City Council Packet - 03/16/1976 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 16, 1976, 7:30 P.M. GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OFFICE 12460 S.W. MAIN STREET AGENDA: 1. ROLL CALL 2. ORDINANCE No. 76- AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF TIGARD TO PROVIDE A LIMIT TO THE TERM(S) OF APPOINTED MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. (Synopsized Title). (a) Report by Legal Counsel. (b) Discussion (c) Ordinance Consideration 3. MEETING WITH BUDGET COMMITTEE MEMBERS (a) Presentations by persons requesting items for inclusion in City Budget. (1) Recreation Program (2) Tigard Community Youth Services, Inc. (3) Tigard Loaves & Fishes (b) Discussion on requests for financial assistance. (c) Discussion on Tax Base Proposals. 4. ORDINANCE No. 76- AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A NEW TAX BASE PURSUANT TO SECTION 11, ARTICLE XI CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF OREGON. (Synopsized Title). 5. OTHER BUSINESS 6. ADJOURNMENT CM', y Z,. TIGI1it1) C a. `1 Y c UU �VC1 L Sj'r('IAi, Mfj: f ciG H,\R(,H L6, 1976, 7:3o i'.m. 1. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor Wilbur A, bishop; Counethr,ert joltu Robert C. Moore; Budget Committee: Floyd Bergalartn, JoA:tr: Grund, Bob Hudson, Harvey Knauss; Legal Counsel, Joe> Railejy 8:15 p.m.; Cihie�f of Police, R, B. Adams; City Administrator. Bruce P. Clark; City Recorder Doris Hartig Special CVuncil meeting and Budget Committee meetipg w ,% called by with the commothe Mayorn consgnt of the Council for the purpose of discussing tax base proposals and charter amendment prpposAls. Special meeting was calked to order by tt#e Mayor, City Administrator reviewed proposed charter amendment and 41 now �•eg l G0pnae{ 1s op�nign regarding the npw vacant caurteil Position, Legal Gpunsel has advise;l that :if the ordinance is adopted and the amendment is approved by the ygters, the effect on the now vacant poaition ia ; Any RFPolptmpnt mfde npw is m$0e in acc9T04nce with the lawitheiating chgrter and the 4PpointMpnt wtauld floe be 'affected by any change theah$rter atter his appointment, ORDINANCE No, 76,1.3' AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZINGO APPROVING AND REFERRING TO THE VOTERS A PROPOS&n AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF TIGARD AS ADOPTED BY' THE VOTERS ON NOVEMBER 6, 196,,. BY AMENDING SECTION 33 OF CHAPTER VII, RELATING TOTHF. FILLING OF VACANCIES IN OFFICE: CALLING A SPECIAL FLECTION TO t)E HELD A$ PAR-r OF THE STATEWIDE PRIMARY ELECTION OF MAY 25, 1976, WHERE AT THE PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS OF T11E CITYt FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EOERGENCy. (A) Motion to 4dopt: Councilm4n £ookl seconded by Councilman Moore. Apprgved by unanimous vote qt Coun4q•#.1 present, MEETING WITH BUDGET COMMITTEE MEMBERS (a) Mayor Bishop called for teatitnony from Nersgns requesting programs to include in the budget. (1) Recreation Program Fred Cooper, President of Park and Recreation Board synrpsivrrd request stating the total proposed budget for 1976_77 is $if:,(;:}(: less $4,000 from school dip trict support or request Po= .$1,4,0ou city support. William H411 and David Lewis also spoke: in t:ipi,orr of the program. Q) Tigard Community Youth Services, Inc. Larry Shannon, President, requested $5,283 as city's shard ,f program. Mike Pieracci, DITectox and Mr. Shannon synopsized the Pt9gram and answergo eqr4mittee q Tigard Community Youth SRrvices, Inc,i is $24,58� Total bpdset for 2 4. (3) Loaves #nd Fishes Cargl Spiro, Wanda Sens And C.V. Christenson represented the Lt�aves amd Dishes Pst:�>rAm, Ajar Spiro summarized their progran: t i azul regpesL:-:d c l ty suppor L Irl ct:e amount of ,2,000. C�;r.mii t t .e discussed prnK dma and .feasibilit-y of including in tai: bas;: �\ regueat or by apecl.nl levies. In in(orwal budgc;t: discussion JoAnn Grund moved Go int'.1ilchr vbct cl tinea proppsals in the tax base request; seconded by Floyd fi cgioau.rt. There wa$ further discussion by the Cunmiittee ps the total tai; rate per thousand would be approximately $1,54. As an alternate proposal. committee agreed to add A total, of $10,000 to the original tax base proposal with the $10,000 to be allocated to Loaves and Fishes, Tigafd Comm4nity Youth Sexvines and Recreation Program on a pert$al year b4si.s, with some adjustment in the park budget. Details to be. worked out whpn corm ttee developer the budget. Concwnsus of Committee was unanimoys approval of amendment establishing A tax base iR Amount Pf $323.230 fpr an ppplmated tax ;ate of $1.47/1,000 T,C,V, ORDINANCE No, 766"t4 AN ORDINANC4 PROVIAINl3 FOR A SPACIAL CITY ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITE" OF TIRARD, PREGONj ON 1-41,Y 25, 1976, IN CONNECTION WITH THE (MgRAL PTAT� P41D�RY ELECTION, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TP THE L9GAL yOTERS OF THE CITY OF TTGARD, ORtGON, THE QUESTION OF ESTABLISHING A NEW TAX BASE PUR4UANT TO SECTION 11, ARTICLE ){j, CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF OREGON AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, (a) lyotion fio adopts CoyncilcAn Cook] seconded by Councllmsn Moore, Approved by upisnimous vote of Council present. ADJOURNMENT 9130 P,M, City Recorder A'?ESTs M$yor PAGE I COUNCIL MlggTES 1'bIRCH 16, 1976 CITY OF D P. O. Box 23557 12420 S. W. Main Tigard. Oregon 97223 March 12, 1976 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that a special Council meeting and Budget Committee meeting was called by the Mayor with the common consent of the Council at 7:30 P.M. Tuesday, March 16th, 1976, at the General Telephone Building, 12460 S.W. Main Street, Tigard, Oregon. The meeting is called for the purpose of discussing Tax Base proposals and charter amendment proposals. City Recorder - ity o "Tigard t� s.. kyr a'