City Council Packet - 04/17/1978 i v TIGARD CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MEETING OD APRIL 17, 1978, 7:30 P.M. CHARLES F. TIGARD i ADMINISTRATION BUILDING L AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. STATEMENT CONCERNING GRIEVANCES OF BUSINESS INTERESTS REGARDING PLANNING DEPARTDIENT - Presented by Marvin Bowen. 4. REPORT CITY/TDC AGREEMENT - Durham Pressure Sewer Line. 5. DISCUSSION - Planning Items Set For Public Hearing April 24th. . NPO #6 . Interim Bill Board Ordinance 6. DISCUSSION - Storm Drainage Study 7. AUTHORIZE CALL FOR BIDS - Police Station Addition 8. DISCUSSION - Computer Sewer Billing System 9. DISCUSSION - Proposed O.L.C.C. Ordinance 10. DISCUSSION - Proposed Ordinance Amending Title 5, Business License 11. DISCUSSION - McDonald & Bechtold Annexation 12. STATUS REPORT - Englewood Greenway & Playground 13. STATUS REPORT - Walnut Street Realignment 14. STATUS REPORT - Completion of Overlay Program For Fiscal Year 1977-78 15. REPORT - Museum 16. REPORT - City of Tigard Annual Picnic 17. OTHER 18. ADJOURNMENT T I t; A R 1j, C I T Y C O U N C 1 1, STUDY SESSION M!,!U-TES, Af.illi, 17. 197-., . ;30 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL; Present,, Mayor W_lill r:r n;_,hc>cs Ccunc :-1n.en .John E, Cool, (arrived at ! t35 PM), Ala❑ W. Mickel so-i. K-i:-�eth W., Scheckla (arrived at 7135 PM), Lyr,ra R. Wal<em; 10 Bailey, Legal Counsel; Raeldon R. Barker, City Ada:ln-"',trator; Dicic Bolen, Planning Director; Doris Harti.g, City Recorder; Aldace Howard, Administrative Aide; Loreen WilSL-, Clerk 1I1, 2. REPORT CITY/TDC ACREEMENT - Dc::ha .c Y:e ut::; Sewer Li ne, (a) City hi c:c•a: e:c . rc6arding the current agreement between Ju-jlat.ir C.;;rporation. ,ind the City of Tigard, with re.-pec t to the pk-t;osed D_,rham prcs�,ure sewer line system. The rain cut:cern, spoked to wa:, :.:r:at rhe current proposed agreement was in direct violaticn of the 1.970 Gr=-f d Sewerage: Agency/City of Tigard agreement which states that thC_ City sl:c;uld not enter into any sewer agreements without 115A '.o- ,-•nt . It was also noted that oth,:t cntZ, Had U.-Cenlly requested the possibility of line for temporary use until the Tualatin Interceptor i- si ).:l:,lr for use a*.rd they had been d, led by USA. If the City werct to e:-a'rt inue with current TDC/City aarec.. :nt, there could be the po,--,-`.; t v of 1 1 t igat inn f ror; other developers in the area. (b) Legal Counsel stated he felt c: ^.curt.:,t;i: with the current status of the pressure llne agree!-sent with TDC and war-, not concerned with the possibility of future 1`ti;,4tiun .ate::, 1 fro!a this agreement. (c) After lengthy C.-Ay Attornev and staff, City Administrator exhrtsscd cr c+rr. of tht: reluctance of USA Board to enter into apfeerrer-t. (d) Motion by Counci .min Cook.., se co 1 1 i.`, Count i lman Scheckla to table matter no more than 14 (1- ^d dirtt crct -t,tff (namly City Administrator, and Legal Counsel) to ccn is t t he ;':r`. :"+ >.ird and i ron out. concerns. Approtred by unanimous °cote of C;cli:!ci 1 , 3. STATEMENT CONCERNING GRIEVANCES OF uUSINESS INTERESTS REGARDING PLANNING DEPARTMENT - Presented by Mar,,,in Rowen. (a) Marvin Bowen, represent!!--: V-in -OrtEr Printing, expressed concerns regarding the tratment his client I,ad received by the Planning Department. Concerns were expressed rekarding the: length of time taken by the Department to expedite the Dcslgrl Review process for this request, and the problems which arose in requestir-g a building permit. (b) City Administrator stated the building permit process had been held up by the inadequate plans, and th t when proper plans were submitted, the building permit cuuld be issued. After lengthy discussion betwee: staff, Council. Mr. Bowen & Mr. Ramsdell, Councilman Wakem requested all complaints be submitted to the Council in writing so that Council could r.espord in a meaningful manner. • it Council cocctlrrf;J +..i th ':h' t ' h (c) Mr. R. M. R de: r ' f=cur•c it seck a response from the diSPIeasure with staff proc.e:duTe.=.. (d) Mayor Bishop expressed concern over the number of complaints bein issued. I yo BiSho also _sugges,ted the Council should review, pthis issue a a Study Session 4. D1SCU IOrN - TL, ::.i .. it_E. >: t fc�r }.. _ . . •+.` .r r Apci i _-,,n /with Planning Commiss'on . NPO #6 /members involved if deemed necessary Interi% Bi.' ! Board Ordir..ri . LO CGUI)dl} .. St.%it '. t -tr •: ifl f E'a Lo ' !3Lile',, sti -i.cghtforwerd with predv",'.atE.'_' }i ,. f z,,f . ii f:. r i e d, it was noted that one area whe rE S u`_ i<;r. ;_ c F - ;i ! r<c' �•�l, ,._:! hy NPO and Pl anni ne Cornnzi.ssion wa:, t!ie proj,c,•:,;1 :,1 : . . r:i :-r ..i.te ort the .:aTntr of Hall. Blvd. & Durha Rc;a! . 1 t. W.I_ c 1 t!P'tt Cot--Ir i [ cons i d-.:r adding Naeve Street and S. 0 i , c~tcr t +ndard �treuts, (b) Spencer Vale, repit-e ,t . A c „ i .i t-_re,,t, ruyutbLed clarification as to what wa : Eair i< l ,I t! c PubI ir, Hf-ar in,t, schtduled for April 24th, (c) Plar,n'ni, Director :,r ,_ ' is i l ,ii I< i „c,'„! c... rdi11 L11( p:u1')o sed iiiteriIrl Bill Board Ord:ti ncf t .: u' , ^cull ;.h-•t thi. ordinduce was drawn from the format n < 1 ! v � � )' ., . !. ;t� r:i !inatce is only' an interim measure a^d .!�' tcit t,il ! bc;ard ordinan'e at such t iri-- as ' r d 1, ..L?. ti `. '.till._ (.: ' 't.t' l'C,:-' 1 ': jr,n Can sutwli t: such regulations for Cor, .i J ,fj , 5. DISCUSSION Sturm DraiT.,,te (a) City Administrator tat- :1 C: i_; ! .,;1 rt qui— d t:roposal:; !rani 20 en,;ir.eerin,; firi,s ar:d had recei%ed <. } !t) turn . lht. Building; Oficial. PIanniu,: Director, Engineer + 1 :_li r : d '” t. ,-F; +i,istratvr than revier�ed the z submitted prop(—,A! r: :_' , +„_ ;r wr•. , �,r i. ; 1. Rc-0 e:wi-L, the ;t r'.'.y 2. Notirz�; the esti;—;td c i :,: r r ` j<c.t , 3. Tir e. frare -or 4. Personnel 's l••a-kl-rui. : u.;--E C.s usir.F to i:r.plcilent. project. 5. What final rr_rc,rt wi: ! rc�� t.rit: Two firms were 1r1ter,. i-wt:d by t-:f ,f, �tnd rrcver7'.eadation was to award project to CH2M -- Hill . Esti( aced c:o�t w„t:ld he X29,000 and time for completion would he approxim,te y 6 -^,nth,=. (b) Motion by Councilr-An Cari-, ze,,arded by Cnuncilman Wakem to draw up contract with CH2M - Hit.!., with Geral Ccurirel 's approval , and subtr-it for acceptance and exeCufAfcr. at fl-ture meeting, Approved hy, unanimous :rite of Council , PAGE 2 - COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MIN •- April. 11, 1978 c 4 3 f 6 , AUTHORIZE CALL ^r:R. r'.DS P:J e• A--Ad- Liu" k (a) City Ad-^`ni;;tr-,tor s'_a ., _ +'c:_ - t.ad . _ erlewed lar-:•'uage in bid docu—.ent a1,d rc:qu : .:.d f.c.: :c: ` ie _."er. until tl;is could be f ac c omp L idl e d. 1 a Consensus 011: Courcil to i i 7. DISCUSSION - Computer Sewer (a) City Ad:T.in;stratcr cc i that th • _cent a::_ounting procedure rev.;ew eonducced by the City a :<__ or h; t:.t :: tt :,t ;.o co"hutcr was necessary to I:a-.6 e ih :�t :c:nt ifcwever. Ci.tp AdT;_riistrator t felt the current. i .. - , wc_. a-:J the t_iT.e spent by staff in S (b) City Adc:irastrat '1 z 1 :.r tdy iur cher the possibi.lit=es c1 or pn;sibl , r_r:.ing a corr..puterytertain-,. (c) With con,sensu;, of Cour.:. ; ,, r qut Led stof£ tt: 'urCher pars-oe the matter of ,`tto alternative ways to bill. S. DISCUSSION •• Propose,] 0.i..'. . . . r i .•n:::_. (a) Admin i s'_rati,e Ai.d 1 !, ,,.. ; r;, : ,,;: had re,icwcd the proposed ord4n-ince and that ;c. the .. rter would ue presented to Coun,i i it,ri_l r[h a<:ti;. . . 9. DLSCUSSION - Propos cd Ord -< r 4 .r 1' i Busine-S l.,icense. (a) Legal Ccunsel stated ';:. ir ,r r .a �.i 'o r •. .i%-w and requested Council con::�i.der the. rrsitter ,it 10. DISCUSSION •• McDocald ^, T-it (a) Adminiatrati-e Aide re.•; ie.1-ri r ,: r: e :<tation requests with Council and requested further dist:cti rd_n request to be sent to the Boundary „ .. r' r { :.t.rff =1:i to what lands were to be Review Co..mi:,s ie. cu-c _ . annexed and asked that r�_c•; :! - .r.s btpresented at- next regular meetieS. (b) Consensus of Councit w:, to a{ A : :-)istrat.i,.r� Aide to subnit a trap showing tax Lot.; to ::.E' jnrc.xcd wi'_'., r=..,olu,.ions so that staff would have more time to draw tf rr .,d'yt• tai etes and bounds legal descrintior. . 11. STATUS REPORT - Englewood Greenway & 1l--:jySrcur.d. (a) City Administrator stated C.,n o-�wealt_h Froroerties had replanted trees but at this tire it wa_. Soip.o`?::11cle to -;»y whether the trees would live { or not. Also, as of this date, the greenway has not been accepted for maintenance by the C-iL =-.d a y nro',lierns with r..airten-ace o_r impro�.ezents within the greenway systc:e _`;o�. d 'r;e noted to Cotr;tonwealth Properties. PAGE 3 - COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES Aj;ri.l 17, 1.978 '•iA . try f (b) Consensus of Gets.,,J? e•wa to .:..ve Counsul. coe tac r Counonweal th Properties by me: l ar:d re fit t I h:.t. '::.; rc:er.;enLs and m, in ten ince be kept up to da Le is tt-.e gr::. ; w;y -,rea. If not, the City would move to maintain greenway - --?s and attached Commonwealth bond or bill for maintenance work. 12. STATUS REPORT iLrut Street (a) City Aam4.nistrator :.t.,ted a had ben held with Barney McPhillips, representing Peavey Oil Ccrnrat,,;, and that. the City had agreed to physically rack the site where. the dcdication ol. groend had been requested The itaking should `: ; corr,.ple`t:d by April 24th, and Mr. McPhillips wi.il look -;t thc_ sLt421 ar:d thcr ; .eke a decision whether or not to sign the d::dicatic-= (b) A report will be rade .:r a lit:r d, t<; to Cour,ci l regarding Mr. McPhillips decision. 13 STATUS REPORT •• Ccrripletion of Oyer l +y P:sof fur Fiscal Y<_-ar 77- 78. (a) City Administrator slated that there wa $t2, 06.00 left in the current fiscal year's budget for W;r ; i;cy progrl•.ts. The Burnham Street improvement had not rec.?i,:ed any re .sn uns­, fror,; .sore property owners regarding forrtatior. of <:n LID fu: thfr arca. There had been over.-runs In the cont rac ted price for the Greenlnirg, Road project and City Admir:i::,t.c:tor tared this amount would be approximately .$8,000 inore than inticfputed. City Administrator reque::tc::d r;c:uu_i _ ­!,ke decision as to where the $12,306.00 should be =ptn: in irf-re (b) Councilman Cook, with ro-,_>r :us rui_ C:• , %.il , requested Burnham Street be simply an overlay w[t.h ,,oisible la-.(iowner participation in purchasing storm drain the ar:d _,,;t: fc. .., :,r LTO ., , chi; t.L71c. (c) City Administrator then request-_d rr,-.les for the Burnham Street overlay and storm drain 17-r rrvcr•ert: ! ror . .t r.t.ly $12,000) be spent from the overlay program lin% item in this f•_c..rt year's budgt2E. and that the over-run from the Greenbur- Road pro *l,., t be taken iron_ contingency. Council concurred If the prop:erty cwt.ers would participate in the Burnham Street o-verlay `rnprc ccs:ent . 14. REPORT - Museu,7t (a) Administrative Aide requested Cour.c; t express their interest in how to support the Museu-n project. It was the consensus of Coun.i-! to Ict the Friends of the Museum actively support this project, L•ut that Council would give moral support and encourage the group wherever possible, It would be impossible, at this time, for the City to have personnel available to assist with the project. PAGE 4 - COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES - April 17, 1978 i5. REPORT - C :_i- (a) Adrn't to be paid by those attending. (b) COnsr . st_:; "'A-r ' 16. OTHER: (a) City A,; (b) L{, 7. (d) C Ad A' 1 f I t t.. t ht RECESS 10:25 P.M. RECONVENE 10-, 30 P.i•t, Meeting rece:-,rci Cr,unc.ilman Cook <yu- t<_•_! F _ ' I di ac tion taken by t t t complete copy of t..hE t. ,t. . .. . ,.I ( . . i ! c.oc•:urr=-'a -rid i tion to be dis tr i bu led i•-, W<,t,{ ' '.' c Mayor Bishop requested that these reports be placed in his mail basket the day they are put out. iS�iY 'yl�y��f Council Went. into Exf-cto i VF• �( i.i" i�! i'. C.. u !t)-' dU a matters. Council. discussionL_3t:r1F; f:"iR--C185�i2i;_d emp Iovees Salaries and Budi;f �plcyec L 13t10I =+pd salaries Were d'i'ci`FFed., l., �� _ r i', _1..,-.'.t,.•ii� ;Ell"• r.i a confidential nature and that r( ` r PAGE 5 COUNCIL STIDD SESSION +rroti`FF.S I , i monism i appropriate. Council further discussed co^_-rect_ rrade sr Ai,rii i;th Study Se5�ion as it relates to City personnel.. Council r.eque Le:d t_1ty rRd- :r,_ st�sLor to review through the proper channels. Meeting adjourned at 11tGO F„ht, �DotiHrtig -�Ci'ty Recorcit� ATTEST: 1 `Mayor - City of Tigar 4 i t 1 {Y{ 'i i i 3 r 2 k i t A f T 3 PAGE 6 - COUNCIL MINUTES - STUDY SESSION - April 17, 1978 IS S1%9ARD %OPD %E RAM A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER a VOLUME 1 ISSUE 14 APRIL 13, 1978 WALNUT RE-ALIGNMENT. City Administrator and Staff members met with Mr. Barney McPhillips of Peavy Oil Co. to discuss the re-alignment of Walnut. Future dev- elopments will be reported to Council. OLDIES AND GOODIES. Library Staff members have assembled their private "collections" for display in the Library. Have you ever seen a "stereoscope"? IMPORTANT REMINDER. Dont forget the meeting with ODOT at the Hi Hat Restaurant at 12 noon on April 20th. for members of the Pacific Highway Improvement Project Committee. GAS MONEY CLARIFICATION. The $2,955.00 that the City received from Washington County as our portion of the new Gas Tax Revenue was for the month of January. COOK PARK. We have received requests for the use of Cook Park which total 5,875 persons. The Engineering Department has officially called for bids on the soccer field and parking lot projects. COMPUTERS. The City Administrator and Staff attended a showing of computer hardware at the Exposition Center. Approximately 150 vendors paraded their goods. Impressive capabilities for municipal finance and billing procedures were presented. PUBLIC HEARING PREPARATION. Planning Staff continues to work on the Transportation and Public Facilities Plan. It is anticipated that this plan will appear before the Planning Commission for Public Hearings in June. LIBERTY PARK PLANTING. Staff preparing to hold a "public planting" in Liberty Park. Anyone wishing to assist in this effort is encouraged to contact Nancy Edwards.