City Council Packet - 06/12/1978 10 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL 1 REGULAR MEETING ~ JUNE 12, 1978, 7:30 P.M. FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 06 LECTURE ROOM 1. AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: (All matters under this heading are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted in one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any Council member or member of the audience, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.) (a) Approval of Minutes, May 22, 25, June 5, 1978. (b) Approval of Expenditures and Investments: $164,631.43 (c) Receive and File - Written Communications . Transmittal - National Safety Company (d) Accept Cash Bond Agreement & Approve Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Authorize Signing By Mayor and Recorder. . Summerfield No. 11 (Lots 599-638) . Summerfield No. 12 (Lots 639-681) . Waverly Meadows 6. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL RECOGNIZING, COMMENDING AND EXPRESSING APPRECIATION FOR THE DEVOTED PUBLIC SERVICE OF LYNN R. WAKEM IN HIS ROLE AS CITY COUNCILMAN. 7. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL RECOGNIZING, COMMENDING AND EXPRESSING APPRECIATION FOR THE DEVOTED PUBLIC SERVICE OF HEIDI THOMPSON IN HER ROLE IN COMMUNITY SERVICE. 8. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL RECOGNIZING, COMMENDING AND EXPRESSING APPRECIATION FOR THE DEVOTED PUBLIC SERVICE OF CHUCK MARTIN IN HIS ROLE OF COMMUNITY SERVICE. 9. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL RECOGNIZING, COMMEND- ING AND EXPRESSING APPRECIATION FOR THE DEVOTED PUBLIC SERVICE OF MARY PAYNE IN HER ROLE IN COMMUNITY SERVICE. 10. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL RECOGNIZING, COMMENDING AND EXPRESSING APPRECIATION FOR THE DEVOTED PUBLIC SERVICE OF ALLAN POPP IN HIS ROLE OF COMMUNITY SERVICE. 11. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING APPRECIATION OF THE CITY OF TIGARD TO GERALD DEAS FOR PUBLIC SERVICE AS A MEMBER OF THE TIGARD PARK BOARD. 12. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING APPRECIATION OF THE CITY OF TIGARD TO WILLIAM GOLDBACH FOR PUBLIC SERVICE AS A MEMBER OF THE TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE S.D.R. BOARD. 13. JOINT MEETING WITH BUDGET COMMITTEE - Consideration of 1978-79 Budget Revisions. 14. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MAKING APPOINTMENTS TO FILL EXPIRED TERMS ON THE TIGARD LIBRARY BOARD. Jean Carlisle - June 30, 1981 George Vaternick - June 30, 1981 (a) Recommendation of Selection Committee. 15. RESOLUTION No. 78- RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN BLACKBULL SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 16. APPROVE REFUNDS (a) Sewer Service Charge - Raymond P. Foley - $7.50. (b) Cash Deposit for Landscaping bond - John Watson - $1,500. (c) Cash Deposit for Parking, Paving & Curb, McHenry's Office, 15255 SW 72nd - $335.00 (1) Recommendation of Finance Director. 17. ACCEPT STREET DEDICATION - SW 98th Avenue. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 18. ORDINANCE No. 78-36 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO AN APPLICATION BY C & C CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1970 ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF TIGARD, CHANGING THE ZONE DISTRICT OF A TRACT OF LAND ON THE NORTH SIDE OF SW BEEF BEND ROAD AT PACIFIC HIGHWAY AND DEPICTED ON WASHINGTON COUNTY TAX MAP 2S1 IOA AS TAX LOT 3900, FROM WASHINGTON COUNTY RU-20 TO "C-P" COMMERCIAL PROFESSIONAL AND ADOPTING EXHIBIT "A" AND "B", GRANTING THE APPLICATION AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (a) Second reading of ordinance. Page 2 - REGULAR MEETING AGENDA - June 12, 1978 19. ORDINANCE No. 78- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 10.28, OF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING TO SECTION 10.28:130 TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON EITHER SIDE OF SW 112th AVENUE, SOUTH OF SW GAARDE STREET DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 20. ORDINANCE No. 78- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 10.28, OF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING TO SECTION 10.28.130 TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON SW BURNHAM STREET SOUTHERLY FROM SW MAIN STREET, DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 21. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION PETITION CONSENTING TO THE ANNEXATION OF LANDS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND REQUESTING FORWARDING TO THE PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA LOCAL GOVERN- MENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION. (Mudrinich/Thurman) (a) Recommendation of Administrative Aide. 22. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION PETITION CONSENTING TO THE ANNEXATION OF LANDS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND REQUESTING FORWARDING TO THE PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION. (Tigard Friends Church) (a) Recommendation of Administrative Aide. 23. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION PETITION CONSENTING TO THE ANNEXATION OF LANDS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND REQUESTING FORWARDING TO THE PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION. (McDonald) (a) Recommendation of Administrative Aide. 24. RESOLUTION No. 78- A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGA.RD CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION PETITION CONSENTING TO THE ANNEXATION OF LANDS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND REQUESTING FORWARDING TO THE PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION. (Sherwood Development). (a) Recommendation of Administrative Aide. 25. ENGLEWOOD GREENWAY (a) Status Report by City Administrator. 26. AUTHORIZE MINOR LAND PARTITION AND SELL PROPERTY - Tax Lot 400, Tax Map 2S1 11AD, (Vicinity S.W. Hall Blvd. and Pinebrook).; (a) Recommendation of Administrative Aide. 27. STATE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT REGARDING CITY HALL (a) Report by City Administrator. '= PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - JUNE 12, 1978 28. LOCAL GOVERNMENT INSURANCE POOL - Authorize participation in exploring feasibility study. i (a) Recommendation of City Administrator. 29. OFFICIAL CANVASS OF VOTE - MAY 23, 1978 ELECTION. 30. OTHER i 31. ADJOURNMENT 2 4' mow.' PAGE 4 - COUNCIL AGENDA - JUNE 12, 1978 mom I T J. g R D C I T Y C O U N C _L R Y'I.IAR `^EE'J..NG MINUTES, JUNE 12, 19'8, 1. ROLi. r,t, Mayor 6:ilbur I A. Bishop; Counci .mea John E �C::� rI-ii. , .. �. Ken.r.eth W. Schucklaz Chi.et of Folic 71 C. nce? ,'.D. Bailey; City Adaii,iistrator, R. R. i Di.r,ctor, Richard Bolen; tread Libraria icc__._ crtc:il ; v R.ecordc:r, Doris Har!. �; Adtr:i.nist.•-ativc Aidc, AId•1ce 11otv _r: Coor_lr,ator.; Clair(. Mead; Cleft, I11, L11 4,; n. 2. CAI_;L: ^On. THOSE DESIRIN(= TO SPEAK. ON NON-AGENDA t• f _(::tur submitted his re Ji€I'dt1C;i: Lo I)l: �-lfct:l...b'E t:� City for the opporturli ty t-c, wort: in ;hc i:.pr,_csr-d apprec'.iat"ien for the 0 ye'ars of -,i.ven to the City. 3. API. t: ;1 �, MA`. 22, 25, JUNE 5, 1978. (61 .. 11.r.,rin Cook, seconded by y Counci.'Ln,an mie.i:el :, �,r:�.•. .. �: r.h c aE;a 2 and 3 of the May 22nd tnncltcs. r. nous vote of COU uc i 1. 4. 1 Y? UI _URES AND INVESTMENTS: Cook, ,econded by CUn1!C11i^a11 Mickei `JOn t0 IU11C.:,7.-cat's cote of Council. 5. R£'"' 7 .i .. ,JRITTEN COM14UN1CATIONS ,.-A - N,azional Safety Coclpany (a) y' '-'t—ncilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson to rF.,: Sr:l vnuni"mous vote of Council. 6. ACCEPT C:?::. 1 "ON.) AC-REEM£.NT & APPROVE SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEhIENT AND AUTHOR F ti i C'N�'vC BY MAYOR AND RECORDER f.cirl No. 11 (Lots 599-638) No. 12 (Lots 639-651) tl;_idows (a) of =- =- "cuncilmart Cook, seconded by Council-man Mickelson, to a c PPr��,c :_igr.ing by Mayor and City Recorder. ur_dnimous vote of Council. C:. '; ♦ :�R.Yu"',.{'�.''•w"Y�'.L'4vYu.'.,.,.VDtLL. ... ..i _ ,. .... 7.: RESOLUT fIN Nr - j a RESOLUTION Or THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL RarCGN 0,., Mr.:dL_::"(; AND EXPRESSING APPRECI iTsO ? FOR -HE DEVOTED PUBI..IC SERVICE OF LYNN R: WAKE-NI CN HIS ROLE AS CITY COUNCILMAN (a) v:t:- t u � . inr . . ._=kt.?.s...__ ^eon ie d by Counc l:.-;an Cock to adopt. 8. RESOL,';'! = A RESOL1iTI0N OF 'LHE T.--CARD CIT": COUNCIL R COGNIZIN:�,, CON\lE'.,;DINC AND EXPRESSING APYN.ECIATI.ON 'OR THE DEVOTED PUI+LIC iCRVICE 0 IIEZD.I TfaOMIPSON I', HER ROLE IN COMMUNITY SL�RVICE. ` - .r":iC1IRldi1 /;��;�};.q ;'•CC'-orlded t'i i i:.'CR h y Cour!t:_ �, licks L:,un to dc;pt, a:a.�5i~ ,us Mote U'. Coi_aci.? . 9. RES", 3: A 'RESOL[ T cN n'�• THE Tl.(;ARD CTj": RLCOt.:7.i:INC 0.: AND EXPRESS'.- '"' APPRECIATION FOR THE CHi:CF. !`IART_:?1 1N HIS ROLE OF C0M-OUN1TY h)- ad,i f) . 10. . RF'S)L (N GH1 CICRD C T' f.OUti •if f< AND EX1,RES LR Al'PRLC!AT ON 'l)'Z ,'Hf: UE',,O,[, D I'L, L,�: �C;nV[(.. �•' ' kRY PAYNEHER ROLE TN C{,My, '<'] ! SLRVICE, . - 2 ,:Tic.l'1 C,UPI•... _'c...iaiC�+ ti y Count:! !r.S!'.. ZITr ,us vc,i:u c,f ' 11. RESnC.i:r , .-3 . A R ESGLU'T 10',v OF THF TIGARD C i T'i COUNCIL COMMENDING NG AND EXFRE'S ING APPRECIATION FOR '['HE [)!.,VOTED PfiP.T.l( OF' ALLAN FOF'F i.N HIS ROLE OF COMMGNI.T't SI"RVICE $ :'1.'.,: _.(: ..L• (.it.,U:.11S'.:Fi i`. �:1C}C E:L:�(.II, ^7.CUt::.f[d �� �:UG!IC,,. 1,. - ;ta S�;he_ckln r-„ unanimous voteF %., Caunc 12. RESOLUT:i.r_": V'6 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING APPRECIATION OF THE CITY OF Tl' TO GERALD DSAS FOR PUBLIC SERVICE AS A MEMBER OF THE TIGARi, ?ARK BOARD (a) i9;;t.,;n ;y- •^ t.::',.cilran Cook, <,econded by Councilman Sch: cklz to adopt. unanl.^ous votL of Council. 13. RESOLU7110N. ?.:,, ?-•„ A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING APPRECIATION OF THE CITY OF TI::ARB TO WILLIAM GOLDBACH FOR PUBLIC SERVICE AS A MEMBER OF THE TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE S.D R BOARD. Page 2 REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES, .tune 12, 1973 _,..:i t".'ni^. t_:_tok ie c.,a C.,d cll by Cc)tin c 11113 C!:. i.. .� tJ. b.C!• , ._. ...._c.nZ:IGii- t:Ot.C:•. ). L!71 L 14. JOI .i J. ,_�._. •:� , .. ,. :, '�'C�.,. C;..':::� :'>_'Ls - C:i:.: lraf�T3C mil .._ __ 7=. ,._-� ,: , i? _.: :, _,. , a) s.at :,? C.:.:'-.ii :a'L cc i•, d t•.ac: L.,tic.., Er.• i:ll� "t;�.' �t. :�: _ 4.E."'C trGC% Metro SC'ut.tir .. t •!!_-,_JC_L Gr t,_,,;,t- _,.. c� ..C . 13235 SW '? .1i.a: C.'CC?rl Drive.. (h) t.. .. rcoriEe sto he hdlg. °t re v:..,LOG .. _5 1 ,.ii (.. .!s t•: fi:'l: U,".L Ve' • : . ; (+ t•.. r:C• t-L,i.t'r.: lor Fl Y.3 Y. 10 SW r:5.f !: i.t'E., tCeinrter vi Llle. B ,lT L)6(0 �W P-li Ace:. , ...,_:nbcr c"F tl. _ }'cod;Cat. c: adcit .or.s'L -56,cluu of • . 3X fi:;'ri-E ., !. Ute ::1 !al>1 Work Force e . _ _...int P1�r1:•:,r '•>�•`:: Tr.-T eC tar ;_ hesc pC'__ cOr:.. :rt j:artial fuLc!(:•; i„ !'; T a�. GT _ n:: .._„tant Plar.rer {C tip• Ce?riCira ted Atit11:. 1 1 .,re _ .,:Gry, 1 a"/y. L.C.D.C: i_— dir-g expi u;:E!;=_t does not provida for ..cilei 'c.. ,L.C. funding . f'ror State S reE.t Fond Fund For Pc.1 ice Operati ari (F_eet;c.e street resurfacing) Projects (Cir_y's S'r.,,re) a,:c Contingency (Cen_era! Fund) C,,:-eet Lights (New Additioris) —4--road Crossing, Main Street $ r ,;x• (General Fund) Page 3 -REGUL;:%.t COUINCIL MINUTES, Jure 12, 1978 Tcai.n:�.ng, Stall J 3,000 Quai:tc:rNlews ett%�r iRE.Lain Annual 11,0()() 2 ,.,r_:,; LibraryS 4,00; (�) rriE-:• Lii7G d_,—uiSio:2 by CCL%3C1I afL a:IC BLd"et CCC.,. L :'.Cil!)b tc�r rL, the fol 1 .it- r:.%:c•mm_ndations :ger` _nada. CUL'I:c;.imar. Cook requested tri:a City Admii'_istratOr' 'rLCi c:t..01 i)e, adjus-sd as followst B.O.R. Parr program be left in Budget. (City Snare) 523,292. Reduce General Fund Co.atin;gency account, additlona} •>15 ,OO1`, Reduce transfer of State Tax Street i:unic1:; to Police Operations to $42,292 Adlust Street resurfacing program to dd in additional unanticipated Revenue - $76,90j Y.r;rti•L- Poff'rlan, Budget Committee: rne.C:bc!r, ot.atod 1.11 setting of priorities and expressed concer,.7 i•.1 SaVi.,r!.�...c[l::lO'JrCS. rc:i :tCtO.I:��ti0:!5 of the. Budget Committee ldlIn .Iil'1 lofTti,a:l W r c L� til"l3agt: t1•tt. City Adrriini s trat or_ 's iecc-.Lnendation as 1• - e`%`- i Ltrolipen in, leave 2 Assistant: ..iC tE.'(- _ ..k portion to $2/,257, and the Gepccal i j 17. APPROVE REFUNDS c ,c Sewer Se.rvicc Charge - Ray.!;(),-,d P, Foley - $'7.50 Cash Deposit- for Land=ca _n _ C �h Dw- P s Bond John Watson • a- posit. for Park= a :d Ct.rl,, - `� cNe.nr} `s Office, 15255 SW 7 ..d - $3:.53,00. -; a) Rr-corde requested C:,L!rI: .l also � l, . add to t:h list of reiLr.ds t1;c: account a _ G.UG _:,r McHenry'._ Oi'.f.c- *G'C C' �h De J .a posit of Lands:apii..g BGnd. j (b) rn: `` 1 by Councilman Cook: 6ecor.,dea 1_•y Cou,.cil•r.an M=ckelson to appro-,-- inuding the additional One presented for $350.00 for McHenry' ' ;`Gyred by unanimous vote of: Couricll pc-e3 _nt. i 18. ACCEPT . .' '. DEDICATION - SW 98t1. 171 Ccur:ciirra. M:i.ck-ei.;ra•, ;_. oud4d by Cou;.cilTar: Cook to anpr,:e. i .,,.,yr by"d � ux:ani:i:ous vc t-� „E r�t+r c' t ,resent. s t.' ^pan Sch=_ckla arr .d Yrc,?: RECESS it. =G:S2 P M 19. - — N ORDINANCE ADOPTTbG F[\DI ;,5 WITH RESPECT TO AN APPLIC,ATIO'+ BY C & C r0:1STRi rTI.O\ +;Owi'ANY FOR AN AMENDk!EN`r TO 'ITaf 19 U ZONING MAP OF TyE C:I'['y OF TIGARD, CNA% TtiC THE: LONE DIS['RIC F OF A TRA:T' OF L4.ND ON THE NORTH Sli)E OF Std BEEF 9FND RJAD AT PACIFIC AND DFP.ICTED ON WASHINGTON COUI%1y FAX XAP 10A AS TAX LOT 39010, FROM WASHi*;;'SON COUNTY RU-20 TO "C-P'. COMMERCIAL PRO E:S'.S.[ONAL AND 570117ING EXHIBIT "A" AND "13" GRANTIN THE APPI,T1'-'A'1'lOy AND FIXI^IC; AN' EPPECTIVE DATE. (a) of ordinance. (b) Iotlo'n by Council,nan Nicrrlso:: ,ecr.nded ,� Ca: .: 1; Ordinance No. 78-36, y y ci ..�,n Cr;ok Ln apprnvE: Approved by 3 to 1 vote of Ccuncil on second reading. Ceuuci.ina:: Scheckla volAr;g Nay. Council:nrn Mi-k. I:o^.. Cook ai!d "Favor Hi hop votin,,, Aye. 20. ORDINANCE No. 79-38 AN ORDINAL CE AMENDINC= AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 10. ;6, Of THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING TO SECTION 10'.28. 130 TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON EITHER SIDE OF SW 112TH AVENUE. SOUTH OF SW GAARDE STREET DECLARING AN FMERGENCY AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, (a) Mati.o.i by Couer_ilr^.an Cork, seconded by Ccuncll^an M. ckelson to approve. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 21, ORDINANCE ti:;. 78-39 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 10.28, E THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING TO SECTION TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON SW BUR*THAM STREET SOUTHERLY FROM SW MAIN STREET, DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND FIXING, AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (a) M<�r?or! by Councilman Mickelson, secor_ded try Councilman Cook to approve. Ap:roved by unanimous vote of Council. Page 6 - REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES, June 12, 1978 4. 22. RESOLI-TTION No. 78-40 A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL RECEIPT OF A TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION PETITIO`i ( NSE_^ '' ', PI TO THE ANNEXATION OF LANDS DESCRIBED HEREIN A`1D R.EOUL:ST.IN' FORWARDING TO THE PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA 1,017--.L GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION, (Mudrinich/Thur,c._a +) (a) Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson to t:^rrtt, Approved by majority vote of Council, Councilman Scheckla %utir,._. �iay. 23. RESOLUTION No. 78-41 . RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLED,�,Nc; RECEIPT OF A TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION PErl'!'IO': C01\13F%,i "t' ..0 THE ANNEXATION OF LANDS DESCRIBED HERE%N A`D af.:;! FORWARDING TO THE PORTLAND METROPOLL tAN ARTA 1,0":A1.. GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION- (Tigard Fric.rid. ('':urc'10 (.1 ; v,,-t :or. by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mcl:c_I son to by majority vote of Council, Councilman Sch(--cl_!ct tiot :r,, 24. RESOLUTION No. 78-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACKN0Wf ED. T`,": RECEIPT OF A TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION PE'TIT'ION: !:O\3F'-1,111-6 TO THE ANNEXATION OF LANDS DESCRIBEL) HEREIN: AND REQV[71IIN;? FORWARDING TO THE PORTLAND MET'ROPOLLTA`d ARF:F GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY CONLMISSION. (McDonald ) (a) N'.:tl.on by Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Cook t.._ Approved by majority vote of Council, Councilman Scheckla vc:ti:;:. 25. RESOL'TION No. 78-43 A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY C0UNC11- ACKNlOW1.,'r.;l) OF A TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION PETITION CCINSENTIt•: i'H!" ANNEXATION OF LANDS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND R1---.QUF,57'1Nr., i'pRWARD- ING TO THE PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA LOCAL C(,,VFRN.`1;'.1' BOUNDARY COMMISSION. (Sherwood Deve'.operent ): (a) "otior_ by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Dttckc lao,, to Approved by majority vote of Council, Councilman Schr_ckia �,otir.;. Nay. 26. ENGLEWOOD GREENWAY. (a) City Administrator stated there were some trees which were dead, h; t t17ar. a bond could be received to cover the cost of replacement. Cita- r,.�= ::. will have the grass problems in the area under control within the r•evt _Bret. weeks . The project appears to be ready for acceptance of the greenway in the -tf :_ar future. 27. AUTHORIZE MINOR LAND PARTITION AND SELL PROPERTY - Tax Lot 400, Tax Map 251 11AD (vicinity of SW Hall Blvd. & Pinebrook). (a) Administrator Aide suggested that the City sell a parol of land in the Pirebrook Subdivision to cover the expenses of moving of the John TSgard home. The City would also have to request a minor land partition for that lot in order to receive maximum price in sale. Page 7 - REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES, June 12, 1978 Administrative Aide also stated that since the Museum would be placed oa City property and the City would pay for the moving expenses with the monies from the sale of land, the Friends of the Museum could become a City board. (b) Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson to authorize staff to request a Minor Land Partition and sell the City property located in the vicinity of Hall Blvd. and Pinebrook Street. Approved by majority vote of Council, Councilman Scheckla voting Nay. 28. STATE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT REGARDING CITY HALL. (a) City Administrator stated the state electrical inspector had visited City Hall and cited the City for numerous violations of the state electrical code. The City has been given 15 days to make corrections which were noted. An electrical contractor has been called to submit an estimate to. complete the corrections requested. This quote will be presented to Council before any work is performed. 29. LOCAL GOVERNMENT INSURANCE POOL - Authorize participation in feasibility study, (a) City Administrator noted that some communities in the state had requested League of Oregon Cities investigate the possibility of a Local Government Insurance Pool. L.O.C. has requested a fee of $100. from each community interested in participating to help defray the cost to conduct such a study. City Administrator and Legal Counsel both recommended Council approve entering into the study as this type of Insurance Pool could save a large amount of money for the City. (b) Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson authorized the City Administrator to participate in a feasibility study regarding Local Government Insurance Pools and submit $100. to the League of Oregon Cities for this purpose. 30. OFFICIAL CANVASS OF VOTE - MAY 23, 1978 ELECTION. Measure 55 - City of Tigard Tax Base - Yes - 637 No - 1581 Measure 56 - Youth Services Levy - Yes -1206 No - 1080 Measure 52 - Aged Services - Yes -1461 No - 812 (a) Motion by Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Cook to adopt the official canvass of the vote. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 31. City Attorney requested Council meet in Executive Session to discuss an item of litigation. Page 8 - REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES, June 12, 1978 11:25 P.M. Council went into Executive Session under the provisions of ORS 192.660(2)(4) to discuss pending litigation regarding the Hiransomboon Case. (Hunziker LID) Attorney Bailey discussed the condemnation case and requested Council authorization to settle. Motion by Councilman Mickelson; seconded by Councilman Cook to settle the case as suggested by City Attorney . Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 32. ADj,.,1jRN'4ENT: 11.:31 P.M. AMV .. .rc. City Recorder ATTEST: Mayor Page 9 - REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES, June 12, 1978 _ {y Da I wish to -testify before the Tigard City Council on the following item: (Please print your name) Item Description: " Proponent (for) Opponent (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation MEMO To: Tigard City Council From: Aldie Howard Subj. : Extension of sewer service outside city boundaries. We have been asked to extend sewer service outside the city limits to eleviate a potential health hazard for the Tigard Friends Church i and Day Care Center located at 7130 S.W. Beveland. i At the present time the septic tank has failed and rather than install a new one the owners have requested city sewer service. . Z request that Council authorize extension of the sewer lines along 72nd Ave. to serve the property. The church has agreed to pay for the installation. They have also agreed to annex to the City. Council could annex the property by Ordinance due to the fact that a health hazard exists. However, this mandates-the involvement of 'the State Department of Health. Rather than get involved in this ordeal, I suggest that you agree to serve the property now. The annexation policy statement passed by Council clearly states that this is possible. I suggested to the church that they engage an engineering firm to plan the project. This would mean that construction could begin immediately. We would then process the annexation request as a routine annexation requesting city services. My feeling is that the less publicity iven There are over one hundred children ttend nghtheis 1DayeCare Centethe r and the sooner we are able to act the safer the situation. Action on this* may not necessitate a formal resolution or even a formal motion. If it was the concensus of Council to proceed as I have outlined, Staff would proceed and bring the annexation to you as soon as possible. Mr. Barker has .agreed to this approach and unless you have objections we would like to proceed as outlined. "a �Aldie I T2S RIW W. M. 2S � � { OREGON. � 1 B CANCELLED 1501,1700 I 23®82 III INITIAL POINT 1 L25- N 89° 05*E 564.03 - 20 500 400 300 100 , soo .36 Ac, STREE \ N 1 /1 v •3 ��� O o 3 � a 1 1 10 O 9 W I O O m r 4 n t�� 0 2 y o O C I 0 v O O O h d p c I i •��Z��e - �r) 0 I1v o z r = N 83°05'F v N 89°05'E 160.00 10. 09 46 M 112.03 NOO X: GONZAGA 2256 STREET O v N 11304 110.00 50 118.00 116.00 i` 116 GO 700 800 900 N 1000 200 .35 Ac. (( h k 4 N m o 0 o W v 13 14 00c 15 c WW 16 0 0 _ ZO — p �\� �, O A l� O \ U — N 1 e - 3 = \ s 890O5'w W } 15 50 15 118.00 116.00 \: 116.00 i 105 1 N 89°OSE 9200 ,{ rT ° '0 1200 1100 \�L 1500 0 1400 �w`p 1300 ` I \• -sll = 0 •• p n 3 `` N X09 9'� n e C Q N ef:\`' SEE f I Q I_ 21 Ic 20 1 9 I S o f 17 'LS 1 I' I 1 Al O\ z 1 0 20 1 '// / O, '. 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Mt •0 In 14 0. u Al Cl C L aj V au) yIV W C < U wri U jW u O E MMO H o O u 13 m M k -Y O0 3 f• m C6 U o0 o A O) OO O OO +o0.H O > 7 C W N•O w m wk 0 .. 00 ro oG v' E 10 C .+A W in V 0.•i k E Ol.•7 'm�00 ++90C E d m W co C1. k W O M Pa > oMi s v ti s �i y o a ti >° O hO d - .7 m t, O N In O O O (O .o .. a1 O (O O N aD A P•1 In �••1 d N O .7 n ..1 CO n d .o O H co O +1 O(o In T 1co .-1 y p O D` n n M h ON .D N .o O �-/ ...1 .O FI N N e-1 . e•1 .•i E-• .••1 .-1 ( N '� In j t� a0 Q� O .-1 N e•1 Q VU Z• •' "1 .N N N Nc4 f� aO t N ON u S N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ` N N N N N N N N , N L r• a 7 O O U C 6 43 00 u a > O H A v ' p O .ca L Vl • Q` y� j N N N ••.� oo M.•i e-1 d O _ U co v v W � � M �• 3 O p y 1 Cr y 7 M fn V1 yp .� � t] N ' w u >>N 0 M W EO ` N en � w fn N Q .w w c J a ca co (D oaao u o > W F 0, N WW.•i y .•I .. 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Mcn uu(n �F c R A 3 v v V a .'� r••a ' Y z o O O In N O O .7 T O •D O en ao N O 1 � O W 11 O J O O .o P1 C O N v1 O O n .i J ••S J O m u1 N v1 O 0 7 N J co W N a` J CD O N N C. r•1 O o o N N O M F � J Y O jr 1 N cn .7 Ln .o n co C+ O N F1 .T Ln • u e•1 •1 t1 PY en M en c+f e•'1 Pf J l J J J J • v o J J J J .t \7 J J J• J J J J J N N N N N N N N N N N V4 C4 V4 C4 N N N N V N N N N N N N N N N N N n N UI pp N L C M I+O c I C o n' V J In a, CD EO G' 4• v N W n u P > u w q No Ih •o 0 Q r0 Oj n co N. to O 7 - U i0 � •p L M w 3 o J w M N . U k , • F W n O N 'b N O I••1' N J Go T h 0 M W•Ep N Ii r•'1 '•I N r'1 d n N a n w� -ohc M U r q W5�'i d • z�5Ni w co N b M v1 n O N N n O• 44 w"') V > a ri N .o N O H Cl W E 50 .•i •••1 H .-1 N •••1 v1.•i •O N O O O J c0 O .O J n nn O N IO O O r^I O .i r/1' J r'^I O r'1 n N ••i •� a T J Orb .••� to O N u'1 .D J Ol n J on .o C .-I N N e•i N •p N H J O J O W In •o � J N u1 N CO u M N y c NI•d N J In 14 J J N 14 r4 N r•1 J In N N O U 0/ H • o U M ^ + O C w U S H Q1 M N aJ 1•I •I • V _ 1J d ..moi u 1 E d u to M d t0+ dl cr O O 4c > d w W w r0 w Q Y M C w u d d d O O N w G. o O•O o w C M O 3 N •O M d P O1 C +I 7 H .+ to O LI w u o a+ C u N-+ u 0 Ww •p M al w y14 u E w rb O M •••1 M M m u C '� r0 •-•I 7 a.I d yI V (11 In u V GG O W M w H G w r0 N tlf C O M w O O O w u w d O u C C v rn q O O N w U F ••+ C u O C W a+ W.1{ rL C M m N V d Y•W C w N r0 C .•r M d O M Y w IV H w M w 60 6 m w w ...� X E w u u 3 O O o• C gg d C V W C cc m C C M y, O LI F o O b y •I >. 3 M w Or E O M C as d v 9 H o w w F m w w w u m a C'o O d a ra E X o• o C M n. •-1•.+ .b O N 0 W W O u O T O• u >, •.r wO O 00 0 C X u u w C:0 mcg 60 ca E� -.s caw mF• -+ ci $4u wim Fw wo 9 A •F E F C• D Z 3 X O a a rP N O O •O h In O In N •O en y n O O U-I rr N O e'1 O n r n J N N ^' C r• In .i h n J O cQ 'n In O M .o O 7 •-1 [O N r•1 n n N N PI C co In •o o O V1 N N N = 1 O F `"1 +. r•1 N • LU.Z JJD OJJ In I.n? NJ IJn %Jn InU „ IJPIJ1 GJO N N N N N N Nr4 c4 c4 c4 c4 rQ c4 cq r4 cq N N :,. . .,.. o en Ln M - cn u ,'DN 5 ` �cn �- 3. w� N � �7 e•1 c+1 O co O% • N Co a v u1 a+ E .' C r :1N clj Lr; 14 (71 Ln q Oo GD .;. U O N . , 4. N v rl i C d eJ O o•> o > u u A u lo y eJ rn .1 co c o V [A 3 O+ O+ y 7 c. � U • O O• n V T � jL N u N .� U •N .a•.� a O F. M N w d pH � c0 n Z H rn d .o N C M U co U W W� O !D N AWS In .. m .. to((77 N .••1 N cc> ywel ti rn r7 W •N oo A o r•1 c�1 J uj O M N • C r � . t 0 boV y ..0. ' e) e0 'o r: H e7 C a+ o91 u N 3 M g6 •1+ M M U t0 O e! w . N 7 w O d w N 'r N M u 61 01 „ 00 d o m w M ° �' u ,a m a ov o m m rn o >. M M M C ff v3 O. a.Ci fA co C 6 '6C" y T co e•f vl co d . '... C c:- •n .-1 N .O 'i L O O- N .o -4 -1 Pl ' h N eq O. Eo O o .o h N r•1 .1 O " Z 2 N N cn N V N N N :ratio:,a Safety Co. Route 1 Box 57511 Beaverton, Oregon 97005 June 4, 1978 Mr. Joe D. Bailey City of Tigard, Attorney 1516 Georgia-Pacific Building R Portland, Oregon 97204 / Dear Mr. Bailey: One June 2, 1978 a meeting was held between ourshelves and Mr. Raeldon Barker concerning the continued delay encountered by our company in obtaining a building permit on tax lot 4000. He now sees possibilities why DII.P might not be necessary. Because of the malicious delays fostered upon us by certain city employees, we 'have been forced to fully document this most unpleasant and costly experience with detailed research to protect our interest. We askXou as the chief legal officer of the city of Tigard together with our co.-maitment to justice as a officer of the court; to issue a brief quoting law and case research why minor land petitioning is required for this parcel of laird: or to agree with the applicant that llaaP is not required. 1. Parcel was petitioned in 1966 when S.P. railroad leased parcel to Dir. lim. Mears. This lease was assigned to National Safety Co. by S.P. when parcel was acquired. (see attached map) 2. Sale of parcel was approved by S.P. president November 1977. 3. 0?S 92.010 (8), which is authority for Tigard's ordinance states that adjustments of lot lines does no,: constitute partition land. (see attached) Tigatd's ordinance 18.64.030 access and regress reads for a industria; tract 30'access is required. Property has 30' deeded road frontage on Bonita Road, lease rights up to 15'additional feet as required from S.P. (agrees with ORS 92.010 (8) minimum lot size) 5. Attorney Fred Anderson wrote you a brief dated April 10, 1978 further clarifying why MLP not required. This has been collberated by one other legal opinion. (no reply ever received from you) 6. Washington County bureau of records and maps have stated that this parcel was petitioned in 1966. (no MLP required) 7. Parcel in question was alway geographically separate. (has natural boundaries, road, creek, railroads) 8. Tigard DIIaP ordinance not legally in effect until January 1978. (not recorded as required by state statute, eleven plus years after this parcel was petitioned. Page 1, continued Page 2, letter to Xr. Joe Bailey June 4, 1978 We are confident upon carefully reviewing the above points you will state that• MLP not required. Because of the burdensome delays we ask for your reply within five days. The city employee Mr. Laws who was most instrumental in stalling applicant has now resigned per Mr. Barker. The other key employee of the city Mr. Walden has now retracted his statea:ent (May 9, 1978 taped meeting on access/egress. He now states "final authority rests with Washington County". This authority has issued driveway permit #8048. Sincerely, 1 Na6lonal Safety `Co. by John R. Skourtes C.P.A. JRS/v.r. : President encl Map of 1966 partition Oi.S 92.010 Tigard ordinance 18.64.030 t.,-letter from Mr. Fred Anderson to Mr. Joe Bailey, dated April 10,1978 copies to Mr. Fred Anderson, Attorney Mr. Raeldon Barker, city manager City of Tigard ,,_City council., City of Tigard C,/u Mgyar- arfi�v� .At\!L]�rZ90;•1. DITTMAN a ANDERSON ATT0RN[Y3 AT LAW TIrARb PROFESSIONAL CENTER O95S S.W. CENTER STRF_E P.O. 00X 23006.TIGARD. OR*::GON 07223 630.1121 F'F1r:D. A.,ANDMR90N April. 10, 1973 L`EfIRYCK H. cITTMAN RouS:F2 F•. ANDERSON . Fr:r. Joe D. Bailey Attorney at Law P. 0. Box 399 11111sboro, Oregon 97123 . Dear Joe: week,As indicated to you on the telephone last �tieek, I have been requested to assist John Skourtes in connection with tathe apr blew arising from .the small tract abutting upon S. W,.-. vening between Southern Pacific right=of-1•ray and S,P inter- �ti S right-of- :•!ay . t that- the minor parti_tionir., While you indicated that you fes ^ � �. ;•eclilirements of Chapter 17 .21► of the igard Municipal Code were az;c1].ic4ble here, �,'ou also stated that if t h�zd a difforent opinion :ic? could give you a_ reascnat,;e basis for the outloo,c that Mr. �`;;:ourtes is entitled to a building pe!'ia t �a:lthot.:t mLnor partit:ionin; .a.)i)roval, ,you would consider it . S;eview of Section 17 . 2+ .010, in light of the factual situation involved, here , gives rise to the viewpoint that a?proval of narti- t.ioning is not required in this instance for the following reasons : 1. Section 17.211 .010, in pertinent hart, is quoted: "A tract of land or contiguous tracts under itio lei ownership withln the c._,.y_ -.hall not be par. into two or more parcels far transfer of ownership, development or for any other purpose so as to con- flict n1:th requirements o, this title . " As you know, the Southern Pac1fic ril;ht-of-a:ay extends intercity, intercounty, interstate and verhans international wholly within 11 City. �i'%1e normal tax lot and does not fall v.hol_y ' �,..r r� or tract designation with resoec•. to other_L :e_ shins does not apply to railroad right-of-way or utilJ.ties which are assessed and taxed by the State Dezalol�e�hi].osophyt of T,utherefore, than by Wash County. f1=e cannot have Dertinence in this instance. 1jr. Joe D. Dailey April 10, 1978 Page 2 2. The Skourtes tract ;rith vrhieh vie are concerned is ;:ithin the city but it qualifies and has qualified as nd apart from the rail- an oviners�rip entity sepal ate ao road right-of-;gray as show. on the assess. chtImhave f Zdashington County , a take-off copy attached for your reedy reference, and as such has been in existence long prior to the enactment of Ordinance 6$• 8 of the City of Ti-ard and its counterpart Ordi- nance 74-3 Putting this into i.ts ;�.^otael• n?'. 1, ina.a;c:;,ch as there is nat Involved partitioning of the rai lr•oad right-o�-vr iy , but the exis- tence O� .. t-•act has bran a fact long prior to tie ahiD uoption of the ordinances, ^ s and the PEelltha'tctheuminorces ownersof tile partitioningrequire- and assessment facts ,, Cments are not applicable le In any event, I regr.test that you point'out nlanhr���lennind ing ssu lc, c i .•r' that the delays inhere',lt In Obtaininzi of building; pF:rn;it :;'r;ou:ld rot thwart orderly devr.larrrent of an this where the 'PPlica,zt ca;'1 easily ObV iOL1S Sit:llat: On 841i;�1 p e r . � at 'rne is being sinoled out for ,n_4�a1 treat;n:�,nt: :;ur�r�o�t his viurr that a y , and in any event op by reason of previous problci with the cwtbility ,Of tile re, ulatiori, the z a :t :n reasonable doubt of the a-o.L a should be resolved in favor of the applicant under normal statutory guidelines . Very truly yours , • ANDERSON, DITTMAN h ANDDRSO'i Fred . A. Anderson r AA/daw cc: John Skourtes `i. C IT`( L !! Gl�- A-5 A- Ti6-44 ) RCESit)E? T U-'tCA 14i c_ To C (Lf tc,N (N Cc-rTt ll jo- C,4::, TrIC C3�n� CT i WOUL►7 Ltt<E iG 4;4y T f�G2EG v.1 tT� 60UPCjQA(�ty' S(f R C&CLA, T AjC--IL0 tic Li c;E TO SCE 4J Y L`JT5 t N ii-1E RO L kC C (aur A-RCO& o.F' tUTS SRCXJL0 RE W t. ErM-PSE Tates z. Tank�%Wc-- CS M--c%f}LLi P W i ROWNi5T�ATicw Ql fft J May 18, 1978 R�cFi crn, �97a City Council �Fr��q,YO Tigard 12+20 S. W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: I am enclosing a copy of our duarterly Sewer Service Charge for the months of April, May and June, 1978 which I paid in the amount of $15.00. I moved from 10800 S. W. Pathfinder Way, Tigard as of May 15, 1978 and therefore, would like to receive a refund from May 16, 1978 through June 30, 1978 whidh would be in the amount of $7.50. Please mail me a check for $7.50 to: RAYMOND P. FOLEY 12320 S. W. Berryhill Lane Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Thank you very much for your cooperation. Very truly yours, nORENE M. FOLEY CITY OF l IGARD 639-4171 12420 S.W. MAIN TIGARD, OREGON 97223 $ 15.00'! QUARTERLY SLVU SERVICE CHARGE pTlg� " • AMOUNT PAID r y i SERVICE FOR MONTHS OF- -017:1F���Y PS57 t,7 2�i3C��}. 5� ;. �t�2F?;^'I?ia � we'�'�C r _'• l t ar1.3. 01-33. 97223 j l5 a NOTE:WheAtn7iat b7 niatl,return white copy vrith rendttance•"ra ps11ns in person.present both copies for proper vaUdation. a y" '4�3�R+ '►`4 �`'nF. ,,. •, .'. '"M�Tw3..'$•'�P f&, srf'.. , .'k'ti-...�+f-r ' -s�ptl+c�' .'.`..r y ?: ;. fir.., ,..,:{j -r;;-iq �:1. ;f:.s •rti•. .: /� ��J _ __.oV��Y c_o _ _ ...-. _. ����!_�—cam � .... s/��.. Q., � C. rye' /�� __ ___..._ S�S�i--U - �.�,��.j..G irk, /ya l0 3 G�i�� G(���� %���� �. �- .�j��� ,,c�- � � � --- _`��'�L'�=�vCs' � ..cG/t,-�i.��at.-�>�u �� r?%f.��� �'`�"•* :=fir l-C..., MEMO TO: Doris Hartig FROM: Ed Walden, Building Department DATE : June 7, 1978 REGARDING : Simmons 'Warehouse & McHenry ' s Office 15175 SW 72nd Ave. & 15255 SW 72nd Ave. Please be advised all Parking, Paving and Curbs are completed per plans. E.T. Walden MINIMUM!;:IIIAMS[ligi]IM �o 12490 S.W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 S w s®UTHW 5T VW Phone 503/639-1656 ��BER o F June 129 1978 i Mayor Wilbur Bishop City of Tigard 12420 SW Main Street Tigardy Oregon 97223 Mayor Bishop: Thank You for the opportunity to present our views concerning adJustments to be made in the City of Tigard's 1978-79 budget . It is not our intent to recommend cuts in specific line items ; we believe this fine tuning should be left to those who are most familiar with city operations and budget requirements . Instead we hope to provide some general direction for your efforts. The primary concern of the Metro-Southwest Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is seeing that no one service or department is required to bear the brunt of the city's financial problems. We would hoper for instance , that necessary adJustments would not all be made in the area of capital outlay. SecondlY9 we are concerned that budgets of departments which already are operating at the "bare bones" level --i .e. ; the city building department--be left intact. i f To summarize the chamber's position, we recommend that the Tigard City Council : make adJustments roughly proportional to the relative cost of each city service and departments but use restraint in adJusting funding of programs which already are operating at maximum cost efficiency and would be crippled by any further reduction. S i n Y9 _ j r n Dowene resident Tigard-Tualatin-King City-Sherwood-Metzger-Washington Square r � 09 t Otru RECEIVED o;th�°d CITY OF s1,e+l TIGARD .. w t1 V J 1:J Counly F-J AY 9 � us 3 f�111�J ,1C T f� p11 Washington Lt01 Vi 1�L7�,1tU Election o N N LU UsW �L N May 23, 1978 = x W d o *+g+ 1 of 1 P+9+5 f... > n CA CA N.e, a+nol Numbs 55 55 56 56. 57 57 Miss g Nd.of Pr+dnd -j► YES NO ! YES NO YES I NO n m 18al O 6 -i o 30 1-1111,43 O ° m 31 9,17 A,o -1 7,? < o 32 1 O z 70 M 33z as 7� N 34 1631-1.4,3127-1, j O J 35 Absentee ' S o a:3 a u • ooT = � e Q' 3 �r 3 3 V�N � N -Qi Q l Q_N N Q •��� U p I TOTAL 1,637 / /2,266 2oa'4/126/1&Z ! 1 certify that this rotas recorded on this abstract cx- Sig •of County 4: Dale of Abstract rectly summarise the felly of rotes cast at the election indicated. i ABSTRACT OF VOTES AT GENERAL AND AtSSTRACT OF JOTES AT PRIMARY ELECTIONS: SPECIAL.ELECTIONS: Separate sheets for Democratic, Republican, Nonpartisan, and other candidsfes. Votes cast for Peg Governormustmust be on separate Separate sheets for candidetas for City, County (including precinct) end Slate office. For edditional in9rudions ase ORS 250.810. For additional instructions,see ORS 249AI0. J f z Za T� RD, A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER VOLUME 1 . - ISSUE 21 JUNE 8, 1978 9 RAWLINGS SAVES MONEY Billie Rawlings, Municipal Court Clerk, devised a "suspension notice" for use here. At a recent meeting of Court Clerks, she shared the idea with Hillsboro and Forest Grove. Hillsboro called to report that •this idea has been incorporated in their operation at considerable savings. MARINES AND SOCCER In an effort to "stretch" the Park Funds, Ben Altman contacted the local construction battalion of the U.S. Marine Corps requesting equipment help in Cook Park for the soccer fields. The initial response was favorable. - Ben also contacted Unified Sewerage Agency for possible interim use of the fields in the Durham Plant area. GREENBURG PATH G-eenburg Road Bike Path may finally get paved. We have been assured that final grading will take place this week with base rock and asphalt following. SUBDIVISIONS INCREASE The Engineering Department reports that they have received eight new subdivisions for review within the past two weeks. SUMMERFIELD PRESSURE The pressure pump and pressure line on Durham Road serving a portion of Summerfield are fully operational. ENGELWOOD GREENWAY Public Works reports progress is being made in mowing of the Englewood Greenway. The new equipment is expected this week making the job easier.