City Council Packet - 06/10/1974 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULARMEETING JUNE10,' 1974, `7:30 P.M. ,CHARLES F. TIGARD GRADE SCHOOL - ADMINISTRATION OFFICE AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, May 20, 30, June 3,1974 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Re-Pac 6. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES & INVESTMENTS $108,652.37 7. PROCLAMATION - Burglary Prevention`Week 8. RESOLUTION No. 74- RESOLUTION'ADOPTING POLICIES REGULATING THE USE OF LAND � AND:STRUCTURES IN AND AROUND THE CITY OF.TIGARD.OREGON UNTIL COMPLETION OF THE CRAG REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR UNTIL JULY 1, 1976,,WHICHEVER COMES FIRST, AND ESTABLISHING'PR10RITY USES-FOR.THAT.PURPOSE. (a) Continued from Council meeting of May 20, 1974 Public Hearing (b) Consideration by Council 9. ORDINANCE No. 74-27 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO APPLICATION OF H.A. 'ANDERSEN AND JOSEPH M. FOUGHT FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION FROM R-7 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO M-4 INDUSTRIAL PARK WITH RESPECT TO ASSESSOR'S TAX LOT 800 2S11DC, GRANTING APPLICATION AND FIXING EFFECTIVE DATE (a) Second reading of ordinance. 10. ORDINANCE No. 74-28 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO APPLICATION OF FLETCHER, HANSEN AND PARSONS FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION FROM R-7 RESIDENTIAL TO M-4 INDUSTRIAL PARK ZONE WITH ADDITIONAL FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO COMPANIONATE REQUEST FOR APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF SAID LANDS AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PRO- JECT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER L8.56, TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE, WITH RESPECT TO TAX LOT 900 2S1 1D, GRANTING ZONE CHANGE AND AUTHORIZING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PROGRAM, AND FIXII:i: AN EFFECTIVE DATE (a) Second reading of ordinance 11. GARBAGE AND TRASH FRANCHISE RATES (a). 8:00 P.M. Public Hearing 12. SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FOR S.W. MURDOCK STREET (a) 8:00 P.M. Public Hearing 13. 'PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTER 18.52.020, TO ALLOW RETAIL SALES IN M-4 INDUSTRIAL PARK ZONE (a) 8:00 P.M. Public Hearing (b) _Consideration by Council (c) ,ORDINANCE No. 74-_AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18.52 (INDUSTRIAL PARK ZONE, M-4) OF THE TIGARD'MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCLUDE COMBINED MANUFACTURING, WAREHOUSING AND RETAIL SALES OF FURNITURE AS A'CONDITIONAL USE AND PRESCRIBING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 14. ORDINANCE No. 74 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL AND OFFER OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, FOR THE TRANSFER OF JURISDICTION TO THE CITY OF CERTAIN COUNTY ROADS OR PARTS THEREOF'' WITHIN THE CITY BOUNDARIES AS DESCRIBED IN COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION AND ORDER No. 74-96; PRESCRIBING A14 EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY (a) Recommendation of Director of Public Works 15. RESOLUTION No. 74- RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING CITY COUNCIL ACTIONREGARDING ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION RETIREMENT CORPORATION DEFERRED COMPEN- SATION PLAN`' 16. OTHER BUSINESS 17.:: CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING.TO SPEAK (a) Joe Chamberlain` 18.' ADJOURNMENT Council. Agenda , Page 21 June 3, 1974 T I G A R D C I T Y C O U N C I L REGULAR MEETING JUNE 10, 1974, 7s30'P.M. 1. ROLL CALLS Presents Mayor Floyd H. Bergmann; Councilmen John E. Cook,:Robert' C. Moore, Charles L. Norton, J. Allan Paterson; City Attorney Fred' Anderson; Building Officials Russel Austin; City Planner, Winslow _ C. Brooks; City Administrator, Bruce P. Classic; City Recorder, Doris Hartig;`Director of Public Works, Nick Hiebert; Lieutenant Donald L. Rea. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, May 20, 30 June 3,;1974. (a) Approved as submitted. 3. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) Letter from RE-PAC Committee requesting Planning staff to develop landscape plan in cooperation with Public Works Department. City,Administrator commented staff time was limited and it would have to be worked in with other schedules if this request was acceptable to Council. Council responded favorably to'request. (b) Letter from Lovett, Stiner and Fasano, P.C. requesting amendment to M-4 stoning code. Planning Cemmission will consider at their next meeting.'- (c) Letter from Millers Sanitary Service.reguest 30 day extension to give them time to study salvage;amendments`to franchise ordinance. (d) Letter of resignation from Park Board member Muir Crittenden. ,Council requested resolution be prepared in appreciation for his service and that City Administrator contact Park Board regarding recommendation for replacement. 4. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES 6 INVESTMENTSs 5108.646.37 (a) Motion to approves Councilman Paterson; seconded by Councilman,Cook. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 5. PROCLAMATION - Burglary Prevention Week (a) Mayor Bergmann declared the week of June 23 to 29 be recognized as burglary prevention week. 6. RESOLUTION No. 74-24 RESOLUTION ADOPTING POLICIES REGULATING THE USE OF LAND AND STRUCTURES IN AND AROUND THE CITY OF TIGARD OREGON UNTIL COMPLETION OF THE CRAG REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR UNTIL JULY 1. 1976, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST, AND ESTABLISHING PRIORITY USES FOR THAT PURPOSE. (a) Public Hearing Continued City Planning reviewed revised map and proposed by staff. No Testimony from audience. Public Hearing Closed. (b) Motion to adopts C<Pjncilman Moore; seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved'by unanimous vote of Council. 7. ORDINANCE No. 74-27 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO APPLICATION OF H. A. ANDERSEN AND JOSEPH M. FOUGHT FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION FROM R-7 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO M-4 INDUSTRIAL PARK WITH RESPECT TO ASSESSOR'S TAX LOT 800 2S1 1DC, GRANTING APPLICATION AND FIXING EFFECTIVE DATE. (a) Second reading or >Td tk e:tx (b) Motion r.) Mi�prnrs:l P1, e���. ren Cook, C(rj+z;.!sna z; Y ORDINANCE fi.. 74 ..�.� 2.8_ -. OF Niter { 7. f 1 ii l Lei s�4 i[c, <r z J.. PAGE. s b ll. (cont.) (b) ORDIN..'CE No, 74-30 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18-52 (INDUSTRIAL PARK ZONE, M-4) JF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCLUDE COMBINED MANUFACTURING, WAREHOUSING AND RETAIL SALES OF FURNITURE AS A CONDITIONAL USE AND PRESCRIBING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Motion to adopt: Councilman Norton; seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. �2. ORDINANCE No, 74-31 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL AND OFFER OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSOF WASHINGTON'COUNTY, OREGON,, FOR THE TRANSFER OF JURISDICTION TO THE CITY OF CERTAIN COUNTY ROADS ORPARTS THEREOF WITHIN THE CITY BOUNDARIES AS DESCRIBED IN COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION AND ORDER No. 74-96; PRESCRIBING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (a) Motion to adopt: Councilman Norton, seconded by Councilman Moore, Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 13. RESOLUTION No, 74-25 RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING CITY COUNCIL ACTION REGARDING "ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT`ASSOCIATION RETIREMENT CORPORATION'DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN, (a) Motion to adopt: Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Norton- Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 14, OTHER BUSINESS (a) Joe Chamberlain developer of Lake Terrace Subdivision discussed with Council and staff the acceptancm and filing of his subdivision plat. The City had previously requested certification the dam was adequate. Mr. Chamberlain stated the state would be unable to supply certification, however, he had drained the dam on two separate occasions last winter with no complaints from'residents-downstream. Motion by Councilman Cook that Council go on record of releasing the restriction on the dam certification and authorize execution of the plat; seconded by Councilman Norton. Approved by unanimous vote of Council, Director of Public Works stated U.,S.A. will not approve Mr. Chamberlain's plat as sewer is not avpilable to this area at this time. City staff and Council discussed installation of a force main to the Metzger sewer treatment plant and contacting U.S.A, regarding increasing the allotment of sewer hookups for the City of Tigard. Motion by Councilman Norton requesting resolution be prepared that appropriate action be taken as soon as possible with respect to increasing City's sewer permit allotment; seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. (b) City Administrator reported he had discussed with Mr. Ball of U.:S.A- the waiver of requiring annexation to the City of Tigard when the North Dakota sewer line is installed, Council concurred with City Administrator's suggestion, Motion by Councilman Norton to request Washington County Commissioners to include our force main on interim improvement of the Fanno Creek drainage area when issuing sewer permits; seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. PAGE 3 7 COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 10, 1974 14. (cont,) (c) RESOLUTION No. 74-26 THE CITY COUNCIL TAKES OFFICIAL NOTICE OF THE FOLLOWING WITH RESPECT TO.THE ELECTIONHELDIN THE CITY OF TIGARD ON THE 28TH DAY OF MAY, '1974,.'WHEREAT PURSUANT"TO ORDINANCE No. 74-22 THERE WAS SUBMITTED TO THE LEGAL VOTERS OF THE CITY A PROPOSAL TO INCREASE THE TAX BASE OF THE CITY, (1) Motion to adopt. Councilman Paterson; seconded by Councilman Cook, Approved by unanimous vote of Council. (d) S',W. 115th L,I,D. Director of Public Works reported no response from thepropertyowners regarding the deleting of one sidewalk. (e) Councilman Paterson requested the matter of issuance c.i` building permits be placed on study:session agenda, ; (f) Councilman .Norton requested status of base map'system.` City Administrator replied the maps are in progress and City expects to begin receiving them within the next three weeks. (g) Director of "ublic Works reported the slurry seal program in the Rolling Hills area would be completed by Tuesday the'llth. (h) Councilman Norton inquired as to engineering work with respect to S.W. Hunziker. City'Administrator reported the'.engineers expeet to have the;plans submitted within a'week. (i) City Administrator reported staff and school officials had met with respect to the'-Walnut-Tiedeman street improvement. Staff will discuss further at next council study session. (j) City Administrator also stated the school will be ready to discuss the future; of Fowler Jr. High site in the next few weeks. MEETING ADJOURNED. 9x45 P.M. City Recorder L ATTESTS IK Mayor PAGE 4 - COUNCIL MINUTES —JUNE 10, 1974 BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT June 10, 1974 GENERAL FUND - U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No, 14931 Thomas Killion -Clothing Allowance (16) 110.00 14932 League of Oregon Cities - Rlue Cross (10) 86.44 (11) 12.09 (12) 12.09 (15) 12.09 (16) 261.57 (16.2) 26.21 (19) 52.42 (616) ,146.85 609. .4933 League of Oregon Cities Kaiser (12) 89.98 (13) 48. 13 (14) 80.23 (16) 209.12 (16.2) 49.46 (16.3) 16.58 (17) 56.82 (616) ;234.06. 816.47 14934 League of Oregon Cities Insuranee (ll) .55 (12) 2.75 (13) 1.10 (14) 1.10 (16) ,'11.55_ (16.2) 1.65 ,(16.3) .55 (7:9) 2.20 (17) .55 (15) .55 (10) 2.20 24.75 14935. League of Oregon Cities- Salary Continuation (12) 29.99 (13);6.49 (14) 17.08 (15) 5.11,-(16) 92.83 (16.2) 16.65 (16.3) 5.74 (17) 4.64 (19) 2.5.72 204.25 14938 Russel Austin - Travel (13) - 7.20 14940 U. S. National Bank - TDC (532)3,384.34 14941 Chown Hardware &Machinery - 74" Power Saw & Blade (20) 87.65 14942- Valley Communications - Repair #6 Base Station (16.2) 30.00 (16) 126.31< 156.31 14943 Roger Thomssen --Recording (12) 10.00 14944' Xerox - Rental & Supplies .(10) 39.45 (13) 11.12 (16) 165.20 (11) 2.87 (12) 35.87 (14) 73.17 (15) 1.79 (19) 11.49 340.96 14945' United pipe & Supply - Sprinklers (BOR Cook Park) (17.2) 145.51 14946 .Washington County - 10 silent alarms (16.3) 525.00 14947: Petty Cash- Luncheons & Schooling (12) 27.80 (13) 1.55 (14) 2.05 (16) 55.00 (18) .64 _(19) 6.30 93.34 14948 Roger:Thomssen-- Recording (12) 14.00 14949 `Cornell, Howland, Hays Menfield - Maps (19) 129.40 14950 Columbia,Equipment Corporation-Push Brooms (20) 35.70 14951 Dept. of Commerce - Oregon Amended Bldg.,Code (13) 15.00 14952 Jones Photo Service - Film 'Processing (14) -5.20 14953 'Kiplinger-Washington Editors - Subscriptions (15) 17.00 14954 Marsh & McLennon - Insurance (18) 619.00 14955 Portland General Electric-Utilities (17) 18.04 (18) 2,326.68' 2,344.72 14956 Northwest-Natural Gas - utilities (18) ' 140.35 14957 Pitney Bowes - 'Postage Machine Rental (18) 106.50 14958 City of Portland - Grass Seed (17) 216.00 14959 The Times Publication - Notice of Public Hearing (12) 70.38 14960 General Telephone - Utilities (18) 914.40 (16) 117.00 1,031.40 14961 SAIF - Renewal Premium (18) 15.00 14962 BroDart - 10 Tray Section w/top (15) 7.85.25 14963 Shell Oil Company - Super Shell (19) 19.05 (13) 19.30 (16) 749.00 (16.2) 63.77 851.12 14964 Valley Communications -Repair #4 (16) 30.00 15011 Public Employees Retire Bd. - Social Security (11) 35.80 (12) 258.02 (13) 117.29 (14) 146.95 (15) 54.46 (16.2) 169.93 (16.3) 49.37 (17) 39.90 (19) 224.32 (612) 2,082.64 4,165.28 15012 U. S. National Bank - Federal Withholding (613)5,226.10 15013 State of Oregon - State Withholding (614)1,675 36 15014 American United Life Ins. - PR Benefits & Withholding (16) 16.20 (16.2) 2.70 (16.3) .90 (618) 107.25 127.05 15015 Oregon Administration Co. - PR Deduction Insurance (619) 48.48 15016 Washington County Federal Credit Union - PR Deduction (609) 349.00 15017 POA - PR Deduction (611) 184.50 15018 U.S. National Bank - PR Deduction Bonds (610) 131.25 15020 Traveler's Ins. - Retirement (19) 90.93 (12) 58.50 (13) 16.80 (15) 22.56 (608) 206.42 395.21 15024 Bankers Life - PR Deduction Retirement (608) 747.81 15025 Richard Bolen - Travel Expense (14) 17.30 15026 Winslow Brooks Travel Expense (14) 6.00 15027 Alvin Hiebert--Travel Expense (19) 24.10 15028 R.L. Thompson - Travel Expense (19) 7.76 15030 Butler Tire - Contract_ (16.2) 40.00 (16) 432.10 472.10 15031 Carl's Roofing - Roof at Cook Park (17.2) 796.00 Page 2 F15038 7TheGay h. & Eng. Supply Co. - Drafting paper (19) 140.10 intenance -Janitor Service de -, Clothing Allowance ''- debrauwere (18) 242.50 35 Rosenblatts - Clothing; allowance'_debrauwere (16) 25.50 1.00 36 Del Ball Ford - Vent Cable - Windshield wiper knob (15) 33..11 37 Kilham Stationery - Clear Acetate Film ) 11 John T. King - Clothing Allowance - Branstetter ' (1g) I6.20 15039 .Meryatt Ind. - Laundry Service (L6) 126.00 5040 Multnomah'County - Office Su (20) 48.05 (12) -(18.69) (13) :112.56 (14)P30.52 (15) .46 (16) (18) -17.11 (19) 4.28 206,75 97 15041 Nine T Nine - Flasher Unit (16) 1. 15042, Platt Electric - 1 case neon bulbs (16) 18.58 15043 Rodda Paint - Paint 15044 Southwest Office Supply (17.2) 39.63 PP y Misc, Office Supplies (16) .60 (19) 7.95 15045 J. Thayer CO. - W.J. Shells 8.55 15046 Valley Auto Partsr- Auto Parts (17) 2.44 (20) 50.70 (12) 9.45 15047; Valley Communications -;Repair Simplex Punch Clock53.14 15048 Xerox - Equipment`Rental (10) 25.00,(11) 1.55 ('12) 13.76(16) 44.25 (13) 5.54 (14) 30.26 (15) .35 (16) ,1.38 (19) 9.76 87.60 15049 The Cake Co. - 2 Guns - Remington Shot 15050> Lanson - gooks (16) 165.60 15052 Washington"County,- Maps (15) 605.06 15052 Attorney Gen. Lee Johnson - Opinion on Fasano Decision' (19) 13,20 (12) 5.00 15053 Mr. C's Photo Factory - Film & Processing (19) :15.48 (16) 3940 15054 Frahler Electric Fuses (17)7.39 (18) (1.01) 54.88 15055 ' Dept. of Commerce Bldg. Permit Surcharge 6.38 15056 Halray Auto' Mis g'Supply, Inc. - Brakes, Shocks, Bears, (623) 27.26 (16) ;181.31 (16.2) 191.72 (16,3) 19.62 (17) 74.23 c. 508.95 15057 Henry Hanson - Block Wall -..Rest rooms B.O.R. Cook Parke (17.2 970.00 15058 Marine Lumber - S.O.R. Cook Park & Misc. Lumber (17) 21.08 (17.2) 210.13 (19) 2.13 (20) 42.23 275.57 15059 Northwest Law Enforcement - Remington Training Ammo (16) 9.36 15060 Jones Photo Service - Film Processing 15061 Oregon Pacific Ind. - B.O.R. Cook Park - Lumber °(Z4) 2.60 (17.2)' 608.55 (20) 494.78 1,103.33 15062 lRentex - Laundry (15) 16.45 (18) 58.05 15063 Simmons Carbon Co. - 6,;telet YPe ribbons 74.50 (16) 9.:/1 15064 ;Tigard Community Center Court Rent - (11) 105.00 15065 Times Litho Print'- Print Ballots for Tax base election (12) 57.85 15066 Times - Notice of Public Hearings 15067 Skil - Saw Repair (14) 3.64 15068 Roger Thomssen Recording (20) 33.50 (12) 8.00 15069 A-Boy West - Plbg. B.O.R. Cook Park (17.2) 185.66 56 15070 Anthony Pelay - Judge (11) 362.50 15071 Otto Sorg -Rent (library) (15) 170.00 (18) 2.50 172.50 Checks written for expense 32,590.79 Payroll 24,379.17 $56,969.96 SEWER - U.S. NATIONAL BANK 14932 League of Oregon Cities - Blue Cross (103) 21.93 (613) 9.84 31.77 24934 League of Oregon Cities - Insurance (103) .55 14935 League of Oregon Cities - Salary Continuation (105) 5.64 15011 Public Employees Retire. Bd. - Social Security (101) 67.32 (612) 67.32 .5012 U.S. National Bank - Federal Withholding 134.64 5013 State of Oregon - State Withholding (613) 162.50 (614) 61.70 15015 Oregon Admin. Co. - PR Deduction 15020 Travelers Ins. Co. - PR Deduction (104) 24.8 (608) 16.58619) 41.4 7 5 15040 Multnomah County - Office Supplies (202) .43 15056 Halray Auto Supply - Bearings & Misc. Auto Parts (230) 115.49 15066 Times - Notice of Public Hearing L.I.D. - Murdock (390) 40.26 2900 Dale's Sand & Gravel - Jack Park- Repair Sewer Line (291) 180.64 2903 Unified Sewerage Agency (753-755.1)8,511.12 Page 3 F2904 -FirstNational Bank - Sinking Fund (541) 356.94 Checks written for expense 9,644.04 payroll829.11 $10,473.15 GENERAL OBLIGATION - U.S. NATIONAL BANK 14940 ' U. S. National Bank TDC 11,520.68 TATE TAX STREET -`U.S. NATIONAL BANK 414932 League of Oregon Cities'- Blue Cross (103) 38.30" (616) 14.13 52.43 14933 ' League of Oregon Cities - Kaiser (103) 32.09 (616) 15.50 47.59 14934 League of Oregon Cities Insurance (103) 1.65 14935- League of Oregon Cities = Salary Continuation (105) 14.90 14950 Columbia Equip. Co. - Parts for Wayne Sweeper (210) 29.90 (240) 134.60 164.50 14963 Shell'.Oil Company '- Super Shell (210) 34.84 15011 Public Employees Retire. Bd. -'Social Security (101) 108.27 (612) 108.27 216.54 15012 - U. S. National Bank - Federal Withholding (61.3) 201.80 15013 State of Oregon - State Withholding (614) r 72,90 15015 Oregon Admin. Co. - PR Deduction (619) 3.02 15020 . Traveler's Ins. Co. -PR Deduct & Benefits (104) 22.56 (608) 15.04 37.60 15040 Multnomah County - Office Supplies (201) ' .72 15046 Valley Auto Parts - Auto Parts (210) ' 8.40 2677 Tigard Sand'& Gravel - Rock (220) 40.25 15056 Halray Auto Supply - Brakes, Shocks - Bearings, etc. (210) c21.01 (240) 75.59 96.60 -2681 "Firestone Stores - Tire Repair-Wayne Sweeper Ser. Call (240) 31.`40 2682 Traffic Safety Supply -`2" Pipe Cap & Brackets - Sign (220); 154.65 2683 '. Portland Road & Driveway '- 3.44 Ton Cold Mix Asphalt (220) 37.84 Checks written for expense 1,217.63 Payroll 1,416.36 $2,633.99 ASSESSMENT FUND U.S. NATIONAL BANK 14940 U. S. National Bank - TDC (8-532) 5,323.40 (4-532) 408.75 (6-532) 10,101.95"(7-532 9, 157.49 24,991.59 2675 First National Bank - Coupons (9) 425.00 $25,416.59 ROAD FUND - U.S. NATIONAL BANK 15029 John W. Bradley - Final Engineering - Jack Parl (291.) 400.00 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARE - U.S. NATIONAL BANK" 2678 Ling & Yinger - Engineer Walnut & Tiedeman (290)1,238.00 Total Checks Written for expense 82,027.73 Payroll 26,624.64 TOTAL CHECKS WRITTEN $108,652.37