City Council Packet - 05/06/1974 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL STUDY'SESSION May 5, 1474, 7:40 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL: Present:' Mayor Floyd H. Bergmann; Councilmen John C. Cook, Robert C. Moore, Charles L. ,Norton, J. Allan Paterson;"R. B. Adams, Chief of Police; Fred A. Anderson, City Attorney; Russel F. Austin, Building Official; Winslow C. Brooks, City Planner, Bruce P. Clark, City Administrator; Doris Hartig, City Recorder- Nick Hiebert, Director of:Public Works. 2. 'C.R.A.G. - Manner of determining, representation on Executive Board.- City Administrator;stated the Executive Board representative from Washington County was determined by the total population of all residentswithin cities of Washington County.' This representative casts 3'votes on behalf of all the cities. 3. C.R.A.G. Interim Regional Development Policy City Planner presented C.R.A.G.'s°regional land use plan. The plan defines different areas of development and CRAG requests Council adopt a resolution that would adopt this as a 'development priority guideline for the City of Tigard. Council and staff discussed amendments to,land use map and recommended amended map and ordinance be prepared for adoption on the 13th and sent on to C.R.A.G. 4. N.P.O.,#1 Text Draft Council, staff, and members of NPO #1 discussed the three major revisions to the plan 'text. Recommendation'#1'proposed to rezone from M-4 and M-3 to C-3 the area specified on the Plan:Map for Commercial-Indus trial"development on Burnham Street s Council concurred with the_NPO recommendation,on item 01. Recommendation #2 to rezone.the vacant A-2 land adjacent to:Ash Avenue R-7 until such time as the Ash Avenue bridge is constructed. Council and staff discussed down-zoning, construction of Ash Street bridge and/or placing a moratorium on area until such time as the bridge is constructed. Concensus of;Council'was not to change:the A-2 zoning and propose the Ash Street Bridge be budgeted in the ensuing year. Recommendation 03 to rezone the area now zoned A-2 but planned for duplexes R-7, to allow duplexes as a conditional use. Council disucssed down-zoning to R-7 with duplex zoning on specific sites. In an effort to determine a Concensus of the Council, Councilman Norton moved to initiate the zoning to A-2, P-D. Motion died to lack of second. Councilman Norton moved to initiate A-1 zone and apply this zone to the property under consideration; motion seconded by Councilman Moore. Discussion by staff and NPO members indicated concern regarding height of buildings and setback from property line for adjoining R-7 property. Motion was denied by vote of 3-2. Roll call of vote as follows: Councilman Moore AYE; Councilman Norton AYE; Councilman Cook NAY; Councilman Paterson NAY; Mayor Bergmann NAY. Council requested staff change wordage of NPO text with respect to A-2 zoning which allows 12 units per acre, to encourage 10 units per acre as a City policy to be considered during the site plan review. 5. Proposed Zone Text Change in M-4 Districts Proposed zone text change to Tigard Municipal Code combining retailing, warehousing and assembly of furniture in M-4 District. Council and staff discussed Planning Commission's recommendation to amend section 18.52.020 (4) Conditional Uses to read combined assembly, warehousing and retail sales of furniture. City Attorney suggested item 17 be added to read "retail sales in connection with any of the fore- going uses when authorized by the Planning Commission" and leave sub-section 4 as written. Council concurred and requested appropriate ordinance be prepared. (Council will have to set public hearing for amendment). 6. Greenway Attainment Policy - Acquisition vs. Dedication. Mayor Bergmann suggested city;adopt a policy for acquisition of greenway land. Council and staff discussed policy.for acquisition and development of greenway areas. Council recommended,matterbe turned over to the Park Committee to recommend a uniform, equitable manner,of attaining greenway lands. 7. Stop Light at 72nd & Hunaiker Planning Commission has recommended a stop light be installed at this inter- section. Council recommended this be a joint City, County,State Highway project. City staff to communicate with Oregon State Highway Department regarding installation. 8. ` Audit Agreement City Administrator reported the firm of Coopers and Lybrand had executed the agreement and proposed item be placed on next agenda. Ca+s..i: concurred with City'Administrator's recommendatie^_- 9. Public Works Radio Bids Director of Public Works reported the following bids have been receiveda Motorola Base Station $1136 Mobile Unit 958 Total $1944 Delivery Time 60 days R.C.A. Base Station $1060 MobiieUnit 944 + Total $2004 Delivery time 56-70 days Exceptions to R.C.A. Bid Page 1 base station transmitter specification and page 8, mobile transmitter specification are specified to be at least 70 DB rather than more than 85 DB. Director of Public Works recommended bid be awarded to Motorola at next regular Council meeting. 10. Walnut Place Realignment City Administrator reviewed several sketches for realignment of Walnut Place with S.W. Walnut Street. Alternate #3 was reco:mnended and would provide a right of way of 50 feet with 34 foot paved roadway. Councilman Moore to contact property owner and report back to Council. 11. Resolution relating to publication charges Council discussed proposed fees and recommended resolution be placed on next agenda. 12. (a) Insurance Collection City Recorder reported City had collected the $100 deductible paid by the City for an accident which occurred October, 1973. (b) Annexation City Administrator reported the Boundary Review Commission had approved the Katherine Street annexation. City Administrator stated an annexation petition is being circulated in the McDonald Street area and will soon be brought to Council for consideration. (c) Tree Cutting Ordinance Copies of the adopted Lake Oswego ordinance and proposed Tualatin ordinance were distributed for consideration. Council requested item be added to Planning Commission agenda for study. PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - MAY 6, 1974 L (d) Frank Sanitary Ordinance - rate discussion and cardboard hauling. Wayne'Hess, CPA representing Frank Sanitary Service, Herb Frank and r representatives from Millers Sanitary Servicediscussed with Council rising`dosts with respect to operation of their business. Mr. Miller projected their costs had increased 14% and stated the proposed rate" increase,would cover this increased expenditure. Council requested Frank Sanitary Service to provide information as to the projected amount of revenue to be raised if the rate increase is granted. Council and staff then discussed disposal of cardboard and illegal unlicensed operators in area. Mr. Miller stated he hauls clean card board for his customers and returns the net profit to them. JMr. Frank hauls the cardboard with no transportation charge but does not make a rebate to his customers. Council discussed recycieable material, mixed garbage and bailed cardboard. It was suggested the franchise, ordinance be amendedtodefine what is salvageable material and what is disposable material. Council will discuss rate increase upon receipt of additional information from Frank's Sanitary Service and further definition of "salvageable material" 10:25 Recess - 10:30 Meeting reconvened (e) "Communication from Joe`Chamberlain regarding earthen dam. Council discussed certification requirements by State of'Oregon and requested assurance that the dam was adequate prior to certification of plat and approval of Home Owners Association. (f) State Building Code Appeal. Building Official stated the proposed'amendment to the City's Fire Zones would be in conflict with the new State`Building'Code, however, there is a section in the State code that provides for amendments. It was his recommendation the city request a hearing to amend the State'code'in Tigard. If it is approved, it will be available to other cities and an addendum would be added to the State code. Council had no objection to the staff's proposal. (g) Bonding for Plumbers Building Official reported the State of Oregon requires all plumbers to be bonded and the city also required a bond. Since this is a duplication and information regarding the state bonding is available to cities it was the Building Official's recommendation the city delete this requirement in order to save the contractors and the city unnecessary work. Council concurred and requested appropriate ordinance be prepared. (h) Councilman Moore requested staff contact State Highway Commission regarding installation of "no parking" sign on S.W. Hall opposite intersection of S.W. Burnham. In addition, Councilman Moore requested the crosswalk on 99W and McKenzie be repainted. City Administrator reported work was scheduled to be done this week. (i) Adjournment 12208 A.M. / s City Recorder ✓_ . ATTEST: Mayor PAGE 3 - COUNCIL MINUTES - MAY b, 1974 i i TIGARD'CITY COUNCIL MAY 6, 1974, ,7:30 P.M. _CHARLES F. TIGARD GRADE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES AGENDA: SPECIAL MEETING Special Meeting called by Common Consent of the Council for the purpose of calling for atax base election to be held May 28, 1974, and setting of pbblic hearings on the.following matters: A. SIGN CODE AMENDMENTS Proposed amendments to the Sign Code of the City of Tigard Title 16.08.185 Industrial Park Identification and 16.36.020 Directional Signs. B. NPO #1 Plan Text for the Ash Avenue -'Downtown Area STUDY SESSION 1. C.R.A.G. - Manner ofdetermining representation on Executive Board and General Assembly. 2. C.R.A.G. - Interim Regional Development Policy - Discussion 3. NPO #1 Text Draft - Continued Discussion 4 Proposed zone text change relating to combined retailing, warehousing and'assembly offurniture in M-4 Districts. 5. Greenway Attainment Policy '- Acquisition vs dedication 6. Planning Commission recommendation - stop Tight at 72nd & Hunziker intersection. - 7. Audit Agreement 8. Public Works —Radio Bids 9. Walnut Place Realignment 10. Resolution relating to publication charges. 11. OTHER Insurance Collection Annexations �r�e c�Nri�� Cl-rrQiix1t�cc� T I G A R D C I T Y. C 0 U ,N C 1 I SPECIAL MEETING MAY 6, 1974,;7:30 P,M, 1, ROLL CALL: Presrnt MaY,r Floyd H B rg:car•+g Cn°_rc'1^-n ,Ic E. Cr:,k, Rcbe.t C M.,,,rP, Ch-4rl s I Ncrtrn, I. Allan Pstvrs,.,n; R, E... Police;'Fred A. A_,derscn, Cite Adirt=. Chief of Bruce P, Y Attorney; W nsi ,rri C. .Br k=, City Plainer; Clark, City'Administrator. Doris Har tg, CitY R:cord r; NiGt -Hiebert, Directc:r of Public.Works. Special Meeting was called wttt the ro¢�mon r,nst• r of the; G un„i 1. fo- the purp,,;e hearings, hcalling fora tax base elcct:.n to be.held May 28, 1974, and -setting t.f pt�hlic hearings. 2. TAX BASE ELECTION City Administrator .recommended adcp"c' cl the ;,!'drnan,:e whish ,;a.l-,c for an e1e;rirn tr, vide the new tax base at $5:+0.,000, Zt is estLpated the prop-_<^d rsx base will Provide the neceseaiy funds to aperatc the City fr''r the next. fo;tr v ORDINANCE Nc, 74-L2AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ASPECIAL CITY ELECTION•TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON. ON MAY 28, 1974, JN CONNECTION WITH THE GENERAL STATE PRIMARY ELECTION, FOR rHE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE LEGAL VOTERS OF THE CITY OF TIGARD., OREGON, THE QUESTION OF ESTABLISHING A NEW TAY, BASE PURSUANT TO SECTION Il ARTICLE XI, CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF'OREGON-AND DECLARING AlN EMERGENCY, (a) Motion t-D adopt.: CcUnCilman Ne t r.s rem;.^.ded h t - 1 C::ur,cA! a,t Cook, Approved by unanim,us vote of r; __.il. 3. SIGN CODE AMENDMENTS Proposed amendn nts to the Sign Cade of +hr.:City ct :Tigard^ 1fi.08.135 Indu, rial Park Identif3cati.on and lb',3fi.020DireMt.tc:.-PalLCod Tttl (a) Setting of Public Hearing, May 20, 1974, 8.00 P.M, (b) Motion to set public hearing: Coun.r.iltsv Moore_ seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 4.. NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN #1 Text for the Ash Avenue _ Downtown Area; Review of the text Dortion of Neighborhood Plan #1 covering the Ash Avenue - Downtown area. .I.f adopted the text a^d the previously adopted plan mapwi.11 constitute an amendment to the Tigard Comprehensive Plan. (a) Setting of Public Hearing May 20, 1974, 8;00 p,M (b) Motion to set public hearing; Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Norton. Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 5. Adjournment. 7:40 P.M. 1, C ,- Rscorder ATTEST: / c - ��� (r: / Mayor _ COUNCIL'MINUTES - MAY 6, 1974