City Council Packet - 09/09/1974 TIGARD CITY"COUNCIL k REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 1974, 7:30 P,M. CHARLES F. TIGARD GRADE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION OFFICES AGENDA: M 1. CALL TO ORDER t 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, August 26, September 4, L974 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES AND INVESTMENTS $ 97,024 38 7 ALTERNATE C R A G REPRESENTATIVE DESIGNATION (a) Motion by Council. 8 ORDINANCE No 74 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 10 36.100 OF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE WITH RESPECT TO RIDING BICYCLES UPON 'SIDEWALKS WITHIN:THE`CITY OF TIGARD; PRESCRIBING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY (a) Motion by Council. 9. ORDINANCE No, 74-. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 16.08 185, SIGN REGULATIONS, OF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE, DEFINING INDUSTRIAL PARK; FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY (a) Motion by Council. 10, AUTHORIZATION OF MAYOR. AND CITY RECORDER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - Washington County Jail Contract (a) Motion by Council. 11 AUTHORIZATION OF MAYOR AND CITY RECORDER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - Reduction In Deaths Through Enforcement (R I D ) Contract. (a) Motion by Council- 12. AUTHORIZATION OF MAYOR AND CITY RECORDER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - Burglary Prevention Program Contract (a) Motion by Council. 13- AUTHORIZATION OF MAYOR AND CITY RECORDER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - Miller & Sons Contractors Relating to Murdock Street sewer L I D (a) Motion by Council. ..4 AUTHORIZATION OF MAYOR AND CITY RECORDER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT — Subdivision Com plianceAgreement with Arrow Heating Company relating to Lake Terrace Subdivision (lots #1-18). (a) Motion by Council. 15. ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION Farmers Insurance Group.. Request: for a change of zone classification from R-7, Single Family Residential and C-3, General Commercial to C-P, Commercial Professional and P-D, Planned Development to facilitate the develop- ment of 27 76 acres into office park complex and iiciuding a site for a motel Property under consideration is located between S W 66th Avenue on East and Highway 217 on West and contains 27.76 acres, Tax Map 2S1 1, Tax Lots 100, 200, 300,400, 15. (Cont.) 500, 501, 701,;1100. Application approved by Planning,Commission with conditions. (a) Public Hearing, 8,00 P.M; (b) Presentation of facts by City Planner. '(c) Testimony by applicant and proponents (d) Testimony by opponents (e) Consideration by<Council: 16. OTHER BUSINESS (a) Appointment of Bruce P. Clark as Pro TEm City Recorder until September23rd. 17. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK 18. ADJOURNMENT a saL PAGE 2 -COUNCIL AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 T ` T I G A R D C ITY COU : C 1 1, REGOLAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 9, 197-, 7z30 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL: Prssez-,L.' Mayor Floyd H. B !:grran._y Ccrntt.i'_....t_ ' !hn E. Cook, Robert C. ;bore;"J. Allan Paters,cy Fr�_d A. .Anders-,n, le,,al s Co,nsel; ,Winslow C. Brock City Flanner, Nick.NL cf Public S__.+cts and Fsolliticv, Donaid L. R«a, P '_i:, Lieu_F rant. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, August.26, Septenbsr 4# L974- (a) _97%,.(a). Minutes were approved as subc,lttcd. 1 <WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) None 4. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES AND INVESTMENTS: (a) Motion to appr,, ee Civncilrr�wa Moores _corded by Approved tv;unanimous vote of Council. ALTERNATE C.R.A.G. REPPESENTATiVE DESIGNATION, s (s)- Moticn by C :neilraa Cot>k to appoint`C .11.^u_._ M__' a. :gAt__n,td.- to C.R.A.G.;-seconded by C,uneilman-Pat___. n Approved by unanimous vn,tc of Coun:il. 6." ORDINANCE No. 74-50 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION`1J..`o.l!?il OF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL sCODE'WITH RESPECT TO RIDING HICYCLES r:PON SIDEWALKS WITHIN THE CITY OF TIGARD;-FRFSCR!BING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (a) Motion by Councilman Moore to strike the words "or operating" in Section 1; seconded by Councilman Paterson. Approved by unanim,>us vote of Council. (b) Motion by Councilman Paterson to approve amended ordinance, seconded by Councilman Cook. Amended ordinance approved by unanimuua vote of Co: Lil. 7. ORDINANCE No. 74-51 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 16.06.185, SIGN REGULATIONS, OF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE, DEFINING INDUSTRIAL PARK; FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (a) City Planner stated this was merely a housekeeping type ordinance and recommended approval, (b) Motion by Councilman Moore to adopt; eeconded by Count ilman Cook. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 8. AUTHORIZATION OF MAYOR A41D CITY RECORDER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT - WasLr-,gton County Jail Contract. (a) Motion by Councilman Cook to authorize Mayor and City Recoder to execute Jail Contract; seconded by Couroiln- n Y-ore:. App:-�-ra.;d by ❑nanimous vote of Council. 9. 'AUTHORIZATION OF MI iYCR AND CITY RECORDER TO EXECtJiE Af FREEMEN - Rr;d<<; In mmmmmmmorm" Deaths;Through Enfo zEnient (R.T,D,E,) Contract. (a) Motion by C., reil ,-r• Pair ,_,cn t- aut.t r:rt.. N--;vr ind Ci.t,, R<<o i_ to execute:R-'.,D.,E. _ `,ded by Cou a.l-an Mc Approved by ^antt.,ces vnt�- Of Cr a,�_ 10, AUTHORIZATION OF MAYOR AND CITY RECODRDER TO FXFCUTE 'ALREEMENT! - R•r_4'a:y 'Preventicr: Program G..aract, (a) M(-,ti(-Tl by C._._ei`mar. Pat__ '-o and C-L'Y R, i, to exc,utc 1.;E..A A, Ce,ii! ,t. .+r?i LV CL.i t 1 an -k. APprovd by ur:animccu.> dote ,f C,-,,11.-'!- 1.1, rAUTHORIZAlION Of RA''OR'.AND CITY RECOEL?ER TO EXECUTE ACREENFNT - It.L - 1. -Son,:Cc,nt,ractlu;rto Mi,rdc:.k'St c .:'Scutt .1,D, (a) '..Motion. by Mao__ Md ,-avr.:';a^ Cit- Re.;c•:rl t `execute agreEIIient, Seconded bvtlCc.uncilrsn C :'k. Approved by ui:=Animcus vote Of Council. 1.2, AUTHORIZATION OF MAYOR AND CITY RECORDER I'O EXECUTE AGREEMENT - lJI),ji is:on Compliance Agreement with Arrow Heating Company relating 1,o lake Teira.c " Subdivision,(Lots (k1--18) (a) M tt.m'by Cl :ei le.aa Crack to ,,t_L,._izs Mayor and City'R, der in extcute ,r.,7—..Hent; s�ccrd_d by Cno!--i:lmaa Moo,„re. Approved by an_n__.• aC.{.'__ •ii..` 1:3. '-APPOINTMENT OF BRUCE P, Cl,ARK'AS PRO .'LEN C'I'TY RECORDER UNTIL. SF.PIEMBF:R 23td. (a) :Motio:a by Cot.._(<ili ._ C,�,k t,, appoint B--a._(, Clark a: City R.:::•:td^r P3:o Tern until-Septcmber 23, 1971, second/.d by Coo-ncili_., Mo re. _ Appr,)vcd by t.r_a±t,mcus vote: of,C,u, :.fl.. 14. TRI-MET (a) Citizens frotr..:Ann Street area and Pi'neb:rcok neighborhood submitted petitions to Coun.cii protesting Che Tri-Met bus routes thrrugh the neighborhoods. (b) The following people test:ific.d,, Mrs. Fvely^ Pippin- 12010 S,W. Anr. St, Mrs. Sherri Palmer, Pinebrcok. area Mrs. Mary Thorse.11 - Pinebrook area Wilbur Bishop - 10590 SW Cook In. (c) Council :and staff discussed problem and wi.1.1 fc.-wand p tttic:n to Tri-Met and request a.mec ting with Tri-Met and thee. citi.zers—A _ the neiphborh ods once.rncd, 15. ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION.- Fanners Insuraace Gtoup. Request: for- u :hange ,:t zoneclassification from R-7, Single Family Residential and C-3, Gene-al Conunercial to C-P, Commercial PrOfCSSLonal. and P-D, Planned Development to facilitate the development of 27.76 acre into offic: perk r.:.eplex and including a site for a motel. Property tinder ccn.sideratlo7c i- 1-, .'atcd between SW, 66th Avenue on East and Highway 217 on West, a_nd tains 27.7!, _ acres. Tax Map 2S1 1, Tax Lots 100, 700, 300, 400, 500, '31 101, 11,00, Appiicatign approved by Planning Comni.ssfon with (a.) Pu`-lic.Hear.ing >?i0O P,M. (b) Presentatic:n of slidcs and fa,-rs by City Planner. PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 (c) :Proponents,. Bob Oringdulph"of Broome, Selig, Oringdulph and Partners, representing Farmers Insurance, made a presentation and showed slides of the site. Gross Examination Councilman Moore 'Councilman Paterson (d) Opponents. No Testimony -"Public Hearing:.Closed . (e) ORDINANCE No. 74-5t AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO APPLICA'T'ION OF FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP FOR A CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION FROM R-7, 'SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, AND C-3 GENERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONES TO C-P,.COMMERCIAL- PROFESSIONAL, AND ADOPTING :ADDITIONAL FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO A COMPANIONATE REQUEST FOR APPROVAL AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR USE OF SUBJECT LANDS FOR A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PROJECT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 18.56, TIG.ARD MUNICIPAL CODE, GRANTING ZONE CHANGE AND APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOP- MENT DLSTRICT PROGRAM AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (f) Motion by Councilman Moore to adopt, seconded by Counci_..a- Pater-ion. � Approved by unanimous vote of:Caurncil. 16. OrHER BUSINESS A. Counciliraa Moore stated that the Villa La Paz sign on 92nd was posted on arpower pole. Staff is to:investigate-and report back to Council. B. VACANT COUNCIL POSITION Motion by Councilman Moore to appoint Alan Mickelson, 11605 S.W. Maneanita, to serve in the vacant Council position for the remainder of the unexpired term; seconded by Councilman Paterson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. Attorney Anderson administered the oath of office to Alan Mickelson. 17. ADJOURNMENT: 8:42 P.M. City Recorder - Pro Tem ATTEST: Mayor PAGE 3 —COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 FMON PON- BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 ._.dERAL FUND - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 15565 Michael W. Fuller - Witness Fee (11) $ 6.00 15566 Terrance Miles Duff Witness Fee (11) 6.00 15567 Clinton R. Wilkins - Witness Fee (11) 5.00 15569 International City Mgr. Assoc. - Conference Dallas, Texas (12) 111.00 15570 Institute for Community Develop. -& Services Publications (14) .75 15571 Citizens Information Service of Ill. (14) -2.00 15572Bastin Business Machines Ribbons (12) 4.50 15573 Local Governmental Personnel Inst. -'Subscription & Membership (12) 200.00 15574 Metro West Chamber of Commerce - Membership (12) 40.00 1557 , N.W. Natural Gas - Utilities (15) 5.95 (16) 3.68 (18) 3.79 (20) 7.14 20.56 15576 Oregon Municipal Finance Officers Ass'n. Membership (21) 10.00 15577 Oregon Section' ICMA Membership (12) 5.00 15578 Roger Thomssen-`- Recording ' (21) 4.00 15580 National League of Cities -' Registration Seminar (12) 50.00 15581 ' Banker's 'Life - Police Retirement (:16) 5,305.75 15582 Addressograph - Multigraph;Div. - Multigraph;.master & erasers (18) 23.00 15626 Roger Thomssen Recording (21) 18.00 15627 " Richard Bolen - Travel (14) 23.50 15630 Oregon Administration Co. - Insurance PR Deduct. (619) 36.36 15631 American United Life ins. Police Insurance (16) 15.30 (16.2) 2.70 (16.3) .90 (618) 105.15 124.05 < 15632 U.S. National:Bank - Bonds 'PR Deduction ('610) 131.25 15633 Wash. Co. Credit Union - PR Deduction (609) 194.00 15634 Police`Officers` Assoc. - PR Deduction (611) 194.50 15635 U.S. National Bank - Federal Withholding (613) 5,362.46 15636 State of Oregon - State Withholding (614) 1,720.14 15637 Public Employees Retire. Bd. - Social Security (10) 9.57 (11) 34.57 (12) 104.63 (13)125.79 (14) 169.60 (15) 63.52 (16) 1088.76 (16.2) 162.92 (16.3) 54.99 (18) 21.29 (19) 65.81 (21) 110.23 (612) 2,011.68 4,023.36 15638 ICMA Retirement City Administrators retirement (104) 49.66 (608)48.75 98.41 15639 Travelers Insurance Group - Retirement (10) 4.91 (12) 4.91 (15) 26.50 (19) 33.75 (21) 56.52 (608) 149.81 276.40 15640 Bankers Life Ins. Co. - Police Retirement - PR Deduction (608) 1,400.12 15641 C.R. Press - Ballots 9/3/74 election (10) 12.00 15642 Halray Auto Supply Inc. - Oil, Etc. (17) 41.73 (20) 2.45 44.18 15643 International Armament Corp.- Ammunition (16) 238.00 15644 International City Mgr. Assoc.-Membership (12) 97.50 15645 Jones Photo Service- Film Processing (14) 5.20 15646 Maryatt Industries Laundry (20) 55.20 15647 Norman Jerome Winslow - Witness Fee (11) 8.00 15648 Beatrice Kincaid - Witness Fee (11) 9.00 15649 Royce` Vondross - Witness Fee (11) 9.00 15650 Herbert Milton - Juror (11) 10.00 15651 Roger Knight - Juror (11) 10.00 15652 Dorothy Madler - Juror (11) 10.00 15653 Ervin C. Knudson - Juror (11) 10.00 554 Sally J. Glynn - Juror (11) 70.00 ;.5655 Muriel J. Osborne - Juror (11) 10.00 15656 Lester P. Johnson - Juror (11) 10.00 15657 Darlene Fisher - Juror (11) 10.00 15658 Olive Gretsch - Juror (11) 10.00 NOW Check No. 15659 Raymond Bunker - Juror ' "660 Lila E. Payton - Juror (11) $ 10.00 _ :661 Ira T. Chapman - Juror (11) 10.00 15662 Rentex - Laundry (11) 10:00 ';(15) 9.90 (16) 11.OU (18) 27.&U 48.70 15663 Portland General Electric Utilities 15664 Rodda'Paint Co, - Refund (paint) (18) 60.-74 15665Shell oil Co. - Super Shell (12) 22,60 (13) 6.78 (19) 9,04 (17.2) (39,63) 15666 Stark Street Lawn' & Garden - 'Gears & Gaskets for mower 38.42 15667 'Tigard Auto Body Works - Damaged Fender (12) 58.00(L7) 67.00 15668 Tigard Water District - Utilities (16) 6.00 (18) 6.40 15669 Tigard Times - Notice Special election (10) 18.91 12.40 Notice of Public Hearing (14) 7.00 Actual Use Report (21) 14,18 Appeal Minor Land Part. (10) 10.98 51.07 2745 Feenaughty Machinery - Manual Wayne Sweeper 15670 Service Club - Membership (2G) 5.50 15671 Dept. of Commerce'- Building Permits Surcharge (12) 100,00 (623) 21.52 15672 Russel Austin - Travel 15673 Pargas - Rental (13) 17.95 15674 Nick Hiebert: - Mileage (12), 5.00 15676 Bruce P. Clark - City Admin. Seminar - Seattle (19) 12,50 (12) 136.00 15677 Jones `Photo Service - Processing (14) 2.60 15678 League of Oregon Cities - Voluntary Assess for special League Pro. (18); 100.00 15679 Tigard .Times,- Notice of Public Hearings 2929 Cooper & Lybrand - Audit & Progress Payment (14) 5'p8 (18) 700.00 `Expense $21,39.7;20 Payroll 23;029,09 Total $44,426;29 SEWER FUND - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. t 15630 Oregon Admin. Co. - Insurance PR Deduction 15633 Wash, Co. Credit Union PR Deduction (619) 3.33 15635 U. S. National Bank - Federal Withholding (609) 108.0 0 (613) 625.80 15636 State Of Oregon - State Withholding (614) 234.20 15637 Public Employees Retire. Bd. - Social Security (101) 259.65 (612) 259.65 15639 Travelers Ins. Co. - Retirement (104) 73.71 (608) 75.12 519.30 2929 Coopers &Lybrand - Audit - Progress Payment 148'83 4 2930 First National Ban - Sinking Fund (51) 800.00 Bank 2931 Unified Sewerage Agency - Service Charge (541) 356.94 (753 2932 Aerial Mapping - August Mapping Charge (291) ) 13,358.35 (291) 7,000.00 Expense $23,154.75 Payroll 3,121.58 Total $26,276 33 STATE TAX STREET - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. " 5630 Oregon Admin. Co. - Insurance PR Deduction 1633 Wash. Co. Credit Union - PR Deduction (609P) 156.00(619P) 5.00 15635 U.S. National Bank' Federal Withholding (613P) 563.80 15636 State of Oregon 6 State Withholding 15637 Public Employees Retire. Bd. - Social Security (614P) 193.74 (612P) 229,93 (LOLP) 229,93 459.86 MIN 15639 TravelersIns. Co. - Retirement (104P) 68.01 (608P) 45.34 $ 113.35 15642 Halray Auto Supply Inc. - Battery,`.Shocks, etc. (210P) 95.63 15663 Portland General Electric - Utilities (260) 3.18 '564 Rodda Paint Co.`- Paint Thinner (220) 69.00 _665 Shell Oil Co. - Super Shell (210)` 6.78 (210P) 151.42 (210.2P) 79.10 237.30 15668 Tigard Water District- utilities (260) 78.00 2742 Ore. Electric Co. - Repair: to R.R. Crossing (290) 21,000.00 ' 2743 Butler Tire & Batteryj- Tire (210P) 42.65 2744 Harris Uniforms`- Uniforms for Martin`& Sirianni (280P) 84.00 2745 Feenaughty Machinery - Parts for Wayne Sweeper (24) 32.98 2746 Nine-T-Nine - Tire Change (220P) 2.00 2747 Portland Concrete Pipe Co. - 3" manhole frame extension (220) 54.00 2748 Union Oil - Oil & Grease (210P) 159.95 2749 Valley Communication - Radio Radar Repair (291P) 62.50 2750 Willamette Hi Grade';Concrete - Asphalt 95th 'St. (220) 97.31 15673 Pargas - Rental (210) 15.00 (210P) 5.00 20.00 2751 Traffic Safety, Supply' - Signs (220) 21.00 2752 Butler Tire - Tire (2LOP) 42.65 Expense $23,594.36 Payroll $ 2,727.40 Total $26,321.76 Total Checks Written For Expense $68,146.31 Payroll 28,878.07 TOTAL CHECKS PAYABLE $97,024.38 August 6, 1974 I1rhough vie appreciate Tri-:iet service to our area we, thea i.eade s Win,. 1, oppose tha use of 3.:1. 116t1l Street and S.%4. Ann Street because: 1 ). do incl the r-o2idental env.roment needs to iae preserved. i.H are csed to the se and ox auf emitt:.d from 128 biases a week.. 2). fine added traffic poses a real danger to the nearly two dozon chAlCaren that reside upon the streets.' Therefore sae suggest the following route �rsing main arterioal and serving more ;people: Walsiut Street, 121 st Stroot to Ga u cle Street, Canterbury Square returning to S.W. Pacific High:aaY- UZI- t,iLG µ.C' ��._../ 1/�/Cr(''� �l � �-� ;.G� �L 1 iZ �]r. �, _:i •cc.�,.�::. 1Z 1 C V C --3 / 7V �f