City Council Packet - 07/24/1978 j TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 24,' 1978, 7:30 P.M. - FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL LECTURE ROOM AGENDA- 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS 5. CONSENT AGENDA: (All matters under this heading are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted in one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items.. If discussion is desired by any Council member or member of-the audience, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately). (a) Approval of Minutes - July 10, 1978 (b) Approval of Expenditures and Investments - $ 37,143.78 (c) Receive and-File - Written Communications _ Transmittal - City of Aumsviile re: Corn Festival 8/26/78 Transmittal - Roger Zumwalt re: purchase of. City owned property (See Agenda Item No. 8.) (d) Approve and Authorize Signing by Mayor and City Recorder of Subdivision Compliance Agreement(s) and Cash Bond Escrow Agreement(s) y Tangela Subdivision (e) Monthly Reports Police Library 6. RESOLUTION No. 78- RESOLUTION OF THE TIGA.RD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN PATHFINDER #2 (LOTS #1-#6) SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 7. RESOLUTION No. 78- RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN PAYLESS SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. v (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. � V CD 8. DISCUSSION - Roger Zumwalt request re: Purchase of City owned property. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 8:00 P.M. - CONSIDERATION OF LAND USE ITEMS. 9. RESUBMISSION OF APPEAL - CONDITIONAL USE - The Planning Commission denial of a request by Way Lee to amend Condition 6 of a Conditional Use Permit for the Wayside Inn with respect to signing for the secondary access point from Pacific Highway (between the Mobile Service Station and Wayside Inn), northeast of SW 69th Avenue, southside of Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36AD, Tax Lot 6504) which decision has been appealed to the City Council. All interested persons may appear and be heard in favor of or against the said proposal. (a) Public Hearing Opened. (b) Summation by Planning Director (c) Public Testimony Proponents Opponents Cross Examination (d) Recommendation of Planning Director (e) Public Hearing Closed (f) Consideration by Council 10. ZONE CHANGE - A request by Western Racquet Club for a general plan and program review for a Commercial Industrial Planned Development in an M-3 Light Industrial and C-3 General Commercial Zone of parcels totaling 20.75 acres at SW Garden Place and Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 1BB, Tax Lots 200, 300, 800, 1100, 1101 and 1200). (a) Recommendation of Planning Commission. (b) Consideration by Council. (c) ORDINANCE No. 78- AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO AN APPLICATION BY WESTERN RACQUET CLUB FOR AN AMEND- MENT TO THE 1970 ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF TIGARD, CHANGING THE ZONE DISTRICT OF A TRACT OF LAND AT S.W. GARDEN PLACE AND PACIFIC HIGHWAY AND DEPICTED ON WASHINGTON COUNTY TAX MAP 2S1 1BB, AS TAX LOTS 200, 300, 800, 1100, 1101, 1200 FROM CITY OF TIGARD C-3 AND M-3 TO COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AND ADOPTING EXHIBIT "A", "A", & "C" GRANTING THE APPLICATION AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 11. ANNEXATIONS - Status Report by Administrative Aide. Page 2 - AGENDA - Regular Council Meeting - July 24, 1978 I Ogg Fi 12. CONSIDERATION - Systems Development Charge - Tigard Senior High School. } 13. MAYOR'S SUMMER WORKSHOP (a) Report by Mayor Bishop. 14. POSITION REVIEW WHEN EMPLOYMENT VACANCIES OCCUR. (a) Requested by Mayor Bishop. 15. OTHERS. 16. ADJOURNMENT. j i Page 3 - AGENDA Regular Council Meeting - July 24, 1978 T I G A R D C I T Y C O U N C I L ` ' r REGULAR MEETING MINUTES, JULY 24, 1978, 7:30 P.M 1. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor Wilbur A. Bishop; Councilmen John E. Cook, Alan W; Mickelson, Kenneth W: Scheckla; Chief of Police, R. B. Adams; City Attorney, Joe Bailey; City Administrator, R. R. Barker; City Recorder, Doris Hartig; Administrative Aide & Acting Planning Director, Aldace Howard; Administrative Secretary, Loreen Wilson. 2: CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS. (a) No one appeared to speak 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 10, 1978 (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council . 4 APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES AND INVESTMENTS - $37,143.78 (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 5 RECEIVE AND FILE - Written Communications Transmittal - City of Aumsville re: Corn Festival 8-26-78 Transmittal - Roger Zumwalt re: purchase of City owned property (see agenda item No 8) (a) Motion to receive and file: Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 6 APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE SIGNING BY MAYOR AND CITY RECORDER OF SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREE14ENT AND CASH BOND ESCROW AGREEMENT - Tangela Subdivision (a) Motion to approve and authorize signing by Mayor and City Recorder of documents for Tangela Subdivision: Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 7. MONTHLY REPORTS - Library & Police (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 8. RESOLUTION No. 78-54 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN PATHFINDER #2 (LOTS 411-416) SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. d s (a) Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson, to adopt Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 9 . RESOLUTION No. 78-55 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING ThF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN PAYLESS SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. (a) City Attorney requested resolution be corrected as follows: 4th paragraph, third line strike the words "in lieu of submitting a separate maintenance period" , (b) Notion to adopt with correction: Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 10: DISCUSSION - Roger Zumwalt request re: purchase of city owned property (a) City Administrator stated this appeared to be surplus land, but recommended the City nct sell at this time This parcel of land will allow access from Fonner Street to the greenway proposed for Yolo Subdivision and should be kept available for this purpose until the subdivision is completed. City Administrator requested Council table the item until further research could be completed in this matter. (b) 1.*,otion by Cour.ci.lman Scheckla to table matter to later date, seconded by Councilman Cook t.pproved by unanimous vote of Council 11. ANNEXATIONS - Statv.s Report By Administrative Aide. (a) Ldministrative Aide noted that the following annexations would be handled at the Boundary Review Commission meeting Wednesday, July 26, 1978 - McDonald, Mudrenich, Sherwood, Kruger and Northrup. There are also other Anncxations in the process of completion and will be presented to Council at a future meeting 12• CONSILERATION - Systems Development Charge - Tigard Senior High School. (a) City Administrator, at Council direction, held another meeting with Phil Rice from the 7'i.gard School District regarding the system development charge refund for the IlLard Senior High School remodeling project According to Phil Rice, the Sct.00l District's attorney was taking the position that the district should rot participate in payment of the improvement to School Street. The City Edministrator recommended refunding the full amount of $1200 and not pursue the matter further Council lman Cook (b) refundm$1200 for sthe 11Systems nDevelopment dCharge�toothe 1moved Tigard School District; seconded by Councilman Scheckla Approved by majority vote of Council Councilman Mickelson voting Nay 13• MAYOR'S SLIMY R WORKSHOP (a) b:ayor Bishop presented a brief synopsis of the Mayor's Summer Workshop which was held in Baker, Oregon Two items which were of special interest were a resolution presented by Steve Telfer of LGPI regarding labor negotiations and how Gresham was meeting their growth problems through the planning and building departments. PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 24, 1978 7 S PUBLIC HEARINGS - 3:00 P.M. 14 , RESUBMISSION OF APPEAL - CONDITIONAL USE - The Planning Commission denial of a request by Way Lee to amend Condition 6 of the Conditional Use Permit for the Wayside Inn wi:'i respect to signing for the secondary access point from Pacific Highway (between the kobi7 Service Station. and Wayside Inn), northeast of SW 69th Avenue, southside of Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36AD, Tax Lot 6504) which revision has been appealed to Win: City Council . (a) Public Fiea.ii.ng, Opened (b) Acting PlFrr.•.irg Director stated all information had been submitted to Council regardirg the hearing which was held March 27, 1978. (c) Public Testin-ony I'reporer.t s 4:erdell. Grp•.} , 900 SW Fifth, Portland Lob Pershing, Security Signs - 436 SE 12th, Portland :oe Heir, 1'arrger of Wayside Inn - 11460 SW Pacific Hwy , Tigard tray Lee, 5i.10 SE 26th, Portland FegL;e,st oe.: made to erect one sign at the most northerly access/egress pcirt. of t.be ntoLel property. Opper.cnts -• r.er_e Cross F:}:antirz.tion Legal Ccur.el, staff, Council and proponents discussed the wordage, size and J.occ.t.i.or of: ea.i.d signing proposal. Proponents stated the most northerly read used for access to the property would be striped to help alleviate problems with traffic. (d) l.ctirg Flz.rr.irg Director had no recommendation (e) Public Heavi.r.j: Closed (f) Consideration by Council. COur_cl1.r,Zn Cook moved to uphold the appeal by allowing a sign to be placed nit the mer-1 r.rrtherly entrance point to the motel property, said sign being the dimensions ivbmztted on the proposed plans, and that the south side of the sign state " et:trrnce," the north side stating something to the effect that the Wayside Jun is the next left turn. Motion seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council 15. ZONE CHANGE - A request by Western Racquet Club for a general plan and program review for a CaumterciUll Industrial Planned Development in an M-3 Light Industrial and C-3 General Con¢iLrc3.al Zone of parcels totaling 20.75 acres at SW Garden Place and Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 1BB, Tax Lots 200, 300, 800, 1100, 1101 and 1200) (a) Acting Planning Director stated Planning Commission had recommended approval for this project. (b) Donald Stastny, Architect - 813 SW Alder, Portland appeared to answer any questions of Council or staff. PAGE 3 - COUNCIL 14177CES - JULY 24, 1978 (c) ORDINANCE No. 78-44 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO 1N f::'L._ WESTERN RACQUET CLUB FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1S'7 i Z)L�_.�•> THE CITY OF TIGARD, CHANGING THE ZONE DISTRICT OF A TRI:CT_ OF LAND AT SW GARDEN PLACE AND PACIFIC HIGHWAY AND DEPICTED ON WASHINGTON COUNTY TAX MAP 2S1 IBB, AS TAX LOTS 200, 300, 800, 1100, 1101, 1200 FROM CITY OF TIGARD C-3 AND M-3 TO COME[ERCIA1. INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AND ADOPTING EXHIBIT "A", ".B":. AND "C" GRANTING THE APPLICATION AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (d) Motio:z by CouLicilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Scheckla to adopt Ordinance No. 78-44. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 16. POSITION REVIEW WHEN EMPLOYMENT VACANCIES OCCUR (a) In view of 1' % property tax measure Mayor Bishop suggested Council review vac .nc.. ,:3 as they occur and requested Council take a formal stand on this matter. (b) City Administrator recommended that Council be advised if the measure passes And only when the fiscal year is closer to an end.. (c) Concensus of Council was to have City Administrator handle all vacancies and if there are any problems regarding vacancies bring them to the attention of Counci.l . 17. OTHER A. City Administrator requested Council authorize Mayor to sign a new L�C.D.C- agreement to enter into another year in the grant funding in the amount of $10,843. Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with L.C.D.C. for grant monies in the amount of $10,843. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. B. City Administrator presented petition from Summerfield Drive residents to remove no parking signs in the area east of 98th Avenue. Chief of Police recommended signs be removed as the residents in the area reed the parking on Summerfield and this would not cause any traffic hazards. Motion by Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Scheckla to authorize staff to prepare an ordinance to remove the no parking on Summerfield Drive east of 98th Avenue Approved by unanitious vote of Council. PAGE 4 - COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 24, 1978 C. City Administrator reported the bike path paving was finished vi: Gre,nbtiCg Tigard. D • City Administrator recommended Council not refund the Systems Development Charge which Boweman/Lillegard Company has requested for the moving of three homes ont•. adjacent to Durham Road. Motion by Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Cook to deny refund of tl.; Systems Development Charge in this matter Approved by unanimous vote of Council. E . Councilman Scheckla requested staff investigate the trailer house which is setting next to the E1 Gringo Restaurant on Bull Mountain Road. F. Mayor Bishop noted the enclosures in the Council packets which dealt with the fol ing Daily Journal of Commerce articles Construction of a senior center in Pt:resi. Grove at a very reasonable price; court ruling on firing of employees for politi_al reasons; and Eugene's problems with island annexations. G. Mayor Bishop noted his disappointment in Council members for not attending eitI,.-r the Public Officials Caucus in Hillsboro or the Public Facilities Hearing in Tigard on July 20, 1978. Mayor Bishop then gave a brief synopsis of the Public Officials Caucus meeting The Block Grant agreement was discus 1 and Mayor re- quested Council take some action regarding their stand on the Bl -k Grant shortie: H- Mayor Bishop stated that the agreement for the McDonald and Pacific Highway signal light was ready for signing by the City. City Administrator noted that the Highway Department had placed a wrong street name on the new street which is to be constructed directly across Pacific Highwry from McDonald Street. Motion by Councilman Cook seconded by Councilman Scheckla to authorize City to sign agreement subject to the staff checking with the Highway Department on the inter- section indicated on the map showing a wrong street name. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. I.. Mayor Bishop reminded Council of the public hearing on July 27, 1.978 at Fowler Junior High School at 7:30 P.M. with O.D 0 T on the Pacific Highway TS14 Project. J City Administrator noted that 8 citizens attended the Public Facilities hearing on July 27, 1978 and that Larry Svart made the presentation. K Councilman Scheckla requested an update on the Buckley problem. City Administrator stated that the City had not received a letter regarding the matter. L. Mayor Bishop questioned the status on the residency requirement ordinance. Legal Counsel stated this ordinance would be presented at the next regular meeting for action and Council would have a chance at the next study session to review. M, Mayor Bishop made the following suggestions for Council consideration: 1. Since the filing date for Council/Mayor positions is August 9th, Mayor Bishop requested Council appoint someone to serve on the Council in Councilman Wakem's vacancy after the filing date and until December 31, 1978 . The person appointed should be someone who is not running for election in the primary. PAGE 5 - COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 24, 1978 N. Mayor Bishop requested a special meeting be called for July 31st tL; •sor.s� :_+ :.t:_ following matters. An ordinance establishing residency requirements for city officials. A charter amendment regarding the filing for positions on Council. Appointment of someone for Councilman Wakem's position after the closing date of the petitions for election. 0. After discussion with Council and staff Mayor Bishop requested July 31st meeting ba a study session and have the above mentioned items considered at that time. P. City Administrator submitted a request from Coopers and Lybrand regarding use of the audit report for the sale of bonds without first obtaining written appr,ti7di to do so from the firm. Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson to have staff request a letter of approval from auditors to use the audit report for the sale of bo-ids. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 18 ADJOURNMENT: 9:30 P.M. �:�--C.O r;L C-•� �mss, _, Doris Hartig — City Reeder ATTEST: er Mayor Wilbur Bishop PAGE 6 — COUNCIL MINUTES — JULY 24, 1978 Date I wish to testify before the Tigard City Council on the following item: (Please print your name) Item Descriptionq Proponent (for) Opponent (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation I 1 ' a r -x, .i i ♦.,;;r .. ;,:;..., ��..4 3.s..r_ n j;J•. -teI wish to testify before th e* Tigard City Council on E`✓t a; V., the following i tem: (Please Print your name) I Description: /mit x J'1.0 eLll t ;' Proponent • Opponent _ 1 t•i'f*a t Address • Affiliation Address • Affiliation { � _i sr w sj^i's _ �y�• a: � y^ � 'r � f � �;? a �• .t � d'�, .+ i - h �.t y '- .c. i Jrai�,��"' ,�c t i_r 4i:_� �`,.f:...;.:� ��,�•:� x.. ; �` �� r'� t�� ...� < r� .. .,�� .. . -.i � r� 'art �, ,-�,r_ J x f y 4� .� ryc_'✓ tf T:. Y `i is ti s r+ h .✓ ;^N.fl 7 _.4t•.-w .�i2 rDa tpW ' I wish to testify before the Tigard City Council • itf`5 following i)rintyour •" Item DesVp tion:� L-t C <--'I C- r Y1 k �•1t. d, • • • (for) Opponent F J Z• r Name Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation N l�' F >f5 ry ,y y •� S + � d� f fMc� 1� �1 f•�tYf .4 f � : i O u � d o o w o' a a u .N�. M a wl .. w oma. n o o ^p u..ui pJ ON T � n •'; O p pl O LA N Lne-1 LnN fn O-vO 1'1 vl ti v .-1 A y .+ m d ro C p a h M w O ^ `3 O M fl N n u �q a• C O O N O O O O M Y m O 1/1 ol � w Q N u M u C M M u 0•pE6 tuti� [" Oi6i 14 N 2' : (71 N O 0 a nm o. o �. 00 Wcn � u W m u o 0 � d Y u O t! � d Y u m � W 0 7 C u H 6 u0 M ca O d y p Y U w N Ol u x O1 M M v�ro x 0 w Co M w m W �4'w Y m 6 a U N m C w u m yu '+C r7 m /v O u u d01 Mp Y 7 ~ 7 W u U 7 01 m O W to •M C d 1 W.-/ O O ro N m p C oo 7 u W K? u C M Om.0 O m N M d a) C+"y. C m Wo d M Y m C d m r M m w �''• d L M m O C C O 7 M m O Y w/n K1 v) m u m u 0 u t w of M Y N O an d .G ro C M W p M w w u C M M pl N pl L W M Q y rn w m w C M o w w ro co o1 m m +, to In w M m m 0 x Y ¢ w O .Z w C d m w w p V C z w O m m U u ro u o d z u o m o w u u ro C C O y y u o x Z C- U a C +' m > M G U m W d m u p O E ++ d Y C m o 1-1 m a < E d m m >• wm w'Gi viama E .'u-iw w0. .eco dE aw wm wm viw = 0 a E w+ ci 0 3 3 rs zo zo o c ru mu qQ C O O f1 u'f O 1 O O O• O 1.1 n a0 O N F•i Ow f•1 GD N O N a In -:rO. N O .7 O N cn .-i N x o O .-1 t In .O n co rn u . n co co 00 ao ao co co co C a rn T P P of O .o to .o to .a .o to to to 10 .o .o .o .o to 1.z N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N V N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N rn o o u u 6 C4 o. O cn v1 try QO. n N N M W 7 7 O— O� H n Jn M.-. u'1 N n d o �O 1-4 G O �O N O Ocn T O• ~ � NM N v Nco C> N N O N � v d to to P. d L d1 A t> A w O .4 to a� w M a-a d a oS+ a 3 O M 1 a� 7 p zihw o ++ u pa H e •t1 +� �M u e M M.0 'INC w p N O• O O p d al 0% J cn � nCO V y N ~ ON 0 14 Ln Q co w I �; U �] Mc-4 1-1 co < y �4 u O N '^• o C; M c4 .-1 Ci U O d Fj u "' + V N 7 °O VM d\ N M Y a u Y V w d _ U A. au N C N d U N > AJ y� M O d C u y Aj pp V A 7 d x a ayi d 't3 H meqq.,.-1 O, Fy cs 6 H H U M C u M O V B'+ w d O x O Y O N • O O U M a O H L d 0 d .8 M Q a V Vl M O W d A d u b— q H O a.. 6i .b M .-� u) OD d 4 u O H a 5 d o/ d .-• q H m a U d d MU d W C .J 7 a C1 d M y'. T O p b d M M C H C M H 4f W Ow L .-� q O W H C7 H w O O o•-j d y 7 N • 'd.y U 'O m -p Go •-1 M M . U A ui O H o U x ao d H a m d x d x d Go H H d a x m W 'O O O - Vl O a d A .+ O O H•-1 H M Q U d A d O d 0 > tp .-/ O C O Co M .-� 7 .a 7 A O A O M O d u �Z v6 dC� Mtw pw o� ��n Tin p7m Ino ea ra �p SGV 3a 0 c CJ V '7 C3 C'! U f] L] 4i u "] 3 S a, o t+'1 O u1 J N O �+ O. n N N N r7 c•1 O. O .O O Pl J pp p QQ� O tlD CD H r l'1 % J .'1 N O, h N F Qi �-1 rl r1 W N '"� P v1 N 00 N Ol 3$ .O r q Q• O H N e•1 O O• O• O. T O O O0 O O O O O O d o .o .o .o .o r n n n n r n n n n n N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 04 N N N o v n O u . W 08 '{ M 8 v U N O O M cs a a� w .`�cnw M 60 db 7 Oa •Up u H 0 M O r n j? CL 6iy 7 C4 v qW O O u O Y ; •D b P I tH � N M C u W� u N N vOi J O ul P r ei rl rl WWWyW 1 C P C P r] �•ri � p t+1 O �u V � � 6 ~ N In M eq Ln r � +/V V aV+ w a -4 N V w ca U u V tm0 rl N G) M > W 6 M d m O U H p 0 u u C] Vi V CJ W cn b u 44 H.�•� Vo CCXC O H6 wO U u M U O W dD O W wd 0 N cc S. . c0 60 C O w d .d 00 O V V = mVO O -0W a C 0) U) V c d w OM u O Q A F b 01 w 'v d > W W x •.� a U.0 w 60 0 d G M to 7 L O1 41 .0 �0 >M W M H �y N +• tll W C M +t N u• r M w d h U d O w O +j O K3 +) t0 H 3 w 60 Y O W eQ () C) 0G v) Ol w V I0 60 0 0) 6 L7 �G C-11O! O 0 m c0 vl 0) aaqq N .O .� C O a) F++ H+s� • 6 0 d O n ++ p 7 a W n N C ,F.? O 6 0 0.0 3 us 4zw um 0)to O w 7 007 M P > > 0 w N 'O H - O U O cQ ,16 to O 00 H 0'3 v1 v x w D. u U) V.F d C R O R �tl W W O W w cc v1 O O O O O O h n O O P Ln O Mp n O w1 O .i n r vl u'f O P 9 N g •Qs� r �D r n O M Ln n .7 r c0 M In .i F i N ri 'i ~ r vl r N -4 C4 Ln M C) .-1 N y'[... •-1 N cn d Lel 10 n co P O .-1 N M d U ei .i 11 -4 1-4 r4 H •'i -4 N N N N N dC O n n n n n n n r r n n n r n V z N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y CMf k u i N N O N d y c`_ 7 J A �'1^l ON 14 n u 1.-� M r . O 0 44 O 'i 0 1[l N n v v N v N a m cq .� c) M14,Doo yaa O^ O^ W O_ J �.+ H O :11ir 0 u ,.� s.-i J N O a q ) v J V y v v v v O O y N O J N O +i1 y N 00 6 i M M 14 W1 o „ N O rr u w n a� iy A�N W 14 y 7 y O r•.y7 ,-1 do {Uy y N O 0 O i@ N v1 M y u a N 4 J u) 3] O 6 7 V rl M o v H N C O c n v N v y U Q m Ra) a s W O H N fl' Mv� ��y0 bo H v a 00 G u V N 'C G +Gi H H W v) C13 +G. C N w V d u a Q r4 N a w a b .� N O) G G N 3 u +� > ..� co N O+4 +4 H u +� W O N aJ N a! 1 ^� > H al >. G.L O H a 3 V•r (,� O) r4 d A H a/ O U v 0 • aN N U C u0M $4 60 -0 -0 tO U of O G H G++ N a/ O G -10, u o, N a >,y w d u -� o ++ v C X u cn y O a ±+ 00 a) 00 a! 0 07 eo H G O u a} y L (,j 0 > d ++ O O d G p 37 uE uS mm urn Ha .gyp. H £ H' oa oo CF �+ aL 3 w H H H O ++ O O H H a y z o 0 0 ow a a a a a a o w N O O v1 O O O O O Ln O O co J 11 L" N O N O J 01 .i M n O J N Q` H M .-1 .-1 .-1 .-1 C) 10 N .O In N N N � N x In m T O .-4 N M J vY .O n CO U N N N N N M M M M M M M M M ai O n n n n n n n n n n n n n n A y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N V N N N N N N N N N N N N N N vi o O U 6 MORMEEM •o Y o o � a` C C N cn W O 'A e-1 04Ln Pd N N N N W w d QD Y .ui N ca a a > o w w n a w W a c aD b Y C O M w O n �i o++ '^ > d u o to :3 c1 u. N O Y oo y O m Ln 4a •y ur M M � �•66O u Ln fL Oo U [(�} N O N pPG W lo lo cl Go M M> ` [agW7 CW n u Z N y u .Z 'J N �••1 .••1 ,y L17 W to 'C"; C. N .-1 .••1 61 u u Ln Y o O rn ._.- � N M N MO W) N Y Vl 7 w YY �. ._....._.._... ►o u a M vac y u w C w u O M Y Q y CC o C O Aj w M >, w O •C o H CJ d C Y y M Q7 U y M O o C M u 7 y M F. w u u v .•+ u m C Y d w o C W O p M O lC 44 y u•••� O O 3 Ijj b W o G C V o O m w,C C y O d d Y w Y o d tQ y w w y V y M w C w O M y M w U O W b w u .� O y wE y 3 w W .Op •d 3 •0 9 •E+.M-� 3 ow0 2 oui U•.wi a7 y m .¢.] w b �d c d 7 Y n O O y m m M Y M n p > • U • y w o. Yy 3 y awi U cL a �L'. 3 V) E- E- F F F 3 S x A 3 S O O O M O O O n O P T O O O N O 7 N v1 Ln e•1 N N r•1 N N N N N = o E n e1 .1L T O ri N J v1 IO n c0 uIn J J .? �7 d J �t w o n n n n r r n n n S Z N N N N N N N N N U N N N N N N N N N CITY OF AU SVILLE CITY HALT.-US MAIN STREET AUMSVILLE, OREGON July 10, 1978 Dear Mayor and City Councilmembers: Once again it's that time of year when the corn colored correspondence comes to your desk. It's your yearly oppor- tunity to come to Aumsville and compete in the State Championship city-council TUG-A-WAR contest. The winner keeps the trophy until the next year when they must bring it back to defend their title. This year will be the 5th Annual City Council TUG-A-WAR. Aumsville, of course, has won the Championship Trophy every year. I realize that the tough Aumsville Council has probably scared some of you in the past, but last year, the Stayton Council, not being awed, steeled their nerves, flexed their muscles, and succeeded in "pulling off" the second place trophy. They will be here this year to defend their trophy and attempt to win the State Championship. Those special meetings the Stayton Council has been having this spring were probably used to practice for the TUG-A-WAR. Both councils are now ready for some new group in the "goup". The Corn Festival will be held on August 25, 1978 and the TUG-A WAR will be held' in the early afternoon. We have tried to keep the festival small_, but still provide something of interest to everyone. The.parade starts at 11:00 a.m. and free corn-on-the-cob is served from noon until around 7:00 p.m. If you are interested in participating, please contact the Aumsville City Hall, 749-2030, for rules and a schedule of events. I do want to warn you that tug-a-war competition is THE most physically demanding sport, but it is all done in good fun across a water ("mud") hazard. • So come and compete for the trophy, you Just might "FALL INTO IT!". Sincerely, P19 Joel F. Mathias Mayor of Aumsville i �I OF AU SVILLE CITY NAYS.—595 MAUI SrRSET AUMSVILLE, OREGON. July 10, 1978 •Y ' •fir^:��•!�r�i F• Dear Mayor and City Councilmembers: Once again it's that time of year when the corn colored �• ' correspondence.comes to your desk. It's your yearly oppor- tunity to come to Aumsville and compete in the State _ Championship city-council TUG-A WAR contest. The winner keeps the trophy until the next year when they must bring it back to defend their title. This year will be the 5th Annual City Council TUG-A WAR. Aumsville, of course, has won the Championship Trophy every year. I realize that the tough Aumsville Council has probably scared some of you in the past, but last year, the Stayton Council, not being awed, steeled their nerves, flexed their ` muscles, and succeeded in "pulling off" the second place trophy. They will be here this year to defend their trophy and attempt to win the State Championship. Those special meetings the Stayton Council has been having this spring were probably used to practice for the TUG-A-WAR. Both councils are now ready for some new group in the "goup". The Corn Festival will be held on August 26, 1978 and the TUG-A WAR will be held' in the early afternoon. We have tried to keep the festival small, but still provide something of interest to everyone. The•parade starts at 11:00 a.m. and free corn-on-the-cob is served from noon until around 7:00 p.m. If you are interested in participating, y p p g, please contact-„1�.K,, the Aumsville City Hall, 749-2030, for rules and a schedule of : events. K� -' ' _ I do want to warn you that tug-a-war competition is THE most physically demanding sport, but it is alldone in goody rr fun across a water ("mud") hazard. - So come and compete for;;the �+ trophy, you just might "FALL INTO IT!". waV ;d y". Sincerely, Joel F. Mathias `fx� Mayor of Aumsville J C FINANCIAL STATEMENT EXPENDITURES Date: 'June 30, 1978 OPERATIONAL BUDGET 1977-78 Current Year To Budget Month -Date 1. CO'DIUNITY PROTECTION POLICE SERVICES .1.1 1.1.1 Patrol 336.670 26,510 329,988 1.1.2 Investigation 90,056 7,932 85,315 1.1.3 Communication & Records *8,500 + 95 352=103,8328,450 88.2705 1.1.4 Administration 58 687 4,796 58,709 TOTAL '8,500 + 580,745=589,245 47,688 562,717 PUBLIC WORKS 1.2 1.2,1 Street _Liehtine 42-440 1,686 43,231 1.2,2 Traffic Signing & Marking Sig.6,0004U,575=23,575 6,832 22,553 2,3 Engineering 37,883 3,302 31,087 1 .2.4 Administration & Clerical 16,849 286 6,245 TOTAL -__ 6,000 + 114,747 = 120,747 12,106 103,116 MUNICIPAL COURT 1.3 1,3.1 Arraignments & Trials 11 ,867 1 .042 Q,419 PLANNING AND ZONING 1.4 c 1 ,4.1 Current Planning *770 + 37,685=38,455 5,639 37,732 1.4.2 Advance Planning 1.4.2(1) N.P.O. Program*1 940 + 11,835=13,775 1,525 9,436 1.4.2(2) L.C.D.C., H.C.D., & 701 Programs *1,813 + 43,104=44,917 3,469 35,247 1.4.4 Support Services (Clerical) 12,984 987 11,753 1. .5 Program Admin. 16,551 2,720 17 067 TOTAL *4,523 + 122, 159=126,682 14,340 11 BUILDING INSPECTION & ENFORCEMENT 1.5 1 .5.1 Plan Checking 13.731 1,113 12,598 1.5.2 Field Inspection 45,652 1,646 39,503 -1.5.3 Support Services (Clerical) 8,733 1,254 9,080 1.5.4 Program Administration 10,482 754 8,374 TOTAi. 78 598 4,767 69 5 5 2. HOME AND COMMUNITY QUALITY PUBLIC WORKS 2.1 2.1 .1 Weed Control 3,000 1.400 2 87 5- 2.1.2 Sanitary Service ** 5,000 + 94,157=99 157 19,491 82 476 treets an Roads **102253 + 89,875=100 128 14 690 99,578 1.1.4 Par •sll 24 `552 5,410 + 44,443=50,405=61 650 181,076 59 677 2. 1.5 Storm Water Control**(5,918) + 45,669=39,751 3,949 12,204 2.1.6 Special Protects 30,088 2,529 25,405 2. 1 .7 Ancillary Service 38,684 3 396 34,588 2.1.8 Engineering **(2,492) 35.894=33-407 44Z.1.9 Admin & Clerical �-" 1 �R7a 1A 05t, i � � Insect Control - 15,649 288 6,328 ** 18,640 + * 5,410 + 400,959=425,009 65,698 344.485 EXPENDITURES `'-1te June 30, 1978 OPERATIONAL BUDGET Page 2 1977-78 Current Year To Budget Month Date 3. SOCIAL SERVICES 1,1BRARY 3.1 3. 1 . 1 Technical Services 24.444 5,358 25,338 3. 1.2 Community Services 12,673 1,087 11;929 3.1.3 Operations & Maint. *3,500-+ 3,870=7,370 11574 6,547 3.1.4 Administration 14,314 1,079 13,176 TOTAL *3,500-+ 55,301=58,801 9,098 56,990 YOUTH & AGED SERVICES 3.3 3.3.1 Loaves & Fishes 5 000 234 4,411 3.3.2 Youth Services *7,500 + -0- =7,500 7 500 TOTAL _ - `12,500 234 11,911 4. POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION MAYOR AND COUNCIL 4.1 4.1.1 Policy and Direction 13,812 1,300 10,038 CITY ADMINISTRATION 4.2 7, OQO 4._2,1_ Mann"anent Functions ' '% ,000 + 5.17A= 29,178 1,988 27 575 4.2.2 Staff Functions 720 + 11 ,625=12,345 1,856 11.111 4.2.3 Ancillary Functions 3,164 245 2 691 TOTAL & % 4,720 + 39,967=44,687 4,089 41,377 FISCAL ADMINISTRATION & RECORDS 4.3 _4.3.1 Finance Program 6,200 + 42,308=48,508 7,489 46,647 4.3.2 City Records 19,223 1.395 18.368 4.3.3 Mana£ement Support Services 7,414 618 7,341 r TOTAL 6,200 + 68,949=75.145 9,50Z- 5. 5. CITY WIDE SUPPORT FUNCTIONS NON-DEPARTMENTAL FUNCTIONS 5.1 5.1.1 Legal Services 18,500 2,467 17,221 5.1.2 Insurances 35,650 41.439 5. 1.3 Utilities 64,150 4,647 17,817 5.1.4 Rent 6.525 630 5.600 5.1.5 Postage 6,625 10,127 15,934 Audit 5,400 _ 52460 5.1.7 Memberships 8,153 7 898_ 5.1.8 Codification of Ordinances 1,300 1.467 _5.1.9 Stationery & Supplies 1 100 LAO 5,779 5.1.10 Bldg.& Equip. Mai.nt. & Repair* 800+1_800=2 600 243 5 643 5.1.11 Contractual Services *4,500 + 5,875=10,375 , 5. 1.12 Unemployment Reserve 13,000 ..3,250 13,000 5. 1. 13 Donations 2,000 5.1.14 Publicity & Community Rela 2,500 326 5.1.15 Materials & Supplies 650 62 237 5.1.16 Micro fi16 Program 12,500 5.1.19 Contingecic %*61,189 **(4 006)+ 143,723=157,912 5.1.18 Payroll Wii TOTAL %65,689 %x(46.200)+ 3348,940 28.236 147,993 *Supplemental Budget *-Transfers CAPITAL BUDGET Date' s June 30, 1978 1 Page 3 1977-78 Current Year To Budget Month Date 6, COMMUNITY PROTECTION COMMUNITY PROTECTION 6.1 Sidewalk/Pathway Construction 26.214 4,337 10,273 HOME AND COMMUNITY QUALITY 6.2 :f:Y • Road Acq. & Developmentil,16o -314,000 =j95r Fn 912 13,379 Parks Acq. & Develo mentZU 000+31 584=51 584 57 6.2. 1.5(3) Storm Drainage 109,736 K1,804) 79,203 DIVISION 6.5 Donations 2,000 -0- -0- TOTAL 11,360 *20,000 + 483,534=514,894 3,445 102.912 7. DEBT SERVICE 7.1 General Obliy_ation Bonds 24,000 24,000 7.1.1 General Obligation Bonds (Int.) 2,535 2,534 Unappropriated Balance 21,783 21,783 TOTAL 48,318 4R. -A -7.2 Bancroft Improvement B nds 36,000 25 nnn 7.2.1 Bancroft Improv. Bonds (Int.) 11,345 425 9,257 Unappropriated Balance 115,846 115,846 TOTAL 163,191 425 150.103 TOTAL 201,970 1,843,524 •• Supplemental Budget *115,842 + TOTAL 2,516,594 = 2,632,436 �• �''r FINANCIAL STATEMENT EXPENDITURES Date: 'June 30, 1978 OPERATIONAL BUDGET 1977-78 Current Year To Budget Month Date 1 . COINLMUNITY PROTECTION POLICE SERVICES 1. 1 1.1.1 Patrol 336,670 26,510 329,988 1.1.2 Investigation 90,056 7,932 85,315 1.1.3 Communication & Records *8.500 + 95,332=103,832 8.450 88,705 1.1 .4 Administration 58,687 4,796 58,709 TOTAL %'8,500 + 580,745=589,245 47p688 562,717 PUBLIC WORKS 1.2 1.2.1 Street Lighting 42,440 1,686 43,231 1.2.2 Traffic Signing & Marking Sig 6,000417,575=23,575 6,832 22,553 1.2..3 Engineerin£ 37,883 3,302 31,087 1.2.4 Administration & Clerical 16,849 286 6,245 TOTAL 6,000 + 114,747 = 120,747 12,106 103,116 MUNICIPAL COURT 1.3 1,3.1 Arraignments & Trials 11 ,867 1 ,042 10,419 PLANNING AND ZONING 1.4 1.4.1 Curren_t_Pianning *770 + 37,685=38,455 5,639 37,732 1.4.2 Advance Planning 1.4.2(1) N.P.O. Prokram*1,940 + 11,835=13,775 1,525 9,436 1.4.2(2) L.C.D.C., H.C.D., & 701 Programs x:1,813 + 43,104=44,917 3,469 35,247 1.4.4 Support Services (Clerical) 12,984 987 11,753 1.Z.5 Program Admin. 16,551 2,720 17,067 TOTAL *4,523 + 122,159=126,682 14,340 111.235 BUILDING INSPECTION & ENFORCEMENT 1.5 1.5.1 Plan Checking 13,711 1,113 12,598 1.5.2 Field Inspection 45,652 1,646 39,503 1.5.3 Support Services (Clerical) 8,733 1,254 91080 1.5.4 Program Administration 10,482 754 8.374 TOTAL 78,598 4.767 69,555 2. HOME AND COMMUNITY QUALITY PUBLIC WORKS 2.1 2.1.1 Weed Control 3,000 1,400 2,875''�'^ 2.1.2 Sanitary Service 5,000 + 94,157=99 157 19,491 82,476 Streets an Roa s **10,253 + 89,875=100 128 14,690 , 72.1.4 Parks 11 24-5%552 ::5,410 + 44,443=50,405-61,650 18,076 59 677 2.1.5 Storm Water Control** 5 918 + 45,669=,-9,751 3,949 12,204 2.1.6 Special Projects 30,088 21529 2 ,40 2.1 .7 Ancillary Service 38,684 3,396 34,588-- 2.1.8 Engineering **(2,492) 35,894=33,40 1 ,879 18,05_4 ,2.1.9 Admin. & Clerical 15,649 288 6,328 1.1.11 Insect Control 8,5(1f1 3 300 �ti* 18,640 + * 5,410 + 400,959=425 00� 65.698 344.485 EXPENDITURES Dat_- June 30, 1978 OPERATIONAL BUDGET Page 2 1977-78 Current Year To Budget Month Date 3, SOCIAL SERVICES LIBRARY •3.1 3.1,1 Technical_ Services 24,444 5,358 25,338 3.1,2 Community Services 12,673 1,087 11;929 3.1.3 Operations & Maint. -;3,500 + 3,870=7,370 1,574 6,547• 3.1.4 Administration 14,314 1,079 13,176 TOTAL %3,500 + 55,301=58,801 9,098 56,990 YOUTH & AGED SERVICES 3.3 3.3.1 Loaves & Fishes 5,000 234 4,411 3.3.2 Youth Services *7,506--+ -0- =7,500 7,500 TOTAL _ _ 12,500 234 11,911 4. POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION MAYOR AND COUNCIL 4.1 4.1. 1 Policy and Direction _ 13,812 1,300 10,038 CITY ADMINISTRATION 4.2 4._2.1 Management Functionsl'O9�P�,000 + 5 178= 29,178 1,988 27,575 4.2,2 Staff Functions 720 + 11,625=12,345 1,856 11,111 4.2.3 Ancillary Functions 3,164 245 2,691 ,TOTAL & **4,720 + 39,967=44,687 4,089 41,377 FISCAL ADMINISTRATION & RECORDS 4.3 4,3,1 Finance Program 6,200 + 42,308=48,508 7,489 46,647 4.3,2 City Records 19,223 1,395 18,368 4_.3,3 Management Support Services 7,414 618 7,341 TOTAL 6,200 + 68,945=75,145 72 35�_ 5. CITY WIDE SUPPORT FUNCTIONS NON-DEPARTMENTAL FUNCTIONS 5.1 _5.1.1 Legal Services 18,500 2,467 17,221 5.1.2 Insurances _ 35,650 41,439- 5.1.3 1 4395.1.3 Utilities 64.150 4,647 17,817 5.1.4 Rent 6,525 630600 5.1.5 Postage 6,625 10 127 15 934 ,600 Audit ,400 , 5.1.7 Memberships 8.153 7 3 898 5.1.8 Codification of Ordinances 1,300 1.447 5.1.9 Stationery & Supplies 1,100 3,6605,779 5.1.10 Bldg.& Equip. Maint. & Repair;:::800+1,800=2.600 2.437_ 5 643 5.1.11 Contractual Services ':4,500 + 5,875=10,375 Z`- 5.1.12 Unemployment Reserve 13,000 3.250 13,000 5.1.13 Donations 2,000 5.1 .14 Publicity & Community Rela, 2,500 326 5.1.15 Materials & Supplies 650 62 237 5.1.16 Microfilm Program 12,500 5.1.19 Contingency ::61,189 **(47,006)+ 143,723=157,912 j 5.1.18 Payroll WH i TOTAL *65,689 46.200)+--37-9.451=348,940 28,236 147_.993 *Supplemental Budget i **Transfers qj "r CAPITAL BUDGET Date June 30. 1978 Page 3 1977-78 Current Year To Budget Month Date 6. COMMUNITY PROTECTION COMMUNITY PROTECTION 6.1 Sidewalk/Pathway Construction 26 2 4.337 10 273 HOME AND COMMUNITY QUALITY 6.2 Road Aca. & Develovmentlx'•~ 912 13,379 36C?'314 000 =�?5 Parks Acq. & Develo ment*GU 000+31 584=51 584 97 Storm Drainage 109,736 (1,804) 79,203 DIVISION 6.5 Donations 2,000 -0- -0- TOTAL * 11,360 *20,000_ + 483,534=514,894 3,445 102.911. 7. DEBT SERVICE ` 24,000 7.1 General Obli ation Bonds 24,000 2,534 7.1.1 General Obligation Bonds (Int.) 2,535 Unappropriated Balance 21,783 21,783 TOTAL 48.3184R,317 3.2 Bancroft Imvrovrmenr Bondj 16,000 ?s,nnn 7.2.1 Bancroft Improv. Bonds (Int.) 11,345 425 9 257 Unappropriated Balance 115,846 115 846 TOTAL 163,191 425 150,103 TOTAL 201,970 1,843.524 • rs; i * Supplemental Budget *115 842 + TOTAL 2 516 594 = 2,632,436 i • i •.-1 H � I W) vl O HEY C I S. in o R C OD j O ; N n O C7 O U $4Ln .-1 Y O c0 O"a YC } Ln N N 0% O co W .D N N O •-1 w X N O O In co O J w co N n L'M N U S J M n O% N .--1 co .d i +.•y N O to O CO O S Q` N N w C C, .D th a� U , a7' S N D.u) Bw o co co a,..I ; , � � � i CHI-0 ,�.�I cn N O J a, J O o W J O S. O W cS W N n.. c O O co W' ull n• Ln c4 c•1 .n N' Ln co S t+1 .0 0' o J O 4 7, Lq M W N' N_ O N In .1C d bU Q O w w a �4 Y 14 W N co co �w E• co p co w O 7 S' otiP aw o; Ln N?.+ to U) Y 41 7 F'b ao ID a. w � n n •„� n O•. In N Olca-o N J J O S vl .-1 -n a, N wl 01 a+ w M, ' .N N C W ^•• N tlD P ent• Ln N N w tJ•11` N 1 .1 p t7 I SO N S 1 co O C� O c'1 C,' ao J: en O' o C, O+ Cn It M Ln r 1 'n .n C 6 c nl a, n .� .� o' N cn o m o s In n 01 co w J cn .o M w.4TI QO! N •-1 to l ."-1 Cl w' O n Cl N N L' u1 .o Ln J vl P1 .a N• 1n cn N -+ .-f In n 01 f� �•• In n CO N N n In OnP J Ln Q` [O a. W O S n CO N p M t1 1 � H U w 0 4 C 1 u H eo u) o d oo w y d b o w p b N a m ' vo o ° o C a v cn EN-' L +O.' aI .d q w > H E • - .C > sl M H >p W m i0 at m C w H O w O. UW �L G O o w C3 L) Y w • U O H w .. H W ++ M d V H O O W M O r • CN7 U W % x w a' C L u L d to C M " d o M cL f 6 @ A >, tT 7 E E3 M Y ' L H M •T q Y ' U H Q VW� ~ C.to W w W �I 1>.�, O M .o • U w Y Y U a v O 6 'O e0 U H m w �0 u > O M V L H C l0 b w H 'd .-a A M w O w H W G Y H co w 3 H w w 7 W 'O C M3 W ,C Y H p ¢ .0 w w d O Y -o w H w c0 7 w W M O E. vl�,: 6 > O U C C +• U w X .4 cA fn O O � 1 '3 V a, 4 { V a E- H a 6 V M z Q q w a� 41 eU L ❑ O O HEA a a O O w G A a CHO �i n 10 J ob +0G n O J ' H 0o a a N X N O O n O) r N •� ep eT O O O eC N N �? 00 O J N M N L d w u d C C eT G eT O u1 cl N S 7 In In fn Q w 2 H N eh 'o A N'O coco A v1 M co •.D J d W %DOw n co b co O w w %D - In r°a t. . N N N r Cl y C n ca N d C O O H M N 6.W en P1 Itl U 0 O av AJ co a v owo N M+"1 a H m�yO W F C7 4 N W toP. W x w oo m H V -0-0 ow W .�z v ° w X W.0 aoo V etl fn N W r u'f N to t�1 ..4 H C M C m eU eJ H D - In b > O W rf .c n w oUG FCii � •.� m a _ C W J c n In en lO N n � S co' .-e t1 d O�• O -1 0 v. N O '+ N u1 O m In t'1 N N Ol O O O N lD .O N .D S �D en e0 O O g v Q N S r O J v1 a` p Ln ' OD .4 O co N n O ep a6 u1 O N Y F N S I W eel d w H O ; H a N N V y entd N N Y N E A N J O 'O •-� O cd ed N N I U A W d C O �✓. W T d e1' d N 'd w N tVi e0 `�En a 0. N N N M L' X W j d b v'1 .-1 v1 py d u p to 4)W H j a u C J N ICY N d 7 X U 'p I co > -4 .-1 H N N y N .-1 W N d YW G: d N p C X ++ aG H c1qq L d d H A A L'sO o W o U O b F • 1a-1 °' W H y S V T � W y W SC.e.°i .Ci u o W Y v .moi p b ++' bar w a: u > ai ° E o A d ++ ? F a ° +1 H C a >'O d u ,.1-w. .1 Ri C C +� NH W N e9 W H C C N M M w O H M O w eL b M to eU ttl a O L 'O cl N r6 W L C H W eh > C C41 6 0 0 2 co° 3 a ca 1�1 V w a,_.U oo V H ' co 0 M N N•Gj Grar F F CJ N CJ tnca < �W bo F N F-oi Lr .. baraF X d >14 mr� 7 P. cin 0 H a �+ u''o b � xi,, •ai cai Oa.1 CO N - q y N V W .. {qt�TSa a 47 C', � W W p J 6qO cn E S.- w D W N !! � 1 Ln �•/ d OD co rad 0aarwa I o ' V 0 waNa i w Ln t- co 0o J r- O10 O: w t.y. N O n N. T' w d w N Il In N Go i •O .�+ en N• N'. O m N O N d I � Jen ofI u'1 co Ill .D 'I; D• O C •p 1 n 'd •D Q• N N1 O ••-� '. coGO .•+ n' CO •O = N Vl p O O O w C7i J 0 N Y'f GO �D n N! Com' t Mv O4. .�pD N .-1 . •D .-1 .-1 n. !'7 N! N n -ur:4) O, D• •D co T �' �N' cn JN � N O .•-1 o V i 34 ca N N Y a M a A p a v W13 14 i m O v O a •• I '0' N 0 6 14 U) O H•XdFi �aiF .aF uu ai • or oo V m riF 0 ar F .E••� y 7 u 93 uw W h M 0 a ud aai 937 co amu > > > acu W H m v 0 > o +� a .0 p F ? F -cl Z. v H a a tn r'n v, yr cay F a w aNdc"r G a v 'o s. H o A < o a oo °° ° o PwY .a .iuU d u c o > cn Gn 1= W to% • O i car a -oi yr V V O -vi w W at o H a0 .a i ~ 41 ! e7 d y 7 7 P 1' m ie o o C M7 d W H a 3 W q nl) i d vI W 7 vw, 0 i d.d o 0 00 ,c co 000 O V3 w w Ccn co rn 60 a o F a w d etl•.1 W t O O Ln V ��..M 1 41 `G J H H W o.w wQ lu N n o 3 P ,-9 4A 1 0 C) q H Ca C),:i �' � tinv •`' w 1 ti g In W p•v W F4 La co CO s N O tl v d „ N H J �,ETzy+y I H N I d OD i 04 cs O W Hd 0 H N ' V W a ca __ .. J ^ co mro ^o s c C) co N O, InN W N � , f O� .O J n O cd en O O: di eb V Q co O en en enM w J N N' 0 C4 O w O W r4 OD' J N eA v O N O W N a0 a0 O co T O e71en a` O 0 %0 N N V ^e qt W •• d arj > 4 4i Y W T !+ u u C w 44 W V O.d O.U eD C L O f1 El N J r� d bo O.+ �O •.•e O M FY .'�•e N Lt N d Y' d u V2 ci w t0 w d d C O. q C x H > q > W d a •o •C7 > tq� 14 6 M C W c W F H 6 H 10 44 C3 O q q d d 4+ d q 1 q 1 v 0, 4VH O R � Wp O O -n gg W d aW4 d +i •O 0 4J00 00W y u O q O 4, 10 H q S. . 1 L.3O w >C O q q w . V N O.to N.4 Iq Cc A .:F y tae Y p0. H H H H q .•rI p H M H V V V H i w aqi 14 t64 4)o G i o a WIV p 3 a 3 m w M d ai H ? O d d W T e0 b M O H 1-4 O N N y ti rn en a a O gq j Infn . en In en II-,E- a I 0 to ACI t01 H 0 0 -.4 f , .t 1 q N la G e w 4t I I _ .. I H S i cn N : cl oa i N N /M 11 4 C.7 a Aj C. a u N O 1 r O H H u o.w W aui q O c1 i cn W O O d �.I o 41 t c0 y ani'. Ina cM a, wr co ' I 0 u j o In + 7t u•cf t ! ' a N a d a i j a H4 N H 1Aj/Hi i W i i n N O a ti ni t i /pw H qM 7 u u H 7 4 ^a W I n • v;cae Lo J! J} J l o J o �••1 •J . .•1 N J' Imo{ O O• CJ' 1� Q% Co a b co. In, Nco' n. w J a. 93 pp .-1 �O .D r .•-1 q o W cen m4 coi a: v. J d J JI, Of JI O. o ao d O rn nN ' rn co O �+ N J. n 01 M o.4 �Q N N, 071 O:I O Cl v O i M 1 i i ul H CS V o M u2 i { N N u 7 O. N O w W O lA +i Cl a o i O. o M o H vj •O V W C 7 V .G MM •c7 H 7 JC 01 C v +j I ' C E+ E C d o > a .� °' °o I a9 9z x M > e w to a 7 F { d P I W a N u -o ou, z u m ' 'a { ,a,w a W M W H a H W a H H W p w u v d m y w A.I u o x +� o wa x V V O o a O W O V w z a aHiHA o orz w G Q V 0 f - C7 a N J P rn lo j, a 5w i lo f ; I o tow i Ln 0 L, O In � W+Ct W 1 N S tc 1 Ij O b O auc� c ; i a v Q o cd ►a _ - - 4 4j W N N u O.O I j c0 • vulva v u J p I 0�•� I 1 I I t N N n v u 4-s i ao r, W s H M � N N N 94 W p4 w c3 93 v HC-A C � i c0 co c0 .O Q b a W I I oo ... �f W O4 to j .D, O...WaPD t0 .••f. O'. rte; V1; Tc0 .p n' .O: S N; .n, T,. cl, O r'u 1`l T rn O j O n b y w, w w H C N. nl O ...! O•'. .O' .-r'' O ..•/ N n N .n .n N I - f cl d 0 I ( I M W OC �rn..::. O�!.. [O,, eN1� J Ov� OI •.OrI ud1 vn1. NOa+1 OP Oo co vrl tn .n oll oyIO• - w 1 � OIO; w " O N N n . td.JV .o. JZj •••f-. .C+.•T.•ai:.' OOOS PnNe+11 �JJ•f -. i - f N 1 I N C •' +t o C 7 H d c O N C u i °' N ► w o u a w °� > Y H to I { o� utx `�+ " ,,,.t d { O q u u w W b H M c3W 1 I u o6 zW H H V O • - L' H o a a u rr a .t a A w C u v u u u o aij H I •.1 H .8 a Y H x Z W O O a O. C JG R. i+ C y y u si ai u W W » u a+ % O u % 5 cv P m o a a a, w t4 w o w u•• z ae v I o C H W H ! +t O C 6 n 0 G W H H H C +� o .-t .4 u H [.r% i v +t b tx1 O H H u u o N o a a H u s }t g Hp ►a d w w d N u H y W W d u .di wC.t ..Ci N 6 .••� U 6 yW �+ Q w d C H H u O a M a b a+ H H tY a a o +t O M .•+ M C .••� H -a O ',+� u b M O O m H H L' n C t1 H O. H H u ra w w a w go a c'ti w x col o. . w E u 7 O - 0l qA UC9 - CO O ¢ i f i �., . t0 N N U v q q � , . • UN 01 U3 6 w I I I � d•O 3 q � I 6 t k Co ..4 co b O u q u.4 q•o a1 v v q H N CJ dW c0 U A O N a ' o ami ,� v '+1 d M •rl N N H N V P4 1 • 9-4 i C7�. H b �p - N p� N O W q C4 w 'n w V H du -.. 43 �0A N 01 as 11 N L � .p N HO A W I •d 0) 6054 0) 0) H 7 U W d•OC W I .-+ M 4 N ul V1 co H q t1 .4 0)w co O � f I 0/ O M' t1 N �? N N, �i ca w H o4 I i q H O V v! q y w .°� 7 H H co e0 V1 t t q q m E V W w E'N .0 O 4] tq > X 0! o O +1 14 N M 01 y N 0) I d 41 V L W � W M w d w O ..] H W C G d ar U w A b a 7 a 8 �•+ F q •O .4 > W w > > w E- E' O O X d m w w > > A A W >. W m W >0 > O a� OG .G AV 7 pq u u C7 u H a `� vOi N N m n q m c 01 0! H 01 O) H O. d : •0) H 07 0) ++ C: H U q f� U b H O. 0 O1 7 b0 7 +� q 0! o u u G, q C 0f •9) E v � 0/ • m O o q e0 O' q 0 •v eo .o a O .0 q N y ..+ .G p. p. O fA V r7 to V x W fn V) V V 0 u R1 W Rl O ca rL H E- Y � D . ru .0 o 0 G OD O U Hcu CD 0 a { M N Y b u d G G O ei n N w .. r N' 00 M 14 P . g W " w " a t` 11'l ,--1 r .Ll O G ? to y W I I Y10 I V Gep j.4 G b I � CD S C3 N W G Pl w a Nil O a ' '0 iWC H t1 O W �..� • m H N .p T<QY to V W •� C H co a co v � y O d G co < N U) N MO - . w ! i �o m ti C w w Has G •� wp�eai i HG ' coy n' � C� P �. O , Q w i I v � , 1 ` { I Of O P 1" O OO N 93 CnI O a0, N Go" en O O O .t . CL 10 J P 00 C L) ►4. cbo .. { Y.1 Y N M d Y Y M M .,G-1 4'.ti > Y W N N u V E Y E Y G ai w O w w EGi w e0 u w ep d a u ea.u e0 M H N O, F E en u W j d 00 m Y O w•e O+e Y O a, O N C: 03 ula+ ,4 ate+ w b C W W u �Ct w N ed w O W 0 wG a G O �C "4m E > N > m d G b V > N N q. W O V d M O..e a,+ H d G G b G N H 6 �P. " O e8 o O G O O GO O' etl w � ~ < 7 OI N u u Y a v M N w G G V G o W -4 ..d > E E y ep p O O O ••� G d y ep eU m Q Y e>a L ee Gn H +� G ye Y O 0) 6 O d u L] N H m H ca O W G O d d W > pp V y W O p' Y pup H H H H b 0) ;+4 Gq HgOg H3 Hupi YWeri H V 7 OuW > 60ON tH A W N O G Y G G O O 0 T co MW pp M V HO V H O H H O � H N y y h N O. Pa O w 5 V CL H H 41 a 7 S 41 . i . H • eu�o en N W i N e0 r n In W M W r cn 41 O p O It U O 4J rl {t�7yG O d ai R i r I v1 H a O Q O wJ q7,. cd H Lt ctl U-0 91 a oua+ v n I � .�C '�••1 tU M 0 a W 41 co to U P. H tu�Eyyy.7 P4 R co xW 11 ; V y n y� N N , Hy W � n H 4 0 60 M d 4 i { n wc�ev�i _ � I ..e H C ( co ep p W y en d ! I h w a n C7 i 1 N I+ N er} «+ y a 'O U N 14 O' F d M N LOiw 6 W % C� 41 C o0i H w V W +; d O o i 6 O j +t e0 • OCr 7 OtI` Y. d FH 14 O ..seOie Lp a3 a > ood Cm °y F a o 94 u z N tZep to uw +t w Kd Hes ZWF M H CS H N p . [t>yy .G at .a ar > i. ci er• a� u .-e E.. • PG R � � � � N H aAe u O % � O 1 M al Lt'o i J 1 vii 6 � 14 1 � �'� f I N • co 60 7 { �- '- cx 1°° ,aa w' cn C 93 M4 Cb { II Itl a c� a w al C7 ° t + I { tz o 1 `a� auiqj W ►°'.c oc3 w 1 ; 1 � WuA. '. i { ca V t : HI ' w i r�°w ! f W t.o _ �..._ u .+ 41 E 14 W In aA7 CO H y E W Z W IV bo cif d d 14 v w oe c co O, -:r 17 co.p O J t'l .O; O n1 O W O t"1 J J J 1.1 a co O O: M ly w N O t/l N v1 J O�. c0 on T N J IN I �O .O V d na•• { i � � 1 o � p pC. Q y. a d 7 d W W' M u r y11 I a. N�WWC yqNq s, cD O 'O C a M C cc V Q I V i of V u u m H X W a°i u d C .G o. N C v 9i T W a°4 O W uv H xx V V a M M FFd 'p W aa X W Ol Ol 6t 0.i W r� W ep M M b a W U °W ..1 C 43 a •o < .•� .07 tFi w F w w zoo w s'i u w w o. f. In < .-a• w cG' zvC '`� H ' � �d Es �smaHCHCwd Wo � E hiO .i —4 o w Ou. a a z co w zo w C% ' e40,1011,Iii;BUM Tigard, OR. July 11 , 1978 1''O: Z,i brar% ?nard City Council C`PI: Head Librarian s.iECT : T•�onthly Report, June 1978 i 1 . Administration: a. The first Governor' s Conference on Lihrary and In- formation Services was held in Salem, July 1 and 2. Aldie Howard was one of the delegates from Washington County. A2 resolutions dealing with Oregon' s library and information needs were passed. Delegates to attend the White House Con- ference in 1979 were selected. b. The Library Goard held its regular meeting on June 13. Minutes are attached. C. The rental lease for 1978-79 was signed =_nd filed June 26, 1978. d. -At the request of the Librarian the Police Chief has instituted a spot check schedule for evening hours. Recently there have been several individuals in the Library during lat-e hours who have Mxxa shown evidence of intoxication or unusual behavior. It is believed that the si..ht of a patrol- man walking through the Library will discourage such persons from loitering or intimidating staff members. Staff have been instructed to notify the police if someone does not behave in an accepatable m=.:prier and to notify the dispatcher at closing time. C. Librarian attended the 'v+ashir.;ton Cooperative Library Services professional board meeting July 28, Hillsboro Library. Of interest: Librarian will serve on committee designated to develope goals and objectives for WCCLS in 1973-79. Librarian was also designated to serve on committee to study adminis- tration of community libraries. 2. Personnel : a. A second CETA summer youth, Penny Lakso, began working fulltime on June 28. Sandra Thorne, CIL'ITA youth who began last summer, continuing; through the winter part-time, is also working; fulltime on the summer program. b. Gilma. Adamson, CETA trainee, finished her six-month pro-ram and will not be continuing with CETA. This has also caused cessation of the Spanish class she conducted. C. Volunteer hours totaled 127. 5, averaging 4.9 hours per day. Two new volunteers have started, Sally Furness and Anne . Nichol. This will make an active total of 12 volunteers. d. Two persons assigned community service by Washington County Court we-e accepted. Each must fulfill 50 hours. C. Karrin Hawes attended a workshop on cataloging audio- Crisual materials at University of w+ashingt, Seattle, on June =:nd 13. Library i,. rthly Report, June 1978 - 2 3 . Statistics: a.. Circula s ion 7189 Adult 45-17 Magazines 250' Other 1 juveriLle 2196 A-V 1 »1 Tnterlibr•cry T,oan 82 County 81 Other 35 b. User. Card,: Tssun:I 138 in `"own 81 Out of Town 57 C. Average attev.dance at prenrams: Story Hour. 28 per week (two sessions per. week) Spanish 13 --per week ( :wo sessions per week) Summer Progrrn (8-12 year olds) 7 d. ' Books Zdded t� the collection 325 Adult Fic ?8 Juvenile Fic 58 Adult Von-Pic 156 Juvenile .ion-Fio 44 adult Paperback 40 e. Matf;ri :il.s withdrawn 531 f. ' Money received: 'Fi nes 85.00 Jnr_ZtioDs :x.07 Lose, . ook:�j 1.45 it P.' " -IM June 23 and 24 the children' s summer pro;rams began. '­i3oy Best -eve permission to use their vacant area as a t'^uAmer nark. " Public Works cut down the tall. weeds an-] a rew of A-1; ,year-olds finisher cle<ini::g to make it suitable for nu tdonr activities. The children pai -ited and erected a si t;n naming; the 'area "Tintinabulations Park" ( the summer theme) . 0r. June 25 a. hicycl.e workshop vas conducted in the park, in- structing the children on bike safety, maintenance and repair. Other activities in the park are planned for the summer. c.�`TGf:�'ii ?:i 'i;'+?R'✓ ::r June 13, 11978 ntfi c. �h., reg=ul }„ r*�e t;in- f ; t.e '^.i.' Jrc? T:i nr.ary Board 1.1 t . (.ia1.J W 1,,-2C: 111.(-'d tai C'r' F'r r/.: 'T:) . 1'!1! n?^nt:em Don J T.CObS Fi 7 .!i' `�v0'.:nE? �'UCld?.f:I New Boa.?'Cl r a e rnlck, w,-uz introduced . t:. . 1�LY�U`.C'S 7 rr n Tl••.� i n_7; l�c> Fr vier= pproved . i1%1nCle Jtiml.P,_ that she �``.11l 1T�tiP, i�1?atC the m?.tier of obtaining a revel-of cony of the Library fru: tee Iiewsletter. . The Librarian distribute,i copies of the Capital Beed-s of Libraries in + ashi.ngton County to Provide Public Library Service in 20010 A.D. (hereinafter referred to -Ts, the Stryker Report) . ,L'nT?lC•`i of th:� aer-l.al l.-.vy F'l.P^.tlo T t;: were were al.:-,o ri i.:-tri buted . IE)'"/ ;1.%�i1T1eSi: 1 t wlcl:i anriouric,'(] that `.iLiTlj'1y hours hr-,,%,C been SU.,;perded for th.r? :;unmet. . Use of `he Library Play 14 and 21 dirt riot warT•ant continuation. ])enend.in€T on :>`af. `' aVa11 -Tb111'ty , ;;unday hours may be reinstituted i.n the fall . The Li.brari:.Tn informed the Board th=:.t the City Administrator.- Would be recommending a ;' 1000 cut in the book budget for 1978-79 as part of the city ' s effort to balance the budget. It was decided that the Library could still. offer its present _level of service, but it 4lould be requested that the Librarian make the cut in various; line items at her c)isc:retion. There was di^cussion on the Stryker Report. Don Jacobs,tho-e term ended with this, meeting, was recognized by the Board and the Librarian for his lora; and. concerned service as a Board Member. Meeting; adjoi:rned at 9:00 -P.M. aesj,c:ctfull.•y Submitted, rens rrtell. ,'lrn^owed .s^ corre�ed: POLICE DEPARTMENT CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT FOR MONTH OF JUNE 19 78 DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONNEL ------------------AVERAGE -------------------------- ------ _ NU_MERICAL_S'T_R_ENGTH DAILY A.BSENC:E � ___AVERAGE__E:'PF_._G_1_I1'_ESI_R_E_N_G_I_H_ End of -Same -- This Same - This I Last Same this Month Month Month 1-IonthI Month M�•nth Month Last Last I Last Year Year Year TOTAL PERSONNEL 28 24 13.0 10.2 15,0 16.0 13.8 -- -------------- ------- ---------- -------I ------- CHIEF'S CHIEF'S OFFICE 2 2 .7 .7 1.3 .9 1.3 - --- ----- ------- --------- ------- ------- ------------ SERVICES DIVIS. 7 6 2.6 2.7 4,4 4.3 3.3 PATROL DIVISION 15 13 --- 8.0 ---5.9 7.0 7.5 7.1 - ----- ------ - ------- ------ -------- TRAFFIC DIVIS. 2 0 .9 0 1.1 1.3 �- - 0 INVEST. SECTION 2 31.0 --1.2- --2.1 --_-2.0 - ---- FORCE ONE 13 11 5.8 4.2 7.2 7.5 6.8 FORCE TWO _ 8 ----- 8_---- 3.4 _3.9__ I 4.6 4.8 4.1 FORCE THREE - 7 - 5 ---3.8 _ 2.1 _--3.2 _-3.7- ---- 2.9---- CHANGES IN PERSONNEL DAILY AVERAGE PATROL. STRENGTH -- 1. Present for duty end of last month 28-- 8 ------------- ------------------------------------------- I This S"mc Month 2. Recruited during month - p ...............-;_Month Last Ycar 3. Reinstated during month --p- 1. Toral number field ---- officers 17 13 -------- ------ --------------- Tota to account for -28 2. Less Agents As-,is- 4. Separations from the service: ned to Invcsti at. 0 0 (a) Voluntary resignation 0 3. Avczake daily abs- (b) Retirement p enccs of field off- icer, owing to: (c) Resigned with charges pending _0 (a) Vacation, susp- ension, days off, (d) Dropped during probation 0 comp. time, (e) Dismissed for cause 0 (b) Sick b Injured _.3__ I (f) Killed in line of duty 0 (c) Schools, etc. -_,6 - 1.0 _ -` -- (g) Deceased p Total average daily 5.9 - - -=_= Tota absences 8.9 separations 0 4. Available for duty _ 8.1 7.t 5. Present for duty at end of month 28 -- --- --------- Pae. onf- s fes.... i. TIGARD POLICE DEPARTMENT Monthly Report I. Calls for Service: This Month 604 Year to Date 3.441 A. Obligated Time 1,085.2 B. Non-Obligated Time 965.3 it. PART I CRIMES No. Cleared Arrests A. Homicide B. Rape _ C. Robbery — 1 D. Assault 7 5 _ 4 E. Burglary 12 2 2 F. Larceny 37 9 2 G. Auto Theft 6 Totals 62 17 8 III. PART II TOTALS 52 28 27 TOTAL - Part I and II 114 _ 45 35 1V. TOTAL PERSONS CHARGED: 35 a. Adult Male 23 C. Juvenile Male 5 b. Adult Female 1 d. Juvenile Female 6 V. WARRANTS SERVED 5 VI. TOTAL PROPERTY LOSS $ 17,416.28 _____TOTAL PROPERTY RECOVERED $ 3,784.50 VII. TRAFFIC a. Accidents Investigated 35 Injury Accidents 11_Fatal_0`_ b. Citations: VBR (Speeding)_18 Yield Right of Way 8 _ Following too Close- .9 Red Light 25 Stop Sign 1 Improper Turn 0 _ Reckless Driving_ 0 Careless Driving_4 '--Driving Under the Influence 6 — Driving While Suspended_ 6_Other Hazardous 15 Non-Hazardous 62 Total Hazardous 92 C. Enforcement Index 8.36 d. Traffic Enforcement Totals Citations: This Month This Year 154 Year to Date 1P31 This ;•Sonth Last Year 113 Last Year to Date 631 1,arninps: This %onth This Ycar 13_1_Year to Date_ 725_ This Month Last Year- 57 Last Year to Date 345 NOTE: - Part I Crimes (;•fajor Crimes) Clearance Rate 27.4% �,Y - Part II Crimes (Minor Crimes) Clearance Rate 53.8% TIGARD POLICE DEPARTKEh'T - SIX MOUTH Report I. Calls for Service: 3,441 A. Obligated Time 7,679.6 _ B. Non-Obligated Time 69244.7 II. PART I CRIMES No. Cleared Arrests A. Homicide 2 B. Rape 3 2 C. Robbery 7 2 -- D. Assault 33 _ 23 E. Burglary 67 - 9 F. Larcenv 287 75 48 G. Auto Theft 20 8 4 Totals =- 4I7 -— --=2 3 9===-= _-7 7-___— III. PART II TOTALS ^'` 398 227 200!_ TOTAL —Part I and II 815 346 277 IV. TOTAL PERSONS CHARGED: 277 a. Adult Male _ 131 C. Juvenile Male _92_ b. Adult Female 23 d. Juvenile Fe^ale 31_ V. V ARRANTS SERVED 36 VI. TOTAL PROPERTY LOSS $ __123,262t20___ TOTAL PROPERTY RECOVERED $39,800.28 VII. TRAFFIC a. Accidents Investigated 238 Injury Accidents 61 Fata10 b. Citations: VBR (Speeding) 178 Yield Right of Fray 51 Following too Close_30 Red L=ght 167 Stop Sign 20 Improper Turn 30 Feckless Driving_ 2 Careless Dr ivirg_48_Driving '.' icer- the Tn_`1',cnce_76_- Driving While Suspended 38 Other Hpzardo :s- 87- Non-lFazardous 304 Total Vazardous - 727 1 C. Enforcement Index 11.92 d. Traffic 7n`orcem.ent Totals Citations: --- 1,031--- 725 Part I Crl"C's (Va;cr C__--.es) Clea_ance Fate - _ 28.5 - _. - - _ '%`• ?2Tt 1= Cr- r'� (" ''�'Ur Cr_—cs) Clearance Fite_ 57.0x st g VIII. TRAINING A. Graduation. Officer Jim Hedstrom graduated from the Police Academy on June 9, receiving his basic certificate. Jim was in the top ten per cent of his class, again bringing honor to our department. The graduation was attended by Chief Adams and Lt. Rea. IX. PUBLIC RELATIONS A. Lt. Rea gave a talk to 10 adults at the Metzger Methodist Church on how to protect their children. This talk was on June 4, and lasted 2 hours. B. On June 7, Officer Chuck Martin also gave a neighborhood talk on child safety to 5 adults. His talk lasted 1 hour. C. The Chief and Lt. Rea attended a Highway Committee meeting at the Hi Hat Restaurant on June 22. This meeting lasted 2-1/2 hours. D. Then Lt. Rea later that evening attended a Washington County Law Enforcement Council meeting, lasting 3 hours. E. On June 28 and 290 Officer Chuck Martin met with over 100 adults, giving instructions on women's self protection and defense. This class was for 4 hours, and was held at the Latter Day Saints Church. 4i i f 10665 S. W. Pathfinder Way Tigard, Oregon July 13, 1978 Raeldon Barber City Administrator T' y of Tigard Pard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr: Barber: Recently I had the occassion to be discussing with you and other City staff regarding a parcel of land owned by the City of Tigard that ajoins my residential property in the Pathfinder addition (Tax Lot 1000). The City of Tigard's parcel of land is known as tract 'C' of the Pathfinder addition and bound on it's North side by S. W. Fonner Road, the West side by a parcel of land owned by Yolo Estales which I understand is to be dedicated to the City, on the South side by Pathfinder Way, and on the East side by my tax lot. (See enclosed map). I am respectfully requesting that the City of Tigard declare tract 'C" surplus land and therefore vacated so that I might have the opportunity to purchase this small parcel and have it added to the tax rolls in conjunction with my parcel , tax lot 1000. I desire to purchase tract 'C' for the following reasons: 1. To establish a small garden plot for personal use only. 2. To construct a wood patio deck to accomodate sliding glass patio doors already constructed on the West side of my home without have to secure a property line side variance. 3. To landscape and beautify or otherwise enhance the visual appearance of this parcel . Any encumberances, right-of-ways or other easements the City wishes to maintain or impose on tract 'C' will not be cause of concern or objection on my part. I am not familiar with all the procedures and/or processes that are involved in the possibilities that I might acquire tract 'C' but would welcome the opportunity to cooperate with the City in any way in allowing my request to be granted. If there are any questions or concerns regarding this request, please contact me at your convenience. Until then, I shall await your return communication. spectfuly submitted, Ro r C. walt . ,.�,� ,��• CANCELLED TAX LOTS . � 5' ?0.272/OOTR.A5200TR;•d; � "C:53OOTP"O':5400TR"E�', � e00,1104,500,410,504 e CITY OF TIGARD } P.O. Box 23397 12420 S.W. Main a° Tigard,Oregon 9722 STREETT- 2 - \ 0 -F� 1t0 �� 1•— 1 IGO 20 r ISS 100 1 ` 200 .39 Ac. 1�4 107 o+ 2 '^ ('� f 31 n 0 I00 ` .4 30•- /O 120.0 j 96.0 ti� '' • 106 ° 103 105 15 .36Ac. UAr` .5?. Ac. 0002 `" 1�4 ; I 102 O 20 i w OAC. c u. 9 elf TRACT "C11 82.5' h00 J J5Ac. � ,415 /•�,� SS "�_ , 9 A .rrr/ a 62 d -� gZ o'Se. \ 1100 to ^ � s-- QIP\0 c, c, m rn 1 ,r i 1n u 2 L dy ✓ � L oi� 82 ` g5 10.% R ,�zs AV 1200' o� -� a'o c6 y° c; `fRACTlrprr GF�� 1°O\ Z�j O s O / 1"X'50' Its• r/.: �� 1300 _vj%j"7 SEE MAP J'1 •;y � J O\ o a x 1400 'o,► 42S I 28C � °o � 4 ,�•y\5 . a.as� .� ...�.:' 110 C; 5 t j o o' TRACT 3' -,•,•`\ :;, J � / / (� "_`+% 171.52 :! - >^i"" l`'��5''? ti, IS 39 51 T4—E -a 41 yq e i 100.22 Sze�� Q�• X2600 o� ZL �;i=30 5000 = N� X09 6 o .. °a 17 2800 0 40 - u r„C Z o s� 2500 '*coo X41. `�o,m� 18 — 98.91 .: 1 2400p - 16 c;\ �b Z90 4900 N89 5I 14 E ; - ,1.� -. •.- p '\ 0� yK>' `'o 45.13R�o �-- 4900 CO::i.ISSION "'K"E•' !%K; OF ' I'MRSI11,f °iy i1ane is Bob Po,,-sh.ing ami I lm thcF Sal-es s repre- sentatv; _ or Security Sign Company: Illy address is 436 j S. S. 12th 3trcet, Portland. I am here to represent the Wayside _nn. A year or so ago when this motel was first being proposed, I came to the Cit of Tigard tc Nancy Edaards and Rich: Daniela to discuss the sign prograrm. We .,:ere concerned with petting UP a sign th t would he attractive and enhancz- the overall ap earancc of the motel ani surrounding community. I feel 1,1131 I .•:as misrepresented by �;ancy Edwards and Mick Daniels. In fact, I was misrepresentec:. I told you our concern was 1:0 put: up -.Om.,:-!thing that nice and would do a good job. I ant-od +.11':2'; what their rerotcx,;endations were. They, at that stat'id to me that by th, time that the pormit for this sirn ..,cuJA be approv.�d, the nnw sign ordinance: 1•:ould be in e f fec-t_. So, they recommended that 4:c d;,,sic;n ticcording to t:ha nrni sign co'le. To the best of try knOe.ledge, the- new :3ign coda has not been appra-vc.2 at this point. I was g.ivan this permit last-. May. To be quite honest with you, I 'm a little 'pit put out by it because I'm embarrassed with my custo :er because I had sore competition in there that was telling him he could do something else and I told him he couldn't do it because I was told by .the City of Tigard that I couldn't do it. So, I have a little bit if egg on my face, and I think it was uncalled for. I think it was something that they told me that they had no right telling me. The purpose of the sign, as you well know, is to identify the motel - to tell the pub- lic where it is and to invite them to come in. That's what it's all about. The sign that we en3ed up with is too small. It does not do the job. The motel has been there since Sapt- tember anti the owner has had numarous complaints from the people that coma in stating that they have had problems find- ing the motel, that they have driven by it three or four times because the entrances are nct adequately marked. So, what we're proposing to do now is to alter what I feel the hard- ships that the City imposed on us at that time by identifying the entrances to the motel. , at we would Like to do is place an entrance sign - you say they're six feet by five feet. In reality they're about four feet by five feet and they're a couple of feet off the ground. gnat we went to do is place one on Pacific Highway to encourage the tra.:f i c be Fora it gi�t,5 to the motel to slow down and turn onto 69th :street.. After they're on 69th, there would be another sign in Co-as parking lot to direct them into the parking area of the motA. The purpose that we ask for an entrance sign on P= MTu 2/I /7 cam, Zone Charge SCA 1-78/wayside Inn the secondar} access roa(1 is to inforrf the public that if they miss t'r.a entrance, there is another entrance to the motel. It h:-_�p2ned to me tonight as I was going to meet Mr. Lee at t::� fnotel. I drove past it. I was thinking about the r;e,�t:.ng tcnig'r.t arid' drove past the entrance of it. I thin',< it is: it portant to infori t}ie public - not to encourage them, just inForm. them -- that i f they did miss it that there is another entrance to the motol. We're not encouraging that as a primar. access road; we' re just letting then= know that if they missed it that there's another way to conn in just to make it easy on them. There have been numerous complaints from the people staying there because they have driven back and forth. The Pacific highway is a busy street and it isn' t easy to turn around on, especially attar dark and if you ' re not familiar %frith the area. we do have a sign that is S ' x 14' and is off the gro;nd, so I imagine you would classify this as a 14' x 12 ' sign. '01vit _sign states that thar is an entrance on 59th Avenue. xn sure we have all tl?^n in the position where we are in a straago to..n and don' t 1:(lO.v 69th Av��:iue fro.. 137th Avenue. Th'-11 tell:l t•hc public no�_hin- ' hat d:ln:-n't tell the public i. OIJl.aiOn, it: to confuse t:l':! 1On11 _ocl that .11- i.., riot .ln unf41 i' r•-:Clucst. I"m :dire ti pr., c.t-rte a liundrozl til :l�.:i I thoug:it- about tifAling you that I :iZI'. r`. J:"' UttC'I:. ^i:,7 t" ' "i }Jas l.,7al 11 ir.i JEFOoling. I hon- 4 -st:ly do fc" l that i :r;l:� ,j 1'r^(i .3 r:1: L'!.:2;1! w:1:_': it came to ny .`.o put up 1 lige sign, as ...^,'i in the air hu co711cI; anJ we ended up with thi lo-w-profil( zign, aor. :: taint' that I feel loofas nice, but is just not doing -It-hu, job. D:r. Lee has spend millions. of dolizirs C ,f'%,.,lnping %:%hitt 12r." en.. -I- ban.. to h vc a return on it or else th^re is no sense .in having a motel there. Now, I'm sure you have some questions. POPP: :rr. Pershing, first of all, maybe I can shed soma light. At, the beginning you mentionc!d about Izarcy Ed:•rar,3.s and Rick Daniels leazlinq you astray or riot gi�T'_ng you the straight facts. Neither otic of those people is here tonight. First of all, as you kno-w, Daniels is not on the stag any irtore. I think .^.falba a little-. background right add some unJerstanding to that. I think those l)cople wen* out of thii.. way in an effort to help you, rather than hinder you. I don' t thin' they misled you in am way, sh,p or. form. They informed you that we would have a net•r sign ordinance undoubtedly in effect prior to the t:irn you rx..lt that up. To t;,c b.st of their knowledge at that %ire terra anti.ci.p:ted ha,ring a new sign code ordinance in effect. I�F vou Followed the clr_iii .s t anCes on thn Sign core ordinance, when it c7~.c uta for a oaring there was a lot of discussion about t.he pros and cons of it and, consequently, what we did wao to _or: %rhat %rias referred to as a "blue ribbon colrrliitt'ee, " 2. i L-C t4T� 2/7.1-18 s �orle Ch w_j•., SCS 1/7%'i:aysi.de illn i :ftt��:1 L:33 '.�t�l,� iti0 were in the s1y"1 =ode business and other business popple and Sta`f p opde, aru3 so on. 'they al.l worked together an.] Came up L•14.th _ :!visions. This delayed the iwple- o rentation of the ne.., sign co3e provisions For a considerable period of t i;;Ie. `rhe point I :anted to mar:: was I think both Mr. B:aniols aI d MISS Edward.`, --ieat- ;-- long way in an effort to encourage you and to help you and to assist you rather than to hinder you. I don' G think they n.iisied you in any way, shape, or -form. I don' t thi.nik they threw the screws to you. I don' t like the implication that thoy Put it to you because I don't think they did. The people on the staff at that time went a long ways to try to help your rather than be a hindrance. PE ItST_-iIN3: It ' s late and I 'n- sure: everybody is tired. I didn' t ^:jean for it to come out that. I'r: sure that at th3 time they were trying to help I'In, butt the point is, when it was all slai.d and done, that wa sn' t, the way that it coul;.t hate been done. POP1': iro�.ild you havo enjDy^d i.t r:•ortt if you had, put up a taller sign an_! tien hecll to talo, it c:n'vn? P2P'Sii.L;•i.:. No, i L•.nuldn' t pOPP: 1:lit then herd tt. re:r.ove the sign .Ln a fe,--; months? Pi:RS11IN3: .,o, not at all. POPP: That-. would have been a lot more expensive. PERSHING: I 'm sure there would have been a longer moratorium than a feta months. I didn' t ma-an to imply that they were lying to me. I'm sura at the time they had good intentions. I apo- logize to them. POPP: Is there anyone wishing to testify in favor of this pro- posal? POPP: Is thane anyone wishing to testify in opposition? POPP: May 1,,e have the Staff Reco-mmendation please? STAFF: Yes, Chairman. I 'm glad you spoke in defense of Staff b.-!cause I was going to do the so I' ll leave it at that. The only other point I would like to make is that the £roc:-standing sign code has b^en amended and passed by the City Coixtici.1 and is in effect. Based upon that, Staff reco:n- riends denial . POPP: .::If' cross examination or rebuttal? 3. '_..; PC' MTG 2/7/78 Zone Change SCS; J -7u:/Tway's::de Inn CORLISS: I hav•a a question. When you were :caking your presentation you said you were going to have a slow-down ' point so that p^ople would know they -.sere getting close to the motel. Would you show us on that map what you were speaking about. PEASHIv3: Right here, as yo" ',snow, is the free-standing sign for the motel. What propose to do is locate a sign right under the "Reube.n's" sign to slow the traffic down be- fore they get to the entranco. What it would do is slow the traffic down to direct it onto 69th clown into the parking area of Coco's, and then a sign here will direct the traffic up into the parking area of the mot,21. Simply, all we are asking to do is to tell the people who missed the first en- trance that they can turn into the secondary exit. We're not trying to :encourage people to do i t. We' re trying to avoid a traffic hazard. I 'm sure we' ve all tried to turn around on this street at ono time or mother. It's hard to do with the traffic, and especially if you're not familiar with the area. • •So that's the purpose. This is asign that .is. .readable on bath _ides. It would have the "M tel Exit Only" on one side so it will not encoirzge people coming this direction to turn in here. It is x•211 marked anyway with "Do Not Enter" signs nnl everything else. CORLISS: That's to tell the people corning to Portland that ti:ey are getting close to tl:e morel. YRSHING: That' s right. It 's just to tell them slow down, you're getting -loge to it. From a traffic hazard stand- point, it's necessary to give them plenty of time to find the roate they want to take to find the motel. The motel has been there quite a while now, and they've had one com- plaint after another from people trying to find it. A few people will keep looking, but if you're like I am, if I miss the first one I keep going until I find a good motel. He loses a Lot of business that way. QUIMBY: On this road, the second one that you're talking about, where you would have an e;:it sign that would be point- int towards Portland, where you're proposing that traffic going north can turn in there, to the best of my recollection that is only a ona car lane. PERSHINO. No. QUIMBY: Is it two? PERSHI�;G: Might. It 's a well-paved road. 4. ON PC MTG 2/7/78 Zone Change Sci•., 1-78/:7ayside Inn QUI.-;i3y: It' s !sight there by one of.' t, - filling stations. PERSIdNIG: I't' s before you get to the filling station. QUIMBY: It' s where the traffic starts getting ready to pull into the station. Are you not possibly creating a hazard with people at the motel thinking this is an exit road. PERSHING: it is an exit. That' s what it is thare for. QUIMBY: Yes, but you' re posposing that people enter there also. You' re saying -that it is . an exit road, but you're - having cars enter it. If sone of the people leaving the* motel have iiw-ibad jutst a little bit, are you riot creating a hazard for these people? P RS ING.- Th;=se PeoplC are going to be a hazard no matter wher.c, you are. -.F don' t thi. so, baca:;se it is very clearly . . . taj}�' 'tl il;�E!CI lirtre., somte ,�- Cj'_I C?iy 1011 loft. QkjIId3Y: It' got to be one .o ay or- the other. If you've got "no Not Enter" what' s goin-g '..appna to these people that co;;e i n? PERSHING: Some people are going to do it no matter what - no matter how well it is marked, or wlvit3ver. Thc• State C1esignat^-_d thea sign prog'ram. an,_1 it if; VC-ry cle0`1_ I don't think it is going to crate a problem. POPP: The original intent on this drawing showed this road to be coming up at an angles. It was specifically stipulated that this would be an exit only. I feel very strongly that, by posting any type of a sign, whether it is up here, or here, and so on, with the way this road is built, we're doing noth- ing more than encouraging this for another entrance. Now, as he stipulated, when you've: got the sign for the 'wayside Inn over here and "Exit Only, " if they don't see "Entrance" and "69th" here, then they aren't going to see "Exit Only" down { hese, either. . `c'hat's going to encourage the use of this as an entrance. PERSHING: The problem with the larger sign is that it' s back 3 90 fact off the road. It is hard to see at night. This sign is closer to the street and has a little bit larger letter that makes it easier to read. If I'rn not mistaken, this road was designated to be an entrance and an exit. 5. 11 11111111 111 M I PC 14TG 2/7/71 5 'Lone Change SC-7: 1-78/wayside Inn GOLDBACIH: 1;o. In Planning Comritissi-on and Design Review meetings wo %.•ent over and over this. The road is definitely designatecu as emergency entrance and exit only. It was not supposed to be an entrance. PERSHING: mlzl•b2 I'm wrong. WAY LEZ: Originally designed by the State, it was supposed to be ingress and egress by the State Departrent in Portland. After that, 1�1r. Daniels said it would be better to encourage people going down 69th. Originally it was supposed to be ingress and egress out of there for motel use only. It would be a very natural tendency for a person to go into there .easy by turning into the right and going up the freeway toward Portland. it was designed that way. I talked to the. State and. that's the way i.t was designed to have use for the motel only. POPP: I ' ll make just one ccrMracnt. I' ll tell you why I 'm so clear and vivid on this point. I remember a great number of them members 'of the Plannin; Commission at that tiote were totally opposed to any road being up in this location - or even an exit. They were opposed to it. I was in favor of it only so long as it served as an exit. I pushed ani pushed hard that this road would be an 'exit. On the drawings and on the map and on the plan this was an exit only an(I the .road swung up here at such an angle that it could only nerve as an exit. That traffic coming up here did not have an opportunity to mare almost a u-turn to cut back down. 11AY LEE: No c,ay. I' ve never se-on anyone do that. POPP: Well, the way the road is designed on here now and with the sign being posted here I am afraid that this is what it would encourage. WAY LEE: The State authorized certain things: "Do Not Enter, " "Right Turn Only, " going out. Coming in it is "Do Not Enter" a certain way. You can not come back in. POPP: The State has stipulated those signs be up there. WAY LEE: Ie're trying to get a directional sign to try to help people - not an advertising sign. I' ll tell you what happened in the month of January. tie had 20 cases of people coming from the Greenwood Inn, trying to find the place at about 10 P.M. Son-,e of them were trying to find it at 6 p.m. in -the heavy traffic. They missed it and caused a safety hazard. One of these days someone is going to miss the place and go down the highway and try to turn around and get into a big accident and get hurt trying to find the Wayside inn. I 6. r PC MTG 2/7/78 Zane ChDn9e S •. B W' � , �C� Z-7:�, ,^r4ysicZe Inn r i have Older L,_Onle com4 r F' n r f 0..1 Out O� O.. l_7 there sa••i,z: �.j to-,,.,n c + r i s g Why don' t you have a sign s ter. � through . so if .t•;e trriss it we can o in?" 3n tne-e- saying entrance in there, - e 4'�e re not trying tO �t people E axit and tt `,1e regular people, like the salesmen, know t he ey I the yolderre op ng to co=.',e ;n there anyc.ay• I'm talking about p O le from out Of t g that are full tr inp town sent by other motels month of -,O-, Y g to find it. We know of 2u cases this E p- mle turning around down there and coming back. Two of them almost got hurt: They came in there all shaken up at around 11: 40 p.m, I worry about that. POPP: Let me aslc you something, Up the highway and doesn' t serim Lee' A person is coming approaching here and now he sees our s�grt. Suddenly he is your sign, Exit Only. ,, WAY LEL: It doesn't s t• s aY On one amid "E••Lt. ,Exit ,, It does not aa•y "e it ways "P,};it, " Ir t says "Entrance Only. There's a split island there. The::e' s a three-cornered island there. One side is " Right Terri Only. •. POPP: Is L•his used for -in cnt:rancrr? WAY LEE: ic•s. This one is used• + for ail entrance. STAFF: .No. That's trhat T'at, trying to pick u � . That is incorrect. I' ve b.� p h..re tonight. :vow I realiz:� what' r; o� been confased by this whole thing. g ng on. It is a secondary egress only. It is not to serve as an access egress. You're proposing an "E:cit Only"- and "Entrance only,, sign. WAY LEE: It is an entrance. The State says there's an ingress and an egress, g STAFF: It doesn't mattState says, Mr. Lee. It's wmatter what the �hat the Planning Commission required Of that development, not what the State says it is. MAY LEE: The people told me at that time to to and whatever the State allows us to do at thatotimethe wasstate ingress and egress. You read the document. Ingress and egress is what it says on there, GOLDr3ACH: 'j';laonl Y reason --$•> Y-•.xr., on that we allowed that exit road there-` V� :•ras that the -, loan requirement for the Property to have a tie directly to 99'F P P y said that he had STAFF: That is correct. GOLDBACE: That's why erre a Z l olr e have happa:ied, d than_ Otherwise it would not 7. PC MTG 2/7/7 C Zone Change SCS-, 1-78/Wayside inn WAY LEE: I have a report with access into S, SV. Pacific Highway to coz;ibine ,with existing ,+;obii exit point and be deszgnatnd for right turn only into ani out of the site ipp.rovad by the Stat-n lftgi,.•.ay Division, November 22 1976. Article NLo. 1 by mr. Ric?, Daniels. ' ll read it. Do you want me to read- it? � POPP: Please Just bring it over here. . . .some discussion, not clear on tape. POPP: Any further discussion? POPP: The motion has been made and seconded that it be denied based on Staff findings. Any further discussion? POPP: If not, all those in favor signify by saying "aye. " POPP: Those opposed:? POPP: The motion is doni.ed unanimously. ° Telephone 291-0591 'SITAY W. LEE General Contractor,Inc. 5210 $.E. 26th AVENUE PORTLAND. OREGON 972020 June 30, 1976 JUC cS 1978 OF T/�qRO Ms. Doris Hartig City Recorder City of Tigard P. 0 Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Sign .Code Variance Appeal with Respect 'to Signing Access Point from Pacific Highway - WAYSIDE MOTOR INN Your letter of March 31, 1978 Dear Ms. Hartig: On March 311 you wrote to Robert Pershing of Security Signs indicating we could request reconsideration in not less than 120 days from March '27. We would greatly appreciate the Planning Department giving additional consideration at this time. ' The two free standing signs have made no change in the traffic problem. Oiir guests are irritated by the confusion with the same situation existing as in the past. People drive past the motel looking for an entrance and-end up making "U" turns on the freeway. Our manager told me just last night that we have-had over 20 complaints during the past month with one woman in tears by the time she got into the motel yesterday evening. We are losing approximately 10% of our gross for the current year directly related to the nonidentifica- tion of the premises. We would like to propose that the existing WAYSIDE MOTOR INN sign be moved closer to the street so it can be seen from more of a distance down the highway so guests can identify it before reaching the intersection. The free standing signs are now being hidden by leaves on the trees and shrubs that have grown causing an even greater problem. We are asking for your help now and your consideration in letting us move the sign and allowing us to put an "entrance" sign on the F north ingress of the property. ` Very t my yo ,• Wa . Lee WWL/da COUNTY RS-1 TO CITY OF TIGARD R-7 P:D. "SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT" AND ADOPTING EXHIBITS "A", "B", "C" AND "D" GRANTING THE APPLICATION ANA FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Wakam to adopt Ordinanca No. 78-19. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 16. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL - CONDITIONA4.L USE The Planning Comaaission denial of a request by Security Sign Company for Mr. Way Lee to amend Condition 6 of a conditional use permit for the Wayside Inn with respect to signing for the secondary access point from Pacific Highway (between the Mobil Service Station and Wayside Inn), northeast of SW 69th Avenue, south aide of Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36AD, Tax Lot 6504) which decision has been appealed to the City Council. (a) Public hearing opened. (b) Summation of appeal by John Laws, Associate Planner. This appeal concerns the placement of a sign in the 69th Street area to direct persons to the Wayside Inn. (c) • Public Testimony Proponents. 1. Mr, Wendell Gray, 900 S.W. 5th, Portland, Oregon, attorney for Mr. Lee explained the dangers inherent in persons making U-turns on Pacific Highway if they passed the Inn and wished to return. 2. Mr. Kenneth Cole, 1900 "C" Street, Vancouver, Washington, architect for. the project. 3. Mr. Robert Pershing, Security Sign Co. representative suggested that additional signing was necessary. Public testimony opponents. None. (d) Planning Department recommended denial of signing on secondary entrance. (e) Public hearing closed. (f) Consideration of Council. Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Chairman Mickelson to uphold appeal noting that a "one sided sign" be allowed at the secondary entrance as diagrammed by Security-Sign Co. Motion failed by a 2 to 2 vote. Councilman Wakem and Councilman Sebeckla voting nay. Councilman Cook and Mickelson voting aye. PAGE 4 - COUNCIL MINUTES March 27, 1978 ( � MOL10P , `S+'+ _! T-,'. i(.. �� a:c' C.r ':� r` .; - - r'+r: 1vTFA1<.r[' t ) appeal y.. , adding it�F . , 1i t :ryr t;;U: at ,•i :. � .o' .1 re3 Lj �i: not lC�s-..` ihan 120 days nor ;r.c•tc tt,.: fro, . + i,. .. , _ :(, u:yrlitio-a1 fccc to he charged fol' 3�':'"' :i rr •.,.}`••i . r' �:r s :.t c(i i,reV L'15 t?St.l[.p1}' hE3njt ;( 3... aC a5 LraiflC Si ,T.aI t: I.0 (' t.1t .r:j .i, �, A' i ....t :Or, pf 1'.(:: L(. I,:: rc3de 17. PLA"I 1'AC:ATICN Re(I' csr_ 1 +):. 1. . F: ! .... _ t iiE. EA1:a. h.s:Cwr as l r•�r,3?? re:s int.(e (': r t 'i: :a; d sit , y .. Grr%dor (ari located SW H_ghway Stn' MU'?-I: .t,i (:x) Puol_r. H::a::r•g C,}: •.= . f ; at_on,, ry P,a- r%rt< .. I "!' :app rOti.-ii . (c) No one. a1lpce fired to :•e he,ii dl (d) P1.anrs4rg (e) Put : .._ IiF•ac .~gig (f) Coesidcrat ?t: cf Ccu (g) ORDINANCE Ne., 0 -'k% (;Itir?'`:0.�' f. ,:C',,;1` �. FORTLON OF GRAHAM ACRES A PLAT • �. OF 1A.1''rW?'1H i", 011E CIT! OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON (h) Nation t'} CC t, -3 1- rr,r,k., rE: b; r' .t r,;. i '.•can S:-h`_ckla to adopt Ordinance No. 7F-.u• Approved -r i. ! prasc.ni: , 18. RECONSIDERATION OF ITEM 1112 - 1 iv-rn.• Ur. ;m!d CSA Addendum to contract. (a) Legal Counsel review.=d t;.,: ha-'.keround of this contract. (b) City Administrator Barker , ec or:-o-Aed holditig action on this scatter until TDC respcnd:.. i,egal Coun.=cl t-c� c;:rtict and report. to Council. (C) !`lotion b}' C•Vii:iL.iliT:yr; :i:hitcb.' a., G !dFv Fy C urtcilw- Cook to table. Approved by tlnaTATrDu_ .-v'0-,_ i`F ! cu-r:I Lr sent . 1.9. OTHER (a) Clarifi•^atI­ . of exti:aterritvri�S extension of sewer lines by the City to areas or:t t;lc: thO City :,-•i rr ;at .onship to the Boundary Commission in such 1- Legal. Legal. clarification from the Attorney General's office, c:: iewcr lines outside the City must be approved it, the Bnun:.'.ar}, 'PAGE 5 - COUNCIL MIN ,r Marr.h l i PAID j U L 2 01978 C'"! OF TIGARD City Council Tigard, Oregon 97223 /J�,� � ; OS Attention: Mr. Rayland Barker, City Manager Gentlemen: No parking signs were installed July 17, 1978, on both sides of S. W. Summerfield Drive which read "NO PARKING AT ANY TIME". In the stretch from 98th to Alder- brook particularly, there are a good number of homes which are bordered by no other street, so this action deprives them of all use of this only access to their homes for tradespeople - repair services, delivery services, and guests. Tradespeople and guests alike would be obliged to park some blocks away and walk to these homes. Tradespeople will not walk such distances, carrying heavy equipment, or return frequently to their vans for parts and supplies. And guests forced to walk in inclement weather may prefer soon to visit else- where. Aside from this obvious arbitrary discrimination against these citizens, other pertinent facts should be brought to your attention: 1) the street is normal width and adequate to allow parking which is customarily done on other city streets 2) owners of these properties were never informed that Summerfield Drive was slated to become a fast, commercial thoroughfare and their rights stolen to accommodate through traffic for vehicles whose owners may not even live in the area i 3) there are no alternate parking facilities available For these reasons, we, the undersigned, request all signs east of 98th Street be immediately removed by the City Engineer, and that no parking restrictions- be imposed in the future: NAME ADDRESS Z� ZIA, Q /v S GSI ^��- / PIM /`- .. ..-..�:�: :.,..�.-,it-:., s...... )c .. �. � ..�:•.•._. .�5...... ..+,.,..�... i.n•, �,r+ .r�.3 .�' .,k-. ...�..:4 � �. t .it:[ � :!+ t px� :i r* �'. �t ;'f''�'` - ��`' '> �.�? ,'•`}:`; I: i • / / �_Y � � , , _ 1� i :� �l � ,rte._ ,�: � � ,�. .. , ��...��_ } =��. L ,�. .{i „i: �•~i ,`. .•+C•� ._roF (_: �' .`f• t�, .s. ,:,�,- ani %� ,•6; _ t '.:L:.y K:�. �.��. r�7= !'SJ .y�4 _-.': ft' lM1t. t��++ '�i• ..✓ '�li�' '�.'�.� �Z.i� �,i �4 - sr- w',. <;,L. tir'r: _ _ >c^�� :�:i�, :�:f'; .�: _ C+.' `i�r •..!' "..i �Y.� t''.5� .. .t r i y,: l .� J. . I 'Y :y Y �, ITEMS FOR COUNCIL INFORMATION — From Mayor Bishop • .J r. J~ .1�"•T-F'»t .;C Fnl� .4..��,�.'.F�(y'yT~ice '� 'i.L sa ,. .r.3 �, .F�`+A ,"'� -�ii�,�* *T€T'1�.�-rI��Lry3y.��+.,ft�, ►•. i`.'"�.�,'.1. `� '. r"�. ""� '„L"r " :..7G" y��.:���/y�1 y SY"-•.,w .r_..-.. w:!..-�...��.rtTi.O���N�R.��� ?.U�:.."'!� Construction to begin on senior center BIDS WERE OPENED for the construction of Forest Grove Senior Construction will begin within two to three weeks for 5,400 square Center in downtown Forest Grove.Apparent low bidder is Paul H. foot wood frame building, and will be finished in 130 working Peters, Aumsville,with offerof$225,000.Architect for the project days. Details of the bidding and other bid openings on Page 2. is YodogawaPoliti - McCartan - Nowbrook & Associates, Portland. .C [reasons OKCity to annex ° small `islands' � for. firing ap,oin.uo near Eugene SALEM — The state Court of Ap-' The court also dismissed GrazI no's peals said Tuesday it is legal for elected claims that the Canby city charter re- EUGENE — The Eugene The recommenaation wa city officials to fire their appointed su- quires that the police chief be found City Council has authorized`promoted by a recent flurry o bordinates for political reasons. guilty of malfeasance,inattention or in- the city planning commission annexation- requests fro Tlfe_court based its ruliaR on theicompetency before -he can be fired, to begin the annexation property owners in the islan controversial firing of former Canby Rather, the court said, the charter a1= process for eight "islands" of areas.-Commission member Police Chief Vincent Graziano in June lows appointed city officials to hold; unincorporated land in the aksed for a staff study of th their obs only "during the pleasure of Willakenzie area. .issues involved in the cit 1976. �� J Y g P yin Prior to his firing, Graziano led an the city council." ` The process is expected to ittating annexation of ail th take about two years and is areas. unsuccessful movement to recall former In a majority opinion written by also expected to draw strong Planning commission Presi Canby Mayor Paul Roth and lour mem- eti rb * a , protests from some residents. dent James Bernhard told th court said, 'It is reasonable to assume berg of the City Council.The city offi- that the draftsmen of the city assumed The sma11 islands include council that initiating th vials said they decided to fire Graziano n' charter, eveloped and vacant areas as lannexation rocess is would have intended that the elected p because of his irreconcilable differences � ell as Lane County's Alton change from the city's�polic officials prevail over their appointed with the council and a breakdown in aker park.The city has been of waiting for residents to,as communications with him. subordinates — even to the point of hipping away at the islands for annexation. being able to discharge appointed bu- ince the Willakenzie area was Graziano filed a petition in Clack- Some .council,member amas County Circuit Court asking for reaucrats for nothing more than honest,, annexed in 1960. More than 70'questioned why•_the-proves writ of review of the firing. The tris good-faith disagreement over politica annexation requests have should take two years an court, and subsequently ear policies. suggested been filed in the area since � Y the A pp then. ( combining some o Court, denied the petition, ruling tha all of the areas in one annexa such a writ would not apply in the cas No logic - tion action rather.than con since state law limits it to judicial and sidering-them separately, a "The flak of doing this is go- the planning quasi-judicial proceedings. in to be substantial," said commission ha However.in a study of the merits of g recommended. -•: councilman Tom Williams. He! Graziano's arguments, the Appeals City Planner Jim Saul sai po- annex because "there is no Court dismissed his claims that the urged council members to: the areas are different.an g lice chief job is a tenured position, logic at all" iri allowing the: merit individual considera which would have exempted him from islands to remain surrounded tion. the council's firing. by incorporated land_ §;(0916 _ RD . I A U7F 7 A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER July 23, 1978 TPOA ELECTS. Don Myers has been elected the new President of TPOA. Elections were held July 11, 1978. AUDIT commences in July. TSM MEETING. A public information meeting on the Pacific Highway improvements has been scheduled for July 27, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. at Fowler. Notices of this meeting were included in the Sewer Billing mailirg. PROJECTS. The Greenburg Road and Tigard Street Bike Paths will be paved on Monday. Ace Electric is re-wiring City Hall. We have received some new equip- ment in City Hall. Filing cabinets, a conference table and various other things arrived last week. NEW PEOPLE. Building Inspector, Brad Roast, has joined us from Westminster, Colorado. Brad recently completed the Architectural Engineering Technology program at Oregon Polytechnic Institute. Penny Liebertz has replaced Bobbie Greene as Building Department Secretary. Penny was recently Secretary to the Director of Central Catholic High School in Portland. As "imported American labor", Hilary Mackenzie, recently worked as general labor on a Mexican water installation. She has joined the Planning Staff as a CETA employee replacing Chris Chaidez. Hilary has an 'A.B. degree from Smith College in Fine Arts.