City Council Packet - 09/11/1985 MEETING NOTICE 9-9-85 NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a workshop/joint meeting, called by the Mayor, will be held on September 11, 1985 at 6:00 P.M. at Jenkins Estate, located at Grabhorn Road at SW 209th & Farmington Roads in Aloha Oregon. The purpose of the meeting is ,to discuss areas of joint interest between the cities of Beaverton & Tigard. y City of Tigard lw ten. yr„-s H: 1 � 1 REGULAR MEETING Sept. ll, 1935 CALL TO ORDER: A special meeting of the Beaverton City Council and the Tigard City Council was called to order at the Jemcins Estate, 209th and Farr}�ington Road, Aloha, 0regon, at 6:45 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11 , 1935. Beginning at 6:OU p.m., chem had ueen dinner served, during which time no substantive matters were discussed. ROLL CALL: Present from Beaverton were Mayor Cole, Couns. Ann Schmidt, Forrest Soth, Ted McBride, Carol Maul, and Bud Maguire, and City Recorder Nancy Wilcox. Present from Tigard dere Councilors Tom Brian, Phil Edin, and Jerry Edwards, and City Manager Bob Jean. After introductions, there was discussion on the fol- lowing topics: City Boundaries/ Mr. Jean showed maps illustrating the "football area "Football" Area between Scholls Ferry Road and Old Scholls Ferry Road, one showing the entire area, and one enlarging the east end of the area. Mayor Cole noted a letter had been received from the owner of Tax Lot 1200, expressing interest in annexa- tion to Beaverton. Coun. Soth asked if determination had been made as to what percentage of land in the enlarged area was own- ed by persons wishing annexation to Tigard. Coun. Edi n said tie had heard that there was close to triple majority favoring annexation to Tigard, and more than 50% ay any measurement. Coun. Soth said he did not want to end up with a "jigsaw" boundary. Coun. Brian said Tigard had suf- fered from irregular boundaries for some time, and he was concerned about changing what had ueen discussed previously. Coun. Soth said it was important citizens know where city boundaries are located, to avoid confusion. Beaverton/Tigard Joint Meeting September 11,-19F35 Page i Two residents of the area were `introduced as Sharyl Suren-Hodges and Gale Stover. Coun. Maul asked why they were interested in annexation to Beaverton. Ms. Stover noted theirresidences were in School District #43. She said she understood if they were annexed to Beaverton, they would be in the Tualatin dills Parks and Recreation District, which would provide con- tinuity to their lives. She said if they were an- nexed to Tigard, they would' be in the Tigard Recrea- tion District; and eventually, there could ue' 1,000 families in the area, when it was developed, yet there would be no recreation facilities for children. Ms. Stover showed on the map lots that had signed documents stating, they would consent to being annexed into Tigard, but had not been thusfar. She said the triangle outside Tigard's Urian Growth Boundary should be separated from the issue. Ms. Stover said three families in the area favored annexation' to Tigard, while four -families favored annexation to Beaverton. She said absentee` property owners in the area had stated it would be easier to develop their property if it was in Tigard, along with a lower tax rate, thus they favored Tigard annexation. Ms. Stover said residents in the area had long "felt" like part of Beaverton. She described r�:creation problems for children resulting from residence in Tigard and School Di stri c to ,#43. Ms. Stover showed each tax lot, explaining the an- nexation preference of each owner and/or resident. She noted the northerly lots were Beaverton water customers. Mayor Cole said sometimes, when non-City lots were served with water, owners signed waivers of "remonstrance" to annexation, but these could' not be found. Mayor' Cole showed the proposed multi-family develop- ments in the area. Coun. Brian described current nr County zoning. Coun. Schmidt said she.did not under- stand the County's zoning decision for the area. ^�.s. T,z, Beaverton/Tigard Joint Meeting September 11 , 1935 Page 2 Coun. Edwards asked whether Ms. Stover and Ms. Suren-liodges were representing their individual 'fami- lies, ,or others in the area. Ms. _Suren-dodges said there were nine families 'in the area, and she and iris. Stover represented five. Coun. Edwards said Washington Square had also expres- sed interest in resolving school district boundaries, for it was divided by two districts. lie said the school district boundary_ issue was a major one, and should be discussed with the districts involved. lie said about 6,000 Tigard residents ware served by Dis- trict #4a. Coun. Edwards said as an elected official, his thoughts were for the overall view. tie said there was a great need to unify boundaries between Beaver- ton and Tigard. lie said during the previous joint meeting, there had been discussion of a plan which, vie;red collectively, would be gest for citizens ooth now and in the future. lie said he was concerned with the welfare of 10 or 20 families, out he must looK at the entire picture. Ms. Stover noted she had not been advised of any ad- vantages of annexing to Tigard. Coun. Edrards said tie was unaware of advantages to either annexation, for the same types of services were provided. He said the boundary previously discussed was logical in view of city planning and Comprehensive plans. Mayor Cole noted Hillsboro and Beaverton planners, along with other service providers, were now dis- cussing common boundaries. Coun. Maul said she hoped the issue would not become a "battle. She said there had been no indication that the boundary discussed was definite. Mr. Jean summarized the policy issues as follows: 1 ) The entire "wedge area has a triple majority to- ward Tigard annexation. The Tigard Council could advance the annexation to the Boundary Commission. Beaverton/Tigard Joint Meeting September 11, 1935 Page 3 2) The requests of the property owners wishing Bea- verton annexation could be honored; this eiould crea- te an illogical boundary. 3) Tigard could express no interest in annexing the area, disregarding those that wish Tigard annexation. Mr. Jean said Mr. Krueger had initiated an annexation which was consistent with the two Council's tentative agreement. - Coun. Brian said the worst option was the "checker- board" boundary. lie noted there had been discussion with the Districts, asking them to reconsider their boundaries; it was found there were too many factors to be considered, and realigning district boundaries may not be viable. Ms. Stover said District #43 said . realignment of boundaries would never occur. Mr. Jean described discussions he had with the dis- tricts. He said persons whose children were ready to go on to other schools were in favor of boundary rea- - lignment; others, with children established in schools, were not. Coun. Schmidt said the change could be phased with interim agreements. Coun. Maul said the Jay must come when Beaverton, Hillsboro, Tigard, etc. must discuss boundaries, for to deal with them piecemeal -was not effective. Coun. Brian summarized that the citizens present would be unhappy with a Tigard annexation; and ter. Krueger would be unhappy with a Beaverton annexation. Mr. Jean said another alternative was annexation to THPRD. He said there was a service advantage to be- ing in a city, but not to one city over another. Coun. Brian said a subcommittee could look at the particulars regarding the area in question. Mr. Jean noted he and Mr. Bauer had tried to draft'a resol u tion 'regarding the area, but the task was beyond what could be worked out on a staff level. Mayor Cole said a joint resolution on ;boundaries was nearly ready for adoption, and it did leave open some study areas. i ie ` Beaverton/Tigard Joint Meeting September 11, 19135 Page 4 There was CONSENSUS that a subcommittee, consisting of the Mayors and Council Presidents of both cities, would meet to study the matter. Mayor Cole said Mr. Krueger owned parcels already in Tigard. lie said it may be possible to hold joint Planning Commission and City Council meetings to con- sider his development. Mr. Jean said Mr. Krueger was concerned with development processes among three ju- risdictions. Mayor Cole said Beaverton could con- tract with Tigard to provide development services for those parcels. Mr. Jean said there should be avoidance of irregular boundaries or islands. lie said it was time to maKe preferences t;nown, and to arrive at decisions. Coun. Maul said the process should not aecome politicized. Mr. Edin said property owners, other than families, also had rights regarding their properties. Mayor Cole said there should be consideration given - to why annexation to a certain city was desired, for specific issues may be addressed. Mr. Jean said advertisements had given notice of the the area as a triple majority, but the Tigard Council could withdraw this if they wished. Ms. Stover reviewed Boundary Commission regulations stating a triple majority annexation was effective unless 20% of registered voters in the area called for an election. Ms. Suren-liodges submitted a map showing to which city properties in the area favored annexation. Scholls Ferry Road Mr. Jean reviewed a zoning map for the boundary area Plan/Zoning between the two cities. lie said there was a question whether there was enough commercial opportunity avai- table in the area, and this may need to be dealt with legislatively. Major Streets Program Mayor Cole noted the Beaverton Council had agreed to (MSTIP) support the Major Streets Transportation Program (MSTIP) at their previous meeting. lie reviewed con- ditions proposed by the Council for the program. s Beaverton/Tigard Joint Meeting September 11, 1935 Page 5 Coun. Brian reviewed conditions proposed by the Ti- gard i-gard Council. Mr. Jean said the conditions could be combined and sent to the County. Coun. Brian said the message in the conditions appeared to be the same. Library System Coun. Soth reviewed the opinion issued recently by Formation/Automation County counsel regarding library operations. lie re- viewed County service district and special district formation, noting cities would have the , option whe- ther or not to participate in a special district. Coun. Soth noted the Citizens- Advisory Board would meet on September 17 with the librarians and adminis- trators to discuss these options. Coun. Maul asked whether cities electing to partici- pate in a special district would lose governance of theirlibraries. Coun. Sothsaidthis was correct. lie said in a service district, the County would con- tract with cities to provide services in lieu "of charging County residents for services. Coun. Brian asked whether there had ween discussion of forming two new districts, one for Tigard and Bea- verton and one for Hillsboro and Forest Grove. Coun. Soth said there had not. Coun. Maul noted it had been said that the automation package now appeared to be different than what had been proposed. Mr. Jean said the choice must be made between using telephone or cable television lines for the system. He said due to the question of depen- dability of cable television lines, they may have to choose phone lines. Coun. Soth said cataloging of materials was proceed- ing. roceeding. lie said Requests for Proposals were now being submitted. He said he had understood Storer would provide the interior wiring to modems, but this ap- peared to not be so. There was discussion on cataloging, including purging low-circulation books. Coun. Soth noted Beaverton had been asked to purge 10,000 books prior to full automation. Mr. Jean said smaller libraries did not understand Beaverton's operation. Beaverton/Tigard Joint Meeting �^ September 11, 1935 Page 6 Mr. Jean said the real issue in library system for- mation was double ;taxation. lie said he supported the following concepts; 1 ) The County should end provision of urban ser- vices; if properties wished these services, they could annex. 2) There should be a county-:ride serial levy with contract-back relations with city libraries. 3) The County should form a service district in un- incorporated areas. Coun. Soth said the Board of County Commissioners would rather not act as a library board of direc- tors. !ie noted that in recent years, circulation had escalated, and when this occurs, so do inequities. -Couns. Maguire, Edin, Schmidt, Edwards, and Maul in- dicated preference for a service district formation. Coun. Brian said he favored formation of a special district of some sort. Cable Television Coun. Maul reviewed status of the renegotiations Renegotiations between Storer and the Metropolitan Area Communi- cations Commission. Coun. Maul noted Storer would operate the PCN for four years, after which MACC would have the option to take it over. She said the renegotiations committee wanted to send a clear message to the MACC Board that penalties were in place and should be assessed. She said there had been a feeling that this had not been done in the past. She noted there had been a return to the original franchise provisions for access. Coun. Maul said regarding the Cable Act and its rela- tion to the franchise, she said the Committee had indicated HACC would not accept the position from Storer that certain franchise provisions could not be adhered to because of the Act. Coun. Maul said Dan Monroe was intent on wonting with MACC and was aware that MACC "meant business." Beaverton/Tigard Joint Meeting September 11 , 1935 Page 7 Coun. Brian asked what had induced Storer to keep access. Coun. Maul said word had reached Storerre garding Beaverton's position on access, and each Council has to ratify the amendments. Mr. Jean said Storer also realized there may be a market for PCN services. Mayor Cole said PCN may evolve into- a -te- leport, and be an economic development tool. Coun. Schmidt asKed about the status of videotext transmission. Coun. Maul said when zhe operation was profitable, Storer would be required to aegin offer- ing videotext. Fee Per Trip Mr. Jean said Mr. Bauer had indicated that Beaverton may feel the fee per trip concept was acceptable to Beaverton, but John Gillam had said staff had con- 'cerns with the proposal . Mr. Jean said he had concerns about the proposal. He said he was not suredistrictscould be small enough to maintain equity. ` He said he was not sure the $1 ,000 discussed had been well thought-out, for there may be a large amount of unfunded liability assumed, necessitating a fee increase. Mr. Jean said the issue should be kept separate from discussion on the MSTIP. Mayor Cole said the fee per trip concept may be ac- ceptable for the County, but not for Beaverton. He said road service districts may also be well for the County. Coun. Maul said the County was approaching Chambers of Commerce regarding fee per trip. Next Meeting There was CONSENSUS the next joint meeting would be held on Thursday, November 20, at 6:00 at the Stour pot Restaurant. E Beaverton/Tigard Joint Meeting September 11, 1985 Page 8 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come uefore the Councils, the meeting was adjourned at 9:57 p.m._ Ov 1 eaverton Cl a'1d ncy i i .cox, Y Recorder APPROVAL: Approved by the Mayor this >yt/, day of Octobers 1985. Cook-, payor 2062V:NI IW