGARD'$ URBAN PLANNINt3 AREA AGRrL"tENTS WITH WASHINGTON COUNTY), THE CITY SHALL REQUIRE THAT DEVELOPKXT WILL NOT: �. PRECLUDE THE FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTIES TO URBAN DENSITIES AND STANDARDS: OR II — 60 s - b. PIXCLUDE Till SMISF90UNl I I-vi 1 optirM AI SURRtXINDING PRMr RTII S. ' THIS REVIEW SHALL INCLUDE 111L FOLLOWING FACTORS AS SET 'FORM IN 111E: TIGARD COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND APPROPRIATE IMPLEMENTATING ORDINALS: a. LAND USE; b. DENSITY; c, PLACEMENT OF STRUCTURES ON THE SITE; d, 'STREET ALIGNMENT; AND e. DRAINAGE. IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGTES Y, The City shall encourage all of the urbanizable land within Tigard's Urban Planning Area,to be within the City Limits. 2, The City shall direct its annexation policies to conform with WW support the City's Comprehensive Plan. 2, The, City shall phase annexations to allow for the incorporation of urbanir*ble land in a manner that 'is consistent with the comprehensive Plan, and the Urban Planning Aroav Agreement, and to provide for orderly transition of urban services, 4. -The City shall work toward establishing a workable. jointly approved growth management agreement with the Washington County. The agreemgnt shall assure that: a. Urban development inside Tigard Urban Planning Area (T.U.P.A.) will be encouroged to annex -to the City of Tigard, b. $19nificant differences between City/County Comprehensive Plan policies are reconciled for the unincorporated areas within the Urban Planning Area (T.U.P.A.). S. Land use designationi, if not already designated, shall be assigned to purposed aan noxat�on, areas only after a thorough study addressing staatewide Planning Ooals, and City and neighborhood needs have been completed and adopted by the City. The City shpil accept, encourage, " assist in the preparation of annexation proposals of all levels within its Urban Planning Area C (UPA). 7. The City shall actively week to include all "unincorporated island" areas into the city. 8. The City shall provide a capital improvement plan (CIP) that, will promote the development of services and facilities in those areas which mre most productive in the ability to provide needed housing, jobs *nd comerciaal service opportunities in conforma►nco with the 11 — 69 policigs of the Comprehensive Plan. TFe CIP shall emphasize the . provision of needed services in established districts and those areas passed over by,urban development, 9, The City shall cooperate with Washington Cojnty and all special districts share in the exchange of information on planning actions which have interjurisdictional impacts. Ample opportunity for review and comment shall be given prior to final action by a city„ county or special district policy masking body on a matter of mutual concern. 10. The City and County will negotiate the existing Urban Planning Area agreement which responds to the needs of both the City quad County. 10.3 ANNEXATION OF LAND OUTSIDE THE URBAN GR06MH BOUNDARY POLICIES 10.3. THt CM SMALL CONSIDER ANNEXATION REQUESTS OUTSIDE THE TIGARD URBAN PLRNNIMG AREA AND WlMiIN THE URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY CONSISTENT WITM POLICIES 10,1 AND 10,2 AND AMENDMENT OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE COUNTY. , 10.1, 'ENE CITY SHALL DISODURAGE EXPANSION OF THE'TIGARD URBAN PLANNING AREA IN A MANNER W1110111 g10ULD RESULT IN AN IRREGVLAR PLANNING AREA AND NCFFZCICNT PROVISION OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES. It — 70 ANNLXA 11U19 Mark N 0 Mt We discussed the annexation policy quite a bit. Following are some comments and reactions as I heard them in that discussion: o We need to explore the expedited process. We are aware that some people/ cities apply directly to the Boundary Commission for certain kinds of annexation. In our City as I understand it, those always go through staff and CC. It may be that some of our simple annexation requests. perhaps like the Tighe annexation,, could have gone directly to the Boundary Commission and circumvented our staff in the process. o Jerry and John both seem to feel that if "they" want in, then "they" pay the full load, In addition, we should take them when they are ready. They do NOT want us out knocking ren doors and getting petitions signed. o Are all of the &nnexation areas on the All ,About Town mailing lists? If not, which are and which are not, o Sat priorities in annexation so that some of the larger areas where the collection of fees will be complex may not pay that fee, wheroas the smaller groups would, o Thu words "responsive" and "supportiva" were used frequently by all t Council members present, 1 * A passive policy versus an active policy was tooted around a bit, o Jerry again reiterated that he was in favor of annexation when citizens r petition but does not want us to be pro--activo, He is more than willing to be supportive when they petition the City, but that the City should be providing information only, i u Jerry also reiterated that until we can handle all of our existing :om ervicas to existing residents, we have no business out annoxing now ureas.o said he folt that existing citizens should got the first bite of the apple and then in the next breath he said, but that Bull Mountain 11 North scares the hall out of him, bocausa of the long—range potential costs to existing City residents if we do not movo on that area immediately, mostly on the gull Mountain Road (and the TIF fact collected by the County). o Tom does not want us out knocking on doors and circulating petitions (in terms of staff). o We did a little survey to prioritize annexation in our urban araa• John chose not to participate in the survey bocausa ha fools we need to treat all the sub-areas the same, so he did not put numbers to hie priorities, but he was iistaning vary carefully as these were discussed, Following is the priority listing: 1 -- Metzger/SW Hall (Diamond) 2 -. Walnut/West (Undeveloped) 2 - Walnut/Cast (Developed) A - Bull Mountain II North (Developing) 5 •- Bull Mountain I (Developing) 5 - Bull Mountain II South (Developing) 7 - Bull Mountain II Sough (Developed) B - Bull Mountain II North (Developed) 9 - Matzgar/North Central 10 - South Tigard Island 11 -- South Tigard (Royal Mobile Park and Thomas Island) 12 - Bull Mountain III ANNEXATION: SOONER OR LATER? o Batch annexation in logical chunks.. . o Control related/coordinated neighborhood planning.. . o Long-term net revenue. . . o Capture SDC's vs. loss of TIF fees.. . o Development to City standards.. . o Buffer Developed vs. Developing areas... 0 1990 Census (apportionment and representation)... o Urban balance (County 2000 backsliding?)_ o Fiscal stability (5/92 Tax Base vs. 11/90?). .. o Psychology of buying home in City vs, being annexed. .. o Stop squabbles and negative PR, set boundary and get it over with. .. 0 Legacy... 0 'Standing in Salem as loth lamest city? (26,00-27,000 1968-m89 t 1,000 growth + 2,000 BN/W ;a 30.,000), ,, o Lass patctwork/chockerboard service pattern. . . o Turn annexation resources towards service delivery. . . o Neighborhood voice in development. ,, U Upcoming changes in Metro Boundary Commission and Logisl+ature (Tgland and Cherry stems?). . . o Contract services in interim are short-term. . . o AlreAdy serving parts of the aroa do facto without revenues. . . Q .t Y? o Help residents/proporty owners come in whon they'ro ready, vs roadblocks and rod tape, , , Smooth the road. . . rr o Sliding scale City foev and policy for, foe waivers (®.g. , South wnd NE. 1, Metzger petitions)_ o Other?. . . ht/51107D CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON I COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: June 1, 1928 DATE SUBMITTED: N/A =ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Bull Mountain/ PREVIOUS ACTION: Review of technical ,Walnut Area Urban Services Study report by Council & Town ball meeting_ PREPARED BY: City Administrator ! DEPT HEAD OK TY ADMIN OK REQUESTED BY: Council x POLICY ISSUE Can the City economically and financially serve the Bull Mountain/Walnut areas if anneLed7 Short term and long term? Is annexation in the residents k interest? " INFORMATION SUMMARY i k The bb page technical report has been reviewed by Council and the Bull Mountain/Walnut community in draft form. Comments have now been received by the City from the County, Water District, Fina District and School District, Attached is the report summary and information handout pages in final form. Pending further Council comment, I would plan on releasing the report } 3une 13, 1988, i ALTERNATIVE J C NNSIDEREQ 1, Release the report and proceed with annexation information effort, 2. Release the reaport and wait. S. Do nothing. # Fisr,66 IMPACT Annexation provides for significant "net revenues" above direct seervico coasts and is about the some cost per household as County charges for lower levels of service. Annexation captures needed capital fund# for the are&, E.STED OM-0-v Set final report for Council Consent Agendas approval on June 11, 1968. cs/513AD CITY OF 11GARD, OREGON BULL MOUNTAIN/WALNUT AREA URBAN SERVICES STUDY I, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In April 1987, following the decision by the South Metzger/Washington Square area to ar to Tigard, the City was contacted by developers in the Bull Mountain ai — about annexation, The City council discouraged an annexation proposal at that time, citing the City's lack of Specific knowledge of the area's needs and the City's capacity to serve. Council directed the City Administrator's office to conduct an Urban Services Study of the Bull Moun;:ain/Walnut areas, FINDINGS The basic data gathering was done by two Public Administration 9raduato students from Lewis &, Clark College during tho summor of 1967, The final report was completod by the City Administrator's office and reioasad in Draft for review and comment in February, 1966, The Final Report was released in June, 1986, The basic findings of the study are: 1, DEVELOPMENT OF THE BULL MOUI(TAIN/WALNUT ARCA IS OCCURRING Al A COMPARATIVMWY RAPID RATE, o Thera are currently 8b5 households with 2,137 residents in the Study area; o The planned density allows 9,466 households for about 23,700 residents, more than 10 times the current population; o Development is procooding at a comparatively rapid pace with 607 housing units platted and another 365 units in process, or a doubling of the currant population within b years; o The area contains approximately 2,00 akcr•as zoned mostly at County R-6 (6 units per acro); the area is largely ur►davalopad; o Traffic density on gull Mountain Road etnd Walnut Stroat will increavo at 20 percent per year each yoar for tho next fivo years and than faster each year after that until reaching planned densities around the yeaer 2010; o Sewer and water service either exists or is roaasonably mva►ila►blra with devolopment; o Fire protection is provided by the Tualatin Rural Fir* Protection District and can serve projcacted davelopment; o Parks funding is nor►caxistont, recreation services art ava►ilaAblo to a very limited extent through the facilities of the Tige►rd School District or by annexation to the Tualatin Hills Parks and Reeroa►tion District; o Storm Drainage services are minimal and downstream impacts of upstream devolopment are potentially significant, 2. THE ODUNTY'S ABILITY TO SERVE THE AREA IS RELATIVELY LIMITED, o County planning services are directed towards major transportation issues rather than com:aunity planning, The result is that local planning services are limited largely to case-by-case plan review at the time of application, with little staff time available for long--range community planning; o police services are provided by the Sheriff's Office through the County Enhanced Sheriff's patrol District by a special district levy of $50 per thousand providing one officer per 1,040 citizens; o County services available at County Courthouse, Hillsboro, 25 minutes distance; o vocal road maintenance by the county is not presently available, but may be funded by a county local road maintenance district special levy of $40 per year, per household; o Major stroat improvements are through the County Transportation Improvement Fea (TIF fees) funded Street maynotbeeligible for ea condition of ae but much Bull Mountain Road and Walnut a�u significant allocation of TIF fees; o Storm drainage is not provided in most of the Dull Mountain arca because it is still essentially rural, Recently approved subdivisions have boon required to install storm drainage facilities, as a condition of approval, that are adequate to address their immediate impacts and to accommodate future growth. The County does not currently provide for area-wide storm► drainage and potentially significant downa;troaam impacts, although a County Storm Drainage District *rad a $2 per month per household fee is under study; o Parks and Recreation services are available through annexation to tha Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation District ('51.+47/1,000 tax rate in Fiscal Year 1907-09); o Street lighting is available through County Lighting Districts averaging $4-'$5 par month, per household, CES 3, THE City ANNEXATIONCAT A AN RCO'ST COMPARABLE OVIDL HIGHER ETOLOR EVENS OF FLCIS THAN iCOUN YOAREA UPON CHARGES, o Residents outside city limits pay but "abandon" about 155 per parson, per year by not being in a city, 30inin, as city entitles thom to thoir share of cigarette, liquor, franchise fame and other rovonues at nd additional cost, totalling more than $117,000 per year (55 x 3,117 + $117,53s) to the area o City taxes and fees compared with County and Special Service District fees are as follows par year for a S100,00o assessed value home. a Revenues from th area excess notldexceed current ravatnues available City fordirect co sts Of ne de�dcsapital service, making investmenty in the Bull Mountain/Walnut oroas; o City services available at the Tigard Civic Center, 5 minutes; o City police services are 1/3 greater at 1 Officer par 750 residents compared to the Sheriff's levy at 1 ooputy par 1,000; o Annexation to Tigard includes long-range land use planning Barad public facility programming services from the City; o° Library services are assured to City residents, but available to those. outside the City only as long as the WCCLS levy continues; o City Systems Development Charges (SDC's) collected from development are targeted by the City back into the areas where the development occurred. Improvements to Bull Mountain Road are estimated to cost $3-5 million and Walnut about $3-3 million, City SDCs from area development could raise most of that amount (8,600 units X $600 current SDC fee = $5,160,000). The County has no Parks funding mechanism. Development of the area inside the City would generate $2,150,000 ($250 SDC x 8,600 units = $2,150.000) for Park land acquisition, greenway preservation, bikeways and other Park improvements; PLANNING AND ANNEXATION ISSUES Growth and development is occurring under current Comprehensive Plans, with or without the adequate Public Facility Plans, The City of Tigard is currently developing its Public Facilities Plans for Streets, Sewers and Sturm Drainage ,systems. The City has offered to work with the CPO to jointly develop or expand upon the needed facility pians for the CPO area, as the City doeu in the NPO area,s. 'fha City realizes that tN4@ issues of plannir►g and annexation are separate, but related topics. While annexation ix an option for obtaining neodod planning and other urban services, the City prefers to leave that choice to individual property owners and residents, Believing that Bull Mountain/Walnut areas will eventually choose to annex — whether in 1 years, 5 years, or 10 years - the City is, thereforo, ga3nuinaly Just as concerned as are current resident» that the mr@aa be developed in a logical and livable manner, CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, the lurid use and annexation issues affecting tho or`a±a are separate, but related. Development is occurring under currant comprehensive plans in the Bull Mountain/Walnut area with or without ann@Mation to the City. City levels of urban services either are not available through the County, or are available more conveniently and less expensively for compor'able services from the City of Tigard upon annexation, County Tranmporta►tion Improvomont F@@s (TIF) asr@ collected as d@v@lopmont occurs, but are used County-wide, rath@r than b@irv3 d@dicast@d to the ar@a from which eoll@ct:od, City Systems Development Changes (CDC) can be targeted by the City tO immadiato area impacts. Needed street improvements, like Bull Mountain Road and Walnut Street, are unlikely in the foreseeable fut:uro without ann@xa►►tion to the City prior to development. Since annexation allows a on@-time multiplier amount to be added to the City's tax basso (annexing aar-aa assessed valued X City tax base rate sae 3 added to tax base), it is potentially to the City's shor-t-t@rm financial odvant*9@ to consider annexation of the area aftJir it is fully tlevOlopod. But tax base consid@rations are just part of the analysis, Annexation of the area sooner, rather than later, offers the following advantages for that affecte nal hborhoods as wall as the City: o "Abandoned" revenues at $55 per capita bring in $117,535 the first year and over $1 million extra the first 6 years at no extra costs per household; o City service casts city-wide become even more efficient following annexation of the Bull Mountain/Walnut area, further reducing City tax rate costs for all properties an estimated 5-10 percent below authorized levels; o City services are higher and costs are lower than County Service Districts for comparable services; o City long--range land use and public facility planning could help guide development to a more desirable outcome under current Comprehensive Plan provisions; o City Systems Development Charges cannot be collected and targeted until annexation, Meanwhile, County TIF fees are being collected from the area but allocated county-wide, not targeted to needed improvements like dull Mountain Road and Walnut Street, It appears that the total Bull Mountain/Walnut area may eventually choose to annex to Tigard. If annexation happens somewhat later, that works somewhat to Tigard's snort-term financial advantage, Meanwhile, each year without annexation means the loss of TIF revenues out of Cha area, continued loss of abandoned revenues, and the ckintinued lack of long-range Public Facilities Plans coordinated with the Comprehensive Land Use Plans. driving up both the community's and the City's long-range costs, RCCCMENDATIONS Based on the findings and conclusions of the Bull Mountain/Walnut Area Urban Services Study, the following is recommended: 1, That, annexation proposals from the Walnut and Bull Mountain II/North Central areas be supportad by the City Arid required before allowing connection directly or indirectly through City sewer lines; 2. That, annexation proposals from the Bull Mountain I/Southeast and Bull Mountain I1/South Central areas be supported and encouraged by the City; .. 8. That, annexation requests from Bull Mountain III/Northwest arose be discouraged until annexation of the Walnut and Bull Mountain I-II areas are substantially completed ,and adequately servod; 4. That, consistent with the first two recommendaztiona, as much :choice as to timing and logical annexation units be left to individual property owners and residents, arid t:h@ rofore, that J.@mp�rariy irregular boundaries and piecemeal annexaatjorts bewo , viewing the entire Study Aroa► as the gv 'Ua logical boundary. Creation of islands or thea inclusion of dome minority parcels should also be given conridoration by Council when mord logic** service delivery would r,Qsult� All lawful annexation mothods should be left available to individuals and property owners, including an annoxAtion election of all or major parva of tho Study area, S. That, prior to annexation, the City ot;tompt to offor and provide as much public facility Planning -and lona-range planning coordination service as possible consistent with County Arid CPO desires, The bettor the plan coordinot:ion, the less urgent is t:he pressure on the City and the area for immediate annaxation, mh/0026A C NINE`11 1111 111 11 111, 11, IIIIE, Revised 5/1/80 BULL MOUNTAIN/WALNUT AREAS ANNEXATION OPTIONS SUMMARY WHAT ANNEXATION CHANGES? SERVICE CURRENT AFTER ANNEXATION POLICE o Washington County Sheriff— o City of Tigard Police.., a 1 Officer per 1000 residents o 1 officer per 750 residents. . . with Special District at 85� 1/3 more Police Service than per thousand special levy.. . from Special District.. . o Emergency responses around o Emergency Responses average 5 minutes with Special District. .. under 3 to 5 minutes. .. o Records/Reports located at o Records/Roports located at Hillsboro Tigard Civic Center— o School. Resource Officer Programs— , STREET o Washington County Street o City of Tigard pay for oxisti,ng LIGHTS Lighting Districts— Street Light Districts— o $4 per month/$48 par yo*r avara<go o Paid by City from Street funds— STREETS unds—STREETS o Washington County. . , o City of Tigard, . o No local stroo t maintonance now o City maintains local street* or form local otroot district from gas taxes. . .no fee*, . , at $58 per year extra. . , o Davelopment SDC fees dedico ted o Development TIF fees go towards inside the City area. . . County-wide project prioritises. . . SEWER BILL o U.G.A, rates. . . o U,S,A, rote*. . . sa Unified Sewerage Agency bills o City sof Tiq*rd bills monthly annually on proporty taxes. . , per our, U.$,A, contract. . . STORM a Curr@ntly no County services, o City of Tigard Storm Drainage DRAINAGE under study at $2/msonth. . . utility now At $1,50/month. , PLANNING, o Washington County Dept, of o City of Tigard, Community BUILDING 6 Land Us* et Transportation at Development Doportmont at Tigard ENGINECRING Hillsboro offices, . . City Center. . . o County CPO Plan. . . o City adopts CPO Plan. .. .. o Limited long-range planning. . . o Full City Planning and Cnginoaring oorvicao. . . LIBRARY o WOCLS Library System only if o Tigard Library open to City Tax Lewy continu+eo. . , rosidernts oven without WCCI.S tMx, , , GENERAL o Washington County Commission o Tigard Mayor and City Council, with one local Commisrsionor, , , all locally elected. . . o Hillsboro Courthouse,. . o Tigard Civic Center. . . WHAT ANNEXATION DOESN'T CHANGE SERVICE CURRENT AFTER ANNEXATION FIRE o Tualatin Rural Fire Prot, Dist, o No Change. stays the same WATER o Tigard Water District o No Change. stays the same SCHOOLS 0 Tigard School District o No Change, stays the same PHONES o GTE or PNB o No Change. stays the same POST OFFICE o Same addresses and zip codes o No Change. stays the same COUNTY SERVICE DISTRICTS OR ANNEXATION? Under the County 2000 Plan, countywide services, are to be paid from countywido funds, local services must either coma from County special Service Districts or annexation to the City, Annexing to the City provides mora service at a lower cost than buying those same services from County Service Dittricts, For similar services on a $100,000 assessed value home in 1988-89 the differences in the Dull Mountain or Walnut areas would Let ry ce Qoruntxjpiatrict Q11 Police $fly (0 85f/thousand) $200 included in City tax rate Street Maintenance $56 (Q $58/year) estimated at $2 per 1,000 $treat lights $48 (@ $4/month) ($2,03 actual in 1987-68) Storm prain�►taQ X24 f?/mon :hl�S�8 (Q 1 MZmgnt.h) . _ Sub-Total $215 Bull Mtn/Walnut $218 Tigard Without Parks, . . Psrk# Re , ign 1 47 (7,H,P.R,p7� �0� n—t19d0d in 1; ;y Ra�t:oa AnnuAl Cost x8li7 Bull MtnlWal $210 iijard co f�m::CvinL vND ,14 ce �4� e c Pt4t ort U oFs A► Pyr✓ S