City Council Packet - 03/08/1976 TIG.ARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MARCH S, 1976, 700 P.M. FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL LECTURE ROOM AGENDA: 1. CALL• TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK ON NON-AGENDA ! FENS 5. CONSENT AGENDA (All matters under this heading are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted lu one motion in the form listed below? There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by ary Council member or member of the audience, that item will be rzmoved from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.) (a) APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 23, 27, Manch 1., 1_976 (b) RECEIVE AND FILE WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Corpunication from Ci.R,A.G. regarding coordination of Local and Regional Planning. (c) APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES AND INVESTMENTS $61 ,749_:44 (d) SETTING OF PUBLIC HEARINGS + March 22, L976, beginning at 8:00 P.M. Fowler Junior High. S.:F:oo' Zone Cbanget Bequest by Gordon Carpenter fe- a cEange of zone for a 2.83 acre parcel from R-7 (Si:gi.e_ Fait,il.y Residential) to A-2 (Multi-Family Residential) in thev!:i, lt,' ­f '535 S.W. 98th Avenue (Tax Map LSI 35C, Tax Lot 900). Zoning Ordinance Amendment;, Amend sectio+ new standards and design criteria for off• r.rect pa-kin.g. 6. O.L.C.C, APPLICATIONS Seven Seas Chinese & American Restaurant, 200 Tigard Para, r<,cn:erLy Lees' Rest4utant, Restaurant Application Connie's Grocery, Norris, Clarence P. & Coll.e_n R., ?-ins` S.W. Upper Boones Ferry Road - PS Application Luckey's Inc., 14485 S.W. Pacific Highway, DA Appl.ica,:i.:11 Fred Meyer Inc. 11565 S.W. Pacific Highway, PS Appticat_:-n Fred Meyer Inc. Eve's Buffet, 1.1565 SW Pacific Hwy. , R. pplicatinn Hi-Hat Inc., Hi Hat Restaurant, 11530 S.W. Pacific Hwy. DA Appli•:arlrnn Tradewell Stores,Inc. Prairie Market #14,12, 8950 SW CclrsT-rc i al , PS Application Pizza Caboose, 11670 SW Pacific Highway, change from R to R_.4B Appiicat:cn (a) Recommendation of Chief of Police J 7, REPORT I�ROM FjRr SERVICE FACT FINDING COMMI-TTFE RI3,Affly)JIN, MUNICIPAL P[1:ii ,;ET;y1Ci: (Distributed with agenda. Menihers Will be presejiL t,: ansc,er questions. ) 4� r>' 8. REPORT FROM 'GOWN AND COUNTRY [JAYS COMM'['N['LE 9. PETITION FROM CLARENCE STARBUCK et al REGARDING TRkFF1'C SIGN.Lj2:A'i'1()N (;[' WALNUT STREET PACIFIC HIGHWAY INTERSECTION (a) Recolrouendation of City Administrator. 10, HUNZIKER STREET L.1,1)„ RA1LK04W CROSSING (a) Report by City Attorqay. �1. RESOLUTION No. 76+ R R4Pp UTIPN OF T 9 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL: ACCEPTING THE PU4IC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN BRGOKWAY iI Sp$AIVTS�QN, (a) Re4ommapd$tion of City AdministrAtor, 12. APPRQVE: SANITARY SEWER CONTR44T A¢RP,EMENT Nellie B. Andrews, 12540 SW 68th, Tigard, Oregon (a) Recommendation of CitY Mmiai.gtxator, 13. APPROVE SANITARY SEWER CONT4JI,GT AGREEMENT + John A. Loewer, 12175 S.W. Tippitt Place, Tigard, Oregon, (a) Recommandation of Pity AdminiptrAkor, 14, OTHER 15. ADJOURNMENT PAGE 2 COUNCIL A.GZNpA k N C I L REGULAR MEETING MARCH 8, 1976, 7:30 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL; Present: Mayor Wilbur Bishop; Councilmen John L. Cook, Robert C. Moore, Alan W. Mickelson; R. B. Adams, ChieC of Poj.ic.e; Russel J. D. Bailey, Legal Counsel; Richard Austin, Building Official; C. Bolen, Planning Director; Bruce P. Clark, City Administrator; Doris Hartig, City Recorder. 2. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS. (a) No one appeared to speak. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, Regular Meeting, February 23, 1976 and Study Session March 1, 1976. (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote Of Council present. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS C.R.A.G. regarding coordination of Local and Regional Planning (a) Motion to receive and file: Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 5. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES AND INVESTMENTS: $61,749.54 (a� Motion to approve: Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 6. SETTING OF PUBLIC HEARINGS (a) Motion to remove 5d from consent agenda and discuss dat6 for Public Hearings under 'Other Business's Councilman Cook, seconded by Coiirecilman Mickelson. Passed by unanimous vote of Council present. 7. O.L.C.C. APPLICATIONS: Seven Seas Chinese & American Restaurant, 200 Tigard Plaza, formerly Lee's Restaurant, Restaurant Application Connib's Grocery, Norris, Clarence P. & Colleen R., 16035 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road - PS Application Luckey's Inc., 14455 S.W. Pacific Highway, DA Application Fred Meyer Inc., 11565 SW Pacific Fred Meyer Inc., Eve's Buffet, Highways P5 Application 1.156 SW Pacific Hi-Hat Inc., Hi Hat Restaurant, 11530 SW Pacific,, R Application Tradewell Stores, Inc, on Prairie Market #412, 3950 SSWCommercial,cFSlApplicatior, Pizza Caboose, 11670 SW Pacific Highw$y, change from R to RMB Application (a) Chief of Police stated fhe appl•ii ations had been im,estigatrd arkd $.- recommended approval by Council. (b) Motion to forward applications to O.L,C.C. without ob}EeL.tion: Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Moore. Passed by unanlmous vote of Council present, 8. REPORT FROM FIRE SERVICE FACT FINDING COMMITTEE - Re. Municipal Fire Se-rvice (a) City Administrator introduced two members of the Comiiittee, Floyd Bergmann and Richard Brown, and stated they were present to answer questions and provide information. Discussion followed with Council, staff, and Committee members on .Findings and recommendations contained in the report. Council expressed their appreciation and thanks to the Committee, (b) Chief Washburn, T.R.F.P.D.,. stated the District's budget included $15,000 to be expended for the first step towards implementing a Fire Box System in the T.R,F.P.p. District which would help in obtaining a reduction in insurance claps grade rating. Chief Washburn also stated he would be requpatitig an'insurance grading study to be performed in the Distr-ict as soon as possible. (c) Motion to accept the Fire Service Fent Finding report: Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Cook. Motion passed by unanimous vote of Council present. 9. REPORT FROM TOWN & COUNTRY DAYS COMMITTEE (a) Mr. George Slawosky, pr(sident of the Tigard Town & Country Days Committee, explained the structure and activities of the cotmnitttee and reported the committee's progress to date, Mr. Slawosky also pointed out the City of Tigard was one of 10 cities in Oregon to be officially designated, by the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration, as a Bicentennial Community. (b) Council requested information on how the City of Tigard would b,. officially participating in the Town d: COU ntry 1)ay:; celebrat'_„n. Mr. Slawosky stated the plans -§hould be f.irmc-d up and he could cett. with Council, with information requested, in May, 1976. 10. PETITION FROM CLARENCE STARBUCK, et 41 Ret Traffic Signalization on :daInkit/ Pacific Highway Intersection, (a) City Administrator advised Council .the City did not have funGs for installing a traffic signal. He further suggested a letter be sent to the State Traffic Engineer, stating the facts and requesting a traffic study. l Discussion followed. PAGE 2 COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 8, 1976 (ia) Motion Lo ae;id Letter _taftvgl fact.> and rcegLWSting action te; bc. taken by State Traffic Engineer; Counrilmai; Moore, seacoaded by Councilman Cock. Motion passed by ptianirnakis vote of i;ounclj present. 11. HUNZIKER STREET L.I.D. RAILWAY CROSSINGI (a) City Attorney advised Council agaipst filing a lawsuit against the Public Utility Commission. City Administrator noted that alternat.o courses of action include not relocating signal or paying the railroad approximately $9,000 to relocate the signal. (b) Motign to not file a lawsuits Councilpian Cook, seconded by Councilman Moore. Motion passed by unanimous vote of Council present. Cougcil determined to consider the matter of signal relocation at a later Council meeting. 12. RESOLUTION No. 76"35 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN BROOKWAY II SUBDIVISION. a (a) City Administrator recommended Cougcil accept the public improvements. (b) Motion to adopts Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 13. APPROVE SANITARY SEWER CONTRACT AGREEMENT . Nellie B. Andrews, 12540 SW 68th. (a) City Administrator recommended approval by Coungil. (b) Motion to approves Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of.Council present, 14. APPROVE SANITARY SEWER CONTRACI' AGREEMENT - .Jahn A. Loewe r, 12175 SIV T i l:)p i t t Ill.ac c. (a) City Administrator rer..ominended approval, by Council. (b) Motion to approves Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present, 15. OTHER (a) SETTING OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Zone Changes Request by Gordon Carpenter for a change of zone for a 2.83 acre parcel *from R�7 (Single Family Residential) to A-2 (Multi- Family Residential) in the vicinity of 11535 SW 98th Avenue (Tax Map IS1 35C, Tax Lot 900). Zoning Ordinance Amendments Amend section 18.60 establishing ne,r standards and design criteria for off-street parking. PAG$ 3 - COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 8, 1976 rto t ion 'I:y U(A l.niail COok to t pub! ie. :ler :i'Ligc Co,: March ".), 197L, at k'v:71er JUTiior tligh beginning at cs100 P.M.; secondo.d by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous Wit.0 of Council prey:ent. (b) City Administrator requested the following meetings he. 5chedultd and Council concurred: (1) Special Meeting March 11, 8=00 P.M,, location tc be aril-ounced. (2) Special City Council/Budget Committee meeting, March 16th, ':30 N.;1. in the General Telephone meeting room, (3) Special meeting, March 18th, 7100 A.M, at the Chalet. (c) Inglek4od/Scholls Ferry/121st Development (1) Planning Director stated the Planning Commission had officially removed the burden of the developer to improve 115th to Dakota Street as part of Phase III of the Development, Discussion followed, (2) Council requested the City Attorney study the action taken by the Planning Commission and report back to Council as to proper procedure for Coupcil to follow in reviewing the action of the Commission, (3) Council directed staff to send letter to the developer, notifying him Council is questioning action taken by the Planning Commission. (d) Nomination Petition for C. L, Roberts , NPO 04 (1) City Administrator commented he. had received petition nominating C.L, Roberts to NPO (t4, further stating the petition was on file with the City Recorder, (e) McMonagle/Summerfield Phase LV Plat (1) Mr. McMonagle discussed the ,fee of. $1,015 to submit the: pr.eiimitiai-y plat for SuiTcnerfi.eld Phase JV to the Planning Delia r.tm.eut. McMona�,,i, felt the tree was too high and suggested altFrnate fee schedhile-s. Planning Director stated the schedule should he re-examinesd. Council directed Planning Director to review fee ,chedule and make recommendations to Council. Council agreed to allow Mr, McMonagle to continuf: P?lase IV while Council and staff review fee schedule. (f) Tax Base Discussion City Administrator advised if the CLty goes to voters with proposed tax base increase, expenditures should be specifically identified Njten in excess of basic operating budget of City. He made some suggestions on projects and amounts to be considered by Council & Budget Committee. SAGE 4 COUNCIL-MINUTES , MARCH 8, 1974 Discussion followed by Goun4:11/Staf[, informal Foncevsus +:pis to continue coustdevacion of a t'nx base lncr.eaa(_ at Che SpeG.ial N!<-c.c;ng ;#.heduled for March 11.th, Counj:i1 recessed 10;20 P.M. and arena. intc? exc:cuti.ve ses.:ion at 10130 116M. Executive session was galled under O.R.S. 192.660.2 subsection 4, fc,c-•uut.hoxity of persons designated to carry on labpr riagotialtions. City AdMinistVator repofted on counter prpposal roceived from T.P.Q.A', and rpsults of recent~ meeting, Council. provided City Admigi.stratgr witrc guidelines for further negotiations!, Meeting adjogrned 0155 P,M, F tY �Coxtipr V ATTEST i Yp� ' j F i WZ .5 COUN04 XIIWTFo$ w MA>zCH $I 1$76 BILLS PAYABLE MARCH 8, 1976 '4ERAL FUND - U.S. NATIONAL BANK uneck No. 18558 Jack A. Benaroya - Investors Refunds (622) $ 300.00 18559 J. K. Gill - Printing Material (14) 7.00 18560 Trust "T" Structures Inc. - Refund Bldg. Permit (726) 338.50 18591 T.E.A. - Union Dues (604) 24.00 18592 T.P.O.A. - Union Dues (611) 186.00 18593 Tri-County Credit Union - Payroll Withholding (609C) 100.00 18594 Tigard Community Credit Union - Payroll Withholding (609A) 463.47 18595 Washington County Credit Union - Payroll Withholding (609B) 837.00 18596 I.C.M.A. Retirement Corp. - City Administrator Pension (12) 110.00 18597 Banker's Life Ins. - Police Pension (608A) 1,296.16 18598 Traveler's Insurance Group - Employee Pension (13) 59.07 (14) 54.79 (608B) 149.66 263.52 18599 Oregon Dental Service - Dental Insurance (11) 12.88 (12) 40.74 (13) 53.62 (14) 61.11 (16) 313.20 (16.3) 12.88 (18) 20.37 514.80 18600 Oregon Administration Ins. - Payroll Withholding (619) 30.30 18601 U.S. National Bank - Payroll Withholding (613) 2,198.90 18602 State of Oregon - Payroll Withholding (614) 1,640.00 18603 Public Employees Retirement Board - Social Security (11) 42.06 (12) 142.10 (13) 184.04 (14) 188.53 (16) 1152.39 (16.3) 68.74 (18) 21.29 (612) 1889.15 3,688.30 18605 Dept. of Motor Vehicles - License Suspension (11) 35.00 18606 Joe Chamberlain - Refund (622) 38.60 18607 Western Life Iris. - Police Ins. (16) 52.00 (618) 7.80 59.80 18609 John Laws - Mileage (14) 6.60 18610 Tigard Water District - Utility (18) 44.00 18611 Western Office Products - Equipment Maint. Agreement (12) 44.10 (13) 22.05 (14)22.05 88.20 18613 American Institute of Planners - Registration Fee & Subsistence (14) 13.00 18614 Dept. of Commerce - Bldg. Permit Surcharge (623) 124.98 18615 Doug's Auto Parts - Misc. Equipment Supplies (17.3) 74.64 18616 Halray Auto Supply - Paint (17.3) 1.60 18617 Maryatt Industries - Laundry (20) 30.00 18618 N.W. Natural Gas Co. - Utility (18) 127.05 (20) 314.55 441.60 18619 Oregon Mayor-s Association - Membership (10) 12.50 18620 Rentex - Laundry (18) 13.40 18621 Don Thomas Petroleum - Super Shell (12) 17.81 (13) 10.18 (19) 16.17 44.16 18622 Times Publication - Notice of Public Hearing (10) 4.60 18623 Xerox - Equipment Rental (622) 20.90 3732 Pargas - Equipment Rental (13) 5.00 BD U.S. Bank - Bonds (610) 150.00 $13,206.53 Payroll 209957.79 $34.164.32 SEWER FUND - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 18594 Tigard Community Fed. Credit Union - Payroll Withholding (609A) $ 50.00 ( 395 Washington County Fed. Credit Union - Payroll Withholding (609B) 90.00 18598 Traveler's Insurance Group - Employees Pension (104) 64.33 (608B) 125.37 189.70 18599 Oregon Dental Service - Dental Insurance (108) 53.64 18600 Oregon Admin, Association - Payroll Withholding (619) 6.66 Bills Payable March 8, 1976 Page 2 18601 U.S, Bank - Payroll Withholding 18602 State of Oregon - Payroll Withholding (613) $ 492.00 t iO3 Public Employees Retire. Board - Social Security (101) 204.70 (614) 176,00 (612) 204.70 18615 Doug's Auto Parts - Equipment Supplies 409.40 3154 Unified Sewerage Agency (210) 280.01 3155 R. L. Thompson - Mileage (753 - 755) 9,983.20 (270) 21,64 Payroll $11'75225 2,348,11 BANCROFT ASSESSMENT FUND $14,1` Check No. 3722 U- S. National Bank - Coupons (7) $_50.00 STATE TAX STREET FUND - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 18591 T.E.A. - Union Dues 18594 Tigard Community Fed. Credit Union - Payroll Withholding (604) $ 36.00 18596 Washington County Fed. Credit Union - Payroll Withholding (609B(609A) 259.10 18598 Traveler's Ins. Group - Employee Pension ) 90.00 18599 Oregon Dental Service - Dental Insurance (104) 64.32 18601 U. S. National Bank - Payroll Withholding (108) 53.64 18602 State of Oregon - Payroll Withholding (613) 492.00 18603 Public Employees Retirement Board - Social Security (614) 176.00 (612) 204.70 Y (101) 204.70 3716 Case Tractor & Equipment 409.40 3719 y - Parts for Tractor Power Rents - Jack Hammer Rental (240) 29.15 3720 Tualatin Valley Fire Equip. - Recharge & Refill (214) 33.00 18610 Tigard Water District - Utility (220) 25.75 18615 Doug's Auto Parts - Misc. & Auto Equip. Supplies (210) 2,29 (260) 18.00 (220) 69.68 18621 Don Thomas Petroleum - Super Shell 71.97 3721 A-Boy West - Misc. Plumbing Supplies (210) 35.43 3724 Case Tractor & Equipment - Parts for Backhoe (220) 42.36 3729 McDowell Bag Co. - Burlap Sand Bags (240) 297.17 3732 Pargas - Equipment Rental (220) 25.00 3733 P.G.E. - Utility (210) 15.00 3734 Valley Petroleum - Oxygen & Acelytene refills (260) 15.00 3736 P.G.E. - Street Lighting (220) 24.65 (282)" 2,142.33 Payroll $4,355.27 2,424.96 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND t1K $6.7-8023 Check No. U.S. NATIONAL BA� 18594 Tigard Community Fed. Credit Union 18598 Traveler's Ins. Group - Payroll Withholding (609A) Employees Retirement (15) 31,26 $ 23.46 (21) 76.28 (608B) 145.69 18599 Oregon Dental Service - Dental Insurance (15) 12.88 (21) 40.74 253.23 18600 Oregon Admin. Association - Payroll Withholding 18601 U. S. Bank - Payroll Withholding (619) 53.62 18602 State of Oregon - Payroll Withholding (613) 7.28 503 Public Employee Retire. Board - Social Securit 332,80 y (15) 75.36 (614) 251.00 (21) 148.75 (612) 224,11 3695 Sales Nine-T-Nine - Misc.. Auto Repair Parts 3696 Roger Thomssen - Recording Fee 448.22 (16) 3697 Alfax Manufacturing22.51 Co. - Misc. Office Supplies (21) 9.00 (16) 51.60 Bills Payable March 8, 1976 Page 3 ( 18 Fred N. Bay News - Books (15) $ 6.92 :)v99 Goodyear Service - Reapir & Algin Front End #4 (16) 222.90 3700 Jerry's Auto Upholstery - Repair Upholstery #5 (16) 68.00 3701 Mechanics Illustrated - Subscription (15) 15.00 3702 Organic Gardening - Subscription (15) 12.25 3703 Pargas - Propane (16) 337,50 3704 Popular Mechanics - Subscription (15) 13.00 3706 Purnell Education - Encylopedia (15) 90.95 3707 Seventeen - Subscription (15) 7.95 3708 Roger Thomssen - Recording Fee (21) 6.00 3709 Tigard Times - Subscription (21) 5.50 3710 Ward Harris Inc. - Repair Transcriber (16) 26.00 3717 N.W. Law Enforcement - Misc. Police Equipment (16) 4.81 3718 Oregon F.B.I. National Academy - Training Session (16) 12.00 18610 Tigard Water District - Utility (16) 8.50 18611 Western Office Products - Equip. Maint. Agreement (15) 17.55 (16) 86.80 (21) 44.10 148.45 18615 Doug's Auto Parts - Misc. Auto Supplies (16) 140.57 18618 N.W. Natural Gas - Utility (15) 98.71 (16) 28.86 127.57 18620 Rentex - Laundry (15) 4.30 (16) 14.20 18.50 18621 Don Thomas Petroleum - Super Shell (16) 399.45 18623 Xerox - Equipment Rental (16) 293.43 3723 Canyon, Chrysler, Plymouth - Misc. Auto Equpment (16) 30.20 3725 Lonnie Branstetter - O.W.L.A. Registration Fee (16) 16.84 3726 Gaylord Brothers - Misc. Library Supplies (15) 185.49 3727 J. K. Gill - Misc. Police Supplies (16) 33.30 3728 Anne Hicks - Books & Paint (15) 39.79 3730 Sales Nine-T-Nine - Misc. Auto Parts (16) 3.10 3731 N.W. Law Enforcement - Gun & Powder (16) 77.58 3732 Pargas - Equipment Rental (16) 5.00 3733 P.G.E. - Utility (15) 18.87 BD U.S. Bank - Bonds (610) 18.75 3735 Lonnie Branstetter - Subsistence (16) 9.74 $4,076.63 Payroll 2,268.00 $6,344.63 February Bills Payable $33,750.68 February Payroll 27,998.86 February Total Payable $61,749.54 REPORT TO THE -,TIGARD TUALATIN CTT`_' COUivCILS REGARDING IUNICIPAL FIRE SERVICE Prepared by THE TIGARD-TUALATIN FIRE SERVICE FACT FINDING CDiEHITTEE Committee Members: Francis Sargant Key Nelson Richard Brow.-Ai William I4cLaughlin Floyd Bergmann Kenneth Dick C _Y OF TIGARD ( P. O. Box 23557 12420 s. W. Main Tigard. Oregon 97223 March 8, 1976 The Honorable Mayor and 'Council: The Tigard and Tualatin Fire Service fact Finding Committee is pleased to present herewith a report de- tailin; and documenting findings of this committee's work. In performing its charge, each Co:n:nittee had tine able assistance of a parallel committ�,e formed by the Cities of Tigard and Tualatin and all rreeti-S's after the first mee-Ling w^re hold in joint sec-sion. A great number of hours have boon spent in re- searching pertinent areas of consideration relating to the question of ti,,hether Tigard and/or Tualatin should consider further the question of de-annexing from the Tualatin Rural Fire Protection. District and the creation of a ?Municipal Fire Service, either alone or in conjunc- tion with other local coi-wmuni.ties. The Ccimmittee approached its charge from an objective standpoint and considered -,very potentially feasible alternative that was presenters or thought of, in an effort to provide a report containing basic facts from which the City Councils can draw their own conclusions as to the desirability and feasibility of providing a Municipal Fire Service. The Comff i ttee trusts that this report -...;ill serve to "lay to rest" the long asl ed question as to whetlier or not the Cities of Tigard and/or Tualatin should take steps to implement a Municipal Fire Service. The Committee found -the Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District staff to be most cooperative, provid- ing requested information. We are particulary greatful to Mr. D.F. Wagner, of the Insurance Services office, for the research and preparation that went into making his pre- sentation to the Committee. The .facts presented in this report have lead all i six members of the Fire Service Fact Finding Committees t to the unanimous conclusion contained herein. The Committee wishes to thank the Councils for the opportunity to have been of service. Respectfully submitted, Francis Sargant Richard Brown Floyd Bermann Kay Nelson Willism McLaughlin Kenneth Dick i TABLE OF CCNTENTS i Page I. Purpose of Study & Summary Conclusions 1 II. Methodology of Study 2-3 III. Findings 4-8 IV. Recommendations to the ;Council 9 V. Attachments A. Estimated Costs: 10 1 . Engine House 2. Pumper Engine 3. Annual Manpower Cn�:ts 4. Rescue Vehicle Costs B. Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District 11 Boundary Map. C. Selected excerpts from O.R.S. relating to Fire 12-13 Service and Boundary Charges. D. Example of Tax Distribution on $35,000 house 14 in Tigard and Tualatin 1975-76 Budget Year. E. Excerpt from Beaverton Budget - Fire Service 15-17 Costs. F. Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District 18-19 insurance statement indicating value of property and equipment. G. Examples of effect of insurance class grade 2C-21 on costs to owner of property - residential and commercial. H. Copy of agreement relating to use and o;rrer- 22-25 ship of the Tigard Fire Station. I. Insurance Services Office recommendation to 26-28 Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District - February 12, 1974. Page 1 . I. PURPOSE OF STUDY AND SUN ARY CONCTdJSIONS: The Fire Service Fact Finding Committee was created by the Tigard and Tualatin City Councils, in September, 1975. The purpose of the Committee was to research and present all of the relevant facts that would be needed by the City Councils in coming to the conclusion as to whether to pursue the creation of a Municipal Fire Service. The question of whether Municipal Fire Service should be provided in lieu of the Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District has been a recurring theme over the last few years, however no official` conclusions have ever been reached, due to the lack of factual information. The purpose of this report is to present such facts. An objective review of the findings by this Comittee leads the Committee to the conclusion that the provision of fire services in the Tigard-Tualatin area are best provided by the existing Tualatin aural Fire Protection District and that the cities should not attempt to create a Municipal Fire Service. This conclusion is based upon the finding that it is not possible for a ;2uraici.nal Fire Service, in this area, to provide a level of service that is equal to that provided by the Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District at the same or lesser cost. The Co=aittee also concludes that tre City Co�.mcils, and citizens, can and should assure that the Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District is taking every step possible to continue to provide quality sel-vice ;:hil e taking tho-ce actions which can result in cost savings to the ^it17ens of Tigard and Tualatin. Pae 2. II. 14ETHODOIOGY OF STUDY: The Tigard Fire Service Fact Finding Committee and the Tualatin Fire Service Fact Finding Committee, after an initial organizational meeting, determined to meet jointly thereafter in order to avoid duplication of effort and to maximize the resources available for research and information gathering. i The Committees proceeded in an objective .fashion to review all of the possibilities for providing a Municipal Fire Service. In the course of their investigations the Committee met with and drew upon a wide variety of sources, including: 1 . Senior Officers of she Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District. 2. Tigard City Staff. 3. Tualatin City Staff. 4. Mr. D. F. 1-lagner, Insurance Services Office, Salem. 5. State laws governing the creation of districts and de-annexation from districts. 6. State fire protection Incas. 7. Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District's 1974-75 budget. 8. City of Beaverton's fire budget. 9. City of Portland' s fire budget. 10. Information on: a. assessed valuation b. population C. boundaries of district and general geographic ar,;�as. 11 . Insurance Service Office grading scale: a. Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District. b. Nationwide. c. Fire flow requirements. d. eater service requirements. ilany other factors were researched, reviewed and utilized by the Committee in reaching its conclusions. In an attempt to find a logical and economical configurement which viould provide maximum benefits to the residents of these areas, while still meeting minimal fire study requirements various boundaries of proposed service areas were studied, Which included: 1 . City of Tigard. 2. City of Tualatin. _ 3. Combination of Tigard and Tualatin. 4. Combination of Tigard, Tualatin and King City. 5. Generalized area surrounding and including the cities of Tigard, Tualatin and King City. A great deal of infoi_matioi: was provided through the expertise of members of the combined committees, particular- ly in regard to cost of manpot,,er and egiApment, effect of the Insurance Services Office ratins on the citizen and businessman for fire insurance, possible governor- ental organization structures, and requirements relating to de- annexation and formation of new service districts. Mr. dagner' s input allowed the committee to determine the required manning and number of engines and other facilities that would be necessary to the creation of a Municipal Fire Service. From his information, the corm.it+ee was able to ascribe costs of oper2tion, and agt-in with Mr. Wagner's assistance, grade that proposed municipal service and determine its probable Insurance Services Office fire grade. a Page 4. i . III. FINDINGS: The Committee . submits the .following findings in support of its conclusion: A. O.R.S. 222.530 require that upon_ withdrawal of part of a rural fire protection district the city and the district shall draw up a plan for the equit- able distribution of the assets. However, the plan for division of assets of a rural fire protection dis- trict may in no case divide the assets so that the remaining part of the district would have a less favorable fire insurance grade classification. h I i B. The Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District presently has an insurance grade class rating of 114" and is very close to a class 113" rating. These ratings refer to the Tigard, Tualatin and King City areas. Other areas in the Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District have different (poorer) ratings. The differ- ence in cost between a 114" and 11311 class rating is not significant to the single family homeowner. Due to the individual ratings of commercial and industrial buildings the difference in cost could be significant (see pages 20 and 21 for examples). C. O.R.S. 222. 524 states a withdrawal from a district is• in effect a de-annexation and would have to be approved by the Boundary Review Commission and would be subject to referendum procedures. D. The division of assets referred to in "A" above has been estimated by the Insurance Services Office to consist of the assimilation of 4 pumper engines by Tigard-Tualatin (2 each). This would allow for the Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District to retain its present fire insurance grade classification Page 5. and each city would have 2 pumper engines as a base for providing a municipal service. E. The Insurance Services Office also calculates that each city would need a minimum of 3 Pumper engines to attain a reasonable insurance grade classification. Therefore, each city would have to purchase one more pumper engine (2 total). F. Due to building sizes and fire flow require- ments in both cities, an elevated pumper (snorkel or other elevated stream flow device) would not be needed immediately but can be expected to be required within one or two years. G. Upon withdrawal, each city would have to provide a fire station. Under terms of a contract, ownership of the Tigard station would automatically revert to the City of TiCard upon payment of the value of improvements made by the District. Tualatin apparently would have to build a new station in-as- much as the Tualatin Rural fire Protection District would need a station in the area to maintain its current insurance grade classification. H. In order to provide the same level of service, the Cities would have to jointly provide emergency rescue service consisting of a vehicle, tr-ained manpower and equipment including a cardio-vascular machine and related drugs. I. Other equipment which would reed to be purchased or built include: beds communications center furniture with radios watch desk telephone lines kitchen dispatcher operations :'age 6. hose drying equipment heat lights insurance turn-out gear gasoline and diesel hose replacement special equipment such as Hurst Power tool and emergency rescue equipment J. Manpower required for each city consists of three-three man companies or 27 firefighters. The emergency rescue vehicle would require an additional 6 men, with costs to be shared by the cities. The 27 firefighters do not include necessary administra- tive personnel costs which would also be shared by the cities. The Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District presently serves the Tigard and Tualatin area with 27 full-time firefighters which are augmented by approximately 18 volunteers. The District has the capability of drawing further upon its otter stations if needed. K. The assessed valuation for 1975-76 for the District and the Cities is: Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District 1-490,600,237 100% City of Tigard $187, 368, 142 380 City of Tualatin w 74,043, 590 14% Tigard and Tualatin together equal 52% of the District valuation. L. It has not been possible to estimate all cost items but the following costs breakdown clearly shows the economic infeasibility of municipal fire service in this case: Manpower 27 firefighters and 3 dispatchers $700,000 administrative and clerical personnel not estimated emergency rescue manpower 98,000 • $ 98,00 Page 7. Operational Costs utilities �.... communications services fuel drugs not estimated equipment replacement supplies + etc. Capital Outlay 2 pumper engines $93,000 each $$186,000 1 rescue vehicle and equipment (57,000 to $10,000) $8,000 communication center not estimated 1 new fire station (Tualatin) $215,000-5400,000 elevated pumper (future cost) not estimated Other Existing Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District special levy for rescue vehicle $ . 12/1 ,000 tax rate All capital outlay costs would be subject to purchase by bond issue with costs spread over several years. Utilizing only manpoiwer costs from the above, cost to Tigard and Tualatin taxpayers would be as follows: Tigard $ 4.25/1 ,000 T.C.V. Tualatin $10.77/1 ,000 T.C.V. These compare with the current cost to the same taxpayers of $2.67/1 ,000 T.C.V. through the Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District. (1976-77 T.R.F.P.D. cost estimated to be $2.92/1 ,000 T.C.V. ) a Page 8. If the costs for which no estimates have been made were included, the cost to the city taxpayer would be considerably higher. M. The co*njnittee finds that the Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District does not appear to have responded to the opportunity to attain a grade class- ification of "3" for the Tigard-Tualatin area as promptly as possible. 3 7 Page 9. IV. RECO1=1 ,NDATIONS TO THE COUNCIL: Based upon the factual data assimilated and analyzed by the Co�nittee, it i.s recc:a*n^nded that the City Councils not pursue the creation of a Municipal Fire Service either in Tigard alone or Tualatin alone, or Jointly, because the sane level of service cannot be provided at the same or lesser cost -to the citizens affected. The proposed relocation of administrative and mechanical service functions, of Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District, outside of the Tigard-Tualatin area would? not have an effect cn the insurance class grade but it is felt by the Committee to be undesir- able due to the removal of these functions from the highest frequency call areas of Tigard and Tualatin. It mould have an adverse affect in terms of gasoline consumption and *man hours lost by the fire rarshalls in their almost daily trips to Tigard and Tualatin City Halls for building permit purposes and :•could be inconvenient to a majority of the people in the District. The Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District has not continued to pursue steps leading to an attain- able reduction in insurance class grade and should be urged to do so with dispatch, therefore, it is further recomr:ended by the Fire Service fact Firdirg Committee, that the City Councils and citizens take an active role in causing Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District to proceed as rapidly as poss- ible in causing an insurance grading study to be performed in the District and to immediately take those one time cost steps which will result in a lower insurance grade class for the District. 1=JS/dcb, Page 10. 10 February, 1976 ENGINE HOUSE -- , Three (3) double bay houses with room for elevated platform rig. 7,500 sq/ft at $28.00 per sq/r'fi $210,000.00 Nine (9) beds at $150.00 each $ 1,350.00 Stove $ 900.00 Refrigerator $ 400.00 Pose Dryer $ 2,800-00 TOTAL One (1) Puml:)ar En3ine at $30,000.00 $ 80,000.00 Miscellan-ous equipment (Nozzles, gates, etc). $ 5,000.00 Fire Hese $ 6,308.00 800' -- 11" at $1.16 per foot/ $1,076.00 _ 1,200' -- 21" at $1.94 per foot/ $2,328.00 1,200' -- 3" at $2.42 per foot/ $2,904.00 Radio $ 1,/''00.00 TOTAL $ 92,708.00 ONE TIME COST $303, 153.00 MANPOWER COSTS -- THREE (3), 'fl-IRI:E (3) MAN COMPANIES Eighteen (13) Fire Fighters at $1,365.00 per month. $ 24,570.00 Eignt (8) l=ire 1-icutcnants at $1,405.00 per month. $ 11,240.00 One (1) Fire Caotcin at $1,840.00 per month. $ 1,840.00 TOTAL $ X47 , 050.00 Fringe benefits (21%) $ 9,880.50 TOTAL $ 56,930.00 Three (3) Dispatchors $ 4,050.00 TOTAL $ 60,980.00 ANNUAL MANPOWER COSTS $731,760.00 RESCUE VEHICLE One (1) Rescue -- Car & Equipment at $7,000.00 to $10,000.00 Six (6) men at $1,365.00= $8, 190.00 monthly/ $93,230.00 annually. X k h ATTACHMENT A Page 11 . O J 7-1 7• to F I � u tt0• N M I S �-� a i V J � I . ` j S Y t S • l +� � � S a t 1-•1•:� '1 - - 3 iL � 'fy!••�r;.. ,. W���t = _ "��51 a s••. s .c::.- .•� ` _ 1175 S �j •` • 7Y � I �- � - ,,v� rt•n is 117 • • %s s I •3 v S` • z 's _, •, e Z• � F V e': o I I L Q uii 2W I � �' �+ •>*I �• - J iWi NO r � "a ATTACHMENT B Page 12. CITY BOUNDARY CILANGFS; 31ERGLrM AND CONSOLIDATIONS § 222.530 222,52• Procedure for tsithdr-coral of 222.53 Procedure for divislon of�-.ets �+ is from disLrIct. (1) If as au- on titi'rt r nrw'al of part of district; arbitration thor•ized by ORS 222.520 the governing body and award. . (1) Within 90 days from the of the city elects to cause the vAthdraw•al date of such withdrawal of part of a rural from a district named in ORS 222.510 of that fire protection district, a highway lighting part of such district theretofore incorpo- district, a special road district or a park and rated in or annexed to the city, it shall hold recreation district, the governing bodies of a public hearing on the question of such the city and the district shall agree upon an withdrawal, At the hearing, the governing equitable division and disposal of the assets body of the city shall hear objections to the of the district. The plan of division of assets withdrawal and shall determine whether shall be an-ived at after giving consideration such withdrawal is for the best interest of to the assessed valuation of the whole district the city. — and the part of it withdrawn, the types of (2) The governing body shall fix a date, assets, and their location and intended use. time and place for the hearing and cause however, the plan for division of assets of a notice of the date, time, place and purpose rural fire protection district may in no case of the hearing to be published once each divide the assets so that the remaining part week for two successive weeks prior to the of the district would have a less favorable fire date of the hearing in a newspaper of gen- insurance grade classification, according to eral circulation in the city, and shall cause filings made pursuant to ORS 737.205, than notices of the hearing to be posted in four that which the district had at the time of public places in the city for a like period. the withdrawal. (3) .After the hearing, the governing (2) The remainder of such district shall body of the city may by ordinance declare continue in existence as a district, but may that the part of the district which was there- dissolve in the manner provided in the ap- tofore incorporated as or annexed to 'the plicable district statutes. After withdrawal, ► city is withdrawn from the district. the services for the remaining part may be (4) The ordinance referred to in sub- performed by the remainder of the district J section (3) of this section is subiect to ref- acting independently as such; or, such seri- I erendum. ices may be performed by contract with the i (5) The city may withdraw from all of city, or by agreement of the city directly withsuch districts at the same time in one pro- the property owners of the remainder if the f ceeding under this section or may withdraw district determines upon dissolution.If disso- ! from each district in separate-proceedings lution is determined upon,and the city agrees at different times. to furnish service to the remainder of the j 1557 x401 3;3963c.347 J3;1965 c.509§31 kF,;t.rict, all assets of the district shall be- ! 222.528 Te_�1oTy-xfit;_idr. vil- born_ars 'come the property of the city trict not liable for certain obligations. The (3) If an agreement pursuant to subsec- Iiabilities and indebtedness for which a part tion (1) of this section cannot be arrived of a district named in ORS 2.22.510 remains at within 90 days from the date of with- liable, upon withdrawal by annexation or in- draw•al, uponthe the request of any party in Interest, the county court or board of county corporation as provided in ORS 222.520, shall not include: commissioners of the county in which the (1) Current•operating expenses of the property is situated shall submit the rnatter district beyond the fiscal year in which the to arbitration under ORS 33.210 to 33.340. withdrawal is effective. (4) Service under ORS 33.310 need be (2) Special tax levies, bond indebtedness made only upon parties in interest who have or debt service obligations approved in the participated in the arbitration proceedings. district subsequent to the withdraw•aL An appeal from the award may be taken (3) Any amount which is due beyond the only to the circuit court for the county in (! fiscal year in which the withdrawal is effect- which the property withdrawn is located, effect- fiscal ay reason h a contract for services be- subject to further appeal under ORS 33.340. I'he functions of the district for the entire tween the district and another district or preexisting area thereof shall be continued municipality where the amount due varies by the district until the final determination In each fiscal year according to the assessed of such agreement or arbitration. valuation of the district [1957 c.573 12;IM c.347 14;1E-85 c.509 14] (5) The governing bodies of the city and ATTACIMNT C — 1 f P?€e 13. 222.530 (Continued) a rural fire protection district, a special road district or a park and recreation district, as the case may be, may enter into a binding agreement for the joint operation of the fire protection or park and recreation facilities of each that will be beneficial to and equita- ble for the inhabitants and property owners of each after the withdrawal of part of such districts. [Amended by 1955 c.471 §3; 1957 c.401 �4; 1963 c.347 §5; 1965 c.509 §5; 1969 c.690§27; 1971 c.13 §6] f ATTACIENT C - 2 Page 14. EXAMPLE OF TAX DISTRIBUTION OA $35, 000. HOUSE IN TIGARD AND TUALATIN 1975-76 BUDGET YEAR Taxing Agency Rate per $1,000. valuation Total Tax Total Tax in Tualatin in Tigard Washington Co. $1. 34 $46.90 (6%) $46. 90 (6'10) Wash.Co. I.E.D .49, 17 . 15 (2%) 17 .15 (2%) Ptld. Comm. College . 65 22. 75 (3%) 22. 75 (3) Tigard School Dist. 14.97 523. 95 (67'/x) 523.95 (69%) Unified Sewerage . 66 23.10 (3%) 23. 10 (3%) Agency Port of Portland . 02 . 70 (nil)* . 70 (nil)* Tual .Rural Fire Dist. 2. 67 93. 45 (12) 93.45 (12%) City of Tualatin 1. 53 50.04 (6%) - City of Tigard . 82 -- 28. 70 (4) Total Tax Paid on $35,000. home $778.04 (99+'/,) $756. 70 (99-t%) Total Valuation of Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District $490, 600,237 . Total Valuation-City of Tualatin 68,163, 183. (14%) Total Valuation-City of Tigard 187,368,142 (36%) Other Fire Districts in Washington County Washington County Fire Dist. #1 -Valuation $1,175,424, 366 Tax Rate= $3.41 Washington County Fire Dist. #2 Valuation $ 141, 840,886.Tax Rate= 1.44 ATTAC.HI�Ei NT D 5. City (►t Beaver toll GENERAL ANNUAL BUDGET 1975-76 ItBjtCT1VE Reduction in the frequency of fires through a coil Ilu0us fire prevention program, the protection of life and property by utilization of the latest methods of training, manpower deployment, and equipment and the providing of emergency medical services for the sick and injured. 1 PROGRAM PERFORMANCE AREAS ADMINISTRATION - To plan and direct Fire Department operations and activities through an effective management program. FIRE PREVENTION - To prevent the loss of life and property due to fire through public education, code enforcement and fire inspection service. FIRE S111'1'RESSION - To provide the City with the most efficient possible ,utilization of manpower, equipment and training for the effective and rapid control and extinguishment of fire. E1•SERGENCY MFD1CA1. SERVICES - To provide emergency medical services to reduce appreciably the suffering and death which may occur as R a result of injury or illness. l TRAINING - To administer a balanced training program which will provide each member of the department with the knowledge and proficiency to meet the level of performance required for their p,,sition and responsibilities. r SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES � To prep.,re an activity chart for all Department functions by September 1, 1975. To ct,mplete a revised Sprinkler Ordinance by September 1, 1975. 1*0 have each [ire suppression company make a minimum of six apartment h.ousc fire prevention inspections per quarter. To have six men trained and qualified in the use of the portable defibrillator/ cardioscope by April 1, 1976. To prepare and teach a class on fire service leadership and the art of eeinenunicating by January 1, 1976, CO?IIti:1'PS Present Steno-Clerk (Part-Time) is reclassified to Secretary to reflect current assignment. Safety Plans Examiner is reclassified to Fire and ATTACTMENT E — Paq�e 16. i Cih• of' Beaverton GENERAL P1 RE ;1\i\tIAl, BUDGEIT 1975-76 CjgtpIENTS (continued) Life Safety Specialist to reflect actual assignment. Principal increases in materials and services were in the same areas of Vehicle Expense and Central Dispatch. 1 i Principal Capital Outlay include portable defibrillator/cardioscope:- $4,000. 4 EMPLOYEES BUDGETED ADOPTED EXPENDITURE BY-PROGRAM 74-7575-76 _74-75_ _ 75-76 3 ADMINISTRATION 29:370 -29L768 Personal Services 1.42 1.35 23,146 24,193 materials & Services 6,000 5,575 Capital Outlay 224 0 101 842 FIRE_ PREVENTION .�.___103,109 Personal Services 5.50 5.50 83,034 89,867 Materials & Services 11,350 11,975 Capital Outlay 8,725 0 5i4580952 FIRE, SUPPRESSION �_537_-3 72 �---- Personal Services 33.75 33.75 472,2.02 529,290 s Platerials 6 Services 54,319 51,417 Capital Outlay 6,221 245 EMERGENCY_ MEDICAL SERVICES -�_ 5_9_:540 iS --641536 Personal Services - 3.15 3.15 49,290 48,021 Materials & Services 10,250 11,989 Capital Outlay 0 4,526 TRAINING �S- 18,054 �__24t915 Personal Services .68 .75 12,629 19,259 Materials 6 Services 4,525 5,656 Capital Outlay 900 0 EXPENDITURE_SUMMARY _742,815 iS 80,013 Personal Services 44.50 44.50 640,301 710,630 Materials 6 Services 86,444 86,612 Capital Outlay 16,070 4,771 a' ATTACHIIENT E - 2 , tt 17. L�C�CJ CEt:ERAL FU 10 FIRE 0 E Te REQUI RE NiElai s ; - e '�'• _ACCOU?QT 'JO CLe�IFzClI0.11g75-76JL31 i ERSOtI.L SERyICFS 5, _ 27 FIRE CHIEF: r t 2J.,? 5,: , 55. I=IRE L IEUTE.I:A�IT = _ 138,888.00. ! Sy 59 - _ BATTf-J_ I011 CHIEF -` 36,9=S.0Q S, 74 FIRE & LIFE SAFETY jSPC IAS IST 1b,fi°7.00 75. CAPTAIN• 50.00' 87_. ..F_IR.E, Et:GIt4EER 129,411.00 S, 111 . FIRE. IGttT_ER 223,�r?.0.� �... 219 ' :• ' SECRETARY; , ,603.00 239 STEN CLERK -9 ?_17..00 5, 271 . RECAL l: >° 1 6;Cl3�0 5, 273 CERTIFICATION PAY 27,014.00 5, 275 EXTRA HELP., 50).00 5� 280 OVERT ImE i fOfAL PERSOt'.AL SERVICES _ ' 1:4fER AI_I S 8. SERVICES 5, S0 OFFI CE ' E;:Et:SE"'. bac' �0 5, ;05 SPEC IAL DEPT "-SUP_ PI IES 140c).m. 407 t•ic1;sERS1lIP"FEES 2 n Sy �W. 0 408' BOOKS, PERIODIC S 8 �U,4S�R IPT IOt;S _+C').00 5, 421: TRAVEL -i SUBSISTENCE TRA I II 11IG 5, 128 IlEALS &, RELATE& E)?ENSE= : 557..+s) a Sy 431 , VEHICLE EX?E1;SE, 10241500 5, 441COt•iK;JNICATIOttS EXPENSE- 30)00 5, 461 U:IIFOR I4S. EC IAL CLOTHING - ;C+CO-03 5, :71 EQUIPMENT Eo%2 1SE 3,7C0,00 % 561 SPEC I AL E',?Et.SE 7,509.00, 572 CEt,T RL.L DISPATCH ,1,725.p0 5, 581 OT14ER Eyl'E1:SE x,650.00 , 635 . . M41UTEMUCE "CONITRACTS 1 StSnp TOTAL. MATERIALS & SERVICES - °6,612.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY % 771 EQUIPII_1IT %771.00 T0TA1_ CAP ITAL OUTLAY - x+,771.00 TOTAL REQUIREVIE 1:TS _502,013.00 7. ATTACMENT E -. 3 Page 18'• \- - FormM� f LB-24 STATEMENT OF VALUES (E (FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL PROGRAM) Page No..........I.....UF. i_ Issued To .TU+�LAT I i-! RFFD Policy Number Ah'ER l CtN ECONt,"',Y INSURAI).CE Gy. Date I E-tsi;U�r�Y I , 4X75 ------ -- By 'Came of Company VALUES _I This Spate f.,r Rating ItCM OF PROPERTY g DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION Replacement Cost ( Organization Use No. Specify A-Building B•Personal Property Actual Cash Value + When Appacable 138. TU,.'LAT I N,Ok ;7 , -.-G. 8. Ef,U I PMENT ��s3/ _.. 1 1 ,707. 2 p. I NC. F IRE STAT I ON- 18866 N-18866 S.►•i. 84TH, TUAt_ T 1 N, 0 E. I L B. Et1U I PME NT I , 1 j7. 3 At'D" CL OFFICE 18550 S.'vil. BLU,%LS FERRN 1;0 TUALAT I N, URE. e 3. EQU 1 PMENT L L 4 �r'O���� _IP9,L70. 4 A. ""B" CL 1—STY FIRE SF; ata r_ UFFI CE & CUv-P': ;ITY FALL 3841 S.W. CUMNIERCIr L, T 1::AkD' L^. 7 ,77" . 8. EQUIPMENT L1 ,5K 5 A. "Btt tit. FIRE STATION N/,c' "G nKET RD 12,`d 1 LjUI.v 11_I_E GR. 1 ,538. �. --.,U I .,:'-IENT15 0. 6 A. I ,G. FI C. �Ti.TIC.0i ' B. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. 'Thh wn shoulRrefl Ft the h { is trrtp c t both. V c ,r Replaccnu nt Coct) for caan t•n itelti d for either Coverage A R..d nj;s 2. Include in Imilding%•aluev a, building ervice and rnainteanee cuiptllent caned I).' the in-axed, b. floor cnverings fastened to floors or W-111%W-111% fixed srat.< and desks, f:�r I tables, ra;lugs, altars, cl,uks, btTls, f:rc curtains, nq and stained glass windows. C. all permanent fixtures (including organts)1 l,cing a pcnnancitt part .,f the building. d, mirrors. air confit;pner5, dO111C�t1[ appliances, fire extingllishit,g rquirinc•nt.,+u:dc +r cgllipr•t'nt• • }sitar ,n+tt-t% hchon - r ng tile 3, ung in e%tln+ic or1inlPart property other lsict and heldrbc*,lie ins lrc,l, i,+ earls i t'��ui:lwIliclb,is r�of hc, tlrern; rfor a Part .,f buildinj: laluc� i. The i.glowing are not covered and their caStf! should not bt• il;rlr.•Tr,l in , :•:cs ShUN'11: Of concrete ed an ti„nc glitch are hri••n the ands:+:irface• f the 11%cr't bacrtnrn: floor, o: «heir tllrrr ;� n,• a. brick. sL.ne r r A 1 r.isldc :lie f,+andaI•n %%-.all. ,f the building. basement.which are below thr �Ilr.arc of the g , ' b. foundations of machinery or boilers and cftginec al+irh.are bcl,w ll.r -•trfarl i,f 1110 cround. are C. pilings, piers. PiPcs, Ours, Wiring and drain. %cilir<i.r{.l[e<r•.%t11fh1�1tYdout-;•Tr .,{j•:,;ldings. d. those portions of walks, roadways and ,,titer pacrd e, land calves,cost of excavations, grading or filing. lawns,tree:. shrubs,plants.izrotc:ng crops. motor boats• sail boats, aircraft, autonlolliles ani self-j ropelled %el,iclrs v: rsacl.:;ncs except mo:urized rqu:j+ircrit not licensed for us on public thomuj;bfares and operated prm[fpatl}, On the 1'rcniicrc, b animals and pets. bolA furniture in apartments„ccupied by the;^surr I. +n� oftirrr.<1'rrctnr,c:nckhuidcr nr panne:Or lbe ir.ci:red or ani or ani relative of the fnregoinj;. S. 2Jothing contained in these instnfctiaas sha111 a eenctrt ed as changing in any manner the conditions of the Policy. Form%SLB:4(sa.s.et+) ATTACIDMNT F — Page 19. T— UESCRJi TION Atill LOCATlGV N _ A L U E S This Spaccfot Rating e Item OF PROPERTY Replacement Cost Orruri:ation Ute No. { ng �— �— A.tual Cain Va?ut _ PI• Specify A•Fiui?dme l3 Pr:.ona1 Yrcpctty f When A �icable I— 7 "(3" CL 1—:;TY F IRL STATION i1�2,246. 17135 S.W. PACIFIC HW' KING CITY , UiZEG ON . EYUIFI•IENT J 110443. t TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:— Values for this "Statement of Values" consisting of J....... pages attached bcreto were prepared for TUALAT I N :SURAL • FIRE PliOTECT I ON U I STR I CT ...............___........._..........._.............._._........._........._....._.............._._..._.. _......_.___..._..._..._.._ •• lame of Insured by i,h1cRICH(� STATES I (�3t1 '4i�CF CU(✓r'a �_... .., t " �al�e. .._.._.._._._........_......_......_................... _ " Name of pera�n (with title) or corporation p;ca InQ P.O. 30X 286..._.TUALAT I ti:._..0►?EGUr: 9706.�._..............._......_....._._......._..._.......... ............. — Street Address City State and are hereby filed with the Rating Organization to obtain an insurance rate. All values submitted are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 3 Dated Signed_L''�� c .._t!.r L. _-•.� t Zt ... f.��S w �_Insured r J f Title (or authority to sign) Form MLB-24(FA 5.69) .+ ATTACHMENT F 2. — + - FaLe 20. . t October 16, 1975 FIRE INISURANCE RATES - Fire insurance cost figures as recommended and obtained from the Insur4nce - Services Office on October 3 relating to an owner/occupied single family residnce valued at $25,007.00 frith $10,000.00 contents as determined by class of pro- tection. CLASS DUIELLING TAX TOTAL CONTENTS COST -- @ 2.67 10* N.P. 217.01 67.05 284.06 9 1060.00 + 66.75 226.75 51.36 278.11 8 74.03 + 66.75 140.83 28.27 169.10 7 63.46 + .66.75 130.21 24.03 154.24 6 54.28 + 66.75 121 .03 20.50 141 .53 5 47.44 + 66.75 114.19 17.96 132.15 4 42.60 + 66.75 109.35 16.2.5 125.60 3 38.77 + 66.75 105.52 14.65 120.17 * No Protection CLASS COST _SAVINGS 10 284.06 9 2.78.11 5.95 8 169.10 109.01 7 154.24 14.86 6 141 .53 12.71 5 132.15 9.38 4 125.60 6.55 3 12.0.17 5.43 Class 10 $284.06 Class 4 including taxes $125.60 Net reduction or savings $158.46 sM1 . ATTACHMENT _G - 1 Fie 21 . October 16, 1975 Another_Example of the Value of Fire Protection _ Masonry building housing a market such as Girod's Super Mal-ket, 12330 S.14. Rain, Tigard, Oregon Insurance rates shorn in this example obtained from the ISO Office on October 3 and using current tax rate of $2•:67 Fr10CJ.00. Estimated assessed valuation ` $100,000.00 Class Tax_per M _Ins._Per_$100.00 Cost 3 267.00 -.76 - 760.00 1027.00 4 267.00 81 - 810.00 1077 LQ 5 267267 0p93 - 73-000 1197.00 6 267.00 1 .08 - 1030.00 1347.00 Estimated Value of Contents $50,000.00 Class Ins.- Per $100_00 Cost 3 .97 485.00 4.1 5 1 .18 590.00 Class Bldg_ Ins. & Tax Content Ins. Total 3 1027.00 485.00 1512.00 -41 -1-077.01' •515.00 X1592:C10? 5 1197_.00 "590.00 1787.00 4w6', x.1347:Q� r85--0T 2032. 0: Class 6 cost in this example - 2032.00 Class 4 cost in this example - 1592.00 Net reduction or saving------------------$440.00 Class 6 cost in this example - 2032.00 Class 3 cost in this example - 1512.00 Net reduction or saving------------------$520.00 ATTACHMENT G 2 2 e 22. . f TL:•� ,. ,, . t ��nV 1 .� lf!r yt Co �:ri `.i:..r T, Lada i:.tL fl Gr...y of C `rL ry, "5, b u „A it }.:. Tic:AM WATM DISTFICT; I:_rCic ^a_ tc=2d V tar District, cni- } t NT!" art"TAT „ r T ,e t t:,=ad Flea ,:.4... .i _,.. FIF.S FrOiZCF$C 1 DZuTi:ICs, tr:r•.. rt^_�C_.: " Dic Z'_Ct, both being r:7_::ic?pal 'coxpora:. cn:; of M2 ru'L`at! of Cii.^.••�TZ� WITI1ESSETH -�'•'- S=1 AS the Water Diat-c-Ict holds lc;;_? title to certain ! � i h_rainaftcr d::zcribcd in tho City of TI.-,=_d, *•;on �:-ic`t is loct:23 a bzildin3 presantly tans n- the office of tI<ti urtcr ric- # tr_ct, tits ai„Crd :;sbsttltiOy Or ti:_ r_,'e District. and I'th space 3 ccai„^ed for caa as the TiCom-unity Ccntcr,-ccart=u--tion coot i :.' of c^,-d uu'ildir., c^:I fra:lit£es h ;;'::g boon f'r<=cad in pa:::. 'Jy t i::::7 i•ntarzotcd perconm a.d O;Cr^.��ati0ia tI`vim r�l�It th3 f ._--ca, Gni.ti:a ii:ii.E`i D''ctrizt Lnv-^_,-, c::?a: a:3 f' opublic £ur.` s with mcpact to tiza 1-Ind and t.:_ildrno; c.:1 ��''�/ •� � tl.e pito Diotrl::t dns'-1=3 to cniL_Ce and __;rc";0 ; ;ie £ire"staL'on c=a. of said I;uncia- in or-or to provt�_ f a`lf- - e t£os for a full-tl= r:r ad Elm station, firaaccd by av:. abla 6 , � a fat::ra t^::: rcv,...sc„ of C=3 %i:, Di ct:ict, and t'wo Firc District has •e mquc;t�..d, that 1•e_-n1 title to cn d p,.'o;c_-ty _e L_..c>£c:rc3 to ti:_' - i r Ti'nla.:?< l i.11—=1 r1 a Protection Distriet cubjcct to tha tcia3 I:.=COfj f ` V71i, T17=`M in cazsidaration of tha £ore-oinC �cnant tainad, the 1. t .. 4- strict �.a3 the pro=i:as and a-x� .,.3 herein con 'a c-• �; e nS:e_a to conv_y the le-31 title to the h_reinaftcr daccribad lands, tcZatba: with the facilities th2rcor_, to the Fire. L`i str_cts r==pt :•:= * n=ant b the nrt he tra � 1; Lr.Y:I CL•_i0II Oa t[2i9 ..ui _ y p,. �>C:f, <.::0 t: Ft�c. ur^ri1^t rn-r as to mccept th2 ca—.e, Csbject to tha follO;r ng t�a:r3 . c-3 caarir_iona to ulIcla the parties bind tl:=ccltica: � [ is _.. �. - j f - - Page 23 f "; t ' J (1) kha Odra D:trLr? t s::all fdrtir•?;:2i procec•, to cnja::3o th-3 fire LI:L'tlon C=ca C.d fccilitler, of t-3 c::- 3ctfz Lui?dir,; to t2:a c.::tc.21r. q_ccccary to cnabla t%a -'4 o2 a hilly-r..:^.::cd of t2ojj`mul such addit"o:^1 z"ira c-.t*;:__xt C3 gi«�rc3 to eZ:i!p a fully ef:`cctive fira f.:. sltty, all Of C .o ua c=plotcd cnd caid ctct:.ot: Pully =r_._-d vic=ln ora -ar C=r:l t2:3 &to hc_cof. (4) TEl^ U1t:YDistrict ."11w11 :Ci.r1«' 3 t:,� .".;:=C9 t s_ prcccntl7 utiLccd for tha Ater Dic=-:ict ofr'__3 a c2 l.- Lt5 lorG-tort 1=3 to cc:tin to y:a: to yccr crtil Lam. rf. ' Ca cct"««oa Of th-3 Vatar D c:..ict. '."::a Z:a-cC DS_:; 11CZ :.-•-, rta cc:= crcp of t2 st port"cn of t!:o L41C':.� F::y nil c .-..c3 In _ c—j:.cd by t;:a :;.:ter Dlctzlct ir.ci4c::t to c::ch ccc+-*nra: • f 1 i•�:�;^ cicctric cncr�rp cnd o�:r r-.:�'is cci vI r_^c,�::•r3 c::�13 Baia i Cain d:3 tntartor t%.zrc:;f. In z�-lc]iticn to ccid cf cc: c;.ccc, G::3 i>- i.' ..:VO a_CG+:J to %rd Ll.".c Oi C :r.^:. rc^,ti . ccm _ 1 bo cit{L1cd to fc:ir :. _ _ .. ? �_L_:"V.^.GI G^St.".�Lrl• j).is:'LL`v^ Gj.:C:ao, i::'yC 1 E:':^11 i:.'. L�'.:._•'- �Cr t:z%Cr t f . . u r/.J 1.ZiCY li✓a 1n f ont of the prasc-nt 1.ato•r L/i J6_�.�•it O.L.���•Ci1 `. y I. :� ca(3) ".2t perticn of 0:3 n Itrl 1 a3 a Cc-----4-t7 Cc.tc 01-M11 ct all r.��z ;. _�c't _...�•. .r 40 ".:o �. GSL labla for. v-ch t rc,--9 cnd oth-sr fac1liUC3 t-'srCaf• 1"73 aC��?C::•..{.��7 :GT L',:CC»J1`-1C:! of Sties, cai: lira of of ccc.__Lty =ttcri walati:.j Vils- C-D, +.i1C luC.ri:3G r�.i%� Of o: ccctn, c:: C 'S cy=:a"+:i^:2, :::�.C>:� c.:»l i.....,.......4u10 r�:,j,i�L.`.N.-.it Lti i:::] i i�� .r-��• .- 4.- \ ` ( ) ii:c r'£T3 -x-r:'sct --10.11 rc rFa ,"-trza t:12 `it 2 L' ^:•_-..6t l r � far tI•a cc: l ccntrS�.sticn of the Vntcr 'uie:riat to tl:z C::;; 1 k. Page 24. • •3 cost of said building and land in the sum of $7,000.00 Co be raid .. 1 Al .� at the tim3 of transfer of title. t (5) In One event th_�t the City of Ti„ard, within %.,%ich the said facility is Io_atcd,. should at any tip_ ;.)rccccd to from the Fire District that part of the Tualatin feral 7i_'a ?rotcc- tion District lying .,thin the co.,or, — lirics of the City, as pro- � vided in Sections 222.520 et scq., OreSon Rovisa.d Statutao, the City shall have the right to elect to tale the land and L-Icili, i_ce here- ' in mentiorad as then existing in connection with c ny cq%v' able ap2or- t- t for=nt of asscto bctrccn the District t:nd t`.:! City ILLI L:.e =nnar f set forth in Section 222.530, Orcgon revicad, Statutrs, „t a value not to ancced the total sum expended at any tree by the Tualntin ' Rural Fire Protection District, from the District's fundi, for =.id lands and buildings and the facilities constructed th:rar (5) The legal description of the lands to b2 eo"-eyed by the 41ater District to thn Fire District is as folks:s: s t In the Corsnty of T?ac1:irZ;tcn c::d State of Co. i, 1=n�!ed ? and ea. =Lbcd a3 • 'r Lot 29 and 1/2 of Lot JO »djainin, of "= ., n.A 1 n a-.a .::/3 l�LC� i .amatcd: r^.a irnin3 at a st:o nn at tuo .c-cats:a. car n_r i on the easterly lino of Cite GcorZa D L.C.033, - T2S, I11W, I .H., ens rennin chc.:ce S 47.°52'14. anion c 1zt:rrly liss 1359.1 fest; tL•__ice N 4.5'12' Y. nlc , �. �i�Yi•:'tiSly line Of t Yin'r. /�dZit,,.on ::o 7i:;--rd", a - ccrC_d ,:bdivisloa (n,:� ,�cc^tcc), a c>'__^;���� of 744.3 ; to�Gn Iron pipo at thal n3ria =ly ccrncr of L.:,t 219 t ' t:-^rco:, c:aich iron pipe is th3 t_sa pinae of be;.'-_-::•� � � Of: t%2 ,YLct l.:i clnC_^. r O:� :�:^ :. 'i.: C.»• 2 �.. tcriucd tzua place of i:�-i:�r S 40°12'_4 153.0 acct ; to a p:,Zr.t; taw;ce S. 44 4 b' ;i 137.3 f.�z n a ti.r'-.t c n t:.V rorthrasterly lina of Count crd ^o. 1722; z%c_ce V. 45' 12' N. along said rend l..nc 150.0 fnet to an r_t_nt; - tl:r:cc li. 44'45' D••1:;7.8 fc_t to-t:--c ,l.. c: T%s ^osth=3tc.ly 1/2 of Lot 30, Et'itica '_o G j• Tis'_d (now va=zC0 C:CS �ie~.Cd na _ol?^v 3: .:LeV`T �••� ct a Cts:e ct tl n ra ntrcnt co=XIr cr t': c:. 1'�e i of t' ^ Ccsr-a F:1c:: :c:G"n D.L.C. 38, T25, RrV,'W.1%, cd Lw.._ 42'52' H t ry _J ,.,._A! .�f o 2 � •� _..�1.; ti'..::aC.A.. 7i. t3� 1L V. .:.=f.:lam ti.3 =,�:..::::17 _ { i t It o ='c:,Y�n'a Adtdition to T;a-YC r� 13 %' _ L:1 3 2 F..l,= ( :i r7 vicatcd), a C4it`.�::::Ce OZ 4 .3 fCCt -a am irG7 { _ -3- .,.,. -4 F 3 ATTAC1T-t-8NT Hr 3 ' a w c -- Pale 25. 4 ; -� ' y ; �•' ��==...0��.c.`_:y.�....._.-........:;..�..�^:"•--:............�.:s...nom...._..-"..._4.... L.s..:�.- ...-.........q)� ' i c pipe at the mat e^cterly corner of Lot 30 tlacr-of, %.;i ch iron pipe is the true place of be3in:: ^.8 of .;N the t.cct hcrcin deccribcd; thence from tl:o cb_✓e cc- - ,:. scribed true p1,-co'of be-finning N. 45012' W. 50.0 f' ct i to a point; thence S. 44 48 W. 137.8 -feet to a point tt on the northcactcrly line of Cc.inty rc�d Vj. 1722; thence S. 45° 12' E. clon3 said xoad ?{ne 3 distance of 50.0 feet to a point; thenzo N. 44° 48E. 1.37.8 feet to the place of beginning; on condition, that in - the event a similar ctr p of fiend acroco tho nc_thaa:,t t ' side of the pro:crty lying coath:act of the above do- scribed property is dcdicnted an a public ctrea Tri t.�ia a period of throe (3) ycara from tha date 1:ercof, the coutl;eaat! tvanty (20 fact of tha nf-vra-d:=, :Ibc3 �-cp- }arty is c:edic,tcd a3 oral by virtua of Chia ccvcn_nt chnll bccc-e an public ntrcct. Lf l:?T=S Gt::;wGF, the un°erciEnad effICCT3 of C::2% of t:3 t partici hereto, cctin" pursuant to authority duly vcctad in c--ch ` y of t%-= to elan this c3rcccnt, have affi;:cd their Cid n c3 ,._xa- t } 1 to on tho Bate first cbovo cppraring. i t Ti4. 0 JISTIZ3 DISILMICT is l.;,ptovcd no to fo=3: litic: _.-�+� __. * . h horse- for Wetcr District T'_tic: t i r• i. • T:141.ATIN F.jJ:'.AL Fires DISTF.lCr �. AFpr;r.cd as to fora: Title:` 3y: l.tt i M / Title. ,,_:.,y for Fi« u strict - _ -4- , • ` ATTACMENT H 4 v t t 26." Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District, Oregon _ R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S - r, Tia attached recommendations are offered to assist District officials in planning improvet0311ts in the fire protec tion facilities. Since the District makes the final 5 decision on any improvement program, we have listed .: " several suggestions. lie have not included every item - ,4;�..;. for which a deficiency is charged but have attempted to;,• .' cover the heaviest deficiency items. j:3 %..ould like to emphasize that even a partial improvcrz�nt. in any of the items could provide a bencf-icial effect;. in the grading. It is possible to achieve a better: - Cprotection class by partial improvement in nary iters or major isnprovernnt in a few important items. If after revieweing these recomm c nd at ions District officials; believe they can accomplish selected improvements, we..'" canestimate the effect those i-mprovemsnts would have on•._ the grading. If work on these improvements is not started within six months, we reserve the right to review this infornaticn for conformity with standards in use at that time. These recoirnendations are made for fire insurance rating• and grading considerations only and no representations or warranties of any kind are made or intended. February 12, .1974 Public Protection Deparu--nent IjSURP*10E SERVICES OFFICE of Oregon 34. .3 Y' • .ATTACHMENT 1 K t ••� z 1'�• .i .L Page • 27. . Tualatin Rural Fire Proi~ection­ +t District Recon z^ndatioiis:•`... - Based on 1973 Grading M. FIRE DEpART:1ENT: t -. 1. Tiat a full--i.lme mechanic be hired and provided with an adaquate shop - and tools. He should be qualified to maintain and repair automotive, `. ;•' ptt*ap and hydraulic systems on all depart*aent apparatus. ' _ 2. xzat a test pit suitable for testing each p�aper +t draft be construe ' ted and annual pumper tests conducted and recorded. 3� Teat, in addition to the present training facilities, a fire to;:er be _ constructed at which drills on all fire ground -evolutions may be con- ducted. Proficiency should be attained in both nonial and spacial: hazard situations. No less than six (6) sessions a year for each member should be scheduled at the training to,rer in addition to the 2 hours - training per shift for each firefighter. Tze training pvogram should include additional special classes for - otficess to prepare ahem in comimand responsibilities and ri—w and `c:vemced fire n.thods. _ 5; T,zat in order to provide adequate response distance to the Pete s gountain area, an additional station be constructed there andprovided. with equip-mint and manning which, when assisted by other dep, mnnt apparatus, will supply needed piniper and tanF:or capacities. (. ,hat in the near future an additional ladder co:apany equipped With am aerial ladder be installed to provide first alarm response to high value and high life hazard risks in t1ho southern part of the district: �. That company manning be periodically increased to more nearly r•o_ua1 the strength usually accepted as desirable by the fire fighting profession. Fid SERVICE CO,23L-NsCATIONS: - •!Slat a communications center of ordinary construction be built and' (J - equipped in accordance with the intent of the current edition of the. national Fire Protection Association's Pamphlet 73, Public Fire Service 'Cc--unicatioris. ATTA IMNT I Page 28. Tualatin Rural Recosrend tic:zs FIRS SERVICE COMUNICATIONS conWl Hued 2. That a municipal alarm system with approximately 60, public boxes located in important district be installed in accordance with the. National Fire •Protection Association's Pamphlet 73, Public Fire Service ' Coaaunications (current edition) V FIRE SAFETY CONTROL: ' l.. fiat sufficient inspectors be hired to assist the Fire Marshal in his. . s regular duties and maintain an inspection routine of at least two per year with more hazardous properties being inspected four or mo-_-a tir::ns (v' per year. 2. T.»t if the Uniform Fire Code is adopted, it be rigidly enforced.• . February 12, 1974 Pub. l;c Protection Department lKSURP13CE SERVICES OFFICE of.Oregon •ATTACHMENT I 3 = _ - i u - i TY OFTIGARD P. O. cox 23557 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 March 3, 1976 Mr. George Slawosky, President Tigard Town & Country Days Committee 12035 S.W. Burlheights Drive — Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear George: The City of Tigard and the mQmbers of the City Council have been reading and hearing reports of the fine progress of the Town and Country Days Committee for this Bicentennial year celebration. Because the City did, by resolution last November, endorse and express support of your newly organized executive committee, board of directors and enlarged public membership, we would like to invite you and your executive committee to give the Council a preview and progress report on your plans for the 1976 Town & Country Days Celebration at the Council's next regular meeting, March 8, 1976. I am certain that the entire City Council appreciates the many hours of effort and enthusiasm your committee members have already devoted to this special community effort. We also realize that in an endeavor such as this, we all must keep open the communication lines so that this truly couLnunity effort may continue to develop as smoothly as possible. The Council and City will be looking forward to your progress report on March 8, 70n P.M., at the New Fowler Junior High School. Cordially yours, Wilbur Bishop Mayor WB:lw C .�r tigard town and country days committee bicentennial celebration PRESIDENT ( \ Mr.George Slawosky 639-1499 \ VICE PRESIDENT Nancie Stimler SECRETARY Kathy Lenow \ TREASURER Bibianne Scheckla Tigard Town & Country Days EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Slawosky 639-1499 ;�� Nancie Stimler 639-9148 S� s Kathy Lenow 639-7457 r� . l+1nty Bibianne Scheckla 639-5697 i 1 AMERICA IS------- f � O � d J Q � Ox 9=0 � 3s OIV7 �? C/14 d J � Q O 3 � r � d ot I� s f .� � o off+• u.- CQ �� CZA 11 C-1 w / ' 2E � r Cl l � � w � a Cl- c� ; ZP— Lai CIO 1 I-o a � Cr. AMERICAN RESOLUTION BICENTENNIAL ADS INISTRAT'90N % 736 Jackson 'face, Washington, D. C. 20271 Ufa-19ZC+ PROCEOU1RAl.STEM {r`ia;ate.recd fuidol"M4'�I-3 eeflnitiorw firit) 1. Have the.-hist*?c ted offieitl tppoint a chairperson and mem'—wY t s Cummki;on or Cunsmittes which is re;xesamstive of all so rmms in tha co4yk4n+3nity. Fitt out+ ;: cf:x A ipa,-p 3i. 2. Plan an initial Bictntennial prcV..v". Fill out,Appivrkf'sx 2 tpNLe 41. Mt k lrstli�M°r 'mtf'�34��aYiSh aa."X". 2. Coav*Wts Part 1 (below)and Pa:t til (pages 2)as weii xis Ap,,*ndkes A and 0. 4. Sam C*nVtmd application to t%e Std it SitlKntallnial 0r}pn1zjt;z'n(M-FA—1 is e:..,4iy;ce "ml r fik4j. Agsks Vow thtrrtbon ai Cort reas M eprt eni ati rrs tarKi tienrttarry that tfr;y,at i'i r3«;;x f;n:t�.cnrn sutsT+tirxf. i 1T 0CERTIFIED; i. Thai at c%9fporson of the spacicf ($icentAnniat GrOW. 1 4'm 0re60"izod to sign thin r+r, Ai'0:ivn. 2. Thai atog tfto akrovs prcx ctftrrasf stern have tmsn accorriisrw�rl. & That"urWonigaapd or my stscctssor, will furnish mess rtepons ern rrquestwl 4. Tho.Y wpmvad,the Nstiona'Symt,al wit(,tx±u—,—din m 10 ;am 'watt th A3?13,�. Gra(;hics tdlar i_ai. iA G. 51.AMCS 9'1'IS CER TIF IE&. 1. Thain this la our of'fic:al cpptication for roa�aa�Ii ic�ntarrniai Gommrrnres 2. That this sfiimrt will ha"broad used community tuwo-irt. t I That avakabl6 commvAty resources zwiil fila utilized in the irrarntarnarr cti:,i.c*',~i^r:f f.rx. i tA"lx chlz a!"a In trill npmcaf Si rsatuft of Chial Electrrl offlc," PART 1t—9FOR$TATs BICENTERNIAI_USE ONLY) Ditto Appl;-ctz;on Remi"md Chok t m Approvvg irp*msxe d awi9ewtretJ oiticar) s4wt to Ms;foett9c'f?mm T Ittf (CO authceirW orf.oarl COMMENTS: Vii;: BICENTENNIAL.COMfv1UNITY APPLICATION (Page 2) r �_�. _.-__._r`._.. - �(),!r•of this PART III —BASIC DATA(Please Type or Print) -- Name of Corr.murnty .-----•___. Type — tCity.County,Ti wn.T6be Villa,;T.rst.l 1 minty "�., . [•..• h" l,} ,iii`i`''. ('p•„�ti�.r '1 i.r t,t 1''�.�`t)I�)'t'- Official tVame of ST tial Bicentennial Group il�z 3t?-I1._ Local Bicentennial Choi'pvtson _--- �BURIfif'IGIII'S 11Tt.t IIGARD, 19,223 { Whiling A,W,ess) cod gilt s i~g; Al W 1up _ I CHIEF ELECTED LOCAL OFFICIAL_ ___.._... ()-,7223 / .. \ `)�i_..;' {Mi,liny A<?tfrcfti . �;)�:A•3'i)tt ;�,�tt)� (�. )t���rr•tf:tt), . . _ U.S.SENA`TORSANO CONGI"{I:SSIQNAI, FIRST 'LiAN I,�Fea AUGOlIN_-_...._-.__... .... __..-_. _,_._..__._., __ t; n�rr5•.i.,r,ri Qstr,titis! _._ _. .ter...__.._+.�._-._..r.__.._z....___... USE Oate Received R,0. Int!ials PART IV--(FOR ARBA USE ONLY) j DataofAnalysis Date Receives!Back Secommend.-d for Approval (Date) M.C. R.O. ___ Sete .....____. _-• ^<�P77;r.ilr.it^/......._..... Notification of Designation(Dates): __...._. __.__ ----- Presentation Ceremony Date ___—__.____-_ - Bywhom First Notice Received(Date) Fina! Repofl Hese;v-d Check list: (1)State Ap;xovei; (2) List of tlfernbers; 13) Program Content; (4) lasting Reminder; (5) Signatures; (6)Other- Spe Remarks REMARKS: ao�r►�� Anteri;an Revolution Bicentennial Adn►iniaration Q z 300 Federal Building z . 915 SeLond AvenuekA SrAt)e.Wash►ngion 98174 (206)442.1776 x t F -brulry 19, 1,376 Mr. George G. Slawosky 12035 S.W. Suriheight:. Dr Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Mr. Slawosky: On behalf of the A.m:ericar: Revcltiticin V lcvrttnw-,r1 y�C�rsir i :tra: un, it gives tie great plt°as:;rt. to 'irfcr yS, 2t t "g :,,rd hA, mac„ officially designated 6icentenn!Al VIV Bicentennial C; rrftr>3rar�� Please inform local media jf thfz desigr�aticyn it 1h1,, fw , riot yet been done. To arrarg4> the details n"' etre ,'E>A slag and certificate presentation cere"ny, please Contact yrur Stat€! Bicentennial Ccor.issior. Be asaured of r.y fir cr�r cin rrt�lat�tJns and deepest appreciation for your cemTitmtrt tr, perticiNate in the conroporation of atier;Is 2Vjti% Arnl:.,(!raar,y, Sincerely, Wesley Phi? �e�i;:inal �tr+�rt.cr _:r ir City of `!Ager d Atturition E'1(�flnirig CO-5-M.-2;tt-M A'G-:en-i;iun; tr(!c:: 61F1riC Stillie(;t: !�' if'i i(: L�uiri•:ol InturL;urA-i II S.W. L4iat1�(L L� i�==r . I"i+}�• Gt:ntlemun; Wle tilo unUE`r: iU'11.2d ra:.iL:L n L9 J.n thO Urea StIrl-OunCi?.firg thu intL-r'se(:LtCn of S.W. L';alput i nd P:ici i u Hiful?l•1L3ys !;t1U:,rit a PrAition rei;ue--ting ni'l,"rndri Cita tragi f i c s gw IJ be ifintallod. (ZCE:f,Jn: Extrcr.ho t1t3E:vy triji'1'f.c (:Q(il?t, f.:zpei,i(?l l)/ un nzrcifi.c li:+gi t.tiiy. A r(:r.cnt tra- is (IOUrIt cin S.It. IJ-:tl;r!L :itrcc t dhuuu a v::ry ho.--vy cuant. hrosunt trall'ic I'=L',3(3i1t9 a r;ijnfu(:rh1US i:flu llalz::r(',�-:..!s LUn(ii%iUn. tie, the unt]ersi;;n:?r-i, t%ol that tllis th s(�rirnus cunsidh:ratiun. C .